THE CITIZEN WIBLIAM C. N EG LEY Publisher THURSDAY. AUGT'ST 24. 'S99- Republican County Ticket. For Slier ill'. THOMAS R. HOON. For Prothonotary. J. M MCCOLLOCGH. For Register ami Recorder. W. J. ADAMS. For Treasurer. D. L. RANKIN. For Clerk of Courts. W. P. TURNER. For County Commissioner. J. J MCGAKVEY, J. w. GILLESPIE. For County Auditor. J. W. PATTERSON, P. H. SECHLER. For Coroner. JOHN L. JONES. ~ POLITICAL. The Republican State Convention to be held today at Harrisburg, will prob ably be a tame affair. Senator Penrose is slated for tempo rary Chairman and is to make a strong administration speech. He took the draft of, the '-Platform'' from Philadel phia to Harrisburg, Monday, and it was put in final shape. Generally speaking, it indorses the administration ot Presi dent McKinley for its record on finances, the tariff, and its conduct of the war with Spain and with the Filipinos. The Pennsylvania soldiers are commend ed for their services in Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippines. The State admin istration is indorsed, with a declaration for economy in all departments of the State government. The Dingley tariff bill will be indorsed as the main factor in the country's present prosperty, and the money plank will, it is said, de clare for gold as the only satis factory basis for the Nation's finances in the interest of labor and business. Col. Quay will be indorsed as the Republican party's choice for United States Senator, but it is said that there will be no con demnation of those Senators and Repre sentatiyes who refused to support him in the last legislature, the desire being, as one who is engaged in framing the plat form says, to "say nothing that will be offensive to anyone." There will prob ably be -a plank declaring for prompt payment of the school appropriation. The ticket selected by Quay i. e. J. Hay Brown of Lancaster for Supreme Judge; J, R. Adams of Philadelphia for Super ior Judge and Lt. Col. Barnetc of Wash ington Co. for State Treasurer, will prob ably be nominated without opposition; Frank Reeder is said to be slated for State Chairman. A dispatch from Ilnrrisburg dated last Friday, said that Goyemor Stone has fallen into line for the machine slate and he is doing his best to have it ratifi ed by the State convention. He has finally endorsed ex-Senator Quay 's selec tion of J. Hay Brown for Supreme Court under protest. The Governor would have preferred either Superior Court Judge Porter, of Pittsburg, or Judge Archibald to the Lancaster lawyer. His first choice was Judge Porter, and when he saw there was no chance for him he threw his support to the Scranton aspir ant. But neither Porter nor Archibald has a ghost of a show and there was nothing for the Executive to do but turn in for Brown. Thomas B. Reed sent the following short notice to the Governor of Maine, Monday. PORTLAND, Me., Aug. 21. To the Governor of Maine, Augusta: I hereby resign the position of mem ber of Congress from tne First District of Maine, to take effect on September 4. Very truly yours, T, B. REED. Judge Wallace of New Castle was "in the hands of his friends." He passed I^jf j fllmw r I' IUU*. I"" ""'if Judge. "I am still a candidate, and will be in the contest for the nomina tion unless the delegates from North western Pennsylvania, who are giving me their support, decide that my name shall not come before the conven tion. These delegates will caucus in Harrisburg and their action will deter mine whether or not lam to be voted upon in the convention. My candidacy is in their hands, and their jndgment is supreme with me." PRESIDENT KRUGER of the South African Republic has refused the Eng lish Secretary's demand for a court of inquiry, an'' again it looks like war in that country. Itiots in Paris. The Dreyfus trial, whicn is exposing the rottenness of the Army Bureau; and what of the they call the "Gueriu affair'' over there, are making trouble in France. On Saturday last the "Jour nal of the People" edited by Sebastian Faure, published a manifesto denounc ing the military party, the anti-Semites, the monarchists and the priests, and urged its supporters to meet force with force. "Should Dreyfus be convicted," said the manifesto, "it will be the triumph of bandits. Should he be acquitted, the military section will be open to rebel lion." The paper called on all anarchists to demonstrate against the priests and the Jesuits. Copies of the manifesto were scattered broadcast, and the result was that the anarchists flocked into the streets singing the. "Carmagnole" and crying "A has Rochefort!" "A bas Dm mont!"and "Abas Guerin!" On Sunday great numbers of people assembled in the public squares and then marched from church to chnrch destroying the furniture and breaking the windows. The police attempted to stop it; there was fighting all day, and some four hundred people were hurt. Taken all in all the situation in France just now is critical and unique. Momentous events hang upon the out come of the Dreyfus trial. Should the prisoner be acquitted there is danger of a military revolt, for those who control the army are the bitterest foes of the persecuted Jew Should he be convicted the public opinion and nat ional conscience of France would be so outraged and wounded by the verdict that a revolution would be almost in evitable. On the one hand is Scylla on the other Charybdis, and to steer the ship of state safely between the two is a difficult task. Washington Notes. An order has been issued directing that 10 additional regiments of infantry volunteers be organized for service in the Philippines. The regiments will be numbered from 38 to 47, and will be or ganized at the following places in the order named: Jefferson barracks. Mo.; Fort Crook, Neb.; Fort Riley, Kansas; Camp Meade, Pa.; Fort Niagara. N. Y.: Fort Ethan Allen, Vt.; Fort Leaven worth, Kan.; Fort Snelling. Minn.; South Framingham. Mass. The Colo nels and Lieut. Col's have been named, and this will increase the Regular Army to 93,000. _ One Forcible Opinion. ED. CITIZEN: —In an article in the CITIZEN of last week, written by J. 11. Negley, asking for opinions as to the proper time to hold our centennial cele bration, or when is the county one hnn dred years old? The writer then says, "On March 12, 1800, the Act was passed creating But ler county, or rather taking it from Allegheny county, but that it remained attached to the mother county for judi cial purposes until 1808." A simple comparison or illustration will solve the difficulty: A child born on March 12, 1800. but remaining with the mother for nursing and care until 1803, then weaned; when would the child lie one hundred years old? From the time of birth or when it was wean ed? On March 12, 1800 the umbilical cord was severed uniting Butler to Allegheny county and hence on March 12, 1900, is its centennial birth day. J. C. VAXDEKLIN, A Few Words from the County Superintendent. Iu a few more ilaya the schools of otir county will again be in session. Anil now before the school term logins I wish to sav a few words to the direc tors, teachers and pupils of our school* in Butler county. First, then, to the several directors let me say that yon have lieen chosen by your fellow citizens to look after the public school system of our county. A trust has been placed into your hands that demands a vigilant care Great responsibilities are resting upon you. You no doubt have already hired your teachers, secured the necessary books and supplies for the year. Yet your work as a director has only begun. That teacher into whose care and keep ing has been placed the school you es pecially represent, needs your hearty co-operation from the day she is hired until the term's work has been finished. The regnlar monthly visit to your school is not enough. A few words of encouragement, a show of your appre ciation and some heartfelt sympathy, will do very much towards helping your teacher to teach her school well. Di rector, your work is difficult; your grievances are many: your pay is poor; yet I assure you in reality, that your office is one of the most important, and honorable in onr county. Do your work faithfully and the reward shall be yours. And here I might say to the fathers and mothers, as patrons of our schools, you, too, can help your director in pro viding a good school for your children, for the teacher very much needs your sympathy, good will and help. Ite 11 you that the cares, and the trials, rest ing down upon the school teachers of the land can be carried successfully only when the fathers and the mothers join heart and hand with the teachers in their work. Parents teach your child ren whilst at home to respect and love their teachers and their school as they do their own parents andtheirown home. This kind friends is what school lite should be. and can be if we all work to gether. Do not expect too much from your teacher and remember that they are but human and may make mistakes; "for to err is only human, but to for give is half divine." To the teachers of our county let me say, the work in which you are about to engage is a noble one. What one term of school is worth to a communi ty, no man can tell. The seeds you shall sow in the hearts of your pupils will bloom and ripen in this world, but will be garnered in eter nity. We boast of our free school sys tem. and well do we do so, for we be lieve it to be the great corner stone of our nation and the strong hope for its future greatness. Teachers remember your word. Be honest with it; be in earnest in it; and ever have before you the desire to teach not only the lessons found in the text book, but to teach al so the grand, everlasting principles of honesty, truth, temperance, love for God and love for home Boys and girls you who are to be the pupils of our schools this winter let me remind you that the schools are for you and you are for the schools. The day is here when you must have a good practical education if you wish to take part in the world of usefulness around you. For without an education you can fill no useful station with the rising generation of the "Keystone State." Be in school every day this term if possible, and always remember that every day of school yon miss is like the broken link in a chain —that part you missed may sometime be found wanting. Again, I ask pupils teachers, parents and directors, let us one and all join heart and hand in our school work here in Butler county, and if it is possible, let us put forth better, nobler efforts in the work this year than we have done in the past. As Superintendent of Butler county schools I promise to put forth my best efforts in the work, and 1 do most earn estly plead for the heart}' co-operation and support of the people in this coun ty during my entire term's work. Yours very truly, HOWARD I. PAINTER. Doutlictt's Father will Settle. D. B. Douthett, father of Marshall B. Douthett the defaulting clerk of Wil kinsbtirg borough, whose total deficit is meiir Willi in<T FiriSßHrg Trust Com pany for the payment of the £3,100 which his son secured some months ago from the trust company on forged war rants of Wilkinsburg borough. Mr. Douthett has told those who were vic timized that he will settle all losses sus tained throngh the criminal action of his son. He said last night he was anx ious to get the matter settled up as soon as possible, "so thai my son can re turn and begin a new life. Mr. Donthett stated that he had not secured almost SI,OOO that had been de posited to his son's credit with the Pitts burg Trust Company for the reason that no such sum had been dei>osited by his son with the company. There is such a sum in the hands of a well-known lmsi ness man which will be used in liquidat ing some of the defalcations. The suit of the Butler County Nation al bank, on which it obtained a judg ment against D. B Donthett and son for several hundred dollars, has been satisfactorily settled. The indorsement on the uote on which the money was given, Mr. Donthett declared to be a forgery. On last Monday Mr. Donthett and Dr. H. S. McClymonds. his son-in-law, bondsuten for young Donthett as Boro. Clerk in the sum of $5,000, deposited that amount in the First National bank of Wilkinsbnrg to the l>orongh under certain conditions. These were that the two bondsmen should have permis sion to make an exmauination of all warrants and receipts. This demand was granted by a resolution of council, and the money was deposited in the bank. Some of the members of council afterwards wanted to collect the money without allowing Mr. Donthett and l)r. McClymonds to see the receipts and warrants. The warrants have never been examined by the two liondsmen. and until they are the borough will not receive the amount of the bond. When asked last night if there hud been any agreement made to pay the forged warrants held by the banks. Mr. Donthett said: "There has been no ar rangement made yet, but if any ami cable airangement can be reached there is no donbt but what they will be lift ed.—Saturday's Commercial Gazette. Petrolia. Miss Callie Jennings returned from Cambridge Springs, Wednesday. Mr. Stevenson's daughter, Hattie, of Pittsburg is visiting in Petrolia. Mrs. McCormick of Emlenton it- visit ing her sister. Mrs. Buch. Mrs. Dave Burns is visitiug friends in Petrolia Mollie Givens expects to go to Toron to this week to take care of her aunt, who is sick. George Kilcheustein of Pittsburg was up over Sunday to visit his mother. L. of L. will give an entertainment Friday eyening. Good program pre pared. Excursion on Monday to Pittsburg. Train leaves at 7:00. Mrs. Jamison gave a garden party THiesday evening for the benefit of the U. P. chnrch. Mrs. S. E. Brown is going to McKees Rocks on business, Friday. Eil. Miller is going to the Kittanning Fair, an<l visit his father in the coun try. , Middlftowu. Misses Minnie Christy, Eva ('amp bell, Ada Conlter, Aldine Brown, Ada Markwell and Detmer Kuhn, A. L. Brown and McClain Christy attended the C. E. convention at Prospect. Eliza Jane, wife of Wm. McCaaliu formerly of this place died in the hospi tal at Dixmont last week, and the re mains were bronght here for interment on Friday. Si LEX. On Tuesday, M. Lahori was able to be in the Court-room again, and put sev eral of Dreyfus' enemies in a hole. THE death list by the huricane in Porto Rico now numbers S.SUO, and may m»cb cooo. Harmony ami Zelienople. Wui. Kavenaugh of Zelienople was I very sick recently but r.t present is convalescent. Prof .T. E. Kocher. princi]>al of the j Zelienople schools was married on Thursday evening, last week to Laura J Sloan of New Brighton. We for him and his bride a happy married life The two daughters of H. J. Mitchell of Pittsburg are visiting their aunt Mrs. H. M Bentle at Harmony at present. Miss IVarle Weigel of Harmony is visiting friends in Pittsburg this week Col. Wilson. Post 4W> (j. A K. of Zelienople buried the remains of Kph raim Erb. one of their members, at Middle Lancaster on Thursday, Aug. 17th. A vtrj large number of people were at the funeral. Misses Carrie Blake anil Jessie Mc- Kinney who have been visiting relatives in Butler county for tome time left for their homes in Racine, W is. last 1 hurs day on the Chicago train, boarding the train at Harmony. Rev and Mrs. John Sill Blaney of the Hayesville and Glenfield Presbyterian churches were the guests of the D. 1 Boifgs family for two weeks. Last Sunday Rev. Blaney occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at Zelienople for Rev. P. J. Slonaker. Fred PeiTer and family of Elwood and Wesley Peffer of Zelienople were the guests'of their father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peffer in Lancaster twp on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .1 S. Huff of New Brighton were the guegts of r red Weigle and family at Harmony on Friday night. Mrs. Rev. W. H. Rodenbangh <>f Avalon is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodenbangh at Harmon} this week. Mrs. Clara Weigel, net- Hunter wife of Wesley Weigel died in the hospital at Spokane, Wash on Friday Aug. l M th. She WHS sorely afflicted for over one vear. The husband and three children survive her in that far off land. The remains were laid to rest on Satnruay. It isthousht Mr. Weigel and the child ren will retnrn to Harmony where he formerly lived and where his relatives reside. On Thursday Aug. l<th Bastian : Swope another of Harmony s octogen- J arians died. He was born in Germany and uvea to | be S- vein's old. His wife aged 84 years | and one son Miehael of Pittsbnrg, and two daughters. Mrs. Henry Leise and I Mrs. George Klinefelter both of Har | niony survive him. He has been blind j for 15 years and nearly deaf. The children all were devoted to their aged father and mother. Formerly they were connected with the catholic laith. but lately Protestant pastors ministered to their spiritual welfare. Rev. J A. Lenzinger of the Grace Reformed church of Harmony preached the funeral sermon on Saturday after which the remains were interred in the Zelienople cemetery. A very welcome but exceedingly heavy rain fell at Harmony on Monday afternoon. Miss Lizzie Jones. Miss Rosa Zink of the South Side Pittsbnrg and Miss Amelia Hegert of Allegheny are the guests of A 1 Silter and family at Har mony this week. Miss Edith Newton and Prof J. C. Dight of Zelienople and Rev. J. A. Lenzinger of Harmony appeared at the county C. E. convention at Prospect last week. On Friday one load from Zelienople and one load from H*rinonv beside other C. E. workers drove to Prospect and returned after the evening session. Sarvcrs Station. Died, at her mother's home, Mrs. Pearson, Saturday, the l'Jth inst, aged about 35 years. Mrs. Pearson was the daughter of Mrs. Tbos. Fleming. Sarver Station Academj begins the fall term, 18 weeks, if the way be clear, Sept. 19th. Principal, Gardner C. Low ry. A. B Preaching services in Buffalo church, next Sunday at 11:00 o'clock: V P fe er *.s visjten -«i-» Simon's father, John Cruikshanks, last week. The children are being vaccinated to comply with the school laws. Milford Davis has gone to the city to a situation in Brown's Iron Mill. German will be taught in the Acade my. Dr. and Mrs. McCafferty of Freeport visited at the parsonage, last week. Wm. Meals of Worthington passed through here, Monday, on his way to visit his Butler county friends. The young ladies of the Buft'al o church are to be congratulated on their social. Tlic Tentli. The regiment was paid off and mus tered out of service at Camp Presidio, San Francisco. Tuesday afternoon, and that evening the special trains contain ing all the regiment excepting the three sick men, left San Francisco for the East. The boys are to ride, day and night without stopping for any length of time until New Brighton is reached, Mondpy morning, where they are to take breakfast, and then go on to Pitts burg, where a great reception has been arranged for them. They are to dis embark in Allegheny, and inarch to Schenley Park. On Tuesday a contract was given to a South Side man to serve a 1000 dinners in Schenly Park for members of the 10th. DEATHS. BAKER —At Canon City. Colo.. Aug. 18, 189!), Wm. Baker, aged about 20 years. McDIVITT- At her home in Centre twp. Aug. 17, 1899. Mrs. John Mc- Divitt, nee McAually, aged about 55 years. HORNER At Avonmore, Allegheny county, Aug. 15, 1899, Adam Horner, aged 60 years. The funeral took place, Sunday, at the residence of hi* son-in-law, George Schultz in Allegheny. OBEIi—At his home in Summit twp.. Aug. 21, 1899, John Ober. aged years. Mi'GINLEY--At her home in Butler, Aug. 22. 1899, Mrs. Katharine Mc- Ginley, aged OS years. Mrs. McGinley lived on S. McKean St., and her death was caused by a fall the previous Saturday. Hood's PHIs Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They ROM&O the Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. I'repared by C. 1. Hood & Co.,Lowell,Muss. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Patrick Logue has filed his final account as Committe of Mary Mcßride, a lunatic, at Ms. D. No. 8, June Term. 1883. in the Prothonotary's office, at Butler. Pa. and the same will be presented for con firmation and approval, Saturday. Sept. 9, 1899. ROU'T. J. THOMPSON. Prothonotary. LIVERY. H. C. l'ryor, of \V. Sunbury, hereby | gives notice to the public that owing to ' the death of his father-in-law, John ' Mecbling, he will not 'cave his business j as had been intended, but will continue to carry on the livery business at the old stand. Good rigs furnished at moderate j price. H. C PRYOR. ! N KK.IiIiOKIKX >i» NO IKS. A little match-seller in Pittsburg made trouble in several families by bor ; rowing thtir kids, and taking them with her on her daily jonrneVs She : found cut that she could sell more more matches when she had a child with her. and she wasn't particular as to whose child it was or how she treated I it, and now all Mulberry alley is lavinsr j for her. For nearly two hours last Thursday a woman sat in the corridor of the 11th tloor of tile Park building in Pittsburg, and warned people that the doctor said she had the small pox. and then she was taken to a hospita. She lives in Alle gheny. and has not been feeling well for some time, and the doctor she called ujK>n promptly pronounced it a case of small-pox. In spite of the industrious efforts and strict vigilance of the Allegheny health authorities to-keep the small pox epi demic on the Xorthside from spreading, and confine it to the Eleventh ward, it has appeared in the Tenth ward, where a case has been under quarantine for several days.—Dispatch. The excursion from Clarion to the Kinzua bridge, Sunday, took with it a freak from Marienville. who retnrned home a sadder, wiser and much bejol lied man. He was evidently a little the worse for booze, and in a moment of ex treme hilarity bet f-"> he could climb from the bridge to the gorge below, a distance of 301 feet. The bet was ac cepted and he began his descent. About a third of the way down he be came frightened and clung tremblingly to the girders, afraid to move another step. His friends sent for a man who cliined down and tied a rope about him. and then they hauled him up, Simon Sum. The big island east of Cuba is called San Domingo, and it is divided into two parts called Haiti and Dominica. The President of Dominica was assassinated a few days ago, and as that goveruient and that of Haiti are-probably alike, the following account of Haiti by John X. Purviance, formerly of Eutler. and who has lately visited relatives in Pittsbirj; is interesting. "I first went to Central America, to rnn a coffee plantation, but the na tives had the pernicious revolutionary habit so badly that I was not sorry when I was able to sellout at a fair prof it and come back to the United States. Not long afterward I was asked to goto Mexico and take charge of several arte sian wells which were being drilled ou the estate of the Cueves Brothers, near S,m Luis. Potosi. You can get some idea of the extent of aMexican farm when 1 tell yen that the one 1 was drilling on , was as big as the whole of Butler Co. My headquarters were in a cornfield that was eight miles long. Maybe that< wouldn't make some of our Pennsylva nia farmers open their eyes. "Last November 1 went to Port-au- Prince, Haiti, to drill wells on a sugar plantation near that town. To begin with I will say it is not a white man's country. The people and those in charge of theGoverir.ent are all negroes. They are very jealous of their country, and every stranger is subjected to the closest investigation on his arrival, :*nd during his stay is under a syatem of es pionage that is somewhat galling to a free-born American. Although the ( i overmen t is supposed to be a Republic, it is virtually a monarchy, as old Presi dent Sam will never give up his office as long as he can hold ifc by force. His White Honse is surrounded by parks, filled with artillery, and a cordou of soldiers, which it is impossible to pass without giving strict account of one's self. He is suspicious of everybody, and I have been told that he lives in constant fear ol' assassination. When ever he appears in public he is attired in the most gorgeous uniforms, and tries to impress the common people with an idea of his great importance. French is the language of all. and al though as a general thing the natives are intelligent, they are very treacher ous and cruel. They seemed to me to lie of a different type of negro from that in this country, and they appear to think that the white people of all other goyeruients are trying to roh them of their independence. Some of the bet ter miens of manhood, and have received good educations, but the officials .of President Sam's staff are careful to see that no man or set of men liecome too popular. • They do not desire to trade with outside merchants to any extent, and they are very chary regarding innova tions. Merchants or traders who try to send goods into the island find at the start that a tariff which is practically prohibitive will shut them out. " I left thore only a few weeks ago, just before the assassination of the President of San Domingo, and even then I noticed in Haiti a feeling of un rest among the natives for which 1 was at a less to account. Ido not know pos itively that they knew of the revolution ary feeling on the other end of the is land. but judging from what I know now the Haitians must have been aware of the plot in San Domingo. Down there it is simply a question of which side has the strongest force, and might makes right in that island. Although white men are not disturbed, they are not welcomed to any great extent, and, taken altogether, it is a fair sample of a black goverment. "Unless President Sam is killed I think he will be able to hold the reins of government indefinitely, as be has apparently taken every possible nrecau tion to put down rebellions wirh a swift and merciless hand. No clemency is shown to enemies of the existing power in Haiti, and 1 pity the men who go after the President's toga and fail to get it. New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresli Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Try Otis - Soda R A, ilacCartney M. A. BERKIMER. I uneral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler. The Keystone Orchestra, Is now ready for engagements for I'ar ties. Picnics and Dances, and Guarantee tlie best of music at reasonable rates. Ad'lnss, Prof. Gus Wickenhagen, 22S Ziegler Ave., Butler ,Pa WM. WALKER. J. 8. WICK ' Walker & Wick, —OENKKAI, I>KAI.EHS'IS— REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES LIFE INSURANCE, ETC. t\ KTTBHICK BUILDING. UFP. I'OHTOrTfCB SHERIFF'S SALES. By vlrtm- of sumlry writ» >f V«*n. Kx.. 11- . Fa . I.c\ I'a.. &c.. Issuctl uut of tin- Couit of j - toninum Hons of ltutler <■> . I*:t . ami to me ' directed. there ill be e\p<»>•••! to public sale [ , at the Court House iu the l*»rougli of Butler. | on Friday, September 1. :it lo .-lfH-k, p. in., tli*' following described property. t«»-wit: E I>. N«». I«k 4 v iou. Sept Term. l*jy J W. : Hutchison. Att'y. All tin-right, title, Interest and claim of , James W. Bucanuoti of in and to nil that cer- , tain pi« «•» or parcel of land. situated in M« r \ eer township. But ler county. I'a.. Uratided as \ follows to wit; On tlie north by la.ids of} G«?orge Brown, on the east by lands of Dun- s lap heirs. • m the south by lands of Flier and ] William Bucannou heirs, and on the west l»v Mircer <'•>.. I in* or lands of Samuel Bucan- j non heirs. l»eing the undivided luterest: • containing nlnetv-four acres: having tlieron | erected a frame house barn and out buildings » alsoa go«xl orchard and being the lands of j which Hamnel BUcannon died Mixed And be- , ing the interest of .las W Bu<»annon as broth- I er And heii . n »f Samnel Bucannon de'ed. I Seised and taken In execution as tin prop erty of Jas W Bucannou at the suit of Harris Morrow for use of Caroline Morrow »*t al. E. D No. 140 Sent . Term 1-ini. Black 5: Mc .l uiikin. Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim «»f J. 11. Bi-ighley dee'd. Margarett Beighley Admx of J. 11. Befgliley dee'd. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Lancaster twp.. Butler Co., I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of v'onrad Miller, .ami John Klinneroii the east by lands of Neely et al. on the south by lands of 1 red Miller, ami on the west by lar.ds of Mrs. Mariraret Beighley; containing about 47 acres and Indnsr the remaining part of the tract of land which the said J. 11. Beighley died, seised ««f tho widow having eleeted t«» take ten a. res of land of >.aid decedent. Seized and t a ken in execution as the prop erty «»f J. II Beighley deed. Margaret Beighley Admx of J. H. Beighley de<fd al the suit of John H. McJuokin. E. I). No. w & 70 Sept. Term. Lowry. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of ! Scott Campbell of. in ami to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Sunbury boro. I But ler county. I'a.. liounded as follows to wit. On the north by lot of Kelvin Shorts, on the e;i t l»y Main Sl .on the south by an alley and on tlie west by an alley; l»eing tie feet front on Main street and extending back west i" 1 lej MO feel more or less* bavins t hereon erected 1 frame house stable mm out buildings. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop erty of Scott Campl»ell at the suit of Mr> L. J. liartier for use et al. E. I>. No. 12s Sept.. Term. IsUO. Kalston Greer. Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of James I erry of. iu and to all that eertain I piece or parcel of land, situated iu cherry! twp . But ler county. Pa.. bounded as follows, to-wit: <>n the north by lands of heirs of I John llall dee'd. on the east by lands of John j t v >uiun dee'd. on the south by lands of H. O. 1 Konnell tsustee. and on the west by lands of | Douaghy and Bredin; containing ti! acres more or'leSs and lK'ing the same lands con-! vey ed to James | Vrry by deed from Charles Quimi et ux. Deed Book 7'» page PC>: having t heieon erected a one and one half story frame house, barn and out buildings also or cha rd. Seized and taken in execution as tin- prop erty of Jam* s Ferry at the suit of Catherine Bovard for use et al. E. D. No. lig! May Term and 71. 1"» and 1"» Sept. Term. I*lW. Levi M. Wise, W. I>. Orandon and W. 11. Lusk. Attorneys. All the right. t:tle. interest and claim of G. H. Knautf and Casper Knauff of in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in /.e lie nop I e Boro. Butler county. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by a public roTid or street-, on the east by lands of Valen tine Paffbach. 011 the south by lot of II j KnaufT, and on the west by Main St.. Iwing I 100 feet on s;iil Main St. and extending back | *JOO feet to the lands of the said V ilentlne Patfbaeli of a corresponding width of 100 feet, having tlireon erected a frame two story I house, frame b:irn and out buildings. . Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of G. 11. knaitil and Casper KnautT at the suit of The Capital 11. \ L. Ass'n Louis K. Grinn Receiver tit. al. D. No. I »•' Sept. Term, ltfJO, William.-* & Mitchell. Att*vs. All the right, title, interest and claim of Matthias llinchberger and Amanda llluch herger of. in and to all t hat certain piece or lot of land, situ ited in Butler Boro. Butler county. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a peg. corner lot No. 3SO on Centre Ave., thence along Centre Ave. eastwardly til) feet to a peg the corner of lot No. thence along line of lot No. -W* 147 feet to a pin 011 an alley, thence along said alley, IK) feet to a peg on the corner Of lot No. &*) and thence along line of lot No. 3M) 147 feet to centre Ave., the nlace of beginning, being lot No. *>s 1 in W. >. Boyd plan of lots in Spring dale; having thereon erected a two story frame house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Matthias llinchberger and Ananda llinchberger at t he suit of John Bergbickler. E. D. No. l io. r>7 Sept. Term. ISO?). L. M. Wise. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Casper Oarlach survivor and Casper Garlach, with notice to E. M. IVrrin committee, etc., of, iu and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Conn«M|unessing twp.. Butler county, i'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Gabriel Barn hart, on the east by lauds of John HolTrnan, and the creek, on the south by lands of George lletzel and 011 the west by same; containing 00 acres more or less being lands conveyed to Caser Carlach by Peter Sleppy et ux. see deed book 111) page :Mi. frame house and log stable erected I.iuoxu niut » m CAieuuun as tne prop erty of Casber Garlach survivor, and Casper Garlach. witli notice to E. M. I'errlne. com mittee. etc.. at the suit of Henry Wagner sr. now for use of Mary Wagner, and Gertrude Garlach for use of C. I». Albert. Admr. E. I>. No. U\ I**3 Sept. T, I». Marshall, and L. M. Wise, Attorneys. All the right, title. interest and claim of S. E. Baker of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Jackson twp. But ler county. Pa., bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a post on the Harmony ar d Butler road, t hence by lands of Daniel Fiddler formerly Elias Zeigler south 80 cleg east'<l perches to a post, thence by lands of Daniel Feidler south ss.r» deg. east 7*J perches to a post, t lience soutli deg. west 11 perches to a post, t hence by lands «»f Peter Nesbltt heirs, south 41.a deg. west perches, to a post, thence south 75 deg. west 24 perches, to a post, thence north 7s deg. west perches to a post, thence by lands of John Shievc r formerly John Pearce north 3.a deg. west II perches to the place of beginning, containing twenty acres and 126 perches strict measure, having thereon erected a board house, lxiarcl stable and out buildings. Seized jtiul taken in execution 21s the prop erty of S. K. li.akcr on :i Imuhl :u:coni paninjr 21 mortgage recorded in Mortgage Book 17. pag« U>2. at tin* suit of Wm. 11. Stauitn for use of .1 c. & II Millemau partners &c. K. I>. No. KJ, September Term. Isw. I*. J. Forquer. Attorney. All the right. title, interest and claim ol W. !:. Kedd. ilee- !.. Katie VKcdd. Admx. ol W. Ki dd. dee'd.. and Katie A. Kedd of. in and to 2iil that certain piece or lot of hind, sitnated iti Mlllerstown lioro., Ituilcr county. I 1».. bounded as follows, to wit: lb-ginning 21t theeornerof Westernjan heirs lot on SHj:- peryrock street and running thence along salu st reet in a westerly direction twenty eight feet to lot of H. J. Forquer, thence along lot of It. .1. Forquer north seventy-five feet, thence by I«>t of said It. J. Forquer t weiity-clght feel to lot of Wcsterman heirs, thence by s:iid lot of 11. L. \Vesterruan heirs seventy-five feet to the place of beginning! having thereon 21 twy story l»ricK store building. ALSO Uf, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, sit uated in Millerstown boro. Hut ler county, P21.. hounded 21s follows, to wit: Chit lie nort hby Mill si reet, 011 t hi' east by 2111 alley. 011 t he sout h l»y an 2tlley. and on the west by lot of James Dolin; fronting on said Mill street ninety feet by si\ty feet deep, extending hack from said Mill street, havlug thereon 21 frame dwelling house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution 21s the prop erty of W. K. Kedd. dee'd.. Katie A. Kedd. Admx. of W. K. Kedd. dee'd.. and K.itle A. Kedd at the »uit of w. L. I>e\Volf for use of W. A. Forquer. K. I>. No. 1"»4. September Term. isw. L. M. Wise. Attorney. AIM he right. t it le. interest and claim of A M Lusk and L T llaslett of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in l!:;i ninny boro. Hut ler county. Pa., hounded 2is follows, to-wlt: On the north hy lot now or formerly of l>r J s Lusk, on the e2ist by Wilson's alley, on the sout hby Mercer stree't and on the west hy the ILariiiouy public school lot: fronting on Mercer street for forty feet, more or less, and extending back the same width one hundred and two feet. It being part of lot No. iVi in General plan of Harmony Intro, .see deed book 4~>. page 2i»s. having thereon erected a two story brick dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of A M Lusk and L I 1 lla/lett owners or reputed owners and A M Lusk. contractor, sit the suit of II W Leise. 1.. It. No. 171. September Term, l s '.w. W. A. \ F. J. Forquer. Attorneys. All the right. title, interest and claim of John S. McPevitt of. in ami to all that cer tain piece or parcel of hind, situated in < 'cut n township, Butler county. I\a. houml fd a - follows, to-wit: (>lll he north hy lands of Thomas Mchevift, on the east hy lands of Joseph McAnalleti. on the south hy lands of Moses Thompsom formerly now Ben nick, and on the west by i2inds of Jackson Hutchi son: containing fifty 21cres. more or less; having thereon a log stahle. log 2ind frame house and ot her out buildings. Sfi/fd ami taken in execution as the prop erty of JOIIIIS McDeyitt at the suit of John IVrg & Co. E. I>. No. ss. si». «#>. i:» 2. SeptenilKT Term. lslK>. Williams Mitchell. S. F. Si A. L. Bowser and llarrv L. (.'raham. Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Charles Ooehnin of. in and to 2111 that cer tain piece or parcel of laud, situated in Con cord township, liutler county, l'a. bounded iui follows, to-wit: Beginning at the south west corner .it a Chestnut tree, thence by lands of Matthew Morrow, south s> deg west eighty perches to »» post, thence by lands of James Kelly .and Henry Kuhn north 'J deg. west one hundred ninety-seven and one-half perches to a white oak. thence by lauds of (•eorgeC Conway north ss deg fjist eighty nerchfs to a post t lien e by lands of John Murtlaud south 2 deg east one hundred ninety-seven and one-half perches to the place of beginning: containing ninety-eight acres ami 1~" perches, nine or les*: having (hereon erected 21 frame bouse. fr2ime barn, orchard and a producing gas well. A I,SO Of. In and to all that certain piece in parcel uf land, situated in Concord town ship, liutler county. I'a. hounded as follow*, tii-wlt ■ On tin- north l>y lands of John Kamerer, A. I> Kuhn and William II Camp- I „.11 ~n | j„. ~|i,i by lands of l'eter and .luliu Kamerer and Marry Hlalr. on tin- south hy land-, of Coulter Kolih, Henry Itlalr and Samuel I'atlon and on the west liy lauds of Jeplha Gold: containing one hundred and two acres and •">!» perches. more ur les«. Seized and taken in execution as the proin ert v of Charles Cochran at the suit of • ieorKi K Ileum. Linda Cochran. Mary Mc- Ivaln, et al. ) 1» \. I- >»• pt« uitt-r i• r n.. I*" Mates \ «»ung. Attorm ys All tin- r t- r ht. tit* interest and .:un» • f Mr-*. Matilda II Borer and .! ** Boyer of. in and to all that certain ptojce »r \>>\ of land. •, t ;tt«■<! it. Butler tioro. Ist ward. Butlt r « Pa U>uude«l follows. to-wit: Beginning at a p*si «>n summit alley at the int« r- ctjon ~f No and 54, ihenrf romiliif dw wi M var d along line »f said lota i » feet WJ a i m i«»t on t.utield avenue. thence north forty feet t.. .. post on said aj t nu.; f . t Hem* <lu. • i.l ward 11 • »- feet House I !*»•* of 1 - v ••4 ami '• to ;t on Summit ai Ley. tl»« nc» f| >*v N Ki' »in — »m » c lit. f tu sprlntfda •• M.mi of. in and to all that certain pl« «'• or lot of oni. situ ated In Butler hcm». Ist ward. Hull* i unty. I'a. tioiinded fo.lows, to-wit: iVunrnfii-'inir at a post at tin- inU*r sn tion lot*. N • -4 and *£» and runnlnu aU»i-: line or said lots westward ll i.rVi feet t« a post on Garfield avenue. thence nortl along said avenue forty feet to a p«»*t. thencr du» rust - -i fe.-t to a post on Summit alley t hence al<>iivr said alley southeastward 4t. ► f.-;:,. A post the pla«*e of beginning. au« having thereon en ted a two story franc house. frame stable and out buildings: »»eim! lot No. 25 iti the Thomas lloblnwon s plan «»i Sprlnsrdale lots. belied and ta ten In execution a- Wn prop erty of Matilda II ltoyer and .1 > lioyer at 1 lie* suit of 1 roil t ity Savings and Loan Ass'n ; of ritt&birc. I'a. I K. !>. No- l.V\ September Term. H. E Coulter, Attorney i All *he right, title, interest and claim o: Mrs. NannieHteinmetsof, In and to nil that certain piece or lot f land, situated in But- II e r l»oro. Butler county. I'a. bounded as fol lows, to-wit. tin the north by hii alley, o: the east by Frank iin st reet. •>n the bj North street, and on the west by lot a I Kemper heir>: fronting sixty f- • t on Nortl street and extending back to said alley om hundred eighty feet: haying then'on a tw» story bri U dwelling house and out buildings Seised and taki ten utlon as the pn rp erty of Mrs. Nannie >teinmetaat the suit ot Hut ler borough. £. I>. No. l.V>. >• ptemlwr Term, l v *.» M Junkln & Gal breath. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim o John Bricker. dec'd.. Nancy Brick< r am John T Bricker Kxrsof John Bricker. dec'd of, in and to all that certain piece or nam* of land, situated iti Buffalo township. Butlei county. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: oi the north by lands of < 'rulkslianks. on tin east by I'reeport and Butler road, on tin south I>y Pittsburg and Kittanning road, am on the west by lands of John Martin et al being hvated one and one-half miles fron -.! v .•!'s Station; containing rixti acres more or less, having thereon erected a fratm house, large frame t»am and out buildings also a gi>od orchard. seized and taken in e\« ution as the prop erty of .Vohn Itrieker. d, Nancy Bri«*l»e! and John T. Bricker, dec'tl. Nan«*y Briek»* and John T Bricker. F.\r> of John Bricker dee'd, at the suitof James Walker. K l». No. i May. an i 158, IS, Bj ptemlw Terms. WW. L.evi M. Wise and \S . 11. Lusk. Attorneys. Alt the right, title, interset and claim «» ("asper Knautf of. in and to all that certaii pi«»ce or pan*el i>f land, situated in Jacksor township. Butler county. l*a. Uiunded as fol lows, to-wit: Heginnlug at the Evansbur; road.thence running west twenty-six ner«*he: by lands of Willian Be«»d the grantor hen of then e uorth thirty-nine perches by lands o Geortre Knaufftoa im»sl. thetice twenty-si? perches by lands of llenry Gre«'iiawalt t«» i j>ost. thence south thirty-three perches t» the plai-e of beginning: containing five a -re; and one hundred thirty-six m»r«*lSes with im provements. see tleed Invok 41. page lii"». Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of t'asper Knauff at the suit of Join Nick lass. Friday, Seotember Bth, 18 q 9, E. I' N<>. 10'., September Term. 1 v!l1 . R. I 1 Seott. Attorney. All the title, intest :in<l eluiuiof Job! Kloyd of. in iinil to all that certain piece 01 lot of land, sitiuiteil in I'arker township Uutler county. I'a.. bounded as follows, tit wit : t)n the north l>y a public road, on tin cast by lands of \V A Allen, on the south lands of W A Allen, and on the west l>y loi of Josephine Floyd; containing one acre more or less, having thereon crecied a frami barn. ALSO All the right, title, interest ant claim of John Floyd living a life interest of in and to all that certain piece or lot of land i situated in I'arker township. Butler county I'a. ijounded follows, to-wit: On the nortl liv a public Mi:id. on the east l>y lot of Join Floyd, on the sout hby lands ol \\ A Allen <m the west by lands of W. A. Allen; Ix-int ■ sixty bv one hundred and ninety fi-et. hav ing thereon rrected ji fr:ime liouse and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop ertyof John Floyd at the suit of M.S. Anaius. E. l>. No. ItE!. September Term. 1-W. Stephen Cummlngs. Attorney. [ All tin' right, title, interest and claim of j Frank M Wallace and T C Wallace of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land. I situated in Forward township. Butler coun [ ty. P:». Ixmnded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lauds of Hugh McNally. on the east by lands of Henry Shilling and 11. Foltz. on the south by land* of John <' Kelly and on the west bv lands of James Crow; containing seventy-nine acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame house, a barn and out buildings. Seized and taked in execution is tin' prop perty of Frank M Wallace and T <' Wallace at the suit of Flora M Wallace. E- I*. No. 130 and 14ii. Sept. Term. islH). A. E. . i Heiber. E. McJunkin and Williams & .Mitchell. Attorneys. AH the right, title. Interest and claim of A W Thompson and Esther M Thompson of, in and to all tli at certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler l>oro. Butler county. Pa. iHHinded as follows, to-wit: On the north by Howard street, east by Elm street, south by lots of Charles Rebhun and Mary Kebhun and on the west by Charles Kebhun and Mary Kebhun; fronting twenty-three feet on Elm street and extendjugbackby parallel "tViereon erected ~*a frame house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of A W Thompson and Esther M Thomp son at t he suit of Caroline Keck, et al. K. I>. No. 161, September Term. 1809. J. I>. Marshall. Attorney. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Birdie L Stoughton now Birdie L Levering of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Harmony l>oro. Butler county. l*a. bounded as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at the northeast corner on Mechan- street, thence along said street south HO deg east 1"».7 perches to lauds of Miller heirs, thence by said lands of Miller heirs, south s deg west 28.4 perches to an ally, thence along >aid alley north seven and ~»-l<) deg west 1a.2 perches to lot of Hart mau, t bene*' along said lot north si deg. east tii». 1 perches to the place of beginning, containing two acres aud eight-three perches, more or less, having thereon erected a brick dwelling house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as tin* prop erty of Birdie L Stoughton now liirdie L Levering at the suit of Mary J 1 Stoughton. E. D. No. lot. September Term, IHW». A. M Christ ley. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Lena Liston and Jacob Liston of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situ , ated in Washington township. Butler coun ty, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Com mencing on t lie road leading from Burnett's Station toSunbury. thence south ss deg east »».;* perches by lands of E. McJunkin. Esq.. thence south '1 deg west its percncs along Mc- Junkln wegl tine, thence north H8 deg veei .{l.r» perches to a post and centre of almve said road, thence north IS deg east 40 perches to the place of l>eginnin&r: containing sl\ acres and sixteen perches strict measure; having thereon erected a frame house, frame stable and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as tin prop petty of Lena Liston and Jacob Liston at the suit of A and James Burnett.eta! now for use ! of.lames Burnett. TEKMS OF SALE The following must be strictly complied with when property is st ricken down. I. When t lie plaintiff or other Hen creditor becomes the purchaser. theco>ts on the writ mnst be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such Hen creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. All bids must be paid in full. Ail sales not settled immediately will In continued until one o'clock. P. M.. of next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sofd at the ex pense and risk of 'hi* person to whom tirst sold. 'See Pnrdon's Digest, 9t li edit ion, page 4ltf, and Smith's Forms, page 3*4. WILLIAM It. IH >1)1)S. Sheriff Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. August 10. Our stcck .of jewelry for fall trade is now complete. The variety is boundless, the quality unsurpassed and the styles the latest. Call on us for anything to be found in a first class jewelry store— watches and rings a specialty—we also sell Cameras, l'iioto supplies, Grapha phones and Records. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. K" i nd J e\ r 's MAMMOTH ART STUDIO Is Headquarters for Artistic I'hotos, Crayons Water Colors ami Pastels also a full line of frame aud mouldings of the latest designs always on hand. Branches 1 E^s" Open for business at Evans City Friday of each week, Mars ou Saturday. A. L. FINDLKV. >*v , v*v > v > >*v > V*>*>*> , >*> Wholesale! ~~ Why pay eihorbitant prices or send away for Busies when y>u can buy right here »• home at wholesale price?. Have you a price list from some factoiy- If -ou have briug it along, read the de scription ami com; are prices with ours, if we cannot suit you letter don't buy from us. We have been in the business twenty year# and know what we are sav ing when we say we can give you a l>etter Buggy for the price than is jkjs sib'.e for you to get i»nyw here else, all we ask is a trial We pay no rent,have nc borrowed capital, our expenses arc low, we are the largest wholesale dialers in our line in the State, we buy at the right price?, our experience in tlie business serves us to advantage in judging both quality and price and now for the next thirty days we will make you wholesale price on anv Bnggy or Surrey you may select from our stock. Come and see u.< anyway. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 E. Jefferson St.. Butler. Pa. S. B. Martincourt. J. M. Leighner < D. L. CLEELAND. ) and Optician, s \ 125 S. Main St, / ( Butler, Pa. RG ( vte(ViF*eß, If you buy :i ( IIASF. «»r H.\( KI.KY Pi aim > You get :in instrument that i> MAI»F. AM W Alt It ANTF.h «>NEoI TIIK WK \ I.TII IKST AND MOM' !M U F.NTI AL MAM FArTI'KEUS OF I*l AM>>. Ask your bunW» r 1. as their ropresentatlfe. am here to s«*l you :i raao on TERMS TO SUIT your convenience. Either cush or small monthly payments. You get your Piano direct from the factory, 1 can save you dealer's profit. <'all and investigate for your own satisfaction. I take Pianos and Organs as part payment in exchange. fan sell you anything you want in the musle line—easli or time Organs, tiuitars. Mandolins. Ac cordions. Han J os. Violins. All small gi*»ds and their fittings. Strings of all kinds.She« t Musie, etc. 1 have engaged Mr. J. I'. Caner. an expert Piano tuner and repairer. Orders for tuning or repair work of any kind will receive prompt attention. All work warranted. W R NEWTON, 317 South Main street. Butler. I'a. JAS. A. MCDOWELL, Cistern Builder and General Cement\:Worker. Worker in White, Portland, and Hydraulic Cements. ( '<i 20 Years Experience. 349 Ist Street, I'. Tel. 381 SIOO.OO REWARD Will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of party or parties who set tire to No. I School House of Marion twp. By Order of School Hoard. Address \V M . Gii.more, Treasurer, Clintonville I*. 0., Venango Co., I'a., or G. H. REA, I'resd't.. Boyer I'. 0., Butler Co., Pa., Robkrt Iveix, Shc'y. A DIAMOND FOR A DOLLAR. A Limited Special Offer Which Will Last for Ten Days Only (iEN'riNK BABBIO3 lUAMONIK have a world-wide reputation. It is almost im|x»s sihlc to distinguish them from genuine dia monds costing hundreds of dollars each. Thc»y are worn hy the In st people. We will forward a tiK.xriNK Hakkios Di amond j mounted in a heavy rlnir. pin. or stud to any address u|x»n receipt « *f price. {1 <*> eaen. Earrings, screws or ifrops. per pair King j sfttintfH are made of one « otitinuous pie«*e of j thick, shelled gold, and are warranted not to tarnish. Special combination offer for In days only! King and stud sent to any ad dress u|mui receipt of sl.."«<> In ordering ring give finger measurement 1»y using a pitti* «»f string also full particulars. Address plainly THE IJAKKIOS 1H V MoN I> 4 0 11*1-11*1 Broadway. New Vo»k iT\ > l postal c.iril to, uHUr ° rcail u p n "-4' WIIVI of the Peoples VV. B. McGBARY'S new wagon, running to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your honse take away your dirty carpets ami return tlieni in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carj>ets, rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. FOR SALE The John I,awall place in Leasureville —consisting of thirteen acres, all cleared, good seven-room house with j>antry ami three porches, and well alongside, good, large and new hank barn, good orchard of all kinds of fruit trees is offered for sale For terms inquire of HERMAN FOSTER. Leasureville, Pa. COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.— Everything that is new ami attractive in Watches, Rings, Diamonds, Clock*. Silverware, Cut Glass, etc.; also Cameras, Bicycles and Grapbaphones. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. JKWELKR. Next to Court House. D. J. Wadsworth. W. Wadsiorth Wadsvvorth & Bro. t SLIPPERYROCK P. 0 . Bricklayers and Builders. Brick and Cement Work In all of its Branches. Heater. Range and Boiler setting e» j>ecially done at reasonable price*. All mail orders promptly attended t WADSWORTH <fc 3R0., Subscribe for The Citizen PROFESSIONAL CARDS. hR. C AT WELL, Office 106 W I>um .-.ill St. (D» ,'.raham'« old other j Il ui» 7 to v • m *'' l ■ to 3 ami 7 lL - p. m U* H. IKOVM, . lI(llil>Kl'r«TIII<. ANL SUKCKON. Office 136 S. Main St.. opp. P. O. Night calls at othce. C AM! HI. M. BIPPFS. V? PHYSICIAN AND SOCBOM j<w Wes' Cunningham St. I BLACK, IN PHYSICIAN AND StafiMai New Troutman Building, Butler Pa. hK. CHAS. K. B HT NT. PHYSICIAN AND SCBGNOB. Kyf, ear. now ami throat a specialty. 340 South Main St. p M. ZIMMERMAN "1 • PHYSICIAN AND SU«O*ON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. nR. N. M. HOOVER 137 E. W avne St.. office Doan. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 anil to 3 p. m. W WICK, • DKNTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices ior Itenta! worV. I J. DONALDSON, " • Onmn. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. OR. W. P. McILROY, DENTIJ»T. Formerly known as the '" Peer 1 r*i rainless Fx tractor of Teeth." Located permanently at in Fast Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will d«j ilential operations of all kinds by the latest <levices ami up-to-date methods 1' MCAI.PIN. . • DENTIST, Now permanently in Bickel Building, with a reliable assistant, and facilities for best and prompt wotk. People's Phone for I>rs. V. or J. Mc- Alpin—House No. 3.30; office No. 34a hR. M D KOTTRAKA, Successor to Dr. Johnstun. DENTIST. Office at No. 114 F. Jefferson St.. or«l G. W. Miller's grocery. P H. NEGLFY, IJ • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the "CITIZEN" building. IOHN W. COULTER. rJ ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Wise building, N Diamond St.. Butier Special attention gi\«n to collection; and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Hank. 01 Butler County National Bank. A. T. BLACK. I*.t MrJrilis I)LACK & McJI'NKIN, I) Attorneys at la«r. Armory Building, Butler, Pa. Nil. GOU2IIER. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi cliell building. 4 LKX RUSSELL, A ATTORN KY AT LAW. Offic.- with Newton Black, S»utli Diamond Street. POULTER & BAKKR. V Attorney A: ».«W. Room 8., Armory buildup. 4 T. SCOTT. A I ATTORN KY AT I. %w. OtTice at No. S. West Diamond St. Hut lcr. Pa. VTKWTON BLACK: ii ATTORKKV AT LAW Office ou South Diamond Street. 1 B. BKHDIN. F' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. 1 M. PAINTER, t) • ATTORNEY AT L,TW. Office between Poatoffice and I h anion. If you would know the secret of your neighbors AIM appearance, ask him the nam* of his tailor; ask him, t«x>, how n.uch a > he spends for hi? clothes and subtract the amouni from the cost of your own. Yoi will be agreeably surprised more so if you will prove it b) j*ivin:j us your measure, as hi diil. Our new fabric* for sprint, and summer embraces tht choicest products of the loom ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES WANTS Want a Kodak' Want a Camera? Want a Karelin? Want • Book? Want i Bicycle? Want a Piece of China' Want a Fine Picture? Want the latest in Stationery* Want anything in Fancy Goods or Art Line 1 The only place a. Bonk Store There are liar>»ains every week. There are low price* all the time. Visit every day at DOUGLASS HOOK STOUE. Near P t) Peoples Phone I6J Burler, Pa TIRES Repaired and made as good as new at White.W alter & Co's Bicycle and Supply Depot, Corner Mam'St and Diamond, Butler, Pa With our new Vuk*aaltrr w»- ran n pair unv cul or pancturt In a tire. with pur«- cum. ami make it <»tr«»ftj|rr than Irfori We rvpatr all parti <>f w« supply urw partial rvaxfialiU* Wean* th* <*l»eaM»»t pla*-r In town. aadcannot rr un«!» r*ol«l. W#» har«' rrnt««ea wh#*»'!i for vile at bargain i»rl«****. H. 0. HAYS. L. H. HAYS PUT YOUR RIG UP AT [Hdvjs flros-'l Livery and Sale Stable •Jest Accommodation* in Town. Vest Jefferson street. Uutler, Pa People.*' Phone 109. Bell's Phone 59. [Value of Advertising \ » Is regulated by its truth" / i fulness. Any mistake or / S. lapse from the truth is / \ expense to the advertiser. j I The object of our adrer* \ / tiscmcnt that appears each S ) week in this paper is to C ) sell goods and we consider ! ) it good business policy to f \ tell you the truth ? S Carpets. ) X T 'ii nt-ed a brd VH*. f / dxain* room or aiTtrag km X * carpet we hare a few piim* 9 / of H.V Ingrain* that nM he V J Ho***! ont Pattern* are no* / / liw best, but better thaa the \ \ tT'w Th«* It ao better a / time to hny ait Ik* priem of X » all mrpfU are if / I Ton want '(IMIIIT at a low V I pr >• yon <et it in thi* <-arpet r ( Price 50c) / Mattings. v i Nothing wore refreshing for V C a "iimmrr tk«>r ■-ovennjf awl # J many people j«-rfrr tbem the # y«-ar roand t«> heap carpet* / t B>W hoik the • 'tuna and* \ Mstimip any price V | fr Have vm» W V nnmbw in China mattratcC J that we think exr-epooaallT ) V VALUE f / Price 25: \ r Iron and Brass Bedsteads S {A re the n.-ati-Ht anil dmM *ati»- V 1 factory B«1 made mow tttm- / / tive than the w<wi M nut V 1 easier to keep i-le*n Always a / I complete amtrtment for Ton to \ % «elect from here / sprin its coat £'■ <»»to#.vm». v / 53,75 up v \ Bed Springs \ Any person can Iwve a omifort ) able Bed if the ifpnne* aad Mat / X tre-w are right Mu«t important p %is the *pnm; We hare them f V HII np to $5 »»• bat oar I J tempered Spring ptwitieely the J \ beat vnlne made Take aad rvse V V them ilays if not satisfactory. # / send It hacit C \ (Intended for Wood Bed* nntr ) jPrjce s4j ] CAMPBELL L > I TEMPLETON, \ { fr I S for school dresses. Odd lots 75c to $1 00 Dress Goods 35c yard—imported suit ings among them. Odd lots 25c to 35c Dress floor's and wool Suitings, 10 And |sc a yard. L»t double width Drm GoxLt, 5c a yard. The season's Dress Goods be ginning to arrive now—and there must he plenty of ro< m made far them doable quick. So we're hurrying out all the broken am! surplus lines—prices, as tbme. that will make them go. an.l give any n imber ot |>eople who ire planning h.r gtrls' tail school »ear fc and tor skirts and splendid every day gowns, good goods at throw-away prices. Styles and i; i.tlities t(».it all who jjet samples! and sec will say is a decidedly! nc* experience to yet l«>r such lit ! t!e money. I Handling odd lots of silks justr as vigorously. Rich Fancy Taf-I k tas 50c yard that will be |»nx>fi thereof I j»t of choice WMkgmxb 5c yard—g'Mh 1 style »•- i r » : year "round Send for samples Bo<£jLfS& Hi I 111 Ucpartivcnt X ALLEGHENY. FA ] I*. j. j. c > .1. A a •« -«» -at ii If a ar ■—■ -■* '«■ Ji .«« J. Vtr rrrT JFR W m if* m W*- H WHE * PHILIP TACI. i < o\r«<A« TOR fS II j Cleveland Berea Grit STONE j *. iwitahlr for Ruildtnir, -# * inunH nUI .D>l f Paving purpxwrs. I This Stole Will Rot "SHI Of | J Prices nmnaMe. \Vi*k <k>oe well * atwl promptly. Stone>U on * Ma>t Ktn.l street. Z I ■ J R<-»»«leaee «u J Marten avenue. People'* Telephone 3JO J baub^, SAXONBI EO. PA. HENRY DOERR. Prop'r. JW! Meais Served at AU Mourn. Good Stabling in Connection
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