Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 15, 1899, Image 1

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    VCJI.- xxxvi
W DO you Want a New K"
N Tailor Made Suit?
J We arc making them in the new style S
X for $13.50, $15.00, SIB.OO ami $20.00 S ml
■ij / Jf th< ydo not fit or please you, xe will \ » B
rg >not ask you to take them. V
Wm Boys', mid Children'-. Clothing at out C
r new pi ice. *
WA 7 Warm weather has come, and we are r
1 showing a complete line of Straw Hats ? WA
W2 Cin Men's, Boys' anil Children's shapes. ✓
k« € Come in before you buy, and see 7 yA
vj nobby, up-to-date stuff. K*
14 |
hut r .KR
1 That the dread house cleaning is over the next A
and more important work is picking a new carpet. A
To pick a carpet in our well stocked carpet room, A
is a pleasure, so say the many who have done so. it
We have the famous Hartford Axminister, Wilton X
Velvets, Hotly and Tapestry Jtrusscls and Ji. grains
in all the up-to-date patterns, only, and prices J?
that will astonish you. Then our China Mattings, V
Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Linoleum. 1 -. Ruf.;.s and V
Art Squares, deserve a passing notice Ask to V
see our V
SI.OO Axminister RUGS, 0
Neatest for the money ever shown in Butler at V
Won't buy clothing f'.r thepwrpoaeofspeud-
A s *! /faffs ingmotiey. They dc«iirc t»• tlie best
/ j|/\ j<o6f.iblc rcKults for the money expended.
[ C if | Not heap goods but goods as client) a;. Lan
\\ i n 1 Li t>e sold and made up j.r<.j»«-rly. Call and
IA f\ ' ■ f ex* mine my large M'.ck of
\ lif J W ■U^" r "**T = i ni|;ht tip to date, the late-it ilylcn, alni'lca
S HI i ' L "n. -~¥ nd color# that conld lx- t»r>t»j»lit. Call and
|j I I lZ' 7 xAtninc them .
I ftf' A jt ' r ' tß and Workmanship
[J li| ' Guaranteed.
142 North Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Diamonds, watcher,. Clocks, Jewelery,
Silverware, Spectacles etc.
Wc have a large and well selected stock.
Wc Repair all Kinds of Watches.
If you .have broken jewelery that you think beyond repairs
brint' it to 'tut and we will inak« il as good as new
We take old «oM and silver the same as cash allowing the
hii'hest'market price. ,
' 122 S. Main St , Butler, la
iflt 1 '»* * tnm.h ■ r-
T FI PAINT Decorative
WiTH * Work.
,00 N. Main St., - " ,tutlcr
f _
Opening ot Spring and Summer Millinery.
Wc eirflyiair attention to our Isige and will selected stock of Choice Millinery.
We liavc endeavored to make our utock *urpa»* nil previous years in style, desir
■liitily, (itinlilv i.i.t ~.i<e«. We leel "lire we have more than maintained our
reputation in the v.leetion of CIIOICK MIM.IM-. «> We can .how y« <
•an illimen#-variety of Hat*, I'lower*. Kihhon-, Krnldi and Chiffoim and .11 O at
to make up an !!!• T<> I»ATH MILMNKRV STOCK, an- nt ' lat wi l
Minpriw you. We would call r:. t H-clal attention to our 1-a-hc. , Ml»f.e« and I lnl
rdreii H TRIMMHI) HATS, in which we liave alwayn exrellol % 011 can always
Ujt-t Hie right !, V t,u ' l ,rict '* " l
iifi 'imm th Main St., - - »utkr
„ , itM.gr nr iNun'if 1 on. y \| y*y >#
■ln % TWwIMof U>m | m t<n , •«'.»• lIAI frrlfltl 4t m.l If '4 V A rrt
■l HJ HlßlilTlft *I. 1 KCi'KKRk ■» O I*. till O. fO U» OulHi \ f\X! BrtW
•" mm*TMI MANDItT lAIOAIN HHIftR l*W. \J/ /Jfcj <=» 1
»»Tu SPECIAL i T ifirf i
ft u. i„ OJJB < cr^aßjP^rTV.
•t«i rmi«ht „.L_l HM'nMiMtmrHfiiim / /AwbJß'ejSroiCww /\
WF makf T IHI TOP bucgv ' / - /
j*nl' f I -J
•« "i'.!',""". \/v /Tcsy)
Rwb i7J B IBuL, w "»'*•!«• K 'Z4dl «\^
p.,.'; '"A&rSuL • :■> v•-- -
orlir.l l>lMM*fte. b«t.f »««. «r Ull lr*«fk *44* m»4 btMfc tmt!•»•., »Un
m. wait, rua r.» i«E.t Vi Ha y
* CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL,
j£.- .-
/;.* ,
j Hood's Pills
Are prepared from Na
ture's mi:d laxatives, and
while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
Rouse the Liver
Cure Sick Headache, I3il- J
iousness, S.»ur ; Stomach, j
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box.
i'fejJwJed by C. I.Hood & C0.,L0 a eli,Mass.
Wc mean the season for Bug,; ES
and Surrie?.
W'C never ha'L such .1 trade before, J
We liav<- been nearly 20 years in I
We know the KIIRL of Buggies and
Surries that wear.
We pay spot cash for everything
we buy.
We pay no rent and our expenses
are low.
We are the largest dealers in our
line in the State.
Wc ofier you the best stock to
select from.
Wc never misrepresent.
We never try to rich off one
We do exactly as wc agree.
We sell Surries as low as $49
We make and repair all kinds of
11 arness.
We HI-LL Wheels. Tops, Cushions
and everything belonging to
Buggies and Harness and
would like to have you call
and see us.
Yours, ike.,
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St..
Butler. Pa.
S. B. Martincourt.
J. M .Leighner
P. S. We forgot to mention
Kramer Wagons, Trunks, Valises.
&C., a hundred other things.
Butler Savings Bank
HT-ttler, 1 J «.
Capital - ('>>,ouo.oo
Surplus and I'rofiU - f 170, oixj <xi
JOH. I. PURVIS F'realdent
J. If ES ft Y TROIITMAN ...Vice-I'reaident
W«. OA Ml'ftKl.f., .lr CA-hier
I/JDIM ft. HTKIN Teller
1 ro';tiu»lß», V f». Ilrnml, W. A J. ».
T)m Ifu11«• r llurik In th*.- Ol<]w»t
IFUFIKLIIK IN hIII iitloii 1 II liatlcr OMinty.
(ji-m -RAL tiUftlucbs tr;Tß>Miwt« (J.
Wr- Mollrß {uvouutH at oil pn;<lucerM, n»er
prompt AT v4*ii T lon. *
|ntf;rc»t UIITIL ON Udh* (Ji'DohlLh.
Boiler County National Bank,
LINTLT-r l'tiin,
Capital pni't in ft »,000.00
SitrpluH (iiul I'rolits f 130,703.95
lo.h. llartman, I'rcki'ltnt, I. V, ltitUti
Vict: I'K-Hirlent; C. A. Hailcy. CilHliier;
John (i. McMarlln, Ans't Cashier.
/ l>;iriklf>iM»uAlri''s« Ir
h,b« r< n! paid '#n lliji*) <l«-j"'»li-h.
Mom y lo:iti«'<l 011 approv* «l M*«*urlty.
W« UiviU' you TOOPI 11 an Jicvo4inl with TTI 1m
!>L UK''TUICH Hon. Joiwpli llarttiian. Hon.
VV H Waldron L»r. N<. M. ll <*»vt-r. 11. M'
-• • /1• y I- ! A I>| IN. • (! I' <«■ 1'.1.1 I 'I
•I, I. H R II ./ •.' M I INI'/ 4"
W 11. I.arkln, Many ll«MI»»LIY. HR W. C.
MRL'AIIDU'HH, 11« II VlaiH'tli. I V' |{ltt>
Braun's Pharmacy
Cor. 6th St. anil Duquesne Way,
I'ilUhur,', I'a,. L. 1). Telephone J541.
Wholesale and Retail.
Importer and Jobber of Drugs,
Chemicals, I'crfumes, Soaps,
Brushes, ICtc
The only house west of New
York carrying a full line ot
Meyers' Grease*, L'ainls and
theatrical goods.
Physicians' Prescriptions
Compounded HAY or Night by
"Registered L'harmacists" only.
Wholesale and retail
dealer in Lubricating and
lllumi iating Oils, Capital
Cylinder, Dynamo, Water
Whit' and Standard Gas
ICngine Oils, G.tsolcin, Ben
zine, I'araffiue Wax and
Petrolatum .
Address all mail orders to
W. F. Braun.
Rare Bargains!
Wc want to 'liNpoHc •>! our prenent
' sti'x'k of '<fi IIUMICIH, ami In <>r<l«-r to <lo it
niiieUly hnvi- eut the print, from ty'.
"* $v r ) aiul 425. Tliew
arc H'.rictly hij/.h )/ra<le and 1111 to <latc
liicycloß, ami can't 1«- matched lor price
aii<l >|iiaiity. Don't tiiins this op|ioi tuni
ly 10 procure a jjcxhl wheel lor lltllc
money. We »»11 MimlritH cheaper than
and other house In town.
T ; 303 8. Main Streot.
W AWTI " r.VNIAI. llCl'MTwounir ckimomh
■ ww ln TLIH Htal«» to INIIIIIIKN our DIIHIih HH
jIIm ti own nod im 11 l.y . ..null, 1 1 1 U tmiliily
' 01f1..' wii k conducted ui liomi*. Hnlnry
fi ilKlil |WI 11 yiu- and i trp. ti ,« n d. flnli• .
><# l»«'ii ifld* .no inoi. no l«tlury Monthly
: *#.'#. Hi-fi rt'ii' il. I'.nrlowii nddn HHIMI
1 ll||llp<-(| IMIVI-lop!) I L<l 111 1 | K. 11l
l»«pt JM. Clil< 4|(o
Oar i., u Uac'-'.r.a ; a.-hfe
:. An<i, ob, bet th" -*. a* run htgnl
I fcnee : xw on tiw •• ry
Eut we swaK, did Juck aad I-
It'r apart for n li*tlv t'irl,
. V E.:t feel ih- rimy. tfie bfflaw ewHI
, < It i gating rough, b' w iin- t>'->'.
And. dwtr. bui it » faj'.all!
Afrai!. ewepth®art ? wi;j. we're safe, of
I '. ccuriK.-!
I We've (jr.t the olh»-» »'itlL
It's a -x,ac!i tiKlay. oivl »< np!!>
TTitb tou on l!v *-)»h me.
TI.- n»r r U fljiu ari'l Itu.- liurses s'.ronft
! And firatj 'J thing»wo'U toe
Ecrw tlie hoisesdiUKK'l They're fnllof fnnl
: But, whuil I fner they're goini< n< run ]
At>i t?ifj nfta't held! Oh, hu'.V tliej tear!
| • Now tjioh U worst • f Un> fotirl
jrfkt ("sf thit h:U tluit'n U-forv u» tUfre!
i " Ab. wK*-d by th.i i'Ui>boar<l iVjt>r'
' '. A-.a whtt Kfta'.l !♦ tie ton»!jtit. d.-i r fceurtt
A.tr.:in with tte rambling ; vault
ft it mo«*i with t s!«r*l
It's ii4rowt.y train we've
J ii-1 hta.- iv clicketycjlokin jf «na
Ah it tnUtx a« two 03 thv 'A Uy tUr.ngl
Jt - ' dork outsid". uxwpt (or the rtar«, I
Our oj-e are a»> dull lead,
Ar.d r&w. o» they've sV<i>pe«i the ramtJlutf j
A Uue» iny tody ehung" for be.l J
—P. arson'* Wwkly. j
I'SHE Helped FFIM,
* 1
ar _ M
Llttl#»wofxi I J hlll»pij bad been in low; j
with Mildrod Farrltigtou for two ywrn (
<;v<Tr elcc«j he first met be* ul the Hal
i.,well«' card party, fie bad do tfi-id
to dembt fliat bla lowe wan re
tnrnfld, yet BO fearful wan b'> tb#t be
had niliread bet feelings rntjch dfd
be dread ber refnnal of bis »uit. that be
bad uuver hinted tbat nh«* wa« more U'
him tbnn any of the nlrla bo met attb<t
tbnrcb t*xji»bl*H aiid <:<»i4 partlw in
Newlngton. Innnmcrablo cbancen for a
declaration <.f love hwl offered* them
selves, for hi wan u regnhtr caller ot the
Farrinffton iiianHicn. Imt thin y<it»tb
whh uh devoid of npnuk a« a and
wa« u«» nearer the goal of hi« to
day than be had wlwai Onpiil flrnt
aimed bin dnrt at biiu.
Ho mattera Kto»<<l wbeu a Hiwwfall
that brongl.t sleiKhinK in itu wake vi»-
it«,'d NewiiiKton, and Littlnwoo<l bo
c-atne coiiaclo'JH of the fu'.-t that he* hirt
actually a."k<rl MU Furrington tt> take
a ride with hi-ni. C>t codrae he tmint
perforce brliiK njuttor« to a criwln d<tw
Ila whm afraid that JtMlge Farririgton
would be utilcinij bia Intofttlons, and it
won Id 1m- humiliation to bav» such a
question comoViofore no conld refer hitti
to the girl for an atiHwcr. No; beyond
a doubt he rntint pluck yp enongb coar
ago tn aijk her to bo bi» wife or el®
ceawi calling upon her, an alternative
that whh taldi ijDoogb to chill bi«
Th<■ evening was noon ot h«in<l A
creaucuf moon tiboiiL* In the enntand the
Htar.i were cold atid sclnttllatlng fb'
walV' d to th" livery stable and a? kitl
for thn cntter, and a f« w tiilQtites laUj
bu wan driving n handaonio cht-stnul to
th« honae where bin thought Mjwiit mot*.
of the time. Mlhh Farrlugton ltept biiu
waiting a g<wl half hoar, bat hu r«>
fleeted that it waa the privilege <■/ her
glorious nex, aii'l it only made blm k>vt;
her the more. If who had coiijh oat und
jihu cd her dainty foot tijiou liJh neck ho
woiil«i liuve overooDiO witn rap
tnra. In Cuct, in bla oraeeut
which hud uW> been hla Maio b*r |
nwintlin, Llttlewixx) tl»it iftnWy re- 1
tit oven frrmu a calf.
It waa cold watting, »i b«> g<it otit |
and hitched hla boraeotid puewl Tn front j
of Iter bontf, b«.r faithful w»iDti«el until I
death if need I*-. Not tbat there toiib .
any reason to think that bin aervico#
wonld l«i reqnlred, bat it plenaod bla
wilf love
thin lov.ily ladng of whom hia Uingne
ato<»<l in such awe that it coOld arjinm
I<¥*<) itiit-lf in her prcaenoe.
