Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Latest Swell Styles in Ladies's Tailor-made Suits. NEW, NATTY FALL CREATIONS Fit Like a Glove. All Wool Cheviot and Venetian Clotli Jacket•> -.ilk lined. \• ry li uuisornc >*lrt» In nrevalllnn modes— Percallne lined, tones and welclits evartly riilit. I rice SlO.x : rt-.ii fcvw'our five-dollar Tailor-Mad'' enarate -kill- in Ovford. Or. > . Bla. k and Hlue Cheviot-. Fine Black Crepon Skirts. Prices ranae from fl -0 up to il< .00. Be sure and see them. THE NEW BLACK CREPONS. c The styles forecast predict a wide wearing of Cn pons ilii-. fall and winter < repons which are more U-autlful than ever. A s.-oreor more of pn tty jiauerii- crwp and ne . r on display in our Black lioods section to-day. TliK hint of tin pii< < • Mohair Fignml Crepons *sc a rartl Pebble Ground Crepons *I.OO a yard Mohair Crepons *1 an.l 11.75 a yard Silk Figured Crepons #1.50, $2.00 and f2.50 a yard A complete line of Black and Colored Venetian Cloth. Ilroad ' < overt and >t rvre Suitings at less price than any other house will ask. Not less quality: price and quality me.M at our store. THE BEST BLANKET VALUES WE EVER GAVE. r...,„ miod housekeeDer wants to lie ready in pood time, hence this early mention "f Blanket?. Not ifil wEkSL are all «.>o!: son,., shouldn't In-. \V. have studiwl t hat out and offer with full knowledge Blankets of three grades All wool, wool held l iy . ..1" stni _ cotton warp, and the cheapest of all warmth givers. Blankets of all . <>«'»■ } > .r. t I >UI etai'tlv wliat anv Blanket Is: sizes are exactly told. t«wi. I here i- not an . ,om < i - • work about our fllankets. hut there is deHded e.-mnmiy In nait now. Prices are TO.-. 73c, sl.tamped Linens. \°f:i I il lows. Table and Piano Covers. Mantle Draperies. Ken:ilss:ir»ce and I ui«- law man, who Is in charee. has just returned from New \ ork where she has seen all »•> newest and l>est in ner line. Art lessons 2.V. Mrs. T E. ZIMMERMAN The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge WRITE TO Haggerty & White. Cambridge Springs, Pa WORTH ITS WEIGHT 1H GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSION OF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. IHP" The entire set with Guide Y^T) and case delivered |J>| rvrv { U upon payment of only ''W ) J \jo Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and Hie NEW WERNER is tho best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are •heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has aot. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. BENP US OWE DOLLAR IXrkOVKII AIMU (|t K*X PAKLOB OUiiAN,' hy (. O. to T f (^| and if you fln«i it eiartlj- mm equal to organs that T retail at #75.00 to tIOO.OO, the K'reateft value you ever *aw and [r far trtJtterthun organs more mmuy, vay ( S3I. 75 IS OUR SPEeIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE THE*AZM E"Q U N^ r o M. • of" ' uti> *Vi> smuiht tK-autiful ap|>earance. from »«>lld quarter HHwed ft^ "ale-t "a HOW *t y ltll'« "lI'MK t. l't'r. inehe* hiifli! f i'i lonif, » Inchex wide and iZZ U l XW9I rkMhiiSf BrlUlaat "sl't'if ! «BSmßw{ V fie t'Ubllxher of this paper or lietropoiitan Nat 1«> rial I: juik, or Corn Kxchaoire N»t. Bank. Chicago, or . and employ nearly *.«»0 p' wple in our own building. »vk HKLi. OftUAKM AT -tSS.4HI and up: •MI up: al*o every thintr in >i.u«leal in-truincnts lit lowt t wlioienale prices. Wnu- for free ?-peei«l <>r{ran, piano ami i.iiiMeai iii-trum«f»t eutalmrue. Addrt-i'i. < Srkr*. Kocbork & Co. are thorough!? rrlialiir. Ldltor.) SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.)t Fulton. Desplainws inf* Wayman Sts.. CHICAGO. ' it / ; ..v i*. ' filAfißV A f'L Ui\ (!i L .• r, > h PAS 1 subscribe for the CITIZEN. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this ur rivalled fund of universal knowledge. "Every married man must a> cliruh the ladder of "f succ*. sS should be uiierestcd in -1 his wife's health. A healthy woman is always helpful. A /NR jj tired, nervous X>/ri woman, depu ted . i-V.- / r ;* in strength and y . vtL-JU depressed in mind, — —— —"C2FK\ can contribute i 1 neither mentally ~ o"A nor physically to a husband's success. \ i 'Hi The remarkable rem \ V rTF'/ P edv. Dr Pierce's Favor- V; \ \\ I / ite Prescription, so \ A V LfaJ-. strengthens the organs h: \ \~| peculiarly feminine, / V \V dries up v \V drains, heals ulcerations 'y\ and inflammations, and v- cures female trouble, ji li that the causes of ill health are thus entirely removed, and the healthy, happy wife becomes a Renuine help-meet to the husband. I was sick for twelve years, and for two yenrs I had t.> st ;> work alt aether." writes Mrs Bell McCrobie. of Oakland. Garrett Co.._ Maryland. " I was tre.ited by five different physidnns. who pronounced mv "case Bright'* di-e .se, itnpover- Uwd l omiition of the blood, and uterine trouble. 1 -uffcre.l a ariat deal with pain in both sides and much tenderness in pres>inirorer the won-.h. I was bloated at times in bowels and limbs. Was troubled with a disagreeable discharge from the internal organs. I could not sleep and was troubled with palpitation of the heart Suf fered a great deal of pain in my head, temples, forehead and eyes, and I also suffered excruciat ing pain . t monthly periods Since taking eleven Wiles of Dr Merct - Favorite Prescrip tion I have enjoyed better health than 1 had for more than twelve years previously, and have gained in weight twenty-five pounds since tak ing your medicines." Sick women can consult Dr. K V Pierce by letter, addressed to Buffalo. N. Y.. abso lutely without charge. Bach letter is read in private, its statements held in sacred confidence, and all answers are mailed, sealed in plain envelopes, without adver tising or other printed matter. It is a good thing to keep Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets in the house One Pellet is a laxative, two a cathartic dose. f^HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS A.A.FEVERS. Lone Fever. Milk Fever, crii'ijSPRAIXS. Laraeaeas, iiUcuuiutlsui. | EPIZOOTIC. Distemper. CVBJS \ WORMS, Rots. «;r.ib«. Colds, inlluenxa. crEEi j rOL,C . Bellyache. Diarrhea. ti.U. Prevent* .MISCARRIAGE. CURES i R'DVKY & BLADDER DISORDERS. CURES i MANGE. SWn Diseasca. cunts J BAD CONDITION'. Staring Coat. 6oc. each: Stable Case. Ten SpeolOcs, Book, etc.. 8?. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co.. Cor. William & John Sts., New York. VETERINARY MANL-AI. SENT r REE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over4o years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 vials and larje vial powder.for $5 Sold by Druigiatu, or Bent post-paid on receipt of price, i hr) lit K^.s' wnt. to., Car.» si*., York \ The Cure thai Cures / p Coughs, V Colds, p Grippe, (k V Whooping Cough, Asthma, ,j Bronchitis and Incipient A ConsumDtion, Is [ollosl § The German b K Cur« -awi ' a\\ '; f CURES \ j THE } 5 COUGH. I C A pleasant, never-failing \ I remedy for throat and lung / 5 diseases. I s Sellers' Imperial j } Cough Syrup < ) is absolutely free from spiiituons S j or other harmful ingredients, f < A prompt, positive cure - / % coughs, colds, lioarsener. :,-1. - J c euza, whooping cough. / / Over a million bottles soW in tha S > last few yeara attest!tspopulanty. c < W. J. GILIHORE CO. f C P!TTSBUnG, PA. S S At all Druggists. f S 25c and 50c. / ji luPEASi road - 1 ■ hcljw the team. Saves wear and I R expense. Sold everywhere. STANDARD"oit. CC. JHk MARKLETON SANATORIUM lias all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride cast from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Open ;tll !he yrur, under the lurdieal eon trol of Dr. K. (>. i "rossinim, graduate of I 'ni versity of Vermont, assisttnl 1»y skillful phy sicians. Appoimineutsof the r-ost approved kinds, and lirst-rlass in every r« sneet. Treatment l»y meu i,j r rl Inriailnali':!' VIC? * * i ' / • > II I ' 1 "'! ,u,U - I # ) jr r , T r> - »it - »• !'.f ami I"|UHI toany huj t' ' { THIS' MACKINTOSH IV'J styk-. urn „!!. r l«T*ih;!'xti/ ,!iVni lit.' »»u-n R* i . ~- vrvX, Htriijipfd »■><• eernenteil «■ am* 1 unliable for both rain or •» " ir,. Jmh wAass" .ml Overcoats nt from fc.oo to «10.00. 'orllu for «VM%'OEBUCK 4 CO.. CHICACO, ILL >ri ik«r«u(U7 rtU«W«.—lA*-) THE CITIZEN. - PAW NEAKLVCAUGHT j GEORGIE D!SCUSSES THE TERRORS OF AN EVIL CONSCIENCE. tic and I.iltlf Albert Try t«» T<*nrli ! Their Father a L.eaaon uittl. After All. Find Tlielr KfTort Only n Boiim era 114. "I'aw, I Don't Beleavc you put iu all llio Time when you're out nitos by jist riilin Around on your Wheal." Theui was the Words maw Spoke to paw when lie Come Hack from puttln His Hisiekle in the Bascmunt the other nite, and you could tell She ment it by the way she spoke. Paw wiped about Half a pint of Honest Swot ofl'n His I .row with His forefinger and Let it Trickle I»own on the Steps. I mean the Swet. Then He says: "What's putt That Fool idee Into your lied?" "I Don't I'.eleave ennyhuddy Would He foolish euuf." uiaw Says to Go out Every nite and Uide si eddy fer fore Hours Like you Do. 1 lift you Just go Somewhares and Set around and mebby Git into Pad cuinpny." That made purty mad. nnd He says Kind of SM erin "When you ain't around 10 Suspicion innosunt i . i•!«-. 1 II He 1»tl Sure wf One Thing." "What's That?" maw ast. "You'll He the Viektutu <«f Foul play or Else you'll Have a <;<:od Deal more Commuu Senta than you got now." paw anserd "They ain't no use Tryin to turn it off That way." maw says. "People al wavs (iits mad When Thay are Found Out." "Well." paw Holered, "you Got a Chanct to Find out Whether 1 tell the Truth or not. 1 got a Sielometer on my wheel. That'll slio Whether I just Set around Somewhares or not." "Yes." maw says, "and I I.ooked at it This Kvoniu Hefore you Started Out, Too. and 1 no Jist How meuny miles They was registered on it. So the next moruin Paw Fergot all about it nud Went to work, and me and the pupp and Little Albert went Down in the Hasemunt after Breckfust and Turned paw's Wheal Upside Down and Begin Spitinen the frunt one Back werds. First I would Give it a Whurl and Then Little Albert would Spin it, and the pupp would jump up and Down and Stick His Ears forrerd and Try to Hire the Spoox. It was Orate Fun. Then we Set it Back like we found it. and when paw come Home maw and me and tin- pupp and Little Albert was Settin on the porch, and I says: "Maw. I thot you was Ooiu to 1-ooK at paw's Hisiekle to See How fur He rode Last nite." "Yes." paw Says. "1 want you to See What a Blame Goose you made of yourself." So He went and Got the Wheel out and Rrot it around and pointed at the Sielometer and says: "Thare, now see whether You Think 1 lie er not." Maw Bent over and then She Give paw a Look what I d Halt to Ha\e ennyhuddy Fire at me. "You rode jist a Half a mile Past nite," Says maw. Paw Ho looked and Says: "Oh, tliey's Something ttie matter With the Blame Thing." "Spin it awhile," 1 says, "and See." So paw Give the Wheal a W hurl, and the Sicloineter went all rite. "Hen Moffett," maw Says, Boginnln to Weap. "Look at 'l'hem two inosunt Children Settin Thare! You've Broke up our llapv Home." Then She Cuvered up Her Fais witli Her hands, and paw looked at me and the pupp and Little Albert so Sad that Sumthiu Seemed to Crawl up into my throte and the Teers Come into my eyes, and little Albert He Blubbered ami Said He'd Bo a Good Boy and never Do it agin if paw woulden't punish Ilim and Then He Up and Told the Hole Blame Bizness. 1 Fell over the Itailin When paw come up the Slops, and He Tramped on the Pupp's Tale, and the pupp Veiled Like if it Was (Jittin Killed and maw Scree mod Beeoz She Thot I was crippled f-r life, and Every buddy around Thare Come a-runniu. I pur tended 1 coulden't Hardly walk and That my Back was Hurt, So They Helped me in the House and maw Brot my Supper up to me in Bod. I Diden't Hardly sleep all nite. I was so frado paw miten't Be Over His mad By morning It's turrable to Have a Gllty Conshence. GEOKQIE. —Chicago Times-Herald. Bribery. Crow—Say, old man, here's a dinu If you'll let us feed here.—New York Journal. Comes Natural. "So you are a schoolteacher." said Mr. Pitt to a now acquaintance. "Then you train the young iilea how to shoot." "I don't need to do tiint." replied the pedagogue. "My school is in the feud district of Kentucky." Pittsburg Chronicie-Telogra ph. Lincoln mid tin* Hair Iteittorrr, Here is a story of President Lincoln from the late Judge Carter, who was a member of congress from Cleveland during the war ami one of Mr. Lin coln's most intimate friends. It re lates to a Quaker philanthropist from Philadelphia who did not have a hair cm his head, but took a great interest in public affairs and was constantly calling at the White House in behalf of somebody or other who happened to be in trouble and took up a great deal of Mi - . Lincoln's time. The presi dent treat >1 him with great courtesy, although his patience was frequently tried. One day when the philanthro pist was particularly verbose and per sistent and refused to depart, although he knew that important delegations were waiting, Mr. Lincoln suddenly rose, walked over to a wardrobe in the corner of the cabinet chamber and took a bottle from a shelf. Handing it to his visitor, lie remarked: "I»id you ever use this stuff on your hcadV" "No, sir; 1 never did." "Well," remarked Mr. Lincoln. "I ad vise you t<> try it, and if at first you don't succeed, keep it up. They say It's a good thing to make the hair grow. Take this bottle with you and come back in six mouths and tell me how It works." The astonished philanthropist cover ed his polished pate with his broad brimmed hat and left the room, while Judge Cart coming in with the next delegation, found the president over in the corner doubled up with laughter at the sr< ■ ;of his stwitegy, and lie fore lie • ■! proceed to business the 'story had to be told.—Chicago Record. The I'uwrr of I lie Whale. If the whale knew its own power, it could easily destroy all the machinery which the art of man could devise for catching bim. It would only be neces sary for him to swim on the surface in a straight line in order to break the thickest rope, but instead, on being struck 1 . the harpoon, he olieys a nat ural instinct, which, ia thin instance, betrays him to his death. Not li:r. it>c an air bladder, he can sink to the lowest depths of the oopan, end, mistaking the harpoon for the teeth of a swordtish, or a shark, he in stantly des ■!>» is. this being his man ner of freeing himself from tiWWfr tui"s. who cannot bear the pressure of a deep ocean, and from descending and ;.s •. nding in small space he 'thus puis I.: .. .-If in the power of. the Whale;-. If we Include the prosrure of the atmosphere, a body at the depth of l<*) feet v. !.! s:isl::>i tl -it of (SO pounds on t' e ripiare inch. \ bile one at 4,000 feet, a _ depth by n.» means cons 1(1 cr ab!.'. 1 1 l.e exp is. Jto a pressure of I.S: 1 l n-'.s. We need not. therefore, feel ;• 1 that on the foundering of a 11 .p :;! sen. though lis timbers part, i t a spar floats to the surface, for if t'.e Im>!1 has ■ :;ik to a great depth all 'hat is porous is penetratid with wat< or is greatly compressed.— Omaha World-Herald. The Title nail Away. The humorist had been tied iiand and foot and 1.-ishcd to a pile that pro jected a dozen or more feet above the water at low tide. He had dared to perpetrate an orig inal joke, and the Paragraphers* Amal gamated union had decreed his death. In vain he wriggled. The cruel waters were rising beneath him. The tide was coming in. "I'm afraid," he murmured as he looked down and noticed that the little waves were lapping at his shoe—"l'm afraid that one tied will not affect the other." And he laughed harshly. "Anyway." he added a moment later, "I'll stick to my post*" The tide rose faster. It was at his knee, his waist, his elbow, his neck! Just as it reached his chin he gave one final glance across the sparkling waves and muttered: "Well, it seems to be up to me now." Whereujwin the tide turned and ran out. He was saved.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Plovrera I'tidor Artificial U^lit. Nearly flowers in which there is a notable proportion of blue are unat tractive when seen under artificial light. IP nee purple and lilac flowers do not usually look well at night, though there are exceptions owing to the intensity of the red iu some pur ples. which comes out well at night and causes them to appear as crim sons. Yellows invariably lose bril liancy. and pile yellows become bad whites under gaslights, but reds and crimsons and all shades of pink and white retain their beauty, and, as a rule, green leaves are pleasing under any light. Tlielr Appreciation. The barnstorming crew had not eat en for two days and two nights. Sud denly the eldest soubrette appears with a quantity of eggs. "Where did you get them?" breath lessly inquired the heavy man. "I got them for a mere song," she replied. And it was even so. She fur nished the song and the audience fur nished the eggs.—Chicago News. Paradoxical. "Doctor," said the patient who runs to useless philosophical contempla tions, "ague,-it appears to me, is one of nature's contradictions." "How so?" "It gives you the shake and yet it rtays right with you."—Detroit Free Press. ONT »r Hl* sicbt. "Get out!" commanded her father. "Don't let me ever see you here again." "Very well," replied the confident younpc man. "Your daughter can tell you the nights I am to call, anil you can arrange to be out until 1 leave."— Philadelphia North American. HOOD'S PILI.fc ».-.irc Liver Ills, Bll ioCilSness, trt. l>. or mail orders of or over we box and ship promptly; express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street- Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite I! A t>. Depot. rv TArf-S HHOADtLPHIM J < --DENTAL nOOMS.-- ft ' 39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, r.v >! ' .' 'rr PBACTICA' Y«loiii ß U., ,k ■ -*! CROWN 1 «••• I', .-A,,r WHY ,-iOT PC r„ ' S i aiYOURS? <; I>lil CROWNS l 1; . «i f Wf.n ! BRIDGE *«' rwlmvl f' Vf fc|Ss PER TOOTH .1 {.> • ' " 1 ' O M "g j Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Fottnerly Horse Shoer at the W'iclc 1 louse has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of '.lie Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoefng in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. PWiPtt / TMUUJUSR \ / /JMMTI «MU J *\ LOAFTTARNIS- , . . P- , ifcuy - ' JS TRY IT p F. L. McQUISTION, V« Civit, KNGIUKHR AND SURVEYOR j Office near Court House. H USE L TO IN *S! Our Established Record l or high grades and low prices has attracted Jhundreds to ray store the past month. This Clearance Sale lias become an event in slic made. We are always off with the old before we are on with the new, and we are making Prices That Move you to buy as well as move the stock. Three months still remain for wearing Summer Shoes, and a lia!f saved goes a long way towards the winter shoes. You Want Them now. The Boy needs them; the girl needs thetn for school not one pair —but two pairs for the priee of one. Visit My Store, Sec my windows; they reflect the values found inside, they tell of shoe slyle and shoe service at prices not met with B. C. HUSELTONS. Butler's Lvading Shoe House. flotvl lx>wrj. SEND NO MONEY ' 6ju^*slP-. y■ - - ---• —■■ ■■■ —in II i i—v |.l ... ~1 *>J QiJtt kiUN *| II SO ffn.o ir * StWtNti MACHIIJf m frrirtt r «»• i» .übjen i* I foun ! ; •rle fly lafartnry. exactly a* represent*-1 ( I. Mill 1 -: non.iis till Mil; llliuli ■ •».' I rr' trosn our Special Offer Price ciq en an i irt-iirhti : tr>rc». The machine weighs * g ft:til'" rHffcj • ts fop each 500 rr. '.t „ dKK *. ,K. p IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL f*-r.«l makes and icradra of Srwiag Vathiaea at flii.OO. 911.(Ml. Jk m MM { fl'i (Nland np, all foil? dt*frll>fK lllK 9AIIII>K H4IIK, "ITII TIO tTTT*" I Je UKtEITSUP *<) Mr. MAUE BV THE BEST MAKER IS AMKKICA. A, ' ' Ii «. "^IUTI 1 fliOM THE BEST MATEKI.U. - 3 j,i 7j SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK PIASO rOLISBKD, «>ne Illustration »h- w» machine hea«l a frame. carv#*> rated cabinet finihh. flnest ni.kel draw# r |j.!« re«ta on « • x«- m (T B tera. ball bearlnir adjustable trvadle. jrerun .- Smvth iron ««»ar..l E A I I 50 limn Fineat laifs Hlgk Irahrad, j four motion fre i!»fi* drc«.rat*-I 2 S " - 11l 'lUrB B and oraaa#iUd and beaatlfally NICKEL. TRI2VIXVIED. 'I t I y HO GUARANTEED tkr llchu.t d.rahi; nolwle.. .arbWa llr r-- s»«ry known attarhme-nt lafaraUfced and oar Free Inatruction Book t» ; a £ e HBn -rvll JUHt how anyone can run it anddoeither plain • r any kind of fancy work A 90m YEARS BINDING GUARANTEE ii sent with ever* machine m\J nnSTS YOil NOTHINH to we and examine this marhin#., compare it 1 , with those your storeke*»tw«rnt S4Q op >• - to $60.00, and then If convince*! are uHai # J».oo -o 949.0n. * »ae fOar freight aeenl tke #15.50. TO KKTt'RN TOI'R fIS.SOIf at any line within ■•■tlia «•« aarrnaam til aatl«A?J. UKUEHTO oaY. UM iY. (Sears. Roebuck ACo are thoroughly reliable Kdltor » 9 Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, HI. * > .. •A fi . . ( I , ; - 1 ? OPENS SEPTEMBER r,, CLOSES GCTOTtEK ax. J |music™worid's qreahst mm { SOISA Hg BAND Godfrey 's St Band | S 50 PIECES-SEPT. 6th TO 19th. SO PIECES-SEPT. 20t:i TO 30th. < \ Oamrosch's New York Syniphc»v Orchestra i I 50 PIECES-WALTER DAIROSCH CONDUCTO(?-OCT. 2 i TO 14tl>. S my fmm BAND 10 xrzr,j C MYSTERIOUS PICTURES OX THE Cr.YJ.V.4 T«f, RAPTI. V ? ORA\n ELECT RICA T, TtISPT.A I". C C «niniimnir ■■ rtrirra m ONB FARE for TMI MUWIW ( S ADMISSIOS 2$ ChSTS. -«W»- ON Al.l. RAILROADS. > J. W. MYBRS, DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McFANN I'. <>., Hntler Co., Pa If yon want a piano or organ drop me a line and I will call upon you. When Starting On a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst and take what comes. But if you have the foresight to choose as your mount ons of our wheels, what comes can only be the l>est. If you cannot do this l«*t us thoroughly over haul and repair your old wheel and the chances of a breakdown will be material ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. Evans & Son.. Cor. Wayne and McKean, MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PUIS «•! FEESNVR9YAL fjli.3 mnd Only Crunlnc. A ci\murui Brmnti in llrd au •i I inr'.ih.c J H'-aiwl with b:u« rtbt... TnL«- VSr JV} fS* •ik'T. dnnfonni ntbtiliu- v I / ~ (JftuHtsmul A 1 or ir-nfl ft*. I v» 'y la f>»r purtleoUr* i «ni V P* "IWlrf Tor m Urtrr, hy rrlara *7«IL 10,000 '-•tlmcuic •. """/ At «1! I>r«cr «-• Chl' hcii'rr *■ h«-m!rul Co., iOO filiuSl mom PA. 1 WANTED—A Reliable MAN 5 §r>fpo'Klml«lro*p *0 «olfrir hugiric from ] • "J»- X erty-ovnicrs. At y w- II knmvn } \\ X 2 uites on or salary, paid weekly. Address f«»r X X X i n UCI.IS 11, I'll \>i:, i:p4 I»OMter,N.V. Z JKEELEY CURE. J 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J # Removes all desire and appetite, builds up the W m system, renews health and vigor, brightens the m i intellect and fits one for business. V W TilK ONLY Kr.KI.KY IN'RTITI'TI T i". IV WtMtn l-KNSSVI.Vmn. gk S TheKccleylnstitute 4246Fitth«ve Pittsburg.Pa. \ UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby given that the under, taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie Hunt, at West Sunbury, I'a., under the superviiono r father, John Mcchling, latelyd cc'«l., will lie continued by me. All work wi!l be done in first-class style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Hunt. Now is The Time to Hav Your LS<>lll i CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and rcliabl I cloning or dyeing done, there i just one place in town where yo can pet it, and that is at The Butler Dye Work I(Jenter aveiiuo. Wc do fine work in out Joor Photographs. This is th time of year to have a picture c your house. Give us a trial. Ag'.'nt for tbp Juii.t-Htown siiiiiri lil in°stai c.mjto llnllr orcallNo - -»■ of the People! ** y %-X- %% % Phone and W. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, running to ami friitn his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your honsc take away your ilirty carpels ami return them in a un«. n*> body at bu.t and •-*». II kikl *•' «iil H«nd thli J He««ti>J »-l«.h «mp* t fmL h * <•.. u« yf »«r®«no«. Yoa p« try on By-ur nr«rr*i found prrffrtlj artljr * rvprwalM fll BmoM lk# MOSf A WONDCRrui value> urm hiw or hwi of. pa? j [« s. Mam st p. T. Pape. butl " m ; ; 1 } DOLLS I /CASH NOV6LTV STORE. MCIIf A- CROCKERV STORE. !Mt W LA^U> und GLASSWARE STORC. tM^ww /GOODS IN ALL LINES. MANAGEMENT. Having purchased the Allison Bee li lV e Novelty an,! vl> in Butler. Below w£\ ve *n *lca of s ome of the goods carried in stock. Axle grease. / iiutter »r»le<, *>i>k» 1 S. ales. Basra* ) . J .. ■■*.*» hag*. \ S • delivery. /..ip:-paving, ft*una>oa. j • • ) ( Imiqr, I ch»!k Hm fcbiMiney*. / *W hM lutk, \ Jln.roers, 1 *n- MHut, r X -ksrt -wU ? choesr cutters, Illi i f slate*, traveling: V clock*. vlead practls, V alatr prank, t.ird MM, C c'.nthe- hlflll. 2i«n»on «|uer«er*. J I 111 11. blacking. I cloibn honn. Xluokiag glaow*. \ S>m • < >-c-. \ rlothcj lines. •'lcs 1 Laundry, blank books, fcMhM jin* f matches, N blueing, # coat nciu, »trrasnrcs. % sfinntn, boson '«»ards, V coffee mill*. •measuring faucrts. V starcbes. ■an!-. [ J MM puJt&b. kMMi / conum-U-- innip handle*. \ Tvsi.r* IMHBB \ cork terras, iaooic traps, 1 vwing. clotli. f f"rn j*>pprr*. XmaeOage. 7 curry combs. Soil cans ami tanks. XtahCr cattery. /tlomißoes, fPtni ) % hammer-., ) dusters turkey. Jwriunj. (tinware all I horse. % egg I-..iters. I supping / towel mtlrr. \i-rn MM '...1t- M truck* f ulitT.fpjM' V tutw, ihnisg, / Ms bottlers, € t« A(t, i . \ lines, *)«ns. I t.tnr hoars. Mail, p IMM fpm*. J v'.urr*. tooth, \ bays, \ -a agon*, whitewash, / fruit auger*. {potato masher-. V wash hoariH. ■.vittdou. S MritatlMlf, r wasbtag wmrtH-* ». DtICIUI f (MM Vt:i !«. MMkrt ki«>« f watrr nmkit. plat, v granite MR, {purses. \whits>. nte, J ■ v wl , '' k, li-Tso. \ li .ti in «-t,. MM MM f . ntufanM, MV S 'i'tiii'.nu-as, { «Ma ; ; M Xm.l' Imttrr laillts, fitik. »r»ih-<. f «trr l>utter MMM, IMMM prints. "Nk.vl. rv pMrfMbs N »•»■! •li-ha. MrinKrrv i als<> handle w.itciios, clocks, jc-ve'ry, -ilvcrw.uc. »K:c , pi m i. and sm.ill m isical and fittings Or all mt nts. Come and l M»in St.. Butler DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOD All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pure Penna. Rye Whiskey for $.3 We don't Manic y«>u if jrou arc tful ahout it. bat thr Ixst way to convince ;omII is t<» *rn.l at a trial nnlrr Semi the atnr>nnt either in currency ls -.hip and pret>ar exprosageon a gallon of Cabinet 4 year oM Bye fue V'ou will l>e surprised at the -.-rrtes ami carefully distillr*! —put up in gallons, half gallons and ouarta -lirm't forget that w» prr- J«y exprrssage 011 all orders of #5 uo ami oyer, ea. rpt wheie a transfer is necessary fr««n one Kspresp. Co.. ?» another, when we pay esprrvtage to point of transfer You can make you own selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a gal Cabinet Rye. can't be beat 13.00 m gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey .. $4.00 a ga Gin, Rum. Kummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALI F.GHENY. PA Send for catalogue ami prkc list, mailed Iree. NKAKLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! j It'* a 'ong life, hut deyotwn to the trae int resaa amt K * prosperity of the Amertraa Prople has w- n Utr it new friends as thr yeacs roily I by ami the original mrtn'-rs mWM. n passed to their rrwani. sail thrsr a>fatiirrs M* t">a' and steadfast to.iay. with faith in it* sa4 ■■ t - i . n the ifoimatawi -abtch H Mm t«> iSeir y ">- !• - ■aS; ■»' A a rta! ■•••n-« . • it enjoy- in ■ ■. ,! th«- \ \ » e l J • f \ It h is lived on Its tMr-r-l-. ~n.l ..n t'r-Ti«] , U |>|>irt ,4 » provrevstve Air: it is "Ttie New-York Weekly Trihnne," the muotry oyrr ss tha leading National Fa-nily Nea -paper. the i-uhlisher of "The ClTlZH.v"* your own f.ivontr boiar paper lum "itrtn! mtn an alliance with "The New-Y«»rk Wet k1 y Tri'wnr" whu h ena' le- him to fainisK l-tl pijiers at the triHtng rust of #| jo |»r vesr. Every farmer ami every villager owes to htmaeif, to his family, a»-f to 'be community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaprr. as it aorka constantly anl untiringly for his interests in everv way. h«inc< t>> hi* home »St tha I and hnp|a.-nil>i-s of !•> -i-n-'r »'lh «- • • K -« • h-- fr .a and pro-j>ects for dliferent cn>ps, the price* in home markets, awl. ia fact, is m weekly visitor which should 'w found in everv wide awake, progresaive family, lust think of it! Ibxh if theso pajiers for only |t 50 a year Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butter Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZtN