Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 02, 1899, Image 2

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WILLIAM C. NEGLEY - - rubllsher
(Subject to the Republican Primaiy of
March 25, 1899, from 1 to 7 P. M.)
Of Whites town.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Centre twp.
Of Butler twp.
Of Washington twp.
Of Fairview twp.
Of West Sunbury.
W. J. ADAMS. Of Butler.
formerly of Washington twp.
Of Forward twp.
Of Butler.
Of Penn twp.
Of Worth twp.
Of Brady twp.
Of Harnsville.
Of Butler.
Of Centre twp.
Of Cherry twp.
Of Butler.
Of Concord twp.
GEORGE M. GRAHAM, the Teacher,
Of Connoqnenessing twp.
Of Butler.
Of Worth twp.
Of Penn twp.
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Butler.
Of Franklin twp.
Of Forward twp.
Of Slipperyrock twp.
Of Middlesex twp.
Of Centre twp.
Of Concord twp.
Of Butler twp.
Of Mercer.
Of Forward twp.
Of Washington twp.
Of Portersville.
Of Butler.
Of Jefferson twp.
Of Prospect boro.
Of Butler.
On Thursday Quay was in Phil'a pre
paring for his trial; Senators Martin
and Grady were paired until March 2d.
and no election was expected until after
the trial: Quite a number of bills were
introduced in the House that day in
cluding the Kirk Road-bill, and a club
license bill and in the Senate the Brown
road-bill was introduced.
The vote in the joint session, that day
was Quay 9G, Jenks 78, Dalzell 15, Stew
art 6. etc 215 in all.
Sibley was in Washington that day
unfolding his plans for Quay's re-elec
Friday, the vote was 80, 65, 12, 7, 6,
etc, 185 in all, 98 necessary for a choice
and Quay 13 short.
The House resolved to investigate
charges of efforts to corrupt members
in the interest of the McCarrel bill
made by a Philadelphia paper.
On Saturday Jenks led for the first
time—the score being Jenks 14, Quay
18 Irvin 1. No quorum was expected un
til Tuesday. Speaker Farr had not yet
appointed his bribery investigating
Henry W. Oliver was talked of for U.
S Senator this time, and C. L. Magee
for next time, and it was conceeded
that there would be no election until
after Quay's trial.
Monday's vote was 10, 14, 1. Dr.
Weiss of Lebanon county was present,
but did not vote.
Speaker Farr named Kreps(chairman),
Voohees, Skinner, Tighe and Koontz as
his committee on the bribery case, there
by surprising the House, as by custom
Gen. Koontz should have been Chair
man. He was bit tcrly denounced for
his act.
Tuesday's vote was 85, 67, 11, 7, etc.,
194 in all and Quay 13 short—and then
one. The action of Speaker Farr in
packing the Bribery Committee with
Quay men was yet the subject of interest.
Sibley arrived during the day accom
panied by a lot of Democrato from the
northwestern part of the State, and oir
culated letters from Democratic Con
gressmen favoring the re-election of
Quay. He showed letters from several
Sonthern Democratic Senators and Con
gressmen. This o«e was from fiery Ben
Tillman, of South Carolina:
"I do not hesitate to say that if it is
impossible to elect a Democrat, and we
must have a Republican, I believe a
sound and prefectly defensible policy
would make the election of Mr. Quay
best for our party.
"He cannot be any worse than any
man who is likely to be eljo3en by the
Republicans; and by reasou »f his
course on the force bill, and in many
other important particulars, as well as
the inevitable effect on politics in Penn
sylvania, he in preferable to any other
Republican in my judgment. ''
Yesterdays vote was 105, 80. 1«, 8. 7,
etc—236 in all and Qua} - 14 short.
Quite a number of bills were introduc
ed in the House.
Quay was in Harrisburg stopping at
the (Governor's honse, and Sibley, was
ready to quit.
Guffy gave out a statement thinking
the southern Senators and Congressman
for their statements, but intimating
that they had heard but one side of the
question and that Penn a Demociat*
were able to take care of themselves.
THE Spanish Cabinet resigned, yes
The House, on Thursday voted a $445
maximum rate far armor plate per ton.
Both Senators Quay and Penrose were
absent from their seats in the Senate,
that day. and the item of SIIO,OOO in
the river and harbor bill, for the in
provement of Pittsburg harl>or was
stricken out. Senator Quay denied
that this item was stricken out of the
bill at his request, and in order that he
might have revenge upon the Pittsburg
Coal Exchange for endorsing Mr Dal
zell for United States Senator: but there
is good reason to believe that it would
have been approved by the Senate Com
mittee had the Pennsylvania Senators
insisted upon it.
On Friday the compromise army bill
was introduced.and Congressman John
son violently criticized President Mo
Kinley's Boston speech.
Quay's trial at Philadelphia was the
absorbing topic in official circles.
There is no doubt that when the
struggle at Harrisburg firist began.Sen
ator Quay had the sympathy of the
leaders in Washington. There has
been, however, a most decided change
in sentiment and some of the strongest
men in th 6 Republican party now de
clare that he should be retired to pri
vate life. This reversion of sentiment
is due to Mr. Quay's courting Democrat
ic influence and to the open support
given him by Congressman-elect Sib
Mr. Quay's action in the Senate when
he voted directly against his party on
the Bacon Philippine resolution a.id
against taking up the army bill was be
lieved to have been solely for the pur
pose of currying favor with the Demo
crats in the Senate in the hope that the
latter might have influence with their
party in Harrisburg.
Mr. Sit/lev's visit to Quay and his
avowed purpose of assisting in the lat
ter's re-election has further angered the
Republican leaders. It was regarded
there as proof that Sibley is trying to
discharge a political obligation and re
pay Quay for aid the latter is alleged to
have given in accomplishing the defeat
of Congressman C. W Stone.
On Monday the compromise army b:ll
passed the Senate by a vote of 55 to 13.
The bill increases the Regular Army to
100,000 men until July 1, 1901, when it
must come down to 27,000.
Yesterday, the Senate passed the
House bill to pay Spain $20,000,000.
At daylight, Thursday, thePhilipinos
took possession of Tondo, a small place
near Manila and held it till during the
afternoon when they were driven out.
All day Friday the natives continued
action, and kept up an incessant firing.
Admiral Dewey a«ked the Navy Depart
ment to send him the Oregon.
ON Tuesday the Oerman war vessels
at Manila received orders to go to Hong
The Postponement.
The continuance by the District At
torney of Philadelphia of the Quay case
until the April term has caused a gen
eral expression of snrprise all over the
State. Speculation concerning it ranges
all the way from intimations that the
District Attorney had discovered that
the jury panel was tampered with, to
the opposite theory that a compromise
has been arranged. The representatives
of the defendants profess great disap
pointment at the postponement.
Another theory- and it can be no
more in the absence of definite proof—
tinuanceof the case carries the trial
well past the date when the McCarrell
jury bill will come up in the House.
The remarkable aspect of the case so
far has been the efforts by which it has
been postponed over critical periods.
Few people looking back over the rec
ord can believe that the writ of certio
rari was taken out with any real expec
tation that the Supreme Court would
quash the indictment. But it would
put off the trial long enough to permit
the hope of passing the jury bill, and it
would certainly carry it past the end of
the term of District Attorney Graham,
whose ability and earnestness in the
prosecution were beyond dispute.
The attitude of the present District
Attorney in the case has been a sub
ject of conjecture. The absence of any
arrangement to have Mr. Graham con
duct the prosecution joined with this
postponement is not calculated to allay
the doubts. It is quite possible that
the District Attnrney may have had
valid reasons for his action, but he
must show decided vigor in the future
trial cf the case if he wishes to indicate
his sincerity in the prosecution. —Pitts-
burg Dispatch.
GEN. GOMEZ at the head of 2000
Cuban horseman entered Havana last
Friday, and were accorded a glorious
Death of 15. .1. Haywood.
Ben. J. Haywood, ex-State Treasurer,
died at the Carver House in Sharon last
Thursday morning.
He was troubled with va]vnlar dis
ease of the heart, resulting from the en
largement of that organ. This had de
ranged its functions, so that the lungs
became involved by sympathetic action.
For months he had not had that rest
which restores the lost energies, and on
account of the constant strain upon the
nervous syetem his appetite failed him.
Overwork had much to do with his
late illness, and it was only upon the
advice of his physicians th it he relin
quished his duties as Cashier of the
Treasury last December. Since that
time he had been confined to his bed.
Last Summer he made a trip to the
Omaha Exposition, hoping to regain his
health, but the tremendous strain he
was under completely broke him down.
He was brought to Sharon about fonr
weeks ago. lint instead of improving he
grew worse, aud from that time until
the end came his failnre was rapid, and
the fatal termination of his illness w.i*
Harrison 011 Quay.
Ex-Pre»ide!jt Harrison is quoted re
garding his experience with Quay, as
"When I came into the Presidential
office 1 found Mr. Quay Chairman of
the National Republican Committee and
Senator from Pennsylvania. Naturally
I felt that I should consult him in re
gard to appointments in his State. Bui
I found there was no satisfying Mr.
Quay. His demands were incessant
an<J hit' api>etite for spoils insatiable.
After I had oowplisd with his requests
in many instances I desired to ."blige a
Pennsylvania Republican who had don<,
much valuable service for the party. I
mentioned f he matter to Mr. Quay,
who straightway 4"' n!lu ded. "What
do you want to giye him for'.'"
He himself was determined evidently tr.
be absolute dictator.
"Finally he came to me with the re
quest that I should pronjote Ijis won
from the bottom of the list of Heeont]
Lieutenants in the regular nrtny to H
Captaincy. To this I demurred, saying
I had no authority under the law to do
such a thing. He insisted that the law
didn't matter. I then absoluted refused
to do what he and he at once be
come my personal and political i,neß<v.
II;nj I granted bin request 1 would Law
been guilty of the gross injustice of
promoting his son, H nitre youth, oyer
men who had been 25 years in the
seryiee and had risked their lives many
times for their country."
Another Postponement.
Upon the application of District At
torney Rotherrael, the trial of the ynay
conspiracy cases, growing ont of the
failure of PeopleV Bank, were on Mon
day continued nntil April 10.
The District Attorney himself sug
gested the new data*, and Judge Beitler,
while doubtful of his authority to name
a day for the trial which wcmld come in
the term of service of a judge other
than himself in the Quarter Sessions
Court gave his consent and directed
the cases against Senator Quay and his
son. Richard R. Quay, to be carried
Whatever may have been the reasons
which prompted Mr. Rothermel to post
pone the trial, he declined to reveal
them to the public. He stated them to
Judge Beitler before the opening of the
Court Monday, and the idea of deferring
the trial was fully approved by the
Judge, but. in announcing his intention
not to call the cases at present, the Dis
trict Attorney merely stated that, for
reasons which he did not propose to
make known, he had decided to let
them go over until the April term.
Mr. Rothermel furnished the Conrt
with sufficient cause for continuing
them beyond the March term by calling
attention to the fact that during next
month the judges assigned to the Court
of Qrmrtet Sessions and Oyer and Ter
miner would be engaged with the bear
ings of applications for liquor licenses,
l)iit gave no reason for not goin# on
with the trial. Monday, when be had
previously notified the counsel for the
defense he would be ready to proceed.
Senator Quay and his son, Richard
R., were in court with their counsel,
RUFUS E. Sbapley, A. S. L. Shields and
David T. Watson, of Pittsburg. The
last named lawyer was engaged to
argue the legal points involved. The
defense was ready to go on with the
trial and so declared. After Mr. Roth
ermel had stated his purpose to put it
off. the lawyers for the Quays took care
to make known in open court that they
had no intimation of the Common
weal ht's desire for postponement until
they had summoned their witnesses,
made every preparation for trial and
come into court with every expectation
of proceeding without futher delay.
The action of the District Attorney
created somewhat of a sensation in
political and official circles and rumors
were soon flying thick and fast to the
effect that he had declined to try the
cases because the jury panel had been
tampered with.
Whatever may have been the source
of these rumors, they had no origin, nor
could they be confirmed, in the District
Attorney's office. Mr. Rothermel him
self refused absolutely to discuss them
or anything relating to the panel of
jurors, and his assistants preserved a
like reticence. Lawyers who expressed
opinions on the subject \yere not inclin
ed to take any stock in the idea that at
tempts at jury fixing had halted the
trial, since they said, if such had been
the case, the District Attorney would
undoubtedly have laid the matter be
fore the Court and asked for a judicial
So many cattle (lied in Indian Terri
tory during the recent cold spell that
men were hired at good wages to skin
the dead animals.
The Sarversville Institute.
The Farmer's Loeal Institute held at
Sarversville on Feb. 24th and 35th, 1899,
was a grand success Every body ap
peared to be interested, judging from
the immense crowd of people attending
each session. To show the interestjak
for another institute to be held in April
or early May, to further discuss some of
the topics that are of vital interest to
each and every farmer. Some of the
subjects discussed were: The "Use
and Abuse of Fertilizer," which was
handled without gloves by C. F. Smith,
M. N. Greer, Win. Wolf, W. H. (irabe,
G. F. Easlty and others; "The Cheap
est and Best Way to Restore Fertility
to Our Farms," by J. B. Bricker prin
cipally through the use of ciimson clo
ver; "Corn, and its Cultivation," by M.
N, Greer; "Poultry for the Farmer,
by W. J. Fox in which he showed that
by extensive experiments that the
White Plymouth Rocks were the chick
ens for all purposes, showing the best
results in egg production; "Lime, its
Action, Use and Abuse," by J. W. Falk
ner which was very ablv handled; "Bost
Breed of Hogs for the Farmer," by W.
H. Milliron which centered on the Po
land China as the best, all-around, ho,:
for the farmer to raise; "Should Agri
culture be Taught in our Public
Schools," by Lewis Holeman and Sau:'l
Hepworth; "Advantages, Care and Pro
fits in Sheep," was very nicely explain
by G. F. Easley; J. W. Powell showed
how the farmer could lesson the bur
dens of the farmer's wife.
The Institute was very agreeably en
tertained by vocal and instrumental
music by the Misses Sarver and Easley.
Samuel Gardner, Wm. Duerr, James
Saryer and others. "The Drummer
Boy'' was read by Miss Harvey; Miss
Helen Painter declaimed 'A Liberal
Education for the Farmer:" a recitation
byMissDovie, "The Fanner," suited
the occasion very well. I must not for
get the "Irish Letter," by John McCnr
dy which tickled the audience very
At the Gate.
Peter —"Where are you from?''
Applicant --"I am from Venango
county, Pennsylvania."
Peter —"What are your politics?"
Applicant—"l am a Democrat."
Peter—"For whom did you vote for
Congressman last fall?"
Applicant —"I voted for Joe Sibley,"
Peter —"Have you repented?"
Applicant "I have, iuost sincerely.
Peter -"Further repentance is neces
sary before you can be admitted. You
Will retire to the chamber of reflection
for one jear's probation, or pending the
election of a Senator from yonr State,
wh«'ii further consideration will be giv
en. You will have i;lei;ty of eoir.papy,
however, from your district."
Applicant retires, while angels on the
inside sing:
"Not for Joe; oh! dear no.
Not for Joseph,
If he knows it,
< >h! dear no; not for Joe."
(!il City Blizzard.
An Old Resident Dead.
Jonn R. Kennedy, an old resident of
New Brighton, was found dead in bed
at his home 011 lower Sixth avenue, on
Batnfduy mcrnil)K. H»* had been an
invalid for ten months with gangrehe.
He was 69 years of age and had resided
there for 21 years. He was born near
Portersville, Butler county, but lived
in Prospect, that county, before mov
ing if, Syvv Brighton. By trade he was
a carpenter. In lN">t In- *vas ii»
marriage with Mary Umstead. To
them were born nine children: Ira P.,
Rock City, Ne*v York; Anna A. Urine,
Slippery Rock, Pa.; Elizabeth Jane,
died I! years ago; Sydney E., Charles
C , Frank ft.. New hrigkL>r.; Mw .Mary
Hamilton, Bradock; Armiuta Winters
died two years ago; Harry (, who
lives at Los Angelos. Cal. Deceased
Va:; 'j member of the Christian church, j
Beaver Fails, ar.d of New Brighton I
lodge, A. Q. |J. W. —Bea\er Tillies of I
last week.
\ Itirlliday I*«»rty.
A very enjoyable evening was spent !
at a birthday party given in honor of '
Clarence Holland, at his home near
Billiards, 011 Saturday, Feb. IHth. They
had vocal and instrumental music and
unfi! !0 o'clock when a bountiful ■
lunch wa.i neiyeu it. whi' h a]l took their
part, aft»:r which the fun v/as, reS&niea
anil kt.pt up until 2 o'clock, when all
returned home wishing Mr. Hollaud
many happy Birthdays.
Haruion> an«l ZelienOple.
Rev. Leuzinger of Bntler preached
in the (trace Reformed church 011 Sun
Rev. J. W. Otterman is continuing
his meetings in the M. E chnrch this
J. Enslen Beam, of Pittsburg, visited
his brother S. A. Beam at Harmony on
Elder Wm. H. Guyer will preach in
the Bethel, at Harmony next Sunday
Mrs. Jonas Ziegier of Harmony was
visiting her daughter at Mahoningtown
over Sunday.
Joseph Stuart and wife, of Allegheny
City, stopped with H. W. Bame at Har
mony Sunday night.
The upper dam of the new branch
railroad, was washed out for the second
time last week; The new channel is
too shallow for the current.
Wlll. Dindinger and sons have start
ed work on a bnilding in Harmony
35x80 ft., two story, which they will
use for a farming implement store.
Some of the teachers of the Harmony
and Zelienople schools attended the
local institute in the Teets school house
in Beaver county, last Saturday.
E. R. R Boyer, of Lancaster twp.,
who recently sold his farm to A
Ocrease. ot Allegheny, will erect a
house and feed store at Harmony this
Edward "Stauffer struck a good gas
well on the Michael Ziegier farm near
Harmony last Friday. He has com
menced work on a second well to be
drilled on the Harmony commons
Saturday afternoon, Feb. 35th., Mrs.
John Stamui died at her home near
Fouibell in Beaver county, after being
ill for about two years, "being afflicted
with pernicious anaemia, which took a
serious turn last Thursday. Last Sum
mer she was bedfast for two months
and the physician succeeded in rallying
her so she was able to walk around.
Shortly after the holidays she took her
bed again and death relieved her from
her sufferings. •
Mrs. Stamni was a daughter of Isaac
Latshaw. deceased, an old and well
known citizen of Harmony. She was
born March 17th 1848 and on Oct. 38th
1881 was married to John Stamni. old
est son of Conrad Stamm of Beaver
county. One son was born to them
John C., who died on Feb. 23d., 1893,
being nearly ten years old.
Mrs. Stamm at the time of her death,
lacked but 30 days of being 51 years
old. She was a member of the M. E.
church at Harmony since childhood.
The funeral services were held at
their residence in Beaver county on
Tuesday morning, Rev. J. W T . Otter
man. her pastor, officiating. Many of
her relatives, friends and neighbors
were present to pay their last tribute of
respect to the remains of the deceased,
highly esteemed.
After the services the interment
took place in the Mennonite cemetery
north of Harmony.
Thus the 10%-edones are numbered one
by one among the great majority.
The exercises in the opera house at
Harmony 011 Wednesday evening Feb.
22nd., commemorating the birthday of
Washington and Lincoln by the public
school of Harmony, were well patron
ized. fully 000 being present, standing
room was above par and some were
compelled to remain outside.
Prof. J. C. Dight and the Misses Em
ma McLure and Hattie Hartung deserve
great credit, for such a successful and
instructive entertainment.
It virtually proved to be "two open
books", the lives of Washington and
Lincoln with great lessons and patterns,
set forth in recitation, declamation,
origional addresses and song.
The addresses by Misses Mable Fid
ler, Annie Kradle and Nellie Wilson on
Abraham Lincoln and Misses Fanny
Kildoo, Margarette Wild and Bessie
Kidd deserve special mention by reason
of the research displayed in the volun
teer speeches they delivered.
"Columbia and her thirteen colo
nies," a recitation by thirteen boys and
girls ending with the song, "Columbia!
Gem of the Ocean" was patriotic and
An excellent paper was read by G.
D. Swain, president of the school board,
of a "kind word or a loving kiss and
cited instances when sach acts were
the cause of a change for letter in the
lives of public men. He stated that
foreigners seeking citizenship should
be required to pass an examination,
that our text books should be more
practical and less ethereal; that the
lives of such men as Washington, Lin-
coin and Jefferson should be held up
before the youth.
He spoke about the perils in our
path of state and national affairs, .such
as trusts and corruption in onr legisia
tive bodies and closed with the signifi
cant utterance, "There is hope for
America while Americans rule".
Attorney J. H. Wilson made a clos
ing speech by giving a summary of the
spirit of the evening, which was listen
ed to with undisturbed attention bv
Prospect and Touching*.
You may not have heard:
Old Glory" ia waving again at the
The corner ia eggs sent the price up
here a flying.
Adam Webber and wife visited vela
fives near Portersville, last week.
Dr. Richardson has been sick for a
week or so with stomach trouble.
The cold weather has caused serious
loss in canned fruit, frozen potatoes and
E. E. Wehr is tickled over his vote
for constable, Elmer wasn't in it with
E. E.
Mont Caler, of Chicora, was in town,
not many days ago, visiting his old
school mates.
Constables Stephenson, Brown and
Sheriff Dodds were all in this communi
ty, last weak.
The I. Q. <). P. b:iildmg committee
have advertised foi bids for the erection
of a new hall.
Xot long since r ; party of our young
folks were the guests 0 f Miss Lulu Shan
non, of V/Jiitcstown.
Campbell's new burglar proof door
lock can be seen at Graham & Scott's,
where it is on exhibition.
Bain Forrester lias recovered from a
severe attack of grippe Bain is now
baek at school as usual.
W. G. Weigle and wife were the
guests of Frank Blinn and wife of Mt.
Chestnut, not long since.
Mrs John Barltley.of Hazeldel, Law
ranoeCa, VM the gaint of her mother,
Mrs. Lot. Wilson not long since.
E. 1.. Pyle is much gratified over the
tact, that h:- received itie largest vote
cast for an office, Tuesday, Feb. 31.
It is not often that a strong Republi
can district elects a Democrat forjudge
of Election. <»us set up the tobies too.
Frank Dick hti sold his meat market
in New (jastle, and moved back to
Prospect Olad to see yAn baek Frank.
Ed Waddell of Homestead was here
last week visiting his parents. Ed.
will play with the Louisvilles this sum
I'- B. Shannon and daughter, Miss
Frankie, have been sick for some time
and neither seems to be improving very
Blanche Kelly would like to keep that
piano and Emma Hiffnian hates to part
with that new organ. <'oax hard and long
Mrs. Wolford has nearly recovered
from an attack of the grippe, and was
able to visit relatives south of town,,
last week.
After ot disappointment
A Bowers managed to visit his son
Cbarlio who is running a drug store in
Mm Mollie English, of Shannon's
Road, was is town Saturday, shopping
and calling, Mollie says it is muddy
out their way.
The examinations for school diplomas
wilf be hefrt Saturday .'March 85. Com
mittee G. P. Weigle, Z. 11. Snyder
and Ella Cratty.
Mrs. Langharst has returned from an
extended visit to relatives in Allegheny
and Pittsburg. Lydia and Sophia kept
house during mother's absence.
John K. Kennedy, who used to live
here, but of late at* New Brightou. was
found dead in bed. one morning last
week. Mr. Kennedy has been sick for
two or three years.
If yonr letters and papers don't come
on time, don't blame the postmaster, for
he cunt bring them. Ask your
friends to put "in haste ' on the wrap
per, when they address you.
Plun:mer Badger, one of our stone
masons, savs there will be more build
ing done this spring and summer than
there has been for several years. That
is what the mechanices and labors want
J. P.
Wm. Scott, of Isle, was in town Sat
urday. smiling as if he had been elected
to some office. Wm has always mane
a good school director—in favor of good
wages and fair term. Tobies Win.
Rev. Stahlmau has a hen that brought
out 17 little chicks during the cold
wea'.her, without losing one. They are
all growing finely. That is the kind of
chickens to have, Silas, can you do
that well with yours?
Charlie Lepley and sister Lois went
down to Ivy wood. Clinton township,
Saturday, to spend a few days with
their sister Clara, who is teaching
school down there. Of course, the
young folks had a pleasant trip.
James McGowan cried a sale at the
late residence of Evander McCandless.
dec d. Thursday Feb. 33, and R. Shanor
cried a sale for Schneideman and Rnff.
west of town, Friday. Feb. 34. Both
sales were in Muddy Vreek township.
Those that attended the Lincoln and
Washingtons birthday exercises at the
public schools. Feb. 23, think the exer
i ises were a success. The programme
consisted of patriotic songs, appropri
ate quotations and gems from the lives
of Washington and Lincoln. Ned Barr
made the address of •welcome, while D.
W. Forrester responded in a neat inter
esting speech. The gramo phone enter
tainment. given by John Hays, was
also a pleasaut feature for the little
folks, especially.
ltullnlo Pelts.
Jacob Kennedy, the veterinary snr
geon, is down with the grip.
John Montgomery contemplates
building a new house this spring.
Rev. Hazlett will hold communion
services at Buffalo church next Sunday.
Mrs. James McCafferty Jr. is con
fined to her bed on account of sickness.
Mrs Wm. Woods, wife of Wm.
Woods, of Clinton Twp., died Monday
and was buried at Sarversville Ceme
tery, on Wednesday last.
Farmers Institute was held in the
Mechanics Hall at Sarversville on Fri
day evening. Saturday and Saturday
eyening last. An enjoyable time was
had and instructive also. The capacity
of the hsll was not such as to accomo
date all who wished to see and hear.
Jefl't-rsim Centre,
All the hens in town are busy since
eggs went up.
Miss June Rinewalt is visiting friends
at Grove City.
Milt Logan who has been on the sick
is slowly recovering.
There will be German seryices here
next Sunday at 10:80
J. B. Seider's new house will make
quite an improvement on the town.
Some of t he men from town are start
ing a well on the 11. A Montag farm.
Carner and Johnston's well on the
Beckman farm is good for thirty bar
Mr. Will Seibert has moved back to
his farm, glaa to have you with us
Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Bunting of Bnt
ler spent Saturday and Sunday with his
Miss Lizzie Montag and Miss llulda
Ifit'yitftT" of Kntler sro-nt .1 few days in
The C. E. society meets every Sunday
evening at 7,80, even body inyited to
come and take part.
Miss Laura Limberg has returned to
Butler after spending a few days with
her sister Mnj. 11. A. Montag.
Miss Lnlu Battenfejder who has been
visiting friends in this place has return
ed to her home E. E. Pittsburg.
Will Welsh, who is attending Slip
pery Rock Normal, spent a few days at
home. Glad to see yon borne Will.
There will be .111 A proa Social and
entertainment held at our school house
011 Friday March 10. There will also
be a cake walk. All are cordially invited
to attend.
On Wednesday evening Feb, 33, the
friends of Rev. Espach gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mager. [where
Rev. and Mrs. Espach are staying] to
celebrate his birthday. The Rev. and
Mrs. were out for sapper, when they re
turned home to get ready for choir
practice they were surprised to find the
house full of peopli-, about 50 in all, af
ter playing games till '10:30 lunch was
served after which Rev. Espatch thank
ed the people for tl'eir kindness, all re
turning to their homes feeling they had
spent a very pleasant evening.
Clinton Township.
John Cunningham, who has been ill
for (juite a time, is slowly improving.
Blaine Norris has gone to Pittsburg
and from there he intends going to Lake
We are all pleased to know that
Brown Cunningham is spending a cou
ple of weeks at home.
James Cunningham, who has been
confined to the house for some time, is
able to be aronnd again.
John McKibben has purchased a fine
horse from Robert Thompson. The
horse weighs 1400 pounds.
James Norris has departed for Se
wickley with the iutention of staying a
month. We all wish him success.
We are sorry to think that we are go
ing to lose one of our charming yonng
ladies, but we hope she will prosper iu
the future.
Services are to be held at 1 )ak Grove
church March at ii A. At ; also
Young Peoples meeting and preaching
in the eyening.
I'vans City.
John Sinkhaui was in Butlei Monday.
Mr. Dale of Butler was in town Tues
-M*' Maui Hill visited the city Tues
Ed (iarathy of Pittsburg was in town
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parks was in
town Wednesday
Alex Beers attended the funeral of
John Greir Monday.
The Evans City Orchestra played in
Mars for the lecture, Monday night.
Win. Johnson and wife of
ville attended the L <). T. M. supper.
Leonard Ripper is home having re
ceived an honorable discharge from the
Misw Evji Albert left Saturday for a
few days visit with friends in P.itts :
Mr. S. M Groves ami wife visited
their daughter Mrs Josephs in Bennet
Mrs. William Cope of Callery is in
town cleaning Uej- store room for her!
millinery goods.
Mr. Young editor of the Evans City.
Times moved into the John Spence !
house last week.
Mr John Powell is the happy father
of a bouncing «irl mother and babe an
getting along nicely.
Miss Lnla Dawson p-torped Monday;
evening horn wt-ing her mother in
Karos City who has l>een very ill.
The new Post Master expects to move '
the office March Ist into the L N. Bnr
ry building as it has been fitted np for
Mrs. Cyril Knox has her spring fto.-k
of millinerv broods ordered and will be
pleased to hive her old cnstosners Call
and see her .'.u l is in my new ones
Dr. Wm. Kre:-s cam home to attend
the funeral of John Greir who died in
Kansas and was brought to Butler for
burial by his brother Dr. Mart Greir.
The L. O T. Ms. supper and enter
tainment was a complete success al- j
though the weather was very bad. i
Mr McCafferty of Brownsdale was'
one of the speakers also Mr. Loney of j
Rev. Arthur Staples. Pres. of Beaver ,
College will oocnpy the M. E. pulpit '■
both morning and evening Mar 5. J. |
H. Laverty the pastor who is suffering |
with paralysis will leave for a mtich I
needed rest this week.
Middlesex Institute.
A very interesting and profitable in
stitute "was held at the Cunningham
school house. Middlesex township. Feb.
35. 1899. F. M. Hunter, teacher. The
meeting was called to order by the
president, after which the school sang a
song, entitled "My Refuge"; devotional
exercises were conducted by the Rev.
McClintock. of Deer Creek church; E.
0 Thompson was then called upon to
make the opening address, which he
did in an eloquent manner; responded
by W. H. Montgomery; a hymn entitled
"Blessed Assurance" was then sting by
the school, with Miss Irene Criner as
organist; recitation by Miss Nettie
Snider, subject "Man"; song by Miss
May Trimble; recitation by Miss Clara
Fectber, "Mamma's Student"; "Teach
us something new today", sung by the
school; D. A Rankin then gave a very
interesting talk on "Reading" which
was responded by Mr Dyke, of Butter
cup, which was highly appreciated by
all: declamation, by Miss Olive Lefeyer:
Rev. McClintock then gave a very in
teresting talk; recitation. Miss Myrtle
Lefover. "The freckled hoy".
A recess of a few minutes was then
taken, after which a violin solo was
given by Joseph McCall; declamation
by Benn Soules, "How he whipped the
teacher"; an address was then given by
Rev. S. H. Greenlee, of the Middlesex
M. E. church, which was listened to
with much interest; five minutes talk
by the patrons; Wm. McKibbon gave a
very laughable account of his boyhood
days while going to school, which was
loudly applauded by all; declamation
by Paul Anderson: declamation by Eva
Thompson: H. C. Montgomery gave a
very eloquent talk on patriotism: decla
mation by Ida Mathan: declamation by
Celestial Fredley;an instrumental piece
was given by Miss Nellie Ekas. entitled,
"Till we meet again."
A vote of thanks was extended to the
ministers. Revs. McClintock and fireen
lee and also the speakers who took pari
in the exercises, and to the teacher and
[ pupils who so royally entertained the
1 public.
The goolbye song was then sung with
Emma Mathan as organist: prayer by
Rev. McClintock, after which the meet
ing adjourned.
SOME of the Indians of the United
States are among the richest farmers in
the-world. The annual income of the
Osage tribe, consisting of only 1,739
persons, including children, is $443,044.
or $356.24 for each man, woman and
Is weakness of the stomach. It is the
source of untold misery. It may be
cured by toning and strengthening the
stomach and enriching and purifying the
b10..d with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Many
thousands have been cured by this medi
cine and write that now they "can eat
anything they wish without distress."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Soiii liy druggists. SI, six for S3. Get HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
A Trade Pulverizer.
February SHOE SALE.
This is a case of force—
W<? must have room.
This will be your month at our store.
If you need Shoes or Rubbers, you can
have things pretty much your own way.
We have too many goods in the bouse,
and just a short mouth to sell them—we
must reduce our stock; there is no other
way out of it. Our spring goods will be
here March Ist, and this sale is to empty
our shelves of winter footwear AT ANY
PRICE to make room for new goods.
We Want to be Understood
We are not in business for our health,
and it is not often we sell shoes without
profit. This is one of the times we do,
and we consider it good policy to close
out all our winter goods even if we do so
at a loss. We then get the much-needed
room and can buy ar, enti-o new stock in
the fall.
Our Prices This /Wonth
Will be Record s rec k^ rs -
We cannot go into detail regarding
prices, but we promise ycu to meet and
better any prices you can get in Butler.
Sole agent In Butler
County for
The Delsarte Shoe
The 13GST $3.50 Shoe
The Delsarte Shoes fer ladies ;\vu l»«ade
on the Delsarte priricjple af fashion and
form—up-to-daie fashion and true form
See us for Shoes
this month,
C. E. Miller,
215 South Main St,
over the Tost Office is
Headquarters for Photographs
That artistic posing and
lighting seems to ple«sa
the people
J/? // '
Circn n specialised Brcnd- winning HducAtt&m*
P. HUFF tK: SONS, 211 Filth Avenue,
Al'.TI VK SOI.U IT<>U> \\ \NTKI> KVKHV-" j
w I.fit? for "The Story of tin; Philippines"
by Murat llalstead. commissioned I»y the I
(fovcrnraent HS Official Historian to the War
Departnieut. Tiie Imh >k was written in army !
camps at San Francisco, on tin* Pacific with
In deral Merrltt, in tin* hospitals at Hono
lulu. in lloni? Kong.ln the American trenches j
al Man ill. in l In- insurgent ramps with ;
on I In* deck of tin- olympla with !
Dewey, and In the roar ef In, Hie J.t fall 1
of Manila ll< uni.«.a fit*' iirlmfulof
0««*t ur«»s taken l»y ffovernmcut pho- J
tfiurrapliers on the spot.
prices, profits. Freight paid. Credit ,
given, drop all t rasliy unofficial wur l>ooks. •
out lit free. Address, F. T. Barber. Stn* y J
lusurauce Bldg. Chicago*
M' LF.W At her home in Pittsbnrn.
Feb. IJ.1 J . Mrs Axnlinyle Mc-
Lean, formerly of lintfuio tw j>
STL ART Feb. 23. in I':t t-b.ir_'
Jacob M Stuart, in his 34th mr.
\VILS< »N At his home in Slippery ruck
Feb. as, 1.-99. Thomas Wilson. d
H<> years He was the father of \V.
H. "Wilson, the banker of that town.
CAMPBELL At her houie in East
Liverpool. 0., Feb. 33, IW. Mrs.
Dean Campbell, daughter of Jacob
Reiber of Bntler.
RICE—Feb. 33, 1 899, at his home in I
Lancaster twp , Willis. son of Joseph
HELFRICK —At her home in Carroll 1
ton, <)., Feb. 33, 1899.Mr5. Jacob Hel
frick. formerly of Bntler. aged 86
HEASLEY of tvphold fever Feb. 25.
1899, Grace Mclntyre Heasley, aged
16 years, granddaughter of John Mc
lntyre of Buffalo twp.
WISKEYMAN—Feb. 33, 1899. George,
son of Ines Wiskeyman of Clinton
twp.. aged 6 years.
WORREL—Feb. 37. 1899. infant son of
Rev. E. R Worrel of Bntler.
McGARYEY—At his home in Donegal
twp.. Feb. 37, 1899, John McGarvey,
aged 45 years.
MILFORD—At her home in Marion
twp., Feb. 25, 1899. Mrs. Samuel F.
Milford. aged 63 years.
MeCANDLESS —At her home in Me
daryville, Ind., Feb. 16. 1899, Mrs.
Harriet McCandless, nee Mechling of
Centre twp., in her 89th year.
She was an annt of Mrs. Daniel Shan
or of Centre twp.
BI'RNETT —At Toledo. 0., Feb. 33.
1899. Mrs. Panlina Burnett, in her
70th year.
Mrs Burnett was a sister of Mrs.
Stein of Bntler,
LESLIE At her home in Middlesex
twp., Feb. 36. 1899. Mrs. Rebecca
Leslie, wife of Samuel A. Leslie. Esq.
aged a bom BO years.
The remains of Mrs. Leslie were bnr
ied on Tuesday at Middlesex M. E.
WOODS—At her home in Clinton twp.,
Sunday Feb. 36. 1899. Mrs. Hannah
Woods, nee McCafferty. wife of Win.
Woods, aged about 77 years.
Death was caused by pneumonia.
She is survived by her husband and a
large family of grown children.
ORR—At Harrisville Bntler county,
Feb. 33d 11 A. M.. 1899. Ellen Mar
garet Orr, wife of John Orr in the 85
year of her age.
She was the mother of Wm. H. and
and John Orr of Harrisville, Jas. W.
Orr, Bruin; Charles T. Orr, Nebraska;
Andrew Perry Orr of Washington and
Mrs. Nancy Hi cks of Missouri. The
funeral services were conducted by her
pastor Rev. Z. B. Taylor of the Presby
terian church, of which she had been a
member sixty years. A very large con
course followed her to the grave in
Paririe cemetery. Harrisville Pa.
HECK—At his home in Centre twp.
Feb. 38, 1899. Daniel Heck in his 86th
Mr. Heck was one of the oldest and
best known citizens of the township.
He wes in his usual health up to about
two month? ago. when he complained a
little. On Monday night he set up,
reading until after 9 o'clock, then went
to bed. towards morning his daughter
heard him struggling, went to his assis
tances and sent for a physician, but he
died shortly after. He was the father
of D. A. Heck and Jacob Heck of Bnt
Mrs. Mary A. Chandler, widow of the
late S. F. Chandler, died at ber home in
Slipperyrock twp. from the effects of
a paralytic stroke,in her 78th year.
Miss Ahagail Cr awford died at her
lioine near Six Points, Butler county, on
Sunday evening, Jan. 39, 1899, in the
73d year of her age.
The deceased was a daughter of Jas.
and Jane Crawford and leaves two sis
ters, Mrs. James Stevenson of Bor ny
brook and Miss Jennie Crawford, and
two brothers, Joseph of Six Points and
Gideon of Emlenton. Two brothers.
John and Harvey, died in the terrible
Andersonville prison during the civil
From early life she was a member of
nci uugrassT-rejruyrerran cnurm. Tin
funeral sermon was preached by her
pastor, Rev. J. R. Coulter. D. D., from
the text, "She hath done what she
Her father, James Crawford, was one
of the pioneer settlers of Butler county.
Miss Crnwford lived a devoted Chris
tian life and has now gone to hfr re
% '''
v# ■
Of IKE i'ilfS.
By Elizabeth Fhipps Train.
This is the title of a splendid
" Illustrated Serial Story, by tins
famous author. We have arranged
for its publication, and the own
ing chapters will appear very soon
iu these columns.
Butler Steam Laundry, c
f 220 West Cunningham Street, \
V J. E. ZICKRICK, Manager. X
( People's 'Phone, 296. \
Pr ; .s 1 !:! Popular Prices!
• I 1..-.v . M. . I JJo" Soujr. The only one
• . .. ku. cci"* Don't fall to
• 1 1 Ji..:ur T-oc Our price
• • 25c
J. .... I i.i \Vi«le. >Vl<le World"
*. •;» ft -icon- The r>gc la New
»• r »»l « f». I li.jjul.nr price, 50 ct*. Our
1 1 k •• to v»»u liftc
"W i.vil >.>« r Wnlfr". One of those charming
» tlt/» 1. Irr< nt-tlblo. A hj'.'iuiUl piece for
..Ini' •rl. r:x ?■.■:<». K<>'ular prl« .-octß. Our 1
prlro 10 you Sfto
••|inpi#y Hannah" Ok* Walk. Tho boat rake'
ever urllte 1. A popular favorite. Prior*
Mr.. Our prk-e to you 25c
107-0 WAQASM AW., CHICAOO. 74 FIFTM AW., NI« row*
Please Mention (bis Paper.
Job Work.
If you want Posters,
If yon want Circulars,
If you want Sale Bills.
If yon want Envelopes,
If you want Bill Heads,
If yon want Price Lists,
If you want Statements,
If you want Note Heads,
If you want Letter Heads,
If yon want Address Cards,
If you want Busineaa Cards,
If you want Invitation Cards
If you want any kind of Printin
done call at the CITIZEN office.
MOODS PILt-S cure Liver Ills, Sl|-
tousncss, Indication, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to opercto-
Makes the food more'delicious and wholesome
*A*mQ PP.. wrw VOH. I
Pursuant to .an order and dtvree of the
orphans' Court of Butter Co., rm., made at
No. 61, l*eceml»er Term. I*iy7. of said Court in
j the partitlou of the real estate of Henry
Veakel. the undersigned appointed
t rust«s* for that purpuac, will for sale
at public out-cry on the premises, on
Friday. March 3rd, 1899.
at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. the follow ins;
described real estate of said llenry Yeakel.
dee (1., situate in tin* Itorouch of Saxonburg.
Butler county, Pa.. Uiunded and described
as follows. viz:
Purpart No. 1 bounded i. «rth by purpart
No east by lot of Charles Wetz* . - itn I \
Main St.. and m-st bv purpart V. :, u*lng
.V feet from on said .'lain St.. and extending
back tin' SUM width l* l * l feel 5;,.. i p irp .rt
No. ;i. and having thereon erected a good two
story frame dwelling house and out-house.
Purpart No. 2 Uiunded north by purpart
No. 3. east by purpart No. 1. - -uth* by Main
St.. and west by public school prop« fty. lie
in i; 4s feet front on said Main St.. and ex
tending back the same width 130 feet to said
purpart No. :i. and having thereon erected
one old dwelling house.
Purpart No. -hounded north bv purpart
No. 4. east by Butler St. south by lot of
Charles Wetzel and purparts No 1 & 2. and
west by public school property, Iteing 5u feet
front on said Butler St.. and extending back
the same width l'*> feet to said public school
property. and having a frame stable erected
Purpart No. 4 bounded north by purpart
No. a, east by Ibitler Si . south by purpart
No. 51, and west by public school property,
beingso f«*et front en said Butler St., and
extending back the same width 10* feet to
said public school property.
Purpart No. "» bounded north by lot of
Mrs. Frederick Sa«*hs. east by Butler St.,
south by purpart No. 4. and wi st by publle
sehool prt»perty. lielng :»n feet front and ex
tending baek the >an»e width feet to said
public school property.
TEKMS OK SALK one-third cash <u» con
firmation of sale by the Court, and the bal
ance In two equal, annual payments with in
terest to In* secured by U»nu and mortgage
on the premises, with .> per cent, attorney's
commission in case of collection by process
of law.
WM. YF.AKKL. Trustee,
Butler. Pa.
By virtue or an order of the Orphans'
Court of Butler county. Pa., at O. C. No. 09,
March Term. 1899, and to me directed. I will
Saturday, March 4, 1899,
At 10 o'clock, a. in., expose to publie sale ou
the premises in Adams township. Butler
county. Pa., the following described real
estate, late the property of John Dougherty,
deceased, to-wit:
A certain messuage of lands situate in said
township, county and state, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at a post at
the northwest corner, thence by lands of
Loyd north Ss4 degrees east fifty-two and
2MO perches to a post, thence by lands of
James Beers south one and degrees east
sixty-one and 4 perches, thence by land?, of
same north ss>. degrees east twenty-six
perches to line of Smullen's heirs, thence by
lands of Smullen's heirs south one and \ de
grees east ninety-five and l j perches to line
of Kosebaugh. thence by lands of Kosehaugh
south so and 4 degrees west seventy-eight
and 0-10 perches to line of Thomas Moore,
thence by lands of said Moore north one and
x 4 degrees west one hundred ."»7 and 2-10
perches to the place of beginning; contain
ing sixty-seven acres, more or less, together
with a private road appurtenant to said
described land, with log dwelling house,
frame barn and outbuildings thereon erect
ed. mostly cleared and under fe.ice.
TEKMS OK SALE: One-third cash on ap
proval of sale by the Court, a».d the balance
in two equal, annual payments, secured by
judgment l»ond ana mortgage on the
premises, bearing Interest with an attorney's
commission of five per cent, for collection,
with option to nay cash. Twenty per. cent,
of the bid may be required when the property
is bid oIT.
Adnfx., d. b. u.— c. t. a.,
Callery Junction.
ButbT Co.. P *.
S. F. & A. 1.. BOWSER. Att's.
By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex., I I
Fa.,' Lev. Fa.. &«\, issued out of the Couit of
Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to mi
directed, there will bo expose*! to public sale
at the Court House in the thorough of Butler,
Monday, March 6th. 1899.
at 1 o'clock. U. til., the following described
property, to-wit:
Test E. I». No. 2. March Term. ISO 9. James
Bredln and S. Cummings, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Patrick MeKinney of. in and to all that rer
taiu piece or parcel of land, situated in
Cherry township, Butler county. Pa., l>ouud
ed as follows, to-wlt: On the northwest by
creek, on the northeast by
lands of James Bredln. ou the southwest by
lands of same and on the west by lands of
Thompson; containing twenty-one acres
thirtv-five perehes and lying between a
public road on the southwest and a railroad
on the northeast, excepting the coal, iron
ore. limestone, mineral, tire and potters clay
under said lands with the right to mine and
traneport the same over said lands.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Patrick McKinney at the suit of
James Bredln and Thos. I-onaghy for use of
James liredin.
Friday, the 10th day of Mar., A. D
1890, at 1 o'clock, p. m„ the following describ
ed property, to-wit:
E. r>. No. ItiO. March Term. 1-00. W. 11. Lusk,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Jacob Stickle, dec'a.. Oliver T. MurnlvW
Aimr of Jiu*ob Stickle, dee'd., of, In HUO. »«•
all that certain tract of land,
Franklin township, Butler couuw 111
lM»unde<l as follows, to-wit: • v ,
containing eleven uuir** J
known as the Saw Mill lot. * '*' ss * a ' l( *
north by lands of l>auic' t 011 1 ■
Washington C«tn»nlK>)' Weigh*, formerly
of Jaeob Neely anH • «»*> '»y lands
- out he west by tract No.
ing 2 aciv* » r *ow. also tract No. 2 contain
on tbe uo" twenty-five oerches lx»unded
the on* lands of >lary Webber, on
the ,k >»y tract No. 1 as desertl>ed above on
south by lands of Jacob Neely and on
•.tie west by lands of J. V. English heirs;
these two tracts of land were conveyed to
the tlrst party by deed of John Miller et ux
by deed dated the 30tli day of March, lss2.
recorded In deed ln»ok 7"», page 20t». Together
with log house, with kitchen, Igg stable and
good orchard.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jacob Stickle, dee'd., Oliver T.
Mnrpy. Admr. of Ja«*ob Stickle, dee'd.. at the
suit of W. 11. Si. A. Si. Lusk. trustees of Agnes
Lusk. for use of Fidelity Title & Trust Co.
E. I> No. 143. 154, 101, March Term, 1x99.
Forquer. Lusk and Bowser. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Daniel O*C BclMvettof.in and to all 111.11 <•« r
tlan piece or parcel of land, situated hi Clay
township. Butler county. Pa. lioutided as fol
lows. to-wit: Beginning at the northeast
corner of tin* tract at a Hickory grub, thence
by lands of widow Hamilton, Aseph Cran
mer, Israel Cranmer and Oliver Walker
south tt0.75 deg west one hundred thirty-four
and s-io perehes to a stone, thence by lands
of Neal (iallagher south '4 deg ea>i lifty
nlue and \ perehes to a stone, tnence by
lands of John M«i>lvett north 50.7."» east one
hundred thirty-four and H-10 perehes. thence
by lands of Alfred Aggers north deg west
Sf.7sperches i<» hickory grub 11»« • place of be
ginning; being the same land conveyed to
Paiilel O'C McDlvett by deed from John Me- '
Oivett dated Nov. 2nd, IHT2. See deed b<M»k ;
34, page 43, and <*on tain in g tifty acres strict
measure; having thereon erected a lioard
house, sable, orchard and outbuildings
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Daniel McDlvett at the suit of « \V
< Buhl et al.
E. I>. No. 113 and 114. March Term, 1800. J. I».
Marshall, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Mary A Mclxlnney and S S Mr Kinney of, in
and to all that certain piece or parcel of land
situated In Adams township. Butler county.
Pa. Itounded as follows, to-wlt: On the
north by lands of I'atttersoii & Lock wood
formerly lauds of John McKinney, on the
east bv lands of Williau Thielman, on the
south i>y lands of Llzzi** McKinney and on
the west by lands of the heirs of John Davis;
containing fifty acres, more or less, In lng the
same land ownel by James McKinney dur
ing his lift time and at t lie time of his death
bv his last will and testament devised the
surne to Mary Ann McKinney one of the
present owners, for reference see Will Book
"M", page 273.
Seized and taken in execution a> the prop
pert y of Mary A McKinney and S S McKin
ney at the suit of W II Dennison.
E. It. No. 5. 11. 17, 110, 17.V March Term, lstni.
W. A. A: F. J. I'orqiH-r, W. 11. Lusk. F.
Kohler. Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of I*
St rain of. in and to all that certain pl««re
I or lot of land. sltuat«'d in Butler ln>r«», lb.tier
t *o.. Pa., In>unded as follows, to-wlt: tin the
north by Walnut street, east by lot of E E
Miller, south by lot of Havens and west
by an alley; Ining tifiv-four feet front on
Walnut St.. and extending back seventy-live
feet, more or less. See deed front S D
Purvis et ux to I" t; Strain, having thereon
a frame house with slate roof, stable and
out iMllldings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
of 1* <1 Strain at the suit of John Berg ii < o.
Buffalo Mortar Work et al.
E. D. No. 170. 171. March Term, I*oo. T. C.
Campbell and N. Black, Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
l>anhi Feldler, Magdalena Feldler, Abraham
Zolgler and ( arollne. his wife. J.J. I'e idler
terre tenant andJJFeldlerof.in and toall t hat
certain piece or lot of land, situated in
Harmony Boro.. Butler county. Pa., Itoumhsl
as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lot of H.
Sample one hundred twenty feet, east by lot
of John Pearce eighty f<'« t, on the south by
woolen mill of John Pearce one hundred
twenty feet. West by Wood st is-et eighty feet,
on wiiich Is erected a large frame mill-
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Daniel Feldler, Magdaleua Feldler,
Abraham Zelgler and Caroline, his wife,
J. J. Feldler terre tenant and J J. l-eldler at
the suit of The tieorge T. Smith Middlings
Purifier Co for use of the Nat. Bank of j
Allegheny et al. |
E. l>. No. 172. March Terui,l«oi». Thompson Sc I
Son, Attorneys. *
All the right. title. Inven'st and claim of
Jacob Hutchman of. in and to all that cer
tain piece <»r panel of laud. HliiiM U
Adams township. Butler county, Pa., liound
ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands
of David Stoup ami D. P. Nicholas, on the
east by lands of William llumes. on the south
by lands of Peter Fell and on the west by
lands of 11. B. Hutchman. Satn'l Parks and
James Klncalu; containing seventy-nine
acres. niun- or less. having thereon erected a
frame liousi , barn, and outbuilding also an
ore hard. al*>ut seventy acres of which is
cleared and under fence. For reference see
Mortgage B<x»k la. uaxe 311.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of J a«*ob 11 utelimaii at the suit of Wil
liam Bleakh-y.
TERMS OF SALE The following must l>e
strictly complied with when property is
strieken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
become* the purehaser. the costs on the writ
must l>e paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
I for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
1 ;i. All sales not settled immediately will be
[ continued until one o'clock, I*. M., of next
J day at which time all property not settled
, for will again be put up and sold at the ex
pense ami risk of the person to whom first
•See Purdon's Digest, 9thedition, page 446.
and Smith's Forms, page 354.
WILLI AM 1?. DODDS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Feb. 14. IS9O.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this Kith day of Jan. A. D
1899, to nerve as jnrors at the
regular term of court, commencing the
first Monday of March, 1899, the same
tieiuy the Oth day of said mouth.
Anderson J (j. Brady twp, farmer.
Alsworth John, Washington twp, fann
Baker Andrew, Penu twp, farmer.
Barnhart Fred. Connoquenessing horo,
Barnhart A E. Millerstown, producer,
Critchlow Dave. Jefferson twp, faimer,
Douthett I) W, Adams twp, farmer,
Eaveus U G, Evans City, carpenter,
Flanigen Frank C. Bntler 2d w. agent,
Goehring John A, Cranberry twp,farm
Hockenl»ery Calven, Cherry twp, farm
Hartnng Charles M. Evans City, livery
Hamilton Robert. Forward twp,farmer,
Humphrey Geo, Parker twp, farmer,
Kohnfelder Jos, Saxonbarg, hotel keep
Moore J E, Oakland twp, farmer,
McClintick Samuel. Mercer twp, farm
Negley Edgar H, Butler ad w, student
Ralston Wm, Buffalo twp. farmer.
Roads F A. Valencia, farmer,
Stevenson John, Butler 4th w,shoemak
, Shearer Fred, Summit twp, farmer,
Sproul Hugh, Cherry twp, farmer,
Watters Charles, Clinton twp, farmer,
i List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this ltith day of Jan. A. D.
1899, to serve as petit jurors at the reg
ular term of court, commencing on the
second Monday of March, 1899. the same
same being the 13th day of said month
Adams Sylvester, Donegal twp, farmer.
Arner Geo, Washington twp, farmer,
Armstrong Wm,Butler Ist w,carpenter,
Barnhart Jos, Fairview twp, farmer,
Black J H, Cherry twp. farmer,
Brandon W W, Connoqnenessing twp.
Boyee Michael, Venango twp, farmer.
Brown R 11, Allegheuy twp, farmer.
Conway Lewis M. Bntler -ith w, clerk.
Cooper John C, Con noquenesxing twp,
Dershimer Ore, Butler twp, teacher,
Dodds Adam, Penn twp, farmer.
1 Fleeg«r (ieo, Concord twp, farmer,
r Graham Elmer E, Saxonburg, teacher,
' Grabe Wm, Jefferson twp, farmer,
• Goehring FS, Zelier.ople, merchant,
. Green John. Donegal twp, carpenter.
Graham Albert, Cranberry twp,farmer,
Gardner Edward, Washington twp,
Gibson J A, Zelienople, carpenter,
Grimm Geo. Jefferson twp, farmer.
Hime Martin, Butler twp, farmeSv
r Hnselton Andrew P.Bntler twp,farmer-..
• Kennedy Jacob, Buffalo twp, fanner,
' Miles SX. Millerstown. producer,
Meeder Edwin. Zelienople, merchant.
Mitchell Chas M, Bntler 4th w, mer
McClnng Chas. Fairview boro, farmer,
McCollougli Samuel W, Fairview twp,
MeGill J W. Harrisville, laborer.
McCandleas Alonao,Franklin twp.ft-.rm
Kevin R J, Zelienople, clerk,
Paul August. Jefferson twp. Vni-mer
Painter J S. Clay twp, fo- ul( . r
Parker Epbrnm. All'' ; nc ' tN v P . farm
Russell 11 D. Cherry twp, farmer.
Ra-ers , r Butler Ist w.
ijf, ' .ugh, Slipperyrock, larmer,
" .des Henry. Slipperyr.u-k twp, farm
, Sitler Jacob, Jackson t\»p, farmer,
Stepp Cyrus, Penn twp. farmer,
} Seaton John. Venango twp, farmer,
. Schaul Phillip. Butler Ith w merchant,
• Teby John W, Clay twp, farmer,
' Thompson tiill M, Centre twp, farmer,
Thompson Josiah M. Brady twp, farm
1 Walker JH. Harriflville, miller.
1 Welsh Loval Y. Jefferson twn. farmer.
B. & B.
location or price
—which exerts the most influence
with you?
Does it matter to you where
you buy, so you buy best?
We're depending on the ad
vantage-to-you part to win.
.Determined to make that fea
ture to foictful, convincing, < ver
whehning, t hat in your own in
terest you'li want to buy here.
An experienced mail order tie
partment to give you prompt,
careful attention when you send.
Think of it —nearly 5 acres of
store rilled with new goods.
Al' here that's to be found
anywhere—many, many styles
here you'li find nowhere else.
Xothing like the variety of
choice things lure ever shown
"New wash goods and novel tie
8c to $1.25.
Spler.did line new pretty Madras
20c yd.
Other Madras Ginghams 10c to
Choice American Percales 1 2.1 c
1 S c -
Iwtensive variety fine Dress
1 Cottons, 20c, 25c. 35c, 50c.
Special lints in.-w ilicssy Dress
Goods 35c, 50c, 750- —silks S OL «
75c, $1 00.
Let goods and prices prove
what a broad, liberal bnsis we're
merchandising 011.
Do us the favor when writing
for samples, to give an idea of
y our preference —what kinds—
styles—for what purpose- plain
or fancy silks, etc—so we'll be
sure to include the exact samples
you want.
800-on; & Bulll
Department X.
Sul-pcrilio lor tho «vjTi*EN