| Spring Goods. ® Our Entire Spring Slock Jr T [f 1 /B / & Ccn:{l«levHk ff the Ij a the rcn 'lit fcr wktr 5c Ecwtr.dn's fine hanil rmm turn's and har.d whs in J>rrg<'a ard fine E WJ& 2k *«"«« Kid, rn.de o#fhel«tcst up-to-date ta*s '0 WEN'S SHOES. J?'' The A ction w s never Utter Very large a nrtnie: ". of Rt nit, Calf. Yici. Kid, Box Calf and Kangaroo and Patent Calf Shoe?- made on all the new lasts. We carry these B|(9 Ok) shoes in all sizes and widths. i Jgj Our line of Misses Shoe* in fine Patent Calf. Dongola and Tan in Leather or cloth tope, also /2v complete line Children's Shoes in the latest S? styles in all sizes and widths. Our line of Boys' ami Youth's Shoes is ver\ Oft laige. Being made on the same style lasts as vSL. Fes t,ie i,, n s Shoes in all the different leathers. fj See Our Window Display. JOHN BICKEL. 8 SOUTH MAIN STRF.KT BUTLER, PA U USELTONS PK ESS Latest Spring Shapes in OOTWEAR You've Every Reason to Watch Our Shoe Ads. This Shoe Honse is in prinre shape for early spring bnsinejs. Whether it's a shoe at a dollar or five, it has to be the best of that particular grade. HUSELTON'S SHOES ARE GUARANTEED. On that basis we're bidding for and getting the shoe trade of Liitler county, fe mens Spring Shoes, iThree new spring styles The "Princeton" at $3 00. in women's black and The "Regent ' at $3.50. , A shoe for men who want the best to t3n SHOeS. be had, for *3.00 and $3.50. These shoes fill all the requirements All signs point to a strong "Tail" for atyle, durability and comfort. Si'le season. Vou'U find special interest in by side with the l>est £3.30 and JLj.oo | these particular lots 01 Jilack and Tan •hoes going, they are WINNERS Shoes. Correct Spri.ig shapes thai get EVERY TIME. their introductory showing here. Your favorite shape in the new Spring The Famous "Queen Quality" at 13.00 Styles is here in Black,Vici Kid and Ca'.f The "Wellesley" at $2.50, Tan, Russia Calf and Kid. The ' Dorothy" at $2.00. See our Men's Tan Shoes at ft.so, All the toes—narrow to full—round kid |2.00 and J?.50. or vesting tops. See our line 85c, SI.OO, Black, 90c to $3.50. #1.25 and i 1.50. SHOES FOR TUP; BOYS AND GIRLS. Same style as the meu'sand women's. We sell The Famous Mrs. Jenness Miller Shoes They fit the feet as nature intended. Only to be had of us. B. C. HUSELTON S, Butler's LeiulliiK Shoe House. * Opposite Hotel I^owry. That Dizzy Feeling ► fri'liwit* * tli.it Uier« I* *Ori» tliliiK wi.tui: uilti tho heeded, a good tonlr Is required and neufh-ct may mean something serious. In our .HAKSAPAKILLA (OMl'olMi we *■ offer the h«st tonic :u>d blood purifier In t lie / whole list of remedies. it J-, « an-fiilly prepared Ooi.W «>f will kl\<- torn- and vigor to whole system. It III.' Ideal sprliiK fA < » liiedleine. Redick & Grohman Prescription Druggists. - W» N. Main St., .... ltuller. I'a PAPE'S, JEWELERS. Diamonds, watches. Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles etc. We have a large and well selected stock. We Repair all Kinds of Watches. t If you have broken jewelery that you think beyond repairs bring it to us and we will make it as pood as new We take old gold and silver the same as cash allowing the highest market price. 122 S. Main St., Hutler, I'a SPECIAL | The New Werner Edition of | :| THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA < | IN THIRTY SUPERS OCTAVO VOLUMES. J ij "Give Your Boys a Change" I \ I were the closing words of an address hy Abraham Lincoln. He '? ! [ realized that parents are responsible, in a degree, for what tiuir S !> children become. If you have children, study their individual t t tendencies and place the best 5 possible educational advantages S [ A before them. A way has been j I % "?si provided in the New Werner Edi- ? [ Y j/[\ tion of the lincydop.Tdia Britan- S t\ nita, complete in thirty volumes. < ]! \ The In t on all subjei ts / z| // V - | I' • 11 v J\ tl ' there. A systematic study of < ! J" / \ this work is equal to any college > II / tVi /- I col,rsc * Algebra, Anatomy, Arili- > !; ' tcc l ure > Building, Electricity, < s Political Economy, are a few of ,j i \ its articles which have been adopted by Yale, Harvard and ) ! k Columbia colleges. This shows in what esteem it i.; held by the '! > highest educators in the land. Just now you can secure the !| i| Encyclopaedia Britannica i for One Dollar Cash ij; ]! and the balance in small monthly payments. The entire Thirty j !j Volumes with a Guide and an elegant Oak BookCase, will be J |[ delivered when the first payment is made. | The complete set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes): v ' [ No. I—New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High S ] Machine Finish Book Paper, J Hirst Payment, One Dollar (Ji.ooi and Three Dollars (Ij.oo) per < i I month thereafter. > i No. 2 —Half Morocco, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish <1 ! 1 Book Paper, $60.00 '< First payment, Two Dollars ($2.00) and Four Dollars ($4.00) per f 1 month thereafter. \ ' No. 3 —Sheep, Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High M,u liinc Finish < !| Book Paper, $75.00 < I'irst payment, Three f>ollars ($3.00) and Five Dollars ($5.00) per 5 > month thereafter. ■/ A reduction of 10".. is granted l y paying cash within 30 days afte: the S 1 ( receipt of the work- } J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA The flnjr under which all mmen i t-- If. liit ">■'il -• 1 ,iCW\Vn 111'! 1 :i ! >n: nndcr tin-flag If-he *\* '' j does not d- - -he will As K;■ J live a life of wretchedness l*f herself and unl -- her jMf, J4?"v ff* het Iv.m. will he unhappy M // | and her ckikhtl *iO Se C" II V\ 1 puny and sickly. I | ill" health in a womai.ly 1 ,9 !| way may almost invaa- f WJ I ably be trac-d to we.iky | \I j ness aud disease of the i i .\\ jj fenUBC organ> liiat are the | Ly vestibule of human life. : s . iys No » ::ian c:in enjoy goor. Pierce's P.ivorite Pre scription pives health r?rn- concerned. It makes a woman strong and ht iltliy in a womanly way. It gives the nerves a ri st from pain and an opportunity to build up. It make- motherhood safe and compara tively easy. It transforms weak, siekly, despond'-nt women into happy h< "ihy wives and mothers. Ja* Caswell. . or Ocheltree. Mam Co., Kan*. (P <> Box fit), write' Mv wife was troubled with prolapsus, or 'female weakne-s,' for several v"ir- Sh<- wa- :: t able to 'i ' lr-r work »lie had such bearin?down rain« Mnd pnin in her track. Her pervxls were irregular, vary ing sll the way frotu two to six weeks. At th> -e time* she would have fainting spells so til that I thoueht she could not live. She was attended by the best doctors in the country 1!' v I > eases o£ all forms. Here's proof: # J JIKSISCiPOTASnA,OntfV m JI J>r. J/in'lv'7'rt I:1'0<1 Ecint lint Jinn > P T,'' >i'lc '•< 1 wmcfer/iyHhine. I liavob'.un a tr.juljkil wit h Kcrnfula/trrlh t rtyy rt ,1) li iS 1 find that J)r. Lindscy's Jilwd * IJ- K anTinfwniilte' ! njiormancnticuro '-T ■ t iu-afcliorttixuc. I-'j V/on'lt:r(ul. m ; I, C.W.IJkbocOT. q \ V/. J. GILMOKF. CO. \ ? PITTSBURC, F-FT. 5 At all Drugsista. SI.OO. MOTH PENNYROYHI PILLS tlarl't v Rtui a< • \i»- . t" t'lrlt n' w omi»nll"«'«l iMlli'. v< lopment of oraca.i\* i»n«J b<>«l«. ( •.Him ii tin-. I i> l>«»t l»\ mull. M»l. i>. or iii all onlei nof or ovu w> l»o\ arul ship prompt ly ; e\press ehartr•• • pr»- paid. We have no agents to represent us. Send I orders direel and save money. ROI3ERT LI:WIN & CO., 411 Water Street, Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, I'a. OpposlU* I* A n. I>epot Time to Buy a Bike. I | - 1 ' 'Aooou<*[ \! j ' L.. . ) » Tliis season we art- selling Clcvclancls, Crescents, llerctiles anil Pealherntonrs. Prices fa.s to >?7.S - We carry a full line of tires ainl l>i eye'e suntlries; tilso liavc sonic sccond-liaml wheels at bar gain prices. We sell Vive Cameras, I'lioto Sujiplies anil Musical Instru ments. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Optician Next to Coutt Mouse. WWTIIt HKV tlt A I Hit'-I WOlt I IIT I'lttsov in t Ids stat«'t4» 111:111 -o • '»ur i.helr «.wn and m arby eoiinth It In mnlul.i .n j , work conducted it bo l i Halai stialtflit i\KNi a y«*ar and i xpnisi s dcflnlt*- „ . , (ll |, no more, »>" U w mlury. Mout»•»3 , , I[tf. r• 11 * Efirh >• * »elf addri anibed uuvelope Herbert K. Ilegs. I'rest. pt. >1 UUlo»4> CFI'IZEN. NOT A HERO. I A cloud of cindpr-dotto ! smoke whose bll r . lows rise and swell, i Thurst throuph by soeth!n« swords of flame that roar like blasts from hell; A floor whose charring timbers groan and creak bt-neath the tread. With starting flanks that, gaping, show long lines of sullen red: Great, hissing, scalding Jets of steam, that, lifting now. disclose A crouching figure gripping tight the not , I lie Of a hose. I The dripping, rubber-coated form, scarce seen amid the murk. Of Fireman Mike O'Rafferty attending to his work. Pressed close against the blistered floor, ho strives th- fire to drown. And slow!j*. surely, steadfastly, he fights the demon down: : And then he seek* the window-frame, all j sashless, blank and bare, And wipes his plucky Irish face and gasps a bit for air: Then, standing r,n the slimy ledge, as nar row as his feet. He hums a tune, and looks straight down six stories to the street; Far, far below h'- se- s the crowd's pale faces flush and fade, i nut Fireman Mike O'lt-fferty can't stop to be afraid. Sometimes he climbs long ladders, through a flery, burning rain, To reach a pallid fa< e that glares behind a. crackling pane; | Sometimes he feels his foothold shake with giddy swing and sway. And barely leaps to safety as the crashing roof gives way I Sometimes, penned In and stifling fast, he waits, with courage grim. And hears the willing axes ply that strive to rescue him; But sometime, somewhere, somehow, help may come a bit too late For Fiseman M'.ke O'Rafferty of Engine Twenty-eight. And then the morning paper may have half • a column filled With: "Fire at Rulllon's Warehouse," and the line "A Fireman Killed;" And, In a neat, cheap tenement a wife may mourn her dead. And all the small O'RafTertys go father less to bed. And he'll not be a hero, for, you sec, he didn't fall On some blood-spattered battlefield, slain by a rifle-ball; Hut, maybe, on the other side, on Ood's great roll of fame, rialn Fireman Mike O'Rafferty'U be count ed Just the same. —Joe Lincoln, in I>. A. W. Bulletin. Jv'l \ V W/jf/fl IT "origlntl ] I 1G FOOT WA LLACE is dead," thus read a scare head in this morning's Post, " save me great satls fuv'tiou unil rtjiounded to his undying _ glory. Often in the dead of night have I I followed blin, i»arefooled and clothed I only in my nightie; onward and ever Onward we have pu.-hed our way into I the very camp of hostile atx>riffines; | through gloomy forests whose every I tree trunk c ocealrd a larking red- I skin; where the twanging bowstring, I the hurtling tomahawk and the blood | curdling waiwhojp have waked the j shuddering eehoi I Iluv. I havi gloated ov«r whole tribes I of painted mii.i. ■> left wallowing in I their gore, a- ; i.e |. ■; footed avenger I pll Mil «l I • • I! !.<■•'. I i 111 lit'ld I m\ breath ai he softly stole into wl | Tl.ge ufte: vi' i'iv guard after I guard and n cued tnaiden after maiden I from a captivity rfhieh the narrative I confidentially ."-Mired me was worse I tlian death. Flow well 1 recollect the deeu aver- J sion my brother had for reading, while f I remained indoors ab.-orbed in the * tHrilling adventures of my hero, lie waa J out in the vacant lot playing a game' ' which hedesignated an "Stink by (Jool," but which I now believe to have been . Stick by (Joal or Prisoner's liase. ) About the time my eyes would be gin to close I would hear his sibilaut whisper in my ear: "Oh, Dick." 15ut I would snuggle deeper amid the , sheets, and endeavor to palm oIT a home made snore on lyiu. "That don't go, better wake up," would be his threatening reply to my at tempted deceptinn. "Aw, woteher want 7" , "Tell me s'morc o' whut that big- footed guy's bin doin'." "Aw, I'm too sleepy." "Flinch yi r no-e if Vrt't don't." " This lii-uiill.v h (I fir desired effect, II for experience had nie that he '' could and would do as he said; so, after he had solemnly promised to tell me when he went to sleep, 1 would sit up in bed and through the darkness go careening along lligfoot'* trail, strik ing it only in the highest and most ,"j bloody places, anil topping nfter each deed of atrocity to inquire: "Fred, yeh Vlecp?" "N'aw, g'wiin," would be the iiiipu tient reply. This would eneouia'.'i me to proceed, for what is so rare as a good listener? Getting warmed up I would dwell more ' fully on details and forget to inquire f he was asleep, until, having talked half the night, or until I had run out of ammunition, 1 would once more put the query to him, only to receive no rc _ spouse; at which I would snuggle down and go to sleep wondering how much of my thrilling narrative had fallen on deaf ears, and what part of the story 1 had better begin at the next night. He, my brother, was my senior by some years, and exercised a dominant Influence over tlie pastimes of my early days, mid it was somewhat discourag ing. on the rare occasions when I really did wish to play, to have him order me into the house to read; for he had no intention, while lligfoot Wallace occu pied the boards, of allowing my desire for frivolous amusement to interfere with the gratification of his love for blood-nnd-th under na r rat Ives. I shall never forget one evening when we had company at home, I had been al lowed to sit up later than was usually the case, and had Imbibed somewhat more of my favorite literature than wa» my wont, but had at last fallen asleep on the lounge; hideously painted sav ages, forlorn maidens and truculent border heroes ran riot through my dreams, until I startled the assembled guests by springing into the middle of the room and shrieking at the top of my voice: "Ilrlng on yer Indians!" The funny man, who is present at all gatherings, was in splendid form that night, mid he immediately dubbed me "Three fingered Dick, the Tar heeled ~ Terror of the Plains," and though that title stuck to me for years, my per y forma nee that evening led father to put y a stop to my novel reading, and then and there I ceased my intimate nc ■'i (jualntance with lligfoot. Wallace. L '" Ah, me; the ivouociaatiu years | tad !i»i r.o with the idols of our boyhood. I had almost f :-gotten Bigfoot Wallace, i but the knowledge that he has died, | and in bed, c .mes as a severe shock even , after all these years. J M LEWIS. %ot llomralck. ! A 14-year-oa! i>o\ whose devotion to his widowed t:.ot her is a [ retty thing to | see, was sent to a preparatory school in a town whit'h is nearly hours' jour- I ney from his home lie arrived late in ; the afternoon. Karlv the next morn ; ing he wrote the following letter, which his mother received quickly as the mail could deliver it into her hands: "Dear Ma —1 am not a bit homesick, but I should think you might write a fellow once iu awhile. Your atTection- ! ate Tom." —Youth's Companion. He IM Everything ni Once. "I don't know that there is much use in my kei ping my ;chool open more than a month or two each year." said 1 the German pedagogue. "Why is that?" "Our en:;.ei r I.a - mplilied matters to such an extent that when yju ask ' the name of the w ! i"s gn ate.-t poet, I painter, musician • ..:il traveler or monarcl there i> \ •fe answer to all the «iu< si. >!i> "" \ Stories A Commercial Tince. A little Joy street boy was taken to church for the tirst tiir.e ii few Sundays ago. He had been repeatedly cau tioned to sit still and keep quiet Ilis obedience was most commendable, and when it came time to pas? th'-contribu tion bo« he was intrusted with the fam ily donation. Insitead of silently plac ing the money where it belonged he held it before the eyes of the otlieiatins* collector that he might plainly see it. "That's good, my little fellow." came the response with a view t< passing the incident over without embarrassment. '• 'Course it'.-.gon Off. Fond (iraiidmamina—(ieordie, tell the lady what (Jeorge Washington ni*ver did. (ieordie lie never said a blamed word.—Chicago Tribune. He's II Uooil flutter. "Does goat's milk make good but ter?" "It does if it takes after the goat."— Judge. How I'oulil He 111-f IJosc Was lie on his knees when he proposed ? Mary No; but I was. - Iloston Jour nal. I'nclttc. The Maid I trust that theirs was a peaci fill separation. The Man Very! lie put the Puciflc between them.—N. Y. KvcningJournal. \ •• r y I' l» rn p. Patience What is the cheapest thing vou ever saw about a bargain counter? Patrice A husband waiting foi lim wife.- Jew ■ h Com in ent. Hood's Kursftparilla is the standard prescription for purification of the blood in the spring. When a woman's 'dearest friend' calls her 1(1. her age is probably not greater than :tH. Some men look :IH though they had committed a murder when in reality they only expect to be called on fur n speech Ex. A St Louis man claims to have an umbrella that has been in his possession for twenty years. That's long enough: he ought to return it KMItJMA'f ISM CUKfCU IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i lo 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately .4o P. M. Dntler time. Trains arrive :No 1. 10:00 A. M; No. 11. 3:nl M.ul * 5u am 5 Jt> r.M Clarion AccumroodalioKi 5 35 r.M *♦ 3C 1 u Hevelaii'l ami 25 ;uu Sl NI>AY TRAINS. All. uh.ny 8 15 a M 9 S2A.M Allfrflifiijr Accoainiu>iation 5 »*.M 5 -jo v.M New « Hatle Acci>uim niatiou b 15 A M 7 (Jtt 44 (liirap) K*prM*... .. 405 P.M 11 "«<» uiu Allegheny Acromiiio.l«ti.iii. 7 00 ]» Tr.iin ArriviLg at 5.2"» |»ju. leave* B. A 0. depot Pltt»l>urg ot ».!«» p.m am! IV A W., Allegheny at 3.50 tin S«lanU,V!i a train, ku»wn *-< the theatre train, will lcaxe Uuiler at 5.45 p. m , arriving at Allegheny at 7 returning leave Allegheny at 11 .*» p. m I'ulltiian sleeping: can* on Chicago Kxpret« between httoburg and Chicago. For through tickets to all (*oiut.H in the *t1 HI TLKK I.enve J5 h (ttll Ift 2 X> 5 lift Saxmihurg Arrive »i 54 8 11 38 3UU 5 28 Uutlci Junction.. " 7i7 6 **3 12 U2 325 553 Butler Junction.. .1 eave 7 30 8 53 12 22 3 25 5 53 Natrona Arrive 7 :i8 «♦ 01 12 3«» 3 35 rt 02 Tarentuin 1 7 42 07 12 35 3 42 6 07 Springdale 7 s<» 'J 1»". 12 45 3 52 Claremont J 30 1 Utj 4 hatlitdiuiK 807 'J 'M> I 11 4 12 632 \lh ghenv 8 «J 4h I 25 4 25 rt 4:1 A. M A M P. M P. M P. M 81'NDAV | TEA INS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny City and principal intermediate (tuitions at 7.35a.ui., •*nd 5:00 p. m. NORTH. WEEK DAYS AM A.M. A. MP. M P. M Allegheny Citv. lua%e 7 !> 00 11 25 23n ti 10 ShariMburg... 7 11 9 12 11 37 2 45 ... Ciiremoat 9 19 11 44 2Hi .... Spriugdale- ....1 9 W 11 s*>, 3 111, (i 37 Tarentuin. 7 34 1 9 39 12 07 3 Z\ €, 4i, Natrona 7 .i'J 43 12 12 3 31 0 51 Butler Junction arrive 7 4«*. 95012 22 345 / ill Outlet Junction .have 7 4«. «.♦ 12 25 407 7 «o Saxowhurg .. 8 15 10 15 12 49 4 7 24 BI'TI.KB.. arrive h 4n.10 3ft 1 17) 5 Of. 7 50 A. M.'A. M P. M.JP. A P. M 81'NDAY TltAlNS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and prin« i|«l intermediate utations at a. m. and 9*30 |». m. Wksk DATK. FOR THE EAST. WEEK PAY*. P. M A.M.! P M P M. 2 35 ii 25ilv Bi Tl.kk ar 10 3* 1 17 3 26 7 27 ar Butler Jumtion lv 9 50 12 2 » 4 "0 7 4ii Iv Butler Junction ar 8 30 12 08 4 05 7 49 ur Kreeport lv 8 28 12 06 4 09 7 63 1 41 Allegheny Junction.. 8 24 12 01 421 m ' Leechhurg " 8 440 821 44 Paulton (Apollo) 4 * 7M 11 •>'£ 5 Itt* 851 " SaltsLurg 4 * 7 30»11 "9 5 41 9 22 " ltlaimville 41 00? 10 40 ft 50 :«» " Blairsville Intersection... 44 5 sft 10 10 Hso 11 4o " Altoona 44 3 15 BnO 1 IN» ;; lo 44 llariiiduirg tl 11 45 3 00 4 U», G '2: i 44 Philadelphia 8 30 11 2o A.M..P.M.' IA.M P.M On Sunday, traiu leaving Bulk* 7:35 a. m., cuiinectii or Ilarriaburg, Altoona and Philadelphia. Through tvainn for the eaflt leave Pitteburg (t'nion Station), an follow* — Atlantic Expreiw, daily 2.50 A. m Pennsylvania Limitol 44 7:15 I lay Expreiw, 44 ....7:30 44 Main Line Ex press, " » llarrisl>urg Mail, %4 12:45 r M I'hila h Ipiiia Expreaa, ' 4 Mail and Express daily. For New York only. ThnmgU Imflet alee|»#r; nocoad.es 7:«»J» Kastern Express, 44 7:05 44 Fast Line, 4 8 :«0 " Pittsburg Limited, daily, with thn»ugll coai'-lies 111 New York, and sleeping cars to New Yolk, ilaltiniore and Washington «»t»ly. No extra lare on this train. ... 10:00 Vhllad'a Mall, Sundays on.y 8:40 * M Km-Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all luil route), A.M. and > 30 P.M. daily. For detailed information, address Thoe. E. Watt, Piu»s. Agt. Western Pistrict, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith field Street, Pittahurg, Pa. J 11. HUTCHISON, J. It. WOOP tieuera* Uaiiaitfi lien*® 'Nissr. A cent. Now is The Time to Have Your Cotliiry} CLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place !n town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 21 {> Center avenue, Uf®X»VVe do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jau.eßtown Sliding Blind Co.—New York. R. FISHES & SON. TWICE AS „ u ■n ' - - .TRY°IT! TAFT S PHILADELPHIA A ■ —DENTAL ROOMS - R 0 39-SthAvs., Pittsburg, fa I IMI BHWW Wc'r.!PRACTICA'.LY't»"'KI'..-1 N U9K it CROWN BR I Ho£ w " rh (1 I'ffM Httnliurf-WHV NOT DOV 3 r»F fwIYOURS? «'••>«> CROWNS W "ill/ M"" 1 BRIDGE wnrk rwliirnl ( S" Jll If DSS PER TOOTH A In.) tin-111 \| trl "f l lli».l<' QN L X*£^ ! PWAITTED" -A* R*eliVble MAN | 1 | of Rood n-l to solic it huainess frotn prop- J : erty-ownera. Any well known person willing i ( -> to work, can mako sloto sls weekly. Com- , j I mlioNton or mil iry, paid weekly. AUdrCMM for 4 > I k partieulars, mentioningtldtj>A|>cr. < » J [ 4 II \ICI.i:s |l.t'llASK,lt4H'hMter,N.Y. ( j cirr* n r/ieclnlhcit llrcnit■ wlnnlne Bducatlom. ro* cincuLAKn P. DUFF Ji SONS, L'U Filth Arcaua, riTTSOVKO. VA. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed andSSale.Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. Tim beat of hnrws ami tlrst i-|a*s rl«s ul wiiys on liiind ami f"r Ii I «•«- If. it.*.*.iiiiuxml!il In t"wn for |h rma m ill iKiardtiiK aii'l InuiMi-nt tradu. al cart' KuaraiiU<«d. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A kihhl .'lass of horsi'H. Imtli drl»»r» ami ■ Irafl ulway* on liaml .mil for suti< IIIIIIit a full K'iaranl«i>; ami horni's IHUIK'III iijhhi projMT notlllcullon l»y PEARSON B. NACE, Ti'lcplioiiv. No. il«. (1 P. L. McQUISTION, Vi CIVIL KNOINKKR AWD SURVKVOU, Office near Court Ilouar. I: Jri^d 0 1 The p! We wish to Announce to the Public' ■ Leading The Arrival of our < > BT | SPRING MILLINERY:: Iffi All are invited to call and inspect 1 * Butler the finest line of millinery ever* * County. vfl brought to our city. < > Complete Line of Mourning Goods Always on Hand j 122 s. Main st D. T. Pape. butler - PA -;; ooooooooocooooooc-ooo«x>©cesigns, Colorings, Tapestries, Berlaps, Pressed and Metal iiffects, etc. I' wiil pay you to xv'. whiskey to tone up a run-do.vn ;ys'etn, to build up strength bring back vitality, and t.i tnake a man feel that life is »v >rth living after all. All whiskies are good, but some arc better lhu;i otlior-i. We sell only the best, anil guarantee t'letti to be abs ilutely pure, and free from all impurities. Here are some of our prices: Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2.00 a gal. Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine wbiskey $4.00 a gal Gin, Rum, Kumtnel, Brandy $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gal. We have some very fine California wines of 1592 viuiage— Port, .Sherry and Angelica at fi pr gall >n. They are of good body and of exquisite flavor. Remember that wc pay evpressage on all orders of ss.<*> and over except where H transfer is necessary from one Express Company to another, when we piy exprcsfage to point of transfer. MAX KLKIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALI EGHENY» PA Send for catalogue and price list, mailed free NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !!! It's a long life, but devotion to the true interests and *' prosj>crity of Uie American People has won for it new friends as the years rolled by anil the original members ' ,s f * n,i| y passed to their reward, and these admirers are ;■ K loya! and steadfast today. with faith in its teachings, and [y confidence in the iuforuiatiou which it brings to their ' \ "•'oiiics and firesides. j As a natural conseciuenee it enjoys in its old age all the *( vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and ripened I \ -- the experiences of over half a century, \ It has lived on its merits, and on tie cordial support ol \ progressive Americans. It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the couutry over ;;s tl e leading National Family Newspaper. , , ■ Recognizing its value to those- who desire all the news of the State at:<» Nation, the publisher of "The CITIZKN" (your own favorite home paper) has entered into an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune" which enables hint to furnish both papers at the trifling cost of $1.50 pet year. x Kvery farmer anil every villager owes to himself, to his family, nyil to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly an ! untiringly for his interests 111 every way, biiugs to his hotue all the news ami happenings of his ne - ighl>orhood, the doings ot his friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices iu home markets, and, 111 fact, la a we«kly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive fimtly. Just think of it! Both of these papers for only #1.50 a year Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa. SEND us ONE DOLLAR "y'.iiflrvl if 131.75 Is"oiM^SPEciAL*9O^AYS* PRICE ISIM 1 ■ prir«* tkanr* Qlw3l NO offrr y*un^iv\vr IML .M Mt h, >' «lV-j m« iKilrl Ir.MOiia. "lipl, l.fl'lf JH yl Isiplrr, IMipiK.n Farlr and Vol 'J Orlatr y <■ i plmV » IHII'II mirror. ul« krl |dnl«t| |*.U| frnin(«, P'llyß Kv^! flj V If* I Mid IIKMNth Improvement H. fiiruUli fr*« i but pf*' f[. P~^ : the i>uhll»li« a r i'f thl« |M*|>«. *»f «»««•• $;oo.t»oo.no, o«-i upy oittlrr oC Uh' Iwiwml bu»lww blocaaln riii-Airu, mid \ IIIHIU ■ mMi |M-o|>if* in our own L»«i i « * AMI OIH.O* *T #ja.oo ««D «P ; IUNOS. «I LI.OO •••( up: al»<> • verytlili in i«itm|. »l li.-t i tinicnU »l low. i wbol. «nlt> pi l« r \VrIU« for fw «« rK»n. |»lano •It I oiUHirnl |II»I I nriM'Mt . tl.viotfu. Aililn-ax, I KIM burl A tru lhor.iunMj rrllabU . K«llMP.| 3F.ARS. ROEBUCK AL CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Oesplainft and W.i>man St».. CHICAGO, ILL. rtvj'fKJOo ;Kl •u**\ 3 {MX B 1 i IT li» the only f*rrle»*t one. m rWNtf y J IT thrown all tin- llgtu straight olifid m m M IT look" J |ikf a locomotive headlight, r If Iffi 71' f/V IT slvat m clear white llghi. f y2f 1/ IT turns keroaeoa (Coai Oil) j. f S it will not blow nor jor out i ijjjf t SPRCIAL OFFHR. CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT '■ 1 _______ and send It to us ami wc will send « jl/>1 - y t»o«>k detcHHinC our lamp, anrl will agree to»end yoaoni" tißßlelainpor £ a pair at our wholesale price (very much lc%» lhan the retail puce) 1 % • n. DIKTZ COMPANY. C>ol Jiliflit St., New York. Subscribe for the CITIZEN.