v 1 Spring Goods. Our Entire Spring Stock Complete stock of the SOROSIS K> ' M the nev. shoe for women. Made of the finest ' jM vB? Dongola, Tan ar.d l'atent Liatlier; also com- Q0 plete «tock of Baker & Bowman's fine hand m jM/mM /§\ turn's and hand welts in Dongola and fine m xfa Russett Kid, made on the latest up-to-date lasts. H MEN'S SHOES. imr- 1* The selection was never better large assortment of Ru -elt, Calf, \ ici. Kid, Box Calf and Kangaroo tied Patent Calf Shoes S? made on all the new lasts. We carry these ~s v ~"jj Q0 shoes in all sizes ami widths. ■H ]s[ Our line of Misses Shoes in fine P itent Calf, £|SfipH (gj Dongola and Tan in leather or Cloth tops; also COnll> ' Cte ' inC . s , slloes in llic latest ▼ Our line of Boys' and Youth's Shoes is very 7k, Tgv ftA laige. Being made on the same style lasts as '■ y Sj the Men's Shoes in all the different leathers. See Our Window Display. JOHN BICKEL. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET BUTLER, PA. H USELTON'S PS? Latest Spring Shapes in You've Every Reason to Watch Our Shoe Ads. This Shoe House is in prime shape for early spring business. Whether it's a shoe at a dollar or five, it has to be the best of that particular grade. HUSELTON'S SHOES ARE GUARANTEED. On that basis we're bidding for and getting the shoe trade of Cutler county. Men's Spring Shoes. Three new spring styles The "Princeton" at $3 00. in women's black and The "Regent"' at $3.50. , A shoe for men who want the best to 1311 SllOeS. be had, for $3.00 and $3.50. These shoes fill all the requirements All signs point to a strong "Tan" for style, durability and comfoi.. Side season. You'll find special interest in by side with the best $3.50 and Jt4.00 these particular lots of Black and Tan shoes going, they are WINNERS Shoes. Correct Spri.ig shapes thai get EVERY TIME. their introductory showing here. Your favorite shape in the new Spring The Famous "Queen Quality" at #3.'*). Styles is here in Black, Vici Kid and Calf The "Wellesley" at #2.50, Tan, Russia Calf and Kid. The ' Dorothy" at $2.00. See our Men's Tan Shoes at $1.50, All the toes—narrow to full—round kid $2.00 and $2.50. or vesting tops. See our line -SSC, SI.OO, Black, 90c to $2.50. $1.25 and <1.50. SHOES FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. Same style as the tnen's and women's. We sell The Famous Mrs. Jenness Miller Shoes They fit the feet U nature intended. Only to be had of us. B. C. HUSELTON S, Butler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry. PAPE'S, JEWELERST Diamonds, watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles etc. We have a large and well selected stock. We Repair all Kinds of Watches. If you have broken jewelery that you think beyond repairs bring it to us and we will make it as good as new. We take old gold and silver the same as cash allowing the highest market price. 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa ffOMl ITS WEIGHT IK ISOLD PAYMENT Or ONLY ONE DOLLAR rC'sSESStON OP The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BMTANNICA. A SUPERS LIBRARY OF 30 SVJASS3VE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire rangc of human knowledge. The entire set with Guide ' / and case delivered 1/• /\ !IJ upon payment of only v ' •vv M \\o Balance payaOle in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped took factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl- If you cannot send your children to edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the Univer;i ! .y, ' ring the JJniversity to the NEW WEKNER is the best edition them. of the Britannica. 7hj s edition has mver been sold for Do not put yoer money in old editions less than $("4.50 For a sl:..rt time- • niy or poorly made books because they ore $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. ; meats. Consider the advantage of a family ORDER NOW, ar j take advantage who has this work over one which has of this rare opportunity to secure this un not. j rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. Subscribe for the CITIZEN. \ i Men as Nurses. There isn't one man in fifty thousand who Is a (rood nurse The average man feels .is much out of place in a sick room as a bull must in a china store His heart may he ever so full of sympathy, but his feet are heavy and his finders clumsy. In 'most cases when a woman's jreneral health breaks down the original cause is weakness or disease of the distinctly femi nine organism The only permanent cure lies in the correction of all these disorders. ' Husbands should know that Dr. Pierce's ' Favorite Prescription is the only medicine 1 that invariably cures all ailments of this nature without "local treatment'' and "examinations." It acts directly on the delicate and important organ* concerned. It makes them well and strong. It allays inflammation h. als all internal ulceration ' and stops debilitating drains It soothes s and tones the nerves. Found at all medi . cine stores. An honest druggist won't urge upon you a substitute. " I had female trouble Kcfr many years.' writes Mrs. A. I.ingeltwch, of Granger. Sweetwater Co.. Wyoming, "and tried many until I was completely discourage'!. Finally I took !>r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for six months, ami I soon found that I was completely cutrd. I had been so bad I could hardly walk across the floor but I am now well aud strong, thanks to I)r Pierce " No family should be without Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. It used to cost ?i go; now it is free. Paper covered copy, ji one-cent stamps, to cover mailing only ; cloth binding 3! stamps Over 1.200,000 American homes now contain copies of this gTeat work. Address Dr. " V. Pierce, Buffalo. N Y f^HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS A-.A. | FEVERS. Lung Fcter. Milk Fe*er. ct'ars ISPRAIXS, Lameness. HbcuiMttom. Distemper. cckes j WORMS. Bot», C.rubn. Colds, influenza. COLIC. Bellynehe. Diarrhea. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. ' | KIDNEY A BLADDER DISORDERS. CVKESIMANOE. Skin Diseases. cures I BAD CONDITION. Staring Coat, COe. each: Stable Case. Ten Specifies, Book, Sc.. (?. At druKclsts or sent prepaid on receipt of price. 1 Humphreys' Medk'lne Co., Cor. William & John Bta., New York. Vktkmsahy Mantai. Sent Free. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 2S, in use over -4Q years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 3 vials and large vial powder.for $5 8«>ld by Druggists, or sent post m receipt of prlr«. HtHl'llUi.V=' 2 LI?. CO., tors IVtHiJua h ULn bU., ->cw ierk a The CurefhafCu^s^ Coughs, & \ Colds, J p Grippe, Whoopinf? Coußh, Asthma, I jA Bronchitis and Incipient A y Consumption, Is VZ follow A T\\ C German g I PURE BLOOD-1 r Purebloodmeansllfe,hcalt!i, 'J § vigor—no room for disease J j 5 d where the veins are filled , | H t vrith rich, red corpuscles. (fe SLindsey's Improved S !! Blood Searcher i! . 11 Makes pure blood—cures ecrof- (j I I i tila, erysipelas, pimples, boils, (I I I sore eyes, scald bead—-blood dis- n > I* enses of cul fornis. Here's proof: # J _ lIES3OPOTAMX.V,OHI(\ ': i Dr. Jjindsoy'a Jilocxl Searcher 1m ■ | I' troi-ted'vvondcMvithliio. Ihavcbtcn Q' n troubled vltlx Scrofula fbrthirtyveara ftl I '-H I, fmd that 3)r. I.mclsey'fl JBlo<id 3a W h- areUer wniefTei t aTTiriaiicnt cura 0. luaidiorttime. I;'3vonderfui. m > C. Linkcoit. 5 w. jr. aiuioßE co. K At all Drugiftits, SI.OO. € SSEHfr & M F Wilii;:ms' Indian P:;e ' K S L will cure Uliud. K ■Z | ™ v lllce(' and ltcliinc Rfe B R ■■ Piles. It absorbs the tuiuo: j. [|>T ■ H ;Ulays tl.e itchinp at ouce, acts ■ I 88l is;! poultice, Rives Instant re -1 ■ lict. Dr. Wiliiams' Indian Pile Olrit -6 ■ ment is prepared for Piles and Itch ■ Ing of the private parts. Every box is warranted. By druggists, by mail on i ceipt of price. ;>0 cents aud SI.OO. WILLIf f¥Jl- MANUFACTURING CO.. Props.. Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale by D. H WULLER. THE BESI SPRING TONIC and endorsed by noted phys icians. Is a moderate use of pure and whole some liquors. We are imuortors and handle only the best brands of wines, whiskeys, et<\ if you are dissatisfied with the wines aud liquors yon have been getting, give ours a trial. Prices lowest for pure goods: FIN'CII. MT. VERNON, <JIJCKKN«iHHKIi, mi.IJN4.Ki:, til It SUN, OVKKIIOLT, I. VK(it, TUO.MI'SON", U lUJMi KPORT, Any of the above brands of whiskey, un adulterated, ti years old, §I.OO per full «t.; « i|ts., <').t <o. (i RAN I»FATIIEU 8 CHOICE, a whiskey guaranted >1 years old. per ic I. ()n <t>. I). or mall orders of .■$."».«»» or over we l»o\ aud ship promptly; express charges pre paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send orders direct and save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street, Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, I'a. OntiiisiU' R & O. Depot. Time to Buy a Bike. ' I •' n ;L4. j I—- > j j This season we are again selling Clevelanrts, Crescents, Hercules and Featherstones. Prices J25 to *75. We carry a full line of tires and bi cycle sundries; also have some good second-hand wheels at bar gain prices. We sell Vive Cameras, Photo Supplies and Musical Instru ments. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Optician Next to Court House. \A/\NTEI> -SKV UtAt. TIM -i WOItTHY CKItSONS "in this state to manairi* our business " their own and nearby eounties. It is mainly } oftiee work conducted at lnune. Salary I stralffhl 1000 -a 3 mx and expenses definite, lionatiile. no more, no less salary. Mont hly j ;*•. li«' ferenees. Knclose seif-addressad 1 a inned on velope Uerbort E. liess. l'reit. I pt. M. 'Jhlo-i**) ' THE CITIZEN. The State Treasury. (Phil'a Times.) The fundamental error of the posecu ; tion, forwhieh District Attorney Roth ermel was not responsible, was the as | sumption that n conspiracy eonld be in ferred by the political and business op | eradons of political leaders which have 1 been as open a,s noonday in this State < for half a centnry. There never was a { conspiracy to use the public money un lawfully, for the reason that there was no need for snch conspiracy. All par ties and all leaders who have had con trol of the Treasury of our State for I fifty years past have held the Treasury as a great engine of political power and generally of profit. Without the pre tense of concealment, the leaders who control the election of a State Treasurer could control his deposits and thereby, when necessary, if sufficiently credited with the banking institutions, obtain discounts which others in the regular course of business could not obtain, and all this has been done as visibly to the public as the sunlight of an unclouded noonday. The use of the State money for profit has always been unlawful, but not more so than the use of political power to control public honors and finol uments to serve individual or political ends. A criminal conspiracy means much more than the political combina tions which are made and confronted in the political conflicts of each year with out attempt at disguise. It is not disputed that our Treasury system in Pennsylvania has been a loose, corrupt and- profligate one. It has debanched our politics; it has given individual favors to political leaders as they in turn would unhorse each nther. and it continued until two years ago, when a most unwilling Legislature was compelled to bow to aroused public sen timent and place our Treasury on a bus iness basis and compel its profits to in ure to the State. Our Treasury has long been a seething cauldron of corrup tion and favoritism, but it was made aud continued so by political mastery won in open day and in face to face con flict, and the criminal element of con spiracy was unknown in it. It is not suprising, therefore, that the fierce par tisan accusation made against Quay as a conspirator to rob the State of its leg imate profits for deposits, >vos dissipat ed like the mists of the morning before the sunlight of the law. If Senator Quay has been guilty of a conspiracy to use the money of the State unlawfully, there is hardly a single banker in this city, and few throughout the State, who have not been at one time or other guilty of like lawlessness and should have been sent to prison by the criminal courts. Men with politi cal power could control State deposits when there were millions of idle money in the Treasury, as was common some years ago; aud times without number such desposits have been obtained for particular bauks or bankers who, be cause of the desposits given made liber al discounts to those who controlled the deposits: and yet every such transac tion was a criminal conspiracy and should have been punished by tho law if Senator Quay was a conspirator to that end. This trial has cleared up the political atmosphere that has been made >ggy by the fiercest factional conflict, and the conrts will not likely be soon summoned again to the support of those who are too feeble -or too cowardly to Make a successful battle against politi cal leadership. Senator Quay's acquittal will be ac cepted by all as a complete personal vin dication. and the several other indict ments against him and his son wilj doubtless be nol prossed at an early day, as no Judge in this city, since the retire ment of Gordon, would be likely to per mit a rehearing of the case. But those who assume it means the re-election of Mr. Quay to the Senate and the restora tion of his absolute political mastery in the Sta'i, have little appreciation of the political conditions which exist entirely independent of the criminal prosecu tions. If the legislature were in session today, Senator Quay's acquittal would not bring a single vote to him that was cast against him the day before adjourn ment, and while he is unquestionably strengthened in his political position by his acquittal, the vital issue that divides his party is over aud above all issues in volved in the criminal prosecution. As a house-hold medicine the work and worth of Hood's Sarsaparilla are known the world-wide. The following problem was submit ted at a recent examination for gradua tion in a neighboring township. A tin peddler cheats a farmer's wife out of 11 cents ou her rags and 17 cents on a calf skin, while she works off two dozen bad eggs on him at 14 cents aud stuffs a pound of hen feathers in a sack of goose feathers she sells at 40 cents a pound. Now how much is that tin peddler ahead ? There are now 0,000 vocations open to women. One is marriage; the others are of minor importance.—Ex. People who honestly tell other people of their faults may mean well, but they never run ahead of their tickets at the polls.—Ex. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. "Some one asks what it is from which maple sugar is made. I answer it is the frost that accumulates in the pores of the sugar maple, and warm weather melts or liquifies it when it drops in the pails and is made into sugar or syrup. The theory that* prevails in the minds of quite a number that sugar is made from sap is ill founded from the fact that as soon ys the sap rises sugar making ceases, and what little sap that is obtained makes a terrible stuff not fit to be used."—Ex. We notice by the New York and Philadelphia paper that the horse mar ket in those cities is growing better every day. Farmers about here are holding their horses a little higher. Buyers claim to be offering as high prices as the market justifies. The tendency to use initials instead of words sometimes brings out news paper headlines liable to attract especial attention. This was the case in a no tice in an exchange which read: "R. A. M. Meeting." RfcHUMATISM CUKEU IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism aud [ j Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to .5 days, j Its action upon the system is retrarkable • and mysterious. It removes at once tbe j causes and the disease immediately dis -1 appears. The first dose greatly benefits; i 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. j IVdph Druiiuists Butler \pr q6. J KEELEYCURE. J 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J V Removes all desire and appetite, builds up the W j) system, renews health and vigor, brightens th» A i intellect and fits one tor business. > W TliK ONLY KKELKY INSTITUTE W ± Booklet fri-r. IN WKMTKRN I'KNNSTLVAWIA. A TheKeeleylnstitute.4246FifthAve.Pitt«burfl,Pi. N M Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Jj MAn Unparalleled rJ Bargain Opportunity. k M His ladies sulT BARGAINS * p k Don't wait too late in the season if yon W ft want a stylish ready-to-wear tailor-ma<le [ i Wi Jacket Suit, but come nuke a selection L' while stock is complete. Ladies' Separate W M B Jackets and Skirts, Misses' ami Children's f Wj Jacket Suits, Ladies' Shirt Waists anil \ Wrappers, Misses* Shirt Waists. wA Ladies' Covert Cloth Suits, lined ft (1 V throughout $5.00 y MS I | Ladies' Covert Cloth Suits, silk- tt% \ ; In---' 6.75 w MJ&li j ,\/ Ladies' All-wool Covert Cloih k MfK* V 1 Suits, silk-lined Jacket 10.00 'MI, ■' 1 Ladies' All wool Venitian Cloih fi | Rr>-t | silk-lined Jacket 13 50 Ladies' All-wool Venitian Cloth Wj silk-lineil Jacket 16-50 > • All the aliove price<l suits come in tan " "v* and browns, blues, blacks aniVjjrays. 1 MILLINERY BARGAINS. j orlunitjr to <«et 4ii»t What Von Want at Just What Y<iu Want to Pay. o previous season have we been able to collect an assortment so A ito the wants of oar patrons, A beautiful lot of fashion- V id artistically trimmed Hats at 9SC, ft. so, #2.00, $2.50 up 00. We also olfer some very unusual values in untrimmed A few of which only we have room to mention: Ladses' Un- A ed Hats 50c to #3.50; Misses' and Children's Untrimmed Hats c, s°c. 75C to $1.50. A DRESS GOODS BARGAINS ir purse will open quickly when yon se« the splendid opportunities WA rin our I>riss UIHMIS I)< i»artnu'iit : All- iviml !•!:i--K :uui color- I and new shades in Covert Cloths and Novelty Dress I~.ii Ste;, a^ 'ul black 're pons 50c to £l5O pet yard Oar stock ..f dress U ■ J at ins. wash fabrics, notions, undei wear and hosiery was never more W M tc. never priced less, never better values. Come and look :it our ttt they will verify our statements. SILK WAIST BARGAINS WA c:iutiful t ticked plain Satin Waist in ail tin* new sli.td<-> violet. . roval blue, cardinal and l»la« k at £!.!*; vaiu«» Also an iss ■ cut of blark and fane] colored Taffet t Silk Waists at prices WA II convince you where a dollar reaches farthest. rs. J. E. Zimmerman, y , That Dizzy Feeling ' Indicates that there i- something wrong with the system. It is .a warning sign and should l*» /I may nwan something serious. " ,,r SAUSAIWKILLA t'OMHH Nh wo tj olfer tlic l»«*>i tonic and l»l nod niirifier in the ' i-v i' w whole list of remedies, it is carefully prepared , O r < fl0 ( (n? °f pure drugs and will give tone and vigor to A • ' f he whole system. Il i> the Ideal spring ( medic! n.-. \Rediok & Grohman Prescription Druggists. T9 N. Main Ft.. - . - - - Butler. I'a. •A FAiH FACE MAY PROVE A l-uvl. ;i. H GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO PROFESSIONAL CARUS. \[ EWTON BLACK, LI ATTORNICY AT LAW Office ou South DiamondJStrcet. HH. GOUCHKR, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell buildinj/. T LKX RUSSELL, A ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office- with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. poULTER & BAKHR, VJ ATTORNEYS AT ',AW. Rootii 8., Aruiory buildin 0 . JOHN W. COULTER, R' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butler, Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. 1 15. BKEDIN, FJ • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ou IVlain St. near Court House. 4 T. BLACK, A • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J. —Armory building. 1 M. PAINTER, RJ . ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Office between Postoffice and Diamond p F. L. McQUISTION, v» CIVII, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. I kR. C. ATWELL, I' Office 106 \V. Diamond St., [Dr. Graham's old office. ] Houis 7 to 9 a. m. anil 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. \\J H. BROWN, }) • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Night calls at office. OAMUBLM. BIPPUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. I BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutman Building, Butler Pa. /' M. ZIMMERMAN U • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. DR. N. M. HOOVER ■37 E. Wayne St., office Hours. 10 to 12 a. ni. 1 and to 3 p. m. W. WICK, • DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. DR. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas —Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office—Room No. 1. new Biekel build ing. J J. DONALDSON, *' • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Killings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local naesthetics used. Otlice over Millers grocery, east of Low (V house. DR. W. P. MCILROY, DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at 111 East Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do j deutial operations of all kinds by the • latest dei-ices anil up-to-date methods I \K. CHAS. R. li. HI NT, ; *' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 240 South Main St. V McALPIN. V # DENTIST, Now permanently in Bickel Building, with a reliable assistant, and facilities for best and prompt work. People's Phone for Drs. V, or J. Me- Alpin—House No. 330; office No. 340. | ~ ' Butler Business College. COURSES. I—Practical1 —Practical Book-keepers. 2—Expert Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand. 4— Reporters Shorthand. s—English.5 —English. 6—The Languages. Branches Taught Book-keeping,single and double entry, business writing, business spelling, busi ness gratnmer, business arithmetic, com -111 erc'al law, lightning calculations, busi ness correspondence, business forms anil customs, detection of counterfeit money and fraudulent notes, shorthand, type writing, dictation, speed work, reporting expedients, duplicating, actual corres pondence in the college office, reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling, grammar, geograghy, history, Latin, German, Greek, Hebrew, Civil Government, Descriptive Economics. Fall term begins Sept. I, 1599, Write for descriptive circulars, catalogue, etc. Our reference are: Hon. Judge Greer, Hon. Joseph Hartman, Wm. Campbell, Jr., John Berg, Andrew Brymer, etc., etc , and a larga number of worthy graduates who are filling responsible posi lions. All language work will be under the direction of Rev. Chas. GlaUert, after May Ist. Address A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319-327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Peoples' Phone 271. Bell 17d. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY By means of the Kodak has reached the perfect stage. So simple that a child can operate it—and the prices within the reach of everyone. We keep the largest and most complete line in town of Photo Supplies and the only genuine Eastman Kodak, Dry Plates, Films, Develop ing Powders, Chemicals, Trays, Mounts, Printing Frames, Printing Pa pers, Flash Powders, Albums, and all kinds of supplies at DOUGLASS BOOK STOUK. Near P. O Peoples l'honei62. SEND US ONE DOLLAR lf , 1h99 |»atK>rn high-(nut* ItK.HKUVOIK COAL A*l> mM)D took HTOVK, by fnlght (' < i.H., nubject to fiaialn«Uot. Uie «1.00 RITE FOR OUR 810 FREE •ent with STOVE CATALOGUE, and freight ch»nr«*« Thin ftoT© H *!*»• NO. •, OVEN N 16Siliixll. to|» Is*2x23; made fr- ra b«*-t pig Iron, * itra large flue*, cover®, heavy linings and grafe*, large oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven d>>or, hand»<>rm< nickel plated ornamentation* and trimming*, e*tra large deep, genuine MUmll»h I>«rvrlala Hard ttai. 1 irnme large ornamented ba*e. He«t r«.»l buravr and we furnish FKLK an extra W«KVI grate, making It % »*»r feet wood burner. K ISM K A KINDINO l.( iKtMKK with . every stove ami guarantee *afe dell very t«» your rail [ road Mtatlon. Your l«ical dealer would charge you 955.0 C . for such u ftove. the freight Is only atx.iit 11 00 fo| J each wo mile*. a» IrMt f 10.IH». A«hlr»-«< j SEARS, ROEBUCK Sl CO. INC.)CHICAGO, ILL dkarv, iUnlutk M Co. Arts lb crunch I J I%II*JIa. £4lt«p,) j EGGS FOR H atching * w W w" j Buff Leghorns, Buff and Barred Plymouth Rocks One dollar for fifteen. HOWARD W. EDMONDS. , Annandale, N. J. I RAILROAD TIKE TABLES I'., ItcsM'inrr L K. Ttain.detart No 14 at'J 4o A. M; No. 2 at 5:40 P M Butler tim«- Trains arrive No 1. 10 00 A. M. No 11, 8 <*) P M. Butler time No 14 runs through to Erie and con nects with W N*. Y «.V P at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N. Y. L E Af W at Shenan Ko for all points ea*t. No. 2 runs ! thrnnifhto Greenville and connect* with \V N Y & P. for Franklin and Oil City. \V R TfKNEK, Ticket Agent. piTTSBUKG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of l'as- I fenger Trains in effect Nov. 30, IS9S. BUTLER TIME. !»♦ i»rt. Arritt. .*li*£ht-u3' Anvtmmodalioii C 25 AH 9 17 I ■ ilfijlil h|iw - N»-v» I'MIIC Aivomuj««l*ti*>n.. .. » IT " \kr i. M.u! -•.**" ■ AU«*Kht*ny A« umi.xiatifU .... lu u*. ** li U ** Allegheny Kxj rew 5 IS r.n S " IV>*. &ii<l NV* Vrk 1o 4 Am Chkago Kxprm ....... 3 rift I<IU 11 AJU Allegheny Mail 5 ** "i> \>m "Flyer** T tit* •* KUworfi Accommodation 54J " 7in " Chicago Limited... s\i " 917 A.A Kan* aud Bradford Majl . . 9 NO A M 5 "J" r M riari ii Accommodation. 5 35 r.u 9 ■'•*< « x i'lerrlnitd &i*d On-;4g«» Kijirna... *» am SI NIUY TRAINS. Allegheny Ktprei» 8 I' a m 9 32 AJI A -V - »• ' l- i * 1 M S« w ('aiitle Arci»mm<*datkm. » l"» a * 7 M Kxm 4 m ft■ li M *iu Allegheny ••muiu.lath.it 7 ud )«u Train arrivicK at .V.*" p.m. lcarr« B A O. .Irput Pltt>*l>urg at ' put aud I* A. W, Allegheuy at p. m On Saturday* a train, known a* th# theatr* train, will leave Butler at .'>.43 p m . arriving at Allegheny at 7—*i>; r«*turuiu£ leaw* Allexlieuv at ILl> p tu I'ullman sleeping cam on 111 K~ae<> K\pr«-«a tetaeen T*itt.«» org an>l lliit agn. For tlii\>nich tk kft* all |»iiiit« in the «t»t, n.>rth <*r*t or aoutliweat and infttrmatioo regarding n>ute« t time of train*, etc. apply t«» W K. T( UN KK. Ticket Agent, R. B. RKYXuLIiS, Sup't, Butler. Ka. Fuxburg. Pa. C. W. BASSETT. P. A.. Allegheey, Pa PENNSYLVANIA RJ 3 L. WRSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. s4*MKt>i*Lß t* ErrK'T Not. 21, litM. SOUTH. WEEK DATS AMA>IA M P M P M BCTI.KR I.eat '.ll -I LS . •**, ■Saxonburg Arrive .*>4 M jtt II in Butler Junetit.u.. - 7 27 d M 1* Butler Junction. - -- 3 'i"» "» .VI Natrona ..Arrive 7 > ¥ ol li IJM .t :».*> 6 Tarentum. I 7 4- 9 U7 12 3ft 3 4j 6 i/7 Spriugdale 7 i* Ifi lz 4*. J vi t'laremout t# Ji» 1 "2 4 i# 6/7 SliarH urg 1 "'7 I ll 4 li 63/ Allegheny.. f * I- l 4 (■ ti A M A M P. W P M P. M SI*M»AV | TRAINS - Butler *»r All**ght uy City«ii•! principal «tatK»u« at 7:3fi a. xnd 5:« i) p. m. NORTH. WEEK I>AYB AMAMAM P. M P M Allegheny City. . .leave 7 9•a» 11 i"> i 30 6 lu Sharp»l»u"rg. " 71l Vlill M *45 ... (caramon! 9 l» ll 44 / *3 Springdale I# ll :*> 3U1% 37 Tareutum 7 34 9 39 UO7 J "£i * Mi Natrona 7 39 13 li li 3 31 6 61 Butlor Jurn th.n Butlei Junction.. U-aVe 7 4«. i* r -» li S."* 4U? 7 Sax. nl.t.rg . .... » Bl'Tl.l B arrive h 4*»;I0 W 1 17 5 UT. T A M.'A.M. P. M P A P M ' SIN DAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny r»ty Bat ler and principal intermediate itAtftona at 7:20 a m aud | ■. in WBSB DAY*. FOR THE EAST. Wit* Dava P. M. A.M.! P. M P M i 3. r » d 3Sf»jlv Bitier ar 10 38 I 17 3 i."> 7 i 7 ar 4 Butler Jan<tiou ,|v u si» li *5 4 I*) 7 Hlv !'•'.• .1 m I3"li 9$ 1 u-. 7 49 ar Freeport h 8 » U - 109 7 53!** Allegheny Junction.. .. M Bi4li o| 4il 804 " Ijeechhnrg " 8 ••tf'll 49 4 4<» 8 iil 44 Paulton (Apollo) ** 7 A3 11 -i tet 8 f.l M Saitabnrg " 73011 09 541 » ii) " Blaimville - 7 0»» 10 *» 5 - r «<» 9 ;5I». ** Blaimville Intersection. 5 56 10 10 850 11 4o M Alt*M>na •• 315 * tfl 1 00 3 lo " Haninhurg. ** 11 45 I t»> 4 :K' r, i 3 M Philadelphia 8 So 11 ii» \MrM\ M P. M On Sunday, train leaving Butler 7.35 a. m., connect* or llarrisNurg, Alt.»>n.i and Philadelphia. Through triun* for the e:t*t l>«ave Pittel>urg (I'nion Stati HI I. an f..11"w - Atlantic Expre», daily 2;50 a.m Pennsylvania Liiuite«i ** 7:15 44 Ih»y Exprean, " 7:Ju " Main Line Exprca*, u " J llarn-hui■ Mail, 1.11 r a Philaielpliia Exprefw, t'JT 4:50 ** Mail and ExpreM daily. For Ne* Y«»rk «aly. Through I'UflTet uocoacLee 7<n 14 Eastern Ex pre**, ■ 7 •»'. Fast Liue, • 8:3» " Pittsburg Limited. <laily, %*ith thr<iugh nwhr« to New York, and aleeping cam to ptea %.»rk, ibiltiniore aud Washington only. No extra lure ou this train. lOiMl M I Jultnl .I Mail, Sundays oniy • 4o A.M FAT Atlantic Pity (via 1 Delaware River Bridge, all rail route), B:<m AM, and h ; 3i> PM, daily For detailed information, a<ldreas Th<«. E. Watt, Paaa. Agt. Western l>u flehl Street, Pittahurg, Pa. J B HUTCHISON, J. R WOOD, 'ieiieral Manage. Vieu' 1 lS»r Agent. Now is The Time to Have Your Cotliii\i4 CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue. We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. |V>r the Jau.eutown Sliding Klind t'o.—New York. i R. FISHER & SON. HIpS V. u W fAR TWICE*!-. '-"fW TA "T' S "PH ELP'H 1:7, "OENTAL ROOMS -- V !> ' 39 - sth Ave., Pitufc-'B. P« »I , -fWPW V.c'repHACTICA' •; ll CHOWN .'lt fWkYOURS? CROWNS,* iil / M"" 1 BRIDGE »'>rk iv.ln<-.,i t.M . 4 \<l ft|Ss p EIR TOOTH Al. •* .'' z Y J jwANTED-'TReliable MANi! J [ of (food address :o solicit LIU.ULM from prop, j 1 I i , ertj-awuer*. A>.jr will knows (*r«on willing , I ~to work, CAB make I: uto lis wevkly. < »>m- , ' ( , miMion or Ml:iry, paid weekly. Addrasa fur I . , pnrticnlara, nivnluiiunsthl*paper. L , , < II AKI.KH ll.t ll ASK Ko. heaUr.N,'?, j f cirrt M tpevtullMed Bread winolag Educmtlom. o. *">CULA»3 f. DL Ft Ae SOXS, 2U Fifth Arcane, PITTSBUKI). PA. Pearson B. Nace's [ Livery Feed and'SalelSuble Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. The I**l of horses aud first claas ul - w iy ?* on hand and fnr lk*sl a«*(*ornimMiations In town for nria nrnt and transient trad*'. Speii fare guaranteed. Stable, Room For 65 Horses. A K'MHI class of horses, iMith drlrers an«l draft hor ,« s always on hand and fi»r sal** under a full guarantee; and lM>uicbt U|HHI pro|M'r notlficat FON l»y PEARSON B. NACE, M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER.' 139 street i Ovcr.SlWßl & V«»t'»]Cl«thlß|JSlorr [ jiSawSTD. T. Pape.sVw - ! <, 'mmrnm ■. ♦* " * * 9 .... , tt ;< | 1 -••• ■»■ * w * a r *l* The We wish to Announce to the Public 1 ' V Leading The Arrival of our <> :: ER F SPRING MILLINERY; » ! D f *, ' A,) are jnvit «d *° call and inspect' > Butler g/,' the finest line of millinery ever 4 * J > County. I?: brought to our city. < ► ,I. Complete Line of Mourning Goods Always on Hand | J122 S. Main St }. T. Pape. BUTLER PA $ | House Keepers j | Give Ear S W N'"* i» -"Tic you Will he httr;ni> WALL !' \ PKR. (0 Haw V : CHHiimd where V'rti are going to bur » ill the Ijt 0 U Colorings. Tap<.<iiea. »i Hw—l —< MjM Effects. etc X flr m '> it is today. iwt take oar wor»l for it hat cat! aad we far v JB an '' ' We bare >nhle to show ther- (P? jJk We also carry a large line of ROOM S W"' f? • Stationery. Window Shades, jA Pamts. Oils and Varnish«s. etc y| Picture and Mirror Framing a Specialty. 5 Jo A i—y lit ami «ee thra fP; |pb O tcl a| Hi"! P"per lain, We lead and others f.»l'.»w. 4K 8 Patterson Bros., I yj 236 North Main Street. Busier. Pa. £1 'i Wick Building. Peoples Phone 400 j WHY DOES A Farmer Add Phosphates To His Farm. To ai<l ami stimulate nature. The human iysl.-nt w ']**£ the unr *»• farm; nature at times needs help. aad ther.- is nothing that e>|rta'; little good whiskey to tone up a rnn .fawn ■.«!««. to hmM n »»fr t bring l>ack vitality, and to make a man feel that life »■« »*t ! i after all. All whiskies are good. Nat some are Setter than Mkrr . «,e sell onlv the l>est, and guarantee them to he ah* ifet-tjr j. r .*. ,-»! f«« fmm all impurities. Here are sotne of oar prices: Anchor Rye. a good whiskey for the money 12.00 a gal. Cabinet Rye can tbe beat .. $3.00 a gil Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey 54.00 a g >1 Gin, Rum, Kummel. Brandy $'2.00. $2.50 and $3 00 per gal. We have some very fine California wines of »-•►* tMlJfr Port, Sherry and Angelica at f? cio per The Tar, of good Ijofly an-1 of exquisite flavor. Remember that we j«ay e■»presaagt- on all <>r«k-rs of f; r* awl over except where * transfer is necessary nmr K* press Company to another, when we par t \pr. • > lit point of transfer. MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors. 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY- PA Send for catalogue aiul price list, mailed tree. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !!! If» a long life, hut devotion to the trne inter-sts and V prosperity of the American People hu won f.. r it m w ' .friends as the yea.s rolled '•> an.! !!i --1 Wj iwth t • «»f iU family passed to thekr reward. amithese admires ,r* - loyal an<l steadfast today. with faith in it* teaching, and v .V** 4 ,*,. con&lence rmation -a!. • | , "omfs and firesides. \s .a natural conserju \ \ 4 vitality and vigor of its yooth. «lrrngthe -1 • f** hy the experiences of over half a centnrv. | \ Nj" It baa lived on its merits, ami on tl e enntiat .» v progressive Americans. It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the couiitrv over m-T • lea<ling National Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those who desire ail the news of the State a. tat* m. the publisher of "The ClTl/HS" your own favorite h«-tiK- r h.is enVar. i*;o an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which enable- hmi s» r irn h lioth papers at the trifling cost of #1.50 per year. I-.very farmer and every villager owes to himse't, to his Imb! 1 v <m| t, -.lie community in which he lives a cordial suppirt of his local ncw«|a|rr. *5 .. w , , constantly anl untiringlv for his interests in every way. btingt t». hts Ik J>r ±l. tli. news and liap(>eni:igs of his neighborhood, the doings of h;> t* and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, ay •- i t 1 * wetkly visitor which should be found in every w'.tic-awake pjs.gr Just think of it? Both <f these papers f<w only ft 50 a <*u' Send all subscriptions to THE Butler Pa. SEND US owe fc Cat Ula md. mm* mm 4 «a •• II.UU, ■- ' LTs*W ■■ IBCKUIBU ICIK lt»«M riKLM .rfl aaa«laaih>«. \ u can riaoin« it i %|)<l 1 S you flvnl it r t aril) as ***> C"»*wr tui.. Jr ."s,"*', ,•«••• ?j''- THFR9HI tbr(rrl«ht airnx ayerUl ,' T . ». 1 $3 "75 ' 531 .75. ?Hk*A*<TMr"^ *"** * k "*" ""r '"*^7"*'. *!"' '''■ '.'"s -, >* jBBSQ 2pf Hivw ITtr.t 1.a42 Til* AC *»«|rirk* H- . 'g - * 1 " ~ JmicmSß* * - 1 JL*.' .a. ItlM.a. Irt.-ta, fa.a Caaffcr. fnAt* /SW It .'Wr, Dteftoi r»rte *»4 «•« N«a«»a: 1 * I l.riaJ ll'|aa larll. A Vl* Ur.Sa««m T«a»4 iMNaUff Tr**~i| r |,| M 1-1 w I *»t af II < hmrmt.mt l * KrfWlaa* •4 *iea *.IU- K- ~ Aafl «e|..4U»« mar-pf Rer.i. |||. VI VIM)I M N I * Hon >i)Mlat r the <*-l«>:«rai. «I\e«e-il «tn l.ar. k i»|y f ■aw4 a*4 »m lisa.«aa. a < • ha at |' iMttirrf. a»r . brlioat of Um> l«sl nibtar i liftl. 3 u«/ b»|!..wa and lr*'h«r In *a I a INI AC Mr <|l KK> ia with a ! 1« rl.nl W—#tf plaf# I rrnrh mirr..r nwkr' |.'«:«st pratal ft .nu-< tail i-TtrT We rarsMt* a «MMMI » wrltu-ri tko-ar v +t+tiuT torn • wn«i rawlittuM. ? w if *♦. * v ? 4 v»« fpy VanMIwHnMHK iJtur It frr «r. Try ». < rfC' >ll rvfuti«l tour money jr.... n--: i-*n. tiy ■. j\» ■WCi«nf>d lafj 0/ theM> oi.-»rn he Mtd at #ll !i. H r OaMf 7 OUR KE %, g >>lK * n iwt lralt »ith ut !i»l n»i,h a.rtftoul m« aril* * ' lh«- jiuhllvbT ••! Ihii i*|a*r r V>(r poltlsn >sU nal ' BMk.orCbffs CsrttMMC# *%• ..r >kr«M £jrha>i«* Haak mvmif •»»' |"S»l/ lu I'toil .»***. W. • .tsiial a/ a»»r • :«Mt «r« —■> ip» »nur •• •# Mfc» »<w*P m ri-W, *n«t m ; n. ari* x •*» i.i ,ur .»•« tuMMr «| i|U «iil*Wlfl*WaW w * >>M> to4»t i" l*~mm Wvtto to» fiaa -W'«i j—» M.|m i»n-s) ira'r.in - .! atakJff i.' War. laaiMiato lis WaaaaaWf iWim » •CARS SOEDUCiv Jt CO. r.ita.. o«sia H. CHICACO. ILL. I £~1J?y1 r ' v ' n 9 Lamp j v tr IL',** *"{7 J -1 * • <k tt>*ill not blow nor jdroal jj yf V SPECIAL OFFER, ctrr THIS O»T / )fc , l f dimibiM mt li«p, and vfil agrw •»■■■< yaw »w » - immpm* mP ( ur at aw yfcofc—fa pnes iwry ■■<! hum ifc— itw | 2 \ «« R. n. DIFTZ COMPANY. 60 Ltifch: St., Nexr York. r ► -r.»i»ntr» : - *f; c r4; oc; r>*; f>4>rA>«s-t ir t r t rc r; •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers