| Spring Goods. || our Entire Spring Stock Complete stock of t;ie SOROS IS Shots J ffv I fix the new shoe for women. Made of the lines K> J w Dongola, Tan and Patent Leather; also com- M&)M 00 plcte stock of Baker & Bowman s fmehaml mmm turn's and hand welts in Dongola and fine M MM ow Russett Kid, made on the latest up-to-date last.. Hr (£) MEN'S SHOES. Tlle selection was never better. Very large QgJH made on all the new lasts. We cany these 00 shoes in all sizes and widths. Our line of >.lisf*.*s Shoes i'l fine Patent Smpre\e a Hne Ta °hndren-s Stoes in the latest <8? styles in all sizes and widths. || BOYS- SHOES. See Our Window Dispiay. JOHN BICKEL. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, I A. HUSELTONS PKT 11. o - cu * 00TWEAR Latest Spring Shapes in You've Every Reason to Watch Our Shoe Ads. This Shoe House is in prin:e shape for early spring business. Whether it's a shoe at a dollar or five, it has to be the best of that particular grade. HUSELTON'S SHOES ARE GUARANTEED. On that basis we're bidding for and getting the shoe trade of Butler county. £u Men's Spring Shoes. Three new spring styles The "Princeton" at #3 00. in women's black and The "Regent 'at $3.50. ... ton chnoC A shoe for men v\\o want the best to Idll ollUuo« bC *rhesc shoes fill aif"\he requirements All signs point to a strong " Tan . for style, durability and comfort. Side season. You 11 find special interest in by side with the best $3.50 and *4.00 these particular lots of Black and lat shoes going, they arc WINNERS Shoes. Correct Spn.ig .liapcs that get FVERY TIME. their introductory showing litre. Your favorite shai>e in the new Spring The Famous "(jneen Ouality at Jj.oo Styles is here in Black,Vici Kid and Ca»f The "\V ellesley at $2.50, Tan, Russia Calf and Kid. The ' Dorothy'' at *2 00 . See our Men's Tan Shoes at $1.50, All the toes—narrow to full—round kul $2.00 and $7.50. or vesting tops, bee our line S s c, SI.OO, Black, 90c to (2..50. $t. 2 5 and $1.50. SHOES FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. Same style as the men's and women's. We sell The Famous Mrs. Jenness Miller Shoes- 1 hey fit the feet as nature intended. Only to be had of us. B. C. HUSELTON'S, Butler's Leadlns Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OP ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSION OP The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. and case delivered <£ 1 nn I U upon payment of only ' »UU / \\*^ Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. j The BRITANNICA is the acknowl- j If you cannot send you.- children to " edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the University, bring the University to the NEW WERNER is the best edition them. of the Britannka. ec jjti on has never been sold for Do not put your money in old editions less than $64.50. For a short time only or poorly made books because they are S4O-50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST, ments. Consider the advantage of a family ORDER NOW, and take advantage who has this work over one which has of this rare opportunity to secure this un n°t* I rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. Tho best of horses and first class rigs :il ways on hand all'l for hire. Best accommodations In town for pcrma nent boarding and transient trade. Spec! al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A good class of hor-.es, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horsos bought upon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE, Telephone.JNo. 219. !<» CROWNS V*?¥l W ! " : BRIDGE -"fk r,! • *1 >*< ■£ If SitS PER TOOTH Ai . ti, V, f M V •>< »e- "f Teeth maalc. ON !.Y %f. '' *-»S*S*SC*SS^S : t IWANTED—A Reliable MAN:: 2 of good addttL. to solicit btipiucss from jtrop- ! J X arty-owncra. . « Ufa *a person wl .• J: Z to work, c<;u i.ir.kc fiotolls weekly. J J . X mission or salary, paid weekly. Address for , [ I X particulars, mentioning this paper. T M 0> < t'p 111 'J Q #*>' > MQ > tVtt 'ait /?>) M-A// % IV Ctrss a 'peckilizcd Brent]■ winning Education* fO* CIRCULAHS ADORE'S t V*. DUFF & SONS, 2t4> Filth Avenue, tITTSUUkt). PA. Strike Quickiy. "On the in«unt when \_ ft lion «how •1 i torn J rtV per " said a famous lion f / VI tauu r "cut him quietly ( over the t'ice. Don't —• wait until In- at C \ you." This 1 equally "V \ \ \ good advice for treat- I .