VUL xxx v i ;: rvow—. | < I That the dread house cleaning is over the next A i > and more important work is picking a new carpet. A < > To pick a carpet in our well stocked carpet room, t > is a pleasure, so say the many who have done so. i 1 We have the famous Hartford Axminister, Wilton X . . Velvets, IJody and Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains X in all the up-to-date patterns, only, and prices | that will astonish you. Then our China Mattings, \f | Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Rugs and V 'l' Art Squares, eleserve a passing notice. Ask to jr see our W < ► j,[ SI.OO Axminister Rugs, | Neatest tiling for the money ever shown in Butler at V i DUFFy'S STORE I x>oooooooo«>o««oooo«<>c>ooe>s<^ | WALL PAPKH. | $ We lead in Low Prices, call and see. 3 PICTURE FRAMING-v# | a A speciality. Jost received a large shipment of all the j# latest styles iu PICTURE MOULDINGS. It will pay Uk you to see: our line before you buy. J ALL WORK GUARANTEED. S 8 Elko Ready Mixed Paints. The best that can be made call and get a IK a color card Contract painting aid paper hanging. a I Patterson Bros., 1 & 236 North Main Street, Butler. Pa. S Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 w vw vwt-'Wt-WvW »/w vw«/Wvw w irn% /wein^—- Won't buy clothing for the purpose of spend ingmoney. Tliey desire to get the best ' l|/ \ possible results for the money expended. \ Not heap goods but goods as cheap as can i 9 J" Ibe sold and made ui> properly. Call and a 'hSSsPRING SUITINGS. \\ llight np to date, the latest styli s, shades i \ n colors tliat could I>c bot :ght. Call and \ Xfc' \" ' x amine them. v I ' / 'I j i Fits and Workmanship i 1 Guaranteed. G. F. Ke.CK, t42 North Main Street, Butler, Pa. A STREAM OF NGWN6SS New goods arc coming in daily. The thought and care which were 1e < I*. \* UP ''ii then selection are manifest. We've !>ecu telling von alieuit Si!ic s mid ]r Goons. Other lines deserve mention Embroideries and Laces. f\. t Ihe newest and daintiest "ur.sluctioii.s -iu:iit 3*oll 1 -re Beautiful assortments at temptingly little prices sfvr Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Kinbroiderics witli Inserting and allover to match. r .'„ . Vals, Torchon, Orientals and a vast Assortment of other 1 aces. I Ivtnbroideries are priced like this: ypYi to 1 inch wide ',105 c I / ! to 2 inc , h ?, ide .'..V.'.'.V.V.'.X''h, kk- Jlw \ VvP^'JL t'" ler a W,,ler to 7"» c per yard 1 fyj/ 1 \ " I.aces lj c j H . r do, y,] s „j ( | 0 j,, IXI j )t . r y ( | Hosiery and Underwear The wante.l sorts are here in ample variety. Careful selection r> has brought here the thoroughly gooons, Ilraids and Chiffons and all t'at Ifo -s to make up an Ul'-TO-DATK MIUJNP.SY STOCK, and at prices that vvill surprise you. We woulil call especial attention to our Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's TRIMMED HATS, in which we have always excelled. You can always gel the right goods at the right prices at ROC K K N S r I T K I N'H, aS "South Main St., - - _ liutler. Pa. SEND OWE COLLAR I" wltKla 100 C3ll*« «f t'blMto, wf will arnd yna tfcla T(»P IKl'tiO V K T I Utvl'diT i . O. I>. \ j GC Si WW«"T TO j«u r« am in# it Al yitmr freight J rn THAT KlTAiLATSftu.»ot« $74.tM» And THE GRANDEST BAKQAIM YOU CVEK SAW, \ X Jfflpl r-n »., ik.iM«ki M«. OUR SPECIAL PRICE $38.90, *n»l f+irgrt. fctn the 11.00 n-'Ht With order. —mmm—mmmm S\\ JB '+4D*mnSF WE MAKE THIS TOP BUGGY" l , B ows i* rimi.;o, /0/®m&A/\ from httt'-r nt.ttorial thun m >xt / / / \ E^S.'SLE 1 I"»ir*ie». Latest Stylo For 1899. 8.-ij. pK£9PPII|IKy \ Swotted wT">d. <.rar. lint Tli«t Mi.n.y C»n 1 \ 5V IrV. f M lllUßtrat.l, or Ilrewsu-r Side Bar. \\ X! \>?sk4nlly / Kubb«r liMfily Llntnl. full sitlit ami l»ark curtains. Pilnflnr.'iuaran- K\ \" Jr#n frtaik b..4y elolk or lifAA*. Ualher. J - W38.00 II OUI IFICIAI FllClley keggy eweplele, wM# or narrow ,nrk< fall b nzth t M> K L AAti-rAtli«r« .ad .WATU. GUARANTEED TWO YEARS Will 1 ,s t « ll>, V hwl fortAlna, >toriA WIITI FOK MIR nwu « AT«m»CI'B. YOU CAN MAKE S?no on -r*i2 v o J* "■»!«• a« ..4 Krooija. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL, Subscribe for the CITIZtNj \ / T THE BUTLfc-R CITIZEN. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your liver is out of order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all those Ills, is found in Hood's 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. Every Day CROWNS^, "SHUPifH 1 Are sold by us, only Kings wear ( -i—i Hie golel article and tliey \ery rarely. Our hats are lit for a King or anybody elre. We can suit all Classes of trade. We study your style and sell accordingly. l'tices are low considering quality. Everything new in Mc-n's Fur nishings. Beautiful Negligee 'Shirts, two Collars and Cuffj 50 cents, finer ones too. Come and 1 sae the new things for Swing. | I •t. .;. -j- -j. Ed. Colbert, Fomerly Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Buiiar Savings Bank j ■>Lit Iter, Pa. Capi .al 560,0u0.00 Surplus ant hers. Ail basinets • •ntrusud ts transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to an account with this b.tnk. I>li£E<'T Hi- lion. Joseph HartTnan. lion. W. 3. Waldron. i»r. >. M Hoover. 