Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 11, 1899, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1899
XOTE—AII advertiser* Intending to make
changes In their ads. should notify us of
their Intention to d<' so nJt lat*r than Mon
day mort.lnj.
Executor's Notice, estate of John L
Daffy's Carpets.
C. & T's Furniture
Patterson Bros' Wall Paper, etc.
O. Wilson Miller's Fresh Eggs
Findley's Photos
Cash for Wool.
Administrators and Kxeoutors of estates
can mh*u re their receipt books at the CHI
ZEN office, and persons making public *al<;s
their note books.
—Proctor, W. Va., is the latest 1 >OOlll,
oil town.
—The Wallace Shows have the finest
horses of any show on earth.
—Beginning with next Monday our
groceries will close at 0:30 p. m.
—The K. O. T. M. band will give its
next open air concert on the South
Side, Monday evening.
—The costumes worn by the ladies of
The Great Wallace Shows were espec
ially inpoi ted for them from Paris.
—Sunday morning a fire alarm was
sounded for a supposed blaze in Capt.
Ensminger's house on W. Cunningham
—Patterson Bros are doing great
business in wall paper and painting this
spring. They handle one of the best
ready mixed paints on the market.
—M. Gallaher, of Clay twp., who has
engaged in the undertaking business,
wishes us to say that he can furnish the
hearse and everything else necessary for
a first class funeral.
—Duffy's carpets can't be lieat. Their
stock is complete in all the best grades,
and also in rugi, art squares, linolenms,
oil cloths and mattings. See their new
adv. in this paper.
stock is complete in all the best grades,
and also in rugi, art squares, linoleums,
oil cloths and mattings. See their new
adv. in this paper.
—The P. 0. atSilverville was robbed
last Sunday night of all the stamps on
band, and Roy Cramer's till of all the
money left in it. The thieves got about
£45.00 in all.
—The Westmoreland county end of
bridge across the Allegheny at Freeport
has again been closed, owing to the
neglect of the County Commissioners to !
attend to the matter.
—On Monday morning of this week 1
nearly all of the old employees of the
Plate Glass Works reported for work,
the casting hall resumed business
yesterday, and everything is lovely.
—ln commenting on the Great Wal
lace Shows, the Pittsburg Pa., Commer- I
cial Gazette says: "This show on its
first visit here, eclipsed in every respect
any big show that had ever visited Pitts- :
burg, and we have had them all."
—Happiness is not a matter of en
vironment. Some men are constantly
bnbbling over with the sunshine of joy,
who have nothing bnt the shirts to their
backs and the blue sky above them.
Others have millions and nre miserable.
—The large crowd that assembled on
8. Main St., Tuesday night, to hear the
excellent concert given by the Gerinania
Orchestra, showed that some kind of an
open air park or concert garden would
pay in Butler, during the summer
—The regnlar quarterly meeting of
the Woman's Library Association will
be held at the residence of Mrs. S. B.
Martinconrt, on West Jefferson street,
next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mnch important business is to be trans
acted, and every member is requested
to be present.
—Women and child ren do not need
male escorts to attend the Great Wal
lace Shows. Polite attendants are em
ployed to protect and direct them, see
that they seenre good seats, and that
they are not molested by boisterous
characters. There are never any but
well behaved crowds at the Wallace
Show. At Butler, May 18.
—At the meeting of the Palace Club
of Batler. last Saturday evening, the
following officers were elected—Pres
ident George C. Biehl; Treas., Dr.
Hoover; Sec'y, Geo. W. Strickland;
Room Committee, Phil Krause, Zeph.
Lanffner. Alf. Reiber Jo«. Woods. Ed.
Colbert, and Sam'l Vanderlin. The
Club now has over 300 members, and is
in a flourishing condition.
—The New Castle Lodge of B. P. O.
Elks have issued their prospectus and
bills for an Industrial Exposition,
Street Fair and Carnival, and Midway
Plaisance for the week beginning Mon
day, June sth. It is to be an extensive
affair with a great street parade ou
opening day, local exhibits, foreign at
tractions, and continuous daily per
Both agencies are still paying £1.13.
BUTLER—F. B. Young got the best
well in the field when he tapped the
sand at his No. 3 Addleman, last Fri
day. It was shot yesterday and is
being tnbed. Amy & Co's well in the
Niggle lot, adjoining the Addleman, is
doing 15 bbls.
PKNN TWP—Stage's new well, his
No. 3, on the Gillmore, is estimated at
75 to 100 bbls.
JKPFERSON—The Forest Oil Co's
well near Shilo Church is doing about
20 bbls., and a number of new rigs are
going up. Younkins & Co. have a rig
completed on the S. Bartley; the Forest
has two rigs building on the same farm.
Kelly & Co. are hauling in stuff for a
rig on the Schrader. The Forest has
one in conrse of construction on the
same farm, and T. W. Phillips has a
rig up on the Emerick. There are no
hundred foot wells near this strike, and
it may be the edge of a new pool.
The largest sale of oil property made
in Bntler county for some time was
completed yesterday, W. J. and James
W. A. McKee selling to the Evans Oil
company, limited, of Pittsburg, their
property consisting of 15 producing
wells and 230 acreage, located in the
eastern belt, with a production of alont
40 bbls. i>er day; consideration, £34,000.
National Peace Jubilee--Wash
On ncconnt of the National Peace
Jnbilee, to be held at Washington, D.
C., May 23, 24. and 25, the Pennsylva
nia Railroad (Joinpady has arranged to
sell excursion tickets from ail stations
to Washington at rate of single fare for
the ronnd trip.
Tickets will be sold May 22 and 23,
good to retnrn within ten days from
date of sale when properly validated by
the agent at Washington.
A. Ruff Sc. Son with their character
istic enterprise have purchased all that
WOS left ot the Aiken & Campbell stock
of shoes at about 25c on the dollar.
There certainly will be some great shoe
bargains goi.ig now.
Before buying a Buggy, Carriage, Road
Wagon, Fsrm Wagon or a set of Har
ness, call at J. G. & W. Campbell's, and
see the largest line and best assortment in
Fine Rochester and Cincinnati made
ladies' shoes in hand turn and hand
welts for 50c a pair at Ruff's. Mostly
small size*.
Samuel Parks of Adams twp was in
town, Friday.
David English of Franklin twp was
in town, Monday.
S. M. Seaton and family have moved
to the farm in Marion twp.
Prof. G. P. Weigle of Prosjiect visit
ed friends in Butler, last week.
Harry Siebert of Pittsburg spent Sun
day with his father. Win. Siel>ert.
W. B. McGeavy of the West End is
crippled by an attack of rheumatism.
Prof. Wallace of Curry College. Pitts
burg, visited friends in Butler last
Snpd't Reynolds of the P. <St W. and
wife visited friends iu Kittanning last
Tensard DeWalf of the Pittsburg
Leader is taking a few days rest in
Mrs. Finley Hosack. of Allegheny
twp., is seriously ill with inflammation
of the spine.
W. H. Grove and wife have returned
to Butler from Scio, ana are boarding
at the Central.
Gil Moser and Frank Smith were sell
ing and hanging wall paper in Saxon
burg. la3t week.
D. C. Sanderson is an ex
tensive addition to Mrs. Wolford s
house in Prospect.
J. E McCullough and wife have re
turned from their wedding trip and are
living on W. Penn St.
Mrs. J. B. Mechling went to Green
Castle, Pa. last Friday. One of her
daughter Edith's children died.
Undertaker McCandless and Lycur
gus Sloan were among the Farmington
people in Butler, Wednesday, on legal
W. F. Rumbergerafad wife celebrated
the sixth anniversary of their wedding
day, by attending the wedding of a niece
at Oakmont.
A. D. Armstrong and wife of Alle
gheny, who have been visiting with
John" A. Gilleland of Oakland twp.
have retained home.
G. O. Hammer of the Saxonburg Gas
Co. has bought the Wetzel property in
that place and intends moving there
from Pittsburg, shortly.
Lew Purviance visited friends in But
ler this week. He is now located at 131
Sixth St., Pittsburg, and the family is
living at 226 Dinwiddie St.
Mrs. George W. Childs. widow of the
Philadelphia-editor and philanthropist,
is soon to be married to General Joseph
Wheeler. Both have families of grown
Henry Doerr. proprietor of the Hotel
Lnnbe in Saxonbnrg is having the inter
ior of his hostelry repainted and repaper
ed and is making other improvements.
With a clever and obliging host and an
excellent table the Latibe is a pleasant
house to stop at.
An <><l(l Case.
Some years ago a young man named
Solomon Ely came to this county from
Armstrong Co., and worked for some
farmers down the three-degree road,
where he became acquainted with
Jeanuette Viock. Then he secured a
job in the Plate Glass Works and came
to Butler.
Last December he and Jeannette,
were married, and they went to house
keeping in one ot Esq. Kennedy's
houses, near the plank road.
But something seemed to be the
matter, they were not happy, and their
married life came to an end ou Satur
day, the 25th of March last. Ely came
home from his work that evening as
usual about 6p. m. got the key of the
house at a neighbor's, where his wife
had left it, fonnd his supper on the
table, and ate it, drank freely of the
coffee, and five minutes after was help
lessly sick.
He lay by himself all night in the
house, vomiting freely. He felt better
next day.walked down to Viock's to see
if his wife was there, found her and ac
cused her of poisoning him, came back
and slept in the house that night, and
next morning took the coffee pot, and
gave it to the District Attorney, and
went to his home in Armstrong Co.,
and has not been a well man since;
while his wife took their household
goods and went home. The contents
of the coffee pot were analyzed by Dr.
Zimmerman, who found arsenic in them;
and on Saturday last Ely made an infor
mation against his wife, and she was
She had a hearing before Esq. Ander
son. Monday, and was the only person
in the room who was unconcerned and
smiling, while her husband. Dr. Zim
merman and the County Detective were
giving their evidence. She seemed to
consider the whole affair a joke.
The Esq. held her for court, and she
was taken back to jail, but has since
secured bail.
Tlic 15if; Circus.
Covington and Cincinnati were both
circus mad yesterday, and the Wallace
Show, the first of the season in these
parts, found the multitude eager and
anxious to accord them a welcome, and
herald with loud acclaim the excellence
of the performance, testifying not alone
by their presence, but by the most
demonstrative applause, that the show
was thoroughly to their liking, the one
regret being that its stay in the city
was of snch short duration.
The splendid street parade, given
eaily in the day, undoubtedly hail much
to do with the attendances, as it may
be said, and with emphasis, that none
of the many shows on either side of the
riyer within the past few years have
ever exhibited on the streets such a
piocession of magnificent horses, beau
tiful women, bright, clean and really
gorgeous costumes, as those shown yes
terday by the Wallace management.
The performances were, it is pleasant
to add, thoroughly in keeping with the
promise cf the parade, and nothing
equaling them has been presented to
local circus goers within a decade—Cin
cinnati Commercial Gazette.
Comes to Butler, Thursday, May 18th.
After weeks of negotiations, the man
agement of the Pittsburg Grand Ojwjra
House has finally succeeded in securing
permission to produce the famous Madi
son Square Theater success, "Saints and
Sinners", and that noble drama will be
seen at that house next week. From all
accounts this must be a truly remark
able play. It was written by the famous
English aulhor, Henry Arthur Jones,
and it was originally brought out in
this country at the Madison Square
Theater in New York, where was play
ed for an entire year without interrup
tion. During that time the play and
its wonderful story was the text for the
sermons of almost every minister in
New York. While in no sense a
"preachy" play "Saints and Sinners"
holds up the mirroi to human nature,
and teaches a great moral lesson by the
very force of its intensely dramatic
story. The great play, "Saints and
Sinners". and Mr. Kendall, will be seen
every afternoon and evening next week.
To Farmers
A great many farmers throughout But
ler county ship their grain by freight to
our Flour Mills at Butler. We cull at
the freight dejiot for grain, take it to our
mill and return the flour and feed by
freight the following day. We make no
charges for hauling from and to tlia
station. This is a great advantage to the
farmers as it practically locates a No. 1
flour mill at every station. If anybody is
entitled to good bread, it surely is the
producer of the grain Ship in a grist
and eet our flour which cannot be ex
celled by any flour manufactured. Every
sack warranted.
Respectfully yours,
Butler, Pa
Ladies w.tli small feet will be strictly
nit at Ruff's just now. Mcst of the
iadies' shoes purchased from Aiken &
Campbell run from 7 x /i to and you
can get a uair for 25 or 35 cents, or a
£3.00 pair for 98c. Remember at
Don't fail to get some of the bargains
to be had at Ruff's just now. Children's
and Infant's shoes at sc, 15c, 25c and 50c
a pair only at RUFF'S.
L m:\vs.
NEW Suns
Mc.Tnnkin & Galbreath have com
menced a suit in assumpsit for J. C.
Stmce against the Woodland < >il Co. to
recover $409.10 due the plf. for wages
as a pumper on the deft s. wells on the
Daubenspeak. Shira. Campbell and Me-
Nanghtou farms in Washington twp.
J. D. Marshall, Esq trustee of the
bankmpt estate of F Rancher and C.
Shira.contractors, has brought suit in as
sumpsit against Clara A Shira. wife of
C. Shira. to recover for work on
the Shira dwelling on Walnut street in
Ralph and Charles Gregg have ap
pealed from a judgment of *- • 1 -1 given
in favor of Seator Bros by R B Gil
ghrist. J. P.
Bridge Inspectors Wm. Siebert, David
Cupps and .1 Mcy. Smith inspected the
new bridge at Branchton last week and
reported favorably on it. The bridge
work cost slls and the stone work
John Humphrey has filed his final ac
count as guardian of Etta M. McMarlin.
John A. Gibson has filed his official
oath as superintendent of the schools of
Butler borough.
Letters of administration on the
estate of Henry Dutter. deed., of
Franklin twp., have been granted to
Mary E. Bolton; also on the estate of
Jos. Fisher, dee'd', of Butler to Harry
L. Fisher.
The will of Ann Maria Gribbeu,
dee'd., of Jefferson twp., has been pro
bated, no letters, also the will of Jacob
FnejJ, dee d., of Harmony, no letters.
Simon Keefer h;is resigned as super
visor of Lancaster twp , and Levi Boyer
has been appointed in his stead.
Nelson A. Borland has baen granted
a soldier's license to peddle.
Walter McKay and Neal McCool, of
Batler. have been indicted for violating
'the liquor laws.
The will of Wm. Sanies. dec'd., of
Saxonbnrg, has been probated, no
Letters of administration on the estate
of Robt. S. Campbell, dec'd., of Con
cord twp., have been granted to W. F.
Donegal twp. Auditors have filed
their report showing the road account
to Lave been si'i!9.:>l. and the poor ac
count £*15.34. A balance of £115.36 was
in the overseers hands at time of audit
There are thirty-seven criminal cases
on the Quarter Session docket for May
Session. In six of these the parties
have plead guilty or settled, the re
mainder will go before the grand jury.
Among the cases which will attract
most attention are Com. vs Stella
Speicker. larceny; M .1 McCandless,
agg. a&b and desertion: B. Levy, adult
ery : Minnie Cohen, larceny; Wm. Wil
son, a&b. with intent to commit rape:
Thos. E Allen, forgery—four charges;
Wm. McGuirk, at'g. a&b; John Still
wagon. agg. a&b; and Wm. Weigle.
fraudulently secreting and removing
property. Last week there were seven
women boarding with Sheriff Dodds,
but four have been bailed.
William Faber was discharged by
Esq. Anderson Tuesday afternoon after
a hearing on an information for larceny
of a purse containing *'.!?, from T. W
Milligan of Clearfield twp. with whom
Will was boarding.
Tuesday morning Justices of the
Peace K. Marshall and J. C. Kelley
heard the case of the Overseers of Bnt
er borough V.J Bedford C >unty concern
ing the maintauce of David Lindsey and
granted an order on Bedford county to
pay the Butler Overseers £959, for keep
ing the Lindseys for three years past
and also an order for their removal to
Bedford County. The Lindseys have
been living in Park Row, 4th ward, and
Mrs. Lindsey is afflicted with cancer.
Viewers reported favorably oa the
petition of citizens of Clay twp. for a
new bridge over Muddy Creek on the
graded road leading from Butler to
West Sunbury.
Peter Rader to Eli. Henshaw lot in
Connoquenessing borough for £162.50.
Maggie E. Dntter to Henry Miller 136
acres in Butler twp. for £IOOO.
Adam J. Miller, guardian, to Henry
Miller 136 acres in Butler twp. for £2OO.
Christina Kredel to Henry Miller 136
acres in same for *6OO.
Henry Miller to Adam Miller 136
in same for £IOO.
J. 11. Gibson to John A. Williamson
lot in N. Washington for £6OO.
Sarah J. McCafferty to L. J. Sisney
12 acres in Marion for £225.
Carrie H. Brown to Benj. Sarver 142
acres in Buffalo for £4650.
W. A. Forquer to South Ponn Oil Co.
quit claim for 17 acres in Concord for
Emma Barber to Emma Beck, quit
claim for 60 acres in Jefferson for #3O.
Cath. McCandless to G. M. Zimmer
man lot in Butler for *l.
Hsgt M Greer to Maria .1. Brown
69 acres in Oakland for £696.87.
Marriage Licenses.
Thos..). Leyland Butler
Mary Walsh
R. H. Peters Clinton twp
Maud McElravey Karns City
At New Castle, Perry Ashton, of But
ler county, and Ida Mills, of New
Sew Laid Kggs.
We buy and pay cash for all the NEW
LAID EGGS that are offered. Eggs must
be fresh and clean. You should bring
them to us at least every ten days. To
avoid breakage we furnish cases at cost,
returnable at price paid at end of buy
ing season.
Have yon heard aLout the good Hour
we sell? So far this year we have had
three solid car loads of it. It is a spring
wheat patent, the "Ahead of All"
brand; different from all other spring
wheat flour, not so coarse and gritty to
the touch bnt smooth and oily; that's
why it makes the better loaf. The
bread tastes like wheat for the reason
that it's made pure all wheat. One
sack will convince von and you run no
risk. Money back if not just as stated.
If yon buy salt by the barrel call and
see the kind we sell. Made at Worces
ter, New York. Never gets hard; nev
er draws dampness, and is just as white
as sugar Price no higher than ordin
ary salt.
To find the price of sugar at our store
add the freight from New York, 21 cts.
per hundred pounds, to refiners price
which will give yon our price.
This rule will bold good during the en
tire season. We will sell sugar by the
barrel or hundred pounds at New York
price with freight added.
To Farmers.
A great many fat.ners throughout But
ler county ship their grain by freight to
our Flour Mills at Butler. We call at
the freight depot for grain, take it to our
mill and return the Hot" and feed by
freight the following day. We make no
charges for hauling from and to the
station. This is a great advantage to the
farmers as it practically locates a No. I
flour mill at every station. If anybody
is entitled to good bread, it surely is the
producer of the grain. Ship in a j, Ist
and get our Hour which cannot be ex
celled by any flour manufactured. Every
sack warranted.
Respectfully yours,
Butler. Pa.
For Sale.
22 acres of good land at Sarvera
Station, Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,
good orchard of 50 bearing apple trees,
50 beaming peach and 100 not bearing,
all small fruits, good water, stable
20x40, house 16x28, will make a good
i garden farm.
Price £ISOO. For further information
call at CITIZEN office.
i It you want a Bicycle or your old one
i repaired go to White Walter & Co.
: largest stock in County. Bicycles for
On Saturday last the County Commissioners decided to locate the Conntv
Poor House in the old orchard fronting on the pike. The buildings wilt occupy
a square of abont 350 feet and will lx» in plain view of the town They will all
be two storie* liiffh. excepting the boiler house will lie bnilt of brick with slate
roofs, and will lie connected by one storied, covered passage-wavs. They wil
accommodate 124 i«eoj>le.
A general diagram of the buildings is as follows
'L- ~L' •;> ■j- . -f Si* V' '
,S .f ~. -7- -T
--j, I * 1 • i
• 4 . %
W v I i-l E
vv • >; 2 ** *• '{f x 2 .- '
***#■' ****■:•; % v; *****
* % '-K * T
4 -s a 4
I I § | 1
1 * * i *
* %%%:<
j 3 2 2 3
» ** *-.s-- -.-: .
' 2 I
I i
£ 1 £
t f
NOTF 1. Administration building covered passages- :t. wings. lt».\«H» feet,
sitting rooms in first story. <i- beds in each second story; 4. 4. dining rooms,
one for each sex; "i, kitchen and serving rooms; t>. wash rooms.etc.: 7 l>oiler
room and laundry. Tne chapel will be over the dining room.
The estimated cost of the buildings is &{!,<>'#• Architect Owsley now has
the plans in Vonngstown. and is preparing specifications for bidders, which will
lie readv in about six weeks.
Solomon Moser. of <)akland two, fell
and broke his thigh a few days ago.
He is now in his lutli year.
An Austrian was seriously injured
.it the Rough Run quarry, yesferdny.
by the fall of a large stone upon him.
Spnrgeon McCandless, aged '■ l years, a
son of John McCandlesa of near I ni»<n
ville. ran a rusty nail into his foot on
Wednesday of last week, and 'lied of
lockjaw ori Tuesday of this week. His
suffering is said to have been terrible
C. 11. Parker's boiler, on the Gunst
farm, near Jefferson Centre, took a
header the other day, and landed on the
Kornmmph farm, "four hundred feet
awny. The crown-sheet bursted. The
boiler-house was a large one. and not a
board was left standing. The four men
were pulling tubing at the time and
bad been in the boiler-house but a few
minutes before, when the boiler was up
parently carrying but 160 pounds.
Mary Smith, a young girl living at
Freeport. was struck by a trai l on the
West Penn railroad, near I'utler Junc
tion, Monday. Her body was terribly
mangled, and as the accident happened
just at the county line parts of her re
mains were in both Allegheny and Arm
strong counties. The question of juris
diction was raised, and the coroners of
lw>th counties were notified. Coroner
McGeary, of Allegheny Co., decided
that as the body had been removed out
of Allegheny county to her home he
had no jurisdiction, and he allowed the
coroner of Armstrong county to hold
the inquest.
Clyde, a son of D. C. Sanderson of
Franklin twp. met witli a serious acci
dent last Saturday. He was helping
Esq. Joseph Timblin of Clay twp. near
Euclid at the time, to haul rails from
the woods, and was driving a team at
tached to a sled. The sled caught 011 a
pole, lying on the ground, and the pole
caught between two saplings.thus mak
ing a spring-pole, which, when it be
came disengaged flew back and struck
the boy's leg below the knee, badly
fracturing it and splintering the bones.
Mr. Timblin secured medical aid as
soon as possible, and the fracture was
reduced, but it is so serious a one that
amputation may become necessary.
Drs. Hockenberry of W. Sunbury and
Ilolman of I'nionville reduced the frac
ture, and Mr. Sanderson, who was
working on a house in Prospect at the
time went to the scene of the accident
immediately and took his bov home.
I pay the highest market price in cash
for wool, haye no merchandise of any
kind to exchange, am located at same
place as last year, Graham Bros'. Grocery,
just acroL-< the street from Troutman's
dry goods store.
New I"•'<* in tin* Water
Itusiness of Interest to
liutU'i- l'enple.
Since the Water company has changed
ownership we have expended a large
amount of money in inproving the plant
and the water supply, as the pr_ ent
patrons know,that there cannot be bet
ter water in the state than the water fur
nished by the company now.
Now the Butler Water coui'iany have
decided to get more business i. it is to be
Jhad in the city, and in order to do that
have decided to meet the people who
wish to become patrons more than half
way. Heretofore it has been a serious
thought that the people couldn't afford
to put the water in (not the expense of
the water), but the cost of connecting,
laying pipes, etc. If we can get from
fifty (50) to one hundred (100) new con
sumers we will make you this special
We will tap the main, insert the co
oration cock, furnish and lay the pipe to
the sideAalk, furnish the side walk cock
and shut off box, and in fact furnish all
labor and fittings to the curb line, where
a main passes the house, and sell the
same to you for the small sum of fifty
(50) cents.
It matters not whether you are 011 a
pavt-1 street or otherwise the expense is
110 more to you. Where the expense
would ordinarily be from #lO to S3O we
make it to you now for 50 cents, provid
ing you are willing to sign a contract for
two years.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, the
Water company's employees will answer
them all to the best of their ability.
W. F. Wright, Supt.
—For bargains in valuable and desir
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien & Son,° n Kast Jefferson St.
and get prices 011 the extensive line they
have 011 exhibition They are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which more than 1200 were
sold in Butler, last year.
Aiken & Campbell, of Centre Ave.,
Butler, desiring to close out their busi
ness, we purchased their shoes, and now
offer them at very low prices. Ladies'
shoes at 9«c, 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c and 15c at
AMY BROS, are Selling out to yuiT
BUSINESS. Their entire stock of furniture
is for sale, including all goods en route,
nothing reserved, wonderful bargains,
ery evening.
Bicycles—all the leading makes to be
found at J. G. & W. Campbell's.
New, four-room house for sale In
quire at this office
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker & Wick for
location and outfit.
A ,'ery successful concert was held.
Friday evening, in Rev. Harper's M.
E. Chnrch, at Saxon Station
The Third Annual Convention of the
3d District of the Butler Co. S. S. Ass n.
will be held .in Concord Presbyterian
church on Tuesday. May 2:! d, beginning
at \! p. in.
The Loyal Temperance Legion and
the W. C. T. U. convene in the Petrolia
M. E. Church, Wednesday md Thurs
day May 17 and 18. The Temperance
Legion's business will be transacted
Wednesday. That evening a silver
medal oratorical contest will be par
ticipated in by a dozen young people.
The W C. T U program will occupy
The oth District Sunday School Con
ference will meet in Butler. Sunday,
May 14th Tl-3 opening session, es
pecially for the children, will be held
in the M. E. church at 2:30 p. ni The
conference is a union meeting of all
Protestant churches of the city and
Butler, Center and Oakland townships
to discuss Sunday School work. Every
one is invited to attend.
The Woman's Missionary Society of
Allegheny Classis of the Reformed
Church will meet in annual session in
Bethany Reformed Church, Butler, on
Wednesday evening. May 17th. The
opening exercise will consist principally
of a lecture by Miss Mary Hallowell,
who has just returned from Japan on a
vacation Miss Hallowell is one of the
most talented and earnest workers in
the foreign field of the church. All
who are interested in foreign work, es
pecially the women, will do well to bear
her. Time of meeting 7:4">. An all day
session of the Society will also be held
on Thursday May lsth, beginning
in the morning. Miss Hollowell will
also speak in the Reformed Church,
South Side, on Thursday evening, the
An adjourned meeting of Allegheny
Classis of the Reformed Church will
be held in St Paul's Church, South
Side, Wednesday May 17tb at 10:!)0.
The principal business will be to ex
amine Mr. Chas. H. Faust, of the Theo
logical Seminary, Lancaster, Pa. Mr.
Faust has accepted a call to the Sugar
Creek Charge. Butler Co. The Com
mittee on examination consists of Revs.
I'. C. Prugh, D. I)., J. F. Kerlin, J. A.
Lentzinger, D. N. Harnish, and Elders
11. M. Zeigler and Alfred Sarver.
D. N. HAKNISH, Stated Clerk.
J. G. & W. Campbell have Fishing
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 W
Wayne St.
Buckeye Mowers, Binders, Binder
Twine, Hay Rakes, Land Rollers and a
full line of Hay Tools at
Men's shoes at soc, 75c, 98c and $1.25
at RUFF'S.
I I I delivered to all part of the
* town, every day.Leave or
ders at
142 Main St.
An Extraordinary Life insurance
Mr. \V«'>lsy \V. Winger. oil well driller, of
Mars. Itutler <'«».. Pa.. was Insured in The
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. of
Newark. Nt iv Jersey, under Policy No.
I*7. for SI<K.X aged ;u. Lift- plan, with an an
nual premium of &£i.X2.
II" paid 2 premiums, amount inn to
which, premium loan of ■jio.tu (canceled),
made a net payment or cost of t.T&exeluslve
of int« resl. lie did not pay t he premium due
In July. 1897. hut instead of taking a paid-up
policy for *7. he allowed his insurance (In
eluding Dividend Additions) to be extended
for I year and :il7 days, for the sum of $1,014.
making in all H years and 317 days* insurance nt
an average yearl*' cost of M'wi" per thousand.
Mr. Winger diet, in March. I"'.*', more than
one year after the la*>se of the policy, which,
however, was promptly paid in full by the
MA us. PA.. April 13,'LMKI.
Mn. I*. T. LrsK. State Agent.
Mutual Benefit Life insurance Co..
PiJl tbufg« Pft.
I>ear Sir:
I have received, through you. Company's
check for TIJM t. 1 .In payment of Policy No.
21M.4H7. on the life of my deceased husband.
Wesley W. Winger, for which I sincerely
thank you.
I knew Mr. Winger had paid in cash but
three semi-annual P emlums on his Policy,
giving a Premium note for the fourth semi
annual Premium, but as he had not paid this
Premium note, nor any Premiums in i In
past two years, owing to reverses in busi
ness. f considered the Policy dead, and all
claims forfeited, and I knew no better, until
my family Physician l>r. J. c. Barr. jvetlng
for you, kindly callet. at my home and in
formed methatthe Policy was In full force,
under your ompany s NONFORFK ITUUK
It was an agreeabh surprise, and a God
send to me, and I cannot find language to ex
press inv appreciation of t hi; honorable
action o. the < ompany in paying me the full
face of the Policy and one year's Dividend
Addition, making no deduction for either
i the note given for the fourth semi-annual
Premium, or the deferred Premiums.
Yours ver" t rul",
F. T. LUSK, State Agent,
1.-> I'orilTll AVENI'K. I'ITTSIII no, T'A.
I ;T i 11c I le^v'ts
When you go to Town.
Branches —Evans City and Mars.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next *)oor to Court House, Butler, Pa.
rho s. S. Ci)u\<'iition.
I>r Koads. 'f Philadelphia who la the
<l. n r.-ii OwriUnr <>f th> St it.* Asintfi
atT >ll. and Mi- Barnes, >! Newark. N
.1 the Snpt. of primary work, will be
present throughout the Convention -o
r'iir as the program' s conceme i 1 here
art no lietter workers in the field than
S E. <ill! of Pittsburg Treasurer of
the Stateß > A —data nd M. W.
L- l>- of New »'a-tie who i> President '
of the ll'th Dist. of the b it A-soci
at ion which if coi*po.d of Butler
Beaver. and Lawrence c .nt s. will be
present and address thel .invention
The names of delegates should lie sent
t" the Corresponding Seen tary as soon
as they are elected -o thai entertain- ;
inent may b» provided.
Notice is hereby glwa iai all s S'a. I
sending delegates to the Convention .
held at Mar- June Ist a :•! 2nd. will !
send names of same to me on or before
M. y .".ith so a- as.-igniae . > places <>t '
ei. ertuimucnt -an lie u. .••. Mrs .1
C Uiyson, Secretary.
The County Association pays S4YOO
yearly to the State Assoc! tion to eirry
on its work. The only source of rev
enne is the voluntary contribution of
schools and individuals T lis is the
re i.son that each school i.- ..-kt-d to pay
at the rate of one cent per Member. It
is important that schools n tethis
It has been noticeable n past Con
ventiona that the attendance* of the
pastors in thi countv wat -''it s > large
;!.• it should lie, and as the canst !
deserves it is to lie hoped thi- may be
re nedied this year. Pa-tors we es i
pi ially need and request y< ir presence
It is quite probable tha' f ir the tirsi
time Butler county will tak» her i»os
it 'ii among the Banner t unities of the
State in Sunday School work. In view
oi thi- It t every school send m its re
port. If you do not have rejnirt Wanks
drop a card to the Oar. • y and one
will gladly be sent to you
The local committee rn. ' 'ti the Re j
formed Presbyterian Ch.:: i», Wednes I
day evening. Sub. Com nr. tee reports
show that ail are earnestly engaged in
th • work and are determini J that the
22nd annual S. S Converttou shall be
a (.-rand success They >sk largely.''
and expect their ' ,ioy to be full.''
S. S. Superintendents keep your
si-hocls well informed ri yarding the
workings of the County Convention
and lie ready t > send us , >od. er.thusi
s;ic spirited delegates. We suggest
that you keep note of these items and
help teachers and scholars to a special
interest in the convention
Don't forget the dates, .June Ist and
Don't forget to elect Delegates.
Don't put off electing delegate till the
11 th hour.
Don't forget yourS. S report.
Don't forget vour n >te ix.ok and pen
Don't forget about the special R. R
Don't forget to send names of dele
Don't forget the "Penny for each
Don't forget your Bible*.
Don't forget the importance of the
Don't forget to pray.
Parlor i
Buys a Parlor Suit that
\ you can't match outside
C of this store for less than
( 595.00 to $135.00
£lf You Doubt
i tlie above statement c< nie and see
V these goods arid if the suits we
\ offer at SSO are not exactly what
S we represent thein to he we <lon't
\ expect you to buy.
\ Parlor Suit,
\ 5 I'ices—Solid Mahogany frame
3 inlaid with holly and pearl, eov-
V ered in fine silk damask; best value
f v.-e ever sold at f 100.00. Price re-
C duced to
> S 50.00
\ Parlor Suit
\ 4 Peic- s —Solid Mahogany, no
% caiVng, no inlaid work, perfectly 3
C plai 11 frame Covered with a fine S
J silk damask. Price \\;<s $135.00, f
\ now reduced, to y
/ $50.00 >
\ % \
i Parlor Suit £
V 3 Pieces -Solid Mahogany, 110 \
J ornamentation 011 the frame.
\ Covered in a green wool covering. V
/ A first :la.-s suit and one that will \
\ last a long time. Price was $125, r
S now reduced to f
| Parlor Suit \
V Pieces—Mahogany frame, /
t backs inlaid with pearl; covered /
I u iiliH fine silk damask; marked to V
/ redact d to r
\ 550.00 >
a postal card to,
IIKI IK orcal] ij ' ,No 4«
%J lI\J I of thc People's
v.-*********** l'honc ami
new wagon, ruuning to and from his
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your lioase,
take away your dirty carpet s an<l return
them in a day or two as clean as new.
All on a summer morning—Carpets,
1 ,ij>3 and curtains thoroughly cleaned on
short notice.
Having rented the Nixo'.i Ilouie, on N.
McKean St., aud will take possession
April 1, I invite all my old friends and
customers, as well as the public general
ly to give me a call. There is hot and
cold water all through thc house, bath
tubs and tire escapes. Rates reasonable.
Formerly of the Wick House
Trusses for Rupture are
necessary. The only ques- !
tion to consider is * where !
can I get the Iwst truss for
the least money?" We sell
trusses on the "no charge for
tilting" plan. W«* charge you
simply for the truss. We go
further, we guarantee a fit
an 1 guarantee satisfaction.
There are many different
kind of trusses, and one
great thing is to k.uov\ what
kind is best to use. We
have had enough truss sell
ing experience to find that
out. Our stock of trusses is
not excelled in this vicinity,
but that is not the point for
you to consider. Your con
sideration as we said before,
is stated above. Men we fit
here. We give direction
for self measurement to
C. N. Boyd.
Diamond Block. Butler. Pa.
Notice of First Meeting of
In Bankruptcy No. »'l.
In the Matter of 111 the District Court
Alfred K. suuinlil-'ii. "f «li«- I nited Slate*
Bankrupt for the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania,
in Itanknipti-y.
To ilie creditors of Alfred K. Stoughton.
of Harmony, in the county of Butler, and
district aforesaid. :i bankrupt
NOTII I is II tat I BY I.i vrv .that on the -*"tli
day of April A i> lsW. the said Alfred k
Stou'.'htun was .Iniy adjudicated bankrupt,
and that the lir-t meet.tig of hi- creditors
.ii;, ... held ai tlx ..tlic. i.t J. W. Hutchison.
No. 114 V W. DlstbOad liuller. IN'iinsyU.i
nia. .'it tlie 30th day of .lay A l>.. 1 at 10
oVlo< k in the forenoon, at which time the
said creditor- may attend, prove their
el nin -. appoint a 1 ritstei-. examine the bank
rupt. and transact such other business as
may properly come liefore such meet Inc.
May ird. ls'.iu. Referee in Bankruptcy.
In tin* Common Pleas Court of Uufler Co.
I'a.. M.s. I>. No. 13. Junt' Term. H*>.
In the matter «»i" tin- petition <»f August
Krr. liliiig. for l»enefit of creditors
«»f tM'-.rp' \V. Watson. for U>av«»t«► re-convey.
April 121 li. I*l*'. th<- :11 m»%«• petition was pre
sented in Open Court ami Saturday. the'JOth
day of May. at 10 oVloek a. m. is fixed
for a hearing? of said petition.
Certified from the record this 1-ih day of
Letters testamentery on ttie estate of
John L. Shannon, dee'd., late of Conno
quene£sing township, Butler Co., PH ,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate * 111 piease make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Q. G. SHANNON, Kx'r,,
Counoquenessing P. 0.,
Butler Co., Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Samuel McGregor, dee'd., late of Clinton
tv\ p. , Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment and
any 1 avitig claims against the same will
present tliem duly authenticated for
settlement to
JOHN Wir.iiv, SR., Kx'r.,
Riddlts X Roads.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Adam 11. Gold, dee d., late of Middle
sex township, Butler Co., Penn'a., hav
ing been grante' to the und signed, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate w 111 please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them properly
att'heniicated for settlement to
Denny P. 0., Butler Co., Pa,
I.etters testamentary on the estate of
Daniel Heck, dec'd., lite of Centre twp.,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
McCandless, I'a.
J. D. MCJcxkin, Att'v.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between O. W.
Stoughton, J. W. Shaffer, X. S. Gross
man, S. E Wilson, and David West,
under the firm name of "Prospect
Creamery C 0.," was dissolved by mutual
co.isent on Saturday, April 15, 1599, t).
W. Stoughton retiring.
The business will be continued under
the same fi..n name, anil all accounts of
the 'ate firm will be settled by the new
Prospect Creamery Co , .
Insurance and Real Eslate
Notice is hereby given that the under
taking business carried 011 by Mrs. Minnie
Hunt, at Wc t Sunbr-y, I'a„ under the
supervision of her father, John Mechling,
lately dec'd., will be continued by me.
All work will be done In fi'st-class
style, at reasonable pi ices.
Mrs. Minnie Hunt.
TIRES Repaired
and made as good as new at
White.W allcr & Co's
Bicycle and
Supply Depot,
Corner Main St. and Diamond,
Butler, Pa
With our new Vulcaniser wt
ran repair any cut or puncture
in a tire, with pure gum. and
make it stronger than In-fore
We repair all parts of bicycle#,
supply new parts at reasonable
We are \ lit cheapest place in
town, and cannot lie undersold.
We have seventeen wheels for
sale at bargain prices.
X and Specialties in Tin. jf
H. C. Pryor, of W. Sunbury, hereby
gives notice to the public that owing to
the death of his father in-law, John
Mechling, he will not leave his business
as bad be«-n intended, but will continue
to carry on the livery business at the old
stand. Good rigs furnished at moderate
price. H. C PRYOR.
li Do you Want a New '
M Tailor Made Suit? ;
\ s2<~< <.«■>. S ►
0 llf they do not fit ,wc wfll ( <
y ;iot ask you to take i! •. :r C j j
J ( ome in and s. e our new lir.e of Men's. \ 4
I: r .
f new price. 7 '
VA s Wii m veal mc P J
\ showing a complete . r.. t>i Straw Hats 7 *
WA Vin Men's, Boys' and Child ren's shapes. X
\ Come in before vou buy. and see 7
Pi \ nobby, up-to-date stuff C
New Storef ***| New Goods
© Just Opened fl>
The Surprise Stire,
108 South Main St.. Butler. Pa-
Clothing, Gents Furnishing,
Hats. Trunks.
Next Door to Butler Savings Bank.
A Few Plain Questions ? ? ?
Are you going to buy a Spring Suit?
SEE OUR LINE AT $6. $8 $lO and sl2
Want an Overcoat this Spring?
T vou are going to wear the latest style Spring Hat?
Going to get a new Spring Shirt ?
Want the Very Latest See Our Line.
Do you want the swellest thing in Neckwear ?
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Mam St., Butler.
Storm Bird 9459-
Grandson of the Great Green
Mountain Maid and Miss
Out nf ;i performing producing > ' r ''
Lord Uustel. full l.r.i t« Maud ?• 2:®-V s re
of Kremlin 2:07* and Si others In 2..*' >1"
~f dam* of 4 with records 2.. T. "f I
•.on*. tl»' sins of :il with records »o - •'
Miss Huss, -11 has 7 foal* In tin- !:•» Itot ln
eludlng Nitwood2:l*V sir.-of li 7 will. r.v
ords from 2:1 .' 4 to 2.H', In all over de
-..•i nd.int-. In tli. list Oreen Mountain
Maid I* the <Um of #ln the t" side*
Klrctloneer. with I.V* to his credit In ail she
It: M'l descendants 111 the *.:»• list and U
Grand dam of ni>. re champion trotter, than
an v other brood mare. ...
Morn. Itlrd 1* extreme In breeding. i* fa*'
h'mself. a* he lia* shown hi* ability In pu'dh
tobeat2:Joat faith the trot and par*. unit
Ills . olts havi shown extreme speed.
Storm Itlrd will 1m- found at mv fan., in ar
Islr i'a . during the summer of l"W- at the
c\t remely low term ofJIOOOto Insim
l or pedigree and particulars rail at the
farm or address
Aionzo McCanrtless,
Isle, Pa
New Drug Store.
MacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Try Our Soda
R- A. MacCartney
If you would know
the secret of your neighbors fine
appearance, ask him the name
of his tailor; ask him, too, how
much a year he spends for his
clothes and subtract the amount
from the cost of your own. You
will be agreeably surprised,
more so if you will prove it by
giving us your measure, as he
did. Our new fabrics for spring
and summer embraces the
choicest products of the loom.
Subscribe tor lh« CITIZSN. j
B. & B.
Such variety of new
shirt waista
here, you'd think we were going
to do the business of the whole
No reason why we shouldn't
when you consider how we're go
ing about it.
Getting a big share already—
and it's increasing evei/ day as
more people find out they get
choice, right styles here, and less
to pay. »
Pretty colored wash shirt waists,
50c —white waists 75c —and from
these prices there's unequaled
extent of assortments to the
finest —seven dollars.
Shirt waists at one dollar that
the equal of is not sold anywhere
for the money—white or colored.
Fine Shirt vVaists $1.50, $2.00,
These are not "shoppy" shirt
waists we're talking about-they're
made better —correct styles, even
to the lowest price.
Get our 200 page catalogue—
see the two special pages of
pictures and prices of shirt waists.
It will be to your profit—and will
bring us more business.
American Dimitie*. 8, 10,
12 l-2c yard-choicest inexpensive
wash goods ever offered, or that
this country ever produced.
Beautiful Organdies 15 to 35c.
Kxquisite French Organdies 25c
and 30c.
Greatest assortments of choice
wash goods here you'll find any
where—styles and prices to show
how interestingly we're doing the
|{<)<ro;s& Bllhl
Department X.
Contractor of
Plastering and Cementing.
Cisterns, Cement Floors,
Walls, Wills, Etc.
439 ist Street, Tel. 381.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St.. Butler.