Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 06, 1899, Image 4

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    to Startle Yon!
You never heard the like of it
hardly believe it even after we
never lie tell it. Other dealers say it->6>-
cannot be—well take our word
come and see- nice Top Buggies forjjC
330. Our own make team Harness
with 14* in. traces, with good
long lines, breast straps and breech--s -
ing, all complete ready to hitch t<
wpjlc n for $2 per set for two
also our own make of single BuggyjnCf
Harness with curved breast collar and
i} 4 in. traces, box loop, breeching'®"
and breast collar, tugs and a fine-W
--saddle for only $lO- V°u never
the like and will hardly believe
when you see, but when MartincourtjT;
& Co. advertise anything you find itV
just as advertised. Its near plowingv?C
* time and you want singletrees ■Ja
doubletrees, parts of harness,
harness repaired, &c.. come here viz
for everything. (D
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St..
Butler. Pa.
S. B. Martincourt.
J. M. Lieghner
P. S.-We handle the Kramer
b ■ pADr. Williams'lndian Pllo
■ I L will cure Blind,
■ ■ ■ I UK and Itching
■ ■ ■ kPilea. Ii absorbs the tumors.
■ I allays the itching at once, acts
■ ■ ■■us a poultice, gives instant re-
H ■ lief. Dr. Williams'lndian Pile Oint
■ ■ ment is prepared for Piles and Itch
■ lng of the private parts. Every box is
warranted. By druggist', by mail on re
ceipt ot price. i>o cents and SI.OO. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO.. ProP*. Cleveland. Ohio.
For Sale by D. H WULLER.
The Chickering-Chase Bros. Co.
Manufacturers ot
Grand and Upright Pianos
Farrand & Votey Organ Co.,
Manufactures of Organs.
Can save you money iu the purchase
of a FIRST CLASS Instrument.
Call and examine them at the ware
317 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
TERMS: —Cash or easy payments to
suit purchaser.
W Removes ill desire and appetite, builds up the V
6 system, renews health and vigor, brightens the m
5 Intellect and (Its one lor business. i
A Booklet fr««. IN WESTERN PSSNSTI-ViKIA. j)
a %%
: fcD. T. Pape,»|J
{ > The We wish to Announce to the Publiev
{ > Leading 0 • The Arrival of our V
* > °* pi All are invited to call and inspect^
' ► Butler pi the finest line of millinery every
{ > County. % brought to our city. ¥
. Complete Line of Mourning Goods Always on Hand A
; 122 S. Main St DT. Pape, BUTLER. PA. v |
/\ Farmer Add
To His Farm.
To aid aud stimulate nature. Vhe human system is just the same as a
farm; nature at times needs help, aud there is nothing that equals a
little good whiskey to tone up a run-down system, to build up strength,
bring back vitality, and to make a man feel that life is worth living
after all. All whiskies are good, but some are better than others. We
sell only the best, and guarantee them to he absolutely pure, and free
front all impurities.
Here are some of our prices:
Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money 32.00 a gal
Cabinet Rye, can't be beat $3.00 a gal'
Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a gal.
Gin, Rum, Kummel, Brandy $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gal.
have some very line California wines of 1592 vintage—
Port, Sherry and Angelica at $7.00 p> 1 gallon. They nr.-
of good body and of exquisite flavor.
Remember that we pay evpressage on all orders of >
and over except where a transfer is necessary from one
Express Company to another, when we pay express age to
point of transfer.
Wholesale Liquors,
Send for catalogue and price list, mailed free.
piiil ur * vlf MJ 3 »
» iaiSxi-V ii J A_y'v ST* !T!i ,he on !j Perfect one. £■
V ' y / throws all the light straight ahead , v
. F%. J f AI JV. J\VK. g M Irom ano lo 3„o leti. J
.? _ i fv". 'r*- *— ) # /,, ~ T '°. oks l' ke a locomotive headlight. A
ia X* '■ mm ,T B ,ves ■ clear white liifht. L
V IT burns kerosene iCoal Oil) r.-.r J
" & will not blow nor jar out I j £
.__ and send It to us and we will -nd tU )Vfff •
V book describing our lamp, and will aj?rre to send 5 u one ::n *•• lair ;> or \SvC3 VS ® L
£ a pair at our wholesale price (very much less than the retail p'.-ico. fi J 2 S\
AR. E. DIETZ COMPANY, 60 Laight St., New York. J \ c ] 4
When Baby'» 111.
WhfU the little loved one is sick, when
its bruw is fevered, its pulse rapid, its
features pinched with patn and there are
great blvi* circles under its eyes, the mother
hovers aV-iut the bedside, and with anxious
eyes tries to read the meaning of every ex
pression upon the physician's face
A woman may sate herself almost all of
this worrimeut about her children if she
will but take proper care of her womanly
health during the period of gestation. A
child born of a mother who is thoroughly
healthy in a womanly way will almost
nnfailfogly be healthy and robust. Dr.
PieTce's Favorite Prescription acts directly
on the delicate and important organs that
bear the burdens of maternity. It makes
them well, strong and vigorous. It heals
all internal ulceration and inflammation.
It stops debilitating drains. It fits for
motherhood and* insnres a healthy child.
Thousands of happy mothers have testified
, to its merits. No honest dealer will urge
yon to take an inferior substitute for the
little added profit it may afford him.
1 '• A lady told me that I)r. Pierce's Favorite
Picscripiibu was good to take when with child,"
writes Mrs. Annie Simpson, of No. 13 Chelms
ford Street. I.awrcnce. Mass : "I was suffering
terrible pains, and was unable to get alxjiit the
house without being in misery. 1 began taking
Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription and the first
bottle greatly relieved me. I took three bottles
before nv baby .was born, at which time I suf
fered Terr little. The l>aby has been healthy
sinec birth, and is now three months old and
weighs fifteen pounds. When mv older child
was born I suffered terribly. I don't know how
to thank Dr. Pierce enough.''
THfey don't simply give temporary relief,
but are a permanent cure —Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets for constipation. They
never gripe. One little "Pellet" is a
gentle laxative and two a mild calharic.
- *
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I 1 Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Soros.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
/ Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Sl.oo.
Sold by druggist?, or sent poet-paid on receipt of price
HCHrIIKEYS* BED. CO., 11l A 111 William St., York.
l> Pure bioodmeansHfe,health,
• I vigor—no room for disease ]|
|D where the veins are filled ( |
D t mch rich, red corpuscles. 4ft
sLindsey's improved?
5 Blood Searcher |!
; fc 1 takes pure blood—cures scrofr 41
I i> ula, erysipelas, pimples, bolls, \ J
I > sore eyes, scald head—blood dis- <j I
v eases of all forms. Hoar's proof: 41
i _ MissopoTAsrtA-Oniri. t 1
Jj. I)r. "inoscy'a Blood Searcher has ' i
P VoriaxlvonucrSWithine. I have been mJ
aft troubled with Scrofula for thirtyyears c I
Jt, Vat I find that l)r. Ijndsey'fl Blood : >
I [ K iirriiGT -will effect a permanent; euro f
a! iuusiiorfctiaie. li'avoruJerfnl. 0
5) C. V. Bl.nscott. i
>, W. X 31LM0RE CO. %
f AvsJlDragsists, SI.OO. £
Ht)Ol/'3 PiLi-Scuifc :
U3u&na9&, s.iciiecrrio , -chc.
Estyiotske. easy 'c c ,
Care Of Cliil<lr«Mi in Ci»*riiian
A resolution lias been passed l>y the
City Conneil of Wartiborg. Bavaria, j
which is worthy of emulation. Accord- !
ing to this resolution, the teeth of poor j
pupils of public schools of the city are
to be examined and cared for free of '
cost, providing their parents tfive their
consent. It is intended to treat diseases
of the ear and throat in a like manner ,
should the first experiment prove sue- j
cessftil. It is probable thnt with slight !
expense the teeth of the children niaj
lie attended to so that if the latter live j
they will not suffer from dyspepsia
owing to improper mastication. —Scien-
tific American.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup can be de
pended 011 to cure promptly the sever
est affections of the throat or lungs. It
never fails.
The new fad in matches is the "Ir
ish man's conversation match." It is
so constructed that when a man is busy
talkipg and at the same time is desirous
of lighting his pipe there is no danger
of burning the fingers should he forget
and hold the match too long. There is
a chemical preparation on the "wronfi"
end to prevent the ignition of the
American matrimonial fashions are
taking hold iii Japan. Hosujoski. an
almond-eyed maiden, advertise* for a
husband 111 a Jap. paper, as follows:
"I am a beautiful woman, 'with cloud
like hair, flowery face, willow-like
waist and crescent eyebrows.' 1 have
enough property to walk through life
hand in iiand. gazing at flowers in the
day and the moon at night. If there is
a gentleman who is clever, learned,
handsome ami of good taste, 1 will join
with him for life and share the pleas
ure of being buried in the same grave.''
Dr. Bull's Cough' Syrup is an excel
lent remedy for children. For croup,
whooping-cough and measle-cough it
has no equal.
An exchange says "there are seven
instances in which the bride has mar
ried the best man by mistake.' There
are instances, however, where they
have married the worst man through
pure cussedness.
An Editor thus describes the new
spring bonnet: "The new spring bon
net is said to be a stunnejr. It will
have a cow-catcher in front, a tail
board behind, a flower garden on top,
with a bunch of grass on the other side.
The whole will be elaborately banded
together with crushed ribbons and top
ped off with a very abundant bill."
Avoid danger in the changing seasons
by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla this
The advertisements yon see in this
paper are, as a rule, new and it will not
be a loss of time to stop and read theui.
They often tell where considerable
money can be saved, and almost always
tell where the selections can be found,
thereby saving valuable time to many
busy people. Read tip the store news
Marriage licenses granted in any
county of this state are good in any
other county, if one of the parties lived
in the county in which the license wasr
granted and no minister need fear
to act upon them, as did one 111 Ea>t
Brady a few days ago in the case of E.
M. Brown of Butler and Lydia Horton
of East Brady.
HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
The commissioners of Clarion county
have agreed upon plans and specifica
tions for a very fine poor-house build
ing estimated to cost s£4O,(MK>. The
building will cover a ground space 1 H
by 11 feet, and is calculated u> accom
modate 100 beds if needed.
According to a girl who has recently
returned from the East, it is proper to
have the elbow higher than tho- head
when wiping one's nose, ai'd a bored
look is the proper expression at all en
Reiiumatism Cured in a Day.
'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 5 days.
Its action upon the system is reir ark able
and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and the disease immediately dis
appears. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. }•'.
Bilpli Drugirists Butler \pr 96
They tried to eggscite our fears l>v
telling us that the February cold snap
had knocked all the la}- out of the hens,
and that Easter eggs would be a lux
ury. • Pshaw! eggs are already plenti
ful enough to throw at the false proph
ets. 11. D. Miller, of Philo, <>., who
believed that the i.ens were winter
killed, and who tried to corner the
Pittsburg market, has returned to his
fireside 5'20,000 poorer. His attempt £
was an eggsp-hen-sive mis-cackle-ation.
The school term in some of the
country districts are over.
The commencement speech and dies
is beginning to agitate the mind of the
fair girl graduate.
An old school master says that the
boy who puts a bent pin on his teach
er's chair is generally the one to sing
loudest: "I love my teacher, dear."
V The Cure that Cures J
p Coughs, ' &
\ Colds, j
op Grippe, fe
», Whooping Cough, Asthma, J
jA Bronchitis and Incipient A
ejf Consumption, Is g
g The German REMEDV &
iniiiiiended and endorsed l>y noted pliys- '
iciuiis. is a moderate use of pure ami whole
some liquors. Wc are iuipor'or, and handle ;
only the lu st Urands of wines, whiskeys, ete. J
If you are dissatisfled with the wines and '
liquors you have been netting. j?ive ours u
trial. 1
Prices lowest for pure uoods:
FlNt'll. >IT. VI ItNON,
Any of the above brands Of whiskey, un- ;
adulterated, oyears ..■ld. *I.OO per fell qt.-. ;
<|ts., $3.(0.
a whiskey tru:iranted :i years old, per gal. 1
On O. I>. or mail orders of $5.00 or over we i
box and ship prompt ly ; express charges pre
We have no agents to represent us. Send
orders direct and s.ive money.
411 Water Street,
Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, i'a.
Opposite Tl & o. Depot
y.; \ m hi. .: vi i:m. ti:i\ i \mmctm y prusov
™in t hi-, stale to manasx • our
their own .i:»<i nearby equities. It is mainly 1 .
til -, work 'ti'lueted at home. Salary. | I
• ir;»i .:11 >,'.'o a yo:ir ami expenses delinite, j '
lj< .1 jtn.c. 110 more, bo le>s salary. Mont hly ■
J*. Ueferencos. Krielose self-address v -u
"tamoeil envelopo Herbert F.. Hess. I'rest . |
dDept. M. CUic»go
Receipts and Expenditures of Butler County for the
. Year 1898.
Statement of Tax ISeeei\e<l and tine for IS!>7 and Pre\iuus.
liui ler two M Dated MW f 38 OM i f ...1 31W.... 9
Cherry I\V Newman l»«>, 15 "5 •#«
ISnuly" T A 1 lines -"4 71 24 71
Mipjierjroek Jos L Cooper I"*N 4 K
\Vasliingtnfi H L Seaton -1141 211-4 1
\V;ir>iiiiieton ... II L Seaton 11 *1 Mi*. .4
Win field Auiru-t F reeling. 35 2w :ci 53 1 Tr.
Marion Ins Gilitlirist MOK 4115 217 !• 7ii
I'arker Geo J Kepler " 27 85 26 16 13#
SHpperyroek... J L Cooper 2 12 2 01 II
Harper Campbell. 43 09 4 si; aj 7 97 .
\\ infield. . ' August I"reeling... " 27 68 27 «!•
Butler Iniro John Younkins— " ss it 25 3 2«
Petrolia E M Fritz • 32 us 49 4s 2•» ...
Sunbury I' I* Brown , I I .w OS
Adams \Vm Uennlson .. Is'. I'M 27 .MM !M 2) 17 10s 9> '.
Allegheny Jas Jolly " 3ss 01 :««. nr. if. 21 53 22 733
ilnlTulo .loin Harbison 291 I!' 35s 70 13 112 Is *1 .
Butler.! EI) I'earee " sAi 40 1.50 00 23 fill 7(1 03 300 0s ...
Brady Frank Met'urdy... " 210 91 213 >0 II 20 r> 7!)
Clinton J»s R Riddle. ... " 330 7.1 22T. s7 II «... 1.1175
Clay . RBConn " 404 01 117- 1- 14 11 12
Centre'. II) Smith " l-">t 33 142 «i 71- I-o
Clearfield E J Kennedy " 349 si 207 33 10 Hi lit » OT 45 ...
Cherry II I. Russell 43# 30 17-2 t»4 10 27 ....,
Coiiiioquenesslng.. John Brandon IJ*5 4s isij 22 - :;2 :;i < i ....
Cranberry A Kirsehier " 3?. .>»» 312 42 lis 45 s li'.l
Ci.ini.rd ROlkti Adams 253 :ir. 220 00 l.'ns 4107 ...
Donegal E W Wallman ... 40.5 44 200 mi i; i;- n22 120 51
l-'.irwani George Marburger " **■' 43 :ui> 03 10 21 74 50 .
Fair view IJ Campbell. 304 212 31 11 l- n in
Franklin A MiH'andiess. .. 277 23 210 57 13 15 14 51
Jefferson SM Barr " 2M W 1-113 951 25 40
Jackson All Mick ley " 275 s9> 01 --1 wot
Lancaster Samuel Bartley. " 12 :y 5 02 20 7 11
Marion lo* Vandyke " 1«» o« 75 00 3US 57 00 33 67
Mercer I J McGarveJ " 303 20 2SI 95 11 HI 4to
Middlesex EO Thompson. " sB 66 23 70 123 01 71
Muddycreek Grant Jones " 1W 73 172 -9 901) l.i 77 .......
Oakland Peter Whltmire... "I ;|0 00 500 W 24 70 1
Parker Jos Wally " 141 s7 127 60 671 730
Penn Geo E Hay " 30 . <1 2» 050
silaneryrock 11 Bovartf " :>52 s5 315 31 10 on 20 01
Summit IW Baldauf " 009 23 (Vi.s -9 31 -9 31 15
Venango ... II B Stalker " ls«S :sh 220 <«• It 53 17 63 237 2n
Washington \ttstin Meal- ... " :m> 33 222 51 11 0- r.» 42 IB Ti
Winlield IM < 'rookshank... " i«i -3 3s -0 2 *ls 35 . ! . ..
Worth W II I'lior " 206 07 ISS 00 '.'7 l s 77. 8 5S
Butler boro lohnSJack " 3512 17 111411 11 in.' 11 14119 95
Centreviiie E Forester.. " Is>* 33 5- 177 -1! 150
Evans City Geo Ripper " so 17133 001 •>46'.
Harmony. Fred Weigle " 166 06 120 00 0 31, II MB 24 76 ....
liarrisvftle IS Pew " 77 15 69 03 365 417
Karris City Frank Babbitt "" 11 7s ... - 21 3 57 .. ..
M illerstown J J ilonahue " 133 ss 116 02 011 11 75 ....
Mars Geo B Stewart 525 13 4-1 .-0 25 .52 14 75 ... ....... ....
Petrolia EM Fritz 40 77 16 77
I'ortersville A Jlenshew " -2 H5 lir; 3 42 14 41
Prospect C F Newman 53 87 43 31 22- K25
Saxon burg .1 E Muder " 74 2s 07 10 351 35s
Sunbui v . . PP Brown " j 15 1H 2s 21 I ;- 13 .50
/.elienople Wm Allen 12- 27 losi 35 5 7*l 13 10 _
Connotiuenessinx.. Casper Fehl " 45 24 10 00 53 '-'A 71
Valencia Wm Hoffman " 02 11 ki 60 0 06 ...
Total 1 1 ~'|IMU 7" sin-11 W|m ■. f1371 eeWBT 15S"i". 15 f!2 7ii
* Collectors' Aeeonnt for ISS>S.
Si': | r " I :
■ I • 1 I :
\dams las (irr .. 9 2101 31 % |HB fiSJ 86 II 6 744 18
Allegheny las Jolly 1131 57 555 30 iO 01 335 24
Buffalo lohn Harbison 1-0. 0- 100s 01 1. 4s .-1 Jt>
Butler I D I'earee 1-42 -n 730 00 •>•> ■>'.' H'i. -I
Brady Frank McCurdv K!W 75 740 00 00 13 Wl «»
Clinton I R Riddle 1710 2s 02U 70 «2 ill 720 <•;
Centre I 1) Smith 1325 4s 11.43 24 73 04 20SI 20
Clay R B Conn 117U3U -22 on 3f. 507 .4
Clearfield EJ Kennedy I'*;' 1 4t.- .» 33 is
Clierry Hugh Sproull I ■''' ""'O 00 <4 1- 2-4 4.
Connoqiienessing Its Henry 1503 13 472 os
CfanlK-rry \ Kirchler 1067 01 1-il 1.. 131 u-
Cnncerd IJol't Adams : 130* 34 WW 1" «» 1! 348 2-;
Donegal i' Waltinan I" 1 '" 0.1 f- 't 72 Jil l||
forward Geo Marburger. 21-5 .0 1260 00 01 ... .-I 13
I'nirviiiw FJt ampbell !371 3- H»» 00 20 fit 041.4
Franklin V McCandles, 1301 65 721 77 ..2 s; r.H 01
tefferson S M Barr l-2'i 116 147 0" ::n ...I.^
Jai'kson V II Mick lev 2173 75. 1700 .TO IIS 42 31--.
fjiAicsislei* Samuel Hartley i >.i m* ! ! s '
Marion los Vandyke 1171 22 74tJ >4 st .i,ii 3-
Meroer IJ McGarvey .1 s- 4
Middlesex E O Thompson 3110 0> 2-20 00 101 -o
>1 uddycreek Grant Jones ll' y > ; O'li ot» 41 46 .»2i 0-
Oakland Peter Wliltmlie 1.>23 -55 13sni 33 00 6< 3s
I'arker Jos Wally 1321 W 6>o 00 4s 1- 623 .0
l>enn G E Hay 2015 OJ 1760 «t 116 06 I.a) -*i
-> 1 ip [ieryrock II Bovard 1701! '3 1000 02 SO 62s .3
Summit .1 W Baldauf 1720 41 1010 no .2 66 63. ...
Venango II L Stalker 1117-..- Oi J,'.
Washington \ustin Meals 1614 100. .6 6- 43 ;>•#> .
Winlield I M ('rookshank 16-2 a'. 1!'.3 6- 10K 3, 120 00
Worth WII Pisor 1121 I- 021 !• «40 131 .1
Butler boro is .lack 15115 0! in.is 5n ,i2
Centerville I' Forester. «7« 2-' • ;.mn. », ivi
<'oniUMiiH'iu'.sslng <'aspor Ft'lil : 1-0 ihj ' - l**' •;
Evans Ciiy Geo Ripper 13'-': •.«» 10 «. 72 .*» »
Eairview Win Gllison - 1 ' - l "" 1 ,IM ,- s "j ', |s -o
llarinony Fred Weigle •" • "o si 2.1
I 'arrisv ille I S Pew ... . ..'J, i,. I- K. si
Karus Citv E I' Rodgers. 0- •' .J 3s i>6
M illerstown 1.1 I'onelnie '.»■'* M. ...» 3- 203 1>
Mar- Geo R Stewart «»l " •'« 4. 17s-..
I'.-trolla F M Fritz 2IS 6 r-< 53 13 30 76 62
i'ortersville A Henshew 2ii<) 6..' I'M 63 13 > S4 II
Prospecl OF Newman MH 4Hj 313 47 2. 13 l_u v-
Saxotil.urg I I*' Muder -'I- 41 I . <■
Sunbury I* l* Brawn 2-2 1; 13-31 II .0 1.12 06
V alencia Stroup 166 >1
/elienople iWm Allen | 1308 <»| 1000 00 74 tt| tit M
Total •.. i !s7i».i2s l'tU aKill .-«-?«!» l 21 5»122 30
Tax of 18W7 ;tnd Previous.
Slippery rock J S Cooper MmS 75j4 J5.....($ '$ Vl—♦
Clcarliehi II II Duffy ISOH, 13 3! sl6 II 11l
Marion J Gllghrist " 2.1 00 722 3- 315 13 24
Winlield A Frecling " .fit t« 16 11 0 16 03
ButlerlK.ro John Younking " «21;.... 6 21
II anno:: V ,jiy;e.l Weigle • ' ■*' 2s 2s;
Saxon burg .%r!< s Uaal.e 15 ft. 150...
\dains Keunisoii 1-07 122 31 Ml 2- 121 ...'3
Allegheny .las Jolly 25 Hi 10 2s 100 26- 3On .... ....
Brady Frank MeCnrdy " 26 ... I fts in 2f
iiulTalo John Harbison " 32 Is 24 1 i I 27. 7OS ....
I.iitler I 1) Pearce e. St.' 75 113 ... ...
Clinton Jas Riddle " <3 1. 21 l< I ii aO.ic
day R B Conn 3s 01 3n !»l I(. '. 551
r Cent!teJ D Smith " 3132 IH 10 06: II 17 ....
ciearfieid E J Kennedy " ; t2 40 16 15 s7 551 0 ...
Clierry II L Russell " «s 13 20 00 105 21 26 23 S2 ... ...
CotiMHiuenessioe John Brandon " 32 n*.' I, 71 :'3l 13 3-
Concord Robert Adams " t— 16 70 ss •; :io
( ranlierry A Kirchler " Co | 315 246
Donegal I'W W altman " 6. 73 15 on 70i .>1 01
Forward Marburger " 73 (Hi 51 it 2 ui: is an
Fairvlew JJ Campbell " 56 K- 12 06 532 6 :iii
Franklin A McCandless " 22 51 17 s3 04 ' 304
Jefferson S M Barr " 31 43 22 21 131 7-7
Jaekson All Mickley " -K 02 17-1 0t: 1117 ....
Lancaster S Hartley " 3n 60 01! 457
Marion .los\.indyke 2i.
Mercer ,T.( McGarvey " 37 n; 31 lo I i»5 !72
Middlesex K O 'fhoinpsop '• 13 4; 20 35 107 22 a".
Muddycreek tJrant Joiius... " 2 0-' . 7"W ... 411
Oakland Peter Whltmire •' 1 0- i. ;hi 1 ti2 ....
ParkiY Joseph Wally " i>? h 'y II 150 7no
Summit -I W Baldauf " '•» 43 57 4.5 3 014 11 Wj
Siinperyrock -.. H Bovard ** 10 20 2s 16 I 10 84
Venango II B Stalker " 62 37 400 21 3K 16
Washington Austin Meals " 21 16 77 216 10 6- 1-3"
Worth WII Pisor " 35 16 25 S3 lit 24 ....
Winlield I M Crookshank " ;'t 67 26 "5 112 ti '.'o
Butler Ix.ro J s .l:u*k " 134 23 134 23 ... ....
Centreviiie F FoM-estej- II -1. fa to 53 7". (K1
CotiiKKUienesslng casper I'eht 7 s "' 2 si
Evans Citv G lfipuer " 4 S3 (130 147
Fairvlew." A C tiibson " I w 2! 75 In
Harmony Fred Weigle " 12 ki 244 I-'. 10 21
Ilarrlsville .1 S Pew " •02 31- I' 3 315 ..
Karus City I"rank Babbit 13 3D 3 fi.s y ty>
Slillerstown .'J J Donahue " 14 I*.;, 157 12 50
Mars I B Stewart " 13 »J .. s7 52 551
I'ortersville A Heushaw " 26. 2 .51 12 ..
I'rospc i (' !•• Newman " S2 11: 01. 75 . .
Petrolia.. I-' M Fritz " !! I-.. V. 14 1- ... ...
Sunbury 1' I' Brown " 130 336 1 75 t
Saxonbum -I P. Miitlcj* " II 16 716 3- . 3ii 2
Valencia Wm Hoffman. " •> 51 371 30! I ; . I
/.elienople Wm Allen 10 30; 605 32j 303 ...-! .... 1
T-jiai. ' r . §l7lO
J»o}j Ti».\ oi' ISOK. I
r t 5? 1 '
5 • y J <
1 : '■ ' \
:: : « \
Vdatti- twp lames Orr s 110 25)3 flg I 17$ 63 00 $ 24 sft \
Allegheny James Jolly 40 5e 1116 05 37 :W 2100 I
Itradv l-'iank McCurdy 50 25 8s on 216 ISt 00 33.50 I
Buffalo lohn Harbison. 06 st. 47 75 701 II II I
Butler F D Pearce ... 123 7f 121 <■> N
Clay ItßConn ' 04 5n 37'** 315 54 .1. 40 00 I
Clinton. .1 R Riddle 100 5" 5J 61 37: 54 OS m«
Centre D Smith Ki 30 21 37 1 11' 30 in 131 23
t.'learlieid EJ Kennedy si 75 26 :Hi 222 33 17 70 sft
Clierry Ilutfli Sprorill 00 7.> 71 6 1 635 is sOO _
Concord Kobcrl Adum- 74 25 SO Oft 2 itl 21 62 21 in
CranlH-rrv A K irschlei. t« 25 S3 721 101 43 oft
Conn««ii;.-ii''Sslng .. -It llcnry. (X 1 13 :>o 3 .1- 01 2. ■
Donegal I W altman 13-on 1«3 75J 6 :a> 2S if. 7ft Oft *
Forward tieorge Marburger 135 00 35 26 2 U5- 01.70, st 75
Fairvlew .1 J Campbell 119 00 1.5 nc 127 82 73 SO sft
Franklin V\l McCandless 76 sft 27 !1 231 46 .•> '
Jefferson S M Barr 121 30 67 3- 517 51 75 . A
Jackson \II Mick lev 117 75 7s 5n 5« 3i 3- 53 73 .]
Lancusl' i- Samuel Bartley 10-5 7." 51 04 121 30 47 - 3S 50 ;
Marlon.' Joseph Vandyke SO 85 20 00! 17ft SH 53 Mlftft !
Mercer ..1 .1 Mctiarvey is ik 20 73 177 85 50 37 00 1
Middlesex 'EO Thompson 176 2' 11-03 U6s 17 61 (17 00
Muddycreek Itirun! Jones 67 50 21 •*' 17s 44 72 »2 00 '
Oakland Peter Whj( t>iir«' 80 85 70 00 596 4 211 2"J6.50 J,
Penn !ti E Hay 13S 75 100 ftftj 6 fts :t2 67 J
I'urker Joseph Wally , H4 ftti 2» 212 56 S- 21 sft ;,
SniMjnft . !•' W Bauldauf I 123 l"! 00} 767 25 33! ISO 85 J.
Sliptieryrock ;ll Bovard 72 Oft 17 Osi l>l 52 4si
Venango II L Stalker Id- IH. S3 32 491 19 .7, 550 '
Washington 'Austin Meals lift 25 21 6- 162 S6 iks ...
Worth |W II Pisor 7s 75 37 3ft 316 3s 2!i|
Winlield J M Cruikshank oft 75 50 oft 426 36 4ft! 58 00
Butlerboro ISJuei. .. 21ft 50 57 60 436 11- 251 1
Centreviiie IE Forrester . .. 13 50 .' 13 "|o' .
ConjHxiuenessluK boro. . . jCasper l-'ehi 6 7-" 225 lo; 131 ' .
Kvai.sCjty . tJeorge Ripper .. 32 2" 181 39 27 02! '
Fairvlew boii: IWm tiibson 14 85] j , 1125) sOO '•
Harmony !I'red Weigle 40 50 la 50i .
liarrlsville *. ..'S Pew II 2" "I 22 '
KarnsCity IF. D Rodgers 15 IX 4 si:| 3-| lit r,l, .. '■
Mar. ltieo,,. I! Stewart. 26 2' 5 75, I- 20 02 *
i I It• x•-town I .1 Doitdhu/. 4.~» 7.** 1 •"»* |
IN tors villi' \ lirnsliaw t> . li (Hi '
)*rft»|x*i'l <' !•' Newman . . s%< 3 .*»> I . . .
IN»i roll:* I'M Frit* 18 0(«.. I ... .j in J
Saxonljnrjr . J K MikUt ;{;{ 7;» J."» :ri| 1*» 17 .. '
Snnhurv I* I' Brown « tw •'»
Valencia I I) Stoup 0 7ai « 7:>|
ZeUenople Wm Alien. ; lesol 4fß M u .s»j j|
Total I 1*374* »sl?|72>«fias Mifistti 03*|it»77 r>o j
t .iseatcil l.ttiul Account tor tMI IS.
C- | School ~Boad. ivxir.
2 3 | " f I. £ g I Sj S
DISTRICTS. £ 2 ? f : S . S I = 2 % 2 a
' z* < a l5 * * 2 s «
f g =• | f 2 5" Ig. | 3'e « |
if: 5! J f I 1 I j E
Allegheny :!1 *J!' iIS * »:! 77 i i-MS 7<» 4b* 51 11 4 :1H '.Mi *4207 i 100 a l»4 f fi 45 f 5(V4 ft 4 T.'t
Ailains.." 0-4] | Ssl 851 14 14 Oft j 09
Buffalo j 28 23 07 .* 1 07
Bntler 411 94 .".li 12 04 10 52 15 70 740 S3O 24 7H 24 7s
Brady ifc»! •> ai 51 231 51 1 1)1 fts 214 231 44 "•> 75 "
Cherry 30 35| 221 42 37 221 42 37 174 20 !>4 22 IW 174 24 ftft 2fi 73
Clay 724 10 73 7 3ft 10 73 739 305 l> 62 ft 157 102 231 i 333
Centre 257 2 C.s 184 308 144 25 28 75 85 55 48 1 (Ml 100
Conno»inenessinj» G <!■") ft 3ft 475 11 lft 2 ft". 95 95 85 1 ftii .'...! 275
Clearfielil 33 ftfi 213 33 90 :!ti 09 121 05 03 A 6 tiw 70 ft 72 549 i - ; s:i *3s
Concord 10 49 358 14 24 17 82 793 11 57 lft 50 179 600 880
Cranberry • 15 i : 15
Forward 11 70 11 70 '' j !!!!!!
Fait view 10 04 522 10 50 21 40 32 10 88 14 74 31 82 *2O 2 sft 065 3 ft.'» 565
Jefferson 170 47 231 278 43 00 1 Oft 43 1 43
Jackson 52 00 00 08 08 14 ! 14
Marion 29 54 11 fts 27 02 13 06 25 34 11 02 47 12 58 14 ft 01 14 01 38 62
Mercer 472 10 15 12 52 18 87 880 883 10 25 22 ss SO 845 840 j 085
Middlesex ; 2 07 2 07
Oakland lft 14 10 10 ft oft 701 j 27 27 27 27 352 ... .. . 352
Parker 18 84 44 53 50 112 86 25 ft 20 lls 42 40 50 25 *0 01 11 95 11 30 23 io 15
Penn 11 01 10 50 16 56 1 17 94 17 94 ft 20 ft 20
Slippery rock 242 Isi 181 807 60 307 84 s4
Summit 12 62 ft 47 ! ft 47 18 98 18 73 115 473 588
Venango 33 60 2ft sft 40 44 76 03 830 29 86 32 72 42 10 77 16 Oft 50
Washington 36 s7 30 25 40 98 71 23 14 74 31 51 40 25 22 12 40 50 62 62
Win field 56 00 45 ft 443 99 1 !»•"> 117 55 112 35 520 843 24 4ft 843 24 49
Worth 4 50: j 450 450 150 150 157 150 307
Bnt!er boro 723 21 52 20 00 23 50 24 62 13 01 27 50 13 01 27 50 106 410 522
Fairview 42 27 27 325 27 853 450 27 1 477
Harrisyille 53 315 122 437 53 53 125 27 '.'.'.'.'.J 152
Prospect lft 369 87 400 173 08 181 45 ■ 45
Petrolia j 4 50 1 4 50
Snnbnry ! 264 264 1
Millerstown 458 3ft 05 39 65 763 763 915 ! ft 15
Donegal 15 53 ft 40 28 39 2ft 08 811 454 9 6") 13 90 29 60 543 5 144 89
Total *441 10 $230 71 .<563 13*402 25 £:ftl 59 £133 25 #561 37 #434 05 #2Bl 79*98 58 #232 54 #l5B 30 #172 82
-Overpaid. •
Lf'\\ anil Tax Assessment I'or 1S1»S.
O o H
s 2 so o
5" S S- K s?
- c j S.
DISTRICTS. > 2- '< H a H
1 2 _a r * S
g 61 | : M
Adams twp * 40682 ft:? 172 ft 02# 462 52$ lift 25;# 2310 7ft
Allegheny 257356 10ft3 70 37 81 4ft 50 1181 07
Butler 372950 1585 00 257 74 123 75 1966 55
Buffalo 885461 1682 22 166 SO 96 50 18ft5 58
Brady 190431 s:U S3 64 92 59 25 959 00
Clinton 374441 1591 3ft 127 89 10ft 50 1828 78
Centre 299541 1278 04 53 44 82 50 1407 98
Clay 824773 1380 29 99 10 94 50 1573 89
Clearfield 232289 957 20 73 08 81 75 1142 63
Cherry 295295 1254 9ft 103 00 99 75 1458 34
Connoijnenessing 301434 12S1 09 312 05 90 00 1089 13
Cranberry 395724 1681 83 286 11 93 25 2061 lft
Concord 295611 1256 34 52 00 74 25 1382 59
Donegal 266880 1147 02 120 34 188 00 1405 86
Forward 354200 1505 00 033 00 135 (KI 2273 GO
Fairview 291550' 1289 08 132 30 99 00 1470 38
Franklin ' 299135' 1258 57 133 08 70 50 1408 15
Jeffeison 3486981 1481 95 341 78 124 50 1951 23
.lackson 409408 1740 (Ml 483 75 117 75 2291 50
Lancaster 290908 1286 36 249 83 105 75 1591 44
Morion 258570 lofts 94 72 28 80 25 1251 47
Mercer 150578 078 20 47 11 48 00 773 81
Middlesex 434055 1547 27 1262 68 176 25 3280 30
Mnddvcreek 260961 110 ft 08 57 40 67 50 1283 98
Oakland 292177 1241 75 275 7ft 80 25 1597 7ft
Penn 337853 1485 87 579 75 138 75 2154 37
Parker 28988S 1232 03 89 94 84 00 1405 ft 7
Summit 31211 ft 1320 51 393 90 123 00 1843 41
Siippervrock 384290 1633 24 166 G9 72 00 1871 93
Venango 265038 1126 42 32 70 108 00 1267 18
Washington 319984 1359 93 254 74 110 25 1724 92
Win field 287965 1223 85 458 57 90 75 1773 17
Worth 310237 1341 01 80 17 78 75 1502 93
Butlerboro, Ist ward 497255 2113 33 596 32 74 25 2783 90
2d ward 689521 2930 40 41ft 00 30 75 3386 87
•' 3rd ward 612246 2602 04 786 78 89 50 3428 82
" 4th ward 418660 177 ft 31 837 44 25 50 2642 25
" sth ward 450487 1914 57 1164 57 34 50 3113 64
Centerville boro | 186868 579 57 390 03 13 50 983 70
Connoouenessing boro , 42383 180 13 114 34 075 801 22
Evans City boro 207801 883 10 481 38 32 35 1397 39
Fairview boro 518435 163 34 03 21 14 25 240 80
Harmony boro 125403 538 22 98 11 40 50 071 83
Harrisville boro 02041 2G3 60 400 2ft 11 25 741 20
KarnsCity boro 2207". 98 36 1 72 15 O0 110 08
Mill.;,town boro 119829 509 28 489 25 20 25 1024 78
M';rs boro 89462 380 21 224 7s 45 75 050 74
Prospect boro 71572; 304 34 214 24 825 580 *8
Petjolia boro : 37170 158 00 90 07 18 00 200 07
I'ortersville boro 49078; 208 58 52 04 000 266 62
Saxonbnrgboro ' 95011 400 30 813 89 33 <-> «->4 IMI
Snnhurv boro 51696 232 40 49 70 0 IMI 288 10
Valencia boro, j 25805 10ft 07 7.) 07 0 7.i Iftl 4ft
Zelienoplc boro j 206539 877 80 428 32 19 50 1325 52
Total 4305421 '#61053 04 #15275 15 #3748 25 #SIMI7O -! 1
Warren and l>i\mont Hospital Accounts,
- ' ■ |
I O I O T? ■ *3 *0 s
«>s* "± rS. 2. 2.
s- p £ o'Z ? =
X-'-? 2<? Bog -.5 2?
—.£ j> • o'■ < • cl,• 3 ■ ~ 18
DISTRICTS. "3 -> -■ = CT ~ g*
2 - 5! 5 B =' % *
§ i p y oi - s ,
; ! : jj | - S " : 1 | I
Allegheny. #l4 25# # '# '# jt 14 25
Bntler..." 22 75 91 25 08 25 !. 45 75
Brady 03 00, 68 75 109 00 ; 22 75
Clinton 814 90 91 25 906 15
Clearfield 22 75 84 50 68 25 Bft 00
Cherry 474 87; 182 50 285 75 22 50 849 12
Connoquenessing 775 ftl 25 45 ;>0 53 ;>0 |
Forward 22 75, 91 35 1 114 (M)
Franklin 37 75 91 25 129 00
Jefferson 39 30 52 73 !)l 43
Lancaster 13 00 ;»2 13 05 14
Marion 1 182 50 114 00 08 50
Mercer.' .!!!!! 251 50* 228 00 182 50 08 75 228 25
Muddycreek 22 75] ftl 25 114 00
Oakland 13 86 53 14 25 72 ! 39 28
Penn 274 00- 182 50 45 50 411 00
Summit 22 75- 91 25 114 <M)
Worth I 09 50 09 50
Winfielil 22 75; 228 00 182 50 22 7.» 4-» 50
Bntler boro 008 95; 91 25 98 25 580 20 45 75
KarnsCity boro j "»79 2ft, ftl 25 070 ;>4
Millerstown boro 182 3ft 182 3ft
Mars boro 102 25 91 25 j j 253 50
Total #3672 50 *2295 WfMM 47 #1077 ti'.l#l3o 75#HS14 41
V nscatcil Lund 'lav Ilcccivetl l»y Treasurer for IS«>S.
vT •' x - -i 1 "r - ! 3"
% 5- ' I ?i' l .. 5 -
= 5 I 1 • -• 5 3 =■
i r : ; fs »
IH.ST MOTS. ' : g '55
• • ! ; : i0 S
1 I * *
. I . I r " t*
Ml. -lienv ..." If 31 WH <3 77® 8} ttt 8 46f 1M 17;$ S 70i 121 S7
Adams J ft t»i :i 51 14 (W 4«s 43 »I«
ij ler -10 114 22 At 15 70 25 50 lot 70 I>M MB 01
Itr'uiv tW SI 44 2 :il 21 252
( lierrv : :t(l r. 42 37 20 W 21 «> 127 0.5 HH 13tl «
, i... ' 721 7 .'«> I! 112 2:11 2:1 50 104 25 20
«''nt 257 1 M 75 100 010 527 11«
< oiiiHMHieVii -siii" 005 475 S5 1 !«0 1125 1 t»i 19 31
Cle-ii tleUI ~ :« :H i»i 0.5 03 -l!< 142 04 23 142 2.
10 40 1121 II 971 800 42 110 342 4B 32
1 , 15 XI LN il 0.5' 543 511 00 1«» 00 Ml
' '"ie v 10 01 10 .VI II 74 1 6 1.5 47 IK 13 14 t!l t*l
l-w-Ksiin ,w 14 lw • 1
, 211 94 27 ir: ITU 14 0! 117 0!l 21 U lffl i 3 ,
\ (72 12 50 10 25 3 4/» WW #42 « W
Oiiklanii 19 14 MM 527 M H 150 o.
|.., v; r Is 31 A) Vi 42 40 II 121 It: is 00 112 0
IVm, v II OI 10 sr. 17 <JI !> 2" 54 71 700 111 <4
ill ,'iVr:.eU 212 IM 00, 453 15 4#? .
Stiin mi I 12 «2 11 17 IS in 4 7:1 45 75 ISO 4,
V,T.i,.'o ' *1 «ti 111 41 21)301 1(5 77 120 17 Is 35 144 f ,
Wusl.liTiftoii' WS7 40 IIS 31 51 j 4o At 140 .11 UW« l-'J |1
Uiiiti.-1.l ... 50 (\i !.. 01 11i... 24 4: 21.1 Js 82l 250 I* ,
Worth -4 -0: 4 .*> ..... 1 MnO 14. U g
iltttler lH.ro 7St 20 m 27 no 410 ©l3 sN. .3 M .
l airview boro 42 27 27 2. »» » • i.', '
ilitrrisviliu lH>ro... •'- 1 • . .."in! i! -J«
'-V ' '»'
Toti»l t 1444 to'snes 13550 l 3711233 98(1801 WsUt 4#)W#Bo 84
T $
\]\firsiililfires of Hnllcr < oiiniy ,
For Tin- Voar IHOK.
Av•••• sing :n <.,*»*,. " Ijil? 20 !
Allegheny Work house are-1 ..... /: • V,. J
A ppeal account
Bridge view I'd .«•"»
Bridge inspection
Hirt lis and deal lis * s {'•>
Boiler 79 11
Constables* returns 7 ; i2 «J0
I'lerk of Courts '**•* I s
1 'our I crier 444 00
1 .!inty detective .' ,¥ MV
I'ourt bouse : j-»
1 ourt auditor 70 -jO
L'ommon wealth 01 10 •**>
< nuntv Commissioners
loin. Mitel.eli. .H.v ,i; v- *lo7s <*>
Harmon Seaton, nays 107* •?«;
I>. 11. Sutton. :w»l days
[ 'ommissioners clcrK
I.e. K lslnUUUin t® ,K|
Corn's transcribing clerk
L. K. Slilra «3B 00
Commissioners counsel
I i corgi < Rotilnson. bal from lsu7 5 42 • ,4,
licorpe Robinson IS'* - 250
\V. A. IViquer..... JJJ .
kal*lou?& Creer w .»0
l ounty Institute 200 yy
i on lit y account JJJ
-1 uroner s inquest
District attorney
hxpressage ami i>ostage y
iiit«-rest paid en loans JO
Indi. r < ut pauper K J*»
insurance on county
laii account 4H
Jurors ®
. Jury Commissioners
J as. tiribben bal. from IW7 £ 42 04
A.O. Eberhart 100 -*2
| Charles Keuick WO9 237 0% 1
j Jury Commissioners' clerk 110 00 I
1 Court house Janltop
.1. 11. Met 'urdy 5 40 0»»
Alex Hutchison i<*i 0»|
Adam Kamerer 104 <*) I
Wiu. Johnson «VK 00 S|2 00 s
Jail improvement 3TWI2
Jail physician J* On
Interest paid on I >Ol ids Sift 2U
Election account 47.">1 01
L : cj m9O ' I
Lively hire 00 50 F
Loan HOUO 00
Light and beat 619 Oft i
fuel 7.V4 40 j
Military roll 274 71 I
Oftic cleanlntr and luundrv for Court
House si »
I'roth-mot nry 2£2 i.*» 1
Printing 2KI 04
Pennsylvania reform school ItiSl "»0 . 5
Peiin'a Industrial reformatory 38* 7. r »
Publishing auditors' report I
'/.leirlerJt Mclvee SIOO 00
Uitbinsou .V Shiever 100 00
\\ c N»yl»«v 100 on
IV >) Oft 1
< E. Iferr • ;... 9 Sti o&f % »j
County auditors
W. s. Moore sl2."> ij
< Iv\ Thorn 127 44 i
1. l». Me Bride 125 70 371* t»h
Koad view f'7 7."» |
Kegistei iiiK voters 1433 00
Refunding.* fiW 180 \
Hoad damaee 010 W4
& Recorder 300 12
Registering school children S3T 35
fid. S. Ui<ldlc $1503 35
Ada <i. Find ley 123 HO
Maude Kelly 144 35
A. r. Regal 30 00
Bern ice Meals 10 40-I*oo 90
Sheriff W. H. Iknlds 3061 38
Soldiers' burial 285 00
Stationary, dockets, &c 1537 35
Scalp account 001 35
Traveling expenses *»f County
i) Commissioners 153 15
L I Transcribing account 373 00
• j Tipstaff's account—
"> F. K Koyer s9s 00
< .lolm Schaffner 10s no
. J. C. Welsh 100 00
' ! R. 11. Harbison rW 00
■< Ilinchbergcr 50 00
< Hugh Morgan 70 00— 563 00
Inserted land account 994 03
, Warren ht>spital 1534 00
5 West Penn nospltal 3V<9 31
j Wernersville hospital 308 57
> , Western Ponn'a. penitentiary 1193 73
Bridge Impairs.
f C A Wasson, repairing McMurry
} hridee. Marion two $ ;j3 50
• J II Mot I In. repairing masonry of
« Shannon bridge. Counoq. twp 70 09
John Halstead, repairs to Lirdln
' bridge, Clinton twp 5 00
» W I* Hemphill. repairs on Black
) Stock bridge, Clinton twp 10 00
. | S W Glenn. rehulding Flinner bridge,
• Lancaster twp. 4>
\ C P Conner, repairs on Breakneck
[ bridge, Parker twp 40 00
. Wlf Hovard, repairs on McGlaughllu
' bridge. Slippery rock twp 7 CO
s G E Millinger, guard rail Kittannlng
j bridge, Kut ier borough 1 5o
. Thomas Allen. Muddycreek bridge,
1 Franklin twp 19 00
\ F M Swartzfager making fill for Shan-
I non bridge, ConmM|uenessing twp.. 15 00
, K M Met/.. Boy or bridge 300
' E S Milligan. guard rails. McMillan
< bridge, Clearfield twp 3 00
> C L Patterson, repairs to Turnpike
I bridge, Penn twp.— 5 35
1 Charles Kroll. repairs on Wick
5 bridge. Connoquene-sinz twp 10 00
) A K Moycr, repairs on Phillip's City
bridge, Penn twp 3 00
1 Mll Christley. guard rail. Moniteau,
) Cherry twp 3 00
; Michael Flemming, llulTalo bridge.
. Donegal twp i}o 00
' RJ Milliard, Dudley bridge, Parker
I twp 4 75
» T J llenan, Eagle bridge, Connoquo
nessiug twp 34 00
' S C Moore. Seftons, Montgumery.
I Flick. \ Kiddle bridge, Clinton twp 33 93
> Philip Flinner. Flinner bridge, Lan
caster twp 30 00
1 J .1 Campbell, Petrol la bridge,
t Pelrolia U>rough 47 11
; Lewis Greenwult.Lutz.Kurr & Ensley
bridges. Jackson twp 3 50
John Gallagher. Gallagher bridge,
I Franklin twp 15 43
Ahram Martin. Kobb bridge, Oak
, land twp 15 10
S W Glenn. Muddycreek bridge. Clay
i twp 6 00
I Leonard Wick. Wick bridge, Conno
uaenessing twp. 33 40
1 W P Milliard, ilflliard bridge, Wash
ington twp 000
Francis Lindsay, Nelson bridge.
Cherry twp 3 00
John Murry, Glllelaud bridge, Cran
berry twp 35 00
E S Milligan, Kraiy bridge, Clear-
Held twp 3 00
John E Miller, Elliott bridge, Worth
twp 13 00
Lewis Greeiiwalt, Ensley bridge,
Jackson twp 1 35
W W Manny, Kearus bridge, Butler
twp « •... 1 50
Phillip llurr, Relbold A liejde bridge 30 00
John Harbison, Monroe bridge. Buf
falo twp 1 00
Henry Wahl, Amberson bridge. For
| ward twp 30 00
! II W Stratton, Montgomery bridge,
I Clinton twp 13 00
| J 11 Trumbell, Sanderson bridge,
Clay t wp 4 00
G W Horner, Donley bridge, Parker
iWP 4 4
j A C Kosebaugh,Adams bridge, Adams
twp 50
I W J Kennedy, Crowe bridge 9 05
; Fred J Winter, Three Degree road
I bridge. Penn twp 375 35
W A Grains Patterson Uuu bridge,
j Jefferson twp 30 00
George Muder, lirusli Creek bridge.
Cranberry twp 13 00
j Joseph Graham, witness on Const,
j returns of Kittannlng bridge But
ler. Pa 100
| Sylvester Cgoper, Wolf Creek bridge.
Slippery rock twp 3 00
A .1 Burr, Kruln bridge 1 50
. J K Koyer. Bayer bridge, Lancaster
I twp 300
Philip Trout man, Thorn Creek
bridge, Pci)u twp 5 00
Charles Mangle,' Hough Hun bridge,
Wintleld twp 3 78
W L Daubenspeck, Christy bridge.
Cherry twp 15 00
Pittsburg Bridge Co., Rice bridge,
Lancaster twp 154 10
Ranscher A Shlra, Kittannlng tem
porary bridge, Butler l>orouj;h...-* 11 00
W .1 Patterson.Millinger and Reams*
bridges. Butler twp 6 05
S II Christy. Grossman bridges.
Cherry twp 3 00
John Carr, Center avenue bridge,
Itut ler »htrough 1 00
John Held, Held bridge. Forward twp 50
Goo Humphreys. Kruln bridge,
Parker t wp ft 71
M II Chrlstler, Grosman bridge.
Cherry twp. 4 40
J F Harper temporary bridge. Karns
City • 10 00
A Sea ton & Son, Koyer and Harmony
bridge..: 130 37
I) R Stevenson, Pet rolia bridge 10 00
Kaufmau and Moycr fop tilling in the
'Glade Kun bridge..*. 13 75
O G Gold, repairs to Bryan bridge... 350
K J Ililliaru for shoveling mud off
bridge.. 75
D S Stevenson till at Three Degree
road bridge 300 .
Putting up guard rails to same.... 4 (M) <
F C McQuistion. for work on Co.ino
quenessing bridge IS ff
W J McCullough. furnishing plank
for Mlllerstown bridge 14 35
George Relber, damage done to corn
tie Id by Flinner bridge i 3 00
John Denny, plank for Kough Kun
bridge.... 4 co
A H Pleader & Co.. plank for Allen
Joseph Weber, repairing masonery
of Broon bridge. Forward twp 70 00
l'ittslmrg Bridge Co 05 00
John Foy to Vt days labor on Kittan
nlng bridge 75
S C Wick", furnishing plank 9 75
\V S McCre:V cement for bridge 165 00
S O Purvis & Co.. for material furn
ished for Kit tanning temporary
bridge... 2S 35
J 11 Keefer. for repairs on Kelly and
Kroll bridges K 00
Jackson A M)tchell. for spikes and
Chas Croll. tlmbe? rurnislnd for
bridge 37 99
JA Irvin. plank for Petrolia bridge 10 00
Total amount of repairs to bridges.. 1900 11
Milliard bridge, Washington twp.,
masonary, Thomas llonon. con
tractor 401 16
Superstructure, Pittsburg Bridge Co :«3:t oo
D F Shlra. tilling approach 30 00
Hay-; Mill bridge. Connouueiicssing
illltuj. Crt ss con
tractor: repairing masonary and
rebuilding superstructure...'^...... 155 Oi)
K S Hays. 11l ling approach 15 00
Kittannlng bridge,t»ntier'bor- >
otigh. masonary. Thonuis
Ifenon. cojitract<»r $1903 58 .
Anrctp.iid in Is9h 151)0 00
Kaliin«*e di'p* 4i»3 58
Supetstruct;iro, IMig. bridge j
Co contract, price iii 3."» u) jj
Amount paid
Balance due 733 01—
Filling approach 903 71
McMillan bridge, Cleartleld tp 85 ol>
Karns City bridge masonary.
J F Harper.... 14195 C
Superstruct-nro. King Bridge C 0...• lft"> 00
Filling approach, W F Klugh 0 00
Kalfour bridge. Adams twp—-Super- ti
structur*'. Pittsburg Kridgo Co 333
and masonary 39100
Peffer bi Idge.L.mieasier ; v. p-'ainouiU
paid on contract on muMiuary work I<W (K>
A mount due Pittsburg Bridge Co. an *
work done in 1897. ami paid In 1808.. 331 13
Hilliard bridge. Franklin twp—Su
perstructure. Pittsburg Bridge Co. 399 00
Masonary work.Thomas Ifenon.Gon 448 50
Filling approach. K W Milliard.... 0i»
Total amount of new work 5787 03
Kaiailce 1n rrehstiry Jan. 3rd. TZ A
Taxes received from collectors for A
1597 and previous 10841 06
Taxes received from collectors for
Amount received on unseated laud
account 1 WW
Amount received on insane account. WHO 4T
Amount received from Prothonotary
forfeited recognizance $1,775- Sten
ographer's fees fit 00 I*lloo
Amount nvelrnd from Clerk of
Courts tv>l l*.
Amount received from Sheriff HOO 2%
Amount received from Justices of
the l'e«c» m) (jo
Amount received from do* fund for
wr. (Overlooked at last audit) MOfti
Amount received from dog fund of
'"V' 719 HI
A mount received from liquor license 'Jw no
Amount received from Co. Cotn'rs 31401 11
$112709 .*j
i Bv vouchers paid 110474* #x
t Treasurer s 3', per cent on *5(1.000 00. 175000
Treasurer s 5 per cent on #444 10 un
seated land 2J21
I.reasurer's l l i per cent on &>474h (cTzi
Balance In treasury Jan. 2d. I*SM 53H7 44
$112709 50
Cyrus Harper in account with
• I>of Tu for 190 H.
i To tax received from taxes of IN»7
l and previous f *l2 70
To tax received froul taxes of IMte.... 17HK
To reserve fund from UV7, 200 00
$2740 38
j By warrants for sheep damage $ 1677 50.
By overpaid tax refunded 20 2U
I Treasurer's 5 per cent on SIOO7 7# h4
Reserve fund for I*«M 300 00
Tre usurer's 5 per cent on $757 73 37
Balance turned over to Co. Treasury 7I» 84
j Amount of cash on hand $5307 44
. Amount due from collectors for ISII7
and previous. 2027 15
• Amount due from collectors for lxt*.. 22ie2 30
> Amount due from townships on In
' sane account 41
' Amount due from I'rothonetary for
1 Stenographers' fees #OO
> Amount due from Clerk of Courts
tine and Jury fee 5 00
' Amount of judgments and notes in
! Commissioners hands 104 a 40
i \of State tax to be refunded to the
) county 11456 30
s4«t7.s 21
• Balance due McGlnnls, Smith & Co.
on Jail $ 13502
, Balance due Pittsburg Bridge Co.
011 Kmanning bridge 732 01
Balance due Thomas Heenon,
masonry. . 40258
■ Balance due Institute for feeble
minded, Polk, Pa 204 53
! Balance due Penn'a reform school... 31130
Balance due Wernersvllle hospital
for insane gg 00
Bui due Warren hospital for insane.. 374 75
Balance due Western Penn'a hospit
al for insane (JDS 00
Balance due Western Penitentiary... 2207 «t!
) Baleuce due Penn'a Industrial re
< formatory 037 75
) Balance due Allegheny county
i workhouse 475 71
» Balance due Johnston and Watson
for dockets. Jtc 52 70
» Balance due E. E. Bell, county
) detective GO 00
Balance due W. B. Dodds, mainten
ance of prisouers for two quarters
as per quarterly reports 112s 85
Due \\. B. Dodds for temporary loan. 2000 00
County bonds Issued for Jail improve
ment..... 20000 00
) State tax due state 15275 15
> $44S3S(tt
[ We. the undersigned Auditors of Butler
' county, state of Pennsylvania, do certify
• that In pursuance of law we met at the
Court House on the 2nd day of January,
Mm and audited the several accouuts of
Butler county. We do certify that the fore
going Is a correct statement of said accounts
according to the best of our knowledge and
111 witness whereof, we have set our hands
and seals this 10th day of March, lsyn.
W. S. MOORE. Iseai.]
County Auditors.
Butler Savings Bank
JLHutler, £-*«.
Capi'-al - fto.oua.xj
Surplus and l£otiis - - $170,000 00
JOS. 1 PURVIS Piefc»l..,(
J. HKNRY I KOl'T VAN Yun-.TreMd., 1
V. I . t M I'HKI.L, If ('»•!,.. r
t.Ol'ls 11. SI -.VJ 1 ell r
IHIIKi TOHh-.10-v'Hi I. urvls, .1. 11m ry
Itot'.tmau. W. 1». Brandon. A Stein .) •£.
The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest
Bunliit:g Institution', n Butler County.
Uim.i-.tl tiuuking busiuess transacted.
We solicit accouuts of uil producers, mer
chants. farmers and others.
All business entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest l-nWI oil thne 11. oosiln
Butler County National Baak,
Butler Penn,
Capital p.i. i|i . - )ft 10,000.00
Surplus and Protits - 1114.647.57
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Rilts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
/ general baukliig busluo transacted.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Money loaned on approved security.
We invite you to open an account with this
DIRECT JRS—Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon.
W. S. Waldron, I)r. A, M. Hoover. 11. Mc-
Sweeney, E. E. Abratns, O. P. Collins. I. 11
Smith, Leslie P. Hazlett. M. Flnegui, W
W. H. Larkln, John Humphrey, Dr. W. C.
McCandless. Ben Masseth. Levi M. Wise
J. V. Kttu
Braun's Pharmacy,
Cor. 6th St. and Duquesne Way,
Pittsburg, Pa,, L, D. Telephone 2542.
Wholesale and Retail.
Impor.er and Jobbci of Drugs,
Chemicals, Perfumes, Soaps,
Biushes, I£tc.
The onl> house west of New
York carrying a full line of
Meyers' urease, Paints and
theatrical goods
Physicians' Prescriptions
Compounded Day or Night by
"Registered Pharmacists" only.
Wholesale and retail
dealer in Lubricating and
lllumniating Oils, Capital
Cylinder, Dynamo, Water
White and Standard Gas
Kngine Oils. Gasolein, Ben
zine, Paraffine Wax and
Address all mail orders tq
W. F. Braun.
'■' ay seem dear at the stair,
and prove remarkably cheap
befo.e you've worn it out.
It's the long time satisfaction
you get from it that decides
the superiority of our nuke.
It does pay to buy good
clothes. Our fall display js
of the }<ind yon would expect
to find only ji> the large
. TAfT'S PHtLAIJO:* r V £
: '*-D£TN-/AL RPOfJIi.- 1
- sth Av«., Pittibjrj, p.. .1
t| VV j'repßACTlCA*"_Vov»'!i«' !'
: <ST CROWN tad 8?.i0,5tE V |
•> J* JAof l'llW.ur S -u/Hy rt&v r c i
fwIvOURSJ Oft<(Uil3C $
U ; "' d BRIDGE ■*&* rtJu -.1t... «
F'\lW 11*5 PE* TOOTH. A's- tli' ll
Practical Horse Shoer
Furtnerly Horse Shoer a(
Wickc liouee has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the; Arlington Hotel, "where
he will do Horse-Shoe:ng m
the most approved style.
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