Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 25, 1899, Image 2
THE: CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. XEGLEY - - Publisher THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1899- m . - Republican County Ticket. For Sheriff. THOMAS R. HOON. For Protlionotary. J. M. MFCOLLOUGH. For Register and Reeorrter. W. J. ADAMS. For Treasurer. D. L. RANKIN. For Clerk of Courts. W. P. TURNER. For County Commissioner. J. J. MCGAKVEY, J. W. GILLESPIE. For County Auditor. J. W. PATTERSON, P. H. SECHLER For Coroner. JOHN L. JONES. HARItISBURG. It is said that Gov. Stone and Secre tary of the Commonwealth Greist are not enjoying the most cordial relations, and all because the governor first ap proved the McClain bill, permitting the formation of all kinds of corporations, and then withdrew and vetoed it be cause in transcribing it some legislative clerk had altered it so as to permit the chartering of distilling companies. The bill was prepare at the state de partment. and Secretary Greist and Representative McClain. from his own city of Lancaster, introduced it in the house. The secretary had a pride in making a good showing for his office in the way of raising revenue and he estimated that it would bring at least $400,000 per annum into the state treas ury. Consequently he was rejoiced when the governor approved the bill, even though it permitted the incorpor ation of distilling companies, a fact that seems to have been known before the governor approved it. His joy was changed to grief when the governor withdrew the bill and vetoed it, an ac tion on his part that will be contested in court, as a certified copy of this bill was secured from the Btate department between the time the governor approved it and his withdrawal of it. Greist held that there was no occas ion for vetoing the bill, because it in corporated distilling companies and that under it there was no call on the governor to grant a charter to a distill ing company, as he could exercise his discretion and refuse to grant a charter to distilling companies and thus render nugatory the work of the clerk who altered the bill. He pleaded for the measure as a revenue raiser, but with out avail. Representative George Hosack. chair man of the house ways and means com mittee, is understood to be back of the movement to mandamus the secretary of the commonwealth to compel him to issue a charter to a company formed under the McClain act. It will be contended that the bill was regularly signed and certified copies furnished by the secretary ot the commonwealth be fore Gov. Stone discovered the fraudu lent change and recalled it. Representative Clinton Rogers Wood ruff of Philadelphia has advised his friends that he will institute proceed ings against Secretary of the Common wealth Greist to determine whether his joint resolution proposing an amend •»* ment to the Constitution for personal registration is a law, the governor's veto notwithstanding. WITH a little tact a man who doesn t know much of anything may get along in this world without exposing his colossal ignorance—providing he has sense enough to keep quiet—for most people are much more anxious to make a display of the little knowledge they have than to gain more. About the .Hcliool Fund. It seems to be settled that legal pro ceedings will be instituted in the Su preme Court to test the right Of the Governor nnder the Constitution to veto a proposed amendment to the Constitu tion, and also to appoint a United States Senator. In addition to these proceed ings it ia reasonably certain that legal measures will be taken in some form to test the power of the Governor to re dace the school appropriation. It will probably be done by the proper officer of some school fund applying to the Court for a mandamus upon the State Treasurer to pay the full amount of money appropriated by the Legislature for his district. The question of the right of the Gov ernor to reduce an appropriation to the schools presents a legal issue with com plicated aspects. There are three pi op ositions which may be urged, but only one of which could be maintained by the conrts. The first is that the Gover nor, in approving part of the appropria tion. legally approved of the whole, be cause of bis want of power to change the amount appropriated. That, if sus tained, wonld carry the whole approp riation. The second is that the Gover nor, in vetoing part of the appropriation vetoed the whole, because of his inabil to veto part and approve part. Tliat position, if sustained, would prevent any approriation to the schools for two years, unless the Legislature shall be reconvened to make new appropria tions. The third is that the Governor's action approving part and vetoing part of the school appropriation was entirely nugatory, and that the appropriation became a law by lapse of time. The distinctive issue to be decided in the legal proceedings to inforce the pay ment of the full appropriation to the schools relates to the right of the Gov ernor to change the amount of an appro priation made by the Legislature. His right to veto any specific item in the general approprition bill, whether it shall be a section, a paragraph, a sen tence or even part of a sentence, is not disputed; but no Executive has ever heretofore assumed the right to change the amount if specifically appropriated by the Legislature for any particular purpose. It i« a very imjiortaut counti tutional question and one that has never raised. beenoreven thonghtof.untilGov. Stoni applied the principle to the gen eral appropriation bill of the last Legis lature. He has managed to raise more constitutional disputes just on the threshold of his term than any Gover nor of the past precipitated during bis entire services.--Phila Times. ONE American company in the last Bixty days has received orders for forty three steam and gas engines, and they will be ship|>ed to nineteen different countries. American machinery is famous now the world over. As Austrian Colonel has designed a quick-firing gun surpassing all previous inventions. Its advantages are not only in the great range and rapidity of fire, but it caiues no smoke. Hash nor report, being practically noiseless. Dewey starts for Home. The cruiser Olympia with Admiral Dewey on board left Manila on her homeward journey to the United States at 4 o'clock p. w. last Saturday. As she steamed away the Oregon. Balti more and Concord fired an admiral s -alute. At the first shot the band on the flagship's afterdeck played a lively air, and her whiteclad sailors crowded the decks and gave a tremendous cheer. As the Olympia passed the Oregon *.he crew of that l»ttleship pave nine cheers for the Olympians, who respond ed by throwing their caps so high that dozens of them were left bobbing in the wake of the cruiser. Then followed the noisest half hour known in that harbor since the battle which linked its name with that of Dewey. As the line of guns and bands echoed through the smoke and the steam launches shrieked their whistles, the musicians of the Baltimore played 'Home. Sweet Home.'' her flags signal :-d "Good Bye. and those of the Oregon said Pleasant Yoyage." The merchant vessels in these waters dipped their flags, the women on the decks of the vessels of the fleet waved handkerchiefs, and the great, black British cruiser Powerful, which lay the furthest out. saluted the Olympia. The latter's band then played "God save the Queen." and to this th ? crew of the Powerful responded with hearty cheers for the Olympia. The last music heard from Admiral Dewey's ship was "Auld Lang Syce," while the guns from the forts at Cavite and from the Monterey/on guard off Paranaque, too far off to be audible puffed white clouds of smoke. The Olympia was disapi»earing past Corre gidor island when a battery before the walled city spoke Manila's last words of farewell. Admiral Deivey sat on the deck of the Olympia and received the adieus of his friends during most of the day. The launch of Major General (His was the first to arrive alongside the cruiser, at 7 o'clock Saturday morning, and after ward the admiral landed and called upon the major general and the United States Philipine commissioners. Admiral Dewey was enthusiastic over his home-going, yet when mention was made of the welcome to be extended to him he said he appreciated the friend ship of his countrymen deeply, but hoped they would not be too demon strative. He intends to go directly to his home at Montpelier, Yt., and live there. On it being said that people wanted him to go home by way of San Franci «co and across the continent, the admiral replied: "If I was 20 years younger and had political ambitions I would not miss that chance." Speaking of the situation Admiral Dewey said: "I believe we are near the end. The insurgents are fast going to pieces. The sending of a third com mission shows that they believe this commission means business. Captain Walker of the Concord, the last of the commanders in battle there, went to the admiral and said: "Don't leave me behind." So he was relieved and goes home on the Olympia. SHAKESPEARE, though financially I>oor, was the world's greatest philan thropist. He bequeathed to mankind and all the "generations yet nnlwrn a treasury of wisdom infinitely beyond price. He is the great interpreter of nature. If you can read and enjoy Shakespeare you have a soul. Carnegie's Interests Only. The statement of Mr. H. C. Frick sets at rest all the wild stories of a gigantic steel trust as well as the exaggerations concerning the capitalization of the Carnegie Company. The consolidation is simply a closer welding of the Car negie and Frick interests and the capi tal will be $250,000,000 in one. kind of stock, under a Pennsylvania charter. Whether any of the securities will lie offered to the investing public has not yet been determined, though it is prob able little if any will get outside the present partners in the business. The consolidation is made for better convenience in handling a business that has attained phenomenal success with out this advantage. It needs no proph et to foretell a continuance of that suc cess in increasing measure. As Pitts burg has been proud of the Carnegie concern, so it wi 11 continue to be. It is good news for this city that it is to re tain its autonomy and continue the competitive business which has made it the leader of the world of industry. It is also gratifying to note that there is no truth in the minors of inordinate inflation of the cajiital of the new com pany. Mr. Frick was wise it making this statement, for while the consolidation is a matter of private business is is of great public interest The effect of definite information—especially the putting to rest of exaggerated rumors —should be good for the business world - -Dispatch. THK British fleet and officials at Hong Kong gave Dewey a tremendous recep tion Tuesday. Dewey will stay there for ten days, and then resume his journey westward. His reception at New York will probably be the greatest in history. Harmony and Kcliciuiple. Sue Fiedler, the postmistress of Harmony was a Pittsburg visitor on Monday. Prof. J. (.'. Dight, of Zelienople, visit ed the Academy and public srhools of Evans City on Thursday of last week. Zelienople will have a number of new buildings this season, among them a large farming implement building on Main St. A project was on foot last week to build a union station between our two towns, but this week its known to have failed. If the public interests of this community had been united for the last 30 years we would today have twice the jiopulation. a college and manufactur ing establishments. Fourteen members of the L. T. L of Harmony and Zelienople were at the County Convention at I'etrolia last week, chaperoned by Mrs. Rev. J. W. Otterman. of Zelienople. Several of its members were elected to county offices. Sweetie Knox, daughter of E. 11 Knox of Harmony, is visiting at. Warren, at present and will also go to Detroit, Mich., before she returns 11. M. Wise and wife, of Harmony, were Butler visitors last week. Mr. Wise also made a business trip to lin Boise. Nelson Harvey and John Kerr of the Scio oil field were at their homes in Harmony over Sunday. Ed. Slauffer, of Harmony, was a But ler visitor on Monday. Wm. Zaylor and wife, of Dennison, <>.. who have been visiting relatives in Harmony for sometime, returned to their home on Saturday. Albert Weigel, of Harmony, recently celebrated his cotton wedding, were present and he received many handsome presents. Ice cream festivals are again in season. On Thursday the L. T. L. have a lawn fete and ice cream in Zelienople nnd on May 80th, the E. of Grace Keform« d church of Haimony will accommodate the public with cream in the Harmonv Opera House. E. K U. Boyer has the roof on his house which he is building near Harmony. Mrs. H. D. Ziegler, of Harmony, is remodeling her residence at present. John Peffer, of Jackson township, has torn down his old barn and is building a new one. AT Kittanning, Mppday, the Demo crats nominated Judge Kay burn for J adge. Commencement Week. The class of '99 of the Butler High School has mailed very handsome invi tations to its "Commencement Exer cises"' for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week, in the Park Theatre. The graduates are thirtj*-seven in number and their names are: M. Genevive Abrams. Alice Akins. Frances H. Bole. Jesse Cornelius. Grace Cumberland. Yema P. Dickey, Mary M Eisler. Daisy Myrtle Forsythe. Lu cretia Jane Findley. Mary M. Fithian, Minnie B. Fleming, John E. Flack. Mary P. Fleming.Katharine F. Gnckel. Clara E. Grohmann. Frances Herdman, Ford H. Hays. Estella Heydrick. Clara L. Henry. Jean Kelly. Gertrude M. Keck. Martha L. Loveless. Mayme E. Mechling, Pearl McMarlin. A. Louisa Mardorf, May V. Maxwell. Elizabeth Miller. Jeannie E. McKee, Nell Oiler, Mary S Perry. D. Belle Ramsey, Clara Schneideman. Laura P. Sidler. C. J. Turner. V. B Walker, A. G. Williams and Mvrtle Younkins The following are the urograms, sub ject to change: CLASS NIGHT. Overture, Orchestra Salutory by President of the Class, C. J. Turner. Class Song. Class. History. Estella J. Heydrick. Donor, Elizabeth M. Miller. Oration —"Imperialism,'' Andrew G. Williams. Inventor. Frances H. Bole. Medley, Class Poem, Myra G. Abrams. Conferring of Degrees, May \ . Max well. Artist. Laura Mardorf. Selection, Orchestra. CLASS REUNION OF 1929. Greetings by Chairman, Yictor B. Walker. Clasn History. 1599- -1929. Mary M. Eis ler and Mayme E Mechling. Butler High School of 1929, Ford H Hayes. German Letter of Regret, Clara E. Grohman. Solo—Words Original, *Clara Louise Henry. Letter of Regret from North Pole, Katharine F. Guckel. Butler of 1929, Daisy B. Ramsey. Trip to Mars. Mary Sloane Perry. A Poetic Reminiscence, Mary M. Fith ian. Our Greatest Genius. Jesse Cornelius. Farewell, Gertrude Mary Keck. Song—"Auld Lang Syne," Class. * Excused from Performing. Class Song, words by Estelle Heydrick, Myrtle Younkins and Jesse Corne lius. Medley, words by Clara Henry, Ger trnde Keck, and Clara Grohman. COMMENCEMENT. Overture, orchestra. Invocation. Rev. J. S. McKee. ClasslHymn, "Evening Prayer," Steb bins, Class. Oration, "Influence of Good Literature," *Mary Fleming. Essay, "Our Country's Achievements," Laura P. Sidler. Oration, "Procrastination," JVerna Pearl Dickey. Trio, "Hither Faries Trip, Tully. Essay, "England in the Soudan,'' Alice Akins. Recitation, "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," Myrtle F. Younkins. Oration, "Our Unsung Heroes," John E. Flack. Yocal Solo, "Bobolink." Bisshoff; Ln cretia Findley. Debate, "Resolved that higher educa tion as it is now thrust upon the young men and women of America is detrimental," First nfliirmatiye. Frances Herdman; first negative, Martha Loveless; second affirma tive, Grace Cumberland; second negative, Daisy M. Forsythe. Trio, "In the Hay Felds," Pinsnti. Essay, "Developement of Language," Pearl McMarlin. Oration, "The Angel of the Battlefield,' Jennie E. McKee. Oratorical Essay, "Music," *Clara E. Schneideman. Piano Solo, "Pensez a moi," Neumann: Nelle Oiler. Recitation. "Kentucky Belle," Jean Kelly. Valedictory, + Minnie Fleming Award of Diplomas, Hon. A. G. Wil liams. Song, "Waltz Song, ' McGlanghlin; Class. Selection, Orchestra. * Denotes First Honors. 1 Denotes Second Honors. J Denotes Honorable Mention. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. PARK THKATHK, JUNK 1, LWKI, 2:80 P. M. Invocation, Rev. E R. Worrel. Chorus - "Spring Song," Class. Salutatory by President of Class, David L. Billingsley. Recitation -"Bill", Dora A. Graham. Class History, Ella Pearl Campbell. Duet "Two Merry Girls" Mary J Bulford and Jean Wallace Itoessing. Essay—"Hobbies and their Riders", A 1 berta L. Stein. Class Poem, Mary J. Bulford. Chorus—"The Song of the Triton" Cla <s. Debate—Question: "Resolved that United States Senators should be elected by popular yote" First Af firmative, Charles L. Nigh; First Negative, Stanley («. C. Reiber, Second Affirmative, Merrill C iins sel, Second Negative, Albert Ilenry Keck. Violin Solo, Nellie Pearl Balph. Chorus "Fairyland Waltz", ( 'lass. Essay "For Value Hee d 1 Promise to Pay,"Addie Mildred Miller. Recitation "Thirty Years With a Shrew" A. Mabel Graham. Presentation of Diplomas, Lev McQuis tion, Esq. Chorus "Joy! Joy! Freedom Today", Class. The calendar as contained in the in vitation is as follows: Sunday, May in Park Theatre, baccalaureate termor, by Dr Win. H. Crawford, President ot Allegheny College City Snperinteti dent Gibson's Alma Mater; Tuesd iv. May 8:00 p. m. class night: Wednes day, commencement night: Thursday. 'J;i)O a.m., farewell exercises in high Bchool chapel, '1:510 p.m. Ninth Grade commencement m Park Theatre; Fri day, 8:00 p.m., alumni exercises. >1 iilillotow n. Burt. Morrow, of Magic, haJ his pocket picked of a goodly sum of monev while in attendance at the show in Butler, last week. The frost on Monday morning did little or no damage in this locality. W. F. Mnrtland and J. H, Thompson recently purchased a new binder each. "Ves" Starr is slating his house and making many other necessary improve ments to the same. When completed he will have one of the finest residences in the township. The house was origin ally built and owned by Hugh I*. Con way and cost a large sum of money. The incubator invented by Tom Caldwell has proved to be a decided success. As no patent will be applied for any one who may wish to do so can construct one on the same principle. Messrs Starr and Cumberland have purchased a brand new traction engine which was delivered to them last week. The stray baby at Thompson's ban not been called for yet. It is well cared for in its present quarters. Our Supervisors are busy making any and all needed repairs to our roads. They arc proving to be thorough and competent officials. J. N. Patton has purchased the prop perty formerly owned by Jas. Timblin. He expects to become a resident of our town in the near future. A little child of A- I>. lJarnharts, near Greece City, is very with membranous croup. .las McClymonds, of West Hunbury, and George Kay, of Euclid, were in tow" on Monday and while here suc ceeded in iiersnading (J. Korn to part with his celebrated rondyter Campbell Donaldson, a native of lltix township, and a brother ol A H. Donaldson, died rec«*ntly at his home in the far west where he has principally resided since his boyhood. He had a very extensive relationship amongst the (JamphellH, Hhiras and Hutchisous of thiu county. SiLtx. POLITICAL. At the Rep. Co. Committee in Beaver, last Fri<lny, the following were <le flared the nominees for county offices Sheriff, J. H. Greer; register and recorder. O. C. Harris; treasurer A. A. Duff; clerk of courts, Philip Crowl county commissioners. James C. Cole man and H. C. Glasser; poor house director. Andrew W. Tanner, colored; auditors. S. M. White and C. M. Stand lev; coroner. Dr. J. K, White. M. S. yiiay and C. C. Townsend were nomi nates! by acclamation as delegates to the State convention Attorney James 11. Cunningham was elected chairman of the county committee. Prospect ami Proximity. You may not have heard that: George Warren came home from the Scio field, Wednesday of last week. John Critchlow and Warrie Cooper have built the chimnevs in the new I. 0.0. F. hall. The flues are nearly fifty feet high. Rev. D. L. Roth, of Butler, was here Friday assisting in the funeral services of Mrs. Shanor. Squire Weigle and Clurg Ralston re cently made a businesf trip to Lawrence count}'. Charley Johnson has gone to New Cas tle where he has secured employment. Misses Blanche Kelley and Forrester ar« highly pleased with theii new pianos, and thank their papas very pro fusely. Geo. Pflugh of near Mt. Chestnut, came to town Friday morning, in his fine new carriage, aod took a load of rel atives and friends home along to spend the day. There were so many in the carriage we couldn't count-them. "Cur ly" and "Jack" got their own dinner and Jack says he hasn't had a better dinner for a loug time. The stonn last week (lid considerable damage by blowing over derricks, feuces, trees, and destroying roofs. Mrs. Annie Shanor,relict of the late J. J. Shanor, dec d, died of heart failure, Wednesday evening. May IT, aged 86 years. Mrs. Shanor. was a kind heart ed hospitable neighbor, and always a consistent member of the Lntheran chnrch. Miss Bertha Heyl spent several days last week, at the home of John Bnrry, of Manila assisting Mrs. Bnrry to do her spring sewing. We jnst knew something unusual was pleasing Plummc-r Badger the way he has been smiling. Tlnmrner says 'it is a little girl again," good idea, J. P. tobies. Thomas Cratty, one of onr oldest citi zens, died Tuesday May 10, aged 88 years, after an illness of several months. He was an exenmplary and nsefnl citi zen. Interment was at Whiteatown, following Thursday. J. W. Shatter and N. S. Grossman were visitors at Evans City one day lr.st week. These men are interested in the Prospect Creamery and no doubt were hunting a market for their butter. Try it, and you will use no other. The Lutheran Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Warren, Wednes day of last week and transacted some inportant matters. Several new mem bers were added to the society Wm. McCandless. of McCandless, was here recently with a liad of Davis sewing machines. Wm. thinks the Davis is the best. Now, kind woman, the next time yon clean a church don't wash and scrub so hard I mean pull so hard and the lit tle partitions won't give way. Mrs. Aikin and her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Weigle were in Butler last week, anil called on several friends. The entertainment given by the young folks of the U P. chnrch Tues day evening May 1«». was a very success ful affair. Howard Kelley has some fine buggies yet on hand, although he has sold sev eral this spring. liev. Sloan will preach the memorial sermon Sunday, May '.'H, at 2:!{0 P. M. Joe Albert of Manila, made onr town a call one day lately. Joe thinks the lato fishing excursion to Muddy Creek by Sol Albert, Sam Belles, Jake Albert and others ought to be mentioned. At a recent meeting of the Town Council, J. L. Henshaw was appointed supervisor, and two mills were levied for street tax. Clifford and Cyde Fisher, of Butler visted their sister, Mrs. T. J. Critchlow. not many days ago. Henry Hay and wife, of Portersville. were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Wehr, last. Little Frank Shaffer has a pet cat and he says that he thinks as much of it as many 11 young fellow does of his In-st girl. Now Frank look out. Clayton Critchlow has gotten a new wheel too, and he makes as (in.- a figure as any of the boys. Tom, you can jnst continue to ride the mustang, but Clay ton prefers the wheel. Milton Langharst has gone to Pitts burg to learn the machinist's trade. Your intentions are the right ones Mil ton. A fellow has to Vie careful of what lie whispero into his bent girl's ear, while walking on the streets, for tin- boys readily catch on and don't forget t'.'e sweet words of approbation, comin'jnda tion, roeommtdatioti, concentration and consolation. Mr. Moore and wife of Contrevill writ- the guests of Mr\ Moore'sparent Mr. and Mr.i Alex Stewart last week. Mrs David English and daughter Franki • ire viiiting at Tonj Me'Jlii; tick's a I Ell wood. <)f course. Moilje, S.idie, and Lizzie r;re looking after a!f tirs at home in excellent shape. Mis Jesse Lower* and son Pan], of Pittsburg, weie here attending grand mother .Shanor'n funeral, litHt Friday. At a recent meeting of the school board, the president by and with the con went of the rent apjiointcd J. VV. Shaffer to the vacaney caused by the re moval of Mr. <». VV. Htoughton to Evans City. The appointment is a good one as John has always shown an interest in educational affairs, Jot; ('ogrrv. TIIK whole British Empire celebrat ed the Queen's birthday yesterday, and Qu< EN Vie is HO years old. Fairvlcw I'acls. John Heetf who has been very lnw with long trouble, is now on a fair way too recovery; Mrs Belle Maize is also in a c,on va'esan t st.it.- now. Bert Michaels and O. K. I fays, boys of our town have each taken mi house keeping for themselves, the former in Petrolia and the latter is located on his farm near Henna Vista. Kev. U. M. Mherard i» gone as a dele gate to Philadelphia to attend the (Jen eral Assembly. Kev. Montgomery of Portersville preached iiere in the Presbyterian church for Kev. W. L McClnre on last Sabbath evening and left a very good injirtwion on ti.e minds of the people here as to his ability in the work. < >ll Tuesday uight Jacob Jeffery found a chicken thief in his coop, having been awakened by the noise of the fow Is he grabed his gun and shot "but not to kill ' so the thief dropped his boodle and run. William McKce came on last Satur day to visit his brother Way McKeeand family. Louis Keiffer was home over Hund.iy with his family from the town oil fields. The stone masons will finish building the wall for the new U. P. church on next Friday. Mrs. .las, Myers.<f Parsonvillcfvisitcd Louis Keilters, and I'. W. Met 'lure's on lust Saturday. 'i'liere will bo a Memorial Service on next Sabbath ut j> Hi. in l'ct.roli;t M. E. church by Key. havcly and on l»e<- oration J Jay there will IM- an oration delivered by .1 SI. Galhreath of Butler at I p. m. at which ail tho Sabbath School*, and two lodged will march in proceßaion from Fair view with the<», j A. R. i'ost. How to «*«•( GIMMI Fruit oil the Farm. THF. PKACH. The peach is a fruit that everybody seems to like and on.- that set-uis to be in great demand if produced to perfec tion. Many farmers send to the city for their supply annually, I have sold more peaches to neighbors than any other kind of fruit, and yet with all the demand we see very few farmers raising peaches for their'own use. We hear many complain that they cannot get trees to live long enough to bear more than one crop They have bought many trees and spent much money and time and have failed. Why? Is the fault in the trees or in the men? Now let ns SEE what observation has taught us in regard to this fruit. I know far mers who have bought many fine trees from the nursery, have had them deliv ered in good shape, who have planted those trees in a small lot already over crowded with trees of other kinds and they have never got those trees to pro duce one good peach If any did live long enough to bear the fruit was so in ferior in quality that it did not taste like a peach. Again there is an orchard that was set out some years ago. not far from my place, that should be almost in full bearing, and yet there is not two trees in the whole orchard that is five feet high, the height that I should desire to have them commence branching ont. but between the farm stock and the team in farming the land those trees have all been broken down until they are nothing but a mass of sprouts and if they were mine I should certainly dig them all out and put them to the fiames and mot occupy the land with them. The peai-h is different from almost all other kinds of fruit trees in its wood, it is very open grained anil makes very fast growth, consequently is more ten der and should get just the reverse treatment in its growth from the apple. Whilst we shonld give the young apple tree good land and high fertilization until it comes to bearing age and then let up somewhat to allow it to bear, we should never try to force the peach tree. .1 have never known a peach tree set out in a rich garden or yard to produce more than one or two crops and then die. I have trees that have been producing fruit for more than twenty years and some of them appear as though they might produce fruit for some years more, and they stand on the poorest land on the farm. The peach tree should be planted on high ground: the top of a hill facing south is best; they should be planted by themselves and not amongst other larger trees; they shonld have ample room, say sixteen feet from tree to tree; they should be pruned about 5 feet from the ground to lower limbs and the lower limbs should not be allowed to grow too long; cut the end off so that the sun and air may get to the crown, do not allow any limb that is to be removed to grow too large be ore cutting. 1 do my peach trimming with my pen-knife and fingers, breaking the young shoots as the}' sprout out, unless some large limb shows signs of decay, than I use the pruning saw. After a peach tree blooms the first time is the proper time to fertilize, this should be done by using well rotted barnyard manure (not strawy) well spread over the ground and plowed in. Plow very shallow and do" not put the manure close to the crown of the tree but put it out where the feeding root lets will get the benefit of it. Commer cial fertilizers if strong in potash is far preferable to barny.-.r.L manure It should be put on the latter part of Febuary or as soon after as possible so that the crop may get the benefit of it. Let me again insist that there should never be any sward allowed to form around the crown of any fruit tree and especially the peach. WM. J. PACOE. East View Fruit Farm, May 20, 1*99. Itcnlrew. Los Kirkpatrick is BACK in the store again with his brother John. Dr. Will Cowden is very ill. Mr. Dan White returned from Buf falo hospital much improved in health. If yon are in need of boilers engines or machinery of any kind call on Price brothers. The wind storm on Wednesday did great damage, blowing down several rigs, Mr. and Mrs. Purvis of Callery called on R. M. Bowser on Monday. Sarvcr.s Station. Tuition of Savver Station Academy is reduced 25 per cent, owing to its large attendance, the management have been able to do this and have all demands met. Rev. Dr. White, Butler M. E. Church, will lecture to us on the evening of Thursday, June Ist. Admission free. Select music will be a feature. All arc invited. Preaching services in the Buffalo church, next Sunday. Miss Jessie Harper was a welcome caller at the parsonage, Saturday morn ing on her WAY back to Butler from I taking part in the Ekastown Concert, Friday evening. Hear the sound of the woodman's ax. "Durability is Better 1 -:m Show." The v.pultii of J.' inulti-iuiilionaires is iv.t t .iia! Ji-atth. without I ; 't!i a ., • ", :■ '1 ;-"t «i<- rich, the I.iiiiiHc I. Ml the poor alike have, In Hood's Ear I.>I: ;i!.I, a valuable r.sslaUnt in iMc • :im: r : ntnl!iii'" perfect heulth. r «sure toprt Ilovd's bee ton c&K"idS SaUapaiifta """" ' *2?- i V ■ i' 1 An \{ \ ;'V yj- j _ A ■ v v'y I' " } NOTHING \ X PLEASES X j' —TV'/ ] \ \ One more than to realize tlmt money lias been saved. Compare quality, style anil price of goods purchased of us and you will readily see you have saved money. We want to call your attention to our underwear department. I'ontiac Mills Balbriggan at 25c, and Derby ribbed at 50c. Im ported French goods Hon lions make at 501, 75c, si.oo, s|, so, Straw Hats in largo quantities ;it very low prices. Ed. Colbert. KNy Powder ~ ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome DEATHS. ) WALKER—At his home in Harrisville May lit, 1899, R. W. Walker, aged years. SHANOR At her home in Prospect, ! May IT, 1599, Mr-* J. J. Shanor. aged sfi years. PAINTER—At his home in Buffalo twp.. May 22, lv.io. George Painter. 1 aged 08 vears. . STOKES—At her father's home on the Plank Road, Butler twp May 24, °!>9. of meningitis, Blanche, daughter of Elmer Stokes, aged 11 years. CRATTY—At his home in Franklin twp.. May 1*!, 1*99, Thomas Cratty, 1 aged about 80 years. | MOORE At her home in West Liberty, Monday, May 22, 1899, Nettie, wife of William Moore, aged about SO years. Death was cause by consumption. A ' large circle of friends sympathized with the bereaved husband and three chil | dren. Her remains were buried in the U. P. cemetery at West Liberty, Tues ! day. I OBITUARY. Harry Sheldon, formerly of Butler died at the residence of his aunt. Mrs. • Ilahn. in Freeport on the 14tli inst. Ex. U. S. Senator C. R. Buckalew . died at his home in Bloomsburg, the , county seat of Columbia county, last ( .Friday, in his TSth year. He was known , as the Father of our State Constitution. • RAILROAD TIME TABLES P., Bessemer & L E. j Trains depart:No 14, at 9:40 A. M; , Xo. 2. at 5:40 P. M. Butler time. Trains arrive :No. 1, 10:00 A. M; No. No. 14 runs through to Erie and con , nects with W. N. Y. & P. at Huston . Junction for Franklin and Oil City, j and with N. Y. L. E. & W. at Shenan . go for all points east. No. 2 runs tliroughto Greenville and connects with , W. N. Y. & P. for Franklin and Oil , City. W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent. IMTTSHURG & WESTERN [ Railway. Schedule of Pas fenger Trains in effect May 14, • 1599. BUTLER TIME. I Depart. Arrive. .\lieglieny A<voTmii<*latiori <» 25 a.™ 907 A.m Allegheny Kxfirem K»i 5 " 9 :y> " New CaHtle Accomm«Klatiuu 1 H 05 44 9 n7 " » Akron Mail 8 <>3 a * 703 pm [ Allegheny AccoD»in«Hbitiun 10 05 44 jl2 IS 4% All.-ui" DJ Kxpn M 100 r.>i ' " N« \v A' • <"ninn«biti«di. .. . 1 pDi!l2 1H MIII Chicago KxpreHH pm VI Is un» , Allegheny Mail 542 " 7 4"» pm I'ittrtl.urK and Allegheny .*» !<• 44 All. gl.env ami Kllwood Arconi... r » 42 44 7 44 Chicagc Limited . f» 4- " 9 «»7 A.M Kane :ui<l Bradfonl Mail 9 T+ l A.m ft 'JUI P.M riarion A< t-oinmo<latk>n ft '.V* P.M 9 a.M Cl« a velan<l ami <"hic;ig<» KxprenM... »i am I 81 N DAY TIC A INS. All • ■ 1.• • • Bxprai .... H A.M t • \ M Allegheny Ar« ..iiim.«S Uioii ft 42 P.M ft I<> i-.M ' New Ca>tle 8 <>"» A.M 7 44 1 < Bxn em Itt rj 110 mm AllK;;hetiy A< t <>mm<elation 7 0.1 pin I Train arrivli g at ft.l" p.m. II. Jk O. dejiot rittnhurg at U.-ft p.iu and 1\ & W., Allegheny at 3.35 p. m. (in SatnnlayM a train, known an the theatre train, will leave Butler at ft.42 p. m., arriving at Allegheny at returning l«- ive Allegheny at il.:u> p. n». Pullman sleeping cars on f'h Ira go KxprcxM In-tween Pittuhurg and I'hirugo. I »r through tickets r • all {xiiuts in the w« ht, north -t or Houtliw<*st aud inf ruiation regarding routes, time of tr.iiiifl, etc. apply t i NV. IC. TI UN'KB, Ticket Agent, R. !*» i;i.N' 'i.i'--, Bup t, N. D. ftntlar, r.«. Butler, I'a. C. W. BASSKTT, (». I'. A.. Allegbeey, I*a 11. 0. 11l \KLK, Bup't. W. A L. IHv., Allegheny, I'a. PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SciiKDUi.r. is K»rr.rr Nov. 21,1898. SOUTH- ' WEEK DAYS A. M. A. M A M. V. M. V. M IM'TLEH Leave 0 lift h oft 11 Ift 236 ft Oft Raxonlmvi Arrive •» 64 8 30 II 88 ;; ft Si Hutler Jum'tion.. 44 7 '&~i * r » » 12 02 '.i 2ft ft ft.'t llutl-T Junction. ..Leare' 7 '.ut * ft:s 12 22 2ft ft ft.'t , N'atromi Arrive 7 90l 12 3<> :i X', r. 02 Tarentum. i 7 42 907 12 3. r > 342 G t»7 S] • !•»!• ... 760 It jIS 1 • .'i ( larcmont 9 'M' 1 (r2 1 (Hi -j7 SharjNtbarg. . 8 07 9 i;». 1 II 4 12 G 32 Allegheny 8 »» 9 4h 1 2ft 4 2ft »i 43 A. 31 A.M. I*. M. I». M. T. M. HI'NDAY | TRAINS.—L«ave llutler for Allegheny City and principal iriterine<luite Ktatiuim at 7:llft a. in., I tmi ft:«M> p. m. KORTJL WEEK DAYS , A M.iA. M. A.M. I*. M V M Allegheny <'ity. leavt 7 •»" 9 101 II 2ft 2 .'»<> »i 10 Sharpahuig 7 11 9 12 11 37 2 4ft; ... ( ,moot 9 19 11 441 S SS Bpilngdale.. 930 11 '• • 1 •. ,;7 Tarentum 7 31 9 39 12 07 ii 2JJ r, 40 N.ii IDIUL 7 9 I : U I I :'.l '■ •'.! ltutlur Junction...ariive 7 4«» 9 fto 2'i, 3 4ft / <)o liuiler Junction... .leave 7 4«. 9 60 12 2ft 1 07; 700 Saxonberg * Ift 10 lft 12 4-.» 4 :m; 7 24 111TLKB .arrive « 4" lu 3* I IT 5 Cift 7 50 |A. M.JA. 31. I*. 31 I'. 9) T. 31 SPIN DAY TRAINS. l.«ave Allegheny <ity f«»i Rut lei ami pi in* i|al iuteriiKMllute HtatioiiN at 7.2U a. in. and 9 109 <i. WKKK DAYS. ITDR THE EAST. Wekk DAW. f*. M.iA.M.I P.M.I'M. 2 3/. 1. 2ft>lv Bi Tl.kk.. ar lo '.IH 1 17 . 87 " Battel Junction Iv '• ■*.•< IS lift 1 t I6|hr Balk 1 Jam tkm ... ai 8 80118 <lB I 06 7 t »1 reepoit ..IT 8 28 IS «H, 109 7 ft 44 Allegheny Jum tion . ~4 4 H2412 01 1 Jl > 041 44 Lee. Id, lilt' 44 MO9 II 49 A 40 ft -i • r.iuit.,ll i \p.u-.) 7 63 11 8 8 fill M Baltol MI,; ** 7 11 «;» ft 41 9 22, 44 Rlaimville 7 <»o lo 4o ft fto 9 301 44 lllaimviUe luteiwM.tloii. ~4 4 ft Mlo lo Will 401 44 Alt<*oua 44 3 16 ! 800 100 • 1". 44 Hai 11 "i'Hi j' •• lit 109 1 '.O «i 2.J1 44 Philadelphia M 30 11 20 \ M !' M \ M i' M (01 Sunday, train leaving liut!«•» 7 ''ft a. in., connect* Bii'tWim Ait-, im and Ptkil uk IpMn Through tialua lor the •• mt leave I'litrl-urg (Uuloti Btettm) Ml 1 \t! .11. T»• bl !<■•«, 4ii 1 1 si I'en IIHJ I vania Limited 44 ........ , 715 " Day ExpreML 44 7:30 *' 31 aiu Line l » preat, 44 Uarriahnrs Mail, ** 1 11 f m Plilla lelphia Expn .. . 1 10 " Mail and Ex| 1 York >ulj ThJOUdl I'Ml. I • pal, DO ■MMI • - M0 M K.iiti Ml Kfcl lev, •• 71 . •• I • ! 1.111- , 4 . . . .V O •• I'itiihurg Limited, daily, with thru Ugh emu he«. i v - \ I■. 1 leeping cai tu .n • fori; Mtfnofi ia4 Werftli • n '; • 111 > tan «*»1 tbifl ti On IOCOO 44 1 hllnd .1 M.t.i 80 - i" a m i'pi Atlawtk (Itj (via Mnwii* Bftvoi Isi i-1, •, .-»n nil rort ) •90 \ M UMI tm. daily. f <«r dt tailed information, addreM Thot. E. Watt, Pium. A,i W.-tein liHtrict, t'orner Kilth Avenue atid Mnith -11. Id Street, I'ittahurg, I'a. J 11. HUTCHISON, y. II MOOD. General Manure, Qew'' Sv. Auelit. Th 6 SUTL6R OTIZ6N. 81.tM) JUT yo.ir If palil In a<ivaii< t'. othrrvrliM $1 fto will IM- i*hurg« 4 d. i\ l»v i.KTJSI MO KATKS <*II«- 1 ri«*la. oin« tlru« fl; i-Jii'li hiil»M«M|U« iit Insert lun fto cents « :u-li A u<lltors' and (livurci not Ices MICIi : exec utori' and idtDinlstretont' outlcot >1 each estruy uml dissolution not I<M-H|3earli. KcaU- Ing iioiiri's lo rent* a line for lirst unci ft for uiich Hiilisiu(lieut> lOMTtlon. .Not Icon atnong 10. :il |i(-,v ,ii t ins lft ceiiis fl line for t i« !i IHMTUOII. tJldt uarles, curds of thanka, »•« solutioilH of r«'H|Mu*l, notlcos of festlvula nti'l fairs, I'U'., Inserted jii, | in- 1 ate of ft reulH a line, money to ucmmpauy the order. Vven words of prose make a line. Kates for standing cards ami joh work on apnllcat ion. All adviTtislug is due after lirst Insertion, and all transient advertising must in: paid for in advance. All comtiiiinleallons lutendod for pulilli'O t ion In I Ills paper ti;u<*t Ih? ac«-ompaiii« «l i»y I lie rial nuine of t lie writer, not f«>r puidlca l ion liu w a guarantee of good falLli.aml should reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notices must be accompanied by a choonalblt* name. JAS. A. MCDOWELL, Cistern Builder and General Cement Worker. VVorl.i r In VVliitc, Portland, and Hydraulic Cements. O/012 > Vo i.s Kxperience. Ist Street, I*. Tel. 3^'• WAVrt.n SKVMtAI. TUI.'HTWOKTIIY .'KltnuWd lu tIII* It.lt" lo IIIUIIUKU '»ur liunlii.'Hs ! lltrlr own and n«:irliy CIHIIIIII'h. It. K innlnly . .til. . wort. citiiilui'lHl ;tt lii>iu«'. Salarjf striilKlit f.«n a y. :ir mill < spi ns.ili-llnlu., I hiiii.tfl'l.*, nono Ich-4 Hiilnry, Monthly .. . K. fi h'luvv Knclow NOlf-iulilri siiXl I .laui|>i'il I'livilopii llrrlii rt K. 11 <-h.S. I'ri'Ht. j llt'iit. M. Cktc«KO 1 Pianos. W R NEWTON, Representing The Chickering-Chase Bros. Co. Manufacturers of Grand arid Upright Pianos AND Farrand & Votey Organ C 0. ,! Manufactures of Organs. Can save you money in the purchase of a FIRST CLASS Instrument. Call and examine them at the ware room, 317 South Main St., Butler, Pa. TERMS: Cash or easy payments to suit purchaser. Now is The Time to Have Your CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works "216 CJenter avenue B®.We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jan.estown Sliding Blind Oo.—New York. R. FISHER & SON, Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick House has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. SO YEARS' r.X P E RIE NC E HrlJ J i L p I a 1 I j . I 1 B ik■ pj R COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a nketeh and description may qnlellT ascertain ou» opinion free whether an Invention in probably patentable. fommunlra tiona utrtotly eunthlenttal. Hwidlmokon Patent* sent free. oirteat for aecurin* potent*. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive tpccial notice , without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I-arjreat rtr oulation of any noienUflc Journal. Terms, fi a year : four months, sl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co. 36,8r0ad " a ' New York Drtuicb Office. G2S V SU. Washluirtou. I). C. < D. L. CLEELAND, S £ Jeweler and Optician, > ( 125 S.'Main St, ( Butler, Pa. HOTEL DOWMAN. A new and up-to-date hotel, at No 307 Centre Ave-, Butler, Pa* MRS. J. L. CAIN. Plants for setting out. Choice rones, geraniums carnations ami tine (lowers of all sorts at John Pierce's Green House, Half mile below Fair (Jround. Order?* can Ins left at iiraliam'K, Koch's and Allen Go's (fro < ry stores _ Popular Music! Popular Prices! *'l Loved You, * deed I Do" Son*. The only onfl of 11h kltel. A New York lurcwa fall to ■end f«»r a copy. I tegular price, 50c. Our prlee to you '46 c "llent Little <«lrl In the Wide, Wide World*' —Koug. A •pontancoutt ••lilt.** Th« r»K« in New Vork HIKI the east. Kegular price, 5»l cti. €lur price to you '4sc •*Muyflow««r Walts" One of tho«e < harming wa!t/r» that nre lrreaii«lihle. A nplendtd piece for I ilanelng or for a 8010. Itegular price, &octi. <IUP I price to you -Jfio | llappy llMiniMh"— Cake Walk. The be»t cake' wnlk ever wrltteu. A popular favorite. Trice* 50c. Our prlcutoyou OK YOURDOLIRIORTHIM rorr ONIINU ro UI ANDMFOUR OUUTLIiIII I ViLL MCKINLEY MUSIO CO. •07-0 WASA»H Ay., CMICAOO. 74 fitlH Ay., Nn YCXM I*l<;uao Mention tUla I'aper. LIVERY. 11. C. Pryor, of W. Sunbury, hereby j;ivc-s notice to the public that owinjj to the death of his father in-law, John Mechlin#, lie will not 'cave his business as had been intended, but will continue to carry 011 the livery business at the old stand. Good rijjs furnished at moderate price. H. C PRYOR. LOOK AT THE LABEL. Panted on yonr pajM-r, (or on the wrapper in which it comes,) for 11 brief lmt. exact statement of your subscription account. The date to which you have paid in clearly tfiven. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re Hpert fully solicited. Keliieml>cr the tmliMcription price, SI.OO a year Don't send money in an ordinary letter it will lie at yonr own risk. Use money order or registered letter. Remit to W. C. NEULF.Y, Hutler, Penna. If the date is not changed within three weeks write and ask why. Butler Steam Lamidry^^ 220 West Cunningham Slrcct, \ J. E 2ICKHICK, Manager. \ People's 'Phone, 296. N A <TI VK. SOUriTOK* 4 WAMTKIi I VI UV where for "The Story of the I'hillpplnt's •»y Murun IIHUI« :»d, « l»y t lit* 1 »<ivi riitutiil hi 1 'ftlelul llixtorliin U* the Wsr IH'tiarttnent I'he IHHIU mi:i written In army ramp it San I ram Kro, on the I'luilh* with fieneriil Merr.tfc. lu tin- lioHpltaln at llono lulu, in Ifontf the Atuerlean trenehea at Manll.i In tin- In nrv't'lit i-amps wllh AKUIIIUI<IO. on the deck of th« Olyuipla with lH«wiy. ami In Iho roar •*f hat tie nt the full of Manila lUman/.a for agent* llrlritful of orihriiial plet ures taken l»y uh«»- Son tin* Mpot L.arue IMHIU I,ow pri«*es Ititr pri»llt»i l'r» ijrhi p.«ld i redlt Kiyeu llrop all trashy umdTlelal war Ixiok*. tllltllt free. Aildi. I T lia »H-r. S.e' A Insurance hid k Chicago. SPECIAL FROM G. E. MILLER, THE SHOE MAN! Always Busy Looking After Your Interests Studying Your Wants. Trying to Please. Shoes Are What We Sell! Our spring trade has been very satisfactory; it could not ha\e been otherwise. Special care was given the selection ol our spring goods and we feel safe in saying that our stock was never bitter and Irom the amount of new customers we have made this spring, the trade has appreciated our eftorts by a very liberal patronage. WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL DO. If you have just one dollar to pay for a pair of shoes.come in a:id see us. We have a stronger line of $i shoes for Men, Ladies. Mis:-, s and BDys, than we ever had, both in tan and black. Our Working Shoes for $i are fully equal t>> $1.25 shoes s Id elsewhere. What Two Dollars will do. When it comes to $2, we take great delight in showing our h'sie of Men's and Ladies' fine Dress shoes. Never before since we have sold shoes have we been able to ofler our customers as nit. a line <>f $2 shoes as we can today. Come in and see them. They are beauties beyond description. What Three Dollars will do. Well, to tell the truth, I have not the words at my command to do justice to our $3.00 line. You must sec them to appreciate Why pay $5 and s(> for shoes when you can get style, service and comfort out of our $3.00 shoe? WHAT WE WILL DO. If you are in need of any kind of footwear, come to us. N > matter how little you have to spend, we will save you money a J give you good wearing shoes. When You Know a Good Thing Tell it! We know that a pair of shoes with the Good Luck Perfection Circlettes in heels will wear better, look better and keep their shape better than a shoe without them. We are going to tell you all about these Good Luck Perfection Circlettes next week. Watch for our id next week; we'll have cuts fully explaining their merits. Good Lock Perfectioo Circlettes are Winners. You'll hear all about them soon. C. E. /V\ ill e- r 215 South Main Street, Butter, Pa. Sales Must Grow! v|§| Trade Must Flow! We propose to show to the people of this vicinity that despite the crv of scarcity of money au<i hard times, we still crowd our store with eager purchasers New Shirt Waist great collection of all that i% t.» w r CWI and stylish in wash wa sis. Correctly made and jierfect J XJY waists or your money hack. Percale, Madras, La v n and P : Waists. Latest cut, new sleeves, new yokes ne.v froii . . i Corded, tucked and insertion trimmed. Prices whittled K A.JSI to the tip-end-of-notlung. I Summer Wash Fabrics -They're the daimi -t of the K 'laintv. the lightest and cooK st of fj 1 ,-ic->. K .T . .• •- k tVa w in lawns, dimities, organdies, madras and graham*. ! !•»•• lawns, in figures, stripes and p >lka d'»;- ra-iiu! ir 1 :lt ' *'• Ihmities, very sheer, with minute cords, needle >i/e, jB ViH giving strength and style Exquisitely printed it!j and 15c. <5 * Plata color lawns with fancy braid aad iaoc (Ctd stripe :»• 4§ j Fine organdies and crepons—l For Skirts and Waists. JO. White P. K., Welts and ducks IJ'ic to 25c Printed P. K., Welts and ducks 10c to 25c Linen, homespun 10c, 12% and 15c « ■ India Linon and Victoria Lawn 5c to 40c [f' : f J Striped, plaid and fancy white goods .-. 10c to 25c v> Denim for skirts—blues, browns and tans I2'j j| Linings and Fixings. \ Everything necessary for the inside as well as the out-.i l - /«' x - * of a dress Fancy waist linings—fancy skirt lininys silk, linen anl.'_ cotton linings, canvas, haircloth,beltings, tapes,braids, placket " sets, buttons, buckles an 1 all kinds of linings and trimmings. ~ - ~\ v • L. STEIN 8c SO IN, Store Closes at 6 p. m. except Saturday. They told liltu wlit-n !»■ pnrchwd hi* wheel tliut It was "Just :i- k«««I :i- a Clcvel.'iiMl. that it was -.t ri.-t ly lilitli xra<l<'.' .Vi\, I'tit h«' lias lust f«-ii t»«l >'iit that It was nut I'lt'vWauU |?rail«- nr this iii'i'iiliiit would not liavr happened. We li.in- n«-w »hn*U as low as -r'S>. anil Kihhl ... . ..ml-hand wheels from «l" to »!.'• Our ££• wlit-t-l i a I letter wheel than Is advertised t.y t lit. aifo Hrms at that prtee. anil you ran (tet parts for It VS.- rarrv a full line of Itieyi-le Sundries. also < atm n.s. Grapliaphi'iies and < <»lunil>l» Ke.ords. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Optician Next to Court House. nm you ever stop to consider that you are losing half the pleasures of cycling by riding a wheel two or three years behind the date? Retter bring it in and trade it on a matchless Alca/ar one, one of those three crown, stylish looking wheels you see so many of. l*>n t you think so? You will have the satisfaction of knowiuif you ride the best the market affords. E. EVANS & SON Cor. Wayne anil McKtsn, COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.-**—;- Everything that is r.cw and attractive i»l Wati-lu . Ktnj;s, Diamonds, Clocks. Silverware, Cut ('.lass, etc.; also Cameras. Micycles and Graphapboncs. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. JBWKLKK. Next to Court House. UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby given that the under taking business carried on by Mrs Minnie Hunt, at West Sonbury. Pa., under the supervi-ion of her father, John Mechling, lately dee'd . will lie continued by me. All work will be done in first-class style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Hunt. " See V i ncl ley PH< )T( >S When you go to Town. I'. O. BUILDING. Branches —Kvans < ily ami Mars. I M. C. WAGNER. ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. 139 South Main street Over Shan! & Nast's CUthlaf Store REMOVAL NOTICE. Having rented the Nixon Home, «n S. McKean St., auil will take possession April I, I invite all my old friends ar.d customers, as well as t*>e pablic gene d ly to give me a call. There is h».t . id c<ild water all through the hooae, kith ' tubs and lire escaoes. Kates reasonable. R 0 RUMBAUGH. Formerly of the Wick House WM. WAI.KEI! J. S. Wll K Walker & Wick. -QOEKAL L*K.% I. KKS - REAL ESTATE. OIL PROPERTIES LIFE INSURANCE. ETC. Bv|t t>l!»« tier PlMTrntH I 1831 1899 coiinifiY jmm jllie OM.V Afrniiliwal NH v |«|w. INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO WISH TO I KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES ■ Sin«»lc Subscription, $.2. Two Subscriptions, $3 50. Four Subscriptions. FECIAL iwajctnims TO TIUEII or 1 ABCE CLUES Write for : artlcaUri <ia this Totst Free till Jan. 1 to New Sutmci I for 1899. It will lie seen that the difTeti-nce lie tween the c»*t of the CorsTav t'.KXTi.ir MAM and that of rther aj{neti!t -ra! week lies (none of which even attempt* to I cover the agricultural news of th day! i may readily by reduced, by making tip a small Club, to I.KSS THAN A CKNT A WL.« J>oes such a dtllerence as ta»> j'tstify ynH in contenting yourself with s< nte other pa}K-r in-.tea.Fof having the 'ml' SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES. Which will hs matleil Free, and rouipsre them with any other rural werklv. it will not take I'-ng to see the difference. Address LllMElf TICkFR v SO*. Allnnr N. V LC. WICK, 1) kale ■ ix Rough ? Worked Lumber OF AM. KINDS. l)oors. Sash, Blinds. Moulding*. Shingles and 1-ath Always in Stock. LIME. H\IK AND PLASTER Office uppualte P. & W. I>epo*. BUTLER. PA.