THE: CITIZEN. WILLIAM C.SEGLEY -- Publisher THURSDAY. NOVEMBER Q. »^99- THE RESULTS Pennsylvania, Rep., 120,000. Ohio, Pep. - 50,000. M assachusetts, Rep., 65,000. New Jersey, Rep., - 20,000. Kentucky, Rep., - 8,000. lowa, Rep, - - - 60,000. South Dakota, Rep., 10,000. Nebraska, Dem., - 12,000. Maryland, Dem , - 11,000. Mississippi, Dem., - 30,000. STATE ELECTION RETURNS Pennsylvania Barnett s plurality over Creasy is 102,465; those of Brown and Mitchell over their competitors will be from 20.000 to 30,000 more Ohio—Nash s plurality over McLean, Dem. :s about 50,000. "Golden Rule'' Jones of Toledo, Ind. polled 100.000 votes in the State. Kentucky—Goebel was defeated and Taylor, the Republican candidate for Governer was elected by about 8,000 plurality; and the entire Republican State ticket was elected; but Goebel may use his law to defeat the people s will. It was a hot election and there were riots at several places. Nebraska—ln Nebraska the Demo crats and Populists fused, and carried the State by about 12,000. Maryland—ln Maryland. Smith. Dem. was elected Governor by about 11,000, and the Dems will control branches of the legislature. New York—The Republicans will re tain control of the legislature. In New York city Tammany won out with 50,- 000 plurality, and defeated Assembly man Robert Mazet. MaMachnsetta—The Republicans car- Tied the state by about 65,'J00, and the Legislature will be Republican, but the Democratic ticket in the city of Boston won by (WOO. lowa went Republican by 60,000 and the elections in New Jersey, Kansas and S. Dakota were tavorable to the Repub licans. Butler County. About B.TOO votes were polled in this county, Tuesday, of which Harnett for State Treasurer had 4842, Creasy H.ooa, the Prohib and other candidates about 250. Hoon. for Sheriff had 5,106, and West 3,430, McCollough, for Prothonotary had 4,493, and Vanderlin 3,923. Adams, for Register and Recorder had 4,891, and Frazier 3,492. Rankin, for Treasurer had 4,9H0, and x urtiet 1 , t&rtivi & 111 UU IU SB UUU-*7 rryn , and Easley 3,020. Gillespie, for County Commissioner had 4,638, McGarvey 4,451, Eichert 8,863, and Sutton 3,670. These totals are not official. Neighboring Counties. Armstrong county gave the Republi can State ticket about 1400 plurality, and elected Patton, Rep. Jndge by about 700. Allegheny county gave the Republi can State ticket about 18,000. Weatmoi eland county gave the Re publican State ticket about 1800, bnt elected Doty. Dem. Judge by aliout 138. Lawrence county gives the Republi can State ticket about 1700, and elects the county ticket, excepting Clark for Co. Treasurer. Beaver county gives the Repabl ican State and county tickets about 1300. Mercer county gives the State ticket about 1300 plurality and elects the whole Republican county ticket. Clarion county went Democratic, as usual, by about 60). Venango county gives the Republi can State ticket about 1000; Borland, Rep., for County Treasurer, was cut bnt is elected. Crawford county gives the Republi can State ticket sbout 1000. THE AFRICAN WAR. A breakdown of the cable from Dela goa Bay shut off all war news last Thursday—the wires to the Transvaal being cut -but it was known that the Boers were shelling the British camp at Ladysmith. Gen. White's report blam ed the capture of his two regiments on a stampede of the mules. On Friday it was reported that the Boers had Ladysniitli completely invest ed On Saturday Gen. White was report ed to be retreating. It was also report ed that both Ladysmith and Kimlierly had surrendered, and that Cecil Rhodes had committed suicide. The English were hurrying troops to Durban, the seaport of Natal. The Boers were re { Kir ted at Colenso, on the railroad, about ten miles sontli of Ladysmith. On Sunday the British were reported to be the victors in two hot fights that occurred near Ladysmith, the Jkiers losing 2000 men. Program. Tenth District Sabbath Sch'xil con vention to be held at Renfrew on Fri day afternoon and evening, Nov. 17th: Afternoon Session 1:30, Devotional exercises, Mr. J. H. Robb; 1.45, address of welcome, Rev. L. M. Humes; 2:00, response, Mr. A. M. Douthett. special music; 2:15, minutes, Miss Ida A Me- Fann, secretary; 2 20, discussion 'How to secure attention in tli i Sabbath School." Mr. O. H. (trabe, Mr. A. J. Alcorn; inusic; 8:00. discussion. "What should be the relation o? the Home to the Sabbath School." Rev. It 11 Park, Rev. W. J. Grimes; 3:40, solo, Miss Sara Douthett; 3:50, piper, "How to intert-st children in the sabbath School," Miss Lizzie Montag; 4:00, miscellaneous busi ness; adjournment; benediction. Evening Session —7:00, praise service. Mrs. 11. C. Welch; 7:15, discussion, "What are the enemies of the Sabbath School and how overcome them," niin nte talks by delegates from the different schoolH; offering; special music, 7:45, disi-nasion, "The ideal Sabbath School." Prot H. I. Painter. Rev W. H MeN'res, music; 8:: M), address, Rev, E. P Hnrp«*r, li.oo, parting words, executive commit fee. music; benediction. Officers: - President, .las. W. Rowan; treasurer, Eev. W H. McJJeew; w tary. Miss Ida A. McFann: vie." nrr-i <ientn, A. M. Dnnthett, <). li. OraW. r~ M. Euirick, A. C. Brown, Joseph Oris well, A, L. Wilson. Butler County Election Returns, Nov. 7, 1S ( .) ( J, Not Official. — St. TreasSuperr J Sheriff. Prothy. RegJtße _ treas - c T>Fl' Commissioner Co. Auditor Con.ner £I P nTfT" T 1 " "sT IH|O :? : 1 c |H|P J** 1 I © •** H ? 5 1U.55j.g81, s| =3~?* > JS f ? „ t-3 f" 5 s PRECINCTS: • !;• 5 "f- « » e. 3 = " 1 -K--£S§-*™^ !D 05 Adams • . M 51 ~4 51 21 47 27 51 21 51 21 50 24, 47 47 31 2s ~1 51 .. •• •• Adams 3 ' „ 10 , w m 97 04 1(r j ]M 103 18 .. .102 102 19 18 108 103 is is C 3 3< Allegheny -o 4 j (jy 44 7;', 44 7:5 4<> 71 72 42 4 > 69 .3 42 43 .3 3. Brady .... • - ;>«, j- ( , 39 jr.-, 4;} 165 43 125 86 116 153 51 42 1 ♦»*.♦ 164 4" 39 169 39 Buffalo ' . o 04 f M) 01 5s 122 *2' 96 86 93 82 9s 72 62 los 11". 85 82 90 95 82 9. Butler ' ■' 110 !7 j:,.- 0,. jo;} 55 107 49 112 4<i 111 45! 105 10S 54 4i. 11l 112 5o 47 106 50 Centre , >(| ]9 4 - ; ]s 39 00 4 o 20 44 17 43 17; 41 43 19 2" 43 43 IS IS 43 18 Cherry N TT fio 35 <;3 83 65 32 65 32 05 32' 63 65 32 32 65 64 82 32 65 32 Cherry .«> 103 >7 no 40 120 59 123 28 122 29 120 124 81 37 124 123 28 29 Clay : v . So 41 101 39 100 :;7 103 39 1<«» 39 102 35 34 101 lnl 39 38 100 100 38 101 Clarfield . rM ls 117 21 112 28 121 22 113 25 120 109 27 16 121 lit! 20 is 119 21 Clinton if' - ~i: 3 > 113 4,1 124 32 126 31 125 32 123 123 87 30 123 128 33 33 125 2 Concord 1 Z~ * « •>., 33 ;:4 39 34 3 s 82 59 33 64 52 30 39 54 97 41 23 63 Ho Connoquenessing N 1,.. ... 33 4 -> 33 40 43 33 43 33 44 37 33 35 11 44 30 33 .. ConnoqnenessiDg S ™ ' ' M ~.> s5 90 si 95 88 94 83 92 70 65 96 93 92 83 84 92 S3 Cranberry •- „ 10 ',' 5 , 101 45 110 53 100 52 100 53 102 47 48 lo:i 82 51 50 101 99 52 100 Donegal ,3 ~••> •»., 170 39 kji 46 167 41 107 40 16*< 39 16:5 104 49 16. 162 40 H> I»>*> ..'J Fairview ! j 10f . 104 m u ,O 132 101 130 104 128 104 128 10:: 112 74 si 171 120 122 107 100 12-» 10.» Forward -j 1 . .T 0 f . n7 (il 1(K) 65 109 67 113 68 110 65 ill 105 (Hi 70 102 129 50 108 »».. Franklin ™ ' ls 52 19 52 22 51 23 52 17 11 25 70 Is 19 50 49 20 49 Jackson E rAi - Q T8 rj; so 3,; si 59 7s 59 79 59 80 55 5o 71 si 52 59 .... -»9 •' Jackson W. s(| 12( . H2 126 74 130 79 134 H3 lis 77 13<> 82 72 155 117 101 HO 113 116 83 123 Jefferson 59 S s 59 ss 58 88 59 88 59 87 57 57 89 sr. 5s 59 89 s:j 39 88 Lancaster ~ ~L .... |;i, 71 r,4 05 69 68 67 68 68 68 72 o»; 07 69 67 69 71 68 68 Marion $ S 44 go 4- 37 52 66 43 52 45 . 5s 75 44 3S 61 62 94 43 Mercer ' 180 (i 4 lh6 39 ITI 70 172 73 180 60 181 58 183 161 78 54 179 180 62 60. 180 ...» Middlesex l !Z\ 33 go 30 78 82 77 88 80 31 . . . 80 81 81 32 78 86 88 20 Muddycreek » fil «•} u7 67 66 59 88 68 65 69 70 t'.s 49 72 72 t'.l f'.l 71 61 Oakland... '* Sf, tl 7 21 103 :!3 114 23 117 22 117 24 116 115 2s 22 118 117 20 21 114 20 Parker U® r,o r, « Z* 51 34 63 36 53 36 56 80 50 41 38 43 50 53 36 31 51 31 Penn '* \\ .jj I] 444 ~s 55 ill 45 116 42 106 71! 73 49 112 106 4-. 42, 104 48 Slipperyrock H} 1!( 145 1(; n 7 17 145 19 145 16 149 11 is 141 146 19 20 114 144 '.l 14". Summit " "V JJ J3 9! 58 100 66 90 65 92 .. .. 60 64 60 93 64 56 68 94 04 -m Venango , " 3 , ; 7 31 5o 4;i 66 27 52 32 62 31 60 5» 32 34 63 62 30 31 62 82 Washington - •' 1((4 r{ 10 ., 1(i tO4 13 102 16 108 15 104 14 92 98 28 11 101 100 13 la 100 18 Washington ~,0 7 -> 77 1 _>(j 73 124 76 101 10<I 122 111 s:i si 12-. 128 .0 .4 l--> Winfleld -1 si: 7.1 88 78 s:! 77 84 76 87 74 86 74 80 s4 79 76 84 83 75 75 85 .4 Worth ' n - i(;3 113 103 1 r,l 126 160 151 120 150 126 122 142 158 12s 145 148 125 120. 141 lv. Bntler Ist ward 1:!(; ,- s ];M : 002 160 214 147 202 15* 167 179 174 17<» 1!»1 187 169 162 184 1»>. Bntler 2nd ward J - ' 7 7) . ~j |^ 7 nje 132 170 183 169 131 134 125 155 170 147 145 14* 146 144 1..4 Bntler 3rd ward J 4 ' !' ~7 lfi7 ~i( j j;,] j7 j 1.3 13 s 134 144 148 128 111 ltM 18-1 148 139 146 140 186 1)9 Butler 4th ward }« ,5, m IC9 lb s 1,4 1',2 111 182 121 159 154 136 137 178 173 122 121 178 122 Bntler sth ward ~f ... ( ; 0 58 68 49 66 4s 67 50 66 69 >1 oO 64 68 •>-! 4s t>. 48 Centre ville f. fl 3? 37 n 37 11 87 12 41 7 35 32 15 19 37 39 11 11. 38 0 Connocinenessing • „ Iftw Ilr los ns 106 117 110 115 117 107 98 60 57 192 101 103 120 ll.»| I<»4 11. Evans City "J 3s 8 35 8 87 9 38 8 88 8 35 31 16 9 38 37 8 6 38 8 Fairview ?„ 62 33 65 34 62 86 62 35 63 33 27 61 72 34 35 65 61 3-> 03 Harmony ~7 or -. 7 op, 03 84 34 25 30 28 32 27 28 40 26 2a 29 28 2s, •_.) 31 -.8 Harrisville 7' i,.. So 0.3 29 19 23 25- 26 22 24 24 22 22 26 23 22 23 25 24 23 24 Karns City 3 4 g 2 80 55 33 61 31 53 27 58 31 55 40 38 42 62 59 .. .. .. Mars •* ;r, *4 ;1l as (57 S5 72 85 64 85 71 87 71 77 80 76 72 8 . 87 68 6 . 88 65 ou , >M , s 31 K; 28 17 22 14 32 14 27 29 22 18 30 28 1. 1. 28 is Petrolia 7', 13 ".7 10 25 12 25 15 25 12 26 12 26 21 13 12 25 80 15 9 26 12 Portersville 77 „'■> 3s 17 50 21 48 26 49 19 56 Hi 60 39 14 31 20 77 52 5 .1 20 Prospect 4( , 3S 39 30 41 34 87 22 40 32 37 29 40 31 20 42 47 27 27 41 42 2. 43 Saxonburg oa a 24 2 23 3 23 2 24 2 24 2 21 21 1 4 23. 24 2 2 -.5 8 Valencia ,7 r."' 33 7: »} 15 33 8 35 6 36 6 31 31 12 6 35 34 7 6 36 6 West Sunbury ■Jj jJJ g 64> 1(W 5S 106: 58 108 60 107 56 46 118 107 Jiß 58 113 104 59 109 —— 5106 343 ' W23 l-'.'l 8492 }9*o:U7:: 4765 86204688 4451 8670886817644882358684W NEIGHBORHOOD NOIES. Daniel Wilson and his fonr sisters, all well up in years, live near Rural \il lage, in Armstrong county. A knock came to their door last Sunday night, four masked men rushed in and bound and gagged them; then ransacked the house and took $1,700 that they had se creted in it. At the celebration of "Founders Day in Carnegie Institute last Thursday. Mi"s Beanx. of Philadelphia, took first prize and $1,500 for her picture, "Moth er and Daughter," and Frank Benson, of Salem. Mass., took second and SI,OOO for his picture, "The Sisters." A fanner in Northampton county has been arrested and is held in Laston jail to await the development of sundry wounds inflicted on two pipe line men, whom he caught stealing his cider. A big storm swept over Eastern Pennsyl vania last Wednesday, and the pipe line men took refuge in Farmer Rissmiller s barn There they discovered a barrel of cider, tapped it and were helping themselves when Rissmiller arrived with a shotgun. The cider pilferers fled bnt the farmer emptied both bar rels of his shotgun into them and brought them down. The men who carried them to the hospital took Riss- John Shepler, a farmer living in Jef ferson township, Allegheny county, has a horse with rather an interesting career. The horse is more than 37 years old, having first seen the light of day in the stormy period of 1802. on May 21. At the age of 22, when the average horse is either gathered to his ancestors or is pointed out as a family heirloom, this tfay stepper won a race at Home wood park, pacing against a horse owned by John Vaughn. He made the mile in 2:80. Mr. Shepler claims that the steed can show a three-minute gait now, for a distance of a quarter of a mile. The horse is looking fat and sleek and has been used as a family horse all his life. He was driven from the Shep ler farm to Pittsburg, 16 miles, and re turn the same day lawt summer by Mrs. Shepler. Middletown. Our truant officer was called upon to discharge his first official duties last week Next week the writer will give a brief account of all the octogenarians living in this twp. Election day passed quietly with a somewhat light vote. However two of the oldest men in the twp. were at the polls. Mrs. Elizabeth Pisor is visiting her daughter Mrs. Archie Yeakel in Saxon burg. Miss Emeliue Clark is visiting rela tives in Butler. C C is in the city on business. A new rig has been completed on the furui of J. H. Morrow. Drilling will be gin at once. Starr and Cumberland the threshers are about through for the season having threshed about :57000 bushels of grain this year. Church in the M. E. church at Trout man next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. SILKX. lint lor (.'<>. Pomona. Butler Co. Pomona Orange No. 17, P. ofH., will meet at Concord Grange Hall, Thursday, December 7. at 10 o'clock a. m. All fourth degree members are invited to attend, as there are officers to elect, to serve for two years. Come and let us have a full meeting. By order of Committee. H. BOOK, Master, W. H. Camj'KLL, Sect. HeßtlsiGhe | In often u warning that the liver is I torpid or inactive. More serious M troubles inay follow. For a prompt, Q efficient cure of Headache and >iil fit liver troubles, take Hood's Pills | While tliey rouse the liver, restore j& hill, regular action of tbe bowels, |g they do not gripe or pain, do not M Irritate or inflame the Internal organ*. » but have a positive tonic effect. 2JC. ua at all <lruxsci#ts or by mail of Sj C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masa. Bj NOTIC E. Notice is hereby KU'S.n that the final account of Fiank I'. CritcUl'JH' at Ms. I). No. 14, June Term, 1595, us tiusteeuf F, Jennie Thompson, a. lunatic, now <lec'il., will l>e presented to Court for confirma tion, 011 Saturday, December jHiyj, R. J. THOMPSON, frothy. WM. WALKER, <-()ERKRAL I»BAI.ER IN REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES, ETC ** , KeTTBHCR BtIItDINH. OPP. POBTOtPV The Keystone Orchestra, ils tit*w for engagements for Par ties. Picnics aiid liu, and Guarantee I Address, Prof. Gus Wickenhagen, J Ziegler Ave., Butler, I'a DEATHS. BLAKELEY At the home of hi* dan-j ghter, Mrs. Abrarus, in Butler. Nov. i 2, 189!), William Blakeley, aged <H> j years. FISHER—At her home in Butler. Nov. : 1, IH9II, Mrs. Louis Fisher. neeKelley. j aged about 10 years. M<>NTA(f—At his home in Jefferson | township, November 6, ISO!), , Montag, aged about 60 years. M< MICHAEL—At his home near (In- I inda, lowa. October 7, 1899, Samuel F. McMichael, formerly of thin county, aged 73 j'ears, '! months and ; 11 days. EAKIN. —At his home in ,iy | City. Monday, Nov (!. 189!), Robert j Eakin, formerly of Butler county, in j his 70th year. Mr. Eakin was a brother of 1 it, y j Eakin, of Springdale, and Mis. Paul Latnliert, of Race street. He leaves ;i family of five sons and two daughters. ; His remains were brought to Butler and | interred at White Oak Springs church i Tuesday. BEATTY At his home in Oakland twp , November 8, 1899, Daniel Beat ty. aged 77 years. CADENHEAD At her home in E. E., BStfr "caoerflieaa," toVmeriy'or j/iiti"-?, aged 77 years. McCLINTOCK—At the home of Wil liam Bell, near Harrisville, Nov. 7, 1899, Fannie Bell, daughter of John McClintock, aged about ten years Death was caused by diptheriu. She was buried in Harmony U. P cemetery Wednesday. BANCROFT- At Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg, Nov. 6, 1899, of brights disease, Grove G Bancroft, aged 80 years. Mr. Bancroft was a son of Prof. P. S. Bancroft of the Butler Record, was raised in Bntler and had many friends here. He was formerly in the j-hoe business here with Louis Vogeley.dec'd. Later he became a hotel clerk and recenty was employed by the Victoria of Pittsbnrg. He was married to Etta, daughter of Jacob Bowman, and his widow and one child survives him He was a member of the Protected Home Circle and the Elks. His remains were brought to Butler and buried in the Northside cemetery, Wednesday afternoon. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Veil. Ex.. Ki. Fa., Lev. l a.. Ac*., Issued out of the Com I of Common I'leasof Hutler Co., I'a., and to rn«* directed, then* will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In 1 he borough of Butler, on Friday, December Ist, ISOi), at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described j property, to-wit: E. 11. Son. Vi, U"», December Term, IMHI. I'. W. Lowry, Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Hcott CamplH'lf, of. In and to ail that cur tain plec«» or lot of land, situated in Sunbury borough, Butler county, I'a.. bounded as fol lows, to-wlt: On the north by lot of Melvln .Shorts, on the east by Main street, on tin south by an alley, and on the west by an alley; beinfr sixty feet, more or less, on .Main street and ex tending back west to alley one hundred sixty feet, more <»?• less, and nat log thereon erected a frame house two stories high, stable and outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as tne property of CuinplH'li at t lie suit of ( amnbell and <'o. «t ill. for tue of A, M. t'aniplwlT. E. I). No '.*2, December Term. A. T. Scott, Attorney. All tlie right, title, interest and claim of (Jeorge W. Winslow. of. In and to all that < « i tain piece or lot of ground, situated in liutb-r borough, Butler county, I'a . bounded as fol lows, to-wlt: Beginning at the south side of West Clay street at the corner of lot of Mrs. E. (*. Besler, thence eastward by said street tlfty feet to lot «»f William Litfhthold. thence southward by said lot one Hundred eighty feet to an alley, thence westward -aid alley fifty feet to l«»t of Mrs. E. C. Ile-un. thence l»y said l«»t northward <>nc hundred eighty feci to West * lay street, the place of In ginning (see heed Itool, Ipage i:y,. Hid Mortgage Book page :;»}!>. having thereon erected a two-story frame house and out buildings. Seized and taken In execution the prop*.rt yof (ieorge W. Winslow at tie suit of The iN.nn^v!y-'pia "avjpgs I'tind and Loan Asr,o<*latiojt. E. \K Nos. H'J. t'~. <J7, Decern*" r T« irr», I- •• W. A. & I". I Eorijuer and W. I). Bran don. A ttorneys. All the right, title, Inter* t and claln of ,J <J. Mr B rifle. of. In and to ail that cert.iin pleco or purcfl of land, situated in Clearfield township Btittei coiujty, I'a liotinded as follows, to-wlt: On the eotiii i.y j«*ll<l # <>[ John Shaffer, on the east by land.-, M. s. Mary Titus, on the south by Butler and Kit tanning road, and on the west by lands of Dennis Mcßrlde, containing twenty-five ikCicw more or less, mostly cleared arid under fee.. Sel/.ed and taken tu execution as the prop erty of J. C. Mcßridc at ihe wilt f John Berg & ( o. and Butler Savings Bank, IE. D. No. HB. Uecember Term, 1W», 11 It Ooucher, Attorney. ' All the right, title, interest and claim «»f Jon<» B'"to. belngthc undlvided one-seventh I part, o/. lu *«» all that certain piece or j parcel of lano. sti Cranlierry town ship. But hr county. I'a., 7>ouimc«. '""owi-, to-wlt: Beginning at a post on the road leading from I'lltstntrg to /elienople. thence i«i;;ni'ig north M degrees, east one hundred thirty-fo»u p. ,,, ' , hes adjoining lands of David (iarvln to a nost; iiti'i."" south 'I dcg.. west one hundred eighty jperchc* 'rj'rer lands af Adam lioll to a post; thence to < 1«■• »t I one 'inndred thirty perches adjoining lands of Jiuiui ('«i«• rl to a post on the said I itts burg fb.ifJ; t In;net vMth d«*g. east. • ightccu and one-half perch» > ad joint nz the IMt tsburg road to a post ■' ibeiicu souiii '» dr*. .st along iht» I'ittshurg road twuniy-lbrep perches lo a post, the place of beginning: containing sixiy-three acres, more or less, all cleared but aix»ut two acres, and in a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected a two-story frame house, bank barn and orchard. I Scj/i:.d and taken In execution as the pmp i r.-i.y 1 J.ihii B irto at the suit of Newton ( rof* for >su > ; t > *io». f,:«rvln. IK. D. V--S 0.1 ai;d 7:; jVc. Vc. » ' K ! 1J«. n»»)ng«'r and W.' \. P.l Foi •jtu i, Auoruxyx- Ail Hi" i!({lit. title, lutcr"M inul I'Ulm »( litllu A Vi iiici. of. In itnd t/0 all Ibiil ■■»cii.|!' I [.(•■<:,- ~r lot >if Kr>>iii|<l. -ltlluU'fl In Mlllfi/j I to*n l.oniiinh. liutl'T i-otitily, I'ii . ; j On Mir north by 10l .»wiied j i< v (ft i Tit *j ; * ' ,'i.lnli Vt'tiscl, i'ii ill* <-:ist l.v I iVutral avi mi iji> • >ut li liy lot "t Z Orrlrk, and on tiir wml I>y an ;UU-y fro*'tlii(j | twenty-five feet on said Central avenue and exte-neiing back one hundred and Ave feet to the alley (see heed Hook No. 134, page 105), having thereon erected a frame house and outbuildings. ... . » ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim of Jnlia A. Vensel. being i life estate in the undivided one-half interest, of. in and io all that certain piece or lot of land, situ ated in Mlllerstown be>rough. Butler county. Pa., liounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lot now or formerly of J. J. Dona hue. on the east by Central avenue, on the south by lot of Julia A. Vensel, and on the west by an alley, having a frontage on the said Central avenue of thirty-seven feet and extending back one hundred five feet to said alley (see Deed Book K5, page 12). having thereon erected a frame house, stable and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Julia A. Vensel at the suit of Guar antee Loan and Investment Association of Pittsburg, I'a.. et al. E. I>. No. (M, December Term. 1899. E. Mc junkin, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of U McMillin, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Summit township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of A. lCe-dick, on the east by lands of Math Keck, on the south by lands of Andy lost, and on the west by lands of A. Kedick. con taining iifty acres, having thereon erected a frame house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of K. J. McMillin at the suit of John Kelly for use of J. Berg k Co. now for use of ('aroline Keck. E. I). No. '•> >, December Term. IM'JU. Kalston £ Greer, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of .!. C. Keister and Mary E. Keister, of. in and Uk itll rr iul of groiiuU. county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by Railroad street, on the east by lot No. 10 of the same plot, on the south by an alley, and on the west by an alley, being lot No. II in a plot surveyed by John Black .1 une 2. l*s.f, being lift v feet front and extend ing back one hundred fifty feet to said alley, having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of J. C. Keister and Mary E. Keister at the suit of John Nelson. E. D., No. 101. December Term, 1 >l)'.). W. A. & F. J. Forquer, att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Loa Yates and W. S. Yates, of, in ami to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Fairvie.. township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, thence by lands of W. Campbell north I deg , east one'hundred thirty-five perches to a white oak; thence by lands now or late of Michael Shakley. north Mi deg.. west perches to a stone; thence by lands now or late of Kobert. Camoliell, south I deg. west i:« perches; theuci by lands now or late of Jacob llenler. south 8.5e1eg., east 121 perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and four acres and thirty-four perches • having thereon erected a two story frame- dwelling house, frame bank barn airi outbuildings; also an orchard and two pro ducing oil wells; about ninety acres of said farm cleared and cultivated. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Loa Yates and W. S. Yates at the suit or William J , O Neil, now for use of Mrs. Bell O'Nell. E. I/. No. De-ce-mber Term, 1H1H). Wil liams & Mitchell, att'ys. All tht right, title, interest and claim of Daniel H. Patterson and Otis H. Patterson, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of hind, situated in Clay township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Be ing purpart No. 'J, in the estate of William Patterson, deed. Beginning at the south w»-st corner of purpart No. I, at a post on line of lands of Bobert McKlsslck; thence along purpart So. 1 north so deg.. east two hundred twenty-seven perches, more or less, to a post on *. he line of lands of Philip Holstetn ; t hence south 1 deg., east along line of Philip Hol steln 70.5 perches. more or less, to a post on line of lands of William Gold; thence south Hi)deg., west along line of lands of Robert McKisslck: thence north 1 deg., west, along line of lands of kobert McKisslck 70.5 perch es to t lie place of beginning; 40 or 5n acres cleared, balance timber; containing one hun 'ii. d acre and three i erches, Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Daniel if. Patterson and Otis H. Pat terson at t he suit of John Forc'ht. E. D. No. 106. December Term, 1«W, J. W. Hutchison, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Hanmed C. Snow and Ellzabedh E. Snow, of, in and to ah that certain piece or lot of ground, situated in Butler borough, Butler county, pa., being part of lot No. SStij ill Wm. S. P.ovd plan of lot-. In said borough, bounded and de s ribed as follows, to- wit; Beginning oij t In. sout h side of Ziegler avenue at t he line of lot of David Cupps; thence southward along the line of lot one hundred twenty-nine feet to line of lot of Homer Conoby; t hence by line • f said < onoliy lot parallel with said tfiegler avenue twenty-one feet to prone rty of Jonn .1 West; thence north parallel with said < upps line one hundred twenty-nine feet to /Irgh'i - avenue: t hence by nald avenue east wardly twenty-one fe«*t to tin* place of be ginning, having thereon tsreetud a frame house and out buildings, Selzeti and taken in execution as the prop erty of Hamuel C. Snow and Elizabeth E. Snow at the suit of Keystone States Building and Loan Association. K. 11 N< . 107 and Pis, Dec. Term, l-'.u. I-. Kohler, Attorney. \! I the rigijt, title, interest and claim of John P|i-11• • f , in and Jo all thut certain piece or pa reel of fioiu, in Oakland township. Butler county. Pa.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by land-, of Smith and Summony heirs, on the east by lauds of Isaac llepicr and But.le»r and Mil lerstown road, south by the Mlllerstown and Butler road, and ou the west by lands of ilu'h Mclvee\ fv et al; containing seventy „eveji :tc;..s jrioi-e or less, having thereon ; ♦ reefed a frame house, stable, and outbuild ings. Seize-eJ and taken In execution as the prop erty of John Piister at the suit of Mrs. Eliza leth Piister for use of Mary Pflster now for ! use of Mary Baumgartem. I [•*,. D. No. !h, December Term, IsW. McJunkin S. Galhreath, Attorney All the right, title, and ri.';im of John llarrer of, in and to all that certain niece or lot of ground, situated in Butler iMiro.. Butler county, Pa.,iH>unde«l as follows, to-wit: Profit Ing on Cliff street and beiri li ning at the northwest on an alley on < 11IT street ; thence east along said alley one liuii urej and t weiity-eight feet, more or less, to Connocjucssing Ci,c:« k: therjee along said creek alMUit foi tv feet to Tot of George Fish < r;tlii in r west along lot of Ge*6rge* I-'lsle-rone huiulred twenty-elglit fe«-t, more or less, to | < 'lift* street; thence north along Clilf street I feet to said alley the place of hegin : ulng. I>e»,d I'Si, page&fi; having thereon i erect* d a frame hoc. e, stable and outbuild ings. seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John llarrer at the suit of John j Spfchii. |E. D No. lm. |!»0, pn I>pc Term, 1 1 oi.jucr Bros , Bowser Bros., ami W. D. Bradon. Attorneys. All tlie right, title. Interest and claim of John Sutton of. in and to all that certain pit ce or parcel of land, situated in < lay t wp . Butler county. Pa., hounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of W. J. S toner, on the east by lands of Cranmer. on •he '•''11! I»y lands of John T. McCandh r. ; Kii'" <:><! ■ 'en B'hrhley, and west by lauds of Philip Sf*iidi,t -■ >n W J Stoper : : (ontainiuM opt bundp (1 sevtnte i*♦ ~» je S and Jift perciies, more or less; having thereon erected a frame house, burn and outbuild ing*. ALSO <>f, in and to all thai certain p|ee« or parcel of land, situated In Clay township, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a stone at the northwest corner; thenci by lands of Christopher Mc- Michael north 2 deg. west, seventy-eight perches to a stone;thence by i;uidsof Samuel Sutton south 2 deg. east seventy-six perciies to a stone; thence by same north *s deg. east 15.2 perches to a stone; thence by a public road south *Z deg. east 8s perches to a stone; thence by Asaph Cranrner south ** deg. west 90.5 perches to a stone; thence by lands of W. J. Ayres and Henry Deer north 2 deg. west ltd perches to the place of beginning; containing ninety acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame house, frame stable; also «m orchard, about one-half of said land cleared. ALSO of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Clay twp., But ler Co., twp.. bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the north by Mluddy creek and lands "i Jas Thompson heirs Jesse Brackney and Samuel McCall. east by lands of Rudolph Bort mas.on the south by lands of Johnßrown and Joseph Brown, west by lands of William Gib son and Robert Thompson's heirs, contain ing one hundred forty-two acres more or less, having thereon erected a frame house log barn and out buildings, also an orchard. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John Sutton at the suit of it. K. Wick for use of John Berg & Co. et al. E. D. No. Dec, Term, im. W. D. Bran don, Attorney. Ail the right interest and claim of J. J. Dauhenspeck of. In and to aii that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Parker l wp.. But ler Co. Pa., bounded is follows to wit: on the north by lands now or formerly of John Hoover, on the east I>3' a public road, south by lands now or formerly of William Kedick, and 011 tie* west by lands now or formerly of John Shyrock: containing sixty acres more or less, having thereon erected one and one-half story frame house, frame bam and out buildings. erfy'ofX J. Dauben -peck at the suft of D. S. Hawk, dee d H. S. Cornelius. Adnn F>. D. No. 110. Dec. Term, Isiß). Painter & Murrin, 'Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mrs. A. J. Lshenhaugh ami Alvin J. Eshen haugli of. in and to all that certain piece or hit of ground situated in Butler lioro Butler Co. Pa . bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a post 011 Mfllin street at the south cast corner of the lot. thence north along au alley eighty-seven feet, thence westward forty-seven feet six inches to lot No. thence soulh by said lot No. -I seventy-six feet nine inches, thence east along Mililin street forty-nine feet four inches to the al ley the pla -e of beginning, said lot fronting on MifHlii street; having thereon erected a Iwo story frame house of modern archltec t ure. seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Mrs. A. J. Eishenbaugh and Alvin Eshenbaugh at the suit of Samuel W. Mc- Cu) lough. E. D. No. IJS. December Term, Isir.i. S. I'. & A. L. Bowser, Attorney. All t h«'right, title. Interest and claim of John Kennedy of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, sit uated iu Adams township, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a white oak at the southeast corner; thence by lands of G. Wall e e and Lawhead heirs west two hun dred thirty-eight perches to a post; thence by lands or Oilloluud heirs and Samuel Mar shall north '4 deg. east one hundred forty three perches to a post; thence by lands of James McMarlin and part of same east two huudred thirty perches to a post; thence by lands of T. W. Kennedy south one hundred tifly perches to the nlaee of beginning; con tabling one hundred iilnety-on* acres strict measure, see deed book .*>:{. page 571: having thereon a producing oil well, frame house, ban!* barn »uid outbuildings,also an orchard. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John Kennedy at the suit of John l>. Hill. E. D. No. HI. IU. Dec. Term, iMthl. Painter .V Murrin, Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Joseph Col ling wood of. In and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated In Clay township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the northeast corner at a post, thence by lands of Ste-phen son south .'i deg. wist K{.£ pere*he.?s to a twist; thence by lands of James lle-rron's heirs out h deg. west ' perches to a post :t he rus hy lauds of cieorge Miller north deg* east H£,7.» perches to a post; thence Sy lands of Jacob Wolford north K5.5 eleg. etast 53.15 perches to t lu- place of beg;nning; contain ing twenty-seven acres, strict me-asure, mostly cleared and under fence. Seized and taken In e\e cutlou as the pron ertv of Joseph CfiliingweKid at the suit of I>. M. At well. E. D. No. Kl, December Term. IKW. S. V Thompson, At torney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Nancy .1 Dugau who survives John A. Dugah of. in and to all t hat certain piece or lot of u r rouud. sit uated in Cenlreville lioro.. But ler county, Pa boumied las follows, to wlw : tin the north by lot No. 2in the same plan of lots, on the east by a twenty foot alley, on t he sout h by a private lane or alley and on the we>t by a sixty foot street. lielm/ lot No. I in the plan of lots as laid out by « . I . 1. McOulst lon. see deed liook It:?. pngc'WC: having thereon erectcel a lniard house and out-buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Nancy Dugau who survives John A. Dugati at the suit of Mrs. S. J. Iluggart. E D No 'SI, Dec. Term, W D. Bran don. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of William M•-. Bell of.lll :• t»d to all I liat certain piece or p»«reel of land, situated In Mere*«*r twp But ler Co., Pa. bounded i> follows to wii : Bi et a post not 1 h I eh'g. west by lands of Samuel Braham "»-t perches to a post; the iice* north hd <leg. east by lands of .1 ami s Barnes 71 perche*s lo a post; t hence north I deg. west by lands of same 71 perches tei a peist; 1 hence south h l .) deg. east by lands of .lame > Shields 50.. i perches to a chestnut; thence south 1 deg. east by lands of James Shields t I I perches to a post ;t hence sout h si) '1 • west ».y luds of J«-hi I Hug* TtlM per ''til's to the place of beginning: cout aititnu | lit ty-t wo acres and eight y-slx perches. ha\ - lug thereon a frame house.barn and otit huild- Jfigs. also an orchard. Seized and taken in execution as the? prop erty of William Mc. Bel lat t In- suit of J K Black Si Co. for use of Maria B. Brandon et al. I». Wo. 111, Dec. t'evrm, |HtH). Vandei-llu Si Wilson. Atiorney. All the right. title. Interest and claim of Susan M. Sehmick and Peter Schmick of. In ami to all that certain piece? or parcel of land, situated in Forward twp.. Butler < «».. Pa., bon.ided as follows, to-wlt: On the ' ort hbyl md oi B. If. Piersol.on th •eait bj lands or John Webber, on the south by lands of David Crowe and on tie west |>y lands of Jacob Stucke»y , containii: ir fifty acres, more or less, having thereon erected a fwo story frame dwelling house, bank barn and out buildings, Orel hard, underlaid with coal, oil and gas. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Susan Sehmick and Peter Se'hmick at t he- suit e>f Lm.inda Wetier advn'r of Samuel Wedder, dee'd E. D. No. 75, 79. Dec. |, mi, |siH<. Williams A Mltchtdl, Attorneys. All the light, title, interest ami claim of Mary 11. Young and Ge»e>rgc K. Veiling, of In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Parker township. Butler eounty. Pa . bounded as follow-, to-wlt: On the north by lands of lie-orge Kepnler, on tin east by 1 public road and lanus of T. It Smith et al., south by lands of Mrs. Margaret Ann Fheriiart. and on ♦he west by lands of John < 'ress anil 0 t' ♦latjiM*ij*pe' , |, ■ tlitrty nlne at.|e ami h:.' pprche Wire' «'4 te-.. hav ing thereon eri'cted a two .tory frame house*, double letiarn and oui buildings. Be Izo I an I I in - xecutlon as the prop erty of Mary 11. \ ouug and <ieeirge Iv. \ oung at the suit of S. J. Terwllllger et al. TERMS (IF -\ I F The f vlng i ist strictly complied with when property is *t rick en down. I. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes ill.- purchaser. the costs on the writ must I** paid. and a list of the liens. includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, togel hi r with such lien creditor's n elpt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale «-r such portion thereof aa he may claim, met he f u rnis!i« •! the sheriff. All bids must lie paid in full. ;i All sales not setttcd Immediately will Im* >•«-ntiuued until one oVhu'k. P. M of next day at which time all property not settled for will again U* put up ana sold at the ex pense and risk of the person to whom first . i' .•. i gest. ftheditU b, pm& MS» and Smith'-* l « r* pa.'f i>4 WILLIAM B. DoDDS. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Nov. «. 1«W. SHERIFFS SALES. F.. I>. No. Til. I>< .■.•ratKT t«-rm. l- '.i. \V. I> ltrandon, attorney. By virtne of :i l > Fa. Issued out of tii• • Court "f Common Pleas of Butler county. Pa.. and to me directed. there wilt !»• exp<»>- ed tt» public salt*, at the premises herein des*?iibed, on Friday. No\. lOtli, A. I>. IHWh at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described j pro pert y, to-wit: All the right. Title, interest and claim of J \ 11. Gamble, of. in and to all that certain . piece or parcel of land, situated in Parker township. Butler county. Pa.. bounded as j follows, to-wit: All the undivided one-half j of a tract of land beginning at a post near a 1 maple tree at the northeast corner, thence I»y lands formerly of Owen Thomas et al. si'iutli 1.7."» deg. west l'» perches. thence by .Morgan farm south ss.T.Mieg. west i*V» perches to a post, thence by land now or formerly of Harvey tllbson north 2 deg. east aO perches to a post, thence by other lands of 11. F. Hutchison et. al. formerly P. Y. Bite et. al. north ss.7", deg. east P*l perches to the place of beginning; containing *«0 acn s. I»eing the same luikln nmveyed by 11. F. Hut -bison by deed dated February 22. !>!W. together with the entire working interest in thret oil wells ; thereon known as "Anna Lou". "Little Jim*' j and "Kock". and a water well known as i ••Elizabeth** together with one boiler, three engines, tubing, easing, tanks. lln« flt tings. and connections thereon and t«» said wells belonging; also a one-sixteeuth inter est royalty Id the whole tract; having there on a two-story lioard bouse and outbuild ings. Seized and taken In exeeutlon as the property of J. 11. Gamble at the suit of 11. W . Garvin. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS COURT SALE! By virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan's Court of Butler county. Pa., made at No. tit). Sept. Term, '.n.the undersigned ex ecutors of the estate of John Kiester, dec'd.. late of Slippery rock twp.. Butler Co.. Pa. will offer for sale at public vendue, on the premises, on Friday, December Ist, 1899, At 2oVl'**k ji in. of - :iil <iay. .ill that .vriuin trait of l:in<l situate In Cherry twp.. ill --ah! county of Butler. bounded north l»y the Gonw-rsol road.caM l»y lands .»f John 1 honip son rt al. soutli l>y lands of (iconic I »cct s ami west hy lands of the I'nlon Coal and Coke Co.: containing Ts acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house of 4 rooms, and frame stable. ji».«hl orchard, part ly underlaid with coal, and convenient to church and school. TF.KMS tIF SALE ', the purchase money to l>c paid on confirmation of sale by the Court, and the balance in one year there after with Interest, to l>c secured by Ihiiul aitd mortgage.!n usual form.on the premises. JOHN li KIKSTEK. Kiester. fa., •i. KKNICii. McCandless. pa.. Executors of John Kiester. doe'd. MCJLXKIS tiAI.UKKATII. Att'ys. ORPHANS' COURT SALE! By virtue «»f an order and decree of the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., at 74 December term, IS9O, the undersigned, ad ministrator of the estate of Daniel S. Hawk, late of Slippery Rock township, county and State aforesaid, will offer for sale at public vendue, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, '99, AT ONE O CLOCK. At the Court House hi Butler, tin* following real estate: Lots Nos. 11 and 12 in Daulwnspeck's plan of lots in the village of Parsonville. Wash ington township. Butlercountf. Pa., bounded north by Jacob Daubenspeck, east by Butler and Km! en ton road, south by lot No. 10 in same plan and west by Jacob Daubenspeck; being 110x1*0 each. ALSO All that certain tra.-t <» f land situ ate in Washington township. Butler count v. Pa.. bounded north by Henry Daubenspeck, east by Ell Conn, south by Ephraim Krajers and Daubenspeck heirs and west by Camp bell Daubenspeck; containing acres, more or less, cleared. ALSO All that certain tract of land situ ate in Parker township, Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Amanda Hoover, east by John Daubenspeck and John Ward, south by S. W. Shryock and west by James Mechling and Jesse Everts; containing 4."> acres, more or less, part I v cleared. TERMS OF SALE One-third cash on con firmation of sale by the Court, and the bal ance in twoe<jual. annual payments with in terest, to be seen red by bond and mortgage In usual form on t In- premises, or for cash. %4 ' <T. A . W. D. BRANDON. Att'y. Butler. Pa. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Comui issioners in the Court House, Butler, l'a-. up un til 10 o'clock a. iu., on November 14th, 1899, for the erection, construction and completion of a water tower and tank for the Butler County Home, an per plans and specifications on file in said office. Certified check for (10) ten per cent, of the amount to accompany all bids as an evidence of good faith if con tract is awarded it will be entered into. The contractor will required to fur nish the necessary lejjal Umd for the faithful fulfillment of the contract. All bids to include both labor and material. The commissioners reserve the to reject any and all bids Blanks for bidders oan be had at the commission ers' office. JOHN MITCHELL. R. (J. SEATON. D. H. SUTTON. Attest: Commissioners. ■T. C Kiskaddon, Clerk. Butler, Pa., October 2(5, 18!)!>. WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The following widow's appraisements of personal property and real estate net apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of tlie Clerk of But ler County, viz: Widow of Frank .1 Snyde**, per. prop'y.f «N» Jesse Jones " " £JI Trf* S C Bovard '• " :#*) no " II Klrchner *' ** ittn IN) *• James Anderson " " Michael Miller " " aw 96 Frank Keith •' •• nn tieorge St ahl '* " ;imi (to Frederick Eicholt//' " fin Geo L Ehmer " " ;h«mio j Martin Eyth *• " no •• John Mcfiarvey " " ;t«M» nu John M. Sankey 44 •* :. M .W M 7 " Win M. Shlra, real property, -Jno no All persons Interested in the above ai>- <>raisem.*nts will take notice that they will lie presented for confirmat lon to t lie Orphans Court of But ler count y. Pa., on Sat urday, t he 'lMb day of Dec.. A. I» . nnd If no ex ceptions he tiled they will be confirmed ab solutely. ISAAC MEALS. Clerk O. C. ROAD REPORTS. Notice Is hereby given that tin- following road and bridges have been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented oti the first Saturday of Dec. Court, isyu. being tin* oth day of said month, and If no except ions ar • filed they will be confirmed absolutely B I) No i Mar • islon i, IM». i«« re pet I t lon of citizens of < "oiincMiuem'sslng township to review «i roati in said township from a point on road leading from tin Butler and Harmony road to Meridian road to a iMilnt on tin* Butler and Evans Cilv road. March |.*». Ist*".*, viewers appointed and order issued. September 1. I*oo. rep«>rt tiled, stating that their is no necessity for a roud '.wtwein the points mentioned. Sepi. 0. I*.'.'. approved. Notlc« to be given accorillng to rules of Court. Bv Tin: t '< U'ltr. No I. Se, |en»l»cr sessions. I*oo. In re peti tion of cillzens of Wlnfield township to change a portion of the Saxon Station and Winfield I iimace roud. May 24. I s ' l ''. viewers appointed and ordei Issued. Jql) 1888 w port of viewers tile«|. changing and supplying said rottd Kept '• '-' r » .i pn n d and mxi a wldtfi of road at tilfeei. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. Bv TilK < 'oukt. No. li, SeptemlM r sessions. IsiKi. In re-pet S t ion of <it i/ens of BulTalo township l«» \ acute and supply a portion of the road leading from Least!ieville to Freeport. July 1"». l»W. viewers appointed and order issued. Sep t« ■ 111k r • jeport tiled, vacating and sup plying said road Sepi 0. approved and fixed Width of road at LI feet Notice to be given according to rules of < 'ourt. BY TII i i'«M'ltT. Certlfieil from the record this tith day of No\ ember. Is«r.». ISAAC MEALS. < lerk O.r. F'i tit 11 ey's MAMMOTH ART STUDIO l<i f.«r Artistic Photos, Crayons WaU'r Colors ati<l l'astels also a full line of frame ntxl titoul«lin}{s '>l the latest designs always on hand. Branches ' 'Sg 0 ,"" (itxn iij litisiiK-si, a. l.vatii. k ity I'riday of each week, Mars on Saturday. A. L. I'INDLKY. Subscribe for the CiHieii. Jury List for December Term. List of names drawn from the prop« j:*rv whwl thi!t lt>th day of *K't»N?r, A [>. i-w, to w?rve as jorum at the regnlar term of court commencing on :hf 4th day of Deccaber, l*yw. the -being the first Monday of .-aid uonth. Booze! Homer, ( lay twp. fanner, Blymiller Richard. Bntler boro 4th wd. bmcher. ."ookson Edwin, CranV<erry twp fanner. ampbell Samnel.Petroli a boro student, Dngan Stephen. Clearfield twp fanner, Douthett James M, Jackson twp. farmer. Ensminger William. Butler boro Hrd vvd. painter. Frederick H-tirv Q.Donegal tp, farmer. GJreen Hns;h. Clearfield twp. farmer [iilbret J ti. Adams twp barts-r. Jamison W 15. Vanango twp. farmer. Kuril Haul J, Bstlar ton M ward, constable, Kelly Pat Butler lioro Ist wd. stont mason. Marshall Thomas. Mars lioro, farmer, McClenlaml Kdward, Cranberry twp. fanner, McCracken Le»> Worth twp. farmer, Stndebaker William li. Worth twp, fanner. Sutton William 0. Butler l>oro 4th wd. producer. St on *h ten William ('.Cherry tp. farmer. Sheilds William, Worth twp. farmer. Tinker Z W, Cherry twp. farmer. West Fleming. Cranberry twp. farmer, Webber William. Penn twp. farmer. Wick W H. Butler boro sth wd laborer. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 16th day of Oetolter. A. l> 1 to serve as pettit jurors at k the regular term of court commencing on the 11th day of December. IW,! the same the second Monday of said men", h. Allison William, Centre twp, farmer, Andre Clem. Butler twp laborer. Black A G. Slippery rock twp, teacher. Bell Allison. Parker twp. farmer. Brown Edward. Harrisville boro.farmer. Bleichner Jacob. Summit twp, farmer. Crawford Samnel Butler boro :srd wd. rig bnilder. Cumberland Enos, < oucord twp.fanner. Cochran James P. Mercer twp. farmer Davidson H .1. Adams twp. laborer. Duncan W W. Mars lioro. merchant. Dunbar William J Jr. Forward twp. farmer. Fnslen Jacob, Harmony boro, gent. Ekas Dell ass. Clinton twp. farmer. Eka.s Waddle. Buffalo twp. farmer, Eastley James I). Buffalo twp. farmer. Fisher Richard, Penn twp. farmer. Fisher W A. Butler l>oro 4th ward, merchant. Fox William J. Winfield twp. farmer, Graham Henry. Sanbnry l>oro. lalsirer, tiraham J W. Butler boro Ist ward stonemason, Glenn James. Worth twp. farmer. Groliman William A, Bntler boro 4tb wd, gardener, Herold Fred. Summit twp. farmer, Kelly Alex, Centerville lx>ro. laborer. Kelly Theodore. Venango twp. farmer Lewis R <>. Washington twp, fanner. Logan D B. Jefferson twp. farmer. Mersheimer Clarence.Clay twp, farmer, Meeder Albert, Zelienople lioro. mer chant. Morrison Henry, Mercer twp, farmer. McCandless E R. Adams twp, farmer McElvain J S. Butler boro :ird wd laborer. Parks A. Middlesex twp. farmer, Patterson James. Slipjieryroek twp, farmer, Ralston Frank. Slippery rock twp, fanner Rankin B S. Fairview twp. farmer. Shakelv J A. Connoquenesning twp, farmer, fchira A M, Parker twp, farmer, Sproiil Andrew, Centerville lioro, mer chant, Smathers A J. Evans City l>oro. mer chant, Khontz Aaron Z, Harmony lx«ro, lalwrer Sell John. Winfield twp, farmer Tinker Calvin, Cherry twp. farmer. Voegtley John M. Jackson twp. farmer Vanhorn A W, Worth twp, farmer. Wilson Porter, Centre twp, farmer. Wick William. Clav twp, farmer. Jury List For November Term List of names drawn from the projiei jury wheel this Isth day of September, A. I>., 1899, to serve as traverse juron at a special term of court commencilK on the second Monday of November, tht ——- i—tit*, i*»»u ,i»|, month Atkinson John T. Buffalo twp. fanner. Acre Theodore, Winfield twp. farmer Beighley Aaron, Bntler :id w<l. producer Brenmenner Alexander, Connotjuenew ing twp. farmer, Banihart Paul I. Fairview twp. farmer Boyer Charles, Jackson twp. farmer, (Cunningham John B. Clinton twp farmer, (.'lark John G, Washington tp. farmer, Dunbar Solomon. Forward tp. farmer Dufiord L P, Connoqnenessuig boruagb, laborer, Douthett A M. Penn twp, merchant, Gelbach Jacob. Zelienople boio, laborer, Gellmch A <<. Zelienople boro, bunker Greer J E. Venango twp. farmer. Gibson G W, Jackson twp, lal>orer. Hoi man J L, Winfitld twp. teacher, llazlett Leslie. Bntler 4th wd. producer Hntzler John. Winfield twp, farmer, Irvin Robert, Forward twp, farmer, Kuhn John l{. Concord twp, farmer. Kurlin J L. Evans City boro. preacher, Leidecker F M.Butler Ifb wd, producer Leise John, Muddycreek twp, farmer, Millinger George E. Bntler 2nd ward teamster, Manny Joseph J. Butler twp. farmer, Mnrrin John Sr. Butler 2d ward. Miller Adam. Butler Ist ward, engineer Moore E J, Muddycreek twp, farmer. Mickley Charles, Jackson twp. farmer McCandless William, Franklin twp farmer, McMeekin Rol»ert, Fairview twp, pro dncer. Old A P. Buffalo twp. farmer. Paisley W E, Connoqnenessmg twp, farmer, Redingrr Lonis, Saxonburg lioro, stout mason, Roe William. Butler twp, farmer, Robinson H 11. Cranlierry twp. farmer Robinson Thomas, Butler Ist ward, student. Ruff C !1, Butler Ixiro ,"ith ward, clerk Riddle James J. Franklin twp, farmer Stevenson Robert E. Summit township, farmer. Stewart Aaron, Donegal twp. farmer, Stewart Paul, Center twp. farmer. St Clair Jefferson. Franklin tp, farmer Thompson Solomon, Brady twp.farmer. Wachsmuth Alfred. Butler twp.fanner. Wilson George W, Jackson twp.fanner. Walters John, Buffalo twp. farmer, Walters Zachariah, Penn twp, farmer. =*l (ifj-v s no d MONEK UJ — I lit IIIIH an. HT am M o- \ This Circular Plush Capa 7' Hall's Meal rio.h. -» in- IM throughout VM '. *l. f rl#r.| il'l I" Mark. •" "«• "' ' ftlahotatPU »M. 1 , I v "i «"0.1 ' * .1 » »'• - ' r.M« H'-wk Kur. lira* lly |r.» • •I* "«» "•« «n.| flt*r Cham .' ' r tr*r « ** X'A SEARS. ROEBUCK A. CO.-CHICACO (.hears, lotlwei *(«. am kkiMii. bO YEARS' rx P E RIE N E ™/. 1I j I 111 ■ • 1 OiaioN« ' "FT"™ COPYRIGHT* Ac. A tiTurin nen>lttiK » iketrh will dMCftatlnti mar nalnilf ascertain otii opinion frw whKh«r mi Invrntlun la prohnMr pat«gtabl« romjinint tl<iD!iHtrtdly cooßdentwl. flandb*uo I'aicnta Bent frrc. oldest y fwr aamilnc Mtaut«. I*af«*nt*• tnkt n t brunch MUM n A< o. rfN-«|v« tprt-uU notice, without cham. in th« Scientific American. A handtomclT I.aricwat clr euUtlMii <»f any gonial. IS a year four month#, |l. BoM h? ail n«wa<lwati^y MUNN New York oilso. C» K St., WaablDftuu. I). U HOOD'h r -1I .» ~ufo Liver Ilia, Btl lotisnoss, I HonriiCh#. Kaay to take, easy to operate. 25c. Buy Now-Don't Wait. SAVE MONEY ON DRY GOODS. AH intelligent traders of the newspaper* know that the t<»Wiw« n to » n»i h-gbrr pncri MI til Irisdi o( gomU We «lail» wtitv not urea of atCvam i-» I* m tn anulacturers aotl imp> rtt-ra *i!h whom we »rr in touch Smie rct*:'i rs ha\< ahcmly aiiypcnl prices. Wc Sell at Old Prices While Present Stocks Last. Latest Favorites in Dress Goods. JSkiyK l)rc'»y things for dressy pet :■> New ('nr. im, m Chn t », Homesj .i.-, Ct .rrt>. Vract in* i '.aids, ; d< -ihle faced c:< th !<>r «.'% •*- a: ! t" ?><.• ■ . •*, and than present u! t C / ® ur Cl° a k Department ' Our Furs vlrtai! and worthy in eve*y way <»«•!* i apes up. I-adks" Jackets $; vo up C h ren - Jackets s*.co up. Fur Collarettes S>o >up Prepare for the Cold. a Buy Blankets, 11 ,Mer > am * L'tdertcar n »w. Men's 50c Fleeced Underwear —spccir.l at ; k' , Ladies' Fleeced Underwear ?5c and 50c. Children's Underwear 10c up. 1 WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS UPON MERIT. L. ST EI IN 8c SO IN, 108 N. MAIN STREET. CUTLER. PA (•I ill* as. m< a«4 > a ~A • MKl«r «Mn«< fwm » , '^V yPg" T p|™r"**"~" I *!|t »n«l if you <lf" ' It e««<rtly •« rr>r*-ir»Ui|, via*! U ' y r«tail *\ #?*.««. 1.. #iimi <*». th> • *t« ' * A j4# ««• *wj Pf IT'Mgtli ¥ f.4 r ratter 'h-% > -*»u» *I by »th«r» at truw m >*»«y p«y Xj MB 2 th« frr.« t »«• ' *up *|M>eUl !»« *!»*•" «f*r fftM, SJt.7S* 7 kBAI |BDp .r -• 1.-.r I. •*>. ■ j -e B •4 kf Mkrr. »m. I» an «*Vr »a« •••»•>» M»«l# krUfr, 5 THE ACMt QUEEN ft »< Uiilot ««iVTf«V »mK. *£ !«»%» !• :oMfornaMMMlM«>(lto .. ;F iffa?'* bcftutifi. i-ar* •-■ Vl»4r fr*mm mII 4 «<§Bftrp M«r4 * * JffiiilßflttLa * \ tM» 1111 <»! lit »• • Wt S iaelMi UA *'-• ' JHH t>.A*AM». ftiwusl, - (« *.. i—»<»r Tr«k(« f jL j. iBWMEf m -. tan- M< 1.1 nmmm; t<■«*»« t»fiilX iH IHIBBHHCLf J' • t r— *- ' . I U.mM (VfM »«rit. • S.U tfrtJmmm4 ..ill ■ Mf r* »ip* en > • •«. I »#! #»ll Pw» : ' 1,-'. !; iliam.M'? I 9m* mt 1 •' %WE\ iLX* * >1 111 gi M> n y ; ' IHjMB Fmt-r ' ii.*i Um» ' t.rrv *i4 l«t ItraMt. » •*"«« K. v » fflt*. sMW:'j(^9MBBBB 'tl»e»«ttrubfcrrr !b HI/ At M I Ql t UN Is ttt ' * J3mS ■BMBw^ l nic I'rtn '1 mirror. !»•• | pntal fr%n»«—, JHBUBRmF^ n• rt ». faraa »V»* •»m 4 f e. .'•■»•> »rx *m •««•! » »4 IW W-*« ms \n tmmt r*ett+m lw«* p«H!•*■«. F i—> if **i.r>n t-iniirirf *.'»*e*r fc aitntw, by tii« illMiMfeSi! a. i ««f « h». -i.y |««rt «»»•* '»• B^s"m' < KtrrpiiUi «r «r rkargr. Try It •>»• cj>»ritli *a4 F - «V ««. .11 rr !y. ur r-'»nry if *- 'i »P» |Pt |*»rf«rtly MP C'2 j f ■ """ ' •>1 . r t».. -•• . r k -in« •»». .«• »« M»t ill :*. Bt o%aur 7 BBBP^P*CNPr^^BBIB^B |I QEM'' i»i \f im»> i i\ \ Un ii ■■ if'ili GL'tl IS ESTABLISHED l m . i lr*'t »Hn ahotrt Ba wrlhf |, i:. • ••( m b. 5 :-r - ilrt. |iuiit.»n >*U> mI I -n». .r « •'r« '. *; ■ N«s iimuk 'ltkafS, ur «>«rmaa ri«-h»nf» Itonl. *•• Vnfl MT ■*» .%**• • r •aprm* " •••• a •* »wf imMklPt •tut . • i«- «| Ow> 'MT»' * '-,.«» • s. n s «' .a .*»r aw« MlMtar •» HI! •»-•*« *V Kl r ••*•«<•. •«**.«• a- ; 4«*p- »•, 1* ■ > ■ '*»«••»« a! tn-'-cnMPBt-a at iu mm «t wtrolr— fc> fr 1 »• W rH%m « - f*w# • % y ««Mh> a tul m«-> *. >• •' -%*-;•• AddfiNNk .*•«««. EweAneli S <•► ar» tli r.a» .»■«• *• mmk | SEA".i:. fi'iEfcliCK <V. CO. . fultan. « •>'*.j«a > S-. . C . I .A CO. . Li_ I SEWp NO MOHEY =i=ss^islZ SIXTt . if «s«ottt 3l«i<: MaCMiat k.Mvut » - ..>- r • ... ,I* J ' ,' ! i •« *« • • It At *.»uf ..••arvAl ffcttfbt 'Wp«»« M 4 11 1" O'** » I S* m' (4fWr; « i*.-tly »l rppff.Wt#.! a 1 . ■» »«o '*o, A*4 - (<■>(!. • •'.' M *Ol KUK ilk iLP Of. P»f »aa» j. ' O"-' Pf.r# $15.50 - I x uiMM 1 *'' " " r •' . . T »!->£§. MONTHS TKlALioyovonliMm. « T» 4 •• •» A.*# O't •AttAf," «. M ( BBKf' 111 C'» 4.« »f v.l*t lirfclM at •• i». •l*t.Ml. 11l •« a —»* a IIIMm *" tmUf 4«friM i* »»«r rrt* l»fk .. im» 4(W . \ ■ IfTl f 1 * j 4 Ui ft 519.90 fcnwj DROP DESK CABINET BUKDICK /f| J) B i |. " is tL«* tfrciitcßt v*lu« •vrr nlf#>rrU by any houtt fII T ■ J L V/AR F. O F OW3 W T.iri . I iCftlt. iiM WrlfA ••«»• IH*s4 IA Okifag* A»4 Irara A#* FQ C-5" HkLlilUK k*n WHO At! HIT. ifl fAfkW-» * a"2 - xuc DiiDninr "•• •** r * —— l ———» Wi 1 nc DURUIvA Mm MNin rrnir nr »«bt ai.i' iJlk^'V; —=====: ■.■>■>• a»m«i ■»»>. «it» iu § • • . tit tern or Mil w. miii m mi ni«nni«m in «w>ki<\. -_J -* a—l I ■ I'KOH Til l[»T VUIKKL - * v l " SoliP Q - ' . Is!-**'' ■ *" s * s $L *y4&VV;*'-'4&n a WMTK ail** B" X :>: *"• tit'- •• ,I IT COSTS VOU WOTHtWG , , . * *»-» i )M.uO. •-•! '•■• . i Mfsiify-v.?: r r..,-'. -:r.9nz:rJ!T.z»' • • ♦- AMrns. SEARS. MOEOUCK 0; CO. !nr. Chtca .. !!. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. hR. C. ATWKLL. Office 106 W. Diamond St, [IK Graham's old office. ] Moms 7 to 9a. m. ami t to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m \V H. BROWN, '» • lloMoKorxTmc PHYSICIAN AND SCRGKOK. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P.O. Nij{ht calls at office. CAMI'ELM. BIPPI'S, C» PHYSICIAN AND SCKCI-OX 2I»I West Cunningham St. I BLACK, !<• PHYSICIAN AND St AUKON New Trouttnan RuiMing, Braler Pa. I|K. CIIAS. R. H. 11l NT. 1 ' PHYSICIAN AND SI'K<;KON. liye, ear. uoae au<l throat a specialty. 340 South Main St. p M. ZIMMERMAN "L. PHYSICIAN AND SCRCKON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. DR. N. M. IIOOVKR 137 15. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. to. 1 ami to 3 p. m. HW. WICK, » DENTIST Has locateil in the new Stem building, with all the latest devices for llental w»rV. I J. DONALDSON, • DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improve*! plan. (Sold Fillings a spec ialty. Office oyer Mtier's Shoe Store. I JR. W. P. McII.ROY, •" DKNTIST. Formerly known as the "Pwrlai Painless Extractor of Teeth." I,ocated permanently at lit Hast Jefferson St., Oppojite Hotel Butler Will do ilential operations of all kinds by tlie latest devices an<l nt>-to-<lale methods V McAt.PI.V, * • DKNTIST, Now permanently HI nickel Building, with a reliable assistant, ami lucililks for lies! ami prompt work. People's Phone for Drs V. or J. Me- Alpin House No. y;«>, afKce No. \p ■ hR. M D KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DKNTIST. Office at No 114 K. Jefferson over 11. W. Millrr's grocery. i; 11. NKCIRY, 11. AIMOILL Ml I.AW. Office In the "CiTKKN" baiMta||. IOIIN W. COULTKR, »' ATTOHNKY AT LA*. Wise building, N litamond St.. Butler. Special attention gtvrn to collections ami busiaeaa matters. Reference: Butler Savings Rank, nr Butler County National Kauli A. T. HI.AI a. la« M. icaai*. DLA' K \ M. 11'N KIN, D AlkaMyaat-law, Armory Building. Butler. I'a. Hll. OOPCRtt, • ATTORNKVJAT LAW. Office in Mi chell building. | IOULTKR & BAKhR, V. ATTORNEYS AX '.AW. Room B-, Armory buildup. 4 T. SCGTY. ;\ 1 ATTORNKV AT LAW. Office at No. S. West Damottd St. Hat ter, Pa. V BWTON 81. \CK, il ATTORNEY AT LAW Oftcc on South Diamond 1 H BKKIMN AMHM tr !.i«. on Main St. wrmr Cnwt it»-m. 1 M. PAIN TKR. »" • ATTouwrv «r f.»w. Oflce between ami th t-n-.u«l 1831 THE v - 1900 S^TUMiR bD.HI Agnftinl NEWSfstprr. ASH .tOMITTRCLV Tim (.easing Agricultural Joutrvii of the VVtwUJ Kvery <lepttrtmcnt written hy spvcM ist», the hi»;!ir>l luthnritics in tbe»r r* •pcctiw lines No other [uprt t'rrtrM !. t«» o>niprt« with it in <|!ta!iticatu»fl« «.f editorial «»atf Gi«t« the agricultartl NKWS with a •lejfree of fullness an.! ant even attempted by other-* Bent Reviews of the Crap; Best Market Report , Best Account. of Best KwaryMng INIHSPKN.SABf.K TO ALL COUNTRY RKSIDEXTS WHO WISH TO Kkki- i i- With the Times, Single SiibKiiptioa, $2, Two Subscriptions. $ j ;o. Four Submiptiw, fi». Sf EC! AL !».'« tWIHTS To ItUtH tf LAIC-I CI CIS Write far PartU atari >a tkla Patat. t'luh Agent* Wante»l Everywhere. I oar *>iatk> Trial Trip S» (rata SPEC IM KM Cor IKS will lie ntaiWil free- .-n r««j .est It will pay anytavly iritereste<l in any war in country life to srn.l for th>-m. V.ltVresa the publisher*. Ll'Tß* V TTCKEIt * <ll* Allan*. N V >EMD QUE POLLM •tr «-*•! Itv «ar<- • > a -;* *••»! |w» »»ll» «» *Jhnetm* f « •4 •«<•*> U» . i .ar»» »% •« # •«•»» •« #-« HM tw j| *«••» Mm* #J». >W»»T **■- »• ' *4'- 3r^^Tpf arntrw - * *# »■>' -'I .•» ♦>-. , »•*%••» .« iw - «*. »»«*.!« >a.t.kH a»f«b -* «w " 4 ♦» «a» • *«» Ml •*#» «l (MM* <•»♦#- P •«• a a*«l ». - »ik<nal— ««'•" SIMS HOEBUCH ACO CHICAGO *"" • ■ * * - is* -- 31 M' .t• ' ' . . ' "• ntACTtCA" *-'S • jS cno**a ■r* i ' JBk" •«• -»* «w- .• r * i«4-J J<**» ' " »* • r J Jp* »«t » TOOTM^J Practiai H)r Shoer W A ROBINSON. Cmmirrly H.«r Slwrr at th» Wirt h iorr has -.petwro Inwa ■esa 1 1 a shop in tb~ rmr o# the Arlington H.>tel, *ke»» he will .lo tt>*w Sawe'n* m the m«>»t •§«!•>. Tp&Ch AMD ROAO HOSRES A SPECIALTY,
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