VOI-.- xxxvi rj S Do you Want a New H ; Tailor Made Suit? H ► We are making them in the new style S { / for $13.50, $15.00, $lB.OO and $20.00. N mj ► / If they do not fit or please you, we will \ Te ) not ask you to take them. x J Come in and see our new line of Men's, K 7^ \ Boys', and Children's Clothing at our C . r new pi ice. t VA A V Warm weather has come, and we are r » showing a complete line of Straw Hats / WA Vin Men's, Boys' and Children's shapes. ✓ m C Come in before vou buy, and see WA up-to-date stufl. 3 DOUTHnfTGRAHAii. 0 A BUTLER, PA, THE CLOTHIERS. W rffcTA 4* 4* J ——— ;: :f ( > That the dread house cleaning is over the next ( » < \ and more important work is picking a new carpet. { > I ( To pick a carpet in our well stocked carpet room, 4 > I , is a pleasure, so say the many who have done so. > , ) We have the famous Hartford Axminister, Wilton . . Velvets, Body and Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains . in all the up-to-date patterns, only, and prices that will astonish you. Then our China Mattings, ' Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Rugs and Art Squares, deserve a passing notice. Ask to '|' * see our * I ► $l.OO Axminister Rugs, ■ | ' Neatest thing for the money ever shown in Butler at [DUFFy'S STORE I * —i Won't buy clothing for the purpose of spend /Ty/ ingmoney. They desire to get the best / possible results for the money expended. I L V f/v \J i ■^ ot heap goods but goods as cheap as can \< \.l \ | v . be sold and made up properly. Call and \\ V / / I'' * examine mv large stock of • U4r\'e ll■/V " JZ SPRING SUITINGS. \ 111/ iv Y n up to date, the latest styles, shades /VJI j - 1 d colors that could be bought. Call and 11/ A \fr'' ' am ' ne '■kem. // r\ \ I Fits and Workmanship // 11' Guaranteed. G. F. KGCK, 142 North Main Street, Butler, Pa. PAPE'S, JEWELERS. Diamonds, watches. Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles etc. We have a large and well selected stock. We Repair all Kinds of Watches. If you'have broken jewelery that you think leyond repaiis bring it to'us and we will make it ns good as new We take old gold and silver the same as cash allowing the highest market price. 122 S. Mair. St., Buller, Pa Aslo ~zy;. ' Paints " v *" For MV>E T" PAINT Decorative BUILDINJS WITH- Work, etc. REDICK & GROHMAN' 109 N. Main St., - - - - - Butler, Pa. Rockenstein's Openin'g~of Spring and Summer Millinery. We call vour attention to our large and well selected stock of Choice Millinery. We have endeavored to make our stock surpass all previous years in style, desir ability, quality and prices. We feel sure we have more than maintained our reputation in the selection of CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS. We can show ycu an immense variety of Hats, Flowers, Ribl>ons, Braids and Chiffons and all tl at goes to make up an UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY STOCiC, and at prices "iat will surprise you. We would call especial attention to our Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's TRIM MED HATS, in which we have always excelled. You can always get the right goods at the right prices at N'S, 32b South Main St., _____ _ _ Butler, Pa. SEMPORgE DOLLAR £ vfUU ;««i ull»* uf (blrir*. w# w.il Mad you UU TOP BURST Fir frKKHiIIT C. 0. I>. \ \ 00 St'BJEIT TO KXjllll.f ATION, )ou can muniae il al )««r rrcitflil dt-poi if found \ \ A " FIRHtCTLT BATISrUTOKT, KXICTLT AS RKCRLSXS mi. KQI.aL TO BUiUIRg X V/I MSB GO THAT rrtalL ATMO.oot« s»i.oo sad TK£ ORAKDFST BARGAIN YOU EVtR SAW, \ X CD Mr . t ..i OUR SPECIAL PRICES3B.9O* mm - and freight charge*. leas tlie It.Ou sent with order, mmm—mm—m ST \ WE MAKE THIS TOP BUGGY >" ow* factort is CHICAGO, r \ A/ ?\ IWI ° material than most / \ maker* put In Slt.oo bu«rjrlea. Latest Style For 1899. Body. I—-£SaK3ipjWPPPIgP» \ t«*M tr omtk* Best Seasoned Wood, fear, Beat That Money Can I ✓•{ •- f f "IT li jjf 1 Build. Em 4 Wrtafs, a* Illustrated, or Brewster Side Bar. wkeels, \ \ A \fA i \ I Hl(?h Grade Screwed Rim Barren's Patent. T*p, 24 ounce. Daily ITLA/Jr\ V / \-^/J\\ / Rubber Heaeily Lined, full aide and back curtains. Pslat«af,Guaran* X\ \/v ,\ v \ A teed equal to any 11.VJ.00 buarffy work. Body black. Gear dork jrn en xT, \ \ Or Red. l'yh,000.00 Surplus and Profits - f 130,703.95 ,Tos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We, invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS— Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, Dr. i>. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweeney. E. E. Abrams, C. I'. Collins I. O Smith, Leslie I'. Ilazlett. M. Fineg.in, W. H. Larkin, Harry Heasley, Dr. W. c. McCandless, Ben Masseth. .1 V. iCitts Braun's Pharmacy : Cor. 6th St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg, Pa,, L, D. Telephone 2542. Wholesale and Retail. Importer and Jobber of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Soaps, Brushes, Etc The only house west of New York carrying a full line 01 Meyers' Grease, Paints and theatrical goods. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night by "Registered Pharmacists" only. Wholesale and retail dealer in Lubricating and lllumniating Oils, Capital Cylinder, Dynamo, Water White and Standard Gas Engine Oils, Gasolein, Ben zine, Paraffine Wax and Petrolatum. Address all mail orders to W. F. Braun. Rare Bargains! We want to dispose of our present stock of 'Q9 models, and in order to do it quickly lnvve cut the prices from $3O, $35 and $4O to $22.50 and .$25. These are strictly high grade and up-to-date bicycles, and cau'l be matched for price and quality. Don't miss this opportuni ty co procure a good wheel tor little money. We sell sundries cheaper than and other house iu town. WHITE, WALTER & CO., 303 S. Main Street. Artistic Posing and Lighting MAKE Findley's Photos Winners Frames Made to Order. Copying and Enlarging. Satis faction guaranteed. New Accessories Being Added Continually. P. O. Building, Butler, Pa. FLAG OF THE FREE. Flay , 1899 GENTIEMEN A.vn Fm.trit CITIZENS— In ,e ceptin the invitation -o cordially extended u* to participate in the good time yon intend havin on th«' Fourth, allow us >n Iwhalf of th« citizens of Pot Luck, to thank the good people of the Gap fer a courtesy which is doubly ap preciated on account of our present boom havin upset our own preparations fer eel# brat in. We assure you that every Pot Lacker who can ufforil to knock off work will be dow*. to see yon on our nation's glorious birthday. THE FOI-RTH OF JULY COMMITTEE OK POT LCCK. This reply had the precise effect intend ed — namely, it assured the Gapers that the Pot Luckcrs were its good as them selves at bluffing, and big Jake Tohmer's fat srd< s shook with laughter when an their chairman be read it to the committee. Some oi.e suggested that perhaps Pot Luck had accepted the invitation in good fall h. Jake roared again. "GIXHI faith noth in!" said he. "They want us to think so and go ahead and prepare for 'em, and then not a Pot I.ueker come near our cele bration That's their game. We wasn't l)orn yesterday; not all of us. The idee of a boom at Pot Luck! That's too good." And so things went on, the Gapers making preparations for their usual crowd only, while l'ot Luck strained it self to add men enough to its population to "eat the llap out of house and home," as Ike Bledsoe put it. Two days before the Fourth Jake Toh mer's IHJVS, Fritz and Jake junior, went fishing far up the creek toward Pot Luck and came home almost bursting with ex citement. "Dad," said the breathless Fritz, dash ing into his father's grocery, "the Pot lißckers are go in to bu'st our Fourth wido open." "Go long, you young rascal," said his father. 'What you tryin to play on your old dad now? They ain't goin to cele brate at all up there." "That's just it, dad, and say, the woods is plumb full of men up that way. j I never saw such droves of 'em, an me an ! Jakey heard 'em talkin, an they're every one of 'em goin to march down on us Fourth of July mornin an eat an drink tip everything In sight, run all the Gapers off the iluncin floor an off the groun's an just par'lyze us gen'rally. Them's the very words they said, ain't they, Jakey?" A great light suddenly flashed upon the mind of Jake senior. Not waiting to hear Fritz's news confirmed, he spread a big sheet <.f wrapping paper on his counter, hastily penciled a call for a meeting night not only oi the Fourth of July com mittee, but all good citizens of the Gap, and tacked it up outside his door. Jake's grocery store wouldn't begin to hold the Gapers who answered tho call, and the public pulse ran so high that it | seemed nothing but bloodshed could result. Some of the more impetuous Gapers were for arming every man and going to meet the Pot Luckers half way. This was given up as too hazardous. Pot Luckers were known to be fighters to a man and would doubtless greatly outnumber the Gapers. Others suggested moving to a grove a dozen miles down the river early in the day and thus escaping the ravaging horde from Pot I.tick. But this smacked of cowardice and could not be considered for a moment. Tho chagrined Gapers blamed their committee for getting them into such a dilemma, while accusations of bungling and stupidity passed freely between the committee members themselves. Big Jake Tohmer was almost the only man present who did not lose his temper, and when the meeting seemed about to break up in a free light he banged loudly upon his grocery counter with a sugar scoop and as chairman of the meeting commanded order. What 'Ceptin Johnson was to Pot Luck Jake Tohmer was to tho Gap, and tho noisy crowd was hushed to silence when ho rose to speak. "Feller citizens," said big Jake, "lown I'm as much to blame in this matter as any one; perhaps more. I don't believe any of you will cafl mo a coward, and you nl*. know I ain't a man to set my judgment up against the will of the majority. What goes with the crowd goes with mo, but if you'll allow me to say so, it's just struok me all of a heap that we ain't been treatin the I'ot Luckers just right fer some years back. "Now, about this celebration. We wasn't satisfied to lieat 'em so bad that they didn't have the heart to try to cele brate at all, knowin our attractions would draw all the crowd from the country round about. Not satisfied with this, as I say, we must taunt them by sendin that sham invitation. That of itself was a challenge, and they're only takin it up as they have a right to. Now, I'll tell you, friends, to ftiy notion there's just one way fer us to get out of this scrape like men. That is fer us to pervide the best there is in the land and enough of it fer every Pot Luck er that comes and treat 'em so white that every man of 'em'll go home a friend in stead of i.u enemy. Why, what's all this Fourth of July business fer anyway? It ain't the lickin our great-granddads give the Britishers, but the peace and happi ness and prosperity they had to fight fer; that's what we're celebratin. Now, gentle men, I don't pertend to dictate what course we ought to take, but if there's any ono present with a better plan out of the diffi culty I should be pleased to hear from him." Bead silence prevailed for some mo ments after Jake ceased speaking. Then the leaven of brotherly love imparted by his speech seemed all at once to leaven the whole lump. His plan, put in the form of a motion, was carried with applause that shook cans of tomatoes and boxes of sar dines off Jake's grocery shelves, while his stock cf linterns and tinware suspended from numerous hooks in the ceiling nod ded and clanged in approval like so many liberty liells. Then the Gapers set to work In earnest. The time was short, but what they lacked in time they made up in energy. The hot July sun had barely pushed its face above the eastern mountains on the morning of the Fourth before the picnic grove at the Gap swarmed with people of both sexes putting the finishing touches to the extra preparations for entertaining the expected horde from Pot Luck. Two big fat steers ill stead of one, six fat sheep instead of three and a dozen In stead of six fat young porkers were al ready smoking over the barbecue pits, done to a juicy brown crisplnegs known only to the art of Jose Pacheco, while long rows of tables groaned under the weight of other good things. Everything the larders of thrifty Gapers could supply was there, with such boxes and baskets of fruit and such stacks of melons as only the foothills of California could furnish. A scene of equal bustle and activity, though animated by a far different spirit, was transpiring up among the pines at Pot Luck that bright July morning where their chosen leaders were marshaling the invading hosts. "Pack your gunsl' Of course; every man of us," said Ike Bledsoe In answer to a query as the column began to form! '•l'm a peaceable citizen, and wo ain't huntin fer trouble, but wo may want to lire a salute, you know. Leastwise the woods is full of liears, and we may be late gettin home. I was treed by a grizzly once just because I'd left my gun to home." Bursts of laughter greeted Ike's Ironic al ''declaration of peace," and as the an vils at the Gap began to boom and echo across the valley and up the canyon to ward Pot Luck a motley army 500 strong of almost every nice and color under the sun and headed by the fifes and drums of a strolling band of minstrels marched with swinging stride down the winding road between the solemn pines and redwoods toward the Gap. The Gapers heard their coming miles away and, funning as many couples as there were ladies on the grounds, went out to meet them with waving banners of welcome and a lively burst of music from their own excellent band. Tho I'ot Luckers heard the advancing music Willi (|iuikiii(,- hearts. That their raid was anticipated upset even their leaders, and only by heroic effort on their part was the column kept in motion as the Gapers drew near. "They're on to our name, Bill," said Ike Hlodsoe, galloping up to his lieutenant just as their own music wavered and camo to a sudden stop. ' Hide ahead and start that music again and keep it goin if you have to shoot a couple of drummers. If j that stops, halt this rahblo'll take to the | woods in no time. Come on, lioys," be , shouted to the faltering ranks, 'they're \ I romin to meet us. No ilunkin now. I'm a peaceable man and don't want to hurt i nobody, but I'll plug the flrst man that makes a break to run." Without stopping their music or break ing the step of their guests the Gap« re "about faced" and escorted them to the ground*, where the leaders were conduct ed to chairs fin the speakers' stand with their own committee, the rank and file to desirable seats under h banner inscrltied. i "These Seat - Reserved For Pot Luckere." The embarrassment and chagrin of the Pot Luckcrs, which, as Ike lllcdsoe after word declared, "made every man of 'em feel like wlltin down to his IMM it tops," disappeared quickly before the friendly spirit manifest on all sides, the orator of the day closing his address with these words: "To our fellow citizens of Pot Luck, who have honored us so proudly by their presence in such numbers here tinlay, we extend the glad hand of fellowship and welcome. Pitch in, gentlemen of Pol Luck, and enjoy yourselves. Kverything m t'n grounds is yours, and you're ns welcome to it as you arc to the water that dashes down yonder mountain side or to the balmy air that tloats up test all round good fellers in all this glorious land of the free and home of the brave. Hip, hip, hooray ! M —San Francisco Call. Attend to the flams. It is too late to sow seed just about the time tho harvest is expected, and the shepherd who neglects his rains at this time is doing this very thing, says The American Sheep Breeder. A ram in vigorous, active condition is not so made in a few days, nor in a few weeks. We should think how a little seed needs months to make its full growth and to gather in the plant suffi cient nutrition and substance to form the new germ. A whole summer is needed thus to mature a plant of corn and prepare the seed for the nest year's harvest. This applies with equal force, but more conspicuously, as the sheep excels the mere plant in worth to the conduct of the flock. Many shepherds wish to have all twin lambs. Two are better than one—sometimes, but not al ways. A strong, vigorous lamb is bet ter than puny twins or even than fairly good twins, if the dam is only able to care fully for one of them, and if one will have strong double births he must attend to the ram first and begin now to put him in proper condition for the service expected from him by and by. He does not want to be fattened exact ly, but he must be in prime condition, for we cannot get any animal in such condition without putting some fat on his carcass. The best of grain food in the summer for the ram is linseed oil meal, from which the oil has been sep arated, and the residue of protein is left in large excess. This part of the food is especially useful in sustaining all the vital organs, and thus gives that essentially needed animal vigor to the male animal, especially such a one ae the father of a flock which has so large a number of females demanding atten tion. The time to begin re-enforcing the rams is now at hand. The twin breeding flock is greatly desired by every shepherd. But it is made only by years of work in building up the consti tution of it by the highest possible feed ing. For the scientific principle at the bottom of it is that animals become more prolific as their supply of food in creases. This is one of the examples of the balance of nature, and the econom ical disposal of natural products for the best interests of the universe, in which naturally nothing shall go to waste. Give Sheep Plenty of Room. After souie years' experience in rais ing sheep, I have concluded that it is not best to keep them confined too closely, writes Frank M. Beverly in Land and a Living. Their confinement in one place breeds disease and it may be said is a drawback generally. Sheep will not thrive alone on what you may feed them, but they require something that is indigenous to the woodlands. The farmers in Virginia 25 years ago raised large flocks of sheep, and they were allowed to run in the woods both winter and summer, except during deep and continued snows, when they were brought in to keep them from becoming poisoned by eating ivy. They had to be given salt, but required little in the way of feeding. They were thrifty, and always looked clean and healthful. Of course this plan is not now practicable, except in a few of the more isolated sec tions of thecountry, but the plan should be carried out so far as circumstances will permit. Your flocks may have to be kept within fenced inclosures, but they should be shifted from one place to another as often as possible. I knew a man a few years ago who bought up 100 or more sheep during the fall and winter, intending to go Into the busi ness of sheep raising on a rather large scale. He kept them in a field where there was a large barn, in which h« honied them every night. He fed them all they would eat of corn, fodder, hay anil oats, but when summer came about one-half of them died, and the other half looked as if they might as well die. He then sold the flock at less than half the price per head he had paid, andthu* ended his dream of bherp raiding. THE EVENTFUL HOFR TWO O'CLOCK, JULY 4. 1776, MARKED A NATION'S BIRTH. ImprfmUf Scene In the Continent*] (onfrfßt-MaiilDK the Derlaralioi. Spread I ntf the <«lud Tld I DK %— A pot h eoal» of July 4. I'p to a o'clock In the afternoon of that Fourth of July, 1776, American Independ ence hung In the balance. How eyes and thoughts were turned that summer day to the old stntehouse at Philadelphia! Would the body of men gathered there take the step* Would they dare to do it? For many months the colonist* had been carrying on a brnve, unequal strug (tie with the mother country Uut that struggle h.-d been as loyal subjects of the F.ngllsh king. In arms only as against cer tain acts of Injustice. Now that other conception, at first pair ed in hushed whispers from man to man and later set ringing through the colon leu by the eloquence of I'utrirk Henry and the logic of Tlioiuas Paine, that glorious con ception of American independence was be ing finally weighed In the halance again** the claims of George 111. Anil yet nil knew there were grave diffi culties in the way of Independence. Many would have known it better could they have stood within the east room of tbe old stutehouse through the long hour* of that hot Jnly day. There sat the Continental congress, now pale faced, grim and care worn. At the east side of the chamber on a dais sat the presiding officer in his red leather chair. Before him km a large mahogany table, on which a massive ink stand of silver held a bunch of fresh quills. A document then under discus sion lay beside it. The iuen who were to use the quills that day in making that document, "America's Magna Charta," were grouped about in a semicircle. They were not men of the same nation ality, for among them were two English men, three Irishmen, two Scotchmen, on* Welshman; the others were born in the colonies. Xot of the same occupation, either, for 24 lawyers, 14 farmers, t» mer chants, 4 physicians, 1 gospel minister and 1 manufacturer were there. Xot rep resenting the interest of a single state, but of 18 separate little governments, torn by longings, fears and dissensions. On the right of tho chairman sat Benjamin Franklin, with his soft hair flowing down his shoulders. Farther on was Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the document on the table, now busy taking notes of the proceedings. Directly in front sat young Hichard Lee, who had risen days before to read to the hushed assembly the daring resolution, "That these united colonies are and of right ought to be free and in dependent states, and that all political con nection between us and tho state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolv ed. " Here, in their quaint attire, with pow dered hair in "cues," knee breeches and buckles, broad flapped coats and bright hued waistcoats, sat the men who were to bo known as the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Inch by inch the ground was gone over, the chamber now ringing with applause, now hushod in awo, as fiery words pic tured the triumph of liberty or warning voice foretold humiliation and defeat. Then came the moment when the last word had been spoken. Even the plea for postponement because "the people are not ripe for a declaration of Independence" had been finally crushed by the answer in the broad Scotch accent* of Dr. Wither spoon: "Not ripe, sir! In my judgment we are not only ripe, but rotting. Almost every colony has dropped from its parent stem, and your own province, sir, needs no more sunshine to mature It." It was 8 o'clock when the vote was tak en. Secretary Thomas arose and announc ed to tho assembled congress the final de cision and sat down Suddenly the cham ber, but now so full of words, of gestures, of llashtng eyes and of Impassioned figures. Is hushed, and those within It motionless; almost the rapid heart beats can be heard. Then, in geographical order, the mem bers signed the paper. And in the relief of a decision they made grim Jokes. So big Ca. ter Braxton of Virginia said to little Charles Carroll of Maryland as the two walktd to the table, "Well, Mr. Carroll, the British say they will hang us as rebels If they catch us. If they do, I will have greatly the advantage, for, as I am heavy, my nock will be broken at once, while I fear you will dangle In the air and hang on for some time." Still smiling at the jest, Mr. Carroll stepped forward and signed his name. Then he added "of Car rollton," saying, "There is my address If any one wishes to find me." John Hancock, the president of con gress, must have taken a fresh quill to make his big signature, remarking, as he wrote, that be gucssod John Bull could read that without spectacles. Then he added gravely that there was groat neces sity of their "all hanging together In this matter " "Yes, indeed,'' said Benjamin Frank lin, "we must all hang together, gentle men, or assuredly wo shall all hang sepa rately. '' The big bell that had been muffled to toll on the passing of the stamp act (which the jieople declared was the "death knell of liberty") now rang the joyous procla mation of "liberty throughout the world, unto all the inhabitants thereof." So plain July 4 came to be the great Fourth of July. And though the event took place a little late In the day for a full celebration, yet good use was made uf the hours tliat remained, and of several days that followed, too, for joyful recognition of Independence day. Philadelphia had the start in all this and showed her rejolo lng In illuminations, the ringing of bells and flrlng of cannou. But slowly the glad tidings crept over the colonics. So slowly It seems to us in this day of rapid communication. Copies of the declaration had to be sent out by riders—inon tearing madly through the colonics upon loam bespattered steeds, yet Unable to do In days for this great mi* sage what n moment will accomplish for a prlii- fight report today. But It was rapid work for those times, and a rider stopping on his wily to deliver one of those precious copies would be, as an old rhronicler tells us, "at once furnished with a fresh horse and dispatched on his way." How the discomforts of the body must have been forgotten by such a news carrier [ Here and then*, where the ''express" stopped, he broke up grave assemblies, whose mem bers, putting all else aside, gave them selves up to the great document. Then would follow great meetings in the square where to the sound of fifes and drums all the king's arms, his pictures ana *ll signs of his tyrannical majesty would be hurled Into the leaping flames amid cheers and ringing of bells.—Chicago Inter Ooean. A Dutiful Little OtrL "Such n lot of people live In our 'ouse," she told we, "17 of us; two Indies live in the cellars!" And her mother always went once a week to call on a lady who lived in the "workus. " "Please 'in, father calls mother such wicked names," she suddenly informed me one day, and out cam* a string of dreadful epithets. "Hush," I interrupt »d, "you mustn't tell me those things. " "Please "m, he does," she persisted. ' and we all want father to die, if mother didn't 'ave to pay for the cof fin"—so pathetic and doubtless so true. - Mrs. Merrick's "With a Palette in Kastern Palaces." Hronoui y. A west Philadelphia young woman, on the ground of econouiy, induced her Iwtrothcd to waive the formality of an ongageuient ring and to give her the money, f 100, instead. After they had been married six months she informed him that she had invested the money la a life menbership in a woman's suffrage •ociety. rrr.*mtaent. "Ma, I'm at the head of my class." "How's that. DickT" "Teacher says I'm the worst of all the bud boys in school."—Philadelphia FOURTH VT COLLEGE Raw (he PrIMMM llKcato Cele brated la IMI. The following taa J.—* * * OLad to lit-ar you all «p*-nf k pleasant a «th of July Sumt Botuul of our proceedings here may prove amu-lng S w««-k* ago al a railed meeting of the utodent* 11 * >s triumphantly decided that Ihm should be an Illumination. etc., on tlx- evening of the lib A rommlttf* «a) appointed to mark the de ▼lon on the window- and col Wet money for the ft re lialls, flrew. rk#. etc. The figure marked on all the first atory wta down of East and Teat coltegea wu an hour «!«". requiring flu . andlea for our 3 wind. ws. The figure, for the 3d and 4th stories and alt the bark windows of the old North ware mark more Intricate and beautiful. In the third atory of our college the upper sashe* [resented "Oeo. r tPlusi Wa«hingtna." and of the Fast college, "General + i Plua i Mercer" On th* chapel window* were the dates ••ITTHS4I." All day Sat j. and |«rt of Monday Olcott and I w-ere both buay In preparing and placing the candies, rutting them In abort ptam. turpen tilling the wtrk.t and then lighting them to be sure they would go. The penalty for l»avmg this undone would certainly hare been the smashing In of all our fenestras In-ertaa fira ally the students have had a celebration of th* 4th out In town, but owing to a muum'.er standing between the two aocletlm there waa none thU year. Thro the (lay. however, the roar of artillery was kept up to incessantly and noisily a* in Albany In both refectorlea a vary fine Fourth of July dinner was served up In the P M In the liark campus were raised seven or eight large an " -oatly piece* of fl rework* procured fr< MI Ne\ «ork for the occasion. And at dusk the campus waa almost filled with the ladtaa and gentlemen of Princeton and Merrer inm. ty. AM noon as It waa dark, at the ringing of the bell, every window fronting oa the hack campus vu manned by the •tudeata At the 2(1 toll the white froata cf the • col leges, containing about JOU windows and full &.UUU candle*. were inalantaneoualy lllumlnat ed. The sight waa really magnificent: After about ten minute*. when antne of the ahort candles were burning low, Uke bell was again tolled, and each student hurried to his win dow again, and when the ball tolled for the fourth time every light was as suddenly ex tlnguUhed. The fireworks were then exhibit ed, an fine a display aa I ever aaw. Haln bs«an to fall eoon after s and put to flight the visit or*. Home of the aludrnta. disappointed about throwing their Are balls across the . srapua. got them going In the long halls of the old r«l lege, until the oflb-ers d leper aed I hem after promising them the next evening for that •port. A drenching rain finished the day. Philadelphia I.a ever see the Dvclmttlon of In- Je|wndrncc —the urlglnal manuscript? If you have not, you probably never will, for now It lies in the archive* of the (late de partment, Incased In gtaas and looked in > ■tee! vault, t'nlcas you have aome ex - traonllnary reason for viewing It, the caa tod inn will not *how It to you To he sure, u faithful reproduction of the famoui document hangs in an upright glass ense In the shownxim of the stale department ThU room U a part of the library, and many valuable historic relics are on view there. Several years ago the original Derlara ;IOD hun« In the caw where the facsimile appears today. A ithort time before It had been proposed to take It to the World's fair at Chicago. The manager* of the fair wore extremely anxious to secure It. There was even talk of shipping It la • special car under guard of a squad of United States regulars, but the secretary of state would not consent. It was within his dis cretion to let any of the state papers go to Chicago, and he did send some very pre cious manuscripts there, but the Declara tion, he said, had too great a value to be subjected to any risk The discussion led to a careful examina tion of the document. It la on parch ment, which does nut deteriorate much with the lapse of time, but the librarian reported that the Ink, which had been ex posed to bright light for many years, showed signs of fading. Ho In February. IHW4, the parrhment was taken from Its frame, put between sheets of glass, sealed In hermetically, stowed away In tits steel vault, and there It lies beside the original of the constitution of the United States and the appeal of the colonists to King George. The copy answers all ordinary purpuses, and, as the text of the Declara tion has been verified and reproduced again and again, there la no longer any real need to consult the original It la taken out only at long Intervals to be shown to some distinguished visitor New York Herald. Let the K>|l' lertsa. Get the people sll together—ln kchool housus and In churches and In God's "first temples," the groves and parka Let us hear the Declaration of Independ ence read once more. Let the orator speak I never sr. eloquently Let the boys recite patriotic pieces Let everybody sing I 'America" and "Rally Hound the Flag and all the glorious old war songs. Includ ing "Dixie"—which President Llnooln said we all had a right to now—and the '• Bonnie Blue Flag" Let the whistles shriek and cannon roar. Let the eagle scream!— Judge TuthUl Prlsoaers Psr4*s*4. In 177 M, at West Point, there was the usual noisy outbreak, whloh this time WHS given variety by an order of Washing ton "to grant a general pardon to all prts oners In this army under sentence nf death." In 17H2 occurred the last cele bration of the Revolutionary army as sooh "The whole army was formed on the banks of the Hudson, on each side uf the river. The signal of IS cannon being glv sn at West Point, the troops displayed and formed lines, when a general fsu de Jfllo took place throughout the army " Tori Ladles HMksM. In 177 a, on the Sd uf July, an carder was sent out that the day would be "celefcrat •d by firing 18 pieces of cannon and a feu de jole of the whole line." In the south some Whigs dressed up a lady with a mod ttrous headdress three feet high, with a great profusion of curls, etc , and marched with her In pruoeaslon to ridicule the dress of the Tory ladles "The figure was droll." the writer naively explains, "and occasioned much mirth. It has lessened somo bends already. The Tory woman are very much mortified. " —Selected. Aa Appeal «» KHelUr. The Fourth of July Is an appeal to each man's fidelity, his manhood, nla honesty, his right to honorable dtisenshlp, his worth to the nation that shelters him It challenges his faithfulness as a father If he has rhlldren, his adherenoe to duty In all the walks of life, his right to sppearlug In the sight of God as a Christian, ss a man whom God and his fellow man will delight to honor —Christian Work. Aa Opfortssltr Kegleeteg. "Goodness! I wish I had goue to war." "Why, Henry F* "Well, here's Dewey going to get a present of $250,000, and I have to •crumble like mad for street car fare.' —Detroit Free Press. Ma r Proasata Htai. First Pickpocket—How's Jimmy gel ting on In de btx? Second Pickpocket—Pretty fair. He's been so successful In finding men's pockets that the gnug la thinking of letting bliu tackle women's pocketa.— Chicago News. Itvluataas tllwttt. "I told him that be wasn't my Ideal man. and he told me I wasn't bis Ideal girl." "And then?" "Then we felt (perfectly safe to go ahead and get married."—Chicago Rec ord. Where lie Krre4. "Kunston." said Caesar, "has shown me where I made my great mistake." "Where was It?" asked Alexander. "I should have swum the Itul>l«-on." replied the shade of Jullua I'hiUulel phla North American. No. ae TO THE FIRECRACKER 4 Blare of tramp* ta. roll of drama. Ftrewurks' golden shows* CHory rinM, 10. die -n. Patriotism's flower Fair of face and calm J* ~iim ( Fit to be a Halloa's Ball (o her. ail hall: Queen Indeed, though all n amit Have with ■•ur devoaioa. Let our loyal praise i unailil I'nto either oeeaa. t»he shall be oar lnepiraltoa Praising her. sre praise arnr iiatlna 80 to her ali hall -C r Lasts* IMPROVISED FLAOS. Isgralaaa Hakeahlft Bssaers sf Ms Farefsi hen. In days when at the mullet ooeaatna for patriotic display myriad* of starry flag* All the air. from the hnwUM brad striped silken !sinner to the Assets wav ing tn tiny we scarcely laafla thai there waa a time when to paaasaa aa American flag often required the «Hda of Ingenuity and sarrtfloa In an orderly hook at the IssaiMliMi) army, dated a short ttme MM the stM* were placed upon our iti lysd " aanit the following entry la hand: "Tls ssioaA ate desired to provide thstnaafea* with some colors if they are to be praani II doth nut signify of what sort thsg saw " The very first starry flag that wwesd over a military action waa hastily ooa ■tructed at Fort Schuyler The tot ana Without a flag when the enemy appeared, and there was much hurrying to sad (N wtthln the walla in search of the sweatad red. white and blue Soldiers .iffwadlhaft ammunition shirts at white Haao to ha cut In stripes. There was to MktMy about the red, for a fine scarlet desk ul that color that had been taken fill tht enemy waa. with much delight, itauted to stripes for the new flag. For Mto bias there was mtieh warehtog and tttohlag together of small pieces, hot the lata after noon sunlight glided the which, completed In atwordaaca with the yea scribed |attern. floated from the baation In leas than a weak Ave af the assay'! colors were displayed beneath K, all takes In a suocemiful sally from the hit The first Star strewn banner shown to California waa also constructed fxm the clothing of the perm ma who rmiaad It, however, In token of poaesastoa Mr tm warlike Intent. Seat sslnas at Sa Dlago for the curing of hide*, they sartiil af the lonely life, barren of eoatots and social joy. Two gentlemen to charge sf the party seised upon the Maa of eaaatnaet Ing and mounting the imtional tton larf. In hope of calling the attention sf aosna af the distant ships, of which, at kaag later vala, they caught a gt! rupee la qttieh response to their signal cam* A* goad ■hip Washington, from the :lsnfsld la lands, sailing under the American Mint. Sympathy. g<»«l cheer and nniFanlnnahtf were obtained through the batfabt leas none of the party dreamed of the time when In right of pnsaaaatoa th* Unfaa flag should gracefully wave ovw th* OoM en Oate of California. I'ndeterred by the fa*t that HambofaH had tried It and pmootumd it teyoalHk • daring party of army and navy uA mm. •oldlera and ullnn, attempted Ik* mmmt of Mount Oriiaha. Three only at Ma 41 who started ravM the nmmtt to tafeoU the wonderful panorama spread OWt lot iMr enjoyment A Oa*. mMrMM MM aren in* before from the Milan* ahlrta, Mtdihlpnuui Hn|(n ounlrlhgtiaf (wWll i«m to cumplrto It, ww tilaniart bp Ika And loft floating from tba kelghta IkM had bam uotmldMi before by the toot at maa. To bimr our atar ijiufM I in— tMc unbrokrn wllda, to mark with It conqaaat and ■rhlcvrinut, to grace wtth Mi mrll| fold* each hard woo mail ha* bnn the JO7 of lk« ktraa of ovr past. Tc lho« who XV now gadnln* ednoattan b> Death Ita protection bulonfi th* fatal* KV they deruM tkiamlaM to Ikt fU« and plant It mar hlfbtr —Forward. u4 Jagaaaen. The death of John Adama and of Tkonaea Mannn. twin > alaintttaa. ba|fMa< am the Mk at July. IW, exactly M yeara after they atgned the ImmMl IWm» tton John Adama waa a law fm. a mum bar at the Continental mn|iiM aad afcafar man at the committee am war aad «4- aamr Ma waa elected at the United rttataa In 17V7. Tha day ef kto death ha waa awakened by tha rta«ta| at balla and firing of cannon Ha waa aM If ha knaw wha* It waa oh, m" ka replied; "It la tkegloatoaM Fourtho/ lajy Qod bleaa It!" In the oonne at Ike ha eald, "It la a dlorlooa day." Hto-laat Word* wan, '' Jetfereon atlll Mara " Bet at that moment Jefferaun. too, waa baantt ln« hla laat Jamw Monroe. flftk faeat dent <4 the I'nlted Mtatn. died Jwtf i, IMI l)M Tier Cetefceaateae. Alwaft, even from tha oarttaat yaate. then- were the uolae at «une and the aatoto of 13 by the cannon. If the aleae at tha officer* were preeent In tha OoaMaaartal oampa, an elaborate party at 4anne waa uauelly arranged In many at thaae aab bratlona the wlvee at iJonank Knot ami Otww were leader*, and ancueatanaa tkiy •een prevailed upon the glual WadNMoa hlmaalf to open tha ball -Slaw Tort Herald. UUrtfr tha ria«. Let the flag ba flortfiad. the Mia hymn* of the republic ranf uxf lha aiai orlea of the atruKglea and the t/ftafka ot the nation be fittingly Panelled cm Mm coming Fourth Trae l> Mia Battel. win -1 mw that ymag Macstna who waa always talk tog agalaat won* •n't suffrage. baa married a widow who la 27 year* older than hlmaalf Wan—Ves; ba alwaya Mid ba woatd nerrr hare anything to do wtth tha new woman -Cleveland Leader. a I aaaeteatteaa leala>. Washington. bearing that IhMßfafrf aeatineia coald ■•>( ba hualad. wand oat one night to ascertain If tha Nfort mm correct The tountoralgn waa "Can bridge. ' aad the general. 11 fill an 1 aa he thought, by a large oeencoat. ap proached a colored aentry "Wh<> gnea there!" cried tke aaMU aeL "A friend. " replied WaakM|loa "Friend, advance, tnigiwad. and gJ*e the countersign,'' mid tta 1 lnaa<»aa Waahlngton raxneap aad aald. "Boa bury " "Wo. aah I" was the igepoeea •Me.if.rd. aald Waaklngtoa. "No. aah t" returned the 1 nluaad aoi- Mer. "Charleefna. " aald WtMkHtga The colored man a}« 7 ea cUluied. "I tell yoo. «WM Wl*ng tga. no man gu lj»l—*ua* Wa aay 'Cambridge ' "