Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 09, 1899, Image 2

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WILLIAM C.NF.GLEV - - PnbtUhor ,
(Subject to the Republican Primary ot (
March 25, 1899. from 1 to . I . M ) 1
Of Whitestown.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Centre twp.
Of Butler twp.
Of Butler
Of Washington twp.
Of Fairview twp.
Of West Sunbury.
W. J. ADAMS, Of Butler,
formerly of Washington twp.
Of Forward twp.
Of Butler.
Of Penn twp.
Of Worth twp.
Of Brady twp.
Of Harnsville.
Of Butler.
Of Centre twp.
Of Cherry twp.
Of Butler.
Of Concord twp.
GEORGE M. GRAHAM, the Teacher,
Of Connoquenessing twp.
Of Butler.
Of Worth twp.
Of Penn twp
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Bntler.
Of Franklin twp.
Of Forward twp. ,
Of Slipperyrock twp.
Of Middlesex twp. 1
Of Centre twp.
Of Concord twp. ,
Of Butler twp.
Of Mercer. (
Of Forward twp.
Of Washington twp. I
Of Portersville. j
Of Butler. (
Of Jefferson twp.
Of Prospect boro.
Of Bntler.
Sunday the Secretary of the nayy re- '
ceived the following dispatch from
Admiral Dewey: '
"Insurgents here inaugurated general
engagement yesterday night, which has
continued to-day. The American army 1
and navy generally successful. Insur
gents have been driven back and our '
line advanced. No casualties to navy. 1
Two American soldiers killed, 40 '
wounded. Double my order for amuni
tion. DEWEY. 1
This was followed that night by dis- '
patches from Gen. Otis to the Adg,
Gen. at Washington as follows:
"Insurgents in large force opened <
attack several times during the night; '
at 4 o'clock this morning entire lines en- '
gaged; all attacks repulsed; at day- <
break adyanced against insurgents and 1
have driyen them beyond the lines they 1
formerly occupied, capturing several '
riilages and their defense works; insur
gent loss in dead aud wounded large; I
our own casualties thus far a?e estiujat- •
fld at 175, very few fatal.
''Troops enthusiastic and acting fear- '
lessly. Navy did splendid execution on '
flanks of enemy; city held in check and '
absolute quiet prevails; insurgents haye <
securwl good many Mauser riiiew. a few '■
field pieces and quick-firing guns, with «
ammunition, during last month.
Adjutant (Jeneral, Washington, D. C:
"Have established onr PERMANENT
' Jines well out and have driven off the
insurgents. The troops have conducted
themselves with great heroism. The
country about Manila is peaceful and
the city I>erfectly qnist List of casual
ties tomorrow.
Adjnnut General:
Situation most satisfactory no appre
hension need be felt. Perfect QUIET pre
vails in city and vicinity. List of easu
alities being prepared and will forward
s<>on as possible. Troops in excellent
health and spirits. OTIS.
General Otis has about 15,000 men
under his command, and reinforce
ments to the extent of 10,000 ART on
their way, but they will not be in the
Philippines for a month. Of course he
has tho aid of Dewey's fleet, so far
as it can render assistance. whi-:h lias its
limitations if the fighting takes plac«
on land. Agninaldo has an army re
ported at 50,000, moderately well equip
ped and no doubt inflamed passionately.
It is the climate that forebodes fear
full peril to the American army. The
worst season of the year for the nnaccli
mated equatorial heat with NO MIN
IS about commencing its three month .
season. Everyone is apprehensive of its
effect on our volunteers, who have nev
er faced this ssason, and are pretty wpll
worn out and enfeebled AS it is by their
seven months' exjierience of .Manila
Tenth Pa Vols, enlisted in Washing
TON and adjoining counties is one of the
regiments there under Command of
Co]. Hawkins.
The nmul>er of Americans ENGAGED
was about 18,000 and Philipinos 20,000.
The route of the natives was complete,
and their 10->ST s are put at 2,000 kiiU»d #
8,500 wounded and 5.000 prisoners.
When the battle begun the residents of
the suburbs flocked into the wajled city
with their arms full of articles.
The half cirile embracing the battle
was 17 miles long, and the first shot
from the American sentry was the pre
arranged signal for the Philipinos to
make a general attack.
The fight began at abont 9 P M. and
lasted until midnight, began again at
daylight Sunday morning and lasted
until 1«) o'clock, when the Phi li pi no*
The Ist Reg. of Washington State
lost 15 killed and as many wounded.
The 14th regulars had 12 killed and
Ist Idaho seven killed.
The 10th Pennsylvania of Fayette,
Washington and other counties had six
wounded—two seriously.
Later advices give the death of Cor
poral Landis and Private Rockwell of
the 10th Pa., whose homes were in
Union town.
The Philippines opened fire on the
'2oth Kansas last night at the ex
treme left of the American line at Cal
ovan The Kansas boys charged drove
them through a jungle, and captured
the town, Lieutenant A. C. Alford
was killed while leading his company
in the charge.
OCR contemporary, the Eagle, in its
issue of last week comments on our re
ference to John Dalzell for L. S Sena
tor. and while conceding him fair abili- I
ty, cannot get away from its "boss," M.
S. Quay, and declares him the nominee,
says our members should vote for him; j
because at our primaries last spring
2,573 Republicans in our county placed
his name on their tickets. Why should
they yote for M. S. Quay under present
conditions? At the primary last spring,
at the instigation of some subservient
Quay men in our county he was induc
ed to submit his name at the primaries,
although there was qo candidate men
tioned in the State for tho place but
him. When the gauntlet was so thrown
down, many active Republicans want
ed to take it up. but as the submission
of names to be voted for had not been
provided by the County Committee, the
only body that could do so legally, the
counsel of cooler heads prevailed and
no other name was before our Republi
can voters and a very few more than
half the Republicans that voted put his
name on the ticket. That was eight
months before the Grand Jury of Phil
adelphia presented tbe five indictments
against Quay and his co-defendant?,
charging them with numerous crimes
and misdemeanors, and thus far they
have been able to prevent a trial, al
though when first spoken of Q Jay an
nounced through the papers, "he would
not gratify his political enemies by ask
ing delay in the cases but would insist
on an early trial."
The cases were ready to be tried last
November, but Quay has succeeded in
defeating a trial thus far. and there is
no telling how much longer he will be
able to prevent the cases coming to
trial. Were the name of Senator Quay
under present conditions submitted to
the voters of this county as was done
last year, does our neighbor pretend to
say he would get a majority of the Re
publican votes, while fighting to pre
vent a trial of the cases against him?
Still the Eagle says "our representa
tives should vote for Quay." We say
our representatives, by refusing to vote
for Quay, until h6 has submitted to a
trial of the indictments against him,
and been acquitted of the crimes and
misdemeanors charged, are acting in
full accord with the great majority of
the Republican voters of Butler county
at the present time, for the Republi
cans of our county as a lule are honest,
and want honest men to represent them
in the U. S. Senate.
Thursday's vote showed Quay yet
lacking 13 votes, and there was talk of
a break to Magee.
In the House a number of bills were
introduced and among then; one by
Rep. Moore appropriating $16,000 to the
Butler Co. General Hospital; and one
by Mr. Fow of Philadelphip intended
to muzzle the public press during politi
cal campaigns -a brilliant idea.
In tbe Senate a number of bills were
introduced including a jury bill and one
to buy the bridges between Pittsburg
and Allegheny by Senator Magee
Fridays vote was Qnay 69, Jenks 53,
Dalzell 12, Stewart 7, Huff 7, etc,—lol
and Qnay 14 votes shy of election. The
>fcCarrel bill was reported favorably to
the Hous6 ffQin Committee and the
fight on it was expected to hegiu Mon
day eyening. Resolutions commending
President McKinley'a administration
and inviting him to Harrisburg were
adopted by a party vote, bills creating
new positions about the Senate and
House, and changing existing laws were
introduced. *
On Monday but 23 members attended
the joint session. That morning the
McCarrell bill did not pass first reading
in the House. A motion to re-commit
it to coinmitUt.i rijjed out of order,
an appeal from tho ruling was pvaoti
cally denied by the Sjieaker who dodg
ed the protests until the time c&tne for
special business on the calendar, when
& motion to adjourn disclosed the fact
that there was tic ut|orum present.
Tuesday's vote was Quay t 0t»,
78, Dalzell 14, Stone and Stewart 5
each etc. 284 in all and Quay 13 short.
Tbe Anti-Qnayites celebrated the
viutwy fn Lebanon Connty. The Mc-
Carrel bill was si<u.tl'4£V e( ] in the house
by a motion to adjourn, whioh passes
by a yote of 97 to 93. Joe Sibley of
Franklin was in the city advocating the
passage of the bill, trying to split the
Deujccr ( st«f and practically doing all he
could to elect Qua,.
The anti-Quay mass mot-Hug iu
Court House in honor of the Lebanon
victory was a great success Hon John
Dalzell was tho Principal speaker.
Yesterday's vote was 106, 80, 14. etc.
with Quay yoi 13 short.
Quay, Magee a«d tin key £'£ re all in
Philadelphia yesterday and the'twc
named had a long conference.
On tf; A eyening of Jan 19, 1899, at
their home near (ilad.e M'lls. Mrs and
Mrs. John R Logan gav« a
in honor of the marriage of theirdangh
ter, Miss Bessie, to Mr. Clifford O. Gra
ham, one of Maharg's most prominent
yowng men. The young couple were
married at IjiHlu*'. Ptf . by Rev. W. J.
Cooper, pastor of th» CJitjt'jri V P
uhljrcjj. They were accompanied by
M Cbas. W Pwnpand the brides sis
ter*. Misses Florpnw* aj«} my, and al
so her brother. Wi|lian» H I/OWaii
arriving home, and receiving h«ariy I
congratulations and best wishes from i
all present, dinner was served and then
ioiu excellent music was rendered by
Mr Joseph L >T<:(>ll assisted by the
brides father anil OJV<U,'. 9/1 f he violin
and accompanied on the pia'no J£a; - •
LiZZJP McKibbon. The Wide was tne :
Recipient of s.'.'fue handsome presents.
Among the ghest* v»t»„ Mr. and Mrs
George K Graham. parent* ~i the j
M,\ and Mrs. Daniel < Jverheijij \
Mr and Mrs. Joi«U Logan. Mr Loyal j
and Lizzie McKibbon, Mr. Pfeijj') Jftf
ler. Mr. Andrew Cbantler. Miss Mildred
Kennedy. Miss Blanche Miller, Mr
'J'homas! William and Miss Nannie Bak
er, Mi.» Mmne Stiener. Mr William
Cnbbage. MV«s Miller, Mr Jos.
McCa]l, Mr. ("has. 'l»*a«i fc , If- Frank
and Samuel Logan, and the M&M Ml>
inn. f2Jara, Bertha, Nettie, Madge, and
EttaLognu After spending the even-
I ing very pleasantly io dancing, singing
i etc, the guests dispersed to their
j yarjons homes
In the House. Thursday Rep Gra
ham made his maiden speech, "captur
ed the House and secured a large sum
for the improvement of the \ oughio
The flags on all government buildings
will float at half-mast next Wednesday,
the 15th, in memory of the Maine.
Martha L. Neely has been appointed
P M for Piano office in Franklin twp
The Senate on Monday confirmed the
Spanish-American treaty by a vote of
57 to 27 —but 3 more than the necessary
two-thirds present.
Solomon S Mays of Fairview twp. was
granted an increase of pensoin last week
from $lO to sl2,
Lawrence Denny has been appointed
P. M. for Leasureville.
The report of the War Investigation
Committee goes to Pres. McKinley. It
is expected to exonerate Sec'y Alger
and reflect bitterly on Gen. Miles.
Commi9sionery Gen. Eagan is to re
tire from tne Army.
ON Tuesday Judge, Beitler of Phil'A
made an order postponing Senator
Quays trial for another week, fixing it
for Feb. 27. Ex-State Treasurer Hay
wood is serionsly ill at Sharon.
The Republican primary in Lebanon
Co., last Saturday, to nominate a suc
cessor to ex-State Senator Gobin. re
sulted in a great victory for the anti-
Dr. Weiss, anti —was nominated over
Dr. Gerberch, Quay, by 1350 majority.
The county is strongly Republican, and
was thoroughly Canvassed. The elec
tion will take place on the 21st.
Lebanon County has been one of
Quay 's sacred preserves for thirty years,
and Gen. Gobin, the Quay leader, had
7,000 majority at his last election. At
this election the Quay crowd carried but
sof the districts and were beaten in
the town of Lebanon by -)<S4 majority.
Is it not fair to presume from this pri
mary election, that the Republicans of
the state are tired of Quay and Qnayism?
The Misses Marshall returned home
on Monday from a protracted visit to
friends in the greater Pittsburg.
The latest addition to the sick list are
John Thompson, Rob Verner, Harvey
Campbell, Robert. Adams and wife,
Miss E. Clark and Mrs. Jerry Harper.
McCallister Kuhn is still confined to
his bed.
Mrs. Jas. Hamilton an aged lady of
Oakland twp. was buried in the ceme
tery here on last Friday. The funeral
sermon was preached by Rev. Mcln
tvre of Karns City.
Mrs. Win. Page an old lady, who re
sides near Magic, met with a vory seri
ous accident on last Saturday. In the
absence of her husband she started for
a pail of water and when near the
spring she slipped and fell with such
force as to dislocat« one hip and sus
tain a fracture of the thigh bone. She
lay in thi? position for four hours be
fore she was found by a neighbor who
was attracted to the spot by her cries
She was taken to the house and a phy
sician summoned to attend to her inju
ries. She is suffering great pain from
her wound. On account of her age and
the great distance she is away from her
relatives, >jhe merits the sympathies
and kiM attention of al] thqt can ren
der assistance in any way whatever.
S. C. Donaldson of this twp. died at
his home Jan. 31st in the 72nd year of
his age. Mr. Donaldson had been a
snfferer during the past year from a
complication of diseases and the imme
diate cause of :his death was due to a
paralytic (stroke.
The interment was iu tht. Mt. Ver
num cemetery. His family has lost a
kind father and the comiuunity a good
citizen and obliging neighbor.
Mrs. Julia Campbell a former resi
dent of this township, died at the home
of her son-in-law Legrand Millingar of
Oakland Twp., on Tuesday, Feb. '2nd,
aged 76 years. Funeral services were
held on Monday, conducted by Rev's
Decker and Alters. The large number
of persons who attended her funeral
was an evidence of the high personal re
gard in which she was held by former
associates and acquaintances. Her
pastor's testimony to her worth and
character was, that perhaps no higher
eulogy conld be pronounced upon her.
thai, the I'fe she has lived. Her re
mains were placod to itst in Concord
cemetery, there to await the resurrec
tion of the just.
Jefferson Twp.
A rig is being hauled oil the Oliver
Harbison farm for a test well.
Here's hppiiig ;hp way Xfy a gusher,
Mrs. D B. Logan and Mis. Frank
Bowser are on the sick list this week.
Roy Burtner, son of J. P Burtne'r
and Verne Caldwell, son of John Cald
well, members of Co., E. 15th Reg't
arc he.!jap itigkiiig well and healthy.
Roy seems somewhat disappointed at
not going to Cuba, but I think Vern is
well satisfied with his army experience.
M. D. Logan is sick with "grip" at
the home of his brother-in-law George
Manrhoff of Saxonburg.
C. G, Buttfiriield lias just recovered
from a mild attaolt of ' grip arid i«w
his wife is down with the same com
Rival gas companies are making it
interesting iu tUs vicinity. Two new
wells have been located by tbo New
Castle Co., one on the farm of Marcus
Reichert.the other on the farm of Win.
Humphrey. The Grove City Co. has
one almost ready to commence on the
last named place.
A S»tioktfc i* Icylqii t<< the
It is rumored that Butler parties are
about to lease soma territory in this
township to test for oil.
('apt. McElheny formerly of the 10th
t: ».. V , ppsr»"ed at present drill
ing for the Grove' City (Ju. it, It,is
vicinity. Mr. McElheny saw some
hard service in Porto Rico.
A E. Mcßride, of Allegheny, visited
his parents, Wm. Mcßride and wife,
Cyer Sunday.
The Bessemer R R. is fast consum
ing the best of our standing timber
TL»' CtyTVr ». :■ is good for 5 bbls.
Mrs. Emily Hershner, or Gal lion.
Ohio, is paying a visit to A. H. Gold,
who is in feeble health this winter.
Mr. Fertnan has returned from a visit
his daughter in Camden. N. J.
Dal. y/est, lnt'j 'jt Hjth Pegt. Pa
Vol now of <hi"City Is k r a
few days with Harry Lobaiign.
Mrs. Ufai.fi Schsji 9? St. Joe, has re
turned after spending '» vi-.it ?'!
the family of Geo, Gates.
A savage mink has been gorging it
self with the gore of poultry, killing 25
| f'j' J. N. F. For this raid upon his hen
I Muse it ; r to* in a trap and was
smoked and ?lng>M mit .. r "U h oile. It
j left in haste for pirts unknown.'
! A family revMiw
inent h.cld at ttje residencs of J K
Fulton. last wM». Thogp in al tendance
were James McCredta and family, W'U
A. Allison and family. Frank Kennedy
! and family and Miss Lido Allison. Am
ple preparation had been made by Mrs.
k<iUon assisted by Miss Nettie Allison
I b'-t \ A rt Vj, 1 " comnanv of 82 members.
■ of which 21* were u.tt •. The sup
; I>er was a tine one to which all dio am
r pie justice and all had a jolly good tini»-
in old inerry Middlesex. C. J.
CRAWFORD At hi* home in Alle
gheny comity. Jan. -ti ISSW, Hubert
F. Crawford, in his 7 s th year.
FERGUSON —At her home in Alle
gheny county, .Tan :tl. 1899, Mrs.
Mary Ferguson mother of John Fer
guson of Middlesex twp., in her **'.Uh
ALLEN At his home in Clay twp ,
J.in. 2S, 1399. Jefferson Allan, aged
tu years.
His" remains were bnried in the U. P.
cemetery ?t W Sunbury.
GARDNER —At his home in Slippery
rock twp..Lawrenceco. Jan. 29, 99 An
derson Gardner, aged about 6<i years.
DUNCAN—At his home in Perry twp.. !
Lawrence county. Jan. 23. 1899, Wni.
Duncan, aged SO years.
SMITH—At his home in Butler. Feb.
3d. 1899, Adam Smith in his st!th -
The death of Mr Smith was a shock j
to his family and friends, and a surprise j
to the public, as it was repotted that he
had been but slightly injure*! by the j
accident of the previous Wednesday. J
But besides the bruise upon the face sua* ;
tained that day, his stomach had been j
ruptured, either by the blow from the j
broken chain or by being thrown to the ,
ground violently, "and the inflammation |
set in that caused his death.
The accident occurred f>H the McCa' :
rnont hill, Wednesday afternoon while
Mr. Smith was taking a load of tubing
to the Petersville field. He was walk
ing alongside the wagon at the time, j
going down hill, when the locking chain
broke, the team ran of. one line broke
and he was then thrown to the ground.
The team was stopped at the foot of the
hill and Mr. Smith was helped to the
railroad station where he took the
train home and was. not at the time sup
posed to be seriously injured.
He was born in Germany and was
brought to this country when quite
young. Like his father. Michael, he
was a teamster and was known as a
straightforward and honest man.
His wife and seven shildren—four
daughters and three sons—survive him.
His funeral occured Monday, and was
largely attended
ZIETLER-At his home in Brady's
Bend, Jan. 30, 1899. Mrs. Michael
Zietler, mother of Mrs. Wm. Hickey
of Hilliards, aged 79 years.
WALTERS—At his home in Adams
twp., Jan. 28, 1899, Adam H. Walters,
in his 35th year.
He was a nephew of W. A. Sloan.
Esq. of Mars, and his death was caused
by grip and pneumonia.
DUNBAR—At her home in Middlesex
twp., Feb. 1, 1899, Mrs Win. W. Dun
bar, aged about 40 years.
Her death was caused by grip and
McCOLLUM —At his home in Penn
twp., Feb. 1, 1899, James McCollum.
aged about 35 years.
NEITIIERCOAT—At his home in
Adams twp., Jan. 27, 1899, Samuel
Neithercoat, aged about 50 years.
WILSON At her home in Middlesex
twp., Jan. 27, 1899, Mrs. James Wil
son. aged about 50 years.
LAMBERMONT —At her home in Sum
mit twp., Feb. 1, 1899, Lula, daugh
ter of L. Lambermont, in her 4th
CAMPBELL —At the home of Legrand
Millinger. her son-in-law in Oakland
twp.. Feb. 3, 18.M Mrs Sirata Camp
bell of Cjacard twp.,
SMITH—Feb. 4 1893. John S., son of
Curtis Smith of Batler, aged 2 year*.
GREEN —At his home in Butler, Feb.
4, 1899, George Green, agel years
HARBISON—At her home in Buffalo
tvvp., Feb. 4, 1899, Mrs Susan Harbi
son, widow of Llobart Harbison, agel
about 80 years.
She was the m >th :r of John, Geirg->
and Hannah H irbisnn of Silverville.
James H of Freeport, Will of Cilifor
nia and Mrs Win Harvey of Ekastown
DOUGLASS—At her home in Butler,
Feb. 4, 1899, Mrs, J. H. Douglass in
her Both year.
Mrs. Douglass' death was caused by
nervous prostration, which resulted
from the shock of a railroad wreck,
some years ago. Her maiden name was
Amanda Henry. She was the daugh
ter of the late Alex inder Henry, of Kit
tanning, and a sister of Marion Henry,
of Pittsburg, and John Henry, of Kit
tanning; Mary Henry and Mrs. Marga
ret Taylor, of Kittanning, and Mrs. H.
E. Bradley, of Euilenton. Her husband
and three children survive her, the
children being Madge, Harriet and
Charles 11., of Butler.
Col. lames A. Sexton, of Chicago.
Comrn iader-in-Chial" of the G. A R .
died at a hospital in Washington D. C
last Sunday.
Mrs. Frances Moriirlty. an a«tre«
known on the st ige as Frances Gray,
died last Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Reeder. in Batler, agee 37. She was
the wife of W. A. Moriarity, formerly
leading man of Waite's Comedy
company. She came to Butler last.
July from Clarion Pa . and was taken
to the hospital t'} be treated for dropsy
Her malady grew worse and she was
removed to the Raeler home, under the
care of the local lolg-s of Elks Noth
ing is known here of her family history,
more than that she had been on the
stage from ohildho i.l and that she was
married at the age of 15 to "Billy"
Gray, a notel comedian and minstrel
man. Her se wnd husband, Moriarity.
was i>l tying last week at Montpelier,
In l. Butler lodge B P. O. E took
charge of the funeral which took place
cn Tuesday.
Whose death was noted last week was
the widow of John M«*als. She was 71
! years of age. She went west with her
son W. A. and daughter Catharine
some twelve years ago, returned five
years later and has since resided with
her son S. A. in Allegheny, and son in
law John T. McWilliams in Bellevue.
l/»cul at Savon Station.
A very interesting and instructive in
stitute was held at Saxon Station on
Saturday, Feb. 4
The meeting was called to order by
the chairman, F. W. Ekas, and Rev
Harpur led in devuticral exercises; the
opening address was delivered by F
W Ekas who spoke about the Teacher,
Pnpil and Parent; a talk on History was
given by Miss Zetta Hartley; remarks
on the subject were offered by Profs.
Hepworth and Painter A very spirit
et} discussion of Geography was then
entered intv by ttwuhoi* «u<» citizens;
Prof. H. I Painter of Chlcora gave a
brilliant talk on the Teacher's Equip
ment; an annou nceinent was then made
in regard to the Select High School
which is to he held at Sarver's Station
this Spring. Language was briefly dis
cussed l.> Messrs Russall and Frehlini;.
a very earnest talk'was then givon by
Prof. W. G. Russell on the subject of
Good Literature: Prof. Samuel Hep
worth's talk on School Discipline was to
the point and remarks were given by
(' I. Smith.
The talks were interspersed with IJIU
sio, declamations, et'J.
A Hot Social.
The "Box Social" held at No. 3 school
aonmpnly I'nc.v/n «»c "Ft Similiter,"
Friday ♦tVenlng, Jan: 2t, was largely at
tended, and duly appreciated by the
young and old of the surrounding vicin
ity. A very interesting literary pro
gram proceeded the selling of the lx»xes,
ably conducted by the very efficient
teacher, Miss Mildred Kennedy. A
rfilirrber >f entertaining recitations were
df'liVercd by tfco scholai's, interspersed
with music.
The boxes were beautiful)}' decorated
ftnd hpavily ladfMVl with good things',
as the gonial auctioneer, Mr. Edward
Kingan, can testify and owing to his
kind efforts the receptions were most
gratifying. Towards the close of the
evening the majority of the; young
folks participated in a cake walk which
I t'ttaiet* tio Jittl" amusement and at the
i expiration of the time agreed upon the
' cake was avv.nded to Mr Clyde McCall
' and Miss Hal Fie Bickett, who generous
lv divided the cake among the less for
tunate < ratestatits As this concluded
ifjl dtnai tyl fe ling thi j ven
iiij i (iad I) !)Wwmllv spent and hop
ing soon to havy another occasion to
meet again
C. L. W.
Penn Tp., Feb. 0.
AT Skagway, the Kliadike ca.iit
list wee'i. tlr mere iry was si<ty i'e
grees below Zero
11\ans ('it% I ienis.
Mr Robert Hook was calle 1 to !vnt
Brady, Friday to the l ed side «»f his
m other.
Chas Harding of neir Olade JS in a
very critical contiitioa with Seir.et
The Loyal Temperance Legion meets
Monday evening at the b(»me « >f Mrs.
Bart ley Fox. at
The Presbyterian church has started
a series of revival meetings to continue
two or more weeks. Rev. Worrell of
Butler will assist Rev. Lewis the latter
part of the week.
A number of boys started out Tues
day night to have some fun. auvi with a
supply of coal and lights and all things
necessary to have a joyful time made
tracks to the farm house out of town,
owned by Henry Marberger. and had
a surprise party, all to themselves, as
no one was at home, they took posses
sion and built a warm tire and lit lights
and made themselves at home, &ujoy
ing themselves by dauuing and other
Campbell Dunbar visited his family
in Butler, Wednesday.
Dr. Leroy Stephens of Louisvelle will
preach in tht Baptist church Sunday.
Newt Lovell returned home. Monday
from visiting his parents in St. Peters
Mrs. Chas. Miller and Mrs. (ray,
were in the City Monday, making
arrangements for the Merchants Ban
quet, Thursday evening.
Tried Many Medicines
Relief Carr.c Cnly From Hood's.
" 1 suffered with a pain in my stomach
and head, and had heart trouble. 1 tried
many medicines without much benefit.
Finally I thonght I would give Hood'g
a trial, and it has completely
curtd the pain in my stomach and bene
fited me in other ways." JOHN M.
PRITCHASDS, Avoca, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best—in fact ths One True Blood Purifier
Hood's Pills ture Indigestion. 25 cents.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this 10th day of Jan. A. D.
IHIHI, to serve as grand jurors at the
regular term of court, commencing the
first Monday of March, ISiW, the same
being the 6th day of said month.
Anderson J Q. Brady twp, farmer,
Alsworth John, Washington twp, farm
Baker Andrew, Penn twp, farmer,
Barnhart Fred. Oonnoqnenessing boro,
Barnhart A E, Millerstown, producer,
Critchlow Dave, Jefferson twp, faimer,
Douthett D W. Adams twp, farmer,
Eavena U ti, Evans City, carpenter,
Flanigen Frank C. Butler 2d w, agent,
Cjoehving John A, Cranberry twp,farm
Hookeubery Cherry twp, farm
Hartung Charles M. Evans City, livery-
Hamilton Robert, Forward twp,farmer,
Humphrey Geo, Parker twp, farmer,
Kohnfelder Jos, Saxonburg, hotel keep
Moore J E, Oakland twp, farmer,
McClintick Samuel. Mercer twp, farm
Negley Edgar H, Batler 3d w, student
Ralston Wm. Buffalo twp. farmer,
Roads F A. Valencia, farmer.
Stevenson John, Butler 4th w,shoemak
Shearer Fred, Summit twp, farmer,
Sproul Hugh. Cherry twp, farmer,
Watters Charles, Clinton twp, farmer.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this liith day of Jan. A. D.
1899, to serve as petit jurors at the reg
ular term of court, commencing on the
second Monday of March. 1899, the same
saute being the 13th day of said month.
Adams Sylvester, Donegal twp, farmer.
Arner Geo. Washington twp. farmer,
Armstrong Wm,Butler Ist w,carpenter,
Barnhart Jos, Fairview twp, farmer,
Black J H, Cherry twp. farmer,
Brandon W W, Conno<}uenessing twp,
Boyce Michael, Venango twp, farmer,
Brown R H, Allegheny twp, farmer.
Conway Lewis M, Butler 4th w, clerk.
Cooper John C, Connoiiuenessing twp,
Dershiuier Ore, Butler twp. teacher,
Dodds Adam, Penn twp, farmer.
Fleeger Geo, Concord twp, farmer,
Dershiuier Ore, Butler twp. teacher.
Dodds Adam, Penn twp, farmer.
Fleeger Geo, Concord twp, farmer,
Graham Elmer E. Saxonburg, teacher.
Grabe Win, Jefferson twp, farmer,
Goehring F S, Zelier.ople, merchant.
Green John. Donegal twp, carpenter,
Graham Albert, Cranberry twp,farmer,
Gardner Edward, Washington twp,
Gibson J A, Zelienople, carpenter,
Grimm Geo, Jefferson twp, farmer,
Hime Martin, Butler twp, farmer,
Haselton Andrew P,Butler twp,farmer,
Kennedy Jacob, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Miles S N, Millerstown. producer,
Meeder Edwin, Zelienople, merchant,
Mitchell Chas M. Butler 4th w, mer
McClung Chas. Fairview boro, farmer,
McCollough Samuel W, Fairview twp,
McGill J W. Hatrisvtlle, laborer,
MeCandless Alonzo,Franklin twp,farm
Nevt'n [til Zelienople, clerk,
Paul August. Jefferson twp, farmer,
Painter J S, Clay twp, farmer,
Parker Epbr.ttu. Allegheny twp, farm
Russell H D. Cherry twp. farmer.
Rivers Peter, Butler Ist w, rigbuilder.
Reed Hugh, Slipperyrock, farmer,
Rhodes Henry, Slipperyrock twp, farm
Sitler Jacob, Jackson twp, farmer,
Stepp Cyrus, Penn twp, farmer,
Seaton John. Venango twp, farmer,
St-haul Phillip, Butler 4th w merchant.
Teby John W, Clay twp, farmer,
Thompson (Jill M, Centre twp, farmer,
Thompson Josiah M, Brady twp. farm
Walker J 11. Harrisville, miller,
Welsh Loyal Y, Jefferson twp, farmer.
May seem dear at the star;,
and prove remarkably cheap
befovc you've worn it out.
It's the long time satisfaction
you yet from it that decides
the superiority oi our make.
It does pay* to buy good
cloth, s. Our fall display is
ol the kind yon would expect
to find only in the large
N;w ilojse. NJW ParaitJie
Central Hotel,
Ojjpos'te Court House,
Next Door to I'ark Theatre^
Popular Music! Popular Prices!
"I l.ovc-H You, I 1 •>«" s " n K- Tbfl only on©
of Its ktuil. A N>'W York nurceM. pon't f»ll to
wnil fur a coi.y, llr(tul»r price, BUC. Our prlen
to Vllu
"llmtiauin Girl In tlx- Wide. Wide World!'
-SI.IIK. A »U.«tBUL«MI» "till." I ll'; C»K'> tu NiW
Vortcaod the runt. Regular price, 30 ct». Our
l>rlcc to you
"Jlay(lower Wult»." One of tboae cbarmliij
V alter* thai are Irrmlatlble. A a|ilrnillil (>tece for
ititijttbg "r fin a luio. Jtrguiar vfi' i., X ctjj. Out
i price to you ..•#&&
"lluppy Ilnminh" Cake Walk. The beat caka"
walk rvrr written. A popular favorite. Prlre*
50c Our price to you
•07-0 WABABH Ay., CHICAOO. 74 HUM A» , MM VO«
I FICMO Mention Will P»ptr.
~ mßSOluteiy PURE
Makes the food more'delicious and wholesome
APFAI ammo POm OCA CO-, nrw VOWK.
By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. Fi ! i
Fa./.Lev. Fa.. &c., issued out of the Court of J
Common Pleas of Butler Co., I*a., and to I
directed, there will he expose*! to public sale »
at the Court House in the thorough of Butler. '
on I
Friday, the 3 day of Mar. 1899. !
at 1 o'clock, p. in ~ the following described
property, to-wit: t
E. I>. No. 102, March Term. I*9o. S. F. AA. L. *
Bowser. Att'ys. 1
All tin 4 right, title, interest and claim of
F.mrna isman and Albert F Osman of.in and
to sill that certain piece «»r lot Of kind, lUt
ated in the Ist warti Butler. ButU r county.
I*a.. Intunded as follows. to-wit: Being lot I
No 2in the plan of lots laid out by Thomas I
Kohl n son known as the Robinson plan of lots 1
said lot fronting on Morton Avenue; begin- i
ning at a point at the northwest corner on I
said Morton avenue and running eastward «
forty and 9t«inn feet to a post on said avenue, t
thenc" south 13 deg. 30 min. east one hundred :
fifty and fltl-100 feet to an alley (Euclid Ave.) <
to «. post, thence westward along said avenue ;
forty-one feet to a post. thence northward
along the line of lot No. lin said plan of lots |
one hundred fifty-nine and 33-100 feet to a i
post on Morton avenue the place of begin
ning. See deed l>ook 170. page Hi, having I
thereon erected a two story frame house and
outbuildings. i
Sel/ed and taken in execution as the prop- :
erty of Emma Osman and Alb«-rt F Osman at
the suit of Daniel F Nogley for use Butler
• • > Nat. tank
E. I>. No. l."»l, Mainh Term, l-i»9. W. A. & F.
J. Forqner* Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of 1>
I' Mctiuirk of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated iu Marion town
ship, Butler County, Pa.. Ixmnded as follows,
to-wit: On the north by lands of Lewis
Seaton. on the east by lands Lewis Seaton,
on the south by lands of Elias Seaton and on
the west by lands of Reul»en Byers; contain
ing sixty acres, more or less, having thereon
a two story frame house, barn and outbuild
ings. also an orchard. 10 acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of l> P McGuirk :it the suit of John Berg
& Co.
E. 1). No. I»J7. March Term. A. T. Black.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Cvrus Harkless of. iu and to all that certain
niece or lot of land, situated in Butler boro,
Butler county. Pa . Inmnded as follows, to
wit: On the north by an alley, east by lot of
.la -oh Nee. south by New Castle road and on
the west by lot of Charles Duncan; fronting
forty feet on New t astle St. and extending
back the same width one hundred sixty feet
to an alloy, together with a one and one-half
story frame house and outbuildings thereon,
being h»t No. in in Charles Duffy plan of
West End lots, the same lots descrilied in
Mortgage lunik page ;V>, the sale being up
on the said mortgage debt.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Cyrus llarkless at the suit of Work-
Ingmen's B & L. Ass'n of Butler.
E. I>. 153, March Term, 1899, \Y. 11. Lusk*
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Lewis Owens, Jr., of, in and to all that cer
tain piece or lot of land, situated in Mercer
township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by a public
road leading froui Forestville to Intersec
tion of road at Hugh Braham's and running
along said road 131 feet west, thence south
105 feet by land of William Me Bell, thence
east 131 feet by lauds of William Mc llell,
thence north by lands of Mercer Mining
Company 105 feet; containing one half acre,
more or u ss. and being the same lot of land
which William Me Bell and wife, conveyed
to Lewis Owens. Jr. by deed dated Feb. 21st,
is»l. having thereon erected a frame dwell
house, two stories high, and outbuildings.
Seized and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of Lewis Owens, .!r. at the suit of John
II Fitch.
E. D. No. 130, March Term, I*o9. W. C. Find
ley, Att'y
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Ihirry Barnes of, in and to all that certain
niece or lot of land, situated in Butler boro.
Butler county, l*a. bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by South street, on the
east by tot formerly owned by Charles
Alirams. on the -outh I• v an alley and on the
west by lot of J W Moore; said lot fronting
on said South street forty feet and extend
ing back to said alley i lie southern boundary
one hundred twenty-flve feet and lH*lng the
same lot sold and conveyed to the said Harry
Barnes liy C A Alirams and wife; by deed
dated the Bth day uf Septeiflbeu I**l. See
deed book No. It".'., page having thereon
erected a frame house and outbuildings.
Seized and taken iu execution as ihe nrop
nerty of Harry Barnes at the suit of f'ltts
burg Security Savings and Loan Ass'n.
E. I>. No. 110 March term IS'.M. W. I>. Brandon
All the right, title, interest and claim of
I, 1' Cummings, being the undivided one
third interest of, in and to all tlial certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Marion
township. Butler county, I'a., bounded as
follows.. to-wit: On the north by lands of
Kobert At well, on (lie East by lands of Neal
tiormerly on the South by lands of Neal
Gormerly on the West by lands of William
Cowan, containing eighty six acres, more or
ALSO Of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated in Marion town
ship. Butler county. I'a. bounded as follows,
to-wit: On the North by lands of James
Sheasly \ Co. <jp the east liv graded road, on
the south and oil the west by lauds of Neal
tiormerly and the Georgetown-road; contain
ing seven acres, more or less,having thereon
a frame house, stable and other out buildings
also one producing well.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of 1.. I*. Cummiugs :it the suit of Butler
Savings Bank.
E. I). No. 111. March Term. 1H91). .1. I>
Marshall. Att'y.
All tile right, title, interest and claim of
Mary t; Hell ami .luseph Bel', uf, iu and to all
that certain piece or lot of land, situated iu
Itutler boro Ist ward, Butler county. I'a.
hounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
lot No. T-. east by an alley, south by lot No.
21. west by Kalrview avenue; fronting forty
f. i*t on said avenue and extending back
feet to said alley. Being lot No. 'Si in the
plan of said borough as laid out by W. I.
Itrugh. Having thereon erected a two story
frame dwelling house and ot her outbuilding.
Seized and taken in execution on a liond
ai comnaning mortgage bet ween virae parties
for the same debt recorded 111 Mortgage liook
rtf, page 410. as the property of Mary U Bell
and.loscph Bell at the suit of A Billlngsey
for use of Chas Duffy.
E. I>. No. cut March term. Iswi. A. 11. C. Mc-
Earland At'ty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Ella Stewart and A. I'. Stewart of In and to
all that certain piece or Jit of Iftud. situated
in Built i borough lUitlbr County.d'a.,bound
ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the
north-east corner of lot of Miss Lena Deliert
on New Castle street thence east ward along
said street eighty-tive and ont half feet to
tlie north west corner of lot of Ueo C. Pillow
thence southward along lands of said Oeorge
(' I'iilow four hundred and tifty-iilne feet,
tin*nee west along lauds of said Pillow one
hundred sixty-eight feet thence northward
along lands of I-ruder Bros. oi,e hundred
I hirlceii f'.et, t h(.ipT east waiU along lauds of
Stewart stoiier and Wflilam Clark one hun
dred lhirtv-slx feet, thence northward along
land of said Clark one hundred twenty-one
feet, thence eastward along lands of said
Miss Lena Debert tweuty-six and one half
feet, thence liorthwrd along lands of said
Hu bert one hundred forty-one and one
half feet to the place of beginning; contain
ing one acre more or less on which Is crycted
a frame house I. ■-> »tor leg high of six rooms,
,table and other out buildings.
M'i/.eil uml 1 liken In execution ;i* the prop
irrty <»f KllaStrwart and A P Stewart at tfii;
suit of Tin* I Vnn Having a Fond and Loan
K. D. No. 117. March 'lVrm. Ualstou
Qiwr, Att'ys.
All tin* right, title Interest ,ird uf
Arras ttno Lfonhul't Arras of. In
audio all that certain piece or lot of land,
situated In Butler borough. Ituth'r county.
I'a. Ixmndi'd as follows, to-wit: Itcginiilng
at lot No. In plan of lots laid out hy
Thomas Koblnsou In said borough, com
mencing at a po>t on tturtield avenue at the
bout hi*ast corner of lot No. :r> and running
wotitwarcily along tike line of lot* .N". 39 and
:JH to a post on Oierry alley. tb»«jj'\.
ward rl f ei j y i k lU»y forty feel to a
ponton an alley, 1 hence eastward by said
alley to u post on tin* corner of Summer and
(iarfield avenues, thence northward along
Garlield Ave forty feet to a iM»st the place of
iH'glrining. lor rt?ference «»f conveyance see
Mortgage lK>ok page VB; having tlieri'on
rrcded a two story frame house n»»d «»»*t
inai in «'%ccniton as tin- nt^»p
erty of .losephina Arras ami Leonhart Arras
at the suit of K K Mahan. E*r of John It
Mahan, dee'd.
K l>. No. Hfl. March Term, IMUD. A. 11. i\ Mc
l ariant!. Att'y.
Ml the right, title, interest and claim of
William II Davis of, in and to all tllist cer
tain p»»*ce i"|< • f ' i I uit.il In iti,tier
boniagh Uutlef
follows, t<#-wit: On tin* north by forty f« , « , t
by lot No.-I In the same plan of lots, <>n the
east one hundred twelve feet I»y Sullivan
avenue, on the sout h forty f**et by an alley
and «>ll the west one hundred twelve feet bv
West street ; and being lot No. 4 iu Moses Snl
livaii'> plan of lots tp -a'd ' i,,i»'ng
a i.f foj f.t* i <iil W»»'si' it peet and
e\tending IMI'-U niHlntalning the same width
one hundred twelve feet to 1 ii«* alnive men
tioned alley. iK'lng t he same propi rty con
veyed to t lie sahl William II Davis by Joseph
L I'urvis and wife by d<*ed dated D« ceinber
'>th. 1 MC». See dee'l book \~s p.»gv IXt. linving
thereon erts'led it t story frau e dwelling
Sel/ed anil'liik'cp 111 f*\'ecut jon prup
«ny of \N il I lain II |)avlij at the tul\ t|f I'he
I't nusy 1 vaula Havings I nuti \ Loan Ass'n.
E. D. No. I t*' March Term, IMH» KaUtou &
Ureer At'tys.
All the right, title, liiti*re<«t ami claim of
\lr«» Vlnnh* Montgoiurey and Samuel M
I Moiitgomrcy of in and to all tli it certain
piece or lot of land, situated iu Venango
j iownslii;>, Hut4er t ounty. I'a . bounded as
follows to-wit: On the north by au alley,
! east by lot of.l \\ Mi t 'andles*. on t lie south
by public roa«l leading from to
I Parkert'lty, and the- \jest bir'an alley,
having a ige i i| s i|d Murriiisvlile uiid
I'arker city public road of eighty few ami
[extending back one hundred sixty fc.ej to
I said alley on Hit liV Hijvil'i ;i
fiaii.e hous*-cai pent* | ' lUif* frWft tpe« s Jind
gra p • v Ines.
I i/« d and t «k< n in execution as the prop-
It »l\ of Mrs \ iitiii«* Montgomrey and Samuel
M Montgomrey at th silt of M r (irubbs for
IB • «.»' !•ll> » UT 111.
F D. No. l.*»ii. March Term lsii» ,1. D.
Marshall, Att'y.
| All the iiglit, title, Interest and claim of
Susan Schmlck and Peter Schmlck of, in and
to all that certain piece or parcel of land,
situated in Forward township. Butler Co.
l'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by lands of S H Pters«>L. on the east by
lands of John WeblMSr. on the south by
David Crow, and on tin- west by lands of
Jacob Stuckley; containing fifty acres, more
or less, being the same tract of land conven
ed to Susan Schmlck by Lucinda Webber,
adm'x C. T. A. of Samuel Webber, dee'd., by
deed dated Nov i i» UN, and rooofdoq In
deed book 172. paire 7s. having thereon erect
ed a two story fram » dwelling house, bank
barn and out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Susan Schmlck and Peter Schmlck at
the suit of Florence Conley.
F. r>. No. 109. 27, 2«. .W, March Term. l-cu.
Ralston & Greer. W. A. «Jk F. J. Forquer
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Alvin Carothers. Jamison C.irothers. and
lluey Carothers of. In and to all that certain
niece or parcel of land, situated In CI Ay twp.
Butler County, Pa., bounded as follows to
wlt: Beginning at the northwest corner on
line of lands of J. Walker, thence north *7
deg 10 iiiln easi 8H.32 perches, to a post in the
centre of the Beaver Dam Road, thence
sooth 30 doc tilt 981 ■ > a pott on lino of lands
of James Kildoo the southeast corner, thence
alone the lands of James kildoo and W. C.
McCandles* north Hs deg tniu west 205.67
perches to a post the southwest corner, com
mon to W. < . McCandless and J Walker,
thence north 1.75 deg east 33.*} perches to a
post the place of t>egiuuing: containing 52
acres and 121 perches being part of a larger
tract of laud of which A. 11. Carothers died
seized in fee and by sundry deeds of the
heirs of the aforesaid decedent the title of
the aforesaid described lands rested in the
said Alvin Carothers he being one of the
heirs of the aforesaid decedent.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of alvin Cbrothers Jamison Carothers
ami lluey Carothers at the suit of August
Magler, J. Berg &>Co.
I D No M?,B7,Kt St, March Term. Mi. W.
A. & F. J. Fonjuer. Ralston & Greer. Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Jamison <*arothers. Alvin Carothers and
Ilughey Carothers of. in and to all that cer
tain piece or narcel of land, situated in Clay
township, liuller county. Pa, t>ouiided as fol
lows. to-wlt: On the north by lands of
Samuel Black, on the east by lands of
Ilughey and Alvin Carothers. on the south
by lands of Henry Carothers and on the west
by lands of John Walker; containing tifty
tnree acres, more or less, having thereon
erected a frame house and out buildings,
also an orchard.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jamison Carothers. Alvin Carothers
anu Ilughey Carothers at the suit of Mrs.
Elizabeth (tilkey, John Berg & Co.
E IV No. 1(K 27. 2\ M. March Term. 13K>.
Ralston & Greer, \V. A. A F. J. Fonjuer.
Ail the l ight, title, interest and claim of
Hughey Carothers. Alvln t'arothern aud
Jamison Carothers, of. in and to all that
certain piece or parcel of land, situated in
Clay township. Hut ler county, l'a. bounded
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the north
west corner at a stake 011 line of lands of J
Walker, thence along line of lands of Jami-
Bon Carothers 81 dec n> mla north t
ltis.sß perches to a post, thence along line of
lands of Jamison Carothers north .7.» deg
east XJ.I2 perches to a post on line of lands of
Hiack. thence along line of lands of Black
south KJ deg and 20 ruin east 21.2 perches to a
post in the centre of the Beaver Dam road,
thence along said road south 21 deg east is
porches to a post on said road, thence along
said road South tSOdeg east 47.."» perches to a
post in the centre of said road, thence along
t his Hue of lands of Alvln Caret hers ST deg
west 204.:t2 perches to a post on line of lands
of J Walker, thence north 1.75 deg east
perches to a i>ost the place of t»eginntng;
containing 44 acres and 121 perches, having
thereon erected frame hank barn, frame
house, outbuilding and orchard.
E. I>. No. 163. March Term, IB9tt. W. I).
Bi'anuon. Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Curtis L Moore of. in ami to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Centre
township. Butler county, l'a. bounded as fol
lows, to-wlt: Beginning at .i white oalc tree
the southeast corner adjoining lands of
Joseph Coulter heirs, thence south 82 deg
west along said lands seventy-eight .and 3-10
perches to a post on the east side of the
turnpike road, thence north 4U deg west
thirty-one and 5-10 perches along said road
to a post, thence along same r«>;id north
deg west thirty-one and 5-10 perches to a
po>t, thenco along same road north 30 deg
west nine and 8-l<) perches to :i post, thence
by lands of J C Moore no.rvh 7t» aeg east
t wenty-two and 3-10 peaches to a post,thence
by same north 1 deg west thirty-eight
perches to a post, thence by same north 83.5
deg east nineteen and 6-10 perches to a large
maple tree, thence north 15.5 dec east sixty
perches to a post on line of lanus of Joseph
Coulter heirs, thence along said land south
1 deg east ninety perches to the place of l>e
gintiin; containing fifty acres strict measure
being the same lauds conveyed by John C
Moore et ux toC L Moore by deed dated the
."10th day of December. A. D. IsM. idee Hut ler
county Deed book 112, page ;C*4, having there
on erected a name house, stable and out
buildings, also an orchard.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Curtis L Moore at the suit of llannah
L sliem.
E. I). No. 163, March Term. I son. S. F. &A. L.
Bowser. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
George W McCandless and Virginia McCand
-1 ess of. In and to all that certain piece or
parcel of land, situated lu Butler. township,
ltutier county. Pa, bounded follows, to
wlt: at V post at the southwest
corner on the western line of original ami a
larger tract owned by Silas Pierce, thence
thence north W deg east by lands conveyed
by Silas Pierce et ux to Mr*. Sarah White,
one hundred sixty-six and .*>-10 perches to a
post, thence nortn by lauds of Silas Pierce
thirty eight and 5-10 perches to a post,
thence south SO deg west by lands of John
Matinv formerly Horace Pierce one hundred
sixty-six and 5-10 perehes to a post. thence
sout h along said txmndary line t hirt v-t;lght
and . r »-10 perches to tic pi sice <»f beginning;
containing 40 *»'tos, mow or less, as per
draft Of lend survey of Henry Pillow dated
Nov. 20th, 1871. and being the same piece of
land conveyed by Silas Pierce et ux to
Virginia Pierce now Virginia Met'ami ess by
deed dated Nov. 20th, 1*72, recorded In Ue
eorders office of Butler Co, Pa in Dee J book
I7t». page 45. Having thereon erected a frame
house, stable and outbuildings. also an
Seized and taken in execution us the prop
erty of Ceqi&e W McCandless and Virginia
McCaiidfess at the suit of Anthony Thoma.
ALSO Of. in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, contiguous and lielonginir
to the same tract, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north t»y lllekory Mill and Sun
bury road, east by lands of James Kelly and
on tlie west by Beaver Dam road; containing
eight acres, more or less.
Seized and taken in executlc n tp the pi-op
erty of llughey Carothojs, .\lvin Carotliers.
ami aatnlson Ourothers'ut- the suit of Mrs.
flcmciiza, A Mechling, John Berg Sc Co.
TEHMS OF SALE -The following must be
strictly complied witli when property Is
st rieken down:
1. When t lie plaint iff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must tie paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the propefU' sold,
together with such Hen creditor's receipt* for
the amount «if the' proceeds i>f the sale or
such plii tWm t hereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
1. All bids must lie paid In full,
it. All sales not sett led immediately will be !
continued until 1 oYiock. p. m.. of next day.
at which time all property not sot tied for
will again lie put up and sold at the expense
and risk of the person to whom first sold.
•See Purdon's Digest 9th edition, pUfco 416.
and Smltil's Form.- , puift ; W
WH;i.l*M H DODDS. Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office. Ilutler. I»a.. Feb. 7, ISW.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
road ami bridges have been confirmed nisi
by the Court and l. v |«r«.sent<fd on (lie
first 'Saturday cf Mur, < ourt. lHttO, being the
llth day Of said' mouth, and If no exceptions
are filed they will be confirmed absolutely.
It. I). No. I. December term, IHIM. In re po
t It lon of < ltlzens of Clay township for a pub
lic road lieglntiiiig at the Intersection of the
private road of S. It. Smith and J. 11. Timhlin
and the Muddy creek and Sun bury road, and
and ending at a point where the same priv
ate road Internee*- Ueuver Dam nmd.
Septeii bur l*tK viewers appointed, and
Ilet'onilwT -I, I*o*. report of viewers tiled in
favor of locating said proposed road.
Deceml>er 10. istw. approved, and tlx width
of road at in feet. Notice to be given accord
ing to rules of t 'ourt.
U. I). No ;i P,v.c.i.iitbe« town,
pet Ulan «:f ctt Ueits <»f 'Win Held ana t 'learfleld
townships for a public road to lead from a
point on the public road leading to Wlnfleld
Furnace, on lands of Melissa P. McKee and
F. W. McKee. aliout *JO rods west from the
east line of said land In Win field township,
to a point on t he public road on lands of Me
lissa P. McKee and F. W. McKee. »ibo«'t t Vfc
rods from the south line of lt.i.d uf iianUssaft
luipn towirwlp.' Heptembei
l-.'v, \dr.\\}Vu|>po(liKKi, and November 11,
IH*H, report of viewers tiled In favor of locat
iiiit salo road.
|i« 10, I*o*. approved, and fix widtli
of road at :tt feet. Notice to lie given accord
ing to rules of t ourt.
Bv R»»~ <'QI»»T.
IC. D N" f r.T i.t.iub.l term In re pe
tition of i < isors of Buffalo township for
va«'Htlon ftmi supply of a portion of the road
leading from I lamia list-own to Saxonhurg
and Tareiituin road, the same beluic the por-»
tlon which leads from the line of
Iteamer's land 'o M;t- iM« of said
road w«tit ile v:i\«uibuftt and Tarentum
road. Noteu^M % r It l*- l \ vlowVrs appointed,
and DecemlMTl*o*. report of viewers Hied
in favot oft lie de.-dfC of t lie petitioners-
Dcc'embe.r 111, S|!)l)r<m d. and In width
of mad at <Mf*«'t Notice to be given accord
ing to rules of < 'ourt.
BY TIIK Cor nr.
li. D. No. 0. December, term I*o*. In re pe
tit lon of clt l/eus of Parker township ftir va
cation. change ami supply of a port ion of t he
road leading from the state road to a point
near the west line of lands of George Daub
euspeck, the Mirtion desired to lie vacated,
changed and supplied being that which
lea Is frorr the point i.t <i m m ine (oiiiitv
brl(l;'eew Hear vr» fl; On tie sl'ute i;o;uf
in Ihe \lllage i f Miirt iCsburg. Io .'i folrtt at
or iieur the residence (,[ ll Kfily.
Ni. e tijl h• iIT I&>*, \ wWei * VVeu appoln11 d
and lb« eiu»»e| .*» pO*. of v |e\vi fs Ijletl
In fcfVM! lif "» Mc.-
I!i Jiibei 10, h'b, UiproveiJ and lj \ w|t|th of
ro.pi ;;t f« et. Notice to be given according
to rules of Court,
K D. No. 7. December term. I"<Vh. In re
pet it lon of «'ltlzens of Forward township for
a county bridge over Connoquencsslng creek
where the road leading from the Kvans t'lty
road to the Butler ami Harmony road crosses
said creek. November 14. I HUH, viewer* ap-
I*.int..l and \oTtrr.!«-r V. im»«. f*port of
Hied In favor itf Irvatinfc the propos
ed bridge
llMvmbi'r !•> •>. approved Notice to t*
flvi-11 a.-cording to ralnuf the C-ourt. mid !«'
laid iiefore the L-r iii.l Jury at next term
ItV THL l nl KT
R !• No 1. June term. I*'j« fn re petition
of • allxrns of flutter U>rough and vicinity for
.1 county bridge < <ver t'onnoquenewdug creek
W .liter - mill. In said borough >eptetn
l« r 17. 1»«» viewer, appointed, and December
5. report of viewers filed.
Ilnvmlirr 10. 1-s*. approved. Notice to l>e
given according to the rales of the Court,
and t<> lie Uilil before the grand jury at next
term. lit THE OotJBT.
Certified from the record this ttli day of
February. I<w.
Clerk (J. S. Court
The Register hereby gives notice that the
followlug accounts »>f t x ecu tors, adminis
trators and guardians have been tiled in
this office according to law. and will be pre
sented loCoMtfQf conirmatloo lad allow
ance on Saturday, the 11th day of March,
at "J A. M .of >:ild dav :
1 Final account of Mrs. Ida Williams, ad
ministratrix of w g. Williams, deceased,
late of Sllpperyrock township.
2. Final accouut of Ellsha Hemphill and
Chas. Warner executors of Jacob Hemphill,
decessed, late of Lancaster township.
'.i. Final account of H. i ' Montgomery, ex
ecutor of John Montgomery, deceased, late
of Clinton township.
4. Final account of L. S. Lard in. adminis
trator of Wm Lardln. deceased, late of Clin*
ton township.
5. Final account of W. A Forquer. admin
lstrator of Charles F. Green, deceased, late
of Clearfield township.
6. Final account of Michael 11. Kuouff.
guardian of F.mma KnoufT, minor child of
John M. KnoulT. of Jackson township, as
stated by John M, KnoufT. executor of Mich
ael 11. KnoufT. deceased.
7. Final account of Eliza J. Stoops, guar
dian of Til lie Stoops, minor child of James
Stoops. deceased, late of Cherry township.
S. First partial accouut of Harlan Book,
executor of William L. Book, deceased, late
of Allegheny township.
9. Final accouut of James N. Moore, guar
dian of Goo. M. Mcßride, now McKee. mino
child of George A. Mcßrlde. deceased, late of
Butler through
10. First partial account of Robert M. Roll,
administrator C T. A. of John I'. Roll, de
ceased, late of Cratilierry township.
11. Final account of J. I). Marshall, trustee
In the estate of (Jottleb llteronyinous. as
stated by Thos. M. Marshall, administrator
of J. I>. Marshall, deceased.
12. Final account or Ruth E. Sliira. admin
istrator of Samuel Shlra, deceased, late of
Washington township.
13. Final and distribution account of J. A
Ripper, executor of Anna Eva Kallss, deceas
ed. late of Forward township.
14. Final account of Edward S. Wright, ad
ministrator of Samuel Wright, deceased, late
of Connoquenessing township.
15. Final account of Annie Weidhos and A
Krause, executors of Lewis Weidhos. deceas
ed. late of Wlnfield.
Hi. Final and distribution aocount of Wm.
I£. Cuthix rt. executor of A. Cuthbert. de
ceased. late of Ooiinoquenesslns township.
17. Final account of Hugo F. Miller and
lleury I.anghorst. executors of Fredrick
Langliorst, deceased, late of Cranberry
18. Final accouut of Ellen J. Rrownfield
and Margaret Rrownfield. administrators
of Wm. Rrownfield. deceased, late.of Donegal
19. Filial account of J. M. Mcßurney.execu
tor of Rev. tJeo. A. Wensel, deceased, lute of
Zelletioplc borough. %
Second account of J. M. McHurney, trus
tee In the estate of Geo. A. Wensel, deceased,
late of Zellenople borough.
21. Final account of A. Kobb and J. H.
Kobb. trustees of Wm. Kobb. deceased, late
of Oakland township.
Final account of John Kelly, adminis
trator of Curtis R. Ward, deceased, late of
I'arker township.
£i. Final account of Jacob Keck, executor
of John C. Hoffman, deceased, late of Butler
24. Flrst partial account of F. Schmid and
H. Laughaus, executors of John llalstlen,
deceased, late of Zelienople Ijorough.
25. First partial account of John Ferguson,
executor of John M. Mcßrlde, deceased, late
of Middlesex township.
'M. Final account of Wm. Allison, executor
of Mosses Thompson, deceased, late of Cen
tre township.
27. Final account of John A. liar rick man,
adm'r of Mary E. Harrickman, deceased, late
of c Cranberry township.
2s. Final account of >. J. Crowe, executor
of Oliver C. Crowe, deceased, late of Adams
•Jv*. Final account of Mary A. Green, admin
istratrix of George K. Green deceased, late
of Allegheny township.
;*). Final account of Mr. M. L. Starr and J.
P. Murtland, executors of John Starr, deceas
ed, late of Concord township.
W. J. ADAMS. Register.
The following widow's appraisements of
personal property and real esla'.o net apart
for the benefit of the widows of decedents
have been tiled In the office of the Clerk
of Orphans' Court of liutlerCo.. viz:
Widow of John Jardln. pers. property. .SWO.OO
" John It. Mahan " .. 300.00
John Klester, " •• HEM*)
J. W. Starr. " " 111.00
J.H.Peters. - " 300.00
" I'atton llell, " •' .. 235.74
" l>aniel Rape. '• " .. .100.00
James llamel, " '• 300.00
tieo. K. Miller. " " BWU.KO
11. U. Elliott, « " .. 140.80
J. A, Uitllagher " " 2W.54
Beuonv Patridgo, real estate 300.00
All persons interested In the above :u>-
pralsemsnts will take notice that they wilt
he presented for contlrin.it ion to t he Orphans
Court of But ler comity, l'a., on Saturday, t he
lltli day of March. A. I)., 1898, und If no ex
ceptions lie filed they will lie confirmed ab
Notice is hereby given that Mary A.
McGnire, guardian of the estate of
Mary Slater, a lunatic. has filed her
final account in the office of the Pro
tbonotary of the Court of Common
Pleas of Butler county, Pa., at Ms D.
No. 10, March term. 18U8. book 7, page
7»s and that the same will lie presented
to the said Court for confirmation and
allowance on Saturday, the 11th ilay of
MA]-CU, iv.w. R" J THOMPSON,
Prothonotary's Office, Feb. 7, lrt'JSt.
W Removes ill dtiiro«f\d apMllte.bulldt "Pjhj ▼
£ tvttem. t«a*w* Mitth »nd vtaor, brighten* tM 11
i intellect and fit, one lor business. . |
i B~kl«rr»e. IN WKSTIRN rINNBTLTAini.
/5) M
V/r/; 3-(wtae.
Circa a ri<eci j lUcil Bread- winning Bducatlom.
e. Di'FF & SOX<, 214 Filth A tvjuM,
PlTTStittft'). ."-4.
Now permanently in Bickel Building,
with a reliable assistant, and facilities
for best anil prompt work.
People's I'hone for I)rs. V, or j. Mc-
Alpin —Ilouse No. jjo; office No. 340.
SotiK'l for Nothing.
We have heard of the boy who want
ed to eat his cake and keep it too, hut
never before of a business man who sold
his goods and then the purchaser
credit fur thu amount paid. To learn
about this send to .JAMES VICKS SONS,
of Rochester. N. Y.. who agree to do
this in their Guide. The Golden
Wedding edition of Vick's (larden and
Floral Guide is certainly an aiiistic
work, with its twenty pages litho
graphed ir, ui'wis, and nearly one linn
dv.oa more pages filled with handsome
halftone illustrations, photographed
from Flowers, Fruits, Vegetable* and
While this is really too expen
sive away, they give it with a
Due hill for 2."> cents worth of seeds for
only 15 cents. Another new feature is
the doing away with the old packet of
Vegetable Seeds and stating the quan
tity in each ''use, the buyer
more for his money.
I r l J J * L J|j
/1 1 1 T , ■
ii4ki r» 1
f Iff" ' COPYRIGHT* Ac.
Amono acndliifi » sketch and description may
uutrtfW aaccrtaln ou> opinion free whether au 1
Invention la probably patentable, f'nuirnuntea.
(iotuialrlctly ronadenttal. nandtHiuk uu Patenta
Sent free. Oldest aafni'T fur securing patents. :
PftK.ata Mken through Munn & Co. reoelra I
jp., ial tvtlltt, without i liarye. lu the
Scientific American.
A han<lf»<»Tm»ly weekly- UrfMt rtr
culatlou of any »<i««nttflc loaroai. T#rni«.
yoar ; four nionthi, ft. Hold by all MwpdMleri.
SIUNH&Co. 36 ' B New York
Branch Ofllee. fi26 V St.. WastiUnrton. V. C.
Ai'TIVl. WOl.lt t'loK" WW'Thli KVMItV-
T. i ihe si-ivy or the r'hiiriipm<»"
l>y vtmat lluKteail. commissioned by the
<!ttre|'i|U|ei|t !|s Otlicial II Istol lan t»» tho\N nr ,
lh partmi'iil• Tlifr lunik wua written In arrnv ■
caiuiin i>l Sim I'railcl.iHi, Oil the I'acltlc with |
iii.H'tui Mcrritt, 111 the hiisiiltuls at Hono
lulu, in lloint Konrf.ln the American trenches
at Man ill. in the lnsnrircnt cinrp* with
Alflllnalilo. on the <l< ck of the Olynipla with
111 my. and In the roar of battle at the full
of Munllu lionansa for ugetifa. llrlinfulof
orlxlnal pictures taken liy i(o\ eminent nlio
tiwraiilienoii the »pot l.arge Ixaik l.ow
prices III* profits. I rciKht palil. Credit
Jrlvcii Urop all trashy nnolHelal will IkhiKS.
Out Ht free. Ad.lr. sS, K. T It.-vrlier. Sec y I
Insurance Hid* Chicago
Dealer IN
Rough t Worked Lumber
iJoors, Sash, Rlinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opposite P. &|W.'Depot.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and SaleTStable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
The l>est of horses and first class rigs al
ways on band and for hire.
West accommodations in town for prrma
nent boarding and transient trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, both drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee: and horses bought
upon proper notification by
Telephone. No. 219.
SI.OO per year if paid In advance, otherwise
$1.50 will be charged.
ADVERTISING RATKS -One inch, one time
Si; each sui>scuueut Insertion 50 cents each
Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices $3 each
estray and dissolution notices S each. Head
ing notices 10 cents a line for first uud 5 cents
for each subsequent insertion. Notices
among local news items 15 cents a line for
e ich insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc., inserted at the rate of Scents
a line, mouey to accompany the order, .'even
words of prose make a line.
Kates for standing cards anu Job work on
All advertising is due after first Insertion,
and all transleut advertising must be paid
tor In advance.
AH communications Intended for publica
tion in this paper must lie accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.and should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notices must Iw accompanied t.«y a
esoonslble name.
r Eyes Examined Free of Charge
e Jeweler and Graduate Opttcfan
Next TVior to Court Hoo.se. Butler, la,
' A Short Time Only.
" Just to introduce them.
'I A practical Camer*.
Small and Compact.
This offer never equaled.
We will prepay charges.
Rtniit Jii.oo —no more.
424 stb Ave., Pittsburg, T'a.
:j Laundry^J
k f aao West Cunningham Street, X
10 C J. E. ZICKRICK, Manager. C
<1 People's 'Phone, ag6. \
w -
j I have a Heave Cure that will cure any
s case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
e used according to directions, and if it
~ docs not do what 1 claim for it, I will
refund the amount paid and no charges
will be made for the treatment. The
- following testimonials are the strongesta.
proof of the medicines powtr to cure:
utler, Pa,, 189^.
f Mr. A. J. McCandless:
On the 2nd day of April, 1&92 1 com
menced to use your new cure for one of
1 my horses that had the heaves very bad,
'• and contiuited to use the medicine for
0 about forty days and the h irse did not
1 show any signs of a return of them. It is
1 now about a year since I quit giving the
f medicine and the horse has .'ever showed
any sign of heaves, and I feel satisfied
that he is properly cured.
VV. C. Criswell.
► utler. Pa., Apriljo, 1893
| A. J. McCandless
1 have used your Heave Cure and
j find it will do the work if used jeeord
. ing to directions. Youry truly,
J I, U. McMil'.m.
»'- "
French Beveled Mirrors.
Factory To Consumer,
Our Great Special Offer.
For Five Dollars
we will send, .in elegantly
framed Frer.ch Beveled Nlirror.
18 in. x 3 feet.
The most po»>ufar size mirio
(or mantel or wall and a beautifui
| ornament to every room in the;
This is a rare bargain a»*d
not be duplicated elsewhere.
We guarantee satisfaction.
Will refund money if goods not
[ as represented.
1 Carriage charges, wheic mirror
r is to be shipped by freiyfet or ex~
press, to be paid by purchaser;
» Butler Boro. delivery free. When
1 ordering please state whether shaU
s ship by freight or express.
, We ;ilso make aPtl retail all
i s»«es and shapes of beveled or
I plain mirrors and sell at propor
tionately reasonable prices.
Beveled Clear Lights (or side
boards, vestibule Uoors, etc., a
Vvc making a line of Fane y
Shaped Mirrors in frames
—something ne\Y very at
Office r.:id factory opposite Standard
Plate Glass Works -fallow Lincoln Av«,
to end of board walk ami turn t". left .
just HKiuiul tin- corner.
Couui'Ctiott witL UeH stm'
Telephone linrs
!i!WANTED—A Reliable MAN::
' J | of food aJdrasi) to aollrlt tiniineu fram
i , . erty-"wner«. Any will known penon wlllittK , ,
I J ,to work, c»n innke flOtotlS weckljr. Com- , ,
I . , nilMion or (alary, pulil weekly. Address for , ,
I , , iinrticiiUni, m»ntmnlni»tlii»jm|ier. < ,
J , c'IIARJLKB lI.CpAKR, ICochastvr.N.Y. , ,
.fob Work
It yuu want PimterN
If you want Cin-ularw
If you want Sale Hills,
1 If you want Envelopes,
If you want Bill Heads.
If yon want Price Lists,
If yon want Statements,
If yon want Note Heads.
If yon waut Letter Head*.
If you want Address
If yon waul llu jin'eAs Cards,
If you Watit IrtvitaUou Cards
Ir you want any kind of Printin
done call at the CITIZEN ofllce