At last ahoapiu ard. Tl»e. rentfve liormi
slants hla earn at b«r and |<awa tlK'
ground In admiration of her beauty,
tut Mildred waa aa pretty h« regalur
ffaitnrea, a fair aklri and meUing <af« I
cuald make her
Littlow<M>l hiuide<i her Info th»aMgh,
atepped in himself, tacked b» .thn lobes
ana chirruped to the horse. That lut'i
ligent animal did not move. A tluab of
mortification overaproed tbe fa<-<i of the
would Ixj amorous awaln A lailiy horse,
ond at tho Htart! What chatK-O woola
he have to deliver bla pfycdotis ni''awg"
that wan t<i mak'i two heart* lw«ppy t
He i lb ked again to the boisu, but iiKalii
the horwe e<iiitlntn d to stand still.
"You might unhitch him, Mr. I'hll
llpH. That would help," said Mildred
In her sweet voice.
"Oh, >•«•«»■- t t«) bo aural f innat l«jve
tied him. I mean 1 -er I fli I think
I did hltcto w"
"Tliere Huemh to Lave tax:ii n hitch
somewhere," she answered.
lie stepl<ed out the ali.dgh and
hoiked over bla ehould<a at her in a
Atnrth'd way 'Vxild ah«i u»mu
thing i Was this MpdiurMgcpiunfct oK
no I It waa too a>r>u (Too soon, und be
had l*ii-n In love twrt yournt) lie bn
hitched the horne and oti"«i more pljuuJi
hlmia'tt lottlde bla lufwl orift
Tho frosty night seemed to have.act
a ix'al trjion her llpe, for aa tlaiy ppc<t
over the crnnchlng afiow and left tho
town behind them she wi*h alien!
"I intuit haveoffended her. I'vcpi'ob
ably made a break of soma kind," auid
Littlewood to hiiuself. "flow uiifortti
ibatel liat I uiiiat tell her tonight. It it
now or never. This attention ia too
marked to paas as a mere courtesy of
the winter season. Hha knows 1 never
timk anybody but my mother sleigh rlu
ing b< foro."
Then begun a proccHM of nerving him
self to the avowal, lie ground his knees
together until the liones ached. Ilia
breathing wan feverii\)i
"Mum Mildewed 1 mean Mil
dreii " And then be stopped 11a had
m vei called her Mildred lief< re lie had
never i alh-d b' r MildeweiJ, cither, but
kbat win accidental, and he hoped thai
she bad not noticed tbe slip
"I have something of the gronton!
litp< rtanCo to «ay to yoit"
Did ho luiaulu« It or did Oho
oJot>< I In blm' He iiiljnt. have been 14111
talc n, and to idiow that he waa ijult«
sure lie edged away frotu her aa much
an the somewhat narrow confines of the
sleigh would allow
"What do you winli to nay, Mr. Vlii 1
11 put"
"Miste.r" Phillips. Ah, then sho was
offended To I n surn ahe had always
rall'-ii him that, but after his Inat r<
mark It must have an added algnill
til nee.
"1 er do you like ideigh ridingT"
"Why, of course, or eba 1 wouldn't
fiave nime. "
I lid 'ln mean that as a alap at him?
Wii- it only for the ride and not for his
company that he had uous't Oh, lie
could never make an avowal of |ov<«
lifter tiiatl !1' knew bin phHiv This
beautiful girl waa not for a fultif Im 1111
.«l call I If Hk • himself
"Nun •111111 no, to be sure not. I
er • thought that was why you came."
Mildred turned her KII/.< iielike eyes
Upon him "I'm afraid Idi n't tinder
stand you."
Tbat ei'ttled It It she didn't under
stand hi in when In- talked of nothing
In particular, lie muat !«> very blind in
BL'TLEW, PA., TH L " RSDAV, .IL'NE 13. lHi »< >
his utterances and bo Co**ld
hi- tongue to carry pnch H t r> n r s' freight
ns a declaration of love. No, tfuTe w:®
n.i'.hing to do but postpone it. After
all. hr h«iti.** wuf jbe lient place for it.
The horse on past mantled
meadows anil through pine woods full
(if ijlter-d mcoinlight. and Mildred
drrink in the heanty of the scenes and
wi.-.ho<l thai it were decorons ft.r woro
i i*n to propoaa
Tbe pigbt wan ravishing. thi»slelglk'
| tmlls jinghd harmoniously, tl»e horse
-u-i»t on wiih xteady. rhythmic stride,
and t ndrr the influence of aweet fuf
r inndlngK Mildred at last sai'l jiolnted
ly, -'ls it so that more people get en
; gaged. In winter than ip summer r"
Muplii-d ar» fhe t-ja'ki*. It was tmmaiden-
Jy, liut he wa<- *ncb u dear gamp. Now
I hi would declare himself. But she did
not know the capabilities for self re
' preseion of her two year admire*.
He said to himself: "What a slip,
; whut n delightful slip! If I were mi
i principkd. I would take advantage of
it and propose, but 1 would bitterly re
i proach my wdf fureVer. whatever her an-
I gwer was." So IMI Haid, in AS matter of
j fall tone as be could master, wben his
! heart wn» btating biaiilxi like a fright
] « ncl cagcliitg. "I really can't answer
J offhand, but I'll look it op for yoo. "
"Do Write a lett. rto tfw neWH|xk
' IH'#- "
Her Uirxw were us muaicai as ever.
| litit Littlewood thonght he detected a
! sari-astic ring in tbeiu, and be thanked
| his stars that he had not yMded to his
I natural desire b> prop<*«> at sneh an
\ lnanspiciona tinw.
"What was that imfoirtant thing
you wanted h» say V asked Miss Far
ringCon afti-r several minutes of si
lence, save for tbe b<«>fs anil the run
ners and the belln.
"Ob. It wasn't < f any importance! I
meat! It will keep I <-r I wus think
fug of something e|r*\ "
"I think you nave gone far en<mgh, "
aaid nlie innocently, looking over her
shoulder in the direction of home. Mmv
fm th>- return w<«ildho>Hen his olidnrate
His lw<irt stopio.-d l*»ttlng arid lay, a
kadi n thing, in his breast Had lie.
then, gone too far? What had he said?
i Oh, why had ho itano out with this
Lovely being, the mere sight of whom
was enough to niake any one cast all re
straint ta> tho winds and declare In
thunderous t<mea tliet ho loved her 1
"I think that we'd better go Imch,"
bo said, and tnrnud sti ipiickly that be
nearly oiwct the sleixh- *'Ya«» us4her
will be nnxlorMt."
"Yee, wbini one is accountable to
one's mother, one lm» to remember time.
I suppose It 1h when one la u<'-
oooritablc to n"—
"Father?" said Llttlmvood,asininely.
"No. that wasn't the word I want
"A-a «uut ?"*
Could Mildred V/ve blnj If be gave
Uiany astro snch pr<*>fa of loilrig an ab
ject Idiot ?
"No Imsbaml i» what I want."
Littlewood's train sworn. He had
I** it tempted once to<j often. This tiulve
girl had innooently played Into bis
hands, atsl now the Rubicon munt be
crijsn'Hl, even If its angry wab rs en
gulfed him.
"Pardon irn;, Mlsa—vr —Mlldrvd' 1 —
he did not say Mildewed this time- "if
( twist you( words into unotber m«iin
iug. but if yoo- cr- did—er— want n
litutuml .I'. you il,U4i 1 uijuil 4ot"
A bend nestlwl on hij shotlldct, « lit
| tie bund was in bis, atul when b») J*i««
i ml the Farrfngton manab*] ladtlx'r ho
; is>r sis; knew it. -Oburlea I'attu ll
j mis in the ('hiougo lloxjord
- 5144,, m e.rrni Iln-4IUIN.
j **Wb'-n men and women And tbiin
salvia dreutiiitig of their work, it's u
pretty H«tfo sigu that they are run
down, " explained a well known physi
clan t«> a r«ij«irter, "und they should
tw-gln t«i Isilld tip, otherwise aorloUH
coianxiUencM are llk'-ly t*j follow Tbe
ordinal y worker cannot staisl It long if
he or she liiim Uj yvork during lier sleep,
lug ar well as Is* wukjng hours, for
It Is a clear case of Ixirniug tlw> caialle
at both enda
i *The i usually islviiv la a
change of work and >of aisl a gen
erul btilltliug up py the iisq of bitib.'a,
todng [sirtlcttlar to avoid tla- ot*' of
aitunilantM or uxcrttint*- In any form.
A few days' recreation IH also alwolute
ly ii"<«»tiary, und a chlingti of air la
very Is-neflelal In rttitoriug tilings hi a
normal condition I'eopla, as a ruki.
Seldom dremy of their wv>rk unlena they
Hje out <>t (djais- physically, and tlie
momout they find that tbey are going
through the bnius of their work In
their dr en ma It In the plulncst kind of a
«lgn that they are UHifo tired '»nt than
tle y shotild 1m to have p».rfivt beulth."
• Washington Htur
tin' rirvt airti if«».
An old lournul. 4«N'Jali I<l, Frt>7,
gTVeji the following untuning ycconnt of
Um wearing of the firs! ijllk bat In
"Ji4in lfetberlngbin, buhcr
daab'fr. of tfirHtrnml, vvas arraigned l»i
--fore tlai k>rd mayor ycaU rday <*> a
of Itreuch of tße |a<Qoe uud in
(Siting to riot, aial wun to gtve
lnjltds ill tin* HUlft of £'i<sl. It w»n In
• rvldnnce tbat Mr Hethi llngtoll, «lm In
well (MiiiiMsiU'd, apl»aured o» the nubile
highway wearing tijoitt bin hea<f what
lie culled a nllk li(|t (which wan offered
In evidence), a tall structure having a
shiny luster and calculated to frighten
timid people.
"An a matter of fact the officers of
the crown ntateil that several women
fainted at the rmtuitlal night, while
children iicreamed, dogn yelped, and a
younger non of ('ordwulner 'llioimai.
who watt returnliig from a chandler s
shop, wan thrown down by the crowd
which had collected and had his right
urm broken. For these reunolin the do
fendnut waa nei/.eil by the guards and
taken before the lord mayor. Inextenu
lit lon of It iti crime the defendant claim
ed that be had not violated any law of
the kingdom, but wan merely exercising
a right to appear in a headdrei's of bin
own design a right not denied to any
Englishman "
A" I lay ntreto hed on tint liurik at the
foot of a great maple I iiaw a weasel
run along In the brush feticu some dis
Id lice away. A few si'i'onda later he wan
vtandingoll llu> expoaed r<oit of tlai tree
hardly a yard from my eyes I lay iuo
tlonh'"'i and eramilied the beautiful
creature minutely, till stlddejily I found
Uiym'lf daring at tint smiMith, grenulsh
gray root i f the maple, with 110 weasel
ill sight.
Judging from my own exjterlein'it, I
nhould nay that iliin is tbe usual terilll
nation of any ehaiiee Illir-erviltlolis of el
I her weanel* or Inilikn (Iceasiolinlly
till v tun N' be -ii 'en tn dart into tie- litiMhen
or behind r.otue lug or projecting bank,
but mm h 11 lore frcijucnth they vaiilnh
wltii a snd'V'Uinv 1 that defies tin' kn-ti
»: t ev'»»dght 111 all probability this vau
lulling 1h ai"iml»iuied by 1 lemn ro} Id
I try of luotbai. but If lliln In thu nine
then the cietitiire KMcieedt In doing
something utterly lui|»ui'"4l.|e to any
other warm bloinli d atliimil of its slee
Mi' Mptifrcin and some of th<i unall
er bird ' ere ail of tin m swift enough at
times, b.it • *cept 111 the en 1411 of the
huilllnillg blld llolie of IlielU, I believe,
succeeds ill 1:1 'CiMiiplisllillg the result
ucbleved by the weasels. Fopular
{ For tlic !*r n % etitiiin «»f I nrh nnil
Lr.l.' Hiltfhtn nml n«-ell«*n.
( ' In .-*lllll useful iggestions as to ,
-pra\ lug Un Bh «le It-land -t,-.ti.:ii say
Tin i:.o«t >»' i ious dit-i a : e affecting the
jottato i.s commonly known as tho late
blight, and 1- caused by the growth
within the leaf tisMiift of a fungus,
which may of tin 1-e seen on the under
hiil.i of an hfTfct. il i.-af a.-i a delicate ,
I white mildew, hence often called,
(o da to mildew. first appearance
i-i denoted by brownbh or purplish
Muck Pjottft on tls' leaves. These spotri.
nndi r the favorable conditions of warm, ,
| moh-t w.-athiT, spread very rapidly, ;
a-011 Involving the entire plant, which j
• , b comes blaek and drooping and de- \
' c..\ s rabidly, emitting a peculiar, dis
-1 ; Mgri-ualikt i>lo»
liarly I light, sometimes called the!
"h f disease, more especially S
aff. rts early poUito» a and is also caused ;
by a fmigup It may tie recognized by !
i tfte appi arai.co of small sjiot-J on the .
Kav««. which slowly enlarge, forming .
1 1 liregular, concentric ringa. Tbe foliage
| 1 lives prematurely, but does not decay, 1
, | ni.r do the tubers, as when affected by j
; the hit-' blight Yet if largely prevalent,
i the disoeae very uerionsly affects tbe
j yield in t only In quantity, but in ijnal |
j Tip tinrn la is>t caused by a fungus, |
as are the blights, bat by unfavora- j
hie conditions affecting tho growth of
the plant, especially dry, hot weather ,
and lack of sufficient moisture.
An loith tho early and late blights j
I are eam««d by fungi, the surest and j
j iuoet jnnfnct protection yet known
j in th" bordeaux mixture. Thin should
I I lie applied tieforo the early blight
uuikia its r.pinamtav, and the applica
tionn contiiMutd, as necesnary, to keep
the plants covered with a thin film of
the mixture until the tabeis are grown
1 and matured- It nh< aid be Imrne in
mind that tin- correct idea in the tise of
the bordeaux mixture Is prevention
rather than a cure.
The sporog of these fungous diseases
as they fall tijxin tlie foliage protected
by the mixture are prevented from en
tiering the boetplarit by the film of cop
per oimiHitinds and thus prevented from
propagating the diseasas.
Three to live applications will per
hnpe l>e sufilcient, yet-the weather con
dltions must govern the number of
treatment*, as, if heavy showers or
rains oocnr, extra njiniyings may be
r»ec«»*«iry to lo*'p thy plants well pro
In the caeo of tls' late blight, se
W-i'tlng n.icd from fields that were free
from tlai disease and planting tubers
entirely frai- from infection are nug
g<>at<sl an i;he<'ks to tho diwiiso. The
njairie of this dineane live over wiut'ar
In Infected tulmie; hence. If such are
nbinte<l. tliey may become centers of
infection by Introducing the dlseaeo.
Tip Isirn can only combated by
ttiorough prejmrntion, proper fertiliza
tion. oonaervlng the moisture in very
dry seasiain by jirojwi cultivation. iyal
making every condition favorable for
early, vltforooe growth, thus giving
uairtt power tri withstand the alt*ick of
Tbe f>ik>ri»do beetle i;i the most troll
Itleaome enemy, uitlnaigh t be flea In-etle.
a very small bba.'k Inmlli! which attacks
the plants during the early stages of
growth, sometimes nausea considerable
Injury by piercing the leaves full of
small hoks, and thus rendering the
plants weaker and more liable to at
tucks of dim-use. The Colorado la-etle is
easily <xjntn»lleil without extra labor
by uting from three quarters of a |oiund
to a pound of inula green per acre in
the nrnt two or three applications of
the iKirdeaux mixture as iieedetf. The
ImrdeiiMx mixture ia ali*» very dlntaste
fill to the Ilea IsK'tk'H, and thoy will do
oomintrativley little damage where it
is nae<\.
IIimI.oiIIIH Ih« llirjr lliiliy.
Tls- yxeye t\uby tianlly dlsseiulnatea
lt<«df wherever farming In uoglcctitd. It
ixin Im kept from farmn. however, if
preciaitiou Is exercised. C. H. Mtirklantl
says lie han s<»'n several farms in New
riamtmhlre tbat are completely snr
rtmiidisl w!th this weed, but are kept,
irbnohitely fine from It. Iltirlng the
pant few yeura ls< ban had coliHhlerubln
nxperlencti lii endeavoring to overcome
tlllH pest < Inn methml of keeping it
from npreiiiTliiH i*tuuuonly practiced in
to cut the hay early and I htm avoid
the malniriug of the sci-d 1 In order tu
uai ertaln Juift bow ebintlc thla period
might l*«, In .luly, ia|i7, a numlxir of
daisy blonaoinn were collected for ntudy.
Tlie date of thn opining of each blo.ino|tl
was noted, and n|»«.'ilneiin were taken
at vaiiotis i«-rni<la from thin time on
Tbitu- oliHervatlons lead to the belief
that it takes al leant lildayafor need
maturity of daisy after Its flrxt
lk. . |>li>U It. »■ 1., Ilk., II.*MM,*.
I oia'.' vlnlted a place where the udn
tri '-is of tls- Imuiii told me she always
Went to tile hive ill the Wood shed when
•he wanted lioticy and got on a plain
Junt what nhe wanted, and no more In
the winter, alui could do thin without
trouble with the Imiis at all, for they
would Im down Ui a clualer In summer,
nhe drove the bees away with II little
Ninoke, and if the liolicy rati down on
the Imttoin of the hive, It did 110 harm,
bocaui'tt the belts would licit It tight up
iigain They had kept the name hive for
a great many years, and thin one colony
fariilnlied theni ull the honey they want
ed to un. l , .1 in I nonie seasons even more
than tbat Ktich a hive hIIOUIII be mudc
very tight and warm, and the door to
open to get out tile honey nhollld be ar
ranged no the been would no! stick it
fart no <m to annoy or di turb them in
prying it open, writes A I Hoot, lu
The Ktirul New Yorker
Ik, oil!.. NlullMu'd I'liin I'll I llr.ii.lnn
I mill If !*« |»lt!|4 H«*«*!l.
The importance of good, noitnd, till
fjiri ill till |Mitatoen for hi 1 d In a matter
1 concerning which there in 110 difference
1 of opinion, but how to aci-tire HIICII .1 ed
in a ijueslioii upon whii h all are not
I agleed Koine would lend north each
I year for new Hloek, whilt othel.i believe
1 that the Miiitherii second crop potaloes
I are superior toother Meed Ih'.'ii ilae of
the fact Unit tln'V do not spmut ho
quickly in the spring.
It in nit 111 e i e|| t to HIIV without going
Into ik'tulla that tlie Ohio e*pertinent
htution Ini" found tbat the lis'ality
1 whin the Heeil wan grown IH a lijiitter
of b 1 1111 port 11 nee than lie 111111111* 1 in
which the HI. d Is In pt, >» lilcii In eqtliv
11 lent to saving the coiidil ion of the seed
la-lore planting deternilin-s what the
crop In to be f«r more than docs the hit
t It tide where tile need Wan produced.
[ Winn ei|tially well prcHcrveil from
Nprtiiltilig, irttr own net d potatu*--' have
given an good renultn an tboan from el
titer north or south fold storage 111110
I seeil |Mit|itoio have given nm K'anl eropn
iih tintmiii Maine m X.a 111 • 'atiiliiia
fold ntoiilgc in not coliVl ulelit lot all.
II liowever, and laealis min I. lie adopted
r |to obviate the liecewlty of It The cani
■ i>t plan is to grow -;*tsl potat. 1* l«u iu
• the season by planting about the l*-t of
To carry ont thin plan pr.-j .rati, ns
need to Is- begaD as early us the ! -t of
May. Ordinarily potat• e> wlli m ( k- "p
in condition f> r planting until th- l>t
of July, but if they ar>- tuki n from the
; cellar before they have l«.gnii to sfront
or when the spioutti arc just >tartmg
and spread out 011 the barn floor or )■ it
or some place where tbey will receive
light they will throw out ►•lu rt. stubby,
green sprouts aimut half an inch in
length and then remain in that • ndi
tior ft* months. The potatoes mu.-r i••
1 only 1 im layer dean m preft rafely -• ■ d
end up. All of the eyes will not throw
out sprouts, and In cutting the pieces
flinnM !«■> lurgi r tln n f( r plant
ing When planted, the~e pi tatoea will
| coine up quickly and make their growth
in a nhort time aud almost t-nrely uivo
a go* ol crop.
In IMiT the Ikivee gave, with the
treatment aimve deacrilied, at tbe sta
tioii. 2oi) bushels per acre, and in
the Knormous yielded 800 bushels per
acre, which was better than tbe early
crop Late vurietloa do o» well by this i
method of treatment as early - rts, hat
usually the yield is lets than from
early planting.
The object <tf this method of growing
; potattiee in t<i secure ni i-d that will keep ,
in a common cellur without sprouting, ,
and for this purpose it is far superior to 1
seed grown in the ordinary manner
It may 1* said, also, that potatoes '
grown from sprouted seed are ;
j by than th. se grown frotu seeil Taken !
i from the cellar and iilantiil at once ;
Late planted potntiH's are less liable to )
blight than early planted, although not
I exempt from flint disease
Wlinl n Hlieei* 1 riiUHh llliulil In 110. |
An lowu Homestead writer has a
j trough which he considers peculiar to j
I his own view of what a sheep trough !
ought to In'. It in ao constructed as to j
KM 1 VIKW OK snEF.P TftoroH.
bo convenient for both sheep and lambs
No sheep will jump Into the trough,
anil lambs will not lie in it as they will
in larger ones First take one six inch
board the desired length and bevel its
edges a little for the bottom. Kail to
thin two more six inch boards for the
sides, so the tops will Hare a little. I'sa
a four inch Iniard for a guard rail with
mip(oirts at each end at the middle of a
long trongh Tlie figure show • a view
of the end of the trough in a per-pec
tive. The legs are made of 8 l>y -I stuff.
llit |M" r«r I'liNturr.
Hii|H. Is used chiefly for pasturing
hogs or nhc**p. Itnef cattle have ben fed
on It with go<.d results, but with milk
cows the rajn' is likelv to give a strong
taste to the milk It f» a ineujtsT °f t tie I
turnip family, says The Rural Now
Yorker We have found it excellent
pasture for hogs. At the Wisconsin ex
periment station experiment shows that
rape gives bett<sr results for hog teed iug
than clover Many sheep growers broad
cunt the rape need either alone or mixed
with crimson clover seed, in corn at the
bmt cultivation After the corn is cut,
the rape Krows up and. in an open win
ter, will give fair |aistnre till Christ
mas The llwarf Knnex in the l»*t vii
rlety We sewed rape broadcast in
crimson clover in May lant year. It
gave more or less feed dnrlng theaeaaoii,
and some of it has actually come
through tho past hard aeasou, alive and
Mnnnrc for Kuril Pntatim.
It in hardly pisiilble to make land too
rich where the early crop of |mtatoes is
to he planted The rich will Insures
early growth of the plants an 1 that
j they will conte up with thick, vigorous
stalks, which In the unfailing sign of i»
gioil crop. Tito much manure will canoe
rot in JK)tatia«s late In the seiinon. but
with early pit a tot* the crop is gi nerally
harvested before it ban tine to either
mature or rot (ianerallr the early i»'
ta to crop mii> !«• got off In time to plant
cabbage for a late crop, mid there will
be richer -oiil for thucablsige ro. t than
there was while the potato** were grow
Ing, nays The American fait im tor
fins*- I'lfin
"'I hs| voting luMn.'' mild thn t ltiwii,
|o*iiitiitg t«i a sharp feutured youth
acione tlm utriil "hu'i made fame lo*th
for hiiiim>-If iiihl till*, bin til
"A« hj |a*w?" a«ki*l the ulniliKil
"flftnply by HnndliiK telegrams ■ ■'
griltullltion or Condolence, n s tho o> 1
nloii callisl fitr, Ui prominent perm.ii
ItMlbinupolls Journal.
A writer In The Klectrlcnl Itcvtewln
cllues ti» thn upliiloii 11 tat an theebs'trb
motor nupulH.MbHl the horse car «i th"
perfection of paving will Ultimately do
away with raii.-i ana current altogether
and automobile vehicles rule supreme
II I'rufril a llminirrfiiiK
I'liufo i*i|ii )»!• ij«» «luilbt tluit th" wiir
Indemnity paid by France to (iei inany
lifter the sit weekn war. Wan a la 1.1111
1 rang to score up againot ltismari k
The ginol ft did to France is inestimable
prior to the war thero was an * iioniious
amount of money Im ketl up in the form
of small savings. The appeal of tin gov
eminent to tlie jH'ople let this sum Into
prolitablM inotioii, and, to tlm aniu/.i
unlit of thn world, I'ranee paid oil hct
creditor ill IcnS than half tile stipulated
time Thin gave avast Impulse r Im i
iii'sm eiiU rpt lnv of all kinds, and sini ■
then Fnilic.l liiiii steadily become lUo|i
wealthy 111 Oermany tile effecta Were
less llelleHclal TIIO huge influx of gold
scut up prices with a rush A mania
for np. 1 illation wt in. foliowml by tlm
inevitable 11 ihia Mont aerious of ull.
however, waa the tinexp<«eted diwuvi-ry
of Franc**'a ntrength llleiiiati k intend
e*l to cripple her forever, but he only
leVeiileil In r ililllii llu>• power, and th 1
of coiirne. lieei H' ltatial theglifulilli Ini I
tary Imrtlena which year by year »• i» Ii
mora lieuvily 11 [oiii Ueruiany finein
uriti Knquirer
I II II II <1 111 II II M Ml* bIUS .
fiinuiht's greati -t 1 utile ram lung
illatrii 1 1 are the territorii lof Albeita
and A iinibniu, N W T Then lo.i
dern iin lone 11 country 1 qttnl fothecnni
blued aieii of (ireat Itrllll111, Ireluinl
l'ortugal. fi' iiinark. liolbiiid and 1!• I
gititn, it Is 1111111 ''ulgary, Iheientral
and principal of the riiiH'hlng towns. In
sltiliited over QAn mllen farther north
than Montreal, and tlm lairtouudlng
ciiiiiitry forum on« of the ln-st cuttle
rulli-liltlg dl"tl II tn 111 Aim 1 lea Through
out the greater pat t of Albeita and Ah
nlllilo,lll tlie 1111111 IIIMI Iwrda Ijf horoeo.
cattle und nhei p nsiinsit will the year
I ! y«v
i i» -",t -. •*
"• -•. "•'•*'■ . «• . - . • -
w,'-V '
•».? -r - f
V ■ :
>.Jr- '
V. 1U«M; U '<R' ! *- - •»;!, < NN |.
kintna *i: illctty .< t-rl.ilnty.
Art :-.r iV. ... -If..' •; - . ■- t.
t -Ft 'i'.( r'-'' -
rnrk ,»c I - 'ar. * r.
Th.: direcx-i- :> ■ ! reck (]'■ 1
r» follow* V inch le • . i > • '.
; feet M|h U4 II fi «'« !• !j_". z ■
0 f.v-t n inch - J. :.• • t • ••>
td ' long " h a. •„ i
j The n;iriu-!.; •. j • .| ~. m„a
I j-w -
TP . •<
ill U uiu*
woo* net f
HO. T—r,\TTI.K KACk F<m WAGOy.
i male of bar I \v.« \ -1 A. 1! U
! are 3 Inclw - widi slat i\ 1 lotb u id->;
; all dotible. Plat E i-< «»!)■. !o. |i!n t
j elde. !J inch i wide, 2*» ?• *t I .
! F la al"i ninirl •. p'.u - d inidde. - ij- !
v.iiif anil in hn-b -5, : ; tui- ;■
rn-f «.n ti ;• ftae of wagon lm.\ and to
bold fivtt en-1 cuite when «-d - a i
rack Slat- art' r parol apart lit . .v. n .
in Fiir. ? Tin* cnt not 1 r. u. { i
p!niii ;;<it) y ar wagon e t. 1 slid i- '
Letwt :i d.-.1.1- b.f 1> hp.l J ,■ >! '
clut-' E and f N.;il< tl u« ar «i t. : n
th 'u ;<!<; of rack nt>«l in fronr 'f »! :•
C Sar<l 1 fe (H) 1 by 1m i
tßciic> it i«» dm<l ti> jirw nt th« I
ttißchioo fr.M - being} ill Id ■ ■ I
Wt :'d 1. -' I' it".i> end gatr ; . M. i.r <:
r(«!i< for th-,* iik k In either < n>L
Tbf movjiiW. < n ) i
innd'- 3ft el faigb ii: .1 .1 tV. *v- ' • i
t«ltl»" tvMtb » f
at top and l« tt m art' dont>])> !' -ft- -»t*
o&et* aro of 1 io. b plank' ntwl f ;■
i:: ft» I. «!• : r . T! • "ij ri ■; . Rr- ;
U.' ■ ■ •! ! -■■«.,% I. t : • •
ht.ii.ihii ti >nd ar-- lt ck -tl hy i>«i. ictJU n
ordinary iron plna bctWmj tbi'i.r
For ! .iii'lnx cattlf nft.-r t- r. ft i .
on tbc v. ■ . n plat'ottsni hi> fir u-iv
b< iv... n tin rafks In tic V. r in
front t f KUick II ltolt it <(•<-. n *vifh
hook i i"« (I ).ritnn'jgtbe b«d*-' In b
tbcl .ltOJii fif w«X" r I"'' 11 ami . n
box ci jib-cc nn-b'Hn ath. Nvxt I■i: it
aidfV.ay »ui to tli ruck wtCi lit ;<
at .! Ho. k 1 It- art- < c In. in; h
•Jn ,O L '. o).■ «|
"tiTr rtrtl
k4, >i p h
-Ui i ■ C -
m . !L.
■p 11 I; 1 [. •
' 1 r ■;. •
i I .j!i ii: I
> I I I
•, | i"i ' * ■
- ! r.M V T U
• r ' t; ;i-
IJ " I)
no. it KnVAitr.K srav nmM rott ittik
thick ISIm b■* ? with 'f Inc'V I L
tbri'a«lf«l pit ntifully To yr< -v< nt »te
dtunchlon frtiiti i.*i«bii| d. -n 1 r
s<'«ril iiw two rttial trio .f rum- nn np
wurtj tllau i,ally fr>«ai U>' "» < '
fr.int ij"! o! vutr.iii U.t t thf f f
Mtan'-hloi) axuin-t brw. •• I4t J» nt > * - *» * !
p. Int li (Ft '2j. Fur ti-cly and • • r
on* anlmnti* tie tb< lr b> «tlr» ti wnw«rtl.
rntinlfnt rnpf-« thrr.nfthboth'iijof w.f».n j
I «rn. t«»tl«-
ltfcati -<t of •ltftbiilty In »'t nTlr.:r < a!
t|o In tli.- ■' ' ' U b il lk« 1
KTDkh > f tb' 1 northwi-t. rn r< i> n r i ■
pr<"li 'i'-'l tint th 'tf will I" n' ! ft:-
of ran«" cattlf n« tt fall Ihi - .
come t. | i tut tbt-r" \t wt !\ t.. ■
he a -rarclty . f cattlf at that fn
Tito rattle Imtilit • i< mnU r ■ In.->
cbaiiff*. l>nt tiny tir likfly t It
In tb- f.-'ircf <tf tbf .(.pllm r
tbnit In »ny ifiln. ti-.ii ..f tin m N 1 i'i
«t t'tn tuttlo tuaj il«t"'*' If
conttittf-u rn will Imr.i-i' invnlr
ait iiKtro nr.tflnltlit tl thorpiind * !, l
to 11m I: rill And it * • lUr> *■' t 1
<>mnt > II II I'M I ti nouila'M frt>Ti» tbf
fiirthf l'"t -r. vrv P-t ••' '••
y»ar-i firm i bnv» Iw'ti at i r<
l».r.lH tA l-«f« »t' • I
•oiiif of th»- r- -nitt of tin »:■•>'« r ' •' ''
ar>- alt nt lin .n tlhi marlo i t
cat tin an n * v<» plentiful, n i
~-■4 .1 rt • km : t i ■ if
I.ut tfu rf nre i»ior« t-n Ii ncl x '•
f..r year* v tticvial ktfuiti
In I* • M h*|»p» t
The I I :f ' th.if 'I. •|t ar.
Ml) lllllflppv iodl II • I
•an •• that tb t ii ioniiii.'ti win of ' id (
lux ■h' • | i tin re*ft of 'ii' '' I
(.b. ultl I Tb. -• i!•itf mi . • -inl In
i«i«|iotr> lo in tbi ■tn * th it tie '"1 .
herd ki» « | t rtfclly «'YerV ri k
which a lift k i milijet t n.ti
t hat ivi vi l ol l!>" 11 k- i | i 1 '1
foi Ifre it ifi. I . It. •tn • \
I't-..il i"lif oiierd ui."wh all tilt m ' •
% II id* I net' ! r them it" '
th. \ '• ill *•• it"*! 'I I W tb> <e
men I f tl * nc< i »<f tin <i ■wl Jt
cet .1 Ainer 111 Hhtep It. J'r
A Vrl. tlt.lir> ' «|>.t »». • »«■»••-
.».»•> 11l l'|i«iH I ... MM'
dll> - be -l-»r I,Mt ' 1,1 ' "
Hnit .id in Fhe NaM.ttinl M'» l-tnan
Ncnrh every .in '• it" |r. • i.: >
leall/.. I ll' lie. I ' it i" ' 1 ' '
lant) -i. I»"t a wb. t f ht •p • . ii*i
illl V > I"t <■ 1 I- >l»" I ' 1
kill all th- in I when th* > d ;> •' » «'»••
Unit" \if I tl" » • »• ' kill hi i tl"
11.. Kvr* day li»ir n• r »•' 'Mn
•beep are tit 1:> nittl are »i.ftMi•• ■ InfM
(let .er • ' I» • I f ».l V
ptlll.l • t ■lf v 1 I filllt 'o I
1.. .<|. •i. i. if t' r ill I find .1 • f
of Ntiwlht. U ,„l% ... an
»w. ito all flu* •' -ti aH"I i • 1
way t" j.re\«. I « 'r* w r •»
ootid I" ll I' \i V «r liti'l • t '
the In. p » ifi . 'I - ' •»« 1
I,f f. .I. I 111! tl.e I ' ilel H II v :
I". tak' n 'lf I < I It,' ll .»■ ••
•I lid l»/l ll I'.-, pII d I " 1 "
pr.'v.- that \■ 'i i. % 1 1
th'kaiind lict >■ ii havi i" •
IN a lot I,( them there yet II «l< "« '
tit., and aIII ' » Hi'' -bvep tb wll m |
1 weather Kiuiply i M « .inn lie live t-n
No. 2-i
-' -f§
' rr Pnt tb#J»
•i- -wi
. ~
::r< it-.Tar..ichiMfML
. ;-tV v r f^#
t i j . -. tt .fa
■ i-il t i a lid xjw
' ? " ear? »,
" I t:,t! 4 ,-t,. ..*7l
' f y i- st
; ' " ■ . •. Inmln that
T - ai ,'aiv pr-"|t' 'd
. i) th- r <lay «»»i i to
1 li..v J" -: . , my
" • • lit r:dij fiTi : it|
1 I - ' ; ... IjfW ,|f
I i".: "Why 'Hdr» t yo»»
f pi. U-.. i* * And miH:
i -ft • .nil Eh-fl I
'I ti. ni.l ,- .j, . ;u|
' ..r.rt km i an; v, ay. j<>®
1 i.« t ••"nr.'ijtd
i ll t ' mn» a f. .1
r'-nnd iiwt I in a car
t ?ldi • ;-.'t nt me iiid
* I « "If h 6. !"t 1 rre»mt it.
'* r • I \ :uui ao
v. n. r in Ut' la ml who
<»• u4 »
. i". ? m n ri.-k.-» whatever.
:r pft r 3 i-ar r ill all w
a -iit«p tick that tan
•. cH .j'ly exlfrramafaxl,
V'' ' t
jr« ; i k«-t. ia• fi»'i
ti. n . in. - up What
a tip «>rit >viU fc»y hot
» t r v ill ur f-rii»»» -inri
' *+'•■ 1 ■•'. 1 ft-'rv* ncj
t' tl" v ! .t father n-> il
- :: tl h i'" he»>j!
!t' ;i tick lix and <ii"<t
with ' i ■ p.ii.l kit alt of pr.'-^eay
!• The fai-t. are uk!
•. v.. .jo iratlon* tww
l : t \t If ntithinx ami it
1 t«r* «\. n f. r dip[ inif -.» tb.-»t
, 1 r '• w" wne't dw-t 'dial' hitrd.
, I' r '• t.' trel .f f it. T tfiu-e -I ll«
i •• -K •■»o*ltft». kill 111*
iII tt t-i. i o ilm» pnt 1a
t ■ > . ne fainter in Vtt
t' f ■> l-iti. 11 atiomc
fi ' • t C etne.iiitl that tirehan
'•r* I! : ■ i<ik hini" tf "r tfje hir.«t
„ T r ti .ee liay-and ttm
le-i.-' i f th. ' I. i«ro '.i.elrt
Well, r-hal -hull w»
V ' • > . d t" e>>ra»» of th* advet
-11 ! . | .!ip aivl u- t u reaily pre
-5 '* th. n m> it a* difet'li-d
• •op tick-" and she. p ii. »
v. ith i* And r. h. n yon
;• '■ n't think V"n know huum
v.'i.ii s! th dip ami ip»
!f tf' fi ?h. thinking >'>fl
; ■ it ii. iay t»y at. doinfC.
i' t th>. xtink ttuit
I t t':'« r« ipured ret»»-
f |mff it rt 1 T'fth.
I . , • I! 4 AOL LASf.
f. * ■ . 1• 1 -1.» I'nrl .1 I i.r.lrn«
. '""J lirltl.
I" I*l fr> *•» ot>.o*Vl t'l I'W,
:v. * ..! •! ■ tb- r «n! all
j. ! V. II .. .in* in TM
t :. t. ,u. I' ._ *t xuj |kinf-»
I -*':»~ n we **• often
1 1 rk mntlM"iMlT f»r "t
--it f|*n • .-iad we iirit c nn»-
! tod" t'»a>'ili4r'.tiwc
v\ r- in t.rj «lry. eir « .tf
i ■! I re; .(led, tl imirfc the
;lat ■ »!*» th« ti.irtfcn
th • .f.r t«. tle»
lit. .1 ».it- «ir.j ind
.. : r': I »e* with.*
• ». ru -« I'm- .«i tlf ...ut*
n *tiv! h. r a l'e|
that r nkt •!'» *[ it'f
ti \ i 'lh mrntt w» th«kt I ba»»
ii r.lVft 111 1 ,«»l «>!>•■ half th*
I ' ..in,, tlio Iv4fa lei Uw»
'. v. ith m - the i.U-*
• t .v tt'wtt'i plw KiBH4»W,
• rim of a wheel, ai. thai
* •.. a ■ 1 turned it v..a]id tfriv#
th 1 ir- in- KVoriwi I hr-tt aiwlH •
v » ar I pWfd it in a ft.»m»> * ith
' like a irtw- llmipiW.
I tte i i 1 mi.tuac
th j la »'t "ti tl>" wle*l-^^*
j in. ' ' n the (ta*»e jnet ••.■html
tl I 1 • 1 a t.... k* fof
, wit i> alia. i» .1 t. • the b.»t
--t • i. irry a - %ail itr- am ■ t
.1 -Hid «;i'l over the hnm
| .if |h.l. 1 I t>i" Kh« l iu»d mwie Thw
d«.l * •• Werk. ami »(l» i naiwt tt
I ti ' t It. pki'l of MM • I*#
i Wti I ... V.a* ev. |««4.
"Hi 1 .. t.t lam r. lint 6..W M
t ' . fn 1 wb«e| juth
j t.. i•• v.hf I' 1« a water N-*. aiwl
,;i 1 1. n <... h MiK' w« ftmiil
h- It! . 1 .ri th- water limtti J»w»t h»
hi mi I into lh" h.>fc-% nuwV t>f
' ti. y 11.- lh.ie MM h.»i».ll"»
h.th on 'i if nt ami mif «€ the • nt.
' it- j« . .'all » 1 lly h iri'tfet It.
/ a. tuetil trhirfc • tiwlf "•
th* 1 i i tin,; hide* . . i» iet »* f
1 . in. h Uil> *. th*"»
ii .!thi'* in. lv h»«cn njkid
, thf> .. 1 m inn) ttir niu .f Uw
1 1 njill»'l r ,aml tha
wb It- t H'tc Th#- • ( rth wtß
ij r > in t! I.- 1 11. ntneh *'ie«
the v fiv lin thi* «) It la
** it • » . ;nit.- • - <-t th> b ••
m I. , .im N> I:-- I tf l+rm* tha
for, . 1 • ~ter tt will ».tt waah
I in ** * h* U r»n»! ftll thfwi KJ*
n Pl' itt* nt tb* MI
nt . ftd i tli# nmrk**
* f. r 1 fu«l
11' \ 1 i.iaatn lUI a line lUI
II .ill »- atraHtbt. the
IJ. I lull! < autl the u> .t r *|»
, t lle.l .1 • .1, . iii walk Two :n#»
II- pLiot ii|.iUy «!»■■
1 (I I ' th'i ■ |i« 1 .ii> il Im th. lit
I A i « t- .1 matH • 'ti eoiM'"ial
tl • 1 ,n If llt i> t t<> p»f»«wt tbe
I ■ 1 i nof Uk- a.al< r The *al
. 1 .. I * f'i \ polvt rua*! avt
ri 1 > ■ 1 1 with it |i|»ii>. 'k*C ami
■ v 1 . 1 it. ' i.. v < that 1* will
i ti. . , 1 h.ito tbe trapb*B>e«« worb
' w1 ii
A 1 I d r n.iag t «>i that I *d|
an ' ' m_' >a lb.' little band
.. 1 ■ i • tor- d l-y H'tu" « f th"
m d 1-t.nt #l. 1 think, fir
11 ..I • .till"!, I. r|ot»«U4
pl .nl til tn tbe op. a
cr.'Hlf • «bk tie ik uiOrb !«tl I
inlliitf 1 nit t.iii I- d"t" by ban*'
I 1.. I rll.lt ..I n W rife*.
\\ »n Id tbe jtainff. aw
th. rlf • un .4 • » '• taaa weary
in w* 11 tl 1 Wtt Itave n letter fr«aa
nan I t th- 111 ill wliK b bn *•}»
|ll 1, , it,*t. I mil ' iitt"! a ah»»t
lit iy to :i n rtnia 111' * t 'iii' It *l* !•
tnrie tl it i«l> I> I "ia* it to aaotb
~ It,;, U. k AU k'ltl. 1 bwv»t aiMkl
t i.it .iif ) k> t!I ■it«:;iiTin.t\ jjl"«t
HM ,| 1-1 t»e|| fi\. J.,U'l.itl tie
-1 I c..i in •* Hit |e« naUy
I -■! tit |. t . ii.AK.i«ine ttmt ttret 'V»
I,i . I it end it wan m.'t'titl with
tiiiiiii * >' «i a MtWarhii) fiwtk' '*f
1. r m 1 In the kl alltiir* nl
i tl it i' ;uln« dibw AM «l t«-
. ~.! 1 liiimt have fatbii inb» tb*»
It ■' 11 - . •> I.' w 1.-in. wbo l«ad tv-t
I . 11 1' I tot iti ft A yetuV tto."
j the 1 * on that ma»mairt|>t «**»!•
m) |u Ii •I| it tlirl. thut ti«nref»*
it at Ilk I nltl R.'l (Ptiunhllimi"
IMi her fl. >ta Ihti tlml
th- ti> - ii" ' iii"U« this' if
|it iitt ii. iiitUiitti "I'dllhii " ami
«»... ill. II . ~.t| - • XLUltu <