Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS. Our preparations for the Fall and Winter Season have been on a very lar C e scale. Stocks are full and elegant. Buying has been lib erally and skillfully performed. Only the choicest lines have gamed admittance. Come see the stock. NEW COMBINATIONS, NEW EFFECTS. Jackets, Capes, Collarettes. Ladies' Fine Kersey Jackets in all the newest shades— Castor, Brown, Royal Blue and Black—at $5 instead ol $7. Ladies' Fine Jackets in newest colorings at, instead of $lO. Ladies' Fine Jackets in newest colorings at slo, instead of $12.50. Ladies' Fine Plush Capes, 30 in. long, $5, instead of $8.50. Ladies' Fine Golf Capes from $3-9» "P to $22.50. Ladies' Fine Collarettes from $1.49 up to $35. Ladies' Suits, Separate Skirts and Silk Waists. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Covert Cloth, $5, instead of $7.50. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Wool Serge, $6, instead of SB. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Fine Venetian Cloth,s 1 o,instead of $ 1 2 . 50. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Fine Oxford Homespun, $12.50, instead Ladies' new fall style Separate Skirts $1 up to sj 2 -5° . Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Satin Tucked Waists, 9 Ladfes^Black and Colored new fall style Taffeta Tucked Waists, ( Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Tafleta Tucked Waists, $5. value $7. Dress Goods and Silks. All wool Tricots, black and colors, 25c, instead of 35c. All wool Homespuns, 50c, instead of 75c. All wool 56-inch All wool finer grade Homespuns and Camel Hair Lftects, $ , CreponS( t h c full dress fabric, 75c up to $3 50. 27-inch Black Satin Duchess, 98c, instead of $1.25. Fine Black Taffeta Silk, 50c, instead of 75c. Fine Black Tafleta Silk, 75c, instead sl. Millinery Information. Ladies' Fine Trimmed Hats, $1.98, $2.50, $3-5£ U P 10 s 2 °- Ladies' Golf and Outing Hats, 50c, 75c, up to $6. Your choice of 100 School Hats, 25c, real value 50c and 75c opvrTAL VALUES in Ladies', Childrens s, Men s and «o>s Wh£uS£s Z Haps. Flannels and Flanneletls, Ladies Flannel Skirts, Yarns and Hosiery Neckwear, Dress Trimmings Gloves and Mittens, Fascinators, Ready-to-wear Wrappers, h lee« Wrapper Goods and Cheviot Shirtings. Ask to see our 39c Corset real value 50c. Lace Curtains 39c pair up to $lO. Portiers. Carp et Chain. Come early and have first choice. \ou will find prices mos tempting at this store. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR ™SSe£.ONOF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. ®BBSaBSSESS=SS^ =^^=^=====^^===^ = " ==^=== ] A SUPERB LIBRARY OF T 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES go complete that it covers the entire range of hunum knowledge. | / The entire set with Guide I^T) ® an d caS e delivered <hi rtA i H upon payment of only "P "V/V/ Balance payable in small monthly payments. [| Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl- If you cannot send your children to adged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the University, bring the University to the NEW WERNER Is the best edition them. of the Britannica. This edition has never beer, sold for Do not put your money in old editions less than $64.50. For a short time onh or poorly made books because they are $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST, ments. Consider the advantage of a family ORDER NOW, and take advantage who has this work over one which has of this rare opportunity to secure this ur got rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA # SEND NO MONEY hm® SIWIM —ACHM)! >7 ft+ytD. I uilm. You eta eiMUMit at your nearest freight depot and V mNf B j> .» (•und p»rf#etlj MtUfeatarr, exactly aa represented, fflHfP IJL Bi\&\ JL msbl I* buUbm •!Iter* ssll ss kick as tCO.OO, aai TH Itr „ ttktATEST B A KG All TOW ITER HEARD OF, pay yoar^^^nfiMßSEHKHfi^UwaSKtOfr^• 110 pounds and the frelfrht will avenure 75 cents for each 600 mlleH. r CiVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL In your own home, and IBBgiffFßEiirt. we will return your •16.50 any day you are not satisfied. Ws sell dif- ~-r-i ■ iaiKr*;!>-1i , 1 fpfMl askss saS frwln af Bewlsg Issklaes at 18.10, SIO.OO, $ll.OO, NHHnNk m mggk UffflnV*-;, Sh • 15.00u4 op, all fall; •sstrtksd la Oar Pr*« S*wi** lirklnr Cstalorue, \ B 1 CftM iHW - ~ w« tar Ul. DROP J>ESK CABINET BURDICK |H u) I 5*5. I. Ibe treate.t .T.r offered by any house fII T B KH 1 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS K.!^!?1-JfigM ? !f ▼ertlstneiitu, offering askaowi aaaeklaes under rarlous names, with BR| ■ pJdP ; ▼arious inducements. Write stae friend la Chlesco sad lesra who are Ibl ■■ ■ 'Tfj 1 - - RK LI AH LB All WHO ARB HOT. Ml s§£SßgggS3CM^ VZ~C h 1 2 TUC DllDfllPlf has every RODKRH IHPROTBHKST, ■■ • ' I T1 KL DUriUlvIV BTERY GOOD FOIST OF ETIRT Hltill 3 » I ========== HRADK HACHIf I HADE, WITH THE fl. -? 1 ; % DEFECTS OF HOIK. MADE BY THE BEMT MAKER IN AMERICA, $ * M THE BEST MATERIAL SAW. SOLID quarter sawed oak ggofigff? FIARO roLIHHED, one Illustration shows machine cloned. (hen-i drop ping from slsrht) to be used as a wnUr Utblr, stand or de«k, the «fL« r opea with full length table and head In place for sewintr. 4 fane* drawers, latest 181*9 aksUtoa frame, carved, panele*!. cmboMted nnd decorated cabinet llnish. finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cas ters. ball bearing adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. lanr« Hlfrk Ana hsad, positive four motion feed, self threading vlbrat ittle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearing, patent tension or, improved loose wheel, adjustable presser foot. Improved shuttle , patent needle bar, patent dress guard, head is handsomely decorate d ansrntrd sad braalif.llj NICKEL TRIIVIIVIED. , , tANTEED tk« llfkusl mania*. •••♦ durable and srarrst aokrlriß mart\v bory kaowa atlaekarai lafaralakcd sad oar Free Instruction Book t* !i* »w anyone can run it and do either plain or any kind of fancy wor. . FEARS' BINDING GUARANTEE is sent with every machine STQ YOll MflTMIMft to see and examine this machine, compare* it Eld TlfU nuinmu w|th thOS6 your Storekeeper sells st $40.00 to SOO.OO. th * n ,f convinced yoe sro aavlair $26.00 'o 940.00. pa; f—r frolgkt aeeal tko *16.60. WE TO KETI'kM TOI H •l&.tO If al say thaa wltkla months you aaj jooarc aa» aatUSsd. ORDER TO DAT. DOST DKLAT. (Sears. Roebuck A Co. are thoroughly reliable. —Editor.) a Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, HI. J. W. MYERS, DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McKANN P. 0.. Butler Co.. I'a If yon want a piano or organ drop me a line and I will call upon you. Practial Horse Shoer W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick House has opened busi i ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where 1 ! he will do Horse-Shoeing in , j the most approver! style. i TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES | A SPECIALTY. The pursuit of jk pleasure is often as dangerous to " slk life as the pur suit of "the bubble reputation even at V the cannon's mouth." Late hours, the breathing of a vitiated W atmosphere, rich foods, anil irregular .JF<' rest, must result in a depleted vitality. There is a feeling of languor, the appetite fails, sleep doe# not refresh, life loses its interest, and nervousness or hysteria may make li ® miserable. The preservation of the healthful tune of the body depends chiefly on keep ing the blood pure, and the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition in a condition of health. When any of the above mentioned symptoms appear the timely use of I>r. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery will restore th 6 Ixxly to a healthy equi poise. It purifies tfae blood, nourishes the nerves, and restores the deranged stomach and its allied organs to a condi tion of sound health. There is no alcohol, whisky or othy stimulant contained in "Golden Med ical Discovery." •• I was troubled with very frequent headac he» often accompanied by severe vomiting writ-i Miss Mary Bell Summerton, of San Dirg I'uv ,1 Co. Texas. Bowels were irregular and my stomach and livar seemed continually < >ut of order Often I could eat almost nothing t>r twenty-four h'Wrs at a time. I was entirely un -6t for work, and my whole system run down. I W»S advised to try- Dr. Pierce's Goldei Medical Discovery and did so with such satisfactory r«- sults that before finishing the third bottle 1 felt perfectly able to undertake the duties attending public school life I most heartily advise those suffering with indigestion, an 1 its attendant evils, to give this great medicine a fair trial Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse manent benefit and do not re-act on the system. One is a gentle laxative. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL CPile3 or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. SCorns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Si. oo. Sold by druggists, or cent post i«ld on receipt of prie. ntnruui:vs - *KD. to., 111 i <l3 *ih»si.,s«»l'ml. Ask your 6~* II | Druggist i i . J for a generous ' j lOCENT TRIAL SIZE Ely's Greaoi Balm 1 contains no cocaine, I 1 y t , 'j mercury nor any otUt - r \ injurious dtuu. jf-"-. 1 **• ! It is quick.y Absorbcil »'<• '} j Gives lteiicf at once. L - y -y, j It opens and Clean* - Y •J f " I* the Nasal 'krf L 0 Allays Inflamma :un. Heals and Protctis t'.-e Membrane. KSrtorc* tne Senses of Ta."le and f n;< l. I i * 1 SUe 10c.: at Drns rists »£ > 7 >•> _ v hiLX BROTJJEi:-. 56 Warren Strei., New i crk. CURES THE COUQH. A pleasant, never -ftulirg remedy for throat and lung diseases. Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrup is absolutely frcs from spirituous * or other harmful increment". C A prompt, positive euro - / couglis, cold's, lioarsei.. v..— ( enza, whooping cough. Over a million bottles fo' *1 yi >«-) y ltst few years attest itsx>opu ULV: • t Vi. J, GILMOUE CO. ;• FiTTSEUriC. PA, - < At all Druggists. \ 25c and 50c. MS MICA Ak!s »irea«B Get nbox why ii tho MARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Nccessar for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Open Jill the year. under the medical con trol of Dr. K. O. ('rossman. graduate of I nt versity of Vermont, assisted by skillful phy sicians. Appointments of the most appro,eo kinds, ana first-class in every respect. Treatment by medlelnes and baths or all kinds, massage and eleetrlcity. Hot. and, cold, salt Turkish, Roman, sit/, electro thermal, electro-chemical and needle baths. Building heated wit h hot water, lighted by electricity, supplied with pure mountain j water, surrounded by quiet, restful moun tain scenery. Located on IMttsburg division of H. &O. IC. 11., width connects it with the principal cities and their railroad systems, also with the Pennsylvania railroad it llyndman, Johnstown. Connelsvllle. I»rad dock. Terms reasonatne. snecial rates for ministers, missionaries, toacfiors. physicians and t heir families For further information and circulars add ress THfc >'ARKLEION SANATORIUM CO.. Markleton, r-.o.ncrset Co.. !' Have You Any Part of SIOO to invest, if you can make from .such investment from 25 to 50 per cent Monthly? If so, yon can invest from *lo to >l'"' in Stocks, (irnin, &c., through it broker of 20 years experience v.'ho will gi*'e his services to you free if he fails to pay yon dividend of 25 per cent monthly on any amount yon m;»y invest through him. Write at once for Circular Letter giving fnll information to J. WEAVER, Investment and Commission Broker, 421 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 337 S. Main St.. Butler p F. L. McQUISTION, V, . Civn. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Office near Court House. t111; crnzEx. SPRAYING POTATOES. A PayliiK Practice—When and How l<» Apply the Mlilnrc. No farmer can afford the loss of one third of liis crop. Vet potato growers who do uot use bordeaux mixture of ten lose more than this, according to the Vermont station, which in a recent bulletin gives the following practical advice: It pays to spray potatoes if done rightly. The practice of the Vermont experiment station is to use parts green for the beetles during June. During July and August two or three applica tions are made of bordeaux-paris green mixture. This mixture consists of six pounds copper sulphate, four pounds lime, half a pound paris green and a barrel (40 or 50 gallons) water. Slake the lime and dilute with about half the water: dissolve the sulphate in the other half; then pour this vitriol solu tion into the lime water, meanwhile stirring thoroughly. Add the paris green, and the mixture is ready for use. Spraying of early potatoes is begun about July 1 and of later potatoes about the middle of July. A second application is made two or three weeks after the first. A third application follows two or three weeks after the second if needed. Some years this third application dws little good: other years it saves the crop from late blight or rot. How shall the mixture be applied? The object Is to cover the upper sur face of the leaves' with a thin layer of the mixture. There is no danger to the vines from using too much, and most of them make the mistake of ap plying too little. In a small field the mixture may be put on with a sprin kling can. For an acre or more a spray pump is desirable. There are many of these on the market. Ilie simplest and therefore the best way to begin is to have a good strong pump mounted on a barrel which can be car ried through the field in either a com mon one horse wagon or, l>etter, on a special two wheeled cart (wheels six feet apart, to straddle two rows, while the horse walks between them). One or two hose with nozzles run from this pump can l»e directed by one or two men riding or. better, walking. In the latter case each hose should be ten feet or more in length. A good spraying outfit is largely homemade, and each man will soon modify the details of this method to meet his own conditions. The above suggests a good way to begin. Summer Settlnc of Strawberries. A gardener whose place I pass al most daily commenced in July, 18S)S, to plaut strawberries and finally got out about an acre between July 10 and Sept. 10, says an Ohio grower in Coun try Gentleman. The first planted made narrow matted rows about 10 inches wide. The last merely made out to live, without increase. The season was wet and especially favorable, and the whole were mulched about midwinter, several weeks of snow having preced ed. The varieties were William Belt and Brandywine, I suppose the plauts are yielding according to number of matured plants when winter set in, but cannot say. At this writing, near the close of the strawberry season, the rows are a mass of sorrel and other weeds, and it will be about as much to clean them out as if the plants had been set three months earlier. Two lessons may be drawn from this. One is that summer setting, un der the most favorable weather condi tions, should uot be delayed beyond Aug. 1. As plant growers dislike to dig plants so early unless paid a fabu lous price, it behooves planters to grow a stock of their own by early spring planting upon very rich soil. The sec ond lesson is. do not plant in summer unless you can find time to remove the mulch and clean the ground in early spring. This used to be the practice of J. Knox of Jucuuda fame, who grew strawberries whit ii brought 50 cents per quart. llom Toadw "Ruin Down." According to a believer in the useful ness of the generally despised toads, the phenomenon of their sudden ap pearance in large numbers is to be ex plained thus: Warm weather favors the growth of the tadpoles and usually by July 1-15 the young toads are ful ly developed, leave the water and spread over the fluids. At this stage they arc exceedingly sensitive to heat and secrete themselves under leaves, rubbish, stones, etc., during the day. But let a vigorous shower descend and the transformation is magical. The walks, roads and gardens at once be come peopled with myriads of these thirsty, leaping creatures, and their sudden appearance has led to the popu lar belief that they "rain down." A Handy Granary. A correspondent seeds The Ohio Farmer a sketch and biief description of a granary recently built, the plan of which may be new in some localities: The frame requires about 1,500 feet of rough lumber and about 1,200 to 1,400 feet of siding, flooring, ete. A fraction less than four squares «>f roof is re quired. It will cost about S6O to ?7.~i Window | 1 J— B—'l 8 —'I j Li L 2 DOOH , I i'LAN OF GRANARY. au<l can be constructed by any one of ordinary ability. Size, 12 by 1M; height. 8 feet to the square. The foundation is building block pillars, eight in num ber, with tloor of granary about on level with an ordinary height wagon bed bottom, making it easy to load ami unload. All siding, flooring, etc., is good quality southern pine, which is said to be mouse and rat proo?. The roof is galvanized steel. HOOD'S P!LL£ <.uro Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Irttii .{ -st:on, Headache. Easy to ta -e. v ■ y to operate. 25c. KHHUMATISM CCRED IN A f)> Y. "Mystic Cure" fur Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in r to 3 days. Its action upon the system i> retr ark able and mysterious. It removes at once t':>e causes and the disease immediately .l<s p.p: ears. The first dose greatly Senefits; 75 cetit;.. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. I'. |:ilt>li I irujjei'ts Butler \pi of-. %%%%%%%% PHILIP TACK, eiiXTUACTciIt IN Cleveland Berea Grit lp I j STONE I Suitable fur Building, % Ornamental and Paving purposes. I This Stone Will Not "Shell Off." | Prices reasonable. Work done well and promptly, f: Stone yards on East E'na street. Residence on Morton avenue. 1§ People's Telephone 320. W. R. NEWTON, STATE REPRESENTATIVE OF Chickering-Chase Bros. Co. 259 Waljesh Ave., Chicago, 111 MANUFACTURERS Ol- Grand I Upright Pianos lias leased the store room, 317 SOUTH MAIN STREET. But ler, Pa., until April Ist, I9°s> as a permanent office and salesroom, where you will find a fall line ot Pianos and everything in the music line. I CAN SAVE YOU SIOO.OO and upwards on a Piano. We make them:we don't buy them We sell on terms any way to suit your convenience. CALL AND SEE US. It's a Mighty Small iVlan - ■! I Our hats won't suit in price, quality and style We don't try Any harder than an) - one else to sell goods, but it i ; very seldom that any one leaves our store saying: "Well, I am much obliged. I'll let it go for a day or two and them come in and see what you have when I have more time. When we show them our Scheilley hat tell them it sells for $3.00 they do the lest and we mark down an other ra'e. Come and see what we have. Jno- 8 Wick. Successor to Ed. Colbert, 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Blankets and Hobcs^ Now is the time that you want Robes and Blankets, and as we are in the wholesale business it puts us in position to sell you either as low as the retailer buys them. We now have the finest line w>: ever had and at prices lower than ever. Plush Robes as low as $1.50 Rubber Lined Robes at 1.25 Horse Blankets, square at 50 Wool Street Blankets at 150 Stable Blankets 50 And everything else in proportion. We arc still selling Buggies and Surreys away down as we had them bought before the advance in material. Come in and see the largest line of Blankets and Kobes you ever saw. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128'£. Jefferson St.. I Butler. Pa ' S. B. Martincourt. J. M. Leighner P. S. We sell the Kramer Wagon. li'LL-NEE-DIT « • traveling or for medicine) purpose* nothing better I liitn our Pure Itye Whiskey ours is L - guaranu ed absolutely pure. TIIEKK AKE OTIIF.KS c i.ut we guaranty' ours to lx? us above repre ' seated. Vuur choice of any of tin- below brands of WhisUcv. -iiaranlecd over «( year* ••Id <1 Oil per full quart, « quarts. *.>.00. z KIM II «T. VMtNOV t.i« i.kniiUjii b. un.t.iMiHi. t. 11*. mi n ov KKiioi.r, K LtKUI-. TIIOM I'SDV r.itntuKi'oß r, <; It » V I'l ATil Mi S t110H... a Whiskey guarntitcd ."I years old. S!.nu per eal. C All I'. t'. I>. or mail ortfers of Ao <> or over we £ I "IX anil ship promptly; express charges prc c. paid. „ . J: ,Ve have no agents to represent us. sentl !'• orders direct and save money. ■ji ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street £ Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg I'a. Opposite U & O. LIVERY. | H. C. I'ryor, of W. Sunbury, hereby :k- gives notice to the public that owing to | the death of liis father in-law, John £ Mechling, he will not 'cave his business as had been intended, but will continue •ji" lo carry on the livery business at the old stand. Good riys furnished at moderate IFF price. H. C PRYOR. UUANTF.D SF.VKKM. HKIOIIT AND V* honest persODS lo represent us a. Maii -3f agers In this and close by counties Salary afe J<KKI a yeal and expenses. Straight, bona jli title. 110 more, no less salary. Position per- S;- maneiit. Our references, any bank in any town It is mainly office work conducted at iji home, Reference. Enclose self-addressed & stamped envelope. THE DOMINION COMPANY. Dept. 3, Chicago. Patterson Bros., Headquarters for Mirror Framing. We just received a large shipment of m hidings We show the LARGEST line of I'ICTI RE MOULD! V*S in Butler, all the newest and up-to date designs and coloring; alsr. , large line of UNTRAMEI) PICTURES. Just what you want Prices the Lowest. Workmanship Guaranteed. Patterson Bros., WALL PAPER AND FAINT STORE. 236 North Main Street. Cutler. Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 ———————— A IllltEf l Onlv when the medicines arc tn.tde up of pure CJ o 1 All\ 11N Vji one CXMCt the -l result. The necessary m- Bt* 1 gredients are not sufficient foi a pre __ recrpte l>ut parity, cleanline* and nuctiaeaa i ppCIIT TC also if you nave your medicines pret lx 1-0 1 the wrv best roult n> iy be experted. UOT WATER BOTTLES are winter necessities Our stock has arrive. 1 and will be no trouble to select from, v.e will l>e pleased to snow them. . •'SNOWATI U> \ CRKAM" for champed hands. There is nothing better. I'ricc I 15 and 25 cents a ljotllc. KEDICK & GROHMAN. No. ,09 N. Main St.. DRI'GGIST Butler. I'a. "DIRT ul I-iES THE KING." THEN )<r, GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. THtACMt'oueeii ■ . jtSHSL*. linnk. Nrw Vork. .x.ny~. , V... of i-.-r t;<»U.U<Ml.nt>. ... • . •••• ».-£ IJ I.'oplcin r.uruwn hulldin-- ttfc «t M. OWUN* » »•< » I l«M>v „\ . 1...: i.M IT. truniclils i.t I >w. ,-t v. h ... MIL.- |r, Writ, for fr -1',,,!, . ... U A Wr.K.. 1> O. »r«1 IC'tUiJCSC & CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Desclamej »n«" Wayn;an Sts.. CH'CAC.O. When Starting Ou a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst and take what cctnes. But if you have the foresight to choose as your mount on; of our wheels, what comes can onlv lie the best. If you cannot <lo this 'let us thoroughly over haul and repair your old wheel and tile chances of a breakdown will be material ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. Evans & Son.. Cor. Wayne and McKean. TO PENNYROYAL PUIS !ul «t V lUi.'l ■ :ii - »n. ; 11 111 11 *' 11 *s " ,i * s jVVr V.UzaiohL-.'i, Hits ~j Ordinal and <»n'jr C. A /fJ i rrluUt. i • 4 t'/Vk '' ■ ■' is* ■■ i r I:n *' 1 cSXJW r«L< \y ' ■< . ■ , \ oth«*r. . • »an- - •-« ..• • .- / - i;f t-;ra in«< vmiiilums. A* or •n£ 6a. t . V in s"-.-v» f r j»vi«olir<i. t «tira*at*lf »r.4 \ 1-5 4! litiUv'r for La«M rm." tn UtUr. b r ret era J. HP ?3«!L IO.eOO v —/ Al »!l DrureUta. Ch!< li<-«trr I !i«'I1»1.m1 LUif M fH'U.vfe, i'UII.AUA. t I*A. | WftMTED—A Reliable MAili Xof good Address to solicit hnsim- » from j_ r< ? Y erty-o'viuis. At y w«--1 known personX?i' ng a X lo work < p.n make #lof>sls weekly. < .»m- X X mission or salary, paid weekly. i r a X partifuUrs, raentioningttiis paper. & g < lI \SK, Koclicster.N.V. X THE DOUBLE AA ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. One <>f tin- finest llye Whiskies in this State, ai tin* following low pri'"< >: I'nil uuarts, one l>ottle. 85c; four l>ottl«>. $1.00; si\ lK>ttle>, $4 50; twelve bottles. 58.75; gallon, SJ.OO: three gallons. Not less t linn I gallon or l l»ottles shipped. N«» charge f«>r parking. Express piid in the-following States: Penn sylvania, Ohio. West Virginia. Maryland. Indiana. New York. Send your address and money order to A. ANDRIESSEN Sole Owner, 916 Federal St., TEL. 549. ALLEGHENY, PA. I'rlce list of othiT Roods. Wines. etc., rnall -0(1. Kcfi-roncex: I'lrst and Second Nation il itanks and Dollar Savings I'und and Trust Company. Alleeliony. Pa. (No marks onslilppintfse s.) New Drug Store. MacCaitney's Pharmacy r New Room. Fre3h Drugs. Everything- new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com ; pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Try Our Soda R A. fVSacCartney Cures Drunkenness. Cures Drug Keeley - r * KEELEY Write for J ? ■< INSTITUTE, I ,rce VUI CJI« Kifih A,.., 1 Booklet. rimßißt.. r*. <*>oSo &> I West Winfleld Hotel, C*> W.G. LUSK. Prop r. tl iist Class Talilo and I.i "lyings, (ias and Spring Water all through house. (#) Good Stabling. a I'oscal card to K| WW* or call u[> \■>. 4' S B %J? B () f tlic People s ! tZX*.**:y-* l'hone aiul W. B. McQKARY'S ; new wagon, ruuning to and frcui His Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your lionse tike away your dirty carpe's and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning Carpets, ruga and curtains thoroughly cleaned on ' short notice. r D. L. CLEELAND. >| Jeweler and Optician. ) (s 125 S. Main St.. S ( Butler, Pa. Now is The Time to Have Your C.'otliii\i4 GLEANED or D^YED If you want and reliable cl'"'ning or dyeing done, these is just one place In town where you | can tfet it, and tliat is at The Butler Dye Works 1(5*2 Center avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot | your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding • Blind Co.—New York. E. FISHER & SON, ntIIAHO THE OLu /. , \ / / WHAr I SHAtI •W «\ . • \ r EVEr I w , c Ari TWICE Al-r WW AS ANY OTtlf ■ ' ,o TRY IT! COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.-^-- Hverythitig that i«* new and attractive , Watches, Kittys, Cl'»cls s i Silv'erware, Cut Oluw, ctc.j (..initT.! , lJicycles ami Graphapbones. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. JEWELER. Next to Court House. IK hair switch free ii\ ON EASY CONDITIONS. rm i r.T 9 1 . *0 «ONKV; wr will make »nd \r \ U+ f-H{ HUMAN it J «*•«. S " ,IC f!- " "t™ "n't" | lr\ f L/ 4 1 » tWIK m. T - ,r « rrltn«r> vnhjf »i»«l > '« V, j |i< an.orTUH OHI»l'H> FOR s sWIKHtJ t \j . AT fi.aO Ml II am 'it* } tr Ii l«*ndf ami L., V»'' t'»«l an» monrj. w, t "« »'•! r fn » tl( ,. ;j awitcbc* t • th<rn -Ui» * i y V m f.»r Md»yi £7wK ,k Tt.M ;•> t.-r> n?s«l jo**" lb™ hi>» i W/ t U*.«llrh -r .r.4»oufrr- f«r jmmr tr-.blr. \( jp Wrriir rii««»J»*r»i". *. IM.h. .. Kurnimrr. WMrhw, Hleyrtp. Mf- A I ;m'n« «ml t(k«r irrnlum* for taUa* Sjif f " j 1 Or.!i-r u -ill. !i ut ur .riicio-Ouy r..r nt n ri;i «1 1 «"i ► f , Ladies' Hair Emporium, Chicago. t Fall and - I —> Fal and h Autumn *— 1 "• ■ • ■Autumn A I The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. V Special Sale of FELT and VELVET H ATS.; ; i I - i 122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.V I Come ami see the finest selection of DOLLS \ : 'ft CAS/1 NOV6LTV STOKE. Etiriif lOUEENSWARC A- CROCKERV STORE. rJ I- yy LAMP und GLASSWARE STORG. c IS - ww /GOODS IN ALL LINES, 'MANAGEMENT. Having purchased tin- Allison Bee Hive Novelty .1 ! < »«!• >ns ware Store, I have iltvot ! c<»nsider.ibie Care and time in :r.; i tinsj (he most varied stock of ;<>ods in Butler Below \*i!l ;;iv a; idea of nme of the goods carried in stock. A\U- urease, / liutter spade*. ln i l . B\sKMTS p call'.! - u;. k- S ■ h»x>l hag*. \ N"" ' ~ llUimjl, ) I'.: i '..l'.'.ni;, \ /«->.! an»l t'a. fruit. ✓ ilvutf C • C chalk lines. / <h«* ko. lunch, * \ chalk, I Meves. ■tikct, Q S - / . :•.« -i- a slate-, tr iv. '.injj: \c'.«cks. ilwl V slate peno:'- bird M, Q> ' J <"ittet«. Mai \li Jdotbea konn, *l<»king kUm(«. \ Soars— blacking c »-e<. V-' S mar Me*. J lau: iak brt r di ■ m \ blueing, f c>'.it rack-,. f U»M>tn t>oar>ls. VcoSm ;ui!N. iBKMUriI >—lll . \ <l - '«>anls, I money i!ra«fr«, 3 <tof poKal>. brooms, /commivio, Imop hamilrt, \ Tahi f.s ttom— \< ::umsc traps, 1 -< v. I'lftli. Q taltag, 7CHI tombs. I<.. tank V table ratltry, / dominoes, *Papk* Wtack luiuin, hair, N .lusters turkey. swnt»ng. v;:nw re all k:-nlm, horse, \ egg twaterv /towel roller.. MM, JtMtl SP** 4 hook*. / track*. Q lnert* i-t • imNl v.Spaslry buu- \ ttnilg, / *;>eii h -ldeis. f t»ir ■«. rii / book® 4k &MM|an V '■ * v - MMC, } fl ••• «.ire. ipin«, y i t;*ture<. \ v I \ wa* n« whitewash. / Mint .» \ *a»'i , »*;ir»U. window; \ Miiu- N. |p9Ctotbßl>>. C washin* HAtttt BocußfS / gum nKket Wm litttwln V granite ware, {puna, \ <*h:.r». cellar, f - C bone. \ liimiiwaik 7 •' pajK-r; Nharmi.nin<, J olllrii; pin*. \*il .w « >rt . butter ladles, r butter lU'tulii-. J ; . X « < butter prints, Vk' V wo»i>i -,i.he«, wringers. I als> handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, u.. organs and small m isicai str.n<js .n I Kn -»li »- ments. Come and 1 >ok over our 5 and 10 cc t counters. When you want a bargain be <• re and come t" J. iR. Criebs, Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pure Penna, Rye Wiiiskey for $.3 Wo don't blame v<-j if you art- •uhttul i'■ «»t it. hat the ticst »ay to convince rounrlf l| totrml n, a trttl oi.Vr Send the am >unt either in currericv by tegiartcfed let: r. P. O. order or express, anil * • wi'l N>x »htp an'! pre* \y expressageoa a gallon of Cabinet ( v, ir old B .-e tor f\ »». You v.ill be s'Mwised at th-. quality of this whiskey. ! i jnnntei! ab»>lntcly pore, and u }i«st * !ut y.w: net?! »a the house at this -c.ison of th-- year. What do you think of a W.*st Virginia ItUck !!• in<t* ;t fi.cxi j>t gallon? We have - >!iie of Ihe verv bes'. n from selected berii-s and carefully distilled an in gallons, half gallons and quarts -fKm't f«fj*»t that we p j»ay exprcssage on all order-. of i»i and over. e«« it wheie a transfer is necessary from one I\*pres-> Co.. to another, when we pay to p.*:nt of transfer You can malit you own -..lection fr »n the following Anchor Rye. a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a gal Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey 34.00 a ga . Gin, Rum. Eumincl. Brandy $2.00. $2.. r >o and s3.')o per gal MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., AL' EGHENY* PA Semi for catalogue and price list, mailed free. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! It's a long life, but devotion to the troe mt ?rtst® and prosperity of ihe American People ha* w-n for it new V?.. friends as the years rolled by and the original members ► " S. Jffi,. of its family p.T-std to their reward, and t! « admirer* are lova! and stea<itut today, with faith in it* teaching*, an.l confidence in the information which it brinjt* to their * \ , ' nomis and firesides. v , M , As a natural consequence it enjoys in its old age all the \ . , utaii'.x and M'- Its \• .litis strengthened awl ripened t > hy the eiperitnct* of o«tr Ml • CMMy, \ * v It has iivcd on its merits, ami on tie cordial support at "V progressive Americans. - ; it is "The New York Weekly Tribune," ackit"«lt-!.; ! tfce country « \rr as the leading National Fatiily Newspaper. . Recognizing its value to those who dt ire .ill U news of tl i Slate a Nation, the publisher id*' The CITIZKN" your own favorite home pr.per has «Rtered t:ito an alliance with "Tb- New-York Weekly Tribune" which en abbs him to ftirnwh liotl tciiKrs at the trilling cost of *i 50 per y. Ic. ... . Kvrry farmer an«l every villager »»u >i •b: • t. t«» hi* famtH, a**; !♦» connnunit-. in which he Ii \ - ■ 1 t'-ro ft >: 1 a new -pafwr. as 1* %»< rka constantly an'l nnti ini;lv for his i* ils 1 * evt r\ m ay, 1 <rirto his i»o*r.e .II 1 l*e 1 CWJ- and hnj penittgs i f his lu i-h'•d, tl' •' :ngs of l. i friend- .tl • cot hticn and prospects for different cr> ps. the price* isi home markets, aad. » • btt. • • uetkly visitor which -hoiiiil • found t' » very wi.ii jotase. pi • -gn *»'vr lir dy. lust think of it! I»*h »f ; 'n s- pt • » r' .>* year Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa. WANTS i I Want a Kodak? IWant a Camera? Want a Bargiin? Wat.t « B. <>k? Want a Bicycle? Want a Piece « i China? I Want a Fine Picture? I Want the'latest in Stationery? Want anything in Fancy C.<»ls '>r Art t,ine? The only iplace i* at Douglass' Hook St >re. There are bargains every week There are low price* all the time Visit every day at DOUGLASS BOOK STOUK. Near I* O ; I Peoples I'hone 162 Butler, Pa j - r; i " Y F*|l xi) STOVE CATALOCWf. i: T . '' t • •' •!»'• *.•*— ~ t J . ff • *" I Jli mm-l ' t, f .t.. « »- : 1- • •«»•»..* •, • . j ,1 ;V.-' ' '.T, r~- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers