Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 08, 1899, Image 3

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THURSDY, Jt'NK 8, xS99.
\OTF.-All *dvortl rs lnt«u«JlDjr to
haneM In th«-lr .nii s.-mld in>Ufy u.-»
<»«• r Intrntl *n to <i- » n ' lalrr thau» M«»n
iay sornloz.
Anditor's Notice. Estate of C. D
Report of Clinton twp school board
Caiubell & Templettm's June Salt-
Hn.«el ton's Shoes •
Patterson s Wall Paper
The Surprise Store 's Clothing
Dining Room Girls Wanted at Exp >
sition Hot» l
Agents Wanted.
Farui for Sale.
Findley's Photoe
Evans' Bikes.
Timber Wanted
Professional Cards. A T Scott. Att y.
and Dr. Kottraba, dentist
AdnlniMin in anil Kie-itor- >.f esta'cs
•»«i secure their recelp* boo'.-, at the CITI
KN ..tli • an.l perf.ns i.-jkiug politic sa •>
ih -ir note Iwuki.
- Debghtful weather
—Jane —the month of roses.
—Vegetation is on the jump
—Garden.-* are growing nicely
—The bicycle business is booming.
The late mins came when needed
—Antiseptic Barbering is the latest
—"Good rains, arid things looking np
Butler should have a Union Passeri
ger Station
—The annual family reunion* are be
ginning to be held
—The roads of Butler County got
worked last week
—The cut in tie- school appropriation
will not affect it this year.
Johny Wiseman's aggregation of won
ders will be here tomorrow
-Two-cent letter postage began July
Ist I** - ;, or fourteen years ago.
-One-third of the people who go mad
are said to recover their senses.
—The corn is getting "worked'' this
week, and it is growing very fast.
—Bas ' ball does not catch on here
this season. Everybody too busy.
—The Bntler market is fnll of nice
gtraw berries. now selling at U for 25.
—Odd things hapjten in politics- -
there is bnt one vote between Sutton
and Eichert
—Jos Grahams silo was struck by
lighting a few days ago. and also a
week before that.
—A Cleveland jury has decided th«t
11 o'clock in an late a* a young inan
should court a girl
—We may not admit that clothes
make the man. jet there are many who
owe ninch to the tailor.
All of our borough school teachers
of the past year are nnderstoood to be
applicants for re-election.
—A win of Asa Campbell, the Petro
lia butcher, last week shot a black
snake six and a half feet long
—The fisherman goes on the principle
that the fish that bite and get away are
liable to get hooked another day.
—Monday June 5, was just forty
years from the great June frost which
killed all the grain of that year 1850.
—The "Bessie" has changed its time
table. Both trains north leave earlier
than heretofore 9-15 A M and 5:15 P.
Th • Butler School Board will meet
on the 12th. next Monday, for the pur
pose of selecting teachers for the next
—Stindiy, June 11. will he Children's
Day, and preparations are ls-.ng made
for its observance in some of the
-Twenty-five t/.on sand tons of ore
were hauled from (Tonneaut Harbor to
the Carnegie fact-nriei, over the "Bessie"
last Sunday-.
—Bntler is to have a glorious Fourth.
Some of the young men of the town are
to meet this evening to make arrange
ments for the parade.
-A Frenchman asserts that if the
world was birdless man could not in
habit if after years' time, as insects
would destroy all verdure
The mercery got np into the nineties
last Monday and it seemed exceedingly
hot Prostrations from heat were re
ported from all ti.e larger towns
At the meeting of Council, Friday
evening, it was decided to allow the
boys to shoot crackers etc. Jrom Friday
Jun<- :si)th to Wednesday July -:th.
- Two Springdale men tr.vb.-d V'ves
last Monday night Then they got to
fighting, the two women joined in, and
next day some of the crowd were iu
, —We get the pointer from an ex
change whose editor doubtless knows
all nbont it, that if yon want to kins a
girl in a quiet spot, don't select her
—There will l>« a public sale on Tues
day, June l<sth. at 1 p. rn , at Mrs Lew
Cochran's on Fulton St..Bntler House
hold goods, buggy harness. carj>e»ter
tools, etc.
—The crop of locust blossoms is un
usnally abundant, and that is said to
angnr a big corn crop, though what the
connection l»otwe*n the two is we leave
for the wiseacres to say.
The Evans brass factory and ma
chine shop on 8. McKeanSt., is to bo
enlarged, as the firm wishes to engage
extensively in the manufacture of the
Eyaris Gas-engine. C A Temple ton
has purchased an interest in the plant.
—A teacher in a Sunday school recent
ly 'railed a boy to the floor to scold him
for stealing bird's eggs. She cited an
instance when she had caught him at it
and said that no donbt the jioor mother
bird was grieving yet. "No she isn't,'
said the boy, "she's on your hat.''
Cjnite a number of Bntler county
people took in the New Castle Fair,
Tuesday, and among them D L. Kirk
patrick and wife of Renfrew. Just as
they stepped of the cars at the New
Cnstle station they wero jostled by three
men and a very handsomely dress«Hl
woman , and shortly nfter Mr. Kirkpat
rick noticed that his l*»cket-book con
taining SSO in cash and some valuable
papers, was g >ne. He went to the
police station and gave a description of
the parties the jiollce telephoned to
Pitt* burg and learned that Mollie Mo
ran. a noted crxik was in New Castle,
and shortly after arrested her on the
•trcets Mollie denied the robbery but
lather than be detained gave up sso.
The men got away. Mr Kirk patrick
wired to the banks interested in the
to stop |Miyment
They settled their differences in j
Sew Castle. yesterday by potting "Lit- j
tie Egypt in long skirts.
There is some talk of organizing a
tax payers Association in Butler and I
taking «nt a charter under the Act of
The new schedule for the "narrow •
gnage sends the trains north at 9 15 A. ;
M and "> >'P M They arrive at 945 '<
A. M and 5:00 P M
The College nnd Academy "Coin-j
■lenceiuents will take place dnnng th<- ;
last week of this month. At West Sun- j
bury there is to be a great debate on the (
Philippine question.
—Someday the nn-uspecting citizens
of Petrolia will wake up and find a big
health resort hotel built up around the
heavy mineral spring just north of the
town and running full blast.
- The quarterly meeting of the Odon
tological Society of Western Pennsyl
vania. will meet in Butler next Tnesday
the loth. The papers will be read and
the discussions held at the . Willard 1
Hotel, and th*- clinics at Dr. Jackson - !
—During a storm last Tnesday the
Butler Gas Cos. pumping station at
Delano was struck by lightning and
destroyed by fire a rig on the Law
place was struck and damaged, aud a
fanner of that neighborhood had four
cows killed
The merchants oi Butler county are
requested by Treasurer Harper to come
forward, with money iu their pocketiv
airl pay their mercantile tax»-s due
June Ist 1 **oo. If yon send seme by
mail please put 2-ont revenue stamp
on check and enclose 2-cent postage
stamp for receipt.
During a storm in Harmony a few
days ago some people gathered hail
stones und made ice cream The
' stones'' are described as having been
about the size of walnuts, while an
Emlenton rnin in town last week said
some fell there lately larger than hen
eggs, but not as big as goose eggs
Petrolia has a small but lively li
cense war on hands, J A Byers of the
Central House has applied for a license
and immediately strong opposition devel
oped. in which itev Lavely took the
lead Thursday and Friday evenings
of last week Rev Vilbert, the Boston
evangelist who was in Butler last
winter, addressed open air meetings in
the interest of the temperance cause in
general and the granting of license in
Petrolia in particular.
I >«> ing • of J 'o i ucil
At the meeting of Council, Tnesday
evening, the tax mileage for this year
was fixed at 13.
The proposition to tax telephone I
and telegra;<h poles in the lx>ro, 50cents t
a year for poles on the streets and &>
cents a year for poles on the alleys •
brought on a lively wrangle, bnt the •'
measure carried by a 10 to 1 vote. (]
The locations of the twenty-nine new
nine new street lights wan decided up '
on and Bntler will soon have eighty
street lights in all •
1:11« I of Commencement. '
The Ninth Grade Commencement ex <
ercises were held in the Park Thursday ''
afternoon. The program was very '
good and very well rendered. There
wert fifteen boys and twenty-three j
girls in the class. Their names are ,
Kena M Armstrong, Nellie P Balph ,
Hosea W Beighley. PlnmmerH Heigh ,
lev David L Billingsley, David C. |
Black, Mary J. Balford, Ella P. ('amp j
bell, Juliet E Camp)>eil, Mabel Camp <
bell, C. Linn Colbert, Will A. Copley, j
Albert F, Eisler. Lena P Frasier Dora :
8 Graham, Albert H. Keck. S. Orville
Kennedy. Josephine M. Leidecker.
Edith A Lewis. Arthur If. Lnsk. Agne* '
C. Manny, Annie M Marshall. Laura '
B Maxler, Addie M Miller, Charles II <
Nigh, Lee F. O'Connor. Stanley G. C !
Reil>er Jean W ltoessing, Merril C. <
Rnsael, John M. Bhrader. Bertha L. 1
Huiith, Alberta L Stein. Lncile H. ;
Walker, Estella (i Wright. A Mabel I
Graham Katheryn f. Williamson ■
Gertrude c Young, and Gertrude A 1
Frank Niggle was thrown from his
bicycle and badly hurt the other night
He colidod with a pile of flagstone.
John Bnpp of Lancaster twp. had a
leg smashed a few days ago, by the up
setting of a load of logs upon which he
was riding.
While working on the roof of the
Troutman building last Friday J. T.
Elliott stepped on an electric wire and
was stunned but not hurt
Thomas Collins wu drowned in the
Monogahala river last Saturday He
was is years of age, and his parents art!
said to reside in this county.
John Dnuii of near VVhitestown who
was injnied by the bursting of the boil
er at John Stewart's saw mill. l'>cated
on the James Welsh or old Kirker farm,
on Mouday of last week, died on the fol
lowing Wednesday Dnnn was hauling
logs from the woods at the time, and
stopped at (he Isjiler to talk to the fire
1 man Tom Martin, shortly before the ex
plosion occurred It was an old, patch
ed up boiler, and it was the water or
ultld foot, the part .inst beneath the
fire box that gave way. and the pres
sure on the boiler must have been more
than the gnage showed for the force of
out rushing water and steam was trc
-1 mendous a hole was dug in the ground
k and both men were thrown back several
• rods while the ixiiler went flying the
other direction. Dunn probably rec.eiv
ed internal injuries which caused his
death; while Martin was doubled up.
and went rolling over the ground till he
struck a pile of logs, when he got up
and wildly. Dunnwii? »
r son of Andy Dunn, and was marri ed to
a danghter of William Cable.
Wheat. wholesale price 05&70
, By®. "It
Oats, " HI
Corn, " : 38
Hay, " ».«»
Eggs. " 10
> Butter, "12
0 Potatoes. "00
„ Turnips *' 40
Green onions per doz I 5
1 Rhubarb per doz 20
i. Lettuce per lt> 5
Spinnach. jx-r bn 50
'- Radishes. |*t doz bunches !15
n Goosberries jkm i|t 07
u Strawberries per qt * 08
Flour retails at fl.oOwf 1.25
Where Tenrisls Will Find IH\
Humphrey'a Specifics.
England, n:i Mortimer St., London
„ France, Rue Etienne Marcel. Paris
J Avenue Masaena. Nice 18 Place du
r ' Palais de Justice. Reims.
i- Belguim, 58 Rue de la Montague,
ia Brussels.
w Portugal, 114 Rua de Arsenal. Lisbon.
150 Praca I). Pedro Oporto,
linizil, !JRua Gonnalvea Dias, Rio.
*1 Argentine, 140 Calle Florida. Bnenas
t Ay res
Canada, |s:t St. Paul St . Montreal,
and in every City. Town and Hamlet
in the United States and < 'anada and
ie in Mexico. Central America and the
nf West Indies Cut this out and save for
to reference S[>ecilic No 20 Cures Sea
Sickness. At druggists. .»r sent prepaid,
°' 25c and *l .00. Humphreys' Medicine
e, Co., Cor William tV John Sts , New
iir York
ul ! WANTED At Exposition Hotel.
I Conneant Lake. Dining-rooin Girls,
i'k < liauibcrmalds and Laundry Coin
j mencing June :M. Good Prices.
| F M I*S:kwo«>l>.
Exisisition Pa.
1 Brother Blymiller owns a red fox.
Mrs. Jacob Koch ami her son Burton
of Elora. were in town, last ween
i Mioses Marv and Eleanor Graham ami
Elia Coulter are visiting in McKeesport. ,
! Pa
I Mrs S Miller, of Ma'narg PO. wi-h- ,
]es to secure a few canvassers Sec
I card.
A Bntler school boy wants a place on
i a fann thi- *um mer Inquire at this j
j office.
David LefevTe and wile, of Middk
{ sex twp.. di<l «>mo shopping in Bntler, j
! Friday I
' A. T Scott. Es<i has resumed the •
practice of law at No. h South I>iamond |
St. See card.
Mrs R S Campbell, of Fairview
twp.. is the of Mrs Phillip Daub
enspeck. of Centre Ave.
Dr. W. R Cowden. of Renfrew, who
ha* been yery seriously ill with kidney
trouble, is very much improved.
<>. W. Stoughton, ot Evans City. a:
tended the meetiug of the Stat" Agri
cultural Society, at Bloonisburg, la-t
i week
I Peter Rattigau of the Herald has
j moyed from Millerstown and isoectii>y
! ;ng the Origen McCandlesa house on W
| Pearl St
E. B Silliman of Earn* City has
been granted a pension of ?■*. and .Tas.
F. McKee of Prospect an increase from
$6 to sl*.
John Keefers home HI Bntler t-.vp
was the scene of a family reunion, last
Thursday Some two hundred people
were present
Miss Alberta Cronenwettis a member
of the graduating class of Grove ( ity
College Their commencement exercis
es are to be held next week
Rev Zimmerman, one of the dele
gates to the Synod held here last week,
can speak Spanish. He was Consul r«t
Santiago for some months
The following persons have jnst en
rolled at the Butler Business College
Miss Juliet Wheeler Petrolia and Mr
Charles Ervin. Delano Station.
Peter Fennell Esq . the patriotic
patriarch, of Clearfield twp.. served on
the jury for the May term of three
weeks, and stood it like a veteran
F. M Lock wood, proprietor of the
Exposition Hotel, at Conneaut Lake,
wishes to employ some diningrooui
girls, chamber maids, etc. See card.
Samuel Hendrickson. of Virginia,
visited his parents. M A. Hendric.kson
and wife, of Cranberry twp . last week
A reunion was held at the old home, a
few days ago.
W. B McCandless. the wellknown
sewing machine agent of Unionville,
and Mary E.. daughter of John S
< ampbell. of Concord t« p.. were mar
ried Tuesday.
Walter Ziegler received a letter from
bis father, Geo. W. Ziegler in which
the latter announced his intentions to
star in Los Angeles. Cal. and resign
office as < iverseer of Poor of Butler
W. 11. Hodgkinson, Butler's ex-base
ball pitcher, and now a tailor in New
Castle, and Miss L. < >nlla daughter of
Paul Lambert of Race street, were
married At the bride s home. Tuesday
Rev H. O. Mac Donald of Dawson,
Fayette Co.. and Miss Orrie P. Harper,
a half sister of James Hutchinson Esq.
of Butler, were married at the resilience
of Rev. E P Harper at Saxon Station,
yesterday. Kev Harper and Rev
Rodgers, of Allegheny, officiated
Dr. Kottraba, the dentist, hns had
charge of the Dr. JchnHton dental office
for the past four years, and is well
known to many of our j>eople. His
work speaks for itself. He has pur
chased the office and will hereafter con
duct it for himself and solicits a share
of your patronage See card.
Among the ministers attending the
English Lutheran Conference here last
week was Rev. Frederick Bower, who
was educated at Thiel College and was
in the class of I**4. in which was the
late Lnther Neg ley. deceased Rev.
Bower is now stationed at Lunenl>erg
Nova Scotia. He preached in the First
Presbyterian church on Sunday morn
ing last
Lon. Rnssell was in Chicago this week
to discover the whereabouts of his
brother Dr. E. A. The Dr went to
Chicago in February to take a post
graduate course at the college there,
came back to Bntler in March to attend
hi* brother's funeral, returned to Chica
go in April, and had not l»een heard
from since April -Oth Lon found him
attending a lecture.
Rev. Howard McMichael of the IT.
P. Church of Scroggsfield, Ohio, and
Miss Madge Shira who has taught the
primary grade of the McKean street
school for some years past with unusual
a access, are to !<<• married t'slay at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs Saiu'l
Shira in Washington twp. The groom
is a son of Japhia McMichael of Euclid
A numlier of relatives and friends will
present at the ceremony.
Rev John A. Waters, ot Fayette
county, and son of Rev Asa II Waters,
was among those attending the Con
ference of the English Lutheran Church
of this place, last week, and while here
took occasion to take a Kodack picture,
of the CITIKKN ■ >ffice. His father lived
In what is now the CITIZKN < iffi'-e. in
about IHVi, and Rev John A. first saw
the light of day in the same, hence the
taking of the picture. Rev. John is
now the Superintendent of the Soldier s
Orphans School, at Jumonville, Fay
ette Co.. Pa succeeding his father in
that office
Stover and Cubbison's l>arl>ei shop on
Centre Ave. near the bridge was parti
ally destroyed by fire last Thursday
night The room became full of gas
from a leaky pipe and took fire from a
lamp left burning and exploded. The
loss is partially covered by insurance
An alarm was sounded for a fire in
the haymow of John Milheim s barn,
rear of W North St. Monday afternoon.
It was extinguished without turning
the water through the hose, damage
The l'cnn>\lvaniii Itailroari IH!H»
Summer Kxctirniou ICoiite
On June l the Passenger Department
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will publish the IS'.i'j edition of its Sum
mer Excursion Route Book. Thiswo r k
is designed to provide the public with
short descriptive notes of the principal
Summer resorts of Eastern America,
with the routos for reaching them, and
the rates of fare. It contains all the
principal seashore and mountain resorts
of the east, and over fifteen hundred
different rontes or combinations of
rontes for reaching them. The liook
has been compiled with the utmost care
and altogether is the most complete and
comprehensive handliook of Summer
travel ever offered to the public.
It is bound in handsome and striking
cover, in colors, and contains several
maps, presenting the exact rontes over
which tickets are sold. It is also pro
fusely illustrated with fine half tone
cuts of scenery at the various resortn
and along the lines of the Pennsylvania
On and after June 1 it may be pro
cured at any Pennsylvania Railroad
ticket office at the nominal price of ten
cents, or. UJKIII application to the gen
eral office. Broad Street Station, by
mail for twenty cents
Convention National Ktlncational
Association, Ivos Angeles Cal.
For the National Educational Asso
elation Convention, to In- held at Lo>
Angeles, Cal . July 11 to 11, the Perm
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets via direct routes from
points on its line, to Los Angeles. Cal
and return, at rate of single fare for tin
round trio plus £I.OO membership fee
These tickets will lie sold, good icoirig
June 24 to July 7, and, when stamtKs
by Joint Agent at Angeles, good t<
return, arriving at final destination
until Septeml»er ">
For further information apply t<
Ticket Agents.
New, four-room house for wile In
(pure at this office
H J Billingsly by his father and
next friend G. A Billiugsly vs Plnm
' mer Tiinblin and Henry Bickel.replevin
for a gray horse valned at S4O.
On jietition of John and Alexander
Blaine the following viewers were ap- j
i pointed t«j assess damages done to the ;
plaintiffs' land in Centre two by the •
j of the P. B. &L. E R R John j
Halstead John W Powell. Benjamin
■ I)' uthett. John B Dodds. Robt Krauze.
1 M H Byerly. and J M Crookshanks j
Rial V Wheeler, of Bntler has filed j
1 a petition for divorce from his wife ;
I Lurancy. They have been separated !
1 since 1?%. and desertion is the cause ;
assigned for divorce
The as-umpsit suit of Michael Kelly j 1
vs J & S Alwine was tried Friday j
and a verdict given for the deft ■ ■
A verdict for the deft was returned | ;
in the suit of Thomas Robinson v- the •
Penn'a R R Co. for damages
The trial ot the ejectment suit of 1 !
Hezikiah Covert vs the H. A: \V By :
Co. was continued by agreement to 1 1
Sept. 14 i
The ejectment suit of the P. W. Rv ■
Co. vs the Bntler L H te M Co. was
also continued . also the assumpsit suit j
of Ajax Iron Works vs A W. & C. M. 1
Root also that of Ed Roach vs H F.
Eicholtz. also that of M Thomson vs j
Chas Elsenrath. also that of W Barr I
v- J J. Kearns
The replevin suit of Annie Walker vs
A M Cornelius, ex r. of D. A Renfrew
has been settled. also the suit of Peter :
Barto vs A. J. Spronl.
The assumpsit suit of Margt Porter
vs M. 11. Byerly was fixed for trial
Sept. 14.
Joseph Crawford has been appointed
auditor of Allegheny township vice
Newton Laughlin who moved from the
W. A Fleming Esq has been ap
pointed lnirgess of Petrolia
On petition of Laura C. Eckmnn.
mother, Alfred B. Croup was apjtointed
guardian of Merril L Eckman, aged
seven years.
In the assumpsit snit of John M. A'
W (' Thompson vs the executors of
John Kiester, dee d . of Slipi>eryrock
twp , a verdict was entered in favor of
the plfs for $1550 by agreement of the
The auditors report of the poor dis""
trict of Bntler borough for l»0b 0 has
been filed. It shows that Tres Harvey
M iller received $0463.49 from Tax Col
lector J. S Jack, and smaller amounts
from other sources, making a total of
$7«29.3"» The total expenditures for
the year were sH2B<j.9s, making $' >57 On
dne"Tresis. Miller from the borongli.
(»n March 111. 1890. there were out
standing warrants amounting to
The will of Jane Marshall, dee d., of
Forward twp. has been probated, with
Lavina C and Robt J Marshall as
Letters of administration 011 the
estate of Lewis M Cochran dee d , of
Bntler have been granted to Mina
Half a dozen Buffalo township men ,
went to Warren. Pa. last week to
identify a post office thief, under arrest
there, but they did not know him.
L. M. Wise, Esq.. reported Monday
that the commission apjtointed on
Casper Gerlach found him insane, and
E. M Perriue was appointed committee
of Gerlach s estate.
License Court will be held Monday,
June 10. Motion Court. Saturday July
15. after which there will be no Conrt
until the Septemlier (Quarter Sessions
Minnie Cohen, the yonng lady born
in Jerusalem and persecuted by the
Jews, was released Monday upon enter
ing her own recognizance in SSOO to ap
pear at the Septemlwr Court or sooner
if wanted.
Ephriam Parks has been appointed
constable of Allegheny twp vice W L
Bennett resigned.
In the "duck egg" suit of <». Mathews
vs Levi Slater in which there was a
verdict ot *l9<»o damages for slander,
the Court made an order Monday morn
ing 011 the motion for a new trial stat
ing that if the plf. did not accept SIOOO
within ten days in full for the verdict a
new trial would lie granted.
W II Walker, snrveyor.Saml Riley,
David B Dodds. were appointed view
ers to assess damages for land preempt
cd for school purposes in Mars
Sunday morning while in a demented
condition, a drug store clerk wandered
into the residence of J A Kennedy
011 the Diamond, barricaded himself in
the parlor and stayed there several
hours He was finally induced to come
out and was placed in jail by Deputy
Ellen Enright. of Harmony adjudged,
insane, was committed to Dixmont
On petition of Milo P. Walker, a com
mission in lunacy consisting of A M.
Christley, Esq , Dr. Elgie Wasson and
P. 1) Gel bach was appointed on his
half brother, Ernest P Laurence of
Glade Run.
On motion of Mr Galbreath the
Court has made an order directing a
decree of divorce to lie entered in the
Braun case, and directing the respond
-1 ent to pay all the costs of
1 the case. »
Olive L. Sillier to Huldah Painter, lot
in Bntler for SI(MH).
Letters ot administration on the es
tate of Johanna Higgle of Karns City
have been granted to J. W Glossner
Minnie Porter to Chas. Rimp W0
i acres in Summit for S2HOO.
A J Morris to L S McJnnkin lot in
» Bntler for s7"o.
August Freehling. assignee, to Geo.
W Watson 154 acres in BnfTalo for $1
1 W W Grossman to John Clark lot
in Millerstown for SIO4O.
Peter Bnrr to Caroline Hicks I acre*
' in Forward for $175.
' L. S. McJunkin to Jennie Stover lot
in Bntler for SHSO.
Sarah J Crow to David W Crow lot
' in Mars for $l5O
Ii YV Crow to Caroline Martin lot in
Mars for SOOO.
E. L. Kohlmeyer to Jos M. Black 105
1 acres in Allegheny for SIOOO
f Lydia E Barter to John F Heckert
58 acres in Buffalo for slooo
< J W Fisher to Geo W Cnmley lot
'J in Worth for $487.50.
' Oeo Rltnour to Geo W Cumlev lot
; in Worth for $25.
' A. E. Vandervort to Nick J Pfeifer.
p lot in Evans City for SSOO
H Rob tS. Grant to Thos. V. Smith
j. property in Allegheny twp. for $1
Marriage laeeiiHCH.
J Peter 11 Milheim Centre twp
Anna B. Laberenz ■ Franklin twp
i G. P. Textor Pittsburg
I S. E. Turner Jefferson twp
r A W. Conley Adams twp
' Susie Roniack
'' J. C. Twaddle Parker twp
£ May Odenwell Bruin
Joho Sell Wnifield
. Rosetta Bicker
d Oscar E. Livingstone HI to
»' Mary A Wade Buffalo twp
1 Herbert o. McDonald Dawson. Pa
v Orie p Harper Saxon Station
.1 II Burdette Black Cherry twp
I Susie C. McDowell Marion twp
W B McC'andless Centre twp
Mary E Campbell Concord twp
I Win 11. Ilodgkinson. .New Castle.
»s L Orilla Lambert Butler
j R. 8. Titley Chlcora
" Lana Fredrick
P For Sale.
J 1 wish to sell my farm in Clay twp ,
f located aUiut one mile west of Snnbnry.
'1 on the Unionville road.
o it contains forty-one acres with house
1. and stable, good apple and (teach or
chard. good spring and well, ahont ten
o wres of rail timber Inquire 011 prem
ises or of Newton Black. Ewj Butler
Slippery Rock P. 0.,
School Matters.
The new school board of Butler, con
sisting of Messix A. C Anderson. L
R. Schmertz. and M E Headland of
the Ist Ward. J M Maxwell. I J
McCandless and A C Krng of the 2nd
L McQnistion. C F. L McQnistion
and J B McJnnkin of the :ird D E
Dale A G Williams and C. M Heine
man of the 4tb M R Shauor W T
Mechlins and T M. Baker, of the r.th,
met and organized Monday evening for
the coming school year The following
officers were elected President. .Tas B
McJnnkin, Sec'v.. A C. Krng and
Trea- Thos. M Bilker
W. <>. \V. Memorial Services.
Keystone t amp No *, Woodman of
the World, will hold their aunual me
morial service? over the graves of de
ceased sovereigns next Sunday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. The members
will assemble at Odd Fellow s nail at - J
o'clock and march to the South Ceme- J
tary. where the following program will j
be carried ont Memorial rites by camp j
officers music by (iermania band,
praver by Rev. Thos B Barlow, rector ,
St. "Peter's Episcopal chnrch; innsie by j
male quartette; address by Rev W E i
Oiler distribution of flowers over
graves of deceased sovereigns, bene
diction. They will then proceed to the j
North Cemetery, where the same cere j
mony will be gone through opened
with prayer by Rev. Oiler and followed :
with an address by Rev. Barlotv
Hospital Reception.
At a meeting of the Ladies' Hospital
Association, held on Tuesday afternoon,
arrangements were initiated for holding
an anniversary reception at the hospital
on th» Fourth of July, for the benefit of
the hospital fund The reception will
be held from .5 to "i and from 7 to Hp
in Ice-cream and rake and other re
freshments will be on sale. Chairman
ships of committees were arranged as
follow- Decoration. Mrs C N. Boyd.
Refreshments, Misr Belle Lowry; Lein
onade. Mrs A W. McCollough: Candy
aud flowers, Mrs R P Scott: Advertis
ing. Mr- J. 1$ Black
For Kent.
Office room in CITIZEN building
Cheap Inquire here
Agents W anted.
At $1 50 a day A few energetic
ladies and gentlemen are wanted to
canvass Above salary guaranteed.
Call on or address.
Maharg P. t >.
Bntler Co.. Pa.
Musical College.
The summer term of the Musical
t'ollege. at Freebnrg. Snyder county,
Pa., will liegin on Monday. .Inly 17, a
term of six weeks for *:}•{. including
board and tuition. As all schools have
vacation at this time, it will give a
good opportunity for public school
teachers and school children to attend
this term Parents desiring a progress
ive and home like school for their sons
and daughters should investigate the
merits of the College. For catalogue
address HENRY B. Moykk.
AMY BROS, are Selling out to yuiT
BUSINESS. Their entire stock of furniture
is for sale, including all goods en route,
nothing reserved, wonderful bargains,
TERMS STR ICTI.Y CASH, Store open ev
ery evening.
It you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest slock in County Bicycles for
1 pay the highest market price in cash
for wool, haye no merchandise of any
kind to exchange, am located at same
place as last year, Graham Hros'. Grocery,
just across the street from Troutman's
dry goods store.
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien & Son. East Jefferson St.
and get pi ices on the extensive line they
have' on exhibition. They arc also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
I.iglit, of which more than 1200 were
sold in Butler. last year.
Stop-Over* sit Philadelphia, Bal
timore, and Washington on
Prilling Ivania Railroad
Through Tickets.
In addition to itH excellent train ser
vice, the Pennsylvania Railroad offers
the travelers betweeen New York and
Chicago, aud New York and and St
Louis the privilege of a stop-over of ten
days at Philadelphia. Baltimore, and
Washington. This stop-over is granted
on all through first-class tickets reading
via those cities. Persons desiring to
stop over must deposit their ticket with
the station agent immediately on arri
To those who have business to tran
sact in these cities, or to persons who
have never visited the National Capital,
this privilege is a valuable one. and
should apiieal to all through travelers
between New York and the West, and
< 'liicago or St Louis and the East The
stations of the Pennsylvania Railroad
are centrally located in Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Washington, and acess
to any section of the cities Is easy, by
either the regular street car lines or by
the Pennsylvania Railroad cabs to be
found at the Philadelphia and Wash
ington stations
Sunday Kvciirsioii to Allegheny.
Beginning May "Jlst IMVMJ and until
further notice the P & W. Sunday ex
enrsion train will leave Bntler at 8:05
a. in Bntler time arrive Allegheny at
:i. r > returning train will leave Alleghe
ny at .1;!!0p m arrive BtttlT at 7 08,
rate 75 cts.
For bargains in valuable and desir
able residences inquire of Walker tk Mc-
I redelivered to all parts of the
town, every day.Leave or
ders oi
142 Main St.
Teacher's Examinations,
1 will hold a teacher's examination in
the following places.
Chicora, June 8.
Farm ington, .Inne 10.
West Snnbnry June I<l
Butler. Jnne 17.
Mars. June 30.
Zelienople, Jnne -M
Prosjiect, Jnne 22.
Ilarrisville. June 28
Centreville, '-'•1.
Saxonburg. June 27.
Eyans City, Jnne 2H
North Washington, July I
SVill hold an examination in the ,)ef
ferson street school bnilding 111 Butler
on the last Saturday of July and An
gust Examinations will lwgin promptly
at !> o'clock. All applicants will please
come prepared with stamped envelope,
jH-ri and paper.
Teachers, directors, and friends of
education are corilially invited U) t»e
present at these examinations and in
spect our work
Yours very truly,
If you would know
the secret of your neighbors fine
appearance, ask him the name
of Ins tailor; ask him, too, how
much a year he spends for his
clothes and subtract the amount
from the tost of your own. You
will be agreeably surprised,
more so if you will prove it by
giving us your measure, as he
did. Our new fabrics for spring
and summer embraces the
choicest products of the loom.
Both agencies as yet paying fI.W
JEFFERSON TWT -The tubing in
the Forest sHo I "ii AM B Shr.iib r
was lowereil last week, and the well in
I creased to 35 blls
BUTLER Twiv—The Shaffner Bros
' well on the Liebler was completed last
: week and is doing about 15 barrels
SHILOH In the new I<HI imtt devel
' ment near Shiloh Yonnkins & Thomp
. son have drilled in their test on the Bart
! ley farm and have a show for a 30 or
!ii barrel producer Like all the wells
: in that territory it has a big flow of salt
! water The Forest »)il Company s well
i on the adjoining lease is making 80 bar
' rels a Jay T W Phillips well on the
! Emerick was thougat to be dry in the
! 100 foot but at 70 feet in the sand got a
I light pay and will make a small prodnc
j er, Kelley Dale have a light well
J good for sor 10 barrels a day. at their
1 test on the Shrader farm The Forest
Oil Company's No on the Shrader
farui is deep in the sand and looks like a
The same company has completed its
No 12 at Brush Creek and has a duster
No. loa the M Steigerwalad|farm, in
the same territory will make r > or 1<»
In tbe matter of the asslKiimout of I' I*
Slater for the bench! »»f his r«*<]»t«»rs
All |»*raoti.t iutere>toil will take notice that
the Auditor by thef'ourt to report
distribution of tbe funds in the hands of K.
J. Fonjuer.
account will attend to the duties of his mid
appointment at his office In tin- Armory
Building. Butler, Pa., on Tuesday, the 27th
day of June. A l» l»W, at 10 oVlm'k a. m.
A T. BLACK. Auditor.
In the matter of the account «»f 1. M Black.
A*"»ljrnee of A. A Kohlm* yer. filed April I
1 KKt, at No. of June Term. I Ms. Docket,
( ommon Pleas ol Bntler ( o . Pa
May 3k>. lsiM. the assignee. by i»i>. Attorney.
John W. Coulter, move's the < «»urt to appoint
an auditor to distribute the funds in his
hands to ami amoior the creditors, as shown
by his report, and thereupon. *»ame date, the
said Court appninU*d Jolin 11. an
auditor t«» make said distribution. a> prayed
1 will attend to the duties of tin- aliove ap
pointment. at my office, fn Butler. I*a.. on
Mi»nday. June 111. W*. at jo o'clock ;i ni of
said day. of which time and placi ill JH rsons
interesUnl In above distribution will please
take notice.
JOHN II NK(»LEY. Auditor
M :iy il. IMW*.
In re-final account of In the Orphan*'
Samuel A. Leslie. Admin- Court of Butler
Istrator of klizabeth county. No.
I laker, dee'd. Sept Term. IHW
And now. Maw 'Jn. I Him, on motion of Wll
Hams & Mitchell. Att'ys.. for accountant, tin
Court appoints J. J>. McJunkin, Auditor, t<
distribute funds, in the hands of tin* admin
Ist i ator, amonir t hose ♦•ntit led thereto
Certified from the Record. May !Sud. IHW.
IfM It Mi IL*, Clerk O 0
Those inil*rested will pleas** take notice,
that i will discharge the duties of said ap
pointment on the 2ttlhda> of June. IHHJj, at
my office in Butler. Pa., at loo'clock a. m. of
said day at which time and place they may
attend if they see proper.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between J.
A. & W. F. Anderson, in Valencia, l'a.,
was dissolved by mutual consent 011 the
6th day of May, 1899. The books are
left iu the hands of J. A Anderson, with
whom n settlement should lie made
The business will be conducted by J.
A. Anderson, and a liberal shaie of the
patronage of the public is respectfully
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Rudolph Barnhart, W. A. Barnhart and
Fred. E Barnhart in the business of
merchandizing and keeping a general
store in Connoquencssing lx>ro., Butler
county, Penn'a., is this day mutually
dissolved, W A. Barnhart retiring. All
claims and accounts due and owing the
firm will l>e collected by the remaining
menbers of the firm and all debts owing
by the firm will be paid by tliem.
The business will be hereafter carried
on by Rudolph Barnhart and Fred. K.
Barnhart under the firm name of R.
Barnhart He Sou.
Connoquenessing, Pa.
May 19th, 1H99.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
nhip heretofore existing between O. W. I
Stougliton, J. W. Shaffer, N. S. Oross
-1 man, S. E. Wilson, and David West,
under the firm name of "Prospect
Creamery C 0.," was dissolved by mutual
consent on Saturday, April 15, 1H99, O.
W Stoughton retiring.
The business will be continued under
| the same firm name, and all accounts of
the late firm will be settled by the new
Prospect Creamery Co., .1
Letter's testamentary in the estate of
J. Wilson Thompson. dee'd, late «f
Cherry twp., Butler, Co. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned; all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please made immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Butler I' O.
or E. <'. THOMPSON,
Milliards P. O.
Butler Co., Pa.
Letters of administration in the estate
of Henry Uuttcr, dee'd., late of Franklin
twp., Butler Co., I'a., having l>ecii grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against sale! estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
MAIIV E. Bor.TON, Adtu'x.,
Whitestown, I'a.
J. D. MCJUNKIN, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John L. Shannon, dee'd , late of Conno
quenessing township, Uutlcr Co., I'a ,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
saw! estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
(J. G. SHANNON, Kx'r,,
Conno<|jenessing 1'.0.,
Butler Co., Pa,
I Letters testamentary on the estate of
Samuel McGregor, dee'd., late of Clinton
twp .Butler Co., I'a., having Ix-en granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment and
any having claims ngainst the same will
present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Kiddles X Roads
of administration on the estate
of Aditm 11. Gold, dee'd., late of Middle
sex township, Butler Co., I'enn'a., hav
ing t>ecn granted to the undersigned, all
j>ersons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them properly
authenticated for settlement to
I»enny P. 0., Butler Co., I'a,
I **ln tIihNUMUi rnanai(« our bu.nl
t h«»lr own a«»d rouull' H If Ih rnulnljr
work coiHliictcil at lutim Hnl.'irjf
.11 • f'"" 1 I V It ""I • |" •■ . <f< li"
iiiorr, ll<> IIWH Hillary M«U»tt»ly
. |TI f. N « RIM UMK* IF ••!<!#• .. «I
In pt J\f. Üblctfto
Trusses for Rupture are
necessary. The only ques
tion to consider is "where
can I the Isst truss for
the least money'" We sell
trusses on the "no charge f»r
tilting" plan. We charge you
simply for the truss. We go
further, we guarantee a tit
and guarantee satisfactiou.
There are many different
kind of trasses, and one
great thing is to know what
kiud is I>est to use We
have bad enough truss sell
ing experience to find that
out. Our stock of trusses is
not excelled in this vicinity,
hut that is not the point for
you to consider. Your con
sideration as we said before,
is stated above. Men we fit
here. We give direction
for self measurement to
C. N. Boyd.
Diamond Block. Butler. Pa.
In the Court of Common Picas for the
County of Butler. Penn'a.
Notice is hereby given that an application
will lie made to the said Court on Wed
nesday the 21st day of June, 1599, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a m., under the Act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for
the incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved April
29, 1574, and the supplcmeuts thereto,
by John W. Brown, J. S. Jack, John A.
Kirkpatrick, ct. al., for the charter of an
intended corporation to be called the
Second Presbyterian Church of Butler,
the character and object of which is the
support of the public worship of Al
mighty God, according to the faith,
doctrine, discipline, and usages of the
Presbyterian Church of the United
States of America, and for these purpose
to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights.
!>enefits, and privileges conferred by the
said Act and its supplements.
The proposed charter is now on file in
the Prothonotary'H office.
Levi M. WISK.
Notice it) hereby given that Patrick
Logrte has filed his final account as
Committe of Mary Mcßride, a lunatic,
at Ms. D No. 8, Jnne Term, IrtKS, in
the Prothonotary's office, at Bntler. l'a.
and the same will be presented for con
tinuation and approval. Saturday. Sept
9, lNftfc
Li tters testamentary on the estate of
Daniel Heck, dee'd., Ute of Centre twp.,
Rutler Co., Pa., having l>een granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
plense make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
JOHN C. MooRK. Ex'r.,
McCandless, Pa.
J. D. McJunkin, Att'v.
Hoard nf 4'llnUni township for tin- year
ending June ul. 1599.
Numbvr of schools •
AmtimlO number of months taught
Number of teachers employed «
Salaries of teachers per month
Number of male scholars in attendance. I*l
•' femai-J " " " 'j®
Whole number In attendance
Average dally attendance of scholars In
district »»
Average percentage of attendance
( ost of each pupil per month. ?l 20
Ntitular of mills levied for school purposes 4
Account with James it. Kiddi.k. Com.ectoh
To amount of duplicate |l7li> tlfi
rates due from last year l"0 1"
I*ll ft'»
F.xhouoratlons. #42 54
Kebate 40 32
Fees of CM W «' >»
i«ro ai
r> per cent added Uitavs unpaid Feb. I. U<M
iIKTU 95
From Collector ®'ss 2!
From Treasurer of last year ■*'
St ate appropriation
From west lleer twp
I rom Faun twp
Interest if
Other sources
|:t:Xi 24
II V vouchers .11
Tread. IVr IH 5* tB->l3 H2
• ash In hand of TreaU.
Amount due from Collector 40 0.
Total resources I"'- 1
Witness our hands this 3rd day of June
WM. McKIIJBIN. I res..
We have examined the above accounts and
tlnd them correct.
New Drug Store.
MacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Try Our Soda
R. A. MacCartney
I and Specialties In Tin. , I
' , mN Main HI . duller. I'» |
Insurance and Real Estate
Timber Wanted.
We * ill purchase White Oak Timlter
on Mm stump, large tracU ptefetred. cash
imid when liargaiti is closed; people hav
ing titnlwr for sale will please write to
Third St., llutler. I'a.
ttubflcrihe (or tbeO'TiziN.
H useltons
Monev Savers During
All lots offered art first class f »twear iiul ire guaranteed high quahtji
I (VF 1 Chvicc i■! .lis Misses Tan and Hlack Kid Skin
J ' Shoes, ~p- : j hi» \ !. r .it t utton. all solid and every
i>iir a guaranteed, $1.50 «: is 2 <«"> si; ■ . • if 1 , to 2.
June Clearance Price. 75cts and $1 OOt'
j ()T 9 W-iK't -r- ; ir J* o .1,1, is 2 50. Tan and B'ack,
' * •' «th .resting tops, coftl
toe. McKay sewed, all styks, A to E.
June ricarance Price $1.50 and $2.00.
I (VP <J °° •n»en r»r,i and McKay Oxfords.
Regular 00, $1 sv) and SI.OO goods.
June Clearance I'ricc 50 cts. 75 cts, and $1 00.
I (VT A Men • regular $3 ■ <.-> in Tan wm§
J * Hlack. Kid and Ku->si.i. '.ait, McKay and Welts, lat st
liapes. June Clearance Price $1 50. $2.00 and 25.
! / X Boy's lilack and Tan Shoes same style as Men's
*■ * re- liar $1.5 Is 2 la
June ( learaiice Price SI.OO and $1.50.
| 1 1 Little (jent's Mlack anl Tan Spring Heel with brass
J ' Hook*, size- 9t » 13A, regular $1 25 and $1.50 grade.
June Clearance Trice 90 cts. and $1.25.
Have you seen the two new shoes for Women?
They are beauties only to be had at
Hutler's Loading Shoe Houm- opposite KoU»l Lowrj
2 We Give a Discount of 25 per cent, oft the Dollar for J
3 30 days on all WALL PAPER, call and see. jj
$ Elko Ready Mixed Paints.
1 The best that can be made, sticks to everything; also W
0 Senour Floor Paints, rc uly for use H
Picture and Mirror Framing a Speciality. ■
g Contract Painting and Paper Hanging, g
1 Patterson Bros., f
£ 236 North Main Street. Butler, Pa. &
'Jjf Wick Building Peoples Phone 400 2
M There is no Going Back on the Fact That a ►
P + ♦ ♦ is si+lsssss |
n 4 Black or Blue Serge Suit \ ►
M Is the Dressiest, mo t Refinsil anil serviceable ►
for summer wear But tlie Fabrics must lie {
Fi thoroughly reliable. |
The best test nn<l one that ltnche-. your confidence most, is in the
actual wearing <jualtits of the garment. t\'e know wlien \
we sell you a garment that gives absolute satisfaction (
jA we make a lasting customer. Thats our way
of doing business and it is the only
W way to build up a large an<l
M perniamcnt trade. '
V An A No. 1 Alarm Clock Free With >
& Gver\? plan's Suit. |
I The Surprise Store I
n 108 South Main street. Butler. Pa. »
A Few Plain Questions ? ? ?
Are you going to buy a Spring Suit?
SEE OUR LINE AT $6. $8 $lO and sl2
Want an Overcoat this Spring?
I, youare going to wear ft. latere Spring Hat
G„,og to get a new Spring Shirt? our L(ne
Do you want the swellest thing in Neckwear?
Sen UUK Line*
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Mam St., Butler.
- ■■ . ■
Job Worl<
Neat arid Prompt