Mrs. J. E. Ziinmernian. __ - I Our Season so Far a Pronounced Success in Every Department. To crown it, we want to furnish you with vour rammer *own ami commence ment outfit. We are well prepare*! to meet all deinamls for White Goods, such as Wash Chilfon.-j, Organdies, Swisses, Dimities. Persian am! India Linen T awns, to gether with the most beantiful assortment of Yal I.acts, Dainty Insertions and all over effects, White Ruchings of Ribbon and Mosseline, l ine Ktnbroiderics and Nets White Parasols, Gloves and Handkerchiefs, and a'.l thi new and novel etlects in Neckwear, l ans aud Belts, Belt and Neck Clasps at our well known popular prices. Ready-to-Wear Wash Skirts and Waists. "araßS s &» % : erubrnidcrv Indies' Trimmed Linen skirts 50c; «11 these cut in latest design and , |2 lit. Blue Denim Skirls, Tunic Skim, Unrfded and Floonc«l | Hkirls Wash WaLsts, perfect in style, fit au«l \% at » f The above but a few of the many good things we are showing in onr suit department. A Handsome. Becoming Hat one that is liccoming, and is at the same tune handsome » D 'l sl > t v ,,,. w ill furnish any woman with just such a hat, and at owertl.anyou wll 1 find in and other store in Butler. Ladies stylishly f rimmed Hnts from p. Children's stylish Trimmed Hats «t 79c up We solicit a call. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge Sprii\O w WRITE TO Haqqerty & White. Cambridge Springs, Pa C! I Spring Goods. ur n^'rc Spring Stock 'Ki / Complete stock of the SOROSIS Shoes M x(0 the new shoe for v.otntn. Made of the finest ' J Q£\ Dongola, Tan and l'atout leather;-' com- St; plete stock of Baker ft Bowman's fine Jhand g JOM turn's and hand welts in Dongola and fine MAfv Russett Kid, made on the latest up-to-date lasts. mfSr ® WEN'S SHOES. I*he selection wr.s never better. Very large assortment '>( Russett, Calf, Vicl, Kid, Ilox xjy Calf and Kangaroo and Patent Calf Allocs MgM ($\ made on all the new lasts. We carry these slioes in all sizes and widths. ® Our line of Misses Slioes in fine Patent Calf, Dongola and Tan in Lather or Cloth tops; also complite line Children's Slux-s in the latest ' styles sizes and widttis. BOYS' SHOES. fKIA Our line ot Boy.' and Youth's Shoes very W xK) !seinK made on the same style lasts as (i) the Men's Shoes in all the different leathers, j Our Window Display. JOHN BIGKEL. 128 SOUTH MAIN STRKET HUTLKR, 1»A WORTH ITS WEIGHT ftTGOLD Savmrnt of ONLY ONE DOLLAR The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that H covers the entire ran«?e ol human knowlrdtfC. if 'Tif X 'i. ffib I I J The rntire set with Guiilc ' ami case deli v«*r» «.l rtn nn I U upon payment of only H* ' /jT" Balance payaftle in small monthly payments. . Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The RRITANNICA Is the arknowl- | It you c.vir 1 -;eii(i your chlldrrn to edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and 1 the l.jnivr; .••'>*, i uir the University to the NLW W1 I'NEU is tho oesl edition I llicm. of the Britannica. J This edition ha-; never sold for Do not put your money In old editions J less than ?6i-50. l-or a short time only or poorly made books because they are rash, or s4soo on monthly pay- cheaper. The BEST Is the CHEAPEST, inents. Consider the advantage of a family ; ORDER NOW, and take advantage who hxs this work over one which has ! <>f this rare opportia.lty to secure this un aot. | rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR GALE BY J. H. DOUCiI.ASS, BUTi-EK PA yf, f~\ . St | pa st - -Vi «=4»d to A*i«or> pJh^)~*Yi L "~ physic tan ' i»c- Aj j_ ; rYSap - !'": i c v c ojf all feT J >4 i j"T -&•»?;y"-* tnlrcHKvl»e«: c life !«» fortrierkir to Oil the aripirV.u s >f your !:ib->rv ■!?*■ Sfeql* i clnr i- r .r.::ne<* the nerves and gives sweet and refreshing sleep. It is the great blood-staket and fee =l( builder. It cures 98 per ceut of all casefe of &11 diseases of the air passaK<> that lead up to con-umptior. It Is a wonderfhl medicine for all diseases doc to insufficient C>r improper nourishment of body or nerve • Po not deal with unscrupulous dt alerfi who urge you to teikke of a few jjennic-S added profit ' • 1 have been ««iae Pr Fieree's C»oWei Me V l-tl 6»*' vcry and Pleftfor.t relies«' ir:* i ijsl thm years and they h.v* savert roy l.fc Th.i? write* Mr? Sophia Kracer of oak ■• Knekbrtdtce Co .V% I »>< * ke- p th. i-eh-1- In my hou-e all the time and u-e tuna 'very time I feel the need vf a Uvujvr I amißfty threo years old .'.Oil W*« tn.uMr ! with live* c m plaiirt uutil I used your medicine Now lam welt" . , . . Every *ick man or woman shonUl «end ;j one cent r tampf to Or R Pierce, HufFa!". N". V , to poy the oc.-?t 'A mailing only for a free copy of I)r. I'ierce'a gr<-at tcnu-page Common Sen=e Medical Adviser; or 31 stamps for a heavy cl jth bound copy. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly ripen tbo disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the system. They Cnro the Sick. 80. rTRES. TUICTF 1 -Fptpth. Cowfestlons, loflaTTimfttlons.: /25 *t-~ Worm*, Worm Fove r, Worm Col!arnlgla. Toothache, Faceach*. .'i3 fl—Headache,Slclf Ilfadache, VcrUffo . .'23 10—VIVMpepfria. lndlge€ti~W hooplrm-Cough .'23 KT— Kl«ln**v .^23 tlH~\rr%onn DeMlltv ' .. 1 00 30—Irlnnrv Weakitefn. Wetting Bed. .'23 77—4irip. Hay Fevnr /23 Dr. Humphreys' Manual r»f all Dlscales at yonr L)ruere\~ tn it MuJlwl Free. lUtln liy or *« nt on reeolDt <»f prlre. fluniphni> •*' Co., Cor. William % J liu-SW., Now York %jn^7 Headache for Forty Years. For forty years I «nfTere. V'nn Kwiren.HausertleH, S.N. < elery KlngcureH(^>nntl(intloriami m. • oiute u oftheN(irvt»» t Htoma' h,I Ivr r . net J- ! • neyn. Hold by druggists, ale. uudM)-. f PURE BLOOD, I \ Pare bloodmcnnslife^cnltli, f| vigor—no room for difsonw J % tvltcre tlio veins are filled £ vrltU rich, red corpuHclcs. S JLindsey's Improved! 5 Blood Searcher $ p I. takes pure blocl—cures flerof- # # ula, erj'slpelas, pimples, Txjil.i, f # r.omcye3, scald Ixead—Wooddi. 1 !- # jp easca of all fonug. Ilere'fl proof: # A __ Mev? "for/ xi A, A Dr. UniJsny'rt Jllood Hosvclier hi» i (F voilccd'woiitKtnnrlthinc. I fasve peen *P gh t.- .ulilcl Y.Uh Hcr"fubtf >rlhtrfjynii -g X tufc I /Infl thet l)r. Untjscy'a I* K.ireTKirwlllelTo't. ti permanent ctitu r # In aiiiyrfc Liiotf. Xfa\.-(;i-!erfu1. (p 2 O. W. JAsmxiVZ. j| r W. Jfo GDLMORK CO. i 5 pittjcuro, PA. S W M ttll Drug|{L-t«. SI.OO. Preserves A »—fruits. Jollies, plcklea» r catsup ar»» 0 jSTm ii.< r" r»i >ro qiilrkly, nu»r© |m 1 athfnliy fw-Aii ! wlib tu>llried ZJX , 7iJ I*nrallli'.n wa* than by any otti«r M VWI n t "th'xi. Dosensof othor usuawUlba Uw X l. i lr. In. e|.. m|.-:il mil i • .11. hull. KiilKlim- li. il. d wlih 11.. i.. it. i, lU-tit. l.y .•l.'.'lrl'ily. hiiti|.ll.d with pure irniimt;iln water, snrr.landed by qiih l. restful n "iiu t.'.ln si-i in iy. I ...Ml. .1 .in I'll t *l.ui ir 'll v 1 .l-iii of 11. St o li. I:., wlileli eoiiiie. l . II ultlitlie prllnili ll ellii , :illll Hull i illl id •.y.l. lilM; 111 .1 v% II !| III.' I •i-ll li-. VI \ mill rLiI r • ..111 li II ,11.111. II I. .1 11-!.. wil I ..111 •I- vllle Itl-ld .'- - l< . Ti i nn. - p. ■ lnl rut. , for lillllisl. r.. ml ,'||.l||!ll I. . I. u li.-l . Illiv .lel:n. mi.l tlieir fin.dlle:. lor further Infm innlli ii md i lieiilm THK MARKIiKTON SANATORIUM CO., Maiklcton, S<. nerset (*o. t Pa. jyioflcTHairy £ Poultry Farm. "V. » i. ~ RAHWAY. N. J. j Breeder of High Class Poultry. I Rocks, t'.nlT Cocliliin, I.ij4iit Utahtn llliick Min«ire;iH, S. C. iSruwii L««honi*, S. 1,., Wtiitc ati'l :;«»I.!cn \V*yan.t*> «t hhj flWis, In ltko : attire. t. pt sympathetic rilence. " Yee, if »t hadn't bem for my to n«jh ! hick, I'd have all aprto of money,' h< «•- ut on palling Me hut (iovyn.cvt** hie try.-i and i t> pnlT of cigarette ©uoke tip rtgainst Its brim. "1 wns dta'l j solid with a pretty little girV -< asbi- r • in <»■ of tli<» big hotels. She wanted j refrTßi ; mrvk' n mon ont tif w. A'' j mid. Twice I cttji'"' in toorehor w!m»d i I wasn't Kt«ady on my feet, and the told me that if she ever learned of im-, getting too nrQcft again it tie nl) ! (Jay W ceiling. flhf | huso t< spoken fo me since." ''Can't see anything flu Imd nbout ' that commented the Friend. *'Their-1 ar.' lets t,f others" ♦•Yes. bnt" the yonpg man was i Fhnkiiig hi- l»>ad and his voice was sor- j ruwfnl —"bn* it was just the next week j that iiii old uncle died and she caina in ; for a cdul Again the renin; fellow at his side ■ kept sympathetic silenct* --t' hicago' Journal. in ft*'* Rlonfl «f tlwjvi It ha- 1 -«'n known for years that tho! hi- od vt eels contains a highly poison | o'»s principle. A dog Inoculated with a i dozi-n drops of eel's blood ! iitimnn<- to make jmisou and injected under thr<»- tect an from no deadly a jioison lis viper vi i the (titjveiM'. does not hold g't'd; Uv -crnrn c .it vipers is no protection again? t the polnxrnf scrum. Hrrnm (Jitained from aniinaln gradnally trained np to with -tajnl fat;|l doses ijf v nojn differs from nr dipary <=< rnia in the «at<*kn. *"' .* "Of all the enrions artk'i"* of co»ii m< rce tjiat you have ever rnentiotesl in print I fce»' more etrango than a "Hn 1 i •.c'dMily Htnd t-> CblajL {.» the Brazil* and in very large qoapti tie.s to'Rnssia," The speaker was n "foreign ine* chanty ,V and he wi»,s addressing u con trihntor who ba* l'nado a specialty Of paragraph 9 dealing with on I of the way occupation" "The article? I refer to nrt« toothpieks that an: made of walrna wlj»--ker»'. Vast Quantities vf the wld';l>-rs iiavi.i li"en irinimeil and stiff, j eiu.d here tl» v aro jnado np into bun I ales ond tie tit fibroail. "The higher tl.\ss Chinese wkiq to u - no otlxr kind of tthpick, and. the more w'ealtiiy of th<- Russlanfl ulways tlj' in at th"i|' clnbs and hotels. 1 send out Korrje thousands ar> r, as well as more onwi jneiital, they i.ave nW which payment Weill Ml') truly to Im iiiuml lulmlntatrtitoir. Jointly «n (On.) tmd Farmer Tti.; slirrt yHeti oV. "That was my iheet anchoi"- 4. e., my best hope, my last reftlgo; tl»p sheet anehor of a hJi!j». which, in stress of Wealher, is tile f.nilor»' ehlef depend < nee. The wytd sheet is »» corrnptjoti of the word shote (thrown ont), mean ing the iinclior "throtyij out" In foul wt uther The Greek? an«l Hotnuriysaid, •'My s»icr< 1 anchor,' ¥ f^-f erring to tho sluei. anehor, whielw'waH nlwnyri s proper lor im; to fisk If \ in are in ojiosition to ran try t • The Hnitor i Hi, yen nei dn't t*! wp»- ried about that, f am iii a posltloh where nothing short of matrimony will get mo out of it, t'o fur as 1 can ilisCov er. Hoston Transcript The pie of the United .States nso 4110, iioo, 000 matebi-H every djiy. or 17H,- bfiO.OOO.OOO every year, and it is eom pnled that then', placed end to end, would stretch away 4,1).'11),780 miles. In the earlier agei danelng was advo cfit« di s a nir" for iekness When yon feel all tired out and brok en up I'enerally, lake Hood's Sarsapa rill.t The single eye glass worn by women is the latest l,ondon fashion. Germany has .-.o far established three po itofiiees oil the I 'liiltei e coast There are '_*i,:if, publie s< - li<>ols in I'ennsylvnnia and I.MI 100 pupils. A ferry for loaded cars Is talked 'if between Tampti. Fin nnd Havana There were M'l H."i' visitors to the Congressional lilirsry in Washln «ton ve:ir. In lxin there were only I ,oo news papers in all Spain, anil to day the number is still mailer I( HIIOMAT ISM t'l'Kßn IN A I»AV. "Mystic Cute" for Kheumntir.m and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito days. Its ncliott upon the system is remarkable nnd mysterious. II removes at once the causes and the ills use iiiinieiHulely ili«- npl ears, 'flic fust dose gteatly 'leuelits; 75 ceiiti.. Sold tiy J. C Keilic, J. I . It'llt>li* litiigifist* lluilei \pr 1. A mau4oleitiu is lo lie built in a eem elery in Milwaukee, lo be the litirial j plaee of the priest of that Catholie diiwese Ho great a nnisanee has the entcrpill er beefimo at llllaire, that thi eitlzens have instituted a prav« r eru sade. Miehigau e.x|ieett lo have the lariresl park in the counlry. The traet in i volved covers 7!1N,3»!0 acres and is lo cated in six counties A Disgusted lior. There wa- a Bc«sne enacted in this ! City last week, which illustrates to a remarkable degree, the wisdom of a well bred horse, and demonstrates that j that noble aniniai -"manV best friend —ha.- a delicate conception of the times of things. Two bipeds, in a -itate of intoxication which increased as the | afternoon wot e away and the number of saloons on their visiting list credited them with one or more calls, were rid- Ilg iu a carriage hitc bed to the horse and all that afternoon the faithtnl ani rnal endured their abase, thongh gath ering indignation an the condition of ■ his master passed into the zone 'of rea son far below his and corresponding to that of a swine It was abont this rime that the ont tit started for Oil City, pa -lng down Smth Park street with the occupants reeling in the carriage -eat At the top of the Grossman ftill "tie of the men Btrnck the faithful animal a blow with: the whip, and the indignation of the! horse boiled over It was the last ; straw With a mighty of i the horse tarted down the hill and pro . ceeded to wreak vengeance upon his | tormentors. With a wild leap he dash- | el onto the bridge and scraped a wheel j from the front axle and dumped one man ont,then jamming the other siie of the bridge he tore off another wheel, j both running into th. creek. -Vt this point the other occupant was hastily . deposit's!. Down the road toward- the , Point mill, the angry animal rushed on - j ward and at the dam. he whirled arontnl J down over the railroad track «and the | remainder of the carriage went over the j bank iu the water, while he leisurely i proceeded t » kick himself free from the j remainder of the harness, piece of j which flew In all directions, and then, as j though conscious of having done his duty, the horse started slowly home ward. it was the most complete wreck of a carriage and hanies< possible, and the remains of the outfit went floating down the stream. Th. worm had turn ed Franklin Citizen Fakes. It might Ih a good idea for the papers j to pass this fellow along, lie Is a swindler and evidently a sharp one. Thus far he has been operating, as a rule, in the agricultural counties, sell ing misfit spectacles for a dollar or two, or, rather collecting that much on every pair sold, then taking them away to adapt them to the wearers and for getting to'come back bnt of course, keeping tho money. The promise Is to return them within forty eight hours, aud by tiiat tiaie. of course, lie has gone. "The '"enlarged portrait" swindler lias been doing some people In Warren Co.. and is probably heading In this direction There are several experts in the game, but the game is the same old trick of agreeing to enlarge a photo- I graph for sl, cash in hand, and then delivering the portrait with an addition al charge of $7 (oy its tinselled frame. The artists, canvassing Warren Co. claim headquarters nt Syracuse, N. Y. HOOD' 3 FILL 3 euro Livor Ills, Bil iousness, lniilgti«tlon, Moadacho. Easy to tako, easy to operate. 25c. Last year lioston expended sUs,B<>2 for the support of drunkards iu the honsefl of correction iu Suffolk county. According to ('roekford's clerical directory, the Church ot Knglaml has ) clergymen, of whom l,!!t»7 are unemployed. The product of the N7 milk con densing factories in the I'nited States last year was worth about SIOfUW»O,. i>r mall nril< innf or ovi rwe 1„»t ami nil lii proinpl ly i ex press eljarKen pre palil. , We have no ni;eiils lo repre ,mit ax. Hi n't nrilors direct ami save money, ROBERT LHWIN 6c CO., 411 Watrjr Street Telephone,'j 179. Pittsburg, Pa, < |i AO. IN put Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. The of horses . -ok! II i.t eluss riss al tti 1 on bftnd And foi hlit li< st ;i«-coriiiiiiMl.Llloiih In town f'»r |>« r»n:i 11 ••11 f I m •: 1 m 1111:' and tran*«l«*if tr:nl«'. Hpcd :il ran- uut« « «l Stable Room For 65 Horses. A ixoiml elans of horse* Imilli drivers and «Ir:»ft 1 m»t .« s alwiiys on liuihl .iiml f ll ' im«l«ili fll 11 |{|ti 111 nt«'« . sillll 1: •»I •«'?» Im»hj.'lll pon proper iioltflr;itfuii l»y PEARSON B. NACE, T« l«-|>lni!i4- 21.» JKEELEY CURE. J f LIQUOR ANI) OPIUM HABITS. f # Romovts all (!«»he a reßßwf! huHh »sl l® nl "i® 0 i Intolloct nn A" R*e! iaMe" MAV | y '»/ J»f»ol1 fn to rnllrlt (itiaiut'M from pr«>p- Z I Z * ity A ▼ W'll kniiwa ficmoii wHlimjc Z a t*» w'-rk,« an makit f mi• Uiy. * "i- X X 1.1 '•* "i» or Mniii-puld w*kly. t'* Z !X; ' v > T < it \ I: I i siM ll ASr. |t«H'l»fntrr,N.V. Z t/9 /7 rf/? '' -v.-. . fr ■ Oft- * n / i IU: . Ui l'l'Sc SOSL'il IHth A vtaue, ! fITTSItfUO, I'A. Sales Must Grow! 0 # Trade Must Flow! We ;-rop>«o to show to the people of this vicinity that despite the err of scarcity of money aud liard times, wc ntQl crovcd our store with pnrch.wrs New Shirt Waist -A great colleetton of all that is ne» j JWoV rtti'! c '.irTish In *.vash vva - ts. Correvtiy maue and [erfeet nttir.j; ; ( 1?/} walste :tt your money batlt. Percn'.e, Madras, Lawn and V K. Yyly Waists. Latest cut. new sleeves, new yokes, new front* tr*** PneH wUIIW I* wt I to the tip-end-of-nothbig. , . , . ! ■ Summer Wash Fabrics re the daintiest of the tXdifrilffilviXil dainty, tlie iightcht .-uki coolost ..f fabrics. Rcgutar >««utte» r- «• ; 'lk.i'lot-, regular iaSC Tt mc] liimities, very slice.-, with tainnte conls, needle >ss** crivini; streo&th and style. Hxijuisitt-lv printed uH and 15c. H plain color lawns witli fancv braid and lace effect «tripe— ioc Q Fine organdies and crrpons -li'iC. ISC and t>c For Skirts and Waists. White V. TC ~ WeTts and ducks ..... r 2 to IS Printed i l . K., Welts and ducks 10c to 25c jA" vl Linen, kotnespun ioe, J2«-. and 15c * yY\_. India Linon aud Victoria Ivawn .Sc to 40c Isv Striped, plaid and fancy white gno -i^ Deuim for skirts—blues, browns and tans 12 't • Linings and Fixings. \ Ev*rymli»g twetMry for the inside as well as the outside . • .. of adm • . ■ 11- VV i i I'ancy waist linings fancy skirt lininys silk, linen ani. ~•_ •. . f cotton linings, canvas, hnircloth.beltiugs. tap.-s,l»rai '. ,j : icket % • \ sets bntlons, bucklas and all kinds of lining- and trimmines. »' -» \ \ • L. fSXEIIN SON, Store Closes at 6 p. m. except Saturday. *A fAiK FftCC MAY PRUVfc A i-Olii- ;>An- MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHC U'3Eli SAPOLIO PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j j 4 T. SCOTT, j ;\ . Attornf.V AT LAW. Office nt No. S. West DiHUiontl St Cut- ! I ler, I'a. VEWTON BUCK, J ATTOKKKV AT LAW* j, Office on South Diamond | 1 — j« Nil oouchkr, 1 • ATTORNUY AT Law. Oftice in Mi cliell building. i LKX RUSSELL, ) A AttornkyJat Law. Offict with Newton lllaek , 1.-<|« South Diamond Street. / 'Ol'LTfiR & BAKKR, V ATTORNKVS at r^AW. Room R , Armory building. JOHN W. COULTER, fj Attoknky aT-I,aw. Wise building, N. Diamond St., liutler, , Special Httention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler: Savings Bank, or liutler County National Rank 1 B. BKKDIN, t) , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 011 Main St. near Court House. [ t T. BLACK, J\ , ATTOBNHY AT LAW. Room J.- Armory building. 1 M. FAINTER, 'l. ArrouNßV at Law. Office between Foatofficc and Diamond n F. L. McOUISTION, V . Civir, ENCINRKR AND SoaVKYOK, Office near Court House. I iR. C. AT WELL, 1' office io6 W Diamond St., [Dr. Graham's old office. J IlOUia 7 to 9a. in and 7 lo 3 aud 7 to 8 p m. \lf 11. RROWN, IT 1 IIOMOHOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SUROHON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P, O. Night calls at office. OAMUKLM. BIFFUS, jj Physician and Surokon 200 West Cunningham St. 1 BLACK, 1,, physician and Scroj'.on- New Trout man Building, Butler l'a. it M. ZIMKBRMAN VI. Physician and Subokon Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. OR. N. M. HOOVER. 137 K. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m, nW WICK, . Dentist. lias locat d in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work lIU J. E, FAULK, I ' DItNTIST, Painless extraction- -No (las Crown and lirldge work a specialty. Offico — Room No. j. new Itiekel bulld i"K. I J. DONALDSON, ft . DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest 1 Improved plan. Cold Fillings u sjiec- , laity. Office oyer Mllcr's Shoe Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, DknTist. (Void Fillings Painless Extraction of 1 Teeth and Artlfichil Teeth without plates I a siiecialty,Nitrous < )xide or Vltali/ed Air ' or L'>cal nu'sthetics uscl. Oflice over Millera grocery, east of bow ; ry house. I kK. W. I*. McILROY, I " IHCNTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless . l'ali»less Extractor of Teeth." Located I |icruianeutly at 111 liast JelTerson St., I Oppojitu Hotel Lowry, liutler. Will do I dentlal operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date nielhods? j MR. CHAS. R. 11. HI NT, Physician and Si'k«'.K'>n. Eye, car, nose and throat a specialty. 340 South Main St. \T MCALPIN. T • DKNTIST, Now permanently iti Itiekel Building, with a reliable assistant, anil facilities for best and prompt work. People's Phone for Drs. V. or J. Mc- A1lii 11 House No. 330; office No. 3411 1 Now is The Time to Have Y< >li 1* Cot hii{j£ OFiKANKD or DYED ! Ifyoti want ;,<» C 'fill,' irfivouun | Ijßyt .Wc do line work in <>nt- Jour I'hotoj.jraplis. 1 liis is the j time of year to have a jiicture < »t your house. Give us a trial. Age tit for the .lnii.oHtown Sli'li'iir blind t' i. New York. a. FISHER & SON. COURSES. I —Practical Book-keepers. 2 Fxpert Accountants. 3 Amanuensis Shorthand 4—Reporters Shorthand. s—English 1 6 Tlie Languages. Branches Taught. Ilook-keening,single and double entry. I business writing, business spelling, busi- I ness business arithmetic, com | merc'al law, lightning calculations, busi ness correspondence, business forms and customs, detection of counterfeit money and fraudulent notes shorthand, type writing, dictation, sjHud work, reporting expedients, duplicating, actual corre*- jvndence in the college oflice, reading, writing, arithmetic, sjielling. trramninr geogragliy, history, Latin, Herman. Greek, Hebrew, Civil Government. Descriptive Economics. Fall term begins Sept 1, Write for descriptive circulats, catalogue, etc. Our reference are: Hon. Judge Greer, lion. Joseph Ilartmau, Win. CuitiplieH, Jr., John Berg, Andrew llrymer, etc., etc , and a large number of worthy graduateH who are tilling rtsjionslble jiositious. All language work will t>e under the illrection of Rev. Chan. Glat/ert, ifter May Ist Address AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY By means of the Kodak lias reached,the perfect stage. So simple that a child can operate it and the prices within the reach of everyone. We keep the largest and most Complete line In town of Photo Supplies jitid lite only genuine Hastman Kodak, Dry Plates, Films, Develop ing Powders, Chemical*, Trays, Mounts, Printing I'raines, Printing Pa pers, Flash Powders, Albums, and all kinds of supplies at DOUGLASS BOOK STORK. Near.P O IVoplesJl'h mct6i 'is one DniLAß:',:.r, . et ll . ..l>< . : <>> c»l' HLIMMiia HUI t .li'.it ui,!*i r, r . it-lit • Tills «i ,*« l« rlw No. •. o»mi i« |. 1 ,11. tr.pll. •-•xi'tl liuMln fr.,mb~t I'lic lri.n. 1„,L." II'I'H, li.»v» r .»«r«. Ik-iiij llnliui* M><» Kr«l'». iiPltrir.irnty tin llii.r'l Ot.ll if.'or, lu»n.l«. m» M. kol i lnl. 'l i,iliiii.i..ntiiU"liii ami trlininluif", initfO dei., ireihlliiii hta»4Uh |raf«rUla ll»« < rwnrif, lift lit! .111. Ii rv" ..I r. iui. »•••»=«• Ilr*l r«.»l kMfU'r ••4*. ■»» I *». r irjit»-h »KKK it 11 . *tr» wikml iftuU-, inuMiijr II « J*r I#-, t ««-»<« 1-rrt.r. WKlssU % HI MHWI tj« Alt ifTkK »t||l, rvory •«<•*»» «n«l ifuanmO*** M.f*» ilrll t-» y«»ur r«i! • ..fillStation. Y«oir | «b««»r woulil yon f" ** I. r riirli m ntuve. tl«t« fM-U'bt In only •howl •> '«» » I I, V..11.•« A*Mn*m !>t AR3, ROERUCK St CO.!I»0 1 CHICAI'U, IU (Pemn, H»rb*rk ACt. krv imlUitl*. lutttnr.) TIRES Repaired and made as good as now at White, Waller & Go's •=£==3;. Bicycle and Supply Depot, Corner Main St. and Diamond, Butler, Pa With on. new Vuleaiilter w> i ;ni repair any cut or tiiinrtiire Inatlr.', »|lfi pure au:u. »»'l iiialiK It Htroiißer tlnui iHifnre W.i n pair nil parts nf bleyeli'«. sujiplv new partial rottaoiiai.!.' Ivn are llu clienpest plaee In' town, lie vinilersoltl We have neveiiteen wli.s ln fur / sale nt lmrK»lii prices inßOP^x» I I p tin* IV.iplc s ************ Phone and W. li. McQIiARY'S new wagon, running to and from lii-. Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your honae, take away your dirty carjiels aud leturn them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a suumici morning Carpets, and curtains thoroughly cleatieo 011 short notice. How Do You Do I When yon Imy a new suit? Hend to I < Chicago and get one of the lilt or nils* sight and His'ii kiuilt onsible aisseinbfer tells you it is high grade and best on earth. We ar.' making special prices on our pres ent stock of wheels and they are all 1 made by responsilde manufacturers who will stand back of their guanint.s< unil furnlah pari- on short notice Call and s«-e th.'sc baritnln". I EVANS SON Cor. Wayne and McKeon, FG6S FOR HATCHING kw few Buff Leghorns, Buff and Barred Plymouth Rocks One dollar for fifteen. HOWARD W. EDMONDS, Annandale, N. J. 'Subscribe mr tl.e ClTiciN )POOOOOPOPPOOPOOOOOOOOOOOO< i Summer I\'l 'I > Summer o Millinery *—*• * • ■ » Millinery j The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. * SUMMER SALE The popular R>>ugh Rfdcr Ifat.LactteV an.i Misses Trffrfjjf Hats. Walking Hats, Sailor flats. Ladies' am! MissrV StrawV Sailor Hats. Laities nil Misses Rf.u.h and ReaU> S-. • t O Elegant Assortment of Trimmed Hornets and Hats O All the ucatM shape* an<* style* i« to !* fo«w! *t our stotr At very lowest prices Mourning Coods Always on Hand A 122 S. Main St Q J Pape. BUTIER " x !000000000000000000000000*9 SEND NO MONEY ! 7 ! 1 4 " MiVi ; H ■tAlt i|3»f«lUtlT M*3 ;l 1 . I f .tu l r~UrV' 14 r*ear *au*»t « i J[ K-4 mm! »• I a,Ma. I M *** M MH 1*». w I luuiu TtM itia at AH* e*. psi - - «* • 91 J« jv « 04*fc IT TXftCC MOWTHr TRIAL S fo« »*r. t. V^StSC^T^HBv Of ( r-fcm I -r fk: M»v-v T •>« •r- n* mg t*~+< «Om Mi I'iln 0* <*«*•« larttaai a* |a.«A Ita to, ill «. A a M aH falls »>a*r*r« I* o%r Vm ia«>w \ fl 5»5.ft0 fcr «M» DROP DtSI OABIHET BURD4CK fl J) ■ - U t-.a frf»to«t v of«f anfbousf fly ¥ ■ &BI I BEWARE OF IMITATION? '.Vr*^& , IJBU * vrrttsmanCa, oiwln «•*»••» »n >f t art >aa bwb«« ar.t* Ty J OMO varw-n* ind'H^ait-WH*# ta » Hin» m 4 hw» »%a a#- (V _,• BBklUlUr 4XO U*U UN MIT. AM ~T I * » THE BURDICK *ll . = 'uci axmn sam. «rr» ni i» *2£Hxi--" >•>- Onu-ISOMIOI 11 \tr» n\ -I N» n» >t «%kk.n i* tirilrt. I —* "I nv« rainr«r i\rrun ' f«" hi' »* SOLID - " / .*. "* • «w * « •»•«-• ••»• •>•"» i • w» • ! *"■"«■ *••■• !»*• Mmm *»■». **-.. l. t m t . - K««oWW : •>—»»•* > J? fllvP Ila UIV '"«»>■ IW» W>#Nn »'--V-* «!;».•»»> - lw»e H*> ■" »'W * ® 4 J 111 B - •>. t brr- •»ir lli' lAl" I _ I Ual "Tfct. »ln( crtrtU «v - • #•1 EMI #V\J !«*. h. aatyswraarmn a t >»» rm* »■ i - *»■•» A ; >VIAtJ f-MlA'rfVK COSTS TOO - fw '•«,». «m ik. lij.mi »» »«r« mwifi m i.i»<»t ( HUI r»»fs w»» -» « .- ' AMrm. SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. Inc. Chtcaeo. ll*., WHV DOES £k Farmer Add Phosphates To His Rarm. To ai>l «n-l stimamte nature Thf hwiun •. i* jirtl i!w -am>' «* f:»rtii nature «l times DCi-'ls hcl|>. Kifcl titer-- I- a"*!!"!!; tha* little kooi! Khiakejr U> t>»ne up a run- -fr»t»i;fj l>riiiK »>ack •••iLatity. ai».l t.» make a m"*ti f«el thai life m lljii* after all. All wbmln we ipwl, bat mm arc heller .rfhei We tell ontv the t«e*t, anal pnranlf tbetn t.» t* akaßlutriy pare. »r i '-r - t'nmi all impurities. I It-re are «i>m«- of oar j»ric*s Anchor Ryo. a whiskey for the Cabinet Rye can't be beat $3.00 a sfa' Bo.n Creek Rye. a very fine whiskey . $4.00 a gal Gin. Rum, Kummcl. Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per p I. We have some very fine California wine* of i vintage I'ort, Sherry uifl Angelica at f j.uuprr They •> of ly nii'l of exi|uLsite flavor. Kememlrer that we pay esprcasnge «»a all of f<«» ainl over except where a trimfer is ili'Ct try from tmf lUprcvi Cntnpsajr t<» am>ther, wilieo we par j-oint of liiMtr. MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors. 82 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY- PA Send for catalogue and ptlcc list, mailed free SEND US OWE DOLLAR . t >f ihi% • i - • »i* 11 iinufrw «(•» ftkioi iikm* •» i».. —M—t •• 31- » ' • vtaatiiathMi. %•■«! «i ••*»• P »♦ »• «•" t fwk'M •• t, w."""'' %-»" \s » ati'iir ) flr.iu • i.%!t-- k -an« t»«.( r. fnii «t <»r/a»w a«l« ««rt - I » at in ram s»t wj 1 PfVI SHHM||Pfl|VI', thv frrlirht ait- nf «ur lal HO •!•.»•* •ITrf |»rl.-r, S 11.73. * |UB)M| Hv" S3!. 75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' MICE -- ■ 8 |HF \ rA **u< l« wit iifrf r «• ••<' !••*«». t '- *' 'miiwn! .V utfN s' flßnl lai>ni(rj4«ip|-ara:>' fr..:w «IM «• aHr» -«». al *a yjir V - *** XF PBaivfA - »#■ { Uttqh'•-»|.|« MI» le ll* o- , .at* » ..fv II i'^i I'riw4p • 1 . /AhIH ' '•• ll.lrl. . v • ■■ rAa )M •« I a Zt t« Kl«* n- ♦i«f <« cw«-i.. f. * - % ' H..(1 ael-flvua Krr4*. llll' II Ml Ul M - 1 m » _ P'HT J ' * s It , i iMlherf. «tr.,lrt>llo«ra v»f th«-ttral rvMi r » j»h V*i | hall-.--p|«m a urt.l flm-t I*atli«r In valvw 111 - I \i Ml Ol I IN la I plat« »rtwh mirror u»« k • | uu.l |asl»l fmmra. I" f-»»la fr»* m b«»-t Mia* artin a*4 Ik* b#*l•!*»» la.'railU kw.*k >*Mli»"<. tuauV a wrltt»-ji l.|n.tltiK 2%\< ar if.i4jant.-, I.y Ihw i| term* ainl < .n«lttt«»ii* "I » til. l« tr .tijr i*r: *l* • -ui .■TOii . Pf Mf rfiwlt It In i .irKharce. fry It «•• . . ithau-1 WBE^CSri!!y^& a-, wrtl rrfutiil j «ttr in n»»y If > - an n«>t |» •f. . «'»l y. _ pros|ierity of the American i'loplc ha- won f«>r it m.» ,V_Mtv friemla tut tile jretn rollcil l>> an.l th«- ori(tnal VWfW:'- "> of it-, fatmlv patseil to their rewar.l. ami r«lm»rer» rr«- toy a! ami stcHillant t«»!a\. with faith in ■'• !n>. .. ■ I JT*" "* * oiiilideni oi the information which >1 I rnu- thm -. ••> _jy- - ' As a natural con-M -jiielice it eii|.. .. in its xl>l .ut i'! the r»»greasive Americans It i "The New-York Weekly I'iihune," e.i il■•■ ,i«ntnr over tl - le.i.lui>; National l'a'nily New-paper. it--, value to those whn ilestiv ..II I|m uewx .f the Si e- . iN iti '■ the publisher of "The CtTt/.KN" your own favorit' h'.ni< *a; . r 1 • an alliance with I 'The New York Weekly Tri'»un« '' which enable him ••> »• i • ■ '• hotk papers at the trillinj; cost rh.x»l, tli< -loinj;-. iMi hi friervl*. Ilii «-on.'-t .. ami pn>sj>eeUi for illlTereut erops, the mirts in home n ik,.*;. i t t i wetkly visitor which Nhoiihl 'n- fotiml in < very wi.le a-vale.-.rogrewi f • :i!\ |nst think of Itl IS.ith >f th- - • |>apers for ..nly f i y.K mw Send'all subjcriutiona to IHE CITIZEN Outlet Pa. •» v "-B -<* . * .%'■.» .-»va<% -Jr .S jr *£7 pljftl Driving LMiilc«r •hlt< llfht. V f ''-'•I \Y IT burna kfruMftc i a. »%it .r ' v SPRCIAL OPITR. cut THIS ADVI uriseMi vr oit fc&i ,yr E 4• ■ i ■ .in ■ and *rniS It to u« '. a# * . . ! ■V, 'XT#! ~r y lie Kill m£ am !am|' 3 ~ r Vk C- '* \ ' 1- 0 a l»«ir at our vnolital* prkc (wy Much Im than tfce retail p f k«> | r j J+ d k. r. OIRTZ COMPANY. Ao I al/ht St.. New York. * * ieM>r Subcribc for the CITIZLN