VOL- xxxvi El l Lg e? Have just returned from the Eastern markets where I placed my orders for fall and winter boots and shoes, and while there I was offered some shoes which they had on hands at a big bargain. I bought these goods and this stock together with balance oi our summer shoes and slippers go on sale at once at GREATLY REDUCKD PRICES. Visit our stock during this sale fur we are offering some great bargains. A FEW PRICKS. Men's fine Vici-kid, hand sewed shoes regular price $3.50 reduced to $2.50 M en's fine Vici-kid shoes latest styles regular price $3.00 reduced to $2.00 Ladies" fine Dongola har.d turned shoes reduced to $2.00 M isses' fine Dongola lace shoes at 90c Children's fine Dongola shoes at 50c Infants' fine shoes at 20c Men's 3 sole box toe lace shoes at slls Men's every-day shoes at 90c Boy's solid working shoes at 50c Boy's fine dress shoes at 90c Men's fine Satin ca'f dress shoes at 95c Ladies' Kangaroo-calf shoes at 75c All Tan Shoes and Slippers f stock of It To be closed out at % % SOROSIS SHOES:';. £ HALF-PRICE. * lln all the NEW STYLES He % WW-): %%zx. % %%%%%% REPAIRING DONE. 128 South riain Street, Butler, Pa. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. WASH FABRICS. We'll offer until all are sold 1 lot of fine Dimities, Organdies, > Lawns and Corded Effects at 5 cents per yard, former price 15c. k 1 lot finer grade Dimities, Organdies, Fine Corded Plaid Lawns, and French Organdie* and Swisses at He. and ir>c, the former » price was aoc and 25c. Balance of Summer Millinery, Shirt ■! Waists, Linen and White P. K. Skirts and Summer Ribbed Vests ' at less price than we have offered during our clearance sale. I ********JMHMelot Children's Wash Dresses at half price. New Fall DRESS GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. I'.lsck Crepotis, this fall's newest importations— handsomest line we have ever shown the prices are 75c, SI.OO, <1.25, si.so and up to si.oo. New Pall Suitings, such as home spuns 111 the fashionable Greys, Tans. Blues and Browns. New Vail l'lsiid fr»4 ritfti Clmtr* t»> irtrtxtrtt T *JT jiTtTft Suits and Separate Skirts. New 27-inch Pino , Black Satin Duchess at 98c, .value $1.25 Black Satin Duchess at 75c, value f r.oo. r lot Misses' Pine Ribbed Lisle Thread Hosiery, sizes 5 to 9>2, at 19c, the regular 25c kind. It is early to mention Fall Goods. We have them. If contemplating a late vacation or going away to school, we can fit you out in all the New Pall and Winter Materials. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. \ : | I 1 That the dread house cleaning is over the next A { > and more important work is picking a new carpet i % ( > To pick a carpet in our well stocked carpet rooms \ \ I We have the famous Hartford Axminister, Wilton > L j . Velvets, Body and Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains . f , in all the up-to-date patterns, only, and prices 1 that will astonish you. Then our China Mattings, T ' Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Rugs and ' * Art Squares, deserve ;i passing notice. Ask to < > SI.OO Axminister Rugs, ' ' Neatest thing for the money ever shown in Butler at jnuFFys STORE I J -J! ' . j A/IRN I^2^ -■~ J t Won't buy clothing for the purpose of spend -1 / II f" one 3 r * They desire to gel the b'est / /r \ I ](\ /\ possible results for the money expenrfeiL I C \VI Y 1 Notclieap goods but goods as cheap as can i \\ '-i VVI '— jn ,>e s " 1 ' 1 aDf Morrow's xCid-ne. ! oids, and t' is time refer you to Mr. D. A, : Heck, Clothier 121 North Main street, j »ho says:- For about a year I have had 1 symptoms of disordered kidneys. I had a dull heavy pain in the small of my ba nervous 1 could net sleep. I I took different kinds of kir.ney remedies, 1 bnt they did not prove effectual as Mor row'.® Kid-ne-oids. After takiug Kid-ne oids for a few days I noticeX at all drusr stores and at Redickts it G rohman s drug store. Mailed on receipt of price. Manufac tured by John M'llc,w & Co., Chemists Springfield. Ohio. Butler Savings Bank Hotter, Capital - - - £60,000.00 ! Surplus and Profits - $170,000.00 | JOS. f, PUHVIS President J. HKNRY TltOl; TMAN .. Viee-PreM-!. r,t W'M. < VMPBKLL, Jr •*» i.iti ! LOU 18 B. HTK.'N leiier DlßKirfdlis -Joseph 1,. urvls, J. Henry | Tro':tman, W. I>. i>rar.'Joii, W. A. .Stein. J s. < '.oiut.ell. The (Sutler Savings Hank Is the Oldest I Hanking Institution'. n Butler (!<, 000.00 Surplus and Profits £ 130,703.95 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, /ice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John (J. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / general banking business transacted. Interest pal# 1 »»n tim#? deposits. M#>u#',y Inane#! tin approved security. We invite y#m to open an account with this bank. • I>l iCE('T _>US~ Hon. J#>s#*ph Hartman. Hon. W. 9. Waldron, I)r. S. M. H#>over. If. M#'- Sweeney, K. K. A brams, ('. I', <'#>lllns I. (i Smith, Leslie V Hazlett, M. Fine«r m, VV. If. Larkiri, Harry Heasley, Dr. W. < M#;Can#Uens, lirn .tfassath. 1 V. Ifitt.F Braun's Pharmacy : r*nr C* r.*>A lluauuu. IU I'ittsbur/, I'a,, 1., I). Telephone 2542. Wholesale and Retail. Importer ami Jobbc rof Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Soaps, Biushes, f .lc The only house west of New York carrying a full line 01 Meyers' Grease, Paints and theatrical goods. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night by "Registered Pharmacists" only. Wholesale and retail dealer in Lubricating and illuminating Oils, Capital Cylinder, Dynamo, Water White and Standard Gas Kngine Oils, Gasolein, Ben zine, Paraffine Wax and Petrolatum. Address all mail orders to W. F. Braun. Rare Bargains! We want I" dispose of our present stock of 'O9 models, and in order to do it quickly have rut the prices from sy>, $35 and *4O to $22.50 and $25. These are strictly high grade and up-to-date bicycles, and cun'l be matched for price and quality. Oon't miss this opportuni ty to procure a good wheel for little money. We sell sundries cheaocr than and other house in town. WHITE, WALTER CO., 303 S. Main Street. K, [RMI M k m, put US- 4 vA j p. / >y : ft's better to be in the lead than take one's dust If you ride a Cleveland with the Hall and Roller Bearings you will have no trouble staying in the lead. We know what constitutes a good bicycle, and won't sell anything else. We have new bicycles as low as $25.00 in Gents' sizes; Children's sue for $20.00. Our $25.00 wheel is a better wheel than is advertised by Chicago bargain houses nt that price. We have go'wl second-hand wheels from SIO.OO to fis,c>o. We also sell Cameras, (iraphophones and Sup plies. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Optician l Next to Court House. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 180t> THE SKYROCKET. Ry SIR WALTER BEBANT. fCopyright, 1569. by lhe Author ] CHAPTER I. Together they 1 in the long inue twilight ar; ld-\ They .vere not very uU . . The path was rorupostd i ' - and brickbats; the ragged h< broken down in parts; there vi" occasional patches on which .yi :: tilings refused to grow. There j \v,however, a shallow ditch running bc.-i.Io th<- dilapidated he dge which c»n --: tained an nns.;v. ry mud and there was i piggery at th -end of the ditch. These thin on a warm evening in June, sug j gested the country. They walk d side by side, as they al ! ways had done. The young man held | the girl's hand. lie did not press it nor lift it to his lips or go off into interjec tions over it. he simply held it. She ! was quite accustomed to this assertion if authority or submission, as yon will, made no objection and did not with draw her hand. He walked in silence. Why should he desire to talk ? He just liked to he with her. sometimes to look s; ii' r. to let her talk as much as sho lit: I, not even to follow her when sho v.eiit off into dreams. For he wat 34 fnd a clerk in a big hon.se of Imsiuess, and he lived all day in a world where nothing happens—not even the unex pected -except what is made to happen by the wisdom and the contrivance of th" partners. The world is so, to the city man. He understands that he has to get what ho can for himself; he has to be foreseeing and farseeing; above all he mnst never dream. Therefore this young man looked for ward to a life of low standards, though this he would not admit to himself, to H small income and thrifty ways. He was a steady young man, who always had a solid book going, in which he read slowly and without the slightest interest in the contents. He thought that a course of reading in miscellane ous subjects, none of which attracted him, raised him to the level of those who improve themselves. He was a good looking young man, with regular features and the appearance of respon sibility. In fact, he had no vices and felt no temptations, and was therefore profopndly n n interesting The girl, however, was quite unlike him. She moved as if her feet were spring.;, she walked as if she were danc ing, she talked as if she were singing, she laughed at her own thoughts like a thrush. She was nearly as tall as her companion, who was 5 feet 10 inches. She was certainly not pretty, because sho had not a single good feature in her face, except, perhaps, hei eyes, which were quick and bright, but she was at tractive when she was animated, and she generally was animated. Her dress was quiet and in better taste, perhaps, than was found with most of the young ladies who went to the same suburban church on Sunday and lived in the little villas, jerry built, precarious, which bravely faced the suburban gale on their crumbling bricks, with sand for mortar and laths for party walls. Her name a ridiculous name, but in th" matter of names people are so—was Ariadne. The girl thought it a pretty name and much finer than Muriel, Gladys and Dorothy, names which deco rate,] most of the girls she knew. Ariadne —a poetical name. She knew nothing of the story belonging to tho deserted nj.'nujlx-u ...... ■■... ■ i wrote it down and looked at it as most girls look in the glass. And. as Ariadne does not go well with Samuel, which was her lover's name, there was a se cret understanding between them that when they were alone he was to be Cyril instead of Sam. Then without a sense of the incongruous she could listen to the voice of love. "Cyril." she was saying, "there are worlds upon worlds all round us, and lu'io we know nothing afx>nt them. I'm not discontented with my lot. but I wish I could see some of them, some times. " "Yon wouldn't like them, Ariadne." "How do yon know? Besides, I didn't say I should like them. I want to see them. I want to see the people that the papers talk about." ''They are just like ourselves." "No, they're not, dear boy. I know better than that. They don't dress like us, nor talk like us, nor live like lis. I want to see the great ladies and tho fine ladies, the artists and tho poets and the actors" - "It's no use without money. " "I want the money too. I want to go and live among them and be one of them. Just for two or three years, Cy ril, just, to understand what it is like, and then to come back again to this stupid old suburb, and the stupid old people, and the stupid old" "Sam," ho whispered, audaciously pressing her hand. "Cyril," she corrected him. "And then we would be married, wouldn't we? Perhaps I shall be draw ing #l5O by that time, if I am lucky." "Married? Oh, well, we would see about that. Yon know, Cyril, I have always told yon that I could never mar ry a man whom I did not respect for his intellect. He must be my superior, otherwise I could not think of marrying him." "Of course. " This young man knew not the language of compliment, not fven tin' commonest worrl in it, not the declensions nor the conjugations. "Of course I know that." "Tn bo uro you imme diate, a run upon it,? The smart critic set down tho fact to the bad taste of the reading public; the man who under stands that tin' bad taste of the public never by an}' chance st'iids him after . feeble writers took up the book to find out for himself the reason of its popn laritv. He read it through. The magic of the book seized him; he forgot altogether his pnrj in reading the hook; he for got to ask why. and lie never stopped until li" had reached the end Then he laid it down with a High and left the task of answering that oucHtion toanv- I h«,<]v who chose K.vrv iniv>- and tlini • such a appears. it succeeds. Tim I .-lily . y.\ -lunation of its sncivss is that it ]« -*s a mysK rions charui which seize ti]. si the render and holds him titrlit. even as the Ancient Mariner held I the wedding guest. i" ry year at least two, and general ' lv three, reputations in fiction are made. The writer of "Ariadne" made her reputation by thaj book. Nobody I had ever heard her name. Nobody knew anything about her at all. Bnt her book, which had liegnn by creeping, went on to rnn, to leap, to gallop through the editions The publisher, who had begun by being grnnipy, be came first cheerful, then lieaming. He had been overliearing at first, with the take it or leave it manner which be longs to one who confers a doubtful benefit and incurs a jsissible loss. He became kindly, friendly, affectionate, even deferential. He gave a dinner party one evening. The author of "Ariadne" was the finest of the even ing. Her name, it appeared, was Ari adji" Aseott. She was still quite yoxing, not more than two and twenty. She was full of animation. She was new to society and frankly owned her igno ran< She could not talk of new books, I bec:i.;.-e slh had read none; nor of I poet- because she knew none, nor of art. because -lie had hardly ever sr. n any picture?. She accepted admi ration, however, with evident joy. "It is new to me," she said, "like every thing else. Yon cannot tell me too of ten how you like my poor little liook." There was in her face, in her manner, can ning yet not submissive, something of the glamour of her book. "I reviewed it in The Daily Train," said one of her admirers. "I fell to the ground and worshiped it, as I should worship the author. Miss Aseott. you have made, believe me, the most bril liant contribution to literature that we have enjoyed for a whole generation." "I suppose," he said to another man at the club that nigbt, "that it is all right about the boom of Ariadne. No han key, eh? Because, you know, I have heard"— "So have I. In this case it is all right. I know the printer." "She'll make a pot of money. " "My dear fellow, nothing to what she'll make by her second book. I hear they are wiring across the Atlantic to secure her at. any price. Man, she's an heiri .-s. She lives at the Langham, got three rooms and a maid and is spending the money as fast as she makes it." Thus, you see, heaven does some times hear our prayers. Ariadne desired I to see these worlds. Her desire was gratified. CHAPTER 111. Sunday afternoon. Ariadne's room was crowded with callers. Sho was standing in the midst of a circle, the room was filled with laughter and whis pers and the buzz of conversation. Sud denly. as she looked round, she flushed scarlet. In the doorway stood, awk y /' In the tloorwty tUtod. awkward, crit burraxHCd, her lover. ward, embarrassed, her lover, Samuel, alias Cyril. She stepped across the room. "Cyril, " she said, "this is vory good of you. Come in and wait till the people are gone and we will talk. " He obeyed, lie stood in the room un noticed. He watched the girl trans formed. Was that Ariadne, his own Ariadne, this vision of Moating lace and white silk, holding her own, an equal, among these fine ladies and these men whose faces were not like the faces of the counting house ? Presently the peopje began to go away. Thny all had somethineg to say as tbey went. It was her editor. "Mius Aseott. we are longing to Isigin the new story." It was a lady whoso name was known everywhere. "Dear Ariadne, you must take the chair at the dinner of women ; that is agreed." It was the critic. He was the last. He whispered, "And the answer—when will yon give me an answer?" "I don't know, indeed. When my new stery is out. You must wait till then"— "But—if I may only hope"— "We can all hope. Good by." The critic retired. When they were all gone, Samuel stepped forward. "Oh." he said, "if yon knew how dull it is at home I Are yon never coming back, Ariadne?" "Why should I?" she replied cruelly. "Look round you, Samuel" -she called him Samuel, and it sank into his heart. "Yon see all these people—they are the leaders iu literature and art. Should I give up their friendship? What have yon to offer me in return?" "Nothing," the jMior young man groaned. "Nothing, and yet" "Cyril," relenting at sight of his pitiful face, "I told you that I could never marry a man whose intellect was not greater than my own. You see what I have achieved —a Ixiok that all the world is reading. What intellectual ef fort can you shejw beside that, great vic tory?" "I am still.' he said, "in the midst of Humboldt's "Cosmos.' " CHAPTER IV. In the Rinoking room of the clnb again. "I hear," said one, "that the new story of the Ariadne woman is a frost dead frost. There's a shameless puff of it in The Lamppost, but of courso"— "Of course." "Nobody buys it, nobody reads it. She's dono for." "I wonder she didn't marry. She talks well and gets np well. They say she isn't, quite—bnt I don't know. At one timo they said that you" "Well, a good many, I dare say, at first, when we all went down and wor shiped her fust rubbish, were attracted As for me. I had a chance of reading the proof of the second book. I with drew from the running." This was the critic who had pressed for an answer "I saw that the writer had nothing left in her. Up like a rocket, you know one blaze of light—then down again, unnoticed." "I'm sorrv." "I ih n't sco why yon should l«e. Hhe had her run, iho was accepted for a genius, she went every wle re, she s got a splendid time to remember." CHAPTER V. Ariadne stood once more in the old familiar side road leading off the main road of the cheap suburb. The little ! gar.'; us in front of the houses were . filled with laburnum, lilac and lime trees. The time w.is June; the air was ; fragvant th leaves were fresh aud green; the place locked pretty. The ! sweet breath of spring banished tin- as | sociatii of poverty and dullness and j monotony and hid the stuccoed fronts. "Aiiont this time," said Ariadne, , "Cyril should l>e coming home." In fact, at that moment he turned out of ! the main road. He was walking heavily, with < y cast down. When in the j sweet spring season his mind lightly ! turned to thoughts of love, the vision j of tin lost Ariadne returned and sad ] d- lied him. Ariadne stepped out into the road j aud met him. "Yon? Ariadne?" he started. "1 told you," sho said, "three years ago that I wanted Jo go away and see i those other worlds and then come I back." "Ariadne!" Ho hardly understood I that she was with him once more. "Both prayers,"she said, "have been i granted. I have lived among tha other p. ' pie. 1 am deserted and forsaken. So I have corny back. "Ariadne!" "1 have come back," she said, "to a man whoso intellect I resjK'ct above my own." "Oh, but you uro a great author!" "I wrote one book that everybody praised, another that everybody abused, and a third that nobody will look at. They are ail three dead and buried and forgotten. On the other hand, you are still"— "Still iu IlnmlNildt's 'Cosmos,' Ari j adue. "He is an author who is abiding— satisiying. They don't forsake their Humboldt. They don't call him a sky rocki t. I have come back to read with vou, Cyril, Humboldt's 'Cosmos.' " TWO OF A TRADE V.J ROBERT BARR. fCopyrisht. ISO, by the Author.] I If a man finds himself enduring a ' n»,-.ht journey on an American railway train, there are two or three things lio may do to make life worth liv i'-ig- If, li has *'.> to spare, with 25 cents extra for the porter in the morning, lie may enrich th" Pullman company to the ex tent of the and thus get a berth in the sleeping car. This is a good way to spend $'J, and if you are on a line where train robbers are epidemic yon are just, that much ahead, for what the company gets yon may depend the train robbers rcvi r see, and so you have the comfort of the berth and the satisfaction of knowing that your money has been di vided between two sets of plunderers. Of the two I like the company the bet ter. for it certainly gives yi.n something for the money, while the others give you nothing bnt baU language, with per haps an ounce of lead thrown in. If you haven't theto spare, there ore still three things left for yon to do. Yon may sit bolt upright in yonr seat, or you may turn the back of the oppo site seat over and stretch your weary ' legs across the chasm, or you may try to lie down on one seat, which you will j ] short of, cash. Entering a smoking car at night on a throngh express you will find men in all these three attitudes, doing the best they can with the weary hours that are ahead of them until day light breaks. The smoking car on the nightexpress of the Texas, Belmont and Crucifer Ait line was well filled with men of all descriptions, most of whom were en deavoring to get some sleep in one or other of the three attitudes above al luded to. There was only one sleeping car on the train at the rear. In front of that came two ordinary cars, then the smoker, the luggage car, the car of the American Express company, and in front of all the engine. On the train were two very anxious men, and they sat on camp stools m ar the big safe in the express car, fully armed, knowing that in that safe were gold packages amounting to over $200,000 moving east from California. These two men at least made no attempt to sleep, but listened without saying much to the express grinding on throngh the night, the whistles of the engine breaking throngh the continuous roar with an occasional long toot followed by two short ones. It was now midnight, and in two hours the train would reach Belmont. After that the two gnards of the safe would feel easier in their minds. They were at present going thri ugh a wild country where anything might happen, although they hoped that the secret of the safe had been well kept It is astonishing how news leaks ont and how qnic.kly it travels when large sums of money are being transported across the plains. In tho forward enil of tho smoking car four bearded men sat opposite each other playing euchre. They WITH rough looking citizens, who have been cowboys or anything else. Tho conduct or looked askance at them an ho col lected the money for their rkle, for none of them had tickets, but they paid their fares without trouble, and that in itself wan a IXMHI, for the conductor ex ported HI line dispute from tho look of them. Three others had come on at the next station and were JIOW watching the game There were a few more pas sengers in the air who might have been suspected of belonging to the same gang, if gang it was, l»nt no sign of recognition (Missed l>etwoen the card players and the others, who were appar ently trying to get acme sleep, "I don't half like tho looks of that crowd." said the conductor to the brake man. after h<> had collected the tickets and the fares. "What's the matter with them?" ask ed the brakeman, who was chewing to bacco, taking a bite from a black plug as hq spike. "They seem (juiet enough." Tho brakeman appeared to be himself about as rough a customer an any of the card players, and so perhaps had a feeling of comradeship for them. "That's just it. They're too darned <|uiet." replied the conductor. "If they were real cowboys, playing a real game, there would have been a row liefore this, sure. That tall, black whiskered man's been looking at his watch a good deal lately.and 'a been trying to peek through the window 'sif he wanted to know just where w were. I don't like the look of it." "Think they're going to hold ns up'i" inquired the brakeman. with a trace of anxiety in his voice. "I shouldn't lie a bit surprised." "Why. tie re ain't s."i" on the whole train, is there? How many jieople in tho (deojM-r ?" "Not more'ii half H dozen. HUH. there may hi some rich cuss on board we don't know anything about. These chaps may bo on to him. " "Well." drawled the brakeman. with some deliberation, "IgivetheT.. 11. and (J. company n dice that when the firing begins 1 crawl under a seat I don't take no lead in mine for ♦35 a niontt- The conductor nude no reply to this heroic declaration, for at that moment I tin- »-ngin«' gave a long whistle and i throngh the entire train ran the shud der of tin' quickly applied airbrake. ■ Th two trainmen hurried to the <>nt i . side platform, and t he conductor, hang i ing oil by the iron stanchion r<-ds, lean ed forward, peering along the side of the slowing train, and saw in the darkness far ahead down the line the waving of a red lantern the signal of danger. When the train came to a standstill, there appeared on each side of the en gin ■ shadowy forms that seemed to have risen from the black earth. In re -■ iir to a enrt command the engineer and stoker fireman threw up their hands and remained in that ptisitinn, standing out readily against the glare of theengin- flr, . A masked man with a sffv- n shooter in his hand entered en h door < f th" smoker, and instantly in jst of th' now wide awake passengers .got under th" seats: not all of them, however. The tall, black bearded man who had been one of th" card players ros" hastily to his ft*et, letting the bits of pasteboard flutter unheeded to the I floor. He cursed loudly and energetical j ly. using the most fearful language ! with a dexterity and ease that instantly j commanded the respectful admiration I of the masked men at each end of the j car. who both paid him the immediate ■ compliment of turning the muzzles of their weapons npon him "Throw up your hands!" they cried simultaneously. "Throw up nothing!" cried the man in a tone of the utmost contempt, al though lie forbore to make any motion that mi' ht indicate lie p< sse.-sed a gun himself. "Do you know who you're chinning? I'm Steve Mauuies!" "The devil you are!" cried one of the masked men. lowering the point of his revolver. "Same thing," replied Steve, who was justly proud of his well earned "Do you know who you're chtnnlngT" reputation, lieing known far and wide as the most industrious and capable train robber in all Texas, a quick firing and straight shooting, ruthless desper ado, afraid of nothing, least of all the law. "Who's running this show?" de manded Mannies. "Who's your boss?" "We're Captain Snike's gang." re plied the other, with deference. "I might 'a' known it," crii-d Steve, with unconcealed derision. "It's just The masked man made no attempt to stop Steve and his followers as they poured out of the car into the stir rounding darkness. "What are you about there?" yelled a voice from near the engine. "Don't let these men leave the car. " "It's Steve Mauuies and his lioyel" shouted back the masked man in ex cuse. Although the surprised Captain Snike merely mentioned the lower regions, there was a tremor in his voice which showed that the unexpected meeting with so noted a man as Steve was not one of unalloyed pleasure. "See here, captain," roared the an gry desperado, "what's the meaning of this? What are yon doing on my terri tory? Can't I take care of these here trains, or has there been any complaint on the part of the T.. II and C. com pany that I'm not looking after them close enough? What in thunder's the reason of your Ix-ing out so late at nlglit anyhow? Some of you boys'll catch cold first thing you know." "Why, hang it, Steve, " said the cap tain in tones of ajiology, "I didn't know you were in this locality at all You see, nobody's heard from you for a month, and we thought perhaps you had struck for Californy. We did, sure But 1 11 tell you what we'll do— we'll divide square and fair." "Divide nothing!" cried Steve. "The train's mine, and you've no business here al all Still, there's nothing mean about me, and 1 like to encourage atna toors. If you want, the passenger*, yon kin have em Yon go through 'em and then git. "We don't want no passengers —not tonight we don't. " demurred the cap tain. "We got news from Frisco and thought nobody else was on to it. We're after the safe, and that's what's the matter with this crowd." "Will. I'd like to oblige yon, but that safe's mine. We bail news from Frisco b>o. Did you think we were off on our vacation?" "Won't you flivido?" appealed the captain "Ther<» ought to lie enough tt go round.' "Nary a divide," said Store deter minedly. "Tho safe's ours and has been ever niii<»- wo got "" tlio express. We've Hut dynamite in a hag to blow lu r open, and wo'd 'a' been through and away by this time if you hadn't chipis-d into tho game when yon weren't wanted." At thin juncture one of tho express messengers with a genius for doing the right tiling at the psychological mo ment fired at Hteve, dimly wen through the radiance frj tin the ear windows, and missed hini, of course. l>nt. winged one of the gang who stood near, who in stantly whipped ont his gun with an oath and blazed away in the direction the shot came from. Each side thonght the other had broken the underwood truce and had tired firnt. Both gang# had been oti the alert for that very thing, and every man had his linger on a trigger In two seconds the biggest light that part of Texas had ever seen was en. and the black darkness was tit fully spotted with the crimson spitting of revolvers. Cries of rage and pain showed that some nt least of the bullets were finding their billets The conductor, crouching along tho offside of the traiu. stole up to the en gi ne and nald in a hoarno whisper to the driver, who still da/.ed with hi* hands on his hi ad "For God's sake, John, pull out quirk "Ain't they vering mot" asked th» frightened engineer in it trembling voice. "No; you're all safe. They're light ing like cats and dogs (Set a move on yon." "Hat the track's bound to l>e torn up ahead.' "We'll hav» t .il l that, John Anj thing's lietter than thin, l'nll yourself I together ami tlap • n all the-team Mm- : I aland. —.• -1 tut* conductor ilialiiut , beside Ibr rßgiaivr. i The gave three stentorian . puffs. l«d with apprehension j If— t the -onii ! Would W bmnt by the j combatants above the r-.ar •<( the fnstl Wp: then the tram glided aimust noise j le—ly away into the dtrkaiiM. When the firing slackened off a Int. the voice i f Captain Snike from t*hinil a bash made itself beard. •*Pnt nj> vonr guns'" b»> yelled "W lat - the nn- of tbi.- m 1 Home body will yet hurt with all this cart Wa ne-- Stop your jiack of f... 1.-. rtfc-vr - " "Stop yunrsri ared Steve "'Yon began it. yon lunkhead." "We didn t. Yon fired first " "You're s liar'" cri 1 the thoroughly esa-j - rat. <1 Sti vi' "One of your men j tired at uie and bit Bill Simmons I never see snch foolish shooting in my life before. You fellows couldn't bit the Nevada mountain*. "You're nut ranch better. Well. Steve. - ms ir * von. we'll go thrunjih the paes. tigers while you blow np the safe. ' In answer to this there was n torrent . f ; li.niiy fr. ni St.-v.- that start!, il Nth gang- with itsc< mprehensive terse ii The smoke had now purtially ekared away. Steve stood between the rails I.n L-iiik' eastward at the two rear ligli's winking maliciously at bira a mil.' off. "Well. lin jiggered ' said Stev. more in Borrow than in anger, hi* *t<* k of cialedietiou running dry wb*n a r aii- .itioii ..f the joke fate had played n[x>n him lieeame more and more ap parent. "Whil • onr love feast was go ing ou. blow me if tbese tenderfeet didn't sti 1 our train with niv dyna mite on 1 «rd! This in what eolntw «•# yonr interf< r< nee. captain There goes nearly a quarter of a million of good soui.d motley t<> some bloated capitalist in the ea-t who had no more right to it than you bad. ami between the two of yon I'm robited of my own. Hang me if 1 il. n't turn farmer ami take np lfto acres of land to grow tnrnips on'" Tin- Streets ml lilbraltnr. In (Gibraltar fans old and new. silk aoil lnei-s, are the princi|ml staples of the native trade. Streets are thronged with Spanish. Kngliah. Kast Indians and Mi wi s Follow these last across the narrow -trait to their homes, and yon are in u diff.-rent world. From Gibral tar toT n-'i' r taken yon Iwck centuries. But tin centuries do meet in Tangier, where Europeans jostle orientals, and the scarlet uniform of Tommy Atkins appears amid a group of All Baba and the Forty Thieves, whose profession flourishes as of yore. The tit-t sound that smote th«' ear of our traveler from this juirt of the world was the strain of a hand organ grind iu-T "Swr' i Marie." ami only a step be yond a performance by native mu rticiauM carried one into the very heart of Africa. The tish in the markets of Al;.ci» rf make one think of the iishea which the princem fried in "Arabian Nights. Such gorgeous colon were never *e» n. nor Mich queer H-wortincnt of remarkalile creatures. Their gold and silver scales and their rainbow hnes light up the dark old arches <:f the mar ket places, and literally all'* tish that wines to the net of the Algerian fisher man. Limpets, snails, mussels, bant shoe cralie, loadtish. sea anemone* in fact all things that come from salt wa ter—are bought and eaten, principally —— rritn & XVW The French cannot cok>ni»e. ami they know it Their imputation W, to pat it moderately, stagnant In V( years' time the laws of natnre will have reduced them to the rank of a ws-ond rate jlow er. unless they meanwhile adopt and act upon the device. "Liberie, Egalite, Ma ternite." Meanwhile they have not a surplus population to lie empkiyed in colonization Their coloolm are not even self supporting l,eaving oat Al geria. they cost the republic 104),OOO.- 6(M> franca a year. And concerning Algeria. one of the few Frenchmen who regard these quee t ions in the light of plain facts, O. Oar reau. writing in the Hiecle a few days agi . makts the painful confeaeion "During well nigh years we have failed to make Algeria pay Have we even striven to make it? Daring *© years we have been pursuing Ahrnadon or Hamory. What have we duns with the .Sudan ? We have contribated to depopulate it. we have made waste, di rectly or indirectly, immense territories, on which a rich population formerly lived; we have extended the deaert in stead of reclaiming it 1 *ir soldiers have labored no well that they anccem fully thwarted all useful beginning* and'blocked the road to the pioneer* of our commerce."—Contemporary Re view. I'lnclnn » I'nrt. Tennyson was a icrmt admirer of Joaquin Miller's verse One day he wrote Miller a letter inclosing his latest photograph Miller U» k the photograph and then surveyed the crowded walla of his cabin for a convenient space for it. Then he skirmished around until he found a rusty nail ami a sledge hammer "What are yon going to dot" some one asked • Why," replied the p.*-t. "Tennyaoii Jim sent me his picture and I'm going to nail it to the wall alongside Hrown- Ing'al" Atlanta Conatitntiro lie Who Vlnut He Obeyed. '"Hut after you Iwd knocked down th* two or three policemen who had cor nered you, and could have escaped l>y running form the tlat you were trying to rob." Inquired the maßlatrate. lwnt ou getting at the facta In tie caae, "how did It happen that you surren dered HO tamely to thla undcmlzed of fleer In cltlzeu'a clothe*7' "I thought he waa the janitor." said the captured burglar Chicago Trlle one. Forrhnnilrd. "1 don't *<-e what we want with all those little Islands." said one Herman official. "You Jii-t wult," answered the other. "I'onlblj there will la* an earthquake one of then* days which will push some territory to tin- surface tliat I* really worth building a town on.**— Washington Star. <•% rrrallniNl Father What la the meaning of that black eye, my son? Johnny oh. that's merely a mark of esteem, father. Father How so? Johnny I esteemed myself a better boxer than Tommy J ones. Chicago News. At lf«-r '••-••••••■ I \\ • *l«l 1 »»*i. "And ■> she |K.isoiie«l her htislmnd' Ah h ill sin* do It? Mhe I- so rweet looking and *o beantlfol." "That's just the nnwm She fcm-v. she would have a elneli with the Jury." Chicago I imes Herald. 11l lll.mlxiKlnir "I don't value success In life as high ly as I n««sl to" "Why not I" "After people have won fame th« y have noflilt.it to look forward to." Chicago Record. No. 31 MISSING THE JUBILEE. One W oranat V» ka DM Know Thai I Few* Had < mh. I Uw iH t: uildat of the peace jubl i 1-- and trio • ',i.»r was the busiest In • diiid ai tou u '.-;t the v .sltor go( in t. «;~at »a.. worse. SAt «1 v,n .is;.; ,t»„f ..ther signs of re- L ail ig, • otii* of whk-b the editor en eonrngeu "I.St ;isv «.„• -aid the visitor of his own * . lUuu. "I«nt e;«i t 1 ask jruu an liu[«.( taieacv jubilee we're hav fug in thl* tmnf "If certainly I*." a i««e Jubilee is a celebration of |s«a.-e. ain't It?" "Exactly."* "And i «• means that war t» off. don't It T" "*>f course it >|oe«.'" "And that the olive branch la Unng ing lov.. a- .I that exerybody hi fnlliug •tie very txMlj ehte'a utxk. and that «r very- Isxly is 81.i,l the war ekNMft* hnve rolletl by. an.) that ;;o eompreheaalve a knonhslxe from such an unsuspected quarter. "1 tlMHUtbt so." sahl the visitor rising. "I'll c«« hack home ami t«JI my witm •bout It When I left there an hour •ff«> I se disraaes are spread by apt res. The figure presented by riiil—ii Law son of the New flainpshire statton in ~, 1.,,,, ianil HiwAai^alwpyi—P"g»»« The sjs.res of tbe late blight are egg shaped Be|>eated experimenta have shown that ln th thfse diaeasea way be profit ally controlled by spraying with bor deaux mixture For early blight on early poUtuaa Professor Lam*on a-iviaea toapray when tbe vines ar»« about two-thirda grown or as «. ..n as tbe di«eaa« makes its ap pearance. Kejwat the spraying in ahont two weeks For both early and late blight on late potatoea spray three times— the middle of July, the Ist ..f Angnat and the mid die of Anicuat Svttlas «»•« Celrrr rtssM. When settled, warm weather haa come in May or June ami celery plants have made a growth of five or six inche* they should be set in the garden I» will l«» of advantage at this time fc» trim off thet.»psof the leaves and abont one fifth at the mil .>f tbe main root The ground must be thoroughly worked and fertilixed with fine, rich cuopat ctmtainiag chicken manure if practi-n --hi" The plants are set in rows threw to fonr feet apart and five to aix inches apart in tbe row It is practically lm p «»il>l»> to make the ground too rich, and go*si stable manure aeems to be most in favor for the purpose. As much aa 2.U00 ponnda to the acre of a "high grade, complete commercial fertiliser" may be nted npoa the aoil alrandy enp plied with atable manure The ardl moat bt« kept moist, and if it ia not natumlly so water must be turned on liberally The aoil mnat b« looas both before and after transplanting ami weeda kept down industriously. Cultivation most be especially careful until the oal»ry has made a good atart after the flnal transplanting. Sseprtsetl. "It was wonderful to aec that young American latly "leading th» mob. anld one I'arislan. "What »as wonderful abont tt?" "Why. tbe fact timt we conld under aland her French."—' tVashington Star. Mrrnrits al Twtt OIS luMUn. "Your grandfather used to saw wood for my grandfather."* "Ves; I've heard him tell bow your grandfather !*•«! him down on his price and a half tbe time didn't pny him." Chicago Record. TOe r«tjr mt It. " Ethel llow harmonious the color of everything In this church Is! Margaret Yea. excepting the aextou Why doesn't he wear stained glessesT llarlem IJfe. lioiibitnt %!>»■• th* Ketka4. It la Itardly |*>s*ible to cat tbe trust to denth at a lamquet.—Memphis Gnm nierclal Api«enL A rkrsM. t—-i—9 "Johnson lias <|tilt playing poker. I notice." "Tea; he aald hia wife cried ahont it ao that he gave It op." "Ah: I ass- Came called on acvoyt of rain."