| Spring Goods. j p Our Entire Spring Stock F " £#) Complete stock of the SOROSIS Shoes— ! fn a S the new shoe for women. Made of the nnest B<L' 1 /m Dongola, Tan and Patent Leather; 1 also, cotn (*} plete stock of Baker .V Bowman's line "hand i Vj3l turn's and hand welts in Dongola and sine ■ M 5; Russett Kid, made or. the latest up-to-date lasts, j JWr jg) MEN'S SHOES. *>. -O. The selection w. s never better. Very large assortment of Russett, Calf. Vic. Kid Box ~___T Calf and Kangaroo and Patent Calf Shoes MSS made on all the new lasts. We carry these (?) shoes in all sizes and widths. ■B Our line of Misses Shoes in fine Patent Calf, X 3? Dongola and Tail in Leather or Cloth tops, also 6ft complete line Children's Shoes in the latest ]X styles in all si/.es and widths. BOYS' SHOES. ® Our line ot Bovs' and Youth s Shoes is very /£\ laige Bein K made on the same style lasts as the Men's Shoes in all the different leathers. See Our Window Dispiay. JOHN BICKEL. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, l'A. U USELTON'S PST 11, o • cu A OOTWEAR Latest Spring Shapes in You've Every Reason to Watch Our Shoe Ads. This Shoe House is in prime shape for early spring business. Whether it's a shoe at a dollar or five, it has to lie the best of that particular grade. HLJSELTON'S SHOES ARE GUARANTEED. On that basis we're bidding for and getting the shoe trade of Butler county. ft Men's Spring Shoes. Three new spring styles The "Princeton" atjij 00. in women's black and The "Regent"' at $.V5°- . . . _L_ _ _ A shoe for men who want the best to tan SNOGS, be had, for $3.00 and #3.50. ~ These shoes fill all the requirements All signs point to a strong lan for style, durability and comfort. Siile season. You'll f.:id special interest in bv side with the best 13.50 and f-J.oo these particular lots of Black and ran shoes going, they are WINNERS Shoes. Correct Spring shapes that get EVERY TIME. their introductory showing here. t Your favorite shape in the new Spring The Famous "Queen Quality' at /3.00. Styles is here in Black,Vici Kid and Calf The "Wellesley" at $2.50, Tan, Russia Calf and Kid. The • Dorothy" at f2.00. See our Men's Tan Shoes at J1.50, All the toes—narrow to full—round kirl 2.00 and J?.50. or vesting tops. See our line—Bsc, *I.OO, Black, 90c to f2.50. $'. 2 5 and $1.50. SHOES 1-OR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. Same style as the men's and women's. We sell The Famous Mrs. Jenness Miller Shoes They fit the feet sa nature intended. Only to be had of us. 2 B.C. HUSELTONS. n —gßutler's'LcadlngiShoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry. WORTH ITS WEIGHT 1 GOLD ♦ PAYMENT OP ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSS£ssionT>F The New Werner Edition I ENCYCLOPEDIA BRIXANNICA. 1 PA SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES | So complete that it cover:; the age. j Hi**" The entire set with Guide and case delivered (hi a.-a { U upon payment of only I •vv/ Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the hook-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl- If you cannot send your children to i edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the University, bring the University to i the NEW WERNER is the best edition : them. of the Britannica. This edition has never been sold for < Do not put your money in old editions less than *64.50. For a short time only or poorly made books because they are $40.50 cash, or $45 00 jn monthly pay cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST, ments. Consider the advantage of a family I ORDER NOW, and take advantage who has this work over one which has of thfc rare opportur.ity to secure this un- 1 not j rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. The best of horses and first class al ways on hand and for hire. Ifest accommodations in town for prrma nent iNiardini: and transient trade. Sped al care KuanintHcd. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A good class of liorses, lioth drivers and draft, liorses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and liorses bought pon 4»n.|n r notification l»y * PEARSON B. NACE, Telepbone.'No. 210 JKEELEY CURE. \ t LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J # Removes all desire and appetite, builds up the W 4 system, renews health and vigor, brightens the m \ Intellect and (its one lor business. W Til K ONLY KHKI.IY INSTITUTE W Booklrt trr*. IN WBBTKKN IKNNBYI.V AWIA. A T TheKeeleylnstitute.«246FmhAve.Plttsbura.P«.\ P H ■ L A DEL""HI*7, --DENTAL ROOMS.-- Y c 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. si •si BWHW We're PR ACTIC A J life If CROWN ""'I PF.iHjt w .r! }j J, EM Ssk' ' ntt»l>urjf—WHY NOT DO U IrJlfjiJ JIMYOURS7 CROWNS * JJALBM BRIDGE w < ,r ' i reiluoMl J? fits PER TOOTH Also til, I* 'Ji V v -.-t <,fh oNLYtn 'J IWANTED-'-T Rciiabie MAN I , of pood addmi to solicit tmalMM from wop- 4 l , > crtjf-owncrs. At yw< II known pernon willing , , , ( to work, can Mako flu toils weekly. Com- , J • , , mission or salary, paiil weekly. Adilrena for ,J I ~ particuUtt*, mentioning this paper. ~ < N VITI.I.s N. EN AM.. Hocbaiter, N.Y. J | sfl) M-/?// Circn n specialized Bread- winning Education* roa cif-cuLAn s Aoowrst, P. DUFF & SOAW, L>l i> Filth Avenue,, | FITTSBI'tCG, PA. *Co xonder seme women fe<.i •» if the ,It-, which pnr lies them is ytf 4iT *. 11 ant devil i i <!« mingr them 1 /* t . « • !lt ~ mi. \(\[ :,r trS • *1 (..u'<l K't no re- ! Lai vi \ ,icf ftoni any 3m - p; •-■fill 1 tier? < j., Doctor K V. I Pierce, chief consulting phys- i.i-i ■ : the Invalid' 1 - Hotel and SurpK-.i' Institute of Buffalo N V telling him of the benefits received from his wonderful prescriptions and the careful pro ft ssional advice which he sends by mail without charge. A Whr living in WejtMEatlon. M id.' n Co.. N Y Mrs Xlattie A Walker, in i rttent P tter to Dr l'ierce, say- I write to inform vou what your remedies have done t 'me nut .uey have helped me so mu. h that I knownoi WW* to KfimtlT or where to leave on as I mrij a complication of ailments Kor three \ i.- I bad such bad spells I thought that if dying only just a sleep 1 did not want to wake ano -ut ftr airain; I would lx- to have tlcntn < any night I got so it sremc l as if I -ouUl neurr he well mid happy asain 1 had a. -hmatic spe-lN towards mornm*. Sometimes I fe;t as if I could not get breath < to !.ve: had dreadful pans la the top of my head and was so nervou- 1 felt is it miethmi dreadful was going ts happen—l could not tell w "y either I could wr:t. . -! • _t- •:••• tell all the dreadful things I sufiered I rom fe male weaknes- constipation asthniatte -pills, aud rheumatic neuralgia. I advise all who are suffering npt only to use Dr Pierce'® medicines, hut to get his advn e also, for it has helped me so much I cannot say enough in praise of l«th the a lvice :r.d the remedies. I look on your medicines as neing a God-send and will ask guit. sut.ering humanity to the right relief l-'or nervous troubles and ailments pecu liar to women I>r. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the only proprietary remedy designed bv a regularly educated physician. For bronchial affctivms and digestive diffi culties his "Golden Medical Discovery is the one permanent cure. Pleasant Pellets " are the most effective natural non griping laxative for constipation. Send to Dr. K V. Pierce, Buffalo N V for a free copy of the 4 * People s Medical Adviser." For paper-covered copy enclose 21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only. Cloth-bound, -,i -t imps. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. * Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. 1 R Boils & Tumors. Eczema <4 Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. I Stings & Bites of Insects. ( Three Sizes, 25 c > 5 oc ■ and SI.OO. Sold bj druggist s, *>r sent poet-paid on receipt of price HCHriIUXYS' UD. CO., 11l A lis WlUum Ht. , lew York. \ The Cure that Cures i p Coughs, & \ Colds, j I) Grippe, fe Whooping Cough, Asthma, .] 1 Bronchitis and Incipient ji 3J ConsumDtion, Is , FoTIosI P ■ h Tt\c GERMAN remedy* g 25 &,sGc.\s,/> I PURE BLOOD, | i' f Purebloodmcanslifejhcalcli, e i I vigor—no room for disease s J $ -where tlie veins are filled | 1 II with, rich, red corpuscles. i ( ILindsey's Improved|: \l Blood Searcher ;! 11 J takes pure blood—cures ecrof- I 11 tilt, erysipelas, pimples, boils, $ I ( I sore eyes, scald lica/l—blood dis- c 6 j m eases o£ all forms. Here's proof: # d JIESSOPOTA3nA,OHI'\ jk JI Dr. lina?"y'.l Blood Searcher hrn "S (► \rorked woiulemwithjne. Iliavobcea IP ■ ( t;' luHcd vith Scrofula ftfrilurtyyraro V l/.ii I find tTiat I>i - . liindsey'a £lood ' iiiarcnor ■will effer.tnporni an cnt euro j!) luudiortticu. I? 3 v-oiulo.rful. J S CLW.X.tksootiv » l | W. Jc GILMORE CO. \ 5 PITTSBURG, PA. C ? At eJI Drngiiiats, SI.OO. < load up a^Hi you Rrcase ' tskl the wagon wheels with fW MICA Axle Grease 9 o#»t n hox and lenrn why it's tlie i ' cream* ever put on'an axle. Hold everywhere. Made by H STAMIARII OIL CO. ■ MARKLETON : - SANATORIUM ; lias all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. i Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, i Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun- tains. (>|)t ii:ill tlie year, uiidor the medical e«»n trol *>f l>r. K. <CroHsimiM, graduate «»f I'ni yerslty «»f Vermont, aßHlst< «i by skillful phy sicians. Appoint men! nf tin; i» t>sl :ij)pr<»v«d , kinds, and flrst-class In every respect. I Treat men! 1»y im'dielnes ami hat lis of ail 1 kinds, massage and eleetrh'ity. Hot, and cold, sal? Turkish. Kotnan, >it/. rleetm t heriual. ele.t ro-'-heinie i I an.l needle hat lis. Building heated with hot water, lighted hy eleetrU'lty. supplied with pure mountain water, surrounded hy i|Uiet. restful moun tain scenery. L<H*at« don I'ittsiuirj; division of 11. it O. K. K.. wliieh ronneets it with the principal rities and their railroad systems; also w s th tin- l*ennsy 1 vania railroad at llymlmau. Johnstown, < 'oimelsville, Itrad dock. Termsreasonabie. Special rates f«»r ininUters, missionaries, teachers, physhians and t heir families I'or further Information and circulars address THU MARKLETON SANATORIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. |Y|oriel oairy poultry parm, RAHWAY, N. j. Breeder of High Class Poultry. Barred Rocks, Buff Cochins, Light Bralitnas, Rlaclc Minorcas, , S. C. Brown I.eghorns, S. T, , I White anil Tiolden Wypnilottes, and I'KKIN DUCKS. Illustrated t'litaloKue I'llEV! RnHprribo 'or r ln*e« rr/ev M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director.: 337 S. Main St., Butler, j THK CITIXICN. MANKIND. Some men use the ilMp ministerial tone of voice in talking of everything from expansion to the buttons off their underwear. Every woman hae a vague idea that all her husband does ©very day is to open his office, read, smoke and count his money. Old meh go to a great deal ot trouble dyeing their mustaches, considering that (hey fool neither women nor death. A man can forget that a woman is homely when he meets her at a dinner quicker than anywhere else in the world. If a young man takes a girl sleigh riding he has a right to demand that she hold his hands when they get home, to thaw them out. Every time a girl visits at a house the men folks are kept in a dazed con dition trying to figure out how she got so many clothes into one little trunk. After a man has taken a girl to a theatre as often as six times, and call ed upon her with chocolates in his pocket, she begins to see a resemblance in him to her favorite hero in a novel. A silk skirt makes no impression on the men. An Atchison woman says that when a woman rustles in going into a store she gfts no more attention from the men clerks than a woman who doesn't rustle, but that the women clerks are very attentive. THE LITTLE ENCYCLOPEDIA. There are 4,500 women printers in England. Americans pay J5.000,000 a year for looking glasses. The Chinese have a special god for every disease. World's annual coffee production ia 1,600,000,000 pounds. There are *>oo,ooo people employed in Italy in rearing silkworms. The number of medical periodicals published in the United States is 275. Among the 780,000 persons employed in Russia's factories about 200.000 are women. London enjoys a greater area of open spaces than any other capital in the world. No fewer than 2,401 patents have been taken out on processes for making sugar and salt. The University of Oxford has type and appliances for printing in 150 dif ferent languages. It is said that the peasant of the south of France spends on food for a family of five an average of 2 pence a day. Thirty years ago there were only two dozen explosive compounds known to chemists; now there are over 1,000. It is computed that at the present time the diamonds bought for Ameri can beauties living In the United States are worth no less than $5,000,000. A FEW BRIGHT SAYINGS. Loneliness is the greatest foe a wo man has to fight. Every field of labor seems more fef tile than our own. The hardest thing In the world is to endeavor to be brilliant to order. The fragrance of fresh flowers is the nearest thing in nature to a caress. The very thing that we wish to see most in the newspapers is the item we are apt to overlook. The person most suspicious regarding another's actions is generally the one most in need of watching. The longest day is generally the one when you get ready in the morning for something that doesn't occur until night. It Isn't always the girl who wears the biggest bunch of roses and violets to the game who knows the most about football. There may be some people so im bued with anglomanla that they can see something beautiful in a fog, but their name is not legion. The fragrance of a flower or a long forgotten strain of music has the power to paint a mental picture for us that we thought had faded into oblivion. HIGH LIGHTS. It generally turns out that a broken ideal was always cracked. If you ask a woman for a reason give her time to make one up. Dismal people would never smile were it not for other people's bad luck. A cynic sneers whenever he sees a frosted wadding cake in a bake shop window. Extravagant people are sometimes cured by having to earn the money they spend. After marriage a girl becomes too economical to cry on her husband's coat collar. Man gets ready for winter by saving money; woman gets ready by making money fly. It is the people without background who generally scramble to be seen in the foreground. A strong minded woman is one who goes shopping without counting up her change on the way home. WANTED. A pair of suspenders for the breeches of promise. A barber to shave the face of the earth. A deatist to work on the jaws of death. Sea horses to' feed from the trough of the sea. A few seeds frc» the flower of speech. A pen that willtwilte with inky dark ness. A pair of corsets for the waist of time. A mosquito-bar f«j the bed of the ocean, arid another for the eracfie of the deep. Hood's Samiparilla makes the weak, strong, as numerous men and women gladly test if} - . Mt. Carnie pays less for the educa tion of its school children than any other town in the State. The average cost per pupil in that town is its cents. Next to it comes Lebanon, with *l, and after it is Shamokin, with $1.0!). Titus ville pays the highest amount sjsl.92, fur each pupil. UEHDMATISM CtJKKn IN V DAY. "Mystic Cure" fur Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to } days. Its action upon the system is retcar'gable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. I". Ralph Druggists Butler J\pr 96. Shad are getting through the break in the < 'olnmbia dam by thousands, and many are being caught as far up the river as the Clark s Ferry dam, abont fifty miles above Marietta. Pa. Canada sells us farm products valued [ at *•">,:•-0,000, but buys of tis other goods worth S7X.ono.Odii. In the last three years the United States has sold abroad $ 1 ,:tiH),Ono,ODO more than it has bought. i The equestrian statue of Major (4en- ; eral Reynolds, erected by Pennsylvania, ; I will l>e dedicated 011 the battlefield of j Gettysburg on Saturday, July I, at 'i p. 111. It is likely that General Ilnide koper will deliver the address on the I occasion. An (Kid Trade. A remarkable trie of the trading of l>ethrotbed husbands comes from the i neighborhood of Toledo. < >hio Henry Dipcomb. a well-to-do farmer j in that vicinity, had two very fair; daughters. Frances aged about 21 and J Mary not <jtiite !!i Frank Benson and ■ Davis Rendice bad been the acknow- j ledged suitors and favorites of the lass- j es for several months The young men have been clo«e chums from Uiyhoodnp. 1 The four young people decided njxin a grand double wedding. The day was j set for Thursday and many guests were invited. The young men with their licenses, appeared shortly before noon Frank Benson was to marry Frances while Mary was the premised wife of young Rendice. Frances greeted the young men gavly as tbev arrived at the Dipcomb home, but Mary was not there. Her sister, later on. found her in her room, weep irg and very disconsolate. Appealed to for an explanation, she at length confessed between sobs that she could not marry Rendice liecause she loved Benson better. The elder sister replied that she loved one of the young men as well as the other Mary hinted at an exchange, and the two sisters confiding ly talked the matter over. They called the young men into conn il The situ ation was carefully discussed and the suitors finally agreed to the exchange. New licenses were seen red and in the evening, for the first time, the guests were acquainted with the cause of the delay A Lesson in Aibcrtisinjf. Occasionally merchants in small towns say that advertising on the lines followed by the large city stores will not pay them and they follow the old style until some more enterprising deal ers show them the contrary. To all such the following story and moral from the Popular Bluff <Missouri) Re publican are commended for careful consideration. "When we were publishing a paper in 1872 in Mt. Vernon on the second floor, a store opened in the room under our office. The senior proprietor came upstairs and contracted for three col nms of space for twelve months, with locals each issue and 5,.">00 dodgers each week. He remarked that it was a snap to get into a town where the other busi ness men did not advertise. This firm started on borrowed capital. In three years it had money enough to start two stores, one in Sedalia and one in St. Louis. It dissolved partnership and each partner took a field to himself. Brjon Nugent was the partner who made the contract and is now a senior member of 15. Nugent <Sr Bros., the great St. Louis house. He not only owns the store building and grounds, but is now erecting a modest little home which will cost him $*7,000. We must add that some of the old niossbacks who were in business before Bryon Nugent ever saw the place are still grumbling about dull trade and hard times." Congress of Journalists. A congress of Journalists was recent ly held at Rome on the Palatine Hill, amid the ruins of the palace of the Caesars. The tables for the banquet were spread beneath an enormous tent. Antique amphorte laden with flowers were placed about, and 011 the tables themselves were urns, antique statu ettes. etc. The banquet was carried out under the directions of Signor Bac celli, the Minister of Public Instruction, who has recently done so much for archaeology by the excavation oi hither to untouched parts of the Forum. Prince Ruspoli, the Syndic of Rome, in his speech called to mind the fact that journalism originated at Rome in the person of Julius Caesar, who was the first to make public the debates in the Senate by means of the Acta Urbis. HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. In tearing down the oldTshudy build ing, at Lititz, Pa. John D. Saylor found an old coin of some unknown country ; also a pistol with a ramrod. The elk belonging to 11. H. Snavelv, of Lititz. has shed its horns and is grow ing a new pair. A Jersey heifer is the elk's companion, and they never quar rel. Jerry Simpson announces in the news papers he is publishing in Kansas that he got out of politics because lie found that people were tired of electing freaks. The mayor of Reading has decided that nil pool and billiard rooms must close on Sunday and all slot machines must go. The law in these respects will l»e enforced rigidly. Tramway companies in Buenos Ayres are not allowed to build any tracks except such as can be used by ordinary vehicles. Bull fights can hardly be said to bf popular in Barcelona; whereas in Ma drid they form the chief topic of inter est and conversation. A writer in the Lancet declares: "II is true to assert that Spain could nol profitably produce fl.titious wines, sc essentially and peculiarly is it a coun try where the grape grows luxuriantl> and abundantly." Power jf ( iial. An interesting calculation has been made, \vhich shows that the energy produced by a pound of good coal equals the work of one man for one day. One square mile of a seam of coal unly four feet deep could therefore be made to exceed the work of 1,000,000 men for twenty years. Tli.-nt.-r Program*. Theaters in Spain have no programs, A bill In the lobby .sometime* gives the cast, but most of the actors remain unknown by name. The curtain is de voted to advertisements, and in Madrid theaters advertising cards arc affixed with llie numbers 011 the back of each I Hew MN-hunt. The latest lifeboat, which is said to 1 have been approved by the British Ad > niiralty, carries throe long cylinders in ■ lo which a million cubic feet of air can I De compressed. This air will drive the poat fifteen miles an hour for six hours. Cure fully Considered. ■ Vim 1." Inquired the psychological stu.ieiit. "do you regard as the chief end i>l man?" "WVll." answered Mr. Blykius. "it dcpei.wl* 011 what you want tin- man for. J1 you want him to do brain work it's -bis head, and if you want bim to run errands it's his feet." A Wonderful Muiwl. wonderful shawl is possessed by j the duchess of Northumberland, it ono- belonged lo Charles X of France ' and was made entirely from the fur of j Persian eats. Although the shawl is i eight feet square, it is of such line lex lure that it ran be compressed into sin ordinary 1 offee cui>. ■ —Music scholars wanted. at 128 W WnyiiK St. Sales Must Grow! .0 1§ Trade Must Flow! We propose to show to the people of this vicinity tli.it despite the cry of ■ 1 scarcity of money nod hard times, we still crowd our store with esiger purchasers. New Shirt Waist ■Vv-TsV ->• y I.>h in wash writs. Correctly nude and perfect fitting I f r/ waist* or your money back. Percale, Madras, Lawn and P K I "wiy iktt, :i w fronts. | o -,U : . tucked and in-rrti.-n trin : ri!. Price-s whittle*' down | Summer Wash Fabrics 1 1 of the; gag Mii 1 . vt ' . * Fine orgsndies and crepons 1 2 1 .c, 15c and iSc For Skirts and Waists. White P. k., Welts and docks ia%* to IS Printed P. K-, Welti and ducks toe to 25c • £ I.men, homespun 'oe, u'i and 15c . India Linon and Victoria Lawn 5 C to 4 « - - Striped, plaid and fancy white goods 10c to 25c Denim for skirts—blues, browns and tans 12 - « ijifv-* ! \ Linings and Fixings. . , C~• \ Everything necessary tor the inside as well as the outside V of a diess. 1 vT?\ Fancy waist linings—fancy skirt linings silk, liue.i ml cotton liaing>, canvas, haircloth.beltings, tapes.br.i: i*. ;.!.w^ sets, buttons, buckl.s and all kinds of linings and trimninji. / "it \\ N L. STEIN SO IN, Store Closes at 6 p. m. except Saturday. •A FAIK MAY PRUVL. A hOUL r.'AR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IK SHE IJ 3ES SAPOLIO PROFESSIONAL CARUS. 1 VKWTOX BLACK, J ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on South Diamond.Street. nil. GOUCHER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell building. i LEX RUSSELL, j\ Attor nkyJa t LAW. Office- with Newton I?lack, Esq. South Diamond Street. pOULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS at LAW. Room 8., Armory buildtii_. IOHN \V. COULTER, fl ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St.. Butler, Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. 1 B. RKEDIN, f) . ATTORNEY AT LAW. office on Main St. near Court House. 4 T. BLACK, A # ATTORNEY at LAW. Room J. —Armory building. I M. PAINTER, fj . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office between PostofF.ce and Diamond p F. L. McQUISTION, v • Civn. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. | kU. C. ATWELL, 1' Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr. Graham's old office.] llouis 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. \y H. BROWN, \\ . HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Night calls at office. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, u PHYSICIAN AND SURGP.ON 200 West Cunningham St. T BLACK, I I • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutman Building, Butler Pa. p M. ZIMMERMAN 'l« PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. nR. N. M. HOOVER 137 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m. HW. WICK, . DENTIST Has located in the new Steiu building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. fIR J. E. FAULK, 1' DENTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas—Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office—Room No. 1. new Bickel build- j i'K- I J. DONALDSON, f' • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted 011 the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec- | ialty. Office oyer Miler's Shoe Store. I vU. S. A. JOHNSTON. I" DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates j a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air j or Local uaesthetics used. Office over Millers grocery, east of Low- ' :y house. I vR. W. P. McILROY, I ' DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless j Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located j permanently at 111 East Jefferson St., | Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do ■ dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods' 11 R. CHAS. R. B. HUNT, 1' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 240 South Main St. \' MCAI.M.V T • DENTIST, Now permanently in Bickel Building, with a reliable assistant, and facilities for best and prompt work. People's Phone for Drs. V, or J. Mc- Alpin—House No. 330; office No. 340. THE BES'L SPRING TONIC recommended and endorsed by noted phys- is :i moderate u-< <•( pure and wliole- Mirne liquors. We are Iniporlors and handle only 1 lie tieM liriin l- of wines, whiskeys, etc. If you are dlssulistleil Willi the wines and liquors you have In-en getting, (rive ours a I rial. l'rlees lowest for pure eoods: HNCH. MT. VKKNUft. I.t l kKMIHWI U IMI.I.tMiKK. fclllSO*. OVKBIIOI.T, Lt HUE, THOMPSON. HIiIIM.KPORT, \nv of the iiliove brands of whiskey. 1111- adulieraled.il years old.-1.00 per full qt.; 6 i,ts..*.-,.in. IJKANM-ATIIMrS CHOIC-, a whiskey Kiiaranted :iyear*old.S.M»» pet ir[ I. On C. tl> or mall orders of •?•>.<»' or over we IHIV and ship promptly: e v press charges pre paid. . We have no agents to represent us. ~enq orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone. 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite It Si O. Depot. MgPF / xVi-Af I £ AU ' jr tKt/.SC • mA m W fe ■ 0 CVERY& B W f; W EAR TWICE, AS J cr As ANY OTHf iPV) tp, TRY IT! ,J?- CA-.0... Babttcribe ior tLe UiTixiN Butler Business College. COURSES. I —Practical Rook-keepcrs. 2 Hxpert Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand. 4 Reporters Shorthand. 5— English. 6— The Languages. Branches Taught. Book-keeping,single and double entry, business writing, business spelling, busi ness grammer, business arithmetic, coni -111 ?rc ; al law, lightning calculations, busi ness correspondence, business forms and customs, detection of counterfeit money and fraudulent notes, shorthand, type writing, dictation, speed work, reporting expedients, duplicating, actual corres pondence in the college office, reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling, grammar, geogragliy, history, Latiu, German, Greek, Hebrew, Civil Government, Descriptive Economics. Kail term begins Sept. r, 1599, Write for descriptive circulars, catalogue, etc. Our reference are: Hon. Judge Greer, Hon Joseph Hartraau, Wm. t'ampbell, Jr., John Rerg, Andrew Brytner, etc., etc , and a large number of worthy graduates who are filling responsible positions. All language work will be under the direction of Rev. Chas. Glatzert, after May Ist. Address A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. oples' Phone 271. 11 174. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY By means of the Kodak has reached the perfect stage. So simple that a child can operate it and the prices within the reach of everyone. We keep the largest and most complete line in town of Photo Supplies'and the only genuine Eastman Kodak, Dry Plates, Films, Develop ing Powders, Chemicals, Trays, Mounts, Printing Frames, Printing Pa pers, Flash Powders, Albums, and .all• kinds of supplies at DOUGLASS 800 I< 'Sl'O U KI ;Near,P JO Peoples J Phone 1 62. SEND US ONE DOLLAR mew 1h1»0 p.tten. biirh-*ra«Jo UkMKKMIIK COAL A!»D WOOD (<H»k KTOVK, hy fri .JfiuiV FOR OUR 810 FREE root STOVE CATALOCUE. andfrelKbt chanrea. Thl* utove la olze No. t, oren it lf.SxiHxU. top i* mad© from pitf iron, exlrm |ann> flattt, »t«'»vy covers, henvy ltninirfl And tfrmte#, 1 Urire oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven door. hand»on»« nlrkel-iiluUd ornAin**ntAtlona and trlnimlnjr*. eitrm liirir.* d«H'i». irenuine |mrr#l»la lln«l some larce ornuiucnted 1»uh«. lie»< cwal kor«»r and « ( i furnish rKKK an extra wood (rrnt*. maktnur It a P*r frrt WIKXI huriKT. |NS| K A HIMUIU #•( AKAVIkk with every utove and iniarante« Kale delivery to y«»ur rail road stution. Y«»ur I<h-mI dealer would char*® y«>n ifVOC fur such a ftove, the freight is only atH>ut 11.00 fot each WO mile*. «e j«» »t k-aattlO-00. AddW SEARS, ROEBUCK A. CO.'IHO )CHICACO. ILL (tun, »Mbuk»C«. l*or,o»hl; TIRES Repaired and made as good as new at White,W 31 & Cn's Bicycle and Supply Depot, Corner Main St. and Diamond, Butler, Pa With our new Vuleanlzrr *<• run any cut nr piiiieluii' Inaiirr. with puni cum. and it stn»nprr thun beforr. Wo repair ;ili parts of bicycles, supply now parts at rdwoniblt' prices. \Vt* are tlif rheap«'st pla»M» in town, and cannot In* undersold. Wo have seventeen wheels for sale at bargain prices. r\ Ifk a postal card to, 11 HI IK or call u,» No. 4. mJm l\#l of the People's HtHNe rhonc and VV. B. McOEARY'S new wagon, ruiiflinji t > anil from nis Steam Carpet-Cleaning estahlislunent, will call at your house, take away your dirty carj>eS ami return them in a ilay or two as e'ean as new. All on a summer morning— Carpet*, ' rugr: and curtains thoroughly cleaned on I short notice. JAS. A. MCDOWELL, Cistern Builder and General Cement Worker. I Worker in White, Portland, and Hydraulic Cements Ovcr2o \ > .us l-.xpcriciice. j 439 Ist Slrret, -1- P. 11l 3 X 1 ■ EGGS 101{ H'^TC/tiNti Butf Leghorns, Buff and Barred Plymouth Rocks One dollar for fifreen. HOWARD W. EDMONDS, Annandale, N. .J _/ »< i_j iii %_j *i_>\_r» '"i w ASummer 1 X '| * d q *-xx=x Summer <S AMillinery I—'• ■ • I mZ\ J-'w 9 Millinery o V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. V 0 SUMMER SALE. lr Hk i i 'Ku.' KVr Hr.1..;.' M - T : <dO 01 la* -. Walk:: .; H its, >.l ' !!.»!<. I. '■• s \1 >!: O f A ji J\ Mourning Coods Always on Hand 0122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.O SEND us ONE DOLLAR Jig fir tn".t4»r tfa«n ortiM *<l»rrt." ■> «»ti rn ..! r# Bio&tr. mj 1 »jj fmwbt arfti.t our •prr| M | JMI H* •* «tf» . fficf, sjl.7j, ' IKHHRHKU * V" ' I ivfe' k' $31.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DM'PRICE-i.,:?.: ' - - -- j»r>«# rkinr- J »4 r>» .then. J * *J *v If .Hi,r»v..| • i-.fk •% f.t \3BfrC "X 4 * |#^ brautiful *| ;»• ir» >l:.lr fr-m *«-il«| qi;nrtir •«««« J # * Bf .„ «■ oak. »; '■ .« . :.; .1,1. . -rmt«-! . *mmte«t, % '"kUw '' , !•(<-( 1 "•;♦!» *t *N . Hit t'»» ' ':" m, * "m* ttt ♦ fc 1 UalHuna. Vlo r*. IriMr <r. ami. Il«*> • mp*r. Irwbtm S^PPD»-mm M I'll' m lg ' (•uplrr. Dinpuaa l'»ii» t»t Ta llM«at;SOf'.i>f I ,-Ur«, *»i»■"ifMr 1 Ton *w»ll. I l.ria4H ,an S-ell. % »»'. Onrfc«. I .4 i »>.wil..n rip# V" alio I >e» «,l II lare ft Hfli » i yTT' • «»i i (O U |.|.-M I*4 »•. ! ■•na. 4 JrJB f^Km ac \l 1 ui HEN .» fu ia-n«-.i ....!•• 4.« x. ~1 %te- l^ilwalijaß gt. ud modern InproutM n w, f U r*ut. tr. # * i.u4 i-yIP nl;' jIW yBP ** * "™Wy ' a .•% \ the ■ - lr I '&■ * & •r . ;>.nr it frre «»f« hurf . it ■ "is-.l If '' 1 |» JB t. - : ltd - 1#"-1 •* - fl f C&6Alf ' • W • '•' 'C >' • ' ' * Hir.k.urCom V.xchMOff* Nat Bar.V »'t.l,ajro, u r Crrmu Kwhsniw Tiank. V m Y«»rk r IAT nulr«-awl «r «SHM oonii uiy In » hii a.- .. *» ha«r a rapiial af u.rr «7Wk.<M)fl.<Ml. «rru|>? « »»tlf ■«* •»! lh« .*rw« -« Ch*'**ro. and .marl? <*•; •-, . . ur own bulWing "> Mil oki-O" 411.'! .H»,,i„ t cuv- |M «« •aduj.:*. r rum« i»t» at l"w»t wh>4cMUr pr»cr«. Wrtlr f.-rfrt. j »r. » tn4 triutlcal m*tn •■ • t>( ■■..*. <»>tn \ . >», »Siar», Ifaahatl » C*. ar« iWMlilr rrtiaMt 14,1 », t SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. -—[• ' ■ -- t -- CHICAGO. ILL. WHV DOES /\ Farmer Add Phosphates To His Farm. To aitl and stimulate nature. The human »y>t. ::i is ju*: the s»niv >- farm; nature at times needs help, and there i> nothiug that 1 | u!> little goo" 1 . whiskey to tone up a run- lo.vn hritiK hack vitality, Ihi'l to make a man feel that life w rt'j !ivif after all. All whiskies are j»oo«l. but some are better Ib.t.i «»thi-r< Wr sell only the !>est, and inuirantee tbem to 'k- al>-- »!utelr p 1 •« from all impurities. . Here are some of our prices: Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money .1 pal. Cabinet Rye. can't be beat 53.00 a gai Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey i 4.00 a gal Gin, Rum. Kummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per £> il. We have some verv fine California wines of 1 Vf? »int.u: Port, Sherry and Angelica at fi.oo per gallon. Thev .»re of good hotly and of exquisite flavor. Rememl»er that wt pay expressage on all orders of ♦S " and over except where 1 transfer is necessary from otie Ivxpress Comjianv to another, when we piv t \j>ri - t;c t<» ]>oi:it of transfer. MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 1 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY- PA Send for catalogue and pt ice list, mailed free NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old ! !! r prosperity of the Atr.ericat: I'r j !. Un •• - l » friends as the years rolled h< unl tl: uit otlwi i l l>>va! and steadfast t<»!ay. nitl. ith i" '■ I I (y vBHS»*. confidence in the inf<rnnati<>ll :- ""1. ' > \\ ./ V •ionics and firesides. \) j » v , A--a natural consefjut nee it t- ir its r H \ , \ itahty and vigor of its youth, strengthens! r - .- It \ t ''X l ' u " exiieriences of over half .1 < .nt \ V" It has lived on its merits, and 011 tl ■ o>i ■ t \ ' progressive Americans. It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the conntry over i ti>" leading National I'aaily Ncwsj>aper. Recognizing its value to those ivho desire all the news ■«f the St ' ai'-i »w ; *», the publisher of "The CITIZKN"" your own favorite home l>apcr has entered into an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which enables bitn 1 (um.'-H both papers at the trifling cost of $1.50 per year. Hverv farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his family, and t<» «•• community in which he lives a cordial support or his b'-i. new <jx»|« ". *s 1 <g constantly an l untiringly for his interests m every way. l rimcit. h:s h..nu- ill the news and happeninirs of his neighborhood, the doings of hi- lr>en«is. t!» •» li < n and prospects for different crops, the prices in home market ard. in '« t. a wetkly visitor which should '>«• found evi-ry wi'le-awakr [r. : s i:r: Just think of it! Both >f these papers for only fl5O a year Sendlall subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa SEND NO MONEY <«*ttD*fl>c«iistf ,r.«Dic| . /r yvw» tar B foun<l p»rf*nly Miltfirtarj • ta<-tly «« 111 11 <<> i fr.i«iii «»»i Our Snecial Offur Price J]s 5Q • nil fr. ' t|ipoandaudtb«* win irrmrr 75 rrnta for e**-h Mattr< iLilpr i yifPr z F? 4 CIVE IT THREfc MONTHS TRIAL C 7 C Wf Will r.-turn ri.ur 91 >-• any ila» y< i an» n■>* 'ttwaeii a»ll 4«r- * —s iafcA.-y^CaWyH^? frreal bilm isl «r»4M af Rtthlari at I*. W, fll.t*. #. a Mp aBV|«]F9 fli iMtaadup, all faltv 4r.mWl la i»ur fr»# «a«kia« ** _ a. ■ | cn Mß| | b«; 519.50 fi»r thi. DROP DESK CABINET BURDXCZ /f y I Lr U |Uil i ti tb« ptftUMt nlu« mr anrrdty any bouse II * ■ UNI 9 • BEWARE OF IMITATIONS |V |JH| rarl-'iiii liitl.ir-em.-nl* Writ. lr!. ..I u (b.fu* I'"* **• (L ,mftr ■ ■ttnißLi iiii "mi ik« nt mm UkWJ/.'<'jV ill -? »ur DiiDnirv ■>« «<>»««' Tllb DUKUII/IV ronr o» «»«»t in ' ■■- e nSagSStrfifSP* i. mm IIMIIM «n». »ir« mi :» ufiinnii viii. mm ki 1111 i:i-r mkiii i> mum i ,I ™ n — l i HUH 1111 lil-l lIIIIKUI. •» H, 1 y SOLID Qu*HTfeH SAWED OAK * » ■ . ; % BPWP JcitL \ I ■SCMWT *' « lav H«l tra k**4, 7r w l mm I I I ■7l •I- w E| •' I ■ I GflpCT. ar t.r.iL*..i»J a.4 Wm- ?a« • ffXi'MEL TRIMMED j]; ' IV mmdo *'*n .»i *«.r rro-» t. '■ M yyyyy» w ■ .I IT COSTS rou WOTHIWG „ .T".* " : . • f £60.00 * \ Ib» ' •? •" » 1 9mm .«'«•* t m •»« •*• p»- fmr H»»| ik« iis.so t«» mimt 1»II fit *•* *t at '.« a* •.•Ma »«•- • • *- T mm %•« ••tlalai tiKUKK Tt| ptf |i»\ 1 Drill, i-. »r» K. rl n - ■ ■ * a i* ' Address SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. Inc. Chicago. HI I rn»n j "Vj : > ."»• j .a ■ Driving Lamp J J ■ i IJw IT •» «a« o"lj pertet M* C Hftt' > Jt—f J IT Ibm. < all Iht lukt »lr*UM mh-tj i # f from »>o to t«« mt. m >■ MM IT look* likt a I^..'motive h«*lli<NC I V V Iwl'l'- / J IT |l>«(clnrwliil< Hflil. —. ■ W IT (wiu kcrowoc ■» j A ? **" w n °t blow nor j«tr out | J V SPECIAL OFFER. Off THIS AOve«nse.*t*T otr £ tifti s,> E 5 m . and wrnl It mu*an !•« « t By £ * -p A y 1 V\ S. 1 -m W \ i «3i « K. n. l)ir;TZ COMPANY. 6o Ijiighl St.. >ew Vin-k. ir>on>(M>rc r. c r * Subscribe for the CITIZtN. 'm
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