Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 16, 1899, Image 2
THE; CtTIZENU WILLIAM C. NEGLEY - - Publisher THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1899- ANNOUNCEMENTS? (Subject to the Republican Primary of March 25, 1899, from 1 to 7 P. M.) FOR DELEGATE TO THE STATE CONVENTION. JOSEPH GHAHAM. Of Whites town. ANDREW G. WILLIAMS. Of Butler. FOR SHERIFF. J. BRADEK BLACK, Of Butler. M. L. GIBSON, Of Butler. THOMAS R. HOON, Of Centre twp. JAMES R. KEARNS, Of Butler twp. FOR PROTHONOTARY. JOHN C. CLARK, Of Washington twp. J. M. MCCOLLOUGH, Of Fairview twp. ROBERT J. THOMPSON. Of West Sunbury- FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. W. J. ADAMS, Of Butler, formerly of Washington twp. J. P. BOGGS, Of Forward twp. A. M. BORLAND, Of Butler. W. J. BURTON, Of Penn twp. W. E. COOPER, Of Worth twp. J. P. DAVIS, Of Brady twp. JAMES H. MORRISON, JB. . Of Harnsville. GEORGE E. THOMAS, Of Butler. PORTER WILSON. Of Centre twp. FOR TREASURER. CHARLES H. BOOK, Of Cherry twp. D. L. RANKIN, Of Butler. FOR CLERK OF COURTS. W. H. CAMPBELL, Of Concord twp. GEORGE M. GRAHAM, the Teacher, Of Connoquenessing twp. REUBEN MCELVAIN. Of Butler. J. H. PIZOR, Of Worth twp. D. D. QUIGLEY, Of Penn twp. MILES C. SARVER, Of Buffalo twp. W. P. TURNER, Of Butler. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. JAMES F. BROWN. Of Franklin twp. G. W. CROWE. Of Forward twp. LOYAL W. DAUGHERTY, Of Slipperyrock twp. JOHN W. GILLESPIE, Of Middlesex twp. S. W. GLENN, Of Centre twp. MCCALLISTER KUHN. Of Concord twp. ROBERT McCLUNG, Of Butler twp. J. J. MCGARVEY, Of Mercer. SAMUEL RILEY, Of Forward twp. HARMON G. SEATON, Of Washington twp. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. H E. HEBERLING, Of Portersville. JAS. A. MCDOWELL, Of Butler. J. W. PATTERSON, Of Jefferson twp. P. H. SECHLER, Of Prospect boro. FOR CORONER. JOHN L. JONES, Of Butler. Thursday's vote was Quay 95, Jenks 75, Dalzell 19, Stone 7, Huff 7, etc, 233 in all and 112 necessary to a choice. No change was expected until Quay return ed from Florida. Friday's vote was 48, 37, 9, 6, 6, etc., 118 in all. and on Saturday but 2 sena tors and 10 Reps were present, only 12 in all. On Saturday Gov. Stone received a declination from D. T. Watson of Pitts burg, Democrat, of the proffered Su preme Judgeship, but refused to make public Mr. Watson's reasons. On Monday but 18 members were present at the joint session. The Pitts burgers were gathering in town for and against the Bruce-charter bill. Tuesday's vote was 92. 73, 18, 8, 0, 5, 4, etc., 216 in all, with 109 necessary to a choice. The event of the day, was the action of the House Committee on Municipal Corporations settling down pn the Bruce Charter bill for cities of the see , ond class (Pittsburg), by a party vote 12 to 4. The bill vu championed by some Pittsburgers who are not satisfied with affairs there, and it was opposed by Mr. Magee. Yesterday's vote was 94, 78, 17, 7, 5, etc.—22l in all and 111 necessary to a choice. At the session of the bribery comimt tee that evening tbe House was danger ously crowded. Rep. Smith shielded the person who approached him, and Rep.Spatz denied that he offered money. Costello tried to excuse his efforts in favor of the McCarrel bill. MANILA. On Monday the American troops be gan advancing, with fighting all along the line. The town of Pasig was cap tured. Three Americans killed and several wounded. On Tuesday there was lighting about Pasig, and during the night the Filipi noes evacuated and burned the town. Yesterday there was another tight and tbe Americans captured 350 Filipinos. UP in Canada, the other day they hung a woman and her paramour be cause they had cut her husband's throat. Canada is a strange country. Evans City. A fatal accident happened at Boggs Crossing, Saturday night or Sunday morning. The section boss on the P. & W. was found dead by John Smith and A. D. Boggs. He is supposed to have sat down on the track, and fell asleep and the train cut off one arm and cut his face. His name was Maxwell and he has a wife and two children living in Callery. The remains were brought to Henry Young's undertaking room and prepared for burial, and then taken to New Castle, where his parents teside. President Elder Knox, of thw M- E. church, will preach both morning and evening in the M. IS. church. -March itt. Mr W. G. Reed and lady of Bellevue visited his uncle. David Kpence. Thurs day and Friday. Mrs. A. D. Cable and children, visit ed Rev. J. K. Howe and family nt Mars, over Snnday. Mrs. Maud Stephenson nttended the inststute of the Royal Templers of Temperance Lodge, in Mars Friday. The Anti Saloon League will hold their nnion service March -3H. in .St. Johns Reformed Church. •THE beet thing yet accomplished by th<? fcgbt aj?ainst Quay and Qnayism at Harrisburg has been the uncovering of some of the secret politics. For in stance. that Chas. W. Stone, Rep. was defeated for Congress in his district, by a combination of the Qnay and Stand ard Oil Co. forces was known to a few, but since the fight began it has been demonstrated to all. The unpleasant feature of the fight, however, has been the failure of the , Independent Republicans to unite on a man. They seem to be held apart by some sinister influence that bodes no good to the State. Harmony and Zelienople. Rev. J. W. Otterrnan, of the M. E. church. Harmony, preached to a crowd ed house Sunday evenijg. and closed his protracted meeting, which he held for three weeks. Zelienople is talking of another boom. This time it is a glass house; SSOOO is said to be subscribed for bonus money to induce oapitalists to locate there. The well being drilled on the Har mony Commons will be in this week; should it come in good there will be another town lot oil field. W. H. Qnyer will commence pro tracted meetings in the Bethel, at Har mony, next Sunday. D. M. Stamm and wife, of Marietta, 0., left Harmony, last Friday, for Pittsburg where they will visit relatives for a week and then leave for their home. Mrs. J. D. Hodil, of near Harmony, is visiting friends in Pittsburg, this week. Philip Rape, who owns a farm sever al miles south west of Zelienople, bought a good sized lot from P. Kradel in Harmony and will erect a residence on it in the Spring. Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sit ler, of Jackson twp., attended the wed ding of their cousin, W. S. Fisher to Miss Mary Humphrey, the ed daughter of S. M. Humphrey, of North Sewiclflcy. The Y. P. S. C. E. of tlw Presbyter ian church, of Zelienople, gave a pleas ant entertainment in the Harmony opera house, on Monday evening. In strumental music was the leading fea ture. The proceeds went to the build ing fund. Rev. J. A. Lutzinger, of Butler, ac cepted a call to preach in the Grace Reformed church, at Harmony, Pa., and will preach his first sermon as pas tor of that churclj on Easter Sunday, April 2, I*o9. Gust Sahli,formerly of Harmony, Pa.. who was in the butcher business at Beaver Falls was burned out on Sunday night, he lost his household goods, meat in stock and *l7O in money. A new house will bfl built, next sum mer, on the J. J. Fiedler fan.?, recently purchased by M. Wiehr in Jackson twp., near Harmony. Geo. L. Bame will build a house and barn on the tract of land he lately pur chased from D. M. Ziegler, near Har mony, this coming Spring. Wm. Bame, of Jackwm twp is home again after dressing tools on a test well at Rockford, Mich. The well was drill ed 2500.feet deep. Jonas Ziegler, Jr., of Coraopolis, was the guest of bis relatives in Harmony, on Sunday. H. W. Bame and family were Pitts burg visitors, on Sanday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Stewart. A Home Gathering. Mr. Thomas H. Brown, of Glade Run, having reached his forty-first birthday. A home gathering was plan ned. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Brown, his parents: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown, his brother and wife; Mrs. II E. Newhouse, hie sister; and Oscar and Ray Newhouse, his nephews, of Shef field, Iowa; and Etta and Myrtle Brown, his niece; and Mrs. Mnnson, of Watters Station. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. «■, Brown, who had for arrived, and with which he was greatly surprised. Following this was a delic ious dinner, which was enjoyed by all. Dinner being over the friends and rela tives gathered in the yard and had their pictures taken by Mr. Will Star key, one of our returned soldiers. After this a party went strolling through the bills and valleys of Glade Run, which was much eajc,ycd, return ing from this they all took the train for their homes, after having enjoyed a pleasant time and hoping him many more muib days; except Mrs. Newhouse who remained a /rhjte, for she expects soon to start on her bombard journey over the prairies of lowa to join her hesband. A READER. Tlie Grossiitm; Silver Wedding'. On Monday evening March 6, the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Grossman, who live one mile southeast of Prospect, was the scene of a very pleasant sur prise party, being a celebration of the 25th marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Grossman. On March sth, 1874, Mr. Nathaniel Grossman and Miss Mary Kennedy were united in the holy bonds of matrimony and took upon themselves the grave and responsible duties of founding a hopaa. which has been a blessing to the community, the state, yea the nation, find which has been abundantly blessed with peace, goodwill, sweet influences, health and abundance of this world's goods. Their sons, Curtis and Robert- -Jhe only chil bren —conceived the commendable idea of arranging a surprise party for their parents, and on Monday evening, March 0, (the sth being on Sunday) the perfec tion (tl fljeir plans was attested by the success of th£ meeting. The weather and roads were simply hoiribl?. yet the following guests managed to get there somehow: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wahl and s. n Clyde, and Mrs. Jennie Roth, of Evans City; Rev. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. M. T, MeCandless, Mr- and Mrs. O. W. Stoughton, Mr. and Mrs, J W- Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shaffer and son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J. If. McClnre, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cliritchlow, Mr and Mrs.. S E Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowers Mr. and Mrs J. H. Barr, Mr. and Mrs E. L. Pyte, Mu G P. Weigle, Mrs. L. K. Lepley, Mr. John Says, end Robert Kennedy, who is the father of Mrs. Grossman, and a highly respected citizen of this community. To say that the evening was pleasant ly spont and highly enjoyed by all is full'y attested by everyone present. Each one seemed tii Jje ' n bis best humor and was bent on having a most enjoyable time, and no one took advan tage of the occasion to introduce any other subject. The good wives who are known far and wide for their excellent cooking attainments provided a supper that would be a drawing card at the famous Delmonico'g. Mr. John Hays entertained the guests with his highly appreciated grauio phone, which added much to the enjoy ment of the evening. Rev. Sloan made an address, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gross man many happy returns of the sth of March, and in behalf of them, thankjd those present for the honor and kind regards, which hail bt.cn given thern. One of the plesisant incidents of the oc casion was the presence of so many that had been at the infair twenty five years ago. Tbe enjoyments, the sociability, and pleasure of the evening were terminat el by the rem!# ingot psalm and the Lord's Prayer on the gramepuono, as spoken by Talmage. The guests departed for home, hop ing that they may all be spared to meet there again to assist in celebrating Mr. and Mrs, Grossnjan's golden wedding. Tbe happy couple received Kiany valua ble and handsome and useful p're«ruu>, as tokens of remembrance and friend- Uhip. Curtis end Robert are surely Jp be congratulated upon the success of thier honorable undertaking. JOE COBJTY. | A- P- Stewart plead guilty to embez zlement tbit ;)jorning. Sentence was suspended until May term HEATHS. SHANNON—At her home in Centre twp, Saturday Mar. It, 1899, Frankie daughter of Leonard Shannon, aged lfi years. Her remains were buried in the Muddycreek Baptist cemetery Monday. Miss Shannon had been sick from child hood and for some months past was thought to be ailing from a tumor. Doctors Holman of Union ville, Thomp son of West Liberty, McConnel of Pros pect and Atwell of Butler, held an autopsy on the remains, Monday, and found death was caused by tuberculosis of the bowels and a tumorous growth. CLARK-At his home in Freeport. March 9. 1899. William Clark, in his 72nd year. Mr Clark was a native of Slipperyrock twp., this county, and moved to Freeport in 1843. HEIST—At the parents' home in Centre twp., March 10, 1899, infant son of Leonard Heist. OESTERLING—At her home at Car bon Centre. Mar. 10. 1899, Mrs. Louis Oesterling, aged about 30 years. HUTZLER —At her home in Delano, Mar. 12, 1899, Pearl, daughter of Wm. Hutzler, aged 2 years. TURNER—At her home in Butler, Mar. 11, 1899, Mrs. Mary Turner, aged 81 years. BORLAND—In Uniontown, Pa., Mar. 11, 1899, William Borland, Son of David Borland and brother of Chas. and Linn, of Butler, in his 40th year. KECK—At her home in Grove City, March sth 1899. Mrs. Harry Keck, nee Dessie McCaniant of Slippery Rock, aged 23 years. Her death was caused by grippe. Obituary Notes. MRS. KESSELMAN The great number of our citizens who attended the funeral services, last Sunday over the remsins of Mrs. Wil liam Kessleman, attested the high es teem and respect in which that lady was held. To all who knew her this respect to her character was deemed most worthy Mrs. Kesselman was a truly good woman in all the walks of life, and hence the tribute paid her memory. Her bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of all. Her remains were laid to Best in the Eng lish Lutheran Church Burial Ground, South Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. D. L. Roth of that church. Some Bribery Notes, Etc. On last Wednesday night the investi gating committee met again, examined thrut- njore witnesses. Representatives Johnson, Miller af..i H«il. yT Northamp ton county. These gentlemen went on the stand and testified that they had been taken to Coyle's room In the Lochiel hotel and offered money to sign a paper, purportlps to he an agreement to stand by George A. Jenke iu thp end All of these gentlemen nre Democrats. After wards Representative Charles R. Spatz, of Berks county, took two of them. Mil ler and Johnson, to one side and offered them first SSO and then SIOO if they would sign the agreement. In talking to them about this Coyle. who is n Repub lican and H Quay lobbyist, told these men that if they would sign the agreement there were n lot of bills to come up dur ing the legislature, in which he would "let them in" and they could make more money that way than they could by theii salaries." To understand why Spatz and Coyle should ask to sign an agree ment and offer them SSO or SIOO to do so to support Hon. George A. Jenks. for whom they were then voting, it must be understood that It was about this time that there was considerable talk of a fuslort between the anti-Quay Republi cans and Democrats, whtrcby they were to agree on some independent Republi can to succeed Quay. This report drove the Quay lieutenants half crazy and they immediately began to beg Democrats to vote for Jenks and thus prevent a coa litiftb. B»>at* was one of the most vigor ous workers in this cuus*. On Thursday night last the witnesses from Northampton county. Miller and Johnson, were put on the stand and their evidence strengthened their testimony of the night before. Miller produced a niern £,ra«din.> hook, in which he had made an entry the day nfiur in** offer >,f cash by Spatz and Coyle. and he read this entry before the committee. These witnesses niso stated that »— - ! M,■ count!-.. W as " rrß ; out when this paper was ocmK passed around in Spatz's mid Coylo s rooms at the Lochiel hotel. That Rosenberry had Mild to il;..i>i thnt they hud l.etter not sign the agreement because "jhere might be money tn it for them," On Thursday night Rosenberry went voluntarily before the committee and made a statement, in which he denied that he had said there was "money" in It. He said that he had advised the mem ben, no* ii, s:st ; the agreement because be had refused to sign a Ljjnself and he believed that there might be something wrong about It. A GREAT WORK. It was the greatest week's work ever done by investigating committee in the history of tlie legislate. T^ p reveln tions of attempted bribery have strucK the Quay machine a terrific blow, from jrhich it can never recover. It is going down iu u heap. There is every indica tion that the machine is conning short of cash and that it will shortly go out of business. AH for the senatorial situation, it has remained unchnuged. There have been no i more desertions from the Quay column, but it is understood that the coming week will witness something iu that na ture. The defeat of Senator Quay is now i an absolute fact, and In private conver sation among intimate friends it is nn i derstood that h« l.»a stated that he sees no hope for himself. The tight against the Quay machine Is • to be carried to the bitter end. State Senator Flinn is a candidate for state chairman and this presages the bitterest • kind ul a fight it! erery county in the state. The Quay machine is to he elimj ■ nated root and branch, and all of the t hangers-on, who have beeu making • money out of the state treasury and i filching money from the people, will have ! lo go t<; work and earn their money honesty. i Tbe mystery that has surrounded t£s i postponement of the Quay trial in Phila delphia has been pretty well cleared up. District Attorney Rotliermel acted for the best interests of the commonwealth t ivjion he reftis-ed to go on with the trial. Evidence is i„>t that *he jury [ panel had been tampered with, ff indeed it had not been drawn iu a manner con trary to law. This is generally under stood now to be the case and the men I who were bitterest against District At ! torney Itotheruiei f..r his action arc now complimenting him. Under the circum stances to have gone ahead with the ense would have been disastrous to the Inter ests of the commonwealth. On Tuesday night last the Democratic anil anti-Quay Republican majority in lhe bouse met, with Mr. Bliss in the fiiair. Una adopted i; dignified resolution against the unjust and arbitrary action • of Speaker Farr on last Friday. Further action was postponed for tlie present. If Mr. Farr ever attempts any such move ment again he will be compelled to va cate the chair permanently. j_i ——— j »<< the basis of good health, , 1 *•' steady' nerve*, CS ; ... J physical and digestive 1 "■"* - ' J strength. If you are ner vous ..—-Wi and purify your blood with Hood'b . -r.parilla. If you are weak, have n i ... and desire to be strong, health; ; ' 'orous. take Hood's Sar- Baparii: -. ._h will font) you* tttoojscn, create an appetite and build you up. Hood's I 4'iie Met tit!' '>ne True Blood rurifler. 1 «j ji i-»m r<irc natma, indigcsilou. I HOOd S rMIIS biliousness, pricesbc, • ; i ACTIVE SOLICITOUS W ANTED EVERY- I "where for "The Story of the I'bilipplnes" by Murat llalstead. commissioned by the £»o,er"ment :ts Official llistoiian to the War Department. "I hook was written in army , camps at San I rftnclsco o,i th" Pacific witli i General Merritt, in the Itosplulu ~t jjo ; lulu, in Hong Kong.in the Americaii froncKcs i i»t Manila, in tlie insurgent camps with \gulllald9 Ihe deck of the Oiympia with Dcwej*, antfln the roai of battle at the fall of Manila toi ag. „i». Urjmfulof 1 Orig!t|.al pictures taken by govenujieii, e1,.,- I tograpnofs oii the spot. I'.arjfe book 1 : bbtv prices. Hlg prolits. Hrolrfht paid Credit 1 given. Drop all trashy unofficial war boos*, j ouMit free. Address, I'. T. ltarber. Sec y j insurance Uldg. Chicago. Receipts and Expenditures of Butler County for the _ Year 1898. Statement of Tax Received and due for 181)7 and Previous. ' < > | > I S 5* : ~ O i 53 3 ill S \ 8 | i ' §=l i 3|| DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. e 1 I I § = c Butler two M Dufford MB7* 38 03 J | i 38 03$ f Cherry IW Newman I*9o 15 OS 15 ftr> . .. . Brady T A Hines lw« 34 71 24 71 SUpperyrock JosL Cooper 1894 *O2 402 Washington H L Seaton " 31 41 29 84 157 ... Washington .... II L Seaton 1085 14 71 13 97 74 Winfield August Freeling... " 35 29 33 53 176 Marlon las GUghrlst 1.-96 53 0o 41 15 217 970 Parker Geo J Kepler " 27 85 20 4ti 13U SUpperyrock... J L Cooper " 2 12 2 01 11 Washington; Harper Campbell.. " >3 o*.' 4 SO 20 7 97 Winfield August Freeling... " 27 69 27 69 Butter boro John Younkins— " i 28 11 25 15 336 Petrol la F M Fritz " S8 0c 49 4,* 2ml Sunbury PP Brown "i 1 62 1 54 08 Adams Wm Rennlson WK; 656 27 519 94 27 37 108 96 Allegheny .las Jolly S«5 01 308 05 18 21 53 22 753 Buffalo John Harbison " j 291 19 358 70 13 62 18 81 Butler FDPearee " 856 40 450 00 23 68 76 63 306 08 1 Brady Frank McCurdy... " 230 91 213 86. 11 28 579 Clinton Jas K Riddle " 339 51 225 *7 11 89 101 75 Clay KB Conn " <o* 04 344 78 is 14 41 12 ' Centre JI) Smith " 154 33 142 05 748 4sO I Clearfield E J Kennedy " 349 80 207 53 10 93 64 «5 66 45 Cherry... H L Russell " j 436 39 338 36 17 82 69 IH 10 27 , Conntxiuenesslng John Brandon < 195 4s 156 22 522 31 (H Cranberry A Klrschler " 337 56 ; 313 42 16 45 869 Concord . Robert Adams " 283 3ft- 229 60 12 (to 4167 Donegal F W Wallman "I 405 44' 360 00 13 68 11 22| 130 54 Forward . George Marburger " 399 43 308 63 16 34 74 56! Falrvlew J J Campbell •• WB9 212 31 Ills 41 40 Franklin A McCandlOSS " 277 23 240 57 13 15 14 51 Jefferson SM Barr ' " 216 07 181 13 954 2". 40 Jackson A H Mick ley " 275 89 168 01 884 99 04 Lancaster Samuel Hartley... " 12 39 502 26 711 Marion los Vandyke " 169 88 75 00 3 95. 57 06 33 67 Mercer J J McGarvey " 303 29 283 95 14 94 440 Middlesex EO Thompson. .. Ml" 23 70 125 01 71 Muddycreek Grant Jones I 44 198 75 172 89 909 16.«, Oakland Peter Whltmlre...! " 30 69 580 30 24 79 Parker Jos Wally " 141 87 127 60 C7l 750 Penn Geo E Hay " 30 9 20 9 50 SUpperyrock H Bovard " 352 85 315 34 10 60 20 91 Summit JWBaldauf I " 609 23 805 H» 31 89 31 45 Venango H B Stalker " 456 30 220 00 11 53 17 63- 237 30 . .. .. Washington Austin Meals " 309 X) 222 51 U6B 58 42 16 72 Winfield J M Crookshank... " j 96 88 38 SO 205 55 92 Worth WHPizor. » 208 07 185 00 074 853 358 ... Butler lx»ro John S Jack •• 3542 17 1940 U 102 11 1499 95 Cent re vi lie. . . F Forester 45 28 83 56 1 544 150 Evans City. Goo itipper " J 20S SO 171 3a 901 28 ¥> Harmony Fred Weigie 44 lHti 0*; 120 00 #3l 14 W 24 76 liarrisville J S Pew ... 4 77 15 00 03 365 447 Karns City Frank Babbitt ** 11 7S S 21 3 57 Slillerstown J J Donahue " , 133 fts 110 02 t> li 11 75 Mars Geo B Stewart 14 525 13 4K4 25 58 14 7."> Petrolia FM Fritz.. "i 4<l 77 1 46 77 Portersville A lfensliew * 4 • s2 s.» 65 02 :j 42 14 41 Prospect C F Newman " ! 53 87 43 34 22s 825 Saxon burg J E Muder '* | 74 2s 67 16 354 358 Sunbury P P Brown 44 45 19 28 21 1 4*i 15 50 Zelienople Wm Allen " j 12s 27 109 35 7(i 13 16 „ Conmxiucnessiiitf.. Casper Fehl " 45 24 10 00 ."»3 Valencia . Wm Hoffman ; 14 j 32 02 u46 60j 990 Total J . slsiC2 75510M1 061570 55 $1371 9212627 15 |25 15 sl2 76 Collectors' Account for 1808. j— rj I | | i h I: ® DISTRICT. COLLECTORS. - c g g j a. 5 5- i § if j " I : Adams 7 T. Jas Orr $ 2191 54 $ 1348 92 { 98 44 J 744 Is Allegheny Jas Jolly 1131 57 555 39 40 94 535 24 Buffalo John Harbison ISOS 08 1008 64 72 48 .-3 90 Butler F D Pearee 1842 80 750 00 55 o9 10.17 21 Brady Frank McCurdy 899 75 740 00 60 15 99 60 Clinton JR Riddle 1719 28 920 . 6 «.6 .29.6 Centre I D Smith 1325 4* 104:1 34 .3 04 209 9} Clay R B Conn 1+79 39 822 00 :>9 6ai 597 .4 Clearfield F. J Kennedy 1060 88! 488 «s 33 £ 82 Cherry Hugh sprotni 13W 59 1000 00 <4 1. 2*4 4. Connoquenesslng R S Henry 1593 13 104.) oo 4n 4JW Cranberry A Kirchler 1967 91 1811 Concord Robt Adams 1308 34 900 00 60 1- 348 Donegal F Waltman 1267 30 661 4* 44 . _ j6l 10 Forward Geo Marburger 2135 70i 1260 00 91 5< .84 13 Falrvlew J J Campbell 1371 38 400 00 -J 04 J4l .4 Franklin A McCandlOSS 1391 0.. 724 77 ;« 8. 614 01 Jefferson S M Barr 1836 09 1164 4. 90 M 571 Jackson A II Mickley 2173 1.06 50 118 43 348 W Lancaster Hamuel Barney I4N> 09 98- 8» <- JJ !J0 Marion Jos Vandyke !I<l £t] jjg 0» ** M £ Mercer J J McGarvey 72.) 31 532 83 41 10l Middlesex EO Thompson | 3110 05j 2830 00 191 80 .9* Muddy creek Grant Jones j 1166 4«j _6OO 00 44 46 5 ~ ?~ Oakland Peter Whltmlre ln3o ;*> 1396 33 90 6. m Parker Jos Wally 1321 97 6jo 00 48 18 623 79 Penn G E Hay 2015 62! 1769 00 116 06 130 50 SliDDervrock 11 Bovard 1 1799 53! 1090 02 80 78 628 73 "wBaW: iwij wwoo ««« Venaniro H L Stalker 114' ;>i) 94 & 2 4 Washington.':! .*!!."!!::::::: Austin wills..: mjm IOOJM «8« mh Winfield J M Crookshank lf«. ft) 140.J 6s l'to 3. 130 00 Worth Wt( I'lsor . 1421 18 924 18 6* 49 431 51 Butler boro JS Jack 15145 M 10548 50 762:12 383122 & «*o«; gjg Connoquenosslng Casper Fehl 294 4,i WJ W Fvans Citv Geo l.kfc> 14 929 19 6« i- 388 Fair view Wm G il Son » 55! 100 00 853 Us 03 HarHsvifie j?pe!^::::::::::"«»! m?S S2 SSSSI2SrV :::::::::::::::::::: «j ,g| 4S Mars Geo B Stewart 604 99 392 9d 33 4. 1.8 Petrolia F M Fritz 348 67 I;i8 an 13 i) o>b 6t i'orut^iiie:::::::::::::::::::: 20062 10200 w®, sin Prospect CF Newman .. SJJ 4|j JJj «Is }1! 2" Saxon burn .. Jfe Muder ! »»»; Sunbury !P P Brawn 282 18 1.18 34 11 .6 I.C 0o Valenclii Total ~-.1~.TT. TT'.TTTT it7«328 191150614 50 $3691 241J23022 39 I>ojf Tax of IHJ)7 and Previous. T~ •"< : i* | » 51 ®T 9 1 5? a|l I I f| i 9 i : ! j | DISTRICT. COLLECTORS. : a W w ft f ~ |,j, : j a Slippery rock J S Cooper 1894 $ $ S $ 751—'# Clearfield H H Duffy »890 13 34 846 44; ; 444 Marlon I Gilghrist " 83 9# 722 38 als 13 24 Win Held A Freeling " 33 36. 16 44 89 10 03 Butler boro John Younklng " 6 24. 6 24; | Harmony Fred Weigie " 55# 528 2> !.. ...' Saxon burg Charles Raabe * 15 09 1.) 09! Adams. Wm Rennlson 1897 122 3]: 80 3* 4 24: 37 79 Allegheny I .is Jolly " »j !» «# 8* I 00; 2 ON, 3 00, Brady.... Frank McCurdy " 32 Oil 20 751 10s 10 2* Buffalo lohn Harbison " ; 32 48; 24 13 1 27, 708 Butler FDPearee " 75 95..: T... 75 si. Clinton Jas Riddle " 73 17 21 47 113 50 57 ........ Clay RB Conn |'* 38 04 :J0 90 1 18. 551 .... Centre J D Smith j " 33 32. IS 19 90 |4 17 ........ Clearlield E J Kennedy 32 40i 16 45 87 551 9 o7; —j Cherry... H L Rossalf. " 20 00 105 21 %| Si' ... .... Com iHiueiiess'iiig John Urfthdou i? !l ?. !,:i !■'' '''• s Concord !... Robert Adams." it i» lu 70 88 630 i .... Cranberry. A Kirchler " .09 3 15 .... 2 46 Donegal.: F W Waltman " 6.7:3 15 00 79 j 5191 .... .... Forward .. G Marburger... '' .3 00 51 41 200 18 90 ; —J Falrvlew I J Campbell * I 59 88 42 00 853 630 .... Franklin A McCandless " 32 71 17 83 94 394 i ..... .... Jefferson S M Barr " 31 45! 22 21 1 787 Jackson AII Mickley " 32 92 17 *1 94 14 17 Lancaster 'S Hartley " 530 00 04 457 Marion Jos Vandyke — 1 26 10 00 53 70* 11 65 — 1 Mercer I J McGarvey " 37 86! ;ti 49 185 4?i Middies.-, poThompson, . '• <3 4? so:« 107 ibm;;:.... .... .... MuddyciH:ck Grant Jones " -6* 7 09 ... I 4 11 Oakland Peter Whltmlre " 4 6S | 6 80 1 02 Parker Joseph Wally '. " ; 38*2 30 14 159 709 Summit JWBaldauf " 543 57 45 302 14 96 SUpperyrock II Bovard i " 40 20 2* 40 150 10 24 i Venajwo II B Stalker " « 37! 400 311 58 16;. Washington Austin Meals " *1 *1 46 11 f 461 ID ti* l* 3.' Worth • V.' II I'lSOl Hs' l(j 25 10^4. Winfield TMI Wkshnnk ,3f »: 2q {K 112 '6 M■ -■ • i ... Butler boro J 8 Jack.,,...," '' 134 33 .... .... Centreville F Forrester " 1" *1 10 4o 56 75 03| —! ConniNiuenesslng Casper Fehl " 7*o 2*o — 1 Evans City G Kipper " ! J 8:1 U3u 147 Falrvlew A CGllison " 1 09 24 75 10 ! ilaruionv Fred Welgle " •; 81 244 13 10 34 Harrisvllle I S Pew " .<O2: 36* 19 315 , Karns Citv 'Frank Babbit " j }3 30; 365 965 MillerstoWif.. 'IJ D'-iM'tme .. " 14 16' 137 12 59 .... .... Mars.'... "... . .1 h Niinuil. W <J «. .'«S w5. Portersville A llenshaw-. •' j Of 354 |2 ... . Prospect OF Newman " . *2 ! 00 01 75 1 Petrolia F M Frit* " M 18 14 1* Sunbury P P Brown " * 50; as# li) 75! I .... Saxonburc IK >luder " 11 40 . 716 3s 392 Valencia Wm Hoffman " 551 374 20 1 571 ... .... /elicnople (Wm Allen j " 10 301 o ar,j 33 3 93| | ....{ .... Tola i ♦jfli' V" hi) U|i>»4|i k"« *>'4 Ol'il tliiT* 04 , I>o{f Tax of IHS>B. fI i S | - ' ■ C ~ i 't .-3 n e ° 1 3 ; 2-3 ; « DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. -c 7 \ 2 re oco 1 Adaws iivp iJau.es Ori $ 110 2,V« 52 (t i i it i ir* fl# J 34 50 Allegheny James Jftiiy ! 49 50 11 16 »V 37 39 2100 Brady Frank .McCurdy 59 25 3* On 316 29 09 33 50 ] Buffalo IJohn Harbison 96 50 47 75 1 764 41 11 ] Itutler FDPearee 123 75 123 75 1 Clay IR B Conn 94 50 37 00: 3 15! 54 35 «s on } Clinton J R Riddle 109 5.) 51 01 37* 54 08 2* OO ] ' Centre D Smith *2 50 21 57 114 59 ?J 131 25 wlearOeld 'E J Kennedy 81 75 26 30 222 53 17 79 50 Cherry HugliSproull 99 75 74 IB 635 1* 77 800 Concord Robert Adams 74 2") 50 00 263 21 62 23 On ■ Cranberry.. iA Klrschler <JCi 35 BT. 00 731 Itl 43 <H) ConnoiiuenesAlitg 3 R Henry. !*) 00 43 50; 359 Donegal F Waltman 1 138 00: 103 75 6 30; 3* 95 70 00 1 Forward George Marburger 135 00 35 2»i| 3M5 * 96 70 84 75 Falrvlew IJ Campbell 99 90 15 00 1 37! *2 73 so 50 Franklin AM McCandless 76 50 27 41 2 31 46 75 i Jefferson S M Barr 1 124 50 67 5* 5 17| 51 75 j Jackson. A H Mickley 117 75: 78 50 587 33 38 53 75 i Lancaster Samuel Bart ley 105 75 51 04 424 50 47 38 50 I Marion Joseph Vandyke 80 25 30 OOj 170: 58 55: 141 00 I Mei-ce-i: IJ McGarvey 48 00 20 73 177 fill, u; ill I Middlesex E O Tliuu'ipsdu 176 2". 14* 931 9 6*i 17 #1 97 00 I Muddycreek Grant Jones 87 50 21 00 1 78| 44 73 12 00 ( Oakland Peter Whltmlre 89 25 70 00 5 '.Hi 439 SltO 50 I Penn G E Hay 138 75 100 00 00* :B #7' t Parker Joseph Wally *4 00 25 00 212 56 8* 21 50 I Summit I W liaiildauf 133 00 90 00! 767 ' 25 33 180 25 t SUpperyrock II Bovard 72 00 17 9s| 1 slj 52 4* ( Venango H L Stalker 10s oo 83 32 ; 4 911 19 77| 550 t Washington. lAustln Meals 110 25 21 6- 1 irj 86 »"> Worth. . WII Plsor 78 751 37 30 316 3*29 J Winfield I M Crulk.-liai.U 90 7.".' 50 00 4 211 :«i 49 59 30 I Bullertxjro JSJack.. 210 50 37 691 4 56j 14s .. V I Centreville F Forrester 13 SO .., ' 13 50i... .... ( Con niK|uencsslng boro Casper Fehl 875 2 IAi 431 J Evans City George Ripper 32 2". 484 39 . 87 OS C Fairview iHjro Wm Gibson 14 25 , 14 25, 800 I I Harmony Fred Weigie 40 .W 40 50;... .... Ilarrlsvnie S Pew II 2", II 22 . I Karns City E D Rodgers 15 00! 450 38 10 12: C , iiaps. George B Stewart. 26 2". 575 4> 20 02: \ MiHers.owsi J.I Donahue 45 75: 18 00 154 26 21 I Portersvilht A HenshuV. 6 00 : 6 00| t Prospect 'C t N*'IVIII!.IJ I *25 35> 311 437 . i l Petrolia FSlFritr ... 18 00,.. i 1* 001 C Sfvxouburg J B Muder 33 75 15 32 230 16 17 I SunlHiry P P Brown 6on I . .• 600 1 f ViileffCli,. . J DStoup 6 75 j 6 75 1 I ZelieuopU'.'. .. j , |g apl |2" 38! 14 96 1 J Total j I#i74* Br>lslhß 38 1135 84111884 o:t>«ltt<7 50 J I ii.seated Land Aeeoiiui for 1808. G SCHOOL. ROAD! POOR 2 C 3 ? jits w I * "3 a a H'TJIS' « I; I 1 * I § 1 1 i | 1 : - ! DISTRICTS. H 3 | | | I £ll I l | i I : 3:5' | S 3 b | S ? 3 Z B f i : B - ~ 3 B - SE « § i - I "? 2 - I "? l a. 8 IM : I E s ' * : Z 5? : 4 - s | Allegheny #3l 99# 18 89# 43 77 *36 f->0 46 |911#3896* 42 07 * 1 (K» *894 * 6 4-5 #564* 475 Adams ! 94 851 j 851 1 14 14 09 09 Buffalo ! j 23 ! 23 07 07 Bntler i 40 94 22 56 12 04; 10 52 15 70 740 880 ! 24 7$ 24 78 Brady ; 38 231 51 281 51 116 98 214 ' 2 81, 44 275 Cherry I 89 35 221 42 37 221 42 37 174 20 94 1 22 68 1 74! 24 99 26 73 Clay ! 724 10 73 739 10 73 789 Bas 662 967 102 231 838 Centre \ 257 268 184 308 i 44 25 28 75 25 55 48 100 100 Connoqnenessing i 665 939 .4 75 11 19 295 1 95 95 85 190 275 Clearfield [ 83 96 2 18] 33 96; 86 09 ! 1 21. 65 63 66 06 76 972 849 17 83 38 Concord 10 49 358 14 24 1 17 82 7 93' 11 57 19 50 179 660 1 839 Cranberry j I 1 1 15! j 15 Forward ! 11 70 11 70 j ! !!!... i Fairview 10 04 522 16 50 21 40 32 16 88 14 74 81 82 *2O 259 665 3 95: 565 Jefferson ] 176 47! 231 378 43 66 109 48 | 48 Jackson | 52 66 66 08 ! ! 08 j 14 14 Marion j 29 54 11 98 27 02' 18 66 25 34 11 02 47 12 58 14 9 61> 14 ol' 23 621 Mercer ! 472 10 15 12 52 18 87 380 883 10 25 22 88 *8 80 345 8 40 1 685 Middlesex ! j j j , 2 07: I ...... 207 Oakland 19 14 16 10 909 701 27 27 27 27 I 852 852 Parker i 18 34 44 53 50 92 86 25 920 118 42 46 50 25 *6 61 11 95 11 30! 23 10 15 Penn i 11 04 16 56 1 16 56] 17 94 ! | 17 94 | 920 920 SUpperyrock ! 242 181 i 181 ! 807 60| 867 84 84 Summit j 12 62 947 1 947 18 93; 18 73 115 4 7.8] 588 Venango j33 60 29 59 46 44 76 03 336 29 86 82 72 42 16 77 16 69 50 Washington 36 87 30 25 40 98 7t 23 14 74 31 51 46 25 22 12 40 50! ! 62 62 Winfield 56 00 45 94 43 99 195 1 117 55 112 85 520 843 24 49; 848 24 49 Worth 450 450 450 1 501 ! 150 1 157 150 807 Bntler boro j 723 21 52 26 60; 23 50 24 62 13 01! 27 50 13 01 27 50 106 416 522 Fairview | 42 27| ! 27 825 27 | 352 4 50) 27 477 Harrisrille 58 815 1 22j | 487 58 53 1 125 27 152 Prospect 19 369 37 406 178 08| j 181 45 45 Petrolia ! i | 4 50 4 50 Sunbnry 2 64 2 64 | : I Millerstown 458 39 65 39 65 763 7 68! I j 915 915 Donegal 15 53 940 28 39 29 68 811 454 965 18 90 29 60: 543 514 89 Total ... _ *444 101230 71 #568 13 1402 25 $B9l 59 *133 25 #561 37i*434 05'j281 79 S9B 58 *232 54 *l5B 80 #172 82 •Overpaid. Levy and Tax Assessment For 1808. j<joj 2 a *3 • Il? i I DISTRICTS. ig: H ? H IS S 5 I : fJ : ij I I Adams twp * 406829'$ 1729 02* 462 52 $ 119 25;# 2310 79 Allegheny 257356 1093 76 87 81 49 50 1181 07 Bntler 372956 1585 06 257 74 123 75 1966 55 Buffalo 385461 1632 22 166 86 96 50 1895 58 Brady ! 196431 884 83 &4 92 59 25 959 00 Clinton 874444 1591 39 127 89 109 50 1828 78 Centre 299541 1273 04 52 44 82 50 1407 98 Clay 324772 1380 29 99 10 94 50 1573 89 Clearfield ! 232289 987 20 73 68 81 75 1142 63 Cherry ! 295295! 1254 99 103 60 99 75 1458 34 Connoqnenessing 301434 1281 09 312 05 96 00 1689 13 Cranberry 395724 1681 83 286 11 93 25 2061 19 Concord 295611; 1256 34 52 00 74 25 1382 59 Donegal 266886 1147 02 120 34 188 00 1405 86 Forward 354260 1505 60 633 00 135 00 2273 60 Fairview 1 291550 1239 08 132 80 99 00 1470 38 Franklin ' 299135 1258 57 133 08 76 50 1468 15 Jeffeison 348693 1481 95 344 78 124 50 1951 23 Jackson : 409408 1740 00 433 75 117 75 2291 50 Lancaster 290908 1 1236 36 249 33 105 75 1591 44 Marion I 258576 1098 94 72 28 80 25 1251 47 Mercer' ' 159578 678 20 47 11 48 00 773 31 Middlesex ! 434655 1847 27 1262 68 176 25 8286 30 Muddvcreek 260961 1109 08 57 40| 67 50 1283 98 Oakland ! 292177 1241 75 275 79 80 25 1597 79 Penn 337853 1435 87 579 75 138 75 2154 37 Parker' ' 289888 1232 03 89 94 84 00 1405 97 Summit'* I 312119 1326 51 393 90 123 00 1843 41 Slipperrrock 384290 1638 24 166 69 72 00 1871 93 Venango I 265038 1126 42 82 76 108 00 1267 18 Washington 319984 1359 93 254 74 110 25 1724 92 Winfield . i... 287965, 1223 85. 458 57 90 75 1773 17 Worth . • ! 316237! 1844 01 80 17 78 75 1502 93 Bntler boro, Ist ward ; 497255 2113 33 596 32 74 25 2783 90 • 2d ward ! 639321 3980 46 419 66 86 75 8886 87 " 3rd ward 612246 2602 04 786 78 39 50 3428 82 c <i 4th ward ! 418660 1779 81 837 44 25 50 2642 25 " sth ward 4.50487 1914 57 1164 57 34 50 8118 64 Centerville boro 136868 579 57 390 63 13 50 983 70 Connoqnenessing boro 42383 180 13 114 34 675 301 22 Evans City boro i 207801 883 16 481 98 82 25 1397 89 Fairview boro :«435 163 34 68 21 14 25 240 80 Harmony boro'. ! 125468. 538 22 98 11 40 50 671 83 Harrisville boro i 62041 268 66 466 29 11 35 74130 Karns City boro 22675 93 36 173 15 00 110 OS Mi lies town boro 119829 509 28 489 25 26 25 1024 78 Mars boro i !....... I 89462 880 21 324 78 45 75 650 74 Prospect boro. 71572 «&04 34 214 24 825 526 <3 Petrolia boro 87176 158 00 90 67 18 00 266 67 Porteraville toro 49078 208 58 52 04 600 266 62 Saxonbure boro 95614 406 36 813 89 33 75 754 00 Sunbury boro 54696 232 46 49 70 600 288 16 Valencia boro 25805 109 67 75 07 675 191 49 t 010.1.1 a, aiusnSQ. »=? -fc»G - to ao\ tnsa 33 Total '#14865421 #61053 04 #15275 15 #3748 25 #80076 44 ftnd UUmout Hospital Accounts. ~ j a a 1 "is jjn ft w,p* er i s° (->!» » » '*B® S jS Oft -g? r» If* I* 11 DISTRICTS. wS - 1 a ® o. 3 £ Br 35' §g ,2. « £■ ! < D 3 • 8 = S S « 5- ! £ !_j jj |_™ S 5 Allegheny. ".....# 14 25# # '# # # 14 25 Butler ! 22 75 91 25 68 25 45 75 Brady 63 00, 68 75 109 00 22 75 Clinton 814 90 1 91 25 ' : 906 15 Clearfield 33 75 84 50 68 25 ............. 39 00 Cherry ' 414 87j 182 50. ...... j 285 75 23 50 349 13 Connoquenessing7 75; 91 25 45 50 ' 53 50 Forward J .... 23 75 9l 25 ! ( , < 114 00 Franklin $7 9} ?5 ........ | 139 00 Jefferson... | Lancaster ~.. I f3 00 53 13 | 65 14 Marion 1 183 50 114 00 68 50 Mercer.' 251 50 228 00 182 50 68 75 228 25 Muddycreek 22 75 91 25 1 : 114 00 Oakland 12 86 52 14 25 72 1 39 2S Penn 274 00 182 50 45 50! , *ll <JO Summit 22 75 91 25 I 114 00 worth sa 5 69 50 Winfield ! *4 ?a; afe 00 182 50 2275 4550 Bntler boro .....'.'.'j 608 951 91 25 98 25 586 20 j 45 75 Kartia Cmr'boro 579 29, 91 25 j S7O M Millerstown boro 182 39 \ 182 Mars boro 162 25 | 91 25 ... .. j 258 50 Total *356 #2295 16 #909 47 #1077 09 #136 75 #3844 41 Unseated Land Tax Received by Treasurer for 1808. .. ' - s ' 5 o S I■ S ? S 5 a •" 2. rj ?•. •< r : : 4| « DISTRICTS, j ; J } | g §| AlleKlienv '$ 31 00 $ 43 771$ 33 1»L 6 45 # I' 617 i •> 7o|i 121 87 Adams .... 94 3 511 14 UU '4 6* 42 510 Butler 40 i«i « 56; 15 70, 25 50 104 70 194 106 64 Hradv r « " « '». 44 831 21 2 .12 Cherfv 30 35 42 37 90 94 24 90 127 413 8 flit 12» 04 ci»y r'.::;:'.' 721 7a» « «2 231 2391 i«; Centre 2 57' 184 75 1 ffi, « Iff 5« 1144 Connoquenessing #®i 475 *5 100 )4 2."> l ofti 13 Clearfield 33 991 33 96 65 63 849 142 04 3% ife 27 Concord . 10 « 14 24 11 Sri 660 CW 46 32 Poneaul... . . . I' tS % 9«3 3 in# 00| IMi 60 MB lalrvM. .... |0 04! |B SO 14 74 6 47W 13 14 6106 Je&r&ft. »™ #3ll 66 ' 47a 10 4 o JackMMi. ........ •'« 66 08 14 1 40 04 1 44 Marlon 29 54 27 02 ! 47 12 14 01 117 69 21 44 139 13 Mercer 4 731 12 501 10 35 340 30 80 942 40 31 Oakland 19 14 16 101 27 27 352 06 03 150 67 53 Parker 18 84 50 92 C 46 11 30 123 02 Is 90 142 01 Penn ! 11 04 16 56! 17 94 920 54 74 700 61 74 SllDncrrroi'lc 343 181 60 4KI J5 4PJ Summit 1 12 tCJi 9 47. 18 93 4 73' 45 75 . Jil, 47 VenaiVeo ..! 33 60 46 44! ?!« 3C W7«1» 17 ST 144 .VI WashlliKU.ii 44 « 40 91-1 SJ W 10 50 149 ?6 968 150 44 WllXifl . 56 Ou 45 94; Hi 55 24 49, 1143 98; 620 S«* is Worth 450 450 150 10 50 142 11 98 Butier bim.:::::': T» »«i s7» 410 7390 Falrvlew lx)ro 4_ 37 27 1!S 14 1 « ' H arrisvilli? I K>rt) 1 22) «k> 1 < '» I Millerstown lx>ro 4SB 39 7 9 IS- 01 01 10 S4 j Prospect Ijoro ! J 9 37 M *9* , Total 1444 10 i:i ! *.v» -r U&jfiw &%xm h Expoinlitures <>t Butler foiimy T«r The Year IHOH. Assessing account i l«I2 21) AlleKheuy Workhouse acc't 785 42 Appeal account £l4 25 liridge view l«l 75 Bridge liu i i)'iCi.ii.ii.. v.'. '3H 30 HirtSs itrirt (ileitis h» oft Holler h0u5e....... 79 31 Constables' returns 732 3i) Clerk of Courts SOU 18 Court crier 444 00 County detective 700 00 Courthouse 3314 3ft Court auditor .. 79 .*>o Commonwealth Ollti 50 County Commissioner*— John Mitchell. 30S diVYS W ll;i;mii,i Heuioti, .*» <h»y. WW UJ n.Ti; s«tturt, 30i day»>..>. i«a« saw so ( ommlssloners clerk - J.C. Klskaddon <i3B 00 Corn's I ranscrlbltiK clerk L. E. Shlra «ai 00 Commissioners counsel— (ieorge Robinson, hal from 1*97 I 42 SO George Robinson, l"W 250 00 W. A. Kcniuer 40 oo Kalston ft Greer 25 00— 357 50 County institute 3uo oo t'ouijt.v uccpunt H4B 55 Coroner,s Inquest • ••' W7O l/i*trlct attorney. 7£l oo Expressagc and postage.. (C 77 Interest paid On loans..; » Jail account 474 63 Jurors 8033 8# j Jury Commissioners— Jas. Urlbben bal. from 1597 i 13 in A. O. Eberhart 100 32 Charles Redicl; «4 HO 237 05 1 Jui-y C<.u>uilisloilfcVrt' ClcfV ■»'. (*i j Court'house JaMtor— J. 11. McCurdy..'. 40 00 Alex Hutchisou 100 00 j Adam Kamerer 104 00 j Wm. Johnson 502 00 *l2 00 Jail improvement 25012 r«3 Jail physician 38 00 Interest paid on iM>nds 335 23 Election account 4751 til Lunacy 3W W j Livery bire ue s»t { 1 Loan ...... st«V> iv Liilht heat —t'fi <*i 1 I'uei../..... v 754 40 Military rot!...:v. X* 71 ] Office cleaning and laundry for Court House 81 75 Prothonotary '££ 15 | Printing 281 04 Pennsylvania reform school UIM 511 / IVun'a Industrial reformatory.. 388 S3 Publishing auditors'report i i Zlegler ft SlcKee )100 00 Robinson ft Hhlover 100 00 VV. C. Negley 100 00 P. Kattipan ,'vjti i C.E.Hen.. fJ&-«e 5(1 county imd| toij> W'. a. Moore ** . o. K. Thorn is; 44 S K. P. M' BrltJc 125 70— 37i» 0(< 1 Koad view 31C 75 Ki-gisterlng voters 14,'C1 00 1 Refunding nuai Koad damage.. tiio m Register A Recorder 300 12 Registering school children *37 25 • Stenographer— Ed. S. Riddle $1562 35 Ada G. Findley 123 HO Maude Kelly 144 35 A. F. Regal 20 00 Bernice Meals 10 40—18«10 90 Sheriff W. B. Dodds 3H61 2* Soldiers'burial 2K5 00 ; Stationary, dockets, Ac 1537 25 i Scalp account 001 25 Traveling expenses of County Commissioners 152 15 Transcribing account 27! 00 Tipstaff's account— E. R. Royer $ W 00 John Schaffner 10* 00 J. C. Welsh 166 00 R. H. Harbison M 00 C. Hinchberger 56 00 Hugh Morgan 70 00— 502 00 Unseated land account 'JW 02 Warren hospital 1">31 00 West Penn nospltai 2688 31 Wernersville hospital ■**sl Western Penn'a. penitentiary 1193 72 Bridge Repairs. C A Wasson. repairing McMurry bridge, Marion twp $ 32 50 J B Metlln. repairing masonry of Shannon bridge. Connoq. twu 70 Oil John Halstead, repairs to Lardtn bridge. Clinton twp 5 00 W 1' Hemphill, repairs on Black ' Stock bridge. Clinton twp 10 00 S W Glenn, rebuldlug Klinner bridge, Lancaster twp 4* 00 C 1' Conner, repairs on Breakneck 1 bridge, Parker twp 40 00 i W H Bovard, repairs on McGlaughlin bridge. Slippery rock twp 7 00 G E Mlllinger. guard rail Kittanning bridge, Butler borough 1 50 Thomas Allen. Muddyereek bridge. Franklin twp 19 00 F M Swartzfager making fill for Shan non bridge, Connoquenesslng twp.. 15 00 F M Metz. Boyer bridge 3 00 E S Milligan. guard rails. McMillan bridge, Clearfield twp 3 00 C L Patterson, repairs to Turnpike bridge, Penn twp 5 25 Charles Kroll, repairs on Wick bridge. Connoquenessln? twp 10 00 i A R Moyer. repairs ou Phillip s City bridge. Penn twp 3 00 M 11 Christ ley, guard rail, Moniteau, ! Cherry twp 3 00 Michael Flemming. Buffalo bridge. Pane gal twp 20 00 R J Hllliard, Dudley bridge, Parker I twp 475 i T J Heuau. Eagle bridge. Connoque ncssingtwp 34 00 1 8 C Moore, Seftons, Moutgumery, I Flick. A Riddle bridge, Clinton twp 22 92 I Philip Flinner. Fllnner bridge, Lan caster twp 00 ' J J Campbell, Petrolia bridge, I Petrolia borough 47 11 i Lewis Greenwalt.Lutz.Burr & Ensiey bridges, Jackson twp 3 50 > John Gallagher, Gallagher bridge, t Franklin twp J5 42 ■ Abram Martin. Robb bridge, Ouk land twp . 15 10 ' S W Glenn, MuddycreeK bridge, Clay I twp 0 00 ■ Leonard Wick, Wick bridge. Conno (lucnpasiug twp It) 40 • WT Hllliard. Hllliard bridge, Wash ! ington twp fl 00 Francis Lindsay, Nelson bridge. Cherry twp 3 00 > John Murry. Gilleland bridge. Cran berry twp 35 00 E S Milligan, Brady bridge. Clear field twp 3 00 John E Miller, Elliott bridge. Worth twp 12 00 Lewis Greenwalt, Ensiey bridge, Jackson twp 1 25 W W Manny, Kearns bridge, Butler twp 1 50 Phillip Burr, Reiliold & Heide tjjidrf.i. 20 00 John Harbison. Monro? bridge. Buf falo twp 100 Henry \falil, Amberson bridge. For ward twu 30 00 H W Stratton, Montgomery bridge, Clinton twp Hi 00 ! J H Trumbell. Sanderson bridge. Clay twp 4 00 G W Homer. Donley bridge.. Parker twu :••••■<! 44 90 A C Ra>ebaugh.Adums bridge, Adam* twp ' 50 W J Kennedy. Crowe bridge 9 05 Fred J Winter, Three lk>gre-- road bridge, Penn twp. 275 25 W A Grabe, Pattersou Run bridge, Jefferson twp 20 00 George Muder, Brush Creek bridge. Cranberry twp 12 oo Joseph Graham, witness on Const, returns of Kittanning bridge But ler. Pa 1 00 Sylvester Cooper, Wolf Creek bridge, Sllpperyrock twp • ••.*•. 2 00 A J Burr, Bruin bridge ....... 1 50 J R Boyer, Boyer brl«H;u Lancaster twp 3 00 Philip TjOWtuian, Thorn Creek Inline, Penn twp 5 OU t.'harles Mangle, Rough Run bridge. Winfieid twp 3 78 W L Daulienspeck. Christy Uf-Mlge, Cherry twp ttuv" 15 00 Pittsburg Bridge Co., Rice bridge. Lancaster tw P i.U 10 Riuisphlfr A Shlra. Kittanning ten>» "iidk'ary bridge, Butler borough..... 11 00 W J Patterson,Millluger Hi\d KVHNIN' bridges, Butler twp 6 05 S If Christy, (iruisuian bridges. Cherry 3 00 John Carr, Center avenue bridge, Butler borough 1 00 John Held, Held bridge. Forward twp flu Geo Humphreys, Bruin bridge, Parker twp t 71 M H Cliristler, Grosman Cherry twp ...... 4 ti! J F Harper, temporary bridge, Kurns City : 10 00 A Seatou 4 Boyer and Harmony I) R Stevenson, Petrolia bridge 10 00 Kaufman and Moyer for filling in tho Glade Run brldgo 13 75 O G Gold, repairs to Bryan brldfrc... 3 50 RJ Hllliard for shoveling mud off bridge 75 D S Stevenson till at Three Degree uj-idge ....... 300 Putting up guard rails to sh«ue..,. 4 00 F C McQulstlon, for wink ou Co.ino quenessing br'dtfv .' 13 00 W J McCyilVough. furnishing plank h>x Mlllerstown bridge 1425 V»eorge Reilter, damage <ktnu to ourn lield by FllniitT bridge 3 00 John Denny, plauk for Rough Run bridge J.. 4 80 A H Mcadwr & Co., plank for Allen bridge 6 00 Joseph Weber, repairing masonery of Broon bridge. Forward twp 70 00 | Pittsburg Bridge Co 65 00 John Foy to H days labor on Kittan ning bridge 75 S C Wick, furnishing plank « 75 W S McCrea. cement for bridise ' 105 00 S G Purvis A Co.. for furn ished for KUtvnaing temporary brldiu, 2* 35 sj If SecK'r, for repairs Oil Kelly and Kroll bridges gOO Jackson A Mitchell, for spikes and nails 3 05 Chas Croll. tlmlier furnished for j bridge 27 t*» J A Irvln, plank for bridge 10 00 Total amount of rvyv-s to' bridges., lyoo ll BHIDC.E ACCOUNT—SEW WORK. Hllliard bridge. Washington >«rp., masonary, Thomas con tractor 46116 ' Superstructure, Pittsburg Bridge Co 323 00 I D F Shira, "lllog approach 20 oo . 51.»ys Mill bridge, Oonnoquenessing twp-, masonary, M(lton Cross, con tractor; repairing masonary and rebuilding superstructure 155 00 R S Hay «, filling approach.... 15 00 hittanulug bridge, Butler Uir- 3 ougli. masonary. Thomas j Henon. contractor $1902 5* Am'nt paid in I*9* 1500 00 Balance due : 40! .V Superstructure, Phg. bridge Co—contract price 1625 00 1 Amount paid In ISO* sir) uu > Balance due ot Filling approach..., 303 71 v iJcMlliati bridge, ClwtrfieW tp 85 oo / Karns C{ty bridge masonary. J V Harper 141 95 Superstructure, King Bridge C 0.... 165 00 Filling approach. W F Klugh 600 - Balfour bridge. Adams twp Super structure, Pittsburg Bridge Co 323 00 Repairs and masonary 2yi 00 Peffer bridge.Lancaster twp-amount paid on contract on masonary Work 100 00 t Amount due Pittsburg Bridge Co. on I t work done in 1*97, and paid in !■>'> ■ 1)31 IX Hllliard bridge, Franklpi twp—Su- | * perstructure. Pittsburg Bridge Co. 299 Oo fll Masonary work.Thoiuas llenon,l'ou 4ts 50 I pfliui appMicli, It W Hllliard.... Xi ao . Total'amount of new work 57*7 at | s ' CYRUS HARPER. TREASURER.DR. | _ Balance In treasury Jan. 3rd. I*>.H (11670 72 " Taxes received from collectors for 1*97 and previous 10*11 06 |< Taxes received from collectors for m I*9* 50614 56 , Amount received on unseated land account Anient received on Insane account. 909 47 Amount tvcelred from Prottaonqtary forfeited rec<i(fnl*anco sl,77s—Sten oßr»pher"< fees s*) 00 1811 00 Amount received from Clerk of Courts Oil JM Amount received from Sheriff »00 25 Amount received from Justices of the l'eaco M 60 Amount received from dop fund for (Overlooked at last audit) *4O 03 i Amount received from do(? fund of I '•«*■ Tl9 84 Amount received from liquor license 3U» 00 I Amount received from Co. Com'rs.... 21401 11 $113709 56 TKEASI'RER'S CREDITS. By vouchers paid {104748 6S Treasurer's 34 por cent on 150.000 00. 1750 00 Treasurer's 5 per cent on 1144 10 un seated land 22 21 treasurer's IV4 per cent on s."vt74» BK.. 821 SI Balance In treasury Jan. 2d. 1599 5307 44 $112709 5# Cyrus Harper In account with lh>g Tax for IS9K. To tax received from taxes of I;<#7 and previous $ 812 70 To tax received from taxes of 189H.... 1728 38 To reserve fund from 1897 300 00 •2740 3S CREDITS. By warrants for sheep damage $ 1677 50 By overpaid tax refunded 20 26 Treasurer's 5 per cent on sltf»7 70 M 8» Reserve fund for I«<9 :... 300 00 Treasurer's 5 per cent on $757 73 37 89 Balance turned over to Co. Treasury 719 84 $2740 38 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF BUTLER OOONTY. Amount of cash on hand $ 5367 44 Amount due from collectors for 1897 and previous 2827 15 Amount due from collectors for 1898.. U2U22 39 Amount due from townships on In sane account 3844 41 Amount due from Prothonetary for Stenographers' fees 8 00 Amount due from Clerk of Courts fine and jury fee 500 Amount of judgments and notes in Commissioners hands I<H9 40 V of State tax to be refunded to the county 11456 36 $46378 21 LIABILITIES. Balance due UcGlnnls, Smith & Co. on jail... $ 13502 Balance due Pittsburg Bridge Co. on Kittannlng bridge 73201 Balance due Thomas lleenon. masonry 402 56 Balance due Institute for feeble minded. Polk. Pa 204 53 Balance due Penn'a reform school... 31130 Balance due Wernersvllle hospital for insane.... 52 00 Bal due Warren hospital for insane.. 374 75 Balance due Western Penn'a hospit al for insane 698 00 Balance due Western Penitentiary... 2207 66 i Balence due Penn'a Industrial re formatory 037 75 i Balance due Allegheny county workhouse 475 71 Balance due Johnston and Watson for dockets, Ac 52 70 , Balance due E. E. Bell, county 1 detective CO 00 Balance due W. B. l)odds, mainten ance of prisoners for two quarters as per quarterly reports 1128 85 Due W. B. Dodds for temporary loan. 2000 00 County t winds issued for jail improve ment..... 2000000 1 State tax duo state 15275 15 i $44838 03 We, the undersigned Auditors of Butle'r county. state of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance of law we met at the Court House on the 2nd day of January, 1899. and audited the several accounts of Butler county. We do certify that the fore going Is a correct statement of said accounts 1 according to the best of our knowledge and belief. 1 In witness whereof, we have set our hands aud seals this 10th day of March. 1899. W. S. SIOORE. [BEAI.I F. P. McBRIDE, [SEAI.J > O. R. THORNE, [SEALJ County Auditors.. B. & B. 60.000 yards of Dress Goods, a great many for one purchase—that's what \\r bought lust WCC'K — a ]l at one 1 whack. Sixty thousand yards ' American Dress Goods and Suit -1 ings—took sucli a large lot b<s - cause they are good and , we got them 'way bslow the , market. ( Selling on the same b isis—to make such a distribution as lias never been known. 1 45 and 50 cent all wool Suit : ings 39 inches wide—neat mix > tures—2sc yti. ) 35 cent all wool mixed Suiting t 36 inches wide, 20c'yd. 1 32 inch all wool mixed 25c , Suitings, and 15c. , For skirts to wear with shirt ( waists, girls' suit*. and for nice ( everyday wear, these woolens for the money never had an equal all who get samples will find it so | —to their profit. , 5° cent Reversible Covert Suit ings—40 inches wide—3sc yd— tan, neat green and blue-grey mixtures. Want every reader to know about and investigate this store's stork of new spring Dress Goods it's superb—whether you judp e by variety, or choiceness, or both. See what dressy Novel Vies at 50c, 75c, SI.OO. If saving money in other lines silks, wash suits, skirts, coats, shirt waists and other Dry Goods—is imporfuit—as v/cll as getting choice from the choicest —see whar this store can do — write us an idea of your prefer ence—before you buy. Send for the new picture book of Lace Curtains. Boogs & Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY, PA. 1831 1899 CIIIIM jamiii INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO WISH 70 KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES. Sinyle Subscription, $2, Two Four Subscriptions, $6. FECIAL INDUCE*®!;rs TO RAISERS OF LARGE CLUBS. WrU« tor Particulars on this Point. Free till Jan. i to New Subset ibers |or 1899. It will be seen that the difference be tween the cost of the COUNTRY GENTLE MAN and that of other agricult ural week lies (none of which even attempts to cover the agricultural news of the day) : may readily by reduced, by making up a small Club, to LESS THAN A CUNT A WEEK. Does such 11 difference as thai j'ustity yo'i in contenting yourself with Some other paper instead of havivg the best? SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES,, Which will be mailed Free, and compare them with any oilier rural wifely; jt will not take long to see tbe difference. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany N, V UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby given that the under taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie Huut, at West Sunbury, Pa., under the supervi ion of her father, John Mechliug., lately dee'd., will be continued by me. All work will be done in first-class; style, at reasonable prices. M rs. Minnie Hunt. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil ousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to easy to operate. 25c*. our New Serial, next week