Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 02, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL.* xxxvi
Our new spring stock is arriving duly and we still have on hands miny winter
goods which must be closed out and closed out quickly So to nn'<e a long story
short the goods are youns at less than one half their real value.
In addition to our sale of winter shoes we will place on sale 1000 pairs Men's, •
Bays' and Youths' Sample Shots made of fine Russett Calf and \ ici Kid in the
latest styles which will be sold at a great reduction
*«**»*»**»**• ****** * * X ** * * i
Men's fine RuessettCalf shoes Or 25
Men's finj Russett Vici Kid shoes (a 1.45
Boys' fine Russett Calf shoes.. (<< i.go
Ladies' fine Dong. Hand welt shoes <" 2.15
Ladies' fine Dongola Flexible sole shoes <" i.oo
Men's solid working shoes (" 9°
Boys' solid working shoes <" 5°
Ladies' waterproof Kangaroo Calf shoes (" 9°
Children's fine Dongola shoes, sizes 6 to io% <" 5°
Infants' soft sol*; shoes 20
And many other bargains.
Just Recived a Big Shipment of SOROSIS Shoes.
The New Shoes for Women.
These are all new spring goods, on the latest style lasts, in fine Tans, Djngolas
and Patent Leather, in Leather or Vesting tops.
Very Swell are Sorosis.
Daintily Shod Are They Who Wear Them.
We're ready with some special lints —the comfort-giving sort
that will afford you the needed protection. Well sell them, too,
with a slice of the original prices cut off; a big saving is what you
may expect. Every shoe from our regular stock and fully guaranteed.
The Best Shoes in Butler.
SCHOOL I For the Boys HEAVY I For
SHOES) ctril SHOES) ' p eop ie.
FINE ) F ° r * ny , FELTS ForM^
SHOESI '""S„ OVERS i Boys.
showing'of 11 " 1 Shoe Values
That are bound to b~* the pride of the whole county. A cordial in
vitation is extended t'» all t> visit our store. Vou will be made wel
come whether you buy or not. Glad to show what we have.
Some little shoe venders th'nk all they have to do is to get all
the worthless trash they can, no matter what, so they can fix a low
price, then blow their little tin horn and the people will hurry to
them by the hundreds They will find that a little later it will take
a trumpet equal to Gabriel's to make the peopie hearken unto their
lamentations. The people don't want to buy two pairs at once
one to go home with, another pair to come back with.
Butler's Lending Shoe House*. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
Won't buy clothing for the purpose of spending money. They { >
desire to get the best possible results for the money expended. . I .
Not cheap goods but goods as cheap as can l>e sold and made uu |
properly. Call and examine my large stock of {. ►
night up to date, the latest styles, shades and colors that could < I
be bought. Call and examine them. j k
Fits and Workmanship Guaranteed. < >
G. F. K6CK, S
142 North Main Street, Butler, Pa. V
S J. S. YOUNG, \
> The goods, style, fit ami general make «
J up ol' his suits d
S TELL their own J
—— 1
| Knowledge
| Concentrated
f boiled down, pressed to- >
I | gether is what you get in j
\ A the Nev/ Werner Edition <
mrd/l\ of the encyclopedia
I §|P Zfl/\\ BRITANNICA. The facts \
contained therein are reli- i
' able,the statements author- I
' c *1 't a *' ve - The index which j
' % is accompanies each sei of ;
'' books enables you to find
J- —\ the information you want :
| quickly, and you can rely j
upon it, for even the courts do not question its state- ;
; ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in |
; thirty superb octavo volumes, of the ;>
Encyclopedia Britannica
for One Dollar Cash
! and the balance in small monthly payments. <
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
Bouse r the tor |pid liver, and cure
biliousness sick M headache, Jaundice,
nausea, tion, etc. They are in
valuable to prevent a cold or break up a
fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy
your confidence. Purely vegetable, they
can be taken by children or delicate women.
Price, 25c. at all medicine dealers or by mail
of C. I. HOOD A Co., Lowell, Mass.
rhe Chickering-Chase Bros. Co.
Manufacturers ot
Grand and Upright Pianos
Farrand & Votey Organ Co..
Manufactures of Organs.
Can save you money in Uie purchase
jf a FIRST CLA-S Instrmrtent
Call an<l examine the in at the ware
317 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
TERMS:—Cash or easy payments to
suit purchaser
May seem dear at the star:,
and prove remarkably cheap
bef<j.e you've worn it out.
It's the long time satisfaction
you get from it that decides
the superiority of our make.
It does pay to buy good
clothes. Our fall display is
of the kind yon would expect
to find only in the large
C\V?» L* r-\
lr idU #ir
(s BJJ |i®
He Understood
Vfter they hit him. It don't re"
quire any bricks to make
you understand that it is
money in your pocket
in dealing with us.
This comes from
the fact that we
sell only reliable
goods at a low price,
buying direct from the
manufactures, saving the
middle profit to you.
dany to offer now.
-K + + «!• HK
Ed. Colbert.
Colbert & Dale,
242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Braun's Pharmacy,
Cor. 6th St. and Duquesne Way.
Pittsburg, Pa,, L, D. Telephone 2542.
Wholesale and Retail.
Importer andjobberof Drugs,
Chemicals, I'erfumes, Soaps,
Brushes, lite.
The only house west of New-
York carrying a full line ot
Meyers' Grease, Paints and
theatrical goods.
Physicians' Prescriptions
Compounded Day or Night by
"Registered Pharmacists" only.
Wholesale and retail
dealer in Lubricating and
1 Humiliating Oils, Capital
Cylinder, Dynamo,
White and Standard Gas
Engine Oils, Gasolein, Ben
zine, Paraffine Wax and
Address all mail orders to
W. F. Braun.
Ho looks at me with wistful eves
And moans for words that will not come;
He lays his h*ad upon my kr.ee
And sighs, poor dog. for he Is dumb.
Dear fe flow, do you envy us
These mocking tongues? Our hearts are
They quiver with pent-up desire.
And moan for speech that will not come. ,
These Idle words that lightly flow
And seem with careless < ;ase to teach
The secret of the Inmost soul
To ail who hear—this is not speech.
"Pis but the spray that sudden starts
T'p from the sea when fierce winds blow.
And fills the air with pungent mist.
But never stirs the depths below.
Fate flouts us all To you. poor dog,
To you the gift of speech were bliss;
Yet those who hold it at lis best
The Joy of perfect utterance miss.
—Mary M. I'arks, In Jenntss Miller Month
ly. -——======
| : The Little Curate |
THE curate and Miss Edmlston were
walking down the main street of
the village engaged in conversation,
which,being that of a recently affianced
pair, need not here be repeated.
Miss Ediniston carried herself with
an air of pretty dignity, made none the
less apparent by the fact that she was
fully two inches taller than her lover,
Kev. John St. John. He was a thin,
wiry little man, dark-haired and pale
complexioned. and was much troubled
in his daily work with a certain uncon
querable shyness. That he should have
won the heart of handsome Xancy Ed
mlston was a matter for surprise and
discussion among the residents in Brox
"Such a very interesting young man,"
said the maiden ladies over their after
noon tea.
"So ridiculously retiring! How did
l<e ever come to propose?" remarked
the mothers whose daughters assisted
in given women an overwhelming and
net altogether united majority in Brox
bourne society.
The men. on the other hand, voted
St. John a good sort; and his parishion
ers, in their rough ways, owned to his
many qualities.
"You're a dear little girl, Xancy," the
curate was stammering, looking up at
his beloved, when they were both
stopped short on the narrow pavement.
A burly workman was engaged in chaj-
? j 7A-.&&. t .v
)■ 4- «• '*• 'JT
the shape of a stout leather belt. The
child screamed, and the father, pre
sumably, cursed.
"Stop!" cried the curate.
The angry man merely scowled and
raised the strap for another blow. St.
John laid a detaining hand on the fel
low's arm, the temerity of which caused
the latter such surprise that he loos
ened his grip for a moment, and the
youngster fled howling up the alley.
"What the"—spluttered the bully,
dancing round the curate, who seemed
to shrink nearer his sweetheart.
"Let us go, dear," he said. He had
grown white and was trembling.
At this juncture two of the work
man's cronies appeared at the door of
the alehouse opposite, and, seeing how
matters stood, crossed the road, and
with rough hands and soothing curses
conducted their furious friend from
the scene.
"Horrible!" sighed the curate, as thq
lovers continued their walk.
Miss Edmiston's head was held a trifle
higher. "If I were a man," she said, "I
would have thrashed him —I would, fn-
I deed!"
"You think 1 should have punished
him, then?" said the curate, mildly; "he
was a much larger man than I, you
Xancy was silent. She was vaguely
but sorely disappointed in her lover,
lie was not exactly the hero she had
dreamed of. How white and shaky he
had turned!
"You surely did not expect nie to take
part in a street row, Xancy?" he said,
presently, somehow suspecting her
thoughts. He knew her romantic
ideas. Hut she made no reply.
"So you think I acted in a cowardly
fashion?" he questioned, after a chill
"I don't think your cloth is any ex
cuse, anyhow," she blurted out, sud
denly and cruelly; the next instant she
was filled with shame and regret. Be
fore she could speak again, however,
the curate had lifted his hat and was
crossing the street. An icy "Ciood-by"
was all he had vouchsafed her.
Mr. St. John was returning from pay
ing a visit of condolence some distance
cut of the village, and he. had taken the
short cut across the moor. It was a
clear summer afternoon, a week since
his parting with Xaney. A parting in
earnest it had been, for the days had
gone by without meeting or communi
cation between'them. The curate was a
sad young man, though the anger in
liis heart still burned fiercely. To have
been called a coward by the woman he
was a thing not lightly to be for
gotten. His recent visit, too, had been
particularly trying. In his soul he felt
that his words of comfort had been un
real; that, for all he had striven, he
had failed in his mission to the bereaved
mother. So he trudged across the moor
with slow Etep and bent head, giving no
heed to the summer beauties around
He was about half way home when
his somber meditations were suddenly
Interrupted. A man rose from the
heather, where he had been lying, and
stood 5n the path, barring the curate's
"Xow, Mister Parson," he said, with
menace in his thick voice and bloated
"Good afternoon, my man," returned
St. John, recognizing tlie brute of a
week ago, and turning as red as a tur
"I'll 'good afternoon' ye, Mister Par
son! Xo! Ye don't pass till I'm done
wi' ye," cried the man, who had been
drinking heavily, though he was too sea
soned to show any unsteadiness in gait.
The curate drew back. "What do you
want?" he asked. He was painfully
white now.
! "Whatdo I want?"repeated the bully,
following up the question with a vol lev .
of oaths that made the little man shinl- j
der. "I'll tell ye what I want. I want
yer apology"—he fumbled with the
word —"apology for •r.terfiriu' 'tween
a father an' his kid. But I licked him j
more'n ever for yer blasted interferln"."
'"You infernal coward!" exclaimed St.
His opponent gasped.
"Let me pass," said the curate.
"No, ve don't!"cried the other,recov- ]
ering from his astonishment at hearing
a strong word from a parson.
St. John gazed hurriedly about him.
The path wound across the moor,
through the green and purple of the '
heather, cutting a low edge here and
there and losing itself at last in the heat
haze. They were alone.
The bully grinned. "I've got ye ;
"You have, indeed," said St. John. I
peeling off his black coat and throwing j
it on the heather. Ills soft felt hat fol- j
lowed. Then he slipped the links from j
his cuffs and rolled up his shirt sleeves. |
while his enemy gaped at the proceed- j
"Now I'm ready," said the curate, j
"Are ve goin' to light'.'" burst out the
other, looking at him as Goliath might
have looked at David. "Come on—"
But the sentence never passed bis j
lips, being stopped by a carefully- j
planted blow from n small but singular- 1
ly hard fist. The little curate was (
filled with a wild, unholy joy. He had j
not felt like this since hi 9 college days.
He thanked Providence for his friends
the Indian clubs and dumbbells, which
had kept him in trim these past three
years. The blood sang in his veins as
Le circled round Goliath, guarding the
giant's brutal smashes and getting in ft
stroke when occasion offered. It was
not long ere the big man found himself
hopelessly outmatched; his wind was
gone, his jaw was swollen and one eye
was useless. He made a final effort and
slung out a terrific blow at David. Part
ly parried, it caught him 011 the shoul
der. felling him to the earth. Now,
surely, the victory was with the Philis
tine. But no. The fallen man recoiled
to his feet like a young sapling, and the
next that Goliath knew was, ten min
utes later, when he opened his available
eye and found that his enemy was bend
ing over him, wiping the stains from
his face with a fine'linen handkerchief.
"Feel better?" said the curate.
"Well, I'm—"
"Hush, man; it is not worth swearing
about," interposed his nurse. "Now get
UP " , v
He held out his hand and assisted the
wreck to its feet.
"You'd better call at the chemist's
and get patched up. Here's money."
The vanquished one took the silver
and gazed stupidly at the giver, who
was making his toilet.
"Please go away, and don't thrash
your boy any more," said St. John, per
Goliath made a few steps, then re
traced them, holding out a grimy paw.
"Mister Parson, I'm —I'm—"
"Don't say another word. Good-byj"
and the curute shook hands with liim.
The big man turned away. Present
ly he halted once more. "I'm—l" he
said. It had to come. Then he shambled
St. John adjusted his collar, gave his
shoulder a rub and donned his coat and
hat. As he started towards the village
a girl came swiftly to meet him.
.JYMc'n r HtW ,lld; y
watched you from the hedge yonder."
"I am exceedingly sorry, Miss Ed
mlston," said the curate, coldly, raising
his hat and making to pass on.
Nancy started as though he had
struck her; her flush of enthusiasm
paled out. In her excitement she had
forgotten that event of a week ago, but
the cutting tone of his voice reminded
her. She bowed her head, and he went
on his way. He had gone about 50 yards
when she called his name. Her voice
reached him. but something In it told
that he had not suffered alone.
He turned about and hastened to her.
—Chambers' Journal.
Kunll)' Cured.
A correspondent thus tells how a
man addicted to the spit ting habit was
cured: "The captain of an Atlantic
steamship was at a loss how to induce
a passenger to desist from the filthy
habit of spitting on deck. Among the
passengers was a gentleman well
known in Toronto 40 years ago, who
undertook to stop him if a quarter
l master were placetl at his disposal.
The captain closed with the offer and
the mat: was directed to fetch a bucket
of water and mop, and to follow the of
feuder up and down the deck. Tke re
sult was completely satisfactory."—
London Spectator.
The I.niim' of Time.
Prof. Smith—No one can conceive of
the slow and awful lapse of geological
Brown—l don't know. I've had a car
petiter working for me by the day.—
School Teacher—Who loves every
body, Johnnie?
Johnnie —My pa used to, 'cos he was
trying to get 'lected to congress, but he
don't no more, 'cos he didn't get there.
—lllustrated American.
IteKArdlntf tlie Proof.
She—Woman is more heroic than
man. She will endure awful tort-urea
without a murmur, and I can prove it.
He—Of course you can —by any shoe
dealer.—Brooklyn Life.
L.onjf Cunninteo.
Customer —How long is this locket
for two pictures guaranteed?
Jeweler—Five years—long enough
for three pairs of photographs, usual
ly.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Tertely Put.
Mrs. Iloyle—What a homely woman
she is.
Mrs. Doyle—Homely! Well, I should
say so; her face would give a derma
tologist a life job. —N. Y. World.
"George, arc you doing anything for
that dreadful cough V
"What are you doing?"
"Coughing."—Chicago Itecord.
Wiitei-iuu the Milk.
Milkman—John, put a little more wa
ter than usual in the milk to-day. I've
got to get back the money they fined
me the other day for watering it.—Kox
bury Gazette.
True Knoiigli.
Mrs. Benham —Our new minister's
name is Stone.
Benham —Well, there are sermons in
itones. —N. Y. World.
Sill)- Goulp.
Maud—ls it true that you are in love
with Mr. Bullion ?
Clara—Mercy, no! I'm only engaged
to him.—N. Y. Weekly.
To Avert n Tr«*edr.
I Clancy—Me woife nearly bruit me hid
Intdit noight wid a chair.
| Casey—Pliwy don't yea g!t easy
, chairs? —N. Y. Jourr n.'
i 1
v. By George Ada K
£ _ %/ . / 5
IT WAS part of Mr. Malcolm Guern
sey's training of himself to learn to
restrain the common emotions. Upon
looking about him at the bifurcated
creatures who wore cloth garments and
passed for responsible members of so
ciety he perceived that most of them
were childlike in their weak willing
ness to be governed by impulse rather
than reason.
For one thing, they were brutally cu
rious as to the small happenings and
the scandal of the world, so much so
that Mr. Guernsey had seen them fight
for the possession of a morning news
paper. So Mr. Guernsey schooled him
self to restrain the instinct of curiosity.
If he were walking along a street and
saw 20 people tiptoeing and craning
their necks to look at some object in
ashow window he would have an aching
desire to push through the throng and
find out what the object was, but in
stead of doing so lie would elevate
his chin In the spirit of resolution and
march on, his curiosity unsatisfied, it is
true, but his soul made stronger, his
self-respect vastly increased and his
pity for the multitude made more pro
As Mr. Guernsey learned to despise an
exhibition of eager curiosity, so he
came to have a contempt for boisterous
There was no piece of news which
would cause Mr. Guernsey to gasp and
ask for particulars. He would simply
say "Indeed!" and give the agitated
messenger a calming look.
The most excrutiatingly funny story
ever told could not move Mr. Guernsey
to audible laughter. Sometimes he
wanted to laugh, and it was a matter
of shame with him that he enjoyed fun
ny stories, but he confined his applause
to a pensive smile. Mr. Guernsey had
reason to believe that the guffaw be
longed in animal history.
So also with demonstrative grief. At
funerals there are some mourners who
wail and beat the cushions with their
palms. Mr. Guernsey always sat dry
and immovable, even though it were the
funeral of u near relative.
It follows that anyone so opposed
to the ordinary procedures under the
ordinary conditions would be set
against' the conventional flatteries,
apologies and explanations which gloss
the ugliness of modern social life. Mr.
Guernsey observed that it was the haldt
of your smirking salesmanlike man to
give a ready-made compliment to every
woman he met; so Mr. Guernsey, seek
ing 11 splendid isolation for himself, re
fused to deal in these compliments.
Consequently, as he never flattered
women and never cajoled them and
never pursued them, the women
thought that they hated him, but they'
proved that they were interested Ifl
him, for they discussed them over their
It was remarked of Mr. Guernsey
that he was always sparing of praise.
To commend each and every human
performance in hackneyed adjectives i»
the self-imposed task of the parlor
manikin, but Mr. Guernsey rebelled at
the task. When a young woman just
from the conservatory had tortured a
cnt would sigh that it was 'Lovely,
"Iseautiful" and "Awfully sweet," but
Mr. Guernsey would simply gaze at
the tremulous amateur with lack-luster
eye and then bring up some topic en
tirely foreign to music—possibly he
would inquire if anyone knew where he
could purchase a rough-coated spaniel.
If he was chary of his praise ho was
also slow to condemn, t orceful criti
cism seemed to him to imply a condition
of wrath, and yielding to wrath was
\lrtually an admission of weakness.
The elemental and primitive men whom
Mr. Guernsey saw in State street were
accustomed "to become angry and sour
if human events did not move accord
ing to their several programmes, s?
Mr. Guernsey knew that if he wished
to be different he must control his tem
Thus jou will M-«- that Mr. Guernsey
was not a cynic. He fancied that howas
a stoic, but his stoicism was only a
shell. Within him were all the rational
Impulses and emotions. lie suffered
and he was happy, he aspired and he
despaired, he loved and he hated, but
he allowed no one to suspect. Re
straint —restraint! Always the curb-
He never removed the mask. He was
a hypocrite even while he convinced
himself that he was too strong and
brave and free to imitate the usual
modes of hypocrisy.
Thus when he met Miss Olivia Kay
burn the hypocritical Guernsey, the
disciplinarian, said that she was a ma
terial organism made up of oxygen, hy
drogen, carbon, iron, phosphorus and
other simple elements, and 011 the spir
itual side had inherited the follies ac
cumulating through C.OIH) years of in
ferior womanhood.
The other Guernsey (the one under
the shell) warmed at sight of her and
confessed that she was the most an
gelic creature ever put at large to tan
talize the male sex. Hut Mr. Guernsey
would not have acknowledged his sub
confession — 110, not to his cloSest
friend, if he had had any close friends,
which he hadn't.
So, while his heart lluttered and he
felt a dizziness from the joy of her pres
ence, the habit of restraint was so
strong within him that he stood before
her in icy self-possession and called
her "Miss ltayburn" with 110 tremor li}
his voice, and all the time that he looked
upon her he seemed to do it with such
dispassion that poor Miss Rayburn lost
her sense of power and discovered that
here was another kind of man.
You may well imagine that she was
puzzled and not a little piqued. She
was accustomed to have men hoverover
ler and whisper complimentary things.
3he expected to find every man keen
for a tilt at flirting. She had come to
believe that all men would have to turn
and look at her in glaring admiration
when she entered a room. It had be
soine, also, a foregone conclusion that
any man upon whom she wielded her
mngic charms would be transported fty
her beauty, by the mantling blushes,
the persuasive sweetness of the rosebud
mouth, the tricks of the eyes and the
tiieouraging tones of dallying' conver
sation, and would, therefore, either
propose or have to be cheeked in the
get of proposing.
She found that Mr. Malcolm Guernsey
r>ever turned his head to take a long
look at her. He had conquered the
schoolboy trait of curiosity. He could
put his back to her and study a picture
pn the w all. At the piano he turned the
leaves of the music, and she could not
observe that his hand trembled. When
she lifted her gaze and looked up ut
him through the lashes, all in melting
tenderness, he answered with the studi
ous scrutiny of one who is examlng
some new kind of flower or insect.
What satisfaction to have captivated a
hundred youthful dancing men when
here was a lordly creature who resisted
ull her charm 1 ' 'hat without appar
ent effort? Alack! Miss Olivia Ray
burn could not know that Mr. Guern
sey hod to make a constant struggle to
hold back the words that came to his
lips, and that only by sternest resolu
tion could he smother the poetry that
was aroused in his soul.
When a women meets an indifferent
man -she cither hates and traduces Inm
or else she attires herself in the fullest
splendor of war dress, sharpens her
weapons and sets forth to bring him
Miss Hay burn chose the second plan.
Why ? Because she could not hate Mr.
Guernsey. She had to admit that she
loved him.
A hundred slaves had followed her
and courted her. N .w she had found a
master—a man who neither courted
nor followed, a man who would have
to be won. Here was a flirtation with
a new /est and an element of danger.
What if she should fail after making an
open battle forhim? The very thought
of it was terrifying, but at the same
time the dreadful risk involved in the
campaign made Mr. Guernsey seem all
the more desirable.
It must be admitted that Miss Hay
burn sacrificed a part of her maidenly
reserve in her tierce assaults ou Mr.
Guernsev. She compelled him to sit on
the stairs with her while the others
w ere dancing. In dim corners she snug
gled near him and talked to him in a
confidential whisper. She forced him
to waltz with her and she held him to
his promise that he would call.
Need anyone doubt the result? Bear
in mind that Miss Olivia liayburn was
the most beautiful and fascinating
creature in all the world. Here was
poor Mr. Guernsey, with as much youth,
lire, romance and poesj as ever be
longed to chevalier or troubadour, put
to agonizing temptations such as no
one but St. Anthony ever resisted.
The torrent of his aroused love car
ried away the barrier of restraint
which he* had been strengthening for
years. One evening, tried beyond hu
man endurance, he threw his right arm
around Miss Olivia Hay burn, and draw
ing her close to him he poured out all
the incoherent platitudes of love.
Miss Olivia Kayburn lay within his
embrace content and triumphant. She
knew that she had wrung from him a
confession such as he had never made
to any other girl. She had won, though
all the others had failed. Mr. Guernsey,
In bidding licr good night, gave her a
kiss which represented all the pent-up
kisses of ten years.
Next morning he received a note:
"My Dear Mr. Guernsey: When wojmrt
aiWwrt- wyoTrf Vr-rr Wnttermy I'lf'i'ftJta.
Believo me, I am deeply honornl to have
received the offer of your heart and hand,
but after due reflection I am forced to the
conclusion that our tempers are not com
patible—tl.at the union would not be one of
lasting happiness. Pardon me If I cause
you any pain by this frank statement. I
Hhall always esteem you as a friend. Very
sincerely, "OLIVIA KAYBL HN.
The act of an unfeeling coquette?
Certainly not. She had loved Mr.
Guernsey in all fervor until he put his
arm around her and made the fatal
declaration. At that moment, as she
afterward discovered, he revealed him
self and she saw that he was the same
as all the others—the conventional
pleader. If he had resisted her charms,
who knows? She might have allowed
her heart to be eaten out through fam
ishing' love of him.
Mr. Guernsey read her note by the
morning Light of cold philosophy. Over
night he had found time to repair the
wreck. He was again fortified within
the haMt of restraiut.
"This is the happiest moment of my
life," he said. "The young woman's ac
tion proves what I have always main
tained, that a man mustnotgive way to
rational impulse or allow his emo
tional nature to govern his conduct."
Consequently he never put kis arm
around another wo.nan. Chicago
Daily Itccord
I'"order Down.
First Boy—D.ey say cigarettes hurts
a felle r 's lungs. Do yer believe it (
Second Boy— Xaw; dey don't hurt
yer at all unless yer dad ketches yer
smoklu' 'em, an* den dey hurts yer
furder down dan yer lungs. —Judge.
Carpenter's Assistant- — What was
that new plumber sacked for?
The number's Assistant—lJe was
sent to do half an hour's work in a pri
vate house, and finished the job in
half a day.—lllustrated American.
Ju»t Killed the 1)111-
The Ilclres® —The man I marry must
be very handsome, afraid of nothing
and clever. Money's no object to me.
Mr. Broke—Doesn't it seem like fate
we should have met?— Harper's
Not Ills Fault.
Old Lady (to butler, whom she has
caught helping himself to some of her
finest old port)—l'm surprised, James!
Butler (calmly) —So am I, ma'am; I
thought you was gone out. —Boston
Too Slow.
Mr. I —atchoo —believe 1
have caught the grippe.
Miss Wabash—Oh, no, that can't be
possible. It must have waited for you.
—Cleveland Leader.
A Talented Ml*er.
"I can't understand Prof. Whpckem s
greut popularity us a lecturer.
"That's easy; the women enjoy his
hits at the men and the men enioy hy!
hits at the women."—Chicago Record.
Lucky ClrcumaUuice.
"Scorpion!" he hissed, after the othci
fellow had kicked him. "Lucky for you
I ain't a centipede," retorted the kicker
—Town Topics.
Astronomy o« Home.
Mrs. Outertowne—-Ob, Henry 1 oui
new cook is a star!
Outertowne (fervently)—lf she only
proves a lixed one!— Brooklyn Life.
ItullnK I*ii»«lon.
"Just before he died the great bari
tone sat up in bed and sang."
"A swan song?"
"No, a coon song!"— Town Topics.
Well Put.
Smith —Every time my wife wears e
l>ocnet it affect* her.
.Tones —(roes to her head, I suppose.—
Comic Cute.
\\ lx4*u thr Arliusa Tow n W»« Trtm
btlnx on lli«- A crir«- of To
ol Annihilation.
"Thi- newspaper talk about the czar's
disarmament scheme," said a western '
man. "reminds rue of something that
happened in Tombstone, A. T., when
that place was the hottest hamlet on
the whole frontier. There were two
factions in town at the time, ar.d every
body predicted that a big pitched battle
was liable to occur at any moment. The
split grew out of an old quarrel be- J
tween the cowboys and certain self
constituted authorities, and was com
plicated by so many side issues that no
body knew exactly what it was about. ;
All that was perfectly clear was th&t
two good-sized crowds were zigzagging
about town waiting for some trifle to
.-tart the fracas. Every member of
both x» ar, ies was armed to the teeth ;
and afraid to lay aside his shooting
irous for a moment lest he be taken at j
a disadvantage. In addition to the reg- j
ulation brace of 45-caliber Colts, most i
of them carried 'Bttwed-off* shotguns, i
These weapons were very popular in i
Arizona in the early days, and were or
dinary breech-loaders with the barrels j
amputated some eight inches above the
locks, making just about the ugliest '■
machine that mortal man ever gazed iu
to. When loaded with half a pint or so
! of slugs it would kill everything with
in an acre lot except the man directly
behind the gun. Nobody ever thought
of tiring these things from the shoul
der, but turned them loose at the hip.
and the modish way of carrying them
was by a loop of clothesline tied at
c-ne end to the belt and at the other
to a ring in the breschplate. Local
dudes u*ed to go about twirling them
like monocles. Well, this armed peace
went along without any special inci
dent for ov«r half a year, greatly to
the disgust of everybody. You see, each
side carried so mueh personal artillery
and kept such a sharp lookout that none
of them cared to take chances on start
ing the row. That was the way things
stood when the Are department got
ready to give its annual ball, which was
the great social event of the year. The
♦ire chief was a keen-witted Irishman,
and he thought the situation over and
called on both factions. 'Look here,
boys,' he said, in substance, 'you all
want to come to the ball, and you can't
do it with them soatter-guns hanging
to you. If you happen to kiak one ofl
waltzing you might massacre the whole
orchestra, and they're the only musi
cians in town. So, why not let all
hands agree to unload everything un
til further notice —guns, pistols, knives
and knuckles— and just turn in and
have a good time? I'll take care of the
hardware and give each fellow a check.'
This interesting proposition was fa
vorably received, and after considerable
quibbling about details an agreement
was draw n up and everybody peeled off
his weapons. There was a great sigh
of relief, and the ball was the biggest
success on record. The truth is, Tomb
stone was sick of war, and to the best
of my recollection the general dlsarm-
anient continued five or six months. It
was broken by a typical street duel,
and then things got wild and woolly
again. It is certainly a curious unwrit
ten page of frontier history."—N. O.
mni! TT Aiinn nr !«■ N—N >TT
Furnace or Illuinlnnllfilli Injure*
I'lleill—lrrt'Biilur Wittering,
One of the chief reasons why plants
do not thrive in the house with the best
□f care is due to the presence of fur
nace or illuminating gas. House plants
are much better kept in a room by
themselves. If gas is used in light
ing the house, use ft kerosene lamp in
this room, though it is better for plants
to be without light during the hours of
Authorities lay greut stress upon ir
rvgslar watering as a cause of poor
growth, but an even more important
cause is the result of allowing the
earthen flower pot in which the plants
are planted to be exposed to the sun
in the window. From this cause the
fibrous roots of the plants soon grow
to the side of the pot, and in full hot
sunshine these are baked. The sidesof
the pots should be always shaded,
either by placing them in a box of sand J
or moss or by putting a thin board
edgewise across the front of the shelf
of plants. Another good way to screen
them is by placing the pot in one two I
or three sizes larger, filling up the spnee
with moss or saud.
Gardeners also say that the pots
glazed or painted outside are better
for house plants than the common por
ous ones. The reason is because the
porous pots permit a constant evap
oration which dries and chills the
roots.—X. Y. Tribune.
Friction with the Hand*.
Friction with the hands is really bet
ter than with brush or towel. By way
1 of caution, let mc say the foregoing ad
vice is not meant for those suffering
from any organie disease. Ihc morn
ing bath invigorates, fortifies the sys
tem against sudden changes of weather
and starts the day well. The busy wom
an, who is always tired at night.and de
• lights in those half-wakingmomentsJn
the morning, may take hers on retiring,
and be greatly refreshed thereby. This
paper is meant to deal with foundation
: work. It can only suggest the best
' means for preserving and enhancing
womanly charms. —N. Y. Ledger
llomeradliih Vinegar.
Pour a quart of the best vinegar on
three ounces of scraped horseradish
and one ounce of minced shalots. Add
1 also a drachm of cayenne pepper, and
let the ingredients work togethar for
a few days; then bottle for future use
with cold beef, salad or entrees.—Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
An Honeit Avownl.
"And so you love me—mealono?"
She ventured to propound.
"Yes, morv that way," said he, my own.
Than when your tna's around.
' —L. A. W. Bulletin.
Wanted Him Herself.
3 "Tliey say she married a man who
Is vld enough to be her father."
"Then perhaps that Is wjiy her moth
er, who is still a pretty llvfly widow,
r was. so strongly opposed to the match.'
J —Chicago Hecord.
Wan led n Trustful Public.
Reformer —But don't you think that
public office should be a public tru.vt ?
r Statesman— Why, certainly! I don't
believe in investigation committees, or
f anything like that!— Puck.
Mltcht lie U««.
"She has a nice little voice."
"There's only one fault about it."
"What's that?"
"It isn't little enough."—Cleveland
He llndn't ll«rd of It.
ft She- I will never marry a man with
a title.
He (surprised) —Why, baa your *-
* tfcer lost his money?— Chicago Dai.y
N ewi.
No. 9
(ionic Frrth 1 ancle* la Gan lt»re tft
Winter Costume*—•
Muffs, Etc.
Boas for evening wear are now
of two shades of plaited chiffon, and
with ends long enough to reuch near!j
to the knees.
Many of the -kirts tit the figure close
l\ to the knee, then flare out to the
foot. They still continue long, even
for the street, and for the house have
a decided train. Skirts that flare are
stiffened nine inches deep with hair
cloth or crinoline.
Low-necked and short-sleeved bod
ices are more than ever fashionable for
receptions and dinners this winter. A
charming model for a dinner waist is
made of black satin duchesse elaborate
ly decorated with jet passementerie.
The full front is made of black chif
fon over light green satin, and a belt
of the satin held by a jet buckle encir
clesthe waist. The sleeves aremousque
taire, and the waistis made pompadour
back and front.
Another evening waist is made of
red taffeta glace and beautifully
trimmed with black lace in the bow
knot design. It has a square bertha
edged with a plaiting of black chiffon,
and the belt which encircles the waist
is of jet over red taffeta.
Mauve and rose form a dainty combi
nation for evening gowns and milli
nery. It shows off particularly well in
a gown of mauve tulle over a founda
tion of rose-colored satin.
! Shirt waists are made of velvet, fancy
plaided faille with satin bars of con
trasting color, corduroy, English vel
vetten, plain, striped or polka-dotted
silk; silk and wool fancies, Roman
striped satins and pretty silks are much
; famed for dressy uses. While broad
cloth is much used for bridesmaid's
gowns this season.
Muff- of velvet matching the hat and
pelerine will be very fashionably worn
with any stylish street costume. The
muffs are made round or flat and are
moderately large. The popular glove
for daytime wear is biscuit color, and in
four-button lengths these gloves have
either self-stitching or stitching ia
black or white.
The bowk not decoration is in high
favor. Bow knots made of lace, braia
or ribbon adorn basques, costumes and
even coats. Silk and satin pettleoats
are elaborately trimmed with ruehing
of ribbon of different widths. Heavy
satins in violet, yellow, burnt orange
and red are used for linings on fur coafts,
jackets and muffs. Shoulder capes and
muffs of gray fox fur are very fash
ionable this winter. Many of the small
leg-of-mutton and chatelaine sleeves on
English and French gowns, both day
nnd evening wear, ore tucked in inch
wide tucks at the top of the sleeve or its
diminutive puff. These tucks run
around, not up and down the puff, and
are from three to five in number. They
are made before the sleeves are shaped,
or even lined, and the thinnest lining
silk Is used. —Ladles' World.
Every Ituoin in the House Should Be
Thoroughly Aired Every
The necessity of pure air and plenty
of it is known to everyone, yet is ig
nored completely by many in their
OTV EQIINRMTTT RNWRR wri!tt Win umpyefl
to the fish if the water is not changed
frequently; yet few stop to think that
the same fate will be theirs if they do
not take equal care to freshen the air
they breathe.
In summer thure is comparatively
little danger of from impure
air in the house, for a desire to keep
cool impels us to open the windows.
But in winter all doors and windows
are tightly closed, and the slightest
breath of air is shunned as if it brought
death instead of life. »
The necessity of ventilation,however,
is greater than ever in cold weather, for
stoves and lights use up a great deal
of the oxygen we need and fill the rooms
with poisonous carbonic acid gas. For
tunately the sashes of the windows sel
dom fit absolutely, and there are cracks
under the doors and keyholes in them,
BO that we seldom succeed in sealing
up our rooms as hermetically as we
wish, and therefore do not make our
selves as ill as we deserve.
But this is not enough, and every
room in the house should be aired morn
ing and evening, even in the coldest
weather, by opening the windows wide
and letting the air blow through. A
room will soon warm up again after
such, a cleansing, and, moreover, the
air docs not need to be so hot to feel
comfortable when it is fresh as it does
when it is stale and charged with im
In addition to this there ought in
every living-room and sleeping-room to
be some provision for constant renewal
of the air. This can be effected easily
by raising the lower window sash two
Inches and tilling the space between it
and the sill with a board. The air then
filters through between the two sashes
without creating the draught whish we
are taught to dread. Another and bet
ter way is to lower the upper sash
slightly, filling the gap so made with a
close wire net.
An open fireplace in a room is a good
help to ventilation, for there is almost
always an upward current in the chim
ney, even If there is no Are in the grate,
and in this way much of the bad air is
removed. —Youth's Companion.
Snl»» Fritters.
Slice your stale bread nearly an inch
thick, cut round with a cake cutter and
fry quickly in deep, hot fat. Dip each
round as soon as done into baling wa
ter for one second to remove superflu
ous grease. Spread the fritters as fast
as they are fried and dipped with pow
dered sugar, wet up with lemon juice.
Cover and keep hot until needed. —Cin-
cinnati Enquirer.
A probability.
The man who never make* mistakes
Should not be boaßtlng too much.
The chances are he is ft man
Who nover tried to do much.
—Washington Btar.
"How much will you give me for my
"Seventy-flv*} teats,"
"What! I paid a dollar and fifty cents
for the canvas nloije."
"I know, but then th« canvas was
' clean." —St. kojlis IkPuWi-