Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 22, 1899, Image 4

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Money Savers During
All lots offered arc first class footwear apd are guaranteed high quality
IF\RRI 1 Choice of 300 pairs Misses' Tan and Black Kid Skin
L Shoes, spring heels, lace or button, all solid and every
pair a guaranteed, $1.50 and $3.00 shoe, sizes 1 I A to 2.
June Clearance Price, ~scts and SI.OO.
T OH 1 9 Women's regular $2 00 and $2.50, Tan and Black,
X W. J ACE ANC ] button, with or without vesting TOPS, coin
toe, McKay sewed, all styles, A to E.
June Clearance Price $1.50 and $2.00.
I/"vrp O 600 Pairs Women's Turn and McKay Oxfords.
Regular $2.00, $1.50 and SI.OO goods.
June Clearance Price 50 cts, 75 cts, and SI.OO.
IAM \ Men's regular $3.50, $3.00 and $2.00 lines in Tan and
T **• Black, Kid and Russia, Calf, McKay and Welts, latest
shapes. June Clearance Price $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25.
T OT Boy's Black and Tan Shoes same style as Men'S
±J\J 1 1). RE G U j AR and $2.00 goods.
June Clearance Price SI.OO and $1.50.
T ( 4 Little Gent's Black and Tan Spring Heel with brass
O* Hooks, sizes 9to 133, regular $1.25 and $1.50 grade.
June Clearance Price 90 cts. and $1.25.
Have you seen the two new shoes for Women?
They are beauties only to be had at
Butler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
M rs. J. E. Zimmerman.!
Our Season so Far a Pronounced
Success in Every Department.
To crown it, we want to furnish you with your summer gown and commence
ment outfit. We are well prepared to meet all demands for White Goods, such as
Wash Chiffons, Organdies, Swisses, Dimities, Persian and India Linen I awns, to
gether with the most beantiful assortment of Val Laces, Dainty Insertions and all
"X. > — over effects, White Ruchings of Ribbon and Mosseline, Fine Embroideries and
Nets, W!iite Parasols, Gloves and Handkerchiefs, and all the new and novel effects
in Neckwear, Fans and Belts, Kelt and Neck Clasps at our well known popular
Ready-to-Wear Wash Skirts and Waists.
Ladies' Crash Skirt 39c to #3 25. Ladies' White Pique Skirt $t to $6. Those
ranging from $2 25 up, lieautifully trimmed in bands and insertion of open work
embroidery. Ladies' Trimmed Linen Skirts 50c; all these cut in latest design and
guaranteed a perfect fit. Blue Denim Skirts, Tunic Skirts, Braided and Flounced
Skirts. Wash Waists, perfect in style, fit and workmanship, at 50c, 75c, $1 to
$4 75. The above illustrates but a few of the many good tilings we are showing in
our suit department.
A Handsome. Becoming Hat
Adds greatly to any woman's appearance. An unbecoming hat will make a beauti
ful woman look homely; therefore, choose your hat with care. See that you get
one that is becoming, and is at the same time handsome and stylish. We can
furnish any woman with juet such a hat, and at prices much lower than yon will
find in and other store in Butler. Ladies' stylishly Trimmed Hats from 98c up.
Children's stylish Trimmed Hats at 79c up. We solicit a call.
The New Cambridge.
Located right in the heart of the town — Free
' bus to all the springs — Good table and every
modern convenience—the nicest ant! most
jp convenient place to stop at
Cambridge Spri
Haggerty & White. Cambridge Springs "Pa
The New Werner Edition
So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge.
The entire set with Guide
and case delivered <£ 1 nn ( U
upon payment of only ) \\J&
Balance payaftle in sneall monthly payments.
Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art.
The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America.
The BRITANNIC A is the acknowl- i If you cannot send your children to
edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the University, bring the University to j
the NEW WERNER is the best edition them.
*" of the Britannica. j This edition has never been sold for
Do not put your money in old editions less than $64.50. For a short time only j
or poorly made bookts because they are $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay
cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST, ments.
Consider the advantage of a family ORDER NOW, and take advantage i
who has this work over one which has of this rare opportur.ity to secure this un-
Dot. | rivalled fund of universal knowledge.
"Those *it'
Leave Behind.'
M 11 a:
; ,h!n!
- . ' "•
- \ *!• u'.d t.an.c v,
W\ 7V he *fcMU d.,
{ ->V of those h (
, PBH leaves b<hir.<
} WflH to Rrk-n ant
IBM sorrow ;i ti <
struggle 01
' 'J*ffy without him
j ' '•<%." Vut thl;- rc.l-1 :
4 *\T'- i{ f " r n<
TP's* ' other, tun
VT fejrtlP tn-'i-i •■•!<! t
g,ird his liealtt
JvC as a preciou
xi treasure not tc
he thrown away or 'pent and caMc-ret
in vain.
If any man's health is weakened 01
wasted, or running down. lie should take
the right means to build himself up strong
and well, so that he can both live and care
for those he loves. Hi should investigate
the virtues of that great remedy, the
"Golden Medical Discovery' 1 originated
by Dr K. V. I'iercc. chief 0011, lilting phy
sician of the Invalids Hotel and Snrgic
Institute, of linffalo. X V. It is : remedj
that makes a man thoroughly well by giv
ing power and capacity to the digestive and
assimilative organs. It makes healthy in
vigorating blood out of tin- food he eat-
It gives him strength and energy to put
into his daily task. It builds up hard tnus
cular flesh and nerve fiber, revitalizes the
tissues of the throat and lungs, heals in
flatnmation, purges the blood of bilious
poisons and makes a man, strong, vigorous
and hardy.
' My husband had b«e:i sick a long time
writes Jifrs. J. W. Brtttin, of Clinton, Deu-itt Co
nis. 'Box }7jV "had doct'.red with home ph.
sicians atiH frcn went to Chicago and consulted
a doctor there but without receiving any help.
He went to the hospital anil was opcrati 1 on
and after three montns came home to die (as the
doctors here thought), but after awhile he com
menced to take your ti. nitrful medicine, the
' Golden Medical Discovery' and now, thanks tc
your most welcome medicine, he can eat any
thing he wants and is again a well man."
Nc remedy relieves constipation
quickly and effectively as Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. Thev never gripe.
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts" & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
80M by Urufrp-isN, or sent on receipt of prle
HtarilßEYS* 3!IT). CO., 11 I A US WUIUa. St., NrwTorL.
What is Celery King?
It is an herb drink, and is a positive cure
for constipation, headache, nervous disor
ders, rheumatism, kidney diseases, and the
various troubles arising from a. disordered
stomach and torpid liver. It is a mos'.
agreeable medicine, and is recommended by
physicians generally. Uemember, it ciiru
Celery King is sold in 25c. and 50c. pack
ages by druggists and dealers. 1
CVfe, V
Pm-ebioodmeansllfe,health, #
*! vigor—no room for disease €
! o trhere tlio veins are filled S
11 with rich, red corpuscles. S
!! Blood Searcher |
11 Makes pure blood—cures scrof<- «
16 ula, erysipelas, pimples, boils, «
I ( sore ej'es, scald head—-Mood dis- »
I i eases o£ all forms. Here's proof: »
J _ _ , l-IF-'3OrOTAMTA.OIHr>. S
i Dr. T.'nascy'.) j;lood Searcher has >
P iroi-kedvondcrswltTiinc. I liavcbeeu IP
ft troubled Fcro fula fvr thirty year* (S
V frib I find that 3>r. iinosey's JBlood ]£
f fi archer-wniciTcrtaiiermancri'JCuro
dj iiiacfiorttiiau. li'H V.-onderful. &
% O. \\% LcfscoTT. 5
_ . FrrroEuaa, PA. -Z
At aii .'-rugjfiita, CLCO. t?
anil tho heM i< rn»v i; -r old
m k'ailu r. It OIL--, , hiack-
M ens and protect*. L*
I - :
irif-sV and your (*arrla«<*top. and thf y
will not only look r but \\i-ur ggil
Has all tiic elements Necessary
for an Ideal Health Resort.
Skillful Medical Sci*vice,
Invigorating Mountain Air,
Pure Waters,
Scenery Unsurpassed in America.
Only three hours' ride east from
Pittsburg, in tlfe Allegheny moun
Opfii all I In* uii«l»T the nit'ii <! COM
trol of Dr. K. (>. i'rossn :m. jir;ulu:u« «.T ! i.i
vorsity of VrrmoiU, :iHsisto<( l»y skiHft.l phv
sifians. Aupoiiitmcnlsof t lu* n ost. appro»*< «l
kin<is, and lirst-idnin cvciy •
Trentmont hy medicines and haths or all
kinds, massage and t leetricity. Hot, and
cold, salt Turkish, Konnisi. Ml/, elrriro
thornial, t lcftro-chcinii'al and need!* 1
Huildinir heated \s*ith hot water. llgliU-d by
electrh'lty, suppli«'<l with pun- mountain
wati-r, surrounded by quiet, restful moun
tain scenery. Locat."tl «>n Pittsburg division
of 15. &O. \l. ii.. which connects ii with the
principal cities and their railroad systems,
also with the Pennsylvania railroad at
Myndman. Johnstown, ConnHsville, Hrad
d»V-k. Terms reasonable. .Special rates for
ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians
and their families
For further information and circulars
Markleton, Somerset Co., I'a.
|y|odel Qairy poultry Farm.
©<> SH'
Breeder of High Class Poultry.
Barred Rocks, Huff Cochins,
Light Brail mas, Black Minorcas,
S. C. Brown 1-eghorns, S. L.,
White and Golden Wyandottes,
I llust rut<*d-( 'atalojjtH' 1' ICKK
' --DENV!. HOOf.K : -- -
'• ' ' its 33 " sth Ave., !'!ttal>ur , - U.
pnACTIC< , .• .
- 7m. CROWN 1 PMOji V
5 » i- WHY WOT I
• /fev '•
; Al'- 5 PCH TOOIH
I --J i t.Mi in .r, N I j
T n \ k cri iziCN.
ItU'borjc <>oc>> V^lior*'.
It is not nnnsnal at the proper season
n of the year for vessels to sight icebergs
k while making the transatlantic passage,
•S especially if the vessels happen to be
ie taking a northerly course, but it is sel
,j dom that an iceberg grounds so that it
id can l>e seen by those on shore. This
'' was r> -entlv the case at St John s. N
m , " . .
n. rwhere an enormous iceberg, b>o feet
■ n high and nearly a quarter of a mile
• v long, grounded off the south side en
trance to the harbor, where it was. of
19 course, seen by many thousands of spec
:o tators.
1 Most icebergs are produced from gla
ir ciers which move down from elevated
e heights in the interior of some land in
■ e the arctic regions. The glaciers move
:e slowly onward into the deep waters of
rl the sea. and from time to time frag
"j tnents break away, forming icebergs.
„ Occasionally whole masses of ice break
off at once, really forming tioating
islands. Ice islands are also made by
is the breaking up of the great fields of
ice of the arctic region. In the Atlan
e tic ocean most of the icebergs come
from Greenland and Iceland, the great
;s est number being produced on the west
side of Greenland. From Labrador the
, ice is floated with the current past
a Newfoundland, and keeping near the
great bank the warming influences of
f the gulf stream cause it to disappear,
e Usually the limit of travel of icebergs
" is 40 degrees north latitude, but in the
South Atlantic ocean they have been
° found as near as 37 degrees south lati
Nothing is more imposing than the
9 sight of one of these immense icebergs,
which might send the finest ocean steam
ship to the bottom in a few moments.
The sun melts them unevenly, causing
ragged and picturesque peaks to jut into
the air, and in northern latitudes,
where whole fields of iceburgs are seen,
they look like fairy castles. Dr. Kane
in his first cruise counted 280 icebergs
in sight at one time and most of these
were 250 feet high It is, of course, a
well-known fact that about one-eighth
or one-ninth of the beri? projects above
water. As might lie imagined, the
iceberg, containing as it does at its base
many pieces of rock carried down by
the glacier from some northern country,
scores tae bottom of the seas, acting
really like a gigantic file.
Noise Kills Caterpillars.
s. Up in the Catskill mountains, where
the caterpillars have been very de
structive to maple and apple trees, a
novel way to fight the peats has been
discovered. A woman blowing a horn
under a maple tree was surprised to see
caterpillars fall to the ground by hun
dreds, and continue to do so at each
succeeding blast.
She told her story, and the noise
cure was immediately adopted by her
neighbors. Horns and drums and
conch shells were brought into play.
Caterpillars by tii - bushel dropped to
the earth and were gathered up and
destroyed. The conch shell seems most
effective, though a well-beaten bise
drum does good work.
Although rather late, the caterpillars
e having almost eaten the foliage from
the trees, it is believed that many or
£ chards threatened with destruction may
yet be saved.
3 HOOD'S Pil.L*s v-ura Liver tile, Bil
iousness, indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25e.
S A man who lives in a suburban town
I tells this story: His wife's aunt is vis
f iting him. She comes from one of the
' back counties. The evening after her
' arrival lie took her out driving in a trap.
| She was delighted. The roads were
j good and the vehicle was provided with
■ eisy springs. When they returned
I they were met by his wife.
) "Well, aunt," said she, "how did you
I enjoy the driver"
I "Enjoy it!" exclaimed the old wo-
I man, "why, child, I never had a ride
' half so enjoyable since the day I attend
| ed your father's funeral!"
1 A New England politician who hasn't |
I the most roseate views of expansion, J
' and experiences many qualms because
' of our reaching-ont tendencies told a
Washington friend the other day who
( expostulated with him because he
i liad'nt come over to attend the Peace
Jubilee that he gne.-sed he was a little
in the position of a conntrvman he
** . |
knew up his way. A revival was being 1
held in the little town and all the vil- '
lagers were there The preacher had
them worked up to a point where they
were all on their knees except one old '
sinner named Goss. lie came down to i
(lons':-eat and putting his arm around
him asked:
"Brother Goss, what has the Lord
done for yon?" i
"Nnthin' to brag about, begosh." re
plied Goss.
The Pennsylvania school law pro
vides that a school director who shall
neglect to attend any two regular meet
ings of the board in succession, unless
detained by sickness or prevented by
absence from the district, the directors
present shall have power to declare his
seat in the board vacant, an Ito anpoint 1
another in his stead. j
"Some men have the best luck!"
"How so V" ,
"There's Mcintosh, for instance, ice J
cream gives his girl neuralgia." \
The missing cashier of the defunct ;
New Hampshire bank used neither \
liquois nor tobacco. He simply nse:l J
the funds of the depositors.
She What was the result of to day's ]
ball games? j
He Tli" ('hieigos goose egged the
Hawaii;'.-, the Manilas won from the j •
Brook lyns in the i-Sth and the Pitta- j<
i burgs bent the Santiago* IT to I.
Hawks have been seen to follow in J !
| the wake of a moving railway train, to j ,
swoop down on small birds that wore j i
• suddenly disturbed and frightened by i •
the noise, and therefore for the moment
; were off their guard.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and |
' Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 days. I
Its action upon the system is remarkable I
1 and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and the disease immediately dia
appears. The first dose greatly benefits;
' 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. 1 ; .
; Ralph Druggists liutler Apr 96.
Buff Leghorns, Buff and Barred
Plymouth Rocks
One dollar for fifteen.
Annandale N. J. J'
0 Removes all desire an* appetite, builds up the
A svstem. renews health and vigor, brightens the m
5 Intellect and fits one for business.
I ; j
flu Von l>rent»f
The fnil. st examination into the na
ture and origin of dreams has been :
made by M M r. ,n. thr» Fr. nch scien
tist Hedivifl ■> dreams into the dreams j
of health and the dreams that ere the
result of a diseased state of raind or |
' body.
With r trard to th- latter it nted only
be remark <1 that p» r-ist-cut dreaming is
, ! one of tho me et invnrnble symptoms of
: insanity, and as it i» « psychological
1 fact that genius is near allied to mad
. ne?s men of K r nius must he expected to
dream more than ordinary men.
With regard to the dreams of health,
they are the ri nit of an imperfect state 1
of conacioasn or an imperfect state
of sleep, according as we look at it. It
is obvious that the mind of the clever
man. that is constantly occupied with
many schemes and thoughts, is more
liable to be awake when his body is
asleep than that of the dullard, whose
mind is often asleep when his body is
Thus tho sleep of the plowboy has
become proverbial on account of its un
disturbed nature. In most eases a man
of lively imagination and quick brains
is undoubtedly more liable to dream
than the dullard.
I'urt of a MorJer Story.
The rising sun had scarcely kissed
the snowcapped hills that surround onr
peaceful city Saturday morning
when an awful tragedy occurred on one
of the most public thoroughfar* s. The
whiplike crack <-f a rifle sounded on tho
clear morning air, and a leaden messen
ger of death crashed through the brain
of a human b> i«K. summoning his soul
to the judgment bar of God without a
moment's warning and with all his sins
full blown and "ripened on tho tree. "
The fatal bullet had been sent npon its
deadly mission by a hand that a fi w
hours beforo clasped his victim's hand
in friendship. One now lies in the cold
embrace of death and occupies a mound
til the silent city on the hill; the other
languishes in tho county jail, alone
with his conscience and his deed as he
awaits tl; • -;r.tci :uecf the trial for mur
tier that must purely follow Lonacon
, ing (Md ) ytar
Now is The Time to Have
Your Cotl"iii~y£
i! you want tjooa ;mc3 reliable
or d> eing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can get it, and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
2 ( Cenii: t* avenue
do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture ot
your ho'.isc Give us a trial.
f t!•■*> Jati.estcwa ng
Bli?><:i —.mV •» York.
recommended and endorsed l>y noted phys
icians. is a inoderate use i»f pure and wiiole
some liquors. We are importors and handle
only the best brands of wines, whiskeys, etc.
If you are dlssalislii'd with the wines and
liquors you have been getting, give ours a
Prices lowest for pure goods:
Any of the above brands of whiskey, un
adulterated, <> years old. SI.OO per full qt.; tl
qts.. *>.<*).
a whiskey guaranU d :) years old. S-'Ort per gal.
Oil C. O. It. or mall orders of or over we
box and ship promptly; express charges pre
We have no agents to represent us. Send
orders direct and s.ivu money.
411 Water Street
Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa.
Opposite 1> O. Depot.
Pearson 13. Nace's
Livery Feed and SsleStable
R'-ir of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
The best of horses and first class rigs ;il
ways 011 hand and for hire.
liest ;t,ccornrnodat ions In town for prrma
neiit hoarding and transient trade. Spec!
al rare guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, both drivers and
draft hor.»<*s always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee; and horses bought
pon proper notification by
Telephone.'No. -It*.
Circa n specialized lire n J winningEdacattorn.
jw DUFF & SONS, 2lt Fifth A revue,
a. , ■ >•» palter • : - 1.-cr.-de i:n. tIIVOIK t'Oit AMI WOOD
U'- • KREE
un.i I• • il'hc chartrtM. T!»i< *tnv© in pize No. 8. ove-i n
!(•, cli. top i« 42x23; inudo from bo t |>i< iron, «• \im
ia:v ilut«. heavy covers, heavy linings and grat*-*.
o\.mi i.tif. heavy tin-lined oven door. handsome
nickel-plat* l ornamentation* and trimming, extr*
; MulnoSltadUb porcHala lined rvserwdr, hand
. ,im . u »! f •>m< ntedha:.H. Itr»t coal burner taada, an .
b VBKB an extra wood grate, making it a per J
fev( «ood burner. HK l>M K A lilMllSfibt AUAMKK villi
,- . m v sfov.i and guarantee safe delivery to your rail
- a<j tai■ . Yoarlocaldealarwould chargej nl !
for 8i:"h n t-tove, the freight la only about s».'»> I i
■. », H) u.i:. .cm nr fca-. jmi at lewd #IO.OO. A-!. -
,»«. jj», llvtbuck it co. are thorough I j reliable, —fcdltur.)
Practical Horse Sheer ;
Foituerly Horse Slioer at. t!ie
Wick House lias opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where ■
he will do Horse-Shoeing in
iho must approver! style.
where for "The story of the t'hllippiuf's
liy Muran llalstea.l. run.missioned liy the
t Jovcrnmcnt :ts iMllclal historian t<» 1 li«- War
I >r-pari mi nl. Tin' Ilhi!; was writ (en in army
camps at s.oi rraneiscn. on the Pacific with
<;. m'-ral M< rr.tt. in the hoipitals at Hono
lulu. in Houir Kniig.ln I lie American trenches
ni Manila, in the in.urgent cumin Willi]
Atntinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia .villi
lirwey. and In the nar of battle ;:t the fall I
nf Manila, itonaii/.i for agents, itrlll.tHi of I
original pictures (aken l>y government plio-
Uiirrapln i • on tin spot, barge book. l.ow
prices. I Sin profits. Freight paid. t'redit
jriveu Drop all trashy unofficial war books.
Outfit free. Address I'. T. Ha ber. f«ec'"*
Insurance bid h Chicago.
M ~ g
jThey are a Guaranteed Cure ™ Kidney Troubles!
gg The manufacturer of KID-XE-OIDS lias such absolute faith in the jg
31 efficiency of this wonderful remedy that he has arranged to orive everv
SjsulFeror from Kidncv Trouble a sample of Kid-neoids AIISOH'TELY ®
If You Suffer From Pains in the Side. If You Have Loss of Appetite.
•sgr If Your Bones Ache. If Your Hands or Feet Swell. &t
If Your Vision is Impaired. If You Have Pains in the Back
I Get A Sample of MORROW S KID-NE-OIDS and get Well. J
15,000 * SAMPLES S3 GIVEN » AWAY. 1
sf|j Only ONE SAHPLf; to each applicant. Will be given away to all who call between 9 am. and 9p. m |S[
|Saturday, June 24-1
| Redick & Grohman, Druggists, 109 B, Main St.; Butler, Pa |
Sales Must Grow! |J) X ||| Trade Must Flow!
We 1 ropose to show to the people of this vicinity that ilespite tht cry of
9:."rcitv of money audhard times, we still crowd our store with eager purchasers.
New Shirt Waist -V Kieat collection of all that is new
•W >.} and stylish in wash wa'sts. Correctly made and perfect fitting
I V. x< waists or your money back. Percale, Madras, Lawn and P. K.
Waists. Latest cut, new sleeves, new yokes, new fronts.
jtfrTKijSy Corded, tucked and insertion trimmed. Prices whittled down
rek >: ' to the tip-end-of-notliing.
Vv'A Summer Wash Fabrics -They're the daintiest of the
,\V dainty, the lightest and coolest of fabrics. Regular leuutu-s
■- ' n lawns, dimities, organdies, madras and gingham.- . l-ine
lawns, in figures, stripes and p dka dots, regular i2'.c K'" '• l,s
lat ioc. Dimities, very sheer, with minute cords, needle sic,
IA giving strength and style. Kxijuisitely prin ted —I? ' • and 15c.
Of plain color lawns with fancy braid and lace e fleet stripe— :oc.
ia Fine organdies and crepons —12 "Jc, 15c and 1 Sc
For Skirts and Waists.
White P. K., Welts and ducks I 2" 2 c to 25c
Printed P. K., Welts and ducks ioc to 25c '•„& 1
Linen, homespun ioc, 12 ami 15c ~J- 7 ' ) N ii^arv
India Linon and Victoria Lawn 5c to 40c J
Striped, plaid and fancy white goods ioc to 25c f ......
Denim for skirts—blues, browns and tans iafi l{ ('in'/ -isjfc''. '
Linings and Fixings. . i
Everything necessary for the msule as well as the outside f ■, v v-,
of a dress. _ _ / j\ry ']
Fancy waist linings—fancy skirt linings silk, linen and/ /
cotton linings, canvas, haircloth,beltings, tapes,braids, placket
sets, buttons, buckles and all kinds of linings and trimmings. / » \\»
SJtore Closes?at»6 p. m. except Saturday. SS j
aii t every modern improvement. turn tab fr««* a hand
•Out* organ stool and tti«• best organ last ruetlo* Itaok I»ublish«tL
the putili-her of thi* pnper r Metropolitan National *
Bank, or Corn Nut. iiaak .ro, «r •..-rmau Exchange Bank, New York . or any railroad or * ipr«M
comt.iii\* in <"hi«'M • s ~ !»:*»♦• ueaplial of otrr #:oo. 000.00, occupy entlr« «>n« of th< larv«->t t usuuM blocknin
. andompt-.y nearly i »«-. • pie In our own building AItLL OBUaSS AT op; IllStW. flli-Kf
an i up; a! • • vcrytlmnr in mimical instruments l«»west v liwi. .-.ale price* l . Write for fro*- j-I-- u»l • nran. inane
anil IIIISXHMJ iimti UM. tit catalogue Add recti. «2kar«. Ko«l>url> * f«. mr* thoroughly reliable. —S4H«r. )
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Oesplaines an* Watman St».. CHICAGO. ILL.
Fifty-eight Years Old ! !! j
It's a long life, but devotion to the true interests and
i- prosperity of the American People has won for it new
friends as the years rolled by ami the original member*
; of its family passed to their reward, and these admirers nre
. A loyal and fteadfast today, with faith in its teachings, and
(\ confidence in the information which it brings to their
\ v \ ''ionics and firesides.
- 'f. . ~af:. ■ As a natural consequence it enjoys in it# old sge s.IJ the |
H \ }r . vi ality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and rijn utd j
i t V ,hy the exotiiiiices of over half a century,
\ ' It has lived on its merits, and on tl e cordial wippo«l ol J
v Dregressive Americans *
It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over as tie ,
leading National Family Newspaper. ]
Recognizing its value to those who desire nil the news of the State ana Nation, ■
the publisher of'"The CITIZEW" yonr own favorite home paper h«s entered iato J
in alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribnne" which enables him t<> fondak |
bott papers at the trifling cost of $1.50 per year. J
Every farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his family, and to the 1
community in which he lives a cordial suppoit of his local newspaper, aa it works
constantly and untiringlv for his interests in every way, bring* to his home all the =
news and happenings <>f his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the cosdWn
md prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, i.s a 4
wet kly visitor which .should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family. 1
just think of it! Boih af these papers for only *1.50 a year |
Send'ail subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa.
pTS2 Driving Lamp 11
,; I / jtWr IT Is the only perfect MI. 7
C y i 11 throus all «tc Il|jhi strslgtT. «t»ad 7 m
2 \J-T?
r'■ * ¥ Xjr yy 'T Burns kcru.vcue c >al Oil) /p| Jr
Itwill not blow nor jar out r j 0 a
a ■ and send It to us ami »e will tend ■ >kff A
Y Look lie ritiiiiß our lamp, and will agree losrnd ynuonc Mnglc Umpor U,VV- , T A
0 a pAii at our wholesale price (very much less than the retail price- 5P 2 J\
» R. E. DIHTZ COMPANY. 60 Ijjight St., New York. f
! )P000C«0»»>0ooq0Cs>0:W0O0c »
' < I Sumrti er ■—v T"- !=»-=, r-»<=». Summe- Jj
< I ►Milllne ryA— l "• *• * *—*■ 9 Millinery o
i V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County.
] | Tlm 4
' I |Hats. - 4
< | ►Sailor H its. I. i lies' .»:»«! V isscs FC< ts 1 h a:i«l t ia>'v ?■ if> • 1
i I telega l t /
\| p All tIH t
Mourning Coods Always on H<»nd 3
V 122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. P,v|
IA. Farmer Add
To His Farm.
To aid aa<l stimulate nature. The honua rfy«t.>nt is i*is* the on <«
farm; nature at timet neeiis ht!p, ami then- is n ••!. ;i_; t'ut np r . •
little gin*' whiskey t<» tone up a riHHl>>«n s « hroM up %tr
Iwinj; hack vitalitv, uni t> nuke a man fed that life is wr.irtU Iv. ■
after all. All whiskies are fjiwul. hut aotne are b« tter than other*.
sell only the (its!, ati<! pwrant.f thvrn to he par.-, .u I fa
from all impurities.
Here are some of oar prices:
Anchor Rye. a good whiskey for the money .s*2 00 a !.
Cabinet Rye can't be beat $3.00 a gal
Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a if»!
Gin. Rum, Kumniel, Brandy $2.00. 12.50 and $3.00 per _I.
We have some very fine California wines of is>)i vintage
I'ort, Sherry ami Angelica at fz.oo per gallon The* ir
of IK>IJ- an<l of exquisite flavor.
Rememlwr that *l pay evprcs-sage -m all w.K-rs «>f .*•
an«! over except where ■» transfer w necessary #*» >m "tie
Express Company to another, when wi- f»ty txprr* v t"
jxiiut of trausfer.
Wholesale Liquors,
Send for catalogue and price 'jsr, maiic j f r ,..
foUn-1 p*rf»«-tlj> Mli«r»rt»ry rxmrllf aa re • , P*A •ad 1 r V I
m««I i» mrhlat* •tktra wll u ll|h a* Nit.lW, u4 A i 1 A-
UitkAlkM BiKi.in ¥Ot. IYKK HilKO Of, K , "fVW
fr»lr»t u.ai Our Spec ial O'for Pr.cn «x Cr ' W
•n.l fivifkl i-banff* He ».-uh, »T -4
13i» i» "ituU and tr»«- freight will av.-r% c< , ?S "Z-JT"
«*- will rrturn ?«»ur • j0 any 4aj twa JL* • 1 ' ir "* a * •*»•••
fi»rea« milm i*4 «f St-vSm .. a«-t «»|| */-
fl-i IXiaal up. all rally tfr.trta* 1t« r *' • "*•*•* §!<» •», |l l.fct, « MMB
►«' 515.50 f*r IM* X>ROP Dr«y •• \ ■ -•
litbtfvreatMt vMu«fT«o!f.ft5 r CABIIfET BUHDICI fl \D I krHfll
PEWARE OF AT ,o N s —~ fi IIH
▼».TtJ - irriln, off-rinrf mm\9 jT 1 r ., ry ,« r « ■■ ; ■
▼arlouii Inducement* w ~ a ■wkia*'. uu l»r *ar; in—* wtU» IRm g Wto mm
II 1.1 iKI.R IVNO **r i« tbtrat* i«4 «
THE ifrmriitYT JUJIH
■ -i? 4/IVIV ktIKY MKID r»IU 't IUIT inn
DIHITHOU fctiPK IIINHI «in«. tmi T*l
«stlk!7 mpw—n' bp I r>;«»M thr bmt «\ukul
^ r --ft- i - - - jjg ll TAltf SOLID QUARTER SAWED PAW $ :
i { I --
JkP i -i
I*** 9 **** >v<w. •«»--
f *
~ (T ■ ■■■ JHRHL Wft#
" « Vll I ■ 50» WT ' ► m#*-c U« r« Mi«k trak'U t? r*- f ar "» - ' • ..
, If V I BHa (11
Z*-?l fl I lwrt»«K-,ttnpr •• . •"» »!>#*»! *»- •tAif
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-S- 2 • 5 Air «- ■ — 9mWJ kmmmm .. wr f*#« fMKt ' »■
(! f2 • Bfl *» J«»«f h w«nr >*i»i-»n r mil axi.l »' mmr* >
- «tj«.a -». . ' *
M*aaua««4. OfcHIR TO |»aT. l»m f l»«t4T •■'■ . * • • an «*•"- *1- « »r r
Address. SEARS„.ROEBUCK ft CO. Inc. Chicago, lit
A fMUii ASiii* PROvil I*• i > . .