Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 22, 1899, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1899.
SOTE-AII advertisers intending to make
ihanges In their ads. should notify us of
nelr Intention to do so 11 »t later than Mon
day niornln*.
Miller's Shoes.
C. & T's furniture
Morrow's Kid-ne oids.
Evan." bikes.
Hotel Exposition, Connoant Lake.
Professional card, Black & McJnnkin.
Admlnlsiioiors and Executor* of estates
can secure their receipt book* at the C-111 -
£EN office, and persons making public sales
thalr note books.
—Ninety in the shade is hot.
—Large crowd at the lawn fete.
Hoine-grown berries in market.
—Pipe Line picnic, Wednesday, Jnly
—Tarentmn camp-meeting Ang. 10
to 20.
—The dining-table and chair trust is
the latest.
—New "Shelter-stations" along the
Butler Branch.
—The First Ward Hose Co. realized
about $75 on their picnic.
—lf your kidneys are weak, vou want
to read that big adv. on 4th page.
—Railroad engineers are again sur
veying a line from Gallery to Rochester
—Green com and black l>erries from
the "sunny south" arc- in market here.
—On Thursday last the mercury
ranged in the eighties and next day in
the forties.
—The whole county seems to l>e be
having itself -and its mighty hard on
the newspaper men.
—The P. W. dates for Atlantic City
are July 13 & 27, and Aug. 10 & 24.
Tickets good 15 days, $lO.
—The Springe"ale Hose Co. holds a
lawn fete beginning this evening and
continuing Friday and Saturday even
—The Parker township School Direc
tors were in town Tuesday, again try
ing to get that knotty school question
—Pay day at the Glass Works and
new railroad swelled the throng on our
streets last Saturday evening very per
—At Petrolia a few nights ago bur
glars robbed the P. & W station and
the P. 0., and entered the Smith and
Stoughton stores.
—lndustrial and fantastic parades,
sports and music and a great display of
fireworks in Butler on the 4th. The
whole county should be here.
—lf all the fools who speed their
horses on oar paved streets were bur
ied on the same day, there would be a
good many funerals in Butler that day.
—Everybody ran every way last
Friday l>ecause every fire bell in
town was ringing for a small fire in
John McKeever'u house on Brown Ave.
—Make an "unearthly noise" under
your maple trees, and the worms will
drop off dead—so 'tis said. A conch
shell, base drum, tin pan, or any old
thing will do to make the noise with.
—The Sterling Club holds a moon
light picnic at Slippery rook Park this
evening. They go up on the regular
Bessemer train at 5:15 and the return
train is to leave the Park at 11:30 p. m.
—A lively fist fight occurred on Main
St. Saturday night between two Plate
Glass workman. They had a little al
tercation while at work during the day
and continued it when they met in the
—Last Saturday was bi-weekly pay
day at the Glass Works and about ten
thousand dollars was paid out to em
ployees. It was also monthly pay day
on the new railroad—4oo men received
#IO,OOO or more—and part of that mon
«y came to Butler.
—The salaries of some of the post
masters of this vieinity have been rnis
•ed—Butler from #2,400 to $2,500; Evans
•City fl, 100 to #1,200; Parkers Landing
•$1,200 to $1,400; and Natrona SI,OOO to
,100. Grove City went down a peg—
sl,7oo to $1,600. The annual list of
<flianges is a long one.
—A coal miner from up the Bessie
came to Butler last Saturday, with his
boy, bought a bicycle and then got
drunk. Some friends took charge of
him and put him to bed in a boarding
house; but next day, Sunday, he was
drunk again, and lying around S. Main
street with a quart bottle of alcohol in
his pocket. The bottle was taken from
him, and after he had partially sobered
he and the boy started home, walking,
It would be interesting to know where
a drunken man can get a quart of alco
hol in Butler.
—The First Ward and Rescue hose
tanning teams are practicing regularly
twice weekly on the Fairground track
J. E. Zickrick, of the Butler Steam
Laundry is training the First Wards.
Neither team is using their running
cart yet, but as there are no hose races
until August there is no hurry. Both
teams expect to attend tournaments at
Scotdale, Bradford and Scranton during
the season. The Rescues came near
Jheating the First Wards at McKees
Rwks last year, and hope that perhaps
tthey can accomplish that feat during
tike present season.
_ <bout 500 Butlerites and 200 people
from City and Meadville attend
ed the Fin, * W ard Hose C°' B l )ic n ic at
Conueaut Lake - last Thursday. The
crowd would haw"* ** en mach lar S er
but for the rain that « bont 9tartin *
time in the morning. *« ns made
the rnns each way in three
hours. The Maccabee and
Bands and the ball teams from
City and Allegheny Colleges and ma."*''
others stopped at the Exposition Hotel. ,
In the afternoon Grove City beat Alle- j
gheny in the ball game 10 to 3. Nearly
every person left the lake on the early
train at 7 in the evening.
—The salaries of the Bntler teachers
range from $lO to sloo—a pretty exten
sive range, and the salary of the P-rinci I
pal of the High School is $1,125. At
the meeting of the Board last Friday
evening, H. R. Nicholas. Oliver Gra
ham, Q C. McQuistion and Eli Graham
were elected janitors. Eli Graham's
salary as janitor of the Jefferson street
. school building is S6OO a year; Mr
.Nicholas of the Ist ward school gets
'■s3oo a year and house rent, water and
gas; Mr. McQuistion's salary for Mc-
Kean street school will be S4BO and Oli
ver Graham's for the Broad street
'building $l5O. There were a dozen ap
plicants and it took a dozen ballots to
■decide the matter.
Music scholars wanted at u8 West
"Wayne St.
Col. Redie raises good peas.
Thomas Miles, of Mars, was in town,
Dr. Faulk, the dentist, has removed
to Titnsville.
T. A. Hay, of Clinton twp., was in
town, Saturday.
S. L Cheesuian of Portorsville was in i
town, yesterday.
John A Gregg of Jefferson twp. was
in town, yesterday.
Miss Siebert. of W. Wayne St.. i* vis- (
I iting friends in Lima.
{ Alexander Russell, Esq.. is making au ,
; extensive Western trip.
I W. S. Drummond, of Forward twp.,
j was in town. Tuesday.
John Hartnng of Butler has been .
granted a pension of s*.
Sam'l C. Turk and daughter, of Brady
twp., were in town. Tuesday.
S. M. Hildebrand attended the funer
lal of his uncle, in Lancaster county,
this week.
S. W. McKissick. of Clay twp. and (
Newton Garvin, of Cranberry, were in 1
town, Saturday. 1
J. 11. Fleming of Leetonia. Ohio, is '
visiting his friends in Centre and Penn
twpa. this week.
Michael Fleming and Daniel Gold- ,
inger, two jolly citizens of Clearfield
twp., took in license court.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rose have re- 1
turned to Port Perry after a short visit ]
with their parents in Centre twp.
Albert Troutman is home from Phila- !
delphia where he has been studying law (
in the University of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. J. M. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson l
entertained a number of lady friends at s
their home on North Main St., Thnrs 1
Hobe Mechling, wife and child, of 1
Piteairn, are visiting Kobe's parents, 1
as are also James G's family, of Pitts- 1
Lewis Faulkner, the Saxon Station (
blacksmith, has had a nice new coat of ]
paint put on his house by John Muder, }
the painter.
James McClung returned Monday (
from Morgan Co. Ohio where he has
been prospecting for oil for several
weeks past.
Fred L. Krause, the popular barber, -
and Minnie D., daughter of John Groh
man, were married, Wednesday, by
Rev. E. Cronenwett. ,
Cyrus Stepp, of Penn twp., was in j
Butler, Thursday, and while here pur 1
chased a $450 piano for his daughter, ]
from W. R. Newton. t
Miss Annie Gibson of the West End
and Bert Jones of Natrona, formerly of ]
near Saxonburg, will be married this
afternoon. Best wishes.
Charles P. Ritter, who has been en
gaged in business in Los Angeles, Cal.. j
for two years past, arrived home last 1
week for an extended visit. ]
Miss McCartney of Shousetown. A lie" '
gheny Co. who has been attending the |
Slipperyrock Normal, is visiting her
cousins, Misses Armstrongs of Fairview
District Attorney Painter visited his ,
brother, Allen B. Painter, in Philadel- j
pliia last week, who has just graduated j
from the Medico-Chirological College in
that city. ;
Adam Jloch. of Chicora, left for 1
Washington. Tuesday, and will then go
to Los Angeles, Cal., where a factor}' •
will be built for the manufacture of his '
patent counting machine.
Mark Twain,s latest hit was sprung
at the dinner of the Author's Club in |
London: "Since England and America
have been joined in Kipling, may the}* ,
never be severed in Twain."
C. N. Boyd, our slender druggist, was ,
elected "President of the Pennsylvania ,
State Pharmaceutical Association," at ,
its meeting in Phil'a. last week, and is ,
receiving the condolences of his friends
Fred Goettler. the enterprising young
drayman, has bought a building lot off ,
the Samuel Purvis property on E. North
St. for $llOO and will erect a handsome ,
dwelling 011 it. Edward Weigand is
preparing tne plans. 1
Mrs. John Walker has opened an e-m
ployment and general intelligence of
fice in the room back of Mrs Pape's j
store, —in the same building—and if you
need a good girl or good nurse you (
should advise with her.
Mrs Waters, widow of Albert
Waters, of Co. E.. 15th Reg., who died
in camp near Washington, has been
granted a pension for herself and chil
dren, amounting in all to S2O per month.
The pension was secured by A. G. Wil
liams, Esq.
Miss Nannie Kelly, daughter of John
C. Kelly, of Butler twp., and Ernest H.
Cronenwett, youngest son of Rev. E.
Cronenwett, and book-keeper for the
Home Natural Gas Co., were married
Wednesday, at the bride's home, by the
groom's father.
Mr. A. G. Hendricksoa. of Cranberry
twp., gave the CITIZEN office a pleas
ant call on Friday last. 16th inst., and
reports everything prosperous in bis
section of the county. He is a son of
oar old friend Moses Hendrickson, of
Cranberry twp
Florence, daughter of Wesley P.
Rossing, and A. Gilbert Jackson, an
employee of the Carnegie Steel Compa
ny. of Allegheny City, were married
Wednesday noon at the bride's home on
N. McKean St., by Rev. Thomas Bar
low of the Episcopal Church. After an
extended wedding tour, Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson will make their home in Alle
A celebration worth seeing, on the
fourth of Jnly, fantistic parade."races
of all kinds, bands and banners, every
body come and have a good time.
—A pair of unfortunate spectacles
can be found in this vicinity.
—Next Thursday is the ann ual dona
tion day at the Zelienople Orphans
—John H. Douthett of Adams twp.
has a row of corn sixty miles long, on
the old Criswell farm. He began plant
ing a 20-acre field at the edge and work
ed in circles to the centre.
—On the afternoon and evening of
Tuesday, July 4th, an anniversary re
ception will be held at the new hospital
on the southside, at which ice cream,
lemonade, cake and candies will be
served for the benefit of the hospital.
Good music will add to the pleasure of
the occasion.
—The Huff recital last evening in the
. Y. M C. A for the benefit of of the
Episcopal church was a most enjoyable
affair. The performers, Mr. Huff, Miss
Enniia Foltz, soprano, and Frank J*
Thuma pianist, all more than fulfilled
| v *>o 4>jspectations of their friends. Mr.
Huti' never lack for an audience in
Butler to" listen to his magnificent sing
Wheat. price....* 05&70
:: S
Oats, *
.. "::;;::io.oo
Hay, ~>
Butter, I"
Potatoes, "
1 Green onions per doz !•>
t Rhubarb i>er doz '
Lettuce pier tl. . 5
Spinnach, per bn.
Radishes, per doz bunches 80
1 Goosberries per qt 04
- : Strawberries per qt 04
. j Potatoes, new 1 0®
| Cherries, per qt 0-1
t j Peas, per bn J '-*»
- I Beans, per bu 1 -»0
3 i Flour retails at • sl.oo(vrsl.2.>
—For bargains iu valuable and desir
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
Henry Lefever has brought suit in
ejectment against J T. Armstrong and
John S. Campbell for a one eighth in- .
terest in an oil lease 011 the Levi Porter
farm in Marion twp.
Jeanette Ealy has filed a libel in di
vorce against her husband Solomon
j Ealy. 011 grounds of cruelty, alleging
' that he struck her with his fist, threat
ened to poison her and had her arrested
! and confined in jail last March 011 a
I charge of poisoning him, which the (
j grand jury ignored. They were mar- ,
I ried December 21, 1898. and until
| March lived together on the Plank roa.l
I in the southern part of Butler.
G. C. Bellis vs Ed. Lloyd, deft and
Ntl. Transit Co., garnishee, execution I
attachment to satisfy judgment,
i Mat tie L. Allen, of Bntler. vs Wil- 1
liam W. Allen, divorce. The parties :
| were married in 1870 and the petition i
alleges desertion by the husband in •
I 1895.
The will of Samuel H. Brown deed.,
of Fairview twp., has been probated
and letters granted to W. L Brown;
also the will of Solomon Moser, dee d.,
of Oaklaud twp., with letters to James
M. and J. Jefferson Moser.
W. J. Clark, postmaster at Leeehs
Corners. Mercer county, has beeu ar
rested on a charge of selling postage
stamps for less than their face value,
and has furnished bail for a hearing be
fore United States Commissioner W. T
Lindsey. Postoffice Inspector W. W
Dickson made the information which
charges Clark with unlawfully selling
100 1-ceut, 400 2-cent and 40 10-cent
stamps on May 3, 1807, to the Palfour
Publishing company, for a -11111 les»
than their value. Other illegal sales of
stamps are also charged in the inform 1
Addison Fullerton, who plead guilty
before Esq. Gilghiist to charges of
forgery and larceny, was sentenced two
years to the Western Penitentiary. Ad.
tried to collect a P. O. money order by
forging the name of the law firm of
Coulter & Baker. It is scarcely a
mouth since he was released from jail
after working out costs.
Frank Bethley, plead guilty Tuesday
to assault and battery on Simon Gross
man, an old man, at Unionville, June
14. and was sentenced to pay a fine of
$5 and undergo imprisonment in the
Allegheny Co. Work House for GO days.
David Thompson alias David Stewart
who has just completed a sentence in
the Penitentiary for horse stealing,
plead guilty to false pretense in con
nection with the same horse escapade
preferred by John C. Kelly of Butler
twp., was sentenced 30 days to jail.
Victor 8., son of Clarence Walker,
Esq.. has registered as a law student.
Wednesday Attorney W. J. Forqner
presented .a petition in behalf of R. M.
Wade to have proceeding stayed 011 a
judgment note of $550 entered by the
Butler Savings Bank vsG.M. and Frank
Hughes and Mr. Wade, he alleging that
his signature to the note is a forgery.
The matter will be heard at September
The Court has filed an opinion refits
ing the benefits of the insolvent act
prayed for by James M. Phillips against
whom judgment in S2OOO was entered
in favor of Alonzo D. Bryan in a suit
for damages for criminal conversation
with pits' wife. The deft, could only
avoid the judgment by going to jail for
60 days, which he had not done.
James M. Phillips was committed to
jail, yesterday, for non-payment of the
O'Brein judgement.
New trial was refused in the mechan
ic's liens cases of G. H. Peebles etal vs
the Forest Oil Co. owner and W. S.
Peoples, contractor, and the liens were
not stricken off the record.
An opinion was filed refusing judg
ment without trial to the plf. in the
case of C. Hinehberger vs W. E. Spence
et al. defts , and Teutonia Ins. Co.,
The petition of James B. Wright
1 testamentary guardian of miror chil
dren pf Jacob L. Johnston, deed, _ for
leave to pay debts of estate about SSOO
out of funds derived from sale of land
in Summit twp. to the A. & W. Ry.
Co. was granted.
Alex Mitchell, Esq., was appointed
auditor in the matter of the partial ac
count of S. C. Trimble and W. A.
Denny, executors of Robt. Trimble,
dee'd, of Middlesex.
Mrs. Nancy J. McElellaud petitioned
for appointment of a guardian for John
D. McClelland, a patient in the Warren
hospital for insane.
John M. Rose was appointed tax col
lector of Connoquenessing borough to
fill the unexpired term of Casper Fehl
Robt. J. Marshall was appoint*.i
guardian of Harry S.. aged eleven
years, son of Chas. B. J. Marshall,dee d.
M. B. Mcßride was appointed auditor
to make distribution of funds derived
from sale of real estate of Mrs. E. J.
Dunlap, dee'd, cf W. Snnbury.
The petition for divorce of Birdie
Sutton vs Alonzo Sutton of Chicora was
heard Wednesday morning and the de
fendant not appearing, divorce was
A motion for a writ of partition was
granted in the case of Matilda Kiester
vs John B. Kiester.
The private sale of property of Ken
neth Cooper in Clay and Cherry twps.
by his guardian, J. L. Puryis, to Jas.
Bredin for $5300 was approved.
Leave has been granted to the execu
tor of John Keister dee'd to sell lands
in Slipperyrock twp. for payment of
W. D. Rodgers and Robt Burnt have
given bail for trial at the September
court of assnlt and battery, charged be
fore Squire N. J. King.
Evangelical Assn. to Adams twp.
School District, quit claim, to lot for
Executors of John Kiester to P. B. &
L. E. R. R. lot in Slipperyrock for $l5O.
Wm. Conway to C. C. Kuhn lot in
Concord for SSOO.
Bridget M. Denny to John Denny 140
acres in Clearfield for $3370.
Michael McGinley to Chas. Huselton
lot in Butler twp. for SIOO.
,T. M.Marshall to W. H. Wilson lot
in Prospeet for SBOO.
Sarah J. Ramsey to Rosanna Camp
bell 75 acres in Franklin for $3500.
Matthew Campbell to G. W. Fleming
32 acres in Concord for $978.75.
Same to H. A. Brown 21 acres in Con
cord for $638.68.
John R. Grieb to Amos Steelsmith
lot on N, Main St., Butler for S4OOO.
E. E. Campbell to W. G Klein lot in
Butler for.slsoo.
W. G. Klein to Emma C. Campbell
lot in Bntler for SISOO.
Samuel D. Purvis to Fred H. Goettler
lot in Butler for $llOO.
Elizabeth Johnston to A. & W. Ry.
Co. 3 acres in Summit for $750.
Gea. Trimbure to same 2 acres in
Summit for $495.
Evan Evans to C. A. Templeton lot in
Butler for S2OOO.
Marriage Licenses.
The daily rush for marriage licenses
, keeps Clerk Meals and his charming as-
I sistant very busy. "The marriage license
I market's firm, and daily sales advanc
-1 ing, for June's the month, the young
1 folks know, for matrimony's chancing.
, The license costs but 50 cents, for sol
l dier, farmer, scholar, and Mr. Meals
, will tie the knot, for just a half a dollar,
i So hurry up, you boys aud girls, don't
j stop and wait to dream, but put the
j double harness on. and help make up a
, team. Then, if in dnal blessedness.
, you find a 'rocky' course, just cross the
I hall to Thompson and take out a di-
I vorce."
' I William Brannan Butler
[ i Margt. B. Cain "
] Fred L. Krause Butler
' ! Minnie D. Grohuian "
' j Henry W. Miller. Lancaster twp
I Rinnie Fisher Worth twp
> John W. GeSgan Chicora
Celia E. Byers
Joseph Anderson Butler < o
Jennie Snyder
Anthony G. Jackson. ..Allegheny City
Florence 1. Roessing Butler
Austin P. McAnallen McKean Co
Mary E. Mortimore Trail
Alanson L Mallery Polk Pa
Olive Moore Worth twp 1
At Franklin—John H. Gilghrist of
Mnrrineville and Agusta M.\ andyke of
At Kittauning—William J. Hughes >
of Bntler and Mary Slagleof Ford City.
At Pittsburg. Edward Bryan of Pitts
burg and Sadie Wolff of Mars.
At New Castle. Charles \V. Singlonb j
of Middle Lancaster and Sadie Deenu-r
of Wurtemburg.
Lieense Court.
License Court convened at 10 a. 111. |
Tuesday, took a recess at noon recon- .
vened at 1.15 and one hour later the'
following resnlts had been reached
McCafferty & MeCrea for the Lowry j
House, H. Leibold for Arlington. J. P. j
Shirley for Park. Mrs. Jennie Nixon for I
Central. Flick & Mays for Butler, and
Mrs. Mat tie Reihing for Willard. the:
same six houses which now have tavern j
licenses in Butler.
C. 11. Miller and William Wahl. tav- 1
ern. Evans City, Henry Stokey and ;
Charles Stokey, tavern. Zelienople,
Lewis N. Zeigler and Satn'l Beam, tav
eras. Harmony, B. J. Forquer and A. j
A. Hoch taverns, Millerstown. and P.
C. Fredrick for Stahl distillery at Zflie
These all have had license during the
past year. Two licenses were granted
in Saxonburg where there have been
none for two years past, one to Henry
Doerr for the Hotel Laube and the other
to Philo Krause for the Kohnfelder
House. Fifteen granted.
John Byers was refused a tavern li.
cense lor the Central House. Petrolia
011 the grounds of lack -of necessity, A.
G. Williams, Esq. presented a strong
remonstrance against this application
and Rev. Laverty and H. M. Barney
citizens of Petrolia said on the witness
stand that license was not necessary
I. N. Wilson of Renfrew applied for
tavern license for his hotel there: a re
monstrance signed by about 130 citizens
of Renfrew and surrounding country
was presented. It appeared that Mr.
Wilson keeps in an old "oil-country
house and his application was refused.
William Barker applied for tavern
license for the old Sehoentag honse in
Saxonburg. He was raised in Buffalo
twp. and as he was a new corner in the
burg, was refused.
E. E. Eisemau of Pittsburg applied
for a wholesale license on E. Jefferson
St. Butler aud was refused.
Mrs Annie Cain of the Bowman
House. Centre Ave.. Butler, was refus
ed. Springdale people opposed to a li-'
censed house there hunted up a
affidavit made by Mrs Cain some
time ago and this spoiled her chances
for a license.
John Dolan applied for license in his
hotel in Millerstown and after hearing
it was held over until July 15.
Five refused and one held over. A
little more than three hours in Court
settled the liquor question in Butler
County for one year to come.
West Sunhurj Commencement.
The debate Tuesday night at West
Sunbury on the question " Resolved
that the U. S. should retain possession
of all territory acquired in the late war
with Spain" was decided in favor of the
negative, Robt. K. Aiken, Esq.. of
New Castle; Rev. E. R. Worrel of the
Second Presbyterian church was the
affirmative debater. The judges were
Plumiuer Mifflin, Lev McQuistion and
Rev. Olliver, the latter two gentleman
deciding in favor of Mr. Aiken. A large
represetation from Butler were present.
The debate was a part of the Com
uiencemant exercises of the W. Sunburv
Academy. The baccalaureate sermon
was preached by Rev. I. D. Decker,
Sunday evening. A Commencement
concert was given Wednesday evening.
This afternoon the graduating exercises
are being held, also a ball game between
West Sunbury and Slipperyrock and
this evening a play entitled "Under the
Spell'' will be given by West Sunburv
young people. The graduating class of
the Academy are Minnie Conn. Ethel
M. Campbell, EvaG. Campbell of Brad
ford, Zoe Hockenberry, Clarence
Snyder, and Lida Logan. Prof. A.
Bruce Gill is principal of the Academy
and Ruliff Y. Stratton,musical director.
The fall term begins Tuesday, Sept.
19, 1899.
Worrying over the incidents of the
trial of her case vs Cherry twp. for
damages caused Mrs. Sarah Rhodes,
wife of Thomas A. Rhodes of Slipper}'
rock twp. to lose her mind, and on Mon
day last she smashed the furniture in
the house with a hatchet, poured oil
oyer it, and burned the house and
everything in it.
County C. K. Convention.
We call the attention of the Christian
Endeavorers of the county to the fact
that the Prospect C. E. Society are plan
ning for a Convention to be held there on
Aug. 17 and 18. The following person*
hrve been appointed chairmen of their
respective committees: Rev. W. H.
Sloan, music; A. Bowers, decoration:
Jas. A. McGowan. reception: Frank P.
Critchlow, entertainment.
The market still remains at $1.13.
BUTLER TWP—Klingensmith & Co.
have a well on the George Shaffner
strip along the the Dntchtown road. It
is flowing and its production is not yet
SHlLOH—Phillips well on the Patter
son is doing 30 bbls; Yonnkins & Cos
No. 1 Bartley 40 bbls; Forest's No. 1
Bartley 40 bbls; Kelly & Co's No. 1
Shrader 20 bbls.
CLEARFIELD—CampbeII & Murphy's
No. 1 Blatt came in Monday and did 125
bbls. the first 24 hours; Coyle & Co's
No. 1 Englehart is through the sand
and very light. The Dutch Oil Co's
well on the Duffy has a hundred quarts
of glycerine in it that failed to explode.
Grand Opera House- Pittsburg:.
A very remarkable demonstration of
the strength of organized labor will be
made in Pittsburn throughout the week
commencing Monday, June 20th. The
details of the undertaking have been
carefully planned by the leaders of the
various labor organizations in Western
Pennsylvania. They embrace the giv
ing of two great entertainments eyery
day during that week, at the Grand
Opera House, at 2 and 8 P. M, Three
distinct objects will be attained for
organized labor by this gigantic under
taking. The first and most important
of these is the exhibition to the public
at large of the numerical strength of
organized labor. The plan is to have
the different organizations meet at a
stated place upon night set aside and
march to the Grand Opera House head
by brass bands. The seats will have
been reserved in advance so that eyery
man will have a seat assigned to him.
For instance, Monday will be "Miner's
Day." The female members of the
Miner's households aud the children
will attend the afternoon performance,
first having secured their seats in ad
vance. At night, the organized miners
will occupy all the seats in the house.
They will come from the different towns
by special trains and be met by brass
bands ar the Pittsburg depots, and
march to the Grand Opera House. It
jis expected that the principal store
I keepers will decorate their buildings
for "Labor Week," thus giving the city
a gala appearance.
All organized workmen are invited to
visit the headquarters at any time.
Atlantic City.
July 13-27 and August 10-24, 1899,
are the dates for the P. & W., B. & O.
Atlantic City excursions. Tickets good
15 days with privilege of stop over at
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing
ton D. C. on return trip. Rate SIO.OO
from Butler.
T. A. Morrison has everything in fire
works. See the new whistling fire
crackers; absolutely safe. The only
safe firecracker yet invented.
At a meeting of the l*nited Presbyter
iati congregation. Wednesday evening
of last week, they decided to lift the
carpet in the chnrch room, lay it in the
Sunday School room, and bny a new
carpet for the chnrch room, which takes
about •"•(Mi yards. Another meeting was
held last night to decide how money
should be raised for this purpose.
Mistresses W. D. Brandon. P J
Slonaker. Josiah Thompson. I" K Col
bert, "f IJutler. and Mrs. W. I. Me-
Clure. of lirui 1 were among the But
ler ladies who attended the Women s
Missionary Convention at Grove City,
last week.
Rev. Howard W McMiehael was in
stalled as pastor of the I*. P. Church,
at Scrogtrstiell. Ohio, at the presbytery
meeting, at that place. Friday.
The English Catb.-iic church observes
"Forty Honrs Devotion" this weeek.
ending Saturday morning
Friday and Saturday of next w.-ek
the English Catholic chnrch holds a
lawn fete on the school grounds on
Monroe St The following week the
German Catholic church holds a fete
on their grounds on Franklin St.
Jos. L. Par vis, \V. (». Douthett and
D. H. Caldwell were appointed a com
mittee to raise funds for the new carpet
in the the U. P. church.
Rev. Prof. E L. Baker, of Thiel Col
lege, will preach in the first English
Lutheran chnrch next Sunday.
By the breaking of a scaffolding at
the Porter house 011 E. Clay St. last
Saturday. J. S Stoner fell several feet
and had several ribs broken.
David Wilhelm of Butler was found
lying dead on the Evans City road in
Middlesex twp. near his boarding house,
last Monday eyenintr- His watch and
money were in his clothes. His death
was caused by heart disease. His home
is on the South Side, and he has a fami
David Garvin of Cranberry twp. had
both legs crushed, one so badly that it
had to be amputated, while felling tim
ber on the Williams or old Sam'l Dou
thett farm in Forward twp. last Mon
day. He was caugth by a falling tree
Lawn Fete.
There will be a lawn fete at Holyoke
U. P. Church on Thursday evening.
June 00. All are invited.
Summer Outing.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces the following Personally-
Conducted Tours for the Summer of
To the North, including Niagara
Falls, Toronto, Thousand Islands, the
St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Rob
erval (Lake St. John), the Sagnenay.
An Sable Chasm. Lakes Champlain and
George. Saratoga, and a daylight ride
through the Highlands of the Hudson.
July 22 to August T. Rate $125; Aug
ust 12 to 25, visiting points as first
tonr except Roberval and the Sagnenay.
Rate, if 100 for the round trip, from
New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore.
Washington, and Harrislrarg. Propor
tionate rates from other points.
For itineraries and further infor
mation apply to ticket agents, or ad
dress Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Chautauqua.
For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to
be held at Mt. Gretna, Pa., Jul}* 4 to
Augnst 10, 1800, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell special excur
sion tickets to Mt. Gretna from New
York. Washington, Baltimore, Freder
ick, Md., Canandaigna, and intermed
iate points, including all stations on its
line in the State of Pennsylvania.
Tickets will be sold Jnne 25 to Au
gust 10, inclusive, and will be good to
return until August 15, inclusive.
Kxeursion to Los Angeles.
Excursions to Los Angeles Cal. on
June 24th to July Tth inclusive agents
of the P W. will sell excursion tickets
to Los Angeles Cal. at fare one way for
round trip plus £2.00 account National
Educational Assocation Convention
good for return September 15, 1890.
Fourth of July Excursions.
On July 3 and 4 P. W. agents will sell
excursions tickets to all points on P. &
W. line also to points on B. & O. west
of Akron, C. A., C. C. C. & S. N. O.
W. C. V. & L. E. within 200 miles from
starting point at fare one way for round
trip good for return July 5 1899.
Coiineaut Lake.
During the summer months the "Bes
sie" will sell excursion tickets to Con
neant Lake, Saturday, good to return
following Monday at $2.00 for round
1 pay the highest market price in cash
for wool, haye 110 merchandise of any
kind to exchange, am located at same
place as last year, Graham Bros'. Grocery,
just across the street from Troutman'3
dry goods store.
For Kent.
Office room in CITIZEN buildirg.
Cheap. Inquire here.
On Monday of last week, the sth inst.,
a small grip was lost near the Berg
farm on the road north of Butler. The
finder will be suitably rewarded for
leaving it at Campbell's hardware store,
or at the Clearview stock farm.
House and Lot For Sale.
A good four-roomed house iu Union
ville, and a lot of nearly an acre, with a
blacksmith's shop upon it, gCDd well of
water, and some fruit trees, is offered for
sale on easy payments. Inquire of
Executor of Daniel Heck, dee'd.,
McCandless. Fa.
Agents \Vante<l.
At $1.50 a day. A few energetic
ladies and gentlemen are wanted to
canvass. Above salary guaranteed.
Call on or address,
Maharg P. O.
Butler Co., Pa
AMY BROS, are Selling out to QUIT
BUSINESS. Their entire stock of furniture
is for sale, including all goods en route,
nothing reserved, wonderful bargains,
ery evening.
It you want a Bicycle or ycur old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest stock iu County. Bicycles for
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of H.
O'Brien & Son. 011 East Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which .more than 1200 were
sold in Butler, last year.
WANTED—At Exj>osition Hotel,
Conneaut Lake, Dining-room Girls,
Chambermaids and Laundry. Com
mencing June -Id. Good Prices.
Exposition Pa.
Sunday Kxeursion to Allegheny.
Beginning May 21st IS9O and until
further notice the P. & W. Sunday ex
cursion train will leave Butler at 8:05
a. m. Butler time arrive Allegheny at
9:35 returning train will leave Alleghe
ny at 5:30 p. m. arrive Butler at 7:03.
rate 75 cts.
For Sale.
I wish to sell my farm in Clay twp.,
located about one mile west of Sun bury,
on the Unionville road.
It contains forty-one acres with house
and stable, good apple and peach or
chard, good spring and well, abont ten
acres of rail timber Inquire on prem
ises or of Newton Black, Esq., Butler.
Slippery Rock P. 0.,
INew, four-room house for sale In
quire at this office
NKIGII itoicuooo NOTKS.
John Paulson. of New Castle. aged
about 32. carried a fellow-workman s
dinner to the steel mill, aud disregard
ing warnings not to cross the rolls,
started across and fell between them
His body was ground to a pulp ami was
gathered tip in a twobnshel box.
There are two-hnndred ami forty
thousand taxable* in Allegheny Co
aud their property is assessed at five
humlreil and forty millions
The National Tube Works at Mc
Keesport lately completed a ' rush order
for •">3.520 feet of inch lap-welded
weighing in all 7,;i*5,7»!0 potiuds
and shipped it to the Rand mines in
South Africa The order was secured
against English German and other
American competitors for it.
Cleveland aud Rochester and Buf
falo N. Y. have strikes on hand.
Near Philadelphia. list Monday
morning a gang of masked men took
jxjssession of the offices and car barns of
a traction company, bound and gagged
the six employees on dutv. then blew
open the safe, and secured about four
thousand dollars.
Andrew Hammer was killed Tuesday
morning in t>is confectionary store on
Beaver Aye.. Allegheny, by the explo
sion of a soda water tank which he was
filling with its daily supply of carbonic
acid gas.
One of the largest soda-ash plants in
the world is to be built at once by the
controlling stockholders in the Pitts
burg Plate Glass company at a cost of
about #3,000,000. Options have already
been secured on several large sites. It
is probable, however, that the works
will be located at Barl»erton. near Ak
ron The plant will make the Pitts
burg Plate Glass Company entirely in
dependent of the present soda-ash man
nfactnrers, and will enable it to pro
duce plate glass even more cheaply than
has been possible in the past. The step
is considered one of the most important
that has taken place in the plate glass
trade in many years.
Latest novelties in fire works are
whistling tire crackers, at T. A. Morri
son's, 212 south Main St.
Kxc'.trsiou to Detroit.
Excursion to Detroit, Mich, on ac
count of Christian Endeavor meeting.
July sto 10, 1899, op July 3d to 6th I
inclusive. Agents of the P. & W. will
sell special excursion tickets to Detroit
and return. ('pen limit for return
July 15 and subject to an extension un
til August 15. Un July 4 train leaving
Butler at 0:25 a. in. city time will con
nect at Cleveland with day light Ixwit
for Detroit. Rate from Butler SB.BO.
For further purticulars inquire of near
est agent.
Of course you will celebrate the
Fourth, buy your fire works from T. A.
Morrison. 212 South Main St.
I I delivered to all parts of the
town, every day.Leave or
ders a*
142 Main St.
See T. A. Morrison's line of fireworks
before you buy your supply for the
lii the matter of the assignment of C. I>. 1
Slater for the benefit of his creditors
All persons interested will take notice that
the Auditor appointed by the Court to report
distribution of the funds in the hands of F.
J. Forquer, Assiguee, as shown by his final
account will attend to the duties of his said
appointment at his office in the Armory
Building. Butler. Pa., on Tuesday, the 27th
day of June, A. I). 1*99, at 10 o'clock a. m.
A. T. BLACK. Auditor.
In re-final account of In the Orphans'
Samuel A. Leslie, Admin- Court of llutler
istrator of F.llz&beth county. No.
Baker, dee'd. J Sept. Term. lsw.
And now. May 30, ISitU. on motion of Wil
liams & Mitchell, Att'ys.. for accountant, the
Court appoints J. I). McJuiikin, Auditor, to
distribute funds, in the hands of the admin
istrator. among those entitled thereto.
Certified from the Record, May 22nd. IXOU.
ISAAC MEALS, C'lerk o. C.
Those interested will please take notice,
that I will discharge the duties of said ap
pointment on the 2titliday t>f June. lsyy. at
my office In Butler. Pa., at K'o'clock a. m. of
said day at which time and place they may
attend if they see proper.
Letters of administration in the estate
of Henry Dutter, dee'd., late of Franklin
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Whitestown, Pa.
J. D. MCJUNK N, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John L. Shannon, dee'd., late of Conno-i
quenessing township, Butler Co., Pa.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present thetn duly
authenticated for settlement to
Y. G. SHANNON, Ex'r,,
Connoquenessing I*. 0.,
Butler Co., Pa,
Letter's testamentaiy in the estate of
J. Wilson Thompson, dee'd, late of
Cherry twp., Butler, Co. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned; all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please made immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Butler P O.
Hilliards P. O.
Butler Co., Pa.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between J.
A.'& W. F. Anderson, in Valencia, Pa.,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the
6tli day of May, 1899. The lx>oks are
left in the hands of J. A Anderson, with
whom a settlement should be made
The business will be conducted by J.
A. Anderson, and a libera! shaie of the
patronage of the public is respectfully
Dissolution Notice.
[ Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Rudolph Barnhart, W. A. Barnhart and
Fred. K. Barnhart in the business of
merchandizing aud keeping a general
store in Connoquenessing boro., Butler
county, Peun'a., is this day mutually
dissolved, W. A. Barnhart retiring. All
claims and accounts due and owing the
firm will be collected by the remaining
menbers of the firm and all debts owing
by the firm will be paid by them.
The business will be hereafter carried
on by Rudolph Barnhart and Fred. E.
Barnhart under the firm name of R.
Barnhart & Son.
Connoquenessing, Pa.
May 19th, 1599.
Arandale HOTEL.
| Opens May Z">th wiih many new Iniprovo-
I inents and attractions. Keuowned foi Its
I hlt;h standard of excellence and Its >prln(ts
|of remarkable curative virtues rerms
I moderate. Special rates for June and Sep
tember. Writ"- f'r liooklet.
Trusses for Rupture are
necessary. The only ques
tion to consider is "where
can I get the brut truss for
the least money 5 " We sell
trusses oti the "no charge for
fitting" plan. We charge you
simply for the truss. We go
further, we guarantee a tit
and guarantee satisfaction.
There are many different
kind of trusses, and or.e
great thing is to know what
kind is best to use. We
have had enough truss sell
ing experience to find that
out. Our stock of trusses '.s
not excelled in this vicinity,
but that is not the point for
you to consider. Your con
sideration as we said before,
is stated above. Men we fit
here. We give direction
for self measurement to
C. N. Boyd,
Diamond Block. Butler. Pa.
| Important j
| Furniture |
v JULY Ist the p.icc on /
b Furniture will advance N
C Ten to Twenty'five peri
? cent, r
j We have large payments y
Jto meet July Ist and in }
v order to get cash will sell i
( all staple goods at old f
j prices, /
> The prices on goods >
v left from orr i
5 Dissolution Sale )
/ have again been redu:ed. /
S Will it not pay you to j
N buy now? X
l Solid Mahogany /
J Marked $lO GO, Chairs ma-ked j
/ ?9 50. Rugs marked f- 50, Portiers X
3 marked if 12 GO. They were reduced S
/ to $5 00; now closing what's left at f
js3 75- Can t allow marked down \
/ goods to go back to regular stock. f
1 } Must lie s'lld at some pt Ice. J
< $7.50 \
: ; China Closet, /
/ Antique Oak, polish finish, glass \
r doors. There is no better one f
j made to sell at Jtto CD, but we offer \
l it for $7 50. The same closet in C
1 Mahogany finisk also. J
\ $lO Book Case, \
\ Mahogany finish, glass door, brass \
/ trimmings, well made, 5 feet 6 f
f inches high, 34 inches wide; price S
/ waa (23 CD, reduced to $lO 00. »
/ $3,75 Lamps and Globes. X
V Some marked #lO 00, others V
\J J fS 00, not one sold for less than /
! \ $5 co. Take your choice for $3 75. \
Here to Stay!
Good Lack Perfection Circlettes
We Feel Their Effects.
| V'
f © © of
r, The Good Luck Shape, r
They are Great Trade Winners
Since we commenced putting
' Circlettes in the heels of .ill our
■ shoes we have made quite a few
| new customers and greatly
i strengthened our old ones.
TREE as the Air You Breathe.
Come in and try them.
C. E. Miller.
I and Specialties in Tin. I.
'| ' amy. Main St.. Butler. Pa. | '
Subscribe tor theC'riziN.
Sorosis |
•".rr? s
y j new 1 1
\ ' S"o= { r£
- A « F0 " 5:?
Cm —i
/ v I . \ CoisplcK <t«rkM &>r«)><£
#« If, Jk Shoe* tn all th«
"/'■ V'.J 7! f'7 style® tn S*
cV-- .''A - MltfianSS
/ Jf' > -.' *i See our line o#
/ /< V«ll • fine t«m anri prtß^ip
/ tm, *, SW ELL |
wKmIA •,* ■ I[l K
'» • / \ - » r t«|*i nrnrini » Sommta
z /- ®^/y
Q|A Few of Our Bargains.^
Men's line tan vici kid sho«-« . _.. J| 25
Men's fme tan lace or congress shoe* ..... J1 10
Boy 's tine tan lacr shoes ... #1 00
Youth's line tan coin toe shoes. ,7.„W
Ladies' fine Dongola. pat. tip. 'ace or Kjtt« >n *h«xs -.-#I.OO
Ladies* fine tan. leather or vesting top shoes SI.OO
Mivscs' fine taa Sutton si its . 75
Children's fine tan shoes 40
Infants' fine soft sole shoes . --2Q
Ladies' fine I)on|(»U Oifonlt ...Aft
Ladies' fine black serge 51ipper5......... 20
High Iron Stands for Repairing Shoes.
Shoemakers Supplies of all Kinds
Sole Leather Cut to Any Amount You Wish to Purchase.
? We Give a Discount of 25 per cent, off the Dollar for
. 30 days on all WALL PAPER, call and see.
g Elko Ready Mixed Paints.
I The best that can be made, stick* to everything; also
Senour Floor Paints, ready for use.
Picture and Mirror Framing a Speciality.
Contract Painting and Paper Hanging.
Patterson Bros.,
£ 236 North Main Street. Butler. Pa.
£ Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400
< There is no Going Back on the Fact That a
;♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
« J Black or Blue Serge Suit £
i Is the Dressiest, tno*t Retinal ami serviceable
for summer wear. Bat the Fabrics moat oe
i thoroughly reliable.
f The best test and one that clinches your confidence most, is in the
4 actual wearing qnalties of the garment We kn om when
. we sell you a garment that giees ahaolute satisfaction
. we make a lasting customer. Thats oar way
k of doing business ami it is the ooly
m war to build np a large and
permament trade.
F An A No. 1 Nick<fl Alarm Clock Free With
p 6ver\J iMan's Suit.
| The Surprise Store
ti 108 South Main street Butler, Pa.
A Few Plain Questions???
Are you going to buy a Spring Suit?
SEE OUR LINE AT $6. $8 $lO and *1 2
Want an Overcoat this Spring?
It youare going to wear the latest style Sprina Hat ?
Going to get a new Spring Shirt ?
Want the Very Latest See Oir Liae.
Do you want the swellest thing in Neckwear 7
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
_ —— ■ »
Teacher's Examinations,
I will hold a teacher's arahMtka in
the following place*
Prospect. Jane 23.
Harrwville. June 23.
I'entreville. 24.
Kaxonburg. Jane 27.
Evans City. Jane 38.
North Washington. Jnly 1
Will hold an examination in the Jef
ferson street school building m Butler
on the last Saturday of Jaly an<l An
gu*t Examinations will begin promptly
at •> o'clock. All applicants will plea*-
come prepared with stamped envelop*
pen and paper
Teachers, directors, and friend* of
education are cordially invited to be
present at these examinations and in
spect onr work
Yonra very truly
WASTED UttlHtL t«l »T»0»T*» r**v
in thU state to n»*n»«* our hustncaa
Ihi'lr "wn »ntf ne»rbj IVUBIIh It l» maJn.f
work .••odorted at home IkWf
»tr:.tirht «W» ayw an.l np'nwt
TMII ifl'l.-. DO more. BitJ*, 0 " I?
«7.Y Keferen<-e». Eacloae
ttamKd tiiTtlopa Herbert C. Il«». I
Dept. M. Cklctio
If you would know
the secret of your neighbors fine
appearance, ask him the name
of hts tailor; ask him. too. how
much a year he spends for his
clothes and subtract the amount
from the cost of your own You
will be agreeably surprised,
more so if you will prove it by
giving us your measure, as be
did. Our new fabrics for spring
and summer embraces the
choicest products of the loom
HOOD'S PILLS cue* Llwr Ma, •*-
lo<Nn«M, Isdtgetttaa, i«aa*aaha.
■aay to tali*. e«»j M inrata. M«.