the: citizen. WILLIAM C. N'F.GLEY Publisher THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1899. ELECTION ECHOES. Nash s official plurality over McLean in Ohio is 50,513. Barnett s plurality over Creasy is 106,217. Confusion and fraud have reigned in Kentucky since the election. That wonderful election law temporarily puts the entire control of the election < <ww of the state in the hand- of Goetol and his friends, and their doings will probably lead to contests and criminal prosecutions. Legal proceedings have been started in some counties and there is talk of martial law. Bntlcr County Totals—Official. STATE TREASURER James E. Barnett 4(80 WM T. Creasy John M Caldwell 298 Justus Wat kins. • Samuel D. Woods * Samuel Clark 2 JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT. J. Hay Brown S. Leslie Mestrezat Agib Ricketts 244 John H. Stevenson 1® Donald L Munroe 2 JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT. John L Mitchell Chas. J. Reiley H. L. Robinson 2™ N. L. At wood Val Remmel • 2 SHERIFF. Thomas R. Hoon Andrew J. West ' Robert Eakin. 204 PROTHO.VOTARY. Jas. M. McCollough H. 8. Vanderlin ' John C. Kerr 282 REGISTER AND RECORDER. Wm. J. Adams *866 Thomas A. Frazier 358J Albert Winter 309 COUNTY TREASURER. Daniel L. Rankin Samuel W Crawford F. J. Critchlow 226 CLERK OF COURTS. Wm. P. Turner 4875 Geo. F. Easley Samuel P. Pollock -'*> COUNTY COMMISSIONER. John W. Gillespie 4627 John J. McGarvey 4411 John A. Eichert D. Harper Sutton A. J. Brown J& 2 Austin Fleeter ' 77 COUNTY AUDITOR. Jos. W. Patterson 4818 P. H. Sechler 4861 Jas A. McGowan Z&& Geo. W. Jamison :T 42° John H. Ficht 21« Jas. 8. Fallett 20ft CORONER. John L. Jones 4828 John McQ. Smith : »51 J.J. West 2*"' THE United States cruiser "Charles ton," whose armament was two 8-inch, six 6-inch and several smaller guns was wrecked on an uncharted reef off the northern coast of Luzon, on the 7th, while patrolling the coast. All the crew (about 350 officers and men) were saved. THE AFKICAN WAR. During last week the Boers had Lady smith completely invested, and fight ing was proceedingly daily. The Brit ish would sally and attempt to capture Boer batteries On one day there were three separate engagements. A party which rode oat from Estcourt. a few miles below Ladysmith on the railroad to observe the bombardment could see a Long Tom. a 40 pounder, posted on a railway side of the Bulwara, firing at intervals of six to eight minutes. An other gun was observed in operation a little distance away. Puffs of smoke were discern able on the opposite side, showing that Ladysmith was withstand ing a big bombardment. The locality of the town was nothing but a huge cal dron of smoke. The safe arrival at Ladysmith of Lieut. Hooper, of the Fifth Lancers shows that communication with the garrison is possible. He was anxious to rejoin his regiment and started hence, accompanied by a Natal policeman. They succeeded in tnversing the Boer lines The Boers were also bombarding Mafeking on the west border. Judicial Contents, In looking over the results of the late election in this State, the election of Common Pleas Judges, where vacancies existed, is interesting on account of the contests waged and the Influences that sought to control the bench. There were some ten Jndges to elect and the results indicate that the voters in most of them paid more attention to fitness and integrity than to what party c laimed them. To start with, two in Philadelphia one of each party were indorsed by both and elected. Then In Chester and Luzerne counties, the present Jndges were indorsed for re-election by both political parties, one being a Republi can and the other a Democrat. Coming to Pittsburg we find Judge Collier in dorsed by both parties as a tribute to his judicial fitness. In Schuylkill county Judge Pershing resigned last August on account of Ill ness, the Governor appointed a politi cian to the vacancy and he received the nomination, but his Democratic oppo nent. who was a sound lawyer and irre proachable man, was elected. In old Westmoreland, Fayette and Armstrong counties, in this portion of the State, partisan contests were bitter ly waged with the result tbat Steele, in the first named county was beaten by Judge Doty, who has shown his judicial fairness in nearly ten years of service. In Fayette both candidates were non ceded to bo able and fair men, but Um bel. Democrat, won by a few votes. In Armstrong county, Patton was elected by 4i<o over .Indue Rayburn, while the balance of the Republican county ticket had about 1500. F .School lie port. EDITOR CITIZEN ; —Please give space in your paper for the following report of Buttercup school No. 6, Connotjue* nessing township, for the second month which closed November 14. Number scholar* enrolled 25. Aver age daily attendance 2it. Per cent, of attendance 80. Rose Henry, Annie Double, Lola Christy, Cora Thorn, Frank Dyke, Ira Dyke, Harvey Thorn and Howard Brandon missed no days; Nellie Dyke and Bessie Double, missed one flay; Mary Brandon, Ruth Brandon and Clara nee Martsolf, missed two days; and Clara Brandon, Bessie Dyke, Ethel Dyke, Margaret, Graham, Claude Gra ham, Helnia Harper, Mamie Thorn. John Dyke, Roy Hutchinson, George McGowan. Frank henry and Tbad. Woodin, each missed more than two days each. Conntv Snpt Painter visited ns dur ing the first month, and the following have visit»«l with us during th« month iust closed. Misses Nora Brandon. Ada Brandon. Hattie Heaven. Kffie Shakley, Emma Hoffman and Etta Hemphill: The latch string is always out and visitors are welcome at all times The parent* would be welcomed if only they would take the time to drop in and encourage us with a few hours visit. G. M. GRAHAM, Teacher. ELECTION FRAI I>S. In Philadelphia five men have been arrested for billot frauds at the late election. They are the election board of the thirteenth division of the Tth ward of that city and the arrest,- were made on the confession of one of the men. George Kirkland. who was em ployed by the North American for that purpose The other four members, who are all Government employees at Washington, D. C., were brought to Philadelphia by Rodgers, a Washing ton police lieutenant and notorious re peater. It having been arranged so that the regularly elected election officers for that district should not ap pear to serve, these men impersonated them and criminally served in their places. Early on the morning of elec tion day they went to the house of Sam uel Salter, an ex-member of the Legis lature and ardent supporter of M S. Quay. There they received 200 ballots mark ed and folded, as if voted by separate voters, and these they placed in the bal lot box before opening the polls. Liter they marked and put fifteen more fraud ulent ballots into the box The returns of the district showed 337 for Col. Barnett and 5 for Wm. T Creasy. After the polls closed Kirkland expos ed the crime and all wf i immediately arrested and later released on $2500 bail each. At tb>e hearing on Friday last Georgo Kirkland, The North American's agent, betrayed the whole conspiracy in Bwern testimony before Magistrate Elsenbrown. Kirkland lives in Wash ington, but masque:aded in Philadel phia by the name of George Wright and Clarence Boyd. He arrived in Phil adelphia the night before the election, together with W. H. Cook, an employe In the government bag repair shop in Washington; Harry R. McCabe. a clerk In the government coast survey office; Reynolds Drinker, a Washing ton society man; John F. Sheehan, a bartender in tne house of representa tives restaurant at Washington, and a number of others. Rogers, the Wash ington police lieutenant, and a man named J. S. Burlingham, an employe of the Congressional library, are sworn to be the leaders of the gang. Rog ers and half a dozen other men from Washington escaped, but they will be arrested within a week. In an editorial of Saturday last The North American makes the fallowing intensely interesting