Huse lton's SHOE; STORK TALKS. Money Savers During This JUNE CLEARANCE * AI F All lots offerad are first class footwear and are guaranteed high quality. I n m -j Choice of 300 pairs Misses' Tan and Mack Kid Skin Jv 1 1 • Shoes, spring heels, lace or button, all solid and every pair a guaranteed, $1.50 and $2.00 shoe, sizes 11 j to 2. June Clearance Price, 75cts and SI.OO. "I" O Women's regular $2.00 and $2.50, Tan and Black, wl lace and button, with or without \'estirg tops, coin toe, McKay sewed, all styles, A to E. June Clearance Price $1.50 and $2.00. j O 600 Pairs Women's Turn and McKay Oxfords. LiVf A O. Regular $2.00, $1.50 and SI.OO goods. June Clearance Price 50 cts, 75 cts, and SI.OO. T HT A. Men ' s regular $3.50, $3.00 and $2.00 lines in Tan and A Ulack , Kid and Russia, Calf, McKay and Welts, latest shapes. June Clearance Price $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25. T Ol 1 Boy's Black and Tan Shoes same style as Men's -LivJ A y. re g U lar $1.50 and $2.00 goods. June Clearance Price SI.OO and $1.50. T OHP ft Little Gent's Black and Tan Spring Heel with brass A O. Hooks, sizes 9to 13^, regular $1.35 and $1.50 grade. June Clearance Price 90 cts. and $1.25. Have you seen the two new shoes for Women? "QUEEN QUALITY" and "MBS. JENNESS MILLER." They are beauties only to be had at B. C. HUSELTON S, Butler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry. | JULY CLEARANCE SALE | i WALL PAPER. 1 Now is tbe time to buy WALL PAPER. We are SELLING Af W COST. This is an opportunity of a life time to buy wall paper at these U prices. Our stock is large and you will have uo trouble in selecting a Uk W SUITABLE PAPER for any ROOM in the HOUSE. Call and get our M prices. No trouble to show goods. Jfl) Picture and Mirror Framing a Speciality. Ufc Ub Large stock to select from, all up to date at the LOWEST PRICES, M C all work guaranteed. B Room Mouldings, Stationary, (R Paints, Oils and Varnishes. M 1 Patterson Bros., | £ 236 North Majfjptet, Butler, Pa. & Peoples' Phone 400 £ The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge Sprir\£s» WRVTE TO Haggerty & White, Cambridge Springs, Pa WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD BUT UPON OMIT fVM I AD VOUCANQKT PAYMENT OP ONLY UNC L/VS Li I- M K POSSESSION OF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES Sb complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. and deliver. .] the b&t of'itiusio at rewwnaili r«4fs<, P,rfcf. ! Gus Wlck«irhafleh, ' 22H Ziegler Ave,, Butler, Wt Subscribe for The Citizen. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them, .if; This edition has nea/er been sold for l-fcssJjyan $64.50. For a short time only : Et0.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments-"* ORDER NOW, and take advantage • of this rare opportunity to secure this un- I rivalled fund of universal knowledge. " , ; BEDFORD SPRINGS llllldlanipp. |>A. I VIII I Opens May 25th with many new improve ments Mi l attructions, v moderate. Bpwlal rati'* for .June una Sep tember. Write for tjooklet. AI.HI' & SMITH. Many a woman throws away the flower of her youth—her beauty, her amiability ami her capacity for wifehood ant upon disgusting "examinations and "local treatment." I>r. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription does away with all netessity for these ordeals. It cures in the privacy of the home. It restores health ami strength and vigor to the delicate Or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood. It tones, invigorates and builds up the nerve* and transforms nervous, over wrought, sickly invalids into healthy, happy wives and mothers. Dr. Pierce is an eminent and skillful specialist who has been for thirty years chief consulting phy sician to tht Invalids' Hotel snd Stirpcal Institute, at Buffalo, N V He will answer, without charge all letters from ailin^wom tu. The 41 Favorite Prescription" is for sale by all {food dealers. •• i suffered from womb trouble for about twelve years," writes Mrs Harry Pomefov cJ Bo* 3SB, Monona. Clayton Co.. lowa "I doetm'ed witn six different phymcian*. but found onlytempor arv relief. I then u*ed si* bottls* of Dr pierce s Tavorite Prescription and three of ' Pleasant PeHets lam a new womAn I hope ana pray that this will induce other poor inner era to Qs-e Dr Tierce's medicines and be cured." HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. SCorns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, s oc > ant ' Bold by druggists. or Bent ixiet-paid on receipt of prlo« HCMMIRLYS' 9KD. CO., 11l * 113 Wlßtaai St., Kew *ork. VThe Cure that Cures / p Coughs, fe \ Colds, / S Grippe, ft \ Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A gj ConsumDtion, Is K? \ OTLO'S! § "TW German HEMEDV (| 25fl^50 with rich, red corpuscles. 5 ULindsey's Improved! | Blood Searcher $ | > 1 Cakes pure blood—cures scrof» gl 1 1 ula, erysipelas, pimples, bolls, tj I I > soro eyes, scald bead—blood dis- <] * 9 eases of all forms. Hide's proof: £> j I JIE33OPOTAMIA.,OHI<\ (M > Dr. Xlnascy'3 Blood Searcher haa 'la P vorked vonclcrswlthrae. I hAYebeea IP > b tr lubledtrith Scrofuliiforthlrtyyfiiri 1A " . 1/is I find that ])r. I/in■ rr,i„inan. graduate of I'nl vcrsity of Vermont. assisted by sUilUnl phy sicians. Appoiiilim ntsof the >• ost appnmd Winds, and lirst-class in . very r. -sped Treatment liy mcdlvliK-s and baths of all kinds. massage and electriciiy. Hot. and cold. -all Turkish. Woman. sit/. elect m- I hernial: elect ro-chcml >nJ'lranJ in ltrd aaA/ ? tijexr*. •. »«od w\ih tla« ribbon Ti'.e VBT '>l «• rt'hrr. dwj-ro** ruhrUlu- V • « ; A?Ltons a>i.i AX cr 1 j JJ? «>a«r. r y.arti.-ml»r.. »r.4 1 - M K*-!lfcf r>r fU.Ur*," U/am. by rrtiua ■J M»!L lf),'J(a» icrtlinoutoU. A-a*>- Fa+er. fAt Wug.-iata t rhrm!«cl * CiO'J Uu«ii»»D Njuurc, I'IIILAI>A., I*A. | WANTED—A Reliable MAN | |! of a idret- ?• * solirir huaine.-s from ; r»»n- Z II irty-owners. Any w- Il kn< \\n per- a willing £ 11 to w M 5 weekly. Com- X a I K\Li4%tUnc srl.iry, pc.d weekly. AddrCi- for 2 particulars, munt.»iniir4tliiß |)ij»€T. 2 i IIAKLKSM.CIIASK,Ko< henter.N.V. X TlirC CITIZEN. PASTI/RE FOR PIGS. Clover And Hnpe the Rent ftnule Crop—\lf(lllii and InirgUini, Swine raisers should make It a point Ui sow pasture crops this spring for their hogs. The two' best crops, aside from nlfalfa. wh«re it prow? well, are peas, oats, vetches and rape. For the average farmer with, say. three spring litters, all to be fattened for market, two acres should be set aside for pasture crops for the pigs. On one acre sow peas, oats ami vetches, and on the other rape. The first acre should be divided into two parts. One half of the vetch mixture should be sown by May 1 (earlier, according to latitude), and the other some weeks later. The pro portions for one-half acre may be one half bushel each of peas, oats and vetches (tares). This crop will be ready for the hogs when five inches high, says a Canadian correspondent of The Coun try Gentleman, who also advises ns fol-j lows: The area intended for rape should be well w«>rk< d during May and given a light dressing of manure. The rape seed may bo sown some time in .Tnue, in drills, at the rate of two pounds of rape and one half pound of flat turnip seed to the acre. These two acres, thus pre pared, shonl-.l rd ample pasture for the bogs right through the growing seas.m and will be equal to three tons best mill feed. Hogs pasturing on tbis feed should r ceive a mixture of shorts, bran and c.m morning anil night— about two p unds per day to a pig of lOOt ' IS." pf .-.«■• "s in weight, more or less, according to the growth of the pasture. Do not depend on red clover. Ev. uat 1 'st it unites poor pork, ltyd clover "1 I-M responsible for much of the soft p jrk in the market, whether correctly so or not. Alfalfa and sorghtuu are two crops that our farmers who raise pigs should give a to this spring. I believe al falfa to 1 the bert pasture for swine of any win u it grows well—but that is not everyv.-;-.. r . A few pounds of alfalfa seed sown in even a quarter of an acre of nicely prepared ground would lie but a small venture. Sorghum is another crop that our farmers should not fail to give a trial to. A dollar s worth of seed sown broadcast in a piece of ground, free of weeds, about June 1, might pos sible be a paying investment in all parts of North America. For soiling swine sorghum is highly commended. It may be cat twice in the season, and for this purpose, or for pasturing, is ahead of corn. Mr. Powell of Ghent strongly recom mends crimson clover for a hog pastnre. in a letter to the writer he leaves no room for doubt of its adaptability for swine feeding. In order to get the great est benefit from this cri.p of this year's sowing, he recommends that some red clover be mixed with it. It grows much faster than red clover late in the season. I should n-e crimson clover, however, for fall feeding, and for this purpose it need not be sown before June or July. Crimson clover deserve a trial by our farmers. Sow 50 cents* or a dollar's worth of need this spring or summer, anyway. The best single crop is by all odds : clover and rape, sown early in well pre pared and fertilized ground in the pro portions of 12 pounds of mixed clover seed and 3 pounds of rape. This crop will be a fair pastnre for hogs 8 weeks from sowing and right through the sea son till late fall. The following mixture is suggested: Four pounds of red clo ver, four pounds of mammoth, fonr pounds of lucern and Ave pounds of Dwarf Es.-ex rape seed. If the land is naturally low and inclined to be wet, a few pounds of alsike shonld be added. Rlnsintf y 20 8. California Prolific Black 08 10 i 0. Abundance 67 20 10. White Schonen 7 11. Mennontte ..0? - 12. Goldvn Beauty... 00 90 I.i'uc.n the ZKtc'ttfV Sweet Corn. Of all tl:e intermediate varieties of BW«et corn for home use The Kural New Yorker expiv s a preference for the Zigzag—first because the plants grow to a medium height and bear the ears not too lri.:'i; second, the average if 'ears to the stalk is as large 1..1 any other excellent vari ty: third, the ears lire jr.. t right in size' and form, taper ing from the butt t ; the tip. The ker nels form as Mo- • tog. ther as posrib'.e. I They are deep, tlie cob is smalU Kkhvmatism Ctbsd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable anil mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Re«lic, :it:il J. F. ISThib Drujjeists Hn'lt-r \;lttlu Cuvtil'o Miuft. Here are a few samples of letters ) frleaned from the hundreds which thit lore doctor, Miss IVatrioe Fifirfax. re ceives lu her professional capacity on I tlie New York Journal. I Mi" Beatrix* K»l*.fas I &ro a maim k*«©" j liik tympany with a sir'.. ' tail to hi*. Shit calls at my hous... ?»>e Is my tiiliir j friend, anj 1 kr.Ttsr thnt she cir« tor m« Bit her i * j miU don't like my t, so »hc told irv I ixv« ' * "HEK PABEST3 DO NOT LIKE MY TUADK." no monfy to rtart In It proper fai ra# - l\m in this 11 . f« r the lu»t 1-' }-n Utt ' ur mo iu-r ' I'O«NKK. li. 5L If your trade Is a good OIM>. wa should not advise you to giv? It up. lie cause some people do not like It. Re member the l'alilc of the man and the ass, and how. In trying to please every body, be pleased nobody. If tlie young lady Is witling and you are engaged, it Is proper to kiss ber. Mlf* Beatrice Fair/ax: Pear ilaianv-1 ara to a young lady, whom I tlfhr;v low. but she bus a very quick tem per. Sunday evening we were to m*#t at a Mrth day ptrty at v w .. • id is I bad , n dk> tant-e to go I was at*>ut five minutes lat«i. When I saw her, 1 said, "Go« I evening, Kitty," to her, but she tu±vc we n answer. I repeated it the 4 ©UK SNAPPED AT MK." second time, and slie snapped at me, saying, "Do you suppose 1 a:n gt)iii£ to get on my hands and knees for you?" She sa4 i this in front of all tlie company, and 1 just f. It like a fool. She had said similar things that more than 50 times, but always before a lot of friends. By advising me how tt) get rid of her you will oblige JoHS O. 1L ~ The snapping liablt is a vorv unpleas ant one, as you say. and generally grows worse with time. The best way to rid yourself of tli? rather dangerous so ciety of the young woman is to let her alone. L»itl yo;i v\ r ti*y that way? Miss Beatrice Fnirfnv Dear Madam- 1 am h young lady of 13. I am going with a young man of 19. I love him very much. lie t'»VJ m. he 1 >v«.i iue too. lie used to walk around cv. ry i.ight, but he t>ouglit a bicycle, *'IS IT MK OK IIIH WHBKL?" and he only ootnes once a week. I am not bad looking, and he is a nioe gentleman, and now I would like to know who does he care for, tbe wheel or tne? Please give me somu advice hoW to find out. G. O. Perhaps ho thinks that the best illus tration of the proverb "Love ftie, love my dog," Is for him to love his wheel first and then you will love It too. It is not that be cares less for you, but more for tko wheel. Why dti you not ride too? HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bll loTJ%ness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. THE BEST SUMMER TONIC 'recommended and endorsed •>y noted phys icians. is a moderate use of pure and whole some liquors. We are iin nor tors and handle only Hit; best brands of wines, whiskeys. et«< If you are dlssatistied with the wines and liquors you have been getting, jrive ours a t rial. Prices lowest for pure goods: FIXCII. MT. TKRKOft. ii ITCKKKii EI 31K K 1> 11, 1.1 Mi fcit GIBSON. OVKKHOLT. LAKO'fc, THOMPSON. KKIIHiKPORT, Any of the above* brands of whiskey, un adulterated. fl years old. SI.OO per full qt.; *» qts.. sr».no. OBANIIFATHKU'3 CHOICiC, a whiskey guaranted U years old. 12.00 per sal. i» 11 O. 0. 1». or mall orders of (6.00 «»r- over we box and ship promptly: express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send j orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2j 79. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite I! & O. Depot sehduses?. DOLUS; \ n«n J *'J ;.ni '••!» l I'.UL '' WOt»» 1 ook -I'.--. . :. - i Lti inbj c; t. . tt n .fcxs lo fl • . ffWKHE FOR OUR RIO FREE TS STOVE CATALOGUE. ami freight charires. This stove t=ij:e No. 8. oven 18 . *n > ht.»v« ard R'larnnUe mfe delivery to your rmil r t t -: : \ >nr 1 t dealer would charjr** y«'*» Wft Of f.-r • .■ h a t >v«■, thf Trt .1, «0 «l' •Itf ''fli »t IcMt fIO.OO. Ad'lreK", C' : . ROEBUCK & CO.ifflC.) CHICAGO,UX <>k4.rr, Li.cbuck 6Cit ujt thoroughly r*?!:aulc. Lditor.^ / TH. j J . - \ / W haii> KI -C «\ ■ v ''' 1 '> ■ v *m\ % i ' ;S V L P ! VP ' 7 >AR TWICE AS.i- I;:'. -1 s, V ANY OTH - O SS TRY IT! Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick liouse has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will Tj ■r \ kidney sleeplessness aa4 urin*ry iisturtanc* in etthw KJ 'i \ riic first dose of Kid-Ne-Oift wurkr wonders— l r", .3 EaSS§V.3 ;i week's trial will ofttimea cure mild ctu**s —take a E^A.„J b° x or tvvo anf * your kidney trouble will disappear. fc'* £\j| j jl Disordered kidneys ar» mk!U ated tur j»;ns In U>« back. distress or EV> j-atns ' In the lot as, nervousness. »te«-pk?v>naßS, lom *i vitality. swelling in limb* r Ef ' body, or both, aad sediment in the unoe. P fM| Kid-Ne-Oid» are in yellow tnhlet form—put up iq boxe*—sell for 50c a N>\ K* *. -vj EkJIS at a " stores—your druggist will tell you of euro* they eff»ct>U here »:*-• i Morrow's Liverlax cures eoantipation, biliousness, eoitiTenea*— they (*-OMs and LKtrU*. manufactured by John Morrow ft Co« ChMWti Sf«in«V*l. Ohto FOR SALE BY REDICK & GROHMANN. Manufacturers $5 Suit Sale We bought of an Eastern Clothing Mak or his entire Men's Suit stock (Spring weight) which enables us to quote prices at such low figures. They are on our tables and to sell at #5 a Suit—worth double the money. A Check Scotch Cassimer Suit $5. A Light All-wool Scotch Suit $-5. A Blue Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown Melton Suit $5- A Black Cheviot Suit # $5. A Brown and Gray mix Cassimer Suit $5. See our window display of these suits; you can't help but buv one; they are; so good for so such a little amount ot money. Call and ask to be shown these suits, 110 trouble whatever. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS. 137 South Mam St., Butler. rAI i * *a' * V c .. ■« i» • MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE U SAFO LIO j NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old ! ! ! It's a long life, but devotion to the true int-rests and •27'prosperity of the American l'eople has won for it new friends as the years rolled b\ and the original incml>eri iMfiHBEL, . of its family passed to tli'. ir reward, and these admirers are «SBByV . loval and steadfast todav. with faith in its teachings, and vCCcSSSi'v confidence in the information which .t brings to their < . '"oini-s and firesides. - !" ) & Asa natural consequence it enjoys in its ol "it has lived on its merits, and on tl e cordial support <>t v % progressive Americans. It is "The New-Yoik Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the couutry over as the ki ' its' value to th'o.-e who desire all the news of the State ami Nation, j the publisher of "The CiTi/.KN" (your own favorite home paper has entered into , an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune" which enables him t-> M* . botl papers at the trifling cost of $1.50 per year. , . . . . ... < Ivvery fanner and every villager owes to himself, to his famiK, antl to tnr < comnraaity in which lie lives a cordial support of Ins local newspaper, as i. work. , constantly and untiringly for his interests In every way. btmf »to his ho— «U the news and happenings of liis neighborhood, the doings of his friends the condition , and prospects for different crops, the prices m home markets, and. in fact, is a , wetklv visitor which should be found in every wide awake, progressive family. . lust think of it! Boili d! these papers for only fl-5" a year Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa. ■ SEND US OWE DOLLAR ] I'. I '-- 1 '' 1 ; K„ ...... l.*nk. N- » York, or mllr— « . 1 ■ .... ass SEAKS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Oesptaines sn<" Wjyman Sti. CHICAGO. ILL. j Subscribe for the CITIZEN. i 'Summer I—v1 —v 'I * I—ft1 —ft Q Summer <► <1 ►Millinery^—"• *• * 9 Hilliiwry.{J > V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County, m SUMMER SALE. I Th< Rider H it.iwfii -aa I IGh I '| * Rati I . •' <| l ' I ( ] j rs.< | ► (. M. 1« \ sorti nt TriftMMd Bosa*ts and Hals I I i > . * ii o ill J. Mourning Cooda Always on Hand , k | |122 S. Main St i). T. Pape. BUTLER. PA. 5 WHY DOES /\ Farmer Add Phosphates To His Rarm. To ai make a m*n feel that life la worth h*m< after all. All whiskies are good, l>ot won- are better than other* * e sell only the l>est. and guarantee them to he absolutely pure, tol from all impurities. Here are some of our prices: Anchor Rye. a good whiskey for the money ... $2.00 ft gal Cabinet Rye can't be beat 13.00 ft gftl Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 ft gftl Gin, Rum. Kummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gft 1 We have some very fine California wines <>i i s v J vintage Port, Sherry anT IVlft Hl»ftl» P*J ***** a*»>t Our Special Offer Price ftig 50 and freight < t»*r«r*a. Tl.e nta«yn« atlirhf UD iH'unib ami th# fratfht arartge T5 -»uta for —h MS aaitoa OlVt IT TMUff MONTHS Tl*tALtn T°*r »i' wUt return /out Hi Mi my Joy v> ara at »«tWil *• w' *' frreat a»ake« aa4 gra. |IU M. *ll. SO, m IlKM) aa4 aa, all fally to (tor fr«« ib«M« lw>ta» I alalia V I I — -*-a Wi SIS.SO fcrUl. DROP DESK CABINET BUHDIC* ffl UJ I Is tha greatest value ever oitocvA t>y anyoo wa ■ T ■ bM I BEWARE OF IMITATIONS |A| UH *lf ▼irttSlßSttta, wtTartn»f mlm** asa#fti»r« and«rr fcrt-tf tuMBM, *»li IH | *2 various Wrfia Ma* Artoa4 to (fcteaja aa* lun vfta ara IVI ' 1 • " Sri UHLK A*l» WHO aKM lOT. MM 1 i t f TUC DIIDHIPI/ ha- *»rrr ■♦»!»■** "■—«"«■** • I Mil DUKUIvPV i«iki MMtD mht of iviit VHHnuL 11 «KaDI I«HIU ItN. res . DmifMtMou. mai»»:by TiKH»«r«i\krKn mritii i. t uon INI BEST MATIKUL -f XSES. T 'nnwiifc tt ?Ai, r 7 SOLID PUMT» SAWEP OU 1 ru>e ruutan, ana |!ltMtra(i-a ta-vtMarliiaa -baai toa4«h>» miilP . •«<» he%| ta »iar« f>»r aa«ta« * W» k 4r«»»e«. »—«■« lase ■•ar'H aaaS->aHHt an«t fSrlfijw »to--"rmtad raMM flatoft ftnaat -" »«•» pa • i— a» S «a» if I W f-ra •■'*. l >nar»>a adjaal> H —ito | *mjl> tr— nasi rn \ ■■, r n■H f u.-' IM keai p< «tt»*a f-«r fcH met tftraattm if if) I |B| f J f| t ■ ltb«rai- t"r. t-r '»#•! !•>••*» wbawi, ed|essss*a eWNwer fa«es. ImapewF*! eSwsmw > 7 2 • LJft , . ■ ■ amK r-arrlar. patent toar rato- t H#-*| ta hmmAmuomif rftie-f j? »B I .111 [V ■ Mfl Ui. «..r> >M..mi«ni Ft— »n»fc « 31 • XT V,>">'y>W> #(\, io»« h. »«»».«>. ran rar> II »u I » .tttWf U» -T mttf »•-»■< •<* nmry »•» ' " A fiO TF.ARS Bl»t>IMO O'*A»AI*TrB •• •»".« -,t» _ | IT COSTS TOU BOTHIWG yaar frelcVl tf'at Ik* 50. •« Tn »*Tt K1 IMB Sll IS If M wt Saa « .aw MTftoVa M4aatUSa4 UK9IB TO Sat. OfL«f I ft « arr tft. r v rsttaMs r.W r Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. Inc. Chicago, 111. *J «, ; % -g • ' :■* ' . y- . ;- -Njp '■* II —■•- » * ,i \ Uv.i inotbkmnor j'^rcut 7ex 1 11 £ . ■1 •• j. 1 ; C CPP-JIAI OFPPR. CIT IMIS ADVmriM.MtNT OIT t } ~ * an.t •*«1>I M»»"* « •*« • Y L v. ~n<> V"y Vi T » r /-. a 11 j *»: . UII'TZ COMPANY. 6® Ijrfrt St., New Vork. '* f ' a |*iat iiai»» d __ _ _ » . c: 00 ore r-c r c> • Subcribe for the CITIZtN Ne» Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Druj?s Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Try Our Soda R A. MacCartney ► KEELEY CURE. <[ * LIQUOR AIIO OffUV HABITS < (' liwtui m twjwy jppjti*. ***** l** < ' 11 sntf i*» an* %» ImCml j \ I ' TW« OftT tlttJT ( ' | |MAM»« :* vtMftia , > Now is The Time to Have Your | CI RAN I*lo or DY f*'D If j.»u wan: gooo a;»t* rtliaL c dining or iljrcing nc, r'cnr » | ju«t ore {r This is t time of y; ut« hue a ;>?ctur t jf your Giv». »»r a trial. Af- Dt for tL* J«M«UWa S't>'< 4 Blind i*o. - - New Y-rffc. R FISHES & SON,