VOL- xxxvi ;: 8 ( > That the dread house cleaning is over the next A 4 \ and more important work is picking a new carpet. A < > To pick a carpet in our well stocked carpet room, Q . l is a pleasure, so say the many who have done so. J. We have the famous Hartford Axminister, Wilton X , I Velvets, Body and Tapestry ' russels and Ingrains if in ali the up-to-date patterns, only, and prices that will astonish you. Then our China Mattings, \f * I Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Rugs and V * > Art Squares, deserve a passing notice. Ask to V | i > see our V ► Si.oo Axminister Rugs, 0 ' r Neatest thing for the moacv ever shown in Butler at V | | DOFFyS STORFJ 'ALL PAPKR. | lead in Low Prices, call and see. g -PICTURE FRAMING-^© lity. Just received a large shipment o! all the Uk iatest styles in PICTURE MOULDINGS. It will pay you to see our line before you buy. > ALL WORK GUARANTEED. & Uk 'J, g Elko Ready Mixed Paints. & fR The best that can be made call and get a K a color card. Contract painting and paper hanging. • I Patterson Bros., | V. 't £ 236 North Main Street. Butler. Pa. £ Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 7K /VIEIN.-*:- jip&L ,i / / ;I f ry/ Won't buy clothing for the purpose of spc nd / f " \ jW' c" \ ingmoney. They desire to get the I) est I V t/ 1 possible results for the money expended. \ \ VI y \ Not heap goods but goods as cheap as can : j he sold and made up properly. Call and r - ' /)/* i examine my large stock of lA,if—l £3 i ; • SPRING SUITINGS. •; j\ ~ 'V , Right up to date, the latest styles, shades ? ' -T/? "• colors t hat could lie bought. Call and jl ' 111 | l\ y'/,j. '*> xaminethem. '1 IIU-.j N;\ i ; <% ' , (jl ; " 7! f i 1 i ' 7 ' tS an d Workmanship [J l ! ! Guaranteed. G. F. KGCK, 142 North Main Street, Butler, Pa. PAPES. JEWELERS. Diamonds, watches. Clocks, Jeweiery, Silverware, Spectacles etc. We have a large and well selected stock. We Repair all Kinds of Watches. If you have broken jeweiery that you think l.eyond repairs bring it to us and we will make it as good as new. We take old gold and silver the same as cash allowing the highest market price. 122 S. Main St., Puller, Pa Also apestaiei Paints t£sSSlmmip?wm For Buggies. Wagons, AWIE TO PAINT Decorative BUILDINGS WITH • Work. etc. REDICK & GROHMAN. ,0, N. M«l» St.. - • - - - - - ''*• Rockensteln's Opening"ot Spring and Summer Millinery. We cal' your attention to our large and well •elected stock of Choice Millinery. We I ive endeav red to make our stock surpass all previous ycais in style, desir- Bbi'itv quality and pries. We feel sure- we have more than maintained our repiilati.ilibi the selection of CHOICK Mil.! INKK Y GOODS. We can .how y . an inlineii-> v.uietv of llats. l'lowers. Ribbons, Hraids innl 1.1 iffors aiu. all tat Co. sl , make up an Kl'-TC.-DATK MII.UNHRY STOCK, and at prices that ... 1 sun.ri.. you. VVc would .-.'til especial attention to our Ladies Misses an,l Chi ; - die'n's I RIM MKI> IIATS, iu which we have always excelled. \ou tan .ilwaj • get l'ii- right goods at the light price* at - i vr.i.. ti _ _ - - - - ISutler, l'a. ■fh Nail" Main St.. SEND OWE DOLLAR S wlUito TOO nil** CUWf*, «• will •••* jnm tkU TOP It «i«f BT J Rkl,i "T V \ X ICHHT TO lIAIIIATIOJI, j— Ua MMIMIIM "S,« IF in linSllkH \ \ A WIP CO nUMTIT BATUF4CTOBT, lUUCTLT Ad JSSLVku iwS lli \ X H»1 C=D TMATBKTAIL aTMO.OOU ti6.00M4 TMI ORANDCST IAIOAIN tOUIEVIi SAW, \ H7 X«| OUR BPECIAL PRICES3B.9Q, - Thiiffflr rn *od frvltfht ob*rfr««, lom the 11.00 »cnt with order. /V \yWKt\J I' X MIC BiAITE TMIQ TOP RllfiPiY WOCIOWI FACTOIf M CIIICAUO* r / \ WE iAKt THIS lUr PUuu' >r „ m material than moat / n»k.r. pat la «u.oo baKKi«> Lalest Style For I i H,U rr»m the lint Swwonrrt Wi.ikl Of.r, Hi nt Th»t Money ' «n X^yjvrp*. r^riii I Build .—* itrlan, m llluntrati-'l, or llrtiwiler Slilf liar. "\ 1 /\l' 1 /// \f /\! / Blah Orad* ScrawwS Kim fi.ri«ii'i r»t.-nt. T.», ««ounce, l»»lly X"'y U\ S-J K \ / tturibrr H«»rtlv 1.1n.-a, full (14. ami hai-lc curtalni*. |-.li.il»..c iuaruri toed eiiual to ajiy I 1&0 00 or Red im. rnHli Wf (I.U ir K.u'. Uillwh _ aaa.OO ll III! If [CIAI MICt ' or u ' > b, "» .««I»W.. will. •» .im, l»rt, f .ll l.a»l» .Ida aad b»fk cart.l.., .Inr» SJSlTrrJUl.v£r.r>!!!"r. Md OUAIANTEED TWO TEARS wili la.t a lifetime r.f8,„l ...i«li,ui ..j « vuti vol tun BI WIT fiTAUXH *. YOU CAN MAKE SSOO 00 Thia Your Belllnir OUB S 10.00 MOOOIKa. ORDER ONB TO-DAY. YOU CAW BKI.I, IT FOR »60 00. DON'T DELAY, Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK «t CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL. .»■ fzm, tllate Library j* l * 93 1 THE BUTLER CITIZEN. /YnOD'SX (p pILLSI Rouse r the tor Ipi J liver, and cure biliousness, sielc M headache, jaundice, nausea, tion, etc. They are in i valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy i your confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. Price, i- . at all medicine dealers or by mail of C. I. Hooa , 000.00 Surplus ami Profits f 130,703.95 los. Ilartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. liailcy. Cashier! John McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / gem-ral banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned <"> approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIitKCTOUS lion. Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W. 8. Waldrori, lir. .N. Si. Hoover. 11. Mi-- Swtseney. E. K. Ahranis. (' I'. Collins I. a Smith, Leslie I*. Ilazlett., M. W. 11. Larkin, Harry lieasley, l»r. W. C. McCandless, Heu Masse! li. I V. I{ltt> Braurvs Pharmacy Cor. 6th St, and Duquesne Way, I'ittsburg, l'a,, L, D. Telephone 2s42. Wholesale and Retail. Importer audjobbcrol Drug.-9, Chemicals, Perfumes, Soaps, Hi ushes, Etc. The only house west of New- York carrying a full line 01 Meyers' urease, Paints and theatrical goods. Physicians" Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night by "Registered Pharmacists" only. Wholesale and retail dealer in Lubricating and Illuminating Oils, Capital Cylinder, Dynamo, Water White and Standard Gas Engine Oils, Gasolein, Pen zine, Paraffine Wax and Petrolatum. Address all mail orders to W. F. Braun. Rare Bargains! We want to dispose of our present stock of models, and in order to do it tjtiickly have cut the price:, from £3O, $35 and *4O to $22.50 and $25. These are strictly high grade and up-to-date bicycles, and can't be matched lor price and quality. Oon't miss this opportuni ty io procure a good wheel lor little I money. We sell sundriii cheaper than I and other house iu town. WHITE, WALTER # CO., 303 S. Main Street. 11/\ nti i> si \ u:.\ 1. Tin t woimiY pkusons •™lu till-* >t:il« i<» r 11:1 n:iyr• • «>ur business j thi lrown unci »i«*;irl»y < «>unt I<-h. It Is mainly otl|r«< work « oihlih-ii d at home. Salary straljrlit &*#) a y.*ar :»rnl « \|M ris« s definite. l>uii.iU<) MEMORIAL DAY. Let no lea.' of glooming cyprc.-M On :hi «o hailowort mounds today Cast a shf.dcw o'tr tfce blossoms Mingled with the heroes' bay. Let no tear nor sigh of sadness Wrong the memory of the bravs While our song.-, of hope and gladness Flcat around the flag mavlrcd grave. Well we kii.w their nanu s:u graven On the boundless heart cf 1 vn. All who in right's fierce, mad conflict NamclotM fell are known above. For their sakes the while brllflowers. Velvet pansie:, many h .ed. Breathe in all their rrnce and Is-auty Thoughts of love and gratitude. For a day the rose and hinrel Proudly (h each sacred Hpot. Ever on the iiati i'a bc.-om Rests the pure forgetmenot. And from out lons years of silence Call our brothers, brave and true, 'Cherish well this blessed Union That we fought to save for you." —Detroit Free Press. I MISS CYKTHY'S I LILAC BLOSSOMS. | Memorial day at tbnt important part of the universe known familiarly as the Corners was always a gala day. Every one in the little village planned 011 its coming from one year to another. It was the hope of every one that lilacs and all spring blossoms might be in fall bloom at the important day and so be carried to the tiny cemetery on the hill to deck the soldiers' graves. After viewing the decorations Deacon Hiram Pepper always remarked, "They couldn't git a better trimmin up if they was a-lyin in Mount Auburn stid of the bury in yard at the Corners.' The few old veterans in the place, with tho younger men as Sons of Vet erans. marched and drilled for weeks beforehand that they might make an irnpo.-ing appearance, while the maids and matrons, bound not to be outdone by the masculine portion, either had new gowns or pressed and retrimmed old ones, that they might make a show ing equal to thfc rest. One evening about a week before the eventful day Miss Cynthia White stood ! till LIZY BURST INTO TEAIiS. at the door of lier trim cottage, looking out over her thrifty, well kept garden, her keen eyo noting the fact that the marrowfats were up over by the fence; that the tomatoes were doing well, and that tho pansy bed needed weeding. But her sharp gray eyes rested longest 011 tho clump of lilacs down by the gate as she said aloud, huving in the long, lonely years acquired the habit of talk ing to herself: "I do hope them lilacs will bo out for Memorial day, but it has been such a backward spring that it ain't likely. But 1 always just count 011 them lilacs to take to the cemetery lor Brother Sam's grave. There's Sam's wife, shift less critter as she was, shenever'd think of doin such a thing. But, then, lilacs nor nothin else would grow in that lit tle 7 by 0 patch of ground of lier'n. I declare, if there ain't Susy's little boy down at the gate, lookin at them lilacs as if he'd eat 'em. He'd better not touch 'em. though. Here, you boy," she loudly called, "don't you touch them flowers, but you just run home to yonr ma, and be lively." And Miss Cynthy's thin lips com pressed themselves as she watched the forlorn little figure running swiftly down the road. Sho watched him until a softer expression appeared on her hard face, as she murmured: "Well, but he does look as Sam used to when ho was a little fellow about his age. I've a good mind to call him back for Sam's sake. But, there. I won't do it. Lizy'd think I wanted to make up, and slio'd make a sight of talk over it. But they do say as how she's been hav in a pretty hard time of it this year, since Susy came homo and brought them two children along. But. then, Sasy married a worthless chap, and Lizy encouraged ihe match, and so tain't nobody's fault but her own that she's in such straits. I wonder if she'll visit Sam's grave Memorial day t I don't want to meet lier there." Poor Miss Cynthy! Sho had not al ways been hard featured and sharp tongued. as she was now. Deacon Pep per, Lucindy Green and many of the town's folks could remember when she Lad been called tho prettiest girl at the Corners; when her black, snapping eyes, dark curls and red choeks caused her to be called tho belle at many a rustic husking or apple bee. Cynthia White's father and mother had died in middle life, leaving, besides this daughter, a son of 18 years, who all his life had been at once a source of the greatest jory and greatest anxiety to his parents. Nothing bad about the boy. only so full of mischief and fnn that his mother never knew from what dire dilemma she might be called to ex tricate him. And 11s he grew older, al though he became more manly and less given to frolic and fun, yet his mother etill looked upon him as a little boy. who must be watched and cared for. To Cynthy. though but two years his senior, his mother when dying had given the charge of her son as a sacred trust. "Prdralso, Cynthy," :-ho had sai l "Promise that you'll i.. v - leave hi: \ und that you'll take iro 1 care of hii.i And Cynthy had rolenmlv .-aid. "i will." Faithfully did she fulfill th i' promise. She simply gave In r life 11 j to her brother Sam, but that yo .0 ; man somehow did not roem to appr ciate the sacrifice, neither did he care to [jmi all his. ev«ninga at home with |ii» l ister, nor if he went to n "husk ing" or "sociable" did he care to be al ways "tied to her apron strings " as ho expressed it. Later on, when she learned that Sam was "paying attention" to that "shilly shally Lizy Walker," great was In r in dignation. and many were the lectures given to the younger i other, who felt lii 121 elf too near to manhood to be treat ed like a child, espccii ly when Cyntliy was but two years older than lie. Sharp und bitter words pa ed between them nt times, although often Sam tried to make it up with liis .•;-iter and tried also to convince ln-r that Lizy we ab olutely needed at tin- fan :e e . but il WM at no ns'*. So one day !-;iio nod pretty lit -1 till Lizy took matters into th ir own i hand •, dm vn ten miles t:. U , aeross the statu line, and were married. Sum immediately made the news known to Cynthy, who was at first in consolabl \ She wept over Sam as if he b 1 been badly 11. •d. At first sL ■ for bade them both the house; but, remem bering her pii ;-iise to her mother, she tt last made him letch "Mrs. White" home, and she'd do <;s well by her as could bo expected under the circum stances. So tliey came to the farmhouse to live, and Cynthy. true to lier promise, did well by them «3 far as food and kindr d comforts go, but never by any possible chance was there any relaxa tion of the sU:n lines about her mouth, and Lizy often cried up stairs in the spare room from sheer loneliness. About two years later the war fever of 1861 broke out at the Corners, and Sam Whit-- was one of the first to catch the infection. Sam had "settli 1 down" during the past two years, so all the Corners folks said, and was a strong, sturdy specimen of young munliood. When he came home and broke the news of his enlistment to Lizy and Cynthy, the little wife's face grew pale as di - th. and she clasped her laughing babv more closelv to her, but said never a word. Bat Cynthy—her voice rose to a per fect shriek IM she cried, "You shan't go, Sam; you mustn't, you can't. I'll n vcr give my consent. Don't you nev er mention it again." But as Sam's resolution did not waver she left off commanding and be gan entreating instead; "Oh, Sam, you won't go, please don't, I couldn't bear it; don't go!" And when to this pitiful pleading Sam only answered, "I must, Cynthy; I've promised,*" Cynthy arose and, standing before Lizy, who was strug gling with her tears, said, "Beg him not to go. Lizy; he'll hear to yon. Tell him you can't get on without him." "1 can't. Cynthy," was the tearful reply "If he's promised to go, any thing 1 could say wouldn't stop him. And. besides, Sam knows best. If it's his duty, I won't stand in the way. I'll say, 'Go, and God bless yon!' " "Brave little woman!" cried Sam But Cynthy, facing her with blazing eyes, said fiercely: "If you let him go, I'll never speak to you again. Beg him not to. Quick, ltny! I mean it!" "Cynthy!" cried Sam. "I mean it!" she went on. "If he goes, it's your fault, and I'll never for give you." Sam, as well as Cynthy, was not pre pared for the resolute look on the little wife's face, as, rising, her baby in her arms, she faced the angry woman, say ing "I shall not bid him stay! If he's given his word, I'll not bid him be a coward for my sake. He must do what he thinks is right." Cynthy turned and left tho room, while Lizy burst into tears, hiding them 011 Sam's broad shoulders. So it was settled. But Cynthy moved about like a wom an of stone, never apparently seeing Lizy. but doing all in her power for Sam Lizy decided to go homo to her parents during his absence, to which decision Cynthy agreed, with a satisfied nod of her erect head. So Sam went to the war. Lizy went to her old home, and Cynthy was left desolate. Before many months had passed news came to thoCorners that a great battle had been fought and won for the Union, but that among the wounded were many of their relatione and friends, while on the list of tho dead was the name of Sam White, and a f w days after bis body was brought homo to the Corners and given a soldier's burial, and well he deserved his honors, for he had been a brave soldier and true. So he had lain all these years 011 the hillside, and all these years Cynthy had dwelt in her lonely cottage, nursing her grief for Sam and her anger toward Lizy, who had lived on in the little house left her by her father. Her one child had grown up and mar lied, unhappily it proved, and had re turned to her mother with two little ones of her own. The years had proved cruel to Lizy. Sin- had worked hard to keep the wolf from the door, but it had sometimes In en a hard struggle, and since her daughter and little grandchildren had returned to her she had been obliged to mortgage her little home to procure ready money, as Susy was an invalid and must have medicine and nourish ing food Lack of work and sickness hail prevented tlie naming of money to pay the interest, and the mortgage was to be foreclosed the 30th of May, and there was 110 place left for them but the town farm, she thought bitterly. Thus at the Corners there were some hearts to whom the coming Memorial day seemed anything but a gala day. Lizy had often thought of going to Cvnthy and asking help from her; but, remembering how many times she had attempted to make peace with her and had failed, she dared not make the at tempt. And as the days went by her heart grew heavier, as no relief could anywhere lie found, and nothing re mained for them but the poorhonse, at least while Susy remained sick and needed her constant attention. It was just at eusk the evening be fore Memorial day when Miss Cynthy again stepped from her door to look at the garden, which had improved won derfully under tho spell of the soft spring weather. She walked down to the gate and stood there, arms akimbo, looking at the great masses of purple and white lilacs that perfumed all the air about her. "Them lilacs hain't got any equal to the Corners, I know. Seems as if they bloomed a purpose for Sam's grave. I wonder if he knows how I've always carried them ev'ry year since he como back." And something very like a tear glittered in the corner of her eye. But just here her reverie was inter rupted by Deacon Pepper's cheery voice calling out "How do do, Cynthy! Worshipin them flowers, hey V S'pose you've hearn tha news, Cynthy, bein's you're in tin- family V" "No; what news?" Cynthy replied. "Why, Lizy and Susy and them two young uns air 11-goin up to the town farm tomorrow Hanlman has fore closed on 'em. Li/.y's dretful cut up about it, they say. Goin to the doin's tomorrow, Cyi*tliyf We're a goin to beat tie- foil:- on Ihe ridge all to nothin. l loved. She gaz< '1 up n him for a moment, and then, with a t -n<3er>-r vcic- than yon would have 1 i-lic-ved 1 -sible, said kind ly, "Yes. what is it. Sammyf" "Pleas*;, would y. 1 mind giving roe | just oc>* h>n:cli of th. •• jTi-tty flowers for grand; :i'k t:ruvi . I Jraiidma's jn.-t 'gone np to th ■ burying j;;rd. 'canse t we i R .a" ;-.y in the muniiax, and ] I i. ard li rc; ;. ing 1m foro \v« nt be- j car. 3 she hadn't any ] rty flowers for I grandpa. So. as I 'metnbered you. I ! jr.st slipped oil and c inr l down here— and don't yi i think yon could give ma one little hunch, just to s'jirise her?" Tb ■ p! :ii'i:ig voice and the straight forward blue eyes looking into Mi.-s lithy's face stirr- 1 tender feelings 1 within h -r. She bent and pressed her j thin lij.s to the lad s forehead as she j aii-wvred; "i'ick all yon can reach. ! Sammy, and remember I'm yonr Aunt Cynthy now." The 1 y laughed v.itb gleo as he pnllcd of! oiie cluster after another, j v hi]-. C'yntiiy broke from the higher brai ;)ies with lavish h..nd. When the ;;rs; s of 1-. tii were laden. Cynthy said. "Come, Sammy!" and hand in hand i th - y went .-oftly through the gloaming toward the little burying yard on th-- hill, where a tinye of pnnst* glory still lingered. As they entered tho little gate they saw in the farthest corner a figure kneeling upon a grave, whose tiny flag j showed it to be the grave of a soldier. They walked softly on. and as they drew nearer Sam sprang forward, ei claiming. "See, grandma, what Aunt j Cynthy nr. i I have brought yon I" The bewildered little woman rose : quickly to lier feet, but the next minute j Lizy, lilac and all, were clasped in | Miss C> niliy's strong arms, while a ] Vuice, that did not sound like Cynthy's said to her soothingly "Tbeie, there, Lizy, don't cry. I'yh ! bet.n wicked and crnel to you. but I'll j make it up to yon what I can. I'll send | my team after yon and Susy and them r. \h * ' '(I rn^' & Ml 4 THE V SAW A FIUUUK K NEK 1.1 NO UPON A Git AVE. blessed children in the mornin. Hush; don't yon say one word. The house is big enough for ns all, if I have been a long time firulin it out." And Lizy, with the tears streaming down her worn face, said brokenly: "Oh, Cynthy! (iod sent you, and lie will bless you I" Together they strewed the grave with lilacs, pnrplennd white, and then, hand in band, with little Sain close at Miss Cyntliy's side, they passed from the lit tle burying yard down over the bill, while the stars smiled kindly down upon them, and all the world seemed to whisper to them, "Peace, peace!"— iiptiugii 1 i Republican. 1111 pro.HMl \«* ( «*r«*»noiil«*fc Murk the OI»- Horvuiice of Memorial Day. In the country the ceremonial of ob servance of Memorial day is impressive The Grand Army posts in tho country, small in numbers and far from rich, cannot make imposing displays, and wisely seldom attempt it. Yet there is an earnestness in what they do as pa triotic ns it is sincere. A little band, perhaps less than 30 or 40 veterans, as semble at a country church, where serv ices are held before the graves are visited. How solicitous they all appear that every detail shall be properly ob served ! Long before the hour designated for tiie service to begin tho veterans are hurrying here and there, busied in ar ranging every detail for the, to them, important occasion. Chairs for those who are to be seated on the platform are placed, moved and replaced and set tled in right positions with much delib eration. The people come in and iill tho body of the church, where they sit in quiet expectation. The seats in front are re served. The pastor of the church comes in and looks around with a lienigiiant smile. The commander goes to the open door and asks a comrade if the speaker has not yet arrived, remarking anxious ly that nothing can be done until he comes. Presently tho speaker arrives and shakes hands with a number who meet him and retire with him to the vestry. Tho sounds that break the stillness that ensues are impressive. Tramp, tramp, tramp! With measured footfall the veterans enter and march up the aisle. Tramp, tramp! Hark! Is it an echo or the lighter tread of unseen com rades keeping step with them? They halt, the standard bearer.) separate, and on the right and left rest, with the stars and stripes upheld. The reserved seats are taken by the men of the Grand Army of the Republic. Prayer follows music, and then the oration begins. The orator is eloquent. "The custom," he says, "of setting apart a day on which to decorate the graves of our dead soldiers i« a rite so beautiful and sacred that it will for ever be perpetuated." In his enthu siasm the orator goes too far and car ries most of his bearers with him. The rit'- he celebrates is truly sacred and beautiful, yet its observance can only be transitory. All the way down the ages such rites have been observed. Tribes and nations have remembered and adorned the graves of those who fought their battles. After a little the voices that praised their deeds of valor are stilled. The elty of the past is laid in ruins. ItH echo i-ehoinK wnlls at a whisper fall. —Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Hoes I.OUIIH Kuowf Is the founder of Memorial day ceie moliies permitted to review the patriotic exercises that are the outgrowth of his elf or is when commander in chief of the Grand Army? i)id ho so from tho beautiful heights "over the river" tho millions of his country men last Memorial day us they bowed their heads iu memory of the pal'tiot dead who died that the best of nntii ns might livoon as long as nations Hie pi imitted to exist? Hid he ee his comrades of thousands of Grand Army posts assemble in their hulls and march in bodies to churches, there to hear patriotic sermons, wn pul pits adorned with the American flag mid hear vast. nudieiiei-H joiii»ili Hinging national airs? That. too. would gladocii»liis patriot heart. (•ronOi of Patriotl*»»n. pens and tongues combined, and busy for years, could not fully explain the value of the patriotic work that bus gouo permanently into all of the educa tionnl institutions of the and from the ' smallest district school to the greatest I university, as a directireuult of M«mo- I rial day. -Selected. Valor s last slekp. GREAT ARMY UURIED IN NATIONAL CEMETERIES. Historic %rllnyrton. 011 (tip Hank of the I'otomnc—Ori;-.ln of the (unloi.l *»f Utrfii ius i'lou rri oti 1 In- l.rio i-n of tlic Hint- I.ml (• rHv. s 0:i fame's eternal camping tjrvunJ Ti.i ir -il- llt tents .-we spread, And (jlory cuards with solemn round Tlu bivouac of the dead. —O'Har.i. To the women of Columbus, Mis*., ' is attributed the honor of being among i ; the first to decorate with flowers the ' graves of soldiers and sailors who fell ; ' in the civil war. To their praise be it ! I said, they scattered their beautiful i ! offerings with impartial hands alike 1 j over the graves of those who had fought for thi : nth and those who had diet! ' ' for the north. It was this touching inci- I dent that suggested to Francis Miles Finch the tine poem entitled "The Blue j and tin- Gray." the last stanza of which ! is: No more shall the warery sever Or the wimUng river !*> rod ; Thry hanlsh our anger forever When they hinrel the graves of otir dead. Under tho sod and the dew. Waiting tt-. judgment ilny; Love and tears f r the Mno. I Tiara and ljve for the gray. Tile» nstoui gradually spread throngh ■ out the south -April 27 being the date selected for its observance. General I John A. L igan when commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Repub lic received, it is said, a letter from a : German raiding in Cincinnati in j which the statement was made that it ! was a springtime custom of the people j in the German fatherland to decorate ! with 111 were the graves of their soldiers. I The writer suggested that the custom I be adopted in the United States. The ' idea met with the approval of General Logan, and iu l*fiS he appointed May 30 as the date of its observance. It is said that the date. May 30, was selected not only because of tho abun dance of flowers at that season of the year, but also because on that day the "last soldier of the civil war was mns tered out of service. The enstom of having parades was not introduced un til lss2. Each year there are fewer old soldiers to join in these processions, and each year there are new graves to re ceive (he 1 ving tributes of flowers and tears f: .1 the living. Thi re are 75 national cemeteries scat tered throughout some states of the Union, and in them lie the remains of ft.~iD.non soldiers. Virginia has 16, in which are buried 75,000 men, Tennessee comes next with 7, in which are 57,348 dead; Mississippi has ii, with 'J5,497; Georgia 2, with 33,H(!U; Louisiana 4, with 30,881; North Carolina 4, with 18,085; Missouri ft, with 14,151. It will be seen that these seven states con tain within their borders more than half of all the national cemeteries uiul that in them are buried above two thirds of the entire number of soldiers who sleep in government grounds. In the cemeteries of no other single state are there above 10,000 soldiers buried. The smallest number of men (48) are iu the Battleground cemetery, District of Columbia, and the largest number (18.- IKiH) are iu Arlington cemetery, Virgin ia. Sixteen thousand six hundred and lif ty-six are buried at Vicksbuig, Miss. ; 18,558 at Nashville, Teun., and 15,358 at Fredericksburg, Va. The cemetery of Arlington, which is just across the Potomac river from Washington, was established May 18, 1804. The property lielonged to General Robert E. Lee and before the war was one of tho finest homes in the south. About 4,000 of the dead buried there are unknown. Beneath a single stone less than four yards long and about two wide "lie the remains of 3,111 soldiers collected from the battlefield of Bull linn and 111 route of the Rappahannock after the war." Arlington is indeed a place for tender memories, for thanksgivings anil for prayers, but it is no place for pride and vainglory. Standing among those grass grown graves and looking Ist that deso lated home, one understands—better perhaps than ever before —what war means and what victory costs—early deaths, ruined homes and crushed hearts. One has only to stand within the shade of Arlington to learn that war means all this and more, and when, with sympathy born of a common sor row, we remembered that there were soldiers of tho gray as well as of the bine whose graves that day would bo flower strewn and tear moistened we felt that no sermons could plead more eloquently for peace and charity than did those lowly mounds. These men have left us it priceless heritage; let ua see that we are worthy lof it. General John B. Gordon puts it well, "Let us remember that those who wore the blue und those who wore the gray are brothers now iu the truest cense and that lioth will stand together in defense of the Union and see to it that law and liberty shall live and that this republic of ours shall move onward and upward forever in its Is nign mission to humanity."—Forward. (/iiirluiitlx 1 or All. But while we honor the soldier let us not forget our other dead who fell beside ns in the peaceful battle of life. Go, mother, and lay the lilac and the daisy on that spot in "God's acre" where you planted tho little curly headed treasure that shall come up and bl«n 111 iu the- springtime of eternity. Go, wid ow. and bang the green garland of ivy on tho cold tablet that, like a sjiecter, beckons you to follow your beloved. Stop, child, amid your play, gather a handful of blue eyed violets and let their modest lips kiss the nodding grasses that cover her wboee bitterest pang at death was the thought of leav ing you. '.V>, lover, let the red tulip blush above the upturned face of her whose budding beauty was chilled un timely l»y the frosts of death. -Chicago Record. Shrrp nip for lloica. A swine breeder who had a number of pigs N or 10 weeks old. old < notlgh to wean, noticed that they were not doing well, and on closer examination found that "some were lousy, some a little nun. y, and others looked measly lied." Hon.-ed kerosene oil. but itfailed to relieve the trouble, and it occurred to him that as sheep dip was good to cure sheep HilTcring similar troubles be would give it a trial, and ho jrepoits the result as follows "I put iu a barrel 25 gallons of water and a quart of dip and stirred it. up good, then dipped the pigs. Never saw such a change. Not over 15 minutes' work. Left barrel in tin- pen, and whenever I saw a pig hav ing tho least thing th utter with the skill 1 dumped it in the barrel of dip. 1 have the cleanest, nicest lot of shotes ever raised anil advise all raisers of hogs to try it Dip your pigs several time t at from I to 13 weeks old and see fur yoni>i Ives. It will more than save the price in feed and in better growth, kills all lice and humor in the slcin, be >.id<- disinfecting the pigs." The pens h|k.» f lion Id have Itoen thoroughly cleaned and rid of lice by sprinkling i with sf 1 ition of carbolic acid or any thii.g clm- that would have tho same I elf.-ct, and protmbly this was done.— Live Stock. MEMORIAL DA\ ABROAD. I'Dalum of It.-nielial>erlns the lli'a.l With Klonrra I» Sprradlnc Memorial day in Ear ;»■ i iking headway. princijially through tu.- ii.::n enceuf the larjje nnuber of wealthy Americans wb n >v reside in m -t Kn ropean cities. Tb«>i; h many f th. - have «•».:- >1 to be Am erican* in -j irit and have in lu*M cas»s suc<- -1 t» th* ir environ u. nts. th> metal t.- < ( th r dive ! ti: s celt : rate ->;> h 1 il tli •< as tho-*? of Gettysburg ai. f Af ' pomattox l:y banquets and ot:. r so ial fer-tivit is an.l that a..1 in cr tting in atn ■ jihere favorable to the gr.at An. rican holiday. W r» tber'* n- «■ l«v : ny of wealthy American* in Pari*, fear example, ti.e grav« of Lafayette wonM have l'i • n forgottt n l since by hi* own ci uutryui' lienrrally Brriinnlinl n» » National Holiday. In H."» out of the 4a states of the Un ion May 8(1 is legally recognized as Memorial uay. Everywhere tb<« day in practically considered a legal holiday, but only in the number of stat. s men tioned is it so by law. Most persons con aider it as what i.- known «s a national holiday. Surprising as the fact may seem, there is no such thing as a na tional holiday. There la no provision In the coustitntion of th»- United States that permits such a thimr Congre—. lias from time to time r»-ognize«l certain special days for business pnrj*»- Unit ed States observe Memorial day The descendants of the 55,77t<,304 soldiers who constituted the Federal armies which fought from IH6I to 1H«"> ii-ed no reminder to perfc rm what they con aider a sacretl duty. The 340,610 meiu bers of the tirand of the Uepnb lie who followed the fate of the stars and strijies. some of them from Fort Sumter to Appomattox, do not require admonition to honor their comrades whom wounds or disease have taken from among them. Illu«* and army. There is another event which has gradually Iss-n blended with the ! ain. There is a time for everything, and the time to dance is not at a funeral. Memorial day calls up myriad heartbreaks, sad part ings and sliail*>wtil lives. It is the time | for holy and (hastened reverence j Kev. I>r. Crane A Tbrilllaa Kalrrlalaiafal. Perhaps the most thrilling entertain in. Nt on record was one witne- I in the Romagna, which was as unexj ct-.i as it was unauthorised It was tb- la-t : day of the carnival, aud tin* theater of Formlipo|>oli was packed with a crowd of spectators awaiting the rise of th" curtain After a long delay the curtain went up. only to disc lime a stage . ecu pied by 1"" brigands facing the audi encc with jioiuted rifles. The leader of the strange ca«t. 11 Passat<>re, ou« of the m«sit ruthl*- . r *l> bers of any age. U.w. d profonmlly to the horror stricken audience and * ' plained that the theater was surrounded by Ins men. that the first man who at tempt.il to escape would be allot u> I that he mid bis merry mm would pt - cued to collect any money and valu.> 1* * they bad with tin m Tin brigand and his men thin ■- m enib-d from the stage and stripl • ' ' audience of their piawesslona to th-\ n tie of 1400,000. He then lhnnk»sl 'b. i . all in a graceful speech and left tb* theater It is comforting to know be and 100 of his brigands wer , tared shortly after and that they p..1 a - heavy penalty for their evening s en * turtaiunicut. —< mclnnati Ln*juixer No.iJl THE NEW MEMORIAL DAYt V ' :l!. . Mm. I"'i r ij*- li: » jrty." I CI ' r. . . I•.-I :f- r Uk> bte, i A ■ ! f<* ths fr«y! J S i ta # vraatb. v Ar- u . Sinn, r t.er •* I '»•«»: ir ; ~«1 Tb« ... f : • f.. 1• ra .taaA. inil - .4 s«bl la ti. I j r • hamL -4 I.lj' M Mm *r r .r the aid Mn.>j b-ft a Tiu' th* ar* ha* n>M xmajr. Ami thw «ina of tliar Tha: Ibv« bral m Sum. Ar» t< tf*Usvr M 4my. i». * M- •-t that Itr hlk-rt taml Oh. t - luV -«f '»tr a»itkm' Mara' Awl tk* flow nd. And thr *.«r. !b»jr «M liahtti. ml a «a ot ;ia>a' , Bo* tb -i i «<• plurknl fir tka Ma*. A:. I 111 litirs *» f»la«J *l* lk> trwf V* b.n> **.tiTvl m * wmatik And la fb#r 1 .-m-nth #tni*il*r oar h»-r» «a i >iajr —S»W Y'-rh H'raM CONVENIENT COW STALLS 9lu*|»lr |»rt lrr« H kkh I «r«#r« Stf Krrrl F»r riieM«#l*r«. (>. • rx*- E. Sc**tt 'lescrihes In Hoard's Dairy man a cow stall which h»ars his , nanii*. While Fig. J ittves a perfect r*mr vi*w. Fig 3 will explain more clearly the si*h> section and measur»*inenta The platform. A. i« made >4 1 lack nak. d. in bled ami > ints Ividien. with • fall <>f two inches, ami is CfeetO inchsa P> - rm. l for a c« w weighing l.tg>o pr nnda an.! sfcotild be longer .rr *h. rter as tlie weight of the cow may reqnire This feature iray h» provided far by j lacing t : ■ f in fri nt ot the roar, Bi arer ti*w .»r*l ihc ditch or farther away, or sone> tin s the ditch ia run at an < r an offset at one end, but the f. iti.tr is by all means the moat satis factory The feed trough. B. ia raised by run ning two 2 by S stringers the entire length of the stable, making the trough 1H inch* * :de and 6 Inches deep a front of th- row The stalls are 8 feet 8 im hi - wide fr m centers, and partitiona 4 feet high ami 3 feet 6 inches l»ng at C. The p sts. D. are 3 feet high, made from 2 by a studding, and toe nailed in tlie corner of each feed bo* at F snail by a lath nailed to th» m for the cow to . eat hay thr ugh ami to keep her etand iug I rack to her ditch. The hayrack at E is IS inches wills and 3 feet deep to F. awl is open with a 6 inch thwart, so that gram, ensilage or any cut feed readily falls through j int.. feed bo* The ditch is 1« inchsa wide and V inches deep on platfuem j side ami ? inches at rear ami is mads absolutely water ti|jbt. The latter fsa j ture. alofii'with the liroken joints on i the platform, always insures gnod sani tation as with every particle of manure and ''quid voiding where abeurbenta and .hodorizer* can be applied pots the stable in shape so that its caretaker i can keep it pure and sweet with little effort and have some place t>' take call ers into when sh«>wing his l«et cows without having to pretl* ami sufll* the | visit with an afiokigy. Any fartii»-r. 1 think, can erect this stall with the use of a good saw. hatchet, jack plane und square at a trifling ccM, no u. and wh»*n once completed am positive that it will be a great s«*urce at pride to the dairyman who has it in bis barn. After four years of use ami keeping cows confined from four to five months each winter dsy and night am able to say that it is a perfect stall, and not only keeps the cows p-rfcctly clean, but have not seen a ntall that gives the cosr ao much fr* dom for her head and body IDalrr Baalaaaa. It is noticeable that in every com munity in which the dairy is well de vekipcd there is a high degree of pros perity and r* flneuient. The* inflaeacs of the business is uplifting. It ree cloanlinesa n* t only ahoat the pr. tnis.-v. but about th.* |>ersi«. An In diana dairyman baa a covered tatrnyard. and be was aaked at an institute If he was satisfied with that way of keeping manure. •'Why." eaid he. "I do not have a covered barnyard fur the pur pose of ke.; tng manure. All the ma nure is hauled out as soon as made in order to k.-ep the yard clean 1 con structed a ever over the ysrd f>* the I comfort of it;y cows " There waa a whole volnn>. of dairy instruct** m tboM few w s. Th.* watchfnlnsaa to 1 preserve 11* an oness ami th.- kiminsai fci tb*- cows are the cntsantae t soccsns fui datr>inM 1 Tactical Uirma.