Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 20, 1899, Image 2

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WILLIAM C xr-OLEV - - PihlbhT
Republican County Ticket.
For Slu-rill".
For Prothoiwtary.
For Kcgi*t<'r and Hveorder.
For Treasurer.
For Clerk of Courts.
W. P.
For County Coninii?»foiier.
For County Auditor.
For Coronpr.
Thursday's vote at the joint session
was 04. 74. 53,—the Independents voting
for Alvin Markle. of Lnzerne county
At the regnlar morning conference
the anti-Qnay Republicans unanimou-ly
indorsed the appended letter, which
was signed by Senator William Flinn.
chairman of the anti-Qnay steering
committee. The lettei was delivered
by Senator Flinn in person to Senator
John C. Uradv, who was chairman of
THE caucus which nominated MR QUAY
as his own successor. The letter to
Senator Grady says:
"Those Republican members of the
Legislature who are now opposing the
election of M. S. Quay to the United
States Senate hereby suggest that a
committee of .conference be named on
the part of those voting for Mr. Quay.
to confer with a like committee on the
part of those opposing him, with a view
of adjusting factional differences and
the election of a Senator. An early
reply will oblige. "
The managers of Senator QUAY S fight
beld a conference that night, after
which Senator Grady, in person, de
livered to Senator Flinn the following
"I am in receipt to-day of your com
munication suggesting 'that a com
mitte of conference be named on the
part cf those voting for M. S. Quay to
confer with a like committee on the
part of those opposing him. The join*
caucus held in January last, which has
now passed into the domain of legisla
tive history, did not, AS chairman,
clothe me with authority to appoint a
conference committee, but as the pro
position submitted by you may have an
important bearing upon the matter, it
should be brought to the attention of
those now voting foi the caucus nominee
of the Republican party, so I feel it my
duty to at once issue a call for a meeting
to be held on Monday evening next. I
should have called it sooner had not
many members left the city before your
letter was received."
Rumors of an extra session, should
the legislature adjourn without electing
• United States-Senator, were in the air.
Friday 's vote was 86, 60. and 50— the
Independents voting for Calvin Wells,
of Allegheny, who is interested in iron
works in Pittsburg and vicinity, and
also owns the "Phil'a Press. ''
Saturday's vott was Quay 6, Jenks
and Wells 2—no quorum.
Three conferences were appointed
Monday night, one of Quayites in gen
eral, one of ultra-Quayites, and one a
general conference of all Republican
members to consider the situation. The
hours fixed were 7:30, 10:00, and 10:30
P. M. The Governor vetoed the Legis
lative Commission, Wife's Testimony
and Banking bills.
The Senate, on Saturday, did business
with only five members present.
On Monday both branches of the
Legislature disposed of a number of
bills, and resolved to remain in session
almost continuously, until Thursday
noon, the time fixed for adjournment
The vote of the joint session that day
was Quay 30, Jenks 38, and Wells 8.
At the evening session of the House
the reports of the bribery Investigating
Committee was read. The majority
report is very lengthy, reciting the
evidence taken, and recommends the
criminal prosecution in the courts of
Dauphin county of Representatives
Charles 11. Spatz, of Berks; Wellington
H. Roseriberry, of Montgomery , ex Sen
ator John J. Coyle, Michael J. Costello,
Frank B. Jones and Robert Evans, of
Philadelphia: Parker H. Titns, of Eas
ton; ex-Representative Thomas .'1
Movies, of Laurel Run;ex-Congressman
Monroe H. Kulp, of Shainokin; ex-Rep
resentatiye John H. Byrne, of Everson,
all of whom are accused of attempting
to bribe, and censures Robert P.
Harder, assistant postmaster of Dan
ville, for his efforts to persuade Rep
resentative James Foster, of Montour,
to enter the Republican Senatorial
caucus. The minority report recom
mends that the testimony against all
these persons, except Messrs. Harder
and Rosenberry, be referred to the
courts for whatever action may be
regarded as proper.
The Quayites held a conference in
the Supreme Court room in Harrisburg,
Monday evening. Senator Grady pre
sided, and read Senator Flinn's letter
asking for a joint conference, and also
one from Senator Quay, reading as
"My Dear Sir—Referring to your
message, just now received, permit me
to say:
"First A vacancy in the Senatorship
has existed since March 4. The State
has not perceptibly suffered in the
meantime and is not likely to suffer
until the affair is determined.
"Second— Pending the proceedings in
Philadelphia it would be most unfortu
nate that any of our people should
change position. They might as well
come here and go upon the witness
stand against me.
"Third -To temjiorize with those per
sona who for three months have pre
vented the election of a Senator from
Pennsylvania would extricate them
from the abyss into which they have
plunged. Instead of of making their
treason to the party odious, their trea
on would be made respectable. Trea
on made respectable will become fash
Yours Truly
M. S. Quay.
Senator Penrose was introduced and
spoke at length UJKJU the duty of
Republicans to stand solidly by the
caucus nominee and the party organ
ization. Attorney General Elkin fol
lowed, saying he appeared as the chair
man of the State committee. Hisargtt
ment was of the same purport as that
of Senator Penrose, as was also that of
Lieut. Gov. Gobin, and Reps. Fowler.
Baldwin and Harrold.
While Penrose was speaking, "Sandy'
Crow, of Phil'a.. who was elected Sher
iff on a bolting ticket supported by
Penrose and Durham and ALJ the
Quayites, of Philadelphia, took a seal
near him.
Senator Magee, of Pittsburg, ant
! Rep Hosa k. t>f Allegheny made
speeches urging the necessity of elect
ing a l". S Senator at one*- Hep Hosack
: concluded his remark* as folio* s
J 'The time has come, and the intere-ts
of the Republican organization demand,
that there shall be an election of a I ni:
jed States Senator. I care not who be
may be. If there be not an election it
will cause the inevitable defeat of the
Republican organization, and painful as
it is to me. I must state here and now
' that, for myself, I must insist all with
in my power that there shall be an elec
j tion. and to that end I shall use my best
endeavors The interests of the Repub-
I lican party are greater than the interests
lof any one mau in that party. The
success of the party is of greater im
portance tban the success of any one
] man in the party, and having used our
l>e-t endeavors to elect the caucus
nominee and failed. I feel it my duty
to hereaft-r cast my vote for some other
• At the meeting of Independents.
Tnesdav morning, it was
■ Resolved. That the time has come
when fidelity to the people of Pennsyl
vania and the Republican party demands
that public and i arty interests shonld
> Is- paramount to the interests of any ln
, dividual, and that it is the duty ot all
Republicans, without regard to past
caucus action. t< take immediate steps
' to secure the election of a Republican to
" the United States Senatorship from
i Pennsylvania ,
The resolution was adopted without
debate and by a unanimons vote.
' Senator William Flinn. of Allegheny.
I said that the anti-Quay Republicans
• had been holding out daily olive
s branches to the Quav people in the
shape of prominent Republicans worthy
of election to the Senatorship. and sug
> ge« ted that a candidate be now named
to K- voted for in to-dav's joint conven
. tion. , . „ .
Senator C. L Magee, of Allegheny.
: then nominated B. F. Jones, of Alle
l gfcenv countv, of whom he said:
i "There is no better Republican, and no
better man in Pennsylvania. Mr.
JonesV name was loudly applauded and
the nomination had a dozen seconders.
• It was unanimously agreed to. and
after providing for the appointment of
a committee of five to select a candidate
' to be supported at next day's session,
the meeting adjourned.
The ballot in Senator that day was
Qnny 93. Jeuks *5 and Jones 09.
At the session of the House that day
a Committee was appointed to prosecute
the alleged bribers: the oleomargarine
bill and quite a number of other bills
were passed.
In the Senate the beer-tax bills were
defeated by a vote of 13 to 27.
Yesterday both Houses again agreed
to adjourn finally at noon, today. The
, ballot at the joint session was Quay 93,
Jenks 85and Jones 09 —247 in all. and
' Quay 31 short, and the joint session ad
journed sine die.
In the Senate, that morning, the
House resolution instructing the Attor
ney General to collect back interest on
the State money, was introduced and
Grady and Flinn had some hot words
over it, but of course it was defeated.
THE Samoan question continued to
overshadow all others last week in Ber
lin, so much so that the interest in the
subject has even seized the masses.
The most remarkable feature of the af
fair was the united daily onslaught
made by the entire Agrarian, anti
• Semite and part of the Conservative
and National Liberal press on the Cabi
net and especially on the Minister of
■ Foreign Affairs. Baron von Buelow,
who is charged with following a vacil
. lating policy and yielding too much to
"British insolence and Yankee impu
i dence."
Six ti«*tli Anniversary.
i On Tuesday, April l«th. the children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren
of Mr. and Mrs. William Norris, of
Clinton twp., this county, gathered at
the old home to celebrate the Sixtieth
• anniversary of their wedding day. Mr
Norris was born in Chester Co., Pa .
October, sth 1811. He, with his
parents, came to Cnlmersville, Alle
-1 gheny Co . Pa., when he was four years
of age. He was first married to Debora
Watson, and by her had two children,
Mary, married to J. M Carnahan and
"resides at Valmont, Col., and James, of
Weston, Mo. He was married to his
present wife. Nancy Hemphill, of
. Allegheny Co., Pa., April I*th, 1*39.
■ Mrs. Norris was born April 2nd, 1820.
To them were bom ten children, nine
of whom are living, one daughter
Clara having died twelve years ago.
The sons are Robert G. Norris, of
Agency Mo., who was not present.
David F. Norris who resides on the old
farm; Ephriam O Norris, of Allegheny,
• Pa: and Dr. W. J. Norris, of Pittsburg.
■ Pa. The daughters are < Catharine,
! wife of A. B. Katz, of Clinton twp.,
this county; Margaret, wife of Win.
■ C. Riddle, of E. E. Pittsburg; Leila,
• wife of Kev. Albert Flick, pastor of the
Thirty third St. United Presbyterian
Church, Pittsburg, Pa: and Liza and
Bella who reside with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris have twenty-six
grandchildren and four great grand
children. Mr. and Mrs. Norris enjoy
■ good health considering their age. Mr
Norris was able to take care of his stock
during all of the past winter. Mr. and
Mrs. Norris are Is.ih fund of reading,
, and pass many an hour in that way
They are members of the Westminster j
Presbyterian < ,'hnrch. in Clinton twp,
. and Mr. Norris has l»eeri an Elder in
f that church for fifty years ami still
serves in that capacity. Mrs. Norris.
on her mother's side, is a grand
daughter of David Ferguson, a soldier
of the Revolution. Mrs. Norris was
twelve years of age at the time of her
I grandfather s death. She takes great
pleasure in relating some of her grand
father's experience* as a soldier. Mr
I Norris has by the children of his first
wife, twelve grandchildren and
eighteen great-grandchildren. He has
one sister living. Mrs. Susannah Mont
gomery, of Crafton. Pa. Mrs. Norris
has three brothers and one sister living.
THREE THOUSAND people had seats
1 at the Dollar dinner in New York last
Saturday night, and Bryan was the lion
of the occasion
SII |»|»r«!s* Aluiiim-d Food.
The doc tors inform us that alum in a
posioii, aud that alnmn baking powders
[ should be avoided because toey make
the food unwholesome. Proaiinent by
gieuists, who have given tile matter
' most study, regard these powders as an
' evil that should be suppressed by state
action. In Minnesota and Wisconsin
r alumn powders are not permitted to be
sold unless they are branded to warn
1 consumers of theii true character, while
. in the District of Columbia the authori
I ties have under the direction of Con
gress adopted regulations to prohibit
4 the use of alumn in bread altogether.
Are not the people of other States, as
well as those of Minnseota and Wiscon
sin, entitled to warning of a danger
1 which is apparently menacing them at
' close hand, and is not the whole conn
1 try entitled •to absolute protection, as
r the people-of the District of Columbia
are protected, by legislation which is
entirely prohibitive?
I'util we can have protection in the
form of a statute, how can our state
boards of health, state analysts or food
commissioners lietter serve the public
I than by publishing in the newspaper
, from time to time the names of the bak
ing powders which they find to Is; made
e from alnmn?
i- Meantime, it will aid the housewife in
I designating the alumn powders to re
member that all powders sold at 25
cents or less per pound are of this dan
I- gerous class. Pure cream of tartar JHIW
t ders are usually sold at from 45 to 50
f cents a pound.
AND now the Quay papers have dis
covered that "Butler County (is) All
y THE "Raleigh," Capt. Coghlan. one
e of Dewey's fleet arrived at York
it from Manila last Saturday, and was
giyen an enthusiastic reception, on Sun
d (lay, duj mg a »a;a.
The Qtia> Trial.
The proceedings of Thursday were
tedious, but nevertheless interesting in
their bearing upon the fntnre of the
case District Attorney Rothermel
• placed upon the stand the paving teller, j
j receiving teller and bookkeepers o? the j
' defunct People's Kink to prove the
| books. All of these, in answer to qnes
; tiocs, made reference to Senator Quay s
i account, and the bookkeepers said they
i bad entered the figures, but none of the
books were opened to show what the
j nature of the account was. This wa?
done later All of the bank ern
i ploves, on cross-examination, stated
I that they had never seen Senator Quav -
I deposit book, and they did not believe
| there was one. It has been hinted that
the defense will claim that Senator
j Quay's acconnt was fictitious, as far as
he was concerned and that the Sena
tor's name was used by Hopkins a- a
cloak for his own personal transactions.
The ' red book was a big feature of
the day's proceedings, figuring indirect
ly in the testimony of several witnesses.
It's pages were gone over repeatedly
and the question of its identification
with the business of the bank was dis
cussed, and when court adjourned a
handwriting expert was on the stand
identifying the writing in it as the work
of Hopkins.
All of this was accomplished by the
district attorney in spite of the protests
of the three acute, aggressive lawyers
> employed by Senator Quay, who fought
in vain against the web of circumstan
' tial evidence, involving the "red book
to such an extent that it seems almost
certain that this necessary piece of evi
dence will have to be admitted after all.
It was evident from the district at
torney s attitude that he proposed
to formally offer the book in evidence
in a day or two and he ap(>ears confi
dent of his ability to introduce the testi
mony which its pages contain, and
which is so vital in the establishment of
the charge of conspiracy between Quay.
Haywood and Hopkins to use the money
of the State for illicit gaiu. -A* the lat
ter two are dead, only Senator Quay re
mains to face the charge.
Friday's session was one long fight for
and against the admission of the Red
Book". It was an unequal struggle •
one man against three. Three of the
foremost members of the bar of the
State oppose him—David T Watson,
master of legal argument, logical, ener
getic and clearheaded. Rufus E. Shap
ley, keen as a whip lash: A. S L. Shields
unequaled in cross-examination and
and force personified. Yet, Mr. R oth
ermel seemed actually in better condi
tion than on the opening day of the
After Mr. Rothermel's offer of the
•■Red Book," the chief argument was
upon allowing Meyer Goldsmith, the ex
pert accountant of the Commonwealth,
to testify that it was a book of the bank.
Before starting his examination. Mr.
Rothermel read to the Court a state
ment of what he intended to prove.
The expert, he said, had made a
thorough examination of all the books
in the case. He found that previous to
April 30, 1891, the Peoples Bank paid
interest on the State deposits to the
State Treasurer, and that records of
such payments were kept in a regnlar
way on the books of the bank. After
April 30, 1891. when Mr. Hopkins ap
peared on the scene, a new system was
adopted. This entailed the addition of
another book —now known as the "Red
Book' —to the books heretofore kept by
the bank.
During the whole course of Expert
Goldsmith's examination, objection
after objection was made by the defense,
and as frequently overruled by Judge
Biddle, while the District Attorney, in
logical sequence, drew from the witness
his conclusion as to the book, based
upon a comparison of what was written
on its pages with what appeared in the
other books.
The defense contended that the wit
ness was not competent so to testify be
cause be had never seen the book before
he was employed as an expert, because
the book was marked "John S. Hop
kins," and because nowhere in the ' Red
Book" was there a -ingle figure refer
ring to any of the transactions in the
bank books already admitted. But
the District Attorney won, the court
holding with him that Goldsmith could
testify as an expert accountant that the
"Red Book made certain otherwise
unintelligible things in the bank books
intelligible to him, and was, therefore,
necessarily a book of the bank. Not
only did the District Attorney win this
point, but he may have caught his alert
opponents in a trap, and it is possible
that he may g'-t the "Red Book" befori
the jury before Judge Biddle makes his
decision on its ad mission
i It came about this waj : During the
1 cross-examination of Mr. Goldsmith by
Mr. Shields, the latter asked "Is there
. a single line in the 'Red Book' that
i refers to the bank !>ooks?"
"The figures *1,519, and within a
" circle, 'Paid 11, 4, '97, by cashier's
check.' " answered the witness,
t A little later Mr. Shields asked, "Are
' there any other items other than the
' *1.519 that correspond with the books
i of the bank?"
"Yes, sir, there is an item of $5,352.10.
It is in the 'Red Book and it is in the
, cash book of the bank.
[ At the end of the cross-examination
i Mr. Rothermel sprang his surprise on
the defense and claimed his right to
cross examine the witneas in his turn on
the contents of the "Red Book' becau-e
the defense had opened the door by
J bringing out certain figures contained
"One is enough," he argued. 'lf
r they are entitled to examine thewitness
1 tijion any figures contained in this book,
i lam entitled to cross-examine him on
• the contents
' "That is enough." said Judge Biddle
The defense was thunderstruck. Mr.
Shields hastened to point out that, the
t witness had been expressly instructed
not to disclose the contents of the book.
Mr. Shapley followed him in the same
r line. They had simply been cross
< xamining the witnem on what he based
his opinion that the "Red Book" was a
t book of the bank, and not upon the
n contents
Mr. Watson endeavored tocompromise
1 UJSJU limiting the District Attorney to
1 cross-examining the witness on specific
- items in the "Rod Book" and not on the
* contents generally. All were excited
, and voluable. All were on their feet at
the same time. But Mr. Itothermal
' | held firm. The door was opened for
J j cross-examination on the contents he
inaintained. The Court agreed with
■ j him, but it was 3 o'clock before any
" j thing more could be asked of the wit
ness or the record examined to see what
I Mr. Goldsmith and Mr. Shields had
. I really said
| The defense, in the cross-examination
of Mr, Goldsmith conducted by Mr.
e 1 Shields, brought out the facts that two
k of the accounts in the 1,000 and over in
n the Peoples Bank l»ooks were incom
plete without ihi, "Ped ISook, that the
entries in the "Red Book hiu] )>ee»i
made fron: one t- 1 c ix nK-nttsafter tho>e '
entries in the Kink t*«'k- on which they ;
were alleged t<> h;ivi lut-u that ;
there were serion* errors in ealcnlation '
in the "'Red Book " and the admission
that if there had l>een a book of the j
' bank Iw-fore 1 '•'Jl when it was testified
| a number of booki- were taken away ;
from the bank t, which contained the,
information necessary to a complete
understanding of the two alleged in
complete accounts then the "Red
Book' would not lie a book of the bank.
Daring all the examination touching j
ai>on the book, with the exception of
the two items mentioned, no intimation
of the amounts or names was allowed;
to reach the jury. The prosecution all
along however, has alleged that this (
book will show that Cashier Hopkins :
computed interest on State funds and i
deposited the money to Senator <<( nay - j
At Monday's session Meyer Goldsmith j
a bank expert who had examined the :
books of the People's Bank, took the
stand and ran over ynay s account with j
the bank for several years and showed j
thnt had the use of hundreds of j
thousands of dollars generally without |
interest or with trifling interest.
Goldsmith's notes were divided into ,
periods, and the sixth period, April |
to October 31. IH!>41 H !>4 the state de
posit was as high a- $1.119.306.<#>. and I
as low as :<M.SI. Mr. Quay's loans ;
■t-stVi.sii.oo of which S3.VUH*t was used
for stock purchases, composed of -."" l |
shares of Sugar, costing and j
1,000 shares Jersey at a share. The
interest paid by the bank was *•>.:: »4 i:{.
Interest on Senator Quay's loan amount
ed. at 4 per cent, to >'.i.142>7. bnt lie
paid only f1.69T.-V'. From Octo'jer 81.
ls;i:; to April 80. 1894, the deposit rang
ed from **93.929 >1 to fl. 14-VJ2»>l. and
SenatoT Quay's loans aggregated
425 Interest on the deposit was paid
out to the amount of $5,270, "to J. \S .
Morrison. added the witness in re
sponse to a (jnestion.
All day. Tuesday, bank expert Gold j
smith was subjected to cross-examina
tion anil was compelled to modify some
of his statements.
Yesterday the prosecution closed its
case, and the defense will l>egin today.
ECTAIJOR. republic of South America,
has adopted a gold standard, to take ef
feet in two years.
f1,750,000 for enlarging the great library
and museum building now at the
entrance to Schenley Park.and hereafter
it is to be called the Carnegie Institute.
Mrs. George's Trial.
At Canton, 0.. Thursday, in the case
of the Com vs Mrs George, Mr. Wentz.
former counsel for Mrs. George, told of
her making threats against Saxton s
At Friday's session some of the -pro
posed evidence for the prosecution was
ruled oqt. One witness refused to
repeat Mrs. George s remarks, and the
Court refused to make her tell.
At Saturday s session the man who
found the pistol under the board walk
told abont it, and a woman pretended
to identify Mrs George by the Hash of
her pistol.
Monday evening the prosecution rest
ed. there was some cross-examinations,
and the defense had 25 additional wit
nesses subpoenaed, making 125 in all.
The defense will be insanity.
On Tuesday witnesses* were called to
t -stifv to the relationship between Sas
ton and Mrs. George. They registered
at Sioux City, la., as man and wife.
Yesterday a "man in black'' was in
troduced into the trial. He was seen
near the scene of the shooting and sus
picion .vas thrown upon him. Sample
C. George, Mrs. George's former hus
band will testify today.
A PARTY of sailors from the cruiser
Yorktown went ashore on the Island
Luzon, Tuesday, and were ambushed
and sixteen captured by a party of 400
Philipinos. The sailors' fate is un
known. It is supposed they were mur
dered by their captors If alive Admir
al Dewey has authority to ransom them.
- I
SPEAKER Thos. B Heed.of the House I
of Representatives has decided to quit
Congress and enter a New York law |
JOHN S. RIULIN';, of Erie,was elected j
Chairman of the Democratic State !
Committee Wednesday. He was Guf
ley's candidate.
in; \ i lis.
ORIBBKN At the home of Joseph !
Yogel in Butler. April I<>. 1H99, Miss j
Annie (iribben, in her 59th year.
M- KINNY At his home in I'iqua, <),
April 13, II B. McKinny. formerly of
this county.
GRIFFIN At Franklin, Pa., April 18.
'99, Mrs. Floyd Griffin, nee Higgins.
formerly of Hilliards. aged 52 years.
SAY At her home in Butler. April IT.
1H99, Mrs Eleanor Say, nee Billiard !
formerly of Washington township. '
aged 4S years.
She was the widow of James Say j
and n survived by several children.
MELLIXGEtt At her home in Mr
Keesport, April 14, ls'.Hl, Mrs, Jerry
Mellinger, nee Johnston
McCLELLAND At liis home ill IJvaiw
City. April IH, 1H99. Hugh McClel
land, in his TtHh year.
Mr. McClelland had been in feeble
health for years. His remains are be
ing buried today at the Plains Church
where his wife was buried.
COWAN—In Allegheny City, April IH.
1*99. Joseph Cowan, formerly of Mid
dlesex twp , in the T'.'th year of his
" Evil Dispositions
Are Early Sho<wn."
Just bo evil in the Mood comffl out in
shape of scrofula, j»in , : . etc., in children
and young >|»le. Tal:* nin time it can bo
eradicated l»y r I! Ts Sarhflpari!la
America's Great•• ' Medicine. It purifies,
vitalizes and enriches the blood, gives
nerve, mental and <! •• stive strength.
jfovd-jSu U(lf)d ufU7
The Chickering-Chase Bros. Go.
Manufacturers ol
Grand and Upright Pianos
Farrand & Votey Organ Co.,
Manufactures of Organs.
Can save you money in the purchase
I of a FIRST CLASS Instrument.
Call and examine them at the ware
' room,
317 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
I TERMS: Cash or easy payments to
i suit purchaser.
' | Notice is hereby given that the under
taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie
i Hunt, at West Sunbury, Fa., under the
, , supervi ion of her father, John Mtcliling,
lately dee'd., will lie continued by me.
All work will be done in first-class
' style, at reasonable prices.
i Mrs. Minnie Hunt.
- When William P. Brann left Butler a little over a year ago. and went to
! Pittsburg to live and engage in business, his many friends in this section oonfldent
j ly exp.M-ted to hear of his success, but none could have prodioted that it would
' i-ome to him so soon and in such a large degree. Ho had hi* plans well laid,
j though, and the flattering resnlt* .if his j ~in- taking, foresight and energy, as
found in his exooUflni DragStora at Dofdeme Way and Mi -treet. in the snmky
City surelv attest to his bn-in—- sagacity and tireless enterprise. "Doctor
Brann is following the course laio out by his father and grand father by engaging
I in the drng business .
Pitt.-burg has ha l a "Braun's Pharmacy for over eighty years and from all
appearances at the present one. where a truly enormous patronage is evident. It
, would be a winning prediction to say that our former fellow townsman can con
! tinne there for as long a time as he cares to - ipply the of his many patrons.
' Where Morgan's restaurant was for so many years just at the end of the «th
street bridge that's Brann - Pharmacy The former shop in front and the
enormous dining room in the rear - along Dnqnesne Way are thrown into one
immerise store bevond argument, the largest in any city between New York and
Chicago. This room has tile floors and is furnished and fitted throughout with
el, gance and taste. Besides the drugs and meilicines in the cases and on the
shelves, will be found there Phvsiciaus' supplies, toilet necessities, theatrical
g.MMI- cigars and an endless variety of articles that go to make up the stock of an
up to-date drng store. There also a large and costly >.» da fountain with ac
commodation-for patrons both at the counter and in a commodious and hand
somely furnished sitting room at the rear of the store, an 1 this sitting room is
lan innovation Ladies are especially asked to make use of it. Shoppers and
! theatre-goers can meet their frien Is there an l that will be appreciated by out
i of town people, especially.
While the Pharmacy is showy: it is not all show. It is an attractive place of
business It is open day and night and employs two forces managers, assis
tants and other help the very l>est men in the trade And that is why the pre
cription department, which is really the back-bone of the drug is draw
ing the best patronage of physicians every day. Efficient compounders, the best
to 1*- had. anil no mistakes, compounded with the oertainty of pure drugs, are
the reasons why the doctors prefer Braun's Pharmacy, once having dealt with it.
Everyone is made welcome there. It i> headquarters for Butler j>eople when in
the city and Mr Braun's greetings of his former friends here are worth the
whole trip There is an air of prosperity and success, to be snrt. about Mr.
Brann ind his superbly appointed place of business, but there is also there cor
diality and friendship, everything inviting one to chat or rest awhile. When
Mr liraun left here this town lost a generous, wholesotiled and much-loved citi
zen. the kindest wishes of the people of Butler are his, and Pittsburg is the gain
er certainly bv having him as a business man and resident \\ hen in I ittsburg
call on him ami give him the chance of showing yon how glad he will be to see
you. Just try it. «•
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Thr* Register hereby jrives notice that i lit? j
following accounts of executors, aUniinis- ;
trators and guardians have foeeti filed in j
tlais office according to law, aind will be nr« - !
M-nted to Court fur continuation and allow- I
auce: on Saturday, the -<th flay of May,
IS'M. at M.. of said day:
I. Final account of Lycurgus Sloan,
executor °f A. J. Sloan, deceased, late «»f
Allegheny township.
'Z. Final account <if W.J. Grimes, adtninis
trator d. b. n-. c. t. a. of John Kichardspn.
deceased, late of <. , oiiiioqueaiessiiig township,
3. Final account of Hev. A. I', (iillespie. ex
ecutor of Sarnuel Ncithercoat, deceased, late
of Adams township.
4. Final account of ll»*rt O'Connor, adtniaiis
t rator of William o*< 'oianor. deceased, late of
Milliard. Pa.
.■». Final account of Stephen DoUgan. exec
utor of Manasses Dougan. decreased, late of
< 'lcarfield tow am hi p.
i>. Final account <»f W. A. Fleming, exec
utor of Sarah i'luaikard, deceased, late of
Fatrvlew township.
'. Final account of Samuel A. I<< siie. ad
rniaai^trator of Elizabeth Baker, deceased,
late of Middlesex township.
s. Partial aceouaat <»f Olive A.Weakley,
executrix of Johaa F. Weakley, deceased, late
of Slipperyrock township.
Final accoimt of IColn rt M, Black and
.fos«nh Keaaaaehan, executors of Joseph
Black. d«}ceas<*d. late of cherry t4>wnshlp
In. Second partial aceouaat of Joseph
<;« lbel. •■xecutor of < harlas r jr«-lIk?1.
deceased, late of Butler hoaough.
11. Final account Iteuhen liyers. adaniaa
i«»trator of W. I' 'Phoanpsoai, di'Ci'ased, late l
I «»f < lierry township.
I 12. Fiaaal aceouaat of Johaa (iillclaaad. ad- ;
I' mlnistrator «»f Jape < . Zimßaermaik« de
ceased. late of Yalcaacia.
Lt Final ac«*ouait of Andrew Tippery. aiid j
1 Wm. Vs. Jamison, executors «»f Henry Jaaui
! scan, deceased, lateof Allegheiay towaislaip.
U. Final aceouaat of T. Krause. executor of |
.facol» Neher, decreased, late of Saxo|«t|tirg
' IS 1 in;* untof Henry Marburger, ad-
I uaiaaistraUn of Euphctaaia Marburger. dt»-
t cea'k*<l. lale of Jack■>•»!! lowaaship
j Ift. Fiaaal account of Johai M. Klrlck. guar
diaaa of .Margaret B. Black, aninnr child <-f i
Kahelia Black, deceased, lateof llarrisville
I lH>ro.
17. First nartial :u*couaat of S. a . Trlaaihle
and W. A. a )enaay,executors of if obt.. Trimble, :
• deceased, lateof Middlesex township.
I IM. Final account nf W la. Brandon, exec
utor of George Welsh, deceased t lai<* «»f lef
-1 ferson township.
i 11». Final jwcount «»f Annie 1.. Cumhcr
i land, iidmiaaistratrix C. T. A . of S Frank
Mhals, deceased, late of Washiaagtou towai
!i". l iraai account of « B. Ilarjaer,
trator of Andrew J. Harper, deceased, late
of Jackson towaishlp.
'Z\. Fiaaal accoaiut of Thonaas F. Stewart, i
admiaaistrator c a. a., of Nancy c. Stewart,
debased. laU* of Ceaatr** townsfalp.
:r: Final account of J. la. Mc.lunkiu, guar- |
diaia of James Cowan. nainor child of Robert
< *o\%an.de < a-»ed. lata- of Midallesex township,
i 'J: Final accoaaait of Philip Hiidehraind, ad-
I rill til.ttral-fir of Andrew IHldehraiad.deaiased,
lata* of Donegal township.
L'l Fiaaal account of I raaiklin Miller, ad
tniaiisi rator of Minerva Wolf, deceased, late
of Butler ltorough.
Final aceouaat of (i#*org«' B. Turaaa r, ex
ecutor of Wan. Conway, deceased, late of
< on- old township.
'X l iiaal account of William A. Clark, ad
ministrator of c. Paul Clark, deceased, late
of But ler lH»roijgh.
27. Final a<-coiint of s. s. Hays, guardian of
11. II Myers, tuber child of Lewis Myers, de
ceased, lateof Fair view township.
Final account of W. P. Turner, exec
utor of l>. T. Turner deceased, lata* of Butler
21». Final account of W. 7. Murriaa. trust#-,
to make sale of tha- real estate of Mrs. K. J.
IXitalan. «ia ceaseal. late of Sunbury, Pa.
•*va. Final account of Robert Kidd. adndials
tratorof James Criswell, dec«*ased, lateof
Adams township.
W.J. ADAMS. Register.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
road aanl bridges have been contlrmed nisi
by the Court and will In- preseaatcd oaa the
lirst Saturday of 51 ay., t'ourt. I*lf.a. ba-lng the
3at la day of said naoaat h. and if aao except lons
ar • filed they will Ih* cota 11 rawed absoluttdv.
IC. la. No. 1, March sa-ssioaas bW'. I n re
pctitioaiof Fll/abetii B. Gibson, of Parker
township, for a private road from tin south
west corner of her farm, t heaice In a souther
ly dlr«*ction, a distance of .atniut rods, to
the Fronsirager farm toapoliat on tha- road
hading from the Brady's Bend and Parker
road t<a the Bruin and Parker road. Inter
secting said road at a point near tha* easterai
boundary line of -;ii<! I ronsiaager faran.
lai-ccmher 7, l*U7. viewers were appointed
fay t h«* Court, and .March J. lMf.a, report «» f
viewers fileal in favor <>f the proposed roaai.
Nai da an ages. March 11. IhMI, approved, and,
lix width of roaai at M feet. Notice to be t
given acconllng to rules a»f court.
BY Tiaa: a an nr.
B I) v. 2, March Ha Mions In re
petition of a'ltl/.ensof >llpperynM*k township
fair a public roaal to lead from a point on i lie
Plain i irove roaal to a point nasar the McCoai
nel kc itoo 1 house out lie New Cast le road
January 0, IHHSi 11« •in «re RDpiilnted by
the Court, and I • bruary IMW report of
\ lew. i fib -i lii favor |o< ating I pro
posa-al roa<l laamages assa-ssa-d as follows:
Mrs Margaret I oi s> tie . .losa ph Best ler 1
Ml>-es Sophia and Fll/.a McConnell •■•U; ;
and J. M Him--, H-
March 11, Isi an, ai>pro\ea| and lix width of 1
i 1 id at 33 feet, Not ice to bt given according J
t«. i Dies i.f « Ott| l • 1
BV TIIK COt'llT. j
<'ertlfled from tie re« "ial this 17th day of I
April, i
Clerk O. C
Tim following widow's appraisa Mieut s «» f ,
persaanal property aaad real a-slate set apart ;
for the benefit of the widows a»f decedents!
have been fi I«*<i In the office a»f tie- a lerk j
of <arphans' a .'ourt of But ler t «».. > i/
Widow of Rob't Mel all. per'ai'l property fW
" Adam Srnit h, real ■
" Kvenaler M<*Ci»iidless, p n'l !
" I'avial |\ I ra/ier. p'r'ai'l f*'
lofteph Erwln, "
" J Newell Glenn. " "
llenry Kaufman. " """ i
I» L. ll<H*kenberry "
" 44 Daniel lleck. 44 " !
All persons Intera-stcal In the alnave an- ,
piaisem fit s will take notice that they will j
be pr« -enta d for eonflrmat ion to t lie aoph •' 4
a ourt "f Bu» ler count v Pa, oij Saturday tha
jut b day of May. A l» M»l». iiel If ie» • \
captions Im* filed Ile y will »m* confirmed ab
ISA A« MEALS, clerk «
I P. L. It Q\ ISll<>N.
Oiiice UL-ar Couit Liocue.
Notice is hereby given that F. J. I'or
| quer, assignee, for benefit of creditors of
C. I>. Slator, of Butler, Pa., has filed his
; lirst and final account at Ms. D. No. iS,
December Term, 1897, in the office of the
Prothonotarv of P.utler count}-, and that
tt e snme will be presented to Court for
confirmation and allowance May 20,
1*99, the lirst Saturday of the May Term.
Noiice is hereby given that J. M.
I'.lack, assignee, for benefit of creditors
of A. A. Kohlmeyc, of Allegeny twp.,
lias fil.-d his first and final account at
Ms I). No. 25, June Term, IS9B, in the
office of flic Prothonocary of Butler
I county, and that the same will be pre-
I sented to Court fr-r confirmation and al
j lowance May 20, 1599, the first Sa'.urday
r f the May term.
Notice is hereby given thatS.O. Wright,
assignee for benefit of creditors of G. H.
Knaitff, has filed his first and final ac
count at Ms. D. No. 31, March Term,
(MIX, m the office of the Prothonotarv
of Butler county and that the satne will
be presented for confirmation and al
lowance May 20, I the first Satur
day of the May term.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph
Ciraham,assignee for benefit of creditors
of Wm. 1' (irahan. has filed his first
and final account at Ms. D. No. 15,
Jane Term, lHits, jn the office of the
Prothonotarv of Butler county and that
the same will be presented for confirma
tion and allowance May 20, IHKH, the
first Saturday of the May Term.
What Do You
Think of This.^-^-
Topßuggice $30.00.
Surrics with Canopy top $50.00
Team Harness with i j traces,
with breeching, our own make,
all complete ready to hitch to
wagon $25.00.
Our own make buggy harness
with curved breast collar $8.50.
Team horse collars 75c.
Axle grease, 6 boxes 25c.
Lap dusteis 25c.
Horse brushes 15c.
Curry combs sc.
Hammocks 75c.
Buggy tops, wheels, shafts,
poles, trunks, valises, wagons and
everything else in proportion
Remember we are the largest
wholesale dealers in the State and
can save you money on everything
i you need about your team, buggy
or harness.
Come and see us, you will be
surprised and don't forget that
the Kramer is the best wagon
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St.,
Butler. Pa.
S. B. Martincourt.
J. M .Leighner
oOiLi U ONE DOLLAR;« w £
I , i , .lr KtMKRVOItt < Oil. AM» WOO*
If f ■ • t<> i « .initiation
'• fl v. W ' II hiiioi KhiuFHEE
T „ J t . J,'ht * ■ irk" Tl» IM Hlxi' NO. t, ovn |«»
i l-Ul.t pl « Ih. le fioml" tplKlroii, I «lr»
. ■ i. , y llaoaga iad gvmti
l • . ii ».• if lien*? liii-liiwil o*cii door, lawbo"!"
i tai tnd Mniinf • '
j • • j ,• ■ . • Mimii-1. |>nfT»Uta liirJ rr**n*lr, IIAIMI
, » • • i l.i»i failkmiirr »»il» <»'
. | urn making It»
. .. r, *%!• |IM I i |ll<|l|Mi (il tHiSIfM
• . , i.. r t•>■ "I r i all
( .itij tution \ -ir I • i|i-*i»r wouM cU«nfe you f-.vu#
f .. ... the m lybl U out] '•'-•ot 11 f r
i <», . •»■ inllr • so fIO.IHi. Ail'lrrW
I (lkv>, kuibiuk A !.«. ut U>uri.«(kl/ r.ll«bl».-E4Uor.)
New Drug Store.
MacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
TrvJ Our Soda
R A. MacCartney
If you would know
the secret of your neighbors fine
appearance, ask him the name
of his tailor; ask him, too, how
much a year he spends for his
clothes and subtract the amount
from the cost of your own. You
will be agreeably surprised,
more so if you will prove it by
giving us your measure, as he
did. Our new fabrics for spring
and summer embraces the
choicest products of the loom.
B. & B.
the new catalogue
will be ready about April 15th —a
little late this year—fully up-to
Over two hundred pages
thousands of illustrations includ
ing pictures of the newest shirt
waifts, suits, skirts, capes, coats
and choice new garments for wo
men, young ladies and girls.
All about men's and boy's
It's a book gotten up to save
people money in their Dry Goods
buying—a practical story of goods
and prices that shows how we
propose to save you money—sell
you good goods for the least
prices you can get them for any
Costs you nothing to get a
copy—send your name and ad
dress, and ask for it—that's all.
less to pay for
pretty wash goods
here —you'd be surprised to know
how much less, for such choice
styles and colorings, Write for
samples of Madras Ginghams,
Percales and Dimities at ioc,
12.jC, 15c — see what the goods at
the prices mean to you and your
Large lines fine Dress Cottons
r 5c to 50c.
Hans ome summer silks-Indias
50c —Foulards ami Satin Libertys
C . 75 c —styles that will win
your approval.
Neat, good Dress Goods Mix
tures 25c, 35c. Dressy Ddress
Goods a feature here—soc to
H()ogs& Buhl
Department X.
( Jeweler and Optician, s
( 125 S.tMain St.,
( Butler, Pa. XzA
Butler Steam Laundry/c
220 West Cunningham Street, k
J. E. ZICKRICK, Manager. S
People's 'Phone, 296. \
Practical Horse Shoer
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wick House has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
tliej Arlington Hotel, where
he will <lo Horse-Shoeing in
the most approved style.
Having rented the Nixou Home, on N.
McKean St., aud will take possession
April 1, I invite all my old friends and
customers, as well as the pal.lic general
ly to give me a call. There is hot and
cold water all through the house, hatli
tubs and fire escapes. Rates reasonable.
Formerly of the Wick House.
By means of the Kodak
has reached the perfect
So simple that a child
can operate it and the
prices within the reach
of everyone.
We keep the largest and most
complete line in town of Photo
Supplies and the only genuine
Eastman Kodak, Dry
Plates, Films, Develop
ing Powders, Chemicals,
Trays, Mounts, Printing
Frames, Printiug Pa
pers, Flash Powders,
Albums, aud all kinds
of supplies at
Near P O
Peoples Phone 162.
139 South' Main street
Over Shsul & N«»l »jClothlnijMort
SjThe 205; Popular!
Reasons this store offers you for a
K liberal share of your Patronage. as*
Whatever advantage any store
gUpl can offer you. this store offers you.
Spring and Summer jj
| Dress Stuffs. |
• Silks. Woolens. Cottons. I
This store offers th-; biggest V *1
sgSf and choicest collection of SUks /
All the new conl effects in X IIIU wLJ I lO*
3PST choicest colorings, f
•SS.i ... ' , , ! ~ / our line this season. Fit, finish
, ? ar '" l >r ° U( ' °f the collection • atl) j s jy] e are we n looked after. oes
a , l ts wor y° ur while to pay J Price ranee froai Jfi anil up- K55
th,s Apartment a visit of in- war ,i s A t $lO and sl2 the
s Potion. / l>est values we ever offered and
s=ss Samples sent on request if i convinced vou'U no* find as JgS?
you are unable to come. \on J good values any where else.
yrvj get the same low price. v
i ony
ten Uhoice Silks f
in white and tint for Graduat- ) Silk Waists.
8 Black Crepons. ) Separate Skirts. jSj
5=5 You'll see the greatest offer- ) A ][ are on , Floor a . u . d
f3j| ine of handsome Crepons-both ( w f ° V °. Ur whlle t0 pa> a v,s,t
Silk an<l wool—you ever saw / inspection. Jos£
5a and the low price a hig induce- /
mpnf l T '!> -T- <l> *7« a> -T* •?» #
|gf 75c si, $i.25 ( $l5O / Graduating Stuffs M
AM new Black Weaves € y . kSt
and we make claim to the } collection of everything
SSf largest and choicest Black \ " e £ lr l S J^ S an< V fine shear
Goods Department in the coun- / c-iif r Graduating Gowns.
!0f ty. Come and see for vonrself. \ , c "Wished, shear lawns
aa y and organdies. New lace ef
(J Colored'WMlwr* ( 5
301 All the newest and choicist x
y~vf find their way here. A look ? |\l|lll m A nil
through this l>epartment will t IVIIIMMbfV BK
convince you where to buy. / J
_*w Price ranges from / E9C
<c . .1 l>'gKer preparations in this
15c 3 yard and upward- ) Millinery Department this v
j3|| f spring than ever. Larger yari- faCg
»—t . _ r , . J ety to select from and more of
fg l.3C£ LUrtaillS. \ the popular priced kind. Still E§Z
! holding the front rank in style
We start the price range for \ anil clioiceness. but at a popular fejSS
Lace Curtains as low as f price. JssS
50c a pair / Miss Marks, for many tsg
Hundreds of Patterns here C the Millinery business gSg
3S& for you to pick from. / m ' ?"*' . ' arge °
Values at C bls Department, and assisted
igsi __ ... __ __ J by expert milliners Will be JX,
SIOO, $1 25, sl-50 pleased to greet all former
a pair that can't be approached, f patrons and will !>e able to
*sg| CHOICE confined patterns \ show more complete and up
jot and marked at a small profit to-date line than ever before. fsSS
5»5f that is making a bigger curtain
business than ever. J A visit to this Depart-
Fine line of Ruffled Curtains. merit is requested.
We're all in Ladies', Men's and f*
Children's Furnishing Goods. Ex- S*
ceptional sales prove it.
|AI!. M. Reiber & Bro. |
JR.' C- OftOP Cc. IIHET IUSDICI SEWINp MACHINE rr ' l i ; fc,^ t "* F tHP I
fuuiii! p*rr>rUj ..I fikrtljr »» ri'im-sente I ' ' '. &
irriciit •«••• Our Special Offer Prica cie t:n 7^
%n<l fr«*lirht charge*. The tn«i«-ltlne wti«f.« v>/ ' v Tl fc lßnl Ft 1 J',"V- 1 J '
1»» Ixmiiulh and th»» frelirht will avrrmiro 75 rrnta fur each M 0 mll«*«
CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL In your own horn*, and -r?
we will rrturn -lay y<»u are net Natlsrtt -1 Wr .ell d.f- n^RSWW9H
frrt-ul ntkrt aid Rrolri uf hewing lariilros St M il), Slll.oo. *11.(Ml, *Wl|!k»f A mm M| -1
• I .MHI an.l op, *ll fully 4f»rribfd la Oar Vr*o lirkla* i'alalora#, \ I | cftflßM •% -<U
k»i 515.90 farikl. DROP DESK CABINET BURDXCK Jflf vD I Lr Ü BIHI ® f E
la the irreatest value ever onnred by any bouae 111 T ■ 10l c -
▼crtlHiiienU, unknown un<ifr rari<>un name«. with V«l P yßfjH ~ i
various Inducemrlit* Wrllt acair frleod la Ckieaco an J Icara who ar* ML.fl flSfjl • *
TucDilDniPV i>»« "*rj «OD«ri iirioTiun. AjJ i 3
I nc DunUl wlv oiiKi t.uon IIII*T or HICKT iiii-ii 1.
f.,,1 n-i. m I ipj rUUM 1 IIK UK*T MAI Kill \l, "
; agW*^yj3T {§ rii>o I'liLlMltn, one illu.t ration hln.wi m.'ii'ti Ine I'lniM I 'l i ben.l rlrnfA
- iS*f fn 'in to »)«• UMMI a- a renter tal.lr. ttand or 4e%k, the itlhtr
% °t" a l«*uirth tatde and bead In plaoe for tewing, 4 fancj
i 1 jfk|drawers latr%t ls'JU «ketri«a frame, carved. |>anele<l, embo»M'(l and
i ffS-f i MfMHJ dec«<rated cabinet lin»«li. Hneat ni« kel drawer pui!». rests on 4 caa
m (T I V™ ter *, ball bearing adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth lr«>n stand.
I VT! fi I I 50nHll Finest lar»e *lsh Ana head, positive four motion feed, self threading vlbrat
• * ■ WW Uj B if Km 1 Ing ahuttle. autoaiatio bobbin winder, adjtthtabie bearings, patent tension
«»" U II t ■ P|ayi| liberator, Improef! loose wheel. a«ijiiatable preasei foot. lni|Froved shuttle
fl ■ /ilfrM carrier, |*atrnt nee-lle lar. |.ate-.t dress guard. h«'a«l Is handsomely decorated
I j k |e> I I l(m|1 and .ra.ar.Ud sad beaallfall; NICKEL TRIIVIIVIED.
• R- V C I W xi&zn GUARANTEED <ko ll«htr*4 rwaalaff, aMMt durable sad wearMl anlaeleasmarlilss
t 'jWnfVi aiada. Itsry know* altaehaeal UfarwUhed aad oar Froe Instruction Book tells
o *■ - M Just how anyone can run it anddoellhcr plain or any kind of fancy work.
f|V A 90-YEARS' BINDING GUARANTEE Is sent with every mac hine.
iV>WKfJ»r ■IT Ynil NOTHIMG to see and examine this machine, compare It
T>.».« gEBM .p ii uusia iuu wuiniwn wlth , hoilJour „ or , li „ ppr „|| i . [ # j o OQ
• ■» to $60.00. and theu If convinced yaa are aa«lac 'n 940.U41, |.ay
fear rrslchl aceal tha <15.50. TO KKTIKS TOI'U SU.hO If at aaj tlaa wlthta three month, jou aaj yoa are
m( aatiaied. UKDKHTO OsT. Imi\ t UEI.AT. (Sears. Koebuck Co. are thoroughly reliable --Kdltor.)
Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111.
Butler Business College,
I Practical Book-keepers. 2—Kxpert
Accountants. 3— Amanuensis Shorthand.
4 Reporters Shorthand. s— English.
6—The Languages.
Branches Taught.
Book-keeping,single and double entry,
business writing, business spelling, busi
ness grammer, business arithmetic, com
niercal law, lightning calculations, busi
ness correspondence, business forms and
customs, detection of counterfeit money
and fraudulent notet, shorthand, type
writing, dictation, speed work, reporting
expedients, duplicating, actual corres
pondence in the college office, reading,
writing, arithmetic, spelling, grammar,
geograghy, history, Latin, German,
Greek, Hebrew, Civil Government,
Descriptive Economics.
Fall term begins Sept. 1, 1H99, Write
for descriptive circulars, catalogue, etc.
Our reference are: Hon. Judge Greer,
Hon. Joseph Hartman, Wm. Campbell,
Jr., John lier>;, Andrew Brymer, etc.,
etc , and a larg-- number of worthy
graduates who are filling responsible
All language work will be under the
direction of Rev. Chas. Glat/.ert, after
May Ist. Address
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
319 ,P7 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Peoples' Phone 271.
Bell i 74
Find lev V.
ar<- being discovered by masses of people
and highly appreciated by all. Our new
operator, Mr. Proden, of New York, i*
an original and artistic jioseraud is wide
ly and favorably known at- a professional
photographer. t
Come and see our work
I,ate designs in moulding and frames
always on hand.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main (St., Butler.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next T )oor to Court House. Butler. I'a,
J. and Specialties in Tin. J
' I ' 200 N Main St.. Butl«»r, I'u. ' t *
II C. Pryor, of W. Snnbury, hereby
gives notice to the public that owing lo
the death of bis father-in-law, John
Mechling, he will not 'eave hi* business
as lia>l been intended, but will continue
to carry on the livery business at the oM
stand. Good rigs furuisheil it moderate
price. H.C PRYOR
JLI Oi-.SxS*S*-S
A new and up-to-date hotel, at
No 307 Centre Ave-, Butler, Pa-
Walker & Wick,
V Removes all deiire and appetite, bu!ld» up the V
m ayttem. renews health andtrtaor, brighten* tht m
\ intellect and (111 one lor buiTnett.
W Tint o.hlt ikki.lT iwrmxi T
> Hnokirl ft' *• IN W*NT**N I *»K#HI.VAim. gt
\ TheKeeleyln*tHiitc.4)4fcf ; «h»«a.P«t*burfl.Pa. \