Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 29, 1899, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JUNE 29. 15 99
VOTE All advertisers Intending to muUe
■liausres In llieir ads. should notify us ot
•a» Sr intention to de so n >t later than Mon
day morning.
Zimmerman s loth semi annual clear
ance sale.
Schawl & Nast's f> suit sale
Miller's shoes.
Martincourt & Co s Bugles, etc
C. & T's Furniture News.
Hotel Laube.
Notice to Contractors.
The Keystone Orchestra.
Adnilnlstmvors and Executor* of estates
■ an seenre their reeeipt books at the CI 11-
2EN office, ami persons making i>uMl<* *a! s
tlielr note book*.
In acconlance with our usual custom
there will be no paper published from
this office next week.
You will see him in a hurry.
He will pass you in a flnrry.
Brushing this anil that one out of the
You will think his child is dying
By the way yon see him flying.
Bat —"Time's money!'' is nil you 11 hear
him say.
—Get vaccinated.
—Lawn fetes are popular in Bntler.
—Teacher's Institnte next December.
- The highwaymen are yet at large.
—Lawn fete this evening—follow the
-The ontlook is good for the crops
excepting hay.
—Cherry-tree accidents are not nu
merous this year.
—Several bicycle races have been ar
range*] for the 4th.
—Alfred B. Purvis has purchased J.
A. Ricbey's ice bussiness.
Some wheat was cut in this count
last Friday—the earliest we have hearu
—lf yon know a man to be a liar you
can trade horses with him nnderstand
—The "Hotel Laube" is the favorite
stopping place in Saxonbnrg for Butler
—The Commissioners of Armstrong
county offer a hundred dollars for a col
ored murderer.
—Cutting his throat with a razor is
the way a New York woman cured her
husband of snoring.
—Hereafter the P. O. will close at 6:30
p.m., excepting Saturdays, when it will
close an hour later.
- Three blind children passed through
town, the other day, on their way home
from a Pittsburg institution.
-Stone for the new bridge at Ken
sington is being shipped from the quar
ry on the Peter Kepple farm in Buffalo
—Burglars visited the home of Geo.
Walter, the Miller.last Thursday night,
and secured quite a sum of money in a
small sack
—One of our rampant Prohibs de
nounces j>eople who go to onr hotels for
their Sunday dinner. He says they
encourage the sale of liquors by so do
—People should remember that the
"Keystone Orchestra" can always be
secured for picnics and. parties. Ad
dress Prof. Gus Wickenbagen,22B Zieg
ler Ave., Butler.
—Surveyor Fin McQnistion has put
up a building beside Klingler's mill on
Mifflin street to manufacture the new
automatic svphon and flush tank he
has patented. Success to him.
—As there are several Blacks and Mc-
Junkins in Butler, it may lie well to
mention again that the new law firm of
Black & McJunkin is composed of A.
T. Black and Ira McJunkin.
—The east end of E. Cunningham St.
—the vicinity of the board-yard and
electric light plant —is becoming decid
edly dangerous, after dark. It would
not be a bad idea for the Electric Co. to
illuminate the exterior of its plant.
—Monday morning a stout young
man and a stouter old lady went into
the Clerk of Courts office and said "We
wanted a marriage license." Bnt it
turned out she was only the prospective
r —Don't forget the 4th of-Jnly recep
tion at the Hospital—afternoon and
evening. Everybody invited, especial
ly the country people. Ice cream, cake
and lemonade will be served for the ben
efit of the Hospital.
—A large crowd assembled at Por
tersyille last Thursday for the dedica
tion services of the new Hall. The pa
rade that evening was led by the Pros
pect band, everybody had plenty to eat
in the refreshment hall, and the ex
ercises in the new Odd Fellows hall
were very enjoyable. The Prospect
boys will try to outdo the affair at their
dedication next Fall.
The latest society fad is the "porch
party." The hostess scatters pillows
and rugs about the porch floor, and the
guests sit tailor fashion and talk. When
they leave the hostess says: "Good bye,
come again," and the guests say: "Yes,
we will; you come and see us." Com
pared with the ordinary party, with
food and trimmings,this is an enormous
saving in wear, tear and expense.
—There was nothing remarkable aboa t
the railroad accident of last Saturday.
The storm prevented the workmen
from getting the old rail out and a new
o.ie in, before that train was due, or the
accident would not have happened.
There was one thing, however, that
the passengers complained of, and that
was of the seats coming loose and tum
bling down upon them, nud it is a thing
that can easily be prevented.
There's going to lie a hot old time
in Butler on the 4th—if it don't rain.
There will be fire crackers, a big parade
of fantistic floats and advertisements,
bicycle race to Connoquenessing and
back, foot races on street, potato reee,
climbing greased pole, catching greas
ed pig, pyrotecnics and other thinirs to
burn in the evening. A racycle will be
given as a prize for first place and a
chainlesn wheel for best time in the
bicycle race. Both oannot won- liy
the same person. $1 entry fee.
close Monday evening, July i>,
-The house of Adam Miller of Walk
er Ave. was ransacked last Monday
night but the burglars gt>t but $5 which
Miss Miller, the nurse at the hospital,
had left in her purse. Mr. Miller was
away at the time and Mrs. Millet *md
her son were sleeping npstairs. The
burglars cut the window screen, turned
the window lock (probably with a case
knife), and Weiifcif, flfedtagnuk'ntly ex
amined cvyy
clothing,-iA the hoiwe? awaken-'
the sleepers.
Frank Murphy has returned fr<>m St.
Newton Bluck is at Cambridge
S. 11. Piersol returned from St Louis
last week.
Chas Leise of Cranberry twp.. was in
town, Monday.
Samuel Black, of Clay twp., was in
town, Saturday.
J. M. Pktton of Concord twp., was
in town Monday.
J. R. Bailey of Middlesex twp was
in town. Monday.
John Hartung s pension has been in
creased from to $B.
Jacob Bander and son of Muddycreek
are in town, today
Mrs. Catharine Schuyler, of Hilliards.
has been granted a pension
Geo. W. Beighley, of Whitestown,
has inveuted a ' 'rivet catcher "
Miss Alice Sablin of McFann is visit
ing relatives in Toronto, Canada.
Chris Gelbach, of Mars, was a busi
ness sojourner in Butler, yesterday.
F. M. Harper of Butler, ran UK) yards
in 11} seconds at Meadville. Monday.
Miss Darling of Allegheny is the
gnest of Mrs. Pringle of W. North St.
L. S. Lardin and J. M Brewer of
Clinton twp. were in town, Tuesday.
Mrs. Johnston of Indiana is the gut-st
of her daughter. Mrs John McMarlin.
Mrs. Shellenberger. of Rankin, is Ihe
guest of Mrs. J. A. Watson of Buffalo
Robert Sefton and wife of Clinton
twp. made a flying trip to Bntler. Tues
J. C. Say. formerly of this county, is
a candidate for County Commissioner
in Clarion Co.
Jim Phillips is in jail, and if he stays
there all his life it won't pay Bryan for
those wooden feet
Miss Garnet Anderson has been elect
ed vocal and musical instructor for
Slipperyrock Normal.
John S. Campbell is having all the
buildings of his Clearview farm in Centre
twp.. painted by Geo. Ambuster.
S. W. Dana of New Castle was in
town Sunday and took his son Richard,
who was hurt in the railroad wreck,
?.lrs. Via Lyou and Miss Lou Mitchell
left Wednesday for Chautauqua Lake
where they will be the guests of Judge
Hon. T. W. Phillips and his wife
were in Butler, Sunday to see their in
jured daughter and her friends at the
Webster Graham of Cleveland visit
ed friends in Butler, this week. His
sister, Mrs. Joseph Balph, is not in
good health.
Mr. Ernest Cronenwett and Miss Nhn
nie Kelly were married yesterday at
noon, and not Wednesday of last week
as first reported.
Miss Ella Graham, of Ren
frew, did some shopping in Butler, yes
terday. She is probably the largest
woman in the connty.
Dr. Harry Wilson, formerly of Por
tersville, but who has lately been locat
ed in Michigan, is visiting in
Butler, and intends locating in New-
Mrs. Amelia E. Barr, the famous
authoress, was the mother of fifteen
children, before she ever wrote a book.
If all women writers would follow her
example there would be fewer books and
more children.
J. G. Beal, representing the Drtiry
Hotel Register Co. of Johnstown put in
a handsome revolving and detatchable
Register'for Mr. Campbell of the \\ ick
House this week, and you want to write
your name in that book the first time
you come to Butler.
Rev. Dodds, of Pnnxsutawney, is vis
iting friends, in Butler He came by
way of the "low grade, " changed cars
five times, and was about ten hours on
the way, but when the A. & W. is com
pleted we'll be able to slip over and sec
Smith's town and the coal mines in a
couple of honrs.
—Burglars are bad enough, but. good
L ird, the small pox.
—Mrs. Zimmerman's store will be
closed all day on the Fourth.
—The barber shops in Bntler will be
closed all day on the Fourth of July.
--The Presbyterian Synod of Peun
svlvania will meet iu Erie in October.
—The storm and rain of yesterday
evening cleaned onr paved streets nice
- The Zickrick laundry has changed
hands, and Fred Grace is to be man
—Candidates for census enumerators
j next year are already beginning to lav
their ropes.
1 -Another undertaker has located in
North Washington and the people there
aTe scared abonl it.
--After the lawn fetes of the English
Catholic Church. Tuesday and Wednes
day, some person stole a lot of sweet
meats from the grounds on Monroe
—A representative of the Brookville
silk factory was interviewing the local
Board of Trade yesterday abont the
chances of locating a new factory at
—Fifty-six cases of chickenpox in the
little town of Utahville. Clearfield Co..
about fifty miles east of us. have been
pronounced, by the Inspector of the
State Board of Health, to be smallpox
in one of its milder forms, and liable to
turn into the inaligant form with the
advent of winter.
—J. V. Ritts, John Berg, Charles Duf
fy, A 1 Reiber and Jas. B. McJunkin
compose a company which took out a
chatter at Harrisburg last week for the
pnrpose of building and operating a
street railway in Butler. Their capital
stock is $50,000. Mr. Reiber is president
and Mr. McJunkin treasurer.
—Rev. Oiler, of Butler, preached th'e
baccalaureate sermon to the graduating
class at Slipperyrock Normal. Sunday
evening 1 Monday the Normal team
was defeated by McGlvain Institute in
a base ball game. This evening the
commencement exercises of a very large
graduating class will IK; held. A large
number of Batlerites are in Slippery
rock, to-day.
—As almost every body uses the eleva
tors when they go to town, the follow
from an account of an accident to a pas
senger, in yesterday's Pittsbnrg paper is
interesting: "Alioat 7 o'clock last even
ing he entered the elevator in the Park
building, intending to get of on the
third floor. The elevator was crowded.
When the stop was made at the third
floor the elevator boy opened the door
and a young man stepped off. * J nut as
Mr. Mayer placed one foot on the floor
tlivMevator fell swiftly and caught Mr.
Mayer first by the shouldora and then
by the neck, which was wedged tightly
between.tUe door and the top of- ; the
steel cage.He became almost lividand
was fast fainting when the conductor
regained control of the elevator, raising
it a few feet so that the man could ex
tract himself from the awful position.
He fell back on the elevator floor almost
uMopnscious." And then the
Melon to had the elevator ftiM<
mie inch fdnlier the man would have
been killed.] •
A R Bell vs J. E. and XI. < . Zickrick
defts. and J. Berg & Co. garnishees, ex
ecution attachment in satisfaction of r
j judgment.
Dr H. Stepp of (ilade mills on Tue
day commenced two sensational suit' ii:
trespa.-s stir slander, one agains! Dr.
Charles McClelland, a fellow Glad.
Mill physician, and the other agains
Jaines A Croft, a prominent Middlesex
twp. farmer. The statements in eacl
case charge the defendants with falsely
and maliciously saying that Ur Stcj p hai
committed adultery, etc. Dnmages t<
the amount of sfIO.UOO is asked as satis
faction from each. A summons wa
served on Mr. Croft and a capias oji Dr
McClelland, who gave bond in "i to to
' answer in Court. Dr. Stepp succeeded
| to Dr W. C. McCandless' Glade Mill:
practice and had a long suit in equity
; with Dr. McCandless ro restrain th<
i latter from practicing in h is old territo
! ry.
The Evangelical Ass a North America
Peter Feil. Kobt Kirkl ind t-t al \ i H
Rosenl.augh, Amo D Coopw Rev. 1-
C. Stillwagoo et al. summons in eje •
inent forth** Mount Olivet church pro
X'ertv in Adams twp.
The will of Catharine Kaylor of Fair
view twp. have been probated a:. 1 let
tera testamentary granted to John S.
Confirmation lias been taken off thi
account of Robt Kidd. admr of Jnine-
Criswell, dec d. of Adams twp. and an
new order of sale of the farm of 73 acre;
issued It was sold to John Douthet
last March and ,".s he did not pay ai y o
the pur'' has.- money the -ale was sel
aside. Douthett took j>ossession and i
tilling the farm but will likely liave t<
get up and leave it.
\V. D. Brandon, Esq. has filed his re
port as auditor in the estate of Johr
Hallsteiu. The fund for distribute i
amounted to f1075.22 and two claims ol
133, and *;Tt'. respectively were paid at
a pro ra to of B'J per cent out of the fund.
John Smith has tn'cn granted ;ui old
soldier- license to peddle.
F. E. MeQnistion, Frank E. Mitchell
and Chas Shira were appointed viewers
on petition of citizens of Connoqnness
ing twp for a review of a road.
Sentence was suspended until July 15
in the case of A. Perry Stewart convict
ed of embezzlement.
C. F. Wheeler was committed to jail
last Thursday 0:1 a charge of furnishing
liquor to men of intemperate habits:
and Mrs. Elizabeth Scanlon was com
mitted 011 a charge of assault and bat
A commission composed of A. L.
Bowser, Esq., Dr. Benj. Pearson and .1.
D. Stephenson adjudged Sarah A.
Rhodes of Slipperyrock twp. insane and
she was committed to the Warren
The will of Margaret Covert, dee d,
of Prospect has been probated, no let
ters: also will of Marg. .lones. dee'd, of
Franklin twp. and letters granted to
Cyrus VVeigle, adm rC. T. A.
Letters of adrn'u 0:1 the estate of
Elizabeth Weller, dee d, of Bntler have
been granted t'. John Weller.
Albert H. Baker to W. Henry Wilson
lot in Centreville for $3OOO.
Alex Blain to P. B. &L. E. K. R lot
in Centre for $352.
Susan BoyertoJas B. Kiefer, lot in
Middle Lancaster for 8400.
Mathew Williams to Harriet 1. Hall,
lot in Forward for $lOO.
H. H. Allebach, admr, to Nora L
Hawkins 69 acres in Allegheny for $l,-
('athrine Keefer to R. C. Scott, lot in
Fairview for $l.
Maud Keefer to R. C. Scott lot in
same for $l.
Pa. Sav. Fuml & Loan Asso. to Ma
tilda Kiester. lot in Slipperyrock twp.
for $5OO.
Wm. Giesler to Winfield twp. School
District lot for $l.
Jeremiah Rodgers to John Rodders
18 acres in Donegal for $4OO.
John F. McCoy to heirs of S. V.
Hutchison, 15 acres in Cherry for $22.
A W Root to J W Everick lot in But
ler for $l5O.
Daniel W Moyer to Nancy I Cyphert
lot in Zelienople for sl2o<).
Chas D McKee to Jos E Franklin lot
in Butler for S7<MI.
J S Glenn to John W Waites 19 acres
in Venango for $4OO.
Jane Craig to M J McGinley 14 acres
in (lakland for $250.
Mjiry K. Cubbison to John Grr 10
acres in Mercer for $l5O.
Sarah .1, Crow to Christian Gelbach
lot in Mars for $75.
Wm. B. Kirker to Geo. E. Welsh 89
acres in Connoquenessing twp for $250.
Marriage Licenses.
Samuel B. Jones Clinton twp
Annie C. Gibson Butler
A. R Milliard Silverville
Eva H. Cnnnigham Cliuton twp
Bernard Hahn Pittsburg
Magdalene R. Kriley Great Belt
W. M. C. Pitzinger Freeport
Kit C. Chesney Saxonburg
Nicholas Wolf Butler
Ida Byers Natrona
Michael P. Brady Chicora
Caesie Ransel
W. B. Campbell Harrisville
Jennie Stewart W. Suubury
Charles E. Jr Akron, O
Alice V. Forker Mars
A.J. Dillmore McFann
Mildred M. Eminger "
Samuel H. Doutt Connoquenessing
Anna B. Duncan
Claude C. Campbell... .Allegheny C'itv
Flora M. Russell Concord twp
E. H. Cronenwett Butler
Nann G. R. Kelly Butler twp
Arthur 11. Wally North Hope.
Blanche Miller Six Points.
F. C. Higinbotham Wilkinsburg.
Amanda M. Weitsel Butler.
Frank O. Hershberger Saxonburg.
Emma M. Dresher "
Archie McDonald Valencia.
Maggie Nicklas Mars.
W. H. Say. Jr Jefferson twp.
Florence Welsh
Harry C. Seigfried Centre twp.
Bertha R. Shaw
At Pittsburg. John Kramhilter o f
Pittsburg and Ida K. Henry of Zelieno
At Mercer —John L. Thomx>son of
Forrestville and Emaline Lumley of
Grove City; also W. F. Sankey of Keis
ter and Annie Rodgers of Harrisville.
—The plans and specifications for the
Poor House are here and bidders will
have until July 25th to prepare their
—According to a Pittsburg paper,
there have been from two hundred to
three hundred cases of smallpox in its
milder forms, in Allegheny county,
since January last, and all the Health
Officers are predicting an epidemic of
the genuine article in Western Pennsyl
vania for next winter. Dr. Benjamin
Lee, Chairman of the State Board of
Health, has just issued a circular letter
to the State Board representative in all
districts and to physicians everywhere,
aslihig that thev report to the State
Bortfd the relative results of the differ
ent forms of vaccine, since physicians
have preferences for certain forms.
Dr. Lee said further in his letter that
tbejßtate Board would endeavor to have
stnalliiox patients compensated for the
loss of personal property destroyed as a
precaution by local health authorities,
and this may have the effect of remov
ing the hesitation among some officials
about destroying household goods
where the cases were of the extremely
mild form. Everything will in- done to
get rid of the existing epidemic, as soon
as possible, regardless of everything but
the possibility of a spread of tlie disease
•in malignant form during the winter
Music scholars wanted at 12S West
Wayne St.
THi: Ni:i:tK AT ICIM'IM.W.
The new rails which the Pittsburg &
Western Co. is putting on their road
are two inches higher than the old ones,
and very much heavier.
By Saturday afternoon last the work
men had replaced the old with the new
rails from Butler to a point abont half
a mile below Renfrew, where the road
curves around the creek on an embank
ment about fifteen feet above the level
of the water: when they were driven
from their work by the storui and
heavy rain, leaving lower or inside
rail partially K>osened but yet naving,
as they thought—enough spikes to hold
it in place.
The New Cattle Accounnodati. n
leaving Butler at 2 P. M. came along at
that time; the higher or outer rail threw
more weight thai: usual on the inner
or inside rail and it gave way. The eu
gine kept the track, the tender toppled
over anil went into the creek, and tiie
two coachts fell over and slid down to
the bank of the creek, where they were
held by the new 4-inch line of the I nit
ed. The 3-inch line of the Producer"s
which also runs along there was struck
by the cars anil parted. It was full of
oi!. bnt two employees of the t. ompany
named Lewis and Breed, who were on
the other side of the creek, saw tlie ac
cident, and rushed across and turned
the stop-cocks.
The passengers and trainmen were
thrown violently to the lower sideof the
car, and were all more or less injured,
but none were made unconscious and
all were able to scramble over the
seats anil :J»-t out the car dour- exc-pt
ing Miss Knapp who had to l»e helped.
wTlliam Sbira of Renfrew happened to
be near, and is said to have rendered
the mcst active assistance iu rescuing
those who needed aid.
Those worst injured were Miss Grace
Phillips, of New Castle, a daughter of
Thomas W. Phillips, and two jou'ig
ladies of Washington. D. C.. who are
vir-iting her Misses Tcml and Knapp.
They were all cut and bruised, and
Miss Knapp's back was sprained, which
kept her in pain. Richard Dana, of
New Castle, had his right knee-cap
broken, and may have one stiff leg for
life. P. W. Lowry, of Bntler, had his
left leg cut by broken window glass
and Miss Belle Lowry had herrightarm
The New Castle people were brong.it
to Bntler and taken to the Hospital.
The Bntler people were taken to their
homes and are all doing well.
Quite a nnmber of Bntler people, aud
all Itentrew watched the wrecking
crew, Sunday, getting the cars up on
the track. The trucks were pulled
loose and dragged up the bank by a
chain hitched to the engine, and the
cars were pulled up the bank by a large
rox>e, one end of which was tied to a
tree, and the other to the engine the
loop passing aronnd the car. Then the
cars were raised by jacks and slid over
on the trucks. They are both badly
Fourtli of July.
The parade will start promptly next
Tuesday at 1 p.m., with Col Redic as
Grand Marshall The military Co .
brass bands, drum corps, lodges, tire
department, floats <ind fantastic will
all be in line. The races, which will
take place cn Main street, will start
after the parade. The Petersville bi
cycle race will start at 2 p. m. The
two bicycles as prizes in this should in
sure a large field of entries. The en
tries should be made early to J. A.
Heineman. chairman of the race com
mittee. The boys bicycle race around
the little born will attract a large num
ber of the boys and a fast race is looked
for. There will be grand prizes in all
the events. The greased j>ole will af
ford a lot of amusement, as will the
greased pig.
The Germania, K. O. T. M., and
Prospect bands and A. Brynier's drum
corps will furnish music. There will
be band concerts day and night. The
parade will be made up of the O. A. R.
and U. V. L. lodges, the fire department,
industrial part with floats by the mer
chants. The fantastic part will be
great. The $25 purse is making the
boys hustle and there will be some new
and novel features in it. The Fourth
in Butler will be a great day
Hospital Reception.
An anniversary reception will be held
at the Bntler County Hospital in the
afternoon and evening of July Ith.
Ice-cream, cake, lemonade and home
made candies will be provided for the
refreshment of visitors and benefit of
the hospital.
The following ladies will have charge
of tables. Ice-cream and- cake—Miss
Belle Lowry, Mesdames J. H. Trout
man, C. A. Bailey, J. La wall, C. G.
Christie,B. C. Huselton and Miss Isabel
la White. Lemonade—Mesdames A. W.
McCollough, L. B. Stein and Joseph
Vanderlin. Candy—Mesdames R. P.
Scott, W. C. Thompson, J. B. Black.
The decorations will be in charge of
Mesdames C. N. Boyd, R C. MeAboy'
J. S. Campbell N. B. Jacobs and Miss
Emma Walker.
Mesdames W. D. Brandon and H. W.
Christie will see that music is not lack
ing to make the occasion tull of pleasure
and interest, wliile all the members of
the Hospital Association will constitute
a reception committee calculated to
give a hearty greeting to all callers
from Ihe county and town who may
come on the "Glorious Fourth" to show
their interest in the sick and helpless.
Wheat, wholesale price... .4 O.VvTo
Rye, " 48
Oats, " 80
Corn, " 40
Hay, " 1000
Eggs, ;; |2
Butter, " 12
Potatoes. " 50
Green onions per doz 15
Rhubarb per doz 20
Lettuce per It. J>
Spinnach, per bu. v .. 50
Radishes, per doz bunches, 80
Gooslierries per qt 04
Raspberries per bu 8 00
Potatoes, new H 5
Cherries, per qt 05
Peas, per bu 1 25
Beans, per bu 1 50
Flour retails at sl.oo<S>sl.2s
Excursion July 4tli, I*. 15. iV 1/.
E. It. It.
One fare foi round trip between all
Grand Celebration at Exposition
See bills for time of trains.
I Through Pullman Sleeping Car
between Pittsburg ami Atlan
tic City.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that through sleeping-car
service between Pittsburg and Atlantic
City will be established, beginning June
30, on train leaving Pittsburg at 7.05
P.M. daily, arriving Atlatic City at tt 30
A. M. and returning, beginning July 1,
on train leaving Atlantic City at 5.40
P.M. daily, arriving Pittsburg at H. 30
A.M. Connections are also made at
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, with
trains leaving Pittsburg 8.00 A.M. and
8.30 P.M. daily; ami returning, with
trains leaving Atlantic City at 7.50 A.
M. week-days, 10.35 A. M. and 3.45 P.
M. daily.
Fourth ol July Excursion Fares
vial*. & W. Railway.
On July 3d and 4th. agents of the
Pittsburg & Western Railway will sell
excursion tickets to any station on the
line between Akron, Gainesville. New
Castle. Pittsburg and Kane, inclusive,
at regular fare one way for the rtrand
trip., and to points on the B. & O. Rail
road west of Akron, C. T. & V., C. A.
& C.. C. C. <& S., C. <& M. and W. «.V
L E. Railways within radius of 200
miles from starting point, at limited
fare one way for the round trip good
returning until July sth. No excursion
faro less than 25 cents.
General Passenger Agent,
Vtiautic City.
July 13 27 and August 10 24, 1K99,
are the dates for the P. & W., B. & <).
Atlantic City excursions. Tickets good
15 days with privilege of stop over at
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing
ton D. C. on return trip. Rate $lO 00
fivui Butler.
V Midnight Holdup.
As some yoang jx-ople were returning
borne from the Sprmgdale Hose Co s
lawn fete. Thursday midnight. they
found Frauk James the little Italian
section bo-> on the P. & W. railroad,
lying unconscious on Monroe street,
near the electric light works, with his
pockets tnrned in.-ide out He was tak
en to the office of Dr Moore, who diet
ed his injuries and then sent him over
to the Hospital. James nose was brok
en and his face otherwise badly onu.-t '1
and he seemed partly under the influ
ence of some drug.
About six o'clock Friday morning.
James Scanlon. also a P A: W :>>n
boss, was found insensible ia Campbell -
field just near where James was found
S -anion was "vidfutly dfilggvd. aild his
pockets also had be«n ransacked He
was iaken to bis home on Jefferson
street, where he remained in HU uucon
scions and <leliriou.s condition until i* • :
m. Saturday, thirty-two hour- after
which time be began lo improve. Scan
lon had drawn about *>, l pay, Thursday,
anil says he had ---4 T. 'ol it with him
yet Thursday night. Two notorious
young men who were seeu with S 'an
lon. Thursday, had left Butler next
At the hospital Frank James said that
be and Scanlon hail drunk a bottle of
liquor together, Thursday iiicht, and
then met the men who have disappear
ed. who gave them something to drink
and then set upon him and beat him.
They got only •$. 75 from him.
4th of .Jtilv l'icnics.
At Herman Station, afternoon and
evening, Keystone Orchestra
In the Mershon Grove. Ivy wood Sta
tion. in Clinton tv,-p.
In the Wylanil Grove at Coylesvillc-.
Keystone < )rcb' --(ra
A regular old fashioned picnic will
be held July 4tb. in the grove at Con
cord Church, to which all are invited.
All afternoon and evening.witb danc
ing and refreshments
Oil, .NOTES.
Oil advanced two cents, yesterday,
and is $1.15, this morning. The situ
ation warrants higher priee3.
CLEARFIELD Iloch & Co-. No. 2
was drilled deeper Monday and is doing
75 blls. It is located 50 feet south of
No. 1.
MIDDLESEX- -The Forest lately drilled
a well on the John Crooks from the 100
foot to the 3d-sand and have a 25 barrel
well. The same rule will probably hold
good over a great part of that field.
BUTLER TWP-T. B. Young's well on
the Herman Berg is completed, and i- a
fair producer.
SHILOH —Carner & Johnston's well >n
the Jos. Hinchberger, one and a half
miles nearer Butier is in the sand and
showing good.
Closing Notice.
We the undersigned shoe merchants
of Butler, do hereby promise and agree
to close our respective places of busi
ness, every evening, at <> o'clock, and
keep closed until the next morning. Sat
urdays excepted, from July 3d to Sept
2nd. Also close at uoon on July 4th
W. F. Metzgar, A. Ruff & Son, B.
C. Huselton. C. E. Miller, John Bickel.
Summer Outing.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces the following Personally-
Conducted Tours for the Summer of
To the North, including Niagara
Falls. Toronto, Thousand Islands, the
St. Lawrence, Montreal, (Quebec, Rob
erval (Lake St. John), the Sagnenay
Au Sable Chasm, Laker* Chainplain and
George, Saratoga, anil a daylight ride
through the Highlands of the Hudson,
July 22 to August 7. Kate $125; Aug
ust 12 to 25, visiting sani • i>oints as first
tour except Roberval and the Sagnenay.
Rale. $lOO for the round trip, from
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore.
Washington, and Harrisburg. Propor
tionate rates from other points.
For itineraries and further infor
mation apply to ticket agents, or ad
dress (ieo. W. Boyd. Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Chautauqua.
For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to
be held at Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 1 to
August 10, 1H9!», the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will ?ell special excur
sion tickets to Mt. Gretna from New-
York. Washington, Baltimore, Freder
ick, Md.. Canandaigna, and intermed
iate points, including all stations on its
line in the Stateof Pennsylvania.
Tickets will be sold Jnne 25 to Au
gust 10, inclusive, and will be good to
return until August 15, inclusive.
Excursion to Los Angeles.
Excursions to Los Angeles Cal. on
Jnne 24th to July 7th inclusive agents
of the P W. will sell excursion tickets
to Los Angeles Cal. at fare one way for
round trip pins $2.00 account National
Educational Assocation Convention
good for return Septeml>er 15, 18911.
Fourth of July Excursions.
On July 3 and 4 P. W. agents will seli
excursions tickets to all points on P. &
W. line also to points on B. <fc O. west
of Akron, C. A., C. C. C. & S. N. O.
W. C. V. & L. E. within 200 miles from
starting point at fare one way for round
trip good for return July 5 is<j«>.
Cojiiienut Lake.
During the summer months the "Bes
sie" w-i'l sell excursion tickets to Con
neaut Lake, Saturday, good to return
following Monday at $2.00 for round
I pay the highest market price in cash
for wool, liaye 110 merchandise of any
kind to exchange, am located at same
place as last year, Graham Bros'. Grocery,
just across the street from Troutman's
dry goods store.
House and Lot For Sale.
A good four-rootned house in Union
ville, and a lot of nearly an acre, with a
blacksmith's shop upon it, good well of
water, and some fruit trees, is offered for
sale on easy payments. Inquire of
Executor of Daniel Heck, dee'd.,
McCandless. I'a.
Agents Wanted.
At $1.50 a day. A few energetic
ladies and gentlemen are wanted to
canvass. Above salary guaranteed.
Call on or address.
Maharg P. O.
Bntler Co., Pa
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
0 Brien &, Son. 011 East Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which more than 1200 were
sold in Butler, last year.
WANTED—At Exposition Hotel,
Conneaut Lake, Dining-room Girls,
Chambermaids and Laundry. Com
mencing June 3d. Good Prices.
F. M. Lone WOOD.
Exposition Pa.
SiitKiay Excursion to Allegheny.
Beginning May '.'lst |S!>!> and until
further notice the P. & \V. Sunday ex
cursion train will leave Butler at 8:05
a. m. Butler time arrive Allegheny at
9:35 returning train will leave Alleghe
ny at 5:30 p. in. arrive Butler at 7:03,
rato 75 cts._
New, four-room house for sale In
quire at this ofiice
T. A. Morrison has everything in fire
works. See the new whistling fire
crackers; absolutely safe. The only
safe firecracker yet invented.
—For bargains in valuable and desir
ble residences inquire of Walker & Mc -
Of course yon will celebrate the
Fourth, buy your fire works from T. A.
Morrison, 212 South Main St.
I I * delivered to all parts of the
town, every day .Leave or
ders at
142 Main St.
Willie Marshall, of New Castle, was
M-nt by his mother a stare to
buy toothache <!roj»s. As he wi* re
turning b«* met James Kirk wood, a
playfellow, who asked to st-e the bottle
Kirk wood, uncorking it. threw the cor.
tents into Marshall's fart burning him
terril-lv. and the K\v may be left sight
Van Rohe, ag» I l->. committed
in Phil a, last week. He visit
ed a friend's house, and going to the
cellar, arranged a rope across a l>eam
11Lie end of this he fastened to his riu'ht
toot and the other end he tied around
ia neck. Then, placing a (lour big
over his head, lie strangled himself to
death It is said the boy was a great
reader of cheap, sensational literature
Benjamin Benson one of the oldest
and best know:, employes of the ( ar
negie Steel company, limited, at its Ed
gar Thompson steel works, a> Braddock.
was scalded to death. last Sunday, by
the explosion of a steam pipe ui the bail
er house of the rail department. The
burns of Benson were frightful, and it
was considered remarkabl" by the at
tending surgeons that he lived for al
most three hours after the accident
Thf> street car strike in Cleveland was
Settled by a compromise last Saturday.
The strike was over some rules of the
company, and was not a matter of
Cyrus Ross, of Greenville, has been
lodged in jail for threatening to kill
Colonel W. A. Kreps. late of the l if
teenth regiment, Pennsylvania volun
i -ers. and attempting to carry the threat
into effect.
An Italian who lived near Hoytdale.
Lawrence Co . drugged and assaulted
a white girl of fifteen, last Sunday, and
the officers who arrested him had hard
work getting him to New Castle. A
crowd was determined to lynch him.
The Tenth is on its way home from
Manila, and Pittsburg is getting ready
to give it a great reception
Rev. Barnes, a U. P. minister who
has traveled extensively in Cuba and is
interested in missions there, lectured in
Dr. McKee s church Wednesday even
Communion services will lie held in
the South Side Reformed Church next
Sunday morning. There will be a
praise service in the evening at 7:30.
Preparatory service. Saturday after
noon at 2:30.
Communion services will be held iu
Grace Lutheran Church, on Sunday.
July 2. at 11 a.m. Preparatory services
on Friday evening at s o'clock.
One of the trainmen of the construc
tion train of the A. & W., which left
Butler early yesterday morning, had a
foot crushed by an accident near Gnm
Tuesday July 4th being a legal holi
day the Bntler postoffice will observe
the following hours on that day. (ien
eral delivery window open from 7:30 a.
m. to 12 in., and from t» to 6:30 p. m.
Carriers window open from 6 to C;:ln p.
m. money order and register window
open from Ba. m. to 12 m. Regular
morning collection and delivery, lobby
open from 6 a. m. to 10 p. in.
□ It you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest stock iu County. Bicycles for
Latest novelties in fire works are
whistling fire crackers, at T. A. Morri
son's, 212 south Main St.
Excursion to Detroit.
Excursion to Detroit. Mich, on ac
count of Christian Endeavor meeting,
July "i to 10; Vti'.i'i. OP July 3d to fith
inclusive. Agents of the P. it W. wi'l
sell special excursion tickets to Detroit
and return. Open limit for return
July 15 and subject to an extension un
til August 15. On July 4 train leaving
Bntler at 6:25 a. in. city time will con
nect at Cleveland with day light boat
for Detroit. Rate from Butler $B.BO.
For further pnrticnlars inquire of near
est agent.
See T. A. Morrison's line of fireworks
before yon buy your supply for the
—Tickets will l»e sold at excursion
rates between all stations on the Bes
semer road and connecting lines, July
i'.ril and 4th. good for return July sth.
There will be special attractions at Slip
pery Rock and Exposition Parks. For
rates and time ot trains see hand bills,
or call on P. B. & L. E. Agenta
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received atj
the office of the County Commissioners,
in the Court House, Butler, Penn'a up
until 10 a. m. Tuesday, July 25, 1 su;»,
for the erection and completion of The
Butler County Home, according to the
general plans and specifications on file
in the Commissioners' office, Butler. I'a.
Each bidder will be required to till out
his bid as specified on blanks, which can
be procured at the Commissioners' of
fice. Certified cheque for Two Thous
and Dollars to accompany all bids as
evidence of good faith; if contract is
awarded it wUI be entered into. The
contractor win be required to furnish
the necessary legal bond for the faithful
fulfillment of the contract. All bids to
include both labor and material The
Commissioners reserve the right to re
ject any and all bids.
Butler, Pa. . June 28, 18891*.
Letters of administration in the estate
of Henry Dutter, dec'd., late of Franklin
twp., Butler Co., I'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
MARY E. Boi.roN, Adtn'x.,
Whitestown, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John L. Shannon, dec'd., late of Conno
quencssing township, Butler Co., Pa.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present tliein duly
authenticated for settlement to
(_). G. SHANNON, Ex'r,,
Connoquenessing P. 0.,
Butler Co., Pa,
Letter's testamentary in the estate of
J. Wilsou Thompson, dec'd, late of
Cherry twp., Butler, Co. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned; all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please made immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Butler P O.
Milliards P. O.
Butler Co., Pa.
J. I). MCJUNKIN, Atty.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between J.
A.*& W. F. Anderson, in Valencia, Pa.,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the
6th day of May, 1899. The books are
1 left in the hands of J. A Anderson, with
i whom a settlement should be made
The business will be conducted by J.
A. Anderson, and a libera! sliaie of the
patronage of the public is respectfully
>t feel that
iff lt';J a warning that *flM
the modern. scientific, practical up-to-date medicine that banishes k.Jney
j tackache. kiJney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances in either
\M W The first dose of Kid-Ne-Oids works wonders- — L^9
ft iff I - » week's trial will oftiiues cure mild casts —take a RTvl
A| box or two and your kidney trouble will disaj>|»ear.
/// \ DisorJereJ kidneys are indicated by pains in the back, distress or
yr ) I fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, pain- |BEM|
1,1 the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling in limbs or
or toth, and sediment in the urin*.
Trusses for Rupture are
necessary. The only ques
tion to consider is "where i
can I get the best truss for j
the least money?" We sell
trusses on the "no charge for
fitting" plan. We charge you
simply for the truss. We go
further, we guarantee a tit
and guarantee satisfaction.
There are many different
kind of trusses, and one
great thing is to know what
kind is best to use. We
have had enough truss sell
ing experience to find that
out. Our stock of trusses is
not excelled in this vicinity,
but that is not the point for
you to consider. Your con
sideration as we said before,
is stated above. Men we fit
here. We give direction
for self measurement to
C. N. Boyd,
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Rudolph Barnhart, W. A. Barnhart and
Fred. E. Barnhart in the business of
merchandizing and keeping a general
store in Connoquenessing boro., Butler
county, Penn'a., is this day mutually
dissolved, W. A. Barnhart retiring. All
claims and accounts due and owing the
firm will be collected by the remaining
menbers of the firm and all debts owing
by the firm will be paid by them.
The business will be hereafter carried
on by Rudolph Barnhart and Fred. K.
Barnhart under the firm name of R.
Barnhart & Son.
Connoquenessing, Pa.
May 19th, 1899.
If .you would know
the secret of your neighbors fine
appearance, ask him the name
of his tailor; ask him, too, how
much a year he spends for his
clothes and subtract the amount
from the cost of your own. You
will be agreeably surprised,
more so if you will prove it by
giving us your measure, as he
did. Our new fabrics for spring
and summer embraces the
choicest products of the loom.
X and Specialties, in Tin. X
W 300 N. Muin St., Butler, Pa. V
Arandale HOTEL.
Opens May £">tli with muiiy new impiove
nic-iits an 'J attractions. Kenowned for Us
lIIKII standard of excellence and Its sprlnc
of remarkable curative virtues. IVrms
moderate. Hpeelal rates for June and Sep
trmljer. Write for booklet
Cistern Builder
General Cement Worker.
Worker in White, Portland, and
Hydraulic Cements.
( \( i 20 Years Experience.
439 Ist Street, I'. Tel. 381
There is no Going Back on the Fact That a ►
* Black or Blue Serge Suit * >
► i
ls the Dressiest, most Refinsd and serviceable ►
► for summer wear. But the Fabrics must be i
thoroughly reliable.
► The t>est test and one that clinches your confidence most, is in the <
4 actual wearing qualties of the garment. We know when >
i we sell you a garment that gives absolute satisfaction <
we make a lasting customer. Thats our way
L of doing business and it is the only A
m way to build up a large and *
i permament trade. '
\ An A No. 1 Nicl<?l Alarm Clock Free With >
► Gvcrp /Vlan's Suit. <
i The Surprise Store*
J 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. i
Manufacturers $5 Suit Sale
We bought of an Eastern Clothing Mak
er his entire Men's Suit stock (Spring
weight) which enables us to quote
prices at such low figures. They
are on our tables and to sell at $5 a
Suit—worth double the money.
A Check Scotch Caasimer Suit $5.
A Light All-wool Scotch Suit $5.
A Blue Cheviot Suit ; !#•
A Brown Melton Suit s*•
A Black Cheviot Suit • to.
A Brown and Gray mix Cassimer Suit.. |5.
See our window display ot these suits;
you can't help but buy one; they are
so good for so such a little amount of
money. Call and ask to be shown
these suits, no trouble whatever.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale
This will be onr Thirteenth Semi-annual Cleatance Sale. They
have all l>eeii successful, and we claim this thirteenth clearance sal.-
will I* the greatest success of all, notwithstanding the superstition in
most t>eople\s minds regarding the liumlwr 13 If you come to this
thirteenth sacrifice sale we wHI convince you that you are w Ll
Why? Because we arc going to offer our entire stock of line I)ress
rioods, stylish up-to-date Tallor-Made Suits. Waists, Wrappers and
Separate Skirts. The sale will include the Millinery, Curtains
and Art Department, at such money saving prices that you will here
after consukr ix the most lucky number on the calendar. Then do
not fail to attend this thirtuenth CKIfUINK sacrifice sale. Remember
the time and place-Wednesday, Thursday, I rulay and Saturday,
July 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1599.