THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. NF.GLEY ~ - Publisher THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1599. 4F - - - - ----- Republican State Ticket. For Supreme Judge. J. HAY BROWN. For Superior Judge. JOHN I. MITCHELL. For State Treasurer. JAMES E. BARNETT. Republican County Ticket. For Sheriff. THOMAS R. HOON. For Protlionotary. J. M. MCCOLLOUGH. For Register and Recorder. W. J. ADAMS. For Treasurer. D. L. RANKIN. For Clerk of Courts. W. P. TURNER. For County Commissioner. J. J. MCGARVEY, J. W. GILLESPIE. For County Auditor. J. W. PATTERSON, P. H. SECHLER. For Coroner. JOHN L. JONES. THE ADAMS FIASCO. The enforced retirement of Josiah R. Adams of Philadelphia from the Repub lican sUte ticket, as the candidate of the party for Superior Jndge,on account of the exposure of his connection with some swindling investment companies, is one of those unfortunate political in cidents that the least said about, under the circumstances, the better. The only funny part of the affair was the action of Frank Torrance, the Alle gheny politician in whose interest the original specifications for our Poor Honse were written, rushing down to Philadelphia and trying to have the State Committee substitute the name of John M. Greer for that of Adams—as though that would have bettered the matter. Wiser counsels, however, prevailed, and John I. Mitchell of Wellsboro, an honest man and independent Republi can was selected for the place —and the personal of our state ticket is now un objectional and worthy of support. Mr. Mitchell's political career has been a rather remarkable one. He has always been independent in his words and actions; has served in the Legisla ture, in Congress and in the U. S. Sen ate, and is now President Judge of Ti oga county, and this is the second time the crowd have gone to "him when their actions made trouble for the party. County Chairman Wife and candi dates McGarvey, Gillespie, McCollough. Rankin and Turner drove to Porters ville Thursday, thence southward through Harmony and Zelienople to Ogle, thence to Evans City and back to Butler Saturday evening. At the dif ferent stopping places they held meet ings with the township and borough committees. Monday reinforced by Messrs Hoon and Adams they started on a tour of the northern part of the county. Reports from all points jnstify the prediction of a complete Republican victory. _ TOBACCO growers and manufacturers are demanding a Constitutional amend ment creating a colonial system of government for Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines. At present a heavy tarriff on tobacco imports from these islands nets Uncle Sam $76,000,000 per year. If they are taken in ns territories or states, they will have the right of free commerce with the rest of the United States, this reyenue will be lost and our tobacco men clai m they will be ruined. WAR IN AFRICA. On Thursday it was reported that the Boers had assaulted Mafeking and had been repulsed and that the „British had Inred them over some dynamite mines, and killed 1500 of them. This report was not believed and was not confirm ed. The British have established a press censorship. On Friday it was reported that Vry burg on the west border had surrender ed to the Boers, and a cavalry engag ment was reported at Ladysmith on the East border; also that the Boers had at tacked Glencoe Camp on the East bord er and had been defeated with heavy loss. COn Saturday a victory for the British was reported from Glencoe. The British artillery silenced that of the Boers an Smith's bill and then the English regi ments charged the hill and captured it, with the loss of !>2 officers and men kill ed, and 151 wounded—the loss in officers being especially heavy. The Boers re treated leaving their dead and wounded behind and a squadron of Hussars who followed them were missing, and it was feared they had been drawn into a trap. President Kruger ordered the complete evacuation of Johannesburg, the centre of the gold mining district,and it was be tieved he intended destroying the town. Two American newspaper men were re ported captured by the Boers On Sunday another victory for the English was reported at Elandsluagte, and the Boers were said to be shelling Dnndee. On Monday the Boers were reiKjrted to be attacking both Glencoe and Dun dee, they outnumbered the English and had forced them back, and the situation was said to be serious for the British. On Tuesday the British General Yule abandoned Glencoe and Dundee,and re treating southward, joined his forces to those of Gen. White at Ladysinith On the western border both Mafeking anil Kimberly were surrounded by the Boers. Yesterday it was belieyed in England that there had been a battle and that the news was being held back. AT the session of the British Parlia ment last Friday, ten million pounds were voted to carry on the war in Afr _-a. There was opposition, how ever, and William Redmond, Parnellite, contrasted the attitude of Great Britiau toward Venezuela with her attitude to ward the Transvaal. ,- In the former case." he said, "the United States an nounced that Great Britain would have to arbitrate, and the British lion went to sleep. There has been no arbitration with the Transvaal, because the Trans vaal has no neighbor like the United States. " OFF Sandy Hook, last Friday, the Columbia again beat the Shamrock over a thirty mile course, by minutes, in a strong gale, and the ' cup' that the old America won in the English Chan nel forty-eight years ago will stay here. THE U. S. transport "Senator" ar rived at San Francisco, Sunday, with an lowa regiment from Manila. Another vessel that sailed from the same port about the same time encounted a ty phoon, and there were some fears as to the safety of the "Senator. " Prospect anil Vicinity. Laugh or cry to hear The young folks west of town recent ly made a surprise party for Mrs. Joshua Uallagher. "Aunt Mary was surprised, but made it pleasant for the folks present. Clara Gallagher has nearly recovered from a sick spell. A. W. Shannon and T. B. Stephenson assisted to install the I. O. O. F. officers, to-wit: N G., F. E. Dick; V. G., E. E. Wehr; Ass t Sec.. George Beighley. Mrs. Elizabeth Martincourt. of Pitts burg, has been visiting friends here abouts for two or three weeks. Mrs. Martincourt is 82 years old, and can thread a needle and sew without glasses. She was soliciting cash donation* for some new Lutheran church in Pittsburg. Out of respect for our neighbors, we won't tell you who was voted the home liest man and who was voted the hand somest woman in town. Opinions differ. Those folks that went to the spring for a drink, and instead, took a drink of Mrs. Kennedy's fresh cider, didn't mean any harm to any one. See, Squire. John Burry had a yield of 28 bu. of buckwheat per acre, this year. John, how did yon hold your mouth when you sowed the seed to get so good a yield'; The Fraternal Club, which furnished such excellent music for the I. O. O. F. dedication, was composed of the follow ing singers: Mrs Langharst, Mrs. Grossman. Mrs. Lepley, Mrs. Pyle, C. E. Weigle, Ira Wilson, W. E. Heyl and W. E. Cooper. Mrs. L. M. Roth and Miss Jennie Tintsman visited friends west of town, Sunday afternoon. Our new hotel proprietor, P. L. Hunter, is maintaining the high reputa tion, which the Prospect House always had. When in town, call, and Cap. will use you well. Miss Edna Fisher and Miss Shiever, of Butler, were the guests of Mrs. T J. Critchlow, not long since. Howard Kelly entertained his father in-law, Daniel Keefer, of West Liberty, not long ago. The boys wonder what takes Jim Richardson to Butler so often. Dick thinks North Main street is the prettiest part of Butler. See, Jim. Our town sent a small delegation to the recent Republican demonstration at Butler, and we noticed the name of Jacob Albert among the names of the vice-presidents The German Medicine Co., of Cincin nati. have been advertising their goods and furnishing amusement to our people for a week past. Rev. Eakin held communion services Sunday; Rev. Stahlman also had ser vices at West Liberty ;and Rev Humes, the new M. E. preacher, delivered his j initial sermon. If your baby didn't receive as many votes as some others, it was probably because you did not buy so much medi cine and votes. Miss Clara Lepley, who is attending school in Pittsburg was home, last Sat urday and Sunday Cecil Wilson, a student at Grove City, was home Sunday. Ralph Mackey, the Dick school teacher from Hickory Corner, was in town last Friday evening. J. C. Kelly has marketed his crop of potatoes in Pittsburg. JOE COSITY. IRON and steel are booming. The P. R. R. Co. lately placed orders for a hundred thousand tons of steel rails at $3:5 per ton, against sl9 last year. Middle town. The school at Troutman was closed last week on account of the illness of the teacher, Mrs. G. W Kipp, who is nuflVllii£ fiuui an attack of difthoriM There are 7 to 8 cases ot diphtheria in that vicinity at present. The friends and relatives of Win. Curry met at his home in Magic on last Thursday to do honor to the (>7th anni versary of his birth. William always bright and cheerful was at his best and his guests feel more than rep&id for the courtesies extended by them on the oc casion Harry Gibson has ceased to be an in habitant of our township and is now a citizen of poetic Buena Vista. A. M. Nichols recently purchased a half interest in the wells owned by Mrs Lucy Dunlap near Peachville. Mr Nichols is about ready to start the drill in two new oil well ventures —one on the Ophelia Thompson farm and the other on the Wallace farm. "Squire" W. F. Campbell invaded the sacred precincts of onr twp. on last Saturday looking after the interests of his partner, R. R. Stewart. J. W. Hendrickson is about to erect H new barn for the accommodation of his stock. It will contain a basement and cellar for the storage of root crops of all kinds. Two new gaa lines are being laid to Troutman. One from the Robt. Camp bell farm and the other from a well located on the farm of W. F. Mnrtland. Rev. Fiddler, of Karns City, will preach at Troutman on next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. and at Greece City at 7:30 p. m. Mre. C. C. Kuhn in visiting relatives in Dayton and Swissvale. Pa. and will also visit friends in East End, Pitts burg, before her return. Miss Julia Pisor is the guest of friends in Butler this week. The school here is getting on nicely under the guidance of the teacher, Miss liattie Porter. (J. W. Harper is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Harper County Chairman, Levi M. Wise, ac companied by several republican nom inees for county offices, met with our local committee on last Monday, in this place. Concord will roll up her ac customed old time majority next November. SILEX Jiicksvillc Items. Mrs. Estella Mcßride is visiting friends in Pittsburg. Mrs. J. H. Pizor and Mrs. A. W. Vanborn were taking in the sights at the Exposition last week. Thomas Moore, who has been on the sick list, is reported better. A little boom of improvement has struck Jacksville. Mrs. Margaret Gard ner has had her store room an<l dwelling put under a new roof; also Miss Boyle has a new roof on her dwelling, and M. Rtichett erected acorn crib. Verily Jacksville is a live town. Wilbert Graham and family are the guests of Mrs. Margaret Studebaker. The New Castle Gas Co. is laying a larger line through this township to carry the gas from the new wells recent ly struck in Worth and Brady town ships, from 20 to 80 men are employed at present. A new well is being drilled by the New Castle Co. on the farm of Mrs. J. C. Heckathorn. Messrs Burton and Alex. McGowan have each made the purchase of a new boggy recently. Frank Geddes and wife, of Mercor Co., are the guests of Charles Taggart and family. Mrs. Dewitt Maxwell and Mrs. Hngh Moore, of North Liberty, visited friends in and near Jacksville on Friday last Mias Nellie Gallagher has returned to her home near Piano. Thos. Morrow and wife have the sympathy of friends and neighliors in the loss they have sustained by the death of their child which occurred .1 few days ago. Robert Collin* has erected a stable on his place. Samuel Wimer did the cari>enter work. Mrs. A. L. Mallery has removed to Polk, Venango Co , with her husband who is employed there. MOKE ANON. TWO W KIMINGS. Mc( "smdless-t'row f. The marriage.Oct. IMb of Miss Etta E. Crowe of Renfrew, and Mr. I. J. Mc- Candless of Butler, was a social event. The ceremony was performed by Rev F. M. Wilson of Yonngstown Ohio, at the home of the bride's mother Ellen J. Crowe. The bride was gowned in a black brocade silk with festoons and chifton trimming, a bridal pompadour bow completed the outfit. In her hand she held a bonqnet of bride's roses. The bride and groom stood beneath an artistic arch of ferns and cut flowers. The parlor decoration was of putted plants and chrysanthemums, from this all parties repaired to the dining room where beneath the sublime decoration of carnations and white roses tables were set with innumerable luxuries pre paired by the hostess. Only a few immediate friends were invited. The bride received handsome presents as follows. The gift of the groom was a diamond ring: Bridal Sovenir, Rev. Wilson; decorated water set. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey: hand painted salad dishes. Misses McCandless: card receiver, Mr. and Mrs. John Crowe; silver nut dish, Mr. and Mrs. John Renfrew; fruit knives, Mr. and Mrs! Geo. Crowe; deco rated berry set, Mrs. Blair: fancy clock, D. N. Crowe; comb and brush tray, Cora Clay: poster pillow, Jennie Crowe, wat er set; Mrs. A. J. White, honey dish: Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Crowe: fancy white apron. Sarah Renfrew: table cloth, Liz zie Anderson; fancy handkerchief, Roy Clay: plaque, Bertha Clay. After "rice tea ' they left over the B. & O. R. R for a trip to eastern cities including Washington. Philadelphia. Richmond and New York. Kirk patrlck-Mi Her. At the home of the bride on Thurs- j day. the 19th inst, occurred another and very pretty wedding-that of Leslie Kirk patrick of Renfrew, and Miss Maud, daughter of Milton Miller of Phillips City. Some sixty quests were present, the"decoration.and presents were hand some and numerous; Rev. Richards of Pittsburg, formerly of Connoqnenoss ing presided Dr. John Cowden was groomsman, Miss Lula Young was bridesmaid. Miss Lena Bolden of Phila delphia and Miss Verne Crawford of Pittsburg were ushers, an elaborate din ner bad been prepared and everything passed off nicely. The happy couple | started on a short wedding trip, and when they return will live in Butler, where Mr. K. is at present engaged with his brother in the grocery business The presents were unusually flue and numerous and were as follows: Mr and Mrs. Milton Miller, piano and five gold pieces; Everett Miller, rose wood rocker ; Mr. D L. Kirkpatrick sil ver cake basket: Mrs. D. L. Kirkpatrick. silver nut basket; Mr. Mrs. H J. Miller, silver coffee pot; Mr. and Mrs J li. Stewart, fancy parlor lamp; R L Kirkpatrick, silver tea service, 5 pieces; J. L. Kirkpatrick, silver knives and forks; Will Kirkpatrick, silver bread tray; Everett Kirkpatrick, silver tea spoons; Mr. and Mrs Win. McLaughlin, silver berry dish; Mr. and Mrs. .T. L. McCandless, silver celery tray: Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Miller, imported fruit stand; Mr. and Mrs. James C. Redick. silver celery jar; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Saylor, silver and china berry dish; Roll I Fishell, china vegetable dish; Mr. and Mrs. Ripple, hand-painted china cike plate. Mr. and Mrs. Fishell,B piece clnria teaservice; Mrs Mary Terril,dresser an 1 stand cover; Mrs. S. Miller, china salad and olive dish: Mrs. 11. M. Saylor, lied clothes; C. C. Watson, china clock; Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. White, china dish; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Shetter, china soup dish; Mrs Emma E. Vogley, china salad dish; Mr. and Mrs. Matterson. china salad dish; Miss Ivy Matterson, set china ice cream plates. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Robb, handsome embroidered centre piece; Mr. and Mrs J S. Gould, linen table cover and napkins; Mr aud Mrs. D. L>. silver berry spoon gold bowel; Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Ramsey, decorated water set and tray: Mr. and Mrs. John Renfrew, $5; Dr. John V. Cowden, silver and gold salad fork; Miss Lulu Young.silver gravy ladle and slaw lork; ZJ. fjoiasuilt Eio. A. Co. lilrei syrup jug and try; Mr. and Mrs. Ram sey, linen towels; Mrs. Phipps, silver tooth pick holder aud pickle dish . Miss Lena Bolden, euibrordered centre piece; Mrs. J. C. Bolden, silver and gold fish fork; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oarver, silver and gold fish fork; Mrs. Renfrew, silver and gold bntter knife; Gilbert Miller, linen table cover; Rev. Richards, wed ding album; Miss Laverne Myrtle Craw ford, cut glass olive dish; Mr. W. P. Ramsey, imported work basket. Goklcn Wedding in LaiM-aslcr Township. On Oct. 10th INiM), occurred the gold en wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rice of Lancaster twp.. at their beauti ful home, about a mile north of Mid dle Lancaster. The day was of the tin est and everything was most favorable. About 10 o'clock thirty five of the friends and neighbors assembled at one time, and as it was truly on unexpected party it was indeed a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Rice. Mrs. Rice felt rather bad to be sur prised on such an occasion, hut soon cheered up and became most merry. Friends and neighbors kept arriving until two hundred hail assembled At about 13:30 a most sumptous dinner was served sufficient for ail aud abundance to spare. Nothing occurred to cause any ova tion of any kind, the young folks amus ed themselves with different games and the men pitched quoits for their amuse ment. At 3p.m. they were called to gether by W. 1. Scott who made a speech in which he introduced B. M. Heckert of Whitestown, who made the speech of the day in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Rice. Mr Heckert, in his good humored way and pleasant manner, made an excellent speech, not lengthy, yet it covered a great deal of ground as he spoke to the point, at the close of which he was loudly applauded. Then came an old fashioned serenade by the ladies, after which a short speech was made by Mrn JMM MM Hr . and three rousing cheers for the serenaders. Then some excellent music was render ed by Miss Bella Met/, and Mr. lleckeit, assisted by the young folks; then Mrs John Rice led the ladies to the barn where they had an old fashioned husk ing bee and it was very amusing to see the ladies sheck the corn. At about 4:30 the folks began to dis perse and all went home feeling they never had spent a more pleasant day. Last, but not least, came the ball of the evening, which was an excellent feature, about sixty of the lads and las sies tripped the light fantastic to their hearts content. Mr. and Mrs. Rice are in excellent health, they are very hospitable people and the poor and needy baveneyerlteen turned away from their door. And for people of their age yea could not meet more pleasant neople. Nine children bless their family circle, all of whoui are living, and we wish Mr. and Mrs. Rice a more pleasant future even than their past lias been. ONK WHO WAS TIIKRK. EVUJIS City. Mr. Jesse Barto, living out of town about miles, died Saturday, Oct. '.'lst, at 4 o'clock. He died very suddenly. The funeral was from the Plains I'res byterian church. Mrs. David Speuce visited her sister in New Brighton, last week. Mrs. L. Pfeiffer and daughter. Jennie, were in Pittsburg Thursday last. Mr. Jack Andrews, of New Castle, visited friends in Evans City Sunday. Mra- S. Hoagland has sold out her restaurant to Mr Dunn, of Barkeyville, who took possession Friday. A very pleasant time was spent al the home of Mr. James Harding, near Glade Run, Saturday Oct. 'ilst. The occasion being the 17th marriage an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harding and the i-ith birthday of Mr Lew Pfeiffer, a neighbor they concluded to celebrate together. Pitching horse shoes, games and plays were participated in until a late hour when oysters were served. All returning to their several homes wish ing many more such anniversasies. The P. & W. train whiel. leaves Butler at 8:25 a m. under Conductor French was wrecked at Glenshaw this morning. Baggage Master Win. Me Ouistion was badly hurl and taken to the Allegheny Gen. Hospital The engineer had his arm cut off I Vt rolia. There will be no services in the M E church on Sunday. Oct. 29th. as Rev. Sibley will conduct his first Quarterly Meeting at Brnin on that day. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. English were vis itors to Grove City this *veek. Rev. Brown of near Erie will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Miss Anna Barr is visiting friends at Taylorstown. Call and examine the fine line of mil linery goods at Mrs. S. E. Brown s. Mrs. Espy of Main St. is having her house repaired. Elmer Guthrie has sold his house to Mrs. Roberts. Fairview Facts. Rev. R. C. Dodds preached for the U Ps last Sunday. He is traveling and working in behalf of the "Anti Saloon League". Eli Reep's youngest daughter who was married recently to H. C. Phillips returned from their wedding tour up in Erie county and are now sojurning with her sister, Mrs. Howard Rankin. Mrs Dr. H. C. Berchard ot Elwood City and her son Yere 8., formerly of this place are visiting their many friends here. Martin Armstrong died last Sabbath in the Ya.oil field where he had been re siding for a number of years His body will be brought to the Beai Creek Cem etery for burial to day the 24th inst. He was raised two miles west of this place and was a son of Alexander Arm strong John McGregor. John Kern. Will Shakley and Jas. Shakely were up from Kittanning last Sabbath for a drive and to see friends. S S. Beatty of near Butler paid out town a visit last week we are always glad to see our old friend Sam. Mrs. Cham Rankin is visiting at C. Scotts, this week. Wm. Camnbell moyed to Fairview and is now a resident of our town. He is a son of Fowler Campbell. Newton Black of Butler was on our streets last week. W. K. Schreckengost has gone to Leechbnrg to work at his trade "carpen tering" he has been employed on the U. P. church recently. The festival held in the Union Hall here last Thursday evening was largly attended, their income was oyer £:'> l for the benefit of the Reformed church of this place. Madge Templeton got home from a visit in Venango aud Erie counties last Friday. Her aunt Mrs. Mary Giffen re mained for a more extended visit with her brother and friends, she expects to return in a few weeks to her home in Pea body, Kansas. DENT. /)l pILLS \ i Rouse r the tor I pid liver, and cure biliousness, sick M headache, jaundice, nausea, tion, etc. They are in valuable to prevent a cold or break up a | fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. Price, 25c. at all medicine dealers or by mail of C. I. HOOD A Co., Lowell, Mass. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Connty Commissioners in the Court House, Butler, Pa., up un til 10 o'clock a. 111., 011 November 14th, 1899, for the erection, construction and completion of a water tower and tank for the Butler County Home, as per plans and specifications on file in said office. Certified check for (10) ten per cent, of the amount to accompany all bids as an evidence of good faith if con tract is awarded it will be entered into. The contractor will be required to fur nish the necessary legal bond for the faithful fulfillment of the contract. All bids to include both labor and material. The commissioners reserve the to reject any and all bids Blanks for bidders can be had at the commission ers' office. JOHN MITCHELL. H. CJ. SEATON, D. H. BUTTON, Attest: Commissioners. J. C Kisk aduos - . Clerk. Bntler, Pa., October 28, 189! J. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. " By virtu*' of an order and dwnn? of ilic <>riiii;iiis'< :<)url «>f lint Icr county, Pa., at No. 71 hue. Term, tin* iind<*rstKni*d, adminis trator of tint estat** of Ilanlel S. Hawk, I:it«• of Slip|>«*ryro«'k township, county and St;»t• • aforoaid will offer for sale at public vendue on the premises on Friday, November 3rd, 1899, At 10 o'clock A. M., An undivided on« -tlilrd Interest of, in und to t hat certain tract of land, situate in Merei r township. liut-lcM'o., I'a., Inmiided north l>y John Kelly and .1. Mefjarvey. « ast I*y Thomas lieattv ln*irs, south l»y I>ani«* 1 Kelly and West hy \\. K. Ilockenberry; containing «> aeres, mere or less, cleared. At 1 o'clock P M-, Lot . Nov II and I ~ in l>aul>eusneck's plain of lots in the village of I'arsonsvlllc, Washing ton township. ItuMer <'o.. I'a.. hounded north hy Jacob Uau hen speck, east !»y liutler and I'm leu ton road, south l»v lot No. 10 In same plan and west hy Jacob Dauhenspeck ; I >«• 111u tiOxlHO f'*et each. At 2 o'clock P. M., All that certain tract of land situate hi Washington township, liutler countv, I'a., bourn led north by Henry DaulienspccK, ea.t by Kit Conn, sout h by Knhrlara Kralers and Oauheuspcek hejrs and wes» by < ampbell Daubenspe.-U: <onl.lining .">4 aeres, more or less, cleared. At 3 o'clock P. M., All that certains t racl of land situate in I'arker township. Butler <'o., I'a.. Iniunded north by Amanda Hoover, east by John I>aul>etispeck and John Ward, south by > W. and west by James Mechllnfr ami Jesse Kverts; i.s aerns, more or less, part I v cleared. TKk>H OF SALE One-third cash on con firmation of sale hy the Court. and the hal anee in twoe<|iial annual payments with In terest. to be seeuH'd by bond and mortgage In usual form on the premises, or for casli. KA Y.MONO S roICNKLII'S, Admin Ist rator <T A., W I - DON, All "Y . Bu 11l i. SHERIFFS SALES. K. 0. No. 7*l. o"l'l'inber term, IWD. W. 0. Brandon, attorney. By virtue of a I I. Fa. Issued out of the ('our! of Common I'lea-. of IliUb r county, I'a., and to me directed, there will be expos ed to pi|bll«* sale, at the premises herein described, op Friday, Nov. lOtli, A. h at I o'clock p. ill., the following described property, to-wit: AIH lie right. Mtle. Interest and claim of .1 H.iiamb!'., of, in and to all that certain piece or pare- l of laud, situated in I'arker township. Butler county, I'a., tMinmled as follows, to-wlt : All the 'undivided one-half of a tract of lane* beginning at a post near a ruaph I !'«•»• at the northeast corner, thence by lands formerly of Owen Thomas ci al. south 1.. •d« g. we«,t I'.i perches, thence hy .Morgan farm south kh.i.'i dcg. west !»'•>"» perchei to a post, t hencit by laud ip»w of formerly of llarvey Oili l ai north !«<leg. east M iM-rciies to a post, thence l»y other lands of 11. F. Hutchison ei al. formerly IV V. lilted al. north sß.7a deg, east hi:; perches to the place of beginning; containing .V» acres, being the same landi conveyed hy 11. I Hutchison by il.x d #h|M«d February '■£, I*IW. r with the cut Ire interest in three oil wells thereon known as **Anna I.«»u ". "Lltllo JUq" And "Rock**, and a watoc well ! bovi "Kll/alieth" t^igether with one boiler, three engines, tubing, casing, tanks, lines, fit tlnca, and connections toenoo and i<» w« lis belonging; also a one-sixteenth Inter est royalty ie the whole tract; having t hen off a two-story board house ami outbuild ings. Holzed and taken In execution as tin property of J. IJ. C'iri|b|< at the suit of B. W. tiarvin. TEUMS €>l >A LE The following must be Strictly compiled with when property U st rlckeii dowii. I. When the plaint iff or oilier lien creditor becomes lie purchaser, the costs oil the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, liic|u<|- luk mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for t he amount of t he proceeds of I he sab* or such port lon t hereof as he may claim, must I be furnished t lie Sheriff, j 2. All bids must he nald in full. J. AII sales not settled Immediately will be j continued until one o'clock, P. M., of next ! day at whirl; time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the ex pense and risk of the person to whom Hi st sold. I ♦See Pardon's Digest, lit h edt tlon, page 410, and Smith's Forms, page :ts4. W ILLI AM 11. DO DOS, Sheriff Shefcir* Office. But ler. I'a.. Oct. 10. lsiw. HOOtj U . v «ro Li*cr 1114, 810 loudness, indlfci stlon, Headache, laiy to take, easy to operate. 20c. DEATHS. BRYAx —At her bon-.e in Butler. < >ct 23, 1*99, Myrtle Bryan, aged s years DOUG AN At his home in Oakland township, October 9. 1 SOU. Matthew Dougan. BOULANGER—At herboniein Butler. October lit, 1*99, Mrs. Mary E. Bou langer, aged titi years. WOODS —At Kane. Pa . < ictober 23. 1899, James Woods. formerly of But ler, and brother of Joseph and Samuel Woods. BERG —At her home in Homestead. Oct. 22, 1*99, Mrs. Mary Berg, widow of Herman J. Berg, formerly of But ler. ARMSTRONG Near Salem. W. Va.. October 21, IJS99. Martin Armstrong. ; formerly of this county. His remains were brought to Butler. ; and taken to Bear Creek cemetery, j Monday, in charge of the Butler Ma- 1 sons. He was about years of age. was born and raised in Fairview town- ' ship, and was a brother of John Arm- 1 strong of W North St. BARTO—At his home in Cranberry I township, October 21. 1H99, Jesse > B.irto, aged 53 years. Mr. Barto's death was caused by in- ; flamniation. He was a bachelor and lived with his sister, who survives.bim. i He was a member of the 2nd Heavy j Artillery doing the war. was captured j an.l spent seven months in Andersou- ! ville. By his will he leaves his entire estate to his sister. He was a member ; of the Plains church, and his remains ] were buried there. Monday, Rev. Snyder of Butler, presiding at the services. WATERS In Chicago. Sunday last. Octobor 22. 1899. Mrs. Catharine Waters, wife of Rev. Asa H. Waters, formerly of this place, aged about 70 years. The news of the death of Mrs Waters was received here with great regret. She was on a visit to a son. Dr. Oren Waters, who lives in Chicago. With her husband she had lived in this place and in Prospect, this county, about forty years ago and on leaving removed to Jumonville, Fayette connty, Pa., where he established the Soldiers Or phans' School at that place, conducted at present by a son. In recent years Mr. and Mrs. Waters have lived part, of their time iu Florida, but their home is still at Jumonville, where her remains were taken and interred. Mrs. Waters was a daughter of the late Rev.Michael J. Steck.a distinguish ed minister in the Lutheran church, liv ing at Greensburg. Pa. She was a sister to Mrs. Ada Stewart, of this place, widow of the late J. Newton Stewart. She had many friends here, all of whom will regret her death. The sympathy for Mr. Waters will be very general and sincere as well as for the whole of the bereaved family. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the fina! account of Fiank I*. Critchlow at Ms. I). No. 14, June Term, 1595, as tiustee of F. Jennie Thompson, a lunatic, now dee'd., will be presented to Court for confirma tion, 011 Saturday, December 9th, 1899, R. J THOMPSON, Hrothv. ADM~I NIS TR Letters of administration on the estate of James A. Httter, decM., late of Adams twp., ISutler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will pV-ase make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement to C. M. HEETKR, Adtn'r., liutler, Pa. W. I). BRANDON, Att'j. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Alexander Stewart, deceased, late of Prospect, Bulltr county, Pa., having been granted fo the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate wi'l please make immediate payment, aud any having claims against said estate will present them duly authen ticated for settlement to \V. S. STEWAKT,, Pa., S. E. WILSON. Prospect, I'a., Executors. W. I). BRANDON, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOVICE. Letters of administration on the estate of James Morrison, dee'd., late of Lan caster township, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authen ticated for settlement to J. li. MORRISON, ArltiTr., Middle Lancaster, Batler Co., Pa. H. M. WISE, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE- L'it'ers testamentary, C T. A. on the estate of I). H. Hawk, dec'<L., late of Slipperyrock twn., Batler Co., Pa., hav ing been granted to tlie undfrslpned, all persons knowing themselves inaebte<' *o said estate will please make payment, ami anv having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticate) for settlement to R. S. Corn lit.ius, Adm'r. C T. A., liutler, Pa W. I) Uka.nuos, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration in the estate of Henry Dutter, dee'd., late of Franklin twp., liutler Co., Pa., having been grant ed tn the undersigned, all persons know in;; themselves indebted to estate will please make immediate payment, ami any having claims against said estate will present tlu-m duly authenticated for settlement to Maiiv It. Boi/roN, Adm'x., Whitestown, Pa. J. I) Mi Junk in, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Li tter's testamentaiy in the estate of J Wilson Thompson, dee'd, late of Cherry twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned; all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please made immediate payment, and any having claims against said tstale will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Jas. A. Thompson, Butler P O. <»r K. C. Thompson, Milliards P. O. Butler Co., Pa. Ivx'rs. J. I>. McJuxkin. Atty. EXECUTOR'S "NOTICE. Letters te tamcnUry 011 the estate of John f/. Shannon, i'ee'd., late of Contio qui in ssing township, Butler Co., Pa , having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against ■aid estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Q. (). Shannon, Ivx'r,, Connofjuenessing P. O , Butler Co., Pa. McJunkin iS: (iAI.ItRKATH, Att'y.. Kinc 11 ev's MAMMOTH ART STUDIO Is Headipiarters for Artistic Photos, Crayons Water Colors and Pastels also a full line of frame and mouldings of the latest designs always on hand. Branches ! E m»^s" v Open for business at Kvans City l'riday of each week, Mara on Saturday. A. L. PINDLKY. Pearson Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. The tx'st of liorsi-s an'l first class rik's al ways on hand and for lilre. lii-st arToinmodiitions In I«»WII f«»r |i« riua j iM-rit, IxiardloK anil tran»li*rit tra<l«*. opwl al < ;ii«• guaraiit« «d. Stable Room For 65 Horses. GA EiNid class of ln»rs«?s, 1H»III and draft lu»r always on liand .m<l f«»r sale un<l«>rafull KUUl ant«'<*; and liorsi's hoiiKht pon propiT not ifh-alfon-by PEARSON B, NACE, Telephone. No. »'IU. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Win r.Ka, I y Section 10 of the Act ci the General Assembly to regulate the nomi nation aud tie cliou of public officers, requir ing certain expense* incident thereto to be piid by the M-ver.«l counties ami punishing certain regard to such elections: It is ni»de the duty ot" "the sheriff of every county, at lea<t ten 'lays !>e fore any general election to be held therein, to give notice of same by advertisements in at least three newxpaj ers, if there be so many published in the county, two of said news papers rtpresenting so tar as practicable, the political parly which at the preceediog Nov election cast the largest number of votes and the otl.t r one of said newspapers repre senting so lar as practicable the political party which at the preoeeding November election cast the next lar>;e<t number of Votes, and in a Iditi'in thereto the sherill of every county rliall, at lea-t ten drys befire auy genera! election to be held in of the tirst, second and third classes.give notice by procl ima ton | sted up in the most con spicuous places in every election district iu sni I i'ies of the tirst. second an I third clii-s and in every -uch prorlam ition or adver tisement shall. I. Kunmerate the officer* to bi elected and give a list ot all the noiuiua'.ions made as provided in this act and to l>e voted tor in such county, and the full te*t of all con stitutional amendments submitted to a vote of the people but the pro clamations posted in each election district need not contain the names of any candidates but those to be voted for in such district. 11. Designate lh« places at which the elec tion is to be held. 111. He shall give noties that every per son, excepting justices of tne peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of ptofit or trust under the government of the I'liiied States or of thi> State or of any city or incor porated district,whether a commis>i< ntd offi cer < r otherwise.a subordinate officer or agent who is or thai! he tn j k jid under the leg islative, Executive or Judiciary department of the State or of the I'nitcd Slates or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the * late I Legislature and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners ol any j incorporated district is, by law, iuc-apable ot I holding or -iercisiag at the same time the j office or appointment of judge, inspector or | i-lerk ol any election ot this Commonwealth, . and that no inspector, jndge or other officer of anv -uch election shall be eligible to any i office t*> be then voted for, except that of au ■ election officer. Now, therefore, I, William 15. I)jdJs j High Sheriff ot the County o. Itutler, Stale | of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known t and give ttiis | üblic notice to tne electors of liutler eounty, that on the lirst Tuesday ; after the first Monday of November, being | the 7th Day of November. 1899. fiom 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. A general electiou will he held in the several electiou districts of said county, established bv law, at which time they will vote by ballot for the several officers hereinaf ter named a» follows: Oue person for State Treasurer. < )ne person for Judge of the Supreme Court. ()ne person for Judge of the Superior Court. One person for Sheriff. One person for Prothonotary. One person for Connty Treasurer. ()ne person for Register and Recorder. < )ne person for Clerk of Courts. Two persons for County Commissioner. Two persons for County Auditor. One person for Corner. And as required by flit- Act of Assem bly, the following is a list of the parties and nominees: KDIM STATK TKKASI'REK. James E Barnett Jt'DGE OF THE StTI'KEME COURT, J Hay Brown JUDGE OF THE SUPKRIOR COURT, Jolin I Mitchell SHERIFF, Thomas R Hoon PROTHONOTARY. James M McCollongh REGISTER AN I> RECORDER, William J Adams COUNTY TRKASI - RER, Daniel L Rankin CLERK OK C. >T u rs, William 1* Turner COUNTY COMMISSIONER: John MeGarvey John W Gillespie COUNTY AUDITOR, Joseph W Patterson Philip H Secbler CORONER, John LJones DKMOCKATIC. STATE TREASURER, William T Creasy Jt'IMIE OF THE SUPREME COURT, s Leslie MwtrenJ JUDGEOF THE SUPERIOR (■ >MER. Charles J Reilly SHERIFF, Andrew J West P:;OTH( INOTARY, Horatio S Vanderlin REGISTER AND RECORDER, Thomas A Frazier COUNTY TREASURER. Samuel W Crawford CI.ERK OF < '< >URTS, George F Easley Cou NT S' C< )M MISSION ER. Daniel H Sutton John A Eiehert COUNTY AUDITOR, James A MeGowan George W Jamison CORONER, John Smith l*R(Mil ItITION. STATE TREASURER, John M < 'abl well JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, Agib lticketts JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, Harold L Robinson SHERIFF, Robert Kukin PltOTHc INOTARV. John (' Kerr REGISTER AND REI ' iRDEIt, Albert Winters COUNTY TREASURER, Frank J C'ritchlow CLERK OF COURTS, Samuel P Pollock ('(if N'T Y COMMISSI! t.N ER, Andrew <i Brown Austin Fleeter COUNTY AUDITOR. John H Ficht James S Fallett CORONER John J West I'KOl'l-K'S. ST ATI: TREASFREI:. Justus Wat kins JUIK;E OF THE SUPREME COURT, John II Stevenson JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, Nathan L At wood St K'l \ LIST L \ IH>lt. STATE TREASURER, Samuel Clark JuisiE OF THE SUPREME COURT, Donald L Mnnro JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, Val Remind i NION itr.romi. STATE TREASURER. Samuel 1> Wood JFJ OGB OF THE SUPREME COURT John II Stevenson IIItVAN XNTI-TICI'ST. STATE TREASURER, William T Creasy JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. S Leslie Mestrezai JUDGE OF THE SUPERK*K < '<M RT, Charles J Reilly PLACES OK HOLDING I M; KLKU'IIONH The said elections will bo held throughout the county a--> follows: The electors (.I Aduns township. No.'h I reeinet, at the carpenter shop ol .1 J. Smith at Myoma iu said precinct. The electors of Adams, south product, at IVrks' Mill in said preoim t. The oleoton.l of Allegheny township at the township election bow-i- at Six Points in said township. The electors of llufTalo township at the house ol Thos. W. Elliott in snld townablp. The electors of liutler township at tbe house <>f William Bortma**, in aa'd town ship. The electors of Jirady township at the School house at West Liberty. The electors of dearth-Id township at the OOM ot frank P MrMdt la MM tovaakip The electors of Clinton townablp at the llall at Klddloa V Roid- In -tid townablp. Tlio elector* of Concord townablp, at M. Cochran't new house in Mi Idletown The electors of Clay township at tbe house ol Joseph Meebling, in said township. The electors of Centre township at the I ••ntre sebool h-■ i ', in . |,| township. The electors of Cherry township, Nurth priciuct, at the Kye-breau School Home, in aaid precluut. The electors of Cherry town»hip. South • -at 11!<• I'ip'"»?♦*hi N H • ?•&•«! precinct. The elect oris ofConnoqaentMrnng t<>wnnliip Northern precinct at School house No. 7, in Whiteetown. The elect* rs of t<>wn»h |» Southern precinct at the lirahnui School !!• use No. 5. The electors of Cranberry towM*hip at the of Andrew Kir*hler in said townsh \ . The electors of Donegal township at the election hou*e in said township. The electors of F JUT VIEW township at the election house ia said townnbip on farm of W li 11 Riddle. The electors of Forward township at the house of liobert 11. Brown. The electors of Franklin township at Mt. Chestnot Grange 11.ill in st»ivl township. The electors of Jackson township. Eastern prccinct,:\t the honse ol Juo A Kichart in said precinct. The electors of Jackson township. West em precinct, at the Jarecki Mfic building in said precinct. The electors of Jefferson township, at the house of Morris Iteighter The electors off Lancaster township at tlia bouse of C. Uhl. The electors of Mi idlenAX township at the hou»e of George Cooper. The electors of Marion township at tho 11ouse ol K. W. .Atwe 11 ia *&id townsti p. T e electors of Muddycreek township at the t ' ust* of Wm 8 Mooft,fninfly oonqM hv Henry Hay in mid township. The electors of Mercer township at the of J. A. Galbreath in said township. The electors of Oakland township at the honso of William J. Hutchison in said town ship. Tho electors of Parker township at the hoos;: ot .Mm Lnciuda Waller in Martins- Lurg. The electors of Penn townnhip. North pre cinct, at the H 0 re»|»le 9 v in latftvv, The electors ot Penn to South pre cinct, at the house of H. Sutton. .it said precinct. The electors of Suoimit township at the honse of Adam Frederick. The electors of Slipperyrock township at the honse ot Harry Athtster ia said township. The electors of Venango township at the *liop ot E. K. Taylor. The electors of Wm field township at Grange Hall in said township. The electors of Washington township. North precinct, at the house of Mrs. Jane iiemt r- 6ou. at Milliards- TLe electors of Washington townablp, South (•rveiiut, at the Insurance Co. «lii>e. is. N"r;h \V:i-liiiis; ton. The elector* of Worth toirnship at tbe l'uhlic Hall in Mecliaiiit-sburs; in said town ship. The electors of tbe boro tgh of llutler. Ist ward at, VV. C. Fleming's "tore room, in *.iid ward. Jnd ward at the Kohitrr House in *aid Ward •id ward at tbe Grand Jury Room iu Court Mouse 4th waid at Nixon's Homo, N. McKean St. iu said wa d. sth ward at tbe ft'ick (loose, on N. lliin St., in said warn. Tin' electors of tbe borough of Ceritrovillo a: the house ol Kols-rt KaUton. Tbe electors of the- thorough ol H&rriirUla at the shop of J. 11 Morriaea Jr. in will borough. Tbe electors of the borough of Prospect at the house ot Saiu'l. Kiddle iu said iiurongh. The electors of the through of Saxonburg at the bouso ol Mrs. K. A. lirlmbold in -aid borough- The electors of tbe borough of \Ve*t Sun bury at the public school house. !be electors of the l*orotigh of Millcrstowu at tin- hotel of Jno. l)olau in said borough. Tbe electors of the borough of Petrols* at tin Council ltoom In said borough. Tlio electors of the borough of Fairview at the Union Hall in said borough. Tbu electors of tbe iHirotigb of Kartis City at the town hall lu said borough. The electors of the borough of Ilvaris Citv it the i bop of Mieklcf A Wort iu -aid !~r oujrh. The electors of* the jorotujb of llartuony at tbe i Ulce of F K Convert in said borough. l'he electors of the borough of Zelieitople at the wagon shop ol J nines Wallace in sn 1 borough. 1 he eh etora of the borough of Mar* it tbe house ol Thomas Mile* in said horoiigh. The elect of the borough ol Port*r>vi!!e the house ol 1.. 1-. Iteigbley iu -aid 1>• >r.> The electors of the borongn of Valencia at the store room ot' Barr A St" up in aid bori ugb. The elec*ors of the borough of Coiino<|ue ni'ssiog at the house ol I* W Tbo;t:as in -aid borough. tlivcii under HIV hand at toy office at Puller this 'JOth day of Oct., in the year of our Lord, and HI tlio 124 th year < ftbo Inde peiulenco of the United States of North America. W. 15. DODP3, Sheriff. THK INCREASING DKMAM) for smart, made to measure clothes enables us to i-mjil.iy in our cutting room and tailor shoj), experts, whose workman ship rivals that of the largest cities, and you receive this same skilled workmanship whether your selection be from our finest London novelties or from our plainer, inexpensive variety of cloths. It is our greatest aim to keep our stock constantly refreshed with the newest and best mater ials and to further supply the demand at rock bottom prices. ALAIND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. FOR SALE The John L'lvvall place iti Lcasttrcville —consisting of thirteen acres, all cleared, good seven room house with pantry and three porches, and well alongside, good, large and new bank barn, good orchard of all kinds of fruit trees is offered for aalej I'or terms impure of HERMAN FOSTER. Leasureville, I'a The Gentlewoman Of New York City, \\ :iiiis an twill In y«nir town. It *!%«•% premium* of < ';iiin*r is, llkyt'li s. >«*t M:» rliliit'N. Ih >k>, H»i,s of Dlmlm'N. :ilrlic\ >ldrt and Waists. ll:mdU« r. lil«*fs. «•!<• ; in fact, afwiiii two litui«lr« k 'l ami ornu mental art and household n« < « <*an Im- lict'iired wit liout ro*»t liiic «»nt* «i*nt. A n»*w and altr.iftlvi* plan of s«M*urliiK siihs« rIU rH without tin- o'»J«'« tlonablo fvnturOM of ran va>sln^. SIOOO IN GOLD , Given Away Fne AN " _ la *<MIII»a iii Oar A $950 PIANO I l»«Kular I'nnlasi \Vc s«-iid our complete outttt and easy pluu fur raising i-lnli- rrtr also nur Maintrnih I' r<- 111I II ri I T.lrt Vim will IK- sur|irlscd ami <t«ltghted with tin- hiirh quality lad mai assiirl nn-iit of on r |in-miums. and In in Id 11 h in. nrair L. - nlnn to iflvr aw ay SIOOO in Gold and ail S«JO Pianu I lro|» U--A |HI»! al i-ard lislay f--r full imrllcnlar-,; do not delay, f veryllilnit will In •.! nl ynii Frre liEKTLEWOMAB PUBLISHIWO COMPAKY, (H-nt iwwiiman Itiillilliit!. N. w City N V M. C. WAGNER. ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, lJ9*Soutll Main street Over shaul & Clothlnj Store The Keystone Orcheslra, Is now ready for engagement* for Par ties, l'L-mcs ami Dances, and t'.uaran tee the licst of music at reasonable rates. Address, Prof. Gus Wickcnhagen, 22S Zie>{ler Ave., Itutler, i'a Hot<? Laub<?, SAXONBI KU, PA. HENRY DOfcRR. PropV Good Meals Uervcd at AllJHours. Oootl Stabling ill Connection WM. WALKER. (i»M:it U. DKAI.IR I SI REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES, ETC l\i.rTKi«rit litii DIPO. opr piwrnrrit i 0 E. E. CAMPBELL, J V TIN ROOFER. Jf J and Specialties in Tin. JT € > N M ain -i llut li-r. Pa. V Huy Xow-Doi\'l Wait. SAVE MONEY ON DRY GOODS. All intelligent rt wit rs of the new«pap< rs know that th t« :v\< rur* i« toav! higher prices on all kimis of go<»ls. We .'ail» ii tive intirr* cf »!vaac v f». m m.inufacturcrs an l imp iri- r> with whom « *r, in touch Some retailer* have alr« elv advance ! price* We Sell at Old Prices While Present Stoeks Last. -7 , Latest Favorites in Dress Goods. Dressy things fir dressy ;>< ;>! e New Cre;. :ss, Homes; uns. C->vett>. V< ct »r - !'!.. • is. l ' ou^'c '- ICc «J cM Cor skirts, and a!! At ;>!.iin and y weaves that arc stylish ami e • >b:e art lure at ' css thaa present values / / Our Cloak Department "^V-V'i i,' a I 1 P rc ' c ' ate - v)ur Jackets. Capes ami Furs are corrcvt in tvo y detail and worthy in tve»y way. Golf Capes "* $?-00 up. !.a ics Jackets $5 oO up C hiidren's Jackets sj.oo «'p. l-'-.r I" ',- v :• s Prepaie for the Cold. **s Huy Blankets, H -iery and L'n icr -ar E* _' rr Our >"^7^-31ML to make you a I i r ge savi -g oi these go ds Full size Cotton Blankets ;oc a pair. l"\- . Pure Wool Blankets $ > 50. $3. *4 and $; .1 j ■HfTp, m /€ '*/ Ladies' Fleeced Underwear 25c and 50c. Children's Underwear 10c up. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS UPON MER'T L. STEIN SON, 108 N. MAIN STREET. BUTLER. PA Grand Fall Opening Q£ Seasonable Footwear AT C. EMiller's Our store is filled with an immense line of P ■ Wi..;« Shoes. Never before h.n we been able t>> .-tier our tiadr - . a variety and s,» many ditf.-vnl >:yle; . t , • di this -<• The Prices Are Right. \ou can always depend <>n u< t>r! »w j .rice. \\ ir alway *on the lookout lor Bargains an.l out read;, cash ft « enable- us to , c our customers some very good things, ami that account- >. r am large trade during July and August. A Big Fall Trade. Four months ago ve commenced to .lan f., r .1 1. ■ tra«lr First w<- boagkt aOO< : latka A week later ti» jnce adl vanced 10 to 20 j>cr c:-nt. We will ell RuMk „ Cheaper Than Our Neighbors can huy Them. Next we turned our attention t » k ill; r .»•pui;« » sharp advance in leather, which can. - afu all on . >itract* wriv made tor my fall and winter rock. Goods Weil Bought Are Half Sold. Don't fail to se ir fall line. Lv *»>nv . pr.-fty ;es To® many to try to tell you. b-t call and >o t , will !*• well ywd t.»r y,mr trouble. We Are Expansionists. Our trade grows larger each \ ir. but we tr «ti!i ifrer m >rv, and we ofler some big inducements to get it C.6. /V\iller PROFESSIONAL CAHUS. lit- A 1 u ! u, I' Office u>6 \V. niamoinl Si , [Dr Graham's old office. ] lloiiis 7to a m ami it> 3 a'wl 7 to X p. m «R H. BROWN, '» • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN as D SCRGKOtf. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. I*. O. Night calls at office. OAMI KLM. BIPITS. C> PHYSICIAN ANO SRNR.hoN Joo West Cunningham St. j"~ BLACK, !<• PHYSICIAN KIRN Smr.KON New Trout man Buiitltrt];, Butler Pa. hR. CIIAS. R. It. lit NT, PvntciAM ANO Simr.Kfw, Kye, ear, none and a specialty. 240 South Main St. M. ZIMMERMAN PHYSICIAN INIL SI'KL'.KON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. hR. N. M. HOOVER 137 K. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 ami to 3 p. m. HI W. WICK. • DKNTIST lias located 111 the new Metn building, with all the latest ilevtce* ( r Dental work. I J. DONALDSON, " • DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest 1 improved plan. Gold I a sp,-c --ialty. Office o\er Miter's Shot- -store. hR. W. P. McILROY, DKNTIST. Formerly known an the "P -erUss Painless Kxtractor of Teeth ' Located |iernianently at 111 East JefTcr .11 St., llppcuite Hotel Lowrv, Butl.-r. Will <to deutial operation-. of .ill kinds hy ih*- , latest deuces and uu-to-d re method-, 1' Me \ I.PI N. I • DKJUIIM Now permanently in nickel ) with a reliable assistant and tatillt:- 1 for l»est and prompt work. People's Phone for Drs. V. or j Mc Alpiti llous- No. jv*; offi< <• N<\ v» > hR M D KOTTRAHA. Sucotiwir to Dr. Johnston. DKNTIST. Office at No. 11 j E. Jeffi-rson St , over I G. W. Miller'* jfroc«rv. r H. NEGI.KV, li> A RT« >N NKV M I.* A Office in the "CITI/KN building JOHN W. COITLTIR. ATTOHNKV IT I MIR I Wwc Building, *. inamond St., Butler. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Baak, or ; Butler County National Batik A T Hi T< k IM W«Jp»*is I I LACK Ac Mt JI N KIN. I' Attor.iey»-i«l.Wi». Armory ISutldir,#, hitler, la HII. OOI'.'IIKR, • LAW. Office 111 Mi chcli huildiug. | UM LTER A BAKH R. JV ATTOKJCKYS »; » «W Room B-. Armory )>ail-!;a — 1 j ( T. SCOTT. I \ r r.nxKv AT I.«W. ; Office at No. H. West Dumig t ft Bat ler. I"». ■ V H\\ ION i;|.u K. I B ATTOVVKT AT LAW t>ffice on South Iriamo- J Strrvt. I B. HKKDIN, , • • ATTomxKX * r L«v. on Main S». nea- l art flavor. I M PAIN TER, |#« ATToawrY \T '.*w Office Between Po>»t office mru\ DMnmad ■ jn. TJTT. S ~~Z ~ft -OtNTiL SCO* .»> - JTS A»»,. N " I . >' I PMACTI:*• T'«» I* ,»V icPOMN *»•' •:J .""Ik mk"' '• *": WHY >«OT ft fV|vOURST •• " I *l' 1 BW-OGC • * • '• '? H* s TOOTH » A c.. saw - (anMa. y ourr » SONS, 24* r a.whm, °ITTSBURG. PA 1831 rsa i^oo ItV All kWii!ili:i Mi s ;0(»f. AM» \I>MI rrKi-t.v Tit* l. 'art-.uK Ag: .aitttral jo-. -.At of the Work! I'.vm v drp iltlurnt written Hy prflal tsta, the lii||be4 authorities tn ttiacir re specttve lines No other paper prrti-Bil- to r icmTi with it 111 mt e«tit<-*?*« .t *IT Giyei th«- igitcnltwil with * <l« |{ree of fulioesn inal c-»mt>lt'fttrsn m< 1 veil attru»pt«sl »>y ottiers. Brst Reviews of th« Crops Best Market Reports Beat Accounts at Best Evr?yttm»j INDI>PEN ABLE To ALL 1 < »UN IKV KKSLI*I.VTS WHO WISH To Kkh ir WrrH rtt« TIVKS. Single S'li.s liptien, ||, T»>> Suf»» rt(>ti«ji*«. i ; yO. Four Subscriptions, s<*. srvctAt ti»n CEMVSTS r« uimt or L AFTBE 1 tt*tß •writ* far FartteaHr« «a tUs Faiac t'luh .Vjtent Wanted Kwtt ■lwn. I '>ur Haattls Trial TN* BL ..>ata SPECIMEN Ct»PTR4 will he maileil free <>n mpmt. II will fwiy a!i»'«*lv mtrresTol 111 m «.tv •• • >untrv ItH* to *rwl (w Then*. A'i«lre»a tb» publishers, LI IHI V rt ckt» A ABauny. N. V.
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