Huselton's SHOE STORK TALKS Money Savers During This JUNE CLEARANCE Al F All lots offered are first class footwear and are guaranteed high quality. 1 n m -| Choice of 300 pairs Misses' Tan and Black Kid Skin JvJ A A • Shoes, spring heels, lace or button, all solid and every pair a euaranteed, $1.50 and $2.00 shoe, uito 2. June Clearance Price, / jets and SI.OO. t /"vrp C) Women's regular $2 00 and $2.50, Tan and Black, Jj't/ X lace and button, with or without vesting tops, coin toe, McKay sewed, all styles, A to h. June Clearance I rice $1.50 and $2.00. jAm o 600 Pairs Women's Turn and McKay Oxfords. JjU 1 O. Regular $2.00. $1.50 and SI.OO goods. June Clearance Price 50 cts, 75 cts, and SI.OO T A Men's regular $3.50, $3.00 and $2.00 lines in Tan and ■LIvJ 1 4:. Black, Kid and Russia, Calf, McKay and Welts, latest shapes. June Clearance Price $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25. j K Boy's Black and Tan Shoes same style as Men's M\J 1 t/. regular $1.50 and $2.00 goods. June Clearance and $1.50. T f* Little Gent's Black and Tan Spring Heel with brass ■Li" J- 0., Hooks, sizes 9to 13J, regular $1.25 and $1.50 grade. June Clearance Price 90 cts. and $1.25. Have you seen the two new shoes for Women? "QUEEN QUALITY" and "MRS. JENNESS MILLER." They are beauties only to be had at B. C. HUSELTON'S, Butler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel I.owry. | JULY CLEARANCE SALE 3 i WALL PA.PICR. I rx Now is tbe time to buy WAI.I. PAPER. We are SELLING A 1 U (R COST. This is an opportunity of a life lime to buy wall paper at these (R prices. Our stock is large and you will have uo trouble in selecting a \Jh ff SUITABLE PAPER for any ROOM in the HOUSE. Call and get our prices. No trouble to show goods. Jflk U Picture and Mirror Framing a Speciality. Uk T.arge stock to select from, all up to ilate at the LOW ESI PRICES, Spb B all work guaranteed. \ (R Room Mouldings, Stationary, \ ■ Paints, Oils and Varnishes, j Patterson Bros., 8 5 236 North Maifcttftet, Butler, Pa. S S Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 2 The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge Spriry3s WRITE TO Haggerty & White. Cambridge Springs, Pa VORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSION OF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that It covers the entire range of human knowledge. / The entire set with Guide and case delivered <£i rvri f''l U upon payment of only Jlln \\Jp» Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA Is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER Is the best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has aot FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. The Keystone Orchestra, Is now ready for engagement? for Par ties, Picnics and Dances, and Guarantee the l»est of music at reasonable rates. Address, Prof. Gus Wickonhagen, 228 Ziegler Ave., Butler, P», Subscribe for The Citizen. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. »jlt This edition has never been sold for less than ♦64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantago of this rare opportur.ity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. Arandale HOTEL. BEDFORD S RINGS BEDFORD PA. Opens Mny S&th with many new Improve ments and attractions. l&nownctd for Its IIIKII standard of excellence an<l Itk »i>rliiK s nt remarkable curative virtues. fer,i,s moderate. Special rates for June and Hep lember. Write for txioklet ALSIP k SMITU. mon*. may seem, it may \ -till, in God'* K ood provi- UjkvJjT SI dence, be far away. Jj part of man's hu- f inanity to man *"'/ *•*•■» . years ago, an institution was _ founded in Huff-lo N. \•. known as the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, which has since become one of the most famous institutions in the world tor its enormous benefits to the sick and suii«» all over the United States. Thousands have come there for treatment ann tens of thousands have received professional ad vice bv mail with suggestions for inexp. n sive home-treatment, whereby they have been cured of severe, and in many in stances. apparently hopeless diseases \ Massachusetts man. Mr John Brook*. of Boylstou. Worcester Co., writes About a year aeo I was taken with a bad cold which settled on mv lungs The doctor* sa-.d 1 was in con sumption aud could not get well. I took . il sion of Cod Liver oil and it did me n< . -■»! \fter taking it four mouths I heard ol your ■ (iolden Medical Disc very and wr. tc t vou for advice I have taken your medicine ;oid it saved mv life I felt so sick when I wrote to von that I thought I would not live through the winter. In the morning I raised an awful lot and would spit all the time and had pr.ius in my chest Mv bowels would not move more than once or twice a week mv was !,^.' r y rone: I could not do a whole day s work Now iiiv bowels are regular every day aud I feel no more pain in my chest I feel a great d. . stronger. lam working hard every dav di.v fUK a team in the woods and I owe my than-s ™nr Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery I tonow it saved my life." The most difficult diseases to cure arc those which are aggravated by constipation In such cases I)r i'ierce's Pleasant i <-11*.* should be taken in conjunction with the • Discovery." They never gripe. All gooC dealers sell them. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts o£ the system. They Cure the Sick. HO. CCRES. PRlCES |—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25 2-Worni«. Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. .'-55 3-Teething. Colic. Crying,Wakefulness .25 4-Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.. .25 7—Cough., Colds, Bronchitis ... .2-5 H—\euralgla. Toothache, Faceaehe.. ."25 9-Headaehe, Slek Headache. Vertigo . .25 10—Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach. 2.5 1 f—Suppressed or l'ainful Period. .-■'s I'2—W hites. Too Profuse Periods '£•s 13—Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14—Malt Hhriini. Erysipelas, Eruptions .'25 15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malarla. Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19—Catarrh. Influenza. Cold In the Head .25 2©— Whooplng-Cough. -25 27—Kidney -25 '2H— Xervous Debility ... 1.00 30—I'rinary Weakness. Wetting Bed. .25 77—Urip. Hay Fever ... '25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of ail Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt or price. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John SU., New York Headache for Forty Years. For forty years I suffered from sick head ache. A year ago I began using; Celery King. The result was gratifying and surpri my headaches leaving at once. The head aches used to return every seventh day, but thanks to Celery Hints I have had tint one headache In the lohl eleven months. I I now that what cared me will help others. Mrs. John I'. Van Keuren, Saugerties, N. V. I elery King cures Constl pat ion and ail dis eases of the Nerves, Stomacli, LI verai : Kid neys. Sold by druggists. 26c. and 60c. I iPURE BLOOD, S Pure bloodmeans life,healih, # •vigor —no room, for disease where the veins are filled ,fc vrith rich, red corpuscles. \ i Lindsey's Improved* Blocd Searcher ;! Wakes pore blood—cures scrof- (j I # ula, erysipelas, pimples, boils, (I 11 sore eyes, scald bead—blood dis» <j I I ► eases of all forms. Here's proof: # e I MES3OPOTA2nA.Oni(\ m J | Dr. UnSsey's Blood Searcher.has .| I' T*orked\vonderswithlnc. I have been m * I \ traulil^d-aiihScrofula/•■rtkirtifyears d) Jt ti'ifc I find that l)r.'sey's Blood | I ► K-areTiervrill effort a permanent euro • I lnuiiuurttUuc- It'sv.nndnrful. (I J, C. W. Li-sscorn. i S W. J. GILMORK CO. \ 5 PITTSBURG, PA. J Atajl Drojgirig. CO. <r Eureka Harness Oil in the l»est H| preservative of now leather and the best renovator of old |H leather. It oils, softens, blaek- Hi H ens and protect*. Us© V 1 Eureka § (Harness QHit ® on your best harness. your oM hnr- IARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful M edical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, l'ure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Open all the year, under tin medical con trol <»f Dr. K. O. rrossman. graduate of I"i»i --versity of Vermont. assisted liy skillful phy sicians. Appointments of the mist appr«»x-d kinds, and lirst-class in every r« ->pect. Treatment hy medicines and haihs «»f nil kinds, massage and « leetriclty. Hot, and eohl. salt Turkish. Koman. sit/. *trn thermal, electro-chemical and needle baths Building heated with hot water, lighted by electricity, supplied with pure mountain water, surrounded by qui* t. restful lnouu t;il 11 scenery. Located on I'ittstmrK division of li. cV O. K. It . which connects ii with th«< principal cities and their railroad systems also with the Pennsylvania railroad at liyndman, Johnstown, t onnelsvllle. Brad dock. Terms rensonahic. Sneclal rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physician and their families For further Information and circulars address THE MARKLETON SANATORIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. CfklehMUr'a F.ncllab Dlaa«ii<t Rrwil ENNYROYAL PILLS Orl«1a«l and Only ©coul«»«. A «»n. ki«k/i r-u»M«. L»OH> ui Jk\ I >ra<Kl«t tor C%icke*t«r • JTn«;Ju» fh » M\\ Hran l In Kc<l and Void ■ rv ftM vlih bin® ribbon. Tile \3F ( f* Ul.oatkrr. Hrfutt d-tfout rulnit* » I " Xf 'umM <m4 tmUmumt A t .r ,ob 4 t*. !i. 2f In .(.IT.p. r« j>»rUMt«r». KrtMlHl irl \ V O • r.. _V, p M.IL 10,000 TnMMMbte. r - Stoo Nju'arr. I'lllllUA, I'*' jwABTED-'--a'Reliable HANj X of good address to solicit business from prop- X X erty-owners. Any well known per.-<»n willing Xto work, can mnko flotofls week v. < 0111- A X mission or salary, paid weekly. Address for X X r.urficidara, mentioning this paj»er. X X<U\ A Ui . j> ll \. Cll A>K, Ko« J»e^ er, N. V.X TII E CITIZEN. SCHEMING FOR AN EXTRA SESSION. (By tf-lesr.ii'h from a staff correspondent.) Harrisburg, July 18. —If ever Mat thew Stanley Quay anil his machine were between the devil and the deep sea they are at the present time. Quay has discovered that the United States senate will not admit him on the fake and foolish appointment of Governor Stone. The recent canvas of the sen ate by the New York Herald shows Quay to be eleven votes short of enough to seat him. There are two expedients left to the boss. One is to have his governor call a special session of the legislature and try again to secure an election, the other is to wait until next year an 1 try to elect enotigh members of the leg islature to return the boss to Washing ton. The latter game is a difficult one, while the former is perplexing. Even Quay's machine leaders do not know where they stand, and the anti-Quay ites are making fools of them every week. The Quayites are having a sys tematic canvass made of the state to find out how many of the "insurgents" and Democrats will likely go back on their pledge;*, if they can get enough recalcitrants and Democrats to assist the governor will call a ;pe. session, and then Quay will ?u*ain try to be elected. The Quay machine was thrown into a flutter of glen last Frida. by the ap pearance i■ '* an interview in the news papers with Representative \V. \Y. M«- Elhanev. < 'io of the Pittsburg insur gents, who 'aid M'B!. ; ;,YN :\"S SCHEME "Information hi. r. m to mo within a fortnight \ I.ieh leads me to believe that an .inuoiTients arc being made to reconvene the legislature and elett a United States senator, it is my opin ion that the lerisl. i i < if reconvened, will elect M. S. Qc: y to succeed h!m se'f. "This matter has h ;«n under consid tration for time", and th.3 plans are being <.uic woii- 'l so as to not stir up the > < i and niak 1 it s;n is sue in Co ear:iv>aien. It is the prevalent l-~'i th- 1 whathrr ! or rot Ke>: t r v will be Fa rted by the next r<' " .!de from t! 11. Im portant ch:i* •in politic?.! 'i' lo are going on v h!< i; le?d me to believe that »n extra •.• lion wonW result in th? election of Quay." "Would O' ay get any Democratic votes?" "He could and would if they were needed. There are also grounds for be lieving that a part of the Philadelphia delegation which declined to enter the caucus will now do so. Mayor Ash bridge has worked material changes in the factional lines of the Quaker City." "Should there be an extra session, would you vote for Senator Quay?" was asked. "That is a horse of another color." came the quick retort. The machine took this to bp a dela tion of weakness on Mi. McElhaney's part, and tossed its cap In air. It was, however, all a trick. It uncovered the Quay machine's plans, for within two hours there was an announcement from some of the machine leaders that all that McElhaney had said was true. McElhaney's purpose was accomplish ed, and the scheme of trying to get Democ-iats to vote for Quay in event of an extra session was revealed. McElhaney's interview had another effect. It proved hov.- false ore the claims the machine has been making that Mayor Ashbrldge. of Philadelphia, was doing all he could to help Quay. In an interview concerning his position the same day that tho> Pittsburg inter view with Mi Ellianey appeared Mayor Ashbridge said: ASHBHIDGE DENIES. "It is too absurd to talk about. Why, I never thought ot such a thing, or never talked of such a thing to any member of the legislature any one ehv I am busy enough jtist now without undertaking to re-elect Mr. Quay or defeat him, or bother myself in any way in the matter." In discussing this subject the Phila delphia North American said: "As for the insurgent:-;, th'swvould welcome an extra session. Their lead ers declare that, notwithstanding re ports to the contrary, every one of I heir followers would stand by the pledges made last wniter. They scout the talk of Quay being able to get any help from the Democratic members, and point to the unflinching record of the Democrats all through the long deadlock, and to the straightout anti- Quay declarations of the latest Demo cratic state platform, as proof that there is no cause for alarm In that di rection. "An extra session would delight the insurgents, because they feel assured that Quayism could not survive an- Ither failure like that of last winter. | They are amply prepared to resume the old struggle whenever the Quay people desire to do so. The latter, however, are not likely to seelt an encounter with the reformers unless their ef forts to win strength from the insur gent ranks shall be more successful in the near future than they have been in the recent past." One of the sensations of the past week has been the announcement of the list of census supervisors for the state. In every case the Quay machine has piled up fresh trouble for itself. It has succeeded in inducing the admin istration at Washington to throw aside all established precedent, and as a re sult some of the most influential con gressmen have become enemies of the Quay concern. Of course Senator Pen rose handed in the lists, but only friends of Senator Qu:iy were recog nized. HITTING CONGRICSHMEN. The most flagrant case of "throw down" was that of Congressman Er nest K. Atcheson. of Washington, who also represents a part of the Eighteenth census district. It will be remembered that Congressman \t< he on. whose affiliations have lierttofoie been with Mr. Quay, protested ar tlnst the Quay scheme of naming Nontenant Colonel James Harnett, of Washington, as the candidate for stale treasurer. He and Barnett come from the same < unity, and in an interview with Mr. Quay the congressman pointed u:it that Hum it's record in his hem" county was that he was not a straight Republican. That when it suited his purpose Harnett would bolt the ticket, and on several Bccaslons he had contributed to Dem ocratic success by making deals with enemies of the Republican party. For this frank statement Congress man Atcheson has been "thrown down hard," and now he is on the warpath. In the case of Congressman Wanger he was not allowed to name the super visor for his congressional district, and the same is true of other men who have drilled with Quay and bis ma chine. Of course It all means that there Is trouble piling up fot "ihe old man" for the future. 1! • has enough trouble now. it would almost appear. Chairman Elkin, ex-Senator "I.exow" Andrews, Insurant • Conmiissioner Durham. Senator l'e:ir<>se, T. Ijirry Eyre and several other are building tip a new machine and are fighting Quay on his own ground. Thi is n matter of common scandal now in the party. AFTER GOVERNOR STONE. Governor Stone Is being denounced all over the state by grangers and far mers' organizations. When Thomas Edge was a candidate for reappoint ment as secretary of agriculture hun dreds of petitions from farmer organ izations and granges were sent to the governor asking Edge's reappoint ment. When the latter was turned down Governor Stone returned him hundreds of these petitions in the orig inal envelopes as mailed by the far mers, and the letters unopened. Sec retary Kdge returned these petitions to their writers with the following, which is a sample letter: "Harrlsbtirg, Pa.. May 31, 1899. "Dear Sir and Brother: Permit me through you to thank the members of Pomona grange. No. 30. for the kind and cordial endorsement which they gave me for reappointment as secre tary of agriculture, anil to express to them my great regret that I have to report that their endorsements, to gether with 174 others from Pomona autj subordinate niuuKvt, have beeu and in the condition in which they left my hands. "Respectfully and fraternallj yours, (Signed) "Thomas J. Edge." It is a great record Governor Stone is making at llarri.sburg. He disregards the law and ignores the right of peti tion. But it is the record of the ma chine which moves the governor. A CLEVER RUSE. Thfy Don't Menu to Hurt Ilnoh Oth er. hut (otik TMnkN So. "You're a mean, horrible tyrant, and I know you don't love me. 1 believe you never did love ii*\ Vou just mar rfet) aw out of spite in order to show that horrible l".'-.-. girl Who jilted you that she was in) tlie only woman in the world Oh. how could you IK? so cruel as to tale mo from a good home and abuse i . • like this? "P»ut. my dear, you are unreasona ble. Vou have worked yourself into a passion because I objected to that last bill that Muslin & Co. presented. Vou know you did not need the goods and I have h:i 1 an awful time keeping up my clul) assessments this month all on that account. Besides"— "< iub assessments, indeed! Of course (cr\i -j you tiling i.iore of your mean old dub than you lo of me; you always did think more of everything than you did of me The idea of thinking of your club when you know 1 needed every stitch of clothing 1 purchased, but yotl never think I need any thing (with sarcasm); it's all right as loiij: as your club dues art- ]>:.. d." An-1 so the conversation is kept up for half an hour or more, t.'ooks aro scarce artieles in the suburl 'in ' ' :'s young married coup : e i> eiiiitied to a great deal of credit for the < lever man tier in which they are able to keep one for six weeks at a stretch before she finally discovers it is all a scheme to keep the boss of the culinary de partment en the iookout for a thrilling end to the prearranged tragedy.~ Cleveliind Leader. Uuil Witii( M bat t.ittle. !: | ."'A f j fev U.-Zy -' y'V ' • * ;i '' • k ; "/aVN ' M . ffl- Z "My poor man, take a little of this pie—me own make I'm sure It will di gest." "It moight, lady, but if it's all the same ter you. let me die-jest 'ere wid out it."—Ally Slcper. Jolninic*M Choice. "Which would you rather, Jolinnie," asked the fond mother, "have the measles and stay at home, or lie well and go to school?" "Rather have the measles and stay nt home; 1 >lll then I'd like to go to school too," said Johnnie. "Hut why. darling?" urged his moth er. '•So I could give all the other fellows the measles."—Tit-Bits. •OQC *OJBJOdO 04 itECO OJ <SL'3 •GqaepeoN 'uojj3akjjpu| *IIB 'Bill J3AH Sllld S.QOdH Rbhumatism Ci:bj!d in a Day "Mystic Cure" For Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to .3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. Ralph Druggists Butler \pr q6. THE BEST SUMMER TONIC recommended <'ind endorsed by noted phys icians. is a moderate use of pure and whole some liquors. We are imiiortors and handle only the best brands of wines, whiskeys, etc. I f you are dissatisfied with the wines and liquors you have been tr« , (five ours a ! 11:1 i. Prices lowest for pure coods: FIX 11. *T. VKUN'O>. <aXK KNiiKIXK It IH 111 N (i Kli QIBMSI, OVKBIIOLT, I.AlUife, TIIOSII'SON. BKIIMiKPORT, Any of 1 he above brands of whiskey, un adulterated. tJ years old. 81.00 per full «11.: •*» tits.. s.">.» X). ti BA FATiII!U .S ( HOICK, a whiskey ffuaranted 3years old. S2.CO per sral. l)n C. D. i>. or mail orders of $.">.00 or over we Ih)X and ship pnuuptly: express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send orders direct and save money. ROBERT LI2WIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite It AO. Depot SEND US ONE DOLLAR ISiS irw IMil) |»ntlrrn lilvh-frnlc UKSfcUVOIU (OAL ANO W<»00 r<M>K hTOVK, l.> fr. lu'lit C.0.p.. <ut»J« 4 ft to vxaiiiination Exainlno It »«t - y-iur Uie II OO^ !*!<» FREE tent wltli or STOVE CATALOGUE. omt frelKht chanr#** Thin ntove h* lizo No. H, ovi'n i< IfiKxltfxll. top is i'ixZS; mmle from |>iff tr»a, rxtra larj?*' ItiM'B. h« uvy covers lu-Hvy Itnlnirs and k'rut- *, lurK«* (iven nhclf, heavy tin-lined oven d«»or. han<l■ "ine nickel plttt. d ornamentation* anil trimminK", * xtrn ilrep, ircnuint* SlamlUh |»ore«*lnin rf«fn«lr, haiut Komi' ornamented l»os«*. Ilrot r«»l bam. r and u-c furntfth KUKK hii extra wood fcrati*. maklnt; it a |» r fiM*t »>«>o*l l>urn»-r. W« INHI KA HI 411 AKA NTKK with rvcry utovo and (niarantee nafe delivery to your rail road station. Y«-ur I-k-hI <l* al«r would chance > «•'• f.»r mich a t»tove, the fn-iitlit In only about It.wi f <t en« I) MKI inilew. »o wr *av«* »«im at I«*»hI fIO.iMI. Addr»sn. BEARS, ROEBUCK <V. CO.-INC ICHICAGO.ILL tl<>«liuck A to. &r« UiortittJjhly rrllaot®.- fcdit**.} ' /wH»ri!»vi |C V . t'c' sc *\ feigfifc #sj a£ H TWiCE'-p jife, & Tl:v i" ' Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick liouse has opened Inisi tiess in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will (lo Horse-Shoe:ng i" the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. /<Q) t/7 /?/ yy// ' J .// C/rrst n specialized Dread- ivinnlniz EducMtlom. fO*r CINCUL4WS ADVff *• j°. DUFF S: SOX . 'Jtt- 1 t!i Avenue, nrrsfli Mi. 1 I Sabscribe tor the Citukn "jt/i SO'DEAD TIRED.'" Young women — y in | the modern, scientific, practical, up-to-date medicine that banishes kidney )F backache, kiiney ailments, sleeplessness anJ urinary in eitn* Jg', \ \ We know Kid-Nc-Oids will absolutely cure the L^vfij JaIU I N&||g above ailments and minor affections <lirectly due to jrV v4j nrSi i them—we have given names of those who were m!ml cured—investigate and you will get at the trutlu m Jfrll Y \. ■ iHHfiRH Disordered kidneys are indicated by f>ains in the hack, . i BpSjM f fullness after eating, scanty cr scalding urine, weakness anJ chilis, ir. \ . >^e«3 wr *.* the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss ol vitality, spelling in 87!7*; || f\ body, or both, and sediment in the urine. iS AJh^l Kid-No-Oids are in yellow tablet form—put up in boxes—s^oll for ffV a ' ->\ at all <irug stor<»—your druggiet will tell you of cureh they effected hen iit home— lm» will Touch for tho truth of our every assertion. Morrow's Liverhwc cures constipatien, biliousness, costiveness —tin y \* x l Kid-Ne-Oids at*l Uverlax, manufactured by John Atorrow St Co., Chemists, Springfield, oh i. FOR SALE BY REDICK & GROHMANN. Manufacturers $5 Suit Sale We bought of an Eastern Clothing Mak er his entire Men's Suit stock (Spring weight) which enables us to quote prices at such low figures. They are on our tables and to sell at #f> a Suit—worth double the money. A Check Scotch Cassimcr Suit 35. A Light All-wool Scotch Suit.. $5. A Blue Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown Melton Suit $5. A Black Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown and Gray mix Caesimer Suit $5. See our window display of these suits; you can't help but buy one: they are so i>ood for so such a little amount of o money. Call and ask to be shown these suits, no trouble whatever. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS. 137 South (Vlain St.. Butler. "A < AIR i'-i e~\ f r'i UVe CAIM." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USiao SAPOLIO NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Ok! ! !! It's a long life, but devotion to the true ilit.- rests ami | r • prosjierity of the American I'eople has won for it new I 'ij-jfjfc- . friends as the years rolled hj and the original members | 4 of its family parsed to their reward, and these admirers are loya! and steadfast today, witli faith in its t> achings, and \\ confidence in the information which it brings to their \ \ 'c . * '"onifs and firesides. yi • -^ s il natural co n set j lie lice it enjoj-. in its old ns»e all the v i \ \ vitality and vigor of it-, youth, strengthened and iij>eiied t \ ST 11 ii- i y]R-ri'V'-i sotuw r half a century, \ "it has lived on it-, merits, and <>n tl e cordial support ot V progressive Americans. It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over a- the leading National Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value tothoje who desire all the new of the State aim Nation, (he publisher of "The CiTizßN" ytw own favorite hone papa catered into an alliance with "The Ncw-Vork Weekly Tribune" which enable him to furnish both papers at the trilling cost of $1.50 per year. Kvery farmer anil every villager owes to lii»nse!t to his family, and to *he community 111 which he lives a cordial support •>! his loc.i'. iie-.vsp.iper, .l. it works constantly*and untiringly for his interests 111 every way, bnngi ti> his home ail the news and hiip]>eniugs of his neij;li'>oihood, the doings of hi friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in f act, ia. a weekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake. |XU|llMill f-unity. Just think of it' Ltoih >f these papers for only a year. Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa. HI ' . fains < • lav _! '1 f- • - . , IBm V' 1 ki yi)i- <L-•- • * f-.- ■ • OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED u ~ - - . . • •.- rk • r any ralir»Ad « r 'it>rc» ,1 ,min in < ht. • 1 a r pital uf o*er •»«». •* «i ' • »»n : (hi 1.-tr,*- «» t -«*»• ti- V-«i. • 1• • i •ui ..vvti *»» IM AT a»t «*«», lIfMV and 111>: aI - .V . villi..: H. . tl in-.fl • :iU- , t » 1..-A, . . rile I ■ In. .. • . I I*DO am! **».- ' '1 AC« »*«» Ihorvauhlf r«iiat»i». K4n.»r.J SEARS. »I->=aUCK A CO. (Inc.). Fj'fto. Dcislaii . 1 Wanun St«., CHICACO. ILL. subscribe for the CITIZEN. ; X?000^0ci0c000qq0000000006^l| I Summer V —v '■ * I—*1 —* Summer < Millinery*—9 millinery.* > The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. SUMMER SALE. . o The popuhn Kou.;li Kidcr Hat.Ladies' and \ti*ses" Trimmed Hats, Walking Hats, S.iilor Hats, l adies and Misses' Strait ' Sailor Hats, Indies'and Misses' Rough and Ready Sai!« r«/ ' Assortment of Trimmed Boniwt* an«l Hats. * I All the n.-we-t ihaprs ami style* is U> be fountl at our »tore At '.b*< I wry lowest prices. . > Mourning Cooda Always on Hand I > 122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA. V DO YOIT know that we will ship you All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pore Penoa. Rye WiMey for $.3 \Vc don't l>'aiitL- y«'U if you are doubtful about it, t*«t the Ixst way to convince yourself is to atari UJ a trial order Semi the amount either in currency by rejgisterel letter. I*. O. order or expr. -a, an I we will bos ship j»i*t prepay exprcsaage on a jfallon of Cabinet 4 year oM aye for #v»>- Vou will lie suroriii lat the quality of thia whiskey. It h absolutely pure, and i* ]\»st what yon nee«l in the house at this season of the year. What do jrou think of a Writ Virginia Black Brandy at #2.i» > per gallon' We have some «f the very he>». made from selected b-rri'* and carefully distilled - pat up in gallons, half gallons and owarts— Don't f*>rget that w.* pee pay exprcsaage oti at! onlere of $5 mi mn-l over, except wheie a transfer i< necr-v-ory tram one Co, to another, when we pay fxpressage to point of transfer You can make yon own selection from the following Author Rye. a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a g*l Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a 1 Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4 00 a Gin, Rum. Kutnmcl. Brandy $2.00. $2.30 and $3.00 per ijal MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors* 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PA Send for catalogue and price list, mailed tree. SEND NO MONEY !^iMM CfMDC ?*CI» CAimET luRDiCt $(»(•« MACNMIt • *-••«*« « ? ° •» tMi w I f.»U I prrUrtlf aat»»%#:«» j . y. rvpri |M MN»I I • marhtu#* aikor. .»it mm ki*k ». s4*t IMS, (M | f M «.kK»li-s, VIM IOK MltKB of. M f • Our Bn#r i I Off - P- « <le en • * W wSttfcZtW' T*IPI frrlifht will arrratfr ;.*» rrnU f«r Nrb M aU* J . ClVfc IT THREE MONTHS TRIALm y.vjr o«n >»l ». ~4t *r ■ f"-"' •••» *'*•»'• •' "-"f IMMW< at KM. tl« N. rnmm W* ■ |l2.Mas4a», all tmUy 4'«rrtl»4 U <H»e IrM ».•••« f lali—i. \ | ;• >15.50 tr 111. DROP DESK CABINET BURDICK fII vp I U Q ?f j it* ttxw trretktcmt value over offeredby any bouss fjlT ■ Ull 9 PEWAWE OF IMITATIONS ~ Ml IjBI ! |? fcrlKMiriiU, ofTf-rtnir ••»•••■ irn>wa imni wft* FBfl I : ▼an 'i- Inl ... rt«.*nt» ™rU+ MM tr*+»4 lm «a>#a«« mm 4 tmmtm «HM a*» fVj| UMI«MI |r «%ft WHO «KF *«rf. U| 4 f TLIC DIIDHIPI/ HK * MWMN NMWTUTT FMJ MBBFTIF*' # 1 I nc DUnUI V/fV inn whip r-.ift •» itniT an* M . = ».Rai»« KM, »mi TM iT um 11 f.)» *.»•»*. ut IIIIHMNUIIIII lomi t. -m3 **~—' Jl mipi, rtimwi ir»Tmnin - ' «"»" ««V MI-ID 9t*WTE» Sawift OA* »jo«; 0*« {5... r • IN inn : (T | ' M tMit bnrkf n n<lt, (nqiw n m, i I /itl \ II jC Bftfr . lD '' 1 ' r- 1 - f'uniii m iii,^ it .IrV IWA MMI • n **"" uariap ~«..« • / I T I WBW rn<«lMlito> ninttk • r<M( IM.WI i K • - J 1 ■ lan " r patent !>~dl» r«'—' •• —• -r <-l ■ -I•- ~i t. man I *ji -jP liJ cuawXwTtio A»<» h vVA*»" MVwpis'O oViWairVilni*- *JT/ .'^^372^l IT COSTS rou «OTMtN6 * -« »■»——»•«. „ J * »iwa«»T"w«>»min»M«,i' t^afo . . <•' HO O# « I tfc* if ran.) fa v. m—m H* m MB « pm r*«r '..(AI «..i Ito nj.6o " in «ll"> I'M I «■> M » m itw m«M> M, mm my mm M< .XM,4 IIVIIkK fu |.,f. !»H 1 tIUI k (hirt.*!, w r f< -T~ ' Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK * CO. Inc. Chlca«o. 111. r. . « J:» -J ->i» !X* .» :j ; . J O J t mm I ?**' ' !v I* « / /tr /ff IT •» "» Kf"«i t« to j» •"/ I n Ui'»«t all tk< <tra>tM <*> m *■■ V MM IT Mil »"i kuwiMm hcaOiigkt .. V V . ~ '' '"loi- 'T *!*»« • C»r«r fcrht ... - " It kirn knuxiM .■ ' <II » f. It will not bkm nor out | ? SrrCIA!. OPFFP. at TMI. AO*»TU«.w!«T o»-f ~Jr £ j II ■ 111 spj *frj It to «• lft't *< »tji «rwl I 3p . # • IM--I lr.| v.. » »l ) . »•«•«'» \\t3J J ® ( . t • >tn .. h iaw> t !.»• ta« ittii i in«« p| Z ;j IS!|"TZ CQMI'AMf. A« ljrf*» >t-. New York. I » * w'. - tinc r- c pur>i>r - Subscribe for the CITIZEN New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Ir\J Our Soda R A. MacCartney J KEELEY CURE.<! \ LIQUOR AMD OPIUM HABITS. < 4' llmnN an Mrt <****■•. WMI I' 11 i«m fc—rni iM»i«r.nyi—» 11 I mte!l*ct an* Ma tm» *tr >«afcaa«. |' THI 'HIT mini l««T1TlT« I' A a«< t—> w •«*▼*■' fnwnfiiu. 1 1 Now is The Time to Have "S on r c'(>t li i t CL K'vNrlD or DYbD If you wml ani! r« li.iblc c! ••■ninp «>r thrr> i-* iiiHt ore | I.u• ti !*»*-»» wh<-Tt ,"*. j C«lt get «t. .1" <1 i> at The Butler D>e Works 1 ii 2 t » i»t' r nvTiiur A r i:. fi:»« work m I.M.r I'!». ii>> n r.i|ih> ;hi> ?> Ic. «iu< i>f j r t.j iwvt- a ;>ict«i» t your house, liivc us a trial A;r-ot f««r tl>«» .liiu-«'.o*.i lilin<i I%.—N'»» Y'-fll. R. FISHER & SON,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers