Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 10, 1899, Image 3

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A THURSDAY, Al'GfSTio, 1599.
¥ .fTff.iV*; nIJ J& l«-t jicu*h *,
*■./ \oTK -All advcrtl>e*4 u/ Li.
*tjaiji?:i*?» iu their ads. slmuld notify us o!
%/ iieir tfet<intU»u.4*» -I# ifc . »i«ii M|ua Mon
:iy tnornins. # f
X ' Sheriff's Sales, Register's Notices
V Road and Bridge Reports: nnd Widow'!
\ ► Appraismenfe frC Sept /-Term. !
/ s Dress Goods Redaction
1 Huselton s Re^orfl
A C. & T's Carpets.
/t Administrator t«ldtio«« Ja*
y Morrison. *-• •,-
''' A'f* o #!} fHI# raham 8 t
A«lmini»iiAtors and Ex«.lmfli{"A estift<*
"un M'cureiiifir roceipt books 11 Un- < ITI
—Uutler Fair }A ii?-'
Our next F air fUTwo?
What are yon going to take to the
- The blaze of last Friday uigin Iva
"next to" a big fire. . .
—A new #2 silver certificate will l>e
placed m circulation shortly.
-It is high time to consider what
you are going to take to the Fair.
-A water line is being laid on Pt»fin
street, from Washington to Broad.
Bigger, better, grander than ever—
the Great Butler Fair —September 5 *
—The Good Will Hope Co. is rusticat
ing along the banks of the Slipperyrock
this week
—Fifty-four people are quarantined
in one hotel in Homestead, on account
of a small-pox case.
--Eighteen new ca u es of -mall-pox
developed on E-i.st Pittsburg, last week,
and ten iu Homestead.
—The Fair is a county affair and
every citizen of the county should con
tribute to make it a success.
—One of the oddest things to be seen
about Butler at present is a a patch of
thistles strnck by the blight
—A vault large enough for :i banking
bouse has been bnilt in the new Larkins
building near the P. & W. station
—After harvest all farmers sbonld
take a day off and then- is no bett'-r
place to spend it than at the Big Butler
'—Now is the time to bav dry-goods,
clothing, shoes and treats furnishing.
You can stock up for next summer at
half price.
—The speed classes of the Big Fair
this year are better than ever before
and some great speed contests are as
sured—Sept. r»-H.
-The Bowman House will probably
be closed next Monday. Mrs. Cain and
her family intend moving into Mrs.
Moore's house, across the way.
Excursion trains will t>e run on all
the railroads during Fair week. This
will include the new Allegheny & West
ern, which will run specials from Du
Bois to Butler.
—H. Steele, the clothier, visited the
Phil'a and New York markets this
week. He has done very well since lo
cating in Butler, and is- keeping his
stock up to date.
—The Gladiolus on the editor's desk,
this week, are fr on Mr. Ileydrick's gar
den, and the lilies from the lake. If
there is a prettier bonnet in butler we
would like to see it.
—The Board of Bealtli of Butler has
again ordered the vaccination of all the
school-children, and each pupil will Is;
required to present a certificate from a
physician at the beginning at the next
term of school.
—A stranger left a good horse and
buggy at one of our livery stables a few
days ago, told that he stole the rig and
then ran off The buggy has the stamp
of the Initial Toe Pad < 'o , Three Rivers,
Micb. upon it.
-When it was pouring and thunder
ing the other night one wondered where
all the water and electricity came from.
Anyone who has ever seen a dense fog
rise at sea knows how the clouds are
formed; but how they hold up so much
water, a.wl where all the electricity
comes from are mysteries.
The last rail of the A. & W. (the
extension of the B. R. <s* B. system
through this county) was laid yesterday,
and the time table of the ropd will pro
bably Ik; announced, and trains run
ning by the latter part of the month.
The trains will mn through from Bnf
falo and Rochester to Pittsburg, and
make fast time.
—At 0 o'clock this morning the First
Ward. J. S. Campbell and Rescue run
ning teamg, and delegations from the
Good Will, Springdale and Past End
Hose Companies left on a special train
for the Rcottdale Firemen's Convention.
At Callery they were met by the John
A Irwin Hose Co. of Evans City and
the Evims City band. Running teams
from Bntler. Homestead and Whitta
ker are entered i n the races.
The Good Will Hose Co. is having
a high-old-time on the banks of the
shady Slipperyrock, this week. They
have tents np, lots to eat and drink, and
a good cook in the jierson Geo. J. Smith.
Bathing and fishing, and a quarter a
day are the principal amusements; but
besides these they have a netting across
the creek in which they execute all the
athletic feats of the day. The other
night Shorty Troutuiau caught a pike
ten feet long—bnt just then he woke up
The following story is going the rounds
of the press: Fighting Bob Evans dress
ed in citizen clothes, went to church on
Sunday not long ago. Upon entering the
house of worship he seated himself in a
vacant pew about midwav np the aisle.
Boon afterwards a gentleman and lady
walked in and seated themselves in the
same pew. The gentleman looked ugly
at Bob and the lady partly turned her
back on him. The gentleman stood it
as long as he could and then passed a
card over to Boh which read as follows:
"I pay9®,">oo annually fortius pew.
Bob glanced at the card and then passed
it back with the following written on
the other side: "Yon pay too damned
There are two ways of talking over a
telephone. When the bell rings, some
people jerk down the receiver, place it
to one ear. torn their back or side to the
telephone ami yell "Hello?" to theoppo
site wall or out of the window or down
to the floor. If you want the party at
the other end of the line to hear your
remarks, talk into the telephone, in a
common • eiise way and in an ordinary
tone of voice. The fellow who yells at
the top of his voice, to the annoyance of
his neighbors, is well it isn't necessary.
Unless the telephone is out of order,
your every day tone can be heard just
as distinctly three squares or three
miles as it can three f«.pj away.
—liutler Fair September -I-m.
1 - Butler 1- fitrlsept^intw
in:T*nc ; eft Milliards is ««ri<>nslj
! %
\W< fafc Ridrtk attended the (iicre City
| feibleCTass
j W m McCoy of Worth twjki was in
j Town. Saturday
| W D Brandon returned frtSu Cana;
I dn last Saturday.
i Mr«. .Jacobs of Detroit is the guest o$
j Mrs. Cnpt. Fleeter
iwMifw Bovd bf Tarentum is tin guest
. of Airs C. N Boyd.
! i iiin Ferguson <<f Middles* it twp. was
I ifi Kfwn. yesterdav. t
L ivtiitajba aad, wife—ajj? visiting
j J. E. Zickrick left on a business trip
to Scio, 0.. Tuesilav.
Hon. T. W. Phillies and hi.-i-son, Vic-"
'tyfyifra nt fa.ag Branch
.Tfcbn <jf is
visiting friends in Butler.
Rev. Clark and wife of Philadelphia
acevthe guest* of M. A Btrkimer:
Jacob Leidecker's family took a little
to Atlantic City, Jast week.
Miss Edith Kiskaddon ha- retiu.-ed
from a yisit with friends in Rochester
' Mr* ft L. * Allen and Mis- Ritchie
bath of M"Fann were in town, Monday
T)r." McElroy and wife have returned
from a visit with friends in Cochran
ton. !,?;<♦ f ■ I
Origen (j. McCandless left Saturda>
for a visit with friends iti Toronto,Can
J. D. Marshall will leave this evening
I for a trip to New York and will be gore
for a week.
Dr. Morath of Cleveland was the
guest of F. D. Tinker of Jefferson twp.
j over Sunday.
Misses Alice Collins and Sara Black
took in the excursion to Atlantic City
last Thursday.
Geo. Biehl is able to l>e about again.
About three weeks ago he fell and
sprained a leg.
Esq. J D. Wilson of Sisters ille for
merly of Saxonbnrg. visited old friends
here last week.
Will Mayberry and George Kings
bury, of Centreville, are members of
tenth regiment.
Miss Alice Shearer of N McKean St.
returned Wednesday from a visit with
relatives below Mars.
Scott Emerv and family, of New
Castle, are visiting William Marbnrger
and family at Callerv.
Mabel Lockwood of Zelienople visited
Stella Heydrick on her way home from
Grove City Bible School.
W. C. Findley returned from Cam
bridge last Saturday, greitly benefitted
bv the water of the Springs.
J. H. Morrison or Lancaster twp. a
grandson of James Morrison, lately de
ceased, was in town, yesterday.
W. H. Fithian ar.d daughter returned
last week from a pleasant trip to the
seashore, Philadelphia and Washington.
Dr. Charles McClelland of Glade
Mills and his brother R. D. McClelland,
of Wurtemburg were in town, Satur
Miss iCinm.i Xegley and Miss Emma
Klingeneinith have returned from a vis
it with friends in Philadelphia and
Maj. Anderson celebrated bis 77th
birthday last Friday by doing some
fancy scroll work with his ex-editorial
but now judicial pen.
James Vogeley. who was not stek a
day while out with the 15th, has lately
been suffering from the trembling em
brace of malaria fever.
Jobn Cole left Tuesday to attend the
convention of the Volunteer Firemen's
Association of Scottdale as delegate of
the First Ward Hose Co.
E. S. Dewyer, the contractor and rig
builder of Maharg, was in town last
r;g»'y. ft T'M! V"l« r, ,ITT Tip '
Peoples Phone No. 2H, Bulford farm.
Misses Glenn, Kerr. Patter-on. Mabel
Dickey and Bertha and Sadit! Reed of
the Slipperyrock l ". P. church attendr-d
the Y. P. C. L T . convention in Pittsbnrg.
Fred Negley, salesman for the Hood,
Fnlkrod & Co. s dry goods house of
Philadelphia, has been seeing his custo
mers in this section during the past few
W. G. Douthett, the clothier, return
ed, Monday, from a ttip to youngs
town, and a visit with his partner Hart
Graham, who is doing a great business
at their store there
Samuel Miller, the war horse of the
west end, was 02 years young and gay
yesterday. Sain was born in Butler, on
the Diamond in 1887, and has lived in
several parts of the town.
Miss Tillie Kalb is one of the tw-st
farmers of this vicinity. -She has a
field of oats 011 her place near town
that averages five feet in height, and
her bay crop this year was immense
Will Hays, the genial Assistant Sec
retary of the V. M. <'. A. severs bis con
nection with the local A -sociation this
week, and will shortly depart to S'nip
pensbnrg. Pa. to take charge of the As
sociation of that place.
Misses Gora Stein <ȣ MifHiti St and
Anna ('ronenwett and Barney Milheim
have been attending the Luther League
Convention in Pittsburg the last few
days as representatives of the Leagne of
St Mark's congregation.
Ex-County Auditor William Moore
of Muddycreek twp and candidate for
County Auditor Philip Sechler of Pros
pect iw-.ied through Butler Monday on
their way to aft in an appraisement on
the Griboen farm near Saxonburg.
. Samuel Baxter, the popular clerk at
J. ('• Jk W. Campbell's hardware store,
and Miss Laura Alexander were united
in marriage by Rev. Alter at the home
of the bride's father, John C.Alexan
der in Concord twp., Tuesday.
Ah Yo, of Shanghai, who enlisted in
the navy in IHMI and was formerly at
tached to Dewey's flagship Olympia.has
been granted a pension of £:'.<> a month
for lung trouble. He is the lirst Chinese
pensioner of this government.
E. Wolf, formerly of Butler but now
an employee of the machine shops of
the Washington Navy Yards, and Mr.
Biggins of the same, visited old friends
in Butler, last week. They are making
a tour that will include Niagara Falls
New Vork.
A party, including G. A. Spang and
wife, Miss Agnes Brandon, Mia*cH Jen
nie and Mabel Collins, Mr. Sbnltz and
Mr. ('line of Renfrew, took in the ox
enrsion to Pittsburg, Saturday evening,
and as the weather proved very favora
ble they spent a very pleasant evening.
The families of John Zorb and I. N
Harkless returned last week from their
camp in the wood-on the I'. Daugher
ty farm in the N. E. corner of Adams
twp They had comfortable tents, got
plenty to eat from the neighboring far
iners, stayed six weeks, and enjoyed it.
John A. Watson of Buffalo twp. had
an odd experience a few days ago while
taking ice from his ice house His
hand touched a snake among the saw
dust. and he pulled the snake oat, and
threw it to the ground and killed il.
It was it copperhead and it struck at
him, but its mouth was fnll of saw
J M. Gal breath and wife, I Jr. <' At
well. Harvey Mc( landless, T. J. Dodds
It. S. Cornelius, Ella and Annie Purvis,
Bertha McKlhaney, Jennie Armstrong.
Ella and Bell Hazlett, Mrs Benton and
Stella and E. II Neg ley of Butler. Mar
ion and Myrtle Gibson of Slipperyrock,
end Jean Gibson of Fairview were
among the many Bntler county attend
ants of the Y p. c ('. convention in
Pittsburg, last week.
Misit Salilin of Mel*",inn, I'.t , wliohuM
l>een (jjtfnilintt the HU miner
friendsand relative* in Toronto, ('anada,
was joined last wwk by Mr O (». Mr
('andleiw of this place, and the couple
were ijiiietly married in Toronto, Mon
day evening the Ith in«t. I.y the Ucv.
Neil I) l> l'antor of the WestmiiiiHter
Protbyterianchnrcb. Mr. and Mr*. Mc-
Candlt-- vriH triakj? a tour Jif souiw of
CanaAiV ftvvi Il*'«nniiiier"resorta "in
fore rit" -rntf to bnfe.. tuny Will
{ make their ftrbiro lidhic i:
Congressman John Daiuell. with his
wife and son. have returned to their
home at Hawkins station from an ex
tent 1 . >-d trip to Alaska. They spent
abont two months in the far north
Dalzell said that the trip was siiu
ply a summer and that there was
< nothingoffielal abont if. He said Uncie
Sam's possessions there would pay hand
somely for their development, and that
ther • are great prospects for the fntnre.
Jtfooog those in the party with which
Mr Daizell traveled were Congressman
Sereco E. Pyane. wife and son, William
K. .of Auburn X. V Congressman .T.
T. A. Hull wife and daughter. Des
.Moines, fa,; Congressman E .T. Br.rkett
and wife, Lincoln. Neb . Senator M. L j
Havward. Nebraska Citv: Mrs Heat- I
wofe. wife of Congress jan -T P. Heat-j
wole. and Mi??- Archibald. Northfield, j
Frt'er Fair Set teml er Z s
—Butler Fair September 5 *.
The Market remains at #1.27.
For the month of July Butler county
had -i new production of sot» blls a day.
with i;.-. wells drilling and :{.» rigs np" at i
j the end of the month.
Pen.v twp.—The Forest's well on the '
David Dcxbls. north of the Campbell
heir? is making 25 blls n day from the
100-foot and opens a new patch. The
company is drilling on the Matthew An
drews. ..
The FOREST snvell on the D. Dodds is
rated at 2~> bW» from the 1<«»-ft
Brown.- ju. The Forest swell UU
the John Dodds is good, /or 40 uTal.-
Several wells are drilling in that ftfftd
COYEKHVjr.EH Coyle & Cos ISO 3
on the Englehart is rated at 50 bbls.
Calluky— I The Forest is cleaning
out an old well on the Geo. Kaufman
Fair view Twi' -Harry Fithian got
a well on the P. Thompson and is shoot
ing it today: the South I'enn has one
due on the B. S. .Rankin. Thompson A:
McKinny are drilling on the McCoy,
and Coffin &'Co., the South Penn and
M. M. McKinny on the Capt. Hays.
Middlesex—Sablin & Cos. No. 1
W. R. Thompson found no oil in the
100-foot and are drilling to the lower
O'Brien & Cos well on the Sterling,
Gold field, in doing 45 bbls.
PARKER TWP. -Perrine & Tinker
struck a 50 bll well on the W. E. Allen
Rosenberry field last week.
MARION TU I* Patterson & Tate sold
their interests in some old territory in
Marion twp. last week to K. M. Cross of
Oil City for *l4, Wi.
BITLEU TSVI> Bert Young shot his
well on the P. W Snyder, the otner
day, and the casing collapsed. The
well will probably be pumping tomor
row. Amy, Campbell and Ciaig's No.
2. on the George Nickel will be com
pleted this week. Frazier and Forqnert
are drilling on the Rea farm east of the
- Bntler Fair September > *.
Rev. W. O. 'Campbell preached in the
First Presbyterian church of lintler
last Snnday. .
The Jefferson Centre Presbyterian
church gave an entertainment and lawn
fete at WIN Montagu house last even
Rev. Maurice Ren ben and several
other converted Jews are holding camp
meeting at < .'allery. Rev. Reuben spoke
in the M. E. church in Bntler.last even
Butler Fair.
The Bntler fair managers have added
two more races to their program for
Tuesday, the first day of the lair. The
first for colts, three years and under,
pace or trot; parse *75. Division and
condition same as regular races, except
one person can start as many as he
in three.
The second race is for gentlemen's
roadsters, pace or trot, owned in Bntler
county prior to August Ist and which
have not been handled on track by pro
fessional trainer this season. Records
no bar; owners to drive their own horses
to four-wheel vehicle. Heats three in
live; purse SSO. Usual condition and
division of money. Entries for the
above races close on Saturday. Sep
tember .'ind.
Itig Crops.
Lewis Albert of Fianklin twp. had a
7-acre field of oats this year that run U5
bushels to the acre: and an acre and a
half of wheat that yielded 47 bushels,
or about ill bushel to the acre.
,M:i rkcis.
Wheat. wholesale price... 00&(>5
Rye. " 45
Oats, •• 20
Corn, " : 'H
Ifay, " 9.00
Eggs, " 10
Uutter. " 17
Potatoes. "
Cabbage, per lb 01
11uckelberries {>er <jt 10
Blackberries per bu 1 25
Apples 25 40
( Turnips, per bu SO
Onions, per bn 00
Flonr retails at ..$1.00<a51.23
Public Sales.
Friday, Sept. Ist, at Ellis Hesselness
er's in Winfield twp.
■''il'tccn-day IC.veiirsioiis t«» tli«
Mlantic Coast Itcxorts (in (lie
IVMIIN.YI vania Railroad.
Thursday, August 17th, is the
date of the remaining Pennsylvania
Railroad annual low-rate fifteen-day
excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May,
Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avftlon,
Anglesa, Wildwood, Holly Beach, N.
J., Rehoboth, Del., or Ocean «"ity. Md.
A special train of Pullman parlor cars
and day coaches will leave Pittsburg
on above mentioned dates at B.r>r> A.
M . arriving at Altoona l:M~» P.M.,
where Htop for dinner will be made,
reaching Philadelphia ti 2.1 P.M. and
arriving ATLANTIC CITY, via the Dela
ware Si/er Bridge route, the only all
rail line, at 8.40 P. M. Passengers may
also spend the night in Philadelphia,
and proceed to the shore by any regular
train from Market Street Wharf or
Bread Street Station on the following
A stop-over of ten days will also be
allowed at Philadelphia on the going
trip, if passengers will deposit their
tickets with tin: Ticket Agent at Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia, immed
iately on arrival.
Tickets will be sold from the stations
at the rates named below:
Rate. Train leaves
Pittsburg 919.09 8.55 A M.
Turentum 10.0U 7.:f4 "
Natrona 10.00 I'M
Bntler 10.00 <1.25
Free port 10.00 7.45>
Altoona (dinner). . 8.00 l .Mtt P.M.
Philadelphia. Arrive .... 0.2.1
Atlantic City. Arrive .... 8.40 "
Tickets will also be good on regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.50 and 8.:io
P.M., carrying sleeping cars t<» Phila
delphia. and 7.0.1 P.M., carrying Pull
man sleeping cars through to Atlantic
l itv
bor detailed information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents or Mr. Thomas K Watt, Din.
trict Passenger Agent. Pittsburg.
I pay the highest market price in cash
for wool, lrnye no merchandise <#f any
kind to exchange, am located at tame
place as last year, (.rahnm Urns'. Grocery,
just across the street from Trmitman's
dry goods store.
—l'or bargain . in valuable and desir
t>le residences inquire of Walker & Mc
Batlor Fa:r Septemln r '• >
New Si ns
<>il well Supply Co. i> W. H Thomp
son ami execotor? of Jr.s. \V. Thoiup
son. execution attachment on judg
A hearing was liad in the C'ounoijne
nessin.sr twp. school hoa«-» case Satur
day. and the Directors were given nntil
tomorrow to say what they would do.
Two Wichita ladies who tried to pelt
a saloon keeper with had eggs, flew
wide of the mark and hit a railroad
station instead, and are to be investigat
ed bv law. When will women learn
how to throw straight "r
Thirty-four criminals ir the Dixmont
hospital, three of them first degree nim--
der. sent there by the courts, naturally
excite the dissatisfaction of Jjr Hutch
inson. It i- not right that the criminal
and non riminal insane shonid be min
gled. Thi- evil demnnds a remedy
Letters testamentary on the will of
Win. Story, dec d. of Parker twp. have
S been granted to Sarah A. Post
Letters of administration on the es
tate of Sarah A. Hutchinson of Cherry
twp. have been granted to lvina Wins
William Book of Worth twp. has been
held on a charge of larceny.
A E. Goodrich of Petrolia has been
committed to jail for trial on charges of
a-s.Lult, and drunk and disorderly, it is
-:iid he had some trouble with the Tax-
Collector -
Cath. E. Rankin to P. & W Ry. Co.
hit in Butler for ifl.
™ Heirs of Samuel Torrence to Wm.
Torrence lot in Parker for fl.
T. Cal Kenned}-, ex r, to Sarah B.
Bry.-on lot in Mars for
Nannie .J.McGrew to Catharine Wim
er, lot in Prospect for
George A. Chalfant to Matilda M.
Goehting, 3W acres in Cranberry for
''has Duffy to Martha J. McCormick.
lot in Butler for sr2o().
jR W. Jamison t<• f Sl Savior «: ai-res
in Concord for %*')
Mftrriagc laci'tiscs.
Butler Fair September 8.
A brahain Secbloi*. 1.. Evans < 'ity
Sarah Leatli
H. Elwood Conu Clay twp
M. Pearl Wick Concord twp
Samuel S, Baxter Butler.
Laura [5. Alexander (,'oncord twp.
•Tos ph T. Wilson - Fan Claire
Lena Kiskaddon
Edward Beltz Lawrence <>>
Catherine M. Young Jacksville
At Franklin, II W. linrket of Mar
tinsbnrg anil Etta Eakin of Barkeyville.
At Mercer Jam**.* P. MeCabe an<l
Elizabeth Dunn of Butler county.
The prompt application of water sav
ed Butler from a great conflagration
last Ffiday night.
Home waste paper had been allowed
to accQiunlate in the/root eml of the
basement of the W. I*, telegraph office,
and an open transom anil a lighted ci
gar or half burned match did the rest.
The fire spread over the greater part of
the ceiling of the basement before it
was discovered and the alarm given,and
then the tire companies got into the eel
lar and drowned it out but it was a
close call for the Ketterer block, and
all the other buildings adjoining.
The old Kline tin-shop in Zelienople
was discovered to be on fire, Tuesday
night, and the firemen thought they had
put it out. but had to go back a second
Hay I'Vver-Augst liOtli.
With many persons, almost to the day
Hay Fever appears on the 20th of August
and usually lasts until frosty weather.
This can bo avoided by the use of Dr.
Humphreys' Specific "77". Taken
early, it preoccupies the system and pre
fi< v'< tlie ini-ezing. Tacrymaiion and 1
aHthina and bv its continued use, from
season to seanon, eliminates the germs
of the disease from the system. It is
for sale at all drag stores at ets. per
vial, but it is best and most economical
to order a SI.OO flask. If your druggist
does not keep it, it will be sent, prepaid,
upon receipt of price Address the
Humphreys' Medicine Co., New York.
(i. A. K. lOiK-aiiipineiit. I'liiladcl
On account of the Thirty-third Annu
al Encampment of the Grand Army of
the Republic, to be held at Philadelphia
on September 4, •>, <i, 7. b, and!), the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from points on its line to
Philadelphia, at rate of single fare for
the round trip.
Tickets will lie sold on September 'i, -i,
4, aad 5, good to return until Setember
12, inclusive; but tiy depositing ticket
with joint agent at Philadelphia on Sep
temher 5, <i, 7. H, or &, and the payment
of fifty cents, return limit may be ex
tended to September 30, inclusive,
Tickets for side trips to Washington,
Old Point Comfort, Gettysburg, Antie
tam, and Virginia battlefields will also
be sold at greatly reduced rates.
IC«M1II«'4MI Kates via Pennsylvania
Kai I road for Mount Oretna
Farnu-rs* lO.vposilion.
On account of the Farmers' Exposi
tion, to be held at Mt Gretna, Pa , Aug
ust 11 to 11), the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell round trip tickets to
Mt. Gretna and return, at rate of one
fare for the round trip, from principal
stations between East Liberty and Uryu
Mawr. Tickets will be sold August 12 to
1», good to return until August 21, in
For information in regard to train ser
vice and specific rates application should
be made to ticket agents.
It yon want a Hicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest stock in County. Bicycles for
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or ranges, K»S fronts or any K-IS sav
i"K appliance will fiii'l it a financial sav
ing t'j call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien & Son < n Hut ft Ifei ion St.
and ;;'-l prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They f.re also
agents for the celebrated Welsbacli
of which more than 1200 were
sold in Untler, last year.
Music scholars want' - *! at 12K West
Wayne St.
< 'onni'iiiit Lakc».
During the milliliter months the "Hen
sii- 'will sell excursion ticket H to (Jon
neunt Lake, Saturday, «oo<l to return
following Monday at *ioo for round
\ 1 lanti<- City.
July i:S '-J7 and August 10 M, 1 Hilil,
are the dates for the I'. Ac W , 15. & O.
Atlantic < 'ity excursions. Tickets tfood
15 days with privilege of stop over at
Philadelphia.lt altimore and Washing
ton l> v. on return trip. Rate ftlO.oo
from Butler.
Sll i:\cnrsion l<> Allegheny.
licginniuir May ~lst IWW and until
further notice tin- I' & W. Sunday ex
cursion train will leave Untler at 8:0.">
a. in. Butler time arrive Allegheny at
II returning train will leave Allcg'nc
ny at .">;s<) p 111. arrive I'atl»r at 7-.OU,
rate ;•» <-t •
For Sale or Rent.
Aliout H acres of land, nut far from the
Boydstown or Wliitmire <>i 1 field.
Kn'piire at olficc of
Butler, Pa.
Steady work and pay. I am itn
creasing my business and wish to employ
10 more gentlemen and six more lady
assistants on JJOCHI salary. Call on or ad
Maharg P. O.
I Untler Co., I'M
New, four-room house for sale 111-
I quire at this office
Morton Fair of Elm St ran a nail
through his foot last Saturday.
Howard Keefer fell from a derrick ;n
! Fairview twp . and hurt hims«lf.
| The Watson boys of Buffalo twp are
i recovering, as is also vonng McCormick
j of Mam
Ralph Palmer, son of A 1 Palmer of
| near Mt. Chestnut had a foot cut off by
i a train near Pittsburg, last week, and
j was taken ton hospital where he is do
! injr well.
The.dock at Mt. Desert ferry, which
connects the Maine Central Kailro: j d
with Bar Harbo-. when filled with a
j great crowd of excursionists, broke sud
j denly last Sunday morning and precio
' itated over 'Joo people into the deep
! water !/elow the pitr head. At a lat>?
hmr that night 19 bodies had been re
overed and the Hotel Bluffs was tilled
with 30 or more of the injured. The ac
cident is the most apitaUing and grew
s.itne that has occurred in the State of 1
Maine in many years
Leisla Crawford, aged 4 years, a
granddaughter of H. W. Koonce. had
a leg broken by an odd accident at Ma- i
pie Grove, last Friday. The little one ,
was with her grandfather and Treasurer j
Harper who were sitting, talking, in the
Danc-ingHall. and she was playing with :
a short stick, and as the men arose and j
s'arted away, one of them hjlding the
little girl by the hand, she accidently j
placed the stick between Mr. Harpers!
legs aiid it sprang back and struck her '
ei the leg. just above the knee and broke j
the bone clear off.
A trollej- car on the Shelton Street
Railway of Bridgeport. Conn., fiiled
with passengers jumped the track at the
south end of the long high bridge over
Peck's stream, about a mile and a half
b.-yond Stratford, about 3 o'clock last
Sunday afternoon. It ran along the
heavy planking on the bridge for about
seventy-five feet and then toppled over
the east side and fell fifty feet to the val
ley below It turned completely over in
it - descent and the heavy motors on the
bottom drove the bottom and top of the
car together and crushed the passengers
between them. They were held as in a
\ ice. As near a - could be ascertained
theTe were forty-five passengers on the
car. Twenty-nine are dead. None on
board escaped without injury.
Allen Heater, a cousin of Chas.lleat
er. of Butler was killed by lightning on
the Jno Warren farm in Marshall twp..
Allegheny Co., last Thursday night
He was standing in the derrick the
time, and his partner found him dead a
moment after the lightning struck bin-
He was but 21 yea s of age. and with his
wife and child lived in Mars.
Luring the same storm a large tree
standing close to the Defow home in
Cranberry twp. near Mt f'!uas;iiit
ciuirch \vits struck and branithW thrown
against the house which shattered Uie
front windows, and though nothing was
ss t on tire, the house was filled with
A rig on the Forsyfche farm >u the
Thorn Creek field was struck and fiurn
ed during same storm; and John Truver's
house in Middlesex was struck but not
greatly damaged.
Ketliiccd Kates tn <Jraiig<*rs' Pie
tii< a at Williams'via Penn.
s>lvania Kailroad.
For the Twenty-sixth Annual Inter-
State Grange Picnic Exhibition, to be
held at Williams' Grove, Pa., August 2S
to September 2, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell excursion tickets
from August 26 to September 2, inclu
sive. good to return until September I,
inclusive, at rate of one fare for the
round trip, from principal stations be
tween East Liberty and Brj u Mawr.
For information in regard to train set
vice and specific rates application should
be made to ticket agents.
House and Lot For Sale.
A good four-roomed house in Uhion
villc, and a lot of nearly an acre, with «
blacksmith's shop upon it, good well of
water, and some fruit trees, is offered for
sale on easy payments. Inquire of
Executor of Daniel Heck, dee'd.,
' McCa'id.lcs-j. I'a.
interesting j
t Careful cash buyers will
/ appreciate this occasion. \
f In fact they can save more \
J than the dollars reckoned c
j on present reductions, for £
J Carpets arc higher and T
C will be higher. Only a I
\ little over five hundred /
C yards in the lot we have J
fto offer you, It helps you
✓ and us to have your exact \
j room sizes. Measure v
? eralj yot« may want to C
S change your carpets /
» around, putting the dowiv f
\ stairs carpet up stairs and /
getting new ones for y
f down stairs. j
S AH'Wool Ingrain Carpet, /
\ A few pieces and some short /
/ lengths ol the standard wool /
N ingrains that we have sold for p
f Tie (pialiiy of the full pieces is^
✓ standard and the pttlerus are all\
✓ right, but not so fine in coloring X
\ as the new ones so w.* make the »
/ price \
y 50 CENTS C
j Body Brussels Carpets. »
f At the lowest price ever named (
/on reliable gooda io jrards Body J
\ I'.rt'ssels Hall Caipi l, Hark Tan J
/ ground with ti small Blue Light S
} Tan and Green figures. One of j
/ the nicest pieces of Ilall Carpet j
jwe ever sold. The fi 25 <iuality (
f Reduced to 75 cents y
\ 22)4 yarils Bo<ly Brussels light C
Q olive ground, large set patterns in £
rose and tan; suitable foi r
f dining room or itting room iji.2s J
Sg'HHls now 75c C
S 1 yards Body Bru 1 1 i.dl r
f i arpet, tan ground with ■< imsll p
\ blue, green 01 one ot S
/ tin- most reliable hall carpets you \
1 can bu> Th< (
v Reduced to 75c >
Office near Court House.
Picnics and Kciniions.
I —Butler Fair Septemlier •"> >
It A R reunion at Kxpo Park Fri
day, the 11th. Train from Butler at
• 'QrIH a. m Round trip i"'
134 th regiment at Cati-ade Park Aug
16th: and the l'H)th Reg. at same place,
same day.
The I'nited Presbyterians of western
Penna and eastern Ohio, will hold a re
union at Kxpo-ition Park. Conneant
Lake, Friday, August lrtth. Special
trains will be run from points on the P.
B .V Li. K U H P <*• L K T\ R P
W. P. K R Penna lines west of
Pittsburg: W. NVA: pRy , u ,d Frie
' R R This uromisc-s to be the largest
excursion ever run to the Lake A gen
eral invitation is extended to the public.
Musical and literary program band
j concert- bail games, and other amuse
ments wiil be arranged for by the Coui
-1 mittee. For rates and time ot trains
see excursion bills.
( The Knights of the Maccabees will
j hoid their third annual picnic and ex
cursion at Silver Lake Park on Tuesday
August :>•>. Silver Lake Park i> one of
the finest parks and resorts in Ohio and
i tiie K. < 1 T M expects the largest ex
' cursion of the season. The fare fmm
! Brttler is st.."o.
McCoy family reunion at Sugarlirove
on 1 homas McCoy place at R. R. cross
ing between Harrisville and tiroveCity
Wtdnesday Ang. -J:{.
Attention of the Butler people is call
ed to St. Paul's Day at the Orphan
Home on Tnursday' Aug. 24th This
promises to be a great occasion all the
railroads are giving special rates and
running excursion trains and an immense
crowd is expected from all round. A
cordial invitation is extended to every
body in Butler and vicinity to come and I
participate in this general picnic both |
daring the day and evening when a
lawn fete will be held. The usual re
freshments will be served all day and
The Seventh Annual Reunion of thtt
Sloan family will be held in the grovej
of Matthe* Sloan, near Ean Claire, on
Thursday, 34th.
137 th at Butler August 2."> th.
The McCall Rennion will be held this
year on the Samuel Sutton farm Aug. 31
in the grove on the north end of the
farm, about one mile from Euclid Sta
tion Friends and neighbors are cor
dially invited to attend with well filled
baskets. Come one and all and have a
good time. J. L. SKA TON.
Sept 14. reunion of the 11th Pa Re
seryeu (or 40th in line; at Evans City.
('«> l. Jackson of Apollo is the Senior of
ficer, living. The Evans City Company
ot' the llth Reserves left that town June
14th, istil and returned June 14, 1564.
Notice to Contractors.
Staled proposals will be received at
the office ot the County Commissioners
i:i the Court house, liutler, Pa., up until
12 ui. August 21st. 1599, for the con
struction of the masonry for a county
bridge over Conuoqunessing creek 111
Forward two., Butler county, at what is
known as Marshall's fording. The plans
and specifications can be seen in the Com
missioners' office in Hutler. The Com
missioners reserve the right to reject any
or all bids.
liutler, Pa. August 2nd, 1599.
Notice to Heating. Plumbing
and Electrical Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the County Commissioners
in the court house, Butler, Pa., up un
til 10 a. in .on August 15, 189!). Plans
can be seen at said office on and after
Augustlß9'J, for heating, plumbing
and electric wiring for the Butler conn
ty home. Separate bids are required
for each branch, namely, heating,
plumbing and electric wireing. Certi
fied cheeque for 10 per cent, of the
amount of the bid to accompany all bids
as evidence of good faith if contract is
awarded it will be entered into.
Iti iMtStt ' » ty mmn rrrr' Ttif
faithful fulfillment of the contract. All
bids to include both labor and material.
The Commissioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids.
I) fl SI'TTON,
Attest: Commissioners
.1. C. KISK ADDON, Clerk.
Butler. Pa., July 2H. ls!t9.
Orphans' Court Sale,
Hy virtue of an orcJ<rr and d* « :ri of tliu
Orphans' < 'ourt of Hutler county, I'a.. ma/lo
at No. lift, Kept. T'TIII, IHW, the untlvriigntrd
pxpciitors of tin* estate of John K|cst«r.
<lc« 'd.. Ial«♦ of Slippery rock twp., Bul.lcr Co..
I'a.. will oflVr for sale at public veudae, on
the premises, on
Saturday, August 19th, 1899,
at in o'clock a. in. of said day, that certain
lot of ground, situate in Sllpperyrock twp..
Hutler* 0.. I'a., bounded north by Mill road,
|east by the Franklin road, and south and
west by lands of John B. Ki«'ster. having
thereon erected a frame dwelling house of ;»
I riKims and a frame stable, and containing
I one aere, be t lie sannt more or less.
I ALSO At II o'clock a. ui. of said day. all
tliatcertaln lot of ground, situate iii said
! township of SlipperyrocU. Imunderl north l»y
t he Coal tow it road, east by land of Marcellus
Wlgton, south I»y land of W. S. Klester and
west by Shatter l\lest«*r. font alnlnir one aere,
more or less.
The two Wits above ciescrllftid are situate
near Klester Station on the line of the IV, II
•V L. K. Kali road.
Al.so At2o'ehK*k p. rn. of sahl day, ail
t hat certain t ract, of laud situate In Cherry
t wp,. in said county of liut ler. Imuiided north
by the Ooinersol road, east by lands of John
1 hompson et al. south l»y lands of tieorge
Deets and west by lands of the 1 tilon Coal
:tii(i Coke Co.; containing TM acres, more or
less.havlug thereon erected a frame dwelling
house of I rooms, and frame stable, goo«i
orchard, partly wmhrhiM With CCMU« •'«« I
convenient to church and school.
TEIt.MS OK SAI.K 1 1 t In* iturcliate money
in Im- paid 011 eouftriiiation of sate i»y llie
Court, ami tkit; lialam'c In one year tlirrt'
after, with Interest, to lie secureil by IMIIKI
and mortgage, In usual form, on the premises.
loll.N II KIKSTKIt, Klester, I'll.
I (J. ItKNIC'K. MeC'aiiitlesH, I'a..
Kxecutors of Joliu l\ teller, dee*<l.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Hy virtue of an urdtr arid decree «»f the
Orphan's Court of Itut l«*r county. I'a., made
at No. :r.». March Term, Isiis, the uudt-rHlgned
administrator of the « stair of .fame* Crls
well. late of Adams township. County and
State aforesaid, will offer for sale at public
vendue on the premises on
Saturday, August 12th, 1899,
At 1 o'clock p. m.. ali that certain tract of
land situate li. Adams township, liul ler Co
I'a.. Inmndcd north hy lands of Coo vert
heirs and Samuel I'ark; eartl l»y lauds of
Samuel I'ark and I>r. S. O. Sterrett; south I»y
latids of John llarr and William Purvis; and
west hy lands of T W. Kennedy's heirs,
Newton I.ertliiK und Convert lieirs; eontaln-
Ing I VI acres 120 perches. IM* tin- samo more or
less; wit h 2 frame dwelling houses.one nearly
new , good hank ham and other outhulldus; 2
orchards. Land situate - mlfe from Mars
and 1 1 inlle from howney \ llle. on t In- IV .V NV.
Kallroad. Convenient to schools and
ehurches. Laml In good condition and well
watered, and well adapted to stock raising or
K<!lli>ral farming. Supposed to IM- oil and gas
territory. Till* land will IM* sold either as a
whole or In two pieces, cacli with dwelling
house and orchard thereon. One niece con
taining al tout 102 acres and tin- otlier about
TKH.MSOFSAIiE' l-2thepurcha.se money
to IM- paid on eouflrmat lon of sab- I»v the
Court, and the otnei biilf In OM year tliere
after, with lute rest, to he secured hy hond
and niortg ut< In u lual fortn on tlie nreniltM#.
Mars. I'a.
Me.li SKIN Ac <»AF«HI(KATII. Att'ys.
Administrator's Sale!
liy virtue of I lie following order of the <>.
c of Itutler county. directing William II
Walker, Ad ml n Ist rat or of the estate of John
11. Love, deceased, to soil real estate for the
Dayment of dehts of t h«*j"»tate. we will offer
for s ale on the premises In i *ll it ton township,
hut ler county, I'a., on
Tuesday, August 15th, 1899,
jit |0oVI«M a k a. in., the following described
real estate, to wit:
Bounded on the north by land > formerly
owin-d by William llurtrier, dee'd . on the
• ast by latnls formerly owned by Levi Le
fiver, and lauds of < harles K rumple, on t he
south bv Harmony Koiul, and on the woi hy
William lleckert containing 21 acres and IIM
i»K<*KEE or coritT.
Now, Inly IMb, I*oo. tin within motion
having I M ii made In open Court, and a rule
! gi mted. Issued and served on all the pari h - *
or they accepted for. as anpears to t lie
Court. and no reasons being shown why this
motion should not IM- granted, the ( ourt
, order and decree, that the real estate there
in described be sold at public
sale by the petitioner as there
in set forth, notice to be given according to
law. the petitioner previous to executing
tills ordi I to file a IMMU! with sufficient
sureties to he approved by I lie Court, said
sale to be a cash sale.
11V I II I < "ot!|(T
Admlulst rator.
Butler, !•».
I A M. CuttiBTLEY, Att'y.
'Ptufec* f«« Knptort
ftecvsKrv The only >,'-k
tfanTtt consider is ' V here
i'i(i I jjet ;b<L- b-it trta- f. r
ti«e Jenst ai«.v" \\V sell
irasvs on tite" no charge f' >r
rfttirtg" plat*. \A!- chaxg. you
simply fi* tke tra>s.
fmtJier, we guarantee! a fit
nrnl guarantee
There are many iM ri iC
kip.l of tfutses, -oil oiC
great thin.; is to k u t >v w! ;it
kiud is best to lisc. We
have ha 1 ejiongh frusS se'!
iug e:ipcrtekiCfr to find that
out. ftitr stock ii f
not cxcetttd in (his vicinity,
but that is not the point for
you to cnn*:der. Y >or con- ,
stderati «n as we S*: 1(. >re,
is stated above.- A! jn we nt
here. We give Miction*
for sell' Hiea-iiremei:: to
C. N. Boyd: j
Diamond Block. Butler. ?£r
Uv virtu.* uf Hit urtwr «.f lite Offijan\
('■Ml ft '»! I'liu. I count «r, l'«nu»vl« »iiiii. .it ■'
< N< . ir?.>.-pc. IVmi, m". and i'jiiw dir« led.
I .vil: . \p. ,e v imi'lfc- * ,leon U i premi- -
Jn Hit-. tKnuicti >f IttuWrl ItitUtr'<4unt >
PemisyThirna'. on
FRIDAY. AUGI'ST «tli. 1-w.
at one o'clock p. m.. (lie following dcv-rtlied
real estate. late the property of David 11.
Ih'll, deceased. LL|-wlt:
\ll that certain n,«*tg. md lot ..f Unid
situate Jt..it j*l Butler. ItinUi'
county, Pennsylvania. on i|ie»ouili side of
Kast Penn street in said liorougli. tmumMi
mi i lie nor. hbr said Fust Penn >ip'iu. mi tin
cast by lot of Wru. Miller. .»u tlif *iufl. I*y art
alley and on tlid WNI Ity lot of .It/h* p. \Vil
•"«. fronting forty-five feet on said Ft-i
I'enii street and < \l< ndinif M k southward
mn' hundred feel to said aIU-v. ithb frame
iwn-story dwelling house and oul-lfuildlin;'.
thereon erected. said real eslatt »n lie lit-i
offered on the premises with leave to. ad
journ fioni time to tilnu and io a different
plaee if necessary for tin* purik# if n)t
laining sufficient bids >• I
I'KI.MS or SALE: < >ne-lltjrtl mi
tiroval of sale t»y tlie Odurt. and the lialloi.-e
in two tonal annual payment*, secured liy
jii*l_riri«:nt bond and wiorttfage on ftp prcm
lv-s.liearing interest with an atimttey - Cotti
tni—iou of n*e percent for rollnrtTon with
optiou to pay cash.
Administrator. c. t. a. ot Huvitf H Ueii.
S I . A: A. L. »HA\>KU. Alt y$
Notice in Divorce.
l.auru 1.. .Tevvelt ) Tn theCouri of i'onfcKion
vs IMcusml Butltiri'o.. I'ii . :it
R. I'. .Icwetl *A. II Nil. 2.-. March T.. lv«.
Tlic NUl>p4**j£;v.,and alias suhptena in «li
vorce at above iiunlhri :■ iid term having
Im n ri'turnol -N. t: I.' yon. I:. I'. liweii.
uri-heretiy mitji. <f to njiponr liu said <"ourt
of t Vinrmioii I'll*, ut i« lifiil m Hutler. I'a..
on Mm.ilay fTirTiTt rmy ot !*«gUctt>i>er. I+«•»»«*
shuw-rauw if any you li i'r* why your wife.
L. Jtivftl shmilil m;L a 'lt euro
ahsoiirr.ifropi Ihe Ijo iOk '-T laamiiiony and
th.it tesihimify in srdii lakon «»ii
Tuesday the .>IU/l:iy |K Syil.. at wimyji
♦ inn- you ahu hw< tiy «'itfl»l u> .lUend.
>V11,1,1 AM It. foJlD* Sheriff.
Letters of adminiftratiou <ut the estate
of James Morrison, dec'il., late of Lan
caster township, Butler Co., PP., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
person* knowing tbeniaulves indebted to
said estate win please mike immediate
pajmeut, and any having claims against
the same will present them duly authen
tieatetl for settlement to
J. 11. MORRTSON, Adm'r.,
Mi<blle Ixincaster,
Hutler Co., Pa.
L- M. WISE, Att'Y.
. 'xra. t eat .ui i i-n i j r.u.. i' -1;. A . ' ti.
Slippeiyrock two., Butler Co., Pa,, liav
iug been grante<l to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, ami any having claims agajrfj
said estate will present theni
autheiiticated for settlement to I I
Ri S. CoHNKMrs, Ailm'r. C X. A.,
ISutip, I'a.
W. I>. HKANUON, Att'y.
Letters of administration in the estate
of Henry Lhitter, dec'il-, late of I?ranklitu
twp., Dutler Co., Pa:, having grant J
ed to the underSigncl, all p«*rsoiitf kn ovM.
ing themselves indebted to said* tsftff
will please tnake immediate jiavinenr,;
ami any having Claims against safti estate
will present them duly ;uitlieiitiot<ted for
settlement to
Whitestowli, Pa.
betters testamentary <>ll tne estate of
John L. Shannon, dee'd., late of Conno
<ltienessing township, liutler Co., Pa.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
(j. OF. SHANNON, I.x'r,, a
Connoquenessing P. O. ,j|
Hutler Co., lv.
MC.I IfNKIN & < iAI.IIMKAf H, Att'vs. V
Letter's testamentaiy in the estate of
J. Wilson Tlmmpson deo'd, late of
Cherry twp., Butler, Co. Pf>., having
la'en granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing thems«lve» indebted to
said estate will please made immediate
payment, and any having claims against
snid estate will present "them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Butler P O. Jj
Milliards P. (). S. j
Bnflcr Co., I'a. T
J. D. MCJUNKIN, Atty. |
H. 0. HAYS. 17H. HAYSJ
j fldCs l^ros-'H
Livery and Sale Stable
Bent Accommodations in Town.
West Jefferson Street, Untler, I'a
I'eopW I'lioue i<»),
Bell's I'hone 59.
and Specialties in Tin.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of M.M
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
The best of horses and llrst class rigs al
ways on hand and for hli<
lb t accoiniiKMlal lons lu town for p« rma
neut boarding and transit iit ti ul<
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, 1M»III drivers and
draft horses always on hand iml for sale
under a full guarantee; and home* Imaght
pon prop«-r not Meat but-by
Telephone.JNo. 21W.
**ln tbiiitak to tnanagi out
t heir own and nearhy counties It Is mainly
ofM- e work couduct4;d at hotm salary
straight ay. ar and eX|M iis» s <b finite
lion itlde. no mor* ,no luss salary Monthly
»!."» Iteferenees Enc|oiu> self-address. *d
stani|MKl envelopv Herbert K. Il> Pre-i :
Dept. M.Chicago
wA L*
LI Hi# j,n.wi) Hii> I
# .« - 4 '
L 4) v
L V m
N y-;ar. (HI dtn p
ft faasrar^'lgii;!
M There is no Going Bask on th* Fact Thai a >
•f l 0 | ¥ I
rj Ji . u»e Urdvicrt, most *«.'.*>.*{ and ►
ft J ■■» Hynnjtmf. Uut the F«brk» m:ut be <
rJ thoron|hrjr retiihlt. ;
Va ,:- <i'>
r ■ actual wearHtJiuilAc. "t v\> know when f
[4] IftgMMßttl
rJ wf otkc a UitiiccMtMMr. That* our way
kT ' rtf <lotnj»"business an«l It ?« the ».ntv
tf A way to bttiM tjji a larj;«* .TWI "- 1 " "-■ 1
T® - - i*«watii*-nt tra«l<*. f >
W Aii A No. 1 Nicl<vl Altirm Clocl< Free With |
Hij A< yuo <
The Surprise Store t
t>orirL lln to tetrtatnD 3fll J
T4 108 South IVlain street ButleryPa. >
For praties aiii! low prices, hundreds In my
stair* the past m<null ." '*J. 1 *uc
This Clearance Sale
has become art event in shoe history' all oVer the town ami the
countryrounil, 4ii<l Jmnaircib liave heen taking advantage of
>f I ! 'li6cjs*T*t 'jO f) ['Jf If #.f ti J7
All Light and Medium
weiaM Mic®! filr fiCB. M>*ieu an<l children jjet a deeper cot
tlnwiimntlr-' way the space for
Incoming F?tU Stock
> b rfmi/uof. a *. ,4 ♦**',,„% «*.
Prices That Move
you to boy as >w«>n a- mnvc tne >.toe*. inree dFSMSb atii I
remain for wearing
k,'M%k', *3WOi'tjgi ui'?UAtitM foe school
not one pair —but two pairs for the price of one.
Visit M/i<S&&3 'tsmoW wsH oHT
33MUJOV 3vTt:2AM 0€
ir ~ . , . .., i v^ rf - iY^t u.'iT' ,T
sust a /Woment T pi£ASe!
•] • ' - It will pay yow to "Ttuflt\ofi
h \.\"l BETWEEN SEASONS.^ 77 ! - k ~~"T^T
'&A 'i i " ,W- - Xh<- '««'• for l«n:afa*. rClrtoitfr ui if cMiiy Jpuotk re
iW ? garlless of c*»t, pliconi nee>lM l-f u<i jt pU CouAI y<>w 001
i !-'Vi ?g*» liif til. Hut's ihj *Wl<! Wtyfc fw ■ f bA price
lrp. were to -c
Wtin<C.-. p. K> »■!<« lr y n
f Shift Waists M**r VOW » £T*|i*" "*
JJ \9l ""y M h«l»
jtf for Sue. Sonic were fi ju" am T %FT »Vrr 'ban
j/f White Wftiatßftteo reilnced, tal'lf jan>l ti
'• ; Ij} *"*': *} "-*" - tfrxs 25« _*■ ■ *s**'"
11 I ; Lot 75c X)r«-« <#9e|r " tjINsSC
1 Lo« < v«0.14-TU«% 75« " iBvS^L
LININGS.?- '\F%~
■'/ ill I 2>V,°}3ucl i/»wiiJJs ttttUceJ tu '*•_ -, V' JF* J jJßfcWjßl
, I.oWwmi ts«*it»kitfflf*iis jdi>. jo .I JJtJ?.! !iVy
a klrt'ttplij? I»sttic(pt termer pnee I 1 LBttfJl M "fX- ~ \
lot till-patted /V -Jf
4 Mew MetCeriAe«l Qntt«u.-f ionk like 4»lk
o aibl.Ja<lr- Inrin^i khj!pett»cui>— <se
at Half Pric*.
i V , • j); W8 N, MAIN STREET. BUTLER.
Jp> . f ijjf ' ***** ****»»*•**♦»<
• Cleveland Berea Grit.
•J "riIIUAI.!.- fi» l-.nil.tfiu; '
$ Pasta* iiuxi**-C»
| This Stone Will Not
I'rices reasonable J
Win V ' itiHic * "ill Si 'J ' I
> a»i«J n»,»ui|>tly.
* '' .
Stone viiim on 1
Kusi T.'ita street.
J< Jt*»»i<lei»ce <>n
' , .Vtirlon avenue.
J>>|>lc'N Telephone
VVH, ' s wt< K
Walker & Wick.
-^y, y .NriMl. i
XtiTuiEK Bi'ildi.iv. Orr. Potnniii
■l, . wl .' ■■U H
, Want, a
Want ■ Bargain?
Warit * Hook* r .
» Wnwt <« ' A 1 iH * *
Want a Kmc* at Chinal «
; w*«t * hmr ftHPfff. a v ••
Want thr latest in > .. .
1 Want anything in r.m■T4 or
*(; fi . .'Sitoi* mkjv t. '■ * Art I.inr
j ill! Oiilv 4>l.«i«i#4t LXmikUw Jto>>kJ»t«>f
1 , ikt'K MC t«(fMNr every wee*.
' *n?m- htt Mpnm all :br Titm-,
.1! i Visit ***** <ta» at'
I . . -.iv «v>' **i* « :'■} .»•* <■ "*
' a.j | Near P O
KlLne i(). Rutler. I'm
Hot<?l fc>aub<?,
«> G. W. LUS*. Prop r
§1 us( CU.« Table an.) Lodging*.
Water all through
, C.«*v| Stabbfl^.'