THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MAY 15, :899. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •VOTE -All advertisers Intending to make -iiiiuKM in their ads. hhoold notify us of their intention tod.' MI >1 >t later than Mon day uiornlnu. Auditor's Notice, estate of Elizal>eth Baker. Dissolution Notice, Barnhart & Sons. Application for Charter. Stein's New Shirt Waists. Pape's Summer Millinery Sale. Ed. Colbert's Furnishings. C. & T's .Tnne Sale. Evans' Bikes. Adminlsiiators and Executors of estates ran secure their receipt hooks at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sal.-s th2ir note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —lf you have a -bit of money to in vest in property, now is your time. —The list of applications for license will be published next week; and li cense court will be held June 20th. —The Salvationists have arranged for a tented meeting place on the Krng lot on McKean street, near E. Cnnning ham. —The residence of Hiram Grossman, of Slipperyrock twp, was struck by lightning, during the storm of Wednes day of last week. —Co. E, 15th Pa., Vols, will meet at the Armory at 10 a. m.. Decoration Day, in civilian clothes for the Waters monument ceremonies. —The construction trains of the A. & W. now rnn from Butler to Craigs ville. where an immense boarding house has been built for the construc tion crews. —There was some frost Monday morning, where the fog did not prevent. It did not see TO to do much damage, however, which some say was due to the "light of the moon." —People who live along the road from Parker to Hilliards think there should be a licensed house in Hilliards, as the boys make too much noise going home at night from Parker. —A large number of Butlerites at tended the lawn fete of the Chicora Hose Co., at that place. Tatter's or chestra and a drum corps furnished music for the occasion which was a success in all respects. —The Memorial Sermon will be de livered in the English Catholic Church on McKean St., next Sunday evening; and the Memorial day services will be held in the Opera House. Tuesday after the parade. See notices. —At North Washington this evening an entertainment is to be given by Miss May Wilson of Fairview and Miss McKuv and Prof. Poehlman and wife of Grove City for the benefit of the new Fairview 17. P. church. —A curious invention for the pro tection of bank checks has recently t>een patented. It consists of a num ber of disks, so arranged that any combination of numbers may be formed. The characters are heated to branding temper ature by means of electricity, and, cn being pressed to the surface of a check or similar paper, the amount named thereon is burned by a process which defies the usual methods resorted to by check raisers. Devices are provided so that the work can be done quickly. —A writer in the Scientific American says he has cleared his premises of ver min by making whitewash yellow with copperas and covering the stones and rafters in the cellar with it. In every erf vice in which a rat might go he put the copperas and put it in the corners of the floor. The result was a complete disappearance )f the rats and mice. Since that time not a rat or mouse has been ne-ir the house. Every spring the Cellar is coated with the yellow white wash ns a purifier and rat exterminator, and no typhoid, dysentery or fever at tacks the family. —A little boy in a western town was required to write an essay the other day. "The newspaper" was his subject and here is the result: "I don't know how newspapers came to be in the world. I don't think God does, for he ain't got anything to say about them, and editors is not in the bible. I think the editor is one of the missin links you read about, and stayed in the brush un til after the flood, and then came out and wrote the thing up and has been here ever since. I don't think he ever dies. I never saw a dead nn' and never heard of one getting killed Our paper is a mighty poor one and the editor doesn't wear f.ny socks. Pa has not paid any subscription for fifteen years. —ln driving over Bntler county one < generally finds a very good roadway,but i it is snrprising and startling to notice the large number of really dangeious places which the supervisors and road makers either overlook or neglect. A culvert not as wide as the roadway, with a deep gutter at each end is one of the meanest places the driver has to watch for. , There are large numbers of them in Butler county. When there is a mndhole on each side of the culvert it is atill worse. Deep gutters and steep banks with no guard rails are another menance to the travelers' safety. Then the ordinary unfilled chuck hole and rut are almost omni present. This is the time of year to improve our roads, aud it is a necessity that it does not pay to neglect, as is plainly evidenced by the late verdict of $3,000 against Cherry township and that against Franklin township a year or two ago. Town ship supervisors have a most import po sition and are under great responsibili ty to their fellow citizens. Sometimes a traveler can mark the boundry lines of townships by the condition of their roads, and the roads are just what the Htqiervisors have them made. OIL. NOTES. Both agencies are still paying sl.lß. MARION TWP.