Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 20, 1899, Image 3

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NOTE- All Advertiser Intending to rnaWe
clmtif[fs In their ads. should notify us ol
their intention t<> d<->0 n it lat<T than Mon
day mornlnij.
Administrator's Notice, estate of
Adam ({old
Auditor's notice, estate of George R
Widows" AppraismenU. Road Re
ports and Register's Notices for May
Notice, estates of D Slater. A. A
Kohlmyer, G. H. Knauff and Wm. B.
Dissolution notice, Prospect Cream
ery Co.
Alf. M. Reiber & Bros Dress Goods.
Millinery, etc.
Zimmerman's Dress Goods, Millinerv.
MacCartney's Drug Store.
J. G & W. Campbell's locals.
C. & T's Furniture News.
Findley's Artistic Photos.
The Butler Business College.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt l*>oks at tlie CITI
ZEN ollice. mid persons making public sales
thslr note books.
Hear the rush and hear the rumble
As we pass along the street!
Some are coming some are going,
Hastening on with eager feet —
What a thong of human beings.
In the surging, crowded street.
—Clipped horses.
—High priced horses.
—Old Sol on the firing line.
—Jnne will l»e Synod month in But
—Ten loafers were arrested yesterday
for killing time.
—Peaches killed, bnt lots of c-herries,
apples and plums.
—Work on the next Censns will not
begin till June 1, 11MX).
—A monster White Lead Works is
thinking of locating in Butler.
- Tack hammer and carpet whacking
sounds in the air, bnt yon can't hear the
buds bursting.
-- "'The Parker Monthly Paper'" is a
new publication at Parker, Pa., by
Clark Wilson.
—W. J. Black has K'cved his livery
stock to stables on the alley jnst back
of the Opera House.
—The newest thing in Bntler is Mac-
Cartney's drug store at corner of Main
and Jefferson St*., and its a dandy.
Bad roads boom the price of hay.
Some plank-road people got their toll
gate money back last week and this.
—1 he Penn'a R. R. Co. paid SOOO,OOO
to its Altoona employees last week. It
was the largest pay-day recorded there.
—Jacob Boos holds a constable's sale
Friday, of horses, wagons, etc. levied
upon as the property of Chas. Zimmer
—W. C. Thompson and some New
York parties intend building a lamp
black works in West Va , near a great
gas well.
—Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman offers some
unparalleled bargains in ladies suits
this week. Rend her prices in another
—Charley Braden of W. Snnbnry had
a little fire at his house last Sunday,
and his neighbors dropped in and help
ed pnt it out.
—Harry Seanor bought twelve head of
horses in Bntler, Saturday. He will be
at the Wick House again within the !
next two weeks.
—The Red, White and Blue show- i
windows of A. Ruff & Son's store at
tract the attention of everybody.
Charley Fleeger was the artist.
—John W. Conlter has moved his
law office to the Wise building on N.
Diamond. John is a bright young man
of good character and deserves success
—Architect Owsley was in town, yes
terday. He will have the plans for the
Poor House ready for inspection by the
State Boar 1 at Philadelphia,next Thurs
—Ben Masseth has shipped under
trainer Charley Jamison four fast
horses, including Minnie McGregor and
Zanton, to Cleveland. Ohio, where they
will be prepared fortbe coming racing
—S. S Kelly will haye a public sale
of cattle, agricultural implements,
grain, etc on the Peter Whitmire farm
in Oakland twp. next Thnrsday. the
(27th, beginning at 10 A. M.
About 1000 suppers were served at
the Maccabees concert and snpper held
in the Armory hall. Tuesday and Wed
nesday evenings The Maccabees'
band occnpied the front, part of the hall
and discoursed music until It o'clock
each night.
Talking about -'Flower Shows"
there's an odd one in Bntler. Mrs.
Daniel Andre of Lincoln Way has her
parlor filled full of Paper Flowers of all
colors and kinds, made by herself--and
they are very pretty, too.
Ph. Smith, a well-known and popu
lar Butlerite, has purchased the A.J.
Morris cigar stand on Main St., and
will continue the manufacture of cigars
and tobies as soon as the transfer of the
license arrives.
—The following recent graduates of
the Bntler Business College have just
accepted positions as follows: Mr.
Harry B. Iseman. as bookkeeper with a
Pittsburg firm Mr. Frank J. McMillen,
as bookkeeper with a firm in Scio.Ohio.
Others to follow.
An advertisement of the popular
"205" dry goods and millinery store ap
pears in our columns this week. But
ler has some splendid stores and this is
one of the best of them. For quality,
variety and pric-e in dress stuffs, spring
snits. waists and millinery it can't be
Uetween three and four o'clock last
Friday morning Bass King and wife of
First street were awakened by someone
moving aliont in the lower rooms. Mr.
King ran down stairs but the burglars
left before he got sight of them, taking
a good coat and vest, silver watch and
some money.
At the monthly meeting of the
Board of Health Friday evening it was
decided to enforce the law as to vaccin
ation and have every child in the town
schools vaccinated before the first of
May. The numerons cases of smallpox
reported in other towns throughout the
State make this action expedient.
—The professional base ball season
begun last Saturday, and the "Pirates
"Paralyzed the Porkopolitans" at
Cincinnati," "Handsome Hawley Hit
Hard." ' Tann-hill's Tricky Twirling
Troubled Tother Tribe." "Watkins"
Wary Willow Wielders Won," and
Brush's Boastful Band (were) Uadlv
Bruised" according to the Loaders
J. Craig Smith has moved to Natro
I na.
Alex Walker has moved back to But
term p.
Clark Wilson has started a monthly
paper in Parker.
Jerry Rapp of Whites town intends
moving to Scio.
Phillip Sutton of Penn twp. was in
town. Thursday.
B. W. Garvin of Cranberry twp. was
in town. Friday.
J. G. Elliott of Middlesex twp. is in
town, on the jury
G. A. Needle of the Parker Thoenix
was in town Monday.
Daniel Goldiuger, of Donegal twp
was in town, Tuesday.
Frank Pierce took a business trip to
New York State, last week.
George Humphrey of Parker twp. at
tended court in Butler. Monday.
Hugh McClelland, the old veteran of
Evans City, died Tuesday night.
J C. Breaden and family, of West
Snnburv, have moved to New Castle.
Dr. Charles McClelland of Glade
Mills greeted friends in Butler, Mon
Walter Duncan of Petersville, a Co.
E veteran, is visiting friends in Oil
Fred Negley, wholesale dry goods
matrof Philadelphia, is in Butler this
Rev. W. J. Hazlett. of Sarveisv-i lie,
attended the Presbytery meeting this
H. C. Montgomery of Clinton twp. in
tends teaching school this smum ?r at
Rockv Run.
Theodore Keck left Tuesday for llar
risburg to attend the Democratic f*tate
Convention at that place.
Miss Marion Thompson of the Pro
thonotary's office returned from a. visit
with friends in Evans City, last week.
James C. McCandless and Miiry E.
Thompson were married by FJsq. W.
A. Christie at his office in Centre twp.
last Thursday.
Rev. Jonathan R. Conlter and John
Womer, of Allegheny twp , r.ttended
the Presbytery meeting,in lintLer.Tues
day and Wednesday.
Braid Black came out last Satnrday
after a very severe spell of grip and
bronchitis, during which he nearly
coughed his handsome hend off.
Miss Jean Niece, daughter of Samuel
Niece, left last week for Wemersville,
near Reading. Pa. to act as a nurse in
the hospital for insane at that place.
Bert Wright graduated from the
Pittsburg Dental College last week.
Bert left this week for Warren, Pa.,
where he intends to open dental parlors.
Henry Gelbach. of Zelienople, Geo.
K. Graham, of Penn twp., and John
Emerick, of Sumuiit twp. were among
the attendant elders at the Presbytery.
Wm.Campbell of Concord twp. is very
sick and not expected to live, the result
of being injured about the head two
years ago while working on an oil well.
John N. McDonald and Josephine M.
Sasse, well knowu young people of
Mars, were married in Cletk of Court's
Meals office, Wednesday afternoon by
Esq. Anderson.
Harry Iseman has securred a jtosition
with Win. Grove, the merchant tailor,
on sth avenue. Pittsburg, next door to
the Hotel Henry,and his friends in But
ler wish him success.
Jay Evans and Herbert Burns, of
Ifceynoldsville, Pa., veterans of the 10th
Pa. Vols., who were with that regi
ment in Porto Rico, visited Prothono
tary Thompson and family, Wednes
W. J. Pear*o of Middlesex twp, was
in town, Tuesday. Mr. Peaco is one of
the most successful fruit growers in the
the State. He has 500 trees on 35 acres,
and has the best, of fruit when others
have none.
J. A. Cunningham who occnpied the
Slater farm at Reibold station is now
living'on the. Henry Ross farm near
Mt. Chestnut. Mr. Cunningham ha«
suffered greatly from rheumatism dur
ing the past few months.
—Enwf r & Sons Dry Goods store in
New C'fistle was burned yesterday
morning. The loss is pnt at $200,000.
—The Hill School in Franklin twp.
gave an entertainment last Thursday
evening, with a vejy good program.
—The U.S. will send 14000 regulars to
the Philippines to take the place of
12' KM) volunteers who will shortly be
sent home.
—lf j'ou don't "stop, look and listen"
at several places in Pittsburg you will
be run over in six different directions.
The foot of Fifth avenue is one of the
places; a blacksmith named Burns was
ground to pieces under a street car at
that point last Saturday.
—Oliver W. Stoughton of Prospect
has sold his interest in the Prospect
Creamery to the other stockholders, and
his farm to Boggs & Kline of Evans
City. He has purchased the latters'
store and will take possession about the
10th of May. He will have a sale of
personal property, including some Jer
sey cows and agricultural implements,
on Tnesday. April 25, beginning at 10
Before buying a Buggy, Carriage, Road
Wagon, Farm Wagon or a set of Har
ness, call at J. G. & W. Campbell's, and
i see the largest line and best assortment in
I Bu tier.
Ten Nights in a Bar Room will ap
pear in the Park Theatre. Monday even
ing, April 24. The play will be present
ed by Charles Mortimer, supported by
a strong company.
The attraction at the Park Theatre
for one night, Wednesday, April 20,
will be "Uncle Josh Spruceby." The
war does not seem to effect this popular
production, as they arc playing to
crowded houses at every stand. Mr
Levis is an up-to-date manager, always
on the lookout 'or something to please
his r patrons. The talant engaged for
this season ave people of ability, and
the play is produced in magnificent,
style. Mar.y specialties are presented
and they are all new and catchy. A
carload of special scenery is used and
the sensational saw mill scene is pre
sented with all its startling realism. A
fine street parade is given at noon daily,
at which time a splendid concert of
popular music is rendered. The com
pany carries 35 people and is the big
gest organization on the road playing
at popular prices. Prices 10, 20 and 30
cell T B
"The Sjiorting Duchess," a powerful
inelo-drama which was the triumph of
two seasons at the Academy of Music,
New York City, will be presented at
the Grand < tpera House next week on a
scale of unexampled magnitude and
splendor. Manager Harry Davis prom
ises that the production shall excell that
of "Cyrano De Bergerac" in scenic en
vironment as well an in sensational ef
fects. The story of the play is of ab
sorbing interest. Naturally, the pas
sion of loye holds sway throughout,
with jealousy, duplicity, honest indig
nation, and retribution, as con com it
ants. The plot turns on the falsity of a
friend of a husband and the attempted
lietrayal of the wife, leading up to one
of the most dramatic situations ever
conceived by a playwright. A great
deal of the action revolve altont horses
There in a race scene in "The Sporting
Duchess,' in which there will be a doz
en thoroughbred horses in a wild strug
gle for supremacy.
Bicycles—all the leading makes to be
found at J. O. & W. Campljell's.
Court for the trial of civil cases con
vened. Monday When the trial list
was called the following cases were re
ported as settled: Mary Slagel vs John
Weber and W. P. Nelson vs <». D
The case of Heckert vs Stamm was
held over for settlement, also that of
the Olive Stove Works vs F. C. Bnhl
The assumpsit snit of F H Davy vs
James W. Ekas, to recover rent claimed
to l>e dne was tried Monday. The jury
was ont all night and Tnesday morning
retnrned a verdict for the defendant for
The plaintiff not appearing, a verdict
fOi the defendant was ordered in the
snit for divorce of Sarah Jordan vs 1.
P. Jordan The trespass snit of F. P
Jordan vs Jas. McGilghnst to recover
damages of Mrs. Jordan's affections was
continued until May "Jti.
The assumpsit case of A. Lynch vs
P J. Quilter was continued until May
In the suit of Mary E. Purvis vs .1
O. Purvis, tried Tuesday, the jury re
tnrned a verdict for the plaintiff for
ijr.iß7.S3, the amount of the notes and in
terest in suit.
A motion for a new trial was enter
tained in the case of Steelsmith vs
Aiken and will be heard at the next
Argument Court.
Wednesday verdicts were rendered
against the Forest Oil Co. for labor
claims as follow- in favor of A MandG II
Peebles for *178.18. and *152.15, in favor
of S. E. Stonebreaker for *144.90 and in
favor of D. A. Holland for*l-!H.72.
The plf. was nonsuited in the case of
Amos Steelsmith vs A W. Aiken, as
sumpsit to recover the cost of plugging
a well in Forward twp., deserted by
Aiken and subsequently plugged by
fcteelsmith, an adjoining lease o>vner.
The assumpsit suit of McCrea Love
vs W. H. Wslker adm'r., was tried
Tuesday and a verdict of $875.40 —note
in question and interest—was given for
the plf.
The ejectment suit of A. V. Root vs
P. Schmick is being tried.
Traders and Mechanics Bank of Pitts
burg vs A M. Cornelius, ex r of D. A.
Renfrew, assumpsit for 14."»0. due on
notes given by Mr. Renfrew dnring his
lifetime. The defendant appeared and
plead non assumpsit and estoppel.
J. Berg & Co. vs < ath and Cbas. El
senrath, defts, and the Farmers Mutual
Fire Insurance Co. garnishees, execu
tion attachment to satisfy a judgment.
W. C. Craig vs Wni. Patton. appeal
bj* deft, from judgment of $35.50, the
price of a cow rendered by W. J.
Hntchison, P. of Oakland twp.
H. C. Shakely va Isaac Shakely. ap
peal by deft, from judgment rendered
by W. A. Fleming, J. P., of Petrolia.
The will of Anna Kihn. dee'd, of But
ler has been probated and letters testa
mentary granted to Mathias Kihn: also
will of David K. Frazier, dee d, of Mnd
dycreek twp, and letters to Robert S.
A petition for partition of the real es
tate of Martin Eyth, dee'd, of Butler
has been filed by his daughter, Mrs.
Sarah E. Geible.
Attorneys S. F. Bowser and E. H.
N*egley have been admitted to practice
before the Interior Department of the
L'nite.l States.
Tlie will of Stephen Markwell, dee'd,
of Concord twp. has been probated, no
letters; also will of Mary Saiver, dee'd,
of Buffalo twp. and letters to Daniel IJ.
Sarv'ir. adm'r, C. T. A.
Letters of administration on the es
tate of O. M. Russell, dee'd, of Butler,
have 7>een granted to Dillie Russell.
A mortgage for $1,000,000 has been
recorded by Register and Recorder
Adams given by the Erie Brewing Co.
to the Mercantile Trust Co. It bears
$490.50 worth of revenue stamps and is
also recorded in eight other counties in
Pennsylvnia, three in New York and
three in Ohio.
The outfits for Assessors for the regis
tration of voters and schoolchildren are
ready for them at the office of the Coun
ty Commissioners.
Tuesday Sheriff Dodds brought Min
nie Cohen from Mars and lodged her in
j.'iil on a charge of larceny preferred by
£3. Levey, a Mara merchant, before Esq.
W. A. Sloan, of that place. Minnie
was employed as a domestic bv Leyey
and he alleges tbat she stole jewelry,
merchandise, and his wife's d I esses to
the value of several hundred dollars.
The girl was arrested in Pittsburg and
tried to cut her throat with a bread
knife when the detective took her.
There may be further developments in
the case as the authoritiesthink Minnie
is being prosecuted to cover up another
J. A. Ehnier has been appointed
guardian of Anna M., minor child of
John A. Ehnier, dee d , of Butler.
Levi M. Wise, Esq., has been ap
pointed guardian of E. Mable and
Howard M., minor children of Michael
Shoup, dec'd., of Evans City.
A commission in lunacy went to Har
risville this morning to inquire into the
alleged lunacy of John I). McClelland
cf that place. It consisted of Thos. L>.
Greer, Esq., and Dr. Campbell and S.
L. Braham. both of Mercer twp.
M. A. Berkimer has been appointed
guardian of Pearl, minor child of
Nicholas J. Griffin, dec'd.
The will of Philip J. Hass, dec'd., of
Buffalo twp., has been probated and
letters granted to Rachel Hass.
James A. Taylor has been appointed
guardian of Claude, George and Maude
Hawkins, minor children of Frank E.
Hawkins, dee d., who had oil interests
on the David Crawford farm in Alle
gheny twp.
Jos. J. Frankle plead guilty to a
charge of vagrancy, Monday, and was
sentenced to pay a tine of $5 and was
sent to jail for 00 days.
Curtis Breakall plead guilty to f&b
and was sentenced to pay the costs and
a $lO fine to the prosecutrix and was
committed to the custody of the sheriff
nnlil the sentence is complied with.
The prosecutrix was Mary A AllsTt,
recently adjudged insane and taken to
Win. Boyd, veteran of the 123 d Pa.
Vols, has been granted a peddlers
The viewers in the case of G. W.
Bavtley et al vs A. VV. Ity. C., met
April 14 on the farm (occupied by
Frederick Herold)in Summit twp. and
awarded the plfs. $-114 for a little over
four acres taken by the railroad and
also SIOOO damages.
The will of Geo. L. Heim, dec'd , of
Winfield twp., has been probated and
letters granted to John Heim.
Letters of administration on the
estate of Adam Gold, dec'd, of Middle
sex twp.. have been granted to Andrew
C. Moser of Winfield twp.
Geo. W. Kennedy to Hattie E. Ken
nedy, lot in Portersville, for $ 150.
Adda L. Albert to Eli Mny, lot in
Butler, for $1,050.
Penn'a. F. & L. Assn., to Louisa
Cypher, 5 acres in Buffalo, for SOSO.
Hugh J. Forquer to Ernest Dame, 1
acre in Donegal for SSO.
Philip Kiedel to Adam Rape lot in
Harmony for S2OO.
Wilbert Nicholas to Cath. Davy lot
in Butler for SI2OO.
Isaac Meal 4, Clerk, to C. B. Harper
property in Ja -kson for $35!!5.
John V. Neff to Nannie E. Baker lot
in Butler for SSOO.
D. A. Heck to Nannie E. Baker, lot
in Uutler for SISOO.
Harriet McGlennon to Ellen Mc-
Natnara 07 acres in Adams for $1077.50.
Ellen McNamara. adm'x, to Harriett
McGlennon, 07 acres in Adams for
Eva E. Stnebgen to Elizabeth
Krnmpe, <juit claim to property in But
ler for S7OO.
E. T. Norton to Margt Mat tern, lot
in Mars for <l5O.
Emma Glenn to H. I. Mct'andlew* lot
iu Centre twp. for $H">-
John A. McCandless to Mary Me
landless lot in W. Snnburv for f"<oo.
Martha Magee to John Cress l'i acres
in Conno<jnenessinir twp. for *l">oo
Henry Kebin to A. &W. Rv- Co.
acres in Snmniit for#l'>4"
John Kehm to same 2 acres in Sum
mit for sl.
Zelienople Ex Co to Valentine Schans
lot in Jackson for
\V E Hockenberry to Lewis Tavlor
110 acres in Cherry for fl-KM).
Sarah J Thompson to Carrie E Sager
lot in Centreville for
Elmira J (iraharn to Marv E Martin
lot in W. Snnburv for ssoo.
Henry Doerr to J C Stewart - acres in
Butler twp for *6OO.
W Z Murrin. trustee, to Jemim
Phipps lot in W. Snnbnry for
Jemiuia Phipps to Emma C Mechhng
lot in W. Snnbury for fcM)
Margt Armstrong to Lizzie Nicholas
lot in Buffalo for SIOSO.
Win. B Dodds. Sheriff, to Newton
Black lot in Harmony for *l'.»xn.
Newton Black to A. J. Blake lot in
Harmony for sl.
W. E. Weigle to Daniel Keefer lot in
Buffalo for SSO.
Heirs of Valentine Feigel to George
Ketterer lot in Butler for #l.
E. H. Negley to Barbara Hanck lot m
Butler for *7'J.-">o,
Marriage Licenses
J. F. Stoll Slippervrock twp
Annie Bollinger " twp
John B. Shontz Franklin twp
Lizzie Gallagher Muridycreek
John Cooper Adams twp
Margt. Muhlheim " twp
George Stevens Hilliard
Gertie Rumbangh "
Ira I. Wilson Prospect
Ida M. Weigle
Chas. H. Sander Allegheny. Pa
Knth I. McDonald Adams twp
John N. McDonald Mars
Josephine M. Sasse
N W. Campbell Cnluiersville
Nannie B. McCaffertv Ekastown
Kvaiis City.
Rev. J. H. Lavertv is very much im
proved in his health.
Mr Harding the liveryman is the hap
py father of a big boy.
Mrs. Sarah Dunbar is somewhat im
Mrs. Fleeger was taken to the Alle
gheny Hospital Thursday, she t.as been
confined to her bed for over six weeks
with rheumatism.
Mrs S. E. Hoagland is able to be
around again after an illness of two
Prof Tinstman moved his family here
Saturday from Sandy Lake.
Miss Blanche Longwell of Karns City
Pa. is very busy trimming hats for
Nicklass Bros.
Mr. Jim and family from Am
berson's Bridge have moved into the old
school building.
The new College openeil % Tuesday
with a fnll attendance of students.
Mr. Evans suffered a very painful op
eration but successfully by D. Lippin
cott of Allegheny, Mr. Evans got apiece
of steel in his eye and had to have it cut
on t, Bernard looks rather funny with
his large gogles on but he says his eve
is some better and that is what he
wants and he will wear them only too
Miss Genevive Dunbar of Butler
visited her papa Campbell Dunbar from
Tuesday till Sunday.
Mr Hugh McClelland died Tuesday
of heart trouble.
At the Opera House Friday evening
April 21 the Three Hats will be render
ed by home talent and promises to be
one of the best entertainments ever ren
dered in Evans City. It is for the bene
fit of the John A. Irvin Fire Co.
Sarver.s station.
Buffalo twp, schools closed their win
ter term last Monday with interesting
Mr. Edenmiller blacksmith is now
located at Sarvers Station.
Mrs. Melly Todd an<l Mrs. Dr. J. L.
Black of Buffalo chnrch attended the
Ladies Missionary meeting in Bntler
Rev. Dr. Ketler, of Grove City
College will deliver an address in con
nection with the Sarver Station Select
School, in the Buffalo Presbyterian
chnrch, Friday evening April 2H inst.
Headquarters Encampment 45, I
U. V. L., Butler, Pa., Apr. 17, 'BB. f
WHEREAS, The above named En
campment did celebrate "Appoinatox
Day ' on the l'2th and liith of April, and
as the good people of Butler did (aw they
always have done) patronize ns freely,
and help ns cheerfully, therefore it is
Resolved, That our sincere thanks
are due, and are very heartily and
gratefully extended to the people afore
said, to Chase & Sanborn for coffee, to
the press, to the ladies, to Mr Charles
Oliver and to all who did, in any way,
aid and assist in making our jubillee a
success financially and socially.
Trusting that for the few years yet
remaining to our organization we may
he able to retain the confidence of yon
all We are very thankfully.
Attest, No. 45 U. V. L.
Adjt. Col.
Xotiw of >I«M-ting;.
The Mass Convention of the Prohibi
tionist and other reformers which meets
in the Gospel Fiohibition Church at 2
o'clock, Tuesday next, will be addressed
in the evening by Rev's. Lavely Dickie
and D. ('. Tolbot, the famous western
orotor of Taledo, lowa.
Delegates sending their names to the
undersigned before Saturday night will
be furnished free entertainment.
L. C. WICK. Chairman.
J. G. & W. Campbell have Fishinj;
AMY BROS, are Selling out toyuiT
BUSINESS. Their entire stock of furniture
is for sale, including all goods en route,
nothing reserved, wonderful bargains,
ery evening.
Seed Oats.
Choice White, recleaned seed oats, for
sale at
Flour Mills, Butler, I'a
Estra" Notice,
Came to the residence of the subscri
ber, in Oakland Twp., 011 the 9th day of
March, 1599, one dark-brown, de-horned
cow, with star 011 face, white 011 belly
and two white hind feet, end about 7 or
8 years old.
The owuer is requested to come for
ward, prove pro|>erty, pay charges and
take lier away, otherwise she will be dis
posed of according to law.
Butler Pa.
New, four-room house for sale In
quire at this office
Seed Oats.
Choice White, recleaned seed oats, for
sale at
Flour Mills, Butler, Pa.
A house and hit in a growing part of
Butler can be bought on easy terms
Also several good building lots at low
Enquire at CITIZEN office for particu
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker it Wick for
location and outfit
Buakeye Mowers, Binders, Binder
Twine, Hay Rakes, Land Rollers and a
full line of Hay Tools at
—For bargains in valuable and demr
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
El vain.
l > ni-.|K'ct si n*l Vicinity.
Yon may not have heard that:
The work on the new Odd Fellows'
hall is progressing nicely.
The boys are now along the runs fish
Miss Blanche Kelley. south of towns
spent Sunday with her friend Miss Loi.
George Warren has been suffering
with bronchitis or some kindred trouble
for a week or so.
White and Allen, of Isle, have l>een
painting for Josh Gallegher for <oiue
< 'lara Leplev has returned from Clin
ton twp. where she taught school last
Cora McLnre was first in town to
plant her sweet peas.
Miss Eva McLnre has finished her
school in Jackson twp, and is now at
home to her friends.
There will be a vacancy in our school
lK)anl in May. Guess who will till the
Charlie Hueter is working for L. M.
Roth this spring.
J. C. Kelley was the first to plant his
potatoes and quite a lot of them to.
Dodds and Heyl are drilling a water
well on the Henshp.w lot for Howard
Miss Mollie English has been at Grant
City a week or so assisting her uncle
Ike to fix up his new home.
D. D. G. M . J. A. McGowan has fin
ished installing the officers of the I O.
O. F. Lodges in the connty. Mr. Mc-
Gowan finds the Lodges in a prosperous
condition, and thanks the members
everywhere in the connty for their
(). W. Stoughton, who has sold his
farm and bought a store in Evans City,
will have a public sale on Tnesday,
April 25. This will be a very large sale.
Nine months credit on all sums over five
dollars; five per cent off for cash
John Shontz and Lizzie Gallagher
were united in marriage on Thursday
April 13. The happy couple have onr
best wishes. Five centers John, or we
will serenade yon.
Robert Grossman has returned from
a two week's visit to his uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. James Young, of Home
The people iJ miles north east of town
are trying to get a post office to be call
ed Manila The wish will likely be
granted by the department at Wash
ington, and John Albert may be the
post master.
Stewart Wilson don't intend to be
downed by anybody in the e«g business.
He lately brought So dozen to the store,
beinj; one weeks production. Stewart
thinks he could squeeze some more out
if he had to.
John S. Dodds, of Mt. Chestnut, was
in town one dav, last week on business.
John report* all (). K. in his neighbor
Mr McCarvey has moved from butlor
to the old Hay farm northwest of town.
Robert Hilliard, of Isle, made our
town a business call last week.
Candidate J. D. Mcßride was in town
recently, shaking hands with his
friends. John, did you shake the direc
tors hands the {most enthusiastically?
All right.
We believe that Mrs. Langharst was
the first woman in town to get her
house cleaned. Many hands make light
Halcie McClelland, of Butler, was a
caller, not long since.
Newt Riddle, who is studying law
and attending commercial college. But
ler, was home, a few days last week.
The Odd Fellows are having a boom
at present, and lots of good men are
joining the Order.
Joseph Graham, of Whitestown.made
our town a call last week, Mr. Gra
ham, who fought under Gen. Geary in
nearly all the great battles from Chicka
mauga to Gettysburg, is one of onr del
egates to the coming Republican state
On Shaffer thinks that is a fine carpet,
and shouldn't lie rocked on and over too
much. A sensible view of it, O. A.
Miss Aggie Harvey, who is going to
Portersville this spring to assist her sis
ter, Mrs. Covert in the millinery bus
iness, has gone to the city t.» purchase
goods for the firm. Past success insures
Miss Aggie a good trade. Staff and
Badger Bros, are doing the stone work
for the new I O. (J. F. hall.
You will find a daily weather report
on Bowers'drugstore window. Consult
it often.
James Meßurney is going to Porters
ville to work for Henderson Oliver,
James is a first rate hand.
The CITIZEN and the N. Y. Tribune
made a good combination.
We must not forget to congratulate
Bert •Critchlow on that eleven pound
boy of his.
Clay Sarver, of Ellwood was in town
last Saturday.
James Frazier, the genial director of
the Oak Grove school, Muddy Creek
twp, was in town on business one day
last week.
Lome Shanor thinks that a fellow
who eats nearly a peck of walnuts and
complains of being sick, should be sent
to the rip-raps. Who was he, Lome?
Albert Dunn of Evans City, visited
his folks Saturday.
The measles have struck the town,
and several have made their acquaint
Barbaree now seems to be the favorite
sport among the girls.
liitsi two Low-Kit!<• Kxciirsioutt
to Washington and llaltiinorc
via I Vnnsylvaiiia I tail road.
The last two Pennsylvania Railroad
low-rate ten-day excursions from Pitts
burg and points in Western Pennsyl
vania to Washington will leave 011
April 27 and May 11. Round-trip tick
ets will be sold at rates quoted below,
good going on special train indicated,
or train No. I, leaving Pittsburg at H::«)
P. M., and carrying through sleeping
cars to Washington. Specialtrain of
through parlor cars and coaches will be
run on the following schedtiale:
Train leaves Rate.
Pittsburg 8.00 A. M. U.OO
Tarenttnn ~..7. M " 0.00
Butler 625 " 9.00
F ree|K>rt 7.40 " 0.00
Altoona 11.40 " 000
Washington Ar. 7. 1"» " 0.00
Tickets will l>e go<xl returning on any
regular train; except the Pennsylvania
Limited, until May 0 and May ','o, re
spectively, and to stop off at Baltimore
within limit.
Holders of special excursion tickets to
Washington can purchase, at the Penn
sylvania Railroad Offices in Wash
ington, excursion tickets to Richmond
at the rate of $4.00 and to Ohl Point
Comfort (all rail) at fil.oo, at the offices
of the Norfolk and Washington Steam
f>oat Company, excursion tickets (not
including meals and staterooms on
steamer) to Old Point Comfort or Nor
folk, Va., at £s.so, and to Virginia
Beach at 50; Washington to Mt.
Vernon and return, via electric railway,
50 cents.
Should the number of passengers not
be sufficient to warrant the running of
a special train, the company reserves
the right to carry participants in this
excursion on regular train.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union
Ticket (Iflice, i{(>o Fifth Avenue, and
Union Station, and at all stations
mentioned above. For full information
apply to agents or Thomas E. Watt,
Passenger Agent Western District,
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street,
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of . H.
O'Brien <sc Son. Hast Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which more than ia«xj were
ohl in Butler, last year.
< 111 l« II N<»l l»
Ke\ w J Hazlftt will prcacli in the
Buffalo church nest Sun.'ay at :i P M
Sabbath School at - o clock
K A. White, of Butler and Re\.
Stewart, of Plain Grove, were elected
delegates to the Presbyterian < ieneral
Assembly which meets in Michiifan
this summer
Rev. I). C. Talbot. of Toledo, lowa,
has ln-eii appointed acting Pastor »f tlie
Gospel Prohibition chnrch. Untler, to
succeed the Key. I <». Pollard, who
has been made Presiding Klder anil
Superintendent of all the churches of
the new denomination The new Pas
tor is expected to preach his first ser
moil Sunday next.
The quarterly meeting of the Untler
Presbytery, of the Presbyterian church,
was held 111 the first church, th« place.
Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. W. H
Sloan, of Prosjiei't. was solicited as
Moderator and Rev. W S McNeese. of
Middlesex twp., as secretary. The ap
pointing of committees and other rou
tme occupied most of the Presbytery s I
attention. Rev. A. C. Espach. of Cin
cinnatti. 0.. was ordained as a minis
ttr. He will have charge of the .Tel
ferson Centre congregation. A com
mittee was appointed to adjust, if pos j
sible. the differences between Rev. 11 j
E. Snyder and his congregations at Cal
lery and Plains and definite action as to
his resignation was held over until the
next meeting of the Presbytery, which ,
will be held at Grove City in July.
Rev. Jas M. Kelly, who has been call I
ed to the charge of Clintonville and j
Amity, was received from the Blairs
ville Presbytery and Rev N. K. Crowe
was dismissed to the St. Clairsville
THK M AUKKT remains unchanged -
both agencies are paying $1,151
AI.LhXiHENY T\vt». The Octagon
Oil Co. brought in a ten-barrel well.
Tuesday, on the Milford farm.
For Kent or Sale.
Five roomed frame house on Lincoln
Way. water and gas. good stable on
lot. Inouire at CITIZEN office.
if you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest slock in County. Bicycles for
—Music scholars wanted, at 12S VV
Wavne St.
[interesting j
S Dissolution Sale Prices on f
\ Reliable Furniture An Op- ?
x portunity You should
By—You save Money and /
/ Get Reliable Goods- V
f No matter what kind you want V
J it's here About two-thirds the i
v amount of furniture to show you \
J that we hail last month, hut f
V values were never better. Easy J
f prices make easy selling, but re- \
\ member these prices can't last al- %
€ ways, as you know the prices on J
J all kinds of merchandise are ad- v
j var.cing, so buy now and saye C
V jnoney. *
/ Decorated Dinner Sets v
Q 100 pieces, nicely decorated. V
JThey sold for $12.50 and sl4 00; r
/ reduced the price to reduce the I
S stock and not because the goods i
J are in any way imperfect. £
J China Closets /
y Oak or mahogany finish, some /
with oval glass sides, other* are \
f square with glass in the sides, f
v Cheaoest one we have has square J
f sides without glass; price was $10; f
C reduced to \
J $8 00 £
( Cane Seat Chairs at $1.50 \
? each. /
) Suitable for a Dining Room or '
C Sitting Room; o<ak fxilish finish; \
} well made: price was #2.00. V
/ Iron Bed at S 3.00 r
/ Cheapest we have, because we (
\ can't buy a reliable one to sell for \
/ less money. Finer ones at $5.00. f
i $7.50; selling the $15.00 kind at J
J $lO 00 /
( Baby Carriages and 3
? Go' Carts /
) f7.00 to J>2s.<k>, anil a fine lot to S
\ select from. The comfort of the S
1 little dear is looked after about /
j equally well in all of them, but 3
C there is a difference in appoint- C
J ments au<l appearance. J
r Go-Carts, too -"jaunting carts," f
J perhaps you call them. Prices be- y
•gin at k
$3.00 j
a postal card to,
I IKI Mf* or call up No. 41
mJ m I\#l of the People's
»»»»»*»***** I'hotic and
new wagon, ruunitig to and from his
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your hoase,
take away your dirty carpets and return
them in a day or two as clean as new.
All 011 a summer morning--Carpets,
ruj-u and curtains thoroughly cleaned on
short notice.
Contractor of
Plastering and Cementing.
Cisterns, Cement Floors,
Walks, Walls, Etc.
439 Ist Street, Tel. 381.
eggs FOR hatching 1
Buff Leghorns, Buff and Barred
Plymouth Rocks.
One dollar for fifteen.
Annandale, N. J.
Trusses lor Rupture are 1
necessary. The only ques- j
tion to consider is "where i
can I get the btst truss for
the least money?" We sell
trasses on the "no charge for
fitting" plan. We charge you
simply for the truss. We go
further, we guarantee a fit
and guarantee satisfaction.
There are many different
kind of trusses, and one
great thing is to know what
kind is best to use. We
have had enough truss sell
ing experience to find that
out. Our stock of trusses is
not excelled in this vicinity,
but that is not the point for
you to consider Your con
sideration as we said before,
is stated above. Men we fit
here. We give direction
for self measurement to
C. N. Boyd,
Diamond Block. Butler. Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
In tlic matter of the final account of Mary
\. t»r»*en. administrator of
Lite of Allegheny township. deceased.
O <\ No. 1.. May Term. I«•».«.
Now. April 12th. 1 the within motion
made in open court and considered and the
Court appoint* 11. H.tJoucher, Auditor,
to p:i»* upon the claim* of creditors and
mak«* distribution of the fund to and amon;
them according to law and make report
thereof at next term of court.
IIY THF. CorilT.
Notice is hereby given that I will attend »«>
the duties of al»ove appointment at my oftW*
No. 114 North IHumono. Butler. Pa., on the
loth day of May, A. I». l>y»». at the hour of 10
o'clock a. in., when and where all parties in
terested in the dissibutlon of the balance in
the nands of said administrator may appear
and make proof of their cbiim.
11. 11. GOtVHEK.
Notice of First Meeting of
In the matter of Fred. In the Olstrlct Court
Katischer and Curtis of tlie I'uited States
t\ Shlra. late partners for the Western I>ls
under firm name and trict of IVnnsyl
style of Rauseher \ vania. No. 284, in
Shlra and Individually Itankruptry.
To the creditors or I'red. Kauaeher and
Curtis C. Shlra. late partners under tirm
name style of Kau.M'her \ Slilra, and
I red. Kauscher upd < 'uftls C. sbira.lndl vldu
ally. of llutler. in the County of Butler and
District aforesaid, bankrupts.
NOTK K IS HKKEHV tiI VEN. That on the till
iluy of April. A. I>. Ilie s:iid I'red. Rmis-
clior anil Curtis *'blra. late partners under
tlrm name and style of Kiiusrlicr \ Sliiriuunil
Kred. Itausrher and < urt is t shlru.lndlvldu
ally were duly adjudicated bankrupts, and
that the Hrst meeting of their creditors will
lie held at the ofllee of J. W. Hutchison. No.
IHN. \V. Diamond. Butler, I'ednsylvauht. on
Saturday, I lie iind day of April, ut 10
oVhiek in thp forymain. at which time the
said creditors may attend, prove their
claim*, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupts, and transact such other business
as may properly come before said meeting.
Hefereo In Bankruptcy.
April lath. I*'*!.
Jennie McKean i In the Court of Common
vs. Pleas of Butler Co., l'a.
Ira 11. McKean. t
Now. .March 17th. is'.f.'. the subpu*na and
alias suhpo'ria having been duly returned
N. K. I. and no appearance for the respond
ent. notice is hereby given to Ira 11. Mc-
Kean respondent to appear and answer the
libel in above stated case, and show cause
why a divorce from the bond:; of matrimony
should not he granted, Jennie McKean, on
the third Monday of May, otherwise they
will proceed r\ parte Ml Tuesday t lie Pith
day of May, lsi)6. being day fixed for said
Sheri IT.
Etta M. MHUsoti i hi in«- Court <»f Cnmtnot*
VS. -iMoas of liutlcr Co.
Cam K. Milliso.i. i A. 1". II Dec. Term, i-\f.
The sutipo'iia ;in<l alias
having been duly returned N. B I and no
appcMirauco for tin 1 respondent notice Is
lieivby mveu to you. Cam E. Mllllsoii. re
spondent to appear and answer said lilx-l.
and show cause why a divorce from the
IH>IKIS of mat riinony should not he granted
your wife. Etta M. Nlillisoii. on Monday tin
lath dav «»f May, Ismi, otherwise they will
proceed ex parte on Tuesday, the ltith day of
May, IS9D.
i.ettets of administration on the estate
of Adam 11. Oold, dee d., late of Middle
sex township, Butler Co., I'enn'a., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them properly
authenticated for settlement to
Denny P. 0., Butler Co., Pa,
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Daniel Heck, dee'd., late of Centre twp.,
Butler Co., Pa., having l>epn granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
McCandlcss, Pa.
J. D. MCJUNKIN, Att'v.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Adam H. Walters, dee'd., late of
Adams township, Butler county, Pa.,
having lieen granted to the uudeisigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payments, and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
W. A. Sf.OAN, Adm'r.,
Mars P. 0.,
Uutlcr Co., Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estAte of
Samuel 11. Fleming, dee'd., late of Buf
fal'j twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ments, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
lix'rs ,
Kkastown, l'a,
RALSTON & GRKKR, att'ys.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between O. W.
Stoughton, J. W. Shaffer, N. S. Gross
man, S. E. Wilson, and Davit) West,
under the firm name of "Prospect
Creamery C 0.," was dissolved by mutual
consent 011 Saturday, April 15, 1599, O.
W Stoughton retiring.
The business will be continued under
the same firm name, and all accounts of
the late firm will be settled by the new ]
Prospect Creamery Co.,
Insurance and Real Estate
i !7iE.y KFFKRSON.
Model Qairy $ Poultry Farm,
Breeder of High IClass Poultry.
Itarred Rocks, Buff Cochins,
I.igut Brahmus. Black Minorcas,
S C. Brown Leghorns, S. L.,
White and Golden Wynndottes,
Illustrated <'alHloguv I KKK
H Mrs. J. E. ZimmermaiTrj
OAn Unparalleled M
Bargain Opportunity. kl
i j late in the season if von y A
! A JMI antic
M J*clset Sun. but come make a selection j
• ) while st ( nuplete. Ladies' Separate WA
I V J Jackets s ] Skirts, Misses' and Children's L«
i . \ - Tr Jacket Su La< ies Shirt Waists and
¥ A
\ •' \ \ \ Ladies' Covert Cloth >uits, lino! k 1
i \ *»' Ladies' Covert Cloth Suits, silk
i f lin 6.75 W2
, ILadies' All-wool Cc.-crt Clolh
{ I. Suits, silk-!iae«l Jacket 10.00 W J
> fit Lilies' All-wool Venetian Clolh
< / j silk lined Jacket 13 50 k
. 3, Ladies' All-wool Venitian Cloth W,
f A I***' silk-lined Jacket 1650 k 4
U j i, M
m * J g_iir' - ; J* All the alwve priced suit* come in tan f \
W M and browns, blues, blacks and grays. "
V J An Opportunity to Vet Jut Whit You Wait at Jut Whit Inn Want to l'»j.
k l 1" no previous season have we been able to collect in assortment so
m a well adapted to the wants of our patrous. A beautiful lot of fashion- '
able and artistically trimmed Hats at 98c. 51.50, fi. 00, #2.50 up j
kl to f 10.00. We also offer some very unusual values in untrimmcd A
Wl Hats a few of which only we have room to men'ion: Ladses' Vn- V
f J trimmed Hata 50c to $3.50; Misses'and Children'; Untrimmcd Hats
19c, 25c, 50c. 75c to $1.50. A
Vour pursi- trill iiutekly wrlien y«»n »• •• tin- -|> . nrtld opportunities A
W A »i'otTer In our l>ress Uoods IK-partmi nt All ■ i-i rvi's. biaek and eolw- V
¥ A 111.-" HIIII 111* sliades ill CuviTt t'lotli~ :i!i<i Vmltv I»r« —. (iixxls nt iiflc; k l
kw beautiful black Crepons 50c toCJO per yard. ourstix-k of dress troo<ls!
1 ~:itliiN. wasli titlirii-s. iintioi,-. uikli tv. h ;hic| lu»i< ry was never mure A
WA eompleti'. never prieed less. ne\.-r Hti.r \nlui-s Come and look at our V
¥A JCHids they will verify our stateiueut.- .W
¥ A a tu'lUtlful tui'ked plain Satin Waist in all tin new shades violet,
[9l Cyrano, royal 111 111 cardinal and l.laek at - \alue i,"..i«i. Also an rj
elegant assortment of tiliu'k and fancy eoioriil Taffeta ~IIU Waists ai prices A
• J that will convince you where a dollar reaches farthest. M
li Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, ij
New Store|***|New Goods
© Just Opened Q
The Surprise Stire,
108 South Main St.. Butler. Pa-
Clothing, Gents Furnishing,
Hats, Trunks.
Next Door to Butler Savings Bank.
HWe are now Ready j
To show you our new spring line of Men's, i
% Boys' and Children's clothing at entirely
*1 new prices. J
Also our new spring line of Hats (in all A
► 1 the new shapes), caps and furnishing goods. V
m VVe will make you a tailor made suit for ►J
►j $15.00 up to $30.00, and if they do not fit 4
4 or please you, we do not ask you to take J
\J it. Come in and sec the samples. 4
A We Have Two Stores and j
A We buy real cheap now. j
A Few Plain Questions 111
Arc you going to buy a Spring Suit?
SEE OUR LINE AT $6. SB. $lO and sl2.
Want an Overcoat this Spring?
t you are going to wear the latest style Spring Hat?
Going to get a new Spring Shirt ?
Want the Very Latest See Our Line.
Do you want the swellest thing in Neckwear?
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
i Alti rrtCE MAY PROVE I Oilw IvAfi-
Subscribe far the CITIZEN.