Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 15, 1899, Image 3

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SOTE All advertisers Intending to make
bailiffs In their ail*. nlwmiM notify us ot
ntlr lnt« nU >u 10 tie 9-0 njt tai.r 'lun Mun
•!;»y Uioralac.
Bickel's shoes
House und lot for sale
C. & T's furniture
Horses Wanted
Findley s Photos.
Kirkoatrick s bike*.
Admlnlsii-wt-srs an-1 Executors of estates
can stt'urf tlie:r receipt hook 4 at the t'ITI
ZEN oflce. ami jK-rvjns making puiillr sale*
lb -Ir note Imukv
—No Sunday train to the lake.
—The crop prospects in this county
are good
—Debate at W. Suubnry. next Tnes
day evening
- The Fourth of July will noun be on
the tiring line.
- The law requiring all loose stones
to be removed from the roads is a wise
—Lawn fete on Geo. Shaffner's lawn
in Springdale this evening Benefit of
Hose Co.
—The "Love Birds' lists in the city
and country papers are unusually long
at present
—Steele's clocks are good, and are
given as prizes. See adv. of The Sur
prise Store.
—The preacher* all say that Butler is
a beautiful town Preachers, as a mle.
are sensible men.
—Onr new catalogue can be had for
the asking Bntler Business College
A. F. Regal. Prin.
—The State Insjiector ordered the
the killing of eight diseased cows near
Millerstown. lately
—There is a penalty for taking plants
or flowers that have Iteen placed on
graves i n cemeteries.
—There were al>cut 45 application*
for the five racaodm ic the list of
teachers ot iintler.
—The dates of the Pennsylvania
seashore excursions are July 0 and 20,
and Angnst 3 and 17—all Thursdays.
—Official* of the .Standard (til Co.
are inspecting their vast properties in
Western Pennsylvania and West Vir
—All the Snnday School# of the 11th
district will hold a picnic at Saxon
Station on the 4th of July, beginning at
9:30 a ui.
—Scientists tell us the way to sleep is
to think of nothing. An easier way to
get to sleep, and a good one, is to think
It is time to #et up
—People who complain of the noise of
hand-organs ought to think of the poor
grinder, who has to listen to bis own
music all the time
—The large green pine apples on
sale at Reils-r's grocery this week are
the ls-st raised in Florida, and retail
here at 75 cents each
—The question Unlay is, art there
more Butler people at Conneant Lake
taking in the big Firemen's picnic than
there are at home in Bntler.
a number of our people went
down to the picnic at llannabstown.
Sunday. Some drove, and they found
the road in excellent condition.
Dr. Zimmerman has moved his of
fico and his old sign to the Heineman
building He and his sign celebrated
their silver wedding some years ago
At the meeting of the Odontologi
c;»l society in Bntler, Tuesday, Edith
W. Sloan a female dentist of East Liv
er|iool, 0., was admitted to member
- -The little colored man, who drops
from the Sparks Bros', balloon, does it
for a dollar a drop and that other fellow
pnts his bead in the lion's mouth gets
I*.! s put.
The 8-mile road race around the
Fair Ground.Tuesday evening, was won
by Elmer Hart/.ell time lOi minutes
A week or two ago a bicycle conld not
have gone over that road in much less
than 10J hours
—-Extremes meet in the columns of a
newspaper. Twenty-five deaths from
heat were ie]iorted in one colnmn the
other day. aud the next one told of a
hundred deaths from freezing, drown
ing and starvation in the Yukon gold
—Fifty dentists attended the quarter
ly meeting of the Odontological Society
of Western Pennsylvania in the Hotel
Willard and Dr. Jackson's office Tues
day afternoon and evening A large
number of Pittsbnrg dentists rode out
on their wheels.
—The MAI •cabees elected the follow
ing officers Saturday night Comman
der. Harry L Graham Lieut Com., J.
II Powell: Sergea.it, W G. Young,
Chaplain. E L. Stewart; Master at
Arm*, J M. Wick; Ist M of Guard, R.
T. Parkin; 2d, H A. Dickej ; Sentinel,
B. M Price; Picket, W. C. Findley.
—The "Spnrks Bros ." show,now own
«d by John Wiseman, formerly of But
ler, and his younger brother, exhibited
to large audiences in Butler, last Fri
day and Saturday, and gave unnsual
satisfaction. The excellence of their
jterforiJiances and their moderate admis
sion fee crowded their big tent four
times in Butler; and the whole town
tlix'ked to see the bulloon ascensions
—New Richmond, Wis . the scene of
the terrible storm of Tuesday, is located
uii a branch of the Mississippi river,
alxiut forty miles northeast of St. Paul,
Minn; and Herman, Neb,, the scene of
the other tornado, is altont thirty miles
north of Omaha.
At New Richmond the wounded
found temitornry asylums in the unin
jnred dwellings on either side of the
path of devastation, where doctors and
nurses from nearby cities and towns did
heroic work without sleep or rest. As
many us possible of the injured whisu
ch.mces for recovery are considered
K'tod were sent to the hospitals at St.
Paul and Minneapolis, where they will
have (sitter care.
Over 100 corpses, twice as many man
gled people, 40 acres of piles of bricks,
shivered planks, scattered hca|M of
household go'sls, dead horses, through
which the wind hail driven sharp splin
ters of board, smoldering fires where
houses stood, and in the midst of it all
trees as bare of leaves as ever they were
in the middle of winter and for the
most part stripped l>are of bark this is
what the storm wrought in three min
utes upon the town of New Richmond
In the busmen* |s>rtiou of the town
altsolutely not one building was left
standing above the cellar windows
.everything als.ve a foundation wall was
shaved as clean as though it had lieen
Cnt with a plane
Sew Teachers.
' At the meeting of the School Boar!
for the election of teachers Monday
night. the following wr- re-elected to
their ol«l i*>sitiou;- John A (tiiwii.
Snpt., V K lrvin. principal of High
School: Adelaide K Robinson Ella
Purvis. Frances <» Wick and Louisa C.
Campbell. Scbo.' instructor*
Lovul F. Hall, principal "f Sprinfidale
school Anna I'. Cunimings, principal
jf McKean and Broad streets sehools.
and Eniily Brittain, of Jefferson street
' school Mrs. E. K Colbert, musical di
rector and th" following teachers
' Holla 11 E:na S. Bailey.
'■ Minnie McCandless, Ma«el C Smith.
I Bertha Donaldson, Clara Cornelius.
Florence Cornelius. Aum H Brown.
Ray Ke<lic. Vina McCollongh. Emma
McElvain. Violet Bard. Libbie Smith.
; Marie I. Kelly. Row E ?: ;Neeae, Saraii
: Bla' k.Katheryn E. Giering. Etta Johns
i ton. Maru't Graham, May Kreps.
| Gra<*e Wick. Emma L Ciomm, Mary
iC. O'Brien. Harriet Bart ley, Nettie
| Prasier. Gertrude Siebert < !ara H»*ck.
1 Minnie Thom; on, Ella Coulter. Mand
Evans, Ada C. Gnmpher Alice M
Dieffenliacher and Elvia Coe.
Tbe new teachers are Mary Bntter
field. of Karns City, who has been
teaching in Muddycre»*k township;
Grace Crawford, danghter of Dr. Elder
Crawford, of Cranberry township Hat
tie Hartuiig, primary teacher of Har
mony. Katuryn McKiniey. of Bntler,
Anna Thompson and Rose Mc-
Nany, both of whom w> re substitute
teachers last term and Mtrgt. Breed.
The following substitute teachers
were elected Martha Loveless, Grace
Reynolds. Lillian M Williamson, and
Buelah Reynolds, all of Bntler.
Thereare fqrty nine teachers and fonr
The following committees were ap
pointed by Pres J B. MeJunkin.
Lev <' F. L. Mcynistion
Milt. Shanor.
C. M. Heinemau, A. G Williams,
Louis It. Schmertz
W T. Mechling.C. F I, McQnistion,
M. Shanor
Dr. Headland. L. A C.
T. M. Baker, D. E Dale. J. M Max
Dale. C. F L. McQuistion, Mnxwall
Anderson. Heine man, Mechlin#.
Schmertz, Williams, Krug.
Williams. McCaridle-s. Headland
McCandless. Baker and Krug.
The school tax was reduced from 13
to 10 mills for the coming year
The Director" meet this ■ v-ening again
to lix the teachers salar -s and elect
janitors. There are a lar :e number of
applicants for the janitors! ips.
Lauly Walker, son of J. L of the
Model, will open a lirat '-lass tobacco
store on Centre avenue, between the P.
& W. and Bessie railroad-. Saturday
June oth is the Annual Memorial
Day of the Woodmen, but they put it
off until Sunday the Iltli when they
had a fine parade here, with a hundred
and fifty men in line. They decorated
their graves in both cemeteries, with
beautiful wreaths Rev. oiler spoke in
the south cemetery, and Rev. Barlow in
the North
- Australia, in the person of "Lank
ey Bob Frtzimmons, th< blacksmith,
was 'knocked-out" or "put to sleep at
Coney Island, iast Friday night, by
'■Jim' Jeffries, the boiler-maker, of the '
United States in general and Lo» Ange
los, Cal. in particular. Most of the bet
ting done in Butler was '5 to 1 in Fitz's
fayor and some of our si»ortv men drop
ped nice wads. The fact that Jeffries
had attached to him the Christian name
of James make applicable to the affair
the little couplet which one of the most
shining stars of the American stage of
latter days, used to sin« before the
meeting of Fitzaiinmons and Corbett
"But then when they put on the mitts
Will Fitz have Jim or Jim have FitzV'
l(oriin<;ii Affairs.
The Re capitulation of the Borough
Auditors for the year ending March 1:t
last is as follows:
Bonded Indebtedness 98W500 00
Outstanding Warrants 10H1 01
John S. Jack Collector, . Ji!i 37
Total .*92630 3*
Due from John S Jack.Collec
tor, I»9h * f.030 80
Due on paving accounts *12(1 32
Due on sewer accounts 2465 65
Balance in treasury 1125 65
Liabilities over Resource- 74972 Ifi
j Total <i)W.n 3H
County institutes.
There were six applications for Far
mers' Institutes this year and the
Board selected three as follows Kvans
City, Portersville and North Washing
ton. and will ask the Stat-** Hoard or
District Deputy for the dates Dec 11
and 12. 18 and Hand 15 and 16.
The numerous applications show the
interest now taken in this woik
Kailroad NoUw.
On Wednesday evening June 7, ln»!i,
the last rail on the Allegheny &. Wes
tern railroad, from l'nnxsutawuey to
the Allegheny river was laid The
track on this side of the river is fully
completed from Punxsutawney to Day
ton, and now that all the : tils are laid
the work of Sal lasting, el-, the road
from Dayton to the river ./ill be speed
ily finished The construction train
runs right np to the «reai bridge over
the Allegheny river
On the west side the track has been
laid through the tunnel east of Buffalo
creek and in all probability the track
will Ikj finished to the river by July 1
Then, just as soon as the Inst span of
the bridge is swnng into place, trains
can run over it. as the work of finishing
the bridge can be completed after trains
are passing over it. In six weeks or
two months Dayton issoplc will l»e en
joying the novelty of railroad excur
sions Kittannlng Times.
Commencement at tirovr Cit>.
The faculty have issued the following
interesting program
Sunday, June IH, « p. rn. Bacca
laureate sermon by tie President in
Presbyterian church
Monday, June lit, H p. m. -Gradua
tion of the Seniors of the Music l)>
partment in College chap-1
Tuesday. June 20, from 9 a hi to 10
a. m and from 2 n m to ■> p m Ait
Reception in Studio.
Tuiinday, June 20, 10 a in Annual
Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Tuesday, June 20, Hp in. Reception
by President and Mrs. Ketler iu honor
of Class of
Tuesday, June 20, hp m Reunion
and banquet of the Piiilokaliau club.
Wednesday, June 21, 10 30 a. m. and
2p in. Graduation of the Class of '99
in the College Park
Wednesday evening, Juuc2l. 4. p. in.
Tim celebrated opera, "Martha '
under the auspices of the Schubert clnb.
Two great games of ban ball will tw
played on Tuesday and Weduesilay, be
tween the college team and the fatCiotis
D. C. & A C team of Pittsburg
The < 'lass of 99 numbers fifty Kortj
two are literary, six musical and two
art students
The year just closing Las been one of
the most prosperous iu the history of
the college. Four hundred students
have been in attendance the present
' session Six hundred and forty eight
j different students have lieen enrolled
I during the year which is twenty eight
I more than last year.
' It. N. Emery, of Chi raws- in town
M Sullivan. Esq. of Bradford ishouit
: on a visit.
i Forest Huff sans at Highland Park
last Sunday.
J. S Campbell. Esq of Cherry twp
•vas in town. Tuesday.
H I> has permanently la
j rated in E. E. Pittsburg
Miss Mamie Howe is visiting hei
1 grandfather. L. 'A. Mitchell.
Wlll. Fielding, of Wick, had his pen
sion increased from $6 to
Supd't Wiight of the Water Co. has
returned from a western trip.
John W MeXaughton. of Washing
ton twp . was in town Monday
Miss Adelie Crane is visiting her -lis
ter Miss Georgie. at Meadville
A. B. Gibson of Allegheny twp w,t
in town last Friday on business.
Miss Keii, of Allegheny, ia tii gnest
of Mix Haffaer, ot « McKewa street.
Carl Leighner will play with G • rge s
Orchestra, at Bedford Springs, this sum
C. N. Boyd, the druggist. attended a
f.inveiition of dnggWl in Phila Slil
A. T. Black and Ira MeJunkin have
formed a partnership in the legal busi
J. N. Muntz and family, have-already
gone to their summer hi'ineat Conneaut
Wesley Monks and wife of Middles* x
twp. spent Wednesday with Butler
Captain MeJunkin attended the fi;
eral of Harry Bostnn at New Cast
Ira MeJunkin Esq. attended a reunion
of his classmate- at the Naval Academy
last week.
Linn Caldwell has secured the prir
cipalship of the ten schools at Riversid*
Allegheny < '<>.
James A Thompson of Bntler twp..
visited friends in the northern part of
the conntv last week.
Miss Jennie McElvain leaves town to
day for a visit to friends in Petoskey. in
northern Michigan.
Chas. J Bnrckbalter, of Butler, h :s
been one of the Slipperyrock Signal's
typographies! force since Monday.
Miss Jennie Noble of Armstrong Co.
is visiting at the homes of J M Crook
shank ami J. M. Painter, in Winfield
Roy Christley was up al Emlenton,
over Sunday. The people of that town
will never get done about that
A. G. ' 'ainpbeli of Washington twp.
was in Sutler. Tuesday, arranging for
a period of rest at Cambridge Springs
to recuperate his health.
Dr. C. R. Moore of St. Petersburg
ami his son Dr. Ed Moore of Wilkins
burir were quests of John W. Coulter
during the' >dontological Society's meet
Orie Dumb.'iugh, .S. 0. McElree, Win.
Dontt John Nolshieui and Mr. Dufford
have erected new dwelling houses in
Conuoquni j during the past twelve
Mrs. Thomas Vandyke of near Clinton
ville was 00 years of age last Saturday,
and was given a birthday party by her
relatives She has lately been living
with her daughter, Mrs. Coast
O. W Hays, one of the mo«t recent
graduates of the Butler Business Col
lege. and the most rapid calculator the
institution has ever turned out has just
accepted a sple.rlid position, a- book
keeper for a large linn in Allegheny.
Prof Fred W. Breed of this plaoewas
notified, last week, that he had been
elected principal of the Kane, Pa. High
School, at a very nice salary. There
were about fifty applicants for the p«i-i
--tion. Dnring the last term Mr. Breed
held a similar position at Reynoldsville,
James Jefferies. the new champion of
the prize-ring, (like al! other great men)
is a native of Ohio, but removed to Cali
fornia in his early youth and learned
to make Isiilers During his boyhood
he showed un aptitude for punching,
went into the business, and now, at the
early age of 25, has reached the topmost
rung of fume in that line.
Harry Allen, a traveling liqaor sales
man of Pittsbnrg, while driving from
Evans (-ity to Connoquenessing, Friday
lost a pocketbook containing *'»" and
several cheeks William Jenkins of
Evans City found it next morning, saw
to whom it belonged, and a telephone
messagu to I'itteburg soon informed Mr.
Keliey the lost wan found.
(Jill! ltd! XOTKS.
The Ninth Annnal Convention of tin:
Allegheny district of the Upworth
League was held in tin- First M. K.
< 'hurch. Thursday and Friday About
seventy-five delegates from neighboring
town* and cities attended the conven
tion which was conducted by i'rea. Jobu
A Rosenthal. The farewell services at
noon Friday were conducted by Rev •'
W <; Fast of Kmsworth, a yonng uiiu
ister of nnnsaal ability. Sharjisbnrg
delegates asked tisat next year'" conven
tion meet in that town
At the meeting of the English Luth
eran cougregati >n last Sunday evening
the resignation <>f Rev. I) Lather Itoth
was accepted, and he will preach his
farewell sermon nc*t Sunday.
The new chapel of 8t Fidele's Col
lege at Herman was dedicated last
Tuesday, iSishop I'helan delivering Ihe
sermon. On Monday a class of n
hundred boys were confirmed
A thousand people attended the dedi
cation of the new c 'linjh-1 at Herman,
liutler I' K I're-ilivtwry, met at
Brownsdale, Tuesday. I>. I). Doddq
gave trial scrutons and was ordained.
Annual IJxfiirsloiiM to Atlantic
< it> ami oilier Atlantic < oast
ItrHort* via I'ciiiisylvmita
Thursdays. July t> and 20 and August
:t and 17, are the dates of the I'ennsyl
vania Railroad annnal low-rate exenr
sions for to Atlantic < ity, Cape
May. <lcemi City, Kea f«le< ity, Avalon,
An/lewa Wildwood, Holly lieacli, N'.
j Behoboth, Del., or Ocean Cttjr Md
Tickets good to return within fifteen
days, including date of excursion
A special train of Pullman parlor earn
and 'lay cinches will leave I'ittsbnrg
on above mentioned dates at H. 55 \
M , arriving at Altoona l'~ !•"> P.M.,
where #top for dinner will IM* made,
reaching Philadelphia <1 'i-> I'M and
arriving ATI. A VTH CITY, via the I)«la
ware River liridge route the only all
rail line, at KIOP. M Pansongers may
ai«o Hpend th« in Philadelphia,
and proceed to tiiu Hlior< l»y any regular
train from Market street Wharf «»r
IS road Street Station on the following
A stop-over of ten days will aluo be
allowed at Philadelphia on the going
trip, if passengers will deposit their
tickotn with the Ticket Agent at liroad
Street Station. Philadelphia immed
iately on arrival.
Ticket* will l>e Mold from the stations
at the rates named below:
Kate Train leaves
Pltt«lmrK SIO. IMI 8.55 A M
Tnrantan 10.00 'i-'i "
Nalrona 10.00 7.89
Uutlei- IQ.OO B.3ft
Free port 10.00 'i. 4t»
Altoona (dinner)... . x.no 1'1.i',5 I' M
Philadelphia. Arrive....
Atlantic City. Arrive H I l '
Tickets will «IHO he good on regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.50 nnd H :J0
P.M.. carryingHleepingcars to Phila
delphla. and 7.05 P M carrying Pull
man sleeping cars through to Atlantic
For detailed information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents or Mr Thomas K Watt, Dis
trict passenger Agent. Pittsbnrg
I'm- Kent.
j < IFFLCE room in CITI/.1.N building
[('heap Inqnire here
1.K.A1, MAYS.
The P. A: W. R R. Co has tiled in
demnity bond in t-> guarantee
payment to Lewis <r»ntz and Robf. Asl:
of damages for entering on their land
in Evans City.
J. C. Elliot vs A. C. and E E. Price,
Renfrew machinists, trespass for *in<K
damages for keeping and selling 135<
feet of oil well casing claimed by tht
Sir sah Adams by Attorney Bowsei
has fiied a !>ill iu equity agaiupt G. G.
Stage which promises to be unusual and
interesting. Stage has Mrs Adams
farm of IT acre- in Middlesex Iwp.
lep-ed for o'l anil gas There is oae
t roducing well an the e;:st "orner ol
the farm. Tnere are a number of weiN
on the surrounding G'llownv, Hartley
and Xancy Adams farms, near the
plaintiff's line and which she claims are
dr.iiuing the oil onfc from under her
farm. The suit is brought to for;-e
Stage to drill another wi_4ft and t"> pay
for oil drained away from the plf s
A charter has been granted to the
Penua. Flush Tank Co. organized with
a ca pita! stock of s-000 to manufacture
and sell flush tank sewer traps and auto
matic syphons. C. F L. Mct/ustion,
Joseph W. Graham. Andrew McCol
longh. W J. McDowell J. G Stamtn.
Delmer Reed, J S. Young, Fred Glace,
and Lev are the --tockhoM
The will of Thomas Cratty deeVl of
Franklin twp. has been probated m>
The will of Geo. W. Painter, dee d,
of Buffalo twp , has been probated. no
Last Friday was the dav fixed by the
law foi the Assessors to return the
nn:iiber or school-children: and also the
births and deaths of the proceeding six
111 onths.
Tiie will of Fredrick S. Dambaugh of
Forward twp. has been probated, and
letters granted tu Adelia Petfer.
A motion for a new trial has l>een
made in the tresspass suit of Thoa Rob
inson vs the Penna R R. Co
The Penn'a. R. H. has appealed the
McCaiTerty damage s'nt to the Supreme
( Onrt
The Court onlered the Shull aitd
Diainoml families, who plead guilty to
keeping a disorderly house, to enter
recog. in in each case for appear
ance at the September term
Peter Morrison to lingh .Morrison,
quit claim to I ' acres in Clearfield for
Abner Campbell to Eli Campbell «',it
acres in Concord tor ->l.
Lli Campbell to Abner Campbell, HO
acres in Concord for ¥'■
H. .1 Klinkier to John Hilderbrand
lot in Butler for ?T.")0
O 1 Riddle to .Tohu Bert;, lot in But
ler for slooo.
H. N Anderson to Mary C. (iibson s.j
acres in Allegheny for *•>
(.'has Workley to Frank E. Miller,
quit claim to 108 acres in Lancaster for
North Side Cemetery Assn. t<> W
Danbenspe<-k lot for t-i-Y
H. D. 'lhouipson to Win. Myers, quit
claim to 140 acres in Lancaster for
<). W. Stoughton to 11. C. Boggs, :{«
acres in Prospect for $21500.
Adelia J. Howard to Cath Mickley,
lot in Evans City for SIOSO.
>f:!Vi*lajfe liU-cusc.s.
Alonzo D Smith Donegal twp.
Myrtle C. Fennel
Abraham Hillard Cherry twp.
MaryS. Dickey ....Washington twp.
Peter Hntzler Winfiehl twp.
Gertrude Rivers
John L. McCartney... Allegheny City
H. Jessie Harper Butler
Alphonsus Snyder Summit twp
Inez Maxwell Rutler twp
At Kittanniu'; Lewis A Fair of A 1
legheny Co. and Ella McCaiuey of li;it
ler ' '■•) , aln.< Ford Jameson of I'etroiia
ami Pearl Miller of Armstrong Co
At Clarion W. F. Foster of Catfish
nn<l Li'lia C Campbell of Ferris.
At Mercer Joseph Heim of llillartls
ami Ist Fiester of New Lebanon.
At Pitt sburx, Clarence •> Anderson
of liutlerand Hannah B. McCleary of
Buena Vista.
The i> illc Seliooi.
Grove City Pa. June 10th. 1 w!M».
Deiir liiother:—l wish to call your
attention to the excellent program we
have arranged for the Grove City Bible
School. This year the school opens
Thursday evening. July •£7, and closes
Sunday evening, August it. We are
satisfied that in many particulars we
will lie able to offer more practical
Mihle instruction and 11 better course i/i
Philosophy than ever before. .May wo
call your attention especially to the
fact ttiutlir Borden P. Bowne will
conduct the lectureship In Philosophy
this year as he has done the last two
years/ His lectures will be on Epistem
ology, Metaphysics and some historic
phases of modern speculation. You
doubtless are aware that the modified
Kantian view is rapidly taking the
place of the other systems in all the
Eastern institutions und that the whole
subject is one vitally related to theology
and our Christian faith Can you not
come yourself and take this course?
11l the department of Bible nistruc
lion wo have such men fin Urn. Kidman,
Torrey Stiller of the Crozer Theological
Hcininary, Mealy, Hunter, Mel'onkey,
besides :t large number of lecturers and
returned missiotnirioH to take part in
tliM various afternoon conferences and
evening meetings in connection with
the Bible school Among those who
will participate in these meeting# are
Drs it. S. Holmes, Henry T. McClel
land and David McAlliHter of l'ittaburg
and Dr Thomas Marshall, of Chicago
I)r Oaebclein of Now York City will
give a course of lectures on Old Testa
men*. Prophesy as related to the Jewish
problem. Or. W. F Oldham will ie
jmat the couine ol lectures recently
given at the Boston I niverwity on the
Ethnic faitlin and the outlook is for an
exceedingly interesting and profitable
school. ('ail you not also help us by
no-curing a delegation from your con
gregation of Sunday School teachers
and lav workers? Let mo know if you
feel kindlv disposed toward this enter
prise. We can secure boarding and
lodging at from fifty cents a day up
wards. lam glad to say that it is the
expectation of those interested to keep
this school up from year to year with
the hope that it may have a command
ing influence in quickening interest in
Bible itudy -ind it is the intention to
maintain ev,;ry year a lectureship in
Philosophy. The music will Ih- in
charge of Prof. Hugh Mctiranahan of
Philadelphia The tuition for Bible
instruction will be for the session
anil the lectures on Philosophy *ii, or
T - - 1 for the lectures on Philosophy anil
Bible instruction. Hoping to hear from
yon some encouraging words, 1 am.
Respectfully yours,
Isaac C. Kkti.kk.
Itcduccd Ituto.s to ICm-liiiioiml, Va
\tn IVllll*\ ltauia IC. I(.
On account of the International Con
vention of the Baptist Young People's
Union of America, to lie held at Rich
mond, V'a., .Inly 1'! to Hi, t,h<- Pennsyl
vanio Railroad Company has arranged
to sell excursion tickets from points on
its line, to Richmond, it rate of single
fare for the round trip ' tickets via Bal
timoru a:i«l steam Isiat fifty cents more
than single fare).
Tickets will be sold July II to UJ, and
will be good to return until July HI, in
elusive, except that on deposit of ticket
with the joint agent at Richmond In
fore July SJH, and the payment of fifty
cents, tin- return limit may be extended
to leave Richmond not later than Aug
l"», IHIW
Stop over at Washington on return
trip for ten days, not to exceed final
limit of ticket
For specific rntea and conditions ap
ply to Ticket Agents.
I pay the highest market price in cash
for wool, haye no merchandise of any
kind to exchange, am located at same
place as las', year, Orahatn ltios' Grocery,
just acro-u the street from Troutiuail'*
dry goods store.
W, I'. KUMJ'i'R'jICH.
Tin- Glorious Fourth.
The 4th of July Committees are as
Finance -George X Burkhalter T
A. Morrison. Chas. Douglass and Cha.-.
Advertising A .1 Weigand. Theo
Keck and Chas. (' Burkhalter
Music C. E Miller. W. A Fisher
and C. M Eisler.
Fantastic Andy Kember, Ed McCoy.
George Beihl, George Kummer, Wil
liani Sherman. • dlie Yinroe. Don Hind
man. Lawrence Snyder. Ernest Crtnen
wett Wayne Walker. Theodore Keck.
.Tujin G. Dunn. Stewart McMarlin and
J'.-seph Richey.
Amusement J A Walter. A R
Dell, J A. Hcineman. T A Morrison.
•T A Zickrick 'tml 1. G Smith.
Invitation < tiarles Douglass Ernest
F-lwr Charles Koch and John Reiber.
Win Kamerer had his face badly cut
and iiis uose broken bv a fall from his
bicycle, resulting from a collision 0.-i W
Pearl St last Thursday night.
Little Hermr.n Wirth. of Glenshaw
station was killed. Tne.-dav, by Iteing
drairged by an infuriated cow He had
foolishly tied one end of the rope
around iiis body.
Harry Ray of North Washington, on
horseback; and some boys on bikes ran
a race. Tuesday. A cow crossed the
road, the horse ran into her and stum
bled, throwing Harry to the ground and
rolling over him Harry was picked
up. Un ■ inscions and did not recover
for an hour. All the doctors of the
vicinity were at Grove City at the tiuie.
The market still remains at *1 13.
O.KI.ANIJ -Powers & Co aredrilltng
uii the Peter Win tin ire Their well • n
the John M Thompson was drilled in
Fri day.
M.uts The Forest Gil Co. drilled in
a well on the B.isnecker farm last w»k
whi' h started to flow about in barrels
per da v. They are drilling on the
streeter also.
( 'MNTOX The Boii'e well on theToui
Moutgomc-ry was cleaned out a few
diiy.'t ago. and starting pumping 30 bbla
Two ritts :ire going up in the neighbor
< I.KAKt ikld The McCrea well is
holding up at over 100 bliis Two more
wells are due in tn.it field this week
SHILOH—The Forest s No. 1 on the
Dartley made !)" bbls. the first day
Yuukios A: Co s well on the same farm
haa nut been shot, bat is doing IS bbls;
Itale i!w; Kelly's well on the Slirader is
doing 10 bbl '. the Forest's well on same
will be shot in the 100-foot.
Piiillips' well 011 the Patterson is do
ing about bbls.
The Forest's No. Bartley is in the
sand and looks all right: several new
rigs are up.
Johnston & Carner have the sand iu
fise Hinchberger, a mile ahead of the
good wells and if this well is good it
opens new territory
J'iiio Potatoes.
Mrs. John Keefer, living on the Har
mony road, three miles west of Butler
brought to the '•CITIZKKS" office on
Saturday some of this year's new
potaUxs that surprised us for their size
They had l»een planted just H weeks and
were now large enough for table use.
They ;i re certainly a very large growth
for two months in the ground and it
would lie well enough for all to get that
kind for seed
Wheat. wholesale price .S H5&70
Kje. " 4H
Oats, " !«)
Corn, " 3H
Hay, " 10.00
Eggs. " 12
Butter, " 10
Potatoes. " ■'<o
Green onions per doz 15
Khnbarb per doz 2r>
Lettuce per U> ft
Spinnach. per bn. 50
Radishes, j»er doz bunches,.. !tt>
(ioosbemes per ijt . 05
Strawberrie* per qt 00
Flour retails at
Will be nt the WICK HOUSK
STABLD-:, ULTTLKR, Pa., ou Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, June 10, 21
and 22, to l>uy horses suitable for tl e
Philadelphia market. General purpose,
draught ot drivers of good flesh wanted.
Brtug in the flood Ones and get a fair
PI daielpUla Ilorsc Buyei
On Monday of Irtst week,the sth itist.,
a small Ki ip was lost near the Berg
farm on the road north of Butler. The
finder will be suitably rewarded for
leaving it at Campbell's hardware store,
or at the Clenrview stock farm.
House and Lot For Sale.
A go'.xl four-roomed house in Union !
ville, and a lot of nearly an acre, with a
black mith's shop upon it, good well of)
water, and some fruit trees, is offered for 1
sale on easy payments. Inquire of
lixecutor of Daniel Hcck, dee'd.,
McCandleas. Pu.
ICedticed Kates to <;«>t.t>sburg 1 via
IVuiiK.v Ivania Kail road, Ac
count Dedication ot tbe
♦ Jeneral Itej nolds Mon
ti nient.
On acconnt of the dedication of the
monument to General Reynolds nt
Gettysburg. July I the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged to sell
excursion tickets from points on its
line in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary
land, and the District of Columbia, to
Gettysburg, at rate of single fare for
tiiD round trip
Tickets will bo sold on June iiO and
July 1, good to return until July 5, in
Agent* Waiileil.
At 1. 50 11 ilay A few energetic
ladies and gentlemen are wanted to
canvass. Above salary guaranteed.
< 'nil on or address.
Maharg P O.
Butler < V , Pa
AMY BHOS, are Selling out to on IT
lii ji Miss. Their entire stock of furniture
is for sale, including all goods eu route,
nothing reserved, wonderful bargains,
TKHMS STR ICTI.Y CASH, Store open ev
ery evening.
If you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter <k Co.
largest stork in County. Bicycles for
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of
O'Brien &. Son on l-'ast Jefferson St.
and get prices 011 the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They arc also
amenta for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which more than 1200 were
sold iu Butler, last year.
WANTED At Exposition Hotel,
<lonneant Lake Dining room Girls,
Chambermaids and Laundry Com
uieiicilit; June ltd Oood Prices
F. M LOCK wot HI.
Hliiwla) Kxcili-sion to Allegheny.
Ifeginriimr May 21st and until
further notice the P St W Sunday <-x
<'itrsion train will leave Butler at H:OS
a. 111 Butler time arrive Allegheny at
!»:!5 returning train will leave Alleghe
ny at SHOp 111 arrive Butb-r at I nil,
rat<* 75 cts.
For Safe.
I wish to sell my farm in Clay twp ,
located aiiout one mile west of Sunbury,
on the Unionville road
It contains forty-one acres with house
and stable, g<K»d apple and peach or
' hard, good spring and well, alsjut ten
acres of rail timber Inquire on prem
Ises or of Newton lilack. Esi| , Butler
Slippery U<M-k P. o ,
—l'or bargains 111 valuable ancl desir
j able reslflencea inquire of Walker it Sic
( Klvaiu.
Ambrose Mattiuglv. of Cumberland.
' Mil . ate cherries, which brought on
acute inflammation. and he died
a raving maniac, the intense pain hav
; ing driven him insane.
! A Jefferson county farmer, says an
! exchange recently hircxl a very inex
jienenced boy out of th<- Reformatory
ito help about the place. One morning
he told the l>oy to go out and salt the
. calf in the pasture The boy took about
a quart of salt and rubbed it all over
; the calf, working it into the hair A
gang of colts in the pasture scented the
salt and got after the calf. They licked
the hair all off th» calf's lmck and tried
to lick the hide off. too. The farmer
tried to catch tbe calf and wash it off.
but the creature, thinking he wanted
to lick, too, kept ont of his way. The
boy. caif and farmer are all unhappy
The colts are the only ones that got any
fa -"lit of it
The Peter Graff Company has de
! ctded to rebuild their woolen mills at
I Worthiugton. for which the people of
, that section should be extremely grate
■ fill, fir great inducements were offered
| the company to locate elsewhere. This
, was especially the case at Ford City, as
i that hustling town certainly offered
i great inducements. But the company
j has decided, unless something nnfore
| seen or unexpected should transpire, to
| put their works up in tlieir own town,
j The new mills will be much larger than
I the ones destroyed and will be modern
jin every respect In fact, when com-
I pleted, they will be ope of the largest
I and best woolen mills in the country.
Two trains, each consisting of >0 steel
cars, left Pitt«t>urir a few days ago over
the Pennsylvania railroad. The cars
were manufactured by the Pressed
Steel Company, of Pittsburg, and are to
be used by the Egyptian Railroad Com
pany. of Egypt. They were run to .Ter
sey City on their own wheel-*, and there
placed aboard ship for Alexandria.
Egypt. This is the first shipment of
any consequence of American cars to a
foreign country and is regarded as the
beginning of a new class of trade
abroad. No more efficient missionaries
could be sent to Egypt or any other
country Civilization makes the work
of the missionary easy.
An oak tree, measuring 57 inees
a.'-roHei the stump, was cut lately on the
Dodson farm in Indiana eonntv. whose
ringa nuuibered over 1200, making the
tree according to the theory of one ring
for every year, over 1~00 yours old.
This makes the period of the tree s start
about Ton years after tr.e iieginning of
the ( hristiau Era.
Dnring a late storm at Frankfort],
I near Phila . a number of people crowd
< d into Frank A. Iteeve's fruit store, at
Bridge street and Frankford avenue.
Suddenly there was a crash of thunder
and a tiall of fire seemed to strike the
side of the store, broke in a big hulk
window and entered the room There
it circled once or twice to the accom
paniment of feminine shrieks, dashed
down the hallway into Mr. Keeve's
dining room. Hashed out a wide door and
seemed to disappear 111 the ground.
Women fainted and several were cut by
glass. Mr. Reeve's stock and fixtures
were almost completely ruined
At the meeting of Wilkinsbnrg coun
cil last Monday night the finance com
mittee stated that the shortage of the
missing ex-borough clerk, Marshall H.
Donthett. amounted to $5,240 17, for
which receipts are held and $735 for
which receipts have not been prodnotl.
The sureties on the *.">,000 I Mind, I). B.
Donthett and Dr. II S. McClymonds,
are ready to pay over the amount ard
will do so as soon as the accounts are
verified. The verification will be done
by J. Frank Miller, representing the
Cleveland has an exciting "street-car
strike in hands, with an occasional riot
ICediit <ml Kates to St. Louis via
Pennsylvania It. It.
tin account of the meeting of the
Grand Lodge, B. P. <). F.lks, at St.
Louis. Mo., June an to 38, lH'Jil, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell round trip tickets from points on
its line, to St Louis and return, at
greatly reduced rates. Tickets will be
sold June is and lit, good to return un
til .1 une 2!5.
For specific rates and conditions ap
ply to Ticket Agents
itctiuceri Itntes to l>«troit via
IVniisylvaiiia It. It.
<>n account of the Convention of the
Young People's Society of Christian
Kndeavor. to lie held at Detroit, July 5
to 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will sell excursion tickets from
points on its line, to Detroit, at rate of
single fare for the round trip.
Tickets will be sold on July :t, 4 and
and will be good to return until July
!•*>, inclusive; except that by depositing
ticket with the Joint Agent at Detroit
before July 12, and the payment of fifty
cents, the retnrn limit may be extended
to leave Detroit not later than August
For specific rates and conditions ap
ply to Ticket Agents.
I V %. to all parts of the
town, every day.Leave or
ders nt |
i.li Main St.
New, four-room house for sale In
quire at this office
In the matter of the asslKurncni of ('. I>.
Slater for tlic I Kmc lit of his creditors
All persons interested will takenotli'ii that
(lie Auditor appoint* d l»y thid'ourt to report
distribution of the funds in tin- hand* of t<
J l onjunr, Assltfuee, as shown by Ids final
account will attend to tin* duties of Ids said
appointment at his office in tin* Armory
llulldlnir, llutli'r, I'a., on Tuesday, tin* JfTt h
day of June, A It h'JH, at 10 o'clock a. m.
A T. HLA<'K. Auditor
In the mutter of the account »>f J. M. lilack,
Ammlkhk- of A. A Kohlrneyer, filed April I.V
|s«H». Nt No. £J, of .1 une Term. |N«H, Ms Pocket,
t orninoii I'leas of liutler l?o., I'a.
May !30. IHMi. the assignee, I»y his Attorney.
John W. t'oultcr, moves the < ourt to appoint
an auditor to distribute the funds In Ids
hand* to and anion# the creditors, as shown
1»V his report, and thereupon. -aiiie dale, the
said <'ourt appointed Joiin If. Nejfley an
auditor to make said distribution, as prayed
I will attend to the duties of t he nhove ap
point ment. at my oflice. in liutler I'a., on
Monday. June p.i, h'.w, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day, of which time ami place all persons
Intonated In aljove dlst rlhutlon will please
take notice.
JOHN 11 SVMLKY Auditor
May 11. l*tt»
In re final account of In the Orphan*'
Samuel A Leslie Admin- Court of ltutler
Ist rat or of Kl|y.al»et h 'county, No
Itaker. dee'd. J Sept T«rm. I NUM.
And now. May !*», NW, on tuoflou of Wil
liams \ Mitchell Att ys , for accountant, t.lie
t'ourl HpiHiluts J. l». McJunkln, Auditor, to
dULrlhute fund In the hands of the admin
istrator, anionic those en tit led tliereh*.
<ci tilled from tin Itecoid, May £!nd. Isw.
ISA AC M I AI.M, < lerk
I fione Interested will please take notice,
tlasi I I will discharge the duties of said ap
pointment on the !.Uthday of June. NW, at
my offlci In liutler. I'a., at 10 o'clock a. in. of
said flay at which time and pi.ice they may
attend if f hey bee proper.
f Ii Mc.IUNK IN,
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing fx-tweeu J.
\.\tk w. F. Anderson, in Valencia, I'a ,
was dissolved l»y mutual consent on the
6tli day of May, ifbp). The Imk>lcs are
left in the hands of J. A Anderson, with
whom a settlement should In- made
J. A Anukrson.
W. F. Anhkbson.
The business will lie Conducted liy J.
! A. Ail'lers'in, and a liberal sliaie of the
patronage • >f the public is resjiectfully
J. A. Anokkson.
letters of administration in the estate
of Henry Dutter, dec'il., late of Franklin
twp., Butler Co., I'a., having la-en grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present th<-m duly authenticated (or
settlement to
Makv K. Hoi.ton, Adin'x.,
Whitcstowu, i'a.
J. I». McJUNKiN, Att'y.
Trusses tor Rupture are
necessary. The only ques
tion to consider is " where
can I get the b-.-st truss for
the least money?" We sell
trusses on the "no charge for
fitting" plan. We charge you
simply for the truss. We go
further, we guarantee a tit
ami guarantee satisfaction.
There are many different
kind of trusses. aud one
great thing is to know wliat
kin<l if best to use We
have had enough truss sell
ing experience to find that
out. Our stock of trusses is
not excelled in this vicinity,
hut that is not the point for
you to consider. Your con
t lit ration as we said before,
is state<l above. Men we tit
here. We give direction
for self measurement to
C. N. Boyd,
Diamond Block. Butler. Pa.
In the Court of Common Pleas for the
County of Butler, Penn'a.
Notice is hereby given that an application
will be made to the said Court on Wed
nesday the 2ist day of Jnne, 1899, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a ni., under the Act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania. entitled "An Act to provide for
the incorporation and regulation o(
certain corporations," approved April
J9, 1574, and the supplements thereto,
by John VV. Brown, J. S. Jack, John A.
Kirk patrick, ct. al., for the charter of an
intended corporation to be called the
Second Presbyterian Church of Butler,
the character and object of which is the
support of the public worship of Al
mtghty God, according to the faith,
doctrine, discipline, and usages of the
Presbyterian Church of the United
States of America, and for these purpose
to have, possess, and enjoy alt the rights,
benefits, and privileges conferred by the
said Act and its supplements.
The proponed char'.er is now on file in
the Prothonotary's ottice.
H. 11. Got'CHEB,
I.etters testamentary on the estate of
John L. Shannon, dee'd., late of Conno
queuesslng township, Butler Co., Pa.
having !>een granted to the undersigned,
nil persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate w ill please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Y. G. SHANNON, Kx'r,,
Connoquenessing P. 0.,
Butler Co., Pa,
Letter's testainentaiy in the estate of
J Wilson Thompson, dee'd, late of
Cherry twp., Butler. Co. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please made immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Butler P O.
Milliards P. O.
Butler Co., Pa.
J I). McJt'NRIN, Atty.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the j>art
nersliip heretofore existing between
Rudolph Barnhart, W A, Barnhart and
Fred. K. Barnhart in the business of
merchandizing and keeping a general
store in Connoqueliessiiig Isiro , Butler
county, Penn'a., is this day mutually
dissolved, W A. Barnhart retiring All
claims and accounts due and owing the
firm will l>c collected by the remaining
menbers of the firm and all debts owing
by the firm will lie paid by llietn.
The business will be hereafter carried
011 by Rudolph Barnhart and Fred. K.
Barnhart under the firm name of R.
Barnhart Kc Son.
Connoquenessing, Pa.
May 19th, 1899.
New Drug Store.
MacCartnoy's Pharmacy
Now Room.
Froeh Drugs.
Everything now and froah.
Proscriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Tr\j Our Soda
R A. MacCartney
' > E E. CAMPBELL, ' '
I and Specialties in Tin. I.
'I ' W*l N Main St. Ilutler, Pa. ' '
Insurance and Real Estate
Timber Wanted.
We will jrtirchase White Oak Timber
on the slump; large tiactJ preferred, cash
paid when bargain it closed, people hav
ing timber for sale will please write to
133 Third St., Butler. Pa.
Arandale HOTEL.
Muy —»tli Willi many new lim>r«»v«
incut t 1111 I HttrwrtloiiH. K«*nowiit*<l rt»r It*
high htiuKlanl of nii'clktfiM') au«l It** Muring*
••f M infii kal»L« <*uratlv«< virtue* T« rn»»
S|x «UI rate* for June urn!
t< (HIM r WrlM- f«»r lMM»kl<*l
I Subderibo tor theO'TU IN
'Xy{ C\ *
Y,K I { Vhi I *
\J I; { "EV* X *
#/ ■ i s '» I
jf i \ \ |
J \ Complete stock ot SmcmjC
1 £ X !<\ _JL Shoe* ;n *ll the latwt^J
/? - •- r *i: nt: -****" *•
>-.-' -» • / J* A >V r V.. ••'•iT -J * See our line of Men t'U
/ * v '-« >4'•""' *"*' •'^_ '* line Un- ml pater::^T
4/ '
w *********
0A Few of Our Bargains.^
Wen's tine tan no ki<! |f 25
Mtu'i line tan lace or cmi>rc« sh.>es Rl 10
Boy's fine tan lace shoe* ... Jj QQ
Youth's tine tan coin toe shoes. .......... 7 fl
Ladies' tine Dnngola, pat tip. lace .*• button shoes SI.OO
lilies' fine tan. leather or vesting t<>f» shoes J1 00
Misses' fine tad button shoe* .....T.„™
Children a fine tan shoes 4£
Infants' fine soft sole shoes JO
Ladies' fine Dongola OxfonU Q5
Ladi»*' fine black serge slippers —... 20
High Iron Stands for Repairing Shoes.
Shoemakers Supplies of ail
Sole Leather Cut to Any Amount Tou Wish to
v We Give • Discount of 25 per cent, off the Dollar far JP
J 30 days on all WALL PAPER, call and see. ?
$ Elko Ready Mixed Paints.
▼ The best thit can be made, sticks to everything, also C
(■ Senour Floor Paints, ready for use. S
Jfl) Picture and Mirror Framing a Speciality. B
J Contract Painting: and Piper Hugilg. 8
I Patterson Bros., j
& 236 North Main Street. Butter, Pa. S
£ Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 ft
< There is no Going Back on the Fact That a >
> I
i j
\ * Black or Blue Serge Suit jjj >
( Is the Drcsaieat, mint Kcfittjd and serviceable >
for summer weai Hut the Fahrica moat be 4
thorough!) reliable.
> The (test teat and one that clinches r«»ur confi«l«nce moat, ta la the I
4 actual wearing <|ualtie* of the garment. We know when ►
we sell you a garment that gives at •■•lute satisfaction
. we make a lasting customer. Thats our way |
' of doing business and it is the oaljr
' way to build up a large *n.l J
j periuament trade, f
\ An A No. 1 Nicl<<fl Alarm Clock Free With }
> GvcrjJ |Wan's Suit. 1
I The Surprise Store j
< 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. i
A Few Plain Questions ? ? ?
Are you going to buy a Spring Suit?
SEE OUR LINE AT $6. $8 $lO mi sl2
Want an Overcoat this Spring?
It youare going to wear the latest style Sprino Hat 1
Going to get a new Spring Shirt ?
Want the Very Latest Sec Oir Ltoe.
Do you want the swellest thing in Neckwaar ?
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
Teacher's Examinations.
I will hold a t«*ch«*r'a »-*inutiiHti»ii in
tlm fnllowiuK |
Went Sunluiry JMM I"
llnllrr. J tint* IT
Miint. June
/•<ll»*noplr, J UU«' ?l
i'r'Mmct, Jun« iJ
llarnnville, June f
i VatrcrilK 24
SnxonltnrK. Jam- 37.
K.v*n« City, J i»n«- JtH
North WsnblnKton. J'»ly 1
Will hold an examination in ttw J< f
ft-rnon ntrwt » buildiiiK »n ItutW
on the laat Saturday of July and An
giui Kxaiuinationa will l**ln promptly
at 'J o'clock All applicant* will pi. ax*
com» imptnd with »tamp<>d anrelop*
|i. n and pap«r
Teacher* dim*tor* and frirndc of
••dm-ntton are cordially lnviu*! t<« t»>
premmt at th««««> Maiuioation* and tn
»t*<ct our work
Your* very truly,
HOOD'S PILLI Cl*r« H»w Ills, ■ll
louumm, Iwllgaitlofl, Haadiclw,
lity «• take, •••» «• »•«.
If you would know
the secret of your neighbors fine
appearance, ask him the name
of his tailor, ask him, too, how
mmh a year he njkikls fur hn
« lothe* ami subtract the amount
from the cost of your own. You
will be agreeably surprisr.l,
more so if you will prove it by
us your measure, as he
<ii<l Our new fabrics tor spring
ami summer embrace* the
choicest products of the loom
Wt»ii> aiiriiui. T»rnt*i«irii pw«>M
"InlliU manaf- our bul*r«
tbrlr 11*11 ami aiurlif '-mntlr*. It la Malal;
w* >rk • •m*l «•«*!**« I at Imnw PikUr|
<*trifti/lii pui •|i •> uul « i|n ■■■!» <ilnlto
L.u mi ■»*<' n*> lm •alary. Ihaikt}
IT. U< Irnaw* l>y arlf aMn-vxa
Muapwl • n«rl«>|iv 11. rtwrt K llxa ftMl.
iK-pi. M. CbWa«o