- Tebay & Co. are drilling on the James Med berry, and Amos Seaton farms. CLEARFIELD TWl\—Hoch Bros. & (Jo's, well on the McCrea is holding up well. It did 200 bbls. last Sunday, and has been doing about 1(>0 bbls. a day since. MUDDYCREEK—The Forest will drill on the Eicholtz. adjoining the Kline to the south, which is doing some oil. For l£arly Closing. We the undersigned merchants of Bntler agree to close our respective places of business every evening, except Saturday, at six o'clock, beginning May 15, IW.I, and ending September 30 189'.): Douthett & Graham T. H. Burton 11. Steele J. N. Patterson Schaul & Nast Seliloss Bros Harvey Colbert. Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage in the ll7ery business, call on Walker & Wick for location and outfit. PERSON AL. Mrs. Thomas Klingensmith is visiting friends in Reading Dr. Clarence Caldwell of Baker-town was in town yesterday. Mrs. Poll}* .Tones, of Franklin town ship, is serionslv ill. L. M Goldinger. of Clearfield twp , was in town Saturday. Mrs. Mary Parker has been appointed P. M. for the office at Six Points. Dr. S. A. Johnston has sold his den tistry office to Dr. M. D Kottraba. Misses Mame and Kelt McCollongh are visiting friends in Washington. James M. Galbreath. Esq. will make the Decoration Day speech at Petrolia. Mitchell McCaslin and W. J. Thoinp son. of Clay township, were in town, yesterday. Mr. Bole has the foundation laid for a new residence at the foot of Main St., Millerstown. W. A. Stover has purchased the Will Morris house, lately damaged by fire, on W. Pearl street. Miss May Negley. of Philadelphia, formerly of Butler, is visiting friends and relatives here. J. C. Dodds, of Shore street is agent for the "Gray Mineral Ash an insect destroying fertilizer. Mrs. Emmet Bis3ell. of St. Peters burg, Pa., is visiting John \V. Coulter and wife of Fairview Ave. Mrs. Margaret Heyl. Mrs. John Heyl, .and Miss Margaret Heck, of Prospect, were in town yesterday. S. C. McGarvey, of Fairview town ship, passed through town, Tuesday, on his way home from college. T. B. Ewings of Bruin was among the many residents of that neighbor hood attending court this week. N. S. Snow and wife of Elm St. en tertained H. C. Falcher and wife, a newly married couple at dinner, Tues day. Jedergej Biskup and Floryanna Hen reik of Derry bronght their names to Butler last week and secured a mar riage license. Misses Josephine Criswell and Millie Sherman visited Miss Criswell s sister, Mrs. Katharin Stevens, at Crafton, Pa., last week. Chas. B. Stewart and son Frank, of Cross Roads. W. Ya., are visiting Mr. Stewart's mother, near West Sunbury, during her sickness. Chas. Stauffer, of Harmony, Lewis Hartman, of Cranberry twp.. and Henry Hartman. of Petersville, were in town last Thursday. Joseph Hauck, who is following hi# trade as a tinner in Parkersburg, W. Va , is visiting his mother and brothers on S. Washington St. Rev. McLure and Y. F. T. Kelly, of Bruin, passed through town. Monday, on their way home from Apollo, where Rev. Daubenspeck was installed, Sun day. Drs. Pillow, Bippus, Atwell. Hocken - berry and Howe were among the But ler county physicians at the State Med ical Convention at Johnstown, last week. Harvey Turner and tamily, after a two-weeks visit with Butler county friends, left yesterday for Lavaca. Nebraska, where he has a ranch, and will engage in the stockraising busi ness. The manv friends of Edward Harley, son of C. Harley. will be pleased to hear of his marriage at W. Ya. to a young lady of that place. Ed. has been work ing there as a machinist for several years past. Josiali L. Seaton of Euclid visited bis aunt, Margaret Bailey in Marion twp. who is in poor health, last week, and also attended an infare at the home of T. K. Speer. whose daughter was mar ried lately to Mifllin Smith of Washing ton twp. Miss Luella Baker, of Petrolia, won first honors, and a silver medal, at the oratorical contest of the Legion of Hon or, held at Petrolia last weeks. Miss Irvin, of Slipperyrock. took second hon ors, and an excellent lx>ok. There were a dozen contestants, Arthur Black, of New Castle, spent last week with friends in Butler, while nursing a sore hand. He is employed in a steel works in New Castle, and re ceived a slight wound in his left hand, which caused the hand to swell and beal. In making steel a poisonous acid is used which makes it very dangerous to handle. Walter M. Hall, of Kansas City, Mo., | was married to Miss Anna C. WJlff, of . Kansas, on Tuesday. The wedding took place at the home of the bride in Kingman. Mr. Hall is a brother of Loyal and Alvin Hall of Butler, and was a resident of this county until ( about ten years ago. A abort time ago , he was appointed Superintendent of ( "Station A" in Kansas City, where he ( will make his home in the future. Memorial I>ay Orders. HEADQUARTERS > A. G. REED POST 105, G. A. R. f All members