Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 07, 1899, Image 4
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Latest Swell Styles in Ladies's Tailor-made Suits. NEW, NATTY FALL CREATIONS Fit L;ke a Glove. Ail Wool Cheviot and Venetian Cloth Suits Jafkcts silk lit ••.! \ ery hano-ome '*"l ; in prevaillnn modes rercallne lined, tones aud wclt'hts exactly nsht. I rloe |lO. . re. notour five-dollar Tailor-Made Suit i, a marvel for., .ality. w ■ .rkmanshlp. style in,l ; perfect fit. Ask to see them A full assortment of pej.arate >kirt- n Oxforti. . Black and Blue Cheviots. Fine Blaek Crepon J-klrts. i'ru-es r.mpe fron l.» up .1. He sure and see them. THE NEW BLACK CREPONS. on display in our Black Good* section to-day. rills hint of tin. pri.« . Mohair Fignred Crepons »•* a T ar 'J Pebble (rronnd Crepons > ar '| Mohair Creiions •• • • ■>'' an ' l f 1 '' a ya J'' Silk Figured Creponii $1.50, s'—oo and $-.00 a jard A complete line of Black anil Colored Venetian Cloth• • .r/t'lHv Suitings at less price than any other house will ask. Not less tiu.iiitj . ] - meet at our store. THE BEST BLANKET VALUES WE EVER GAVE, Every pood housekeeper wants to l>e ready in c<>od lime. '''" l V''' '^' t " ,7i 1 mi\ hat I'm 'll'l'd j Blankets. Not all Blankets are all wool: some should., t he. W ■ hay -tiidi. d 111.110^.^' offer with full knowledge Blankets of thr«-j* 5 r .-l, r - S ui.nkots f -ill rot ton. You ;m* toiil cotton warp, and the cheapest of all vers BUnkcts or an ott . ion exactly what any Blanket !,: sizes are exa. vu W ; ,J.uvC.tr 11." wi»{- r l«".I-,-1..11.i„ ZZ U , and up to per pai,, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. Mr,. Zimmerman and trimmer are now in Eastern Winter opcnlnirs of tine ini|xirte< Im m lij J_ jJ j( i c ..J j,, all ,i Winter Hats. Keather-. Ve\'vets'KThlMins!'ic? l 'Less p'riees tban can he found elsewhere rules in our Millinery Department. |N JHE ART DEPARTMENT. You know we alwaysdo have the latest in l ine Art. Miel, as Ramped Sofa I'H _ Table and I'iano Covers. Mantle Kraperies. Kenaissanc e and 1 ito i.a. is. >1 ss I. 1 man! who is in charge, has just returned from New \ ork where she has seen all that Is newest and l*'st in her line. Art lessons2sc. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN - The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge Sprites WR'TE TO Haggerty & White. Cambridge Springs, Pa WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OP ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSIONOF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. I 1 J J S3R-- : - JMJ % i 1 La J a J - j j.— —— ~~ „ r v ll . L _ rl =■ ma «IMM ma**?.** i.w:' [A-JSat, ■ ' g "1" "T •li'iai wl m y-I'" ■' > / ;.T*y The entire set with Guide an( j case delivered (h 1 r.rv I U upon payment of only ''W i \ VJ^ Balance paya&le in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory HI America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl- | If you cannot send your children to edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the University, bring the University to ene NEW WERNER Is the best edition them. ' of the Britannica. This edition has never been sold for Do not put your money in old editions less than $64.50. For a short time only or poorly made books because they are S4O-5° cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST, i ments. Consider the advantage of a family ORDER NOW, and take advantage who has this work over one which has of this rare opportunity to secure this UP- not. 1 rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. SEND US ONE DOLLAR I * Y ullv lif K L It* Jr KjT> FAHLOR OKOAX,' by V. U.yuUj.rt to Jj and If you And it exactly an e«iual to organs that rftall at $?o.OO to SIOO.OO, the value youovorßaw and >J f ||*7 Jf far t>etter than organs advertlwd by othem at more money, pay T j IgTcyg S» the freight atrcnt oar upcclal 9W dny»' ofTc-r price, $31.75, St 53*r."75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE JHE°A^ME U PUE L E?M :FLR O^*OF'TM(*^OIUM L |TUIL!»AYD SWKKTKST AR JFE?" »3 ; '. C« TUMKU lß«traairaT« r»i»r madr. h roin tho Illustration shown, which lUHr "r* i* engraved direct from a nhototfrnph.you ran form»omei«iea of its beautiful ap|»earani-e. Mode rroin »<»!ld quarter HUH ed ' ' V fk^c» oak, antique flnl?<h,handsomely decorated and orsiam# nted, X3b>..'-y„ . latent THK AtXK qij.t.s taiVw ft octavei, ll"t4>)M, ajHN>llowt( t'rinrSpal, ' /w Dulriank, Mt-lodia, C>le«ir. Cremont, Paaa Coupler, Treble >T-yt v" "ff: Ife Ceapler, Pit m*»» Fert* aud Vox llaaciaa; *2 Oetaie, Coupler 3, ggj r j Hcsoualwry pWgualltj> I hr\ of 87 Pare Sweet fli-linlia * ' ltee4., I Ret of«l I kar*lagly Brilliant Celeate Bce«U, 1 Set of JgEK: *y^SF- J U ttlfh Mellow Mmoolh lllapaM>a K~mI«, I Set cf 24 Pli \ 4nfl Jlrlodloua I'rinelpal Hrnl». 1 IIC ACMK QIEKM ac> - - j jvjgj : VS^f/ \ixe I in the hlghe>t grade inutruincnta, Htteii with 11V M' MV. J|f EE!?