THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1899 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. \OTE—AII advertiser Intending to make changes In their ads. should notify us of iheir Intention to do a* r>t later tfaan Mon day morn ing. Financial Statement of Butler Boro Removal Notice. R O Rumbaugh. 1 Model Dairy and Poultry Farm Humphrey 9 Home Med Co. Douglass Kodacks. etc RockensteiD s Millinerv. Hnselton s Shoes. Pape's Millinery. Horses Wanted. Estray Notice. Celery King. Clover Seed, G. Wilson Miller. Administrators and Executors uf estates ran secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public Mies lh*ir note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —Our Mnrphy was a hot potato Mon day. —Boos' grocery was robbed. Monday night. —The Easter posies are both pretty and cheap. —J. S. Young, the merchant tailor, intends quitting business next Satur day, April Ist. —At Greensbnrg last Satarday night Jacob Funk shot and killed a man who was robbing his store —J. C. Dight and Zenas McMichael have purchased Harry McKim's insur ance business in Zelienople. It is all very well to prate about its being a long lane that has no turning but there are a good many in life that ran up against a blind wall. —lt will soon be time to fix up for summer, and if yon have any plastering or cementing to do drop a line to James A. McDowell, 439 First St.. Bntler. —R. O. Rumbaugh proprietor of the Wick bouse, has rented the Nixon House on N. McKean St. and will take possession April Ist. He invites you to give bim a call when in town. —lf some American sharpshooter could just put Aguinaldo out of the way Uncle Sam's troubles in the Philip pines might coine to a sudden end. -In the light of recent disclosures it has become apparent that the Chi cago canners can all the beef they can and what they can't can they embalm. —Next Saturday is "April Fool's day" according to the almanac, but last Sat urday was the real thing for men who forgot that the bars of this county are ordered closed that dav. —Bntler may have an Industrial Pa rade and Street Fair next summer. A New York man with a lot of foreign novelties has been in town lately bar gaining for his attractions. —That lamb-and-lion talk is all right for the month of March, the gronnd hoir may smile in ghoulish glee over his vindication if he wants to. bnt most people are now ready for all the "ether eal mildness" that comes along. —We call the attention of our read ers to Rockenstein's announcement of their spring and summer millinery opening. Their large number of pa trons know the invariable taste of their selections, quality of their stock, and reasonableness of their prices. See for yourself at 328, South Alain St. - Owing to the crowded condition of onrcolnuinswe were compelled tocnrtail some of onr communications this week. We wonld be obliged to our correspon dants if they would mail their items so as to reach us not later than Tnesday evening. —We direct the attention of all in terested in thoronghbred fowls to the card of the Model Dairy and Poultry Farm of Rahway, N. J., in this paper. The Farm has some very desirable breeds for farmers and fanciers, and is highly recommended, Send for an il lustrated catalogue, free. —At the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, of Westminister col lege held in Pittsbnrg Monday, it was decided not to change the location of the college as it is doing excellently where it is at New Wilmington. Mer cer sent a delegation of citizens headed by Judge Miller, with tempting in ducements to move to that town, but they had no effect. —At Hovtsville, Wood county, Ohio, last Saturday two brothers named Zelt ner shot an attorney who had sued them for fees, then fled to their home in the country near by, batricaded it and de fied capture. Two farmers of the pur suing party who ventured too near were shot and killed; and the murderers held their fort until the next day when their honse was surrounded by a com e»nv of militia Then they snrrender > the Sheriff of the county, and were taken to jail. Dr. Bnll's Cough Syrup is nsed by the best people of the land. It cures at once hoarseness and throat affections. Price 25c OIL NOT EH. Both Agencies are paying $1.13 for oil this morning. BUTLEK TWP Phillip's brought in a twelve barrel well on the Liebler farm in Butler township Monday. Bert Young got another good well on the Addleman, Friday. It is No. 2 and he has the rig up for No. 8. A I.LBCJIIKN V- Hteelsmith & Danben soeck struck a good well on the Rosen berrv field last week Clover Heed Lower. Right at the time when higher prices are expected clover seed took an awful tumble. We had only a light stock but have since bought and are now offering our patrons prices away below any former ({notations. niTLK GARDEN HKEIJH. We sell all kinds of garden seeds in bnlk, by the ounce.pound, pint or quart. G. WILSON MILLER. Horses Wanted. The Hnl»scribers will be at the follow ing places to buy all kinds of maketable horses and mares, from four years and upwards, and weighing from 1,000 to 1,800 pounds: Chrlstley & Wilson's Stables, Slip penrrock, Monday, April H Livery Stable in Snnbury, Pa., Tnesday, Aoril 4; Titley's Stables. Chieora, Pa., Wed nesday, April ft; Hickel's Stables. Bnt ler, Pa., 'I hnrsday, April 6. Will buy some good, big three year olds. S. G. COFFIN, A. A. SHUTT. Estra" Notice. Came to the residence of the subscri t>er, 111 Oakland Twp., on the 9th day of March, 1X99, one dark-brown, dc-horned cow, with star »n face, white on belly and two white hind feet, and about 7 or 8 years old. The owuer is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay cliarvcs and take her away, otherwise she will l>e dis posed of according to law. AHNKK J, PATTON, Butler P». Markets. Onr grocers are paying 10 cents for eggs, lft for butter, 60 for potatoes, $1 for apples, 35 for turnips, and 40 to 60 for parsnips and carrots Onion setts are retailing two quarts for 2ft cents. Onr dealers are paying 'lft to 70 cts. for wheat, 4ft for buckwheat, 48 for rye, 40 for corn and 82 for oats Loose hay is bringing $7.50 per ton. —For bargains in valuable and desir able residences inquire of Walker & Mc- Blvain. AMY BROS, are Selling out to YUIT BIISI.NKSS. Their entire stock of furniture is for sale, including all goods en route, nothing reserved, wonderful bargains, TLKMS ST*ICTI,V CASH, Store open ev ery evening. PERSONAL. August Schilling, of Reibold. was in town. Friday. Allen McC&ll. of Franklin twp , was in town, Friday. Ed Walter has bought the Ohu. X. Barrickman house. Thorua* Watson of Servers Station, was in town Monday Mrs E A. Trimble, of Middlesex twp was in town. Monday. J. P Klinger and wife, of Penn twp.. were shopping in Bntler, Tuesday. Aaron E. Barnhart. of Millers town carried an umbrella in Bntler Tnesday Michael Flemings smiling counte nance was seen by his Bntler friends last Saturday. Chas F. Walters, of Clinton twp , attended the meeting of the County Convention. Monday. Jnlian Clark, of Prospect, has rented the John M Thompson farm in Bntler twp , north of town Frank Wright, of Lowell Mass.. was the gnest of his brother S. M., of the Water Co, last week. Harry Godwin, who has been work ing for the Pittsbnrg Dispatch, came home Monday evening. W. S. Weible, of Penn twp.. was in town Monday. He has hopes for the oil fields of Penn twp. W. S. Morris of Mercer St. attended the funeral of his brother. John, in Allegheny, last Saturday. Wesley Monks of Middlesex twp. has sold 85 acres of the wjrth wide of his farm to Wm. McKibben for #I6OO. John L. Herr.of Harmony was in But ler last Friday, buying his good wife some presents for a birth-dav partv. I. N. Dodds has movedg from the Hamel farm in Summit tw-p., to the Neithercoat farm in Adam* twp., near Mars. F. A. Rhodes of Valencia a trended the meeting of the County Monday, as return judge from that town Mrs. Gertie Bnrkhonse and two children of Pittsburg visited her mother, Mrs. David Fiaher, of this place, over Sunday. Caleb B. Ruby and bis brother Wil liam. left town Monday, with their families for Bonny, MicJj.. where they will engage in gardening. Joseph Campbell and Her ry S. Rider, both of Concord towbship, were in Bnt ler, Tnesday. on business and to find ont the election returns. Peter Grnver, the old man who was •eported drowned at Evans City last jummer, is reported to be alive and well and living at Beaver Falls. Mrs. Isaac Andrrws and children, haye-gone to Asheville N C., where they will reside for a time in the hope of bettering Mrs. Andrews health. John Christy, late of Colorado, is visit ing his brother Joseph, of Petrolia. .1 ohn was totally blinded and had both hf.nds mutilated by an explosion in a tJolo rado mine. Samuel Fisher, of this plac«, has se cured work in a barbershop in Pitts burg. and his brother Aadley, has been working in a planing mill there, for some time past. John R. Grieb has returned from New York where he was buying goods. During his stay in the city the Windsor Hotel burned and John helped the fire men couple hose. Horace G. Meals, who is to graduate from the dental departments of the Western University of Penn'a. next Tnesday, came home from Pittsbnrg to vote at the Republican Primaries. Webb Conway, wife and boy of Clear field county, Pa., after a short visit with friends and relatives in this ooun tv, have left for Hartford, Conn..where they will hereafter make their home. A. Flick of the Butler House, sold his bay driving team to Dr. Wilson of Evans City, yesterday. We do not know the price but it was not far from SI,OOO. G. W Cramer, of Buffalo twp.. has been appointed by the Supt of the Rail way service to help make the quadren nial weighing of the mails, in Ohio and Indiana, and is to report at Cincinnati, in the near future. Dr. J V. Cowden of Middle Lancas ter sold his practice there to Dr. Kellv, and has gone into partnership with his brother, Dr. W. R. Cowden at Renfrew. The practice of Dr. W. R. at Renfrew had increased beyond his limit of en durance and so he induced his brother to come to him. (JHL'KCtI NOTES The collection taken at the U. P. social last Friday evening for missions amonnted to S4OO. Communion and special Easter ser vices will be hc-ld in the Sonth Side Re formed Church next Sunday Morning and evening. Each evening this week interesting services are being con ducted at 7:30 also on Good Friday morning at 10:30. Preparatory service and reception of members, Saturday afternoon at 2:80. Communion services will bG held in the United Presbyterian church, Sun day April 11. Resolutions in respect of the mem ory of the late Orrin M. Russell, passed by the M E. Sunday School, were han ded us for publication, bnt we regret to say that onr colnmns are so crowded this issue, that we could not possibly find space for them. The Ministerial Asssciation will hold its regnlar monthly meeting in the Y. M. C. A. hall on Mondav. April 3, at 2 p. m. "The Higher Criticism, in its Relation to Old Testament History." Rev. E. S. White, principal, Rev I D, Decker, alternate. I'AltK THEATRE. The Tommy Shearer Company all next week. When the popular comedian, Tom my Shearer, and his cleyer company of fifteen star artists commence their weeks' engagement at the Park Theatre Monday nignt April 3rd, the public can rest assured that it will get value for 10, 20 and 30 cents. The magnificent scenery and elaborate stage settings, also the ex[iensive costumes and high salaried artists carried by him this sea son, is a topic of wonder in every city he visits. The opening production will be a society comedy drama, "Dangers of a Great City," the story of which points a moral that strikes home when and where we least expect. Ladies' tickets issued free, can be exchanged at the reserved seat sale up to 6 p. 111 Monday. An early application for seats should l>e made. Remember the prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents Matinee Saturday During the week this com pany will produce Richard Mansfield's great masterpiece, "Cyrano De Berger ac." Missionary Address. Sunday, April 2nd, 1899, at 7 30 p. m., in the United Presbyterian church. Miss Mary Mnllen.a returned Missionary from the Soudan, Africa, will give her thrilling experience and escape from the Massacre of April, 1898, at which time five of the Missionaries sent out by her own church (The United Presby terian) were murdered. Miss Mullen is a very pleasing sneaker. Those who are interested in Missions should hear her. and those who are not should not fail to hear her She will also speak at the Men's meeting at 4 o'clock of the same day in the Y. M C. A. Hall. Young men are especialy reolisted to come aud hear something of that dark Continent. Seed Oats. Choice White, recleaned seed oats, for sale at GEO. WALTER & SONS', l'lour Mills, Butler, I'a. It yon want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter & Co. largest stock in County. Bicycles for hire. —Music scholars wanted, at 12H W Wayne St. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SriTS Martin Thompson rs Chas and Cath erine Elsenrath summons in trespass for SIOO. Anna Walker vs A. M. Cornelias. Exr. of D. A. Renfrew, dee d, sum inons in replvin for a piano valued at $l5O. J. S. Barrickman for use of F E. Mc JJui-tion. now for nse of E E \\ eig- Tind vs Chas N J. Barrickman sci fa sur mortgage. The defendant apjiear ed and confessed judgement for $529. mortgage, commission, etc. NOTFB. A mortgage of S4OOOO, from the Home Natural Gas Co. to Wm Campbell trustee, was recorded Monday. Letters of administration on the es tate of John McGarvey dee d of Done gal twp. bave been granted to Mary M McGarvey, also on the estate of Mary E. Hamilton, dec d of Forward twp. to Sarah B. Hamilton, also on the estate of Clara J. Barrickman dee d of Bntler to Chas N. J. Barrickman. The will of L. D. Eshenbaugh, dec d, of Clay twp. has been probated, no let ters; also the will of Elizibeth A. Sny djr, dec d. of Mars, no letters. The will of Thomas Wilson, dec d of Centreville has been probated, and let ters granted to Margt. M. \\ ilson. George W. Varnnm petitioned for a commission in lunacy on Mary Ann and Henrv Albert, both of Centre twp. and J. M."Painter Esq. Dr .T. C. Barr and William A. Christie were appointed and found both the subjects insane. The Court ordered that they be taken to the Polk Institution. Joseph Ferarre. a native of has petitioned for naturalization papers Wednesday the Court handed down an opinion and order in the equity ease J V. Patton vs Wm Canavan deciding that a typewritten equity bill was print ed and dissolving the partnership exist ing between the parties and appointing George Shaffner receiver of the part nership effects. Canavan had a stone quarry on the P. W. in Forward twp, but had no money with which to oper ate. Patton advanced him funds. Canavan became indebted and was sold out and Patton brought suit in equity claiming that a partnership existed and 1 asking that the sale be set aside until airh partnership be disolved. The Court decided as Patton claimed. Letters of Admn on the (. tateof Rob be.*t McCall of Clinton twp, have been gran tvd Elizabeth McCail. Saturday April 15 is the last day for filing accounts to next term. PKOJ'KKT V TRANSFERS W. C. McCandless to W B. and O. G. McCandless. lot in Centre for S2O. D G. Bastian to S. Lock wood, 1 acre in Zelienople for $495.30. F. V. Smith to A. A. Moore, 19 arres in Allegheny for SI7OO. Mutual Life In* Co. to Theo E. Smith 8 pieces in Marion for S2OOO. Theo E Smith to Robt Buchanan, 46 acres in Marion for $575. John Kelley to Jas A. Kelley lot in Parker for $35. Jas A. Kelley to Geo Baldwin lot la Parker for $450. Chas Duffy to John A. Knoll, 98 acres in Donegal for SI3OO. Nancy J. Davison to Charlotte Ven dor. 14 acres in Adams for sl3fto. Geo. A Fleming to H. H. Fleming, 18 acies in Buffalo for SISOO. Henry Miller to W. F. Ekas, 231 acres in Bntler twp. for ♦1562.ft0. Joe E. White to John H. Kepple, lot in Butler for s7o<». E. O. Thompson to Wm. A. Turner, 60 acres in Clinton for ftsoo. George F Meoder to Amos Rape, 7 acres in Jackson for $250. R. D. Stevenson to A. & W. R. It. Co. 3 acres in Summit for $895. W. 11. Saryer to J. Guckenheimer, lot in Buffalo for $1075. A. E. Barnhart to Cath F. Barnhart. 102 acres Fairview twp. for $2500. First National Bank of Greenville to John A. Turner. 4 in Washington for SSOO. J. E. Conley to O. D. Thompson, 130 acres in Centre for S3OO. (). D. Thompson to Geo Ketterer, 150 acres in (Centre for $4500. Anna Billingsly to Addison Hamil ton, 50 acres in Cherry for S9OO. Anna B. Wallace to Wm. J. Kelley, 3 acres in Muddycreek for $175. Geo A. Spang to Eva E. Osterling, lot in Bntler twp, for $250. W J. and Kate Mitchell to Caroline Cluse, lot in Butler for $750. (.'has D. Lusk to Nettie L. Wise, lot hi Harmony for SI4OO. J. C. Breaden to J. C. Smith, 100 acres in Cherry for $l6O. Marriage Licenses. C. E. Turner Greece City Blanche A. Black " A. E. Myers Hutler Annie J. Currry " At Kittanning- D. W McMiUen of Butler Co. and Sarah E. Gaiser of Arm strong Co< A t Beaver W. C, Barr of Butler Co. and Lille Hines of Beaver. At Pittsbnrg John est toilet ar ticles obtainable, and as both are good barbers they will no doubt get a fair share of the barber business of Butler. FOIt HALE. A house and lot in a growing part of Butler can be bought on easy terms. Also several good building lots at low rates. | Enqu ire at CrriZKN office for particu lars. Seed Oats. Choice White, recleaneil seed oats, for sale at GEO. WALTER & SONS', Flour Mills, Butler, I's. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store of H. O'Brien <& Son, East Jefferson St. anil get prices 011 the extensive line they have on exhibition. They &re also agents for the celebrated Welsbacli Light, of which more than I2 nicnts. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Optician Next to Court House. ACCIDENTS. Mrs. Elizalieth Krenzer. a crippled woman, was fonnd dead. and burned aliont the head, in her home in liar niony last Friday afternoon. On Monday, of last week, a serious I accident hapjiened in Clinton twp Samnel Hazelet SOJ of Henrv M. while working with a circuit saw, had | his skull fractnreff the derrick of the Gibson and Younkins well on the .Johnston farm, in the Cooperstown district, bv the breaking of a sucker-rod line and fell fifty five feet, lighting on his face and breast. He died in thirty minntes. He leaves a wife and three children, and was 42 years old. The stricken family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. William Bonner of Clarion a frieght conductor on the narrow gauge was killed by an accident near Paint Creek trestle last Sunday night. The engine jumped the track and turned over, tak ing with it the tender and 10 freight cars. Bonner was fin the engine when the wreck occurred and was pinioned under the tender. The accident hap pened about »::K> o'clock, and at mid night the trainmen had not got Bonner from under the wreck. He ran the Clarion accomodation from Clarion to Bntler until that train was laid off and he was then transferred to the freight. He has a wife and several children liv ing in Clarion. No one else was hurt in the wreck. M idilletou n. Born to Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Balsiger. a son on the "24th in»t. ('. C. Kuhn is on the sick list. The anti-Quays secured a signal vic tory in the election of a return judge on last Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Campbell, nee Fowler a highly respected lady died at the home of her son .J. E. • 'ampbell, on last Friday. She lacked a few days of be ing sii years of age. Her life was a living example of purity and love. Her name will long be held in sacred memory. SILEX. Jlvaiis City. W. P. Turner of Butler visited friends here Wednesday and is feuling very good over the election. Kev. J. F Kerlin has returned from burying hi* sister, Wednesday. The 9th District S. S. Convention met at Callery. Monday, was well attended and the friends entertained thedelegates in good style. George and William Evans of Alle gheny; Mrs. Thomas and ' 'sie Wilson attended the funeral of Orant Evans child W. G. Reel of Bellevue visited his uncle, David Spence, Wednesday. ■left'craHi Centre. C. E. meetings every Sunday evening. Born, March 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. u. Seiders, a daughter. There will be an Oreter Sapper given at the church, April !J and 4, Monday and Tuesday evenings, all are cordially invited. Louis Hazlett, who has been ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cal Logan is al»out again. M. C. Gnhagftn is moving to Han nahston. Preaching services next I'rid ay even ing at 7-45; also next Sunday morning at 10:80, both English. J. J. McGarrah is moving hi Imperi al. Pa. .ICU'CI-HOII Tow usiiip. School closed at No. 4 yesterday Mar. 27th after a very successful term. The scholars had a picnic dinner in r.he school house, after which the closing exercises were held consisting of recita tions and dialogues by the scholars. The teachers, Misses Campbell and Byerly. each gave recitations which were greatly appreciated by the audi ence. Several students at Groye City and Slipperyrock from this vicinity, were home over Sunday. S. C. Arbuckle has purchased some oil property at Peru Ind and intends moving his family to that place soon. The regular summer Sunday school will begin at Summit Presbyterian church next Sunday April 2nd. The Primary Election of last Satur day developed some surprises all of which goes to show wedonotall think or vote alike and still futher that politices is mighty uncertain. ANON. West Liln-rty. Evangelistic meetings are being held in the M. E. church by Rev. Drake. Cyrus Badger has moved to Waynes burg where he expects to attend college. John Henry McDevitt has bought the old homestead, and intends moving there in the spring. J. <}. Grossman is setting up his sam ple binder. He will soon have it ready for public inspection. W. C. Hawn has moved into the Weit zel house. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Mayer's a son. We are sorry the campaign is over we will miss the smiling faces of the candi dates. On account of the bad weather our Republican voters did not all get out. ANON. Cor Kent or Sale. Five roomed frame house on Lincoln Way, water and gas. good stable on lot. Inouire at CITIZEN office. Butler Business College. COURSES. I —Practical Book-keepers. 2 Ivxpcrt Accountants. 3- Amanuensis Shorthand. 4—Reporters Shorthand. 5- English. Branches Taught. Book-keeping, Single and Double Entry, Commercial Arithmetic, Com mercial Law, Lightning Calculations, Business Penmanship, Business Corres pondence, Detection of Counterfeit Money anil i'radulent Notes, Banking, Business Forms and Customs, Spelling, Expert Accouuting -Joint Stock Com pany anil Corporation—, Theory and Practice of Shorthand, Grammar, Punc -1 tuation. Typewriting, Dictation Drill, Speed Exercises, Reporting Expedi-nts, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, History, Individual Instruc tion. English Branches under Specialist. All advanced work under the tuition of I'rof. Regal. Work of the school open for inspection at all times. Our references: Hon. Judge Greer; Hon. Joseph Ilartman, Pres. Butler County National Bank, Win. Campbell, Jr., Cashier Butler Sayings Bank; John Berg, Berg Banking Co.; Andrew Brymer, etc., etc. Call on or address A. F. REGAL, Prin., 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Peoples' I'hone 271. Bell i7d. Now hs The Time to Have Your CLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works Oentor avonuo, We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind Co,—New York. R. FIBHER & SON, M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Alain street Over Shaul ft. Nut's Clothing Store llariiMUiv inn! Zelicnople. Mrs Fred Weaver of Harmony has been critically ill for several weeks and at this writing is very low. Mrs. Snsan Fiedler, the newly elected postmistress, is preparing a room in her house in Harmony for the office which 1 she will take charge of in a few days. Harry McKim of Zelienople sold his stand to Dight & McMichaels. The latter was elected justice of peace at the last election. Clint Adams. Ed Bnrkett and Jake j Siggins canje back last week from the Scio oil field, owing to the very bad roads work generally is shut down. The well drilled on the Harmony Commons is a good gas well. Rev. J. A. Lenzinger will preach his first sermon in the Grace Reformed ; church at Harmony next Sunday morn ing as pastor of that congregation. John Peffer of Jackson township will build a large barn on his farm where he liyes this coming sprint?. Zelienople failed in getting a glass house, the .<."IIMHI bonus is subscribed: when the would be representative of a syndicate appeared they discovered the company to tie fictitious The citizens then organized a board of trade and decided to keep the bonus and use it to procure desirable works On Friday, March 24th. Mrs. Libby Krentzer, wife of August Krentzer. was burned to death in her home in Haimony. For a score of years she was crippled with rheumatism and of late at periods also bereft of reason. Since the death of Susan Boyer, who waited on her, Mr. Krentzer with the assistance of neighbors took care of her. and the day of her death her husband was at work away from home. At 5 -M) when the husband returned from work for supper he found her sitting bent over 111 the inside doi-r op the floor, burned to death. Mrs. Krentzer has the following brothers and sisters sur viving 2«oah and Levi Ziejrler, Mrs. Wm. Wild, Sr., and Mrs. Hans Sahli. all of Harmony. Mrs. Krentzer was a daughter of "Bush Andy Ziegler, was married in 187'J and blessed with three children, one sun was instantly killed on the railroad, which weighed heavily on her mind. She was 57 years old. Her remains were laid to rest on Sunday afternoon in the Mennonite cemetery near Harmony. Rev. .T. W. Ebbing house of Zelienople offiriating in the absence of the mjular pastor. His re marks were based on Ira. 45 I.*. "Veri ly thou art a God that hidest thyself, O > people lower down in the scale S < of life than ( > r "vt *hpy to > be. Theprob ? lems of pro- ; if ( —> gression can > (v \ only be solv- <| > j 1 VjL think- | ) s -J\ educated > < y f/U rnL ' n a "d wo- > \Mmen. A need ! 11 ( ' therefore ex- v \ >f' Ist s for a great ! educational || | C*- power which |! is far reaching in its influence. !; Such a need is supplied by the / ; world-renowned Encyclopaedia s Britannica. It represents con- < !; centrated thought from the be- > ginning of the world to the S \ present hour. No subject in the c !; realm of reason is left out. The > ]' information is easily found, < I and is clear, concise, authentic. The Nc-w Werner Edition, the | latest, the most complete, and the best. \ Encyclopaedia Britannica for $1 Cash ]! and tfie balance in small monthly ( !' payments. The entire Thirty ( 30) \ !> Tho Complete Set (Thirty Largo I Octavo Volumes): <, I I No ». New Style Hu< kram Cloth, Marbled ) i 1 Ldge*. I-atra Quality Mat hlne Fin- ) (' 1.1,11 Irll< f 11 _ J <' First payment. One Dollar ($l,OOl and rhree ) i 1 Dollar* ($ 1.00) per month thereafter. > i' No i Half Morocco. M.irble I I dge*. I xtra ) 1 1 Quality High Ma« hlne I lni*h Hook \ i 1 Paper, S6o.rove for the least money?" \V« soil trusses on the "uncharge for fitting" plan. V* >• charge you simply for tha irius. We go further, we guarantae a tit and guarantee satisfaction. There are mcny different kind of triwsec. and one great thing is to know what kind is l>est to tiae Wa have had enough.truss sell ing experience to find that out. Our stuck oi trusses is not excelled in thi« vicinity, but that is ni«t tb» point tor jou to consider Your con sideration as we said before, is stated above. Man w« fit here. Wa give direatiou for self measurement to ladies. C. N. Boyd. DRUGGIST, Diamond Block. Butler. Pa. Financial Statement of Butlt-r borough as nwuirwU by Ac! of As»rinbly approved April 1~. .1-vi, Total valuation of Hutler buro for year S3 .~»tv oo Actual of borough INDEBTEDNESS MADE Wl' I'OLI-OWS: Bonded debt (*) Float ins debt •• \J¥ r*j «*» amount due from paving and sewer assess nirnts considered c«»otl J 4'J |)n»- from t 'ollertor Jack . ? »» t'asli in hands of Treas. 1 .*»!*'> W 10 ?i Actual IndelHedlH'ss hVI Tlie Moating indebl«di,K oCi»tde '.U follows: Outstanding warrants .. 4 r.« liu«- i'eter ?M*henck on K. Clay St 1 *1 l»ue I'eter Hehenek on Fairview Avenue XK7 7D .1 no Mey Smith iudgment :>*>«) Jennie c Wick judgment »i 111' 'O The total assets of Bqtler l«Hi) are U iib 7i Assets made up a-, l>ue from paving and sewer assessments considered *:« MMI. i 4I l)u< from Colle«*tor .lack. ♦» < ash in hands of Treas. I Alt Hose carts, hook and lad der trucks, lire hose, etc., estimated value, i sl4 'Ms 71 The bonded indbebtediicss of Butler IM ■ »N l l iian Mi M Bonds Income due .t* folli>wi»: Jonel I¥'w i, iwo , I i. tflOd l uw> i i 1 ■ rj j one 00 I, IMS l M M 1. |9M 1 nun IM I. KM ... 1 600 1, HNHi 1 ♦«» I. 11*>7 I (H*» 00 i. 11* is i 000 I. 1000 I <■*» 00 i, r.iin i <>u> l, hill l <>*> nu I. IMS l fv »■» I. 191 : I ""w 00 M 1, 1014. 1 «*» 44 I. 1913 I OUO "0 I. MM l wm July 1. tMO I, I'M Ml I UNI 00 I. 1901 I I. MS 1 009 00 I. VMI 1 (10 i. i &<.»() *• Z:, IHIW 3 »v '• i.', l!n*» ;i i**> JlDUiff 1900 i 00 rj. lin'i l uuu "o Hj K9OS 1 000 00 tMB 1 00 J in..- i. UNO l tff* i October . 1906 i 000 December 1900 i 00 30, 1001 mm 00 " jn. lwrj. J 0IM) . 3um un October !, WW i»000 6o 1. !«.«»> 4 W"' U«> November M, 1009 00 :.r,, nmo.. ...... Aijo oo 1901 00 •jti, lotrj Dei • I-.'" i 1908 M 0 "" iikm »Hjn ifci i«m.» «iu • i - • too 00 : it*» 7 600 ««» |9OH " *J, MNW. Wi) IN) 8, 1910.. 500 00 •«, |'i| | Wm - 1912 mji» wit H| 1919 .*•«"» (| i k;toiler i. UW MO tx» |«»>m) ..<■» 99 I 1001 ; jgo2 MO o" |9OB MO 00 I |9M <"» I'« . «■» :: 1900 .»<"• - ;HHI (mI II K COIILTEU, 1 Hecretary. March h, Isw. < D. L. CLEELAND, > ( Jeweler and Optician, \ ( 125 S. Main St., / Butler, Pa. UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby fjiven that the under taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie Hunt, at West Sunbury, I'a., under the supervi ion of her father, John Mechling, lately ilec'd., will be continued by me. All work will be done In first-class style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Hunt. THAT STUDIO over the Post Office is Headquarters for Photographs That artistic'posing nu»l lighting seems to pl(*i«i' the people. A. L. FINDLEY. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117JIV. JIvPI'KKSON. BUTLER, - PA. M. A. BERKIMKR, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler Hubae ibit tor thn OfTlvntw Cirri a tpeclallteJ llrcnil wiarU/ijf liduiHdlom. Rom nmcuiAnt f. DUFF & SONS, L'l t Filth A vcam, riTTSUUMi. I'A. Ai l lVi: sill.ll I I'liK.- SVAKTKI! f Vl.liV win ! f«>r "Tli« >tory of t lit* I'lilUpi>liu* ' by Si 11 ran llalsli-ad, ronunlitiloiipll by the ( ••• 11 ntce-., in tin- . NI ,t. "f William-I TI <■ '• lat« of O.i Hind twp.. o. < . v. 'i. m v Term. i*** h. reliy 1 .. .1 thai ilit- mdanltn < orpunv Court ..f Hut 1.1 unity an au.llt. 1 t.i makr • f liis nppoint •:.< nt at l.i~ offi in tla \r! .TV Hui1.11:..-. Butler, I**.. on Wednesday. April 3th, IBW. U 10 n rn.. when anil wlirr. all persons Int.-r --• ~t. il mat attcnil if they M I- |ir stamentarv on the estate of Daniel Heck, dee'd., late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, ill persons knotting themselves indebted to said estate tvill please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN C. MOORK, I-x'r., McCandless, Pa. J. D. MCJvnSIN, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Adam 11. Walters, dee'd,, late of Adams tottnslip, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the uudeisigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to satd estate will please make immedi ate payments, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to W. A. S I,OAN, Adm'r., Mars P. 0., Butlet Co., Pa. EXECUTORS* NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel 11. Fleming, dee'd., late of Buf falo twp., Butler Co., Pq., having been granted io the u inlet signed, all {>frsons knowing themselves indebted t « said estate tvill pltase make immediate pay ments, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JAMES \V. FI.EMIN'G, lIAKRV B. I'I.KMINC, Kx'rs , Kkastotvn, I'a, RALSTON & P.RKKR, att'js. | Dissolution j iSALE / P.ices make the selling of Reliable f } Furniture an easy matter, as C / the shrewd buyer can quickly f y see that he saves money by J \ buying here. V f 75c Brussels Carpet: f \ Dark or medium colors; floral V / set patterns, suitable for par- f } lor, sitting room or dining N /; a variety of patterns to i J select from a carpet that > / will give you jierfect satisfac- / J tion. / / $5 Smyrna Rugs; C f Best values we know of in the / r Rug line. Six feet long, jnst J \ the size you want for the din- f C ing room or sitting room } J hearth, and the most beautiful f f colorings you ever saw. \ C Rocking Chairs: I / This lot is composed of Rock- / 1 ing Chairs that are marked to \ / sell at, $7.50 and fin- / 3 ish light or dark. Choice N / $5.00. J Dining Room Chairs: ? V Oak, {Kilish finish, cane seat;V / sold for $2 each. Take six and f \ the price will be \ / $1.50 each. / ' Bed Room Suits: f f Three-piece ash suit, consist- J ? ing of dresser, bed and wash \ / stand, beveled mirror and a/ j first-class suit. Best fi6.oo\ C suit we know of; now we sell a \ then at v ( $14.40. ? y Decorated Dinner Sets: ) f In pink, blue or green decora- / 1 tims. They K»d i"i 1t2,j0 J J anil $15.00, but now you can/ V have your choice at \ I SIO.OO. c f Extension Tables. / Ten feet long, solid oak, well r \ trade. They sold for • % now they sell at Jio.oo Same ? X table, .S feet long, was f lo.txt, S / now I \ SB.OO S j Again wc say come / j soon if yon expect a coni'C yplctc assortment to select ? / from. / >CAMPBELL L \ ( TEMPLETON.C t BUTLEP, fA. A: / AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY lty iiKuii.i uf the Kodnk lins reached the perfect ■Ugc. So simple thnt n child can operate it and the prices within the reach of everyone. We keep the largest HIIII most cnmpletf line in town of I'hoto Supplies and the only genuine Ivastmau Kodak, Dry Plates, I'ilms, Develop ing Powders, Chemicals, Trays, Mounts, Piinting l'tanivs. Printing Pa pers, I'lasli Powders, Albums, and all kinds of supplies at DOUGLASS 1 U X >K IS'l't )HK. Mu P <> Peoples Phone 162 Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed andlSalelStable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. The In'st of liorni'H arid first claws rigs al WIIVKOII hanht goods at the right prices at R OC K t; N ST ERIN'S, 32S South Main St.. _____ _ _" Rutler, Pa. HUSELTONS pS ESS Latest Spring Shapes in 00TWEAR You've Every Reason to Wateb Our Shoe Ads. Tliis Shoe House is in pritre shajie for spring business. Whether it's a shoe at a dollar or five, it has to be the best t? t!wt particular grade. HUSELTONS SHOES ARE GUARANTEED. (>n that 1> asis we're bidding for nud getting the jfioe ttade of Butler county. Men s Spring Shoes. Threß oew spring styles The "Princeton" at $3 00. in women's black and The "Regent ' at #3.50. A shoe for men who want the liest to fcin QflflPQ be had, for <3.00 and #3.50. OIIUOO. These allocs fill all the reouireineuts All Kigns point to a strong "Tan" for style, durability and comfort. Side Staison. Yuu'll find special interest in by side with the best #3.50 and f,4.00 these porticuUir lots of lllack and Tan shoes goiiiß, they arc WINNERS' Shoes. Correct Spring shapes that get EVERY TIME. their iutrodjoctory showing here. Your favorite shape in the new Spriug The k'ainuas "yueen yuality" at $3.00. Styles is here in Hlack.Vici Kid and Calf The "Wellesley" at $2.50, Tin, Russia Calf and Kid. The ' Dorothy" at (2.00. See our Men's Tan Shoes at ji.3o, All the toes—narrow to full— round kid #2.00 and #2.50. or vesting tops. See our line—Bsc, SI.OO, Black, 90c to $1.50. *1.25 ttud #t^o. SHOES EOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. Same style as the men's and women's. We sell The Famous Mrs. Jennees Miller Shoes They fit the feet as nature intended. Only to l>e h«l of us. B. C. HUSELTON S, llutler'a LeiKltiiK Shoe House. Opposite Hotel l-owry. ; pS^rp. 0 j ( / The We wish to Announce to the Publio 1 7 Leading p The Arrival of our ' * i| rr 1 SPRING MILLINERY : < J of ty, AN are invited to call and inspect* > <1 Butler the finest line of millinery ever< k 7 County. brought to our city. < ' i if Complete Line of Mourning Goods Always on Hand ( 7122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER, PA. 5 . I . , " ' , 1 1.1 - M mmm . Every Day CROWNS^. Arc sold by us, only Kings wear the gold article an< I they very rarely. Our lints lire fit for a King or anybody else. We cnti suit all classes of trade. We study your style and sel 1 accordingly. Prices are low considering quality. lv very thing new in Men's I'jir uisiilngs. Beautiful Ncgh'fles Shirts, two Collars and Cuffs 50 cents, finer ones too. Come and see the new things for Spruig. Ed. Colbert, Fomerly Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, l'a. Model Hairy $ Poultry Farm, ' RAHWAY, N. J. Breeder of High Class Poultry. I Marred Rocks, Buff Cocliii*. I.ight Utah in as Black Minorca#, S C. Brown Leghorns, 8. I, , White and Oohlen Wyandottes, and PIiKIN DUCKS. Illustrated Catalogue I UEE. ' B. & B. lace curtains by mail --Make a future of a large variety of pretty here—getting the busi ness l)i>jni.M- evciyouc who invest!- ■ gates iu»l looks to their own self in tent sees it pays to send here— jw»j« theiji Rs to variety, style and l«"ice. Send for picture hook of new Ivace CtutaiiM (*sc to $5.00 pair—note the choice |Nitlurns at SI.OO, #2.50, J3.50 pair. J twt the time o' year now when nif»nt every household has new curtain* K> buy—and if they're to be lxipght where you can buy l>eat. we've ft .strong claim" for the pre fcre»«re. Book w ftee— scud your nnuic and Hddress. Wash Goods aiwl itovwlkes top notch assort ments He to f 1.25. 100 styles choice I'eruolgtt isjic yard, splendid ging hwus «jc yard. White Madras for shirt waists aoc. I'iue colored madras 15 and 20c, ltifl>orUil madras and corded ef fects '.if*. Asc handsome styles in pinks, TiylvtH and wedgewood blues. Send wiuiw and address now for new illu.'4rHtvd catalogue —over 200 pUgeS- pictures of the new suits, shirt wiAsts, skirts, etc. Us free. Will be rftadv sjon after first of AyriL Bo#gs& Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY, PA. LIVERY. VI. C. l'rytir, of W. Sunbury, hereby gives nothx- to the public that owing to Nn- death of his father in-law, John Mi rhling, he will not leave his husiuesa as Intd l«.vn intended, hut will continue to csriy i«n tin- livery business at the old stand. Ok»l figs furnished at uitnlerate price. H. C PRYOR.