-i pj v % \ Ju % J in" the lion of disease M.iny an attack of d«ne- tavts iOne •would be bt ad 1 off if at the first premonitory symptoms the victim wouid strike quickly. Those severe coughs, bronchial affections and wasting diseases which incrce into consumption would never £ct their savapre teeth into the constitution if their 1 :irly signs were headed off by Dr. Pierce's Cold en Medical Discovery. It provides such :in abundance of rich nourishing blood that 1 tuberculosis pi rins have no chance to pet any lodgment in the skin and purges all the impurities from every orpraii. It invigorates tne to expel a'l bilious front the circula tion. It creates h til thy tissue, vitalized nerve fiber and givt.- .-:> lid strength " I have thought ftra IQ»S* time," writes Mrs. Rose Ptiiy. ot Lukvillv Chatham Co., N C., "that I would Dot tk> you j'.;si:ce if T dv! not "write and tell you how I was cured 01 that ful disease called consumption, by using Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. I had meas les and pneumonia both at the same time, and came near dying, ai <1 as soon as I was able-to go out I was taken with grip, and then followed consumption. My ph*. siciau did all he could for mv relief but I received none I tried every thing that I could hear of that was good for a cough i.ut jerew w-.rse, and would have died s.Njn had I not commti.t 1 using the • Ge.i len M«.i cal Discovery.' I felt improved before the hrst ijottlc was finished. I took six bottles, and alter that I felt !>etter and stronger than in ten years before. That was six years ago. and tCMlay do not feel any symptoms of a return of the I remain cured, aud I think I am the cau ■ of a friend being cured by using the same medicine »e was afilictcd as I was. and after every thing failed to cure him he took Dr. Tierce s Golden Medical Discovery aud was cured." SPECIFICS A - A '} FEVERS. Lunar Fever. .Milk Ferer. CUBES) ?l : n?s( SPHAIVS. Lamroms, ItticuiuatbU. Didemper. ".•?:hVORMS, Hutu. Gruba. CURES ) J COrGHS. Cold*, influenza. COLIC, Bellyache. Diarrhea. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. H -] KIDNEY A- BLADDER DISORDERS. CURES > MAXGE. Skin Diseases. ci REsi BAD CONDITION. Staring COM. 60c. each; StableCar,<\ Ten Spoelflra, Book, &r., i At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys* Medicine (;0.. Cor. William k John Bts., New York. VETERINARY BIASUAI* >SEXT 1-HEE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS nnd Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific ' No. 2S, iii use over4o years, the only [ successful remedy. $1 per viat,or 5 vials and larue vial powder.for $5 gold t.y or wnt p<>Bt on receipt of §»rlre. HISI'iIUKVo'ULii. to., Ur.MUUuiif Jeha York A Cure for Constipation. I have l>een tronhlert witheonstlpfttlon for - yeaiM. It, was ruinlnß my healtb, my eoii.- rortand my eomploxlon, and I am <;lnd to say that Celery K ing has rentoreil all tin I and this after trying many other medleli ' ' (hat were supposed to he good, but which were of no value whatever. I would like K tell every suffering woman what ('elei y K in has done for me.—Nellie Oould, Medina,< >liio Celery King cures Constipation and all fli eaNesofl he Nerves, Htomaeli, I .i veraud K u.i nevs. Hold by druggists. 25c and 60c.. 8 | PURE BLOOD, | Purcbloodmeansllfe,healiit, € vigor—no room for disease v Sphere tlie veins are filled S vritla rich, red corpuscles. } b ILindsey's Improveds | Blood Searcher I 0 Itakcs pure blood—cnrc-3 ecrof* (\ I 0 itla, erysipelas, pimples, boils, 5 # sore eyes, scald head—blood dis- c* eases of ail forms. Here's proof: « 3» „ JIl"3OP0TAinA,0lIIO. Jl 5 T-r. lin&7';i Blood Search.er lias jg P Torkedwcndcrswithinc. UiaYcbetn IP n troutiledwith B&ofuZafbrtklrt'jveara t& V laS I find that 3)r. I.infsey'a JJloos 5 r B-archer will cllect a permanent euro

only the best brands of wines, whiskeys, eto. If you are dissatisfied with the wines and lienors yon have been getting, pive ours a t rial. Prices lowest for pure goods: FINCH, HT. VDBNON, (iICKKNnUMFH, tllllSON, OVKRIIOIjT, LABCiK, THOMPSON. BBIIHJKPORT, Any of the above brands of whiskey, un adulterated, tf years old, SI.OO per full *|t.; .(iO. (i It AN I) FAT IIK B'B CIIOICEt a whiskey guar an ted '{years old, per p." I. On C. O. I>. or mail orders of or over we box and ship promptly; express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street, Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite It &O. Depot. IARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Open nil tin? year, nndi r the medical eon trot of Or. E. O. C'rossman, graduate of Uni versity of Vermont, assi>ted by skillful phy sicians. A |)j'"inlnienlsof tin - most approved kinds, and tlrst-cla->-. in iv« ry respeet. Treatment I>y inediejnes and bat lis «»i all kinds, massage and eleetrieity. Ilot. ami eold. salt Turkish, Koman. 'it*/. ele«-tro t hernial, electro-cheiinieal and m-edle bat lis. liullding le ated with h«»l water, lighted by electricity, sttpplh-d with pure mountain water, surrounded by quiet, restful moun tain seenery. Located on i'ittsburg division of ii. & (). L. U.. wliicli eonm ets b with tin principal cities and their railroad systems; also with the Pennsylvania railroad :i« Hyndman, Johnstown, Connelsviiie, Brad doi*k. Terms reasonable. Special rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians and t heir families For further information and c irculars address THE BA&KLETOH SANATGKIUH CO., j ' Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. IVjoilel Qairy poultry Farm. RAHWAY, N. J. Breeder of High Class Poultry. Barred Rocks, IJuff Cochins, 1 I.ignt Ur.ihmas, Black Minorc.is, S. C. Brown Leghorns, S. 1,., White and Golden Wysndottes, and I'EKIN DUCKS. lllubtratc-U C'atiLlugue I I£KK THK CITIZEN. SHARP POINTS. An unwelcome guest la one of the best things goicg. Paradoxical as It may seem, silent speaks for Itself. The queen of the tea table not onl} reigns but she pours. The occasion is always around some where when it is required. Marriage isn't spelled m-i-r-a-g-e, | but that is often what it is. For every consulate there are many \ disconsolates, says an office-seeker. Our own faults always look small in | comparison with those we see in oth- T?" The man who dwells in other people's ! memories has to pay exorbitant rent. ! A little child can discover more stray sunbeams than a grown person can. i The hunter who is chased by a bear i is lucky if he comes out ahead Of the j game. A woman confers upon herself a I doubtful honor when she reforms a j man by marrying him. "The stars are peeping," says a poet. Well, that's what the peephole in the drop-curtain is for. And now it is reported that a St. Louis woman died from pneumonia contracted while attending a faith cure meeting. The evolution of the worm results in a butterfly, A can of dynamite at tacked by a goat will also make the butter fly. PREC OUS STONES- All precious stones are purified by a bath in honey, according to an old Idea. Many curious notions fire cur rent in regard to gems. It is said that the agate quenches thirst, and if put into the mouth allays fever. Amber is a cure for sore throats and glandular swellings. Cat's eye is a charm against witch craft, Coral is a talisman against thunder and evils by flood and field. Diamonds produce somnambulism and spiritual ecstasy. Emeralds, friendship and constancy. Garnets preserve health and Joy. The onyx is apt to cause terror to the wearer as well as ugly dreams. Opals arc fatal to love and bring dis cord to giver and receiver. Sapphires impel the wearer to all good works. The topaz is said to be a preventive to lung troubles and imparts strength. DEVIOUS DEFIN TIONS. Divorce—The cold lunch that follows love's banquet. Humility—The uniform worn by hyp ocrites on dress parade. Whistling—The transformation of a popular air into an ill wind. Abuse—The penalty an eminent man is compelled to pay the public. Love —Something that makes the heart flutter and the tongue flatter. Critic —A man who can see no merit in anything he doesn't do himself. Anxiety—The cause of more brain trouble than anything else except love. Logician—An individual who can fig ure out anything to his own satisfac tion. Language—Something used by law yers to conceal the thoughts of their clients. Timetable —The one you acquire by paying for it on the weekly installment plan.—Chicago News. IRONICAL IFS. If you don't keep a secret it's no longer a secret. If you can't haw what you like try to like what you have. If we could neither laugh nor cry life would not be worth living. If a man would get along smoothly he should do his level best. If you trust to luck for happiness you'll be in luck when you get it. If a man has common sense he sel dom makes use of it in a love affair. If a man ever indulges in mature de liberation it's when he has a note to meet. If the day breaks before you get up you should not expect to find the whole day before you. If you think you resemble a great man say nothing. The resemblance may cease the moment you open your mouth. —Chicago Hews. WHY? Why isn't the shepherd's crook a ram-rod? Why isn't the carrier pigeon a feath er-duster? Why isn't the detective's salary al ways spot cash? Why hasn't there been pay-meant if a man meant to pay? Why isn't the average dime novel a sort of blood relation? Why isn't it a milk-shake when the milkman forgets to call? Why isn't the leaden hour entitled to the heavyweight championship? Why is it we seldom see a family enter at a door labeled "Family En trance?" Why doesn't some enterprising cigar ette manufacturer give away a fresh lung with each package?— Chicago News. MERCANTILE DEFINITIONS. Bookkeeping—forgetting to return borrowed volumes. Double entry—charging the same thing twice. Single entry—charging a man with goods, but not crediting the cash hi pays for them. A ledger—a counting house compan ion upon which peofde often spen their entire fortunes. A promissory note —acceptance of ai invitation. A foreign glass of cognac. There is a tremendous demand for Hood's Sarsaparilla this spring. It's Nature's Spring Medicine. A great manufacturing concern of Dayton, (>., has notified its employes that henceforth preference will be given 1 to young applicants for employment who have had a kindergarten training, and after 1015 no applications for em ployment will be considered unless the applicant has had a kindergarten train ing. The company has conducted kindergartens for the benefit of chil dren of their employee's for a number of years and has observed the results. The educational classes and other enterprises which have been carried on for the benefit of the employes has resulted, in six years, in completely transforming a poor factory suburb into a pretty residence district. If corpor ations would emulate the Dayton ex periment, they would find that in a few j years all the money they had invested was returned to them. It does not need a statesman tn see that social dis orders which are liable to cost so much in the end can be cured at the root by properly educating the less fortunate j citizen. —Sci. Am. j RHHOUATISM l"l RED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and j - Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. ! Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the ; ; causes and lilt disease immediately di.s- , j appears. The fir>t dose greatly benefits; i I 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. 1 Italph Druggists liutler. 96, I STRANGE FREAK OF NATURE How a Caterpillar's Ilo«lr Iternm.t th. the Hoot of a ISulru.li From some of the newer countries, so-called on account of the lack of definite knowledge regarding them. ! reports of strange freaks and euriosi | ties constantly appear, and. as a rule, they are laughed at. but once in a j while they turn out to l>e the truth. I It is this way with the strange freak ; of nature called the bulrush cater | pillar, which is Indigenous to New ■ Zealand. This report, which static! that at certain seasons a large black caterpillar would bury itself in the ground, and be converted into the root of a bulrush, was laughed at. like the rest, but now an English scientist, who recently gave an exhaustive in vestigation of the strange phenomenon, stated that in many respects the state ments are strictly true. From this re port it has been learned that the eater pillar grows to about three and one half inches long and when about to assume the chrysalis state buries it sell" in the ground, and in doing so it is frequently infected by the spores of some fungus, which becomes involved in the scales in its neck. These the larr e is unable to < xpei. and the vege tation thus set up rapidly extends throughout the entire body, replacing ea< h animal cell ihus destroyed by vegetable matter, and finally convert ing it into a c ;aparatively dense vege table structure, which retains every detail of the body, even to the legs, mandibles and minutest claw. From the neck, the portion first Infected, there then shoots up a single stem, which grows to the height of eight or ten inches, resembling very closely the clubheaded bulrush in miniature. It has no leaves, and if she first stem be broken off another rises in its place, though two stems never grow simul taneously from the same "caterpillar." A Community of Mai*k<»m*ii. The little commune of Attinghausen, iu Canton I'ri. lias b • n iuad< famous throughout the world by the pen of Schiller in his "William Tell. The commune at 1 res ut has a population of about 500 souls, including the ba bies. Like all its neighbor communes, it holds it-< yearly "Schutzenfest." It appears from the report of the con test in the Urner Zcitunz t..at no fewer than IS4 out o Its otto inhabitants are capable markes! ri or markeswomen, for out of the IS4 who took part in the contest at the communal butts 43 were women. Not only did some of the women prove to be better shots than their husbands, to the great de light of the sex. but the highest honors of this year's festival were won .y fe male hands. Tae Jungfrau Ivatharina u Irscli, who is only iu her fifteenth year, made 50 points at the "Zweck schuss," and so carried off the first prize. She is the daughter of Matthias Wirsch. who, with s.»von of his sons j and three of his < a.igbters, appeared | at the Attingb ' • ••elr--izeiifest. ami the whole la: i'.\ v. v so d xterous I •1 ith their i\ ■ bey gained nine prizes durii-g the ljy. The Xi-ii .T!t i-«*ai»t i;i> Ta\ \ ws. The r.ew iu?rc.ai!t>lo tax, wh: •!» has been appr ve l y >veraor, will certainly be the subject of great con troversy owing lo the new system of fixing valuations imposed, and the fact that it levies a tax on the total amount of sales rather than by classification. The new law imposes an annual tax of on retail dealers, and one mill additional on each dollar of the whole volume of business transacted annually. Wholesale dealers shall pay an annual tax of i(i3 and one half mill additional on each dollar of the whole volume of busi ness transacted annually. Mercantile appraisers shall be ap pointed by the county commissioners annually on or before December 3(1. The blanks to be distributed by the merccantile appraisers are to 1m 1 pre pared by the auditor general and shall contain an affidavit to which the dealer shall subscribe. The whole yolnme of business, inclnd ing cash receipts and merchandise sold 011 credit, shall be the basis on which the license is to be rated. If the owners, proprietor or any other person connected with a business re. fuse to produce the books and papers and appear before the county treasurer to give information on which to base his tax, he is made liable to a penalty of SI,OOO. All dealers coming under the act are required to place permanently at the entrance of their place of busi ness a sign describing the business in which they are engaged, under a pen alty of *lO for each and every offense. It is estimated that the new law will raise annual revenue of over $1,000,000. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. When a man discovers he has made a mistake lie generally looks about for some one to blame it on. Many a youngster has his eyes on the pie while his father is askin;; the bless ing. A Baccalureate sermon is a very pretty thing. It makes the graduates feel proud and high-minded to think they can understand it. Pride goeth before destruction, and falsehood followetha fishing expedition. The same people who make a lion of a man will make a monkey of him if he doesn't look out. A woman's idea of a "function" is something where all the women wear dresses made 011 purpose. A man may say that all men are equal, but thinks himself a little better than his neighbor just the same. Cider is said to be fatal to the typhoid bacillus. Ex. If hard enough, it's oft times fatal to other folks besides the aforesaid bacillus. Horse buyers are plentiful this season, anil prices are better than for several years. We haven't entered upon the horseless era by a good deal. Your winter flannels don't yon doff Until it's nearly .Tune, For lots of folks are taken off Isy dotting them too soon. r r r* MV FRIEND' /i ' fjifc \-J ■' 'f l- •vmrSSSr ' late in the season if yon - ?/V k ] L* f ) while stock is complete Ladies' Separate WA A I 1 a "4 ■! Jackets and Skirts. Misses' and Children's vA / / Y,', * i Jacket Suits, Ladies' Shirt Waists ami li'sfi N "sV*rappers, M:ss ; -s' Shirt Waists. JA Ladies' Covert Cloth Suits, lined Ll i \ •■' throughout $5.00 WA W A S: 1 v- Ladies' Covert Cloth Suits, si'.k- K. \ fl' 6.75 ij si Bi \f\ Ladies' All-wool Covert Cloib t , & fit 10.00 5V JJ . •* / 7 A '1 13 50 mW? Ladies' All-wool Vtnitiau Cloth w A WA MH : \V* silk-lined Jacket ... 16 50 j.'-' All the above priced suits come in tan WA r 2 - \j" ami brow. , blues, black and grays. i l* MILLINERY BARGAINS. WA 'A V» Opporluait Jto lift -IH. t Wh«l Vou Hani at Ja.t Wktl In. *»«•» t« I'.j. kl ' wA r A LI |i.yi ap L v W A V £5 r J trimmed H med Hats 19c, 25c, 50c. 75c to $1.50. yA fA DRESS GOODS BARGAINS s« W £ »2 1 S w A ' k« v 2 k \l f A 2] » 3 W A j Li SILK WAIST BARGAINS FJ w A s v i Evi W A \ Mrs, J. E. Zimmerman, tJ> ="* ij ;-S-iJr ,-H -■» .T —S-- - SJ» O,> .-, «j V* * r ' v,n 9 Lamp I i IT Is the onl* perfect ue. ( f y I IT throws all the light straight ahead X 1 PM-/A^- m M ,T look* like a I lomstlvc headlight. T V V jJfcJJtj. IT gives a clear white light. _ £ ,T burns kerosene t Coal Uil) ifpl b j Itwill not blow nor jar out >ls J® ? C SPECIAL OFFER. ctrr THIS ADVERTISEMENT OLT / E J flk and send It to u< and we will send If V-A |Jy£ 7 V book describing our lamp, and will agree to send you one single lamp or \J| i ® |p a pair at our wholesale price (very much less than the retail price). (f i A mR. E. DIETZ COMPANY, 60 Laigtit St., New York. jCZZK ' V F.stablisiifd 19ML t, -TTSTTFACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE IJ3ES SAPOLIO PROFESSIONAL CARUS. V EWTON BLACK, 1\ ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on South DiamondJStreet. nil. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell building. 4 LEX RUSSELL, A ATTORNKY'AT LAW. Office* with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. pOULTER & BAKhR. V ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room R-, Armory buildtn^. TOHN W. COULTER. rl ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butler, Sjiecial attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. 1 B. BKEDIN, t). ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. t T. BLACK, J\, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J. —Armory building. I M. PAINTER, f' . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office between I'ostoff.ce and Diamond it F. L. McQUISTION, V. Civil. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. I kR. C. AT WELL, 1" Office 106 W. Diamond St., LDr. Graham's old office. ] Hours 7 to 9a. m. and i to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. \\r H. BROWN, >V . HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Night calls at office. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, IJ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. I BLACK, II • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutman Building, Butler l*a. f\ M. ZIMMERMAN U, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. I\R. N. M. HOOVER. 1' 137 K. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. m. i and lo 3 p. tn. H\V. WICK, • DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. J. B. PAUL*. I' DENTIST, Painless extraction -No Gas—Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office - Room No. 1. new Iliekel build irg. I J. DONALDSON, RL. DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted 011 the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office oyer Miler's Shoe Store. OR. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local naesthetics used. Ollice over Millers groceiy, east of Low ey house. DR. W. P. McILROY, DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at 111 East Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods' Dk. CIIAS. R. B. HUNT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 240 South Main St. I r McALPIN. T • DENTIST, Now permanently in Birkcl Building, with a reliable assistant, an'l facilities for best and prompt work. People's Phone for f)rs. V. or J. Mc ! Alpin—House \n. 330; office No. 340. Butler Business College. COURSES. I—Practical Book-keepers, 2— li*pert 1 Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand. 4 Reporters Shorthand. s— English. 6—The Languages. Branches Taught Book-keeping,single and double entry, business writing, business spelling, busi ness gratnmer, business arithmetic, com merc'al law, lightning calcalations, busi ness correspondence, business forms s»nd customs, detection of counterfeit money s and fraudulent notes, shorthand, type writing, dictation, speed work, reporting r expedients, duplicating, actual corres pondence in the college office, reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling, grammar, geogragliy. history, I.atin, German, Greek, Hebrew, Civil Government, Descriptive Economics. I'all term begins Sept. 1. H99, Write for descriptive circulars, catalogue, etc. Our reference are: Hon. Judge Greer, Hon. Joseph Hartman, Win. Campbell, Jr., John Berg, Andrew Brymer, etc., etc , and a large number of worthy graduates who are filling responsible positions. 1 All language work will be under the direction of Rev. Chas. Glatzert, after May Ist. Address A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. oples' l'hone 271. 11 174. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY By means of the Kodak has reached the perfect stage. So simple that a child can operate it- and the prices within the reach of everyone. We keep the largest and most complete line in town of Photo SuppliesJawl the only genuine Eastman Kodak, Dry IMates, Films, Develop ing Powders, Chemicals, Trays, Mounts, Printing I'rames, Priutiug Pa pers, Plash Powders, Albums, and Tall _kinds of supplies at DOUGLASS BOOK H'l'OkK. Near P. O Peoples Phone 162. SEND US ONE DOLLAR IH9D i.atlrm hi*h irrad- UftHKKTOIU I'OAL AID IMMID l ook STUVK, ».> freight t <>.!>.. gqbjrct to »-x»winatAon- Kxainiitn ,r j u f : I|» rf'tt ly t 1. Cm M«> »he trrfcUd cwr Vuw .ffiuie if KURO! K IUU FREE Mnt *lth.r STOVE CATALOGUE. der or 112.W arul frritfht chanrra This «tov# ta Mw No. ■, 1« *in x 11. top \» made from be»t pi* iron, eitra flt les, h«*vy crvrs, her. hand«< t> *• nickel plated ornamentation* and trimmings, eitra larcc deep, genuine *lai.«lUl» |«jrr«-' hand pome ornamented haw. &c«t rool fcuraer «040, and *«• furnifh ► Kk.K an extra wood grate. making It a per feet wood huraer. W K l*M K 4 BMDIJU fcl Alt AST tit wjth every itove and guarantee »-afc delivery to y«»ar rail rnad station. Yosr i>>cal d»-a!or woul 1 eharsr* y..u 12'. OC f - r mieh a stove, U.h freight Ifl only about 91 t«0 ful each Ml miles. »o wo *»»• y«>u •( l»«»t SIO.OO. Add res*. SEARS, ROEBUCK A. CO. IHC CHICACO,ILL (8~r». ibxbuck tUw Uu>™u t sij r*Uuto.-MtM>.) FGC«S FOK HATCHING Buff Leghorns, Buff and Barred Plymouth Rocks One dollar for fifteen. HOWARD W.IEDMONDS, * Annandale, N. ,J 1 ASummer 1 \ Summer it fiWillinery «—"• ™ • ■ t Millinery.4 ► V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. J SUMMER SALE. X ' * o ,i > 0 1/ I I 0 * A j ( X Mourning Coods Always on Hand ( 0122 S. ftlain St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.V x>oooc>oo©oooooooooooooc a« a*4 »* »flmm4 »*• «**• e- ri«< :l« frprr *. * ' if ■ PJVf ' ■ the *„ *sM-«*al :»0 «*a« •* •ffV»r |H* ', SJ'>«S, * | •4 >» . ***** ; brt|fr»*«l d»n"if .Ufa .U *t $' • ... *£ «r ariii" " iiiii iiiiWPll^fP It ln* li«» :*mir / in. n. w... -< ; !•.» ~ " Uimi vtavrx, II »' p«. a* f. - Jl j' L M - -Sr^' Pair a*a B»laa»a. «-;«•»* »>. - as. ti- • - r- -.* - *J" fBSSM 1 aap «-r. Piayaaw far'- .4 "-« Hunt ... .- •' 1... ■■hwJl"'*'- -iMf iKMIH rfVj »t W,. 7 !»*.. i *»t «rs: nm -. u.- -. li - J§| " *V* - - . -- ■ «&£ I J airHi-t'*«p «ud U> I -A. JhHBK TCS * J iMtii«r«.bri etr **'36flB9!!^^^^^^^KlU , ™FsP h* »n«| Am**: u-a: \ ' :i i ... f^jKgbrafeKaßHH^HiW ai MI wi HN •• *L| pi- •>>»• ' i •»• ( -: |»> .ui : ■ V-*^f > rS" * 1 an.i r ■..■mt :■- *m w INK a»n— *Mi a* I !*• »M* «m« -V.O wt!-a -w® '*" *a ail :♦. r «iii:ii; \T«IH»: W»\ r NR'.N R ."' i —■— —' " ;i * '* 1 ex «rM» ' - I 11 l|V l . pur>M«hcr. . #p.-» ar tr pottUa laQ nai 3 B%nfe. nr <"• rn f k u»o«:»- >» *• .%ak ClttctM. .»r ;'«ei«ac* FaaK. !••« T *rH araa. p ; W wmfaay In . *• at •*** <*»■ 4i >y »-• p. ■• .»# L\# « SEAR J HO:. 1 C t WHY DOES A Farmer Add Phosphates HTo His Farm. To a;« 1 »n. ■ firm; It - tore il timo* nml< lirlp. »t J •-■* :• »' « liftT. iiitp' vhi-i'tr U*P' tf up r: run- ■• ■ *■■> '■■ ••* th J»:is*if Sn«-k vit;i!it\. nl ! > m.itir a in••» i u t%i hit * f ]•. njj ■ft«r all. All wi.>tki« > **« K' *'• '"*'• " •* .:• t We <>ell odr tb( bnt, Mvl (Kirasti th m t '••■ TSr!v .-! frt« fn ci all impnntu-4. Mere xre miatf of our prices: Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the monc} 32 00 a srzL Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a sal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a gml Gin. Rum. Hummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gaL We have some very fine California »in«-»oi IS9? vintajre I'ort, Shrrry an>l Angelica at ft.tm per gallon Ther • rr of hf*ljr aner that we j.iy riprmajje on all or.fcii of $5-«*> .iml over exc.'pt where n transfrr is» uecraaary from »nr Iv*press C»>tni>any to another, wlieti we j»»t to point of transfer. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, t 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PA Send for catalogue ami price list, mailed free. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Oid !!! ' prosperity of the America-i !'< »p'«- h-> . w-f - it n^wr ftVi-w • friends as the rulleil h> ar: i the 1 risjinal ■lWcW* ' l> family jvussei! ti> their rewar>l. an-! th -« aa{x*r. Kecoijni/ing its value to those who desire all the news of the State aim Sal* n. the publisher of "The CITIZIN" 1 your own favorite liom • joper lias enternl :eto an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which enable-* him to fnmtsh both p.ij>ers at the trifling cost of $1.50 per year. Every farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his family, aad t t'ut community in which he lives a cordial supj*>rt of his local new*(M{>er, . s it « r'ts Constantly and untiringly for his interests in every way, bring* t.. his Junrje .i!". t!ie news :md happenings of his neighboring*!, t!ie doings of his friend*, the o>t!'liti< n and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, i" 1 fact, is a wetkly visitor which shouM 1k- found in ev.-ry progressive finiity. Just think of it! Both of these paper* for only ' * 1 foun/▲ H MB a»- • 31i.(M>a*4 mp, all fall* 4e*r>h*d lm (»«r frea **•!•« ImlM* « •ta'#«w. X I len . v bmt 515.50 for iMa DROP DESK CABINET BURDICI FP| J) I L XZ* U tn® tfreateat ralua ever ofTered by any houa* Mil T ■ Ull T BEWARE OF IMITATIONS > tU I lfl|l ▼ertlsiiiiiita. offer in* »«kaa«a awlton ua :»-r > ariotu remv-4. witH fffW I k# I a Vtrloui Ind'irfmfnti WHta ioe» frltaJ la thicaia a«4 laara »aa Mt ITL* JEDfe RKLUHI.K ASU WHO ARK SOT. MJ ryV.-tf »>>tZ" 4 - TUP RIIDHIPIf h *- orrrr imrwwmunr IUJIK%^; % «iU^ £ I ■■ EL DUitUIV/IV Bun wiob nun or iukt nk.h QfcADt lAlianK I*DI. WITH TH& " ? MTKfTH or Soil. M \UF ItV Till IIKT MUI K mm mm l> * KMy BOT HATERUL - 2 ? % SIF T V SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK MY;;; * * IBtt lirSSPQSggajjhgyjMJgffllEKfl ptr.* fr »m «!«h: I t«» Nr ua■•! aa a c.at*. a*a4 «r.k. »>» a = iPfi 3PBfli 4ra talral |an« . delete* tr%mr. c*rt< : par.* J m Hi] , ». ■ C ■ jKHL 1 - /H All Q «Hr I inrat larr* Nl-a I il VI/ I ■H m "* • all ■ liberator, i»n .»»•.. a * • ■ f # JT « ~ r\l | _ ■ JjAWPfs carrier. psl«-nt nr. Ila r » psr t - t • - '..-a •■ > > ■»• f f 1 I UhK . c . • - | W CUAtANTpID ' 1 2 IH BT, . - asa 4* Iwrry kn*«» attacb»#«( .« fur*.Ut»4 a»4 MP Free Inmtm*n B hi!: mH I just b w *nr «a;. nil it an t 1 » , r a fe : ff * nil A JO-TEARS BIXDINOOUARASHK I. w-.t » n. . • |IT COSTS YOU NOTHING * - - * ' ■ T • . ■ , I *<■ ▼• .r ■ -r ei, .*> . _ . * * . $60.00. •"«! Ifcau if .- ••.»!» -» ••• ar« *a* -* !!*«• • •*& a a* • rwr fr.l«»t «••• 41J. »,0. *► ' o >,rl K, Tatl K ti. ,■< if , , . ,tm. .ink tkf— ...it. raa «, . •MHIMfi UIDIITII Hit. IHI> I I.(LIT 1 Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. Inc.> Chicago, lis. SL C.WICK, DIAU« •» Rough Worked Lur.ier Fincllev'H °* % I ! hutrs, Sa>ii. Blinds, Vi< ,:i PHOTOS i LIME. H\IR AND PLASTLr? When you go to Town. »»«.« it , «.x w. 1, .. P. O. BUILDING. j BUTLEE, PA^ Branches—Evans City and Mars. Sabacriba tor tin CitiiSK