11. Mc- Sweeuey. K. K. Ahrains. < I'. <'ollins I. a Smith, lA'slie I'. Ha/.lett. M. rif»e/x in, VV. 11. l.:irkin. ihirry Ih-.isley, 1 >r. W. O. McCandless. lien !th. I V. Hltt>*. Braun's Pharmacy Cor. 6th St. anri Duquesne Way. Pittsburg, Pa,, L, I). Telephone 2542. Wholesale and Retail. Importer and jobber ol Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Soaps, Htushes, Etc. Tlie only house west of New York carrying- a full line 01 Meyers' Grease, Paints and theatrical goods. Physicians' Prescriptions Compoundeel Day or Night by "Registered Pharmacists" only. Wholesale and retail dealer in Lubricating and lllumniating Oils, Capital Cylinder, Dynamo, Water White and Standard Gas Engine Oils. Gasolei'.?, Pen nine, ParafTine Wax J n d Petrolatum. Address all mail orders to w. F. Braun. LC. WICK, DKALKR IN Rough Worked Lumber OK Ar,i, KINIIS. Doors, Sash, Rlinds, Mouldings, Shingles and f.ath Always in Stock. LIME. II \IR ANf) PLASTER °ifice opposite P. & W. Depot. EUTLER. PA. Butler Steam Laundry^^ ? 7.20 West Cunningham Street, C V J. K. ZICKRICK, Manager. V C People's Phone, 296. C MADAM OFTIIKTVIES. ' BY ELIZABETH PHIPPS TRAIN. [Copyrigltlcd by the Author.l ' CHAP-rEU XIL It was Just ten .'ears ■ since the ocetireiieo o.f ine with which my last • 11 1 " ' 1 - I am writing these I: s' 1 1 • very morning roon. w nil ■' ' 1,1 " 1 * \ lowed i• • my hu*l»and inu . the pAtiently-endured suffei i . '• en'ivali s, MMC "I '" di ;u' fflOtLT* J For Madam reeovere together the h.-arl ed' i-areni and child. 1 think my dear lady grew al most to consider poor Aiice as a liene ' tai lor, rather iban a false and treat h- I erous enemy. Itut a sad interval of dreary days i ABd wAkefnl nights Interveued befon «,III* Anxious hearts ilirwl hope tlial our watching was t ■ ' '■' irded a e#. rding to our desiri >. 1 hat ;tii( i'• al j brought I een east lor me to iliiiik ; of a woman so entirely his interim 1 as Danaiott's wilei. W.i huried «i'li I prest privacy. By her grave stood but I three persons besides the ctWtt>iiiArjf | Sttcteis: Mrs. Bpelie<*r (tood, kindly soul, who had hist sighl ot ill resent' i inent in her abundant pity and s> m ] pathy— Darracott. and David Spencer i I was obliged to r.-uiaiu in alt ndiince 1 upon Mads in. whose precArlous situa I tioii did not admit of my having het in other hands. .*u»d Mrs. Mayberry had mysteriously disappeared from The ivies upon the very night of her daughter's death. If, in ihis terribly Apprehensive frame of mind. D:»rraeott was • iipalih; of experiencing any feeling of graiili cation. I thin!; that the relief attordeil | by the as>ur;ijic iliat he would not a be obliged again to encounter the I; housekeeper was tin sour of such l| emotion. Whither Mrs. Maylierry j wnt. or in what fashion, what hex j fate has been, or where she now is J we have never learnt. 1 alone. I think, of all who dwelt jj within The Ivies, felt real sympathy f and sorrow for the poor creature. | »ler moral w .lkness was like a pliys 4(VI defiii nilty 111 my eyi s .and 1 could not but feel it An extenuating clr ciiru lance in ln r wn ichcil system ot and pitiful treachery towards a mistress \ liom sin adoi"d even WLiile she • heated and In-trayed her. Therefore' it was that I begged to lie allowed to inform her of the double tragedy which had taken place within our 'jeAUtiful old hall, instead of letting her bear of it through the me'dium of servants who felt tor her only ail intolerable aversion. It was a sad, a lulwrably distaste ful mission 1 had undertaken to per form worse even i.i fulfituteut UIAD in anticijiation, ami 'ba! >.* - i.yinj much. I sought Mrs. claybeiTy iirst in her own room, and tlr-u in Alice .J apartment, but she had s herself ?ugaged in a sear' h. 1 was hurrying QVWU the stairs. Impatient A! the de la V. for Dr. Spem / was aw: lirig my assistance and I i i.i.-r to return to the morning >ui. when I met I'LAI Llin. who M oed to have "iged ten j *.irs since n. niii;,. "Do .Vou know w ere Mrs. Mayberi'V isV" I i sked in al. shed voice, for the presenee' of Deat'i brooded over the place. The old man's face took on a look of savage ha free!. Tie madi a gesture iu the dire < tron of the te*iT ice. "Koan ing about oul -i«!• ." he replied succinctly. "She': i ixy-liki herself.' A certain st tistr.i tion in his e'xpics sioii stig-- still I i nie a wrctcheel fc»r< boding. "Oh, Kranklfti!" I cried, "yoti have not told her'." lie nodded grimly "Indeed I have," he returned drily. "Few pleasures <-ome in mv way. nowadays." He chuckled vindictively, i cast one look upon hint tilled with wither ing contempt and fo.'orn, and hastened He bad not oVersftot the murk In ! describing MayberryV coiidltlcn a "crazy-like." She nca.Teely recognized nie as I came up with her, and I bad actually to lay bar.ds on her in ordei to gain her alb uion. She* was al most running up . d Town the broad gravel sweep, wringing lier hat'ds, tossing her head. • iu ib-ring and «*ry ing to herself, e\; ■ aifc out tieree. de nunciatory epitbe .w il broken ;er,t • onees: appealing v. to the forgivt lies.-t of (Joel for ii'i -nil of her own misdeeds, which wholly attribut ed to others, and again, reviling the memory of the p->or misguided girl whose spirit bad grone forth to meet Its Judge. When I succeeded 111 arresting her steps, I actually shrank from tile wretched spectacle sin* presented. It was elllfii-illt to show tender regard ( for so wild an object, itut I did my best. "Mrs. Mayberry," I began gently, I ''you know Vlice dead?" Her eyes roamed restlessly about. ( I)'nt she nodded. "Yes," she said "A good thing! I SAic has cheated the hnngimiu." ! shuddered and drew away. What | nature had the woman? Yet I had I pity for the' terrible retribution that | had overtaken her. "Hush!" I jepid. "How can you speak thus of your own child?" "She would have killed Madam," she returned sub'enly. "It is not so,' I answered, glad to be •tble to say soui billing In the dead girl's favor. "She lisd no thought eif harming Madam." I'or the tirst tine the wandering gafce fixed itself st< adily on mine. A downing hope? < nk*i'Dilleel the work ing features. "What?—what?" she stammer**! un certainly, as If she bad not f*card aright. "It was not Madar u whom she at tacked," i replied 'quietly, "but hei son." The woman's face; became positively radiant. | fclie burst forth wildly, "ii this tru'« ? is it?" I relate of the scene tc her. and gaini'd such regard as 1 might have from one of liei small and despicable calibre, liei face "lowed \ vitn satisfaction, and she cast a slv in *b'Uating look upon m« as I conclude!. '• "Ah! she bad method in her mad ness. after all. , V poor Alice, croaked, iu those H'.bi' li, alwuys horrible to nie, w SJ ' doul«o so now by reason of the . t-.vv<#,*.ation they manifested. "I ' 1,1 forgive, /let if she did not aim at . ti'dnni. It in ex cusable 1 for a Jealous * *- to ai.'iek her husband when she * hi in pay ing court elsewhere." There was no nii.stakiifi' F .'m! meaning of her glance or the poh'i* o ' ber re mark. Moth were tipped Wltl « venoa and plainly directed a ' '- v s - vnl pathy congealed into cold CO ntclilpt I withdrew the reasrorl ,J K imnt 1 1 hAo placed on her shoulder. "You are a magligant an "d wor, bless woman!" I said with fr, t'zing dig iilty, turning to leave her. "You art beneath the consideration of even th« most kindly disposed. I cauit ' ,l, ' r ' comfort you as will as I mi 'OL ' r trouble into disgust for your chat iicter. I will leave you. Your i 'uugh tcr still lies in the ball. If you taT * I an} natural humanity in you. I « ould 1 Advise your paying some attention ' 1 her removal; else it may fall to the I of unfriendly servants to look afi *•' BUTLER PA.THUKSUAV. MAN IK. I**« "with this I left her and reentered ,he house. I never have seen hei "T.* was a great comfort to me. and to i i-irtai ott ;ilso. to avail ourselves ol * temp .«r.v n-Mde at The position, with yi.. ..a. m « through illness, .tin! with : , j en-tun* and sus, i*'i*Hi> id* among Ik servants, s.toli a- i -houW m-ver ha.. dreamt of but !>>r Ml* llie .11 • M»t-ccb u:l * somewhat .iwK ward and uucomtortable. I I. It great lv relieved to !ia*v another and a: ,/jder woman at lb.- 'nail ot the 1i..i.-e mad is matron ot ill*' e ita'-'l' -hn'c.! 1 lm.d ab-■ ra*-te*l troiu Mailaui s in - "•a> ti„- liljle pa. ket which Alice -ia -11 iier. .'lid he'lel it for . oU ld hav. rlhlxui — 11 legacx' whicii s> , r been long ago do.'iycred into .. se-ssion. Notwithstanding the very great uu i*'ty by which I W*S oppressed during my dear lady's illness I think that jwriod was far tin happiest eif my life. In the lirst pla* e*. there is 110 privilege -.0 ilear to a true woman is thai of liiiuisteriiig to otln rs. of feed ing herself of vital <-e>usi*qtieiie-e to tie* welfare of somcot dear to her. Then. I was an *bj * t of the most watchful e-are of two men. one of u i.olu was ilear t'i me as .1 kind ami devoted friend Avhth for the other I was daily growing more and more conscious of a deep ami increasing love*. Oh! those long, delicious hours spent with Darracott by tin bedside* of erne whom we both adored! Ami the ile ligli tfill strolls tip and down the ter race* when, our patient sleeping. Mrs. Spencer insisted up."ll assuming our post that we might gain the iuuc e needed refreshment * f tic outer air! There was no chapter ;u the man s life but was reveal*-el i > nie* during that interval. Freely, but with i.-> egotism, he* made nie acqi;ainte*d *.\i:!i all his past, until I e-ame 10 know him as intimately as I belie e*v**ry wo- man should know the man she mar ries. There were some page's not quite so admirable as oihct>; so. a> places with showed evil intiu ict s at work in the writer's mil'!, sonic se - e>ites where passion and revolt against an untoward fate' threatened to circumvent the limitless and up lightness of a noble and -honorable soul: but these only endeared their hero more warmly to me. I loved him, not for bis \irtr s alone, but for his weakness also. He- spoke to me freely of the pas sionate sufferings of his boyhood, when, for no fault of his own. h had been deprived of the one blessing which seemed to him of all others most to be desired. The loss of his mother's love was an injury to which he had never become reconciled. "It was not merely the fact that she had no affection to In tow upon me that wounded ami tortured me," he said, "but the additional circtim stance of witnessing her lavish de moustrativeniss fownrdsOeiaid. And When that day arrived upon which her darling anil idol committed against me. beneath my very roof, the vilest act of treachery which one man can commit against another, even then it was for him and his sin that her heart bled, although her sense of Justice in clined to espouse my Injuries." "Itut she loves you now she does, she does." was ray constantly reiter ated rejoinder: at which he would smile incredulously and shake his head. one day. to this oft repeated re sponse of mine' lit- returned a reply that aroused fresh suspicion- of Mrs. Maylie rry iu my mind. - - "If she loved nie, really loved me with genuine anel not perfunctory af fectieiu," he said, "would she have con stantly besought me iu her letters not to return, to remain away from my home, to abs nt tny.-elf from her society until she should be better able to bear the companionship ol one; so closely associate**] with her grief and loss?" Then it was that a light dawned ti] pn me. "Did you know that Mrs. May berry wrote those letters?" I asked. "Might It not be that she expressed senti incuts of ln r own, which were entire strangers to her mistress's breast?" He looked surprised. "Mayberry!" he exclaimed. "Oh no; tliey were In my mother's hand writing. "Or in an excellent imitation of it," I returned; arid then for the lirst time I made him a rare of tin- fact that Madam hud employed her house keeper as amanuensis, that she might keep from falm ffie; knowledge of her affliction. l-'rom the look tnnt came into his face as I threw this strong doubt up 011 that conclusion which lie had form e*d concerning his mother's wish t* keep him at a distance I imagine* that this last act of treachery of May berry's—as I could not but believe it, and as 1 afterwards prove**l it to be— had been the thorn that raiikled sorest iu that sadly-misprized filial affection of his. He seemed much brighter, in far gayer spirits, after my suggestion had taken effect. A few days after this, kite one after noon, 1 was sitting by Madam's bed side. Darracott wan also in the room, but at a distance, sitting by a wind ow reading. Mael&m hud recovered consciousness ami was aware of her condition and surroundings, but Dr. Spencer had forbidden conversation or exertion of any sort, for she was still very weak from Isss of blood. She lay with her eyes wide opcu, gazing steadfastly before* her, but seeing nothing. Presently she spoke. "Who is with 11111 ? you. little Doro thy?" "Yes. eh-.'ir Mndnuk." A brief silence*. Then —"No lia-m came to him—to my e-liild, Dorothy?' I quivered at the appellation which I bad felt reserved c\elus|veK for an other. and I could hear a deep breath drawn over there by the* window. "No harm, dear Madam," I said. "Thank Ooel! «» my «:<»*!. I *lo thank Thee!" There was another pause; and then I was possessed by all impulse to do something which would have dlsqual ilied nie for ever aa a nurse in Dr. Spencer's sight. I rose, and approach ing her closedy, knelt down and took her band in miifi . Then to her I put a question that brought about results which were a bettor panacea for her ills than were all the doctor's medi cauieiits. "And if lie hail been injured, dear Madam." I suggcßted, "what then? It is only Darracott. yoti know not Gerald. Surely i was a Ixdd and venture some maiden. My dear lady threw my hand from her with some violence. "Only Darracott! Only Darracott!' she exclaimed. "Only the son who has never from the moment *>f his birth given me one moment's anxiety! Only the son who, child ami man. has studied and considered my comfort and wishes in every respect! Only my lirst-born, whose love ami devotion 1 never prized until they began to slip away from my careless possession! Only Darracott .the child and darling of my old age, for whose happiness and well-being 1 would gladly lay down my life! Oh, Dorothy, how little you imagine when yon say 'only Darracott' that It is iu very truth 'only Darracott' who tills every nook and corner of my heart!" The desperate longing ami regret in her voice would have touched the most callous breast. I heard a move ment behind me, and knew that Dar racott had risen impulsively at her •words. Turn tug. I raised my hand to a,'ay his advance, for I divined what ei\ e* i her words hail produced ntion I : him and fe'lt that not yet was the 1 inu'* fully til" for a.■• n* illation, i •|'|. lMlillelli s< *lf 111 love 1• r hull , musMi. proved beyoie p-e--ibil'dy : Meed ' •' ' i„. |>ei'tililte'*l to hr • ! sr.soii ion 11 . '. h' mini!. I ros- fr* 1 :.i kn.s ling ' „ , aad stood beahl t bed. -• I ; Sohllng Madam's white start®*** I hand within my own. iK-ar Madam." I -«i •' u '' ul ' ulously. for this was I'.i.h 1 a iterbap* an nnwarranta !.*, re-snoiuu -1 was taking upo - b. n bo remains I,', vou ami in bis lda -e. is , laughter. the afflicted girl whom your i ol son loved?" k lam bad no kuov. hre Of M .-e- s ,S ■ .| H I ibis was lnd* d a « uetal death . aubletrtlng her reeently i>"t I *» ' , a , i„ ;vvi .11 llie • j viiuni. 1 i-y' of ,|,| age" ami •\> 1I1! an. g ( ( .f the idol of a life ,i, : 1 -u. Instant elbl si ■ IMtf I[j ~..t . sin withdrew b*-i ' ' , ' ta»*rei and ela ping i , f till*' 111 lie. . • _ hard from in,* r- T; ' s P- * , in its feliow. ra.' H i U 1 [ pill a tion. while a hriu t an ~ i ftil light duwiieel upon her , cot"t t-'iiam o. giving it ' lie*avenly rao. . ane-e of expression. I "Ob, it inih e*l e}i el wi uld afford me I such .111 opportunity for atonement!" i she cried softly. ' e>h. to I**- allowed | I a chiitie-.* for even so sligbl a compen sation!" "Then yon wot-.ld still cleave to 1 >arr:n ■ tt ?" She hesitate*! a moment IWt>re rel - Then, in 1 slow ami solemn tone, in lingering, liieaMired accents. I "If there could :K- ehoiee given me today, not between my son D.irraeott and tlii woman wiio Miirhted his life, but b.tween him and t:. rot her who assist I'd in that rr.hi. I would elioose not the soli whom I idolized until he beeitme a villain, my beloved child whom I iieglet ted until I diseovereil that my heart was. breaking for want of the love 1 had s > Ion? disregarded." The man behind me was striding impetuously forward. I hurriedly asked nnotlier question befor<* his presence should tlirusi mine aside. "And this tardy Justice is net simply I the result of awakei.ed conscience. MadamV" My utterance was almost breatliles- in his haste. My dear lady gave :i sharp, quick cr\. that was al most a sob. "Oh. no! Oh, no--tioT* she returned. "The result of awakened love. Doro thy' <• Father in Heaven, restore to nie the heart of my boy!" I turned then, i.tul sped from the room. I had no lunger a right there. In the hall I met Or. Spencer, and to him I made full confession of my guilt. I was ohlig "d to acknowledge it, for the tears wi*re streaming down my face, and lie was inquisitive con cerning their cause. He looked grave and shook his nelid, but I remained obstinate in of my conduct. "Even if sh(> stould die from the effects of what yen call my itnprud ene'e," I retorted, ' llie brief joy of re union with her sua is worth twenty years of confirmed cstrni cement and suffering." Ilut she elid not die. From that hour she mended, having a cause to induce her recovery, and Dr. Speucei has always generously acknowledged that I was the physician to restore; her to health. That evening Darracott and I took our stroll on the terrace after dinner. He seemed much preoccupieil. and was but a duil companion. Finally'he "We* have been doing my brothel Gerald an injustice all this time*." 1 glance**] up at him iuc(uiriugly. llis face* looked tired and white, but it wore an expression of peae*c which was new to it. "1 opened his letter this afternoon anel read it to my moth r. by her wish. It seems that he and the woman did not leave here together, its we* had always supposed, lie tied in order to preserve his honor, being aware of the temptation tier society exposed him to; and sin* followed him without his knowledge, discovered his asylum ami insisted upon sharing it. I am glad that I can think more leniently of him, and I am also thankful that my mother's memories of him will be less painful." No one could eloubt the sincerity <>( his worfls. To his noble nature it was, I knew, a matter of profound thanksgiving that the 'irotlier who hail been so deeply Indebted to luiii hatl been prove**! less unworthy his benefactions. My heart grew warm within nie at this new evidence of bis magnanimity. Truly, lie wis a wor thy son even of Madam as I bad tirst conceived her —tlawles impeccable, above suspicion or reproach. Again silence fell bet ween us. We were both busy with our own thoughts. Suddenly he put a question to me so abrubtly that it almost rend ered me speechless. "How ilo you feel about widowers, Dorothy?" be asked. My heart gave a quick leap, anel then I controlled its impetuosity and answered flippantly with a counter question. iv-vAsy ilk n- "lieiW IXI YOC FEEL ABO IT WIDOWERS, DOROTHY? " "Genus or individuals?" "Oh. genus!" be replied, with a quiz zical look in Ids grey eyes. "i don't fancy them." I r* turned, as coolly as he. "Why not?" 'They are* apt to dwell t<>«> weari somely upon the virtu s of the ib> parted." "Itut if the departed were with out Virtue?" "it is a quality easily manufactured after death." I replied. "Hut if the widower under disi u sion tie without imagination sniiiei, >t for the undertaking?" In* eontiiiin d; and b\ that time lie had taken both my hands into bin. and I felt there was Imminent danger of my whole body being likewise t«k■ n pos< -.■ ion of. I trembled, lent met his sallies bravely. I was proud of tin* evenness of my voice. "You forget." I said "We were engaged in getieralith -•. \\ itb indi viduals ' I paused, and confess I broke down. Who coifld have gone on calmly, folded close to a man's heart, with its heavy throbs dinning Into tin ears and deafening the understand ing ? "With individuals it Is qulti differ cut. my darling, is it not? <»f one In dividual you may inaki the exception which preivcs the rule* that I hope you will iievi i break in m> lifetime. Dorothy, I am a brave* man to again trust a woman after my experience. lie*r as I hav** ii.-vci 0. T'-r** iiiM iie; love l"-r with a : • 1 j tlial I liave m\ ■ ■ ,1,-sire her di. my <1 •'• - as a man but *i• ** >i tl • ' Ms whote exi-M' • «• . .. , feel w.iiiiauho* c. with IMISW - 1 fai'ili in I ,, * r i"'-^ r,, >' r , _ abb longing llift. ; t . tin at- eol paniol p. 1 ' . II ht»\v Is *<» !»*' v.itn IIV * • l,ll< t jroi* -'t: t » fu- uivr my * ll«M»«l .tllH a u-retcheel »«ist? Say. de ar on. . 'YOU kn. w what I atiswcred. I h.iv. air* no '-Id you that I be. am. 1 wife lew marriages. 1 m*ti*v*. i - truD s.u.l as ours. As y»-t I MI - a ve* th** passing away live . years ago 01 our n*» 1 ftcr rested upon it. A inore uini.*l . I trio than Dana., tt. Madam and I [ ' eotil.l n*il veil b imagined. Just Is- I I f„,-e sb* |M-a*-*'fully yielded up 1I«T , j > v i.-it 10 «jo*l. Madam said to me on* ' : - : Mv dear danghlif Doreithy. when I 'o hack into the past and review by ! ffom* events and actions. I e-au think - r t ,10 sing in my whole life II wh *-. —it- have Ix-cii so .ompb telj • J, ins,.. ion i'l advertisement for a ' ' i"u<\ so I. wh'" ' '" r " , r u - A 5, I ilea. I , -. -nie., ■ A . , which . u '';• **v nimM'iicd that inlinite '""U '' after it has so " my over the opproldiini . - the slower Jinlgntent o, • j , mother continues «o distrus* . as pi-, mim-nt them tha. * I ruary afte'riioon when 1 n:is urged ** I bun my brldgi s. mid set forth a- ap plicant for th*- position of ctmipau i*ui to my ln*lov *1 Madam of The Ivies. [TIIJ: T.SN.L i ODD ITEMS FROM EVERYWHERE. There are always 1,200,000 people afloat on the seas of the world. The number of people at present whe speak English is said to be 11ti.000.000. Arabic coins have a sentence from the Koran, and generally the caliph's name, but never an image. Nearly all the gold coin in circula tion in the Sandwich islands is ol United States mintage. A curious remedy for sleeplessness ia used by the inhabitants of the Samoan islands. They confine a snake in a hollow bamboo, and the hissing sound emitted by the reptile is said to quickly induce slumber. The desert of Sahara is as large aa all that portion of the United StatM lying west of the Mississippi. An interesting test has just been made by a French woman. With 3 view to testing the sustaining powers of chocolate she lived on that alone for 60 days and lost but 15 pounds in the interval. At an Auburn, Me., wedding, the otner day, the ceremony was performed in the room in waich the bride was born and in which her mother and grandmother had both been married before her. The first use of Niagara's power was made in 1725, a primitive sawmill be ing operated. Nothing more was done until iS42. when Augustus Porter con ceived the plan of hydraulic canals, and in ISCI one of theni was completed. OUT OF TH: ORDINARY. Japan has seventeen shipyards. Japan has two electric railways. Germany reports electric plowing. Wisconsin exports cattle to Japan. Russia has seventy platinum mines. Cuba has 17,000.000 acres of virgin Russia's empress has a $5,00(1 hand kerchief. Italy exports chestnuts to the United States. The largest sewing machine in the world is in operation in Deeds, Eng land. It weighs 6,500 pounds and sews cotton belting. The facilities for inland transporta tion are so limited in Brazil that the inhabitants of the ports find it cheaper to import grain front North America than from their own farms. A farmer in West Bath, Me., be lieves that it is contrary to nature to put shoes on horses, and makes all his horses, from colthood up, travel on their hoofs. To protect passengers from the extor tion of cabmen in Havana the lamp posts are painted in various e-olors — red for the central district, blue for the second, green for tue third, etc. USEFUL INFORMATION. A whale yields 18.000 pounds of oil. A lady's foot should equal in length one-seventh of her height. There are 40,000 native pupils in the Sunday schools of the Fiji islands. There are more public holidays in Honolulu than in any other city in the world. Te*a is very cheap in China. In one province of the empire good tea is sold at IVid per pound. The highest trees have most pointed leaves. Frog's skin, though one of the thin nest, is also one of the toughest leath ers tanned. Hyenas always tight kneeling, the shank of the foreleg being the most vulnerable part of their body. The condor possesses a grratur vital tenacity than any other creature. The Polar bear comes second. In proportion to tliuu w-ciglit, doge can absorb without danger 18 t!m«"s as much arsenic as would kill a human being. FACTS OF REAL INTEREST. The average number of horses killed in Spanish bull tights every year ex ceeds 5,000, while from 1,000 to 1,200 bulls arc sacrificed. Excepting grape wine, the oldest al coholic beverage known to man is sake a rice wine;. It has been used by the Japanese for over 2,000 years. Experiments made In Paris show that an electric wagon costs 47 per cent, less to run than a horse wagon, and 32 per cent. less than a petroleum motor. Underground London eon tains 34,00ti miles of telegraph wires, 3,003 miles ol sewers, 4,530 miles of water mains. 3,- 200 miles of gas pipe, all definitely fixed. France has as many as 45,000 fami lies, with 130,000 individuals, claiming a title of nobility, but, as a matter ol fact, only about 450 families can prove their claim to descent from a noble family in feudal times. HERE AND THERE. Policemen In Turkey get 12 to 24 ce»nts per day. The number of Kelgiau breweries in creased fr0m'2,977~ln — 1896"to 3,oa7~iFi 18H7. Thf Chinese! believe that the most nourishing article of fe>od is the brain of a duck. RESOURCEFUL ENGINEERS. („>aal.tW 1 k* • « »M»* «# ».!«•«<■ ,1.111 In an t.i»#r*»»cy. It I,n- I-.11 Pialfl that one «f !■ .lii e • mliiM - ' JbIWM by »l> >' m. r* aiiftnc v%ar w:i» i of resource. Tkh i» well trt !■ •! in a > "ry tohl l»T one •Hf er« «f in<- •-on«. There «*»* » •i .wl - eity. »•*' "•>••11- . i... tlx nit within • weiity-foui n ■ . - tin Sj»turk*te I- '' .>;,! « f..r - ar< I ..irM work on • tin fortlft«-al ion* ill the harlior. i n><-n in ehsirße of nettlus the r they -■ "* l •'>. ii, ■ !i.i|.*x in the »t t• I i.i. r, liif IK .I it t' a tHtf. awl to .1 ' down tin- hart" r. k«-|H ath-at » •• I air in-'.!.- it. The mm who 1 ■ « take .low is ih.- . n«tu<* »»«! <1: • t:i:il :i-. I t<> 2*' tllfir lllll.llilH-* la I.- • ' Inn tli.-n- th«-\ with appar.-n Iv I ~.. ~ .-t Of ii.-iiis further «-i: xvlioU- i»l:iti«l there wan only «'»• * * ntn.nK .noiiyh to carry tli- in:-: " from the tloek to the f<«tt. au>: t >t was in iharpt- of an Irmhiuan : tti.-. .nii'loy of the o: an.l the authority of the I iiite.l >• > "oveMituent was uothlng t.» him. " v. us ilr. atly late in th<- aftereooiu ai then- wa-i no -nihility of reaehin* the otliee of the authorities in tiiue to jie«-iire the i» rinit. 'l be ii'eu >iu !• 1 > look the driver to their barracks. sot I htm dead drunk and did their own '-tvlng. And tUv searchlight shone ( * the bay that night. *'• -art pt I»H tlo »n -9s au engineer In the j •be trunk line-. in K ". - duties was to Willian Illue \. *> over the employ of OIK- of . *- , «rlns Missouri. lie of his haul the through frcigh. ' **"- Westi ru d'vls'on. and his pet was No. 2. One niuht be had an Cidcnt. One of the titles In the hoile. <. his pet engine blew out and lie was stalled, bluekitig the mil ill line. He reported the matter to the division superintend nt unwittingly as fol lows: ••Engine two blew out a flew: what'll 1 do: Hill Blue." Then be sat down to await Instruc tions. This is what eame over the wires from uie superintendent's of fice twenty minutes later: "BUI Blue: You plug that tlue In eugiue two and pull her through !n time to get out of the way of twenty- i two." This order is stuek up iu the eab of Engine U. Sort tut Walnut* Keeently two walnut shippers of Anaheim count}*, t.'alifornla. found i that many of the walnuts iu their JH»S session were light and empty, and they east around for some means to rapidly handle the goods, as it was an almost endless job to do it by hand. They finally evolved the machinery to do It with, consisting of a four foot blast fan. twenty inches wide, pro pelled by a three-horse power gaso line engine. The fan is set revolving very rapidl) and the nuts are precipi tated into a trough leading down to the fau. whence the heavy nuts drop Into the bin made to receive them, while the light ones are blown into a receptable arranged for them further on. The fore.- of the wind is sufficient to blow the lighter nuts aside, white the good ones fall straight down. llrok* lnt«» Triton. At Inst a man has literally broken into priso . We an- always hearing of men who break iuto it figuratively by commit lint a crime which lands tin-ill there, but Jefferson City. Mo. boasts of a man who broke into prison just as ninny another man has broken into a house «>r a store. Xo one knows why he did it just the same. When discovered he had Healed the wall and was ready to drop down on the inside, and in spite of the sentry's challenge he did drop down. Practical I'htlant hroph y. A young Philadelphia!! went to a mil lionaire friend and asked pecuniary aid to start hiui in business. "Do you drink" asked the millionaire. "Once in a while" "Stop it: Stop It! Stop it for a year, and then come and see me." The young man broke off the habil at once, and at the end of the year came to see the millionaire again. "l»o you smoke?" asked the success fill man. "Now and then." "Stop it! Stop it for a year, then come ami see me again." The young man stopped smoking, but lie did not go hack again, "Ile'd have told me." he said, "that now that I have stopped drinking and smoking I must haVe saved enough to start myself in business, and I have." < onlly Setliug for ll Tooth. The solitary tooth of Ituddlia is to l»e contained in what will probably be i.,c most valuable coffer in the world. A Shan chieftain recently sent to Moulmcin. in Rurmah, an emerald worth, it is declared, two lakhs of rupees, in order that tlx 1 Burmese Buddhists might include it among the jewels which they are going to send to Ceylon in order to adorn the tooth holding coffer. Jewelry worth ."VI.OOO rupees hai. been already received from Rangoon and Mandalay: anil the Moul mcin Buddhists have themselves se cured jewelry to the value of KVOOO rupees. Thus the total value of the Jewelry adorning the i-offer will l»e about three and a half lakhs. ( figuring. The friends of a popular preacher who recently died in l.oulsvlllo. Ky., undertook to raise a fund for his family, one man gave his note for ninety days for a certain amount, and when the committee explained to him that cash was needed lie agreed to pay the note In cash if the committee would discount It. which was done. Th« H >»cli«h. There Is a creature known as the Uagfisli. or myxinc. which is In the Labit of getting inside cod and similar fish and devouring the interior until only the skin and the skeleton are left Observer I)o you think that you ean ever learn to ride a wheel? llcgiuner Indeed, I do. After the difficulties I have kr.rmounted lu get ting one, I feel competent to arcornp lisii anything. Such • Brat*. Wife of His Shirt Bosom Are these your new collars. Husband Yes, dearest. \V. 11. S. B. tin a tone of grieved astonishmenti But these are lti's and I wear 14's; and those last neckties you tiouglit didn't match a single gown I've got. Ijiig««l llootn. The largest room iu the world is at St. Petersburg. It is i«2O feet l?ong by lf/O iu breath. It has lieen used for military displays, and a whole bat talion can completely manoeuvre in If. A ItaMglitar of KM. Mother Why dhln't you scream when he kissed yon? The itirl llis mustache was In the way. and when it was all over I saw that screaming wouldn't better the situation. Tin* rnivAMlly of Cairo. A university In Cairo is said to have ll.iuiO students, more than attend any Other two universities iu the world Cnliaa To!>ac>-». Before the war t,ulm contributed »l>out one twelfth nf all the tobacco used In the world N0.2«» IN THE MIND'S EYE. T 'C«S THAT OU« VtSUAI ORG**- .OVtTtME? PL*V OH US. M, v„ .i„, in,tic m *»••<«•»' ***•*#■( »i • l>..p I'"' '*** I Km,> Illin N»r»a •< »| Alt * I'ic T1..1 " - !>.>;• * T wi,h oa * XI *. \*. \ .4* » »" « 4 hC*»W4Sllt I 1.1. i. • c»> I>y j« -i-fe J»*»r«»w is t > : • •.: I" i> lis Tic f<4b«iu| «• > tK»t>- Wi«l» tb»*tr H ! .1 • iff-rU -nkiii-- «>( th«- tr • k* "iir ey - -»«»' 'in** I'W cm on: Trin >i 2. okorrrtnt. I« a jmrtly 01.J..»W. ..r ,!„ tl n mil »' r»»ii« mmm |.;*rtly *.ihj etl*e or in*ar«l ihe ps*"- tnre mv»t--rto—l? rramf-rr.-«t i» t..liMl'-> n-t»r»-*••»»stf*e, «•»*- »*•*■. ,IV " th.-r. r. ; -I atxl ■«"»*«» * ,rk j ntbrr iniati ■». fvj v\ m L _ If rre view Mtlbv* only, without shading or perspective >«*" anything to I definitely " •< f>,: •S r " UIMI mid what I i» t-.-iii.-* P«** *!»>!•■ for tli uun raw Id with a ha"*. "••r «<|uar> nearer to y<»a. " • ■ tl c i»j ruiuW sU«»p trnnca. ~,a nl thr i*rg.-r th«- COM.. von look t«« fh, —ited and , •» v r» • » ii »m vou i«. % 'ZZ\. r «> Ing Into t) ■ J *f non ~r » truu, pyramid w. h '?*' r *>jiiatv IU the backgr> und • I>r '* " ®«w »ne II n.l now the otbe I *■ '"■ONLLIIR as jroa dniili' to Hi' It"; m i Hen- ' is a skeleton box Which yon may conceive n« made of wires, outlining the sides. Now the front, or skle nearest, seems directed down ward Alii] to the left; again. It has shifted its position mill is no longer the front. and the wide which appears to IN- the front seem* directed upward and to the right. Tin- prrwncr of the diagonal liu makes the change more striking; in one position It runs from the lcfthand r> ;ir up| er corner to the right hand front lower corner. which in the other it CNMCIK thr ■•■ ft hand front upper eorner with the right hand rear lower corner. Fig. :t will probably seem at first glimpse to l>e the view of a flight of steps w hleh one Is about to ascend from right to left. liuagiue It. IH>W »'»>. X ever, to be a view of the under *i«le of a series of step-;, the view repre senting the structure of overhanging I solid mason work s«-cn from under- Thc blocks in I- ig. 4 are subject to a marked tt net nation Now the black surface* represent the liottom of the I blocks, all pointing downward and to th' 1 * left, and now the black surfa«-e* have changed and have hn-osw the tops pointing upward and to the right. For some the changes conn- at will; nu. I. for others they seem to come unex pectedly. bur all an- aided by antici pating mentally the nature of the transformation The effect here Is quite striking, the block* seeming al most animated anil moving through space All these diagrams serve to llln* trate ibe principle that when the oK Jectlve features are ambiguous we see one thing or another according to the Impression that i<» in the minds ey«; what ft •• object factors lack In deflnitcncHs the subjective ones sup ply; while familiarity, prepossession, as well as other • ir.-nmstan<*« In fluence th< r suit Thes.. illustrations show conclusively that seeing Is not wholly an object IT# matter depending upon what ther. Is to l»- seen, but Is Very considerably a subjective mat ter depending upon the eye that sain. BLASTS FROM RAM'S HORN. A clean man will not live in a dirty house Too many make a go.l out of the ma jority. Adversity tests faith, and prosperity tcpts love. ____ £\try humbug puts a pious - motto over his door. You may backslide, but you can never up-slide. We are made by our enemies and marred by our selves. The arm that Is swift to strike may be strong to Miceor. A blunt tool with a man behind it is better than a Damascus blade without one The way to watch. Is to work. It requires abundant grace to with stand abundant prosperity. Your position In life to-morrow, de pends on your character to-day. A high iil« ~1 is a standing invitation to reach a n< re exalted position. Th< man uho loses his life in love, sows the seed of untold noble Uvea The «ermon on the mount Is higher than some church members care to live. The man who will not suffer for the truth, will have to suffer for ne§U«- 'BF 0-