of A. G. Reed Post will assemble in full uniform at the i>ost room on Tuesday. Maj 30th, at'Jo'clock a. in. Details will be sent to decorate the graves of comrades in the south and east cemeteries, after which the post will proceed to the North cemetery, where the graves of comrades will be decorated, when the post will partici pate in the dedication of a monument the memory of Albert Waters, late of Co. E, 15 Reg't, N. G. P. In the afternoon all members of A. G. Reed Post will assemble at the post room at 1 *BO p. in., where the post will form, nd under escort of Co. E and Co. G, 21st Reg't, N. G. P., will march north ou Washington street to West Penn street, thence east to Main street, thence south on Main street to the Opera House on the Diamond, where the memorial dav exercises will be performed as per program that will be arranged for the occasion. All soldiers, whether members of grand army or not, and all the people are requested to join in the exercises of this day in memory of those who in early manhood gaye their lives and services that the nation might live. W. A. LOWKV. Adjutant. R. P. SCOTT, Commander Pro. Tem. elieve that a watchmen should be placed at the P. & W. crossing on S. Main St., Butler, and at the Kearns crossing in Butler twp ; that the poor farm buildings should be built a little east of the location proposed at present nearer the crossing of the Freeport and Butler road Additional shelving was recommend ed for the Prothonotary's office: also that the Diamond be beautified with flowers, etc. The county buildings were reported to be in good condition, and thanks was returned the Court. District Attorney and other officers for kind and courte ous treatment. Ex-Prothonotary Samuel M Seaton was foreman. CRIMINAL COURT. The May Quarter Sessions opened Monday morning, with a crowded house, which included three dozen wo men and a sprinkling of babies. Nearly all the jurymen answered to their names, and the first case taken up was that of the Com. vs Thomas McGregor, a railroad contractor, accused of ob structing a public road in Forward twp, but as he had built a road to take the place of the one destroyed the jury ac quitted him and put the costs on the county. Monday afternoon Minnie Cohen was put on trial, charged by Benj. Levy with larceny of his wife's dresses and jewelry. Mr. Levy and his wife since March have been conducting a variety store in Mars. About the 20th of that month Mr. Levy met Minnie at the house of a relative in Pittsburg where he was buying goods and sent her out to Mars as a domestic. After living in the Levy family for a month Minnie disappeared and also some valuable jewelry and dresses. Minnie was arrest ed on Wylie Ave. after a lively chase on information made by Levy. After be ing lodged in jail in Butler she made charge of adultery against Levy. After the jnry retired in the larceny case Mr. Levy was put on trial on the adultery charge. On the stand Miss Cohen said she guessed she was born in Jerusalem, and swore that Levy committed adul tery with her every while she was at his house. A large number of Levy's Pittsburg friends appeared for him and established his good reputa tion. The jury in the larceny case found Minnie "not guilty on account of irresponsibility," and Levy was acquit ted of adultery and the costs put on the countv. On Tuesday Judge Barker of Cambria county, came to Butler, and has been assisting in the trial of both civil and criminal cases during Ihe week. Wednesday evening the case against Wm. Weigle was continued till Sept. term, and Mat. McCandless i>lead guilty to assault and battery and will be sentenced, Saturday. David Meals, A 1 Meals and John Fleming, all young men of the vicinity of Hilliards, were put on trial Wednes day for assaulting and robbing Christian Stoner in his house at Parsonville some time ago. The Commonwealth could not make out a ease and the prisoners were acquitted by direction of Judge Barker. Wednesday afternoon Archie Cannon was convicted of burglary and larceny of goods from the house of Reuben Collar in Parker twp. Cannon was also charged with arson, but this was with drawn. This morning Neal McCool, of Butler, was found guilty of furnishing liquor to intemperate and intoxicated men and Walter McKay was acquitted of the same charges. The f&b. case against James Miller of Clay twp. is on trial. NEW SUITS The Little Traveler Fence Co. for use of J. Berg & Co. vs W. J. & W. M. Brown, appeal by deft, from judgment of $207.80 rendered bv Jacob Keck, J. P., of Butler. Annie L. Reed has applied for divorce from her husband, Charles Reed. NOTES. George Trimbour of Summit twp. will have a bill against the county, as dogs killed two and worried seventeen more of his sheep a few nights ago. Earnest Dale plead guilty to surety of the peace and was sentenced to pay the costs and enter his, recognizance in S2OO to keep the peace last Thursday. Dr. Murray, of Sewickly, was sen tenced to the pen. for four years for killing his father's colored man. John H. Negley, Esq., has lieen ap pointed auditor to distribute funds in' the assigned estate of A. A. Kohlmeyer, of Allegheny twp., to J. M. Black, for benefit of creditors. The will of William Denny, dee'd., of Winfield twp., has been probated and letters testamentary granted to John Denny. Edward Mclntyre, of Butler, entered recog. in S2OO to appear when wanted by the Court. He was charged with surety of the peace by his mother. Stella Speiker, of Butler, has plead guilty to larceny. County Superintendrnt Howard I. Painter lias taken his official oath and entered upon his duties. E. H. Negley, Esq.. Dr. J. C. Atwell and John (i. Christy were appointed a committee to inquire into the mental condition of Milton Hays, of Allegheny twp. The assault and battery and larceny cases against James Redic have been settled. A. H. Cannon, of Eldorado, is await ing trial charged with robbing and burning a small oil-county house by Reuben Collar. A citation has been issued upon the heirs and legal representatives of O. H. P. Graham, dee d., of Cranberry twp., to show cause why partition should not be made of his real estate. A citation has been issued on D. B. Douthett, executor of John Klingler, dee'd., of Forward twp., returnable, May 29. John Stillwttgon, of Butler, who struck John Taylor, plead guilty to assault and battery. A compulsory non-suit was granted by Judge Win. Barker in the suit for *3OOOO damages of Mrs. Rose B. Copley vs the P. W. Ry. Co. The suit was brought to recover for the death of Mr. Copley in the Paint creek accident in 1897. Mr. Copley was mail agent on the train, and as mail agentsare classed with employes and assume the reason able risks of their positions, this was the basis of the non-suit. j Letters of administration 011 the es j tate of John W Kenned}*, dee d, of 1 Franklin twp have been granted to ■ Adalinr- Kennedy. The commission appointed to inquire j into the mental state of Milton Hays of : Allegheny twp. examined Mr. Hays | and witnesses at his house and at Dr. Atwell's office in Butler and decided that he was not of unsound mind. I Wm. H. Walker, surveyor, Frank E. j Mlt'-hell and Lewis P. Walker were ap ! pointed viewers on a petition of citizens j of Winfield tw p. for a change in the | public road at Saxon Station. | P. W. Lowry. Esq., has been appoint ed auditor to make distribution of funds in the estate of A. J. Sloan, dee'd. of Allegheny twp. Wm A. Graabe was appointed tax collector of Jefferson twp. vice S. M Barr, resigned. On petition of Wm. Woods the Court referred back to the viewers for further I action.the petition of citizensof Clinton twp. for a new road. Last Friday Sheriff Dodds sold the Chas. A. Leslie property on Penn St.. Butler, to the Guarentee L. I Co. for *SO. The sale by the executors of S. A Kennedy, deed., of Mars, of the 10? acre farm of Samuel. Ester, and Jane Greer in Pine twp., Allegheny Co. to John Martin for *SBOO has been con firmed. Kennedy had held mortgages against it. J. B. Kennedy, admr. of Evander Mc- Candless, has been granted permission K) sell at public sale 25 acres in Franklin twp. for payment of debts. Mat. McCandless and Archie Stoner were each sentenced six months to the workhouse this morning. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. W. J. Boyd to Frank Baker 11 acres in Brady for *BOO. Wm. Wiehl to Annie H. Clow lot in Zelienople for $250. P. Daubenspeck to Hannah V. Rupert lot in Butler for *1450. F. P. Brackney to J. W. Hutchinson, quit claim, to property in Butler for *725. Henry C. Welsh to P. & W. By. Co. lot in Forward for *l5O. Cephas McLaughlin to Louis Fulmer II acres in Fairview twp. for *IOO. H. H. Daubenspeck to Minnie E. Adams 1 acre in Washington for *SO. John A. McCandless to Alex Bell 4 acres in Clay for *325. Jacob F. Shaffer to J. R. Bonzo lot in Zel'enople for *2OO. John A. Taggert to A. E. Francis 50 acres in Brady for *IOOO. S. O. Wright, assignee, to Jacob Gel bach lot in Zelienople for *6O. Marriage Licenses. Jederzej Biskup Deny, Pa Floryanna Henriek Wm. A. Campbell Peachville Anna M. Wiles Baldwin E. J. McKean Rose Point, Pa Nettie Yogan Muddycreek twp Joseph Gerard Butler Rosallie Lefevre " Chas. J. Wnrster Oil City, Pa Emma Becher Chicora James A. Buchanan... .Allegheny City Clara J. Scott John C. Duffy Pittsburg Mayme E. Sweeny Carbon Centre Peter R. Double Butler Mary E. Rodgers " Henry J. Fieckers Allegheny City Mary Agnes Minster St. Joe Harry R. Sutton Butler Gertrude Garvin Cranberry twp S. L. Wimer Butler Maggie E. Martin.... " M. M. Banks Baldwin Clara Rinker Petrolia At Franklin— Robert W. Miller of Glade Mills and Grace Mattern of Hood ville. At Pittsburg, Tuesday, James C. Smith of Braddock and Martha E. I Glasgow of Flick. i>ynuiiiitiiig Hurglars The little, burglar-proof safe in the office of the Penn'a R. R. Co. at the station here had a remarkable experi ence last Friday night. Some fellows, who got into the room through a window, placed a large dyna mite cartridge under it, lit the fuse and then went out—went out of the room or they would likely have been there next morning. The explosion that followed shook that whole section of the town, aud tore the bottom of the safe into fragments which shot out in all direc tions, but as the floor under the safe offered but little resistance, the explo sion spent part of its force in that direc tion, and the safe was not split open — as the operators no doubt intended. Fragments of the safe were shot into the wall and ceiling, and one piece ricochetted from the wall to the win dov.' frame and then across the yard and street to the front of the Davidson & Gilghrist grocery where it made u big hole in the plate glass window, and another piece is imbedded (flat) in the pine lining of the room and will be left there as a curiosity. The explosion oc curred about 2 a.m. but very few people knew where, until next morning. The safe is completely ruined. It dropped into the hole made in the floor and was pulled out with block and tackle next day. To tin- Sunday Si-lioals of Mars. We ask your hearty co-operation in making the County Convention, to lie held here June 1 and 2. a success. Each officer, teacher and scholar should pro cure a badge and take a personal inter est in the work, look after the comfort of the delegates and visitors. The badge should be the introduction. The Local Committee met last Wednesday evening and will meet Tuesday evening of this week to complete arrangements for the Convention. The reports of committees show good work, and the people of this community ready for as many delegates as may be sent. Don't be backward, come, the town is yours during your stay. Has your school elected delegates? Has your report been sent in ? Have you paid your assessment? I Mr. Superintendent, will you be there? Rev. Pastor will you be there? County and District officer, will yon be there? Speakers will you all be there? Have you prayed for the Convention? What part do you intend to take in the Convention? Which conference will you attend? What kind of a report will you give to your school ? Do you expect a blessing if your answer is "yes?" You have done your duty. If not, why not? Longer delay will hinder the work. How familiar are yon with the Home Department and the Normal Class? Friends but one week remains, let us use this week in seeing that our whole duty toward the Convention has been done. Places wishing the Convention next year should instruct their dele gates to inviteit. CASH FOR WOOL. I pay the highest market price in cash for wool, haye no merchandise of any kind to exchange, am located at same place as last year, Graham Bros'. Grocery, just across the street from Troutuian's dry goods store. W, F. RUMBERGER. Decoration Day. Excursion tickets oetween all stations on line of the P. B. &L. E. It. R. will be on sale May 29 and 30, at one fare for the round trip, on account of Dec oration Day. Return limit May 31. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store of W. H. O'Brien & Son. 011 Kast Jefferson St. and get prices on the extensive line they have on exhibition. They are also agents for the celebrated Welsbach Light, of which more than 1200 were sold in Butler, last year. Another Chapter in Color*, On Thursday last Mrs. Sadie Steel smith Brann. in response to a rnle filed, an affidavit charging her hnsband. W F. Brann. with being criminally inti mate with a girl named Albtrta Black in Pittsburg, and also with being un kind to her, refusing her money, etc. This was answered by Mr. Braun. in an affidavit tiled Monday afternoon de nying the new charges and alleging that Mrs. Brann and Mr. Bine roomed together at Brann's house during his absence about S'ovember. lx'J7, and at : one time Blue came to the house about , 'J o'clock in the evening and remained until 4 o'clock the next morning. It is averred that Mrs. Braun rented a furnished room to Elmer C. Blue during her husband's absence; that when he learned of the matter he compelled Blue to vacate, and on returning home from his business, which kept him away a good part of the time, he found his house closed about February 12, 18SM, and the libellant gone, taking with her their only child. On inquiry he found that she was living in Chieago with Nettie Rickman. a sister of Blue, under the name of Mrs. Sadie Steelsmith, which he claims to be able to show was under an arrangement with Blue. It is claimed that Blue and Mrs. Brann wete frequently together here, bicycle riding, buggy riding, at skating rinks and various other places. Braun says that a reconciliation which was effected was not sincere, but was the result of a conspiracy to effect a condonation of the conduct between the libellant and Blue. He then speaks of his wife's language and actions as car rying out this conspiracy. He says that when his wife left him it was the understanding that the divorce would be secured without scandal, notoriety or reproach to either of them. He al leges that perjury was committed in support of some of the charges made by witnesses, whose board is now being paid at hotels in Pittsburg. One of Wednesday's Pittsburg papers contained a copy of a letter said to have been written by Mrs. Braun to Mr. Blue, and coming to Butler on the train that day Steelsmith assaulted Braun and threatened to shoot him if he forced the production of the letters in question, for which action Braun made information, and Steelsmith gave bail for Sept. T The divorce case is 011 the trial list for tomorrow. FLITKS. Last Thursday night fire destroyed a small unoccupied house owned by John Cress on West Penn St. The loss was about $250. The neighbors say the tire started under the rear end of the house and express belief that some one set it on fire. Considering the cool, wet weather we have had lately this is a plausable theory. Scarce a month be fore this the W. H. Morris house on W. Pearl St. also unoccupied and not more than one hundred yards from the Cress house, was also burned. Neighbors said they saw boys leaying this house less than an hour before the fire broke out. No doubt the "arsonites" —who ought to be in the penitentiary or the reform school,according to their age will soon attempt to burn the whole town unless gathered into the paternal embraces of the law. Another source of comment in con nection with the Cress fire was the fact that our fire laddies dragged their sev eral carts a mile more than that for the South Side boys— to the tire. A good part cf this was over streets very muddy from the late rains and it is safe to assert that the damage to clothing was as much as that to the house. Volunteer fireman earn all the glory, suppers, etc. they get and more too. The barn of Homer Keister of Slip peryrock twp. was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire on Wednesday evening of last week. During the late storms lightning stmck Maxwell's livery barn in Bruin any passed from the barn to Wm. Young's house nearby, setting tire to it. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done. During the storm of last week, the house of F. P. Gormley, of Fenelton was struck by lighting and set on fire, but the flame was promptly extinguish ed. CIIUKCH NOTES. The Presbyterian Ladies Missionary Society of Butler met at Harmony church in Harrisville Tuesday and Wednesday. English services will be held in Heck's school at Carbon Centre on next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At the meeting of the congregation of the Second Presbyterian, Mpnday night, it was decided to purchase the j Mrs. John Graham lot at S. E. corner of the Diamond for a site for their church. The price asked is SBOOO. Evangelist L. L. Sieber, of Gettys burg, Pa., completed last Sunday a very successful term of revival meetings in the English Lutheran church at Mil lerstown. He is expected to conduct meetings in Butler during the coming fall. Markets. Wheat. wholesale price $ 65&70 Rye. " 48 Oats, " 32 Corn, " 38 Hay, " 8 00 Eggs, " 10 Butter, " 12 Potatoes. " 50 Apples, " 1.00 Tnrmps, *' 40 Green onions per doz 15 Rhubarb per doz 25 Lettuce per It, 10 Spinnach, per bu. 60 Radishes, per doz bunches, 155 Flour retails at 90(op $1.20 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. PITTSBURG. "The week of speeches and flowers" is the pretty and significant phrase used to indicate the last week of the season at the Pittsburg Grand Opera House. It is so called because the thousands of admirers of the famous stock company located at that house make a point of attending as many of the performances as possible.and of call ing upon the individual members of the company for speeches. This gives them all an opportunity to personally address the audiences, thanking the public for attentions shown them dur ing the season. Almost every lady present has her particular favorites in the company, and they come prepared with bunches of flowers which they send back to the dressing rooms or through over the footlights. Stop-Overs at Philadelphia, Bal timore* ami Washington on Pennsylvania I (ail road Through Tickets. In addition to its excellent train ser vice, the Pennsylvania Railroad offers the travelers betweeen New York and Chicago, and New York and and St. Louis the privilege of a stop-over of ten days at Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. This stop-over is granted ; on all through first-class tickets reading via those cities. Persons desiring to stop over mnst deposit their ticket with the station agent immediately on arri val. To those who have business to tran ! sact in these cities, or to persons who have never visited the National Capital, this privilege is a valuable one. aud should appeal to all through travelers between New York and the West, and Chicago or St. Louis and the East. The s stations of the Pennsylvania Railroad | are centrally located in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and acess to any section of the cities is easy, by ' either the regular street car lines or by \ the Pennsylvania Railroad cabs to be ( found at the Philadelphia and Wash t ington stations. : —Music scholars wanted, at laS W Wayne St. M:i<;illl0!tll04H> NOTKS. Speeking of the storm of Wednesday of last week an Emlenton paper said: "Hail as large as walnuts fell, perfor ating tin roofs, breaking slate roofs, smashing the windows on the one side of the houses mining gardens and strip ' ping the trees of their foliage. After the storm hail stones were shoveled up in piles." While engaged in his -to::e qnarry in Pike county, tbe other day. Mr .fndd Case came upon a den of lti bla< k ami nine rattlesnakes. They were rolled up together in a torpid state. All lost their heads in short order. The en trance to the den over hard rock wa worn as smooth as glass, showing tint it had probably been used by the snake family far centuries as a winter resort. Our neighboring town of (ireensburg, is celebrating the centennial of its in corporation today. The town is in holiday attire and twelve brass bands and a lot of martial ones are in the pa rade. A (,'onestog.i wagon. 100 years old, the military companies of tbe neigh borhood and the school children are also in the parade. ACCIDENTS. Harry Cnmberlajd of the :>d ward cut his knee while trimming a tele phone pole, a few days ago. Alfred Bryan fell from the bleachers at the Ball Park, Tuesday, aud was in jured internally A Southside boy named Lane had a leg broken Tuesday evening, by a blow from a brick thrown by another boy. Sunday excursion to Allegheny. Beginning May 21st 1699 and until further notice the P. ( we will offer any goods/ C unsold during our \ ? Dissolution < Sale J pat such prices as will; / move them quickly. c B I v We are anxious to show J ( a new stock by r jjuly Ist,l C and we intend selling the x / marked down goods at) / prices that will certainly b / sell them before the above / f date, c The reduction will not \ ' J apply to such goods as we ) C have added to the stock) \ during the Sale, but only C Cto those bearing the \ / yellow sale ticket that we \ / used during our j | Dissolution | | Sale. | S CAMPBELL £.| I TEMPLETON, > (BUTLER, FA TIRES Repaired and made as good as new at White, Walter & Co's Bicycle and I Supply Depot, Corner Main St. and Diamond, Butler, Pa- With our new Vulcanizer wu can repair any cut or puncture in a tire, with purr guru, and make it stronger than before. We repair all parts of bicyrlcn, simply new parts at reasonable prices. • We are the cheapest plaee In town, mid cannot be undersold. We have seventeen wheels for sale at bargain prices. a postal card to, 11K11 r or call U l } No 41 * VV. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, ruuning to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning 1 establishment, will call at your house, take away your dirty carpels and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpets, ruga and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. Rupture! Trusses for Ruptura are necessary. The only ques tion to consider is "where can I get the b-st truss for the least money?" We sell trusses on the "no charge f> r fitting" plan. Wf charge jou simply for the truss. We go further, we guarantee a fit and guarantee satisfaction. There are many different kind of trusses, and one great thing is to know wliiit kind is best to use. We have had enough truss sell ing experience to find that out. Our stock of trusses is not excelled in this vicinity, but that is not the point for \ou to consider. Your con sideration as we said before, is stated aljove. Men we fit here. We give direction for self measurement to ladies. C. N. Boyd. DRUGGIST, Diamond Block. Butler, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. lii re-final account of In the Orphans* Samuel A. Leslie. Admin- Court of Itutler Istrator of Kllzabeth oovsty, JCo. linker, dee'd. 1 Sept. Temu And now. Mav . 1 xyw. on motion of Wil liams & Mitchell, Att'ys.. for accountant, the Court appoints J. I). ilcJunkin, Auditor, to distribute funds, in the hands of the admin istrator. amontr those entitled thereto. Certified from the Record. May 2£nd. I*W. ISAAC MEALS. Clerk O. C. Those interested will please take noti e. that I will discharge the duties of said ap pointment on the tfth day of June. at my office in Butler. Pa., at looVlock a.m. of said day at which time and place they may attend if they see proper. ,!. I). McJt:XKIN. May 22. |N9B. Auditor. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Rudolph Barnhart, VV. A, Barnhart and Fred. S. Barnhart in the business of merchandizing and keeping a general store in Connoquenessirg boro.. Butler county, Penn'a., is this day mutually dissolved, W. A. Barnhart retiring. All claims and accounts due and owing the firm will be collected by the remaining nienbers of the firm and all debts owing by the firm will be paid by them. The business will be lieieafter carried 011 by Rudolph Barnhart and Fred. K. Barnhart under the firm name of R. Barnhart & Son. RUDOLPH BARNHART, W. A. BARNHART, FRED. E. BARNHART. Connoquenessing, Pa. May 19th, 1599. CHARTER NOTICE, In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Butler, Penn'a. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the said Court on Wed- nesday the 21st day of Jnne, 1599, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m., under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, aud the supplements theteto, by John '.V. Ihown, J. S. Jack, John A. Kirk patrick, et. al., for the charter of an intended corporation to be called the Second Presbyterian Church of Butler, the character and object of which is the support of the public worship of Al nughty God, according to the faith, doctrine, discipline, and usages of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, and for these purpose to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges conferred by the said Act and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotary's office. H. H. GOUCHER, LEVI M. WISE. Solicitors. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Patrick Logue has filed his final account as Committe of Mary Mcßride, a lunatic, at Ms. D. No. 8, June Term, 1883, in the Prothonotary's office, at Butler. Pa. and the same will be presented for con firmation and approval, Saturday. Sept. !), 1899. ROB'T. J. THOMPSON. . Prothonotary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration in the estate of Henry Dutter, dee'd., late of Franklin twp., Butler Co., l'a., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to ssid estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated ior settlement to MARY E. BOI.TON, Adm'x., Whitestown, Pa. J. D, MCJUNKIN, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John L. Shannon, dee'd., late of Conno quenessing township, Butler Co., Pa , ha\iug been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to u. G. SHANNON, Ex'r,, Connoq lenessing I'. O , Butler Co., Pa. MCJUNKIN & GAEBREATH, Att'ys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel McGregor, ilec'd., late of Clinton twp.,Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN WII.EY, SR., lix'r.. Riddles X Roads. MCJUNKIN - y> -'..ipes. \ Come !a fc. \ see { j| DOUTNETT & GRaHAIVI. € BUTLER, l'A. r.ii; CLOTHIERS. New Store! J New Goods 3fC3^C3$C }*C' @ Just Opened U The Surprise Store, 108 South Main St.. Butler. Pa . Clothing. Gents Furnishing, Hats. Trunks. Next Door to Butier Savings Bank. A Few Plain Questions ? ? ? Are you going to buy a Spring Suit? SEE OUR LINE AT $6. $8 $lO and sl2 Want an Overcoat this Spring? SEE WHAT WE AriE SHOWiNG AT $5. $7 and $9 TVOL are going to wear the latest style Spring Hat? SEE OUR STIFF AND FEDORA SHAPES. Going to get a new Spring Shirt ? Want the Very Latest See Our Line. Do you want the swellest thing in Neckwear? SEE OUR LINE. Schaul &Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS. 137 South Main St., Butler. Storm Bird 9459- Grandson of the Great Green Mountain Maid and Miss Russell. Out of a performing prudiii'iiij to.. >lre ! 1., .1.1 Uusset. full l»" '• of Krenlla and Jß otteri to ** /" of Ihiins of 4 wit I. r.-cords Mr. II , Sims, the sires of O with nili the trot and pa..-, ana ; his colts have shown extreme -.peed. Storm Hird will IK- found at my fan "'•£ l>l. I*a during the summer of lw.'. 1 tie extremely low term of 610.00 to insnr. For pedlnree and particulars c»l at th. farm or address . | Alonzo McCanflless. Isle, Pa. —— — " i New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Tr\) Our Soda R A. MacCartney If you would know the secret of your neighbors line appearance, ask him the n.ime of his tailor; ask him, too, how much a year he spends for his clothes and subtract the amount from the cost of your own. Von will be agreeably surprised, more so if you will prove it by giving us your measure, as he did. Our new fabrics for spring and summer embraces the | choicest products of the loom ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTH Kb Subscribe tor the Citizkn. B. & B. pretty, inexpensive wash goods —styles and prices that mean just what vve say—and everyone who get- samples will be pleased see the best, useful wash goods for little money you ever set eyes on. Variety and values at I2|c the like of which was never known in all experience. 20c ginghams. Choice new Cambrics, 12 l-2c. Fine 15c double width yard. Madras Percales J —neat choice colorings—not an indifferent style among them. One of the best makes Ameri can ioc Dress Ginghams,6',c yard, American Dimities 6}, 8, 10, i2.Jc yard. .Most extensive assortment ! superb imported Dimities 20c, 25c —beautiful goods. Organdie Batiste —ioc yd— white grounds—neat medium floral designs in artistic colorings. Wash goods with merit and styles for a less price that's re markable handsome organdies 15c —largest lines of choice Organ dies here, including those at other I prices, 12', 20c to the finest . French, 30 and 35c yard. Twice as many —probably more than twice as many —wash goods here as you'll find anywhere else and we're doing the business with prices tiia: s saving people money. Give an idea of your preference when writing for samples—it's J easier then to send, out of so many thousand diflbrent styles, plenty of the exact sort you're in terested in. H<>o'o\s& Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY, PA. xxkx>oooooooo ; $ E. E. CAMPBELL, 0 TIN ROOFER, J * IT and Specialties in Tin. L. S. McJUNKIN, hburanct and Real Eslate Agent. 117 I: JJEI-FEKSON. BUTLER, - PA.