Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 19, 1899, Image 4

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P., Bessemer & L E.
Trains derart Xo 14, at 9:40 A. M:
No. 2. at 5:40 P. M. Butler time
Trains arrive :No. 1. 10:00 A. M; * «•
11. 3 <lO P. M. Butler time.
No. 14 ran* through to Erie and COE-
ntcts with W. N Y. Ac P Huston
Junction for Franklin and Oil Ctty.
and with N Y L E * * • »t
go for all points east >O. - mn
thmughto Greenville and connects witn
W" \ Y <St P for Franklin and < >il
City. W. R. TCR.VKK, Ticket Agent.
Railway. Schedule of Fas
rcnger Trains in effect Nov. 20,
Am T »
AlM*fcear Aoccx»n.«i»£i * ' 0 ■£. AM » 1; *-*
* 15 i n »
»«.* C»rtfc- Aovmm-Ut. ,u
Akn*. • }j
AtxamumaAmtkM ' ~ . * „
Alk-gfc -By ....... • Jj» •' J «
I'.t, tall wl Sir* l«rk »-»!*■-» 1 ' *•" ~ .
I I® 'i 'f
AHeiu<uj Maii J4 - L ,'~ l ?
AlUrgiuruJ - 718 «
K11...1 Acodnmoriati .a ? u ' '
Chita* Umit*4 * j- , * , , "
bM «nd »Uii »»•"■ ® *' *•Z
(ri*ri'-n Atw.«*K»l»ti'.i> '
(Viaco Kii - s» ■»
ATtrgb»-.-iy Kzprvm A - m ® "
All ■if Aceaemodsii n '' ™J f' *■*
NVw (Mfle Amjomditi IJ * 1' 1 * J ,
<3>kau; r ' * ®*'
Alifth'-ny KcatmaUin'm ' 111 ' m
Train arririre »« '■ '!)' P»- B * "■ '* R P '*•
at 3.4» Jj.m au*l P. * w , at - '
' On ftatnnla;o a «i*ic, l»<*» a« Hi* ILratr<-
vit I l-a>- Bolt*-r at p. m, mrnring at W»1
at fwrtnniioK I**t* Aii'-sli *.y a* 11. > ' I'- ®
H.g If "llkas • F.xprrm
Hu»l.DrK and .
r„rtfcro«gfatfckeuia all points In th» west,
«<■•« or w/uti>«rwt atij rt£mr<*iag ruutea,
tfmr 4 train-, etc. apply to
W. K. TVKNEU, Tkk-t A put,
K. B. RrTXOLI*, -opt, Fi -
Foxt/orf, Psl C. W. BA-SETT,
G. I*. A.. Alle«t)t> y, Pa
i* Errr/i Sot. 21,
A. M A M A. M V. M P M
BL'TLEB. Lea" « « '*> Pp* M f'*
toswhurts Arri" « TA * ■#< J1 > 3 «» •<
Butl'-f Juij'-tiMB " 7H 4 « lii ' r - ■' "
Satr.tja Arri*#. 7 SS '■* "I I - ■' ®
W Tarfntoin 7 »«7 J2 3« C </7
Hpriis®lal» 7»1 1*
Clarewnit » 3<; J «• «
t? '/7 J-> 111 4 12 6
llVgb«.y » » »<» 1 ® « <•'
1 A M- A M P. SI P. M P. M
iSt'JfliAT ITBAISH. —Leare BU'J.T t/r AlHflfuy
Oty au l priul(al iateiwfiiale nation* at 7iS5 a. >u.,
%r..J &*> p. m.
A M A M A if P. M P. M
All«k»y Clty... U»™ 7 •») ■) >*l 11 25 2 •'*> C 10
- -
CUr«Hoart .... »
hrtasUc 'J 30 11 s<'v •! 10 6 .87
itenuiu I 7 34 WMVitr. »6 *.
>'atr ,na. . 7 » '• « 12 3« C ftl
Batl'j* . Arri*' 7V. 60 lj .5 4. /
l»T:ti<rr Juocti.ri l«a*" 7 <«. '< V) 12 2.1 4"7 . <ri
Kaioul * ISll'J '■'» 1- 4 ■ 21
Bt't 1.1.8 ' arri-.- « ♦'» I'' ■ 1 17 ■*. 7 '.'J
A.M.;A.M .P. M P >I .p. m
eitUDA 7 AH<-Kl<*i<y ' ity t/r Sut
ler awl priAdpal
p. m.
Wtn Dili. roB THE EAST. Win lun
PifAM r M P M
i» « 26 l» Bnrtra ar 10 > 1 17
3 2.1 7 27 aifß<4tler lun' tk/n I* 9 S" 12 2S
4 'M/ 7
l<« 1 «'Jar Fr»*port It *2» 12
4 'rj 7V. " Alleclteriy Jun/tiuu .." *24 12 01
421 KO4 " tMSbarg " »"» » *»
*VI H2l " l'ault</o I Apotifj) " 753 II -2
—6<* * All » HalUfearc M 7 11 o»
IS 41 'J 22; " BtaifaTjlle " 7«»10 *i
6 HI 9 30 " BWnrille Interwetiva..." 6 V, 10 I"
«M 11 ¥> " Altoowi " 3 16 k «J0
1 il> 3 10 " llani»l>urit " 11 46 .8 On
4 30 C 28; " Philadelphia « 30 II !0
4. M P. M.j A. M P. M
f)n ftanlay, tfaiu u»».n»r Butler 7A"« a. m., "jnn>».-ta
or llarrtuburg, Albwna aul Phila>lel|>l,ia.
Tl*r'/«s(li traiua fur tlie nut liai« llitettirg (L'ftiofi
fHatwu), aa kMim:—
Atlauti/: E*pr«a, da11y.../. ..W> a."
PennaylTaiila UutlUd 14 7:15
Day Kip-m, -
Main lAnm Kxprum, " .... *■<» "
Mad, " 12:45 rM
Pfallad/ lpiiia Eiyraa, T 4>'J«-
Mail and Eipr<-M'lally fur S< * y..ik'>uly.
a Tbrouah IrfjffiK »l«.j«*-r; n&MKtw 7:'io
Knat Line, • &»» "
Mtt.lmf/ MmiUvl, daily, wiili tlir"/»(ih
V. **-« »IKI iile»i<ii,K r»r» u, S'» Talk,
Baltira'r. and Wa»liinit»'«i ■«•'* Bio e*lra
tar« on tl.i* train - Vr}*i "
Plillad'a Mail, ntiiidaya on,y X 4Ut.li
For AtUnii < ity (Tla Delaware Itiv. r lit !<!««, all
nil rmu I, *<" A.M, and e.,80 I'M, 'laily.
Fur mlora.ili .M, a>l>lr>«a Tlkm. E. Walt, Paaa.
A*t. Weatern tlietrict, (Wner Fifth A»enue aul Kujlth
■el/1 Hreet, Pit Ulmrf, Pa.
'ieueral Man»«-. <ae«t "tm'. Aicent
A Pleasant Palatable Remedy.
Manufactured tn<l Sil l \>y
Butler, J'a
Butler Savings Bank
£3utler, Pa.
Capital - - - - [J6o,otjo.oo
Surplu* and Profit* - fi.">o,ooo
JOH. liPUBVIH I're.i.lrnt
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr < »/1>" r
IXJUIH B. HTB:N 1 eller
DIMKrrOBH-JMeph I- Purvli. J. Ilpriry
» Trortroari, W. I>. Brandoii. W. A. Mf-iii, J. H.
The Btttlur HurinzH Hank Is the Oldttft
• Ha'ikloK liintltutlo'.Tn llull' r I,'ounty
Hi iii-rnt luinklnK hualtic**
W<- M>ll'-lt «/!rourita of ./II producer*, irier
chanta. farmer* and other*.
All tij*ln< »» entru»t>?d u> u* »11l receive
prompt atletitlou.
Interest talfl oo time deuoaltn.
Butler County National Bank,
Outler Penn,
Capital paid in $t xj.ofjo.orj
Surplus and Profit* - $'14.^47. ,4 7
lo*. Bartmsn, J. V. Ritt*,
Vice President; C. A. Hailcy. Cathier;
John G. McMarlin, \m'l Cashier.
/ Keneral hankloir buslne trai>»:u t«d.
liiter'mt paid on time «1.-j*«»i»lt».
Money loaned on approved iirlty.
We Invite you to open an account with thl*
I»l lion. JoM-pli llartman, llou.
W. i<. Walilron, Dr. rt. M. ttmivi r. 11. M< -
Hw< eney, K. K. Ahrani*. <•' I*. Collin* I. <i
Htnlth, l.e»lle I' lla/lelt, M. I lmiftn, \V
W 11. 1/arUln, John Humphrey. |ir. W
)|ri andle**, li. ii Ma**«;th. I«evl M.' Wl*«
j. v. muj'
Th«v WMknw, In •
Mtrtijr aiMl » •**m til*' /
ikn<l kmil b ' pallia
" Mf' Mif%rr«"
t" tflrt
r# • rtroria oii'l b«,'J
known i« •»►« <!* r.r •»
t'T '•"«»« » (k |.Ui«rlir«. 9 | per »»«»*
h> immll. m«»i t »•> »
Wnir-lfc' IfOTl CHF.MICAL CO , ,1.(1.
ForHHle hv I>. H. WULLEB.
) ' 3<)-sthA»a., pl«*hor 3 ( p ; , l.
1 WW WVrwPBACTICA'/fcY' l "'"*"" ,»
:i Wjl CROWN »"■! ■F. I "v* c »-.nk
VfM Hlt.lmr* WHY MOT DO
Alffe J*VOUB«7
V*f Of W"J SHOOK wort r«fte«l "J
.*M\I TOOTH Atao »»«- W
Firstelass Rigs and Horses.
Rear of Hotel Hutler, South Main ;-t
Bell Telephone 92.
HulwcriU) for the CITIZEN
~ . . Tnles* the
—' ' 'jb'V fJ) proper prccan
tions are taken,
- J death will lurV
in every kiat.
' ■>*£s*. °** -
WHI 11 J . &. ' effects from his
_ indiscretion.
_ •" i I Thtn he will
suffer from headaches, loss of appetite, loss
of sleep, lassitude ia the morning drowsi
ness durinz the day and a general 'out-of
trirts" feeling. If these conditions are
neglected, any serious malady may
be the result. Frequently it is some nerv
ous disorder or dread consumption. I'r
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the
best medicine for hard-working men. It
gives edg. to the appetite, makes digestion
and assimilation perfect, invigorates the
liver and purifies and enriches the blood.
It is the great blood - maker and flesh
builder. It cores 9* per cent of all cases
of chronic or lingering, bronchial, throat
and lung affections.
All too frequently, death dogs the foot
steps of the wife, in the guise of weakness
ana disease of the delicate and important
organs that bear the burdens of wifehood
and maternity. There is an unfailing cure
for disorders of this nature. It is Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts di
rectly on the sensitive organs concerned,
making them strong, healthy and vigorous.
It fits for wifehood and motherhood.
They are sold at all medicine stores.
During early childhood death lurks in
every comer for these fragile innocents.
The mother can only protect her habes by
acquiring some practical medical knowl
edge. Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser imparts this knowledge. For a
paper - covered copy send 21 one - cent
stamps, to cover cost <•>/ mailing only, to
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth
binding 31 stamps.
Part I. Diseases of Horses.
Part 11. Diseases of Cattle.
Part 111. -Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV. —Diseases of Hogs.
Part V.—Diseases of Dogs.
Part VI. Diseases of Poultry.
Sam<: book in better binding SO eta.
HISI'IISI.I VSED. to., C«r. Willi** b Joh» >•«*
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 28, in uwe over 40 y-jam. th<? only
•ucccsßftil remedy.
$1 per rial,or 5 rial* and large vial powder,for $5
BfAd Iff or •<it r -t;V4 un t> . tof
TIPHKM lili. CO., i nr. k 4«h» htm.. Sew twh
snd i j the re«uM c 1 it 1" ■ 'A ts»; j
»mMen climMic chaKy ' i ftht i
For your I'rot- -;<n BJWftvzriy i- v J
we ponltfveljr isv.' ti.-.t t. :• vvf f"/'E
rem«"ljr <!<,■■» u ''' - WaT , M
mrrr ':Tj or ai .y other .. . t'ffSi
Ely's Cream
ia to I c ttj t t*' r njrh cure for
Nana I Catarrh, Oj'.d in utA Jlay I < -< r *>t
remcdlt open* and the r i -^1
ailaya i#ain and irilamr?. ' ' .! # *• - f pr
tecta the
<ff lute an r..
KLY M Warren Situ ?.ew York.
Any p.-rvm hi it'-.-'ipur.- lUjiior*. will do
well l»y calling up t!»•- :il«.v. t<-l< ;•>••»»•-
immlMtr, an«i order will lilted and
Wi; arc he:i'l'|uarU-rtt for tin; following 'll%-
KiM 11. ST. VKBRO> ,
(itiKv.xuriutu inu.iM.m
ami offirr th«;m to you uii:i<liill<-r:tt<->i U yi-ai
old at 81 00 jx-r full quart, « quarts, t'l.W),
WlilKkcy i(uaraiite<;d yiair* old, i'.M p«-r
<lll all < O. I». or mall order* of > r
over, we l»<>* and »lilp promptly: express
charifes prepaid.
411 Water Street,
Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa.
Optumllv It. A: O. Oejxit
i: — I
j! THE j
| COUGH. )
( A pleasant, never -failing \
c remedy for throat and lung r
I dkeuHes. f
J Sellers' Imperial j
) Cough Syrup I
I la absolutely free from spirituous S
J or other harmful ingredients, f
c A prompt, positive cure for /
x coughs, colds, hoarsenesn, I
c enza, whooping cough. /
I Overa«illll«n Ir>ttl';n Wild Injho S
J laMlew C
\ At all Druggists. f
S 25c and 50c. ?
Has all the elements Necessary
for an Ideal Health K< sort.
Skillful Medical Service,
Invigorating Mountain Air,
I'urc* Waters,
Scenery Unsurpassed in America.
Only three hours' rid<- »-;tst from
l'ittsburg, in th< Alli jdieiiy moun
(tip* *i all 11»' y at. 1 ii'i* r1 Im in"''!l'M 1 ' nit
trolof I#r. K. (J.( n>n*mtiu, of I'iil
v«*r%lty of V«ffi»oi»t, o hy Hklllful pl»y
hi' hiriH. Ali|x>lf)ttiiOlit<iof l li< riMMI
kirtdii, ari'l flmWlhwi In <v• ry » » ■»!.<<»
Tr< atiiHffit by n»«?fl I**lh hii'l Wtli* of all
1.1 rid • in an tngo and « •11 11 v 11 ■ •
Milt TnrkUb. Uohmwi# altx. i?h:rtro
I h»-r»nal. •• i« «'t »■♦)-<■ ln ffilr:i I ai»'l « <li< h4f li
ftu)HHiiK with hot wat« r,
i-Um'l rk'lty, »ti|ipll< <1 with ptir<* mountain
water, »ijrrouri<l«;«l f»y «j tj 1< ». netful n.ooii
Uhi (in ry LnciiUti! on I'lilaburif dlvUlon
of li. A- O. II K., wiii«*li '-OIIIKI' I » il with tin
j/rin ipai rjtto*anil lln.'li ral I iiui •. .u-mn,
aiwi with tin I'lrrifiny I van I a raiiio.ni liL
il'x'U '!'• -rmi r« aHonat>|i- hnnelaJ r.ili n fur
OllnUt4Tn. mlnionari' t* a<'li« rn, pity-.l'*l:in ♦
an«i tin-if famili« >
For further lf» form at lon and rlrrulai »
Markleton, Somerset 'Jo., I'a.
For Sale.
Home and lot in N<-w Kensington, I'd.
The lot is locate !in 'ler>iralile |>ortioii
of New Kensington aiul in 20x125. Tlu r<-
is a well upon the lot containing c*< < !
lent wliter. The liouhc is small, having
but two rooniH, but it ih itiibhtantially
built. The owue; (Ic .iic* u> »< 11 Ih-c.-him
she is an aged willow \rn\y whose family
is dead and *ho ho|.c.. to sj.ni.l the
of her life with friend, and relatives.
The property will be xold for live huu
(5001 dollars. One hundred dollars ar<-
U> lie paid in caoh and time will b given
for fiuymcnt of the r< tnaiuing four hun
dred 'lollar*.
For information call on 01 addn-Mi,
John J. Nol„siii.im,
Coiino<picnew>uig, Pa.
Some Xe*T \otlon* Xo%v Noticed in
the Coitiu" of the
White silk waists are the tiling to
jcear with your blue cloth skirt and coat,
and a very pretty touch is given with
a narrow belt and a necktie of Hue
or mauve velvet ribbon. The collar
band should be of tucked white s;.k,
and the velvet, an inch and a l:nlf wide,
is carried around the lower edge and
tied in a short bow in'front. A pretty
model among the white waists has a
voke back and front where it points
down to the belt, cove-red with lace
and outlined with a band cf white silk
embroidered with blue.
Some of the newest coats are made
sactjue shape and so long that tlicy
reach within nine inehrs of the bot
tom of the skirt. A licbu-shaped col
lar and cuffs of fur are the finish.
French women are wearing pointed
wraps of cloth to match their gowns.
Fur and bands of velvet are the trim
A pretty theater waist of pale yellow
silk opens in front over a vest of black
satin covered with cream lace. The
e<lges of the silk down either side are
trimmed with a braided pattern carried
out in black silk cord, and the collar
band is of satin covered with lace. The
belt and cuffs are of black satin.
The new silks are exquisite in color
and fini. h, having a wonderful sheen,
so soft and deep that it must be a part
of the entire fabric and not simply a
shine on the surface. llow much there
is in a name remains for the purchaser
to discover, but -omctliing in satir,
called "Cotele d'Or" has a crosswise
cord, li very heavy, and comes in beau
tiful light colors. Princesse satin woven
with a fancy surface of small squares
is very elegant for coats and wraps.
"Satin ISoxate," very glossy, is an
other variety, and there is a new moire
very attractive in the marking and soft
er in finish than the old silks of this
Whole volumes might be written
about the variety in neck gear in sight,
but the latest is a i.raall edition of the
crinkled bow made of black velvet and
pinned to tlie collar hand in front. ttib
fcon four-in-hands are very pretty, of
course, ar.d to make variety tie the rib
bon in a very tliort bow, leaving the
ends to bang straight down to the waist.
Another fad is to fasten the in
side edges of the long ends to
gether with gold studs, tirnt making
eyeltfs in the ribbon, of course.
If 3'ou have any old cameo i>in» or
bracelets, have them mounted in gold
clasps or buttons for a finish on your
cloth gown. Fancy buttons arc a
great feature of fashion, and some of
them ar<; of enamel, beautifully point
ed; antique silver, set with ihinestones,
and large buttons of velvet covered with
real lace.—N. Y. Sun.
The Jlc»t Wnj■ Ilisve Ucen Learned
from the Cook" ot
Fro UCf.
Few cooks in this country understand
the art of preparing cold meat dishes.
This is a part of cookery in which the
French excel. The greatest attention is
paid by them not only to the cookii.g,
but to the mounting and deeoratii.g of
these meats, so that a dish is not only
pleasing to the eye, but gives an equal
pleasure to the partaker in the eating
of it. Large pieces of meat, such as a
ham, a galantine, a noix of beef or a
stuffed ioin of veal, when served cold
are generally placed on a mound, raised
to fit the center of the platter.
This mound should be about 'he
height of the out<-r rim of the platter.
It may be made of various things, sucii
as fat whipped until cold, then chilled
and formed into proper shape, but one
of the most appropriate and toothsome
article* of diet for this purpose is boiled
rice, seasoned and pounded to a paste,
and moulded into flat form. It may be
spread with green Montpelicr butter,
pink lobster butter or simple butter.
For a hot dish the mound is egged
and browned in tlie oven. The value of
such a mound in raising an ornamental
cold dish so it can be more effectively
seen will be readily appreciated.
The rice can be decorated, a* sug
gested, with a green butter. This Is
made of equal parts of cherril, tarragon,
chives and watercress, scolded, drained
and beaten to a paste, with two pounds
of butter. It is then strained through a
sieve. Arichovy butter and lobster and
shrimp butter are used with cold fish
—N. V. Tribune.
A 1111 licit of Dott'lN.
Don't employ evil means ;uid expect
good results.
Won't keep a good movement on
hand; put it on foot immediately.
Don't shirk duty for pleasure. Do
your duty and pleasure will follow
Don't think that pounding a felon ats<!
compounding u felony are synonymous.
Don't think because a diamond has
been in soak that It is of the first
Don't get the Idea into your bead that
matrimony and poker are aggravated
Don't wait until the last minute and
try to enter Heaven on the strength of
Dont' refuse to marry a girl because
she la unable to cook; she may have
money enough to pay your board.- Chi
cago Kvening News.
I'.v +'m f*n«l<llfiK.
Mix together in a ba-Jn six large ap
pies, peeled, cored and chopped, tin
juice, of a lemon and half the rind
grated, a good pinch of wilt, two tea
cup;-. of flrji- breadcrumbs, one tiacup
of finely-chopped suet and a trir-'.oon
of carbonate of soda dH-olvd in stiff'
cient hot writer to Incorporate tht
whole into a damp mass Stir thor
oughly, turn Into a buttered mold and
boll for thrf hoi:et:. ffcrve wilh a MV«*t
custard ; aucc or with liquefied »ippl»
VI". PhlladelpMp PrrM.
Dr linllV t'ough Syrup always rurcn
colds A iicglecti-d cold may terminate
in consumption Cure your cold in
According to official figure* (iri-tit
IJrilian < ipeiid i f'JO.IHWi.OOO ;• year on
the sup|Hirt of the poor, and Ucrtiutny
about 000.000. Thin does not in
elude private charilie •
The greiile •' cure-, in medical history
are being accomplished by Hood Sai
Thunder i-i rare at. Cairo being hi-ml
on an average only three days in the
Kpain has lost about <>'Hl war ve
by battle and wreck since the sitleiutli
Few criuiec. in our history have creat
ed so much exHtement as the mmder
of two innocent Deicware women who
were |s'i«on« 'l bv candy nerit through
the maih- l-'ew trials have been fo|
lowed with as much interest an that of
Mrs. iiotkin, who ban been convicted of
the crime. The method of operation
wa - not new, but, at least, was unusual
and this was the chief cause of interest
in the cave, I ?rider th< ■<• cinrumstanci
one would suppose that eyery one would
vleWSftnonyim-u paekagi of . itabh
coming by mail with suspicion. Yel
recently in New York there were two
murders in precisely the name way
HOOD'S CILt-8 run, I.lvor Ills, Bll
(ouonosa, t 4 ' a<tacho.
f.at ;y to tnko, ou;;y to o,j< .rate. 25c.
Tl»e Kind He Veetlpd.
She—lt cannot be. I am not worthy
of you.
lie —Nonsense.
She—lt is true.
He —Impossible! You ore an ar.g-el! ,
She—No, no, you are wrong. lam an
idle, silly girl, utterly unfit to bicome
your companion through life.
He—This is madness. What sirt of (
a wife do you think I ought to have?
=he —A careful, calculating, practical
woman, who can live on your small sal
ary. —Tit-Bits.
fuveninc Thing* I i».
"Look at me," exclaimed the leading
lawyer, warmly, "I ntrver took a drop of
medicine in my life, and 1 m as strong
as any two of your patients put to
"Well, that's nothing." retorted the
physician. "I never went to law in mj
life, and I'm as rich as any two dozen of
your clients put together." —Brooklyn
Tlip Sporlinc Girl.
She know s tlie R .If language
From "bunker" to "tee!"
She knows all the yachting
She knows the bike babble
She knows tennis tattle
And that's all she <!oes know—
Betwixt you and me!
—Town Topics.
is 0k
jhi !] Is',
"J %
hi i
Jkjh —f
- - -- --irs. ~
The Gusher—Never try to part man
and wife.
The Guyer —That's right. Let 'em
fight it out between themselves.—N. V.
Evening Journal.
The Hi-nl Text.
To gain renown some men will wa'le
Through fierce and Moody war;
Rut none has won a lasting fame
Until he has conferred his name
On some five-cent r igar.
-Chicago Tribune.
I'ernl<*iotiN t n#iol*l4l
"What is n professional. pop?"
"A professional, my son, is one who
indulges in a sport where money fig
"\Th?n you fro fishing and buy your
fish, that doesn't make you a profes
sional, doer, it?"—Yonkers Statesman.
I'atrioticus —There will never be .i
name like Dewey in French history.
Qulbleigh—Oh, I don't know. 1 here
might be.
I'atrioticus—Never, 'ibtre is no "w"
in French anyway. — N. Journal.
A Jnvenlle Plillan»Iiropl»».
Mother—No. Tommy, you mustn't
have any more turkey. I'm afraid it
mifrlit make \ou sick.
Tommy—Well, if folks didn't get sick
the doctors couldn't have any Ihanks
Willi All Improve men I».
First Tramp —I hear they are build
ing a new jail, with all modern improve
Second Tramp—That won I do u no
good. You'll need a pull to get in there.
—Fliegende Ulaetter.
Tlic Worm Turns.
Mrs. Peck I wouldn't act like an
idiot if i were you, llenry.
Mr. Peck No, of court e you
wouldn't, dear, but as you are not me
3 (hi might at lea:, t try to act a little less
idiotic. —Chicago Daily News.
Opposed lo I"iirlh»-r (Itunifi-.
Cholly- I hope the Scotch dialect will
not become fashionable.
Algy—l hope not, bull Jovel We had
trouble enough in a<T'|iiiahing an I'.nif
lish accent, doneherknow.- -l'rooklyn
Alwn>n I lie Mime.
I'rigg* Isn't that tin- same suit you
had last year?
Grigg»— Yes, and it's the same suit
you asked me last year if it wumi'* the
tin me suit that I had the year before. —
S. V. World.
Wlitil Ile'il l! * |ie rlenecil,
Willie (after watching Norah peel
and put lo soak the potutoes f<ir din
ner) "1j IllUllltl .i, I've ju I Ix-Cll :■ -.eelug
i Norah take tl ei lotln oIT the potatoe
' and give them a bath. Judge.
\nrro» I!»<*upe,
"That wa* a ii. ky play we haw Ik*t
night, wwsn't It?"
I "Well, yes; J did think the actors ran
a risk of being inobbul liy the audi
ence."—lMillodt I, iiia Times.
*ol l' a .M|><*<*l ii 11 y,
llenshaw Do >ou consider opals un
lucky ?
Hardup Oli I don't know that
they're puv. i <1 m:\ more tliau other
jewels.- N. V. Kirning Journal.
('nrrr i*lly Mnf.*.l.
Young ({retting shave<l)—
Are you iihavlug down, barber?
IJarber—L'm ye--, I believe you could
call it that. Tow ii Topic
A lluit llr.nUlrtl* Out.
"Do you beH«*ve that love is a sort of
sfeknees. as son>r doctor* »ay?"
' Well, ye» so'..i thing of a ia h na
"jre."—N Y Journal
Dr. Hull h Cough Syrup cure* cough
{ and colds Mothers keep this wonder
ful remedy handy for the children.
IK eta.
In Emperor William's breakf.i t menu
"gait bun" It a standing order. It Is n
j small white lo; r of brcwl the top of
i which i* covereil with ault.
! A Xenia, <>, paper item rutin The
other day a parrot belontcintf to A W
Stark, living near thin city, fell from it«
perch, exclaimed, "I am hurt" mid
immediately expired.
'Mystic Cure'l for Rhiiiiiiatittiii and
Neuralgia radically cures in I to ? day*.
li*. a< tion upon the sy .tein i- reinatkable
and iiiysteriotis. It removes at once the
cattv-a and lit' di va'.-- immediately .La
ap; eats. 'l'll, first do ~ greatly lenelit-.;
7 , cctitK. Sold t.y J. C. Kcdic, anil J. I'.
It'llt>li Ilrugvi'-tt liutler \\>r </>
Frank I'. (1 raves the new president
of the I niversity of Washington, was
reading iu Virgil when lOyearsold,
It cost about sll <M»u to patent an in*
vent ion till over tin- world. There bo
illg <l-1 countries Where patents call be
In au account ef a recent theft of
books a Western paper explained that
many of the stolen volumes were writ
ten by a man named lie Lux.
II knocks them all out
Hoxie's ('. (' in the only remedy
known 'hat will cure a cold iu one
hour VI cents. Hample mailed free
A I' lloxie, Huffalo, N. Y.
l our specien of plants produce capsi
cum or the rial p«-pp«r of commerce.
Traeiiifj tli«- t«ri|i ii» i(» Ilirili
The observations of the Marine Hos
pital Sen'ice and reports to Surgeon-
General Wyman showing that the grip
started in Turkey and Asia Minor about
the middle of November and spread
rapidly westward along established lines
of travel, will be useful in helping those
local authorities who have been dispos
ed to attibnte the disease to snow in
one city, to the street cars in another,
to damp weather in third, to slush in 1
New Jersey, to cold in Maine and to :
smoke in Pittsburg in arriving at a j
more accurate appreciation of the wide j
extent of the grip and the possibility of j
the existence of causes too general to be '■
explained by local conditions.
In England it nsed to be the fashion.
b. fashion that has perhaps been modifi- '
ed by the arrival of an era of better
feeling, to sav that b:. 1 weather came
from America with the west wind.
This running down of the new disease
t J its place of origin gives America a
chance to retaliate by showing that the
irrip comes from Europe. Possibly the
disease is as old as the civilization shar
ed by Americans which is supposed to
hive originated in Asia not far from
where the pre-jut epidemic had in ori
One of the p *naltii ,; of increased com
munication between all parts of the
world is the- transmi-' ;i of disease and
the making general of physical ills that
in earlier tiine-t would have been confin
ed to well-defined localities.
Heroic 1 >«*«'« lof an Kujfineer.
Wiiliam Carney, an engineer at the
Richmond Rolling Mills. Richmond
I'id.. met his death by falling against a
arge gear wheel, which tore off one of
his legs. He was alone in the engine
rouin and knew that possibly no one
woud enter it for hours Realizing
that dis tster would result if the tire un
der the boilers was left burning, he
dragged his mulitated body feet to
the boiler room, turned off the natural
gas which wa- u-t 1 a fuel, and elaps
ed into unconsciousness Twenty min
utes Later the machinery stopped, caus
ed by a lack of -team, and the employ •
es rushed to th" engine room to ascer
tain the reason and found the brave en
gineer dying.
There are six ho ds in Ireland where
Irish is t mght.
Prussia hr-, nearly MM) orphan asy
-Inn with ■Jo.O'./O jiuinates.
Presidents as College? lien.
"'I think it is worthy of note," said
Mr. Shaddock, "that every president of
the United States has been a college
"Surely you are wrong," replied Mr.
Bittersweet. "1 never beard that they
were all college men."
"Oh, yes; every one went through the
electoral college."—Judge.
The Similarity.
The Philosophical Hoarder —The aver
age boarding house dinner reminds me
somewhat of a political convention.
The Inquisitive Hoarder How so?
The Philosophical Hoarder —Why,
while the landlady "points with pride"
to the viands, the boarders usually
"view with alarm" the same.—Puck.
Oitc ItiK'k A%ol«leil.
Mrs. Tiptop- How in the world did
you persuade yourself to marry a
Mrs. Van Oven (formerly Mrs. De
Fine) -I determined that for my second
husband I would marry a man who
could bake his own biscuits. —N. Y.
('online nl liy I lie llnelielor.
"Here is II story," she said, "of a man
who stall money in order to be able to
"I have always held," commented the
bachelor, "that they discharge people
from liie asylums for feeble minded be
fore a real cure is clTcctcd."—Chicago
A Sharp Pointer.
"Say, Be;: ic, d-ar, couldn't you quiet
ly induce your father to get his shoes
in style?"
"So that the next time I'm invited out
that way it won't be with a ra/.or toe."
Detroit Free Press.
Clin n tf i*.
"1 woiidah, now, where 1 got theise
seve ii single eent s, doncher know?" said
(joslin, as he drew forth some small
cash from his poel.et.
"You inn -t line changed your mind,"
suggested Dolly. Harper's Ua/.ar.
Snitry I'ulis.
Young Clllis'h getting saucy sincn
Khe gave old Hpaln the stink.',
For -iti' *ml|. ■*, an ) • :iyn: "KxctlS®
The liberty I take!"
—liulilmore American.
OF A *li;i II WII'AI. Tins.
I -liA \V liy /- Ar- J
ii i
I (V
"What's your son doing now?"
"Oh, living like a locomotive. '
"What do you mewn?"
"Oh, running around all day and
smoking." St. Louis llirjiubllc.
Tin- linrlli Knrlliy.
Their honeymoon contioui-'l ttlt
'if gold tin n was n dosrth -
l'>ll|ise<l. Ilk.- iiny other moon,
My the shudow of the earth.
- Puck.
Niil 11.-nil> htr Nnerlll"-" - .
'"I in doctor would like to »ce you In
side," wii<| the maid to the caller In (he
i reception room.
"Not much," mi ill tin* start led pa
tient. "lie can't try an X-ray on me."
Philadelphia Times.
\»l Foil w i-lull I.
I,lt I letott It's st range you dli I n't
weigh more than 150. Wits that your
full Weight?
Singleton Oh, no; I was sober at the
; time. Harlem J,lfe.
A i |pnr DrMnllloii.
Teacher What Is salt, Thomas; can
yon till me?
, Thoniio. Please, sir. It's what s|sills
the potati ' > if you don't put it In to
Isiil with tin .ii. Hrooklyn Life.
I'll nil OK Point.
"Some people are like cider."
j "The Ideal How?"
"They're sweet until it's time to
work." Philadelphia Times.
Milking Progress.
M I ude lla\e yiili brought Will to
your fi . I yet ?
Miriam N'o; but I've got as fai us
l.fs knees.- Yonkers Statesman.
ll'You llavi' n Ituliy.
Don't lull it with nostrums lor
coughs, cold and crouit I'sethe only
-ale and iriire. Iloxslc a (' '' ('
I C. E. Miller's |!
| Great Unloading Sale l|:
| OF ||l
| Boots. Shoes and Rubbers |
x ■ ■ j:
x Butlers Greatest Shoe Sale.!;!
4 WE LEAD—Others Follow. X
$ --- -- g
A Oar reputation for truthful advertising is well known. X
When vc advertise an article, \vc have it; and as soon as we X
aresoSJ out we take the '"ad" out of the paper. Cut out jf
at som : of these ads written by our scared competitors, go to jjt
jr them and you will find they have not more than one item jf
V in ten they advertise. Do you think tliis is business? It jr <-
V means business for us, for they soon find out their game, O (
8 and trive us their trade. O
The People of Butler Know Us. Y ,
A Th'.y trust us; I hey believe our statements because we j
JL advertise n ithing but what we have. The best way to get J\ 1
S a man's record is to find out how lie stands at home; if his ,C t
neighbors endorse him and give him their patronage, you I
* are safe to do the same. r
A Our Great Fall Trader \ 1 \
O Ihe largest we ever had, did not come to us by chance, i ► f
A o'ir goods, our prices and our nv thod of doing business >
A met the approval of the people, and they showed it by their { >
very liberal patronage.
y We Have the Goods at the Right Prices. y
WV are going to have a sale this month of Winter B.*its, Shoes ' i '
c» and Rubbers. Now, \\c have more goods than we should have at this |
A '.ime; they were all bought at about 50 cents on the dollar. The time t I
lias come when these g »ods must be sold. Cost and profit are lost siylitof. '1 '
Our Prices Will Stand Comparison. \\[
■ A .NOW, 11 you care to test us, go to any shoe store in Duller, get their .
V lou *..-st oa h prices—l not their adV--rtised prices, for they can't produce 'l'
half the goods they advestise at the prices ) but get their prices on goods * )
they have on sale and come to us; we will save yoa 25 per cent. , I .
O < [»
| Great Rubber Sale •'
| Butler's Progressive Shoe House <j :
y 1
AA I nO »*•« . inn u» toil ;n pu st nt, many t urn tnt«» !ho M*omln«ly liarm
l/ULUO '' , " 1 ' , ' (Jlrtcrisc "1 IIK <Jltl I*PK. M Treatiii«Mit nIIOIIUI Im»
rornin'ri *«"! mTmmi Il»S• fir-.t symplfiu is f«*lt and only thono who receive tin- J
fi ran r. -nvrr without ll leaving any 111 aflWts. Wlurn your L>liyslrlun pre*4*rll»os
f- - you hrinjr tin- pn-ifrlptlon i )us aini w»' will fill ft I'art'fully and with purr drug* only.
Y"ii should alhav«-a hot water liottSi* to krep your f«*et warm at nltflit whU'h will a«hl
much tori spi*«*dy re-overy. Don't suiter from f»M«t when we ran sell you one at a v« ry
Prescription Druggists.
Always Ready
j To Show The Most suit
• able Things tor Holiday
| Presents tor Gentlemen.
Our line comprises all those
nice things in Suit Cases, Travel
ing Bags, Neckties, Umbrellas,
Mufflers, Fine Linens and Kleg-mt
11 osiery.
It is the useful things that are
appreciated best now liy all
classes of people. Come and look
at our goods and see the correct
things to buy.
Ed. Colbert,
Colbert & Dale,
242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
lie sure ami our elegant ilinplny.
Valuable ariiel' h ill low |»rirrh i* our
('lima of tilt* latent.
I'alley tiumli, m-vv ami novel.
Iluokn 'if tli'- ncwi">t ati'l latrat.
1/FHtber Ko.xln of all kiii'l*.
Tlie display of I'lioto. Meilalliouii i»
more liemitiful than <-v«*r.
Novelties HI Stetioßcrjr. OMOM, FCDM,
Ilnlli. for tin- young jieou'e.
I'resfiit.'i for eviiylxMty ami novrlticH
that can lie foun<l no when" the.
C'ouie noon ami »tay lollj!
Near I' O.
m. i('
C.lrrm /* r j,rt inl'.i'il ihc/nt whining lidui at lom.
torn cifcuLA** Aoumt-.t,
r. IWI F& .so.w, -JU rath Avenue
i'lTlbUUkO, I'A.
Now Is The Time to Have
If you want goou ant) reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
ctn get it, and that is at
The Btillcr Dye Works
1 (.y'entor avenue
do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is (lie
tin)': ot ) ir to have a picture ol
your house. Give us a trial.
A ifut for Um Jaii.eH'owii siidinir
lili .<i —Nt!.» York.
French Beveled Mirrors.
Factory To Consumer.
Our Great Special Offer.
For Five Dollars
i we will send an elegantly
p ! framed French Beveled Mirror.
18 in. x 3 feet.
The most popular size minor
lor mantel or wall and a beautiful
; ornament to every room in the
| house.
] This is a rare bargain and can-
I not be duplicated elsewhere.
We guarantee satisfaction.
L Will refund money if goods not
a» represented.
Carriage charges, where mirror
is to be shipped by freight or ex
i press, to be paid by purchase r;
i Butler Horn, delivery free. When
ordering please state whether shall
j ship by freight or express.
We also make and retail all
■ i/i s and shapes ol beveled or
plain Illinois and sell at propor
j tionately reasonable prices.
Beveled Clear Lights for side
hoards, vestibule doors, etc., a
We are making a line ol Fancy
Shaped Mirrors in square frames
something new and very at
tract ive.
Hirrutß, i'A.
I ( MIHV mill factory oiip •tin- Standard
, I'lnk-('.la i . Worltn follow Lincoln Ave.
! to end of board walk ami turn to left;
i jimt around tli»- corner.
Connection wltt. Hell and People'*
t Telephone linen.
Pistil I
As ,ANY orHfp. jpr 0
, 1
< l Clearance! |>
Asale L'* I • <'►
i > The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co. < >
| All Holiday goods left over will be sold at almost g former price* '
All Milliner) - Goods prices cut in .J. '
< > Mourning goods for immediate use always in stock. < >
'122 S. Main St D. T. Pape, BUTLER, PA.O
! boooooocoo<xxxx)oooooooo0o:
To Quit Business!
1 will proceed to close out at once the entire stock arid fixtures
of D. A. Heck, consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing,
Overcoats, Suits, l'ants. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Underwear,
Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery, Trunks, Valises, Notions, Watches, Chains,
Charms, Collar and Sleeve Huttons, Ladies' and Misses' Pins, Solid
Gold Ring set with Genuine Stones, Solid, Goldfilled and 1 lated
Rings, 2 Safes, 2 Oftice Desks, 5 Show Cases, 15 Tables and lamps.
The whole to be closed out within sixty days. To any one desiring
to go into business this affords a good opportunity, the room is large
and light, with oftice, desks, safes and cases all 111 order. Investigate.
J. C. H6CK, Trustee
121 N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
We don't claim that whiskey is a "cure-all", but ted
us that a little good whiskey as a stimulant is helpful in nearly all
cases brought on by changes in the weather
Have you the "GRIPPE"? Have you a heavy COLD? If s<»
get some whiskey and note it's good effect.
We have a reputation for keeping good liquors.
Guaranteed absolutely pure and free from all impurities- - Here are
some of our prices:
Anchor Rye—A good whiskey fur the money, $2.00 per gallon.
Cabinet Rye—Can't be beat, ... 3.00 " •
Bear Creek*Rye—A very fine whiskey, - 400 " '•
Gin, Rum, Kummel, Brandy, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gal.
We have some very fine California wines of 1892 vintage, Port,
Sherry and Angelica at $2.00 per gallon. They are of good body
and of exquisite llavor.
Remember we pay expressage on all ordeis of £5.00 and over
except where a transfer is necessary from one Kxpress Co. to
another, when we pay expressage t > point of • r.tnsfer,
Wholesale Liquors,
Send for catalogue and price list, mailed free.
and your favorite home paper.
'J'JIK N. V WKKKLY TKIBUNK lias an Agricultural Department of the
nigheat merit, all important news of the Nation and World, comprehensive ami re
liable market r"ix>rtH, ahle editorials. interesting short btoriea. scientific and
mechanical information, Illustrated fashion articlea, humorous pictures, and is in
structive and entertaining to every member of every family.
THli CITI/hN gives you all the local news, jxilitical and social, keeps you in
close touch with your m:ighl>ors and friends, on the farm and in the village, in
fouus you as to local prices for farm products, and is a bright, newsy niid welcome
weekly visitor in many homes.
Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa.
pTfalDriving Lamp jj
V Tt? 11/ Jw ✓rt IT la the only pcrtoct one. b
m 'a Ar * J IT throws all th« light itrßlikl aboad X
V KTA r/A /ri M M from >OO to 100 Ikl. m
a |W/jljr m t rii'.ifT MM IT look* Ilka • locomotive bsadMght. Z
V - IWlfB IT flvaa a clear whiu light. -—. h
• IT burns karuMM (CuJ Oil) ("nl A
3tr It will not blow nor jar out J [JjJ J
A and tend It (o ui and we will actid If nHt IT* C
V book (lev ribing our lamp, ami will agrretoaend you one tingle lamp or \v" // V
m u pair at our wholesale price (very much U»a than (lit retail price). K I A
a R. E. DIETZ COMPANY, Ao Ijilght St., New York. ' 7
y KaTAMI ■■into I«10. V
- r; 000 C' 00 oor•
Rough t Worked Lumber
I)nors, Sash, Winds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Oflicc !'. &|W.JlH*pot.
A (iri'iil HoiiMitloii
IH <-rtiiti(| by llomle » <' C V in dip
lh<riii ami croup, Ixwmw it" CIIIVH un
like limbic cent* A I'- lloxxle
Buffalo. N V
Practical Horse Shoer
formerly florae Slioer ut tlie
Wick lioiue lm* openeil linni
nca» ill n *ho|> ill the rear of
'.lie Arlington Hotel, where
lie will ilo Horae-Shoelng in
the most approval HI vie.
lii IIIIH ulitlu lo IUUIIHKI' our lltlHllM-NH I
lh. lv own ti.il nxnrlijr <-otinlle». It it rmiliily
i.111.-, wurlt conducted nl home. Hillary
NI ri.l K l.l |uno n yo*r and expemtm ileflnllo,
l>>M.tllil<>, no more, no 1«M *Hliir* Monthly
♦7.Y KefcriMU'io. Enclowi Meir-iuiar«»MM
■auntped envelope iflerlMirt E. HI*M. I'R'II.,
Dept. M. ÜbICBK"