Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 16, 1899, Image 2

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WILLIAM C. NF.GLEV - - Publisher
THURSDAY, FKBRI'ARV i6,i? 99 j i
(Subject to the Republican Primary of ]
March 25, I*W. from 1 to . P M.)
Of Whites town.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Butler. ,
Of Centre twp. (
Of Butler twp.
Of Butler.
Of Washington twp.
Of Fairview twp.
Of West Sunbury.
W. J. ADAMS. Of Butler.
formerly of Washington twp.
Of Forward twp.
Of Butler. ,
Of Penn twp. i
Of Worth twp.
Of Brady twp.
Of Harnsville.
Of Butler. j
Of Centre tw p.
Of Cherry twp. ;
Of Butler.
Of Concord twp.
GEORGE M. GRAHAM, the Teacher,
Of Connoqnenessing twp.
Of Butler.
J. H. PIZOR, j
Of Worth twp.
Of Penn twp j
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Butler.
Of Franklin twp. ,
Of Forward twp. i
Of Slipperyrock twp. i
Of Middlesex twp.
8. W. GLENN, ,
Of Centre twp. ,
Of Concord twp |
Of Butler twp.
Of Mercer.
Of Forward twp.
Of Washington twp.
Of Portersville.
« Of Butler.
Of Jefferson twp.
Of Prospect boro.
Of Butler.
Thursday's vote was 100, 77, 18, etc.
and yuay 13 short
The McCarrel bill was shelved that
day until March 21st. It was up on
aecond reading, was fought all day, and
the motion to postpone carried by but
one vote —98 to 92.
Joe Sibley with his |6OO a day income
his fancy clothes and tireless tongue,
was catting quite P. shiue in his parlors
in the Bolton; and Jim Gnffy was also
there wanting the Independent Repub
licans to unite on one man.
Friday's vote was 78, (M), 15, 5, 5, etc.
180 in all. and ynay IN short -"The vil
lian still pursued" hin\ but his fiiend
Sibley was yet there talking and schem
ing for him. A Beaver meuil*T who
voted against the McCarrel bill received
• A thousand all written in
Monday the ballot was 12. 5. 1.
There were four senators present that
morning at the hour set for the senate
to be called to order. The senators
were Cnmmings, Washburn, McCarrel
and Meridith. There were no clerks
present and after the chaplain had pray
ed for the four senators and five page
boys the reading of the journal of Sat
urday was dispensed with for the rea
son that there was no journal at hand.
The Senate at once took a itress un
til noon, when it went to the Hons* to
ballot for United States senator.
Senator Meredith arrived from Wash
ington Sunilay night,, where be met
Senator Quay. He said he found CJuay
In bis dining gown reading a novel and
that he was exceedingly hopefnl,
"Does Quay think he will lie elected. 7
■wasawked Senator Meredith
"You bet he does," was the emphatic
On Monday but 18 members were
present at the joint sesssion. The »aij
roads were snowbound and anxions
members were wiring from all direc
tions. During lhe day but one train
came in from the West but that night
two Western trains that had passed ov
er the ridge came in, but they were Hj
hours late. But thirty members attend
ed the night session of the House.
On Tuesday but 20 members were
present at the joint session, on account
of Hie snow blockade.
In the House that day Mr Moor.-of
Untler offered a bill to prevent the see
ond-hand use of jnrs for eatables, also a
bill to prevent the spread of pernicious
weeds, such as wild carrots, ox eyed
daisies, wild parsnips, eet.
But 55 members were present *i the
joint session yesterday no quorum,
and the reconsideration of the McCar
rel bill was defeated in the house by a
yofe of HH to 85.
A STEAMSHIP went ashore nt Port
Royal, S. C.. the crew pnt off in l>oats
and fourteen men were drowned ill the
The following are on tho sick list- T
R McFann, W S. Gray and wife, .1.
Bishop, Wm. H Davis and wife, Mr.
Carliss and family, and (' Weihl and
family- grip l»eirig the chief ailment.
W. A. Dunbar is able to be out again.
The wells in this vicinity are nearly
all shut down on account of shortage of
W. R. Thompson is kept busy haul
ing coal to the wells ami pump station.
' What was tho most interesting and
important of all the events that occur
red during the battle of Manila bayT
"This question has teen pnt to me so
often since my retnm from the Philip
pines that I am glad to be at liberty—
now that peace is assured to answer it
without risk of giving aid and comfort
to the enemy, says Joseph L. Stickney
in Harper's Monthly for February.
"It has always been assumed in the
United States that, from start to finish,
there was nothing felt on our side ex
cept a boyant certainty of victor}*. It
will do no harm now to tell the real
•It will be remembered that the bat
tle began at six minutes past o'clock
on the morning of May 1; the O)mmo
dore inow Rear Admiral) Dewy led the
line of American warships into action
in his flagship Olympia: that, after a
fierce fight lasting two hours and a
half the attacking fleet retired from
the battle itfto the cenlre of Manila bay,
and did not renew the attack until near
ly four hoars later.
' When we hauled off from the tight
ing line, at 786 o'clock, the situation
had become apparently serious for Com
modore Dewey. We had been fighting
a determined and courageous enemy
for more than two hours without haying
noticeably diminished the volume of his
fire It is true at k-a.it three of his
ships had broken into flames, but so had
one of ours the Boston. These fire
had all been put out without apparent
injury to the ships. Generally speaking
nothing of great inportance had occur
ed to show that we had seriously injur
ed any Spanish vessel. They were all
steaming about in the bight l»ai.k of
Sangley point, or in Bakor bay, as ac
tively as when we first sighted them in
the early dawn. So far. therefore, we
could see nothing indicating that the
enemy was less able to defend his posi
tion than he had Let-n at the beginning.
On the other hand, our condition was
greatly altered for the worse. There
remained in the magazines of the
Olympia only 85 rounds of 5-inch am
munition, and though the stock of s
inch charges was not proportionately
depleted, it was reduced enough to
make the continuance of the battle for
another two hours impossible, When
it is reinbembered that Commodore
Dewey was more than 7,000 miles from
a home port and that under the most
favorable conditions a supply of am
munition could not be obtained in less
than a month, the outlook was far from
being satisfactory. The commodore
knew that the Spaniards had jnat re
ceived an ample supply of ammunition
in the transport Mindadao, so that there
was no hope of exhausting thier fight
in" power by an action lasting twice as
long. If we should run short of powder
and shell, we might liecome the hunted
instead of the hunters.
I do not exaggerate in the least wucn
I say that as we hauled off into the
bay, the gloom on the bridge of the
Olympia was thicker than a London fog
in November. Neither Commodore
Dewey nor any of his staff believed
that the Spanish ships hail beep suffici
ently injured by our fire to prevent
them from renewing the battle quite as
furiously as they had previously fought.
Indeed, wo had all been distinctly dis
appointed in ths results of our fire.
Our projectiles seemed to go too high or
too low just as had been the cas«} with
those fired at us by the Spaniards. Sev
eral times the commodore had expressed
dissatisfaction with the failure of our
gunners to hit the enemy. We had be
gun the firing a) too great a distance,
but we had gradually worked in further
on each of the turns, until wu were
within about 2,500 yards at the close of
the fifth round.
At that distance, in a smooth sea, we
could judge we had not sensibly crip,
pled the foe. Consequently, Commo
dore Dewey hauled out ipto the open
bay at the end of the fifth roynft to
take stock of ammunition and devise a
new plan of attack.
As J went aft the men asked me what
we were hauling off for. They were
in a distinctly different humor from
that which prevailed on the briug"
They believed that they had done well,
and that the other ships had done like
wise The Olympia cheered the Balti
more, and th.' Baltimore returned the
1 ?jt¥ffiTwmMiotliV r uff dissati»liwl with
the results of their work Whether
they had a lietter knowledge of the ac
curacy of their aim than we had on the
bridge, or whether they took it for
granted that the enemy must have stir
ft red severely after so much fighting, I
do not know at any rate, they were
eager to go on with the battle, and
were confident of victory. I told owe of
them that we were merely hauling oft
for breakfast, which statement elected
the appeal to Capt. Lamberton, as be
came past a moment later:
"For God's sake, captain, don't let us
stop now To boll with breakfast:
When I told thfs commodoie that 1
intended to attribute our withdrawal
to the need for breakfast, he intimated
that it was not a matter of so much itn
portance what reason 1 gave so long as
I did not give the true one. And as
the break fast episode went to the world
as a plausible excuse foj* '.vljat, seemed
like an extraordinary stragetic ma
numver one which has been the sub
ject of more comment than almost any
other event during the battle. Many
people have said to me that it would be
a oity to spoil so good a story by telling
the truth; l«!t, ai the commodore will
be sure to lot the cat out ;<f the ba;r
some day, I may as well let her have
her freedom now.
Of course, we learned the truth about
the effect of our fire when we siw, soon
afterward, the Haines rising from the
Heina CVwtina and the Castilla, and
heard the cyplosion of tUpit UTumuni
tion and the former s loagaxipe.
Tin- Great Steel Trust.
Paj>ers utuumtidptf the formation of
National Steel Company ww- filed a few
days ago, by Mr. J allies 15. Dill, fliecj/r
poration lawyer, of No. 27 Pine street,
in the office of the Clerk of Hudson
county N. .1, in Jersey City. The Na
tiouol C-wi-anv is the *400.000.000
coriioration, the fo»n;».ti.Ji " f which
was brought about by the Moon ItrOv
ers, of Chicago. The purpose of the
company is to consolidate under a sin
gle head all th« irQD, steel, tin and en
amel ware concerns in tb« c^p,"trv.
The capitalization ui'-ntioned in the
paners filed is oily nominal ami the
names of the do TJ.ot show
it« real character. Tbw w t/eraMße th l
object in filling the paners is merely to
secure the name. The capitalisation
will be attended to later. The amount
of it is dependent upon the more or le«s
complete «■"vV/W of the plans of the pro
■notera of the pew col.n/l»ja /f '.,;
it is said that Mr W K, U''ls, wti« u
president of the Shengo Valley
Steel Company, of New Citstle, l'a.
will be the first president of the Nation
al Steel < ,-|tiy. Following are some
of the compAnn'» taken in by
the new combination
Ohio Steel Company. of YonngMtowu. i
Ohio; King. Oilert A" Warner, of <'« l
ninliaft, Ohio; Aetna Standard Iron and
Steel Company, of Mingo Jnnction.
Ohio; Hhenango Valley Steel Company
of New C.'autlj' I'll , l'llhl Steel (.'dill
pany. of Sharon i'li. Wheeling Steel
find iron Company, of W
Va , and the Hellaire Steel Company. of
Beliatre, Ohio.
The necessary capitalization of the
company, if it IH to include all the iron
and Hteel intercHt* in the country, may
Ix- juiV'-.'l by the fact that the Carnegie
Steel ( ompftriy an(J al|WI 'nterent*, 111
eluding the I'ittnburg, licßmiui'-i ami
Lake Uric Railroad, are valued at over
wir.o,ooo 000 the Federal Steel Company
han an authorized capitalization of
ijytfU.ywMHMi, of which ahout half liiim
lieen ititmed, til,. American Steel and
Wire Company, a capita!isution of
*!)(»,<)<i0,(;o ( i, the American Tin I.'Jat ( ;
Company, fW/JtKJ/MKi. and minor con
cert'n capitalized at $100,«00.<KIO.
Willi.K the Ith Ky. Infantry .van til
ing ifjaltered out in Anninton, Ala ,
I,'iHt Saturday Col. I>. o CoNon was
nhot find probably mortally grounded by
Lieut. E. I) Scott. Thin will caus»-
Scott to appear before a military tri l»u
nal, and the penalty for Hhooting a h i
perior oMeer in death The trouble was
of long HtauiliiiK.
DON'T forget the Election, Tuesday.
On Thursday everything was quiet in
Manila, lmt the Phiiippinos were con
cenxrating for another attack. The
official account of the battles showed 53
Americans killed, and 200 wounded
On Monday our troops under Gen.
Miller took possession of Iloilo, the
chief town and seaport of the island of
Panay. Our gunboats first shelled the
place" and then the troops landed and
took possession, with no casualties.
largest Cheek on Record
The largest check on the records of
Pittsbnrg business transactions will go
through the Clearing house to-day.
The figures upon its free will entitle
the holder to *4.000,000.00 and it is
drawn by Moore A: Schlej-. the syndi
cate managers of the Brewing company.
The chesk is signed by Moore & Schley,
and is drawn on their New \ ork office.
It is made payable to the order ot the
Fidelitv Title and Trust company.
The check is a record-braker in the
historv of the Clearing house, exceeding
eyen the great government check for
over $3,000,000 in the Monongahela
Navigation conipanv deal which creat
ed a record in I«>7. Incidentally the
valnable bit of paper will give Pitts
burg prominence in the financial worl<l.
inasmuch as it will send this city away
up in Dun's list of clearing house tran
sactions in various cities, issued week
lv. It will also make to-day's clear
ances tl»e largest ever known in tuis
city—Saturday's Pittsburg Times.
I»o\viiieville Institute.
A Local Institute was held in the Ad
ams Township School at Downieville,
Saturda/ Fub. 11 and, notwithstanding
the seveie cold, the house wan packed
with an appreciative and interested
After devotional exercises conducted
by Rev. A Kilpatrick, the address of
welcome was given by Miss Mamie
Hill, who gave us to understand that
we were wanted there l-,lla liarr re
cited, The Retort Discourteous; J. H.
Douthett of East End, Pittsburg suc
ceeded in his efforts to tell us How
to get the best results out of the present
advantages of onr schools. Prof J. I>
Mcßride spoke on the' Teachingof Mor
als i« tl.e Public Schools;" and Supt.
Cheeseman also gave an address on ibis
same subject. Alma Davidson recited
in a pleasing manner, The Polish
Noon having arrived, the ladies of
the village served a most excellent
lunch which almost filled some of the
candidates for County Superintend
ent too full for utterance, while the hot
coffee warmed others to eloquence.
At the beginning of the afternoon
session. Rev. Kilpatrick reviewed and
spoke on "the Progress of the Adam's
Township Schools, for the last twenty
years, and Prof. W. G Russell gave a
fine add.'es,! or 'Teaching Literature in
the Public Schools" JTvadpa Sterrett
recited "Jamie Douglass. the ques
tion, "Should Vocal Music be taught
in our schools, was passed around,
and all thought it should be. Mr James
Barr reminded us that it had been
taught ii» this sain" district more than
forty years ago, Kennedy Downey de
claimed "Sleeping Hn the Attic.
Prof. Painter gave a pointed and no
pressive address on "Mistakes in the
School Room, and Prof I N. Dyke, "A
Practical Exercise," in which he
showed nit liii method of teaching
Arithmetic. Mis* Jennie Neely made
a success in her recitation of "C urfew
Must not Ring To-Night. Prof .1
Mcßride had charge of the question
box, which was very interesting, but
we noticed that the Professor gave the
difficult questions others and an
swered only the easy ones himself.
This was voted by all to be a most
delightful and profitable Institute.
Praise must be given to Prof. Pollock
for the arrangement of this most excell
ent programme and to Mrs. Kearns and
the Downievilb Qt-prfette, and also to
the school, for their deliijiivful music,
both yocal and instrumental.
Harmony and Zelienople.
Last Friday tit* in
Harmcny registered •!! degrees lielow
•/em-— Old, it u
record breaker.
The public school of Harmony will
give an enti-rtainmPit in the opera
house on Wednesday evening, reb.
'42 nd comniemornting the births of
Washington and Lincoln. Six yonng
ladies will debate in public, in a con
teat, on the lives >f the two American
Snrviyf.T* of the ice age the house
plants that wlil bloom cnuiug tll— rout
ing four weeks.
C. S. Blaekman of Greenville was a
caller in Harmony last week; While
here he stopped with If. M. Bentle who
has been suffering with grip for some
Miss Dattte Weigje of Harmony is
stopping with her winter, .Mrs. Win.
Zaylerat Dennis') at present.
A large number of drillers and tool
dressers left Harmony last Monday
for (hi; ti'" jo oil Ijeld.
The Grace Reformed church «.f Har
many is voting this week for a new p-ts
Rev. 1). N. Harnish. of Butler, who
was to preach last Sunday, was unable
to be there on account of ihe sickness
of liis KisJer at llu;itipgt?;i
The protracted meeting in the Har
mony M. 10. church is suspended this
week on account of sickness ami severe
cold weather.
The contractors on the new branch
i'ail.ond alKjve Eilenau stopped work
during the cold weather* on Monday
morning a number of men were dis
r The well drilled on the Michael Zie,;
• ler farm near Harmony will reach the
Ijni; lml foot this week.
Jus. Kavehnugtt, »i<i' »*.a,'liiiii<{■ of
I Zelienople Is rejoicing in the arrival
at his place, this week, of a han-isoine
( baby «irl
'("it" a number of people in our
s vicinity v.iine.s. 1 -n |a«t Sun lay
evening the Sun Di't; ll or .Mook Wuum.
technically •known as Parhelia which
are observed only in cold climates
i v/here the tiny ice particles are so
• abmiuaut M> iu>: uir The extremely
! cold weather was conducive to lu', i,';;-
II fio'|ier)o)i on this occasion.
' Several million cutiic yards of :|| d<;
| green below atmosphere t»«»i» !•<! and
retailed at live cent* « pi-tee next himi
H mer. when we live 90 decrees In the
shade would bring handsome returns.
» Vi/v I' l a 1 IV'V's this week like the
y mercury last i» so«iirv« , <i.u t'(/P»[,a; t d
, but you know variety iu the spi.-o or
>1 i«ldlese\ t\V|».
Program for loral Institute at Mid
dlese* twp ik Li. Vv! ':! ''minim;
I ham school No. U r obruaVy at •
o'clock IV M.
Devotional exercises song, address of
welcome by Iv < • Thompson, lt»sjsnise
I by W If Montgomery. Music, busy
'.vork. Miss Ida Iliginbotham; recitation
f |»y Mi* Ixittu; tjong- iiusic in
public school, N. W. <'anipi-t II reeitu
~ tiou class, by teacher, address; by lc«v.
i, Greenly; souk, recitation, by Miss
y Saraii Monks; reading, by 1)A Kaiikin,
~ live minntes talk, by patrons intermis
, sion; music, address, Itev. W .1 Me
, C'iritock teachers salries, A. I, Bush.
r I afut of education ,<oiiu Pollock, ii uila
v | lion, by 11 ('. Montgomery; recitation,
,f i by Paul Anderson, physiology paper, by
H I l»v Miss Blanch Miller; map drawing;
I Miss Bertha Allison song, recitation,
,1 Hen Sollies' address,by Prof Chee-man;
;• einory work. Miss Tina Sarver; song,
I I recitation. sii -., 'v. i Thompson, mental
arithmetic, by Mr -f M Irv.in, li* •
! minute talk.' by School Directors; song
(• M lli-NTKIt.
I j H < Montoomkky.
\V. if. Mdh 11 ai,mi ><•;
• J
" ] One can see stars any hour of the
*" j dk> iti Jl»nj*y Miller's grocery store on
1 S Main St., the ct lliriw »! #'.'};icl; has
been newly painted and a very pretty
lH border advertising "While Mtai*'
coffees put on.
f. Si'KiN'i. iilectioii n*<t Tuesday
i There is a movement on foot at New
Castle to build a street i ;»r line between
that city an»l New Wiliuiimgton.
Shedrick Simpson and wife "f New
Castle have entered suit-againsttheNew
Castle Traction Co. to recover *2O, i"* l
damages for the killing son. Plnmmer.
by being strn.-k by a street car in Feb.
, 1898.
The discovery of a discrepency of
$27.000 in the accounts of the murdered
treasurer of New Castle, will breed
some new theories regarding his
, murder
A driver for Walker, Stratton A: Co
the soap manufactures of Herr's Island,
1 was killed Friday, by a large icicle fall
i ing upon him just as be was entering
| the building.
' ; The Beaver, Pa. fairgrounds have
been attached for *20.000. due the
Peoples Savings Bink of Pittsburg on a
. mortgage
WK are indebted to the Hon. Charles
i W. Stone for a copy of bis recent very
■' able report made to Congress on the
' "Standard of Value." and our currency
V. >l. C. A. Convention.
j The annual State convention of the
' Y. M. C. A. will be held in Butler be
! ginning next Thursday, Feb. 23 to 26
; inclusive. Anywhere from 300 to 400
delegates from all parts of the State are
expected to be present and arrange
ments for tl.eir entertainment are being
Made by committees from the elinrche*.
i The first session will be held in the
i Y. M. C. A. hall at 2 P. M.. Thursday
! afternoon. The regular sessions there-
I after will be held in the First Presby
. terian church. Sunday evening union
I farewell meetings wi]l be held in the U
P. and M. E. churches The general
public are expected and invited to at-
I tend all sessions.
•! The convention will be conducted by
chairman Gilbert M. McCandy
' of Harrisburg. Among other prominent
delegates will be Prof. Mackey, of Read
ing, H H. Fuller, Esq. of Wilkesbarre,
Rev. Dr. Kennedy of the Ist Presbyter
ian church of Allegheny, Rev. I)r. Bar
boar of Rochester N. Y., W. K Jen
n;ngs Esq. of Pittsburg. Rev. Dr. Jos
Kyle of the -4th U. P. church of Alle
gheny who will have charge of the Bible
Instruction department, Prof. H L.
1 Maxwell of Green Castle, Ind. who will
conduct the song services, S. M. Say
ford, college evangelist, Boston, Harry
Wade Hicks, International Sec'ty. New
York; and E. L. Shuev, Dayton 0.,
chairman of the Educational Dept.
Kvaiis City.
The Merchants Banquet was a complete
success. There was over 200 in attend
ance all enjoyed themselves until the
wee small hour. 3 .
Miss Martha Thursh visited friends
in Butler over Sunday returning home
Campbell Dunbar spent Sunday with
his family in Butler.
The severe cold weather played havoc
with the new water line the men were
kept busy all <lay Sunday thawing it
Dr Stephens ot Lonisburg gave a
very interesting talk Sabbath morning
on Baptist Expansion, Dr. Stephens is
one ol the able factors of Mt. Pleasant
University, he left for New Castle and
Hillside. j
The L. O. T. M s of this place will ]
hold an entertainment on the 22nd
Washington's birthday. The entertain
ment will be conducted by Miss Josie
lift and is to be patriotic. A general
supper, ice cream and oysters, will be
served duripg the evening, come one
and all and have a good time.
The local institute meets in the Fire
man's Hall Saturday.
The schools were closed for a few
i days on account of the severe cold.
The measles are very bad in many
families also some cases of scarlet fever.
The planing mill has been shut down
the past week on account of cold weath
The <J. A. It. will hold an open camp
Hall" refreshment! will be nerved, ad
mission 15 cents.
Mrs«. ( iuorg*• 15i->t of (il.'lde died Sun
day inornimr
>1 illllletown.
21 degrees below zero was the lowest
point reached by the mercury at this
place last week.
If E. Heberlinx of Portersviile w n
in town a few days
Goo. Turner of \V. Snnbury was a
society visito here recently. iioaides
being a ino»t genial fellow himself, ho
not only i"lisluM jfoo 1 company but
knows where i > find the same
Tfits young people of Trontman M
K. church ff.ivu an' oyster supper on last
Thni.'4ay and I riday nii;hts.
Miss Laura Alexander of Uutler visit
el her parents las!. Sunday.
!!< publicans lu re express theiiHolvei
tit bent;; highly pl> ;,-«d with th« ooitr-e
pursued by our Represent lltives, Moore
and Dindin/er, in regard to the Senato
rial vote.
Mrs John Cumberland is suffering
from an affliction of tin- Inn#*.
Howard Curry i » vory nl at the home
of his father.
Adam Curry of near (ireere City an 1
and Frank Mark well of (ireece < 'i ty are
(juite sick at this writing.
MoCrtllister Kuhn is s'> ill en lined to
his r< "in with asthma
Milo Christy is in a very critical con
dition with slight chancer.
Frozen ears, noses, flnjjcru and feet
are things of daily occurrences Jack
Frost has also penetrated cellars that
have hitherto bid defiance to his
Mrs Junius Morrow of near llreece
Citv died last Wednesday, ajjed i>7
years She leaves a husband and a
lar«e family of children to mourn her
death. She was a most exemplary
ChrWUan l"'iy ana v. iil (oiik •!»- reu;ein
bered for her many den ts of love and
and charity amongst her friends and
neighbors Uur Interment was in ''on
cord cemetery on last Thursday.
Tin* "White Han's liimlcii."
What U the ' White Mai)'* iJnrdeii,"
That Kipling a lion t?
Let us ponder the subject,
And seek to make it out:
Js if to bear, like Atlas.
i ll'- tflobe upon liii i.a< k
And plod for. ver
In Custom's beaten truckV
What is the "White Man's burden.'"
Is it to halt and fear
To talk of Constitutions,
And make di.u legends clear?
I.i <t in mint mill i.iJi.v
When Duty loudly calls
To block file path of Progress
Willi moss-grown Chiie se Walls?
What i:i the "White Man's burden?
11 it to shrink from Fate
To ,v|iuji»ib'i timw in »juibl««i.s
i >r waste it i,ii debate'/
Is it to rest in letters
That old traditions forge.
Became they were our fathers'
Who a«ainst Kin# George?
This is the While Man's burden
The t ri l, nf Tenth to V'Hr
To carry Freedom's banner
And nh.nt it ev'rywhere.
To she'! the light of knowledge
Along earth's darkest ways,
And show the meanest savage
A Hod to love and praise.
Thin is the "White Man's burden
To bcud above the low
To stoop to lift the fallen
Parry the tyrant's blow
| Then shall the "sullen peoples''
; iif ty triUi and Una
.foin the great convocation,
1 The Brotherhood of Man
I'unxsutawney Spirit
1 , Tili. stars and stripes were raised ov
er the w icek of the Maine in Havaiiit
harbor yesterda>; the graves of the
victims decorated, and fervids h«Jd in
the churches.
YESTERDAY was the first anniversary
of the destruction of the battleship
Maine in the harb ir -if Havana a
tragedy that does not s am:: r us
to some SpaiiirtWs n..\v a* it did tb»*u.
BK<;ISS'INI : with March 1 the Ameri
can Steel and Wiiv Co.. of Chi-ago
will advance the wages of its .w.ooo
employees, and the men who now re
ceive least will get the greatest propor
tionate advance.
THIRTEEN people liaye lately been
i killed by snow slides in the Rocky
SEVENTEEN inmates of the insane
asylum at Yankton, S. D.. were burned
to death last Sunday morning.
1 H:\THS.
KOCHER At his home in Jackson
twp., Feb 7, 1809. John Kocher, in
his 85th year.
NORDHEIM At his home in Centre
twp . Feb. 7. 18it!». Dilliman Nord
heim. aged about 70 years
[lt was his wife and daughter that
Harper Whitmire killed a few years
ago. |
FORyL'ER— At her home in Murrius
ville, Feb. 7, 139U, Mrs. Katharine,
wife of Hugh Forquer, aged (>"> jears.
; NAUGLER At his home in Saxon
i burg. Feb. . 1899. August Naugler.
a?ed about 70 »ears
HINDS At her lionie in Beaver, Feb
, 1899. Mrs. Rachel Hinds, widow
of Alfred Hinds and daughter of Da
vid Shannon, dee d, aged 72 y ears.
KLINE At their home in Adams twp.
twp. near Myoma, three children of
John Kline.
Their deaths were caused by diphthe
ritic scarlet fever.
SHOWALTER—At the residence of
her father, Samuel F. Showalter, No.
1153 Murrayhill avenue. East End,
Pittsburg. Feb. 11, 1899. Mary Eliza,
aged 15 years and 10 months.
TRICHTINGER—At his home in Pitts
burg, Feb. 11. 1899, Martin Trichin
ger, in his 77th year.
GRINE Suddenly, at M- Kees Rocks,
Pa., Feb. 11. 1*99. Harry C. Grine,
aged 35 years.
KAMERER At her home on institute
Hill, Butler, February 13, 1899, Julia
Ann Ramerer, aged years.
Mrs. Kamerer was found dead Mon
day morning in a closet in her yard.
Heart failure was the cause of her
death. She was the widow of Adam
Kamerer who was found dead near the
West Penn station last May.
MrCANDLKSS At her home in But
ler twp., Feb. 12,99, Ruth, daughter
of W. L. McCandless, aged 15
SPOHN At her home in Summit twp.,
Feb. 11, 1899, Mrs. John Spohn, aged
79 years.
GATINS —At his home in Clearfield
twp., Feb. 10, 1899, Francis Gatins,
aged 82 years.
SCHAFFNER Feb. 1.',. 1899, son of
Chris. Scliaffner of Butler t-vp., aged
9 months.
CHRISTIE At his home in Concord
twp. Feb. 15. 1899, Milo, son of New
ton Christie, aged 19 years.
FORQFER At her home in Butler,
Feb. 14, 1899. Misß Mary Forquer,
formerly of Donegal twp.. aged 84
PORTER- At Petosky, Mich., Feb. 8,
1899. Andrew Porter, formerly of W.
Sunbury, aged 83 years.
KIEFER At his father's home on In
stitute Hill, Feb. 15. 1899. Harry S .
son of Henry Kiefc, six yeirs.
The funeral will be held Friday.
P. M. Shannon, an oil producer,
formerly of this county, died at the
home of his son-in-law in Pittsburg last
Saturday night.
The. Homi of Hood's Sarsaparilla -
A Wonderful Curo.
"A swelling in big rb 11 largo tnarlilo
come under my 'ongtwt. PhyHlclanssaid it
WHS a • -..i-tr ri:;;» r< :»> tumor and must f'O
V.J.— IU">» J leu I conm not Stand It,
and as ciuno Iwjgsn to take my
favorite spring to: ■ Hood's Hnrsaparilla.
The bunch gradually decreased and llnally
disappeared. I liavo had no sign of its re
turn. I am glad to praise H'XiU's Barsapa
rllla." Mrs. 11. M. Cowckn, 8 Union HI.,
Lowell, M;ISM. (et HOOP'S.
Hood's Pills ■ui Sick Headache.
Butler Business College.
i Practical Book-keepers. 2 Kxpert
Accountants. .> -AmauueusH Shorthand.
(-Reporters Shorthand. s— Kujjlish.
Branches Taught.
Book keeping, Single and Double
Kntry, Commercial Arithmetic, Com
mercial Law, Lightning Calculations,
Business Penmanship, Hnsincss Corres
pondence, Detection of Counterfeit
Mom v aiid i«ra«]uleut Kolcv, Hanking,
Business Forms and Customs, Spelling,
fixpett Accounting Joint Slock Com
pany and Corporation -, Theory and
Predict of Shoithaiid, Grammar, Punc
tuation, Typewriting, Dictation Drill,
Speed Kxeici es, Reporting Frpcdi '.ls,
Reading,Writing,'\|iiiiUieirc,o^>X rrt l>'*y.
Grammar, Histoiy, Individual Instruc
tion. Knglish Branches un ler Rpcciilist.
All advanced work under the tuition
at I'rof. Regal. Work of the school
open for inspection at all times
Our r„.'c,i:.4i:es Hon. Judge (Irrer;
Hon Joseph llaitman, Pris. llutlcr
County National Bank; Win. CampbeM,
Jr., Cashier liutlei .SlV'ili>;s B(ttlk; JOIIII
Berg, Berg Hanking Co.; Andrew
Brymer. etc , etc.
C«I on or address
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
V 7 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Peoples' Phone 271.
B-.1l H.i
The Chickoring-Chase Bros. Co.
'ftlaiittfaciurera ot
Grand and Upright Pianos
Farrand & Votey Organ Co.,
M' ntil u i:»u,';.s q> < egai.-i.
Can save you money In the purchase
of a FIRST CL\~ S Instrument.
Call and examine them at the wart -
317 South Main St.. Butler, Pa
-■ • 1
TICK MS; Cash or easy payments to
suit purchaser.
ovei the Post < Ulice is
Headquarters for Photography
Tlint artistic ti« 1
lighting KcciiiH to jilrahe
l he
for "The S|4»ry of 1 1>«* ri»lll|»t»li»i,, M
j l»y Mural llttUtt ud, < «»inrul. ioi.< «l by llm
!I- "I i 'M,. M» !< « UkU 1 4
Imi i'ii 'Mm Vmii< wuh Wrlll«-n In ar»nv
ciinip> ut Hun i'rancUco, on tin* wllii
Uciieriil Morrttt, In i'" luMpitnln ni Ho no*
luhi, In llonit K« »in'.ln I lio A im rl' iiii Iri ni luM
at Maiilli, In tin- liisiiru<-iil i'iin'l" l with
Atftilnulflo, on t In- «|i i-K iif Ihe ( MytnplM will*
Drwcy. ami In ihf* roai of hul I!• al I In* fall
•»f Manila Hi man/.a fm ukpiilm. Ilrlmfulnf
original tit< , t'iki'ii liv p'»o.
1.., l i i on ii.- I .•' i • »k I '
l»rf-• ' lij ji» .in l'i. Ivht |» iM rrWllt
KIVi• 11. I M ;: ll tr d liy imolll' lal \va|* IhviUh
Outfit Tn*' A rl«|ri« ■,<*, I*. T. Ii«rl»«r St y
IliMirau v ItlilK. riili'UKO.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
By virtue of sundry writs of Veil. Ex., Fi
Fa..'Lev. Fa.. &0., issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to nu
directed, there will be exposed to public sale
:tt the Court House in the l>orough of Butler,
Friday, the 3 day of Mar. 1899,
at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following described
property, to-wit:
E. D. No. ltl». March Term. IHW. S. f. A. L.
Bowser. Att'ys.
Ail the right, title, interest and claim of
F.mniatNman and Albert T Osniau of.in and
to all that certain piece or lot of land, situ
ated In the Ist ward Butler, Butler county.
Pa.. lioundcd as follows, to-wit: Being lot
No in the plan of lots laid out by Thomas
Kobiuson known as the Uohiusou plan of lots
said lot fronting on Morton Avenue; l>ogin
ning at a point at the northwest corner ou
said Morion avenue and running eastward
forty and 01-100 feet t < r on said avenue,
l hence sout h 13 deg. 30 mln. east one hundred
fifty and tiii-100 feet to an alloy (Euclid Ave.)
to a |H>st, thence westward along said avenue
forty-one f«»et 1<» a post, thence northward
along the line of lot No. I In said plan of lots
one hundred fifty-nine and 33-100 feet to a
post ou Morton avenue the place of liegin
nlng. See deed li«x>k 170. page 14"», having
thereon erected a two story fraute house and
S«-i*ed and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Emma Osniau and Albert FOsmau at
the suit of Daniel I* Negloy for use Butler
Co. Nat. Bank.
E. D. No. 1"»1. March Term, 1*99. W. A. & F.
J. Forquer, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of D
P McGulrk <»f. in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated In Marion town
ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows,
to-wit (>;» the nort It by lands of Lewis
S, aton. Oil the east by lands Lewis Seaton.
on the south by lands of Ellas Seaton and on
the west by lands of Reuben iiyers; contain
ing sixty acres, more or loss, having thereon
a two story frame house, barn and out build
ings. also an orchard, w acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erly of D i' McGulrk at the suit of John Berg
iV < 'o.
E. D. No. 10?, March Term. 1890. A. T. Black.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Cyrus Darkless of. In and to all that certain
niece or lot of land, situated In Butler borer,
| Butler county. Pa . bounded as follows, to
j wit: On the north by an alley, east by lot of
Jacob Nee. south by New Castle road and on
the west by lot of Charles Duncan; fronting
| forty foot on New < a>tlc St. and extending
back the same width ot;e hundred sixty foot
to an alley, together with a one and one-half
I story frame house and outbuildings thereon,
being I<»I No. 10 in Charles Duffy plan «>f
West End lots, the same lots descrilred in
Mortgage book *d. page .V>, the sale lioing up
on the said mortgage debt.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Cyrus Darkless at the suit of \Vork
irigtitcn's B A: L. Ass'n of Butler.
K. D. 1-V', March Term, 1 MK». W. 11. Liisk.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Lewis Owens, Jr., of. in and to ail that cer
tain piece or lot of land, situated in Mercer
township. Butler county. Pa., ltoundetl as
follows, to-wit: On the north by a public
road leading from Forestville t'» intersec
tion of road at Hugh Braliam's and running
said road 181 feel west, (hence south
lo."» feet by land of William Mo Bell, thence
east 131 feet by lands of William Mo 8011,
thence north by lands of Mercer Mining
Company lt>."» feet ; containing one h.ilf :>cre,
more or b ss. and being the same lot of land
which William Mo Bell and wife, conveyed
to Lewis Owen-I. .It*, by deed dated Feb. -Ist,
1 SOI. having thereon erected a frame dwell
house, i -v«» stories high, and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Lewis Owens. Jr, at the suit of John
E. D. No. I.V.i. March Term, ISiTO. W. C. Find
ley, Att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Harry Barnes of, lit and to all that certain
piece or lot of hind, situated iit But ler boro,
Butler comity. Pa. bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north hy South street, on the
east by lot formerly owned by Charles
Abrams. on the south by :tu alley and on the
west by lot of J W Moore; said lot fronting
on said South st root forty feet and extend
ing back to said alley t ho southern boundary
one hundred twenty-five foot and being the
same lot sold and conveyed to t ho said Harry
Barnes by (' A Abrams and wife; by deed
dated the stli day of September. I*oo. See
deed Ixrok No. IM, page 'io:t; having thereon
erected a frame house and outbuildings.
Seized ami taken in execution as the nrop
nerty of Harry Barnes at the suit of Pitts
burg Security Savings and Loan Ass'u. for
use of tlie (•iirantee Loai. and Investment
Ass'n. of Pittsburg.
K. Ir. No. 110 March torn: IrtOO. W. D. Brandon
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
WWVW4i of. In ami to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Marlon
township. Butler county Pa. Included as
follows, -to-wit: Ou tll«* north by lauds of
Kobert Atwell, on the Easf by lands of Neal
tformerly on the South by lands of Neal
tiormerly on tlie West by lauds of William
Cowan, containing eighty sl\ acres, more or
I • ■ SH,
ALSO Of. In and to all that certain piece
or parcel of laud, situated in Marion town
ship, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows,
to-wit: Ou the North by lands of Jarues
Shcasly & Co. on the east bv graded road, on
l In* south and on the west by lands of Neal
<iormerly and t he Georgetown-road: contain
ing seven acres, mo»e or !«--»,hv lug thereon
a frame house, stable and otlioroutliulldings
also one producing well.
seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of L. F. Cummings at the suit of But ler
Savings Bank.
E. D. No. 111. March Term. IHUO. J. D.
Marshall. Att'y.
All the right, title. Interest ried cUilm of
Mary <• Bell n* <| Juv.ph Bei! of, ift and to all
thai curtain piece or lot of laud, situated In
Butler IM»I-O Ist ward, Buller county. Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit : On the north by
lot No. east by an alley, south by lot No.
::i, we»t by Falrvlew avenue; fronting forty
fi et on said avenue and extending back l.'ls.fl
feet to said alley. Belie' lo* No. v. the
plan of said IMM*OUJII H* laTd (iut by W. I.
Hi ugh. Having thereon erected a two story
frame dwelling lion •« and ot le r outbuilding.
Sel/.ed and taken In execution on a bond
accomiraiilng mortgage bet ween same parties
for the same debt recorded 111 Mortgage book
~:j, page Jl«'.. as Ihe property of Mary G 801 l
and Joseph Bid lat the Huitof A BMIb i sley
for use of Chas Du ITJF •
E. D. No li, Ma.eli I.inn, liusr. A. B, C Mc-
I'arland At'ty.
All the right title, Interest and claim of
I.lln Stewart and A. P. Stewart of in and lo
all t hat certain piece or loi of laud, sit tutted
in Bill ler borough But ler Count *' l»oultd
ed as follows, t l l U< at the
north • 1 put i 01 lt>l >• r MUM Lens Deljert
lon NOW Tf'ast le street j hence «*ast ward along
said st reel, eighty-live and on* half feel ?o
Ihe north a est corner of lot of < [i*.» . ill low
t hence sout liwatd i|hiiig land* of said tieorge
i Pillow toni bundled and lifly-iilne feet,
> I west along lands of si|ld Plllnw one
hundred sixty-eight feet theiiou northward
along laildx «»f I lu/.lei Bros, one hundred
I lilrteell feel . t hence east ward along lauds of
Stewart Moner and William Clark one hun
dred t hlrty-sl\ feet, thence northward along
land of said Clark one hundred twenty-om
fi'i't. 1 hence eastward along lands »;f M a'.d
Miss Lena Dehor! twenty . ai d half
feel, l! iJl.e IO <l*>% I«J al'Ultf IllMtls of said
Ml -, Irreliei I one hufpired fo;t V-Mp.o Hbd one
half feel io the place of la>||luoln«| ooiltaiu
lug one acre more or lois. on which Is erected
a frame house I . stories high of six rooms,
stable and of her out bu I Id lugs.
Seized and taken in execution as I lie
erty of Ella siewarl r»nd A !* I• v.;. 11 ;.i lln
sn'.i • f 'i I • I « »'»i Savings Frn<t 'l«o:|ii
A ssi n i lat'|<il4 t
F. Ir. No 117, March Term. lsir.». Kalston *V
Greer, Att'ys.
All tin right, title. Interest and claim of
Joseplilna Arras and Leonhart Arras of, In
audtoall that certain plois'. PI 'ot «,f land
situa!ml ip Bn,b • l»oivdi:h f;uV l •* r motility.
Pa, bounded ?» follows, to-wll : Boglnulng
ai lot No iu plan of lots laid out by
Thomas Rotrlnnon 1 ! . laid borough, COM
moneing lit »» po.st on toirlleld aveiilU ;il I lie
.oul beast corner of lot No. •»'» and rnniilug
west wardly along f he line of loin NO. and
.Hi to a post on i berry alley, l hence south
ward along Cherry alley forty feet fo a
post on an alley, I bonce eastward by
alley to a po d on t lie corn' . , r rain nan i ml
•,:'. lie I, I a.l 1,1 OS liieiioe. ii< ft li wuMl along
(iartleld \vt FORT) feel TO a IMist 180 ulact «>R
beglunluK lor reference of ootiveyauoe see
Mortgage IHIOU .'»O, png«« OI; having thereon
erected a two story frame house and out
hel/.« 'I and taken lu execution as lie prop
• rly of Josephlna Arras and Leonhart Arras
nl the suit of It IC Malt an. Fw of b lu B
Malum doe'd
I ;» m.. so. Mateb Term, IWU. A. B.C. Me
Farlaiie, Att'y.
\ll the right, title. liit«* r« st and claim of
William II Davis of. In and lo all that eer
I.tin piece or lot of land, situated In Butler
liorough. Buller county, Pa boiiodi l as
follows, 10-wll «».|»|.. I.i.ph l,y f' I't V' f* J*t
( i, .bi tfnC miiij tif i"i . on 1 1"
TU 1 OIIU honored twelve fuel by Sullivan
avenue, oil the south forty fee! by an alloy
and on the wesl one bnndred twelve feel by
V\ est st root; and being lot No. I In MON**m Sul
llvau's plan of lots lit said iMirougli. having
,i frontage of forty feel on Wesl streei and
t \tending back maintaining I he same width
one hundred twelve feel to lho above nee
tloin d alley, lM*lug the . p,.<pe;<y
u veil toll" «d \V|Blanr|f Dmh fiy joaepli
i_ pi,i,, . (| •. m , til ed dated i»« ci mix i
>th. I N U» Sou deed book l*» 0. page l!Wr. having
tin icon erected a two story frame dwelling
house and outbuildings.
Sel/ed and taken lu execution as ihe orop
erty of W llllam II Davis at the suit of The
Poiinsyl vanla Savings Fund Ac Loan Ass'n.
F D. No. r.n» March Term, l-W. Ualsfop &
t.reer Ai'«v,
A || llm | ijihl, iit I* a piterOsl and elalin of
MrV \lii ii ic* Mdnlgoiiirey and Samuel M
Mnutgbfnrey of In and lo all tli it. ( certain
piece or 10l of land, situated In
township. Butler County P; a
follows 1 0-*,\'.t »he noi I h by all alley,
east by Ipl of ' W MeCandM'ss, on I lie south
by public road hiding from Murrinsvll|e t<|
Parker City, and on tin west by ;pt alley
having a front lye on sapl Murriusvl|lo and
Parker oily public road of eighty feet and
extending back one hundred *l\ty fei t to
said alloy on the north; having thereon a
frame house carpenter shop fruit trees and
I!rape v I lies
Hi i/< d slid taken In exo< ntlou » I i""i»
i lly of Mrs Vlniilo Montgoturoy aipl i
M .|i U|OMiO« fM 1" (iitii.l- for
II -»e of .!o|i|| Nif I oil
i. i• i.... Mu. i. 11 riit ip 4 " i
Marshall, Att'y
Alt the light, title. Interest and ela\in of
Susan <chmick ami Peter Sohuiiek of. in and ,
to all that certain piece or panvl of land,
situated in Forward township. Butler Co,
Pa, I rounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by lands of S II Pier.sol. ou the » ast by
lands «>f John Webl>er, on the south by
DftYtd Crow and on tin vesrf by lands of
Jacob Stuckloy; containing fifty acres, more
or less, l»elng tin* same tract of land couvev
ed to Susan Sehmlok by Lucinda Weblier.
adm'x i' T. A. «»f Samuel Webber. dee'd . by
deed dated Nov. 13th. IMS, aad reoottled la
detd I HM >k 172, page 7H. having thereon erect
ed a twostory framd dwelling house, bank
barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Susan Sehmlck and Peter Sehmlok at
the suit of Florence Con ley.
F. I>. No. 109, 27. 2*. March Term. Isy.i.
Ralston & Greer. W. A. & F. J. Forquer
All the right, title, interest an«l claim of
Alvin Carothers, Jamison Carothers, and
llney Camt hers of. in and to all t hat certain
niece or parcel of land, situated In t'l iy twp.
llutlc-r County. Pa., lionnded as follows to
wlt: Beginning at the northwest corner «>n
line of lands of .1. Walker, thence north s7
deg 10 niin east |wrches. to a post in the
centre of the Heaver Dam I toad, thence
soul It 30 dot; east 59 to a post on line of lands
of James Ixildoo the sou I heart corner, thence
alone the lands of James Klld<m and W. C.
Md'andless north !<s deg »■"» mln west
perches to a post the southwest corner, com
mon to \V. C. McCandless and .1 Walker,
t hence north 1.75 dog east :£{.»««; perches to a
post the place of Iteginning; c«tntaiulng ">2
acres and 121 perches belnjr part of a larger
tract of land of which A. 11 t'arothers died
seized In fee and by sundry deeds of the
heirs of the aforesaid decedent the title of
tho aforesaid dcscrllted lands vested in the
said Alvin Carothers he being one of the
heirs of the aforesaid decedent.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Alvin ('brothers Jamison Carotlters
and Huey t'arothers at the suit of August
Magler, J. lierg &«Co.
F.. l>. No. PC. 27. 2s. 3d, March Term. IS.H>. W.
A. A F. J. For*iuer, Kalston A: Greer. Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Jamison t'arothers. Alvin t'arothers and
liughey ('arotlters of, in and to all that cer
tain piece or uarcel of land, situated in Clay
township. Buller county. Pa, bounded as fol
htws, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Samuel Black, on the east by lands of
1 1 ug hey and Alvin t'arothers. on the south
by lands of Henry t'arothers and on the west
by lands of John Walker; containing fifty
three acres, more or less, having thereon
erected a frame house and out buildings,
also an orchard.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jamison t'arothers. Alvin t'arothers
and liughey Carothers at the suit of Mrs.
Kllzaboth (»11 key. John lierg & Co.
E. I>. No. 10s. J7, 2>. March Term.
KalstonGreer. W. A. & F. J. Forquer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
liughey t'arothers. Alvin Carothers and
Jamison Carothers, of. in and to ail that
certain piece or parcel of laud, situated in
t'lay township. Butler county. Pa. hounded
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the north
west corner at a st ake on line of lands of J
Walker, thence along line of lands of Jami
son t'arothers si cleg 10 mln north east
PK.VJ perches to a post, thence along line of
lands of Jamison Carothers north .7"> dog
east :CM2 perches to a post on line of lands of
Black thence along line of lands of Black
south KHdog and 20 mln east 21.2 porches to a
;>< st in the centre of the Beaver Dam road,
thence along said road south 21 deg east IS
perches to a jxist on said road, thence along
said road south ISO deg east 47.5 perches to a
post In the centre of said road, thence along
t his line of lands of Al vin Carothers S7 dog
West 204..'C£ porches to a post on line of lands
of J Walker, thence north 1.75 deg east
perches to a |>ost the place of beginning;
containing 41 acres and 121 nerelies, having
thereon erected frame batiK barn, frame
house, outbuilding and orchard.
ALSO -Of. In and to all that certain piece
or parcel of laud, contiguous and belonging
to the same tract. l»oundcd as follows. t >-
wlt: On the north by Hickory Mill and Sun
bury road, east by lands of James Kelly and
on the west by Iteaver Darn road; containing
eight acres, more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of liughey Carothers. Alvin Oarotners.
and Jamison t arothers at the suit of Mrs.
Clentenza. A Mochllng, John Berg & Co.
K. I). No. 105, March Term, ISIW, W. D.
Brandon. Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Curtis L Moore of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, sit uated lit Centre
township. But ler county. Pa. Itoundcd as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning at a white oak tree
the southeast corner adjoining lands of
Joseph Coulter Itelrs. thence south S2 deg
west along said lands seventy-eight and li-10
perches to a post, on the east sldo of the
turnpike road, thence north 4U «ieg west
thirty-one and ft-10 porches along said road
to a |M»st, thence along same road north M
deg west thlrty-oue and 5-10 perches to a
po>t. thence along same road north ;{o deg
west nine and s-10 porehe* to a post, thence
by lands of J t' Moore north 70 deg east
twenty-two and 11-10 perches to a post,t hence
by same north I deg west thirty-eight
east nineteen and tt-JO perches ret ti large
maple tree thct\Ce no:lh i.l.Vdog east sixty
porches to a post ou line of lands of Joseph
Coulter heirs, thence along said land s nil It
I deg east ninety perches to the place of bc
glniiln; containing fifty acres strict measure
belng tho saute lands conveyed by folin C
Moore et tlx to C L Moore by deed dated the
flah day of Deccmlicr. A. D. istrj. See .lutler
county Deed book 112. page .'J24. having there
on erected a frame house, stable and out
buildings. also an orchard.
Seized and taken lit execution as the prop
erty of Curtis I, Moore at t he suit \ J liatihalt
L Sltem.
E. D. N«. >iarch Term. fsu. S. F. <V A. L.
Bowser. Att'ys.
All tin* right, title. Interest and claim of
tieorge W McCandless and Virginia McCand
less of, in and to all that certain piece or
narcel of laud, situated In Butler township,
hut ler county. Pa, bounded as follow ~ to
wit: Beginning at a p»M ; t v l t r gunthwost
corner on tl»« v«M»in line of original and a
larger Uncrowned by Silas Pierce, thence
t honennorth *1) dog east by lands conveyeil
by Silas Pierce et ux to Mrs. Sarah White,
one hundred sixty six and 5-10 perches to a
post, t hence nortli by lauds of Silas P'o?ce
thirty eight and 5-10 p«*rche« .» fH»sf.
t hence south SO d*vr l»y lands of John
Manny fr'-iu.eflA ll'ita' e Pler**i» one hundred
>1 xt * « an<l 5 jo porches to a post, thence
south tloi g said boundary line thirty-eight
antl 5-10 perches *t-o the place of beginning;
containing 40 acres, more or less, as per
draft of and survey of Henry Pillow dated
Nov. 20th. I*7l. and being the same ply 4 '*' of
land conveyed by Slhe Pitice'et ux to
Virginia Ph »•<••• • *>\\ V trgfnla M«K>aiid!ess by
dei d N««t- •;r,ih. l^?:. 4 . recorded In Ke-
I ci>r4lo»«s ofl|cu of llutler Co, Pa in Deed book
Idi. page Having thereon erected a fr:yn»e
house, stable and outbuildings } % iso an
Seized and taken In r foil as the prop
erty of tJeorc» \Y Mc<*'andless and Virginia
' W the suit of A nl bony Thorny.
Monday, March Sin. 1899.
I'l'sl K. It. No •• UKII'II 'l<riii. IMKI, .iHtui'N
I'W'lUt n. CuminliiKH, Attui iiry».
Ati tlin rtKlit. Iltlo, luti'ic.t anil i-lulm of
I'iilllrU McKltiiwy i <f. In itml t<> nl I thul ivr
liiln liU'i-u .11' I>ur<:i)l or Intnl. >llu!ilf(i 111
t In 117 toWllslil|i. Ilulli r coiitily. I'u . IHIUIIII
nd tut ri>lloWM. to-wit: Oil tilt) norlliwivtt hy
-llliiii ryriK'U on tlm iiorlln-tiHl lii-
IliinU of JIIOK'N 11 [•'• 1111 . on tlir
Imiil. of satin' mill on tin' \\i li_v nf
'l'lltini|>viii; ciintnlninii Iv i nty-'onn ;ir-r«'>i
t lilrt \ !lvt> 1,1 >. Ii >. ;inrt lylnn IH<|WP«H U
IMilitP ii ;.!»<>ti lite soitlhwi-st '/.tiit IL railroad
oil lilt; n<>ftlteitsl, I'\l , I.IIIIK tin- roitl, iron
on' llmi -1,1t.i., tiilm rul. Hrc mul iioltcrM-lny
Uii'lrt'Mii<l lands with tit,. I IKIII lo mini' lll|<L
lrati<>|M>rt tin. KitlniMlvnr »lllil lands,
s. l/i il and I. ikon ln ox«<ruU<Mt 'is |ifo|i
••rly of I'atrlrk V''|\lm>i y :»« IHr sttlt (\f
llli'lljn Mill Mi . llottltKllV f.ix tin- of
Ji'.n.i > liri tl'i.
Friday, the 10th day of Mar., A. D
Intro, at f o'clock, p. m., the following describ
ed property, u>-wlt:
Iv Ir. No. WO, h term. iHOII, W. II l.u.K.
At torney.
AM the right, title, interest anil claim of
Jacob Stickle, deed.. Ullvur T Murphy.
Aimr of Ja«'oh dtw'd., «»f, In and lo
all that certal't tract of land, situated hi
I ranklln township, Butler county. Pa .
bounded an follows, to-wit: Tract No. 1
containing eleven acre ~ more or less, and
known as the Saw Mill lot. iM.iliided or; 11»«
north by lands of l>;\n'o' \\'etgi%«. f«\rn»erly
Washington CaiHpbell oUtheeje.t by lands
of Js«ci l my and on the wont by tract No.
UMS«|« 1 |lied IM low. also tract No. M contain
but " acre , and \ wenty live perches bounded
oit the north by lands of Mary Webber, on
tln east by tract No l as described above on
the .oiithhy laud, of Jacob Nccly and on
the West by lands of J. V. I.nullah loi»'«.
these two tracts of laud werti c<«*iveyed to
the first party by (h ,<i (.f iohu Miller et in
by deeddriei; i'u' !Jf»tli day of March. ISTC.
•e> Milled in deetl ImmiU 7>. page '.'«»•» Together
»Vllh lo'g house, with kitchen, log stable and
good orchard.
Seized and taken In execution as the Pf.Ui
erty of Jacob Stickle, deed. Hlltei IV
Mnrpy, Adrnr. of J acol» St |cU t« ii* » 'd,, at th»
,uit of W II \ M. f i,sk. trustees of Agues
l.usk.fe; a I uM ldellty Title A Trust Co.
I M No. 111, 154, lot. March Term, !*«•
l'oH|tier. Lusk and Bowser. Att'ys.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Daniel McDlvefi of. In and to all that eer
t lau piece or puree I of land, nltuated In { lay
lownsiilp. But ler count y. Pa. boui"l; d as fof
lows, to-wit: Beginning :<t the northeast
corner of l he tract iit j, grub, t hence
by lands of v !dnw llatuUton. Aseph Crait
n« i t taitluer and Oliver Walker
«\ui h i'ljs di>tf west one hundred t hlrty-four
arid s-io perches to a stone, thence l»y lands
of Neal Gallagher south '4 dig east fifty
nine and 1 4 pore lies t•» a '.tone, thence liy
land . of .lohu Me I rivet t north str,T'» east one
hundred thirty-four and H-lo perches. Vl«onc«
by laiuU of A Ifred Aggers inirt Iy 1 •. dejj wesl
75 IM'I'CIM'S to hickory gtUtfc the place of b«
ginning; belnc land conveyed to
I ranl"\ MuDh« .tt by dt ed fioiu John Mc-
DiveVt <la*' d Nov. 2nd. 1*71! diHid lnmk
:«l, page t.'l, and con tain lug fifty sulci
iiteasiire; having ther« «»n , o d a Ittuird
house sable, orchard «*>td oiittntlldiugs
Sel/ed I'tid taken In e\« .aitlon as the pr*»n
-tll yof Hanhl M Dlvel t li tin sull of C \V
< flu In et al.
i; ir No. illiUPj Muwli Ten.., IM»r J. |».
Mm hall, Alt y.
vli tie i"iuhi, title, lult rest and < lalnt of
Mary A M' Klnuey and S S Mclvlnney of, In
and lo all that c« rt.iln ph ce or parcel of laud ,
kitnated In Adams township. Butler county,
I'a bounded a*« follows, to-wit On the 1
north by lands of Piitttcrs<m *V |»ookwiH»d 1
fornterl.v lands of .bihi| Midvpiney. on |ln
east by latp|u of Wllllan riileltuan. on the
m'iiith I\y lands «»f 1.0 /.n M, Klnuey and on
the w. Xby lands of the lit li sof John Davlsj
coiii :il nlng fifty acres, more or lejs, l»«di\g t lie
• aiue land owned by Jarr\« McKlniiev dnr
luitC his l\fe time i\w<\ al Ib«> time of his death
hv his lasj will and icdaue-nt devised the
same [,* Mary Aijn M'*K(nnejf one of the
prt nt owner*. f.»r refriviu'O sec Will Book
M". pag* 27^.
S« l/.»"d and taken In • vtvntlon as th« prop
p.-rty of Mary V M« Kinm*y and ** S M. Kln
ii* y al tin Milt o, \\ It hi-ituK'.i
E l> So •. M I. II 173. ■... . EVRA U
u. A A. b\ J. ». I IMT. V\ . I!. INU. r
Koh lor. Alt irneys.
All i ;«* rl-ht. 1 itl«\ hit- r- >1 ai:-' 'aim of t'
Li >tralaof. In ..I i • .•ibal o rut \ •• .
or lot of land, situate] In ISutliT boro. Sitiilcr
Co.. I'»., boundiHl ;LS follows, to-wit: On the
north by Walnut strvft.fi>? by lot of E K
Miller, south by lot of I!a\«'t)s and we&t
by an alley; i«-lttjf liftv-fonr feet front on
v. ,i it-it m and • • ng htck • i ntj
fe«»i, mor»* or U dc?ed from S l>
Purvis **\ ux to 1 «. Strain, bavins tln reon
a frame hou«e with slat*- roof, stable and
Sel/« d and tak« n in execution .»> tin- ]>rop
«»f I Li Strain at tin suit of John Bersr A ('».
Ituifalo Mortar Work et al.
E !► No VM. in. HlKh T« irn. J- I *!' T. C.
Campliell and N. Blaek. Attorneys.
All the right, title. ii:t«r*'st ami claim of
l>ani«*i Feidler. l*« idler. Abr:iliam
Zetgler and Caroline, his wife, and J. J.
Feidler terre tenant of. in and to all that
certain piece i»r lot of land, situated in
Harmony Boro.. Butler county, l*:i . Uiundcd
as follows. to-wit: On the north by lot of I*.
Sample one hundred twenty feet, cast by lot
of John IVarce eighty feet, on the .south by
wiH»len mill of John IVarce one hundred
twenty feet.w«-st bv \V«nhl street eighty feet,
on which is erected a large frame tnlll.
Seized and taken in execution :is the prop
perty of Punlel l eldler. Magdalena IVi.ller.
Abraham /.elgler and t'aroline. his wife, and
J. J. Feidler terre tenant at the suit «»f The
George T. Smith Middlings Purifier to. fi.r
u<e of the N :it. Ilauk of A lleghcny et al.
E. I*. No. 17*.!. March Thompson »x
Son. Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Jacob llutchmaii of. in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situafrd hi
Adams township. Butler county. Pa., bound
ed as follows, to-wit : On tlie north by lands
of l>avid Stoup and I». P. Nicholas, on the
east by laud* of William Humes.on the south
by lands of Peter l « 11 and on the west by
landsofll B. Hutchman. v im'l Parks and
James Iviucaid: containing seventy-nine
acres, more or less, having thereon erected a
frame house, barn, and outbuilding also an
' orchard, alniut seventy acres of which is
cleared and under fence. For reference s« e
Mortgage Book 15. pa ire ;m.
SelzecTand taken in t-xi-cutlon as tin prop
erty of Jacob Hutchman at the suit of Wil
liam Bleak ley.
TEKMS SALE Tin' following must be
strictly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or ot her lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
IK* furnished the Sheriff.
Z All bids must l»> nitld in full.
:i. All sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until one o'clock. P. M., of next
day at which time all property not »'ttle<i
for will again l>e put up and sold at the ex
pense and risk of * hi! person to whom tir>l
sold. .
•See I'urdon's I»l(fest, 9tl> eiHfiou, 4M.
and Smith's Forms, page -S4.
WILI.IA.M It. norms. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oftice. Butler. I'a.. Feb. 11. isyy.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this Kith day of Jan. A. D
1899, to serve as grand jnrors at the
regular term of court, commencing the
first Monday of March, ISiHi. the same
being the tlth day of said month.
Anderson .1 Brady twp, farmer.
Alsworthyfohn, Washington twp. fann
Baker Andrew, Penn twp, farmer,
Barnhart Fred, ' 'onnoiiuenessing boro,
Barnhart A E, Millers town, producer,
Critchlow Dave. Jefferson twp, fanner
Douthett D W; Adams twp, farmer.
Eavens U <Evans City, carpenter.
Flanigen Frank C. Butler 2d w. agent.
Qoehring John A, Cranberry twp, farm
Hockenbory Calven, Cherry twp, farm
Hartung Charles M. Evans City, livery-
Hamilton Robert. Forward twp,farmer.
Humphrey (rco, Parker twp. farmer,
Kohnfeltler Jos, hotel keep
Moore J E, Oakland twp, farmer,
McClintick Samuel. Mercer twp, farm
Ralston Win. Buffalo twp, farmer.
Roads F A. Valencia, farmer.
Stevenson John. Butler 4th w,shoemak
Shearer Fred, Summit twp, farmer,
Sproul Hugh, Cherry twp, farmer,
Watters Charles. Clinton twp. farmer
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this 10th day of Jan. A. I>.
ISiW, to servo as petit jurors at the reg
ular term of court, commencing on the
second Monday of March.lS'.Ml, the same
same being the tilth day of sai 1 month.
Adams Sylvester. Donegal twp. farmer.
Arner Cieo Washington t wp. (Wrtnci.
Armstrong Win.Butler Ist w.carpciiler,
Barnhart .los. Fairview twp, farmer,
Black J H, Cherry twp. farmer,
Brandon W W, Connoqnenessing twp.
Boyce Michael, N'enango twp, farmer,
Brown R 11, Allegheny twp, farm l , x.
Conway I.cwis M, Butler [th w, clerk
Cooper John C. (A<niioijnene- l sing twp,
Dershimer Ore, Butler twp, teacher,
l)odds Adam. Penn twp. farmer.
Fleeger Oeo, Concord twp, farmer
(irnham Elmer E, Saxonburjj, u-acher
(train* Win, Jefferscjn twp, farmer.
Ooehrin" F S, Zelier.ople, merchant,
<4i««en Jonn. Donegal twp, carpenter,
Graham Albert. Cranberry twp.farmer,
Gardner EJdward, WashimrVui twp,
Gibson J A /t4iwuopie, carpenti r,
Griniu, Geo, Jefferson twp, fanner,
Hitn'o Martiu. Butler two. farmer,
Huselton Andrew P.Bailer twp, [tiftuer,
Kennedy Jacob, Buffalo twn, fs/riuer.
Miles SN. Millerstown. ptodncer,
M eeder Edwii\ /jelienople, inerchaiit.
Mitch" I ,'. < has M. Butler 4th w. met
Met'lung ('has. Fiurvlow boro,
Mc('olloni<h Munuel W. Fairv : '. w twp.
MoOill .! W. ICurriavilie, laborer,
Mc(-aiidh'Hrt Alonru. Tv u ; k j| n twp.fnrm
Nevin It J, Zoli't'tioplo, clerk,
l*aul AnxuHt. Jefferson twp, farmer,
l'ainter J S, Clay twp, farmer,
Parker Hphram, Allegheny twp. farm
Unwell H I), Cherry twp, farmer.
Rivers l'eter, liutler Ist w, ritchnilder,
Kee«l liuifli, Hlipperyrock, farmer,
Kliorit* Henry, Slipperyriiok twp. farm
Hitler Jacob, .lackson twp, farmer.
Stepp ('yrus, I Vim twp. farmer.
Heaton John. Venango twp. farmer,
Sehaul Phillip, Mutter Ith w uierehaut,
Teljy John W. Clay twp. farmer,
Thompson Gill M. Centre twp. farmer.
Thont(wian Jo.siah M. Uraily twp. farm
Walker J 11. 1 larrisville, miller.
Welsh I.ova) V. Jefferson twi>. fanner.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and'SaleSStabfe
Rear of
Wick House, Butter, Penn'a.
Tliolw si of liorscM and I'lasH iltf* al-
WJIV«<'W hand mid for lilro.
lie*! iu:t'(iiiitiMMlutli>iiH In town for |» riuii
n«*i»t lioardliiK ami transient trade. Speci
al rare ituai anteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A Mlf | of ll'M cs. 1M »l || dIIVCIS and
draft !»«»?•.»>>» always on hand .tml f«»
iimhi ii full GUARANTEE ; HIM!
upon proper notification l»v
Tl*lej#hoiu\ NO. SHI.
Rough £ Worked Lumber
OK A 1,1, KINHS.
Doors, Sash. Winds, Mouhlinjj.%
Shingles anil Lath
Always in Stock,
ODice <>i>|»>H)te P. .V|W,JI >eiMit.
*1 I*l uer year If paid IN advance, ot IHTWIm
♦ I *»4» will IH< CHARGED
AIIVMITIMINO KA'T'TS One Inch. one tltni
||. eaeh stil, ...pient Insertion "•<» rent ft each
A mil torn' ami dlvorre notices $4 eaeh; exec
utors' and udiiilnlst rators' iiotlcrft £1 eaeh
est ray and dissolution not lees eaeli Kcad*
111 not let HlO renin a line for find- ami Vents
for each mil»«UM|iliMlt Insertion. .Notice*
atnoiitf local ne.vs Hems I."i iVnts a line for
«• teli Insert toll t Hiltuurles. cards of t hank*.
|es< il 141 lons of reaped, not lees of frstUals
and falls, etc., Inserted at t lie rale of .1 rents
a line. tnom<y to u'comnauy I lie order. *even
words of (IISIMI make a line.
liatoft for stnmllnjf ratsls ami Job work on
All art vert Winjf Ift dm after first Insertion.
Ulld uII transient advertising must Im> paid
for lu advance. i
) Dissolution Notice. C
* i A. y auiplM-li. j
John I! 'lVtnpU'Um /
/ . !i; .r •. T riipU-fiou «*:•.% dU»olv* <i \
v ! lit* I■> »•" i • i i:; ir y. MW. -•» .
J fa Tem- 1
V i i »ti. A! lihts due to thi' >al»l y
/ I .»ri t.i i ->i.in •;< ( and th«»so V
J v " r
{ Bi i tei P&m J
} continued %
5 »> < 'ainpW'H, John I!. /
C l'» ttiplt'lon and Harry TViuplrlOtl. m
J undri i!i firm of & f
/ *lVmp!« ton N
\ A. \ « \MPBKLL. /
? will commence /
about March Ist )
/or as soon as we (
/ can get the stock (
S arranged. This \
£ will also give our
/ out of town C
/ tomers a chance I
to hear of the s
I r
V It v/ill be the )
) greatest sale of /
/ mer/ ?
/ chandise ever held;
in Butler county.
< Next week we will 1 )
/ tel! you more about ?
< (
Butler Steam Laundry.
f ?.20 Wcml Cunninpham Street, V
C J. E. ZICKRICK, Manager. C
I have n Hcavo Cure that will curt* mty
cast- of hesives 111 horses in forty days, if
used according to directions, and if it.
doe« not do wliat I claim for it, i will
refund the amount jiaid and no charges
will he made tor the treatment, T' iK .
following testimonials aro 'he stro* lj:( . s | S
proof of the medicines l ower to cur ,'.'-
A, J, Mc<* ANO( Kss
.iciir, P.i.,
Mr. A J. MctHUillw,;
On the >nd daj 'of April. icSya I eom-
tti use »j ollr ncw cure ft.r one of
my djp t j, ai j the heaves very hail,
and Cental' 1( .,| to use the medicine for
a hout days and the h jrse did not
sho\\ any sinns of a re!tun of them. It is
llov . about a year siitce I quit giving the
'".leilicine and the horse has .'ever showed
any sign of heaves, and I feel satisfied
that hi- is properly cured.
W. C. Criswell.
utier, Pa.,
A, J. McCandless*
1 have used your Heave Cure and
find it will do the work if used accord
ing to directions. Yotiry truly,
I. It. McMiltiu.
French Beveled Mirrors.
Factory To Consumer.
Our Great Special Offer.
For Five Dollars
wc will send an elegantly
framed I'rer.ch lh-vclcd Mirror.
18 in. x 3 feet.
The most popular size mirio
for mantel or wall and a beautiful
j ornament to ever)' room in the
This is a rare bargain an ! can
not be duplicated elsewhere
VW guarantee .satisfaction.
Will lefimd money if fjooiis not
as represented
Carriage charts, wheie mirror
is to be shipped by freight <>r ex
press, t«. be paid by purchaser;
Hntlcr HOIO. thli\'ty lice. When
ordering please state whether shall
ship by lii i.-ht 01 express.
We also make and retail all
sirrs and shapes of beveled or
plain mirrors and sell at propoi
tints. itely reasonable prices.
Beveled Clear Lights for side
bourds, vestibule doors, etc., a
We are making a line ol Fancy
Shaped Mirrors in square frames
—something new and very at
nrTum, PA.
Office and factory opposite S'landard
Plate Ol ins Works follow I.ii*oolii Ave.
to end of hi-nul walk and '.urn to left:
just around tin* corner.
Connection with Bell and l'rople'•
Telephone lines.
Clvr» 1 1 -Ilecirlltcd JtrrAtl- winning Educmttom*
f. DUFF .V SONS, L'U Filth Avcaut,
rirrsu uko. pa.
Buhi 11 ilx lor ti 1(. siar .