Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 21, 1899, Image 4
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Latest Swell Styles in Ladies's Tailor-made Suits. NEW, NATTY FALL CREATIONS Fit Like a Glove. All Wool Cheviot and Venetian Cloth Suits-Jackets -Ilk lined. \ cry in prevailing lined, tones nud weight- exactly I rice *lO. . Va flve-dollar Tailor-Marie Suit is a marvel Twrft-ct fit Ask to s«* them. A full assortment of Sseu.iraU .«lii- 111 Slack and* Blue Cheviots. Fine Black Orepon Skirts. I rices range from jl- up B< sure and see them. THE NEW BLACK CREPONS. ou display In our Black Goods section to-<lajr. Thl- hint of th. l>ri Mohair Figured Crepons • • ••£ a - v;ir '| I'ebble Ground Crepons •■• ■••••£["2? a >ar '} prk» tha^anV'^S«^^u*^i < il f l 'Not' ! less' l (in;i < nty S ; pHc'^an^'tuaUty meet at our store. THE BEST BLANKET VALUES WE EVER GAVE, Every good housekeeper wants to be ready In zood time. hence this S{^ v th ™'out""^ cotton warp, and the cheapest of all warmth Um Blankets or all cotton, ar FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. Mrs Zimmerman and trimmer are now In the Eastern markets attending the t ail and X:Tr£Zrtor " y Sn^r«^»Uh^?wesYft W *!?! and Vi /l r Hat, Feathery Velvets B7b1"»ns! 4cLessprices than ran Ik- found elsewhere rules in our Miillmry Department. new £ ARJ DEPA RTMENT. Vou know we alwaysdo have the latest In Fine Art such as Stamped Lin- us. s-fa I'll lows. Table and Piano Covers. Mantle Draperies, Renaissanceand! foe 1,. »Iss law man, who Uin chawe, haa Just returned from -New tork wli.r. sh. has newest and best In ner line. Art lessons Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge SprirySa WRTTE TO Haggerty & White, Cambridge Springs, Pa WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSIONOF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. I L~k The entire set with Guide HI and case d e |i verc .j (K « \ H upon payment of only ' »V/U Balance payaOle in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and Ihe NEW WERNER Is tbe best edition of the Britannlca. Do not put your money In old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST Is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has thia work over one which has •ot. FOR SALE J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. SEND us OWE DOLLAR _ Cat lk!i xl. i>.ii and ifnil In ■< "Ilk iI.OO, a»«l»e »IMl*a4;M Ifcto IF.W k* < 3SO laPKOVKIi ACMK wi Kll IMULOM OKOA*, Wj fr*»ct»tl o. P.,•• Meet to / ' **'- f C^fx. You cad examine it at your ncareat frolKht u*i*ot. II J:;fs*sl ami If yoi fl«»*l It cxaetly t« rcpfvaenfed. equal to organs ihut f ]kf 'T |i retail at *fs.o<> to + IUO.OO, the trrratewt value youever m.w and > §" far Letter man organ* adrertlaed by others at more money, nay I WSWg K dtaKf Ej tbefreltfht atfent our apeelal »0 daya' offer price, $31.70, ; WiBfIHMB ■» - i Irna the tl.Wl, or otO. 16, and freight charge*. / , '|W|inl tWfm 531.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS'PRICE jr..£K ' JHHELOHB •4 b; tlbrn. Haeb an off* r ne»er mud«* Ui forr. , Jf A THCACME QUEEN u of tin-»o.i i»I k.uii.k «m> hwfktkst vj >A# Till kit la«ti umroT* r«rr aia4r. From the Illustration *hown. which K* && *'■/"* API B l> engraved direct from pbjo u can form Miirif lleaof lt» -jWfc < "V/fc r»iV>tT*iMYat *Vin?'iciit'JrciSTiMfwtiin«hShigh! 12 Iwbea long. fa inrhe* wide and weight 360 pound*. Con- -! ctarea, II atopa, aa follows Oiapaaoa, PrMpftl, , f lliitolaNß. •" } I TiTn* *w»II, I lirm't Or|in Hwri", 4 H«ta Orrhaatral I onffl fljl^' 11 I'll- Va.lllj K-rd. l K«»t of >7 I'ur.Hw.t W-I.hJa . * '• I V* k'fM, I S#t «f>7 < btnilHl; Brllllaat Olrsto K< e«U, I Hr» «.f / t v*- . V ft Kl'li IfrlUw M«o«tk t»lap**.n Rrr4«. I KM ~f ••» IMr.-ln : f 7_<* X g&fr'r4 \3EB--.1 • ..rly.l Hrr«lj. J HI. AIM : .J 3 1 ! S 1 Im*||(»wh atoek and flneet leather in valve*. I 111-: f, fT-/twi!Tg -'. EWB<S j A * VI F. QITKN la f UM»ljhed v.lMi a H;il I U«%.-W«i oial • »*iry modam Inproreim'iit. We faratob fr«* • k«»4 .-r Pflw£L~* / •I»wr »r*a« .io-l and tk* ke«lortan Ina(ru(Clon »m»«II pnMl«h<-4. 'ttiifeaMr w'SHI (; UftH ANT E£ D YEARS. OKIIM: vroNriK. IM>'N-T'i'»KI"AV." " I[("irV.Vt'• OUH HEt lABILITY IS ESTABLISHED j/.T'".; H . '"■*-*»■ {W%3r the iiutilloher «»f thla Metr(»|>olltaii National I'ank, or'>»m kliebuotr*' Nat. Hank. (Jbloayo, n» (»«>minri RscbaliK« Rank, N«-w York . or any mllr«»o<l orcxpreaa comiMtny In ( hl<*air'>. Wr K».«- araplial of o«rr i jon.oon.iMi. «*■< uj»y #-ntlr« <»n«- of tbo lan.'>-4 linalßMM bl'M-kaln i r. if .«.••! fMn|T<-v n»ar!v X «MI |.. ..|»|<* In »i ir oarn lull Id 1n..-. « H "KI.I OlUi t%HA T « il. On *»<! u». I'IOII.S, fIU.O« ■ •it up; a!... .-vfrythlnK In i:.u«l«al IfiMtrunionta »t l-.w.-t whoh-nale |»rl<' Write f r fre«- «|.wW»l «»rifa*». piano and mu«lcaJ In I r.inoMit cataloir*!*- A<Mr-»i. .He art. 110. bur k * to. »r» mor juk»»'| rallahto.—K4ltar.} atARS, nOEUUCK ti. CO. (Inc.). Fulton, Desplaineb »nr" Wjjman Sli.. CHICAGO. ILL. I L'.o xi\ irt'f. /V r'L ~j\ w.i'i. SrK .f*% 5 3. • " ~r~0 s [! > v .- . ' ' subscribe for the CITIZEN. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only ♦40.50 cash, or $4500 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportuf.ity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. -V ** was ? nc and nourishment had not entered into his calculations. It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such an experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feeds hun- Sf!f regardless of digestion and nutri tion!* He might almost as well eat shav ing for all the good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach erows "weak," the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired an«l the man suffers the miseries of dys pepsia and the agonies of nervousness. To strengthen the stomach, restore tht activitv of the organs of digestion an'l nutrition and nourish the nerves, use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is an unfailing remedy, and has the confidence of physicians as wt-11 a.s the praise of thousands healed by its use. In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery "is a temperance medicine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcot ics, and is as free from alcohol as from opi um. cocaine and other dangerous drugs. Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach and blood "just as good " as "Golden Medical Discovery." " I can say to you, cme bottle of your Golden i Medical Discovery' has cured me sound and well, after suffering two long years with »tmn ach diseaw. ' "riles W 11 Urn-well of McAdcn ville. Gaston Co .N C My health >* worth all the world to me I will praise you as long , as I live." A book of 1008 pages given away On receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only, we will send you The People's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, free. Send 21 one-cent stamp.' for the paper covered edition, or y stanu-- for the s.ime edition cloth I>ound Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. V. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds, g I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. D Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. SCorns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Si.oo. Sold by druijslMn, or sent i*jßt puldonrec.iptof i>rlc» niIPHREYS' HtD. CO., 11l A 113 WllliMn St., N#w \ orfc. What is Celery King? It 1* on herb ilrlnk, and is a positive cure for constipation, headache, nerve.i . disor ders, rlieninatisrn, kidney diseases, and the various trouble* arising from a disorders 1 stomach and torpid liver. li. 1« <i muC agreeable medicine,and is recommended by physicians generally. Remember, it euro constipation. Celery King Is sold in 2V- and !Ac- par k uges by druggists and dealers. 1 \ "CURHS 1 \ THE 5 5 COUGH. I C A pleasant, never-failing $ I remedy tor throat and lung r I diseases. ( j Sellers' Imperial j J Cough Syrup < ) is absolutely free front spi ii l .".'' > J or other harmful c < A prompt, poeitrve cure . v couglis, colds, licar / / eiiza, whooping cough. ? / Over a million bottles -old in t.. a S \ laatfcvr years attcfitiUi ah ty. c l w. J. OXLMORE CO. 5 i PITTSEURa, IA. S < At all Druggists. y \ 25c and 50c. I i t s /V^WVV/WWV'^/ v J v » ' • 3d Ktiroka HnrncM OH l.i tlie lies l r ;>Be r yatlve °f sj . m 9 mMtf ' tto#y JR l iM will u>A only look W'T t»ut wcur }SS! lon mt. s.»l«! ' v« rvu I - in fj.i " all [2-; ai2< J from half t-» fi v»- uaUoiin. J » by MTANUAIIU Oil, I O. fj MSETOS SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Sctnery Unsurpassed in America. Only thrcv hours' title cast from l'ittsbur , in the Allegheny moun tains. Open all tin yi ar. under the nn illc:il con trnl (if Dr. 1.. t». <.'r«*»inan. ttraduati' uM'nl vit .ity i.f Yin I. :i--i-'I iiy sUillful ph> sir I ill is. Appoint rm-iit *1 -f tin- i- ■ I upprnnil kliuis, and llrst-clani In « very 11-.11111 Tu Mtmeut by inedli'iin s and ballet "f all kinds, rtuissattc ai.il eb-elrlelty. Hot, anil cold, salt Ttirklsli, Kienan, sit/. i-!erlrn tliiTrnal. i-liTt roH'lieiiili'Ul anil f»i*i-ilI• • l,:it 1* ItulUiiiiK bratrd wltii bot water, il by eb —tlii-lty. siippiliil will, pun- iiiuuntalii w:it< r. siMi'iiindi-il I,v 11*ii•"t ri-stfnl inoiin tain ,I'i-ni-rv I.« m:I 11"< I 011 I'ittsl.tii t; dlvl-un (>r 1!. fi <> 1!. I!, wbi.b It with tin prinripal <*ltie. and Unit tallro:nl also with the IVniisylvanltt railroad at llvudtnan. .lohnstowti. < ' niin'lsvllle. Itrad iliH-k Terms reammat.ie. -pi'i-lal rati s fur tninisti rs. Tiilssiimarlcs. teai'fn'rs. physicians and their fatnllli's Cor further Information and circulars TIIK MKKLETONS SANATORIUM CO., Marklcton, Somerset <*<>., l'a. rxuiulimtlon. im« hwUnmi 1 | lot.r, K'inrnnt« «rin|C |«rllvrrv Kmnlt4 it «t HI 4>UOd |»rrf»ftl; >ali-.r«rt«»r/, ■ IM-Iljr m- f»pr»*r»l»d, 'A •tr**nl Our Ssi ]n| with order. ll>» fr»kol li. <•».> «»..i .*« si d ■ poll.) of lh» . ' THIS HANDSOME 08AVCST0NI 14 mud... rut. trurnl l<,t I U«riM|iin»l |toll in very ytyh\ from flnr«l hmj« : Vlltir I'loio (it tin H»rbl», l« nonxJcfllrurOblr, and ha* a rUb bUhIT pnllahrtl, unfadln* rolor. Ilramloni* I* lO Imlim blgb 16 lnrhr«wld« at l<aM>. *Vrllr f»r on ulli»f»l;lmnil»l»r« Wtfre.j, SfcAKS, HOtBUCK & CO.. CHICAGO Subscribe tor lLt- Uitivkn THE CITIZEN. CAUGHT IN THE TRAP THEGRSAT SMALLPOX SWINDLE AND HOW IT WAS WORDED. X iirazen ud W. 41 Plnnnrd Soli<• me !»>' Which Two Sharp Confidence Men ilonkucd n Hotel Keeper Oat of $5,000. "I dare say you never heard of the (treat smallpox swindle," said the ho tel manager. '"The facts of that re markable affair were withheld at the time for the most urgent reasons of policy, and even now 1 prefer to tell the story without names or localities. It happened in the fall of ISSG, when a certain hotel in a large western city was crowded with tourists. One day, at the height of the season, two gen tlemanly looking strangers put up at the house and were assigned to what we call a 'double room.' About a week later one of them appeared at the of fice and requested a private interview with the manager. '1 regret to inform you,' he said, after the door was clos ed, 'that my friend is down with a se vere attack of smallpox.' "The proprietor nearly fell out of his chair. There was known to be small pox in the city, and the bare sugges tion that tin- disease had appeared in the hotel was enough to empty it in a twinkling. To let the news get out meant the lc?s of thousands upon thou sands uf dollars. It meant the ruiu of the season's business 'lie must be quietly removed at once, said the pro prietor. trying to control his agitation. ** 'Removed!* exclaimed the other. 'Taken through the cold air to a laze retto! Why. man, that would be mur der! I'll not permit it!' "The hotel keeper was thunder struck. 'Do you mean to say he must stay here?' he gasped. " 'Certainly,* said the stranger. "It was a ticklish situation. The ho tel keeper dare not enforce hi? sugges tion. while to let the ease remain was like storing gunpowder in a furnace room, lie pleaded, protested, begged, threatened and blustered, but all In vain. The man was tirm as a rock. 'lf you attempt to eject my sick friend,' he declared, 'l'll publish your inhumanity to the entire community.' "Finally it occurred to the distracted proprietor to see, tlrst, whether it was really a case of smallpox. So he sent for a physician, swore him to secrecy and hustled him up to the room. The doctor tcok one look at the disfigured fare on the pillow and reported that the malady was there In a malignant type, lie advised the man's immediate removal at any cost. 'lf you keep him concealed,' lie said, 'the disease may spread, and it would ruin you for life. You owe something to your guests.' Again the proprietor Interviewed tlje friend, and again the latter refused to budge from his position. " 'Where can I take hlmV he demand ed. 'Vou know very well I can't get comfortable quarters for such a pur pose, and I won't have him butchered In a pestliouse to please any landlord on earth!' The hotel man felt his hair stand on end, but concluded to let tilings stand as they were until morn ing. "Next day lie sent for the sick man's friend anil nsked him whether he had any suggestions to make. "'Yes,' he replied; 'I thought up a plan over night, whteh you may adopt or not. as you like. As 1 said before,' he continued, 'it is useless to try to rent quarters for such a case. We might, however, buy a small cottage and tal ■ l.it.. there. 1 have tig tired the thing !!i> :::i i the t.>l:il expense would be about n"..o:>;>. If you are willing to Uaml o.v< . t!::it amount. I will take him away and assume all further respon sibility. I make thu offer entirely nut of sympathy for your guests.' "The landlord looked him lu the eye. •1, too. have thought the situation over.' lie said, 'and I'm convinced It's a confidence game pure and simple. I'm convinced there's nothing the mat ter witli your dear friend up stairs, but I am also convinced that the slight est breath of the affair would greatly damage tin- reputation of the house. As a business proposition I consider It worth $5,0f»0 to get rid of you.' "The other man smiled ironically. 'Call a cab and get out your money,' he said, and inside an hour the Incubus had been spirite d through a side door swathed in blankets and driven away. "As the landlord shrewdly surmised, the whole thing was a confidence game, and hi' learned the particulars later on through n sport he had once befriend ed. There was nothing the matter with the rascal up stairs except that his face had hecu pricked a little with a <II]SII dipped in croton oil, something that makes a horrible looking pustule, which disappears in a few days and leaves no mark. 1 always thought the hotel man showed good sense in tak ing the course he did. lie was caught lu a trap and took the cheapest way out. The bare rumor of even a sus pected case would probably have in volved a loss of $50,000 or SOO,OOO. It was far better to pay the .$.">,000 and rharge It to education."—New Orleans Vimes-Democrat. He True to Voiirnelf. Nobody is more entitled to the grati tude of his country than the man who Is true to himself —who Is a useful, right living, law abiding subject. Hap py the man, and happy the community In which he lives. If. through all the storms and struggles of his day, ho carries unstained to the end "the white flower of a blameless life." liNny. Miles—There Is a man over In that museum who has lived for 40 days on water. Giles l'shaw! That's nothing. I have an uncle who has lived for near ly 40 years on water. Miles—lmpossible! Oil;-:. Not at ail. He's a »ea captain. —Chlc&KO News. AN OLD STUN' WALL, If ye only knew ti. »• it • in an old aton" wall! O Lordy inc. I'm MV«nty-tltret! fleguri amo UK tin*-*- bowlders, and I've lived here through it ail. 1 w i n't quite to huh u«je there when dad commented tv char The wuift of n.futy a<-n ' with a how tram and a Kteer, An I we've used lit- ' i i for f-n< in. and we've built around the lot. Oh, I've tu".u'''<l *nd vioi-V-l there, sunn/, ontil, gKtciou« me. I've "t And fairly ui • '<l u' •\ • ■em •» with the twinges In my back. Fikes. there warn't no ihiiMn them daya; It wa« tug and lift a id «ack ( For it n•d- d lot* «.f m>> < le. lot« of gruntln, I«*t«i of ks;i 1, If a feller cah al.ited ft i » ch-ar a plec eof land, llub, it i«n't any won-l-r that our liacka has got a hump. That our arnn ure stretched and awkward liks the handle on A pump. That our |>aln;- •t .1 and calloused, that we vrahole lit ifir ;;ait. There's tii i . iiKht before you round the nw*'!»! .If at ate. And I v. t • uictimes, wmny, that we've any hut k» at ail When J ilvKtr on the backaches In an Old Stun* WalL If ye only knr-w the backaches In sn old stun* wall! We read of men Who with |»en l!a»c pried away the curses that have crushed us in their fall. I don't l»e«rnid(ce tiiern honor nor ths aplendor of their name, iur an Yankee farmer hnan't any use for fume, lint the man who lifted torses and the man who lifted atones Never'll hear i mite of dlfT'runce In the Heaven ly Father'* torus, For I h..\ • the luimhle notion, huh, that when a! I kinds of men. The - tliil pit I with crowhar and the cliaps •f it pro I •vitli pen. A. ' e m a*ured for the thing* they've doll.' IK low The mijp;l with the girth ehain'a bound to givs us all fair atu «, And th» humlile m,m who'i tiusled with the rocks of ftuMioni Maine Won't ft ul that all his labor has been tkanUeas and in tain. And while the viae and mighty p « glofUias honors iluc The man w\. » t - k the brunt of toil *ill re raem!.< red t>> The man who fatal :*is firbinff emrn Ms , fly the acrv* h taadr fertile and the mtlca of rock* hi- |»i!e«J Ti at aia't 10. v. r* tar I don t prc-i*©* to Si.;.* \V> at nsv dvi'i t. are to I oca. but the cus»»el of |j a t:;:. i.:\ iJ that l'»e built on n.<*re •>* Kss I believe ital God llmlsbt; has it in his h«art ; to !»i' For the sr.> : tt> v've left I • :*»«' them roujrh old Who !..« - -i ad .1 J ih?«l things *'ith y, : - : • .1 tttd he t.. Ui lie in. .A~u±i the ba. « i» «n 0!d Wall. l.ewl-.'.ao Journal. Tbe Prltlc of Trat>. Gent!. :: u» (v.!:.» I: ■ teamed ng< d col. r •. . .. ran to «li re hftn from the st..; ... ' tie !:< f :-a.v• » what's youri:;:: luivir !•: ,s <«eorge Wa>-' it.: - -ti a:. <: irge Washington! Why. that : nine > • < ms familiar. Driver Well. fo tie Uw<Tl sake. I should think it «.i:u :t lo llere I have bee;; drirta to this station fo" 'l»>ut 'JO years, sail. Hat h m Life. lll'raetlee. "Say. you knew Deacon llardway's boy Hen. who went up to the city to study medicine, didn't you?" "Oh. vis; I kuowed Hen well. What about him?" "He killed liltiiseJf day Itefore yester day." "You don't say! What was the mat ter? Couldn't he git no outside prac tice?"- Chicago Times-Herald. Art nt lliHue. ■ • "How you getting on in your clay modeling. Kitty?" "Oh. Just lovely; I'm devoted to It." "This is a line head; who is it?" "Goodness—don't ask me. Isn't he sweet? It is either Martin Luther or Benjamin Franklin." BLARNEY. II jrota'ro cnlnK f.»r minus* nunt, i.' you're u-hcclltiy for a fight, If the trimming of your pleasure iiliould to vi'lence, Th.; ■hillalub it an ::r. m.-it for pro-ring you are right Or producing tt. • . iit that coincs from ui lence. But ull crt ili.i - v. '<• • ; married will, I think, this fact allow. Vou may sometimes have to play a pme of barney. Wlien the very »;i.r. t instrument for finishing a row U a little trtrUy. c-luxing bit of blarney. Ail our lii li h. .1 h i they have found out party quick Tlmb r iri • • »• .1 lon Wh n 11. bluckthoi ; t its powerful, is no er.ua I for a ■ 1 Wi.ii 1 is ni -ft';: •! « !■ th r and persua sion. With that : :foi c? >i Ic inn ;>>«. n 1.. hman may hack Right away from Giant's C'aus vay to Killar ney. I've fii'in Gerald'* British cudgel, though it's splendid for att.vk. Simply squandered by a little bit of blarney. ThTi- i* Kittle, purty Kittle, who Is bother some and gay; Kittle looks upon flirtation as.her duty, And her manner's all "< -tut hither," though her lips say, "(.Jo L*.vay," Bhe is brim full of contrariness and beauty, Out the thieves who steal all common s>tfise from ablel>odicd men Are the two eyes in the head of Kit tie K«arn< y. And the bravest, biggest, cleverest are foolish creatures when Her true ally is a little bit of blarney. So plaj* up the trr »vct of blarney, for that tune creation flog#* Art<l I state a fact, there is no use to preach it; If you want to h am the art of talking hind legs off the dogs. It Is that small town in Cork knows how to tcacli it. No, it's not by cracking skulls that we our ene mies will face, For we fear no foreign nations or their barney; If we only hould our hould upon the birthright of our race, They're not In it when we take on bits of blar ney. —London Sporting Times. Ufttlng to !!«• a Dally llnlilt. "John," said Mrs. Scroggins, "I've boon watching you closely for the past five minutes. What are you hunting for in that paper? You are scanning tfie Items as anxiously as If you were a defaulter and expected to Hud a re port of your misdeeds In print." "Nothing of the sort is thu matter with uie, CJlorlann," life replied. "I'm Just trying to find out what boat the emperor of Germany hoarded yester day lor the purpose of building tip friendly relations." —Chicago Times* lleruli) HOOD S PILLS i-.tiro Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, ,y to opc-rnte. 25c. REHUMATISM CTRKD IN A DAV. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to ] days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. I'. Ililt>h Druggists Itutler 96. D'LL-NEE-DIT 1 triivellng or for m«'cllcliuil purposes nothing better ill an our I'tin* Kyi» Whiskey our» in guaranteed absolutely pun*. TIIEKE AUK OTIIKKS but we guarantee ours t«» be as af»ove r»*pn - - siililrd. S «>tiv eliOico of nny of tin* below bt .'I LIDS of Wbi-. IV« y. w 11.1 ran t« »MI O\ I r 0 YEARN •ilfl fI.OU per full <|M«rt, 0 «|imrtn. $£ 00. FiM'II, *T. VfcllMlfc, 1.1 I KKNMMMKK im.l.lNtiHi, <4l LIT ON. OVKKIHM.T. MIDI*. TIIOHI'HOS. HKUMJKroR r. I»IIANI»FATIIKIt'H MiOit /., a wliKkcy guaranted .Iyritr*obi. £J.«N» per gal. All* *. 1). I> or tna 11 orefer* of i£».no or over we bo\ ;ui(l .lth> promptly; ex press charges pre SVe have no agents to represent us. r*t!n<i ortlers direct and savo money. RGISI£RT LIEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, l'a. M» It At (I. Oepot TilFliol lil.K A A ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. Olw of tlie finest Ky* Whiskit's !II tills St.it<. MI tin- following low prices: I nil iiuart*. one Ih>l tie. »Sc; font liottlcs. $1.00; -l\ IHIIIIIS. $4 50; twelie IK,III. 5».75; iriillon. $».0() the, • khIIOIIS. f* Not less than I IMIIOII or t lioltli', shli>|ieil. No eliarue for imrkltitf Express pldln t In' followlnt! Hales I'eiin sylvania, Ohio. West Virginia. Maryland, Indiana. Now York. Send your address una money order to A. ANDKIKSSKN Sole Owner, Ulh Federal St., TliL. 540. ALLEOHENV, PA. I'rlee list of other good*. Wines, ete . mail ed. iCeferenei-s lir -»t and >ee«>ll<l Nit buial r.aiiks and Dollar Savings I'tutd and 1 rust < oiiipany. Allegheny, l'a. (No marks on shipping CWM-'s ) "A TT'S *HTfADELF H, A.2 'l -DENTAL ROOMS.- » 5 n 39-sth Ave., PltUbury, P». ii fl] r. pRACTICA' , A y< ffl CROWN "" l BF.il.it 1 51 J,'7® fla niw'ir.. WHY HOT DO '« IlkYounST ' ' CNOWN! B M'/' p i-'> "' '• ll ( j n \AJ e Cut it Short! j— When »• »' 't c • thing •>.«>•. we *»jr tl We *»T >h« i whole thing In .. minute \W Imti baifalM that will drive th« suri-.liin.' int*. y.'iir iM-arts. Thrrv Nno te>t like » trial. NEW DRESS GOODS. }JJ BUfk CrcpOM II Wto 9M9 |W |4 Him-W Ki*i.i-le-. i"«- to }t is p> r yd. .Alws-r "I AH wnnl rn 1 lift rtnth. ifwif t iilnf ■*n~*T* -«♦ "• ti:l > 1,, , » \ All w.».l li.nni -piin. ifrvy ami hr.iwn mixture*. torljM t P \ 1i! " 'l".v <»; Venetian tli. newest »h et> %n. 1 ■MW YA V \\ Black Silks. £ liyrj A \ \ Rhdl I', tab Hate, imvy. ridk wiItHMM)I in. h. - wide at rX. 11 V ' / l/ea'vy Kla<-k Satin lM:ehe»s. lnclie> wide «! - • |Ua tj ~t |Mi per yd Swell Oress Plaids : Very hundsouic I'laitK at 2.V-. / All wtx»l <*:iiufls hair Plaids, rich andotTcvtlvc. i" liifhes with :it N(»bl»y w«m»1 Plaids, very oboice. 4*» inrhes with :it \ " - , Silk and Wool Plaids, dollar quality at *V. jfj- \W£f I Very heavy l'lalds. very sw« ll f«>r >klrt«». 4«; lin lu»> wide ;»t ;I v %Sf THE BEST . Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Y Gloves and Ribbons. Slfetl—! In Low Prices We FinJ Strength, and Make Business Hum. f~J' — Lw. STEIIN Sc SO IN, 128 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA WVAW'V/VVU'H/sa. yv C ISHO. KMZVEXTH AIuNVAJ, • Pitkhiimrvn% v \f jl>'iUdv* .Lihfy'Viliii W i s M - £• • | | . r OPENS .SEPTEWBEB 6. CT.OSBS OrrOBEB aw. S MUSIC™ WORLD'S (JREATIIST BANDS < ) SOISA ZBANI) Godfrey's Band S 50 PIECES-SEPT. 6th TO IQtli. 50 PII?CES—SEPT. 20t!i lO JOth. K ? Damrosch's New York Symphony Orchestra s / 50 I'IECES-WAI.TER DAHROSCH CONni'CTOR-OCT. 2d TO 14th. S \ jgjjg FAMOUS BAND ( MYSTERIOUS PICTURES OS THE CISEMAVCRAPU. ( / tJQVID AIR DEMOXSTRATiOXS. / ) gra\i> rT i.c rnir \t. nrsrr.AV. < MO MONEY i v..,i nj... oux h'CM k L J af/'.Ct OHO! ; XSiMEt t »U*Di« SEWINQ MACHINE |Wj fouiui ' - ri: rrn.iiiafariory, exactly an nprcwated. mm J &. J J "'"i—in ■■iQflnn^~TTW^TiWi^Tirf > pa/ . Special Offer Price 515.50 • f r . MBJ <1 THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your I a-. l . »«• v. ill i :turn y«»ur f15.50 any day you are not aatlstted w» srll «iif- BiJ pjri • ferrr.l .n.lrs nui crude* #f Nfiiaf Ixklnn at fl.iO. fIO.OO. flt.OO. mm on . tfJA., r* .1 fI £ itii nn.| up, all fulljr detrHbrd In Our l'r*« Hr«ln< larhla# tiulomr. X I _ - bui 5.13.G0 for ilil. DROP DESK CABINET BURDXCK ffR vl) ILI ITJII <'2 13 tho trrcatost valuo ever offt-red by any house fII T ■ mm i _ • REV/ARE OF IMITATIONS BJ 1.1 SS4 If (••rtltinenta, o(r«riiiK unknown mriiiari under varloan names, with I Z ? viri' Uj ind ieeinenti" Wrlla loer friend la ihtric o le*r» who art _ VjH| . vili ic' si ion in w "cry ■omtßs upRi.tKMHT. r|u •VVV.vtfA'.'rj• ;f i nC. Plltt U I VIV umi 1.1101. 11I1ST OK KVKKY 1111. II . DKIIIS »!• MIS a. U.VIIK BY THE RHT MA k Kit IN AMKKK'A. ' ' ' ' ' f» .. Illlg., KIIIIM l lll: UKNTDAI l ltlM. ifxxtttx. SOLID QUARTER SA'VED OAi £ t'''' apn with iul'i t«i«le «..-i h... I t.. i.ia, .■ i t i. i ~' demraifl t«'rs. tmll iM-aiini; idjattlbto tr«-a«l u'«'; HIMRtUt) Iron aCattd g 'Tflij |S K fi 5 0 Htffll Unint Urft Ulfb tni brii, |>-aitlve four m<itl«>u f*4*d. »rlf'thrt adm»r *:t ■ »t --«. 1 ■ fM\l) H MMI Inir whuttle. autonatie txd»bin winder. adju>tab:« braru w*. |»ai< »it t« r. n ■® «v ■} it 5 T Lj M 1 liberator. Improved loo«e wheei. attJusUkbl* pr«**«M»r f. . t imj " d i»liitttl« ' ■; " 4 5 14 id Dl JKbSh eArrfer, patpnt needle bar. patent <lreN.«iruard. h<*ad In handi>oii.rty di*<v.rat. d : - s i '• *, SjJryJ'l •' lora.airelM »«.! h.ao. lfu.lt NICKEL THIIVIIVIED. c ii . . -Jwrl E**ry known aiiarhwrtit i« furai it od aad our Free Instruction Book trill c ~ 1 VW.r: •> just liowanyf»ne can run It and do either plmin t»r any kind .f fancv «or> yv\; JA SO-YKARS BINDING OUARANTEK l.i «nt wirh ewry n. » h * \'* l v.V a IT IP uuaia TUU I niniu with th.«e youratwkeencr im liaat f 40.00 -W to $60.00. *nd thru if fonvlnccd yaa ar# u«Ue #'.'i «w» *• 94U »u. pmy for fivltffct atrrnt t».» sls. WK TO MK fl H* V»l It #li.i(Mf at int fioio whida il.rr» .»• un*>irt •at I»u«itrif. tillVliU T«i !Uf. s>o\"T DRI.AT. (Meani. I< .chuck X< o. are thoroughly reliable Kdtt i Addrw, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. <lnc.» Chicago, HI. J. W. MYbRS, j DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. , McFANN I'. ()., Ttutlor Co.. l'a If you want a piano or organ drop me a line and I will call upon you. When Starting Ou a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst and take what comes. But if you have the foresight to choose as your mount on.* of our wheels, what comes can only be the best. If you ! cannot do this let us thoroughly over haul and repair your old wheel itnl the thances of a breakdown will be material ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. Evans & Son.. Cor. Wayne and .MeKcr.n. M9TTS~ PENNYROYAL PILLS They ovc rronif WmkiiM*. Irr* i u rfvPmOi lrti it v niwl oml»»loii»,lr»ci AEmtMmfll ( tl ' I »..v AM' •• I.IIV JWQHv vrl»>|.»i»ciit «.r nn«l b«»«ly No known r. m..«Jy f«.r « ,l,,,n (| }' # ' |M {JJ" i'l - f « m I'lT.. nr. *1 »».-r afo™"cHr.MicAi'ro' X. racitek »:rtr...r,A kraal. fEKHVROYftL SiLLS] *■ tar Ilk.. *~l~. f . ..» /• ■ «••«' in K. •:-> ■ ,W v wnu 1.. i n'.-- vy : • v. Jr • »tliw. /'.1... •....|.||<«- T / "s. 'Jr In f'# W'MII" ' "imUU M« ;>■ ' 5 "t:. "-R r-r I.Q.:I~."I'. MI~. MAN \ (s ju.tt. :l»,lIOu : .- .-witftl. KmuUfi'. J f ii an l.t'iMliU 4'kli brsfr.r I'H-Wilfiil Oh, V... Suns i-HII.AU I"A. I WANTED - A Reliable MAN <.f Ro-d ftildrem to Millrlt lust., .ft. ii. j I i-rti "«'l*ti. A' V « kiM' AU |» i-ii ' A x to work, run innko fiotofir. wul . e : . X J itllf ''ti i r (inl.'try, pmil wreklv Ail 'rf I X Z |. HI K tiH'i.l "ti ti • I Ii if |' 'iifr. 2 T{ II \UI.I 1 11. «II \si:,ltoi lie,let ..V. X KEELEYCURE. LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J Removes all deiire an'! «ppet#e, build* up the systi-m. renemn health and vinor. brlghleni th» m intellect *nd fit* one tor buslneit. i THE OWI.V HI H.*V INHTITT T« T > Bviltrili' IS «t THIS I tO.NKYI.V4KI*. A UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby >;ive u that the under taking bustut sst-iirrietl on by Mrs Minnie Hunt, at West Sunbtiry, l'a., under the fiuperviioDo r father, jjohn Mechling, latelyd ee'd., 11 l»e continued by me. All work will be done in first cla»» style, at reasonable price*. Mrs. Minnie Hunt H cM Lubi?, SAXONP.rim, PA. HENRY DOERR. Prop'r. Good Meals Seivcd at All HOUIB. Good Stabling in Connection I Now is The Time to Have Your Ootliir\is CLEANED or DYED | If) ON want JJOOU and reliable ' cloning <jr dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 115'/si CJenter avonuo. do fine work in out- Joor Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture oi your house. Give us a trial. Agent Tor the .lati.eatown Sliding Blind C'o.—New York. a. FISHER & SON. | West Winfield Hotel, fG. W. LUSK. Prop'r. l'irst Claws Table and I.IMIK'UJ;*. fit) (fas and Sprint; Water all through DS house. V7W (JtxMl Stabling. nnAH a postal card to. I 11*1 or call up No. 41 ! L/l of the People's ************ Phone and W. B. McOEARY'S new wagon, running to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your house take away your dirty cnr|>eM and return them in a day or two as dean as new. All on a summer morning Carpets, rugri and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. Piwi V Mr \ WrSs^m f K'»m?!-D EVEnY^H^B' Tcf W fAR TWICC A:IIFLNY OTT'}-^' ** Have You Any Part of SIOO to invest, if you ean make from sneh investment from 25 to 50 per cent Monthly? If so, yon ean invert from ♦ I *» to #l**> in Stocks, (train. Sir a lirttk. r of 'JO years ex|»-rienee rvho will give his services to you free if h«« fails to i>»y yon dividend «>f !*• per eent monthly on any amount yon m;'V invest him. Write at once lor < ireular letter irivintr full information to .1 WEAVER. Investment and Commission Hroker 4'» l Wotsl St . Pittsburg l'a D. L. CLEELAND, 1 / Jeweler and Optician, \ S 125 S. Main St., / ( Butler, Pa. / ; ij iFall and T—V p„ Fall art" T { ►Autumn * * * * • ■ d Autumn < > | | The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. | ;! [Special Sale of FELT and VELVETJ HATS.' ; /> Felt and] s | |Vdwt Hats J t Before | 1 . / y 122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.V y DOLLS 11 ► /CASH NOVefcTy STORE. Ar CROCKERy STORE. 1" W LAJIP and GLASSWARE STORfc. .11-WW ; GOODS IN ALL LINES. 'MANAGEMENT. Having purchased the Allison Bee Hive Novelty and Ijuern** ware Store, I have dev Ucd r.•r.«it!erable care «n ! time in completing the most varied stock of goods in Butler Below wrill give ar» hl*:» of s onie of the goods carried in .stock. A\le grease, J Mutter spa>lcs, *l..vl>r>*as I S» ale*. hwn 1 a V- *-• : ) In X -v ■ ilclivery. ] >tr N plaj \-\£. IcxlrnMon. /wo>»| ami t»n fruit, p C shawl atrapa. laundry, C chalk lilts. XchiaMcya, / thnc iarrt. Inrh, \ chalk, / A , market. Q en V aknrt boaetla, office, / cheese culler*. ilanterna. / slates. tMNHK \ *lea.l i*nciU. V slate prach, IM ■ l cl.itho hamper'.. I Union J alaw rMrn, khtklm, h.Il-».king glasses. %So\ rt ■es. V dotbea tut*. iw l . J blank books, Q clothe* pins. f matches. V toilet, bhdK / c«m*. r,i »■. |mMH| / spoona, ar. N, \ coffee mill*. *measnring faucets, V tUrchn. '«>«r'K, f tamer faetn, / <tn\f poliih, / cotnmo.les, {aop ha m lies, \ T«(UB ■ BRfSHKS— \ cork was, •moose traps. I searing, cloth. Q on '("•ppers. Imucilage. .'kitchen; •lusting, / curry combs. Soil cans ami tanks. Vtable ewtlery. San J I HM| *Par« /tack hamaai », hair, p .lusters turkey. {writing, C nware ail kinds, j horss\ C egg heaters, *wrappin>>. /towel rollers ; paint, S wpaas book*. J tracks. scru'-. c ihtv. jpas*ry bonnls. \ tabs, lihaTtag, J . f-rk*. ' K shot-. / U A' lines,Spens. V \ tihre ware. ■ :•> ■«. J ' lOOth, \ Iptprs. \ . I>s - ris whitewash, / fruit augers. {potato mashers, \ wash hamnla, mladun; \ funnel*. apocket book'. f a—hing aaachita. lifek KTS I gum Itaii'U. f pocket knives J water csaskra. pine, V granite ware, {purses. Iwhtpa, ce<lar, J gun caps, *rx/ors. f wt tska. horse, \ lumnxx-ks, Ira/or atrapa, f ami apooaa. ■par; xh irmoiiicas, { oiling ptna, Vwillow ware, butter 1.i.1'.r . (ink, Jrulcs, fwtregoada, batter aaw . v ru-.li.ii j.*, Jrt>pe. 3 *.«»'. '»>wis. butter prinU, N keelers, {satchels. N wo«l <h J*s, wringers. I also handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, &c.. ptjnos, organs and sm ill in<isic.U gootls, strings .md fitting-* for all instru ments. Come anil look over our 5 and 10 cent counters. When you want a bargain be sure and come to. J. R. Grleb's, «c Cash Novelty^Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. Ask) rlt'. 1 '- SV p>ints wfKKHtSKBBtSIKIIISWtBL Buggies BBBBBW rtME»T.o>PAINT BUILOJNJJiWITH' 1 work. etc. REDICK&GRO HMAN. i•. to) Miin St.. ------ hutler | ' IDO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU J —All Charges Paid i A Gallon of Pure Penna. Rye Whiskey for (.3 i We ilon't blame you if you arc doubtful about it, '-at the best way to convince vourarlf Is to serxl us a trial i tikt Scn<l the ataoant ,-ither in enrrenev by letter. P. O. onlcr or express, ant! we will bo* ship an<! prruty expressage«>n a gallon of Cabim-t 4 year olil aye for Von will l>e snrt>ri*etl at the i|ualitr «>f thia whiskey. It is aliaolutely pure. an*l ta just what rost net*) la the house at thia season of the year. What ilo you think of a Wrat Virginia Black tlramly at Sa.cai per gallon? We have some of the vrra bes». ma«le from selected brrrles a nil carefully <liatille>l -put ap in gallons, half gallons anil ouarts lion't forget that wp pr |«ay expreaaage on all oniers of #s *»' ami osrer, e«» ,>« wheir a transfer ia necessary from one K a press Co.. t«» another, when we pay exprevtage to point of transfer You can make you own selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a gal Cabinet Rye can't be beat 13.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a ga Oin, Rum. Kummel. Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., AL! EOHENY- PA Send for catalnoiie and |>ri«<* list, mailed free NKAISLY Fifty-eight Years Old ! ! It's a 'ong life, h«it >levotion to the trwe tnt f-sr• awl prunfM-rity i»f .lie American People has ami fo* it i*rw j C rrtrivia as the ye».s n.ile.l bj anal the nnfinai naailari of it% family pw< «l to their r wanl aadlhrsr a.!aitrer* are / *Bfflbl lova'ami *te»«lf:«at toala* with fatth in its ti »ehi»Tt>, ami I 1' contnience in the twform.ittot) ahich It brinn. to their \ \ ami Amain. i * \s a natural is.ir .. . rice it rajuvs ;ra its' t«l ir- til tl - \ •' k \ .by ill- ra|» ;•m . - --vrr lif a e nnir % It has lives! on its tncrrts, ami ow It« ei r ttal mppnrt •* B prngreantve .\m>-rieana. It la "The New-York Weekly Tribnne," a»nm.w Se»lg«-«l the e»»t»atnr oaer as trailing National Fa-aily New *-paj>er Kerogniiring its value tothnse who'lesire all the was of the State as.! Nation, the publisher of "The CITI/HN" your i>wn fatrorUe bi»nw paper has *»te**-.| HMM> an alliance with "Thr New York Weekly Tribune" which enable* hint to t'-trasali hot! pajx-ra at the trifling cost of tl Jo per year. I.very farmer ami every yillsger owes to himaelf, t«» his faintly. aw! to rha community in which he lives a contial support ol hta local newapaper. aa >t a. rtoa constantly an ! untiringly for hta mtereata in eaery way. to hts h. me alt rtoe news ami happenings of hta nelgh!*»rh«w»l. tlte tmnga of hts frismJs. the cowdttH.n ami prt»s|>erta for ilifferent crops, the prices in home markets, a-nl »tt fart, -a a wrtkly visitor which ahotih! '«• foum! in ever* wiile awake pcogr*«" , w fsntile. Juat think of it' Roch «f theae ;>apers foe only ft y» a rear Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Bwtlar Pa. Subscribe for the ClTlZfcft