Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 10, 1899, Image 2

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    the; citizen. |
WILLIAM C. XF.OLEY - - Publisher
Republican County Ticket.
For Slierifl'.
For Protlioiiotary. - j
For Kegistrr and Iteconler.
For Treasurer.
For Clerk of Courts.
For County Coinmifwioner.
For County Auditor.
For Coroner.
The Hew Railroad.
On the Bth day of Augnst, I><99 the
tracks of the Allegheny and Western R
R. were connected at a point about 800
feet west of the Allegheny river, near
Mosgrove, by J. M. Floescb, Chief En
gineer of the A. & W. driving a 'silver
spike," and Wm. Hoyt, C. E. of the
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg R R
(and its entire system) driving a gold
This makes a complete through line
from Rochester and Buffalo, V. Y. to
Pittsburg. In a few days there will be
four through trains running from
Rochester and Buffalo to Pittsburg,
making the run in several hours less
time than by iny other route.
This road has constructed a good,
first class and substantial road-bed; and
eunipped it with 100-pound steel rails;
which will enable the company to safe
ly make fast runs. These four through
trains will be made up entirely of
brand new locomotives and brand new
Pullman and palace cars, of the latest
improved style In addition to the
through trains local trains will be run
This is an important road for Butler
county and the town of Butler, as it
places us on a through trunk line from
Rochester and Buffalo (and by its traf
fic arrangements New \ ork and all
points east) to Pittsburg, and as soon
as what is known as the "cut-off on
the line of the P. & W. R R from
Reibold to Eidenan, now being con
structed to shorten the distance west
is completed will place us on a trunk
line via New Castle and Akron to
This road opens up and puts our
county in touch with the eawt, north
and west, and by its connections gives
us another direct line to the lakes.
This is a valuable road to the county
and to the town of Butler, as its facili
ties for hauling freight should be a
KTeat inducement to manufacturers to
locate in Butler. This road has lieen
constructed through our county quiet
ly. decently and, we belieye, on strictly
business principles— no fuss or demon
stration usual in the construction of
new roads. .
On inquiring of and talking with the
people along the line of this road we
learn that there is the kindest feeling
among the people toward this (A>.
something anusual along the line of a
newly constructed railroad, but we find
that the company has not had a law
suit tried in this court.
Taking into account that it has ob
tained a right of way 100 feet wide
through a fine valley of good fanning
land in a section where there were val
uable farms, well improved and in manj
cases where it was compelled to tak'
dwelling houses, barns, gardens, and in
this road in the hands of C. II McCau
ley, President and General Solicitor ol
the A &W. R. It; and J. M Floescb,
its Chief Engineer.
We are not acquainted with either of
the gentleman, but from the people
along the line learn that they have es
tablished a {reputation of fair dealing,
and have not spared time, trouble or ex
pense in asertaining what was just and
fair compensation to the people for the
injury done and when learned have
promptly closed it np and paid said
McKINLEY proposes sending 50,(XK
men to to the Philippines. Agninaldo
has appealed to "the Powers ' to recog
nize the independence of the Philip
The Tenth.
The Tenth Regiment now in camp al
camp Presidio, San Francisco, will
not be mustered out till the 22nd
when they will start for Pittisburg. ir
special trains, and stop only at Omaha
Monday the 28th haj) been fixed nj>on at
the date for the demonstration in Pitts
burg. The funeral of Col. Hawkins or,
cured on Saturday in San Francisco. th<
regiment attending without arms, and
then the body was started on its lonjj
journey. It is expected to arrive in
Pittsburg today, where it will be placet!
in a vault to await the arrival of the
regiment, which will escort it to its last
resting place in Washington, Pa.
AT Atlantic City last Thursday
decided upon J. Hay Brown of Lancas
ter for Supreme Judge.
Evans City.
Mr. Andy Weikman of Pittsburg
formerly of Evans City di«il Monday of
typhoid fever and was brought to the
home of his father in law Mr. John Cov
ert and buried at the U. P. church.
Joe Cooper and Lew Pfeiffer leave
Monday for Industry Pa. to build a
large barn for Aaron Wilson
Mr. Abe Sechler was married Sunday
evening at the residence of Rev. Kerlin.
Mrs. John Behm died very suddenly
Saturday night of heart disease the
funeral was on Monday from St. John's
Reformed church Rev Kerlin official
ing. Mrs. Behm was a member of the
Lady Macabees, the ladies all turned out
out in a body to show their sympathy
for the bereaved family husband and
The Forest Oil Co. are putting a well
down on the John Eichert farm Kev
eral other wells are reported will be
laid out by the Forest Co. one on the
Stoky and Hoggs farm
Mrs Win Watson and her son, Chas.
Jas. Hunter, Mrs Rebecca Hunter and
Mrs. Rebecca McMeeken have gone to
a reunion of the Kerns family; brothers
and sisters of Mrs. McMeeken The
Kerns family range in age from 70 to
90 years, and live at the homestead,
four miles east of Pittsburg.
Rev. Hazlrtt is attending the Isitil<-
< 'lass at drove City.
Dr. Jilack in busy vaccinating anil has
a supply of fresh virn» on hand.
Kli/.n Oreer has typhoid fever.
tdrtletow n.
Mr. O'Coddy, a native of NsKaaaki,
Japan, and at prawnt a student of All<
i<heny College. preached in Concord
church on Sunday evening He has
been In this conntry ft yearn and an noon
an his education in completed he will re
tnrn an a missionary to hin native land.
It in rejKjrted that the mellow wed
ding I ><■ 11 n will ring in several homes in
thin twp. the prenent week
Writern of slanderous, anonymous
communications should acquaint them
selves with the penalties ltupoaed by
the United States for the transmission
of libelous matter through the mails
We may hear something startling .>n j
this subject before long. DELTA.
C. E. Convention.
Program of the Ninth Annual Con
vention of the Butler County Christian
Endeavor Union at Prospect Pa..
Thursdav and Friday. Aug. 1< and I>.
•'•00. Delegates Prayer Meeting. Rev.
W II Sloan: 2:30. Annual
Address Christian Growth—B:oo,
1 Prayer, J E. Kocher. Sarversville:
discussion 2 30. 2. Study of the Word.
Prof. H I Painter, Chicora. discussion
4:00. 3, Quiet Hour, Ira M Graham.
Evans City, discussion. Assignment or
Delegates: 7:00-7 45, < >pen air service,
Superintendent Evangelistic VV ork.
S-IS). Praise Service, Bert Storey,
Fairview. 8:15, Detroit Rail};, Dele
gates 8:45, Address. "Christian En
deavor Vows." Rev. John Weidley,
Pittsburg: offering: benediction.
6:00-7.00, Sunrise Prayer Meeting,
subject. "Service." J. B. Carrothers,
Sec y Y. M. C A.. Butler.
9:00, Prayer and Testimony Meeting.
Miss Lvdia Young, Butler: 9:15. roll
call of societies, residing by \ erse ot
Scripture: report of officers a '|
dress. "Dangers to lie Avoided. John ( .
Dight, Zelienovle. discussion. 10.30,
Convention Sermon. Rev. .T. A. Leuzin
ger Harmonv Conferences—Junior
Work Miss Vina McCullough: Chris
tian Citizenship. Win. M. Seliguian
Lookout Committee. Miss Ida A. Mc
Fann: Prayer Meeting Committee, Miss
Lotta B. White.
2 (H) Devotional Exercises.Miss Edith
Newton, Zelienople; 2:15, Junior Hour,
under the direction of County and Lo
cal Jun:or Snpts Christian Service
-3:00, 1, Giving, Rev. W L. McClure,
Bruin, discussion;3:3o, 2, Fruit Bearing:
Miss Eva McJnnkin. Euclid, discussion;
4 00, 3, Soul Winning. Rev. A. P ''il
lespie, Evans City, discussion.
7:00-7:45, Open air service, Superin
tendent Evangelistic Work
8:00, Praise Service, Mrs. F. W. Stew
art, Connoqnenessing: reports of com
mittees; 8:15, installation of officers: of
fering 8:30, address. "Christian En
deavor—The Spiritual World Factor
Dr. C. E. Eberman, State Pres. Pa. <'■
E.Union; Consecration Service bene
diction. _ .
Sacred Songs- No. 1 will be used
The singing will be a prominent fea
ture of the Convention.
Come to receive a blessing and tie a
blessing to others.
All delegates or visitors desiring j
transportation from Butler to Prospect j
should send names at once to Miss Lotta
B. White, Butler, Pa., that necessary
accommodations can be made.
The week of weeks for the Butler j
County Endeavorers will be August 1 7 j
and 18, at the convention town of Pros
prect. .
Are yoa preparing for the gathering,
and coming to be and receive a blessing ?
Our people who are always generous
and open hearted towards < hristian I
work, are even more so as the conven
| tion time draws nigh
The entertainment committee has
completed all their preparatory work j
and are waiting your coming.
Our program has been highly compli ,
mented by our generous friends.
The Detroit delegates rally promises
to be one of the featnres of the meeting
Who would have thought that twenty
delegates from Butler county would
have attended the International Con
vention? Yes, there were twenty of
them, with eyes open to see and ears to
hear all the good things possible. V\ e
want to see them and you ought to bear
them. , „
Remember that Butler and Harmony
are our nearest railroad points, nine
and ten miles distant.
We have one request to those who ex
pect to come in private conveyances
bring as few horses as possible as we
are limited for their accommodation.
Delegates, officers and speakers will
■ wm >ihw I'in
are preparing to entertain a convention
a week later, so you see we can lay
claim to be the convention town.
To all earnest and warm hearted
Christian Endeavorers we say come in
welcome. T. P. C.
THE second trial of Capt. Dreyfus of
the French army began at Renins
France, Monday. <'apt. Dreyfus denied
all the charges made against him
THE Phil'a Times has taken the initia
tive in raising a fund for a memorial to
Col. Hawkins, the form to be decided
by the officers of the Tenth regiment.
Any subscriptions received at this office
will lie credited and forwarded
Harmony ami /.Hieiiople
Wm. Otterman of Niles, 0., who is
stenographer and typewriter for a man
ufacturing plant at that place visited
his parents Rev. and Mrs I W Otter
man at Zelienople on Wednesday last
W L. Cromlish, general freight agent
of the P. & W. stopped off at llnrniony
last week and took a "light fantastic
trip' with the elite of our towns in the
Harmony opera house on Tuesday even
Mrs. Rev. C. F Hartung and daugh
ters Hattie and Olive, ami Mrs. II M
Bentle and daughters Lydia and Laura,
of Harmony are enjoying themselves at
Chautauqua Lake at present.
Jesse Knox of Niles, 0., visited his
parents Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Knox at
Harmony last week.
Miss Anna Wise of Butler who has
been visiting friends at Harmony for
two weeks returned home on Saturday.
Rev. J. F. Kerlin of Evans City and
Rev. J. A. Leuzinger of Harmony ex
changed pulpits on Sunday morning
Itosswell Mc. Cormiek, the 12 yearol l
Uiy of Mars who had his skull fractured
at Maple Grove and who had the wound
dressed by Dr. ltallston of Zelienople
at the Harmony station on Wednesday
last week is reported to begetting along
TitiiM IVffer, of Lanc t-ter township
and Alice M. Thurther DI Franklin tp.
were married fit the home of th<- ■
parenta by Key. .1. A. Leuziugcr of
Harmony. Kmmanuel I,utz and fain
ily of Harmony were at tin- wedding
Solomon Krblickof Harmony returned
last week from a three week* outing
with friends at Buffalo, N. V.
Tin. fnneral nervices of Oeorge Stahl
at. Zelicnoiile on Batnrday afternoon
were attended l>y a large concourse of
peoplo. Ucv .1 A -f<n«lll■1■ • l
<*d tin- nervines. The dccea aed wan
married to lilizaljeth Zieglerof llaniio
ny. Mis wife ami four children survive
him Mrs. A. M Lnwk of Zelietiople,
Mr*. John A. (Irant of Harmony, John
of Zelienople and Oeorgeof Petersburg,
0., The remains were interred in tne
Mennonite cemetery at Harmony.
Mrs James Moore of Hen Avon stopped
with relatives in Harmony on Thursday
night last week on her way home from
the funeral of <Nicola* at I'elcrsville.
(Jessie Kidd of Harmony was the I'
I', delegate from Zelienopleat the V I'
<'. I'. gathering at I'ittnburg ll*f week
Mrs. Daniel Fielder of Jackson tyj>
wiio has Jsten nick for several week* is
convalescent. Her daughter, Mrs
Oeorge Walker of Neshannock Fall*
stopped with tlii'in for some time.
Dr Harry Barnlinrt of Camp Meade
at Middleton. I'll , 1M at. his home near
Harmony since but Friday. He haw
laseD in hospital service sine# flic decla '
ration of the Spanish-American win
All the SlT Tiday schools in Jackson,
Lancaster and < 'onii(M|iicrioHsiug t|, are
Invited to the t'nion picnic with the
Ninth District a*. Maple <hovcori Thin
day Aug. .'Jlth The three tps. mention |
ed coiiHt.lt lite tile Fight District which!
will !»• the guests of tin; Ninth on 11;. it ,
day 18 school* in all. Watch for an >
noanceuient from the Ninth District i
Mrs. John liame of Jackson twp. neai
Mapledrove diedsuddenly of heart fail
lire on Saturday evening She was
nearly 111 yearn old and for a long fi/rje
at |>eriods troubled with iiiHiiiumatory i
rheumatism which finally went to the
heart. She was a daughter of John
Winter deceased who lived at Eidenan
and a sister of Tlrick Winter owner of
the flouring mill at Eidenan. In I>.<>
she was married to John Bame w.io
with 1". children survive her. Three
times they were blessed with twins
The record of 15 children in 33 years is
rarely excelled. During this time a
farm was purchased and paid for and
the deceased mother secured *2'HMi lite
insurance in the Maccabees payble to
her children. She wa< a member of the
Reformed Church at Evans City and her
pastor Rev. J. F. Iverlin conducted tne
funeral services at her home on Monday
afternoon. A very large number ot
relatives neighbors and tnends were
there and followed the remains to the
Evans City cemetery where they were
peacefullv" laid to rest. Heroism, fidel
ity and devotion were forcibly personi
fied in this busy life so suddenly brought
to an end by Him who <loeth all things
IN a battle at Kan Fernando, near
Manila, yesterday, the American loss
was eight killed and 36 wounded. The
line was five miles long, and the Filip
inos retreated.
TUFF* At her home in Glade Run,
Aug. 3, 1899. Mrs. J. L. Tuffs nee
O'Donneli of Donegal twp., aged 40
REITH—At his home in Winfield twp..
Aug. 4, 199(1. Frank Reith.aged about
42 years.
His death was caused by hemorrhage.
KELLY—At Polk, Pa., Aug. 4. 1*99.
Albert Kelly aged 25 years.
STAHL—At his home in Zelienople.
Thursdav. Aug 8, 1899, George
Stahl, aged aliout 00 years.
Mr. Stahl's death was caused by neu
ralgia of the heart. For years he was
proprietor of the Stahl distillery. He is
survived by his wife, Elizabeth, two
sons, John A. and Geoge W. and two
daughters. Janet and Mrs. Amos Lusk
of Zelienople.
His remains were buried Saturday.
He was a member of the Grace Reform
ed church.
STEWART At his home in Prospect,
Aug. 2 1899, Alexander Stewart, in
his 71st year.
Mr. Stewart's death was caused t>v
enlargement of the liver with which In
had been afflicted for sometime. He
was born in Lancaster twp. 111 I*2*. but
passed the greater part of his life on lr.s
farm near Whitestown, and moved to
Prospect a few years ago. He served
as Justice of the Peace for fifteen years:
was an elder in the U. P. chnrch and no
man stood higher in the respect of the
| community in which he lived
His wife and four children Wm. of
j Franklin twp., Mrs Stewart Wilson of
Franklin twp., Mrs. W. M. Humphrey
of Slipperyrock anil Mrs. Wm. Moore of
Worth twp., survive him.
MORRISON At his home in Lancas
ter twp., July —, 1899. James Morri
son, in his 83d year
HALLIDAY At his home in Alle
gheny, Aug. i", 189*, Robert Halliday,
I aged 85 years.
BIXLER At her home with Mrs .1
S Gold of Penn twp., Aug 1, 1899.
I Mrs. Kva Bixler. daughter of Andrew
Christy of Concord twp.. aged 11
I MARTIN At the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Young of Myoma, Aug. 7, 1899
'Susan Martin, nee Sarver, wife of
Albert Martin, aged'2l years.
She is survived bv her husband and
infant child. Her remains were buried
Thuesday at the Union U. P. church.
ROBERTSON Aug. 8, 1899. infant
daughter of Dr. J. L. and Hallie Ro
bertson of Pittsburg.
If your liver is out of order, causing
Biliousness, Si«-k Headache, Heart
burn, or ('onstipation, take a dose of
Hood's Pills
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. This has
been the experience of otherrt; it
will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS an;
sold by all medicine dealers. 2"> cts.
>*>•>•>•> ■> •> •>'>•> •>
' V)p
Why pay exhorbitant prices or send
away for buggies when you can buy
right here a', home at wholesale price?.
( Have you a price list from some factory?
If you have bring ii along, read the 'le
icription and compare prices with ours,
if we cannot suit you better don't buy
from us. We have been in the busine ••
twenty years and know what we are ■.ly
ing when we say we can give you a
better Muggy for the price than is pos
sible for you to get anywhere else, all
we ask is a trial We p;'y no rent,have no
borrowed capital, our expenses are low,
we are the largest wholesale ileaieis iu
our line in the State, we buy at the right
prices, our experience in the business
seryes us to advantage in judging both
quality and price and now for the next
thirty days we will make you wholesale
price 011 <iuy buggy or Surrey you may
select from our stock. Come and see us
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St..
Butler, f l a.
S. B. Martincourt.
J. M. Leigliner
If you would know
lite secret of yout neighbors fine
appearance, asl him the name
of his tailor; ask liiin, to<>, how
rriucii a ) car In- spends lor his
clotho: and sulitr.ic t the amount
from the cost of your own. Yoti
will he agreeably surprised,
more s-> if you will prove it |jy
!_;iviuj; us your measure, as he
did. Our new fabrics for spring
;wid summer embraces the | ]
choicest piothu! ) of the loom.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St., Butler |
The Keystone Orchestra, 1 '
Js now ready for engagements lor I'ar I \
ties, pimius and Dances, and C.uarantee n
the liest ol music at reasonabln rat-s.
Prof. Gua Wickenhagen,
22K Ziegh r Ave., Butler, I'a .
j The Delicious
I Fragrance
from d hot TJOYAL Baking
Rova! Baking Powder improves
7 . . the flavor and
Powder biscuit adds to the heaithfui
whets the ness °* r ' sen
i-*. Ti, rt foods. It renders the
appetite. Ine biscuit, bread and cake
jj taste of such more digestible and
v ~ nutritious.
a biscuit Royal Baking Pow _
sweet, creamy, der makes hot breads I
delicate and who ' es ." m Ke
. . raised with Royal will
crispy—is a joy
not distress persons ot
to the most delicate or enfeebled
~ .. g . digestion, though eaten
faStldlOUS. w *,n and fresh.
Imitation baking powders almost invariably con
tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome.
By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex., Fl-<
i a., Lev. Fa.. &r-« issued out of the Court of
('(minion IMeas of Butler Co.. l'a. and to nu
directed, there will b© expos<*.l to public sale
at the Court House in the borough of Butler,
Friday, September 1.
at 1 oVlfK'k. I*. *i)-. Ilii- following ilos.-ril.cil
property. to-wit:
F. I>. No. 10* & MX'. Sept.. Term. l-;*l. J. W.
Hutchison, Att'y.
All the right. title. Interest and claim of
,|anil's \V. Itiicannon of In and to nil tlial cer
i mi piece or pan-el of laud, situated in Mi r
, it townslilp. If .t ler county, l'a„ Ixinnded as
follows 111 wit; <>n the nortli hy la.ills of
licorge llrown.on the easl liy lands of liiin
lao heii s on the south hy lands of luer and
William tiui annoii hoirs, and on the west liv
Meni'i Co., line or lands of Samuel ISucan
ni'ii heirs. being the undivided H interest:
containing ninety-four acres, having 'heron
, H-.-ti -I a frame house barn and out buildings
a! .i a kimml Hi .'hard and lieing the lands of
w I.li-li "amiii'l Itni-anniiii died seized and lie
let; the lnti-ri-,1 of .las VV Bucaimon as hrolli
. i and In ir at law of J-amucl Bueaiinon ill eil.
-ci/ed and taken In execution as tin nrop-
Itl V or .la - W IIUI'MIUOII at the suit '.f Harris
.« Morrow for n-.e of i 'nrollne Morrow i t al.
I l> No. 110 Sept . Term I".'. 1 . HI ark & M<*-
Junkln. Att'ys.
AM the rfgM. HI le. ißtWeit and claim ot .1 ■
II It. ighley dee'd. Margaret! Bclghley Adinx
.if .1. II lleighlcy dee'd. of, in and to alt thai
I'ertuin piece or iiureel of land, situated in
I HI. a ,ti r t',vp . Ilutler < 0.. l'a. hounded as
follow . to-wit On the north by lands of
onrad Mill. i. and John Fltnneron the east
by lands of Neely et al. on Ihe south
by lands of lied Miller, and on the west by
lai ils of Mrs. Maricaret Bclghley: containing
about 17 acre* and brlnu the remaining part
of the tract of land whlcli tin- said .1. II
lleighlcy died, seized of tin- widow having
elected to lake ten iteresnf the laud of said
seized and taken In execution as the prop
. iv ~f I 11. >:• lil. v de. ,1. Mai raret
Bcighley Adtnv of .1. II iicighley dec'il at
I lie suit of John It M.-.lutikln.
K. 1). No. li'.i & 7" Sept. Term. ISSHI. I'. W.
»<o»vry. Att'y.
All tin right, title, interest and elaltu of
-.•ot • < :i Ji: i > »»# •11 ni'. in anil to all thai certain
piece or lot of land, sit u.'i ted in Sun bury boro.
■ • ' MIIMWII R»Q»W Mrnmm I lift lUlltOAfc*, iu ■
fi i front OJI Main street and • \tendln,. .:i.• J.
stto alley tin feet uon having
thereon erected :• frame house stable ;unl
out buildings.
Seized and t :t.K« n In ever til ion :i > the prop
erty of Scott ( .iiupbell tit the suit of Mr . I,
.1 liar hoi for u-e et al.
, I i» No, 12 -i p1 . T« r in. Itm. Ra|« toa I
tireor. Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
James Ferry of. In and to ail that certain
i eor parcel «<r lan<l. situated in CJherry
tvv p Bill ler ronnly, . bounded as follow A,
to wit: 'in tie nor? h by lands of heir* of
John If all dee'd, on t he east by I a nils of John
Vuinii d«''-'d, on the .outh by Tainls of II O.
lion vie 11 tsnsli «•. and 011 the west by land . or
Ponaghy and in din: containing i;t arirs
more or less ai -l being t in* same lands con-
VI-VMI to Jiifin l< ii vby deed from Charles
(Minuet n li. .d Hook , i,age having
tle i eon ererted a one arid one lialf story
frame barn and out buildings also or
' 11 :i f <1
-• i/.eil and taken In execution an the prop
<ity of Jam' leriyat tlx ult of Catherine
It" ard for use et al
I. I >. No. !»»!{ May Term and 71. I> and 1 ,V.»
.-eni, Trrm, \-'.o la vi M. Wise. W |).
Drandoii and VV. 11. Lu .!.. Attorneys.
AII t lie right. 11 tie, fnhrcst and claim of <I.
II Ku&ttfl and Caspei KnaufTof In and to all
that certain ploo• <»r lot. of land, Ituat.d In
/.••lii nop I e | lorn. Hulli r (.roil nty, l'a. bounded
as follows, to- wit: (In I In- ren thby a public
load or st r<*« 1. on tin e;i,i i,y lands of Valen
lii.i I'alTba.h, 011 Ihe soul h bv lot of (. II
e M iutl, and on Ihe west l.y Main Si In lug
inn feet on >aid Main St ami ••xiemllng back
"• 1 lo | ii.- lands of the ..id \ ib*nl im
I'a H bach of a corresponding width of I«HI f. . j
Hiivlng tbi ■•!1 ■ 1 a riai... tun s
house, frame barn and out buildings.
. ized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of O. II K nau l) and t'asper Kuauir at
til. .nil of I'ln t'apllal It I. ASS'II bonis
I 1" rlliti Kecel ver et. al.
K. I» No. Mil Sept. Term. Isim. William-. A
Mitchell. Alt ys
AII tlm right, title, Inleres* and claim of
Mai t 111 a . Hill.-lib. r < 1 and An.am'a lliiieh-
I »er;. f er of. In and to all that certain ph-c. or
lot of laud, situ tied in Hutler lloro. Ilutler
count) ra., bounded an follow to-wit: Bo
ginning at a pejr. corner lot No on <'cut re
\\. 1 hence along t'-nlr. Ave. eastward ly
00feel 'o 1 peg 1 ii-- coinot of lot \., . |
t hence along line of lot No. .i<j 117 foci t.o i
pin on an alley, thence along aid alley,
•; > feet to a peg on fho corui 1 ..r '.,1 :##}
ami t hence along line of lot No. itsli It. feet
I*> cent re Ave | ||«* ullU'e ()f l>« •;»'l nl| lllg, be In IT
lot No. I I in W. S Hoy,l plan of 10l In Sprlng
dal. having thereon erected a two -lory
flame house and out bulldliii: •
Sel/ed and laki n in execution as the prop
.• 11 y of Matthla. 11 iiichberu'ei and Ananda
IIIf l tin |it of John Btrgblt IU 1
I. i». Na 18ft, IM Bi pt. Term. IMN». I. M Wl»e,
All I lie right, title, IntereMt ami claim of
t'asper toirhfh survivor and t'asper
'.aria h, with liotl.a to 1. \\ l'e,rin
■ oir.ii.ii 1. < .1. or. in and to uii tbat
certain piece 01 parcel -d laud, situated in
< 'oU|!OT|Ullcs.slllL' twp. Hutler county. I'a.
lioundeii a follow* to vrftt On the north by
laudsof Oabrit I Haruiiart, on the e1 st by
land r»f John I loll'man. and lb. oei k, on t lie
r.o||th l»y lands of i." o|„. 11. tz.ei and on Ihe
west by viin coiilaliiTn acr. . more or
It iHiiiig iaudu copveyed to (Jiwt I'arliK'h
t.y I'etei S I*' p l»y »l II v. e. deed book I l<>
pa.'e .Hi, fi I in. lioipe ;iud •liable erected
t herein,
■ci zed and ta I . n 111 ex ecu I |o|| as t 111 pl Op
. rly of t 'aslier Oarlaeh survivor, and < aspei
t.a riach, wit Ii iiolhe to lv M IVriinc, e,»m
mil lee, i'|i . at lie lit of 11. my 1 Sr.
now for us.-«,f Ma rv Warner, and tiertnide
i.arlach for 11 . of t\ I». Albert. Ailnn
I. l». No. II 1, lii sept. T, Htr.r J I). Marshall*
and 1,. M \Y I sc. AttorneyM
All 1 be light, title tl|t««l 1. d and I'laili) of S
lv baker of. iii and lo all that ''ertain pieci*
01 parcel of land, jtualed In Jackson twp.
Hut let count y I'a lioumh'd as follow to
wit Hcglunlu" ii a post on the flaiiuoiiy
aid Htlt ler road, t hem e by lauds of llaulel
I'eltlh r formerly Klias /adgler south dey .
• asl il perches to a wist, thence by lamlM of
»»an'f 'I • Idi. 1 sotit (1 s- ". deg east perches
to a pOHI, 1 lll.UCl ""Ith '!i i|ev west llperch's
to a po.ut. the nee Ify laud of |'e|»i NOsbltt
hilt oulli II • de;, . I ;l nercfies to M
nost, thence ftillh . dc»». west .i I perches, to
a post I hei|ce UOfth V* 'lew tyr-i ><*.,'» pei'hes
to a post, thence by laud, of John Shlover
formerly John I'earce north •'. • <!•■«. wost II
perches to t he place of l>. {iuiilug, containing
t weuty acres ami l:M perelies >1 rict measure,
hav ing thereon erc.-teil a Iniarft house l»oard
-itable and out bulldliu' .
Seized and 1 a ken 111 e \ ecu (lon as tie ■ prop
• i iybfl - I Baker on .1 lioiid acconipauliig a
in'i, tgage irecoifh d IN M..» Hook to p; /.
4 IK!, al lln s lit of \V m. II datum for use ,f .1
1 ,v M 1 Mllieiuaii partiiei A>
I I» No lai. September Term. tWO. W \
•V t' J. I orijuer, Attorneys.
\ll Ihe right. Iltle. interest and claim of
tt:»«ii.. ». ij. ' o»- «»r iii and to all that
certain plect 1 ). . 1 • . ... t ■ < 1 i
1 In rry lotvn .iop. Hut b'r county. l*a tiotmd
• •ii. toiio-A to*wit On Ihe north by the
JlailJsvHle load on tin east by laml . of
i lioui is t. ra hani In a j and l|au:lltoi| and
Uin Met i 1 e; 01, 011 t lie soul h l.y lands of M
11amlllon. and 01, lie wi >t l.y land . of I U
M. i andless and \dain Hl.e l, . containing
one hundred and I hil l y acres, more or l.
fratn. barn, two story frami-house and out
buildings also op hard, line .|..n. .juarry
op. u atid hii'l' : o r ,'l " «•!■«•! of Mill lone
izi d and 1..! a ,t In > \> < l|lto|| a > 1 In' |uo|)
. iiy of Mttllliew at the .nit of
John Williamson
I P. No. *I, ( Septctube 1 Term, I'" I J.
I or.|iiei Attorney
Nil liu ri i.t till. inier.si md . lain, of
V J ' b'.-.hi de. ' Katie A. Held. \dmx. of '
U ItCMhl. .1. ' ed Kalle \ l.'e.id or. In
111111 to all t hit c.«rla'fi phc o . 1 of laud,
.in ited in Milierstown boro WtH h 1 eom ly
I'a iMitinded a follows, 1 1 1 H< glm Irjg
II the cof ne 1 of \y. H| .'l uia 11 heirs lot on S'lb
•lyiock til eel and t ui|i|)i|g I lieiicn Hong 1
id .1 reel In a westerly dip 1 ion l .vciily 1
•Ight feet to lot of H I l''or«|tiet thence I
alonp lot of It. .1. I or.itii i north seventy-live
feet, t lieiu'e etst bv lot of said it. .1. tori|Uii |
twenty-i ivtht feet to lot of NVesterman lielrs.
thence bv'said lot of 11. L Western,an heirs
seventy-live leet to the place of lieciimin.'.
having thereon a i ,vu ..iry brick store
Al.so Of, In and to all that certain pie-e
or lot of land, situated In
ItutU r i-otinty, l'a.. In.umled as f.illow>. to
wit: tin the north hy Mill street, on the east
bv an alley, on the south by an alley, and on
tin-west hy lot uf James Uolln; fronting on
>aid Mill street ninety feet by 'e!
deep. \teiidlnjl back flow said Mill street
bavins thereon a frame dwell In« house and
out buildings.
Seized andtaken in execution as the prop
erty of \\ I'. Iledil. dee'd.. Katie A. Kedd.
\dmx of W. K. liedil. dee'd., and Katie A.
Kedil at the nil or W. 1,. Dewolf for use of
\V. A. I'orquer.
I n No. I'd. September Tern. WH. M.
Wise. Attorney.
All the riirlit. title. Interest and claim of A
M l.nsk ami I. I' llasletl of. in and to all that
certain |.i or lot of land, situated ill
liarmoiiy iioro. Itutler eoiinly. l'a . bound. 11
•is follows, to-wit: ifn the north by lot now
or formerly of Ib-.l - busk, on the east ojr
'.Vilsim'. alley, on Hie south by Mercer
; and on the west by the Harmony publle
..'liool lilt: fronting on Mercer street lor
forty feel. more or less, and extendim? lia k
I lie same well li one hunilreil and two fei I.
| I, IH'IIIK pari of lot No. .Vi ill TO-neral plan Of
liarmoiiy boro. see ilee-l lio.il, 1... page
I liavlne thereon erected a two story brfck
dwelling house.
Sei/.ed and taken In • v« ••utlon as the prop
ertv of A M busk and I. I' llazlett owners or
reputed owners and A '.l busk, ciuilraet-or,
at the suit of II W Leise.
r. D. No. 171, September Term. 1889. \V. \. \
I'. J. l'oii|Uer. Attorneys.
All the rljtlil. title. Interest and claim of
Inline Mcllevitl of, in and to all that ClT
tain piece ... parcel of land, situated In
<'rut re township, Hutler county, l a, liound
ed a-, follow, to-wit : <»u the north by lands
or I in.mas Mi 11. vi... on the easl by lands of
Joseph McA nallen. on the • mil li by lands of
M.is. s riiompsom fornierly now Keniilek,
and on t lie v. > -i liv lands of .lack son llutchl-
SOII ; containing "lifty acres, more or less;
having thereon a log stable, log and frame
bouse and ot her out bulldlnjis.
seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty or ,b ihn S Mi l ley it t at the suil of .lolni
l'.erK Co.
F, l>. No. s-. .1. '.lO, I Septeinlier Term. 1- • ♦
Williams.*. Mitchell. S.'l'. A A. L. Itowsi-t
and Harry I- (irrtham. Attorneys.
AH ii... L.i lillt ■ iiili.ie-1 and claim of •
| ri»rd township. ITuTTei county, l'a. bouii'l* l
f as follows, to-wit: Beginning at (lie south
! west corner at a t'he-»inut tree, thence by ;
I lands of Matthew Morrow, south ss deg we->i
eighty perrhos to a post. t hence by lands of |
James Kelly and Henry Ktilm north " d z. \
| west one hundred ninety-.seven and one-half i
i perches to a white oak. thence, by lands of
lieonje (' Conway north deg east eighty
I no relit:* to a |*>st theiire by lands of .bilin
I Mini land so ith deg east one hundr< i
ninety-seven and one half porclies to the
! placi of be -iiiiti ii g; containing tilnety-elghl
acre-, and 12u perches, more or less, having
I thereon erected a frame house, frame bam.
orchard and a producing gas well.
| ALSO Of, in and to all thai cert ain pief
} or parrel of land, situated In Concord town
| ship, lint ler count v. l'a . bounded as follow
to-wit: On the north by lauds of John
i Kamerer, \ M. Kiihn and William II Camp
bell, on til'- east by lands of I'eter and John
Kamerer and Harry Itlalr. on the south by
laud > of Coulter Itobb, Henry lllalr anil
Nam no I I'atton and on the west by tluids if
Jeptlia Gold: containing one hundred and
; two acres and "Hi perches, more or less.
: Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Charles Cochran at the suit «-f
Ib>orge It Ileam. bind i I'ochran. Mary M«*
, Kaln. et al.
I . i» No POj r I'erm, INN it
A Voung. Attorneys.
All ili* ri u I»( title. Interest and claim of
Mr Maillda II llovt i and .1 S lloyer of, in
and to all thai certain piece •»! loi of land,
ttiluateil In llutler boro, Ist ward, liutlcr to,
l'a, Ixiuuded as follows, to wit Beginning
i :it :i post on Summit alley at the Intersect|on
of lots No. S3 in-I li. thenci runnlug due
wesivva-d alouK line of .aid lots |.V». I.' feet to
a post 011 Oarlleld avenue, thence north
forty feet ton post on said avenue, tlieuce
due eastward 11 ; • ; i ■ • ' along tim of lot . No
I"A and •to a post on Huniniit alley thence
I along said alley soiil.hoast I i '»t fe» t to a po,|
the place of being lot .No. ',l\ In
ICobfnson's plain of lots In Hprfugdaic.
ALSO Of, In nnd to all that certain piece
or lot of land. sltuatei| hi Itutler boro. Kt
ward, lint ler county. l'a, bounded as follows,
to*wit: Comrneucliur'it a post at the lut« i-
! section «»f lolrt No. "J and :«i»«I running
' aloinr title of sulti lots westward H.'J.tfci feet lo
| a post on (iarfiold avenue, (In im'c north
along said avenue forty fee! to a post. thence
due east Hl'»>l F• •• *T to a post on Summit alley,
t hence along aid alley southeastward U..U
feet to a post the place of beginning, and
having thereon • i«• -t<*d a two story franc
11011 e, FI alius stable and out I »t|Il«LI; belli
lot No. £"» In the Thomas Robinson's plan of
« Spriugdale lot *.
j Seized and liiki-u in execution a«■ tin- prop
{«• rt y of Matilda II lloyer and .1 S lioyer it
• tin- suit of Iron < 'it y .viugs and Loan Ass'n
of I'll tshtirg, I'a
jlv It No. 7f. 71 . w,, pt«• f f 11» r Term, I Mint W. It
I Itrandon and N. < . Met'ui lough, Attorneys
\ll the right. title, hit crest and c|alm of W
II ltyer*» of, in and to all that « « rlaln pleee or
lot »»f land. .Hunted In Miljerstown boro.
lit! IU I ronnty, I'a bounded a. follow*, to
wit: On tip n*»rth by Front I reel-, on tie
I east by lot <»f A Htewnrt, on the south by
Slippery rock si rcc|., and on t lie west by the
I'll I inn ' Western Kailrad: fronting one
| hundred M ct, moiror less, on Slipperyrock
treet ami extending back to I rout .ireet ,
having I hereon erected a two story frame i
liotisi a one story frame iioQse stable and I
• tut bulldluf |
Hel/'-d ami taken In e\e« ill lon :is the prop
• ety of W H llyrrs at the suit, of Jennie
lleidtuaii e| a|
I*. 11 No I.V» Si ptnihiier Term l*Utl. It I
I'oulter, Attorney.
All the right t i 11« 1111 • l . d claim or
\| I Natl tilt t•i•.l ♦•• ■ t of. In Nudl •• a!! ill I •
certain pb c. or lot >.f land, situated in Itnt
ler boro. Hut ler count y, I'a. bounded a* fol
low to-wit On HP north by an alley. on
the' east hy Frank lln trwt, on tin muth b
\, 1 1 . 11.« i and on i lie wo i by lot «»r
Ki mpel bell • fronting *l*t> fiM I on North
11. . t .i• I • Lvndiu M I 1 I iin .i I|e v one
hundred eight y reel . haying thereon a two
story brick dw< liber bouse and out buildings
Sel/« 11 and taken in execution as the prop
i rlv of Mr> \ iunie Stelnineis at lie suit of
Hut ler borough.
| |> No I»' -eptrfiiber Term. I' M Mc
Junlln A Oalbteath, Attorney.
\II tie- right. title. Interest ami claim of
.101 ltt Ml *' Nancy Hri< lo l titxl
John T ftrleti i !•'m of Jobt| Hrlcl.-er de.'d
or. it. ii. ii • il| I pl tmi •
~f |;»»el. itnaled in buffalo town .hip Huth 1
< ount v. I' ' bound" da ■ follows to w|t : tin
the no: tb by land »of « rulk hanks, on the
east by I leeport and Ihithr road, on tie
toutli i>> I*lll ill 'i/ "el Klttannlug road, and
on the wt hy uitl or John M•• 11 •n • I il
l»« inn localed on and om half miles from
Harvet • itiont lining i lv a. rt
or It lim 1 " ' 1 i• o" •'••i• ( 1 n■' •
LION .. I.«I *• fr. n E barn and out hulhljng*-
also a g'Mi'l orchard
Sel/.ed and taken In « o«cutloii as the prop
erty of John llrleker. dee d. .Nam v Hi I.• U« »
and Joint T, l«rlek» ■ di ■ d Nam y Hrickei
and John I Ifrh'ker, I >rs of John llricker
dee'd, at tie .nil of James Walker.
I l» No. I'". May, and l»*. I"»'» Septcuitici
r, rim I ' I M '•'• • " ■ u M
Lust \ilorncys
Alt Mie fight, tit le iul«r a i ami riaim of
• e.pei KmititTof In and t<) all thai l ertaln
pleee or par«*e| of lauu dluated In Ja« kson
township, Huth r eounl.v, i'a. bound, d as fid
lows. to \\ii lieglnulur at the I \aiisbuii:
road, t henee runiiin,,' west twenty «lx tie re In • ■
I. v I a II«|S of Wlliian li«-ed tin K'l mtoi here «,i
tlii-m-e north Ililrty-nine perche, by lauds ..r
lie - M Kniii Ifti'ii not |m ' i"e Iv« iI V
pei. Ki , l, v bitldsoT llenty l.ih«*na\vaij »o a
po.l, thenee. ,oUth thirty three p.|eb« » to
[tie pbea or iH'uliiiiing; coutaiiilng ll\e a< i.
mid one bundled 1 hlrt v -U tMi.j.e, withim
urovetueill . see deed book 11, p.ia«- H'-».
Seize I and taken In exe. utlon a . the prop
it y of « asp. i l\ naa If at the suit of John j .
\i-kia • I
rl .iMf.Ol -VI.I I'" followl.'K <»" I •»'
.Irl. llv . ~IH|.II.'<I Willi wli' i. rly I
tlllrl v.(,
I w 1,. (1,. i.i.ij.iMtt •••' ;;
I lie pi.!' li-i 'I" • "" 1 "• ,«*• •
1,., i )>.- i.i.l.i, i.u'l •! Hi'
liu MiorllfUK" ""Oil in*i|" . 1 y Kit"!
togethei with M"'l' lien cn Jlt"! - re.-dpi* ■
for 1 lie amount of the [in«wt- of tin sale oi
sm-li portion thereof as he may claim. nnist
lx furnished the Sheriff
All l<l<!■» must be |>..Ul in full.
;. All sales not settled Immediately »ni i«
continued until one o'clock. 1' M.. of m\t
.lay at which lime all property not settled
for will again IK- put up and solil at the ex- 1
pense and risk of *h • p<>rson to whom lirst
see rurdon's Digest. t'tl. edition, past lb..
and Smith's I .1 ills, nage :is-t.
V\ 1 I 1.; \ M H I»«»I»l» -lierill
Sin rlfl'stini duller. I'a . August 10. IW.
Tli I!' ister hereby gives notice that the
fol' iwlns a.'.'oun.s "or executors, adirinls
trators and guar.'ians have been tiled in
oflice a • -ordiiig to law. and will be pre
sented to Court for continuation and allow
ance on Saturday. I In- Will day of Sept..
ls"JB. at W s. M.. of said .lav:
1 Final account of William V. Seaman, ex
ecutor of Israel Seaman, deceased, late or
Busier township, as slated hy Mary A - a
man. administratis of VV. V. seaman now Mr
8. rh'e fina. aocoant«l Bmili J. Anderson,
ad mi nisi rstris Of William A. Anderson. de
ceased, late of Middlesex township. Butler
county. Pa. ~
Final and distribution account of \\ A
Foruucr. executor of Margaret McV'ly liuillds.
de. eased, late of West Sunlc.iry.
1 Final account of Harry T. Turner, guar
dian of \ n nie kamrtvr. minorchlld of A.lani
K a merer, deceased, la Butler IN trough.
Final account i f Frederl. k Kamerer. ex
ecutor of F.lizalieth Hartley, deceased. late
of Miller-.lown iKirough.
ti Final and distribution account of W. 11.
Geibach and J. Irrlne, enealM of Wil
liam Irvine, deceased, late of through of
Ev.insburg. , .. ~
- \,-.'ouut of A. 11. snvder. guardian of Ira
Brown, minor child of llarvey Brown, de
ceased. late of Marion township.
s Final account of Mary Jane F.mmiiiger
anil W A. For>iucr. executors of Kpliriam
Kmminger. deceased, late of Donegal towu
lirst and pari ial account of Joseph ft.
Kit/. rt. executor of Mrs. Mary Rltzert. de
ceased. I of Butler borough.
W. Final a'OUnl of Leslie 1. I la/leu.
guardian of Olive Urieb. minor child of
Louis llrleb, deooaso<l. lato of lint lor. I a.
It. A. unt of Leslie I*. Hazleti. guardian
of Mary Urieb, minor child of Louis (»rnv».
d. eased, late of Butler. Fa.
1 Account of Leslie I'. lla/.lett. guardian
of . 'harlcs Uriel). minor child of Louis Uriel).
deceased, late of Butler, I'a.
l: Final and distribution account of Wil
li nil Taylor, administrator of kllxalietn
Push lie' eased. 1 .te of I'arker township
n Ac.'.iunt of John llerriliger and 11. II
Berriugci. I'MvUors of John Berringer. de
... ~C (j |;m- of Adams township.
r, l-itsl :ind tinal act-ount of W . F.. ltrown.
IT 11 :• ITLI;M "f Tliadeus Thompson, minor child
of V K. Thompson, dwciisiil. late of Mercer
'"m'Tinul account of Frederick F-. Miller
and So*»hia Bratsche. « \ecutor.«» of b roderlck
Miller, "deceased, lute of Murs lK)roU|?li.
IT \iVOUiit uf Mechlin)?. admin is -
t ratrix of John Mechlin#. decoased, laic of
West Sunbury. ...
I>. Hist and tinal account ol A. 11. Ilarkley.
executor of Jonathan J. Wlmer. deceased,
late of Worth township.
Hi Ai'count of .lolln T. < i»opcr, guar«ltan of
liessic M lleighlcy. minor child of George W .
Bcighlcy. deceased, late of Conuo«|ueiics>iuK
township. , ~ t
A of A. M. < uristicy. guardian of
William <'arot hers, deceased, late of Kii ler.
■1 First and final account of Joh.. I ergu
son. executor of Margaret .1. McUride. de
ceased law <>r Middlesex township.
• • First and linal account of t-.tj/abeth
Johnston. executrix of .lacoli 1.. Johnston,
deci a-.d. late of Summit township.
t First and tinal account of John .Mclu
tvre guardian of (iraci- M lieasley. '»"> or
child of li. I lieasley. deceased, late or Huf-
V-'lrTaud tinal account of Joiin Wiley,
executor of SNimuel Mctiregor. deceased, late
of Clinton township. .
■••> Final account of George M. lnrner. ,id
inTnistrator. c. t. a.. ..f Clara Campbell, de
ceased, late of West Sunbury.
•y, | rst and tiual account of Adam N.
I-;Tliott and Jatiies M Kiddle, executors of
.lames Elliott, Sr., deceased, late of Iturtalo
' Filial a ■■•ounl of .lames N Moore tiiur
di in of Ida «i. Met lung, minor child of Uelle
I Mct'luii" deceased, late of llutler Iwirough.
' | Inai account of T Johnston, admin
istrator of saral. I".. Walker, deceased, late
of tent re township.
Final account of It. L. "ockeiil* rry,
'li'irdian of W. .1. Dunlap. minor child of .
\V. I tuniap. late of West Siinl.iirv.
i The linal account <<l l»r. l». '<ll
guardian of Andrew Mimnle. minor child of
Alfred Monnle. deceased, late of l»utlcr
' '!sf." , .\< : c l ..u'nl of John penny, executor <1
William 1 Jenny. deceased, late of Win lie Id
I in'al account of Joseph I IsUer. guar
dian of John i.avery. minor child or .lost ph
I iverv tleceased. late of I'etin township.
:U. l lrst anil linal account of Surah l>
Tiiompson, administratrix of W. S. I liotup
son ileceased. late of Middlesex township.
it' Filial account of George Moll, adminis
trator of Andrew ItarnsdoriT, deceasetl, late
of WinttelU township.
\ccount "I Sylvanus Aggas, guardian
of William J. Aggas, minor child of .latr:c-
is. deceased, late of I Vntre township.
mil of Sarah 11. Ilatnilton, admin
istratrix or Mary I- Hamilton, deceased. laU
of I orwaril township.
, A or Kohert IV railse. guardian ol
I lei la I/rol linger, ml 'lor child of I'hilip l.rol
, , deceased, late of Kuuu.
.- Xccouut Of Kohert Krause. gurdlau ol
Viola Droiilnger. now Vlolo Lake, initio!
Child Of I'liilip I Zollinger, Mtli MM « >1
'Vp' First and linal account t.f Matt li la
- 1 Mi..,, ■■xecutor of Ann Mini. deceased, lnt«
gel, executrix of lieiijamln A. Lavery, de
ceased. 1a t« <»f I'eilli township.
11. first and partial account of I'., 11. Kan
dolph. executor of I'ricllta Klrknatrlck. de
ceased. formerly Moyer. late of Kutler, I'a
I'irst and linal account of ItolM-ri Wat.
son ami .1 M. (•aldreath. executors ol
Thomas Watson, deceased, late of Wliitlclii
li. Account of W. I). Hoffman, adndnls
trator of Henry Hoffmau, deceased* late "i
Wluiield township.
11. I Inal :iccouut of Tlllle M. l-'leerer,
Kuardian of Daisy Fleeter, minor child <»(
JoKlah i leeger, dec* am «i late •»r l*enn town
I '. I'irst and linal ac<*ount of J. M. tial
hreath. executor of James 11 uliter, deceased.
iat«' of lliilfalo township.
t«. I Inal account of John Find ley* admin
. trator -•! 11. O. Black, deceased, late «.f
llarrlAfllle Ijoroogli.
li. I ilia' aei'ount of Olive M. Ilrownlh'ld.
'/uardiau of II -I. Ilrownlleld. minor • -hi 1«I of
Wm. Itrownlield defeased, I at«- of
I l inal account of J V I'ulton «*\ecutor
i : M,..> \. I lick. d< ceaiM d, late of Middlesex
P.». Account of W. I'. Mct'oy, guardian of
Wellington <•. Ileckat horn, minor child of
John < llecK a thorn, deceased, late of Wort h
0 Hecoud partial account of to Km*
ii<-dy and J A. Kennedy, e\«»cutors of S. A.
Kennedy, deceased, late of .Mars. Ilutler
."»l. I ,r inal account of W. li WIIMOII. adtnlnl.s
--t rat or of John 11. Lawyer. «h % cea?»ed. lat** of
\ township.
■ •'J. I'irst and linal account of Win. li.
'lhiMiipson, administrator of .1. M. t'rooks.
d( crea WMI, late "i Middlesex townslilp.
I'irst and tinal account of J. I» Me
Junkln, executor of Washington Bovard,
di « » asi il. lat!' i»f <'h«*rry t.!»wnsidp.
~i | ir si dual and dKtrlbutlon aiuxitint of
l.i vl A I try son, < \e«*ut«»rtif William llryson.
«l< eased, l it!' itf Kill ler town »hlp.
W. J. An A MS. Itejx Ister. ,
Notice Is hereby tflvi-n that tin follow!ux
road and bridges have lieen confirmed nisi
• \ ii < Court and uiii i.«- presented "«i the
i li• * ilunl iy of Si -pi < oiirt. I heinj: i he
I oi. day of said month, and If no exci nthuni
ar ' tiled they will he con tinned ahsolutelv
No May Session IN9 In re petition
«if cltlxims or Hllpperyrork, Worth and Brady
Iwp . for a road to had from tln Mill ler i" id
11► lln Kclh y School Hon si* and t'entrevllh*
i r«»ail M.inli fi, |s*,H». \ lewers vvrre appoint ed.
May It. report of viewers tiled May!!"
IMW. approved, and lived width of road at -U
feet Notice to In* iflven according to rules
of Court. IS V TIIK <'Ot'ltT.
No. a. Mav Sessions. I**n In re petition of
• It l/i ns of ItutTalo t wp.. foi i In' vjM'atlon of a
portion of tlit ri>ad le.tdinu .oulhwaril from
llannahst!iwii March «'». IHW», viewer* were
• |>;»«»1111e11 May ll"'.''». report of viewers
tiled vacating said portion of said road. May
:»K IMfi. ai»pro\ i d Not Ice t«» In* gl\ en accord
liijx to rules i»f <'ourt 11v tiik <oi in
\«> l May M- iofi i In re peMttou i»f
clt l/.ens of i'lay t wp„ for a county bridge o\
er Mmhly.-reek. April i:.\ viewers were
ap|H>iuted. May I. Is'.i'i. report of viewers 111
ed in fuv«»r of locating said bridge. Mav
iB9 Kppmvotl Notice 1..!.. ••l \. * i M-cordliig
to law and to be laid bef.u. the iiram! Jury
.1 M- ,i i' iii. Hi tin i ni ai
No I, I Incumber Sessions, |M||H. 11l re |M *ll -
I ell I '.r, «of Hull tlo twp fo! I. vlt w
of a nubile road leading from 11aunaslown to
t Im» Saxon bin k and Tarentuiii road. Mar.h
tt, IKSHI viewers were aniioluted May la. |Mii|t,
report of \ jewel's llletl 111 /avor of pet It loners.
May *?«». |Htni, approved Notice to be given
according to ruK** of < 'ourt.
ITV TII r. < oi'icr
No. i, Ia . ember Sess|on.s, IMW lii re peti
tion of ejt i/.« ns of Clinton twp for re view
of apul d|. road known as the Hughtowu
road. No\ ember !». I'-'.i-, vi«'W«*rs w«*re ap
pointed. la . emb. r.', repoi t filed. May
i 11 p. .11 i. furred i o original vlt 11
May:. 1 !!. |NUII, order to re • vie w Issued. June!!,
I Mil, report of viewers tiled June 2, |H«HI, ap
proved. ami lis width of road at U feet
Notice to be glyi u according to rules *»f
Court llr THE Coimi
< 'ei I Hied from t In- p ' oid I bin Ist day of
A IIKUM l"»'nt
t lerk
Tim following widow's appraisfuneiits of
pi i wmal proiM'rtv Mid real • tutu • i apati
l"o| I lie belie li I of I lie widows of «|t • • «|* l||s
ha \. • been filed In the olllce of the I Jerk
'»f Hilt ler t "Ujit y v|/
plow of John \\ Kennedy p. » I prop |C'I H • ss
inom hi udi • ker
u M KUSSQII, timim
JoMt pl. I I tb«l '«•
I. M « ochl 11. II I"
lioll'l H ' .tup).. I MVIJtfl
Win (Jarvcj tot Nil
I H T' I F •
j i.. i,. i chwvigri
Mlnor children of Jatut . f Henry, per
mai pfapftftj MAM
Vii pel'Oll » Int. I. lied ill tin allot <- .in
iral-a m-ill *\« ill take nolle, (hat they \tlll
•• pl I ,1 111 ed fo|- e. It Hi 111 it 101 110 111. < »r pll.l lis
on i t of Hut lei count y, I'a , on Sat urday. the
Mi day of Hi pi \ 11. i ,I,M . ami i r no i \
•eption.be tiled t hrj will lie Continued ||l
lofutel V
ISA A 1 Ml \ I,S. <brk o i
139 South Main street
(|Vi;r Sltaul H hiaal's ahire
tiu'is:tiff U r Tin Citi7.ru.
Trains depart So 14. at 91"> A. M;
N'i>. 2. at 5 15 P M Butler time.
Trains arrive No. 1. 10 '*> A. M; No.
It. 0.55 P M. Bntler time
No 14 runs throngh to Erie and con
neet9 with W. N. Y &P at Huston
Junction for Franklin anil Oil City,
and with N V L. E & W at Shenan
(jo for all points east. No. - nins
throughto Greenville and connects with
\V N. V. & P. for Franklin anil Oil
City W. K. TURNER, Ticket Agent.
Railway. Schedule of I'as
rcnger Trains in eflect May 14,
i 1899. BUTLER TIME.
j .\lipphi-uy Actoywimlartnt 6 A.* F <*• A.*
Allegheny V.xvrvm JJ J* 2 ir »
N.-w « u"4l«» A<« onauodation " " J '
Akron Mail •"?*-"
Allegheny Accommodation. .... 1" w «|»* **
{ Allegheny Kx|>r<« .1 no r * I *i"
i N.W I a.-!l. A ..mnnnUrtou - <*» pin 1- 1* »tli»
I Chicago Kxpre* ;v> I"" \* an *
Allegheny Mail 4 - " !M •?
I l'itt-inrjr nn<! Allegheny Kx|>m* * ■' 1
,UI eai .« it*! BHNMMI AMB. • 1 - •"j
4 Kti up Limited " 9 "• A *
i Kane ami Bradford Mall 9 ' •* * •> Oo r.M
j Clarion Accommodation •» **•* ** A *
(It-velau<l ail.l Chicago Kxprw ti *25 HIM
| \lleg)ifii)' Expivjw.. B°* AJI «j" A.SI
Allegheny Act «>inm<*lation "• r " • r J*
N w C.i»tle A« • nun-Utiwi .. t» «a"» A M 7 <«c;
Chicago Ktafwrna 3 v * 'JJ am
I All«*»;heuy AcomuiodaUoti • 03 l >l "
Train arrivitat 5.10 p.m. litre* B. A O. depot
PltuLurg At 3.2"» p.m iuh! P. Jc W., Allegheny at 3.*»
•. n».
On Saturday* a train. known as tue theatfe tram,
rill leave Butler at .'».42 p in., arri>tn>r at Allegheiiv
it 7.2»»; returning leave Allegheny at ll.Ui p. ui
Pullman Keeping caw ©n fhicago Kxpreea l*-tweeu■
Pitt»Lurg ami Chicago.
K.»r through ticket* to all p.Hiitn in the w«»t, m»rtl*-
A'e-t «>r -nth went and infoi uiati a regarding rout**,
inn* of trains, etc. apply to
W K. Tt'KXKR, Ticket Agent,
I. It UKY\oLI»S -Mip't, \ I- Kutler. Pa.
Butl-r, Pa. « NV BASSKTT,
ti. P. A.. Alle~beey, Pa
Sup'l W. A 1. l»o . Allegheny, Pa.
SiHcmiK is KrrwiT Nov. <1,1898.
SOl'Tll. / WKKK DAYS >
A M. A >1 A M. P. M P >1
BI'TLKIt Leave 25 *Osll 15 J J <*»
- i\oiil>iu\: .Arrive • •» * II ' 7*
Uutier Junction.. " "27 * ]- ,r - •* ;* '*}
Butler Junction. Leave 7 :iO ri ."»* 12 .1 86 •»
Natrona \riive T:W ol 12 :«• A» r. »rj
Varentum. 7 42 •' «7 12 fc> l 42 b •».
Spriugdah- • ,f '° •' !'• 1-
riareinont - I V? i »S ! •!»
<harp*burg. 807 '••• l 11 l 1- •• *J-
Au2».env ... - 20 'J 4> 1 2:. 4 20 b IS
M J A.M. A.M. P. m P.M. P. M.
-1 KDAT rEAIKS -Leave Bißa An
Oltjr .iM-1 principal MmHiMi »t.iti--n» .? . •1 ■ .
*nd 5:00 p. m.
Allegheny ffty. . leave 7 00 9 OJll 16 2 M 9 19
gharpeburg Tll9lß 11 84> ...
( i.iremoiit !i 19 11 44 •«. .k!
gpriagdale •; f 2l!l 23 J 12 5 ?
Tarenturn 7 H •> 39 li "7 .1 «dj •» 4«.
Natrona ' ' lJ • 1 1 J ' :I • 1
ltutlar Juiu-tiun.. juritre 7 4«» :• So 12 2i 1 4a /00
Hut lei Janctiou. .leave 7 4«» .">ll 12 2-» 10« « ">
Sa\oubiT)C K L»jl0 1 » 12 411 I -tb 7 -
111 | 1.l It arrive N4o 10 117 U» . W
A. M. A. M P. M P. St P. M
BI J M>AY THAI NS.- Leave AlWlieny Tity ft»r But
ler and prill- ipal IntermiMliate utationfl at 7 i»» a ni. ana
LKIO p. 111.
Wr.r.K I»avm. F<»K TIIK KAST. W»ra I»avi
P.M. A.M.' *•
2 «. 2'> lv UiTi.r.K * r 10 -W 1 1«
j 2S 7 27 ur llutlor Jumtion Iv 12 *2»
4 •*' 7 4i'. lv llntler Junction * r 839 18 i|H
4 u'» 7 49>ar Kreeport * v B ®J- "J
I O*J 7 41 Allegheny Junction.. K 2412 "I
4SI K inj " IxH-iliburir " *«» J|
4 4o H 21 "
ft Hsl " Saltnl urg - 7 .To 1
5 II !> 22 14 Blairsville 44 70010 40
5 r*> !» :w» 44 Blairaville inteiaectton.. s 58 lo lo
«60 II lo 44 Altoona 11 •*
I 00 .1 lo " Haniaburg M II 45 -t tj»
4 !U» 0 2:1 44 Philadelphia ... * r*o li 2o
A. M. ,P. M.| I A M. P. M
On Suii<lay, train leaving Butler 7 a. in., connect®
or llarri»burg, Alto«uia an«l Hillailelphia.
Through tnUua for the eaut leave Pittuburg (I nion
Station), an follow*:
Atlantic Kxpren, daily -J 1 !
Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15
I>HJ K\|«r.-«S " ' :*[ M
Main I.In« KTpMiw,
llarrishurg Mail, * jJL -
Phila lelphia Kxprinn. . . . . •
Mail an-l K\|»ri «lally. F«»i New \.«rk«»nl\
Through buffet nlee|n»r, noe«a« l.ea 2
Kxprem, M j
llalliiuore and only. No entra
fare on this train .. lIMNI M
I'liilad'a Mail, Suii-liji on«y 8:40 * x
Kr*r Atlantic fit > (via iN'laware River. Bridge, all
rail route), x.oo A >l. ami s :t*i P M, daily.
For detailed Information, addre<ut Th.»e. K. Watt, Piuw.
A«t. Wintern I Hut rict, Corner K.flh Avenue and Smith*
field Street, Pittuhnrg, Pa.
J J! 111 Tfllisox, F. It WOOD,
leneral Manaae. Cm' 1 "i«> Auent.
Rough Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Ollice optx-sIU- I*. & W. |)cjk>».
Insurance and Real Eslate
<r~i iS^
I f you liuy 11 tll A SI: or ll\fKl.lv\ ri:»»i«».
N «oi v. t an Instrument tliut is M \l»l-. ANM
U \ LI. \ Nil |>||\ « »M-■ I»l THI Wl Mill
I ACTI lci:i:s or PIANOS \-,1. y.»ur l.auli. r
I. lis tlii'lr represt'iit illvi'. litn In r«* to sell
\ oil 1 on
your I'oiui'jih'im' Kit her rash or small
iimmi!lily payments You »«■! your IMano
dlrert from the factory i ran *a\«* you
dealer'* profit. I'nll ami Investigate for your
own .sat lnfart lon I take I'lauos .4ii*l Organ*
as part tmyiliiiit In* \eliaiige (2111 wll you
uiiylhlnff vou want In ili«- tnu*fr line (mhli
•»r HUM- Organs, (iulliir>. Mandolin*. Ae
i-onlloiis. Itaujos. Violins All small g«M»d>%
and llii'lr til I lugs. St rings of sill k I mis. Sheet
Musk, 1 h-. I huvr i'ii|{iiKmi «Mr. J. <'an«»r.
llii i X'M rl Piano tuner ami repairer Orih rs
for t tilling or repair work of any kind will
recrlve prompt attention.
All work warranted
Ji; Motl Hi Mnhi Stri 11, - - Unl I. r. I'n.
Cistern Builder
General Cement A Worker.
Worker in White, Portland, and
Hydraulic Cements,
t • ju Years Experience,
349 Ist Street, P.Tel. 381
Will IK: paid foi information Irmlinj;
to the arrest an<! conviction of |mrty «»r
partiea who set lire to No. 1 School
I louse 0! Mini HI tw]>.
By Onlcr of School 1 1<».»t«I.
Address W.M. (Wi.miirk, Trramircr,
Clintonville r. 0., Venango Co., I'n.,
or (". 11. Kka, I'rcwl't.,
Itoyer I*. (>., Itutler Co., I'n.,
koitKRT 1VK1.1.. Skc'V.
A Limited Special Offer Which
Will Last for Ten Days Only
1.1 \l l\l II.MUtHI- l»|\MllMu li.««i i,
orhl \ "!• ;• It is uliwitt wipm
..'itr 10 Ul*»t fiigul It tin-in from m-nultn ilia
iioixls cost! iik hundred* of dollars «*a«h
lln v w«»rn liy 11»« In ,t |H-ople W t will
Ml Wlinl .1 til Nl IM. KlAltHtOh In AW4IMP
noun ted In a heavy ring nln. or stml to tuy
»«ldr• • upon riTi-liit of prl<*«*. |l earn
.arrliit's. icn-wi or drops, ?! ner pair King
.<t tings are made of one rontittuou* plere »ij
-H i. ihelled Cold and •• • W . * r 1 • t <1 1,. •» »,,
»*• < f. •• •. I 1
iJt » upon n <efpt of fl *4» In ord«* 11ti«c tin*
I.v« llliiii'r »ii< isureh nt liy using aph • • «»f
»trlng al*«» full |» «rtU ular* Address plainly
till |t \ I IM»- |»| wloMi . i» ,
IM ll<t llroi«dway.
New \ < >ll,
Jury List for September Term.
List of names ilrawn froni the proper
jury wheel to serve as grand jnrors at
the regular term of court commencing
on the first Monday ■ f September. 1 s f.t.
the same l>eing the 4th day of said
month #
Alexander J Brady twp. fanner
Alexander Thomas Bntler Ist ward,
Brenneman J E. Bntler id wd. producer
Burton .John P. Penn twp, fanner.
Barr William. Bntler 3d wd.stonemason
Blain S A. Forward twp. pumper.
Campbell William. Butler, farmer.
Cress Nelson Connoqnenejwing b>>ro
Dumbach Charles. < 'onnotjnenessmg
twp. farmer.
Kruui|>e Charles. Clinton twp. farmer.
Love Harrison. Clinton twp farmer.
Miles W C, Mars boro. merchant.
Mnrrin .lames, Marion twp. dnller
McClure Silas. Butler sth ward driller
Neibert Charles, Clinton twp. farmer.
Parks Robert. A darns twp. farmer.
Pisor i »rin. Worth twp. farmer.
Robb Elliot. Franklin twp. farmer.
Rowles George. Worth twp teacher.
Rider IT A. Cherry twp. fanner.
Smith Samuel. Washington tp. tanner
Starr Albert. Penn twp. farmer,
j Shannon Matthew. Conuoquenessiug
twp. fanner.
| Thompson Anthony. Center tp. farmer.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this *3ttth day of June. A. L)
"IS'.W, to serve as petit jurors at the
regular term of court commencing on
| the second Monday of September, the
same lieinsr the 11th day of said month
| Anderson Frank. Saxonbnrg borough,
! Aderbolt H H. Jefferson twp, fanner.
Anderson H H. Jefferson twp. farmer.
Black Bert. Marion twp. farmer,
Bickel John. Butler 4th wd. merchant.
Bvers Joseph. Conconl twp. farmer.
Campbell Elmer. Bntler 3d wd. tinner.
Conn Ross. Clay twp. farmer,
Christley A W. Centerville boro. sales
Douglas W C. Evans City borongh.
Dindinger C L. Zelienople borongh.
Dor.thett Benjamin, Conn<*|Ueuessing
twp. fanner.
Bight John, Cranberry twp. tarmer,
Em rick Baxter. Butler Ist ward.
Emery H. Parker tvt-x farmer,
Freeling Charles. Winfield twp, fanner.
Freeling A <4, Winfield twp. farmer.
(iil>son James H. Bntler Ist ward.
I merchant,
liibson <» H. Venango twp shoemaker. I
(Jold < > G. < 'ran berry twp. farmer.
liiorinley George. Marion twp, farmer.
Heim John. Winfield twp. farmer.
Havs Ii M. Butler id ward, hotelkeeper. i
Hays James S. Butler Sd wd. liverymen.
Hailer Charles A. Botler Ist ward, con
Hemphill Martin. Donegal twp. farmer,
Krngh Edwin F, Butler id wd, batcher.
Kennedy F W D. Adams twp. farmer
Kennedy Anderson. Adams tp, farmer
Krause William.Clearfield tp. merchant,
Keister .1 S. Slipperyrock twp. farmer
Kiskaden H P. \ enango twp. farmer.
Lutz Henry. Lancaster twp. fanner.
Magic D D, Valencia bore, farmer,
Martin Thomas. Clearfield Iwy. farmer.
Mnrphy A, Worth twp, farmer,
MeConnell Biuuuel. Worth twp. farmer.
McClelland William J. Middlesex twp.
Patterson .lames L. .letferson tp.fanner.
Pontius I J. Donegal twp. fanner.
Romich J W.Millerstown lion*, minister.
Stewart Milton A. Center twp, farmer.
Sarver Abraham Bntler twp. fanner.
Shafer Charles. Harmony bom laborer.
Snyder C G, Bntler -M ward. lali«>rer.
Thompson E O, Middlesex twp. farmer,
Weitiel William. Middlesex tp farmer
Wild Henry. Zelienople bom. merchant.
l" Office 106 W Diamond St, {IH.
Graham's old office. ]
Houis 7t09 a. m. anil 1 to J and 7
.s p. m
\\ T H. BROWN,
Office S. Main St., <»pp. I*. O.
Night calls at oflice.
CAMtKI.M nlM'frt. ~
k.' Physician and St rc.kon
2>«l West Cunningham St.
1 <• Physician and Srac.KON
New Troutman Building, Butler Pa.
liR. CHAS. R. B. HI NT.
I* Physician and Scrc.kov,
Eye. ear, tutse and throat a specialty.
240 South Main St.
Physician andSuic.kon
Office No. 45, S. Main strret, over City
■J7 8. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to
13 a. m. 1 ami to j p. m.
• Dkntist
Has located 111 the new Stein building,
with all the latest 'levices for Dental
j " • DKNTIST.
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan, C.old l
laltv. Office over Miler's Shot- Stor«-.
hR. W. P. McII.ROV,
Formerly known as ilic " Peerlrs-
Pamirs* Extractor of Teeth." Uxalnl
permanently at in Kast jeffersou St.
OpjwMite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will <lc
•lentil] operations of all kiml* hy th«
latest <levice» ami np-tiMldt methods
Now permanent)) in Riekel ItutUliti K
with a reliable aamstant. an.| tarilitiei
for liest an.l prompt work.
IVople'a I'hone for lira. V. or J. M.
Alpin House N«». 3,v>; otfice No. v>k
Successor to l>r Johnston.
IMlice at No 114 I-;. Jctfnsoii St.. over
t». W. Miller's grocery.
i; 11. NKCI.KY,
I' • iIKMn m I. \ v».
OHioe In Ikr "C ITI/KN" l>iul«lin>;.
Wise Ituil lm K , N Irian*.ml St.. Ratler,
S|>e«-ial attention |lmi to riillrrtioni
ami Imsineaa matter*.
Reference: Kntler Saving* lUnk, c>r
llutlrr Countv National Rank
A. T Hl.w a IHI VI. J» SKIS
" Attnrneyt-at-law,
Armory HtnMing, Itutler. h.
Nil. GOt'JIIF.R,
1» ATT«>«NKY AT Ut,
Odlof In Mi rhell hiiiMing.
i u<:x RUSSKI.L,
Oflic. with Newton Black. K*j. .-south
I >1.011011.1 Street.
' ATTOK \l\ i V I,A V*
Room It., Armory btilliltn,,.
4 T. SO ITT.
! »lt»o* at No. S. West In.imonl St Itut
Irr. Pa.
Otliee on South liMiunnii Sirret
Office on Main St. near Conrt House.
'»• Arr*>m»rv AT I. AW
Otflce lietweeu ami Ihanioml
Find lev's
•. Ilrafli|uutci< Un
Artistic Photos, Crajpww
Water Colon and PattrU
alsto a full line of frame
and niouMinip of the
latest 'loi|(a!i always on
Branches ! *sf
>pen for business at Evans City FrvLiv
>f each week. Mars on Satnrday.
Notu-v !* h«*t*l>y ifivt-n that I'-itrii k
Lorim 1 li.i- ri!.-d hn final aiinnnt &•>
otnraitte of Mary McEriil*. a Inn-ttu
it M- D No. *. .Iniu- Term I*ki in
:hf Prothonotary * office. at Bntler Pa
in«J thesaiu*- will he presented for on
lirtuation ami a| provnl. Hatnnlar Sept
». I*W*
KOBT J Thompson
11. C. !*ryor, of W. Suabwy, bere'.y
jives notice to the public that o-*in/ to
he death of l.is father in-law. John
Mechling, he will not 'cave hi* Imniun
is hail u intended. hut will continue
0 carry on the lively htt.dnew> at the old
.tan.! Got «1 nj - fi:rrii-.hed >t i?:< di r.ite
and Optician, \
1 125 S. Main St., >
< Butler. Pa.
Everything that is r.ew am! attractive
n Watches. Kings, Ditinih, Clocks.
Silverware, Cut C.!a>s. etc i!<o Cam.r.s,
Sicyclea »r»l Craphaphottcs.
*»ext to Court Ilan.se.
B. & I J.
prices reduced
—tut more vigorously than ever
X'forc on good, useful goods.
Most earnest clearing out *nd
i.U riflC - ol odd lot< and surpii:s
ines of summer gotnls ever th>s
itoic made.
I ine 25c Imported Madras 15c.
20c Madras 10c.
1 »'c Madras Ginghams
Fine 23c woven strijK- I*. Ks.
Imported Dimities lot, I J |t
U.jC Xmcriv. n IHmities 51
30c Organdies isC.
Other pretty Organdies under
price toe
A* double width CIkvMKS
35 inch fine cnloßtl stiipc
India Ijnotis ~! >
liih.d wash o«>i.ds 4c.
75c and dollar l>ress lit ..wis
35 c -
Useful iloilitlt' width l>iea»
'iood> ioc.
50c India Silks 35c.
I.ot «->♦ I'rwuly'i iw I'dack
c —price
unapprove bed for these celebrated,
genuine Priestlv's »i*hK
Write for samples -give an uhra
of what goods, styles for what
use. you're interested in. so out of
Mich large lots we'll be sure to
send the exact samples you want.
Chance to get good gi»rds for
so little money as never belore
known We'll let the styles and
qualities prove it—ami all who
investigate will be big gamers.
Department X.
TIRES Repaired
and made as good as new at
W«£Wa«2 s
Bicycle and
Supply Depot,
Corner Mam'St and Diamond.
Butter. Pm
With *M»r nt» V mr
• »n r%*ptlr any »-ul «*r ihiim liim
In 4 tir«'. with purr lum. iwl
make It Mmafi r t »*.*••
W« r»*|».*lr all partiuf hh-ychx
Hiip|il| nr« twris at rr:t«N»iiMi»
t»r »•«■<%
w«* arr lln i N
loan. hr uniirr««(4
salr at burxatn Brh-r*
Th. John I.Mw.itt plx-r in Uixitrritllr
«>n«hliiiK tliirtrrn jrr»», ail clmnl,
U>»»l amrß r<»mt hnn* *«th |>antry awl
thtrt («*fhri. an. I «r!l »l»B)r>nl», pmil.
largr an<l nrw l«nk ham. piinl
of all kin.Nof frtiit Ire*-. ■» •>4fer*.| Uir
I-I* It rmri in<|<«irr <>l
l.r iMnmtb.
D. J Wdiisiortti I Wiastwti
Wadsworth 4 Bro.,
Bricklayers and Builders.
Bnck and Cement Work
In all of its Branches.
Ilralri. Range i»i Rwlrf jrllntf »»
|rn ally i!<inr »l IrjwnuMr |mf«
All mail OKICT* |W.»ui|»'!> iilrwitl »•»
UMMXJM „t th. IV. pie*
j KIHWIH! ■ » Htonc and
IK« »AKIM, ruumng t • a»l (rum *n
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
rtta><!r«)inirnt. will rail at yum hnwr
t«ke nw.iy ynur .l'rty IMIJW!* anil rrturn
thrtn in a <!av «t two M ."Van a* arm.
AH on a ->ummrr nmrntni; Carrctl,
rux an>t curtains th..r. uglily rlraw! on
abort noticr.
ROOD'S Pit IS • «r.- l.lv«r Ilia, •»-
lotSncM, IrMtiac* «t>oit, M«*d»ch».
■aay to take, w»» to oporata. Sftc.