* 1 u furnhOu*d wltll a U'xlTbeveled piste French mirror, nickel petlHl _ i fKv SMRAWTEEP*2S SFT&L i«ue Rwßtten binding 25-vear by tho termn and condittons of which If any |*rt gives out ivVlf- aoF TbSlam we repair it IVce ol'eharge. Try It one month and BKHgjV we will refund your money if you arc not perfectly HiMmWSnSngfSr. NatUfted. of the>e JF A Y°2 * STP C tho jubllahfr or t hi-|»a per or Metropolitan National " - llank, or Corn Kxchange Nat. Bank. Chicago, or (lerman Kxchaniro Bank. New York, or any railroad or exbresa company In Chicago. ha*o > raphal of ar< r f700.00n.00, occupy entire one Of the largest block* in i h" r.go, and employ nearly t.OOO people In our own building- hku OKQiSS IT 953.90 and ip; PIASOB, 9llfr«oc ai\ iu;»: als-> everything In musical l»~trumenta at lowest wholeaaie pric«—. Write for free »pec>ai organ, piano atul iiuiMi-tl instrument catalogue Addreea. 4aaar», lioebuck a t». ar» taoruuirhly reilable. - aaltor.> B£ARvt, ROEBUCK SL CO, (inc.), Fulton, Oesplair.es an« Wa ; man Uu.. CHICAGO. tLIL. "A FAIR Fhuu iviAV «'i' - GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF 81-1- SAPOLIC ; subscribe for the CITIZEN. ft \f y - The farmer who keeps bees plant- buckwheat «•» 11 kj handy to the hives. He un )*> derstands that to put flowers honey where the bee ; can get tbeni with least effort, means an | increase in the quantity and quality of | the honey garnered in the hives. It is on this principle that Dr. Pierce's j Golden Medical Discovery increases the ; quantity and quality of the nutrition of the bodv. The ingredients of this medi cine arc selected to furnish the blood and stomach with the essential materials for body building, in a concentrated and assimilable form. They make the con ditions under which the stomach and , organs of aii<l nutrition must work, as easv as possible, and so reduce strain and waste. As the strength of the body is re-established disease is thrown off. It is due to this tact that persons with weak lungs, obstinate couj;h, bronchitis, and other diseases, which if neglected lead to consumption, find a complete cure by using "Golden | Medical Discover)'." "Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the I,est blood purifier that lever u*e<l." writer Mr- M Hartrick. of Demster CMwejroCo V % It is about three vears since my health befran to fa.' I«ast September I gave ..tit entirely wit.i what the nhy-i ians pronounce 1 enlargement "t the liver My back pane Ime a'! the time: the doc tor sail I must not ri.lt, in tact I could not ride nor walk, nor hardly sit still; could not lie on ray right side. 1 commenced taking the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pellets.* took them tor three months, and still continue the ' Pellets I will be glad if t can say anything to help those who are suffering." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a liook containing iooS pages, is given away by the author. Send 21 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, for the edition in paper, or U stamps for the book bourn! in cloth. Address Dr. K. V. l*ierce, Buffalo, N. V. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the Fvsteui. They (lire the Sick. no. CCRES. PRICES* 1— Fever*, Congestions, Inflammations. .'i3 li—WormM. Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. .*25 3—Teething. Colic,Crylng.Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .'^s 7 Cousin, Colds, Bronchitis W H —!\<*tiralgin, Toothache, Faceach© 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo . .25 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestlou,Weak J1 frHipprcssed or Painful Period* • .25 VZ—Whiten, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—i roup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness. 25 1 I—halt H hen in. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains '25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague . .25 19—C atarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 20—\V hooiilnc-t 'oiiuh -25 27—Kidney Diseases 25 2S-Xervonn Debility 1.00 30—I rinnry Weakness, Wetting Bed. .25 77—Grip, Hay Fever -25 I)r. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druguists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & Jolm Sts., New York 'ffelNQf Headache for Forty Years. For forty years I ru tiered from sick head- At* tic. A year ago 1 boKan usin« < 'oi ry Kim. The result wtw gratifying and : ■ iri>r!: ii;• , my b' ridaebes leaving »t on<-r. ihe !.• aein-.-i used 60return every sevi tith (inv, !: ' thanks to Celery Klim,l have huil i»«it heudiiehc in the last eleven months. ll.i-u that whuL cured me v.lll tieip oiiu r- Mr.-. John H. Van Keurcn,Kaugertied, N. "i. Celery K Ins cures ( oust i put ion and all.! eases of tho Nerves, Stomach, Liver a neys. Mold by druggists. 26c. and DOe. } CURES | \ THE j 5 COUGH. | C A pleasant, never-failing £ i remedy for throat and lung c i diseases. - _ -* I Sellers 3 imperial j i Cough Syrap i ) fa ahsolatdy free from sp > j cr otlier liarmful idgrf-ukii..*. c C A prompt, positive curr- / x coughs, colds, lioars^icr, i c enza, whooping cough. / # Over a million KitneH.feo'c" 1 in t:vj S > last tew ycarsatUatits]«i:u'<ii'l:j . t I K. J. GILIVIORE CO. > 1 F!TTSE'JR"->, P'> S 5 At all Druggists. < V 2SC and 50c. ; '-s/'W -.. '"*« tr' s ©SOI ¥@S fi '..1, jollies, 1 IcJslc." or eft: "UP r.ra A r-'n 1 :oi ■ • :uilly, juor.j qiil- lily, mnre /. A - ' Ithfaily .•u. -i v. 'th Refined j* 1 niHiii, W*x tl-sti by any other flgfc iij 1,1.-:II<K1. Dozenaof other useawUlbc UH J,Ol ?fn every tounehcM. It !'i cl^nn, VastfUts and o»l'>ric-ss—air. wul -r rSR n.; lad 1 prtof. Oct 11 l»u;.d cake (.f W i» W ith u list of Its aiaay ujea K ty\ irnai your drußßlator Krecer. ■■ ?■% ? tiold everywhere . Made by L/J Vi STAN UAItD «I CO. MARKLETON" SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, l'urc Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in Amor:c.t. Only three hours' ride east from I'ittsb'! .in tin- Alleglu ny moun tains. <ljH'ii all tin; y.-.tr. under the na iiieal trolof nr. I'.. O. t'r i.sstnaii, gratiuat'' "f l.ni versity ..1 \ • rniont. a sisted liy skillful idiy siciaus. Appointment sot llii 1 •st appro,«-d kinds, and Brst-class in every respect. Treatmeul by mculclncs and batns <»r ail kin(K. and -lei t.rii ity. Hot, and <-old. sal; Turkish iionian. fit/, electro thermal. electro-chemical and needle haths. Iltilhlini.' heated with hot water, lighted l>y electilcitv. supplied with pun- mountain water, surrounded <|Uit i. restful inoun lain scenery. Locatetl 011 i'ittsliurg division of it & OTb. U . which connects it with the principal eilies and their railroad systems, also with the Pennsylvania railroad at llyndman. Johnstown, (.'onneisvllle. Ilrail <l«»i'U. Terms reasonable Ppeclal raws for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physirians and t heir families For further information and circulars add re MS THfc MAKKLETOH SANATOHIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co.. Pa. SEND ONE DOLLAR « inn i t.m! 11 ►ll mov.Jy. rxamiiKitlimi tbU haodMiait- « .u<i ftjuitl .unci tit at ■»~- u ,, vlall 1. fJO.OU lo rl ISO.OO, p»y the Freight ' /'OP •jri>nt Our Kncilnl Ifft r 59.93, C*. tho 91.00 stmt with order. We *• ?r«-p»y th». fr. ljrht to T*«" A w »ny point east of the Rocky Snantain*. . , , Blue ( lose tJraln Marl.le, la noD-.tr,lruftible, and has a rirb klchlv |iolUb»-<t. unfadiiitf rnler (Jra*e«tone I* UO Inf hrt klfli l«la'ehr»»ldcatba*e. WHt# furpHereon othrr.tyle»andai«r^ Address, SEARS, HOEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO I —r:"*i —y, :ft' ' f BHtler Faft ,SfTptrtubfr 6-8. • r- TM I<: CITIZEN. Republican State Platform. That we rongr.itulate the Amerlcac people upon the results of the cam- ' | paign of 1896. the establishment of a sound currency, the securing of proper ! protection to American industries, and i the election of that champion of the common people. William McKinley, to I be president ' the United States. The j i Republican party has been in control | of the national government for little ; more than two years, and during that | time every promise made by it has I been fulfilled. Business Is active and : remunerative, labor is employed at 1 pood and increasing wages, capital has ; an ample field for investment, and an era of unexampled prosperity has been Inaugurated. Much of the success of the Republican policy adopted in 1896 Is due to the good judgment, wise counsel, administrative ability, far reaching diplomacy and broad minded Statesmanship of our patriotic presi dent. We firmly support and fully in dorse his administration and place on record the wish of the Republicans of Pennsylvania that he be nominated to lead the lies!:- to victory In the cam paign of 1900, and to this end we rec ommend the election of delegates who will give hi; candidacy earnem and vigorous support at the next national convention. We reaffirm the principles of our party deci de* in the national platform by the St. L:> • convention. The Re publican i y Pennsylvania stands unequivocally and unreservedly for sound money, r.n l favors a currency with which o pay the wages of labor and the earnings of capital, the soldier and pensioner, as fcood as gold the world over. To fuitl' the e ends we believe in maintaining the existing Hold standnr l. ami are unalterably op posed to the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 1H to 1. We renew at.d emphasize our alle giance to the policy of protection, which is the bulwark of our industrial development and the foundation of the prosperity of our country. We cordially endorse and heartily approve tlx r.i'f course pursued by our representatives in congress in the enact ii,«ir the Oingley tariff law. We congratulate the country on the successful termination of the war with Spain and recognize the wisdom of the policy President McKinley has in augurated in the management of the affairs in Cuba and Porto Rico, and promise hir.i our taithful support in the prosecution of the war in the Phil ippines. in order that the supremacy of the flag planted there by the valor of our army and navy may be main tained. Pennsylvania is proud of the record made by her soldiers at Gettysburg. Antietam. Fredericksburg, the Wilder ness. Chickamatiga and upon other bat tlefields of the civil war. and glories in the fact that the spirit of the old vet erans hr« been handed down to their sons, who heroically followed the des tiny of the flag at San .Tuan Hill. Co ama. Malolos. La I.omaa church and Malate. We feel a patriotic pride in the fact tliut every battle fought in defense of our national tionor has contained a record of the brave deeds of Pennsyl vania soldiers, and we extend to those now returning from the Philippine Islands a hearty welcome and express our admiration for the courage and bravery with which they upheld the flag of their country and the honor of our state. The Tenth Pennsylvania, under the leadership of the courageous and lamented Hawkins, occupies the honorable position of beins the only regiment c:i.- : t of the Mississippi river chosen for campaign work in the dis tant Philippines, and it is now a matter of national history that they met the highest expectations of those who se lected them for this patriotic service. To sive continued employment to the industry, ingenuity and skill of the American mechanic and laborer we ma I find new markets abroad for our surplus products. The commercial control of additional territory will af ford nev.' markets which will necessa rily increase our commerce and de velop our manufacturing interests. We have ceased to be content with supply ing products for home consumption alone. We must keep pace with other na tions in seeking new fields for our commerce, and to this end we support the policy of industrial commerce and national e> ; :\nsion. We favor for our national defense mil the promotion of closer commerce re::;tions between the sections of •mh- v:: t territory, now an immediate necessity, the immediate commencement and early completion of a great canal that will «ive communi cation bet mi the Atlantic and Pa cific ocee . = !»■.! veil a.- its protection against irei -n ( outrc l. We believe ti>e lies' interests of the laborer will be conserved by the con tinuance of Republican supremacy in state and nation. We express our ap proval of the ris'ht of labor to organ ize as well as capital, and believe that Fuch organization properly and lawful ly controlled will accomplish better results for both the employe and tb« employer. We recognize that the per petuity of our institutions depetf|s upon giving to labor the fullest and freest opportunity to better its condi tion by securing employment under the most favorable cirucuinstances. We commend the wise, business like and courageous administration of our distinguished governor, William A. Stone. As chief executive he has shown a disposition to serve the best interests of the whole people and to conduct his administration on lines of common honesty and business like sa gacity. Like an individual, a state must live within its income. An Individual who pays out more money than he receives becomes Insolvent, and a state that adopts the same policy must sink in credit. We, therefore, uphold the gov ernor in his policy of reducing the ex penses of the state so that they shall not exceed our income. The largest support should be given to our char itable, eleemosynary, penal and char itable institutions, but appropriations should not be made, even for these worthy x"""Poses, beyond the annual revenues of the state. If additional revenues are required we favor the taxation of incorporated capital and or ganized trusts, so that the public bur dens may be more fully and oqually distributed. We commend the good Judgment of the Republicans of Pennsylvania in their selection of representatives in I'Oth branches of the national congress. I'hey fitly and properly represent the great commercial, industrial and busi ness Interests of our commonwealth, i The Republican party owes a debt of j gratitude to her senior senator, Mat- I thew Stanley Quay, who for more than j a quarter of a century has stood in the i forefront of the battle for Republican supremacy. Our state is entitled to I full representation in the United States i ! senate, and we endorse the action of i the governor in making his appoint , ment to fill a vacancy caused by the failure of the lust legislature to elect. "We commeml*the faithful attention i with which the public business en ■ trusted to our junior senator, liolse ' Pentose, has been transacted. As a . | member of the committee on com -1 iperce he has secured the approprla j tion of millions of dollars for the im , j provement of slackwater navigation in western Pennsylvania and for a deep , j channel in the Delaware river. He has been assiduous in the performance j of the many duties exacted from him ' | as a representative of this great state, | and merits the approbation of his con | stltuents. - . "Wo favor an economical adminls ! tratiou of state affairs and demand the ' prompt settlement and collection of all ! claims and taxes* due by individuals, ' ' companies and corporations. | The platform also favors support of 1 ; the merchant marine and commends j the administration of State Treasurer Beacom. Holding Ilia .lull. •"1 think tiie man who works at that jilace across the street is the most faith ! ful and con-'cientions workman I ever [ i saw. !' • vcr takes a holiday ajid al t : ways I W&V till 'SPs Yoo'dark to 1 seo a) 1 "F J... • sjrkuptnjr .Great Scott!• ■ lie's the j cago Tribune. rht* city of Toronto. Canada, furniali i es a striking illustration of the wisdom ! of th*- policy that exacts a fair return I for franchises granted by the city. The ! earnings of the street railroads of To ronto for in months of the present fiscal j year have already passed the uiillioti | dollar mark. By the terms of the frau 1 chise under which the street railway | plant is operated the company was re i quired to pay into the city treasury 20 | p?r cent, of these earnings. The city received a check for $1:2,751 as its share of the earnings for July. An Arizona newspaper gives the fol lowing definition of the word ciga rette: A cigarette is a roll of paper, tobacco and drugs with a small fire on one end and a large fool on the other. Some of its chief enjoyments are con densed nightmare, fits, cancer of the lips and stomach, spinal meningitis, softening of the brain, funeral process ions and families shonded in gloom. HOOO'S PILLi cur? LU'er Ills, Bil iotfsnsss. Srjdifisstlon, Headache. Easy to take, ea-?y to operate. 25c. —The average woman carries about 50 miles of hair on her head. —When a man pajs attention to a woman, says the Philosopher, it's gen erally a sign that he wishes to marry her, and when he doesn t pay attention to her it's often a sign •that he has mar ried her. An old lady entered h probate court and asked: "Are you the judge of rep robates?" "1 am probate judge,'' was the reply. "Well." said she, "I guess that will do as well. You see my broth er died detested and left several little infidels and 1 want to be their execu tioner. Rkhl'Matism CuitED in*a Day. "MvsticCure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures iti i to 3 days. Its action UJKJU the system is retrarl:able and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and tilt disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. .Sold by J. C. Redic, an! J. F. itnlnh Druggists Butler ofi. if you would know the secret of your neighbors fn e appearance, ask him the name of his tailor, ask him, too, liow r- ucli •; } ear he spends 1«»r his clothes and subtract the amount from the cost of your own. You will be agreeably surprised, more so if you will prove it by giving us your measure, as he did. Our new fabrics for spring and summer embraces the choicest products of the loom. MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTH i-.S WANTS Want a Kodak? Want a Camera? Want a Bargain? Want a Book? Want •i Bicycle? Want a Piece of China? Want a Pine Picture? Want the latest in Stationery? Want anything in Fancy Goods or Art Line? The oniy place is at Douglass' Book St--re. There are bargains every week. There are low prices all the time- Visit every day at BOOK STORK. Near I' O Peoples Phone *62. Butler, Pa THE BEST" SUMMER TONIC rt • <'Hirst'iided . mi t ndorsed l»y noted | .l.v >- Ician . i - 1 .' ■ use of pure stud win e iill• # 1-. Wi* are tmporlor» and ha idle oulj j in- besi brands of wines, rhisko] •• e. i 1 >an ar til at« m:i h Ihe wfues ai d linuors you l>;ive been getting. give ours a ti la!. Prl- t lowest for pan* goods: FIN ill. Ml. YLliNO>, (a i'KOfd IK h , l>i 1.1.1 \t. Kli fillltWß, OVfiUIIOLT, I LMII THOMPSON, BUUMiEPORT, Any of tin* atiove brands of whiskey, un adulterated, (S years old, SI.OO per full «it.: 6 c|ts.« MBAXbFATHKR'S CIIOIC*-, a whiskey guaranted 3yearsold.sS.OO per gal. < >ll C. O. I>. or mail orders of Ss.ini or over we box and ship promptly: express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite 11* A* (>. Depot r iG^e/wi3eK, If you buy :l CIIASE or lIACKLEY rtaiio. You e* k t an instrument that K MAUK AND WAUKANTKh liY ()NK (>!•' THE WEALTH IEST AMI MOST INFLTENTIAL MANU- I ACTt KEKS OF PI ANOS. Ask your hanker. I. as iheir representative. :ini here to sell you a Piano on TERMS TO SUIT your eonvenienoe. Either cash or small monthly payments. You eet your IMano direct from "tin factory. I ean save? you dealer's profit, ('all and Investigate for your own satisfaction. I take Pianos and Organs as part payment in exchange. Can sell you anything you want in the music line-cash or time -organs. Oultars. Mandolins. Ac cordions, Kanjos. Violins. All small goods and their fittings. Strings of all kinds.Mieet Music, etc. I have engaged Mr. J. C. Cuner, an expert Piano tuner and repairer. Orders for tuning or repair work of any kind will receive prompt at tention. All work warranted. W R NEWTON, 317 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. .* *"rp.L ooM . ' yj-ltlli.f., PittSburr;f '* ' 'r.-PRACTiC A' '.Ydi'i : ' lit V Ti'; crown •••...! ir . >,€ v. .!• :1 )■ Ch , !i: ir;_ W |,Y ,aOT DC fr ' rS&vnUFisv <• ••'••• crown: /«*»•! SBJOftS work riilHi-t':! l-i&Q PER TOOTH A!? '' 'r. Practical Horse Shoer WILL: ROBiNSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick House has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoe: ng in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. j ' 'A-. ', ' j »\ A E s A^Tn c T E ..fpv m HUSELTOIN'S! a} Our Esto bllshe-ct Record For grades an<l low prices has attracteil Jhundreds to my store the past month. This Clearance Sale has become an event in shoe history all over the town and the country round, and hundreds have l»cen taking advantage of the sale. All Light and Medium weight shoes for men, women and cliildreu gel a deeper cut this month. That's the way the space for Incoming Fall Stock must be made. We are always off with the old before we are on with the new, and we are making Prices That Move you to buy as well as move the stock. Three months still remain for wearing Summer Shoes, and a ha'.f saved goes a long way towards the winter shoes. You Want Them now. The Boy needs them; the girl needs them for school— not one pair —but two pairs for the price of one. Visit My Store, See my windows; they reflect the values found inside; they tell of' shoe style and shoe service at prices not met with elsewhere. B. C. H'JSELTON S. Butler's Lcadtun Slioc House. Opposite Hotel l»wry. in v/;.v."/; .iMi'iA I opens septf.'•■!!:! r V r.osr.'-; <•>r i-onm 2.r. ' *" ; MUSIC-WORLD'S GREATEST BANDS ! SOISA SBAND Godfrey's SK Band &ST j S SO PIECES-SEPT. 6th TO 19th. SO PIECES—SEPT. 20th TO 30th. C \ Damrosch's New York Symphony orchestra s / 50 PIECES-WALTER DAIIROSCH CONDUCTOR-OCT. 2d TO J4th. S \ INNES* fAMOtIS BAND j / MYSTERIOUS PICTCRESIOX TJJE CIXEVATOGRAPII. ( / LIQUID AIR DEMOXSTRATIOXS. / J CRASD ELECTRICAL DISPLAY. < J ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP ( — SEND NO MONEY CBADt D33PCASIHET BURDICK SEWINp MACHINE '''t| 7fc?sr J ...ii.l n„litnM "iK.r. ..if ■■ hl.h .. *«lt. Oft. nnfl THE"" - GUKATKBI IUIU.AU VOL KTF.B lU:»mi ii! . p»j v 1 »r.iehi iiniour Special Offer price $15.50 « *" ~af 120 pounds and the freight will averngp 75 cents for e&cb 600 tulle* |HMM CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own horn*, and we will return your 915.50 any day you are not satisfied. W® »+ll dir f.-nnl makes ami irrad«-» of Senioß Aarhiuet at SS.&O, f 1(1.00, f IL.OO, a pB lilWnffla f 12.00 Aail ap, all rail* de«*r]b?d In Oar Free Hrwln* Slaehlae ('lUlokrir. V, ■ | iCAQ|R| -• - -fj bui 515.50 for Ihl. DROP DESK CABINET BURDICK fli vl> fl Ll V MI *.X Is the greatest valuo ever otferedby anyhouse. 11l • ■ W t £■* BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Kl |.JAB» ■|l ▼ertismentn, offering nnknowo machine* under various name?, witli BHtjjß I IhP .3 vurlous inducement? HrU« aoae friend <0 ( aud leara who are Klvfl ■ 11 'l' e - IIKLIABLK AM) VTHO ARK HOT. M I (>%VAwV^A J • TUC DllDninif has rrery nODER* IHPROTEMB?IT. _ — I I fi El DUKUIi/lv every <h><td mKT of KfiRT hi«h - UUiDK BKIIIM sum. WITH Tim |r SESStS ;r DKriCTS OK SONE. MAIIK BY TIIF. BEST MAKF.It I.N AMKKIt'A. 'j KHUM THE BKBT MATERIAL <^77^6?— : ' lf ««» C Y SOLID QUARTER S*WED OAK »hopdebk "» ruio Fdl.l MIKD, one Illustration abuws uiacbine clorc.!. <hea<l »lroi>- K*> : Vr r ping from nlpbt) to be used as a e»t#r (able, »Und vr dHI, U* olhrr v opea with full table and bead In place for sewlncr, I tmatj £ drum, Utct I-.!*# sh.leua fraoi., carved, paneled, eiabossed aial SSißa decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer ptilla. rests on * ca» ; /)>'■ ■■ tern, ball bearing adjustable treadle, irenulne Hmvth Iron stand, t \ I I SO DllVll Finest lance Hl«h Asm h.sd, positive four motion feed, self tbraadlnjr vlbrat- V s If vl) ■ ■AI f Inif shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearlnfr*. patent tension ;iis 3 1 >1 M B«l 1 liberator. Improve ! loose whefl. Mljustable presser foot. Improved shuttle el <' ■ B fIIMJ carrier, patent needle bar, patent dressiruarn. head is handsome!/ decoraUKl IsSj. K-> K ■ B I fIM9 ai<dmini.si'd »d bfasiiimir NIOKEL TRIMMED. -£3>.° t>-S fl Bhdß Vif : >l CUARANTEED tk. Il«k«e»l n»lu. M.I dor.Eii and aumt »ol*l»«i «»Sa IV- _MM Mad. Ever) known sttsehmrnt UfanUhid sad .ar Eree Instruction Book tells ■a , S Z All lust bow anyone can run It and do eltberplaln or any kind of fancy work. 4li. JC'JA SO-YEARS' BINDING ODARANTEE Is sent with every machine , C S»y>>fWll IT pfICTQ YOl) NOTHING to sc.- and examine this machine, compare It i * V -V*- -*> maia ll>u numiiru , lt |, t hn.» .onrstoralteenar sells.t till nfl r to seo.oo. and then If oonvineed j.» are •.•l.s (XS.OO ta (to.OU. par foar rr.C/fct areal tb. 515.60. TO KCTCKS TOIR #15.i1l If at aaj llm. «ll*la «hr». month, yo. say yea are ae< satlslrd. OBUXB TO otf. POVT dklat. (Sears, Koebu.k Co. are tboroughly reliable—Kdltor ) * Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111. | J. W. MYBRS, DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McFANN P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa If you want a piano or organ drop me a line and I will call upon you. When Starting On a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst and take what ccmes. But if you have the foresight to choose as your mount on 2 of our wheels, what comes can only be the best. If you cannot do this let us thoroughly over haul and repair your old wheel and the chances of a breakdown will be material ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. Evans & Son.. Cor. Wayne aiiti McKean, MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PUIS IpQk CktcwL.. Cfitis PTMgVROYAL FILLS F- * OHrlnal u«l Only A R/.rc. al*fc>« ratable. Laoic* aiis >{ l-mcilrt for ChUhc*un kruiitth V*i ..«• ,fcir>Rg>Lr: nd Bran !lu Ked m-1 </ Ai drlillic\\/jy v '. Jghoxi i. •<-ale«J with bine ribbon. TaLo vHr v - . ; .•inA %rr.*:«umM. A t I»rc«i»fa, or sfifi -tc- Irf In ntvnj|;e <«.r partlrnlare, {•■•timenlal* an« PV " Koltcf fWt- rcfllrm"*'! t'tter. by rrtavn 3 v Js Hm!L 10,<NW Tr'UoMiU:* AVii r<y*r. N —•"/ ;t k!l nmrcinte i * l)« mloal *0)0 MutilfiuM Ssuiaxc* | WANTED—A Reliable MAN| X of pooil r.fl<lres3 to solicit businer,» from prop- X ; f . A dj .X to can make 110 to sls weekly. Com- X ; Si!iißs:oii or paid weekly. Addiess for X : nn rticulare, montion instil is paper. X i { KEELEYCURE. J 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J W Removes all desire and appetite,builds up tho W m system, renews health and vigor, brightens the m i Intellect and fits one for business. J W Till ONLY KRKI.KY IXSTITUTK V A Booklrt f.-M. IX VTKSTKRN I-KN VSTI.VAin*. \ ThoKecleilnstttuto.4246FitthAve.Prtlsbury.Pa.^ UNDERTAKING. Xotice is hereby give 11 that the under taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie I Hunt, at West Sunbury, Pa., under the superviiono r father, John Mcchling, I latelyd ee'd., will be continued by me. | All work will be .lone in first-class , style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Huht. £ I Now is The Time to Have Your CotHii\£ CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable i coining or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can ge* it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 18'2 Center a venue, Ij@t„\Ve do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. for the Jaii.ostown sHtli»ie Blind t.'o.—New York. E. FISHER SON, I West Winfield Hotel, ® G. W. LUSK. Prop r. § First Class Table and Lodgings, (fas and Spring Water all through honse. Good Stabling. rk m r% postal card to, I I■■ 1 l or ca " U P N°- 1 mJm of the People's sßsicyyyoicsjCJKsKJKysit 1 hone and W. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, ruuning to aud from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your honse take away your dirty carpets and return them in a day or two as dean as new. All on a jummer morning—Carpets, ruga and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. JAS. A. MCDOWELL, Cistern Builder and! General Cement Worker. Worker in White, Portland, and Hydraulic Cements. t l >< i 20 Years Experience. a . „ h 34<) ist Street, P.Tel. 381 : c WM. WALKER. J- *. WICK " Walker & Wick, —GENERA L DEALERS IN— REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES C LIFE INSURANCE, ETC. I" .iEiTEKZu BvuJMpo, Orr. PofTorric* I oSummer 1 V ' I Dq Summer < ► <j►Millinery*—'" * • * Millinery.l > V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. V !|t SUMMER SALE. I '|' The popular Rough Kiilcr Hat,Ladies'and Misses' Trimmed' ' Walking Hats, Sailor Hats, Ladies' and Misses' Straw* 4 Hats. Ladies'and Misses' Rough and Ready Sailors/ ► OElegaut Assortment of Trimmed Bonnets and Hats. < I < > All the nswest shaj>«»- and styles is to be found at oar store At the< ► [ i kvery lowest prices. , | ( > Mourning Coods Always on Hand , > | |122 S. Main St I). T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.O /CASH NOVGtTy STORE. air-lIfvQUEENSWARe Ar CROCKEKV STORE. IV hW bAMP and GLASSWARE STOR6. ,lt-ww /GOODS IN ALt LINES. \MANAGE I MENT. Having purchased the Allison Bee Hive Novelty and Qu«*cns ware Store, I have devoted considerable care and time in completing the most varied stock of goods in Butler. Below will give an idea of some of the goods carried in stock. Ar.le grease, / Hutter seniles, Jl.\l>l>K*S 1 Stales, BASKETS— J candle wicks, {step, 7 school t>ags. clothes, C can openers, *l<>ng, VSCOOPS— delivery, /cards playing, /*i»»l .ml l'n. fruit, S carpet tacks, J LAMP — (shawl straps, laundry,. C chalk lines, Ichimmeyx, /shin: laces, lunch," \ chalk, Jburners, 1 sieves, market, f crayons, J wicks; N skirt hoards, office, / cheese cutters, Slanterns, f slates, traveling; \ clocks, slcad j>encils, v slate pencil*, bird seeds, C clothes hampers, Jkmon sr|nee/ers, J slaw cutters, blacking, /clothes horses, Xlonktng glasses. \ SOAPS blacking cases, \ clothes lines. *niarbles, J laundry, blank books, Q clothes pins. \ toilet, blueing, f coat racks, Atr.easnres, t spoons, Ixtsom t«»ards, V coffee mills, *measiiring faucets, V starches, bread boards, Q combs, J money drawers. J stove polish, brooms, / commodes, *mop handles. \ TABI.KS HRI SUKS \ cork screws, Ytnonse traps, I sewing, cloth, Q corn poppers, ;j;mucilage. J kitchen; dusting, f curry coiuls. jtoil cans and tanks. V table cutlery, flodr. J dominoes, *PAI'KR /tack Hammers, hair, J dusters turkey, X writing, V tinware all kinds, horse, \ egg beaters, I trapping; / towel roller, nairt, \ envelopes. jpass took*, £ trucks, scrub, f faucets ist quality,xpastry boards, V tubs, shaving, f tish forks, I pen holders, % twines, shoe, / fish hooks & lines,*j>ens. V twine stove, S fibre ware, 4Spin«, / riol'i fixtures, tooth, \ fly traps, ipipes, \ wagons, whitewash, / fruit augers, mashers, \ wash hoards, window; N funnels, *pocket books, f washing marhin.-s, BUCKETS— i K um hands, J pocket knives f water ci»»lirs. pine, V granite ware, J purses, V whip*, cedar, f guu caps, -Jra/ors, wl tsks, horse, 1 hammocks, irnz>?r »traj»s, / wm»l sp»»»ns, paper; \harmonicas, pins, \willow ware, butter ladles, fink, jrnka, f wire good*, butter moulds, J jewsharps, * ro P*'' Jwoml Ixwh, butter prints, N keelers, Jsatchels, Sw»»l ili-hes. wringers. [ also handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware. &c.. |>i.t;i..s, organs and small m isica! goods, strings an.! fittings foi all instru ments. Coine and look over our 5 and 10 cent counters. When you want a bargain be sure arul come tor *J. R. Griebs, Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. Aslo BUILDINGS work. etc. REDICK 8c GRO HMAN* «•. 1») Mii n j*t., Ratler DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pure Penna. Rye Whiskey for $.3 We don't blame you if you arc doubtful about it, but the t>est way to convince yourself is to send us a trial order Send the amount either in currency by registered letter. P. O. order or express, anil we will l*>x ship anal prepay expressage on a gallon of Cabinet 4 year old Bye f.»r #<'»► You will be surprised at the quality of this whiskey. It is guaranted absolutely pure, ami is just what you need in the house at this season of the year. What do you think of a West Virginia Black Brandy at #2.00 per gallon? We have some of the very hes», made from selected berries anil carefully distilled—put up in gallous, half gallons and fiuarts—fiin't forget that we pre pay expressage on all orders of #S OO and over, evrept wheie a transfer is necessary from one Express Co.. to another, when we j>ay expressage to point of transfer You cau make you owu selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a gal Cabinet Rye, can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4 00 a ga Gin, Rum. Enmmel, Brandy $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY- PA Send for catalogue and price list, mailed free. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old!!! I v - It's a'ong life, but devotion to the true int :rs.« ami , prosperity of '.lie American People has won f.»r it new flEfriends as the yeans rolled by and the original mrmlirn fcfIBBHSCt ' tS ' an, ''- v passed to iheir reward, ami these admirers are JMSHSDI lo >' a! an,, stei,,,f ast today, with faith in its teachings, and U confidence 111 the information which it brings to their I i r *■■??' "omes and firesides. ' X An a natural consefjncnce it enjoys in its ol<l age all the ' \ vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened ami npeaml 4 I jT' -by the experiences of over half a century, \ v," It has lived on its merits, and on tie cordial support n# * progressive Americans. It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the coontry over as tbe lea<>ing National Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those who <Wsire all tbe news of the State and Nation the publisher of "The CITIZKN" (your own favorite home paper i has entered into an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which euables him to furniab botk papers at the trifling cost of #1.50 per year. Every tanner ami every villager owes to himself, to his family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly and untiringlv for his interests 111 even- way, bringt to his hutne all the news and happenings of his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a wetkly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progreniva family. Just think of it! lioth jf these papers for only #1.50 a year Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZfcN