THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19. 1599 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VOTF.-All advertisers inteadlnjc to •h»nßes 111 their ads. sh.ald notify as ot l»-ir iutt'iillon to Uc ■ ot it«-r tb:iu Man _l Ay niornititf. Executor s notice. estate of Gebharl Wagner Dissolution notice. Arthurs. Dunn & Co. Ruff's Big Shoe Sale. Zimmerman's Clearing up Sale. Ed. Colbert's hats. etc. Douglass' Kodacs. C. & T's yuick-aelling Merchandise. Buffalo Acetylene Gas Co. Administrators ari'l Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZKN office, and persons making pubil 'su ■> th'lr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —When all yonr bones are aching. And your "brain seems quite on fire, When yonr nerves are weak and shaking And your lungs can scarce respire. Yon will know then what a cough 1-. And you'd better take a trip To the nearest doctor's office, For you surely have the grip.—Ex. Meeting of the Humane Society, in Court House next Tuesday evening. —An order was issued yestenlav fix ing January 31 as the 15th Pa s. muster ing out day. —According to report a thousand der ricks were blown down in Western Pennsylvania last Saturday. A P. O. inspector was in town, late ly, trying to tigure out who has been stealing letters from the boxes. —Annual meeting of the Board of Trade in the Conrt Room this evening, for the purj>ose of electing officers - Lota of girls look so melancholy they get credit for possessing poetic natures, wheD it's only a case of corns —W. C Coovert, who was dangerous ly injured at the Flinner coal mine near Portersville, a few days ago, is reported to be recovering. —The State Board of Charities has recommended an appropriation of $2500 by the State* for the Butler General Hospital The officers of the hospital ask for 120000. The Pennsylvania Torpedo Co. con templates establishing a branch office in the neighborhood of the Rosenberry pool, in the northern part of the county in the near future. - On Saturday last Ben Masseth sold (wild his horse, "Donatella'" to a Chicago party for $8,500. During last season out of ten entries he won eight Firsts, and two .Seconds. At Lexington, Ky. he made 2. 18j. —With the two courts going this week, there has been no room for the Connty Auditors in the Court House, so they were bundled off to the jail, where they have been pursuing their labors in the front room. —lt costs about $75 to rebuild a der rick and if three-hundred of them were knocked over by the wind last Satur day, the rebuilding of them will put about $20,000 into the pockets of the rig-builders of this connty. -Bntler is a remarkably healthy town, and part of the credit is due to our Board of Henltb, which has been doing more work than it is given credit for. Small-pox has appeared in some of the neighboring towns, and the Board requests everybody to get vaccinated —The fact is vouched for that a man who took a city paper because he could get more reading matter than in his home paper, rtad an advertisement of a pocket fire s rape and sent a dollar for one. In a few days he recived a New Testament.—Ex. —Vo. O left for Harrisbnrg on the 2:H5 Monday afternoon and lay at Blairsville till about 10 p. m. when their car was hitched on to a section of the Philadelphia Express which arrives at Harrlsbnrg abont 8 a. m. The Co. inarched in the Inauguration Parade, Tnesday, and came home that night. I If this attracts your attention it is 1 to remind yon that, provided yon Al have received a bill of your indeht IVedness from us. either for snbscrip V tion or job work, or. if yon know yonrs'df to lie in arrears with us. that \ we wonld be greatly obliged if you'd 1 make prompt settlement, either by J calling at the office or sending the/l amount, and recive proper credit. V - -There was a fellow around town a few days ago picking np tobacco quids and snipes from tb< gutters, which he put into a sack. The collections of second-hand chews are sent into the large cities and worked over with a little fresh stock. The mixture in dragged and made into cigareta. A tfiri takes a good many chances when ahe kisses a cigaret smoker, Titnsviile Conrier. Think of it girls. —Any one who live* near a water course can at an expense if $lO build an ice bouse capable of containing a cube of the crystal luxury ten feet square Rough boards for the outer wall, slabs, for the inner, with a tilling a foot thick of tan bark or saw dnst. a layer of the aarne thickness on the top a clapboard roof, a drain to carry of the drippings from the ice, and then pack in the ice cloee and compact, cover it with saw dust, and the work is down Such a ntore will furnish half a dozen families with hard bntter, cold water frozen custard", and all the luxuries of a first claes ice cream saloon for the whole season. Washington county enjoys the dis tlnction of having bad five sheriffs in one year J. Vemer (.'lark stepped ont as sheriff on January it, IHW. His sue ceseor, John A Kennedy, died in June following, and Coroner Fltr.patrick by virtue of bis office became sheriff. lie was succeeded iiy John A. Kennedy, non of the deceased sheriff, who was Appointed by Governor Hastings to nerve until the official elected at the November election should take hold. Joseph T Hemphill, who was elected for a fall term, took the oath of office on Saturday and assumed his duties on Motility, Thi-t is a state of affairs which perhaps has never occurred in any other county. Dr Bull's Cough Syrup cures bronchi lis. Why suffer when this wonderful remedy can Ist had for only Jsc, a bot tie By the way, speaking alxiut Hour, w« might just say we can furnish it from 75 cents per sack np to $1 20 iter sack. Our flour needs no commendation to those who are using it. as for others a trial is all we ask The quality and quantity are guaranteed. Q»i. I:\VS. Trj \l List. Friday aftern in the jnrv in the iof E McCafferty, admx of Francis Mo Cifferty vs the Penn'a. K K Co.. brought in a verdict for the plaintiff for *4104. This was the third trial The first was before Judge Shaffer, of Allegheny Co., and the verdict for plf. was $1001). Axain last Jane this case was tried before Judge Reed, of Clarion Co., and the verdict was $.-to«H). On the plf. not conscenting to have the verdict red ace to $1"; n he granted a new trial. Galbreath and Campbell were attorneys for McCafferty. The snit of W L Jamison vs J L Mc- Narnee, trespass, was settled. The four assumpsit casts of the Capital City Fire Ins. Co.ys C H Bogss, G I) Swain et al were continued. The two cases of Kearns vs Butler Water Co. w ere continued. The case of Fred Turner vs P C Martin & Co. wa- settled: also the as sumpsit case uf Mrs. S Ii Altman vs Grady, Cody & Co.: also that of A W Root vs Butler boro. The assumpsit suit of John Furer vs Webster Keasy was held over until March 17. The ejectment suit of W L Curtis vs B L Wise was fixed for trial March is. In the assumpsit case of Fred Ransc-b --er et al vs John . Reiber vs the P B & L E Ry Co, was taken up Monday morning, before .Judge < 1 C Criswell, of Venango, Co., and occupied the Court until Wednesday evening, when the jury returned. The suit is an action in trespass brought to recover damages done to the plaintiff's land in the east era part of town by the defendant, con ■stiucting a railroad over it. The land in question is a long strip lying !*• tween the P er homestead. The plaintiffs wit ness placed the damages at from f 20,000 to $:s">,000. and the defts. witness at from $2,000 to $5,000. E Mc.Junkin, Campbell and (Jalbreath are attorneys for the plf. and Vanderlin and Forquer Bros, fur the defts This morning the jury brought in a verdict for Reiner for $4400 The ca-e of J C Fry of Rochester vs J I) Wolf, trespass for malicious prosecn tion is on trial and that of P C Martin & Co. vs East End Oil Co. comes next. Both cases have been throngb Superior Conrt. The suit of Dr Kistler vs Eli May and II Bickel has been settled. In the suit for damages for slander of Olive Matthews, vs Levi Slater, both of Butler, the jury gave a verdict for the plf., for $1,950 this morning. Purer vs Keasy is on trial. NKW SUITS. Geo Bishop vh Mary Donley, sei fa Hiir mechanics lien, plaintiff * claim s92#. 07. A T Black, aduir. of lames McEl haney, dec'd., now for use <.f L E Me Elhaney ys \V G Christy ami C F Pierce, sci fa mir judgment. Same vh VV G Christy. sci fa Hnr judgment. Emma E Gold vh .1 G McClimons deft, and Fred Kanclier and CC Shira, garnishees, execution attachment to at tach and levy on debts. and good* of «l/;ft in hands of garnishees. Laura L Jewett. of Forward twp. vh R 1' Jewett, lilw-1 in divorce liecause of desertion J Berg & ( 'o. vh'l Duffy, deft and Batler Co. N'tl Bank garnishee exe cntion attachment on deft's goods in garnishee's hands. NOTJW. J I) Marshall Esq has been ap|*>inb; itl ho of Maud Dunning,nee Crooks, minor child of John ,M <' rook H , deed, late of Middlesex. On petition of the pc rents, A .1 Kind and wife, of Middlesex twp., H \1 Leslie han heeu appointed guardian of Samuel Kind, who received a legacv under the will of John Mcßride, dee d The will of William Starr, late of Concord twp., han been prolmted, no letters. On petition of F VV ShuHter. the fol lowing -ommission in lunacy wan ap (Hiin ted on liih sister. Elizabeth, of Bui' falo t.wp Ad Williams Esij, I>r .1 M Scott and John Wade. On petition of Mrs. Alice W Erwin. a citation lias been issued on J M Mr Burney, of Washington, Pa . execntor of the will of Rev. (100 A Wenzel, dee d . late of Zelicnople, to show cause why he siiall not Ist required to give security lie removed, or file bin final accounts. Court for the hearing of arguments on equity and other cases will convene Monday morning, February •>. Beoj R Williams, son of A <« Wil lianiH Esq., has registered as a law stndeut. J I' Shirley and wife of the Park Hotel have adopted Maty Etta, aged two years, daughter of Oeorge Graham. Our County Commissioners have selected Mr Owsley, of Yonngstown. to l»e architect of the proposed new jkvit house. A report was current, laHt week that the Commissioners had pur chased the Itobt Stevenson farm, but it whs incorrect. The Stall- Supreme Court has alJlriii ed the death sentence against Win Hill man for the murder of Bertha Spiegel. The election place of I'eiin township, north precinct, has been changed to the little church on North St . Renfrew. It had been in the K O T M hall lately berried. A subpoena in divorce hasli.-eQ grant ed In the ease of Laura L Jewett vs li I' Jewe tt. On petition of John Findley. ad hit of II C Black, a rule was granted or Alex Russell, receiver of the firm of II (' Black X. Sons t<> tile imd ■ ttle an ac count as receiver The petition of John I: Kiester and Ja<*oli O Roenick. e\r of John'Kiester, dee d, of Slipperyrock twp . for leave to grant right of vpnf to tiie p BSt L K has been granted. The Evans City Water Co has pro sen ted a petition asking for its dissolu tion. The petition will he heard Marcl The will of JHIIItm l> Anderson. der'd, of l'enn township, ban lieen probated and letters t«staiiienti»ry granted to llobt M, .lohn F, K II and Win (' An diirwio. sons of the «!••«■«■■ I• •nt lly tint tortus of the will llobt M. in addition to what lie h*H already roceivud. it» to K«t #l, J 1 and K II iin' to receive eaeh and the Hart/.0l farm of MO acre* in I'eqn twj>. as tenants in coin ! mori; the taotfiestead farm of 125 acres I in IVtwi twp. is derisftl to Wei C. he to pay ?"i<*oo to the executors within two years after the t.-tator - death. Three daughter- Mr- Elizabeth Martin. Mrs i Florence Graham and Mrs. Mary Sea ' man each receive 111 ' profit- and ' any residue of personal estate are to divided equally. J. M. Sloan has petitioned for a c-it i tiou on Lycurgus Sloan, to file account as executor of A. J. Sloan, deed., of Venango twp. Elizabeth Shuster was adjudged in sane by the examining commission and will bo taken to the Polk Pa.. Institn A petition for partition of the estate of Amos Pyle. dee d, of Muddycreek twp has been presented by E II Pyle The estate is In ) acre farm. Judge Kohler decided at Akron 0., that the flirting which Miss Gertrude Jennings may have done during the trial of her damage case against the Akron and Cuyahoga Fall- Rapid Tran sit Company with one of the jurors was not enough to help her case materially, and refused a new trial asked by the de fendant. He did believe, however, that the damages were excessive, and re duced them from £4.500 to * ',500. The decision of the Supreme Conri a few days ago upon a test case from Lan caster County means thousands of dol lars increase in the cost to counties of the State, and at the same time greater revenues for the constabulary. C .n-sta ble Price, of Lancaster County, claimed 50 cents infees for each witness subp the Superior Court, which reversed the lower court as to the subpoena, gaye the constable 50 cents for each and ev ery witness on bis subpoena, and held that the constable was only entitled to 10 cents per mile traveled one way way. The Commissioners next appealed to the Supreme Court, which has just affirmed the decision of the Superior Court Those familiar with the Quarter Ses sions cases know that there are many witnessess, in each trial, and that the costs for criminal cases will now be largely augmented. Prior to the change in the law making 50 cents the legal fee for subpoenaing witnesses the fee was 15 cents, which was considered fair compensation. Ex. PKOI'EKTY Tkansfeks. I> W Zeigler to Wilimena Nixon lot in Evans City for #1450. John W Ekas to ( has Shaver lot in Butler for $*2500. J A Stoughton to Janette E Carnea than lot in < 'lay for S2il Cos No Son the J. J. Mil ford looks like a ten bll well or better; and Klingier ol«. Scarcity of territory has caused a centralization of oil men at Scio. • )ne meets operators from the Lima and In diana fields, Histersville and the lower Houthweit, Bntter, Allegheny and Wanhington county talent is well up to the front of the possession, and an occasional wander from Oil City. Brad ford and Titusvllie turns up, bringing witli him money and experience. I''I,OICI I > \. The midwinter exodus has begun. The discomforts and dangers of our Northern winter are directing attention to the sunny lands of the South The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York and Phil adelphia January 24. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation. Pnllrnan accomuioda tioriH (one berth), and meals en route in Isith directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the follow ing rates: N'ew Vork. $50.00; I'hiladel pbia Baltimore, and Washington. SIH; Pittsburg, ssl! 00, and at proportionate rates from other points. For tickets itineraries, and other In formation apply to ticket agents. Tour ist. Agent at lIWI Broadway, New York, or to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. To those preferring a spring wheat flour we would say our "Best Patent ill U VKItV CIIOH.'K AttTJObK. GfJO. WAI'TKIt inu)nnion services were observed in the U. P. church last Sunday and five new member* received into the conjure gation. A H«i|»i»«*r will lie given in the lecture room of the U P. church Friday even ing by the Ladies' Missionary Society. Twenty five cents worth of t;ood food and g'»od fellowship are promised to nil. FlltlOS. In Forward township, last Friday night, Fred Dainbach's straw st.raek was struck by lightning and bnrned. I* \ If K TIIICATICK. The McCatiley Pat ton Co at our Opera House this week is playing to lull houses and giving good satisfaction They are clever people and make great fun At the matinee Saturday after noon for children, each child present will receive a present, some of which can lie seen 011 exhibition in the windows of the Telegraph < )flice. Popular prices and lots of fun. Ol(ANl> Ol'KltA HoiISK, PITTHIHTKU. 111 • r The { deposit in the Pittsburg Bank for Savings No. 210 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg. Write the Hank ami a new book of explanation will be sent you. Your money will earn you 4 per cent, interest. Highest cash price paid for Buck wheat,. Wheat and Kye. ÜBU. WALTER fit BONN BOKOl'tilf I'KI.MAIt IKS. FOR OVERSEER OK THE POOR. 11. G. NICHOLSON, Of the Ist Ward. Subject to the Republican Borough Primary. Saturday, January 21. 1 S9'«> Local Primaries, 'j Bntler boro—all five wards -at the ! usual polling places, next Saturday. An Overseer of the Poor, three Audi tors and a High Constable are to be I elected by the towh; besides a School j Director, Councilman, Constable and I Election < )fficers for each Ward. The Republicans of Clay township will hold their primary election for | township officers at Euclid on Saturday, January 'iS, from I to 4 p. m. 1 Penn township Republicans will hold its primary at Maharg and Renfrew next Saturday. Xurth Penn will here after vote at the Little Church on Mont St The Republican Primaries of Jeffer son township will be held on Saturday, Jauuary 28th, 2 to 4 p. m. at Jefferson Centre. Tlio Palaoe ( lull. One of the most pleasant events that has ever happened in butler was the banquet and entertainment given to the members of the Palace Club at their rooms on S. Main St.,last Monday even ing by their President and Secretary. George C. liiehl and George W. S trick land. Excellent music was furnished by the Keystone < )rchestra of Butler, match games of billiards and bowjing Ijelped to pass away the time pleasantly, in won by John Vogel, the pool contest by O. S Slerriman; the bowling contest by Peter Kihn, and the three-pin contest by Mark Nay man. One of the members, John Stein, pre sented the Clnb with a pretzel about three feet long, an.! all the members of the Clnb are requested to be at tht* rooms at D o'clock, this evening to show their appreciation of it CL A. It. Officers. The following officers of A G. Reed Post 105 G A. R. were installed by Comrade Newton Binclc on Friday evening: Commander J. L. Henry. Senior Vice A. G. Morrison. Junior Vice Win. Snyder. (.Quartermaster -I J. McCandless. Officer of the day A. B. Richey. Officer of the Guard Isaac Hawk. Sentinels Samuel Miller and John 1} Mc( urdy The memorial sermon will be prpach edinthe English Catholic Church on May 'X by Father Daniel Walsh. Markets. (inr grocers are paying 17 to 20 cents for butter. 20 for eggs, 50 to 00 for onions. 40 for potatoes, ISO to HO foj apples, 50 for parsnips, carrots and beets, i{o for turnips, and 1J a lb. for cabbage. Public Sale. The weather has been rather fresh for sales and but few are advertised. We note the following: January 24th, at Fred Herald's in Centre twp., near Butler. Ladies Are Always Economical. If they keep their savings in the Pitts burg Batik for Savings, No. 310 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, tliey earn 4 per cent, interest, compounded twice a year. You can send your deposits by mail. C'AMIOItMA. America is a great country. In va riety and grandeur of natural scenery it is unrivaled. To traverse it, to be hold its diversities and its wonders, is a liberal education, a revalation to the immured metropolitan citizen. The Personally-Conducted Tour to Califor nia under the direction of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, which leaves 011 February 11, affords a most excellent opportunity to view the vast variety and boundless beauty of this marvelous land. The party will travel over the entire route in the model Pullman train of smoking, dining, sleeping, and ob servation cars exhibited at the World's Fair, ('hicago, and subsequently at At lanta, Nashville, and Omaha. This train will be placed in service for the first time on this occasion, and will lie in charge of a Tourist Agent and Chan . eroti, who will look after all the details of the trip, as well as the individual welfare of members of the party. Stops will be made at Mammoth Cave, New Orleans during Mardi Oras Garni yal, HI Paso, Los Angeles, San Diego, Redlands, Riverside, Pasadena, Santa Barbara. Monterey, Del Mont, Santa ('ruz. Mount Hamilton, Mcnlo Park, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Glen wood Springs, Colorado Springs, Mani tou and Garden of the Gods, Denver, and ('hicago Nineteen days will be spent in California Round trip rate, including all necessary expenses during entire trip, $ 1 00 from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad System east of Pittsburg, $;{!)."» from Pittsburg. For itineraries and full information apply to ticket agents. Tourist Agent, 11IW liroadway, New York; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Genera) Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel phia. New, four-room house for sale. In quire at this office. Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage iu the livery business, call oil Walker Kt Wick for location and outfit .lol> Work, If you want Posters, If you want »Circulars, If you want Sale Bills, If you want Fnvelopes, If yon want Bill Heads, If you want Price Lists, If you want Statements, If yon want Note Heads, If you want Letter Heads, If yon want Address ('arils, If you want Business Cards, If you want Invitation ('arris, If you want any kind of Printin done call at the CITJ/.KN office. Music scholars wanted, at 128 W Wayne St. I'lJRIi SPKING WATIiK ICR II delivered to all parts of the I to sn, every day Leave or ders at KICHHtf'B HAKIiRV 1.12 Main St. Illglwst cash price paid for Buck wheat, Wheat and Itye OKI 1 WALTKIt .*• S( INS. They Say That FINDkEy is headquarters for photos of all styles, artistic posing and up to date finishing. Framing Done to Order All the latest designs tn moulding Waller ColoirJaud I'nstels a speciality, Copying and Lnlarving. P. O. Building, Butler SubscrilH) for the CITIZKN Doings of tlio Storm. The bisrh pole made of casing and ' tubing broke at the first joint from the j ground, during the high wind of last Saturday, and fell to the ground the roof of Lew Wick's planing mill was moved by the same wind, but was quickly tied and weighted. The high pole at Glade Mills was J saved by guying it with the Hag rope. The Forest Oil company lost SO rigs in the Glade Run field: one ganger at Evans City reports 41 rigs down in his district Xorth of Butler tae destruc | tion was not so great. Troutman re j ports only six destroyed. Iu the Pros pect. or Muddy (.'reek field 37 rigs were lost. The Lutheran church in Jefferson twp. was unroofed, and the rest of the building injured The high wind of last Saturday blew down about a hundred derricks 11 the (ilade Run fields and a dozen more each in the Dilks and Rosenberry fields This w'll keep the rig builders busy for some tunfc. "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. Auditor's Notice. 11l re. Ist Partial Account In the Orphan's of Owen Brady Jr.. Ad- Court of Hutli-r ministriitor of Owen County, l'a.. No. I Itrmly >r . di-.-. II. March T.. Now. to-wit, tin- - J2d day of I>eeeniiH*r. ls'.i*. on motion of I.i vi M. Wise, Ks«i . Attorney for accountant, tht! Court appoints Oeo. \\ . Klwjrer Ksi|.. au auditor to rciMirt ilKtrilm -1 lon of the funds In tlie hands of said ac coiii)tlii|t lo 411'! tuition;; tin- pa| tjt s rnll[ Ilu. Bv ri'F Oi.Ji'lif < in HT» .^1 Certilied from the record this 2lnd day of I>ec.. lsilK. Is* M P \(.S, 1 |oi kill I will attend to t in* duties of tlu- above a;>- poliilnu'iil at my offlce In Kutler. I'a.. oil Saturday, the -Ist day of January. KM, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of which all parties Interested will take notice. CiKO. w, I*l. KEG Kit. Auditor. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the part nership helofore existing between Arthurs, Dunn & Co., dealers in general merchandise at Euclid, Pa,, has this day lietn dissolved by mutual consent, R J. Conn, retiring. The business will be conducted at the old stand by Arthurs & Dunn, who will pay all old bills and col lect all accounts. J. B. AKTHI'KS J L. DUNN, K. J. CONN, Euclid, Pa., Sept. 18, 189 S. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the part nership between Noble Montgomery and Ida M. Mitchell, under the firm of Mont gomery f Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to THOMAS R UOON, KVKRKTT L. RAI.SK >N, lix'rs., Butler, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE letters testamentary on the estate of James A. Gallagher, dee'd, late of Cal averas Co., California, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ments, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for payment to LOT W 1 I.SON, Adm'r., Prospect, PA. R AON IT GKKKR, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estat • of George F. Miller, dee'd., late of Clint-Hi twp., Hutler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all |M'ritoiiH knowing themselves indebted to ►aid estate will please make immediate payment, ami any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for pa) merit to MRS. LOUISA Mn.t.KR, Adm'x., Saxonburx, i'a. MCJONKIN fit (•AI.LLRKATLL, Atty's. ADM INISTRATO R'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of John 11. Peters, dee'd., late of Clinton Iwp., I'.utler Co,, Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to MRS. A HAM NIC PKTItR.M, Adm'x,, Riddles X Roads, Hutler Co., Pa. S. F. & A. L. llowsKß, Att'ys. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Crowe, dee'd, late of Forward twp . Hutler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said eftatc will present them, properly aiilhentieat ed for settlement to RKV. S. J. CMOWK, Warren, <)., JA.4. M. DotiTllKTT, Hrownsdale, lix'rs W. I>. BRAN now, Att'y. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. letters testamentary on the estate of liavid F.. Pearee, dee'd., late of Hutler twp., Hutler Co., Pa., having been giant ed to the undersigned, all persons know iiu; themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payui'-nt, and any having claims rigaiust the same will present them duly authenticated for payment to CL'llTiS S. I'KARCK, or MARV J. STIUFKT., lix'rs., Hutler, Pa. COVl.tK# & HAKKR. Att'ys. For Baby's Sake You to guard against ailments that improper foods induce. Everything depends on what baby eats. We keep oily the reli able makes of Baby Food and warrant them Fresh. Pomelia, Eskay's Food, Malted Milk, Laetated Food. Mellin's Food, Ridge's Food, Just's Food. Condensed Milk. Baby's Mother Ought to take sorno Heel,lron and Wine, so nourishing to nursing mothers — ouvs contains Beef We sell it for 75 cents per pint. C. N. BOYD. Druggist, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa, i Cent a Day INVESTED IN A COPY OF THE PITTSBURG Chronicle Telegraph WIIL KEEP VOU I.N TOUCH WITH ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Special Features ivY,"- graph the greatest Paper published In Pittti ourjr: .\ th- iroi|i*li i« port of 1 t *v<» <*l 1 It's and sur rounding towns. We publish more sporting news than any other IMttshurg paper. The society columns are always complete, and give a full account of t he movement of t In- social world. The woman's page always up to date with the latest styles and suggestions. The Associated I' furnishes t he Chronicle Telegraph with a complete report ».f the telegranhjc mi\\s «;f the world. The editorl'ils are rleau. clear and compre henslve. The most eomnlete tiuanclal reports dally. Special attention is given to the selection of short stories, t'rlsp and Catchy curtoons. • The Talk of the Town," "Chats with the Tutor." "The Comic Page/* "Things Heard and Seen," and many other spt.c.lal foaiuh's go to make up PITTSBURUS (iREATL'ST PAPIiR The Chronicle Telegraph. 1 I'KNT A C CENTS A 1 COPY, 0 WEEK. IH'livurt'd by \Kcnt». In all surrounding towns SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE FOR 1899 QOVEKNOH ROOSEVELT'S -THE ROUGH RIDERS" [illustrated serial], and all his otlier war _ writings. HUBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S LETTERS | never before published |, edited by SIIINKV Cor. VIN. RICHARD fIARIIINO DAVIS: Stories and special articles. RUDY AKI) KIPLING HENRY VAN DYKE WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE and many 1 otters: Short Stories. (IEORUE W CABLE'S NEW SERIAL story of New Orleans, "The Ento mologist" Illustrated by Ilcrter. SENATOR HOAR'S Reminiscences illustrated. MRS. JOHN IIREW S Stage Reminis cences illustrated. lOEL CHANDLER IHRRIS'S new col j lection of Stories. "The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann." Q'S SHORT SERIAL. "A Ship of Stars." ROBERT (IRANT'S Search-Light Letters Common-Sense Bssays. SIDNEY LANIER'S Musical Impulsions, j C. D. OIBSON'S The Seven Ages of 1 American Woman and other nota- Ide Art Features by other artists. The lull, Illustrated Prospectus, Including Descriptions id the Above, sent Free to any Address. Till! MAfiAZINE I* $.1.00 a Year; 25c, A Number CHARLES SCR IHNI R'S SONS, 3 57 Fifth Avenve, New York. I*. «!fc 11. when prices are lowest is the time to buy. That's what's making this Shelf Kmptying Sale such an event — 1 haute t<> j;et good, useful goods ,it the lowest prices ever known. Thousands of people taking ad vantage of it through mail orders. Mostly odd lots anil broken lines of winter silks and Dress Goods not lo be carried over— that's why they're being sacrificed —almost thrown away as to price. Htil there's variety—and Ihc goods are choice—kinds that are useful for now and later. Loss to us is big. selling this way—you gain all we lose. (let samples—let them prove it. Large lot, broken lines 45 and 50 i cut Novelty Dress Goods and plain Mixtures 3(1 lo 44 incites inches wide—2sl Splendid strictly all wool 44 inch, 75 cent I'laids, 35c. Lots of other Dress Goods at shelf emptying prices that make it important— 15c, 35 c > 5 0t: - 75c and dollar silks 50c. and $1.50 silks, 75c. Great opportunity to gel silks for dressy spring waists —girls who will lie graduating this season can get light evening shades, elegant silks, so far under price in this sale as will pay them to heed promptly. 800 I i 11111 Department X. ALLEGHENY, FA. A CLOTHING SALE Which Can't Be Met! All Wool Men's Suits $5 00 Scotch Mixtures ami Neat Casstmere Effects.) All Wool Men's Suits 15 00 I Hue at: Men's and Boys' Jean Pants. Lined *n/» Winter Weight Ckkxli.) Merino Shirts and Drawers 05- l Sizes 34 to ,14.) tOW Heavy Wcolen Gloves and Mitts o«m, ( Men's anil Boys'.) Winter Leather Gloves and Mitts OV (Men's anil Boys'.) Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS. ~~ vSg- ~ ; . 1 . I ■ M Reasons-^ fbree reasons whj* Douthett & Graham sell clothing for . less money than ever before. ' Ll FIRST: Everybody knows that we sell more goods than Wa l any other clothing store in Butler. " LN SECOND: Beciuse we have two stores and buy goods wM WA "> r '>Jth at the same time, and buy more than if we had but < TM C 3 one store, therefore we buy to letter advantage. W2 THIRD: "We pay spot cash for all our noous, take off all 14 r J 1 discounts, and still jjet extra discount for unexpired time. . k 1 We do not add these discounts to our profifs.but our patrons & j get the advantage of them. < In :ul(lltloii to tin l reasons, our eustoniors are not 1^ WA I you aro buying. If you want t.> lost ilio truthfulness of our V WM J statomonts t-ouo in and look at our sl. 95.30. $7. $s and $lO suits and Li overcoats. Wo do not hesitate to say tlioy are the liest offered In r J wA Perhaps you aro looking for Holiday presents. Wo liavo the C ¥ A largest line of hats, shirts, invktles. gloyos, suspenders. Ac, wo k ■ liavo ovor shown. JusHu -li things as mako iiraotloal. accept- Pj ablo present k. t*omo in and see the groat reductions and still M VJ greater Largalns. M ►1 DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. i BUTLER, PA, TIIE CLOTHIERS. RUFFS GREAT SALE Of Goods Bought at J. McD. Scott's Assignee's Sale Now in full blast, is a great success. Have you seen the bargains wc are giving? Cut out our advertisement and bring it with you. If wc do not produce all goods just as advertised, we will pay your expenses from any part of Rut ler county. Our competitors arc confounded. Our prices are beyond competition, Their perplexity is your oppor tunity. Come to the greatest shoe sale ever attempted. Below we name you prices on a few goods such as are sold daily, but wc want you to know that these arc only a few of the bargains wc offer. Our shelves and counters arc loaded with lots more, plenty of them better bargains than these. Ladies' Fine Flexible Sole,best quality Silk Vesting Tops, Lace; this shoe would be a bargain at $3; sale price $2.00 Ladies' Vici Kid, Laee, an up-to-date dress shoe 2.00 Lsilies' Hand Welts, extension sole, made in latest round toe.. 2.00 Scott's Ladies' $3.00 Shoes, price stamped on bottom; this shoe is made with Don go la Vamps and Silk Vesting lops, best white oak outer soles, Dongola Coin Tip, sale price 1.45 Ladies' Fine Kid Coin Patent Tip Lace Shoes «^5 Ladies' Genuine Dongola Kid Patent Tip Button, 3 to 7 75 Ladies' Black or Tan Men's Heavy-Soled Winter Tans l -7S Men's Heavy-Soled Calf Lined Hlack Shoes '-75 Men's Heavy-Soled Vici Kid, lace, kid lined. 1-95 Men's Wear Proof Calf Shoes 1.50 Men's Satin Calf Dress Sooes Men's Working Shoes, all sizes, as low as 5° Men's Two Sole and Tap Leather Hoots **3s Misses' Kid Patent Tip Dress Shoes 75 Misses' Oil Grain School Shoes 5° Hoys' Dress Shoes 75 Gokcy's Hoys' High Cut Copper-Toed Shoes at $1.40 and 1.25 Children's Spring Heel Shoes, sto 35 Infants' Kid Patent Tip Shoes, 2 to '5 Children's Rubbers, spring heel 10 Misses' Rubbers, spring heel '5 Ladies' Strap Rubbers, }u«»t a few sizes 9 Ladies' Croquet Rubbers, (Candec make all si/.es '5 Hoys' Rubbers, (Candcc make) 20 Hoys' Huckle Arctics 5° Youths' Rubbers ®5 Men's Low Rubbers, (Candec make) 3° Men's High Cut Rubbers, (Candcc make) 4° Men's Low Arctics 5° Men's Rubber Boots 5 Men's Felt Boots and Buckle Overs, some sizes only 125 Men's White Felt Moots and Buckle Overs l -75 Men's Genuine Knit Hoots and Buckle Overs '-75 Men's Best Heavy Buckle Arties •••' 9° Ladies' Rubber Hoots Misses Kubbcr Hoots 5 A. RUFF SON, High Grades. Low Prices News ami Opinions OF National Importance The- Sun ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Dally, by mall, - - • $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mall, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is tin- greatest Sunday Newspaper in the yorld. Pi it <■ sc. a copy, "y mail, a year Aiidrra* i'llli HUN, New York. A Short Time Only. A CAMERA FOR SI.OO. Just to introduce them. A practical Camera. Small ami Compact. Till* offer never equaled. We will prepay charge* Kcmii fi.oo—no more. THE DOLLAR COMPANY, 4.14 sth Ave., PittaburK, Va. Atrrivr. IKM-K ITilllH WANTEIi KVKKY whi-rc for "Tlii-Hlorjr of I In- I' 111 11 |IV MllllH 11 It |Ht I 111. lljT tllll fii>vi* rii mi'ii I hi i > til - ■ 11» I II uinr hm In tlin Wiir 11. |>ll rtii>•'nt Tltti IMHIU WII« written In urtiiv i HiniiK nt Hmi Kraiirlwo. on tin* I'wlllc ttltli ili'iii'tnl Mi-rrlll. In tin' liiiHpltul* nt llono iu I 11. In llniiK Komi.ln tlm Amiirlraii treacbt* ul Muiillt, In tin' ItiHtirtti'iil ramp* wit Ii AItII IH ii lit", mi Hi- ili ' li of I In' w .";' I ii'Wr v, mill In t lir rimr»f liatllo Ht lilt) full ■if M nil 11 it lluiinuia fur aai'tiU. Hrimful of orliiliial lili'lun - lalnti l.y Kovernnmnl pho touraiilier* on I In- •l"'l r*** ... m ■■rt. i'« III* iiroHto Iri litlit imltl. J n Ull Lu.'i. l>rop nil iru-hy 111111111. liil war l«ok». Out 111 f«" Atlilrvaa. »' I llnrbur. Hoc y lusuiaucv WUIK.. Chicago,