The Great SHO6 Sale Still Going on At Miller's TWO GREAT SALES COMBINED. Great Sample *-*■« i Stock Reducing 91 w } Over 1000 pairs of Samples Left Go at about Half Price. It is a great sale that is now going on at our store. We never sold as many shoes in July as we are selling now. We arc interesting our customers. We're selling them shoes cheaper than ever before. The Sale of Sample Shoes is wonderful. People are coming from far and near for the great bargains. No wonder. Think of it—good stylish shoes at half price; some cases less. Come m before the samples are all gone. $2.48 $2.48 buys any tan shoe in the house in Men's or Ladies'. We want to sell all our tan shoes before August 15. We place on sale $3 .00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 Fine Tan Shoes at $2.48. Not one pair is held back; all go in this sale. OUR 98 CENT SHOE SALE js better than ever before. Ycu will be surprised to see what nice shoes you can buy for 98c in Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Boys'. The Greatest of all Shoe Sales. C. e. filler The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge WRITE TO Haggerty & White, Cambridge Springs, Pa VORTH ITS WEIGHT IK GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSION OF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. i 1 ■ ( A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. The entire set with Guide and case delivered <£ 1 rvr\ I U upon payment of only $ ' > M yV 0 Balance payaOle in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER is the best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has •Ot FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. _____ As, ° ~ Furniture. ri(wlL rAINi Decorative BUILOINSJ WITH ■ work. etc. REDICK & GROHMAN XO9 N. AUinSt., ______ Butler, Pa. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. j ll Pfescrigtiii ( There is no BEAUTY without j HEALTH. " Favorite Pro scription " makes women BEAUTIFUL by making them ' HEALTHY. It makes weak women STRONG and sick women WELL. j Dr. Humphreys' SpeeiJics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder iii other parts of the system. Tliey Cure the Sick. HO. CtTRES. PRICES. I—Feveri, Congestions, Inflammations. .*^s 2 —Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .'25 3—Teeihlntf. Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults '25 7—Cough*. Colds, Bronchitis .25 H— \euralgia. Toothache, Faceache 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo . .*25 10—l)v«pep«ia, Indlgestlon.WeakStomach. 2s 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods .. .25 12—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, LarynKitiM, Hoarseness 25 14—Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 A—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19— Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 20— \V hooplng-Coutfh 25 27 -Kidney Diseases .25 2K-\ervous Debility 1.00 30—Crlnary Weak new, Wetting Bed. . .25 77—<*rlp. Hay Fever .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. I Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Sts., New York VThe Cure thai Cures J Coughs, t§\ \ Colds, i f Grippe, & Whooping Cough, Asthma, ; Bronchitis and Incipient ft 2' Consumotion, fs £ roiiosi t cs^ ) Q Tuc GERMAN remedy" & Sr Cures &\s>£ , ase=>. ZsS{sC'.is. * PURE DLOOD | i Pure bloodmeans life,healii, £ vigor—no room for disease £ where the veins are filled % vrltb rich, red corpuscles. « Lindsey's Improved? Blocd Searcher I 1 lakes pure blood—cure 3 ecrof® <» •ala, erysipelas, pimples, boila, ® sore eyes, scald liead—bleed dis- JJ eases of dl forms. ILire's proof: _ _ Mesopotamia, Oona d Dr. lina»y'3 Wood Eeardier has jj troriod wnucrSWitUme. I fcavebeen (g l?sSli\v' «■"' «Btuti , * f '''' | "VtSl's MACK! .' .r "li'uTil.j tiri-.iiU'.l b:ii--ir velv.' cullnr, fancy •Su.« r'r'iH'tii >hV"us"u'r'nn"o'h,M".iI -1-. l-orlr.. Clollifl*Hplc»o( Mi-nV Mackintoshes U| to »'..(*», and Jl»on three condition- the de sign, the loading, and the maintenance. If it be properly designed for a specified maximum loading; if oversight be exer cised that this loading is never exceed ed. and if the steel work is thoroughly accessible and painted at regular inter- vals, there is no reason why a bridge should not last for centuries. As a matter of tact, however, these condi tions are too often ignored or imperfect ly fulfilled. In the first place, although bridge designing should always "be in trusted to a specialist,even if the struct ure is to cost no more than the sum named above, many of the country bridges and those constructed in the smaller towns are built from the de signs (so called) of the local surveyors, who may have the vaguest ideas as to the strains to which the various parts are to be subjected and the best way to proportion the different members and connect them into a finished structure. The construction also should always be carried out by a recognized bridge firm, for the local blacksmith or machinist's shop is usually no more fitted for build ing good bridges than it is for building lathes and locomotives. It is question able whether amateur bridge building can produce a structure with a useful life of twenty-five years. To secure the best results the county officers. Board of Aldermen, or who ever it is that has the matter in hand, should first determine exactly what uses the bridge is to be put to and the greatest possible loading to which it wil ever be subjected. This informa tion, together with the location and other data, should then be published for the benefit of the competing biidge companies, who should be given a free hand as to the style of structure best adapted to the case. In this way a bet ter bridge, and a cheaper, will be secur ed, tjven in the case of insignificant structures, whose construction it might be supposed the bridge companies would not be at the trouble to under take. When such a bridge is complet ed, the question of its life will be one of care and maintenance. If every inch of the steel work receives a periodical coat of the best non-corrosive paint, and care is taken that the bridge is not strained beyond the limit agreed upon when it was designed, it will probably outlast its usefulness. The popular be lief that a subtile process of crystalliza tion is slowly weakening the metal of all the bridges is a fiction, pure and simple. The metal can only lose its life when it is strained beyond its elas tic limit, and so long as the designed loading is not exceeded, this contin gency can never happen. ISrtiin Himself sit Home Bears, which were unusually numer ous in Pike and ad jacent counties dur ing last winter and spring, are again making themselves obnoxious to fann ers, and are venturing into the clear ances, and in one instance toDk possess ion of a farmhouse, as is evidence by the terrifying experience of Mrs. Picct, an aged resident of Dark Swamp. While engaged in her morning duties about the house she was startled by soft footsteps advancing up the walk. Turning, she was confronted by the bear, and before she could close the door Bruin barred the way. Although terribly frightened, she retained her presence of mind, and began to shy var ious cooking utensils at the beast, - 4 nntrnrj of lv tuii itllg, CI the missiles and walked into the kitch en. Mrs. Piscot hastily ran to the up per portion of the dwelling and locked the door. Bruin, evidently thinking the kitchen a nursery, began to toss the furniture about the room and eat a portion of the victuals remaining in the pantry. Tir ing of the sport, the bear took a short nap on the floor, and then scampered off into the woods. She SI sicked Lime in a liottle. Mrs. J. Washburn, who resides in the rear of 1)8 Arsenal street, was seriously injured in a very peculiar manner yes terday afternoon. She desired to slake some lime, and. not being familiar with chemistry, placed the stuff in a heavy bottle, with hot water and tightlv cork ed it. The lime soon set the water boiling and generated a quantity of steam that exerted an enormous pressure. The bottle burst with a report like an eight inch shell, and pieces of the glass struck Mrs. Washburn in the face and neck, terribly lacerating the flesh. One large fragment of glass cut a gash in the left side of the neck that extended to within an eight of an inch of the jugular vein. The Hj ing lime penetrated Mrs. Wash burn eyes, and they were seriously burned. Dr. Hoyt sewed up and dress ed the wounds in the neck and face, and Dr. Cannon cared for the eyes. It is probable that the eight will be saved. -Ex. HOOS & PU ; 5- , u-rv Liver Ills, 311- iotfsness, Sn.:;: • siicn, Headache. Easy to take, ©i -y la operate. 25c. A good cure for sunburn is made by slicing and soaking a cucumber for a few hours in milk, and bathing the face two or three times a day with it. Dry the face carefully afterward, using a soft towel. The straight haired woman is at last the height of what is proper. The reac tion has come, and straight-haired women who never submitted to the pro cess of having their hair undulated to increase their charms will find them selves once more in the fashion. Rehumatism Cukkd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" lor Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 5 days. Its action upon the system is reu:-irfcable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately .ils ap; cars. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. kerlic, and J. F !t-ilr>h Druggists Butler •Vpr 06. rftFt's PH'Upeuhu »' 1" >- "-Jri-sS —dental noof.?s -- w; '■ ; Y;. 89 ■ su» Ave., Pittsburg, fj. il! 'i.'y'va >V -' ,L PRACTICA' [* ** M CROWN ->»' l•> ii ' 1 If BS\"' '''" '""S-WHV ,(OT DC V *1 "ft /feIYCURS? CROWNSI I ' ' / Tf"" 1 BR'DGE work rclti,, . ! lgZ5 PER TOOTH Al«. «!' - *». In'St r ct of '!'»•<' Th Ml It« lt*. ONL. V f .j J KEELEY CURE. \ 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. € j P Removes all desire and appetite, builds up the w\ 0 system, renews health and vigor, brightens the 0 % intellect and fits one for business. 5 i W THE ONLY KKS'.I.EY INSTITUTE 9 ! 4 Booklet fro-. IN WKSTKKS PENNSYLVANIA. A TheKeeleylnstitute.4246FitthAve.Pittsburg.Pe. \ j§ West Winfidd Hotel, §G. W. LUSK. Prop'r I'irst Class Table and Lodgings. j 1 Gas and Spring Water all through j house. Good Stabling. New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy |§.— # —v# New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new aud fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Trv) Our Soda : R A. IVlacCartney ff - ft II / i,\ ;. '. \ Vv/ V' '• | : $ < c \ ( } NOTHING { | PLEASES ] J-—'f Y'v/V \ \ One m -rc than to realize that' moiic) - has been saved. Compare quality, style and price of goods purchased of us and you will rea lily c you Nave saved money. We want to ca'l your attention to our underwear department, l'ontiac Mills lialbriggan ;it 25c, and Derby ribbed at 50c. Im ported French goods Hon Hons make at 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50. Straw Hats in large quantities at i very low prices. Ed. Oolberi THE BESI SUMMER TUNIC ri'.-omrnended antl endorsed by noted phys icians, is a moderate nse of pure and whole somt liquors. We are imporlors and handle only the best brands of wines, whiskeys. etc. if you are dissatisfied with the wines and liquors you have been Betting, give ours a trial. Prices lowest for pure soocls: FIJfOII. liT. VEKXOJi, <•1 ICKOiiEIHKB. Oil. I.IN*GKK, (JIBSOX, OVKKIIOI.T, I,AK(JF. THOMPSON. KHIIKiKFORT. Any of the above brands of whiskey, un adulterated, f> years old, 51.00 per full'qt.; fi qts., $5.00. (■KAMiKATiI KICS CHOICfc, a whiskey guaranted 3years old. SJ.(V) per iral. On 0.0. 1). or mail orders of $5.00 or over we box mid ship promptly; express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite It lf. 5,., i riush. 20 Inehes l..nir, «•»«»" sweep. "nei, throußhont with MMterind sill io b,»rt, blar«r'.> elaborately embroidered with *™J«-itSSxtrr beading as illustrated. Trimmed all around with eitir flnoßlirt Thibet Fur. heavily Interlined with waddtnw nnd chamois. Wrll* free ■« « cr>pc ROEBUCK & CO., CHICACC L Snn, Bwliotk * Co. »r» Uoroos»'j reliable—L uihor. RcSt— dxngtrovt ivlitttw V I *V'->a« nri AiVrngrii'.MtcalZM* ' •-V \r 17. r. fir p*rM.rji»rs. : -tlnwuUli *nd • « J "II :.vf for <•* I' rrtnw '/ } ;.} --00-aIJ. Papw. <*u!.-kc#»» rr 1 h.-t*t!ea 1 «'o., ►cuaxc, i'»liLAi/A n I IWAMD-'-TReliable MAN:i X of good address to solicit bueinoja from jT.-.p- J [ X erty-ovrncrs. Any well kif «n person willing (t Ato work, can make flu to *ls weekly, Com- 4 , X mission or salary, paid weekly. Addretß for j , X particulars, mentioning tliis paper. (> CIIAUI.KS II.CK tsl", Hoeheitter.N.V. 0 :or tl «» CMtiiicn HUSELTOIN'S! Our M Established ' Record For high grades and low prices has attracte, / Lot Garniture Skirtings—s yds. in a patttrn—enough for "jag/, IjL a skirt lining or petticoat—former price fi.oo, reduced to 40c & JRa for the pattern. jJ jk\\V\ New Mercerized Cottons—look like si'k wear better-for Skirt and Jacket linings and petticoats—3sc yd. £«Kgig2j& Parasols at Half Pric^. L. STEIIN , L> O. l"»., %ul.jrrt to fßft >xamiiiaf]r>o. \.>u 1-in exttinino ii at y otir nearest frtiKht dcj.ot, and if you exactly rcprt-M-nted, equal to organs taut far better tfiun t'rgans atlrertiaed by others at more money, i>ay 4 0 the freight our npi-oiu! «luy«* offer price, $31.75. 9 ' (5 ed nn offt r was ncu-r miide bi lore.** is engraved di re from n |>Loto>rrai.a,you can f. >rin sonio Ideavf' its '■ beautiful ap)>on.ra»:«•«*. Mnde I'rom foil.l quarter »n\% <•,! JjjMof - sj»aj< j^Jil oak, antique rtni-h,h..M» Treble Wh fc ■ Coupler, l)iapa«t>n Forlr and Vox t cn|ilrr«, 1 Tone Snt 11, I (>rind Oi*»n Snrll, 4 Mt*t« Orchestral 1 'ined \ Ke-on.iturj lij.~ yoh!H\ lWd-. 1 Set of 3J Pore Sweet ?t< lodla Til I 111 , Uredi, 1 Bet of 111 t harmi «irlt Rrillinnt Ole*te Reedt, 1 Set of J f 24 Hick Hello* Smooth I)ljpa«.»n Herdk, 1 Set of 24 l'lrr.»inr S«»fi *. ■ !'r;rir if»:«l Herd*. Till. \('Ml'. Ql F'.l'.Nm-- »|1 u.n-i in the hlf!;r-t instruiiK-nis, fitted with llan»- £¥;; f ■ton.l ( oupler. aud Vox lluiuaua. also best feltr , . SSlp^ leathers, etc., bcilou> of the best rubln;r cloth. ply rPm W belio\v> >toi k urid linent b-atber in valvea. i 11l KKlid A< Ol KIA in furnished with a 10x14 beveled ' plate French mirror, nickel plated }<-dal frames, jr-Q ju»K|sw| Alj|iaM| MBit,' and every modern improvement. We rumi.h rree a hand *' crjrau (he a written binding S&-year trcaiantec, by the term - and • "iiditions of which if any |>art trives out If fcK.- tl-*', we reiKiir free of churcc. Try it one month and VwOql/ w<> w ill rcl mid your money if you are not perfectly t llßf'iP mViJi !' Ul i" :l, V r l f» ,K^ ■ at #ai. 7i. If ESTABLISHED e "** ,'*3R not dealt with us a>k your neighbor about ua.write " ✓ the publisher of thi;- i«i|»er or Metropolitan National !m-i r i^,'' ll S ;'' Bank ' or Herman Ezchantte Bank, Sew York, or any railroad or eiprMl eoi!ipail> inCh.- .ipit. >' ' l:a,r a rapllal uf a»rr 9.00,0410.00, occupy entire one oC the laive-t t'OHiness bloea* in I I li'vapo. ana emplov n. urlv ..WW people in our own buildinir. »» »Kl* OMIAXS »T DtN nri »»: rtUW, llli.w ' ,ad up; also eve' \ t nil.- I.i musical iustluinenU at lowest wholesale prices. Write for free «i«-. iil ran.piano I •rl no • e .. _ ar, lkkrM«M> nliaMa.-IMIUr.» I SEARS, SOEBuCK &. CO. line.), Fulton, Desplainei an>* Wayman Sli. CHICAGO ILL« I UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby give n that the under taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnit Hunt, at West Suubury, Pa., under th< superviion of her father, John Mechling latclyd ee'd., will l>e continued by me. All work will be done m first class style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Hunt It Will Start Your Business. Butler Business College Fall term begins Monday, September 4th, 1899. Languages under the direc tion of Rev. Gla«/.ert, of Evans City. A thorough * I usical Course (particulars :k>Hi«UK(»IT'DOI HLI >CA tst.A T ASVkWk. KCI.I LA It UOfh' TWO /t®7\ I'lW K KNKK PA.M 3 MIIS AT SI.OB. /vZ? )\A NEW SUIT FREE IC* fiHI Of TifESE SUIT! / lAr" J WHICH COM T S!V£ SA fISfAC7ORY WEAR ' 1 i S *" MSI. • - T ' j I Ty hi \ ff i " t ;if. n. i.!. h.Kili pfttteru line Italian li »!._■ -• ••.In- s"r»*a. u lei rlinle.-. )-add inf. klulox an«l i .« ;i*.d linrit ii.u tailor nidi throughout, h ••ult »•»» • !mii >-r jmrt'iiJ u ould la«* |>roud of KOU FItEK CLlilll t •Ift ; s-f K- .%• t lui h!n;r f..r 1.«j % 4t< 19 YKAHS, write fur ' .«r«plr H—- m No. {lit, contains fanhiOK pltlM, ttjpt m«tmirv n tnwtioifet bowtooßtor Mt-n'x Milt* iuu*lt* to -:i*«!«r i'rotn #5.01) up. Sam pies sent free on h Address, SEARS, ROE3UCK a CO. (Inc.), Chicago, 111 (Soar*. Kocback » to. arr IhuruuKhl) reliable. kJltor, , Butler Fair September 5 * Practical Horse Shoer WILL*ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at th< Wick Koufe lias opened bust tiess in a shop in the rear o the Arlington Hotel, when he will do Horse-Shoeruj; it the most approved stvle. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. se,-'3usn-'ECO 1 ip- • IM »» • : A.. .• :» I . • .HKI| ( (Ml h >'•'!% r , • . . , ,t n iu iit - - ! t U.V V p ii-MUL*' , km ~ -JtjE ; •*"» W WkITK KoROVRkHi FREE dS m STOVE CATALOCUk. | and freight clinrKM. This t'tove Is *ize No. i. ovvn »• I IC'<* \!dKli. t-in »,K» frvin bf-t pig Iron, e\tu Uir. hmid^Tx • ' •»"..« ! it On iiir fit! :• ! t i •\I r i J «i*v . i uiin {N.rrrlntti lin<-1 rt-Mmi .r. tuUMt Itoinr* ntoil I. a I r«t r»*| buurr mo !». an wc furn.-ii r'Kt.K ..v ft • i trw. tri M * p. . fcrt nwi hnmor. WL h i K A RiMil'.ti M'UIiNYKK wi I r . ' . . .| • ■ ; f.-i mii-U k .. i: •. .k tI • oLv • ! i i ».ii,h Miin.iii:-. H« *«l< I" I 1.1 I ;»),.IHI \. S£ARS, f?O(?EUCiI «!i CO. TC'cm .-ci. j Itvrb'ilt .. I 4.V ) • • • «£jt'. - A S ANY OTHf p ' —.try IT: '<& Now is The Time to Have Your Cotliit\?s CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable cl*"'iiing or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can it, and that is at The Butler Dve Works 1 Uenu-ravenue BiSX-We do fine work in out- Jour Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture o| your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jaii.eatown Sliiiintf Wind L'o.—New York. R. FISHER & SON. SUMMER SALE. i * | ihe popul.ti Rider Hat.Ladies'and Misses' Hats, Walking Hats. Sailor Hats. Ladies' and Misses' * >Sail if Hats, Ladies and Misses Rough and Ready Assortment of Trimmed BomctS and I: < I <| ► A" 'he n ."we-.t shi|*h »n i style* is to be found at our store At Ibc4 k I' I Mourning Coods Always on Hand l | J122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.O Manufacturers $5 Suit Sale We bought- of an Eastern Clothing Mak~ • er his entire Men's Suit stock (Spring weight) which enables us to quote pr ices at such low figures. They are 011 our tables and to sell at #5 a Suit— worth double the monev. : * A Check Scotch Cassimer Suit - $5. A Light All-wool Scotch Suit $5. A Blue Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown Melton Suit $5. A Black Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown and Gray mix Cassimer Suit $5. See our window display of these suits: you can't help but buy one: thev are so good for so such a !iltie amount of money. Call and ask to be shown these suits, no trouble whatever. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS. 137 South Wain St.. Butler. SEND NO MONEY MA Of MOP CAiIMIT BUtDICI SEW|»« MACMfII r" e •.*£££ t?.?]!? | ■aiUa. \uu r*ii *• lamlii.- it at jour o<*.tr*st aruJ * V WF I m found p»rfrrtlj tfrj fxmrtly aa r*pr*«*nt«M .1 Maat t« m%*i !■*« ol her« .«•! mm a- *•«. *M. a»4 TH * «bKATKSr B 4 Hli 111 lot lIIK HllR» OfT. p.y frrirkt xs+mt Our Special Offer Price %\$ en and frvi«rbt i-haorr*. The wr „-:i» *'* w -~a,, x^. IJOpiruNandth- frrljrhl «itl • wrac* TS rvnla f r #arh >*> • MiIICS _#**■ * CIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL>° 7«! utUfr! ». —II *r !:\^Vr^ t e« r^u?. R v? r p^F.3? y ?A™ T ■«"»« ]ny Imi r ; ? PEWARP OF IMITATIONS U lajfll 'lf i.ents. odtnag Hkam hv u!a« — TTTT. «tU T"tM | T * mltks'lmW. " ""**• - ■ m U \ulT ? I THE BURDICK " m , « t; u T v jf 2« pn mm 111 miipipa . rrT ■ i tr>i 11 * • ' tUM nunn. .UMnu..!. u.m i.l - pl*C ">■« *%bl t* bv UM mm . .I■» I ■ Ml mr *_B. Ib» «W * wttk fait Vtivth tsM* and M !■ pta lav nmr. « ton I ■ *«<»•. taHM |W» MM. few. f nil. HMtoA aafeMrt mi i VXN r»te«l n.»t IBM. Bin I «lr».l |MJte MB • M 1 y ■ '- fc --' * *-y —— *- •—■— 1 —— -Mii 1. T8 \ B ■ '-lO MmW I»wt hit* »> I- b3 f .•«!». row BMlfll IM Blf BlMkt <«B» X . . ' f n Si/ I Hell ln -" "'Bit' MfcßtlK MM. wimtmr. Bjj.mlßfel. IMT'A u m»« «•»».* - -fill* I V triwrmlor. Impmr»l Kwr .hm. mdptwmhm pp. ■—- Bbvwbb# Bnßt. Ill* nl' I _ •••irirn. JBlml .-i;«l»r m.r! lr.«n«r.l hcu . »«i , *}'s\wi I utH I;! (Vf —■mrTTir nrW ■* 4 *- »»">■■■« *• •• o * - M V J**« fcowenyone r*a rm It *cul ).»«tlwr pimln »p mmy ktml «# ■■■ J mt« A TTE mP AJUUKTWm* mm* mmm*~*ry^T - TJi * ' ■ Sou.' ' ; "-n «f witont |hhi > aip*fl!2klle> l> *«> a mv f*«r rr«%ki umi tw lIVSO w * re nitre fete «i&.u* ir *i *. v «tiM» *m -- u . MMltaM URBIRTO OA?. T NLtT. |S-®r*. !(.««»«»«( •. - Tj ~ 11«■ H Mill I # Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK * CO. u if you are •louhtful aluot it. hut the licst way to couvmcr yourself »« to semi m a trUI onlrr Semi the amount either in currency by letter. P. O. ortlcr or express, an 1 we will ho* *hip anil pr*t>ay a ff.lllon of Cabinet 4 year olil Bye for #v .b, Yon will be surprise.! at the tptality of this whitk-r. 11 1 absnlutelv pure, aixl is j-wt yo«t netil 11 the bouse at this season of the ve«r. What .lo you think of a West Virginia Black Rn»U it s2.ix) per gallon. l Wc have s.mie of th* *er* bes», n»!r front sclectcl lorries ami carefully •listille'l—pat up is» gallons, half ga'lons ami ciuart I>»n"t forget that we or I>ay expressage on all oniers of fs ,«> an>l .»»er. except when-a transfer is necessary frotn one Kxpress C»».. t« another, when we jiay expressage to p>int of transfer You can make you own selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a gal Cabinet Rye. can't be beat JJ 0O a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey 14 00 a ga Gin. Rum, Eummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST.. AL! EGHENY. PA Sciul for catalogue ;tn.l price list, mailed Irt-.- NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !!! It's a Vmg life, hot devotion to the Ira.- int rnb an) prosperity of ihe American People has won f.rf it new •* ,♦/ friewls a*, the yea.s rolle.l by an«l the original tnetnbrra iV'Sii.?- >•, ' ,s family passetl to their rewaril, ami these xltninrrs are loya! ami ste»grcssive Americans. I It is "The New-York Weekly Trihune." arkm>n!tt|ge.| the . ouutry over as the leading National Fa*aily Newspaper. Keciigiiw.inj, i:. t.r tlio-e w >U-:r.- .11! the n»< nt the State ami Xfto, the publisher of 'The CITIZKN" t your own fa\.«ite hotiae paper has enternl inU» an alliance with "The New York Weekly TriSune" which enables him :.> furnish liotk papers at the trifling cost of f 1.50 f>er year. I-.very farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his faanil«. an ! t>> 'he community in which lie lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it w >rks constantly an 1 untiringly for his interests m every way. bring* to his h. me all the rews and happenings of his neigh'iorhood, the e found in evary wide-awake, prugrewive Just think of it! Both jl these papers for only ft 50 a vear Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler P». Subscribe for the CiTIZtN