claims of what it has done and proved in connection with this gigantic conspiracy: "1. That under the leadership of Jo seph G. Rogers, lieutenant of police at Washington, a gacg of repeaters was brought to Philadelphia on Monday last. "2. That this gang traveled on free passes, that they were housed at the Hotel Scott, under an arrangement pre viously made by one Seger, a lieuten ant of Israel W. Duruam, who paid their bills. "3. That this same Seger, lieutenant of Israel W. Durham, a year ago paid the bills of a similar gang, under the leadership of Lieutenant of Police Rog ers, of Washington, at the same hotel. "4. That the gang brought from Washington by Rogers on Monday last received $lO each and all expenses for the day's work at the polls. "6. That the gang left the Hotel Scott early on Tuesday morning, some going forth to serve ss repeaters and others as election officers. "6. That George Kirkland, The North American's agent for the detec tion and exposure of the band's oper ations, and William H. Cook, an em ploye of the mall bag repair section of the postofflce department at Washing ton. acted as election officers In the Thirteenth division of the Seventh ward. Cook as Judge of election and Kirkland as minority inspector. Israel W. Durham Is the political master of the Seventh ward. A LEGISLATOR INVOLVED. "7. That Kirkland and Cook were di rected by Lieutenant of Police Rogers to go to 524 South Sixteenth street, the home of the Hon. Samuel Salter, ex member of the legislature, one of the 'stalwarts' who voted every time last winter for the return of M. S. Quay to the senate. "8. That the Hon. Samuel Salter took the two men to a room on the second floor of his home and there gave them 200 ballots, marked, folded and sealed, all ready to deposit In the ballot box, as though they had been voted by 200 separate citizens, and Instructed Cook and Kirkland to vote them immediate ly on taking chart* ' lf the polling place of the Thirteenth division of Israel W. Durham's ward before the legitimate voting began. This was done accord ing to the Instructions of the Hon Samuel Salter. "9. That after 8. r > legal ballots had been received at the polling place of the Thirteenth division of Israel W. Durham's ward, the Hon. Samuel Sal ter and John Silverman and John Hanna, two members of the election board, marked and folded 15 more bal lots and placed them In the ballot box. making a total of 100 votes in addition to the fraudulently deposited at the beginning. "10. That shortly after the polls opened the Hon. Samuel Salter. I»u y In crime, fold George Kirkland that his (Klrkland's) name would be Surf for official purposes; that late, the Hon Samuel Salter said he had con cluded to change Klrkland's name to Clarence Boyd, and gave hlrri a card so Inscribed, vhlch name Kirkland signed to the returns. "11. That 24 persons whose names were Included In the 200 fraudulent votea first deposited, honestly voted later; that they were given specimen ballots, which afterwards were Identi fied and thrown out In order to keep the count straight, ONLY 124 HONEST VOTERS. "12. That 339 citizens were returned as havlne voted, whereas'ln fact ouly 124 had done so, "13. That when the polls closed Jo seph G. Rogers, lieutenant of tl;e Washington police, laid George Kirk land SID as wages for his day of sup posed crime. "All this, as we have said, is but a beginning. The case as It develops in the courts will take a wider reach. The larger scoundrels of the machine mo not to escape. "Israel W Durham owns the Sev enth ward. Salter and Seger are his deputies. No systematic frauds can be perpetrated at an election in that wanl without the knowledge 'if this trio of typical machine politician Their regular relation to fraud Is illu strated by the facts which the North American has proved as to Salter. Seger and Salter are n» close to Israel W. Durham as Israel W Durham Is to M. S. Quay In Philadelphia antl to Stone In llarrisburg. where Durham, as commissioner of insurance, alts as a member of Governor Stone's cabinet In the course of the same editorial the North American says: "The North American invites the at tention of the people of Pennsylvania and of the United Suites to the condi tion of things disclosed by the facts brought out in court yesterday. Wo have revealed a state of political rot tonnness antl moral degradation that Is not exceptional, but which is merely indicative of the regular methods of the Quay machine which rubs and robs the state. "That this machine is Intensely pow erful nobody In this ■ ountry. thiour.h out which ltscTlnies.ireni.torioil.'i,lie It to be Informed. Its Influence 1 widely, and Includes th< city adno > tratlou of Philadelphia, This admin tratlon has at Its orders a polite fo. numbering men. When the NorMi American set about e*p'. 1.; ir bringing to justice the V.'i. I.i.i- on tachment of the machine which i' " for repeating and ballot t.-ix i.i.' we proceeded on the m 1 tli ' the first condition of • a to keep the police of i'lii: !" ' !.> i:i ' - nornnre of what we vei dol I ! was de«ni»-d as In,- r 1 ■ '' ; gang of 1, " " 1: . • 'ei suspect tbi I "a! el . 3'tei Of tb M American's who had been at cepted as a fellow-criminal. work ed on the theory lha: should the slight est hint of what was In progress reach the city administration, the machine would be warned and our plans suffer defeat. It is our sure expectation that at every step In the prosecution of the arrested stuffers and repeaters the city administration will do its best to thwart the law. Were the police force which is under the orders of the ciiy administration to be placed at the ser vice of the people instead of the ma chine for a single election day. the vote of the machine would fall off from 40.00" to 80.000. GREAT RESULTS COMING. "The North American looks for great and lasting resirtts from this work which it is doing. The people will be roused to make a demand that must be irresistible for ballot laws that shall render these wholesale frauds impossi ble. It is imperative that we should have such laws, for until they have been enacted the machine wil continue to rule Pennsylvania, and while the machine rules we must be coverned by scoundrels who differ only from those the North American has failed in the pr«feun'i»r decr.-e of wickedness that Is given th-m by their greater power The machine Is but another name for M. S. Quay, a man who, if legal proof were furnished of what he has done, and what is of common noto-- riety. would be in the penitentiary. "The North American before it la done with the machine may achieve the public service of putting him there. "Meantime it is the dutyof"veryhon est man In Pennsylvania to arraj him self against this criminal organization, from whose election methods The North American has drawn aside a cor ner of the veil. and only a corner. TVe are without republican government in this American tat 3 Th° rule under which we live is a3 foul in its corrup tion as the worst that the sultan of Turkey can give." Octogenarian* «>f Concord twp. 