THE; citizen. "99- 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. J (Subject to the Republican Primary of March 35, 1899. from 1 to 7 P. M. > ■ FOR DELEGATE TO THE STATE CONVENTION. f JOSEPH GKAHAM. Of Whites town. 1 ANDREW G. WILLIAMS, Of Butler. < FOR SHERIFF. 1 J. BRADEN BLACK, < Of Butler. ( M. L. GIBSON, 1 Of Butler. THOMAS K. HOON, Of Centre twp. JAMES R. KEARNS, Of Butler twp. FOR PROTHONOTARY. 1 JOHN C. CLARK. Of Washington twp. J. M. MCCOLLOUGH, Of Fairview twp. ROBERT J. THOMPSON. ( Of West Sunbury. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. W. J. ADAMS, Of Butler. formerly of Washington twp. J. P. BOGGS, Of Forward twp. i A. M. BORLAND, Of Butler. , W. J. BURTON, . Of Penn twp. W. E. COOPER, Of Worth twp. J. P. DAVIS. 1 Of Brady twp. H. MORRISON. JIL M ,^ GEORGE E. THOMAS, Of Butler. PORTER WILSON, '• Of Centre twp. I FOR TREASURER. i CHARLES H. BOOK, ( Of Cherry twp. D. L. RANKIN. 1 Of Butler. , FOR CLERK OF COURTS. ( W. H. CAMPBELL, , Of Concord twp. GEORGE M. GRAHAM, the Teacher, 1 Of Connoqnenessing twp. REUBEN MCELVAIN, 1 Of Butler. J. H. PIZOR, Of Worth twp. D. D. QUIGLEY, Of Penn twp MILES C. SARVER. Of Buffalo twp. W. P. TURNER, Of Butler. , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. JAMES F. BROWN. Of Franklin twp. G. W. CROWE. Of Forward twp. LOYAL W. DAUGHERTY, \ Of Slipperyrock twp. ( JOHN W. GILLESPIE, , Of Middlesex twp. , S. W. GLENN, Of Centre twp. MCCALLISTER KUHN, Of Concord twp. ROBERT MCCLUNG, , Of Butler twp. J. J. MCGARVEY, I Of Mercer. < SAMUEL RILEY, • I Of Forward twp. HARMON G. SEATON. . Of Washington twp 1 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. j H E. HEBERLING, I Of Portersville. ] JAS. A. MCDOWELL, Of Butler. ' J. W. PATTERSON, Of Jefferson twp. P. H. SECHLER, Of Prospect boro. , FOR CORONER. JOHN L, JONES, Of Butler. Card of Withdrawal. To THE REPUBLICANS OP BUTLER I COUNTY. Having accepted a position with the Pittsburg Oil Co., I find it necessary to withdraw from the con test of nomination, for Prothonotary, with sincere thanks for the encourage ment and many proffers of support. 1 remain. Yours Truly GEORGE W. AMY. 13 Short. At Thursdoy's joint session 218 votes were cast, and Quay still lacked 13 votes of an election. During the day the Magee jury bill was passed by the Senate, but an in tended effort to pass it or something like it in the House was spoiled by an adjournment. Fridays's vote was 50, 45, 12, 5, etc.. 130 in all. Quay still 13 short. Guffy Jenks and Sibley had gone home, but intended to return. Sibley insisied that he was not in Harrisbnrg to divide the Democrats or to turn them to Quay. His lieutenants, who are largely employes of the Standard Oil Company, thought they saw very much unrest among the Democrats, who are gnash ing their teeth at the dictation of Senator Flinn. This would read well if it were true. The new Constables' Fee bill passed the House that day, and was the first bill to become a law. It was designed to affect the fees of the newly elected constables. On Saturday but fifteen members at tended the joint session and the vote was—lo, 4, 1. Nearly all the members were paired until 4 P. M. of Wednes day. On Monday but 14 members attend ed the joint session, and the onlj gossip going related to the Pittsbnrg charter bil_l introduced by the Democrats. In tbe House there was nulbing to do and nobody to do anything, so they made the prayer of extra length. Speak er Pro Tern Seal, of Dauphin, found it difficult to secure an escort for the senate, but he finally selected two lauie men, Deyarmon and Meals. Gov. Stone and family were at At lantic City. On Tuesday but sixteen members at tended the joint convention; the head quarters of the rival forces were re opened. there was some talk of another caucus by the Democrats; and among Republicans Chief Justice Sterrett was mentioned as a compromise candidate for U. S. Senator. At yesterday's joint session but 82 votes were cast. No effort was made to transact business in either house. WHEN a train is rounding a curve, | the ordinary locomotive headlight j points off into a surrounding country, and is useless. A mechanical engineer of a Westetn railway deviwd an attachment by means of which the light is maintained in line with the track. The light is mounted on a turn table which is rotated through the pro per by a cable passing «around pulleys and leading to the two piston rods of a small double-action air eyjin der. The motion of the piston is regn lated by a valye in the cab, the air pressure being taken from the air brake system. The headlight turns on in clines so arranged that when the head light travels up the incline it will have bearings on the two quarters on which it travels. The object of this is to re turn the headlight to its noTiuai posi tion automatically when the air is re leased. The device has been practical ly tested. Scientific American. A'SONCILLO, the Philipino sailed iroin Montreal for Europe, this week. POLITICAL. Thd Republican primary in Arm strong county is to lie held on Saturday. May 13th. and the canididates for Judge are W. D. Patton. M F. Leason and John F. Whit worth; for Prothonotary J. M William , for Register and Record er 1. T, Campbell; for Treasurer. S. F. Booher, Jos. Simpson, Sylvester Henry and Israel Shaffer, for Commissioner, S. E. Sloan. W. C. Story and W. C". Bailey and for Auditor A. G. Walker. Unless there is another postponement or something else happens Sena tor Quay will be put on trial in the criminal court of Philadelphia Mon day; and the trial, if an honest one. will be the sensation of the week. In Cumberland Co. a son of Rep. Manning, uec'd. Dein. was elected to succeed him in the Legislature. In Pittsburg. Diehl, Rep. for Mayor has 15,000 over O'Donnel. Dein.; and in Allegheny Wyman. Rep. has 6000 over Lang. Dein.—a remarkable resnlt con sidering Wyman s record. In Lebanon Co. Dr. W eiss, the anti- Quay candidate to succeed Gen. Gobin, was elected State Senator by from two - to three-thousand majority. In Philadelphia county, Ashbridge, Rep. is elected Mayor by about 110,(MK) majority over Hoskins, Dem. The Democratic County Committee met in Butler, yesterday, and fixed up on Saturday, June 3d. as the time for their primary. "BELIEVING that the teaching and practice of polygamy is an act of rebel lion against the laws of the Govern- B. H. Roberts, Congressman-elect from Utah, is guilty, we. therefore, as a con gregation, do hereby declare our opposi tion to the seating of said 8.-H. Roberts in the House of Representatives of the Government of the United States. The foregoing is the meat of a resolu tion passed last Sunday by the congrega tion of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, who meet regularly at 07 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. AT a banquet in Boston, Thursday night. President McKinley spoke of thp Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico as a trust committed to our care by God. The following extracts from his speech show its import. * ' The Philippines, like Cuba and Porto Rico, were intrusted to our hands by the war,and to that great trust, un der the providence of God and in the name of human progress anil civiliza tion. we are committed. It is a trust we have not sought; it is a trust from which we will not flinch. The American people will hold up the hands of their servants at home to whom they commit its execution, while Dewey and Ottis and the brave men whom they command, will havo the support of the country in upholding our flag where it now floats, the symbol and assurance of liberty and justice. * - * * "The other suggestions—First, that they should be tossed into the arena of contention for the strife of nations; or second, be left to the anarchy and chaos of no protectorate at all, were too shameful to be considered. The treaty gave them to the United States. * * # • The future of the Philippine islands is now in the hands of the American people. Until the treaty wared bv the head of the department. Mr Jcn«s also refused to approve the bill because tliexc vern u number of things in the book that were irrelevant and to his mind were only placed there to till it out and add to the cost. Tiw most potent reason for re fusal, however, w«n that this was not a reproduction of the original ppmphlet as ordered to be reprinted by tiie l.egis lature. 1 Air. Buscli brought imif figainst Mr. Jones to compel him to approve bill and the case was tried last December before Judge Simonton and McPherson. Judge McPherson delivered his opinion today, in which Li. f-'ill y sustained Mr. Jones' jtositiqn and touches briefly on the objections raised by tne fornix' superintendent, sustaining theui all A i£S£is46S3tt£ ~ -- Banquet <>•' tlio "•" Vssociation. The third annual lianqnet of the Bnt ler Bar Association held Thursday even ing last was one of the most pleasant events in its history. Col. Archibald Blakeley of Pittsburg was the guest of honor and, proceeding the banquet, made an address in the Court House on the Butler Bar of Fifty Years Ago. John H. Negleyin troduced to the audience Col. Blakeley. who told of his birth and home in C ran berry township, of his arrival and early experiences in Butler, and then ga\ e brief sketches of the prominent attor uevs practicing in Butler before the ciy !il war - , ~ • After the address, the attorneys, their wives and ladies, proceeded to the Ho | tel Lowry where they partook of an ex cellent menu. Music was furnished by Messrs Ed. and Alf. Gnmpher and Hindman. After the supper Attorney J. M Thompson responded to the toast. • The Young Lawyer;" A. G. Williams was to sing a song, but put in a special plea of "sore throat;" T. C. Campbell toasted The Court;" S. F. Bowser, "TheLawj-er of Today;" ISewton Black. "Expansion;" J. M. Galbreatli. The Ladies;" and Lev McQuistion, "The Press J. D. McJunkin spoke briefly and Col. Blakeley presented to the Bar Association nicely framed copie„ of "The Butler Palladium and Republican Star," of April IT, 1810, the "Butler Re pository," of July 5, 1831 and a liquor license granted by Gov. Simon Snyder to Jacob Mechling. On motion of W. D. Brandon a unan imous vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Blakeley for his gift and on motion of Mr. Williams to Messrs McCafferty & McCrea and their corps of assistants for their splendid repast and service. The banqueters then dispersed hoping to meet again a year hence. Col. Blakeley was born and raised in this county, on Glade Run, and on the farm now owned by his brother An ffrew Bttttretey. tn now rorwarct Twp. In 1850 he began the study of law here and was admitted to the Bar in 185-. In 1853 he was elected District Attor ney of the county and filled that office for three years. When the war of the Rebellion came soon after, he enlisted and was in service to near its end. He then lived in Franklin Pa., for a while, but soon settled in Pittsburg, and has since been practicing law there. He was married in this place in 18->4, to Miss Susan D. Mechling. daughter of the late Hon. Jacob Mechling", Jr. ana thus was connected with one of the pio neer families of our town. His wife died in Pittsburg some years ago and lie had her remains brought and laid in the Lutheran Cemetery (south) of this place. We mention this as it may ac count, to some extent for the regard that Col. Blakely has for his old home, Butler. . . Col. Blakeley's remarks were princi pally directed towards an account of thfc Butler Bar, and its different mem bers when he was admitted. IHS~. In this he gave some interesting remi niscences.and told some amusing stories of some of the members of the Bar of those days. Altogether his address was instructive and uinch enjoyed. THE Spanish Cortes had a lively ces sion on Monday of this week. The pro posal of ti.e goyernment to refer the bill ceding the Philippines to the Unit ed States to a special committee brought on a tumult, during which one member wanted to know why cer tain Spanish geneials were not shot. Funny Wu Tung, The amiable Chinese Minister to the United States, Wu Tung Fang, was asked at Washington, for a sentiment' appropriate to Washington's birthday, and he courteously responded by dic tating the following: "George Washington is one of the few exalted characters which history has to offer as inspiring examples to people of every clime. What I admire most in Washington, is the entire sub ordination of his personal ambition to the public welfare. The love of power which is almost innate to every man, seems in his case to have been con trolled by a higher sense rn public duty. Thus he surrendered the supreme com mand of the American army without a sigh; he retired from the Chief Magis tracy of the nation simply because he considered it inconsistent with the country'* good to remain longer in power "How diffex-ent wt>re the motives that governed the actions of such nien as Cromwell and others when once they had tasted the intoxicating pleasures of power! They were great soldiers and statesmen, indeed; but they have not left a memory to their countrymen which is held with universal gratitude and pride. "I can recall at this moment only opt historical personage that can stand any comparison with Washington. That is Emperor Shun. The renowned mon arch ruled over the Chinese people at the first dawn of Chinese history, and led the nation from barbarism into civ ilization. To this day Chinese histor ies still refer to the period of his reign ali the Golden Age of the Chinese peo ple, and the Kmperors of the succeeding dvnasties have never ceased to look to him as a worthy example for them to follow. He was called from the plow to lead the people through a trying crisis. So well did he perform the high but onerous duties imposed upon him that 4,000 years have not been able to dim thi- memory which his grateful countryman hold of him. In the char acter of the two wen— Sljni) and Wash ington—there seems to mo a common liken ess." FKANCOIS FKLIX FA ORE, President of the French Republic, died suddenly last Tunrsday night from apoplexy; a commotion followed and ;> revolution was expected: but the crisis pas»< d. aud the French legislature elected Emile Lou bet President of the Senate, to suc ceed President Faure. Kvans City One of C'rum Waiter & Leys r■[ New < 'ast-le was in town. KI'DYAKD Kipling, the great Eng lish author is feared to be dying with pneumonia at New York. WASHINGTON*. A bill providing for the payment to Spain of $30,000,000 passed the, Monday. (ieu. Miles appeared before the inves tigating committee and testified regard ing the canned beef furnished the army. Albert A. Barnhart has been appoint ed P. M. for Bnttercnp, and R. I. Nevin for Whitestown. An order to discharge all the remain ing volunteer organizations was issned from the War Department. Monday. Unless the Democrats recede from their position on the Army reorganiza tion bill, an extra session of Congress is considered inevitable. MANILA. On Monday the natives were concen treting for an attack, and a battle was expected. Wednesday night the Filipinos set lire to Manila and TOO houses were burned- The fire covered many acres anil the night was one of terror. The rebels a!9o attacked onr troops but were repulsed with but slight loss on either side. THE presence of Hon. Joseph Sibley at Hnrnsburg clears away some of the surprise occasioned by his overwhelm ing defeat of Hon. C. W. Stone in the Venango district last fall. Congress men Stone had the temerity io be a can didate for Governor when Senator Quay had promised the nomination to W. A. Stone. After the nomination C. W. Stone threatened to kick over the traces on account of the manner in which his defeat had been secured. Shortly after that iv (lirtdatisfoolioii of his course iu Congress began to manifest itself in bis district, ostensibly at his treatment of old soldiers in filling postoflices. etc. The Oil City Derrick, a strong Quay paper. led the fight against Stone. Hon. 'Joseph Sibley was brought out and won in a canter. Now his appearance at Harrisburg in the interest of Senator Qnay lets the cat oat of the bag. There can be no doubt but what Senator Quay was at the bottom of the fight against C. W. Stone, and that his defeat is ow ing to Senator Quay's orders being carried out by Quay leaders in the dis trict. Joseph Sibley is simply repaying Quay now.— Party. A very enjoyable affair was the birth day party given in honor of Miss Fleda McCandlcss at her home at Reibold Station, on Friday evening, February I7th, that being her sixteenth birthday anniversary. The house was filled with jolly young friends, all eager for a good tiiit£, which they certainly did have. Vocal arid instrumental music and lots of dancing, which the young folks all enjoyed very much until after twelve o'clock when a bountiful lunch was furnished iu which all present took an active part. After a short rest the music and dancing was again resumed aim k,.j v I P IT- til the "wee sma" hours of mottling When nil re titled l.oaic feeling it was good to be there, aii« wishing Miss Fleda many happy re turns. Among those present were Miss Jennie Crowe and brother, of Browiwdale; Misses ('lira anil Killa Hall. t,t Vi+tJA, Stella and Ui'EPvra Mates aud oflieriof Bulger >,» and Mrs. Smith and son, Ulen, of Bei bold station; also a great number of those residing in the near vicinity. Some very handsome presents were r. eired, too numerous to mention. Iht sc are i',,i.i. givon bv on<" present. M,iy wt H4I n\et't inuuj ■ "i . THE Hamburg-American liner Bul garia. went down in the Atlantic, Feb. I stli, and 100 people were drowned. NElGlf HOIt IHN>I» N<>TI:S. Experts now think that the shortage in the accounts of the mmdered Treis nrt r of New Castle way reach £.VUK)S> The matter was a factor in the i MMI elections of T uesil iy. The ice is moving out of the rivers* slowly, and doin,' iu> >1»:» i,v William MeGhunphrey. of Martina Ferry is seriously ill with blood poison ing. resulting from wearing a metal collar button iu tlie back of liis shirt. The leaders of the neck have become paralyzed. j On Monday of this week. Berth .l Beilstein of Allegheny wlio shot and | killed her mother .on October 2, 1998, | and then tried to kill herself, and in the | wake of which sensational crimes fol lowed the snicide of David Reich. an j inmate of the Beilstein household, and ! of Edward Beilstein, a brother of ! Bertha, was taken to the woman's de partment of the Allegheny county jail. She was taken there last Monday even ing in a carriage by County Detective Robert G. Robinson and Detective Leon , I Einstein, of Allegheny. She carried in ' I her hand a bottle of olives, and in the ' carriage were a larsre telescope satchel ■ filled with her clothing. She was partic , ! tilarlv anxious to take the olives with ! her to her cell, but this could not be al j lowed under the rules of the jail, and I she was placed in the cell allotted to her without any possessions but the ' ! fashionable clothes she wore and an ex > | traordinary amount of self reliance and ! coolness considering the circumstances lof the case. She will remain in the jail { until her trial is called in the Criminal j court. The next Grand Jury will pass - upon her case, and her trial v.'ili likely soon follow, and it will be one of the ' most Interesting that has ever taken place in Allegheny county. i .Jefferson Centre. A number of people took advantage of the sleighing and nice weather last ' Friday and ilrove to Butler. Some who 1 were late starting home found it hard F pulling to get there. "Mac" don't you think you made a r mistake in not having the lumber for that new house hauled on this last ( snow. Albert Sloupe received a valentine iu the shape of a fine baby boy It was born Sunday night (12th) but near ; enough to be called a valentine. This • makes four of a kind. : S. C. Arbuckle and daughter Hannah - returned last Friday from a weeks visit t with friends at Chicora. F. M. Tinker has returned from Pitts r burg. F. D. McChesney had his face quite badly scorched while thawing a gas line on the Welsh farm. I Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Logan from Ma harg spent one dry last week with his sister, MissTillie Logan. Nearly all the "grip" victims in this vicinity haye recovered but we are liv ing in fear and trembling that the next warm spell may bring on another epi demic of it. ANON. 5 AT Boston last Thursday Miles was i.heered while Alger v.-as jeered. The crowd yelled "Yah. Yah, Beef. Beef, at j A lger. Public School H\;IIII iuations. Examinations i'or graduation from the public schools of Butler county will 1 be held March 25, 1899. The places where examinations will be held and committees appointed to hold examina tions are given below: Butler. Court House, C. S. Fierce, Ira Cleland, Miss Mary McNeese. Donegal twp., Orbison School, H. T. 1 Young O. E. Campbell. ; Coopers town Miss Ida Heginbotham, D. H. Bryan, Miss Grace Braham. Evaus City, Ira Graham. Charles Textor, Miss Levenia Marshall. a Farmington. E. J. Miller, Jos. Wil son, F. W. Kelley. Uarrisville, Prof. Fred Glenn. G. B. Brown. MissNaoma Liken. Md. Lancaster. A W. Swain Willis McCail, Sherman Gallaher Mars, Pvof. Oco. Dombart, T. D Little. Miss Martha Brown. Marion twp., No. (i, Mont Hocken berry, H. L. McDowell, Miss Tillie : Gormley. Petersville, Cecil Wilson. Miss Silvia Hammond, Miss Edna Dambach. Petrolia, T. P. Shira, O. E. Evans. W. P. Jamison. Portersville, Frank Heberling, Miss Mary Butterfield. E. W. Staimn. Prospect. G. P. Weigle, Z. 11. Snyder Miss Ella Cratty. Saxonburg, K. E. Zahnizer, J M Irwin, Miss Sadie Campbell. Saxon Station, F. \V. Ekas, F. W. Halstead, C. W. Freeling. Sarversville. H. C. Montgomery, Miss Mabel Brown, Miss Helen Painter. Unionville. F. A. Barkley, James Mc't'andieii. West Sunbury, Jos. Timblin, Mi»s Jennie Espie, Miss Jennie Graham. West Liberty, Grant Studebaker, Geo. Rowles, Miss Nellie Koch Slipperyroek, A. E. Bard, Miss Minta Cooper, Miss Olive Moore. North Washington, W. M. Younsi, Miss Mary Shryoek. Miss Elda Wray. Examination questions will be sent to chairman of each committee. If :v*iy ape \yh<> hay been appointed as a member of any committee cannot conveniently serve, please inform me that I may till such vacancy. The work required will be to pass a good, fair examinations in the branches taught in our schools. Rules governing ex. will be sent with questions. All fiiends of education are cordially requested to be present and inspect the work. S. L. CHKESEMAN. Snpt.. Butler Co., Pa. HELPS HER WONDERFULLY Afflicted With Hi.rr._r fur Yesrs New Cr. "T have been r. sufferer with rheu matism and have taken Mood's Sarsapa rilla which bus given mo complete relief, find made mo feel better in every way. My daughter Is now Ci' ins it for a scrofr ulous condition of t!so blcod, and it is helping her woud- rfully. I will not be persuaded to take any other medieine than Hood's Sarsapariil.i when I need a blood purifier." MRS. ELIZABETH KCLP, Plymouth Meethoj", Pennsylvania. Hood's p-'i-i are isU l.vcr ills. 2ft cents. Silver Plate that Wears jli ft? Quality iff silver costs more than any thing cUe. Don't buy cheap silver plate, it will be dear at any'price, ours wi'l last a life time. We have a surplus stock left from the Holidays; also a lot of Watches. Chains and Rings which we will sell at bargain prices. E, L KIHKPATRICK. Jeweler arid Optician Next to Court Mouse. ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTEO F.VEUY wli<*ro for ' Story of On* Philippine-." ! 1 !•• Kffad. tl»o (iovfcfiltiieiit i 'tffiui 11.-joii;,!. iotlii* Wip ;)fpai t MH'nt. Tlir hook writi« n :•« if my ramps at San I'ramMsro. on tli«* I'acllK* witii (ieui'ial t lie lio.-tpitals :;f Hono lulu, in Koiiir.iu the American trenches at Man Hi. in the eairps wiJh I>e\vey, and in the roar of baitle* at the tall f McnllU. lionanza for agents. Hrimfuiof •aii« P r ct tJ c- ' • I'• '*o* •••!'! eiit nlio |.Ci;iJ)V,i.lMnV tl.( prices. Hig profits, freight paiu. Crcoit giveil. I>rop all trashy unottlclal war liookn. Outfit free. Address, I'. T. llarber. Secy | Insurance lildg. Chicago, DEATHS. GERNER \t his home iri Butler. Feb. !i!. IM, ChristianQeraer tttHlli year oi bis age CHRISTL2Y At u--r home in Cl..v tw|i , Feb. 10. lS .t, Mrs. Jacob Chri.»t ley, aged ;fc> HECKERT At his home in ButYal twp . Feb. in. ls'ii'. Michael S. Heck ert. in hi.- OOtli year. COOPEK —Feb It!, tsay. infant daugh ter of Frank and May Cooper of Cen treville, aged three weeks. The remains were interred in Butltr, Friilav. STAIB At the home of her daughter, j Mrs. F. Kocher, E. Jefferson St.. Bug ler. Feb. 19. 1*!»9, Mrs. Rosina Staib, aged 90 years. A son of hers was buried at Mononga- ] I hela City just one week before. , MILLIGAN -At her home in Clearfield < twp., Feb. 11. 1899, Mrs Nancy Mil- ; ligan, widow of John Milligan, in her , TCth year. CAIN —Feb. IT, 1899, Clifford, son of H. L. Cain of Butler, aged 2 years. MECHLING At his home in W. Snn bury. Feb. 19. 1899. John Mechling. aged about 65 years. Mr. Mechling had been ;Q church that morning, and his death was a sudden I 1 one I - NEBEL At her home near Herman, Feb. 18, 1899, Annie, daughterof Bar ton Nebel, aged 28 years. ' , MARKS Feb. 2(1, lsiitt, infant son of Adam Marks of Butler JAMISON -At tht> home of her neice. Mrs.. J- D- Jackson, iu Butler, Satur | day, Feb. 18, 1899, Mrs. Jane Jami son, in her B»th year. Mrs Jamison was the widow of John Jamison, dec'd.and was a sister of Com missioner John Mitchell and Judge Mitchell, dec'd. She was the oldest member of the family, while Commissioner John Mitt-hell i» the youngest, and only sur- I viving member. Her husband. John 1 ! Jamison died in the army, during the civil war. CASSERLY At her home in Kittan, ning, Feb. 17, 1899. Mrs. Casserly mother of John Casserly of Harmo ny. NORRIS- At his home in Oakland twp. Feb. 19. 1*99, Morris Norris, 1 aged about 60 years. ' CAMPBELL—At his home in Wash -1 ington Twp.. Feb. 21. 1899. Melvin, son of D. F. Campbell, in his 26th year. : BA GER—At her home in Boyd stow 11, Feb. 21. 1899, Mrs. Sumner Badger, aged 32 years. OBITUARY NOTES. The founder of Chautauqua Assem j blv, the man whose name is known wherever agricultural implements are used, Lewis Miller of Akron, 0., died last Friday morning in the Post-Grad ' uate Hospital in New York after under going an operation. * MRS. SUSANNAH KALER. t Mrs. Susannah Kaler, a resident of Fairview twp., died suddenly at her home on Feb. 6. Mrs. Kaler had not been in her usual health for about four , weeks but was not thought to be dan gerously sick until 9 o'clock, Monday J morning when death came very unex pectedly. She was almost 61 years old and is survived by her aged mother. Mrs. John Pontius, a husband John Kaler a well known citizen of Fairview twp.. a num ! ber of brothers and sisters, and a host of 1 other relations and friends. , She was the mother of nine children. 1 eight of whom are still living. They . are Mrs. John Phillipi, of Butler; Mrs. Thomas Martin, of Carbon Centre; Mrs. t Emma Yockey, of Mt. Oliver; G. W.; T. G.; Miss Phebe; John and Lewis. Mrs. Kaler was of a quiet, retiring disposition, a faithful christian lady, and a consistent member of Mt. Pleas ant Evangelical Lutheran church. The funeral services were conducted on Wednesday afternoon in Mt. Pleas ant church by her pastor Rev. Nicholas. Interment was made in the "Old Ceme tery" near Kepple's Corners. A Car«l of Tlianks. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted tis at the time of the death of onr beloved wife and mother. JOHN KALEK AND FAMILY. ) Dissolution Notice. \ ) Notice is lieri'l>y given that the t 3 partnership between A. A. Campbell. j V ('. A. Templeton. .lohn 11. Templeton f / and Harry Templetion was dissolved | i on the lata day of February. 1 situ, so i J far as relates to the said C. A. Teni- V C pletoii. All debts due to the said / f parinet-ship are to be paid, and those V y due from the same discharged, at No. f ( 387 Sooth Main street, Butler- l'a- / j where the husioc-ss >vf 11 lie continued V f by the said A. A. t'aUTpbell. John 11. / f '( •-n,I>1«.;11 ana Harry Templeton. m j under the firm of Campbell & C / Templeton. j \ A. A. CAMPBELL. I c. A. TEMPLETON. I. C JOHN' 11. TEMPLETON. J 1 llAliltY TEMPLETON. / ( Dissolution Sale S March Ist this sale conv / licences and continues C c 90 days/ J Our object in the sale is to raise / C a certain amount of cash within \ / the next three months. / 1 T "• V?> A Jf.'T? V j Good Goods, Low Prices ) C and a Large Stock 1 \ to select from ( \ Are the three inducements we f C have to ofter our customers. ( / Regular prices and sale prices J / marked iu plain figures. The \ 1 goods we offer you are great / / bargains. V \ Suits S L 25 per cent off. S C Kin: suits, finished antique: \ $ bevel mirror on dresser, full-sized f V bed. They are marked to seil at ) i #14.00, Take them for I \ $10.50 per suit / / No more after this date sold. V S Suits J \ 2b per cent. off. v j Mahogany finish;beveled mirror; \ \ a first-class suit—one that always ) J sold for $25.00. Voa buy it during S V this sale at f / $20.00. / c Rocking V / 25 per cent, off and better. V f Different styles and finishes; in i f first lot some were marked to sell \ \ at #4.00, others #4.50, and some / ■€ $5.00. Your choice cost only / ) $3.50. y J China Closets ) ) 20 per cent, off \ Oak in antique finish. 29 in. J V wide, 4-10 in. high. Single glass C f door. Price was SIO.OO. Now it f \ is only / / se.qc l / Book Cases v f 50 per cent. off. \ f Mahogany finish; 34 in. wide, C )66 in. h'.gh; single door. Marked J \ $20.00. Take it now for \ t SIO.OO ? j CAMPBELL L | S TEMPLETON,! ) BUTLER, PA. X X Subbc. iue lor the CRITABN IWM.B, ABSOLUTEEVIHjre Makes the food moredelicious and wholesome LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Veu. Ex., Kt ; Ka..;i.ev. Xo., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to m." ' directed, there will be exposed to public sale ] at the Court House in the borough of Butler, on Friday, the 3 day of Mar. 1899. at I o'clock, p. in., the following described property, to-wit: E. I). No. 1»2, March Term. IMU. S. F. & A. L. Bowser. Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of F.ninia < Kman and Albert F Osman aod to all that certain niece or lot of land, situ ated in the Ist wani Butler, Butler county, l'a.. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Being lot No 2 in the plan of lots laid out by Thomas Kohtoson known as the Robinson plan of lots said lot fronting on Morton Avenue: begin ning at a point at the northwest corner on said Morton avenue and running eastward forty and t»l-100 feet to a post 011 said avenue. 1 henc*' south 13 deg. 30 nun. east one hundred fifty and titi-100 feet to an alley (Euclid Ave.) to a i>o>t. thence westward along said avenue forty-one feet to a post, thence northward along the line of lot No. 1 In said plan of lot* one hundred fifty-nine and 33-100 feet to a post on Morton avenue the place of hegin nlng. See deed liook 170. page 145, having thereon erected a t wo story frame house and outbuildings. Seiied and taken in execution as the prop t*rty of Emma Osmati and Albert F Osuiau at the suit of Daniel F Negley for use Butler < 'o. Nat. Bank. F. I). No. 151. March Term. 1«W. W. A. & F. J. Forquer. Att'ys. All tin* right, title, interest and claim of 1) I' McGuirk of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Marion town ship. Butler county, l*a., Uiunded as follows, to-wit: On the "north by lands of Lewis Seaton, oil the east by lands Lewis Seaton. on the south by lands of Elias Seaton and on the west by lands of Keul»en Byers: contain ing sixty acres, more or less, having thereon a two story frame house, barn and outbuild ings. also an orchard, 40 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of D 1' McGuirk at the suit of John Berg & t f o. E. D. No. liiT. March Term. ISW. A. T. Black. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Cyrus Darkless of, In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler boro. llutler county. Fa.. l»outided as follows, to wit: On the north by an alley, east by lot of Jacob Nee, south by New Castle road and on the west by lot of Charles Duncan: fronting forty feet on New Castle St. and extending baok the same width one hundred sixty feet t■» mi alley, together with a one and one-half story frame house and outbuildings thereon, being lot No. 10 In Charles Dufry plan of West End lots, the same lots described in Mortgage )>ook .»!, page .V>, the sale being up on the said mortgage debt. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Cyrus Uarkless at the suit of Work ingmen's B & L. Ass'n of Butler. E. D. l.'vJ, March Term. 1599. \V. 11. Lusk. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Lewis Owens, Jr.. of, in and to all that cer t;iin piece or lot of land, situated in Mercer township. Butler county, l*a., bounded as follows. to-wit: On the north by a public road leading from Forestvllle to intersec tion of road at Hugh Braham's and running along said road 131 feet west, thence south 105 feet by land of William Me Hell, thence east l.'il feet by lands of William Me Hell, thence north by lands of Mercer Mining Company 105 feet; containing one half acre, more or less, and being the same lot of land which William Me Bell and wife, conveyed to Lewis Owens. .Ir. by deed dated Feb. -Ist. IK9I, having thereon erected a frame dwell house, two stories high, and outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Lewis Owens, Jr. at the suit of John II Fitch. E. I). No. 150, March Term, 1809. W. C. Find ley, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Harry Barnes of. in and to all that certain niece or lot of land, situated In Butler boro. But ler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by South street, on the east by lot formerly owned by Charles Abrams, on the south by an alley and on the west by lot of J W Moore; said Tot fronting on sain South street forty feet and extend ing back to said alley thesouthorn Ixmndary one hundred twenty-tive feet and Indng the same lot sold and conveyed to the said Harry Barnes by C A Abrams and wife; by deed dated the Bth day of Septeml>er. 1806. See deed »KX)k No. 100. page 303; having thereon erected a frame house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop pert y of Harry Barnes at the suit of Pitts butg Security Savings and Loan Ass'n. for use of the CJurantee Loan and Investment Ass'n. of Pittsburg. E. I>. No. 110 March term 18H». W. I>. Brandon At'ty. All the right, title. Interest and claim of L F Oummlngs. being the undivided oue third Interest of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Marlon township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Robert Atwell, on the East by lands of Neal tiormerly on the South by lands of Neal Gormerly on the West by lands of William Cowan, containing eighty six acres, more or less. ALSO—Of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Marlon town ship. Butler cOUilty. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the North by lands of James Sheasly & Co. 011 the east bv graded road. 011 the south and 011 the west by lands of Neal Uormerly and t he Georgetown-road; contain ing seven acres, more or less,having thereon a frame house, stable and other out buildings also one producing well. Seized and taken in Execution as the prop erty of L. E. Cummings at the suit of Hutler Savings Hank. E. 1). No. 111. March Term. IK9». J. I>. Marshall, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Mary G Hell and Joseph Hell of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated iu Hutler boro, Ist ward. Hutler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the ncrtli by lot No. east by an alley, south by lot No. 21. west by Falrview avenue; fronting forty feet on said avenue and extending back Kls.'i feet to said alley. Being lot No. in the plan of said liorotigli as laid out by W. I. Itrugh. Having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and other outbuilding. Seized and tivkeu in eiecutloit Oil a bond aci'omuanlng mortgage between same parties ft.r the same debt recorded iu Mortgage lx)ok pa*re tlii, as the property of Mary G Hell and Joseph Hell at the suit of A Bllllngsley for use or Chas Huffy. E. I). No. 133 March term. 18M. A. B. C. Mc- Farland At'ty. All the right, title, interest and claim of Ella Stewart and A. P. Stewart of in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated iu Butler borough Butler County .-Pa.,bound ed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the north-east corner of lot of Miss Lena Debert 011 New Castle street thence east ward along said street eighty-live and ont half feet to the north west corner of lot of ■ Geo C. Pillow thence southward along lands of said George C Pillow four hundred and fifty-nine feet, thence west along latlds of said l'tllow one hundred sixty-eight feet the()Ce northward along lapds' of rra/.|er Bros, ope hundred thirteen feet, thence eastward along lands of Stewart Stoner and William Clark one hun dred thirty-slv feet, thence northward along land of said Clark one hundred twenty-one feet, thence eastward along lands of said Miss Lena Debert twenty-six and one half feet, thence northwrd along lands of said Miss Hrebert one hundred forty-one and one half feet to the place of beginning: contain ing one acre more or less, on which Is erected aframc house 1. 5 stories high of six rooms, stable and other out b^lldjn^s. Scizud and tiikuu lu execution as the prop erty of Ella Stewart and A 1' Stewart at the suit of The Penn Savings Fund and Loan Association. E. 1). No. 117, March Term, 1599. Ualston & Greer, Att'ys. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Josephina Arras and Leon hart Arras of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler borough Hutler county. Pa, bounded t;s follows, 'fo-'wft: Beginning at lot No. '3O in plan of lots laid out by Thomas ltoblnsou lit said borough, com mencing at a post 011 Garßeld avenue at the southeast corner of lot No. .V> and running westwardly along the line of lots No. 33 and 30 to a post on Cherry alley, thence south ward along Cherry alley forty feet to a post on an alley, thence eastward by said alley to a post 011 the corner of Summer and Gartleld avenues, thence northward along Garfield Ave forty feet to a m>st the pl-tee of beginning. For reference of conveyance see Moj'tjjiige iji()>(.'% nasi- having thereon erected a two story frame house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Josephina Arras and Leonhart Arras at the suit of It B Mahan. Exr of John B Mahan, dee'd. E. D. No. SO, March Term, lssw. A. 11. C. Mc- Karlaud, Att'y. All th. rlulit title, uiit.iv.i i,(iu ctimi. of WHII4IIV 1{ Tiiitrts f>f.' iii'itfia tr in ml, situated in Hutler liopnlgli, Hutler county, I'u, IjouiiUud as follows, to-wlt: On the north hy forty feet by lot No. :i In the same plan of lots. 011 the east one hundred twelve feet l>y Sullivan uvenue. on the south forty feet liy 1111 alley and on the west one hundred twelve feet liy West street: and beliiK lot No. 4 In Moses Sul livan's plan of lots lu said borough, having a frontage of forty feet 011 West street mid extendlnt" lu <"li li.i.'.i.taii In , U.l san.e V.idth one biirdred'twel-vi* feef t.i : tbe alViVe tden tfo'ned allev. belini the propeity con- Veyed to the said Wpljain II IHM>I>I> {, f'lU'vjsi aii.l wifi> i»> need dateu fieceniber Ssstli. ISH». See deed Ijook ISO. page 130. having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and outbulldtpeM. Seimud and taken iu execution as ilie prop erty of William 11 Davis at the suit or The I'enusy I v aula Savings Fund & Loan Ass'n. E. I>. No. lau March Term, Ism. Ualston A :;j-. •. \»*t y? /»li the light, title. lufc.tx.-Sl ai|d claim of Wis V!nn|<- nial San|uel M M'liitgomrey of lu ai|d to njj t»i »t t.i-,taii| ultii'e HI lilt ii' land, nitiiated HI Venango towuslil;), Hutler t'ounty. l'a., bounded as follows to-wlt: On the north by an alley, east by lot of .1. W MeCandless, on the South by piihlli- road leading from Murrlnsvllle to I'arker t'lty, and on the west by an alley, Lav'.ng a fninta. e in. sa'd .Mu.rnuvi.le i.ii.l P*rk«f eilyputwlc elcnty feet and t'xt.ndiiig back (>ne hii|idrud -sixty fuel to said alley on thu north; having thereon u frame house carpenter shop fruTt tri-es and grape vines. Seined and taken In execution as the prop erty «*f Mrs. \ iunie M<»nti?ornrev and M Mont .-onirey t1... 5 ,,;, ~, , , u| .|\ . of 'ohn Ni Isoi E (1 >o. !■>;. Mufi-li Term. |sim. .1. !•. Mai shall. Att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Susan S« limlck and Peter Schmick •>(. in and to all that certain «>r panvl of land, situated In Forward township. Hut lor Co. Pa. )Niundf<] as follows, to-wit: i>n the north by lands of S 11 Piersol. on the east hy lands of John Webber, on the south by David Crow, and on the west hy lands of Jaeob Stuckley; containing fifty a. No. 27. 2s, IW. March Term. IsiO. Ralston A Grwr. W. A. \ F. J. Forquer Attorneys. All the right. title, interest and claim of Alvin Carothers. Jamison C.i rot hers. and Huey Carothers of. in and to ail that certain niece or parcel of land, situated in Ci.ty twp. Butler County. Pa.. l>oundod as follows to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner on line of lands of J. Walker, thence north S7 den 10 min east 2IM.'J2 perches. to a post in the centre of the Beaver Dam Road, thence sout li 30 deg east .*»«• to a post on line of lauds of James kildoothc sout heastcorner, thence alone the lands of Jatnes Kildoo and W. C. McCandless north ss cleg miu west 205.67 lurches to a i*>st the southwest corner, com mon to W. C. McCandless and J Walker, thence north 1.75 deg east XI. Nl perches to a post the place of beginning; containing 52 acres and 121 percho Indng part of a larger tract of land of which A. H. Carothers died seized iti fee and by sundry deeds <»f the heirs of the aforesaid decedent the title of the aforesaid described lands vested In the said Aivln Carothers he being one of the heirs of the aforesaid decedent. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Alvin ('brothers Jamison Carol Iters and Huey Carothers at the suit of August M airier. .T. Berg A: Co. K. I>. No. 107. 27. 2s. Man'li Trrm, 1-vM. W A. & F. J. Fort|iier. Ralston \ Ghmt. A tt'ys All the riiriit. title, interest ami claim of Jamison Carothers, Alvin Carothers and Hughey Carothers of. In and to all that cer tain piece or uarcel of land, situated in Clay township, Buller county. Pa. hounded as fol lows, to-wit: On tin- north by lands of Samuel Black, on the east by lands of Hughey and Alvin Carothers. on the south by lands of Henry Carothers and on the west by lands of John Walker; containing tifty three acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame house and out buildings, also an orchard. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jamison Carothers. Alvin Carothers and Hughey Carothers at the >uit of Mrs. Elizabeth Gilkey. John Berg & Co. E. 1"). No. I. Brandon. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Curtis L Moore of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Centre township. Butler county. Pa, l>ouuded as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at ;i white oak tree the southeast corner ad joining lands of Joseph Coulter .heirs, thence south K2 (leg west along said lands seventy-eight and 3-10 perches to a post on the east side of the turnpike road, thence north 40 deg west thirty-om» and 5-10 perches along said road to a post, thence along same road north 34 deg west thirty-one and 5-10 perches to a post, thence aloug same road north 90 deg west nine and 8-10 perches to a |>ost. thence by lands of J c Moore north 70 deg east twenty-two and 3-10 perches to a post,thence by same north 1 deg west thirty-eight perches to a post, thonce by same north 53.5 ueg east nineteen and 0-10 perches to a large maple tree, thence north 15.5 deg east si\ty perches to a post on line of lanus of Joseph Coulter heirs, thence along said land south 1 deg east ninety perches to the place of be ginnin; containing fifty acres strict measure being the same lands conveyed by John C Moore et ux to C I. Moore by deed dated the 30th day of December. A. D. 1893, See llutler county Deed lxx>k 142. page 324. having there on erected a frame house, stable and out buildings, also an orchard. Seizedand taken in execution as the prop erty of Curtis L Moore at the suit of Hannah L Sheui. E. D. No. ltii, March TVirm. \s\)\ S. F. & A. L. j Bowser. A tt'ys. All the riu'ht, title. Interest and claim of George W Mel'andless and Virginia Mcl'and less of. In and to all tliat certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Hutler township, Hutier county, l*a, hounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post at the southwest corner on the western line of original and a larger tract owned by Silas Pierce, thence thence north SS) deg east by lands conveyed by Silas Pierce et ux to Mrs. Sarah White, one hundred sixty-six and 5-10 perches to a post, thence nortn by lands of Silas Pierce thirty eight and 5-10 perches to a post, t hence south 80 deg west by lands of .lolui Manny formerly Horace Pierce one hundred sixty-six and ">-10 perches to ;v j>osl, tlience south alortr said l.< undavy line thirty-eight and 5-10 petches to the place of containing 40 acres, more or less, as per draft of and survey of Henry Pillow dated Nov. 20th, 1871. and l>cing tin- same plect> of land conveyed by Silas Pierce «-t u\ to Virginia I'ierce now Virginia McCand'.ess by deed dated Nov. 38th, l s 7!i, recorded in lit— corders ofttcc of Hut ler Co. Pa in Deed book 170. page 45. Having thereon erected a frame house, stable and outbuildings, also an orchard. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of George W McCandless ;tnd Virginia McCandless at the suit of Autlionv Thoma. Monday, March 6th. 1899. Test E. I>. No. 2, March Term. 1899. James Bred in and S. I'uminlngs, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Patrick McKjuoey of, in and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Cherry township. Butler county. Pa., lH»und ed as fallows, to-wit: On the northwest by ?lipiM*ryriM'k creek, on the northeast by lanas or James Bredin. oil the southwest by lands of same and on the west by lands of Thompson; containing twenty-one acres thirty-five perches and lying between a public road on the southwest and a railroad 011 the northeast, excepting the coal, iron ore. limestone, mineral, lire and potters clay under said lands wit h the right to mine and traneport the same over said lands Seized and taken in • \t cution as the prop erty ij PatilcU McKinuey at the suit of Jaiqes Bredin and Tim*. Donaghy for use of James Brodii*. Friday, thelOth day of Mar., A. D -1899, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. tin' following describ ed property, to-wit: E. I). No. 189, March 'l'orm. 1599. W. 11. Lusk Attorney. All the right t-lth;. lr,U)tost, and claim of Jacqh sittcfcUv due'd.. Oliver T. Murphy. Admr of Jacob Stickle, dee'd., of. In and to all that certain tract of land. sltn:iti>d in Franklin township. Hutler county. I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: Tract No. 1 containing eleven acres, more or less, and known as the Saw Mill lot. bounded on the north by lands of Panlel Welgle. formerly Washington Campliell. on the east by lands of Jacob Neeiy and on the west by tract No 2 as d«scrilM-d below, also tract No.coiuaiii lng " acres and t vi nty-Uve perches hounded oil the iHitth hy llmds of Mary Webber, oil the east by tract No. 1 as dovrlliod above on the south by lands of Jacob Neely ami on the west by lands of .1. V. Knglfsh heirs; these two tracts of land were conveyed to tile tlrst party by deed of John Miller et ux by deed dated the 39th day of March, ISS2, recorded in deed InkiU 7."). page »*>. Together with log house, with kitchen, log stable and good orchard. Seized and taken In c \lie lnop erty cf Jacob Stickle. dt.c'anlel O'C McDlvett of.ln and to all t hat ccr tlan piece or parcel of land, situated In flay township, itutler county. I'a. liounded as fol lows. to-wit: lieginning at the i.ortl.' comer °f the tract'• UitAOi j fct"h, tu^nec 1 by , of widow ltapi(ltoh, A soph t'ran iher. Israel Cranmer and Ullv"l' WniVr south flB-Ti de(| wi>Ht Que hundred thirty-four '4i;d ,'l . Ui.n I'd. See deed luitik :il \>. r jje4a. and containing lifty acres strict measure; having thereon erected it lioard hoqse, Sej*e.4 and'tal,< n in execut ion as ihe pro:i uny of Daniel M'• I >lvet lit the suit of «' \V C Buhl et al. K. I>. No. tit and 111. March Term. lf.Hi. .1. I>. Marshall, Att y. All the rlirht titli li t r v .sl and elaini of M».r> s Mi VjiMiuy ami > S MrKlnnoy «>f. i *» and tpall tha* Ourtsilii piece or pa*vel of laiul situated in Ailams township. Hut lor eounty. l'u, Itoundcd as follows, to-wit: On the north I>y lauds of I'attterson IXK'Uwootl formerly lands of John Me Kinney, on tin* fast hy lands of WlUlan on the viuth »jy of |.»A/.n M-'Utiiuor .MI y* the w.i St \>y land d t hi* lull -ul Jf*iinlwvw» e«»i mining UCty ac#ts. more or hms, boiitjrtho lan«Jowi;e«i JIWW Mohlnney flur -Ins his iiff time and at the time of Ills death hv his last will and testament devised the same to Mary Ann Mc Kinney one of the Pr, - it > rvar". for refe-cno ste Will llo«.v "M". K3. and tnki-ri in execution as tin- prop pert y of Marjr A M.-Klnney an<] s S Mr Kin ney at the suit of \N II Deunisi< n>t and claim of I* t» St rail. of. in .mltnail tUat eertaln piece r l«»* «»f laud, situated in Butler boro. Butler Co . Pa . bounded as follows, to-wit: On tin north by Walnut st net, east by lot of E K Miller, soutl. by lot of Havens and west bv an alley: lieing fifty-four feet front on W at nut >t.. and extending ba -k seventy-five fe t. more or le-»s See deed from S I) • Purv i> et u\ to I (j Strain, having thereon a frame house with slate roof, stable and I out!windings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop | of I" G Strain at the suit of John Iters & Co, i Buffalo Mortar Work et al. F P. No. 170. 171. March Term. IS9O. T. C. | Campltell and N. Black. Attorneys. I All the right. title. Interest and claim of Daniel Feidler, Magdalena Feidler. Abraham Zeigler and * aniline, his wife, and J. J. Feidler terre tenant of, in and to all that ' I certain piece or lot of land, situated iu > | Harmony Boro.. Butler county. Pa., imunded as follows, to-wit : On the north by lot of it. Sample one hundred twenty feet, east by lot. ■ | of John iVaree eighty feet, on the south by J woolen mill of John Pearce one hundred twenty feet.west by Wood street eighty feet, on which is erected a large frame mill. Seized and taken in execution as the nrop perty of I>aniel Feidler. Magdalena Feidler. Abraham Zeigler and Caroline, his wife, and J. J. Feidler terre tenant at the suit of The George T. Smith Middlings Purifier Co. for use of the Nat. Bank of Allegheny et al. E. I>. No. 172. March' Term. ism). Thompson Sc Son. Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jacob Hutenman of. in and to all that cer tain ple<*e or parcel of land, situated in Adams township. Butler county. Pa.. bound ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of David Stoup and D. P. Nicholas, on the east by lands of William Humes,on the south by lands of Peter Fell and on the west by lands of 11. B. Hutch man. Sam'l Parks and James Kincaid; containing seventy-nine acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame house, barn, and outbuilding also an orchard, alnmt seventy acres of which is cleared and under fence. For reference see Mortgage Book l.">, page £4l. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jacob Hutchman at the suit of Wil liam Bleak ley. TERMS OF SALE The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, Includ lug mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such iw>rtion thereof as he may claim, must IK* furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will l»e continued until one o'clock, I'. M.. of next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the ex pense ana risk of the person to whom iirst sold. •See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 4H. and Smith's Forms, page 354. WILLI V>l B. DODDS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. l*a.. Feb. 14. 1889. JURY LISTS FOR MARCH T. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this l(»th day of Jan. A. D. 1899, to serve as grand jurors at the regular term of court, commencing the first Monday of March, 1899, the same being the 6tb day of said month. Anderson J Q. Brady twp, farmer, Alsworth John, Washington twp, fann er. Baker Andrew, Penn twp, farmer, Barnhart Fred, Connoqneuessing boro, merchant, Barnhart A E, Miller*town, producer, Critchlow Dave, Jefferson twp, farmer, Donthett D W. Adams twp, farmer, Eavens U G, Evans City, carpenter, Flanigen Frank C. Butler 2d w, agent, Goehring John A, Crauberry twp,farm er, Hockenbery Calven, Cherry twp, farm er, Hartung Charles 51. Evans City, livery man. Hamilton Robert, Forward twp,farmer, Humphrey Geo, Parker twp, fanner, Kohnfeltler Jos, Saxonburg, hotel keep er, Moore .T E, Oakland twp. farmer, McClintick Samuel. Mercer twp, farm er, Xeglev Edgar H, Butler 3d w, student Ralston Wm, Buffalo twp, farmer. Roads F A. Valencia, farmer. Stevenson John, Butler 4th w,shoemak er, Shearer Fred, Summit twp, farmer, Sproul Hugh, Cherry twp. farmer. Watters Charles, Clinton twp, farmer. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this Kith day of Jan. A D. 18!H>, to serve as petit jurors at the reg ular term of court, commencing 011 the second Monday of March. 189s), the same same being the 13th day of sai l month. Adams Sylvester, Donegal twp, farmer, Arner Geo, Washington twp. farmer, Armstrong Win. Butler Ist w,carpenter, Barnhart .los, Fairview twp, farmer, Black .T H, Cherry twp. farmer, Brandon W W, Connoqnenessing twp. farmer. Boyce Michael, Venango twp, farmer. Brown R H, Allegheny twp, farmer. Conway Lewis M, Butler 4th w, clerk. Cooper John C, Connoqnenessing twp. farmer, Dershiuier Ore, Butler twp, teacher, Dodds Adam, Penn twp, farmer. Fleegtr Geo, Concord twp, farmer, Graham Elmer 12, Saxonbnrg, teacher, Grabe Wm. Jefferson twp, farmer. Goehring F S, Zelier.ople, merchant,, Green John. Donegal two, carpenter, Graham Albert, Cranberry twp, farmer, Gardner Edward, Washington twp, farmer, Gibson J A, Zelienople, carpenter, Grimm Geo. Jefferson twp, farmer, Hime Martin, Bntler twp, farmer, Hnselton Andrew P, Bntler t wp, farmer, Kennedy Jacob, Buffalo twp, farmer. Miles S X, Millerstown. prodm-er, Meeder Edwin, Zelienople, merchant, Mitchell Chas M, Bntler 4th w, mer chant, McClnng Chan. Fair view boro, farmer, MeCollangh Samuel W, Fairview twp, farmer, McGill J W, Hrtrrisville, laborer, McC'andless Alouzo. Frauklin twp,farm er. Nevin R J, Zelienaple, clerk, Paul Angnst, Jefferson twp, farmer. Painter <) S, Clay twp, farmer, Parker Ephram. Allegheny twp, farm er, Russell H D, Cherry twp, farmer. Rivers Peter, Bntler Ist w, ritrbnilder, Reed Hntfh, Slipperyrock, farmer, Rhodes Henry, Slipperyrock twp, farm er, Sitler Jacob, Jackson twp, fanner, Stepp Cyras, Peun twp, farmer, Seaton John. Venango twp, farmer, Schawl Phillip, Butler 4th w merchant, Teby John W, Clay twp. farmer, Thompson Gill M, Centre twp, farmer, Thompson Josiah M, Brady twp, farm, er, Walker J H, Harrisville, miller. \Velsh Loyal Y. Jefferson twn. fanner. Butler Business College. COURSES. i Practical Book-keepers. 2 Kvpert Accountants. 3— Amanuensis Shorthand, .j-Reporters Shorthand. 5— English. Branches Taught. Bock-keeping, Single and Double Entry, Commercial Arithmetic, Com mercial Law, Lightning Calculations, Busiuess Penmanship, Business Carres, pondence, Detection of Counterfeit Money aud Hradulent Notes, Banking, Business Forms and Customs, Spelling, lixpert Accounting—Joint Stock Com pany and Corporation—, Theory and Practice of Shorthand, Grammar, Punc tuation, Typewriting, Dictation Drill, Speed Exercises, Reporting Expedi :nts ( Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography. Grammar, History, Individual Instruc tion. English Branches unler Speciilist. All advanced work uinler the tuition of Prof, Regal. Work of the school open for inspection at all times. Our references: Hon. Judge Greer; Hon Joseph Ilartman, Pres. Butler County National Bank; Win. CampbcM, Jr., Cashier Butler Savings Bank; John Berg, Berg Banking Co.; Andrew Brvnwr, etc , etc. Cs.l on or Address A. F. REGAL, Prin., 327 S. Main St., But*ier, Pa. Peoples' Phone 271. Bill i? 4 Butler Steam Laundry!^ V J. E. ZICKRiCK, Manager. X / People's 'Phone, 296. \ Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next \>>x»r to Court House, Butler, I'a,