THE: CITIZEN, I WILLIAM C. NEGLKY - - TubHsh. r THURSDAY, MAY n, 1*99. Republican County Ticket. For Slicritt". THOMAS R. HOON. For I*rotlionotary. J. M. MUCOLLOUGH. For liogistt-r and Kccortler. W. J. ADAMS. For Treasurer. D. L. RANKIN. For Clerk of Courts. W. P. TURNER. For County Commissioner. J. J. MCGAKVKY, J. W. GILLESPIE. For County Auditor. j. W. PATTERSON, P. H. SECHLER. For Coroner. JOHN L. JO NES. Approved ami Vetoed. On Friday last Gov. Stone vetoed sev eral bills passed by the late Legislature and signed many others. ne measures disapproved was that P fcr " mitting county treasurers to send to the State treasury only one-fourth of the personal property tax. This 0111 was intended to permit county treasur ers to retain three fourths of the tax which is paid into the State treasuiy and then returned to the The Governor says it is a State tax and must be paid into the State treasury when it can be returned to the counties under the act of 1891. He suggests that the bill is unconstitutional. Two other bills were vetoed, one. an thorizing the election of borough super visors, on constitutional grounds, and the other a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to provide that laws regulating registra tion of voters may be enacted to apply to cities only. Gov. Stone doubts the propriety of such an amendment to the Constitution. . , , ~ A number of the bills signed by the Governor were of a local character. Those of general interest were the fol lowing: . . Authorizing counties to purchase, maintain, use and condemn bridges erected and in use over rivers and streams separating or dividing any part or district of such counties, and provid ing the manner in which compensation shall be made. Relative to the liens of the Common wealth against unpatented lands, pro viding for their adjustment and for the granting of patents. . . , Repealing an act in relation to huck atering in the counties of Bedford, C um berland, Franklin. Fulton and York, so far as it applies to the county of Bed and amending an act to establish an intermediate court of ap peals, regulating its constitution, of ficers, jurisdiction, powers, practice and its relation to the Supreme court and other courts, providing for the reports of its decision, the compensation of the judges and other officers and the prac tice and costs on appeals from its judg ments, approved June 24, 1895. To punish the buying of junk rope, scrap iron, brass or other metals from minors, unknown or irresponsible par- An act to allow medical colleges of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to confer diplomas in public health. Providing tor the appointment of a free library commission, and to dehne its power and duties. Regulating the manfactnre and sale of oleomargarine and butterine and other similar products to prevent fraud and deception by the manfactnre ana sale thereof as an imitation of butter, the licensing of manfactures of and dealers in the same, and providing pun ishment for violations of the act and the means for its enforcements. These resolutions were approved: Calling upon our representatives in the National Congress to use their best efforts in aid of the passage of the bill referring to the sale of prison-made goods within the borders of the State in which made. Providing for tho appointment of a committee, to consist of seven members three to be appointed by the Governor, one by the executive officer of the Far mers' Alliance of Pennsylvania, one by the Secretary of Agriculture of Pennsyl vania, one by the executive officer of tho Pennsylvania division. League ot American Wheelman, and this commit tee to secure data from other States and report to the next Legislature with a bill framed on the subject of good Providing for the appointment of 30 persons, one-third of wham may be women, to be commissioners to the Paris Exposition, to serve without com pensation, either for expenses or services. Directing the Secretary of the Com monwealth to have printed in pamphlet form 15,000 copies of the game and fish laws of this Commonwealth, together with the warden and forestry laws. Philadelphia, May 5. Representative John H. Fow says he received a letter from Gov. Stone, in which the latter says he will not sign an appropriation that has been passed for the benefit of any hospital that has never before re ceived any appropriation from the State. , On Saturday Gov. Stone vetoed six pension and gratnity bills, also the bill fixing $1,500 as the minimum salary for connty superintendents of schools because this matter should be left to school directors; and the bill attending the act limiting the period within which application may be made to the State Treasurer for the refunding of collateral inheritance tax erroneously paid, so that in estates consisting in whole or part of a partnership the act shall not apply, and the bill amending certain sections of the act regulating the manufacture and sale of distilled and fermented vinegars, so as to provide that vinegar made wholly from grapes, apples or other fruits shall not be re quired to contain an acidity of 4 per cent, of li per cent, of solids, and the bill relating to the election of justices of the peace in wards ot boroughs, lie has also disapproved the appropriations of $5,000 for the Allentown hospital and that of $7,000 to the Master Builders Mechanical Trade school, of Philadel phia. He signed an act to amend the tent 11 section of an act entitled ''A further supplement to the act regulating elec tions in this Commonwealth, approved January 30, 1*74, and an act to validate conveyances and other instruments which have been defectively acknow ledged. On Monday he vetoed the following bills. Providing for the transfer of judgments and mortgages by the holder thereof at maturity ni>on the request of the debtor. The governor does not see any useful purpose to lie served by such a law. Exempting buildings in bor oughhs and townships used for theatri cal and circus performances from the license tax under the provisions of the act of 1895. He thinks the present law equitable. Repealing the act of 1 ><*.»■"» providing for the collection of the amouats due the Commonwealth for the purchase money, interest and fees due on patented lands. The governor has approved a bill which remedies the evils complained of. On Tuesday he signed the following bills; Authorizing the formation of partnerships in which one or moreorall of the partners may limit their liability for the debts of the partnership to the amount of capital subscrilx-d by such partner or partners respectively, and providing i>enalties for violation of its provisions; providing for the enrollment, organization, disipline and regulation of the militia of the commonwealth; in relation to reinsurance and the trans action of business by fire or marine in surance companies or associations oth erwise than through resident agencies and the transaction of such business by or with unauthorized companies. Yesterday he signed a numlier of ap propriation bills, including ones giving the N. O. P. $775,000; for the care of the insane $1,500,000; the Polk institu tion 247,000; West. Pen. 126,000; Mercer Hospital SII.OOO. He vetoed the bill to make county, city, school, borough and township taxes a lien on real estate, and give such liens priority for the period of two years over any other obligation. He says; "This bill invades the sanc tity of the first mortgage in Pennsylva nia, and destroys to a certain extent the value of real estate security. N'ew .lorsej'* Wondrous Charters The news of theday informs us that the Amalgamated Copper Co., capital $75- 000.000, and the I*. States Flour Milling Company, capital $25,000,000, the Amer ican Alkali Co. $30,000,000, the Rubber goods manfacturing Co $25,000,000, the Federal Sewer Pipe Co. $25,000,000, and hundreds of other companies and alleg" ed companies have lately been incorpo rated at Jersey City. Trenton and oth er points in the State of New Jersey. Almost every day we see similar state ments and so it is not out of place to re view in a lump what has been been done by way of making charters for specula tive and "promoter" purposes. Most of these chartered enterprises are rated as "industries." Some of them are noth ing more than a capitalized prospectus. That is certainly not a trust, or consoli dation of substantial firms or corpora tions. Yet the public has been biting, or asked to bite, at ali sorts of industrial shadows, sometimes based on nothing more than a circular promising extrav agant dividends. Promoters have never been busier than since the first of last year. The figures tell a striking story. In the last fifteen months amalgamated companies have been capitalized at st. 1H5.4H6.7U0. The first two months of the present year brought forward forty-two separate enterprises, capitalized at =f 1,- 1,300,000. Last month added S4HO,- (HMt'(Hh') more in authorized capital. The total capital of all the manufac tures in the I'nited States in IH9O was $fi,539,81»7,:W5, or but a third larger than the industrial capitalization in the last vear and a quarter. Duly a comparative ly small fraction of the manufacturers of the country have gone intothesecom binations vet thecapitalization has reach ed into billions. It is estimated that in four billions of the new industrials the real value is not over one billion. Of course there is a Hurry when it becomes necessary to size npsuch paper emblems with actual ca-!i Beyond doubt some of the industrials are sound property. The essential point, as in all business affairs, is to discriminate prudently be tween real values and the mushroom devises of tricky or visionary promoters. That all speculators will be cautious is past hoping for Nor will they lack temptation, especially in Hush times. As far as the industrial development of this country is concerned it is rapid and promising in every legitimate sense. The future of American manfacturing is not in doubt. At the same time cap italizing industrials at the rate of $400.- (>f> a month suggests an unthinking rush, with a panic lurking behind. A deluge is quite different from a plenti ful and fruitful rain. Industrials with out solid industry as a foundation can be boomed until the excitable invest their money, and then comes a collapse. Wall street is neither better or worse than in former days.nor have industrials or trusts changed the nature of its risks Those who stake all there are reason ably certain to be wiped out. and those who invest blindly anywhere are sure to come to grief There it some hope, however, in the fact that the Stock Exchange of Xew York purposes taking cognizance of those industrials which can show no substantial property to warrant their existence. This is well, because we are on the high road to prosperity which not only makes money plentiful, but men saguine and reckless. Over-specu lation may bring on another panic all to soon. It is well for the press at large to warn people to beware of industrial stocks. If you buy water jon are only throwing money in the face of a cy clone. The best thing to do is to give prompter schemes a wide berth ALL sorts of rumors regarding the formation of a gigantic iron, coke and steel trust were published last week, but the sale by Andrew Carnegie to his partners of his interests in the steel ni'lls for fifty millions in cash and a hundred millions in 5 per cent, bonds seems to be all there was of it. Frick is President of the new company. POLITICAL. W D. Porter, of Allegheny Co., is said to lie slated for the Supreme Bench Gen. Gregg has refused to be a can didate for State Treasurer and the Quayites are advocating Col. Hawkins or Lt. Col- Barnett, now in Manila. Piatt and Quay are figuring on Sher man of New York for Speaker of the House at Washington. State Treasurer Beacom is a candi date for Judge in Westmoreland Co. Clerk McDowell of the House at Washington, lately secured M. N. Greer of Buffalo twp., a clerkship in the House worth SOO a month the year through. In Mercer county, last Sat nrday. Stewart was nominated for Sheriff, Morrow for Prothonotary, Greer f<>r Clerk, Ashton for Treasurer, McCon nell for Recorder, Tittsler for Poor Di rector, Mechant and McClure for Com missioners. Campbell for District At torney, and Porter and Voorhees for Auditors. Stewart for Sheriff had but 104 votes over Lytle, and Morrow for Prothonotary had but 43 over Beal. Martin and McClure were elected dele gates to the State Convention. Senator Penrose and Representative Bingham were in Washington, Tuesday night, in conference with ex Senator Quay respecting some forthcoming fed eral appointments in Philadelphia. The terms of the district attorney and United States marshal for Eastern Pen nsylvania are nearly out, and in addi tion there is a census supervisor for Phil adelphia connty at $3,000 to appoint. There are from eight to ten candidates for each plum, and the conference is for the purpose of endeavoring to decide the confiding claims. Col. Quay ex pected to remain there for a week or ten days and then go to Avalon, N. J.. as the guest of State Senator Becker. Gov. STONE says he intends to veto all appropriations to hospitals and other institutions which have not been re ceiying State aid heretofore. Butler people hope he will not include the Butler County General Hospital in the list of those he will cut off. No better reason can be advanced for the appro priation to our hospital than that it has never received State aid. It was built at a cost of SISOOO and has been main tained for two years past by private sub scription, and if there is an institution in the Commonwealth deserving of aid it is the Butler Hospital. Flashes from Mars. To the citizens of Mars and vicinity, be on the lookout for the socials and entertainments during the summer sea son, to be given by the "Young Peoples College Association i>f Mars." They have pledged themselves to raise SSOO for the college project, and we want you to assist by spending your money with them where you will always see a good time. Dr. A. A. Willits will deliver his famous, comic lecture, "The Model Wife", in Walters Opera House, Satur day evening. May 20th. Don't miss 5 years of life by neglecting to hear this "Apostle of Sunshine" on this subject. This entertainment will )«• given under auspices of "Young Peoples (' -liege As sociation of Mars." Mrs. Thos. M. Marshall returned Sat urday from St. Louis, Mich., where she spent the last 5 weeks building up her health. She is much better and bids fair to become entirely well. The Mars Prick & Tile Co. expect to break ground for their new plant next week. The public school will giye nn enter tainment in Walters Opera House, Monday evening. May 15th, The Masquerade Social to be given by the "Young People's College Association of Mars" this. Thursday evening, in Walters Opera House will be the social event of the season. Ice cream and strawberries are on the bill of fare. Grandmother Feil who has l>een ser iously ill for the past week is at this writing somewhat better and hopes are now sustained for her recovery. Rev. Dr. Sleppy, of Allegheny City, preached in the M. E. Church. Sunday night, to a crowded house. His im pressive words will bo long remember ed. The Iteilsteiu ( a>o Bertha Augusta Ii«-ilstein was placed on trial in one of the Allegheny County Courts last Monday for the murder of her mother. Mary Margaret ha Beilstein on Sunday. October 2nd, last. The Commonwealth proved the cir cumstances of the case that ed. "What did you do first'.' she was "I went to my trunk and laid out the clothes in which I desired to be buried. 'Whose life did you then intend to take?" "My own. . She said she did not sleep at all ."she put the laudanum in a glass, and lay down again, waiting to take it. Her s storv again l>ecome graphic as it led to the hour of the murder. Every syllable was distinct and audible all over the room. Her voice, in spite of her in juries and sickness, was strong and clear, retaining many of the fine quali ties it had when she sang in the choir of Trinity Lntheran church, Stockton avenue. Allegheny. I knew." she told the jury, that at some time there would be a command, an order, couie to me to take mother s life When I heard the clock stnek 1 ro«e to take the poison. I was pouring some brandy the laudanum when the bottle fell from my hands. My arms stiffened and I knew it was the order 1 went to the dresser in mother's room, got the revolver, and began. There was intense silence in the court room The girl told this part of the story with the same appearance of com_ •posure with wliitfi she told the rest of her startling story. She went on: "I remember shooting mother once and discharging the weapon once upon my own body. From that time until long afterwards, about a month, I re member nothing of what happened. This last statement, that she remem bered nothing of. the other two shots, or three, fired at her mother and the three others nut into her own body; nothing of taking the laudanum and nothing of going into her mother s room or opening the door when Rev. Mr. l>ru l»eck knocked had a great effect in the court room. To many it was an absolute surprise. It made her, it* the jury ac cepts her statements, at once irrespon sible for what she did and f..r all she told about the affair afterward to ber relatives, the physicians and her friends until a month after the shooting. "What made you do it, Bertha'; gently asked Mr. Burleigh, and she answered steadily and simply: "I did it because I thought it was my duty." There was no bravado in her manner, no defiance in her voice. She was modest and womanly in every \\a\, yet apparently unaffected by any fear of consequences or horror of her crime. A more remarkable recital was probably never heard in any court room. In fur ther Explanation of her motive, and the power which drove her to the killing of her mother, she said: _ "The moment I dismissed the thought of killing mother from my mind, my father appeared at night and I s:i\\ other things. During the time lietween my arrival home and the day I destroy ed her life he appeared 1". or 20 times ' Yesterday Mis« •Beilsteins cross-ex amination was finished, and she stoo l the ordeal very well, and showed a. re markable memory for details. Several of her relatives and neighbors were also on the stand that day. lOast View Fruit Farm. MAY (>, 1 89' J. As stated in my last 1 propose to take each species of fruit trees separately, and now i take will the apple the noblest of all our fruits —and as 1 have stated the farmer should propagate his own fruit trees I shall commence with the seed. Although it is not always necessary to plant seed, as there are many farms where there are plenty of seedlings growing al>out old fence rows and in wood lots, but to start with the seed, they should be selected from good, sound apples, packed in sand and kept from freezing during the winter, and planted early in spring in rich, mellow soil (sandy lome) and kept free from weeds. When stock is one to two inches in diameter they are ready for the graft and may be grafted in the row, but 1 prefer to set out in orchard in February or March, and graft when the proper time comes, the same spring as s»*t out. Now some one will say why not root graft as is done in nurseries. First, be couse it is very seldom that the cion and old stock "will unite HO perfectly, but there will be some spot or blemish between the inside woods, although the sap wood may unite perfectly. If there is any blemish at the point of union and it is placed in the soil it will be continu ously subject to dampness and cause the tree to decay at the stump. W hen cutting stock to graft cut one foot or more from the ground. Why ( lie cause the seedling is hardier than our improved fruit and will not be subject to ravage from those insects that work about the crown of the tree, and will also be better able to resist the action of hard freezing of the soil about the butt of the tree than would the wood of our improved fruits. Is there any dif ference in what stock we graft? Yes, I have two Falwater trees the cions (or grafts) of which were taken from the same parent tree, the trees planted in the same orchard, same soil, in fact the conditions as near alike as could be and yet the fruit of those two trees differ in looks, in taste, in time of ripening and in keeping quality; which uimt be on ac count the difference in the stock which was grafted. lu selecting stock to graft upon never select young trees that shoot out out their limbs too close together up the main stock, or those that have short spurs something like crab-apple, but select those with few limbs, yellow ish-green bark and which show open grain wood. 1 said that I grafted the same spring that 1 set out mv tree. Why? Because the tiee, having been lately set out, has not got many feeding rootlets to provide food for the tree and consequently do not require many leaves. In planting do not plant too deep. A tree should be planted a little deeper than it stood in the nnrserv row but too deep planting is not good, as we always find the feeding rootlets near 'he surface of the soil, and tin* tree will send its large roots clown in the soil to a sufficient depth to hold the tree; do not permit sward to remain long alwnt the crown of the tree, hut dig it away for at least one foot all around the tree. If sward is allowed to re main long about an apple tree it will 1 bind the tree so that it will not devel ope properly, and it also makes a good harboring place for the borer. The apple tree should be planted on high ground if possible, and if they must he planted on a low flat situation it should be well drained, otherwise the trees will be short lived. Trees planted on a hill-side facing the south will bear ' fruit from five to six years sooner than those planted on a hill side facing north. The frnit on a southern exposure will not be as large as those facing north, | bnt they will be of better color anil bet ter flavor. Trees facing Konth will bnrl sooner in tlie spring ami consequently will l>e more liable to be killeil by late frosts in spring, bnt this may be over come in the same manner as we treat the peach. W.M. .1. PACOE. Siirvcr Station. Sarver Station Select School openwl Tuesday with fort y five scholars. Prof. Kocber has much to encourage him. This is the place for good quiet thor ough work in preparing for Commerce, Teaching, or entering College. Services in the Pres. Ch. next Sunday evening at S o'clock. Y. P. Meeting at i Kelly school closed its winter term. ' !)ih. inst. Good work and good cheer characterize the term. ' j Tin: embalmed beef sent to the army last summer has l>een "white washed" - 1 by the official Hoard of Inquiry, and its 1 all right, and Miles is all wrong. I>alzell lor Speaker, The Pittsburg Congressman, Hon. John Dalzell. was one of Speaker Reed's efficient lieutenants in the House, and WHS often called by him to the tempor ary occupancy of the chair He was thus able to show the House that he hail the tenii*-rauient, parliamentary knowl edge quickness and decision of charac ter to make a successful presiding of ficer over even such a turbulent body as the National House of Representatives His influential position as a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Committee on Rules gave him a special advantage. He was able to make friends, and did make friends, and placed members under obligation to him from all parts of the Union. If backed by his State and put forth as the choice of its delegation he would be the most formidable candidate in the list, and Pennsylvania might again be honored by having one of her eova in the Speaker's chair in the National House of Representatives.—Philadel phia Press. Harmony ami Zeln*nopl« David Shontz. Calvin Knox, D. P. Boggs, Jacob Weigel and Mrs. Fred Kloppenstein of Harmony had their houses painted within the last two weeks which is a great inproveinent in the looks of the town Mrs. and daughter of Fort Scott. Kan are the gnests of Mrs. Wm. Kavenaugh at Zelienople this week. The Z. called on to conduct the closing conse (•ration services, thinking the session to< long and tbe jieople too weary lie closed the convention by asking a parting blessing. Resetting that the prolan could not be completed for want ol time the people felt well paid for th< tune spent at this profitable gathering The district has 1!J schools with 1?<14 en rolled. Five home department schools with 1 in mhmbers. M iilrilctow ii. Hereafter Sabbath School will be heli in the li. P. church on each Sabbath ex cept on days devoted to other services The pigeon shoot at Greece City last Saturday was well attended- Messer.- ('lark and Curry made the highest score 17 points each out of a possible 25 The Buena Vista gun club was well rep resented on that occasion. If the weather permits there will be f great deal of corn planted here thi week. Professor Davis of McKeesport playec to a 'l~> dollar house at Trontman oni night last week. About 1400 votes .vert cast in order to determine who was th* most handsome lady present. The prize was won by a young lady hailint from Fannington. Wedding bells are likely to ring it the near future. Services will be held as follows in oui churches next Sunday: At Concord I i a. in. Trontman p. in. (JreeceCity 7 p. m. The BI'TI.KR CITIZKN and Country Gentleman make a splendid combina tion for the farmer. Once tried wil never be regretted. For facts and no theory read the Country Gentleman. Siucx. Hutlcr Count) I'ouionu. Butler Co. Pomona Grange No. 17 1' of 11. will meet at Forest Grange Hall Thursday. June Ist, 1 s'.i!), at 10 o'clocl a. in. All fourth degree members ar invited to attend. Any members com ing by railroad will be met at Eucli' Station. BY OKDKK OKCOMMITTKK. H. BOOK, Master W. H. CAMPHKM., Sec. Uonl'reH, Dan White started on Thursday fo Oil City to the hospital to have a can cer removed from his face. Mrs. Stella Hutchison of Mars visitei her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, las week. Lew Garver's honse will soon be corn pleted and will look line. A young son arrived at Dr. Cowden' honi". MANILA. On Thursday Gen. McArthur's troop captured the town of San Thomas on Tuesday Gen. Law ton's troops cam upon tht! enemy a few miles north o | Bali nag The Navy Department has appoint*- Admiral Watson to succeed Admini Dewey in command of the fleet at Ma nila, and Dewey will probably retur to tbe United States by the 4th of July ROYAL SXJS, T Absolutely Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome --»L SQ S-*,--R, K An Important Decision. The beneficial societies frequently ' have occasion to discuss the question as to whether a member in arrears was en j titled to the benefits allowed those in good standing The Supreme court has settled the question by deciding that societies are liable to pay benefits either in part or whole as long as a member is carried on the membership roll, even if he has been declared out of benefits. Also that the memtors of a society are individually liable for all obligations in curred liefore the society was disband ed. —Ex. Evans City. Mrs William Ramsey visited friends in Beaver Falls over Sabbath. Mr. Wm. Henry moved his family to Scio Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Campbell are visitir.g friends in Prospect. Rev. J. M. Patterson and family will leave Monday May loth for a two weeks visit with their parents in Blairsville Ind Alex Thursh is very sick at the home of his brother-in-law Albert Dombart. Mr. Thomas Clarke is packing their house hold goods and intends to move to Kentucky their former home. Mr. S. M Groves yisited his daughter Mrs. J. Josehps of Bennett Sunday. Mr. Matt Rowen of Glade Mills is visiting his sisters, Miss Hattie and Maggie Rowen. The Entertainment and Operetta "The Jolly Farmers" was well attended Tuesday evening, great praise is there fore given Miss Emma C. Foltz for her training of all that took part. Answer to Query. Would say that I am under oath, and am under no obligation to anybody, and would not sign what I know is not right; and if the tax payers of Winfield would investigate this matter thev could And where so much of the road tax goes that we do not get on the roads. ABSENT ATIHITOR. Card of Thanks. M.vac, PA , MAY FI. 1*0!'. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses and Christian sym pathy they bestowed upon us during the last illness and at the decease of our husband and father. Roberts. Campbell. FAMILY. Gov. STONE has vetoed the bill re cently passed making SISOO a year the minimum salary 10 be pnid county school superintendents. The Gov says the salary is a matter for the di vretiun of the directors. l»l. V! IIS. McCANIiLESS Of lockjaw at hi* fathers h«mr near Unionville May !». Spurgeon son of John McCandless aged !) years. SAMES At hi* home at Saxonbnrg. Saturday May <"•. William Sanies aged 55 years. Mr. Sanies' death was caused by bronchia] consumption, from which he had been a sufferer for several years. HP lived near Saxonbnrg all his life and was a good and respected citizen. His remuiiis were buried in the Saxonhurg Cemetery, Monday. ATWELL At his home in (Iroye City, May —, 1K!)!I, Robert Atwell, aged MS j-ears. He was the father of W. J. Atwell of Mnrrinsville. and Mrs J. W. Cochran ami Mrs. Henderson, of llarrisyille. HENRY—Friday, May 5, 18!«>. Col James L. Henry, aged 80 years. Col. Henry was employed as a guager by the National Transit Co., and drop ped dead, from heart failure, shortly after gnaging a well on the Shrader farm in Penn twp. Friday morning, lie had driven out from Butler appar ently in his usual health not more than an hour before. He was Commander of the A. (i. Reed Post of the <4. A. R. of Butler, and served during the Civil War in the 54th Penn'a Vols. He was a member of the M. E. Church lie leaves five sons Dr. A. J. Henry, of Pittsburg; Charles, who was with Roosevelt's Rough Riders- James, a pumper; Frank and Fred, and the three daughters, Ada, Jean and Clara, the latter being a member of the present graduating class of School. Col. Henry's remains were taken to his residence on N. McKean St. Friday afternoon, and buried in the North Cemetery, Sunday. His heart had been troubling him for years, and on that account he was re ceiving a pension. KENNEDY At his home in Franklin twp, May ikA r Why send to Chicago for » . Mey.-I«- s:ild I" IM* a Mi l"! wlii i l reduced to have ii ii. w'(lil Mi«l. l with all the up-U>-.oo. "«• line of Bleyele sumlrlea*. < 'amorsl ;>lies, Graphaphones and Columbia Keeor^s. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Optician i* Next to Court House. t VA/VN Tl.l» SKVIIIAI. Till STWOItTIIY I'F.IISONK Win this state to manage "'«i bushiwisj ] llu ll- own ami nearby count les. I' la mainly I litre work eondueted at home. » a«ary raltfht a v " : >r ami expense* mlinjte, - " naftde. no more, no less salary. Monthly li References. Enrlos© self-add rejisoti . i mp«'d en velopu Herbert K. Hess, I'rest. l M. Chicago REGISTER S NOTICES. The Register hereby jfives notice that the following accounts «»f executors. admin Is- J trutors and guardians haw been fllwl in I this office according to law. and will IM* pre- I seated to Court f«>r confirmation and aif«»w- I ance on Saturday, the jhth day of May. 1800. at U*A. M.. of said dav: 1. Final account of Lvfurgus Sloan. . I tor A I - ... Md, late «.f Allegheny township. 2. Final account «»f W. J. Grimes, adminis trator d. 1». n.. f. t. a., of John Rlchard>on, ; defeased, late of Connoijtien« k ssing township. 3. Final account of !. Final account of Stephen Douiran. exec- I utorof Manasse* Dougan. deceas»»d. late of I Clearfield township. j »*,. Final account of W. A. Fleming, exec , ntor of Sarah lMunkard. deceased, late of i Falrview township. T. Final account of Samuel A. Leslie, ad ministrator of Elizalteth Baker, deceased, late of Middlesex township. s . Partial account of Olive A. Weakley, executrix of John l\ Weakley, deceased, late of Slipi»eryrock township. Final account of Roliert M. Black and Joseph Kennehan. executors of Joseph Blaek. deceased. late of Cherry township. | 10. >econd partial accouni of (ieilH'l. acting 'executor of <'liarlas 'jeilH'l. deceased, late of Butler Itorouch. 11. Final account of Keulten flyers. admin istrator of W. I* Thompson, deceased, late of Cherry township. 12. Final account of John Gllleland. ad- 1 ministrator of Jane C. Zimmerman, de- ? ceased, late of Valencia. 13. Final account of Andrew Tippery. and Wm. E. Jamison, executors of Henry .latul sou, deceased, late of A lit irheny township. U. Final account of T. Krause. executor of Jacob Neher. deceased. late of Saxonhurg. I.V Final account of Henry Marburger. ad ministrator of Euphetnia Marburger. de ceaJU'd. late of Jackson townshiu. Its. Final account of John M. F.lrick. guar dian of Margaret B. MM k, minor child Isabella Black, deceased, late of liarrisville boro. 17. First partial account of S c. Trimble and W. A. Denny .executors of Bobt. Trimble, deceased, late of Middlesex township. Is. Final account of W. I>. Brandon, exec utor of George Welsh, deceased, late of Jef ferson township. 19. Final account of Annie L. Cumher iand. administratrix c T A . of S. Frank Mha Is. deceased, late of Washington town ship. 2". Final account of c. B. Harper. adminis trator of Andrew J. Harper, deceased, late of Jackson township. 21. Final account of Thomas I". Stewart, administrator c. t. a., of Nanev < . Stewart, deceased, late of Centre township. 22. Final account of .7. 1). M -Junkin. guar dian of James < 'owau. minor child of Koiivrt Cowan.deceased, late of Middlesex township. Final a • *ount of I'hilin Ilildebrand. ad ministrator of Andrew UiUlebrand.deceased, late of Donegal township. 21. Final account of Franklin Miller, ad ministrator of Minerva Wolf, deceased, late of Butler borough. 25. Final account of George B. Turner, ex ecutor of Wm. Conway, deceased, late of Concord township. 2<». Final account of William A. Clark, ad ministrator of C. Paul Clark, deceased, late of Butler l>orougli. 27. Final account of S. S. Hays, guardian of 11. 11. Myers, minor child of Lewis Myers, de ceased, late of Fairview township. !>. Final account of W. P. Turner, exec utor of I). T. Turner, deceased, late of Butler l>oro. 2*.». Final account of W. Murrin. trustee to make sale of the real estate of Mrs. K. J. Dunlan, deceased, late of Sunbury. Pa. :M». Final account of Ko'>ert Kldd. adminis trator of James Criswell, deceased, late of Adams township. W.J. ADA MS. Register. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORTS. Notice Is hereby given that the following road and bridges have l>een confirmed nisi liy the Court and will be presented on the first Sat urday of May.. Court, iKSf.i, l»eing the 20t h day of s:iid inoiith, and if no exceptions ar * filed they will lie confirmed absolutely. R. I>. No. 1. March sessions INBD. In re petition of h B. (iibson. of Parker township, for a private road from the south west corner of her farm, thence In a souther ly direction, a distance of alio tit 12 rods, to the I'ronslnger farm to a point on the road leading from the Brady's Bend and Parker road to tlie Bruin and Parker road, inter secting said road at a noint near the eastern boundary line of said I t*t>nsinger farm. Decenmer 7, IHU7, viewers were appointed by the Court. and March .'k IXW. report of viewers filed in favor of the proposed road. No damages. March 11, |MW, unproved, and fix width of road at .'i3 feet. Notice to lie given according to rules of < 'ourt. Bv THE Coi KT. IJ. I). No. -. Mareli Sessions. 111 re net it ion »f eit izens of SlipperyroeU township for a pnlilir road to lead from ;i point 011 t lie I'laln (Jrove road toa point near the McCnn nel si'tiool liouse on ttie New Castle road. January tt, ls'.ni, viewers were appointed by the Court, and I'ehiliary Ist 151. report of viewers Died in favor of locating the pro posed road. Damages assessed as follows: Mrs. Margaret I'orsyt lie. ->so; Joseph Itestler. fit'!; Misses Sophia and Kliza MeComtell, and J. M. Ilines. ■fl-. March 11, ISiRI, approved and fix width of road at :tl feet. Notice to lie given according to rules of Court. liY TUB COt'KT. Certified from the record this 17th day of April, iswi. ISAAC MEALS. Clerk t>. C. WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. Tin; following widow's appraisements <»f tx'rsnnal pr«»»M»rty and real estate s*'t apart forth-- lx'ii«tlt of t!ic widows «»f d«»<*»'di*nts Jiav«* Iw'en Hl« d in tin* ofllce of the C'lerk of Orphans'lTourt of Butler Co.. vU: Widow of Koh't M. rall. pfr'n'l property '• Adam Smith, real 'HO ♦» '• Evendor MrCandless, p'n'l " :*io •• David K. Frazk'r. p'r'n'i " " •• Joseph Erwin, 44 " -W0 "J. Newell (flt'iin, " " miO 44 44 Henry Kaufman, 44 44 44 4 * l>. L. Iloekenberry 4 4 44 44 4 * Daniel lleck. 44 44 All persons interested in the aliove ap nraist'in.Mits will take notice that tliey will fie presented for conflrmation to the c>rphans Court of Itutler county, I'a., on Saturday, the £)th day of May, A. D., IHUII, and if no ex ceptions Im* Hied t hey will be confirmed al»- solutely, ISAAC MEALS. Clerk oin, 317 South Main St, Butler, Pa. TERMS: Cash or easy payments to suit purchaser. AT BUTLER Thursday. MAY 18 TH ++++++ ♦♦ I ;v_\ '' THE GREATEST. GRANDEST AND THE BEST OF America's Big Tented Enterprises! HONORABLY CONDUCTED. HONESTLY ADVERTISED. Lofty in Conception. Regal in Equipment. Omnipotent in Strength Ideal in Character. Splendid in Organization, Magnificent in Presentation. The Purest, Cleanest. Mightiest and Most Magnificent Amusement Institution ot the 19th Century. CIRCUS, MUSEUM, MENAGERIE ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. Three Kings, Half Mile Race Track, Features, 100 Phe nomenal Acts, 25 Clowns, 20 Hurricane Races, 4 Trains, 10 Acres Canvas, 10,000 Seats, 1,500 Employes, 6 Bands, 50 Cages, A Drove of Camels, 15 Open Dens, A Herd of Elephants, $4,000.00 Daily Expenses* CAPITAL, - $3,000,000. The Greatest Performers in the known world are with the Great Wallace Shows this season, including THE 9 NELSONS, SIO,OOO Challenge Act. The Werntz Family,Aerialists, THE 4 MARTELLS. Bicycle and Skating Experts. The 10 Dellameadß, Statuary Artists. THE SANSONI SISTERS. Female Samsons. 10 Principal Male and Female Equestrians. The 3 Petits. Aerial Bar fcxtraordinary. Mme. Dupres' Trained Elephants. Rowna, The Head Balancer. Grand Spectacular Ballet, 19 Coryphees, Led by 3 Sisters M accari, Premier Danseuses. I Our Street Parade At 10 A. M. Daily, is the finest ever put on the streets. A Sun burst of Splendor. A Triumph of Art, Money and Good Taste, with Lavish Luxury of Spectacular Ef fect. with Greatest Professional; Features Conceivable. Excursions Run on Every l ine of Travel. NO UAMBLINU DEVICES TOLERATED Never Divides. Never DisappoiaU. ' ITow^ 00000000 ! That the dread house cleaning is over the next A and more important work is picking a new carpet. X In pick a carjKrt in our well stocked caipet room, i I I We have the !am«>us Hartford Axminister. Wilton . i \ civets. Bod)* and Tapestry Brussels and Ingrain* in all the up-to-date patterns, only, and prices that will astonish you. Then our China Mattings. ' Moor and Table Oil Cloths. Linoleums. Rugs and Art Squares, deserve a passing notice. Ask to * see our { > SI.OO Axminister Rugs, Neatest thing for the money* ever shown in Butler at fpUFFys STORE |; | WALL PAPER. £ We lead in Low Prices, call and see. * S £ $ speciality. Just received 1 large shipment of all the m £) latest styles in I'ICTI'RE MOITLDIXGS. It will pay X you to see our line before you buy. Jo £ ALL WORK GUARANTEED. J? Elko Ready Mixed Paints. £ 4R The best that can be made call ami pet a fl| A color card Contract paper hanging. A 1 Patterson Bros., I 2 236 North Main Street. Butler. Pa. S Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 * JURY LIST FOR MAY TERM. List of names drawn from the proper jnrv wheel this nth (lav of March A D. Ih;k* to serve as uraiul jurors at the regalar terms of court commencing on the third Monday of Mav. IHW. the same beini? loth day of saiil month Barnhart Jacob J.' Jackson twp, fanner. Brandon John A, Conn'Hiueneamnjt twp. farmer. Bellia Conelins, Jackson twp. farmer. Barnhart A W, Bntler twp. fanner. Halph Thomas. Butler l>oro 4th wd. carpenter Critchlow J D. Kvans City boro. Einrick Samnel M. Summit twp.fanner. Freeling C W, Winfield twp. farmer. Gibson Warren, f "entreville l>oro. clerk. Ilaidman Harman.Jefferson twp.farmer. Hindman Charles. Bntler liom 3d wd. hotel keeper. Jamison W E. Allegheny twp. fanner Keppler (ieorge. I'arker twp farmer K<»Jt Charles, Bntler twp. farmer. Landerer E. Porter?vllle boro. black smith. Leslie Charles. Hntler boro ">th wd. rig builder, MeCafferty Alla-rt. I'inii twp. farmer. Patterson J I. Mars lioro, druggist. Stoner C S, Zelienople boro. driller. Seaton Samuel M. Butler Iniro ."Sth wd. fanner. Thompson Kobert. Washington twp. ! farmer. Thompson Harry. Bntler twp. punier. Welsh Henry. Penn twp. farmer, Wheitxel C B. Penu twp, farmer List of names drawn from the proper jmy wheel this Sth day of Maieh A I) 1899, to serve at j»etit jurors at the at the regular term of court commenc ing on the fourth Monday of May, 18U9. the same lwing the 22nd day of said month. Adams Jo«fc»h.Slip|>eryrock twp.fanner At well H P. Cherrv twp. fanner. Boyer E H K. Lancaster twp, farmer, Bartley Elmer. Penn twp. farmer. Bander Frederick. Muddy creek twp. farmer. Ball (ieorge. Oakland twp. merchant. Crookshank Grant, Middlesex twp. farmer. Cniwforil Samnel, Butler bom Ist wd. blacksmith. Covert Caleb, Potersville l>oro. farmer, Connel Richard. Bntler l«>ro Itli wd. baker. Drake James. Worth twp. farmer. Eichart John. Jackson twp. farmer. Fennell Peter Clearfield twp. farmer. Fidler J J, Harmony boro. geut. Fleming <»rant. Buffalo twp. fanner. Frasier J H. Brady twp. fanner. Graham L C, Evans City born, rig builder. Grimes Rev W J. Conntxjnenessing boro, preacher. Graham William S. Bntler l*>r<> :!r.l wd. grocer. Hendrickson David W. Cranlierry twp, farmer, Hesselgesser John J. Winfield twp, J fanner, Harbison William R. Jefferson twp. i fanner. Kaufman John. Adams twp, farmer. Kerr John C.Centrevilleboro.merchant, j Kerr O L, Harrisville boro. Kent. Leisie John. ( ranlx rry twp. farmer. Lyon David S, Butler lioro Ist wd. laborer. Manrhoff Alferd. Jefferson twp. farmer. Mc(melT llln»tcal«><1 warMjr la*aa«« «Jr rtil«tioti of anjr w»«nifl|p V»uri»aL Tenm. fJ • rnv . f<»ur m«»nth». |L by all MUNN & Co. 3S,Bro ~ #w " T New York branch office. CJS I SC. Wubuwlua. I». C. ACTIVF >MII,II'IT«»Ks WANTED t VKKV whrri' for "Till -t..rjr <»f the Philippine*" liy Murm. IliiUteml. iummlwlonod i.jf the lie'. I rnmelll .I lfllel.ll lltit'TUt) t«» I !»»• W .ir I»i |i irttiient TUP l««>U an» written In urni* stl San Kranclwo, • tlie IVIIr wlin Ih ihthl Merr'.ll. In the h"spll.iU at Humv lulu. lii lli>ii|{ KiaiK.ln the Antertean trvn«-hra nt Manila. In the ln*urir> nt .amps with Airuliisililn. nf Manila. Ihinanta f>>r aaent» Brimful «»f , I orttrlmil |ilel un-« taken l.jr Buvernment ph.j- I raphe is. on the -.|».t*. I««>k prices ItlK |in.flt~ Kls l*lil pi*!«• * nsllt iliviii limp .ill trailij urn -lit. lal "ar li-->h». / Outllt free Aildress I T Ha ler. .ts I , t Insurance bid x I'hlcam*- I Subscribe for I lie Citizen. Whal Do Yuu Think of This Topßuggi 5 . 5\ ) Surrie® with Canopy top |SO. Team Harness with i tarnrs» with breeching, our own make, i .-"H complete ready to hitch to wagon $25. Our own make buggy harm s with curved Dreast collar $8.50. Team horse collars 75c. Axle grease. (> I.ap dusteis 25c. Horse lirushes 15c Curry combs sc. Hammocks 75c to » >s . wheels, shafts, i |>oles, trunks, valises, wagons ami everything else in proportion Remember we are the largest wholesale dealers in the State ami 'can save you money on everything you need about your team, buggy J or harness. Come and see us, you will tie surprised and don't forget th;«t the Kramer is the b*st made. S. B. Martincourt & Co.. 128 E. Jefferson St.. Butler. Pa. S. B. Martincourt. J. M Leighner y 'wwji < D. L. CLEELAND. > ( Jeweler and Optician. > < 125 S.lMain St.. > Butler, Pa. S Butler Steam Laundry. ) no Weat Cunnui(b«n Street. * V J. E ZICKRICK, Manager. C f People's 'Phone. 296. \ Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick hooct baa opened bin*- new in a shop in the rear nf the Arlington Hotel, where he will ilo H<»rw-Shoe ng t n the moat apprweit style. TRACK ANO ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. HOTEL DOWMAN. A new ami iip-to-.!*« * iff THATO. IJIITTA d emu I'lunta f«»r M ltiiiic •*»! * r«»Ma. ifrriiiiuma ••artiaHtnia iiid H«»- f1«»w»• r>» of ».l *>rta at John Pierce's Green House. Ilairmllr hrl.'W I'tlr l.r.nin.l l«r.l»r-« - in Iw 1. ft 1.1 l.r«h»n'*. ami Allrn & l'«. . *r.»-rrjr n.*** Popular Music! Popular Prices! "I M«.l I •>«» TV ■»;» rm* I,r !u kla.l \ »-• T«r* i. Im 1h i m >'•4 l.« • o>»l llnnil»r pr» ». ta «»»r prk-v In fM Little (Urt In t»* W Ida. WM* WarM" <«.*«. A .p-nUM..*. kit." Tba raa* la Turk «I»4 til' na l>«uU- purr, sa M Oar prkr U Jin * Va Hi;l1««rr W .ill# lit, f Mhm >» < • thai ir» IrrrMMlMr A .ywadia Ma' f-tr ■tan- lae ,»r f r • mth, lt> («!ar |»rlc«. an. Oae prlrv to fuu ttm "Happy Hannah' Cak* Waik Tt.» M raka' aalk ».»r •rtii'B A r"l'alar fa« rli* tr ■ Mr Our prlrr 1.. yi.a S V rjr™souvenir frih MCKINLCV Musio CO. BOJ-9 A« . CuifO M PwtM AV . Ml* f MeoUua Ibto r»pcr