'En. CITIZEN: I SEND yon the names of all persons now living in this town ship who have reached the age of eighty years and upward.) MRS. SARAH HI.V DM AN. " -g. Sarah Hindman. widow of .Tas. Br Jinan was 86 years of age last July. Notwithstanding her age she is as ac tive as most yonng ladies of 18 or 20, and is in full possession of all her facili ties. She is universally honored and re spected by all her associates and ac quaintances. Her health is remarkably good for a woman of her age. She is kind and cheerfnl in her disposition and would pass for a model anywhere. Since the death of her hnsband she lives alternately with her children, A L. Hindman; Mrs Maggie McCafferty, East Brady. and Mrs. Jennie of yneenstown, Pa. Her maiden name was Stenart and she was a sister of Charley, Wm. and David Stenart of Cherry twp. and James Stenart of Washington twp ~ all of whom are now deceased. MRS. SARAH WICK. Mrs. Sarah Wick, a daughter of Capt. John McCullongh, was born Aug. -1, 1813, and is now in her 87th year. Mrs. Wick is wonderfully well pre served for a person who has stemmed the current of time for sr> many years. She seems to have inherited the rugged constitution of her ancestors. While her habits of life are simple and unas suming she has been a power for good in her community. She was married to Wm. Wick in 1882. and with her hus band celebrated her golden wedding May 81, 1882. Since the df nth of Mr Wick in 1894 she has lived most <>■ the . time with her children, eight of wliotn are still living. Her sons are J. Turner Wick near Greece City: J. Harvey Wick near Magic; W. Miller Wick of Oakland twp. near Sonora and James M. Wick near Ifeachville. Her daugh ters are all married. The oldest, Mrs. Amanda Starr of Hooker, Mrs. l-abella Moore, near Greece City, Mrs. Malinda Rankin, Baldwin and Mrs. Olive Foster of Chicora. Another daughter, Mrs. E. A. Stanffer, wife of Rev. Stanffer has been dead for several years. MRS. ELIZABETH PISOK. Mrs. Elizabeth Pisor, the mother of the writer of this sketch, was a dangh ter of George and Elizabeth Meals and was born April 15, 1 Hl{». Her ancestor were long lived and famous for th<ir powers of physical endurance. She has a distinct and vivid recollection of things as th«y existed in this locality during her younger years and is as ac tive yet as most yonng woman. She is the mother of !» children, 8 of whom are alive, although situated far apart Her health was always good until four vei.: * ago when she suffered much from a .-•■ vere attack < f grippe and last winter from an attack of pneumonia. She at tends to her household duties, rarely asking for any assistance in their dis charge. She was a sister of Samuel S and Joseph Meals, both of Washington twp. and who are both deceased. Sh< was the wife of Jacob Pisor who died F«b. 15th. 18«( i. liOHERT M( KINNEY. McKmney was born in in land. Jan. If. 1812, and is now in 88th year. His father, John McKinney lived to be over 100 ye.irs of age. I I his grandmother McKinney was said to be i(f« years of age when she died, Mr McKinney enjoys excellent health and is unusually active for one of Ins age In politics Mr. McKinney is a Demo crat and he rarely, if ever, is absent, from the polls. By occupation be is n farmer and owns one of the best farms in this township He is the father of 8 sons and I daughter all of whom are living. His sons are Wm. J., Jerry, Andrew, and Allen IJ. live on fan.)- near West Sunbory. Samuel live- in Butler, Thomas in Waitsburg, Wash , Joseph in Chandler, Fla. and his dangh ter, Annie, lives with h<T parents on the - Id hom« stead Mr. McKinney enjoys the respect and confidence of the whole community a rid is » most exemplary citizen. JOHN < IUM/IKKLAND. John Cumberland, another of our moat illnstriotis citizens wan born March 14th, lul l, and i* now in his 86th year. Mr. Cumberland is 11 son of Jnmest !nm bt-iland who was married to Jane ('amp bell of this twp He was born in Fair view twp., on the farm now owned by Nelson Armstrong bnt removed to this twp. with his father in his boyhood He is a farmer and owns the best iri provements in this vicinity. Strictly honest in all his dealings, civil ftid tin offensive in his deportment, he has won the respect of all who know him Iri politics Mr. Cntnlierbtnd has alwas been a Republican since the formation of that, party and always taken an inter <MI in mat tcrs of a public fiatme and i always found at the [Mills. He w. married to Ellen Bi ity.und ten children blessed their union,seven norm and thri daughters.* ight of whom art now living viz: .1 Henderson and Thoina." of I!nt ler; Enos, John and K I', of Hool.'r and Mrs F. A Cochrnn mid Mrs A !•' Cochran ot Hooker and Mrs Nanni' Critchlow who lives in the southern part of the county Visitors to Mr Cumberland have always found uti open door and an ever hearty welcome awaiting them. ROMI-KT W CAMPIIKLL Last but not b ns! on the lit i t Rob ert W. ('n in pell, son of I toliert and Jane Campbell, nee Cumberland Mr. Camp bell was torn Dec ftth IHI •">, being now almost K5 years of age. He r«'sid« with hit son It. II since the death of hit wif> which occnred several years ago. Mr ' 'ampbell was it daughter of John Hind man a former resident of Armstrong Co Mr Campbell had five brothers and fwo sisters nil of whom are dead. They all belonged toCo:i«.>rd church and all,with one exception, were privileged to attend that church all their lives Beside* bt ing a most practical farmer Mr Camp bell i* a first class stone rnnnon and many evidences of his skill in that, di aectfon are still to be found all over tie country <if late years Mr ( mriphell seldom leaves his home but is always ready to entertain any who see fit to call ('ii him. I'liysicially lie is large rind robust and hi* council and advi- ha always been sought on matters of import J .'trice, Mr. Campbell is the father < f Mrs Louisa Mhakeley. I'elrolla, Mrs A J, Hindmari. Paid win, John I! 'amp > bell of Washington twp., and Howard ! Cuiiipliell of Concord I 11. PISOK Butler Countv Election Returns, Nov. 7, 18911, Official. c St. Treas Snper'r J Sheriff. Protb'v Treat". C. "F C Commissioner Co Auditor < omner PRECINCTS ' A-ionw v I 66 50 67 49 67! 5o! 68 51 6jl 50 65 49; 68 49 63: 53 43 65 64; 6* 4« 47 88 4t Adam* s'YYYYYYYYYSYYYY...... ..... "'1 24 51 i -4 51 23 471 27 51 21 51 21 50 24 47 41 81 28 51 51 23 22 57 2S AlWhenr 101! 20 101 is 104 17 97 24 102 in 108 is 114 17 10-.> 108 19 1* 108 108 is is 103 37 n r;u W. • " 71 44 72 4i 74 39 72 41 69 44 73 40 7:5 40, 71 72 .42 4". 69 7* 41 39 7;! 37 Buffalo 167 42 167 41 171 39 170 :>!» 165 44 165 4:'. J25 s6j 100 1".. i5l 42 164 4" 39 16# 88 Tin tier flit. 103 84 90 90 91 5s 122 82 96 Bt> 93 82 9s 72 « los 115 85 *2 »■*> s2 97 Centre 109 4S 110 47 185 20 lo:i 55 107 49 112 46 111 451 105 ltts 54 49 111 112 50 47 1<« 50 Cherrv V 42 20 43 19 43 Is 39 22 40 20 44 17 43 17} 41 43 19 20 43 43 is is 43 1* C herrv S 64 32 64 32 62 85 63 38 65 32 65 82 65 32 63 65 82 82 (V, 64 32 X 2 65 32 (•i av ... jo] o<( 121 29 125 27 110 4o 120 29 122 28 122 29 120 124 31 27 124 123 2s 29 123. 27 Clearfield 3 s 101 39 99 41 101 89 10<» 37 103 39 100 :!9 102 35 34 lt»1 101 39 38 100 100 3s 101 Clinton 117 20 119 17 121 1- 117 21 112 2s 121 22 113 25 120 109 27 16 121 116 20 is 119 21 Concord 11 s 34 122 32 127 32 115 40 124 32 12« 31 125 82 123 123 :;7 80 123 128 88 83 125 32 Connooneneashur * N!!!!!!!!!!!"!.'!!!.. 60 33 59 33 65' 2!' 5s :;i 59 :!4 sfl 32 59 33 64 52 30 39 54 67 41 23 63 30 Connoquenessing S 43 88 43 33 43 3:: 42 33 40 30 43 33 43 il 37 88 35 41 41 36 88 43 :W Cranherrv '•»' 86 93 S3 S4 92 91 85 92 84 95 83 94 88 92 7f. 65 90 93 92 S3 S4 92 S-t Donesal ' so| 102 51 101 52 101 45 110 53 100 52 100 53 102 47 4s lo:t s2 51 50 101 99 52 lint Fairview 161 43 168 89 170 :!'.t 101 46 167 41 167 40 168 391 163 164 49 37 167 162 40 40 166 at Forward 12S: KM 12s 104 131 lOe' 1.32 101 13t. 104 12s 1«M 128 103 112 74 S4 171 120 122 107 100 125 lor, Franklin 11"! 64 110 64 117 61 109 65 10!' 67 113 63 110 65 111 ftTi 06 70 l«r» 129 73 50 108 6-5 Jackson E.".V V.".V. ..."21 55 22 51 14 64 Is 52 19 52 22 51 23 52 17 11 25 70 IB| 19 50 49 20 49 Tackson W 5 s 79 60 7s 56 SO .">6 SI 59 78 59 79 59 Stt 55 sft 71 SI 52 59 S2 . • >9 77 Jefferson 120 Sit 126 82 126 74 132 79 124 sti lis 77 130 82 72 185 117 ltil so 113 116 88 123 Lancaster 1 59 88 59 ss 59 88 59 88 58 88 59 8s 59 87 57 57 89 86 58 59 89 88 59 *8 Marion 1! 67! 70 Cs 6«i 69 69 71 64 65 69 6s 67 68 68 68 72 66 67 69 67 69 71 68 68 Mercer 62 45 60 14 66 42 51 52 66 43 62 45 62 43 58 75 44 3 s 61 62 44 43 61 43 Middlesex 179 65 Ist) 64 186 59 171 72 172 73 ls»» 60 ISI 5s l.«c{ l«1 7s 54 179 lso 62 60 jstt 55 Mnddvcreek ! 77 33 78 33 s> git 7s 32 77 33 mi :!1 79 82 so sj 33 :>,tt 7s so 33 20 79 30 Oakland 1 72 61 71 62 72 61 65 67 67 66 69 64 6s 65 69 70 65 49 72 72 61 #1 71 61 lit; 20 115 20 117 21 108 33 114 23 117 22 117 24 116 115 28 22 lis 117 20 21 114 20 p" „ v 50 36 52 32 61 29 51 34 53 36 53 36 56 30 50 41 38 43 50 53 86 31 51 34 p en ns 113 44 111 45 114 41 98 55 111 45 116 42 111 43 104 71 73 49 112 106 45 42 I«t4 4s minnervrock ' 94 91 96 88 97 ss Jtl 91 97 88 its sr, 98 sr, 94 101 S7 84 9S 95 s7 <1 95 88 Snmniit 16 147 19 144 19 14", 16 147 17 145 19 145 16 149 11 is 151 146 19 20 144 142 21 lM Venango 64 91 66 90 62 92 58 100 66 90 65 92 65 90 60 64 60 93 64 56 6s 94 61 90 Wash inc ton N 62 31 64 30 61 83 50 43 66 27 62 32 62 31 60 50 32 84 68 62 80 31 62 m Washington S 103 14 104 13 I<>2 10 St; 30 108 16 103 15 104 14 92 9s 28 11 101 lit.. 13 15 100 13 Win fielil 122 77 125 74 128 73 124 77 123 75 124 76 101 100 122 114 S3 81 125 128 76 74 123 76 Worth St; 74 86 74 88 73 83 77 84 76 87 74 86 74 80 84 79 76 84 S3 75 75 85 74 Tin tier Ist ward 143 127 145 126 168 115 125 151 127 160 151 129 150 126 122 142 158 128 145 143 125 120 141 1»5 I'ntler 'nil ward I*2 174 185 169 224 136 |.> 196 202 160 214 147 202 158 if,7 179 171 170 191 Butler 3rd ward 146 151 152 142 176 126 114 ls7 166 132 170 133 169 131 134 125 155 170 147 145 14s 146 144 154 Bntler4th ward 143 154 147 141 167 126 105 191 172 123 158 134 144 148 128 |4l 164 134 14s 139 146 146 13K 159 Hntler sth ward 16s 138 171 125 208 101 1311 169 lss 114' 192 111 IS-_> 121 159 151 1311 139 17s 17a 122 121 17s Joo Cent re vi lie 63 52 '',o 49 68 51 60 58 68 49 66 4 s 67 50 66 69 51 50 04 68 58 48j 117 48 ConnooneneioinW "YY.Y.Y.Y. Y.YY. 3s 11 36 13 31 19 37 11 37 11 87 12 11 7 35 32 15 19 87 89 11 111 88 10 F-ofi, V'itv 100 lis 108 111; 99 130 10s 118 106 117 110 115 117 107 9s 60 57 192 101 108 120 115| lit 4 115 Fairview 36 9 37 8 88 s 35 8 37 9 38 8 38 8 35 31 16 9 :!8 37 8 6 38 s Hnrrnnnv 37 62 35 68 36 62 33 65 34 62 36 62 85 63 33 27 61 72 84 35 65 61 35 tU H,™' "lie 80 27 31 27 34 26 25 84 31 26 .30 28 .32 27 28 4o 26 25 29 28 2H 29 31 28 Karris V'itv 23 26 28 26 28 25 29 19 23 25 26 22 24 24 22 22 26 23 22 23 25 24 28 24 Mars 56 35 56 84 62 30 55 83 61 3! it: 27 58 81 55 45 3s 42 62 59 28 29 60 50 Mi Hers town 85 69 86 65 88 07 85 72 85 64 85 71 s7 71 77 sit 76 72 87 87 68 67 8* 65 pj.—lia 27 20 28 17 28 is :;i 10 31 It; 28 17 32 14 27 29 22 18 30 28 17 14 28 18 Pr rtervviile 24 13 25 18 27 10 25 12 25 15 25 12 26 12 26 27 13 12 25 30 15 9 26 12 PrrUner-t 48 24 4S 22 58 17 50 21 48 26 49 19 56 16 60 39 14 31 20 77 52 5 51 20 Saxonhnri? 29 40 28 39 30 41 34 37 22 46 32 37 29 40 81 20 42 47 27 27 41 42 27 43 vXncil 23 2 23 2 24 2 23 8 23 2 21 2 24 2 21 21 5 4 23 24 2 2 » 3 West Hnnhnrv 80 11 30 8 85 0 24 15 33 s 35 0 36 0 31 31 12 6 35 :t4 7 6 :»6 i! Zelienople. . YYYYYYY. YYY... YY.. Y. 58 112 59 109 60 108 00 108! 58 I or, 58 108 60 107 56 46 118 107 58 58 113 104 59 1.i9 Totai~ ~ 7.7777777777. m> mm mwsmosm'mm tiatjww Mtwsi mMi—jura mm wri r.n Mid mi* mmm 3-,s-.> 3420 i^msi Prospect anil Periphery. Take time to read that: Mrs. John Kelly has been Hick for some time, awl her friends hope for her early recovery. The many frieiidw of Clara Lejilev. who is in Pittsbnrjr, will lit sorry to hear that sh<; haft Ixn-n sick the jinflt week, but in now recovering. Mrs. Iflainh AH>ert. of Franklin, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffer. Prof. Case's musical convention and concert were quite snccessfnl indeed. Mrs. Joßhna Gallagher, Mrs. N A. Weigle and son Carl, of Mnddycreek township, were the guests of \V. 11 Alexander and family, one day. last week. Mrs. J. I). Scott, of King .City. Mo , was the gnest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sarah McGowan, not long since. W. E. Cooper,wife, and <» I' Weigle and wife were in Portersville, Saturday, (in important business. Say, Stewart, did yon ntonghty boys think that l J r» -s conldn't drive a horse ; Mrs. Al. Ralston took great pride in her mammoth pumpkin, which was the largest in town, but some one wa>. mean enongb to steal it right off her por"h. Lome Shanor is naturally full of jokes, and to think that a fellow would think "a bull-wheel break was made of leather'' is more than he can keep in. Who was that fellow, Lome? fleorge Snyder, of West Liberty, in town, Saturday evening, and cast his fortunes with the I. O. O. F. The Luthf-r A ill Society met at the home of Mr. awl Mr* C. E Weigle, Satnrdnv afternoon The meeting wn» interesting nml \v«-lI attended. Prof. Beighley likes to share his ftin with other-i bnt he says a fellow has bin own fnn when trying to lead a row against her own will. Mr*. Charles Weigle, north of town, is sick of typhoid malaria, and ;s v« i v bid at this writing, bnt her friends hope for her recovery. Our two candidates for auditor v. ere elected. Tuesday. Nov. 7. ami we con gratulate them and the voters of the county. Mrs Mary Pennington, who in. been :t ufTerer from caucer, for a year 01 ho, died Monday, Nov Mrs Penning ton was known as Mollie Frazier. and always was of n kind and lovely dispo sition. Hhe bore her sufferings with gre;:t patience, but longed to be at rt"i George Varntim, of Mc-Candlcs, was h< re distributing the ballots, the Hatnr day before the election. (Joorge iiad quite ix trip to make that stormy Saturday. Squire Weigle and wife were visiting some Lawrence connty relatives not, long since Onr election board was a model one A Bowers, judge 11 A. Kelly and F W. Wehr, inspectors, Eli Kincaid and ('. M Kdmnndson, clerks. They had Rome Venango Co. papers, and some papers they ought to have had. they had not. Soii:e fhooght 1 )<•» ballots fur the late election were made of very jtoor paper, inferior material Morrow Sc Hon announced to tlnir patrons that they closed the cider mak ing season, Nov. 15. and it would tie n "less to bring apples to the press alter that date. Jan. McGownn and Phil. Secbler have been appointed delegates to meet in ' Butler the !j|st. to make some arrange ments for the centennial celebration of Bntler county next year. The fc.rrn of -I J. Slianor, dee'd, is of fered for sale at very reasonable price I The farm li«-« in Mnddycreek tv.-p . ] three miles west, of town. Inquire of II Sbanor for particulars. Tiioinris Dodds and family have mov e l to New < ii lie. where Tommy and the boys have secured work. Sneces in you new field. T. i I,inn Moore of McCandleos. was a caller, one evening, last week. Linn is quite an « ntertainer. N S (irosstiiHTi and wiTe were the guests of relative • west of town, Sunday tJillle lltnshaw and <'tu t (iro.-sman are talking of spending a few days in Ihe town- Irom Butler to Pittsburg, via Freeport, just to have a good honest time. They arc coaxing (*s Shaffer to go along, but O thinks he won't go to Pittsburg any more tfiis winter Clay , of Kvati'i City, came up to our town for a load of apples, grown in his orchard on the Htonghton farm east of town. Miss May Both celebrated her birth day Friday, Nov. 10, and she and her sister I, oif ntertained their little friends in grand style. Bert Weigle intends to move to New Castle, too. and will have a public sale. Saturday, Nov. 11. M i;: t'ollock, of (Sutler, was thegtleit of llev Kakin and wife, last week Fliiiiiini i- I'. idger is building the eel | Ft wall of F. F, Wehr's new house in the West Isnd. I The chicken |tox is in town, and Clara 'and Fron i Cooper, Mildred Hhanor, ami • «rl Itic« have had their turns and no j doubt many more will follow. The "(>ak Grove Wonders" and the "Pleasant Hill Meteors" had a match game of ball one dav. last week Nor man Shanor's twisty pitching was too much for Lew Stewart's club. Wm. Weigle. who works in Sharon was home over Sunday. Jas Richardson, Geo. Heyl, Dick Hc.wers, and Newt Riddle were in liut ler, one i ning. not long since. Is it possible. Newt,that a fellow could have a girl and cot know her name? Titus Boehm is building a fish dam on his little farm north of town. Are yon going to fish hereafter, T. H? The Kennedy well was shot, last week, bnt we did not hear the result. Other wells will !><■ drilled in the vicini ty of the Kennedy "mystery." Rumor says there will be a wedding or so hereabouts by-the-by. Guess, for we are not allowed to tell. JOK COSITV. MEATUS. BARTLKY At his home in Penn twp. Nov. 9, Wm. S. Hartley, aged 41 years Death was caused by inflammation < f th'' bowels. He was a brother of Sew aid and Walter Bartley and a good and respected citizen. He leaves a, wid ow and two children. His rem.iins wen* bnried in Brownsdale I*. I*. ct oietery, Saturday. SOW ASH —At her home in Centreville, Nov. 8, 181W, Mrs. Samuel Sowash, aged about 40 years. PENNINGTON At Prospect. Nov. <l. I Willi, of cancer, Mrs. Mary Penning ton. HAYS At the home of his son, George, in Ilellevne, Allegheny C<>. Snrulay, Nov., 12, IHW). ( apt. <»»••». W. ll»t> H # in bin Hint year. ('apt. Havn has been ailinir for time. For the last, ulouth he hf;«l la-en quite ill. \>*-iriK afflicted with paralysis of the internal '»H<HIIH, which waa the cause of his death, ('apt Hays was bom in I'ittMhnrg on September Ml. The exact spot, as near as his relatives can fix it. was alsmt Liberty Ave and Tenth street 11 is parents removed the same yeai to Bntler county. There, on a farm, he grew up and when quite a young man took up the building con tracting bnsii.ciM, which he followed iuom. of his life, retiring from it in Infill. In 18(!'i he raised a company of volun teers for the I'niou army, composed of Butler connty yonng men, and became it" captain It ltecameCompany of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Penneylvania volunteers, and served mi til the clou-of the war. In IWW (.'apt Hays removed from Bntler county to PilNbnrg. and remained there until about Ih-,1. when he came luck to But ler county and spent several years on a farm near Bakers town He was quite active in politics as a Republican and from 188® until 1881 wtvm the omuty as a commissioner. In IHNl) his wife died, and he then went to Allegheny to make his home at the house of son with whom lie remained the rest of his life. ("apt. Hays was married in ls|rt to Margaret Kennedy Seven chil dren were born of the union, of whom six. one daughter and five sons, are liv ing The daughter is Mrs Martha Bux ton, of (Hade Mills The sons are all prominent and wellknown citizens, three being Presbyterian ministers These are llev W. M llaya, of Mechan icstown. O. Rev. K C Hays, of Mead villi*, i'a . and Rev. A. W. Hays, of borg 't he other two sons aru John 11 a \ -t. - nperintendent of the Sehnltz Bridge and Iron Co , whose home i at Iviplen, and George L. Hays, of Hays Sefton it Co . of Allegheny, liv ing at I 'ellviie, with whom (apt. Ilays made bis home, and where he died lie was a member of the Fifth I I', church, of Allegheny. Tin interment was at (ll,elr I ills ecmetci y, at I "o o'clock. Monday I >»m?.UIY. Major John A Logan, a <>n of (Jen John A I • van. <h 1 <l. Was killed in the J'hilippirit Tuesday, while leading a charge At the name time six men were kill i niidt apt Green and eleven men wounded. Hood's Piiis Arc prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They Roi£®& the Llxfosr Cure Sick 11' adaohc, l»il iousnc S"itr Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, as c « l" 1 ' rrcpar«dt>yC.l.iloo«l*Co.,l,owrll,Mas». WM. WALKER, —QtaKHAt, IUCAI.MI IN REAL ESTATE. OIL PROPERTIES. ETC "*• Kl l IKII. il lIUII I'll"! ">•!• I'OSTOHIC The Keystone Orchestra, Is now ready for engagements for Par ties. Pi.-f,ics and Dances, and Guarantee j the best of music at rcavmable rate;. Addrew, Piof. Gus Wickenhagen, j 11H Ziejjler Ave., butler, I'a SHERIFFS SALES. liy virtue of sundry writs of VPII. EX., I I. In., I,t v. lu.. &.«• . Usued out «»f the Court of i ( omniori I'leasof Hntler <l'a.. and to directed. there will be expose to publicsale at the <'ourt House in t li*- liorough of Hutler, on Friday, hecTiiihci* Ist, IHSMI, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following descrll»ed property, to-wlt: E. D. Nos. IM, 95, December Tprni, Ihw. I*. W. Lowry. Attorney. All tin- right, title. Interest and claim of Pcottt ain pi »«• 11. of. In :in<l to all that cer tain piece or lot of land, situated In Minbury borough, liutler county. I'a., hounded as fol lows. to-wlt: On t lie nort li by lot of Melvln Shorts, on tlie east by Main street, on the south by an alley, and on tin- west by an alley; being sixty feet. more or less, on Main street and extending back west to alley one hundred sixty feet, more or less, and having thereon erected a frame house two stories high, stable and out buildings. .Seized and taken In exei'ut ion a> t lie property of Scott < .imphell at the suit of Campbell and Co. e« al. for use of A. M. Cam pi *• 11. r l>. No. !tt, Deccmltcr Term. A. T. Scott. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of <;• <>rge W. Wlnslow, of. in and to all t hat cer tain piece or lot of ground, situated in liutler horough, Kutler county, I'a.. liounded as fol lows. to-wlt: beginning at tin south side of West Clay street at the corner of lot of Mrv I). G. Hester, thence eastward by said strict fifty feet to lot of William Light .hold, thence southward by said lot one hundred eighty f«« t to an alley, then- e westward by said alley tifty feet to lot of Mrs E. ti. Ifester. t hence by said lot northward one hundred eighty feet to West C|»iy street, the place of liegtnntng (see Dee<| Hook ItStf. page 1:5*1, and Mortgage Itook page .till), having thereon erected a two-story frame house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as i ii• property of George II Wlnslow it the suit of The Pennsylvania Savings Fund ami Loan A ssoctatlou E, iNOH. I»:j. 6ft, Ml. 07, Ih'cetulier Term, 1- W. A. it I . J. l*'ori|uer and W. D. llrari don. Attorneys. All the right, title, interest mid claim of .1 C Mcllrhle. of. In and to all thill certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Clearllcld township. Hutler county, I'a.. lieu tided as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of John Shaffer, on the east by lands of Mrs. Mary Titus, on the south by liutler and Klt tannlng road, and on the by land I tenuis Mcllrlde, containing tweuty-llve acres, more or iess, mostly cleared and under fence. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of .1. <'. Mcllrlde at tln suit of .foilti llerg \ < o. and liutler Saving-* Hank. E. M. No. December Term, l-itlt. 11. M Gone her. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John Harto, lielngthc undivided otie-se venth part, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, sittiated In t ranberry town ship. liutler county, I'a . l»ouml* <1 as follows, to-wlt: Iteginnlng at a post on the road leading from Pittsburg to /,el|eriop|c. thcuc* tunning north degree-,, east one hundred t hirl y-four perches adjoining lands of David (*arv in to a i»'st: then< south ~ dej: . west one hundred eighty pet' lies adjoining lands of Adam Holl to a post; thence in deg . west one hundred thirty perches adjoining lands of John Covert-to a pout on the salfl lift, burg roud. thence south "»o dejf. east, eight*-* n and one-half perches adjoining the I'll t sburg road t•» -I poal thei i outh 0 den., eaat along the I'lttsburg road twenty-three perches to a post, the place of beginning; containing sixty-three acres, more or less, all cleared but ufsiut two ace -t. and in a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected a two tory frame house, hank barn and orchard. Seized and tak* n in • xe-utloii as tie prop • rty of John Harto at the suit of Newton • ioft for use of Newton (Jarvln. V, l>. Nos '«•! and 711. Dec Term. Istm J. K. Ilennltigcr and W . A. & K. J. I'or qner, lUofM/i All the tight, title. Interest and claim «»f Julia A Vcnsel. of. In ami to ail that certain piece or lot of ground, situated in towu borough, liutler county. I'a . bounded as follows, to- wit: im t lie north by lot owned by the heirs of Isaiah Vensel. on the < ist l»v t eutral avenue, on t lie south by lot of /. Orrlck, arid on tin west bv an alley, fronting twenty-live feet on said t eutral avenue and extending hack one hundred and five feet to the alley <->« • Iteed Hon I, V» lit. page |n.,», having thereon erect* <1 a frame IIOIISM and out buildlncs ALStt All the right, title. Interest and claim of Julia A Vcnsel, Indng L life « state In the undivided one-half Interest, of. in and to all that certain pit *e or lot "i land, situ aled In MillerstoWn borouich, liutler 'ountv, I'a., tniumled as f<illows, to-wlt: <tu the north by lot now or formerly of J. J. Dona hue, on the cast by Central avenue, on the south by lot of JuTl'i \ Vensel, and on the west by an alley, having a frontage on tin said < • ntral avenue <•( tnlrty neven f» • t and • xtending b.e I, one hui lr« dllve f« . t to said alley (see lh % ed lt<H»k >'». pagtt 12). having there»ri erecujd a frame house, stable and outbttlldlim .. Seized and taKen in «'xecutloii as the prop erty of Julia A. Vermel at the suit of Mitat ante* Loan md Ipvi <n■ n I I K • latlon of I'lttsburg, I'a.. ct al. I . D. N«». 01. It. . # ruber Term. Ifttftl. E. Mc .l link lit, A t torney. All the right, title, interest and claim of K. J. Mi Millie, of. in and to all 11» sI • < rtaiu piece or p:ireel of laud, slluated in summit fowtiship, llutlei county. I'l Itounded a follow, to wit: t»n tic north «y binds ot A. Kedlck. on tic east •»y lands of Mailt Kei*k, on tic sout h by lands of Andy Vosi, and on tin'west by lands of A Kedlck. con tainlmr tifty aci» . having thereon creeled a frame house and outbuildings. Seized and t iken In t xecntion as the prop ••rl v of K. J. McMlllirt at the suit of John Kelly for us* of J. Ih rg At ( •» now for use of 1 'uroilnc Ke« i.. E. I». No. 9t», December Term, llaUlon *V Oreor, Attorneys. All the right, title, Interi'st and claim of J. t" K« ister and Mary I. beister. »»f. In and to all that ceil >iti piece or lot of ground, situated in lac ll'l. * lav township. Ituthi count) I'M bounded an fo M to ivll * •»• ihe nor th by l(allroa<l st reet, on the cast by lot No. Plot the . true plot, on the south by an all# y. and on I lie west by an alley, being lot No II in .i plot siirvoyi (| hy John Hhc'U Jure I*"!, being tifty bct front ami extend lug bacl. one liurtdred fifty feet to said alley, having thereon erected a two-story fi uuc dwelling house ami out hulloiiius. Seized ami taken In execution a-» the prop erty of J * . Kelnii r and Mary I liclsti-r tic suit of John Nelson. [•: l» . No. mi. Ih i tulmr Turin. I«nm. W. A. A | I'. J. I or<|uer, att'yu. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Loa Vates and W. \ at« s. of. In and to all that c« rtaln piece or pa fa I of I uiil, situatei) In lalrvlew township, liutler courity. I'a. itounded as follows, to-wlt Iteglnnluu at < stone, there e hy lauds of W * un»,»be| Iriort h I deg . • ist one hundred thirty five perch* s to a white oak ; thence by lands now or lat« *if Michael ft'htikley. north **tt deg West l.'l iH*rches to a stone; thence by lands now or late of Itoliert * ampt>e||. south I deg . we «t I A pep'hes. them * by lands now or lat* *»f Jacob llcnlcr, south *< 5 deg.. eaat 121 p* ri'hes to the biHci of Is'glrining. containing on* humir* «f and four acre's and thlrty-fout per cfie ; having t hcr*«oii ere t«d a tw»* itruy frame *1 welliiiglioiiM*'. frann bank l» *rti an 1 out buildings; also an orchard ami two pro «liicl*lg oil . I-. a, l/o l| I ninety acre** of « aid ffirm •'i» t»• anil • ult I vat' «l Seized and I iiU«*n In * as the prop rtyof Lo i »t* and \V. s. Yates at the suit of William J o'Neil, now forute of Mr®. Hell U Nell. K. l». No. 106, iNcemlier Term. I-tw. Wil liams & Mttckell, att'ys. All the right, title. Inter*-*! and claim of l>ani< k l II nittcrson and t»tls II Patterson, of. in and to all that certain pltMf or pan*el ..1 land. Hltaatwl In Clay township. Kutlei county. Pa., tm>ll I a* follows, to-wit ite ing purpart No. * In the estate of William | Patterson. dw'd. Beginning at the Miuih wmi corner of purpart No i it a port am Hl< of landsof Robert \lcKlsslek; thence along purpart No. I north drg..r:i-»t two hundred I\\•ii f y v•n p« relies. more or l**ss, t.» , •., .«t on I he lln»* of lands of I'hllip llolsteiu : t south 1 degewi along lino of Philip 11 •»i - stein perches. n.ore or h*M. to a i***t on line of land* of William Gold; thenfe south HWdi'ir.. went along llvi«* of lands of ltol*»rt McKlssick: thence north I dcg., west along line of lands of Kobert McKlsslck 7n .*» p« r< b - rs to th« place of tieglnnlrig: t«» or iwm cleared. balance tlmlier; containing one hun dred acres and th n*c perches. Seized and taken In execution as t■ prop erty «»f Daniel 11. Patta rson and <>tl* II Pat terson at th»' suit of John Korcht. F. M. No. I0t». December Term. I"W. J. W. Hutchison, att'y. All tlie right. title. Interest and claim of Samuel f. Snow and F lizaU th F. of. In and toal' that certain piece or lot of ground, situated In Itutler Immugh. llutler county. Pa . Im luk part of lot No !3tti in W m S. Itoyd plan of lots in said horouirh, Imunded and «f«- scril*'d as follows, to-wit: lleglnnltig on the so tit h side of Zicgler avenue at t he line of lot of David t'upps; thence south want along the line of lot one hundred twenty-nine feet to line of lot of Homer t 'onohy; thence bv line of said <'onoby lot parallel with said Ziegier avenue twenty-one feet to prop rty of John J. Went; thence north parallel with said i upns line one hundred t wrnty-nlne f««et to /.legler avenue; thenc* by said avemu east wardly twenty-one feet to tlie place of t*»- glnnlng. ha vine thereon erected a frame house ami outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prot»- erty of Samuel I*. Snow and Kllxalieth K Snow at the suit of Keystone State Itulidlrig and I."an A—uclilkn K. D. No. 1117 and IOK lHs\ Term. I-IW. K. Kohler, Attorney. Ml the right, title. Interest and claim of John I'Hster of, iu and to all that • -ertaln piece or pan*el of land, situated In Oakland township, Itutler county, l*a.. l»ound«*d as follows, to-vtflt: (Mi the North hy lauds of Smith and Summony heirs, on the east bv lands of Isaac llepler and Itutler and Mif lerstown road, south by the Mlllerstowu and Itutler road. and on the west hy laud* of Hugh McK« ever et at: containing si verity- He veil acres, more or less. liavluK thereon erect* d a frame house, stable ami outbuild ings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John I'Hster at the suit of Mrs. Rllsa belli Plister for use of Mary I'Hster now for use of Mary Itauingarten. I". D. No I*. December Term. IW* McJunkln & Ual breath. Attorney \ll the right, title. Interest and claim of John Harrer of, lu and to all that certain pie e or lot of ground, situated In Hutb r Itoro.. Itutler county. Pa. .hounded as follows, to-wlt: I roll ting on 1*1! If street and begtu nlug at the northwest on an alley on I'llff t net; t hence east along said alley one hun dred and twenty • Ight f•••• t. more or less, to ( oiilMM|iiessli*g creek; llh iii" along said en ck almut forty feet to lot of tJeorge Fish er:tln*nce west along lot of * *ts»rge Klslterotie hundred twenty-eight f«*et. mon* or less. to t 'HIT street ; t hence north along I'IHT street forty feet to said alley tie- place of tiegln ulng. Deed lunik llTi. page Sit; navlng thereon • r«'c|i d a frame house, stable i- nd outbuild ings. >ei/e«| and taken lu execution as the pr«»p --i rty of John llarrer at the suit of John Spalin. 1 I*. No. i#l. IV. I»»». |dl Dec. Term. IfV I or«|tier llr(«„ lU»ws»-r and \\ D. Itraoon. Attorneys. Ml the right, title. Interest and claim of John Hut ton of in and to all that certain i lcce or parcel of land, situated iu « lay twp . it lit Icr county. Pa., Iwnindeil as follows, to •.%lt: On the north bv lands of W J ."•timer, on tin- east by bunds of I'ranmer. on the south by lands of John T M« t aiidless. Mrs Knox and too Iti-lghlev. uid w«-st ' y lands of Philip Kauilersoii and W I flou"r: containing one hundred seventeen acres and U*» pen In *. more or less; hat lug• thereon erected a frauu* h«»use. barn si»<l outbuild ings. ALSO of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situ tied In (lay township. Hut h i count y. P i . bounded an follows, to wit Ib'gliiuiug at a stone at the northwest corner; thence hy lauds of • lirl*topher M« Michael north tl«*g west seventy eight in relics to a stone ;t In me by lauds of Hamuel Huttou south 2 detf last si'viitv sli pi'rches to a atom*; thence I• y same north s«de/. • nnt l-«perches to a stone; thr , in*e bv a public road south 'Z deg east hs |H'n*l»es to ston*'; thence by Asaph ('rautner south deg w**st iH'rehes to a tone; t hence by lands of W. .1 Ayr* * and 111 nry Deer north 'i *l«'g. w* »t |»U p«»n*h«*s t«» the place of Iwglnnlng; containing ninety acres, luore or 1* having tln re*»n er«*i ted a fi liin*' house, frame dabl*-. also an orchanl. ilmmit one-hal fof said laml cleared. AbSti of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated lu t lay twp . Unt il i t 0.. I Wti . bounded as follows, to wit thi | t he north by Muddy c-eek and lands «if Jas I hompHou nelrs J* Hne Uuey and Samuel • Met all east by i.inds of Itudolph Itort mas.on the sout h t»y lands of John Itrow u and ' .11Mti'pli Itrown. west tiy lands of William <#lb soii and IC»»t»ert Thomns«»irs heirs. <*<»ntiiin lug on* huiuln'd forty two acre* more or ! less, having thereon erected a frame house log barn and out building*, also an orchard . / •. mi ta en n i • it lon is th« pn*p • rty of John Suttoil at the suit of IC l\ Wl«*k , for use of John llerg \ t'o et al i i» No S, Dt ftra IM N Dili •«. flon. Attorney. All tln* right Interest and • laim of I J Daul>euspe«'U of. lu ntid t«» all that certain i piece or p.ircel of land, situat* *) in Park**r tv. p., Hut b r i o Pa . Immiuil* d is follow* to wit on tin north by lands now or formerly of John Hoover, on the east by a public roan, oiithl y bonis now or formerly of Wllllsm Itedick, and on the wi-.t by lands now or formerly of Joint Mhyrirk containing «*lxty wren mon* or l« «s. havintr thereon ♦ reeted lom half tUtry frame I frann bam and mit buildings Sel/ed and til «u In execution as the prop • rty of .1 .1 Danism peck at the *ult *»f D. S Hawk, dee'd Ii S. t orrifdlus. Admr. I D No I >«•« « inbf r Term. I**' ,,, S I A A I, Itowser. Attorney. All the right, title. Int* rest and claim of John Kennedy of. in and to ull that certain piece or parcel of latul. slt*iat* *l lu A«iarri* township. Itutler county. Pa. l*oundcd a* follow**, to wit fteglnnlng * white oak at thi >rnei I• • • • by lands <>f *. Wallace and l«awhead heirs w* t two liun dn d thirty eltfht per' ben to a |M»*t . th«>nce by lati'lsoi (#lll**l and heirs and Sarnu*'l Mar ihu - irtl ■ ! ■ ist ••i. • hundred fort >• tiiree |m rchi «* to a |»ost thence by lands of Jam*"* McMarlln and part of sane* * ast two hundred thirty perches to a post} thence by liind* of T W Ivunedy *unth one hundnsl i perches to thi place of beginning eon tulnliitf one humlreil ninety one acre* strict in* ;isiir*-. see i|ee*| book .VI, page "»7t having tln ri on a producing oil well, frame bouie bank burn and outbuildings.also utt *•» hanl ••n|i!*'«| and taken In ••**•! ntlou as tin t*roi> i rty of John Kenm dy at the suit of John i» Hill V D No 111 IU. Dec Term. I«W* Paint* r A Murrln. Att**meys. All the right, title. Intcnsit and claim of Joseph t i'Illi»ir»• -iil of. In and t.*» all that cer » tin pji . .i pai el of I mil, situated i»♦ • lay towu*iilp. Itutler « ounty. Pa bounded a* follow*. to-Wlt: l»» ghoiintf at th«# ie>rih*"a*t corner it a |»«»st, them •• by latulsof Stephen sou south .1 deg west M 2 perches to a no*t ; th* le v by lauds of James llvrrou's heirs vmtli «■* de# K p#r* he-* to i» pr«t thwart Uf i » i-% f . M er north :» »!■*• e:t*t *!.?% Dff ti» a p»»*t, !)| iafMs of r *.*.»!. WttiM m»rf h <&.*» de* en»t SI IS pt-n-h* *. to the plarr of U-* nnlnjr 'imUla ine f re-* «rtrtit mr««grr iik"*lljr rk arH ant) undrr fennr • rty «f Jo** pti « al tlic mM of n >1 At well E. I> 5.* r»wmhrr Term. * F Tti mpinn Attorn* jr \ : th* r t *it •». iiaterwat it <1 aim of Vtn.-v i l%faa «Im *ar«lva« Joba A. I . of. | n and to all tbat certain flam at 1 lot of situated la i *ntrwillr »»»ro. Hotter county. I*:t tammlcd f.. to w;w: I ►«• «11• north i<y iot >o ;} n the am*- pan of •llty. «»n th* - uth by a private lain «r alley and on tv« «i t>y » s; «ty f.«.* street. *«ein< lot \.. jln tlMi frimßaf lotb mi laid out by ( K. L. are M hook in putH Kiavtat thrm« erected a ?«Kird b*>»<ic am) out KuiUltng *♦ t/# #| a >t t t n . e\. tt> • t •• pr »p --erty fN 4 - y I * surtlkw* JolC X Ihigan at llir *uU of Mr*. *. J. tlu££art. j E i» No Z-. I> T« rm, I-" H l> Hraa- I w»o. Attorney All the ri£ht. title, Interest »r».| *• %im of \N VI I■• ' tri'l To * * pirtvor pfch**-! of land. tit auinl in Mer*-er ; twp-. Huti*r< o. IV. Im a- foilowa to- j wtt K< .'inning at a p*"»t i -rib I de* »»-«i | Ny iaruK of >an.r>ltraham £1 perebea to a Vost; thence north -*.* <)r«: fait '»y !an«l« t»f nines Barr* a 71 perehea to a ptart: rhen«-e i north I drc. w***t by bndiof m»b» I! prrrbew j to a pM«9t; ther, ■ *otith easaf f »y land* ■ l(te 9M pivrb*« to a •*h«*«rnut. !h«-o«T <M-»uth I de* faift by land* —f Jarte* shield* II i p* r. Im- to a poat tbe nee «mtti tie*, went l»y i.tnd-* of John 1,. rhf* to the place* of U-clnnin<, •imtainlng fltty-tao a»TPs m 4 t'lfhtf-ill per hri. hav ing thereon a frame b<»Uoe.harn and onthntl«f >else«l and tnken tn e*e«*«itl*»n i%thf prop erty of William Me. li. il at the «uit of J K Black ft Co. ftor b* «»f Maria B. Bram4«»o rt al. F. I». N<- II I. Ih .* Term. I v# » V md«'r)lvi 4 Wiu. -n. A ttorny. Ail tbe rlebt. title, latereat and i'lalm of M. ~ hn i kind Peter >«-hmfcrk *»f. In and to all that certain i».»*«*e #»r parcel »»f land. -Ituatrnl in V*»rwar»l tvp Butl**r <"*». I*a . tiou.idcd as follows, to-alt: l>n tin* north hv la i Uof - M Pl* r*M»l the **aa*t by • ' m \Y**b>»>r. oil the «iq(f»y ImnHn of Ihtrid t'ri»w*' :»n»i «»n th*- by lanctn of J • "' lolaf flflv a m**er or leva, having thrreon elected a two -oory frame dw«*Ul» «*• hou«* . iNtnk Iwm and •»wt buUdinir** ortlhartl. underlaid arltb c«Hal. «»|| an«l oral* "•» 'red n* d T;t . • :ri ,\v ni • tl»«- pr>»p ertv of »u»an >. »»ni. U *n«l Peter vhmi. k at the Milt of Luanda W« ber adm'r of WedU* r. de«* d. K. I>. .No. 7*\ TV. Ih , Term. VV|i;um*4 Mttcbell. Ati*>rney«. All the right, title, interest an«l claim of Mary 11. V««umc ami «.*~org« h Yoaatf. .»f In and to »I 1 that certain pi**ee • r panvl *»f land. *»ituat*-*l in Parker township. Butler rount v l\. . . . .. »- ' % , t.-wjt i»n the north by land* of George Keppler .on the • i-' f : tn«H of T B Smith et al . vmth by I tad* of Mr* Margaret Ann Ebernart. and on th« w*»*t by lan«U »»f J«»ha « and O. P. I >atit* n*pe« k; c«mtalning thlrty nlne aeret ami *! perrhM. nn»r»* «»r !«-%•%. hav ing there«»n erected a two "•t«»ry frame bottle. <louble liic burn and ontbntiding*. n :/iml and tak*-n In e*e*'Utton :fca f b«- pr*>p ertyof Mury 11. Young and K Young at the auit of H. J T« rarlliiger «*t al Friday, December Bth. A. D. '99. E. I» No. 122. I tore m her Term. Kl W II l.u<ik. Attorney All the right, title. lntrr*'%t aud **laim of M E. Poortaaa und J. W. I*««*rman *»f. in and t*» all that certala piece or i«»t of gr*»tin«l attaat* ed In Evannbtirg ItutU r «-*»unty Pa. Iniutided a* followv Mvwlt <b» the north by lot No ||*. one* htimlr* •! eighty feet, on the eaat by « •■ntrv alley t* u f.-. t *h» tlw anatb l»y lot No. one hundred ngbty f»*»-t And on the we%t by Washington having then**-n er« - te« a twt» «t«»ry liouw of alt rtMHMM, frame ataMe an«l «»nt bolldtnra. HW*iMNiaad taken In «t« titl«M» a-* the pr*»p «*rty of M E l*«wapmaa and .1. W, l*o«>rtnan at th» ault of II J. IfTt. «l*»tng hmlnrai toH»rg« v Ifft \ Son. TFKM** Of The following mu%t be "•trh'tly ctiuiplle<l with when property la ntrh'ken tlown 1 W hen th** plaintllf *>r other lien •'re<llt**r le»'«nnw* th«* purehaacr. th** .**•*»«» on th«* writ lie paid, ami a ll*t «»f th** Ib-nt, tn«*lud- Ing m*»rtgage earrbea on the pr«wm*rty aold. t*nrcther with sorii ll«*n credNor'a re«-»*|pt* for tin* amount of the proceed* of the *ale or *U<|| portion 1 lier*-of a* he may dalta. mti»i In- fwrnlnhed the >herltf. 2. All Ndi niutl I** p:'l*l In full. ."I. All *ale* not «'tt»**d Immediately will tw Contlnneil until *me *»'c|.•. k. P M . of neat day at a bleb tlaM > |.• •• » • tied f*»r will again I** put up and a>l.| at »he ea pen*e ami rl.*k of *h m*r*M»n to wh**m Irti aold. *»*«••• Purtlon's I>igt »». Mb •«htl*>is. page M. ami Stnlth'* 1 ornta, page t**4 W 11,1.1 ill It fai|»l>S. sheriff Sl»»*rlir** i»tn«*e. IKitfler. Pa. V»v. a !■«»* NOTICE. Notice M ht-rcl>y xivvn that tbr fciM l acctiunt of Kiank I*. Critchl •>» at Ms. I» No. 14, June Term, a. ttmtcr »( K Jt-nnir T)i»iii|«w>n, a lunatic, now <l«cM , will lie prewntr«l to Owrt !• w c.ntimia lion. 00 Saturilav 9th, 1S91) R. J. THOMhvOX. ImtkT. <!► SLEIGHS, il Ji[ ROBES AND JiJ { BLANKETS- < ► >000000! ■ W'c just rcrtivcil nine loails of Pi>rtlami an«! Swell Ifewly ;tii<l will sell them very low as wc ncc»l the room anil benight them last spting before the rise in materials. We have the finest ami largest as sortment we have ever had. Come in ami sec them. W'v have void moie Robes and Blankets tilis season than ever before, because our prices ate lower and stoek larger than can be found in this part of the state. Come in and see. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler. Pa S. B. Martincourt. J. M. Lcighner P. S. Kritmcr Vall*c». Gb«i • >*«elaiU*4 lr«* t-etaalaf EtocaH** duff • Finn «»»nui PITTSBURG, PA. r*M S HHIIAOI L>*Wlm --OTNTAL ROOMS -• J . ' %th **t. ( I Hit'r| r* u •' pnacTtCA' *"-# • j| c»OWN ••■■■ rFin,( " ,k |l .. iJA"' WHY dOT OO V * 7Bl y o , Jn»7 '*"la cbownsb Fyj V »'i anioor "■•«*»i i d * "'I 11"> TOOTH " V *•* Irefh in*.|» ONLY %P J „. a •• M "* «• so ye ana* XPFRIF.NCC ™ <,l I j . I i ■ k ■ r»j ' "rl" Coeraiobra Ac. Anronf M>n4tnc « h »»«t mmf qttirklv «•«. frwss »Mh»r ■■ llfr'*UMy MlfliteM* « ll<.n>MrlHlf •• ..IM-i.tfcl rf»n<n--a •*» FWeau •ent fr»» ' menpr '•*«< Munn A to ««•*• •y*ri ml tu4lt* % Willi'.»ff rMryo, la th# Scientific flmtrkan. A han<lone<"lr ll|..Mr«i~l Ume rtr rtiUtb.'i «.f •riontrtN* )*««rn»|. f«r»a. P • I iMf f>.ir m..n« b« |! »y ■<■ alnta ' MUNN & Co. 3tt,B ——' New Yort Irtudi UAfit. «rOL Wiifcltrtot. U. U I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. hR C. AT WELL. • Hfice W Dvanoad S* . [l*. Graham * oM aAc* ) ll<'tut 710 9 a m and Int and 7 to Bpm U" H BROWN. " • Ho*otu>r«TKTc hmKUK t«D Scar.wm. Office J36 S. Main St. opp. F. O. Night call* at oißce w AMI EI. M BIPPt S 0 hnmcMn »<idScigmm Kid Weal 1' 1 1111 St. 1 BLACK. 1.. PHVIKUS *.lDStir.k>M New Troatnaa Boiltiina, Butler Pa. I »R. CHAS. R. B. Itt NT. ' Pimicn.i txs Kye. o«r. iiuae an>l thrial a *»> >«>uth Main St. M /IMMbRMAN VI . Physic i *si Office N«. 45. S. Main street, nn City I'UnttnacT. I |R. N. .M. H<X>VER 1 '37 H. Warwe St.. office aunn. to to ii a. m. 1 and to jp. ■. HW. WICK. • Dnrar Mas located in the new Stein with all the latest ievices foe Ilental work. t J. IXINALDSON. *' • i>t.i risi. Artificial Teeth inserted on tbe iateat improeed plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. ' Xfice orar Xiler's Shu* Store. I iR. W. P. McILROY. •' Durrar. Formerly known m the "P'-»rl«» Pa.nleaa Fatractaw oi Teeth. " Located permanent!* at tit Fast JeHerMw St.. «>ppuMte Hotel L.i«nr. Butler. Will dto •iential operaUooa of all kiada by th* latest ie.ices an.) op-to-.late methada V McALPIN. " • Dwrnrr. Now prrntaneßtly ta Bichet ftuu.htog, with a reliable aaatataat. an.l 'a.-Itt tea f"» best an«l prompt woek. . People'• Phone foe I»rs V. ne J. He. Alptn I loose Mo. jjd; office N«. )4r IkR M D KOTTRABA. SiKTfßt to Dr. JohmtMk. I>M llSf. Office at No. tt4 R. |eff<-rsu« Si.. «•** G. W. Miller's |nen r. F' 11. NEGLF.Y. t• ATT«»a**Y »t Law. Office In the "CiTt/KW Satbtta«. JOHN W. COCLTKR. rl ATTotjin «T U«. Wtaa Soikhas. N Bntlet Special sttentuwi Riren to colhctiMto ami hostneaa matters. Reference Sutler Btowb. at Butler Count v National Bank A. T. (Lara. laa SrJima I> t.AVK A McjL NKIN. 0 V IHeart (al-ha, Artnof» liutMiag, Sutter. Pa. nil. GOC JIIFR. . Lt*. office in Mi ehell bwMmf J OI LTKR A BAKKR. ArT'onm »i ».*». Room B-, Armory Nitldta^. 4 T. SCt»TT. rl. ATTMXIT At U«. ( tffice at No. *. West I Ham.Mil !*t But ler. Pa 1 B HKF.PI>. »' . AtTon**v «r Law Office ou Vain St. aewr Court II —. 1 M. pain rrm. *l. ATToaiteY *Y [_a». < MRce letwm PNtoff ee aurt t taamaai 0 r. L. wcyefSTMw. 1 . Civil Paciam aa* Swrif. • tffice near Court llouae Jury List for Otctmbtr Twm. I,t*t »( Mim draw a fm« the pm par jury «WI thw t**h ii; of tfc-Mwf. A. {) |«w lowrrrMinid }«n«« U the rnraUr term «< r"«rt .-ommewris* am tb>- »rh >Uy of Dnr.*fc»r l*>. thw nnif hrißic Ihr Inl at month Ifaawel 11-'Umt t 'Ujr two farmer. Blyi*uHer Rtrlnnl Bntler hma Hfc «i IwrrWr Cmkow K-lwia ( ran berry twp.fuwr. (Samwl PrtniHa huo.MMinl, I>mrin Stephen < 'learfteld t*p hiair. Ifcxithett Jimri M Jo kmn tw> farmer. l*m»inii»K»r William Bntler bm fell *d IMlßlf. Frederick H-nrr < 1 I>*»|P»l in farmer. Hreen Hugh < l«p farmer llilbfet J «>. V-lam« l*|> h»rtar. Jmumxi W B. V»na a«<> (wum. K'>rn Henry. KufWr l«f> W »«A iihwUN». Kelly I'll. BatW !«•*> I«t nrd. irtowe tiiDnua. Mjnlmll n»BUM. M»r< lawn. farmer. M< < VnUnd Edward. trnt» berry lw>. farmer. MH mrkrß Ijr*. Worth I«r (trawr. Stml.trnk-r William B. Worth !•». farmer Hatton William O. Bntler born tth w*. prudartr, Ht.»«*hten Williami\l "berry tp farmer. Sheild* William W<irth twp farmer. Tinker Z W. < berry twp linwr tt'rtl Fl> mm* • ran berry twp. bfwr. Wrl>l»r William Pews twp fan**. Wk-k W H. Hntler huro Hh wd bahnrar. L»t of nam** drawn from the proper inry wh«-l this IMb .la* of OatehaV. A. II l*w». to art-re a* pet tit jurors at Jkt rernlar term of rrmrt '■cmnTMkt «• the 11th daf of IWmber !«• the ■ame being the wnad «f tn<m: h Allison William. «'eatre twp. farmer, Andrei lew (teller twr> laborer Bla«k A fi. Slipperyrorli twp. tearfcar. Bell AlHwm. Pwhrr twp. farmer. Brown Edward. Harriarille bmn farmer. Bleirhner Ja'-"b. Mnmmit twp, farmer. I 'raw f.»r«l Sainnel Bntler hncn 3rd wd. riii builder. Cnmta-rland Kmw. • .m«wd twp farmer. Coehran Jamea P Mercer twp farmer ilavldaon If J. Adam* twp. lahorer fbincan W W Mara U»ro merchant. Ihinlwr William J Jr. Forward twp. farmer. Knalen Jacob. Martinboci. r«i. Kk»> Ik-lliw « )tnt*>n twp farmer, Kka« Waddle. llitfTalo twj farmer. K.iatlrr Jam*-* It. Buffalo twp. farmer Fialier Richard. I'rna twp. farmer, Flaber W A Bntler boro «th ward, mrrrhaat. Fox William J. Winfleld twp farmer. lirahnn llenry Snubarr b>K' taiaitr. firaham J W llntler l«>r»> I*4 ward. FtoIWtWWHW. (ileim Jamea. Worth twp, far*.»er, I W illiatn A. llntler burw 4th wd. l'. n>M lrr<l. Summit twp. farmer K' lly Ale*. » enferrllle born laborer. K<-11 v Theodore. Venanitn twp. farmer. I.ewi« It •> Waahintftwn twp laimr. loirnn |l It J*-ffer*.ri twp firmer M»r*heiiner i larence flay twp. farmer. Mx-der A It—-rr Zelieni-ple t»it», iner rbant Mi»rn•<>ii llenr*. Mer«-er twp farmer M< 1 'ar..ll.—. F B. Adam* twp. f*rMr, Mt-RNatn J H. Butler boro »t»l wdL lal*-r»-r. I'arka A. Middlewi twp. farmar. Paf'«*r*t>n Jamea. Mlipperyww* twp. fanaer. Knlatun Frank Slippery rwk t wp. fa'awir. Kankin IIS. Fairview twp farmer. Shakely J A. t .mm».|WeM« mta< twp,, farmer. !-hlrm A M. I'arber twp farmer. Spronl Andrew t'entenrille horo. ma* rhaat ■Smather* A J. Eraua City huo. warn •-hant Sbontz Aaron '/. llarroony lnww. !ab.»rer. Sell John WintleUl twp. farmer Tinker Calrin. tlierry twp. farmer. Voawtley J"hn M Ja.-k»-n Iwp farmer Vnah rn A W Worth twp farmer Wtl*on IN.rter Centre twp. farmer Wwh William, liar twp. farmar.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers