Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 30, 1899, Image 4

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    We Want to Startle M
You new heard the like of it •od'Jjt
hardly believe it even after we who*
never lie tell it Other dernier* say it*,
cannot be—well take our word and X
come and see—nice Top Baggies
S3O, Our own make team
with in. traces, with good collars,-?*
long lines, breast straps and breech
ing, all complete ready to hitch
wagon for $2 P* l "** {or two horses,
alft our own make of single BuggyJ
Harness with curved breast collar anil J
i% in. traces, box loop, breeching*
and breast collar, tugs and a
saddle for only $lO Von never
the like and will hardly believe it*D
when yon see, but when Martincourt
& Co. advertise anything yon find itj j
just as Overtired. Its near plowing"*?
time and yew want singletrees *
donblet-ees, parts of harnesa,
harness repaired, See., come here
for everything. X
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St,
Butler. Pa.
S. B, Martincourt.
J. M. Lieghner
P. S.-We handle the Kramer
r* - ; •
■ ■ MADr William*' Indian Pile
I t skni ntmer.t will cure Blind.
■ ■■ I n"»lee<* of >Dd It-ciiinir
MM ■ ■ bPlldi It absort* the tumors.
WgJ ■ ■ »iuj» tb« ItebinK at oocc, acta
■ ■ Mas a poultice, glres InaUnt re
. ■ ■ lief. Dr. William* ladianKMeOint
■ ■ Bant is prepared for File* and Itch
■ tog at tis private part*. Erery box Is
m warranted. By drwituu. by malllon, rs-
Cleveland, fJh!^
For Sale by D. H WULLER.
The Chickering-Chase Bros. Co.
Manufacturers ot
Grand and Upright Pianos
Farrand & Votey Organ Co.,
Manufactures of Organs.
Can aave you money in the purchase
of a FIRST CLASS Instrument
Call and examine them at the ware
317 South Main St, Butler, Pa.
TERMS: -Casta or easy payments to
rait purchaser.
I 1 Ummtt alt dsstrssad a»t»a,tejlld« wfto* <
. «; j
( 1 tnm OWL* IKI.IT IHaTITCTf %' I
' | laakiatfra*. 1> VltTltl rIfHTLTAfII. g I
UL -
New goods are coming in daily. The thought ami care which were bestowed
Upon theh selection are manifest. We've been telling you about Silsn and Drew
Good*- Other lines deserve mention
Embroideries end Leces.
-. a * The newest and daintiest production* await you h«-re
Beautiful assortments at temptingly little prices.
Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Kmbroideries witli Insetting
and allover to match.
,/ | Vals, Torchon, Orientals and a vast assortment of other
W 1 " XflJypX Embroideries are priced like this:
loa-'% to i inch wide 3 10 5c
I i to a inch wide 6 to ioc
J ' Put flti Finer and wider up to. 7-' c I»e r yard
*t!Jy 'r\ Laces. 15c per do/, yd* up to jr. 00 per yd
Hosiery snd Underwear-
The wanted sorts are here in ample variety. Cartful selection
has thought here the thoroughly good and dependable kinds. \ "ft
An opportunity to buy—and save in the buying—is presented here. \ <A\
GLOVE TALK— Those of you who know our Dollar Kid Glove J \
know that nothing is retailed at the price that equals it for A J
uniformity of skin and perfection of finish and fit. X. <?.\\ . J
"ROYALB" Best Dollar Glove in America. /
Black and all shades—Button, Hook or Clasp fastening. . "TV / U
We don't claim that whiskey is a "cure-all", but physi( ians tc'l
us that a little good whiskey as ;i stimulant is helpful in nearly all
cases brought on by changes in the weather.
Have you the "GKIIM'K"? Have you a heavy (/OLD? If so
get some whiskey and note it's good effect.
We have a reputation for keeping good liquors.
Guaranteed absolutely pure and free from all impurities—Here are
some of our prices:
Anchor l<ye—A good whiskey for the money, $2.00 per gallon.
Cabinet Rye—Can't be beat, ... 3.00 " '•
Bear Creek Rye—A very fine whiskey, 400 " "
Gin, Rum, Kummcl, Brandy, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gal.
We have some very fine California wines of 1X92 vintage, I'ort,
Sherry and Angelica at $2.00 per gallon. They arc of good body
and of exquisite flavor.
Remember we pay cxprcssagc on all orders of $5.00 and over
except where a transfer is necessary from one Kxprcss Co., to
another, when we pay exprcssage to point of transfer.
Wholesale Liquors,
Send for catalogue and price list, mailed tree.
J J . The drummer who
tries to talk a merchant
into purchasing a bill
I A I ! of goods may be bandi- j
I [lJLj*. i capped by a face ren
/ dered un»itht!yby pim
pies and blotches and
H ■ by a foul breath Some
k m men imagine that bad
~~~ —health does not handi
cap them in business. A bigger mistake
was never made. The slightest disorder
may be the biggest kind of a detriment to
a business man. An unsightly skin is
caused by impurities of the blood, A foul |
breath mean? a weak stomach an impaired
digestion and an inactive liver. A sweet
breath that the stomach Is sweet,
the digestion good, the liver active and the
bowels regular It is an indication of
a thorough'y constitutional sweetness
Dr Pierce's GoMeu Medical Discovery
strengthens the stomach facilitates the
flow of digestive juices, gives edge to the
appetite, makes digestion and assimilation
perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies
and enriches the blood. It is the great
| blood-maker and flesh-builder It is the
great blood-purifier. It makes the eye
1 brighter, the skin clearer, the breath sweet
er and the step more elastic. It imparts
both mental and bodily activity It cures
all disease* resulting from impurities in
tb* blood Pound at all medicine stores.
•• I wms a complete wreck appetite gone, nerv
ous tvsteiß impaired could not sleep, and waa so
weak that I cocld not stand on my feet ten
mill at es ' writes Mis* Ella Bartley. of No
South Grant Ave. Columbus, Ohio "I only
weighed 95H pounds Dr Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery cured me and now I have an ex
cellent appetite, sleep *oundly and my friend*
aar tbey never saw me to well."
rA man or woman who neglects t
constipation suffers from slow
poisoning. Dr Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets cure constipation. One
little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa
tive, and two a mild cathartic. '
All medicine dealers sell them.
No other pills are "just as good."
Part I.—Diseases of Horses.
Part II. —Diseases of Cattle.
Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV.— Diseases of Hogs.
Part V.—Diseases of Dogs.
Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry.
Sam« book In better binding BO eta.
■tmUll'in. C«.,«v.inkatMaJu..l»M
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeop*thie Specific
No. 28, in use over AO years, the only
successful remedy.
•1 par vial, or 5 viala and large vial powder,for (5
S <M *r Dracclx*, or *•*» !■•<«!<m nftf* of prf
aasruaam- at s. CO.. car. wwu» a Mm at*., t»s
11 Pure < J
I [ vigor—no room for disease J j
j > where the veins are filled ,|
I»with rich, red corpuscles• 41
ULindsey's Improyeds
! Blood Searcher i!
I I ICakes pure blood;— cares aero£» < I
11 via, erysipelas, pimples, boils, 11
( > eoro eyes, scald bead—blood dia- 4 1
| * eases of all forma. Here's proof : 4)
J _ . Htmorcrr* xul. Oh ia. *)
, > Dr. I.!miser's Blood Bearcher lias J >
I' Trjrkt*liron/fcr3'w!thi.'!<i. I have been ( '
a ( intiWiA with Scrofula for IMrlf year* t \
: l 1/ii I fcid that J)r. I7ln<Jsey*a : a
I ' Marcher wfll c-Uert a permanent core I'
1') lnuaiortUiao. It's Wonderful. 11
1 o. w. LtNsoon. %
1 ' At all Druggists. 11.00. f
! HOUO'! PILLS cure 1 ! !l, ~tsi:
iou«na>3, indlt.'ow'io' . .• . 'uchc-.
to »u>sy *r,- p-.. » 75"
The Sexton Of the .Sea
Yon scatter flowers on the pr&ssv
That marks the spot where your
loved ones be:
Yon bring them emblems with never a
For the dead beneath the sea.
For everv ship that thf hands of men
Have bnilded with chart and wheel.
The bones of men in a hundred fold
Are laid beneath its keel.
A canvas shrond and an Iron bar
At the weary head and the wasted
And low' from the deck they moveJ
From the hearts that throb and beat 1
Soldiers and sailors and captains grand,
Babes with a mothers breast
Wet with the lips that will touch no
Come down in my arms to rest.
And I lay them irentlv affjne to sleep.
Where the bed of the sand is clear;
And none may wander, and none shall
For I keep them, oh, so dear'
And hark' When the bell-buoy tolls at
Above the waves where the fishes
Yon may know that I keep my Father s
For the day I shall give them back
to him'
An Attack of Inspiration.
"Is yonr sister at home? asked the
gprnce young man at the door.
••Yes," answered the terrible little
brother "but you'd better not come in.
Jest make a sneak and I won t s*y
nnthin to her. Say, she s writin a
story. Her hair is tangled, her skirt
sags in the back, she haint got no col
lar on. and she's wearing her crooked
heeled shoes without laciu em. She
throwed me out ten minutes ago and
then had the nerve to tell mother that I
broke her all up. 'Course it don t
make no difference to me, but if I was
yon I d never let on I'd been here at all.
She s got the allfiredest temper when
she's writi n stories yon ever saw."
Then the yonn'j man recaptured bis
card, tiptoed off the veranda, and was
around the corner by the time the im
pish brother was doing a war dance on
the best carpet in the house.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the stand
ard remedy for throat and lung tron
bles. It is a specific for grippe and
A bachelor once asked a married
man, who had an excellent wife, where
he fonnd her. The reply was "at
home with her mother and not on the
When you think of Spring Medicine,
how quickly Hood s Sarsaparilla comes
into your mind.
Telephone l.ilU'M for Farmers.
The time is undoubtedly coming very
rapidly when the insolation of the farm
er will become mitigated, owing to
"neighborhood telephone lines," by
means of which they can communicate
with each other without reference to
the condition of the roads or press
of work A local paper of an inland
city of New York State describes an
interesting line where the subscribers
constructed the line, furnishing the
tools and doing the work themselves,
the expense for wire, instruments, etc.,
was equally divided among them, and
the cost was only about sl4 per share.
The line, of conr ie is freeto subscribers,
but others can make nse of i!. by the
payment 'if a small fee. At |.re»»-iit
there are ten subscribers to tin- line
Scientific American
Dr Bnll's (Tough Syrup is pleasant to
take. Children never object to it.
This medicine positively cures cou«h
and cold.
On each Saint Patrick's morning
Throughout our land is seen
The shamrock of "Old Krin,"
A little sprite of green.
With pride I've often worn it.
And will again, 1 ween,
For I love the land whose emblem is
A little sprig of green. Ex.
HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, Bll*
lousnoss, indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 2Bc.
"Though winter winds all fierce may
The sun shines warm across the snow:
And, too, I heard a robin sing
Its joyous notes of coming spring.
Wake up' Cheer up!' I heard it my,
'Cheer up! Cheer up! Spring's on the
It made me think of summer
Of leafy wowls and grassy ways.
'Mystic Cure" J or Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days.
Its action upon the system it rctrarkablc 1
and mysterious. It removes nt once thu
causes and the disease immediately d.&-|
appears. The first dose greatly Sencfits;
75 cents. Sold l.y J. C. kedic, ai;ct J. F.
Itilph DriiKuists Butler \\ir </i
The average man overestimates his
judgment and underrates his fortnne.
It is hard to persuade a man, no matter
how rich, that he has enough, and it is
eqnally difficult to convince him, no
matter how ignorant, that he is lacking
in wisdom and knowledge
What is Celery King?
II Is sn herb (lrlrik, an>l la a ixxiltlve cure
for oonatlpatlon, lien<la« li«', nervous disor
der*, rheumatism, kidney dlwmu-.*, and tlis
various troubles arising from n disordered
stomach and torpid liver. It Is a most
SKreeaMe medicine,and I* recommended liy
jjiyslclans generally. Ileineuiber, It curra
const I pat lon.
Celery Kins I* sold In 'lltr and U)r. {>ark
| age* \iy druggist* and dealer*. 1
ro'onirrH itfli fj nu<l ' mlorMwl by noM phy*
If*) mfin. N »i iinr of pure and wliol«
Hoinf \V< »r« lrni»*»r'<»rH fili'l hiiM'll'
only tli«- )h hI hruriflu of wine*, whlnkcyn.
IF you »ir»' 'lNhiil Ihlli «l with Mm Wlihk uiml
lloiiorn you have ln < n lO 'tliiy. ic>v«- ourn it
rrlrnH low#9fit for pur«i tf'HHln;
Flfff If. HT. VKUIKM,
4i I'CK F.I N K H, 1)11,1,1 *it KK.
id i iiho w, ovKUiioi/r
l.kuut, Tiioxirsii!«.
Any of tli«i brumi* «»f whUk«-y. un
#|U .
<i liA 5 l»KATII l.lt'H CHOICE,
h whlnlrcy sfiinr»rit« , «l i ytt r* old. Y* l»«-r k»»I
o ni'.it |), <»r mull nrdiTHof ur ovi-r w«
Ikh und «»hlp promptly; clwrnfn pre
W« hav<- no nK««nt«» repf«"K nl u*. Ht»nd
order* rllrvwt tifid M4vn irion»-y.
411 Water Street,
Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pn.
OpIHHIItA II At if Itapot
In this state Ut manage our Imihlu*i*h
I tle lr own mid n"iirl>y roiiutle*. It U fmilnly
j office work conducted at liotne Hulury
1 straight ♦'."l a year and expe»*«s definite,
I Idin inile, no more, no le«* nalarr Monthly
1(7.V fteference*. Enclone snlf-addressed
unvelopo* ll»-rlj«'rt' K. lilt'**, rii'it.,
Receipts and Expenditures of Butler County for the
Year 1898.
Statement of Tax Received ami due for 1H1»7 and Previous*.
DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. r g | S ? c"""!
- I • • ' * •: : ! :
—p.r Immi ggP ££• # • * SS* *
< 'ht-rrv ... J W Newman ® '*
Mrad7 T A Hines. IMC H A -Jil
Sllpperyrock. Jo«L Cooper ISM }', ..
Washington H L St-aton » « » * 2*
Washington H LSOMon. . "« "•* I .•*.
Winfiolfl AUk£U»i F reeling «»*-.♦ .*!.*.{ I .»> _
Mi n r"r„ jJESpM...: w« «w g »».
Parker Geo J Kepler .. -4 g *ui ft
Slii>u»-ryro<-k. J L Cooper -1- - <» •»•••-••
\V..,fciiVioi>; ... HarperSmDbeii ; ; W«J * « * .J?
Win field August (reeling. -• w • OH ~v .
Butler b0r0... John Younklns. ■••••- ..... • •••• > « l ''
Petrol ia F M Frit/ \ » £ it 8 »•
Sunburv. PP Brown. . 1 <S- 1 2S •■ - . ' 1
Atlatns Wm Renuison I"W7 #3B 27 (Ut (M .. 37 . ...
Allegheny Jas Jolly " 385 01 3to ft; IB 21 53 ..3 ..
Buffalo Joha Harbison 291 13 i" 1.182 1* -1 ■ •••-
Butler FDPearce " *56 40 450 no 23 t» 7ft tJ3 .WO"
Bra'Jy i! i Frank Met urdy " S» #1 213 •« 11 3ft 57W .......
Clinton las R RKldle. . '• 338 51 225 < 11 H» 10175
1 "lay li B Conn " 404 "4 .H4 18 1H 14 41 1—
Centre ..... J D Smith " 13$ W 142 05 71- 4-' . ....
Clearflei«i EJ Kennedy. " 349 M 3<7 53 in so Mi*. «4.
Cherry H L Russell " 438 3» :»« 38 17 <5 WW 10 27 .
Connoqnenesslng John Brandon.. *" 135 4s IjJ2J ,*7? ■*' CJ ' 1 —1
Cranberry ". A Klrscbler " 357 58 fg 42 lis 4. «•»
Coneord Robert Adams " 593 3.. 229 OP 12 !<■> 41 t..
Donegal F W w a llman 405 44 a»«» 13 •< 1122 ISO ..»•
Forward George Mar burner " 43 *i-i li; 24 .4 • *'»
Fair view JJ Campbell. ' # *l* 31 n1- 41 4o
Franklin .... A McCaodlesfc ... " *77 3 249 5 7 nls 14 r.l
,K„ - M Barr " 218 07 Hl i 9 r.l 25 40
Jackson AII Mi.rkley. 275 W I«K OT hS4 •.« M
Lancaster Samuel Hartley. I- ■' 02 <ll
Marlon jo* Vandyke. 10» 8» 75 flu 3 Jis 57 ■»< :tl #.
_M, r.ir ... .1 J MoGarvey " :*tl 29 2*3 !t"> 1' 'M 4 4i>
Middlesex EO Thompson. *8 Hrt 23 70 I 2;> 61 ...
.Muddyreek Crant Jones " 1* 75 172 r<9 90# 18 <'
Oakland Peter Wliltmlre.. "• 30 8# 580 :*» 24 70
Parker Jos Wally " 141 «T 127 8» 871 .56 .....
Penn . Geo F. Hay ... _ » '■> a> 9
1-lipperyrock II Bovar.l " 382 «5 315 34 li M an 91 .... . .
Summit. I W Baldauf. 88(1 23 MS « 31-9 .a 45......
Venango II B Stalker 4*B .18 230 00 II 1. 83 2J 1
Washington Austin Meals " :«» » 222 51 11 8s >42 18.2
Wlnfleld J M Crookshank. MM *8 205 92 1
Worth WII Pi».r " 208 07 MM 974 s ...
Bntler boro John S Jack XMS 17 l!M0 II MB II .... ItwU.
Centre*ille F Forester "j 45 29 33 > 1.. h44 1 ■*>
Evans City Gihj ItiptH-r ' »•» t' 171 33 9 til 2- tu
Harmony Fred Weigie " 188 08 120 00 841 14 99 ~4 .i.
liarrlsvWte I S Pew 77 15 BSi «l 3 «i, 44. .
KarnsC'ttjr Frank H.'ilibltt 11 *-1 •* •«
Milli rsU.wn J J iKinahue. ' 133 »* 118 02 811 11 >jt
Mars ... Geo B Stewart.. 535 13 4M SIS 25 52 14 ... . ■■■_
Pettolla F M Fritz ... " 48 77 . . W "
Portersrllle A Henshew " H2 it. is.. W 342 14 41
Prospect . ... C F Newman 53 s7 *3 34 28->
Saxon burg I E Muder " U » 87 18 354 Ji "
Sunl.ury l'P Brown 4-. 19 >2l 14- 15 .rfl
Xelienople Wm Allen 12* 27 I'i.J 35 .. .»! 13 18 ■ ■ ■_■
Cotinmiuenessliig.. Caaper Fehl 45 24 |0 ut ,vi M .1
Valencia Wm Hoffman "| —K. II *is 80j J .».
total 1 ...'515372 75 #lll-11 I»; v.7fl V. si:i7t 92 *2127 15 J25 LS #l2 7li
Collectors' Aecount i'or IHIIS.
S|- k ;
, , i ttll n.. i »t I 1 348 tf i 96 44.$ 744 M
SS €3 SS Js
ffli m ii
(x4:nlre J •' Hiriiin ( |
J&e,d:: K;p v :: :: «;J|
irai.lwrry A Kirch er |«B7 91 1-11 IMA a
::: jig ] ijUS
1,1... \ II Mlfkli'V Uli-1 I' l *' " »- rl
J • J JMcOariey 715 31 .BM 41 :js H;i »i
B£KiKh. ; ,:WrhSKn.::::
Mud«]ypr*-ok firant jonen r .•«« J nX «?
'»»" Vos'Tva Iv 1 "' 1 "' iglW. '0v.1.l *2? i l«. 7«
OE Hay 2015 82 108 IW 56
:. SS 5S 15
HII 111 111 11 atull/er 1117 •> 535 «4 37 5. ...4 "i
,518 if ,£1 £ nSS
C U . Irivitle' I 4 Forester 2" 'Wi mi 57!.'. 232827
' eiilervllle.... I ronsu r. ,g hh 13179
'iS'i/ *" »« mS
Millersti#wn. I > Donehtie ** ;• t>A « ... .s. 2113 I •
Mar- <<eo B SH-warl i>il <M. tt. I *< 'i'*
Petri.iin ....::: FMFrit* jgg gg »» »•«
Pl.rteisvllfe A Henshew Wt MB III! M. .13 MM
Prospect c r Newman I "8 4Wj 343 *7 27 13 4, £
saasf. tvjfei g:v -•" ss SI
y/ilem^ie.:::::::: w,,. aK' •»
TotaT" ' 11783 M ltt'|sMl4 M|W 2*I|B»BB 3B
!>»»(? Tax «»l IHIJ7 and I'revitms.
~T" !* i h »?! 1 s? i' i" : fi !
5 I I | |i! g| | |
: ' 2 5 ' ? ' I ?1 S I
;; J f I f S .. : '
uilnnervrock .J S Cooper IW* $ 7sU # $ $ TS $— $...
I Imirlli-ld. II II Duffy l-« 13 3* 818 44 | 4 4
Uiirif.ii J Gllglirlsl. " 23 i > .1 Jj -4 .
wfnfleld! A I'rei ling. " MH 18 H ><« 18 "3
Butler lioro .... John Vounklng 6-I «31
Harmony. Fred Welgle M •' > *
' liaa?***-
Adams. Wm lt«.imlson t*> I™ JJ JJJ :, J
Alleiflien v Jas Jolly I*l I" - fc I"" 28- 3im
llr'uiy Frank Mi-curdy 'am :>i;v io- m»s
Buffalo .lohn Harbison " 32 « 24 13 I 27j ,fn
11. f 11. >- I D Petrcc -' •' • * •
Clinton Jas Riddle 73 it 21 47 I n M M
" It It Conn i" 01 31190 lit I 55!
Cent,!' J D Smith " i" 32 Is 19 w It 17
cienrlield E J Kennedy " .12 10 1114. s. 551 9..
, ,e lr v II L Russell " 8- 13 211 «m in., 21 21. 2.
1 « .lohn Brandon ;; »OB 17 71 W 13 »
m «.ii< i.nl Kotn-rt Aflarni* '» M '
I i r;.iil.eirv A Klrcliler. " M 3 15 >«
i Donegal ' ' W Wallman " 87 73 I. 00 711 -.1 91
I'or ward GMm burger WWI -I 41 8«l |8 W»
! I'alrvlew. " .1 .1 Camplwll " "li I-' 08 s .<3 t) -A>
Frankllfi' A MeCati'lli'Ss " !!2 71 17 k 3 94 394
. 1,-ff nw S M llurr. " 31 t . 23 21 131 7 «
Jkson AII Mick l«y ' WV 17 HI 91 HI",
Lancaster. S Hartley. " »3» 09 01 15V
Marlon 'b>s Vandyke.. 28 10 ne 53| 7"s II 8.
JJM' Garvey " 37 -8 31 19 185 172
Mlilillese*.. E O thoinpHon... " 13 *7 80 1.. 107 22 im .
Muddycreek Grant .lones -9- i 7i* ill
o|| ' mrl I'•t• rNN hit "ill • * I l» - I '• «" 1 *'•
Parker P». Wall* * % ■»> JJ J
Summit J W Bahlaur '• " • ■ ■• <*. 14 I*.
Slippery rock.. II Bovard. " ; *J 8J M I si> 10 21
Venaniro Hlt HtiilUer (I 2 3i tno 21 I*.
Wash VfgU.n Austin Meals ;; 21 18 77 2 111! IB » W =*»
Worth. W H P|*ir S •'■l <8 25 sii 111 24
Win Ib'III. J M Crook shun k ** «7 86 US 112 BK>
ButlerlM.ro. J S Jiu'k /if.' , «!
Centrevllle F Forrester l"1" •• j
<'onrioi|uenesslng» Castu r I ehl
Evans City G Rlppi r , { 1 4 '
Falrvlew A''Gliison ... . L'l
II a r moil v., I'ieil Welnle. t»M\ 241 13, I" 24
(jariisvllla J s pew I(R ! W M .....
Kama City /'rank liabl.ll 1 •» •/; »*'
Mlllerslowu. I •! Dunaltue ' l '
Mar- JII Stewart 3s, >„ •> >1
Portersvllle. A llenshaw -87 251 |»|
Prospect OF Newman ' 01 j '•» .
Petrolla. I M Frit/ '} H " '
Sonbury P P Brown ' *"> 3 ■*, l« • •
Saxonbura J E Muder 10 71" ■» •' «•'.
Valencia Win llntTinan -'5 l i,4 :si 1...
/elleuople Wm Allen 10 30| II 115 .12 393 j
Total" $1740 oh fH|;; im'sHl 20 S.HB 87 $532 01 $1 82 $8 04
l»o« Tax Ol IHIIS.
I g ! g I ?! % I g
! 2r ' -5 i 8
n - 55 ■ - • K
5 3 3 • 55 "2
! I 3 '5?. 3 '
DISTRICTS. (JtiLl.Ei lulls. -j < ■/.?
I F 5 f
ifiSlSwir .lames Jo'ly * '*9 tl *II h/ * 88® "I no
Braify. Frank McCurdy. "« » 2s 00 218 »» :M «l
Buffalo. John Harbison ]"j " <7 75 .84 HI)
j! |"'y" r " KB Conn' 'i>t .VI IV (»t 115 54 35 48 on
, I,fun, 111 Riddle I"*' S» 51 81 37s 51 os >oo
1 'elit re II Smith. . 82 50 21 57 114 »» 131*
i, , lf ji, id I. Ini in" 11 v j JJ SSM r. »•' ) '
<lu rry IIiik!» Mnroi.ll W» 7} 74 [U fj jlfj V*
I 'otii'oril ll'»lK?rt Ailuiim «<»<••> 2'»•! « 1
rriinlH-rry A Klwhl' r hts w 721 I JJJ 4-1
~ ,rv , . <4 I' 11 «i ir v WW it W l 4W Ul 2.»
K F WaVtnTan lis 75 8 » * * 70 on
l-orwiird <iinrK*i Marliiirif r |.V» (*» .t» 2
lalrvl.w .1 .1 rVunnbrll WW l*» 127 Ki 7. HO
Franklin A M Mct'andless 78 5., 27 41 » *8 ...
I#*tti'moii M llurr. i»» •" • J J'
la' k soil AII Mlckley 117 75 78 fill S*7 »38 53 75
i ancas ei Samuel Barllev 105 75 51 oi 31 50 4 . 3- v.
Marlon 105e,,), Vandyke sn a -. 20 on 70 fij 5.. 11l
M j j >l<-Ojirv«iy W7l I<< 2.» •»"
Middies.-, Kll Thompson •»» » •« JJ# SB
Mti(l«lvrr«*i*k Orant Jonoi ■* 01 J ' 41 <■- J«
Ofikliiflfl I'ltir Whllmln- Mjjr» 70 0<»; fl IW 4^' ( 29W)
) lay I H ' ' IW '» ,H {
I'arke, losaph wally... 8* M * M jtt Sg MM
H,inirnlC •' W llaaldauf. I2H w W 0"i 7j'
uilinicrv'roek " Movard 72 oo I'. 9- I>t 52 4^
v ' ,2, II L Stalker ins no Kl :i2 491 19 7. SSo
Washington 4 Austin Meals HO* 21 «* I"- M»•
Worth W H I'lsor I 78 75, 3V m I 111 •> A';
2,1,1 J M crulkshank. i tu 75 vino t :>i .m 49, oo
But ii.r iK.ro ■> V" u i "SS 87 "" ! TIS
Centrevllle I l orresler 13 fill .n
Ciinius|uen.,sslng horn las per l''hl ® ... •«- ir
F vans llt v lleorge Rlppcir R2. » » »716
Falrvlew l.nro Wm *>P.soi II J'., It '
lliirn I r.dW.lKle MM M 'JI
eli iTodgers Us m - gs
Mars George n Stewart 28 X, 5 fil 4s »• •«
Mlllerstowu J J IWiiahiie 45 75 is I*B IM 26 SIII
!»" u ' 3> ,0 g
■axonburg 'km.eh', JS?!-.si,
Sunl.ury P P Brown 8 on J*
Valencia. J D St/iup 8... 8..,
/., 11.-ie.pie Wm All.n MM *_• Ml '♦ wi
Total* . JTT! 'sl74* 25 sl7tm is SI.V. S4.sl*S4 ir|islßV7 50
«. nseateil Uuitl Aeeountror IHHS.
J p j Schooi.. Road. Poor. " '
= | 2" Z ' i 1 « i &
DISTRICTS. >3 : f ? 2, | 5 3 $ | j § I
r i 5- i i I =■ ' i i s ; f iif
: _ 2*? * z? 7 _2 5, •» ,
:gS:H!2«: E 2 * , ; jr
Allegheny |Bl »9* 18 39 # 4:1 77 t Hi> 70 #2O 4«# Ji 11 # 1 Onf !»li t; »r,* r. M * 470
Adam* 94 8 51 9 81 14 14 tiy I i«)
Bnffalo 28 38 07 1 07
Butler 40 «.« 83 86 12 '>4 14)82 15 70 740 880 24 7s 24 7>
Brady . 88 281 81 281 51 116 88 214 481 44 255
Cherry 89 881 221 42 87 221 42 87 174 20 1»4 22 Its 174 24 '.Hi 2« 7:!
Clay 724 10 78 789 10 78 789 805 662 9«7 108 281 388
Centre ........ 287 268 184 808 144 28 28 78 25 55 48 1 (X» i 1 i»0
ConnoitnenessinK 6 fis 9 89, 475 11 19 2 9:> 9-> 95 85 1 !8l I 27 i
Clearfield :-tt 9fi 2 1:V 38 9r, 36 09 121 65 «:! GO 0* 70 972 849 17 s.", :>s
Concord 10 49 8 8»S 14 24 17 82 798 11 57 19 50 1 71i 0 C.<> 8
Cranlierry j 15 • 15
Forward ! 11 70 11 70 j !
Fairview .. 10 04 522 16 50 21 40 82 16 88 14 74 81 82 *3O 2 511 065 39V 565 1
JefTerson 176 47 281 278 43 66 109 43 : 48 j
Jackson 52 ; 66 66 08 0s 14 , 14
Marion 29 54 11 9s, 27 02 18 66 25 At 11 02 47 12 58 14 961 14 01 23 GJ j
Mercer -1 72 10 15 12 52 18 87; 3HO 888 10 25 22 88 *3 80 845 3 44> 655
Middlesex :.... j j 2 07 : 2 07 !
Oakland 19 14 1 16 10 909 701 27 27 27 27 352 852
Parker 18 34 44 58 50 92 86 25 920 118 42 46 50 25 *6 61 11 95 11 80 28 10 15
Penn 1104 ! 16 56 16 56 17 94 17 94 920 920 !
Slippery rook 242 ; 181 181 307 60 367 84 i 84
Summit 12 62 1 947 i 947 18 93 18 78 1 l.> 473 f .i 88
Venango 33 60 29 59 46 44 1 76 03 836 29 36 82 72 42 16 77i 16 69; 50
Washington 86 87 80 25 40 98 71 23 14 74 81 51 46 25. 22 12 40 50 62 62
Winfield 56 00 45 94 48 99 195 117 55 112 35 520 848 24 49! 8 431 24 49
Worth 4 50( 450 450 150 ....... 150 157 150 307
Bnt'.er boro .... 723 21 52 26 60 23 50 24 62 18 01 27 50 13 01 27 50 106 4 115 522
Fairview 42 27 27 325 27 352 450 27 477
Ilarrisville 58 815 122 437 ! 53 58 125 27 15t
Prospect 19 369 8. ...... 406 1• H, (18 ...... 181 4*i 4.,
Petrolia ! j 4 -»0 1 4 -i0
Snnbnry I 264 264 |
Millerstown 458 i 39 65 39 65; 763 763 9 l.> 9 !.•
Donegal 15 58 940 28 39 29 IW 811 454 965 13 90 29 60 543 514 89
Total <444 10-$230 71 *503 18 *402 25 $391 59*133 25>561 37 $434 05 s2Bl
*< )verpaid.
|.4>% j ami Tax Assessment I"t»r IHi»K.
< n cc j —i H
3 ©-Co o
il* j -
§IH S * 5
: r J : '• J :
;1•' ; i • )
Adam* twp * 4185829 $ 1729 02 * 462 52* 119 25 f 2810 79
Allegheny 2573545 1093 76 37 81 49 50 1181 0"
Bntler ... ..* .. ..... 372956 1585 06 2<i7 74 123 75 1966 «*>•»
Buffalo .......... 385461 1682 22 166 86 96 50 1895-58
Brady 1945481 834 «3 64 92 59 25 959 00
Clinton 4 374444 1591 89 127 *9 109 50 1828 78
Centre 299541 1273 04 52 44 82 50 1407 98
day 824772 1880 29 99 10 94 50 1573 89
Clearfield 282289 987 30 73 158 81 75 1142 63
Cherry 295295 1254 99 108 60 99 75 1458 84
Connounenessing 301484 1281 09 312 05 911 t MI lOS'j ltf
Cranberry 395721 1681 83 286 11 93 25 2061 19
Concord ... 295611 1256 34 52 00 74 25 1382 59
Donegal 266886 1147 02 120:54 138 (HI 1405 86
Forward 354260 1505 60 633 (HI 135 00 2273 60
Fairview' 291550 i 239 08 182 80 99 00 1470 38
Franklin 299135 1258 57 133 08 76 50 1468 15
Jeffeinon 3484593 1481 ll.i 344 »s 124 *Bl 19.il 23
Jackson 409408 1740 181 438 75 117 75 2291 50
Lancaster. 290908 1286 36 249 33 105 75 1591 44
Marion 258576 1098 94 72 28 80 25 1251 47
Mercer 159578 678 20 47 11 48 (Mi 773 81
Middlesex 434655 ls-17 27 1262 68 176 25 3286 30
Muddvcreek . 260961 1109 08 57 40 67 50 1233 98
Oakland 292177 1241 75 275 79 80 25 1597 79
Penn . ■' 337853 1435 87 579 75 138 75 2154 37
Parker 289888 1232 03 st) »4 84 18, 1405 97
Summit ... 312119 1826 51 393 90 123 00 1843 11
Slippery rock 884290 1633 24 166 69 72(8, 1«71 i»:t
Venango 265038 TT2O 42 32 76 ion on 1267 18
Washington. 1 319984 1859 93 254 74 110 35 1724 92
Winfield 2879155 1228 85 458 57 90 75 1773 17
Worth..! 316237 1344 01 80 17 78 75 1502 93
Bntler boro, Ist ward 497255 2113 38 596 82 i 4 25 2783 90
2d ward 689521 2930 40 419 66 86 75 8886 87
•' 3rd ward 612246 2602 04 786 78 39 50 8428 32
" 4th ward...! j 418660 1779 31 837 44 25 5(1 21512 25
.. *. sth ward 4.50487' 1914 57 1164 *'ii 34 50 3113 04
Centerville boro 13(53(58 579 5. 390 63 13 50 98.' .0
Connoqnenesaing boro 428n:i 180 18 114 34 675 301 22
Kvana City boro 207801 ss:! 16 481 98 82 25 1897 B!i
Fairview boro 38435 163 HI 03 21 14 25 240 so
Harmony lioro 125463 538 22 98 1 1 40 50 671 83
Ilarrisville boro 62041 268 6(5 466 29 11 25 741 20
Kiirns City lioro 22675 98 36 172 15 (Ml 110 OS
Millestown boro 119829 509 28 489 25 26 25 1024 78
Mors boro 89462. 880 21 224 78 45 75 650 74
Prospect lKiro 71572 804 24 214 24 8 2., ~'.'ii i 3
Petrolia Isiro *57176 158 (Ml ill) 67 18 (Ml 266 07
Portersville lioro 49078 208 .is 52 04 600 266 62
Saxonbtirglniro 95614 406 86 813 8!) 88 75 "?•» 4 "0
Snnbnry Uro 54696 232 46 411 70 600 288 10
Valencia lioro 35805: 109 (.7 7.i 07 0 <•> 1111 411
/.elietiople boro 20053i1| *77 so 428 22 111 oO 1825 52
Total 1*14365421 '*61058 04*15275 15*3748 25*xiMl70 41
Warren i}iul lMxiiiont Hospital Accounts,
i O n t I TJ 13 I K
~.tr r » I fi * £ -L
_ S S 3 jO- © o*
-S" Bg©- 5.2" 3 I
©•.4,2 3*® H <] . 6.3 mb 1 g < i
S-3 S- 3B' s . Sg
3- & •©' 3
I * is I ; §■ :
J _'_j j L Lj—|-j ... i
Allegheny 1$ 14 W9 S p J' J®
Bntler. 22 75' 91 25 6« 25 45 75:
Brady .. 63 00 (58 75 109 00 -3 i-i .
Clinton 814 90 91 25 906 15
(Clearfield 22 75 84 50 68 35 89 (Mi
Cherry 474 87 182 5(8 285 75 22 50 849 12
ConnouiicineiiHiiiK 775 91 25 45 oil .18 .8)
Forward 9) 75, 91 25 I 114 00
Franklin 37 75 9125 129 00
Jefferson 89 30, 52 73 II 43
Lancaster 13 <H), 52 13 65 14
Marion I*2 50 111 (Ml 08 5(1
M ercer 251 50 228 (Ml 182 50 68 75 228 25
Mu.i.iycreek;:227s 9125 ; : moo
Oakland 12 86 52 14 28 72, 89 28
p ( . liri 274 00 182 50 45 50 41100
Summit 31l 75 91 2.i : 111 OJ'
Wurllt '. 69 50 ...... (.9 50
Winfield 22 75 228 imi 182 50 22 75 45 .'Bl
Bntler lioro 608 9.V 91 25 98 25 580 20 4.i ,5
Kama City Isiro 579 211 91 25 670 .il
Millerstown boro 182 89 182 39
MarslH.ro 163 25 ( 91 95 | 858^60
Total '*8672 56*2295 H, Alton 47*1077 09*136 75*18:4 41
— - J
riiMOUtftl l.an«| I'nv l(e«elvetl 1»> Treasurer for IMUM.
i 5 r i ?rf t s rit t
® 2" 1 e 2 ? Is. 5 ?; t
S g a> - - 1 ft.
\ 4 M : ; H : o
•«I•' ' -* j
lijj i i r
I.|i I i ! ■
Alleuln nv I 111 HU $ 13 77 $ 31 mi » II 4". I till 17 t ft TO $ 131 H7
A | .ml w 3 :.l It rn iIK 43 I"
i, ft',.. 4n in :r: .vi ir. 71, 2ft mi ." iut n«t
Itriulv "" " ' S
, 'L :RI 3. I!S 37 3I» w 21 wi lay« ««*• i«««
, ' ny r :;i 7;m hub s3i ai iw iat ba an
ivix... 2TV Ikl lin II 111 ft 37 1143
i'«.iiiiiM|i,eneH4lntc 11 [*' J jj '*[[ ,Jl' !,"! .!••"'
I 'Win .Hi 1«| :i.l IH| JW IW ft» IU M 4?» Mm "1 SI M , ...
I til 411 14 21 II f.7i nun «im :t 4:: 8132
I l.inetfii I Ift ' 38 IKI » l»| ft 41 ill HP 8U
l .i.v lew I" "I 18 V» l»7« IJW '
l< (TcrM>n I 7,1 ' ;jl w 4 " l 10 ;7,
llieulm, 9 88 W 14 I m J M
•V, 211 '.I 37 IK! 471;: 14 ni 117 131 31 41 1301}
' c; „ m ,i «n ;ln *<< »cr in il
i i,. 1,!,,,, ii "in i" i" 27 27 i imin i■« n 7Jj
.!' l V ! IN ut no v. ta in 11 .»• i2.i ir mm nam
..II nil ni Tin 17 Ml it an ft 471 7«) IIW
SllUn. ryr i.'k 3 I2| I"I •»' «83 «JJ
Hliinni It 12 83| It IV IS Mil I .it 4.". I.i I«> «i ft(J
\ L, 3inn Hill 2H.18 1H77 138 I. Ur. Hl*
Wiiiliiniftiin 3ft n*. miH. II r.l 41, SMI il]l VB. II 0- l*> 44
Vvjntlelif M'.H. 2141, k»; 8 » *
1V,.. 11, lA■ I .Ml i I«, mw, 142 II ".
TO r] Ng ■■ »3 •§ "3
Kalrvltiw Ih.k. J- j -■ ■ r. ,'
lH.ni 1 - .. Jj I
Mlller^l.. mi Imrn I* 7 11 -J '• 2,
1'r.«,.e.-t l-.n. "• 3', in ~l l»l H8
T „, u I 9444 K,s-«l mVvil 371«333 3tl»|N.,| JSI.M, 4.", SIWH, S4
I: x | »«• 11« I i (uri'H i»r ltntl<*r I 'oil my i
I »i Tim Vi'iir I HUH.
Au« ' «M»ni • Mjj:; »>
AWorkliotiNi* lM'r'l,, 43
A|i|»«iil account. ... • ••• J554 %f»
llrl'lw view I#l /■"»
llrMui' liirtpwttoM. .H iH»
hlrtim ami ilcailt* ** I'"
lloiler lioum) J" ; 11
t 'om«tal>lc*' r**t uriiH . ntt 30
i 'I• rU of t '"HI F"OW I*
Court «-r 1«-r 414 <*»
County (h'twtlvi'..,., ,l "
< 'oiirt hoiisi' Ml 4 «V»
< 'ourt auditor • AO
Commonwealth . 0110
< 'ouut v < l omtiil*Mlom , r»»
John MH' Im-ii kin (lnjm $W7* ««o
Harmon Heaton. mm iluy*. 107* <hi
i> ii HniUiti. ;ioi 11iivh iO;Vi so icm •<»
i 'ommlmdorier*! clnrK
i < K Ink addon • • 4M 00
< 'oiii'h I raiittCfihlnic clerk
I, K. Htilra flflto 00
i '(iiiiriitHHloiHTM rou»)•»«>I
(icortff Uohlnewiu. I»wl from l*W7 $ I!! ftO
Hoitlnililll, |Nj<N ........
\V A. I <.r<jti< 40 oo
KiiKton Unn«r 2." 00 107 .TO
» iunit y ||)Ht |t i• • • . . TO 00
County a*'f0unt...................... Mil/*"'
< oroiii'-r'n lni|ue*t p* 7i»
l»Utti< I itlU>riicy • • 7IW 00
I *|iri"4HiiK«* and pontage ,c - ;■
lnt«*re«it |»u|i| on loan*.. . • jW
I n<liic> nt pauper. JjjJJ
Insurance oti county hutldltitfn•••♦«• 7no oo
Jail account 4.4 (V'l
. Jury rotiiiillMMlovior>4
JiiH Urllilieu hul from I*o7. ... $ 4*! •*»I
J An.l »m rhurt 100 U
| «l.arle* IC« <ll. kO4 <"» :M. o:,
J hi y « 'ofutulHHloiM'rM' clerk -'0 00
('ourt lioii***' Janltoi
J. It MrCurdy f 00
All * IIHI. llN.mi I«i 0"
Adttm Kamcrer I'M
Win. Jollliftoo fiOSt <io HI2
lull Improvement #Ol2 01
.lull |»liy«l<-litti ;ih 00
Intercut paid on iMindn.. MTSEI
Election account 4.m Of
Lunacy 1440 00
1,1 very Ure oo .'>o
|#<>aii. 1..... *fn*i INI
Light ami In at «l»
I'm-1 V-%4 40
Mllltar y roll r. ITi4 71 |
<»111• I'lfiitiltitf ami lutimlry foi < 'ourt
I|UUM« H| 7ft
I'rotliofioiary SK !"•
I'rlut Intf 2*l
I•• niiH V l\unla reform wliool.. |n«l Mi
IVnu ii Imlußlrlal reformatory.. . ihm
I'uhllHliliitf autlltorn' rci»ort"
7M ulcr A M« lv« « ... f|m» «m»
|{i.hinson A Hhlcvcr |oo no
\\ i N« ult-y «... luu imi
I' ICuttlfcan .'4MIO
C I !I« r r 9 w TiO .Hi
i '♦ ill lit V uiulitom
W H Moore SI2Ti hm
ti It. 'l'liorn |27 44
I iv M« Illicit) I2T» 70 ;r;w
Komi view HI; 7.*>
K» aUt* tlnif votern... 14.1.1 i"»
Kt fiimlliitf 'Hi Lit
Howl damage. oio oi
Register & Record* r 200 12
Registering v'!hh>l children «537 2.»
Ed. S. Kiddle fr«! *»
Ada G. i*iudley 123 *0
Maude Kelly 114
A. F. Kegal 20 ♦«>
Bernico Meals 10 40 1X» •.*>
Sheriff W It. Uxlds aHM >
Soldiers'burial 2Sa oo
Stationary. d«K*kets. I&S7 22V
Scalp account r. 001 25
Traveling expenses of County
Commissioners l"« 2 l*'
Transcribing account 272 00
XlpstatTs account
E. U. Koyur £ ■** on
John tfehafTiier H*
J. C. Welsh HW •*>
R. H. Harbison ftt ««>
C. Hinchl»erger v. on
Hugh Morgan 70 oo .*«2 00
In seated land account • 'JW »C!
Warren hospital ,f o
West Penn hospital 2&NW 31
Wemersvllle hospital 20* .">7
Western Penn'a. penitentiary IIWI 72
Hridgt l IN'pairs.
(' A Wasson. repairing McMurry
bridge. Marlon twn f ;ci .*>o
J It Metliii. repairing masonry of
Shannon bridge, Cotiuoq. twn...... 70 00
John lfalstead, repairs to L irdin
bridge. Clinton twp 5 00
;W P 11« -it i pillll. repairs on Black
i Stock bridge, Clinton twp to no
S W Glenn, rebuldlng Filmier bridge,
Lancaster twp 4s 00
C I' (Jointer. repairs on Breakneck
bridge, Parker twp 40 no
W II Itovard. repairson McGlatighliu
bridge. Slipperyroek t wp 7 hi
G K Mil linger, guard rail Klttannlng
bridge. Itutler lionnigh 1 aO
Thomas Allen. Muddycreek bridge.
Franklin twp won
F M Swart/fager making fill for Shan
non bridge, C<>nno<|Ueiie**ing twp.. l.» oo
F M Met/.. Itoyer bridge 3 00
F. S Mllllgaii, guard rails. McMillan
bridge, ( 'leai field twj 3 oo
C I. Patterson. repairs to Turnpike
bridge. IVnn twp ... "> :r»
Charles Kroll, repairs on Wick
bridge. sinvr twp 10 00
\ IC Moyer. repairs on Phillip's City
bridge. IVnn twp— 3 oo
M II Christ ley. guard rail. Moniteau,
Cherry twp 2 oo
Micliaol !•'lemming. Buffalo bridge.
Donegal J wp 20 (*>
U.I llllllard. Ibidley bridge, Parker
t wp 1 7."»
T J llenan. F.agle bridge. Contioque
-11 ess In g twp 31 i :i
8 c Moon*. Seftons. Montgutnery,
Flick, .v Kiddle bridge. Clinton twp 22 92
Philip Fllnner. Flintier bridge. lain
caster twp 20 (*>
J .1 Campbell, IVtrolia bridge.
Petrolla bonmgb 17 II
Lewis Grecuwalt.Lut/.,Burr j-'nsley
bridges. Jiicksou twn 3 "«o
John Gallagher, Gallagher bridgr.
Franklin twp 1"» 12
A brain Martin. Iv«»bb bridge. (>ak
land twp 1*» I"
S W Glenn. tyuddyercck bridge, Clay
twp 1 W
Leonard Wick. Wick bridge. Conno
otiencsslug t wp '.i:! 10
W P 11IIHard. Ililllai d bridge. Wash
lllgtoil tWp.. 000
Francis Lindsay, Nels >n bridge.
Cherry twp 3 00
lohn Murry. Gilleland bridge. Cran
berry t wp :n 00
E S Mllllgaii. liraJy bridge. Clenr
lleld tw;» 3 00
John I! Miller. Elliott bridge, Worth
tW|> 12 00
i Lewis On'en wait. l'.nsley bridge,
| Jack son twp 1 2*»
W W Manny. Ivearns bridge, Itutler
twp 1 •'*>
Phillip Itnrr. Bellmld llehle brhlge 20 00
! John Harbison. Monroe bridge. Ituf
i falotwp 100
' Henry Wahl, Ambcrson bridge, For
ward twn iji) 00
II W St rat ton. Montgomery bridge,
Clinton twp 12 00
1 J II Trunibell, Sanderson bridge,
I Clay twp 400
! G W llorner Donley bridge. Parlor
I twi, 41 »»
: A C lComdiaugh.Ad:!ins bridge, Adams
t wp AO
W J Kennedy, Crowe bridge 0 <M
; Fred .1 Winter, Three Degree road
| bridge. Penii twp !!i*» 2*»
W A tirabe. Patterson Klin bridge,
Jefferson t wp 20 (HI
George Muder, Brush 4-rook bridge,
cmt!bep v twn v *
Joseph Grftham, witness on Const,
ret urns of Klt t aiming bridge Hut -
b r. Pa 1 on
Sylvester Cooiier, Wolf CreeK bridge,
rMlpperynx'u twp 2 oo
A .1 linrr. Itrulit bridge I >o
J IC Itoyer, Itoyer bridge, Lum adcr
f d 00
Philip Trout man, Thorn Creek
In luge, Peim twp 5 00
Charles Mangle. Kough Hun bridge,
Wlnllehl twp 1 >
W L IhtulHUispeck. Christy bridge.
Cherry twp 15 00
Pittsburg Bridge Co.. nice bridge,
Lancaster twp,.... Id 10
IC ii uscher fii Shir a. Klttannlng leiu
poriiry bridge. Itutler bomugh II 00
\X J Pafterson.M il linger and K«*ariis'
bridges. Butler twp ft o.i
ia II Christy, •irosstimii bridges.
Cherry twp 3 on
John Carr. Center avenue bridge,
Hut ler Isinmgli I ini
John Held. Held bridge, Forward twp ."»o
Geo Humphreys, Tlrtilu bridge.
I'arkoi l«n §7l
M II Christh*r. Grosniau bridge,
cherry twp I Ift
J I Harper, temporary bridge. Karns
lily 10 00
A Seaton \ Sou, Boyef ami Harmony
bridge W
M |{ Stevenson. Pet rolla bridge |o 00
Kaufman and Moyer for tilling In the
Glad* 1 Bun brlilire If «•"»
11(1 Gold, repairs to Bryau bridge... A ."»0
K.I II IIHani for shoveling tnttd off
bridge.. 7ft
D S sievcu-on (ill at Tliri'e lh grec
road bridge 3 00
Put t log np guard mils to snuie I oil
FC McQulstlon. for work on Co.ino
«|Ue|i«'ssliig lu blue t l 00
W J MeCuilough. furiilshlug plank
for Mlllerstowu bridge 14 2.1
lieofge Keiber, damage done to corn
Held by Fllnner bridge 3 011
John Dctiuy. plant* for Bough Bun
bridge 4 oo
A II Memlei \ i o . planU for Mien
bridge * 0 00
Josenh Weber, repairing masom ry
of itriMiu bridge. Forward twp to mi
Plttsbu-g Bridge Co to 00
John I'oy to days lalNiroii Klftliii
-11111 g brluge
Si' Wick, furnishing plank 0
"W S M-i'rea. cenn uf for bridge M'»
H(i Purvis A Co., for material furu
Ished for Klttannlng temporary
bridge I
.1 II Keefer. for repairs on Kelly and
K rol I bridges ... s no
Jitcksott fi Mlt< l»cll, for -pikes ami
nails •. IH
<'has ('roll, timber fiirnlsbed for
bridge 27 00
.1 A Irvin, plank for Peirolla bridge loon
Total amount of n pais • t4i hriu) i 1909 n
MtllMiK Al < nl'M MW Willili.
llllllard brldg*'. Wnsblngtoii twp
masouary, l*ltotuas lleiion, eon*
t ne'tor tfti fit
Hnj»ei -I incline. Pittsburg Bridge Co :CSI 00
l» I Shlru. tilling apiiroiuli !Jti oo
Hays Mill bridge. ('ounoniieii* ■ ilug
twp., masonary. Milton « r« ••'. con
tract in • repairing masouary ami
rebulldliii/ supei U rucl ut e IV, 00
B S Hays, filling approach |.'» oo '
K It I ii nil lug brldg« .ImiMj r l»or
ougli. masonary. iiiouia*
llenon. contracfor .|BMB ■
A ni'nf paid In iwos |.\oo oo
llalaiice du«' loti
| Hupeislructute, Phg. bridge
I i«> •uMtriw l price. IHS'i on
Amount paid In |siih sir.' w v
Balrim e due Of
I'Jllltig appniacti Wl 71
Me Mil lan bridge. I lent Held t p K'» on
Karns i Ity lifnlg* mas«uiai>
II I! . i i«« i 141
Superstructure Klnu Bridge C 0.... Itl'i oo |
I 11 ling approach. NV I Klugh ono
Balfour brlilcr. Adams twp supci
structure, IMt tsburg Bridge Co .... 32.1 oo
KepaliM and masonary 2Vt 00
PelTer bridge Lancaster twp amount
paid on • out t act on unisonal y work |o»> 0(i
Amount dm Pittsburg llrblg« Co on
M<ll l, 11■ »i• Iu i • 111<l 11a 111 •i I '' i t
llllllard bridge, Franklin twp Hu
i»« istructure Pittsburg Bridge Co. 200 oo ,
Masonary work, Thomas llenon.< on 44s *<e ,i
lilllug approach. It W 111111ard.... jl*' k
Total ninounl of new work. f»7#7 in j,
CYlll'H IIA ItI'l*"It. THKAKUKI It.l»n.
Hi.li.n.'.. lii li.Mi.ury liih. -inl IMS#*, |
Tim * rv.,lv..i| f»r
1HH7.1H.1 I»r. v|..us , " l L'
Taxes received from collectors for f
I H\|H •* . , ' . If
Amount r. ' lv. 'l .»I I"" 1 " | R
UCWUIIt lw ' M * ||
ADiount received ot* Insane account. WH) I#
Amount nvi'ivfd from Pr«»t iionotary
forft'itfd fi.TTTV- Su-n
--'•craplifpN fee> s>'*» l-ll no
Amount r»'«Tlvrd from Clerk of
1'« >ll ri - IV»1 '.**
Amount received from Sheriff *<io 25
Amount rocelviyl from Justices of
the Peao «»e0
Amount from dop fund for
(Overlooked at last audit) MOO 3
Amount hwived from d»>£ fund of
Amount received from lujnor llconse M) <>o
Amount halved fromi'o. ( , fim , rs...r3lWl 11
*ll27<X> 56
By vmu'hers paid sl(M?4*6s
TroantrnT H :e- per cent on S.V>,OOO on. ITwOOO
Tre&surer** 5 per cent on $144 10 un
seated land. *J2JfI
Lreasgrt r's IH per cent on sr»i?4*»»*.. SSI 'Si
Ha lam** in treasury Jan. 2d. I>l® *».'h»7 44
>1 127W M
Cyrus Harper In at* .•ount with
Hoc Tax for I>'. K .
To tax rei*eived from taxes of ISO 7
and prevlou* - Mt 7®
Tota\ mtMM'd it-.mi i\« > of 1>172* ;i>
To reserve fund f:«: t WB7 96060
»o :s
Ry warrants for sheep damage liw7.*o
liy overpaid tax refunded IHI'M
j T'n t>unM's ft per i t oij *lti'.«7 7i» s;i
, Iteserve fund for I-. I '.' >
; Treasurer's prr font on fr.'»7 7.1 st»
Italance turned over to Co. Treasury 71'.» M
$2740 38
! Amount of cash on hand .....? .*»-3ii7 41
Amount due from collectors for W'.>7
and previous $2»7 15
Amount due from collector?- for :&I
Amount due from townships on in
sane aceount ISM 41
Amount due from Prothouotary for
Stenographer*' fees nu)
Amount due from Clerk of Court
line and Jury fee <*>
Amount of judgments and notes in
iJotinuissiouers hand* inc.) id
\of State tax to l>e refunded t«» the
county 111.10 :{d
?l««7* :!l
Balanee due Mciiintiis, Smith .fc Co.
on jail * 1X» o>
lialance due i'ittgborg Ilrldtfe Co.
on KUtannlug bridge 7HSOI
lialance due Thomas Heennn.
masonry |'l2"kS
Malane due Institute for feehle
minded. Polk. Pa . . 201
Malanee «lue lVnit'a reform sehool... 511 :u»
Balance clue \Yori»er>vllle ho>uital
for insane .>2 00
Hal duo Warren hospital for insane.. I*7l 75
Italance due Western IVnifa hospit
al for Insane tgisfln
Balance due Western Penitentiary... 22!Cf.tf*
llaieme due Penn'a industrial re
forfnatory dii 7 ;.v
Balance due Allegheny county
workhouse * 475 71
Balance due Johnston and Watsdh
for dockets. Ac "»2 70
Balance due K. K. Bell, county
detective GO 00
Balance du«; W. B. I>«>dds. mainten
ance of prisoners for two (juarters
as tut mi arterly reports U3SHS
Dm- \V. B. Dodds for temporary loan. 2nOIMIO
Count y Inuids Issuchl for jail Improve
ment Mxrnn no
state tax due si ate ! 1.VT75 la
SI |Sis 01
We. tin* undersigned Auditors of Butler
coun«v state of Pennsylvania. do certify
that in nurauance of law we met at the
Court llouse on Ihe 2nd day of January.
IMJ9. and audited tin- several :u'Counts of
Butler county. We do certify that the fore
g'ing is a cor reef statement of old accounts
according to the l»est of our knowledge and
lii witness whereof, we havt set our hands
and seals (his |i»th day of March. Inmi.
W. s. M(H >KK. [si:ai.l
»•'. 11.I 1 . McBKIBF. |sk v: 1
o.u. TIIOI:M:. tsi M.J
Count v "iMior .
Biiiit)!' savings rtank .
i ii.itlor, i '. t.
Capi.al - - s6o % ixib.(Xj
Surplus ami Pnifils yo/vxj t»)
:OS. i PCRVJ> i ,
J. u; a \\\ ? i:oc ? . \.. . »,. ;.
. .• II I If I .
« oi'ls i r ' 'N .. : .
Ulhhx IMI:-
Ifc' t a , VV. I |*r • wit; . ; i;
The Butler Savings Bank i ilu* ol«««*i>i
it tn Ling I nsi itutloi.. n But lei c.iuuty.
General S.an king liuslnesft.l ra n>:»« le.l
We solicit uccouais of ..il pr»alucers, mer
chants. fanner * and oi hei .
All Ij.isim -s oiitrtiMi i Ut is,-, will recelv**
prompt attention.
I ntei est eaUi -ir» %!•?. ?s
Bailor Coiißty National Bank,
liutl»-?r Penii,
Capit.il p i ' in xjjtKxi.tKi
Surplus ami I'rolils f 114,647.87
los. liartmau, President; J. V. Kilt*-,
Viesidetit; C. A. Hailcy. CasM« t;
John G. McMarliti, Aas't Cashiei.
/ general banking husine irans.K'ted.
Interest, paid on time depo*Ug.
Money loaned on approved s<«curltjr.
We Invite you to open an account v.lth this
bIUFcTJHs Hon. Joseph llartui tn. Hon.
W. S. Waldron, i»r. iS. Ni Hoover. 11. .Mc-
Sweeney. K K. AbratllS, C. P. CollluM I. C
Smith, Leslie IV lla/lett. M. Flneg m. W
W. 11. Lark in. John llutnphrey, l)r. W. c.
McCandiess. Ben M i«s«!tli. I« vi M. Wine
J. V. I%'ttto
Braun's Pharmacy,
Cor. 6th St. and Duqucsnu Way.
I'itlH'inr;, l*a M I-., I>, Tc!cj»lt'>fic 35 ja.
Wholesale and Retail.
Importer autijobljcri/l
Clicniiir.ils, iV:Tiim« Soajn,
Hiushcs, ! lc.
The • nl> house vt sL uf New
Ynik carryinr.' a full line m
Mever*' tirrasv, I'ainls n.tl
ilicatrical gomls.
Physicians' Prescriptions
( onipuumh el I'ay 01 l>y
"Resist 1 re«l I'liarmacists" only.
Wholesale ami retail
dealer in Lubricating and
ilhiruni ilinj; ( • ils, < apital
Cylinder, Dynamo, Walei
White ami Standard Gas
ICnyine Oils. Gasolein, Ueh
zine, I'aralTinc Wax and
I Vtrolat um.
Address all mail orders to
W. F. Braun.
.iV seem dear at 'lie sla-t,
anil prove rein irkably cheap
bel'.i, ymi've wmi ii out.
It's the loti{4 liirti. .satislactioti
you j^i - t from il that decides
the uperiority of out nt;:kc.
It docs pay to buy pood
1 tothi - * )ur fall display i <
)if tin 1 kind you would expect
to find ' nl)' in the lan;'-
M I N * '• LOT I f ICS
J&H i!
;t > - 5tM *v»., fiit.burp, Pu art
(1 W "'" PRACTICA'
'i K. nCROWN BFlO„£ » r\ M
■<mm Mm nii.i«irg WHY not do v
W*|vOUnß7 «•"•)« CROWNt. 1H
If I i M l '" 1 BRIDGE "'"I 1 f''l»"'l ' y
WlUl'l HtQ PER TOOTH A'"' tl»-Wj
rj| H W l e«*tli mud! QN LY %Q fJ