Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 12, 1899, Image 1

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    VOla' xxxvi
A Grand Clearance Sale.
We ask you to read the important announcements below. They tell of a
money saving; tliey tell of high class footgear with extremely low figures.
ladies' Flannel Lined Shoes and Slippers. Shoes for Boys and Girls.
Warm Shoes were 75c now 45c Misses* kid patent tip rlress shoes were
Warui Shoes were JSi.oo now 65c 1 .00 and #1.50, now y* and 75c. Missis'
Warm Slippers were 75c- cow 25c grain shoes, heel and spring, were
Velvet Slippers were 75 c now 45 c 00 an< l '.'s» now Soc- Cliildren s
Heavy Shoes were JI.OO now 60c fine sLoes, spring h<-el, were 50c arid 75c,
Several broken lines in ladies' fine Shoes now f<c and 50c.
were $3, J-4, now SI.OO. 0.-er gaiters, * BOYS' HEAVY SHOES, sizes 3 to 5'.,
were 25c an.i 50c, now lie and 25c. Tan were *1.25 and #1.40, now 65c and >I.OO
shoes were f 1 50, now ft.oo. Boys' dtess shoes were fi.oo, now 65c.
Ladies' Rubbers and Arctics.
Men's Shoes
at 15c and 2">c, Alaskas 50c. Children's
Man's Heavy Sole Winter Tans were $2, buckle artics reduced to -,5 c.
anil #2.50. now $1.65 and $2.00. Men's Men's Rubbers.
Heavy Scle Leather Lined Shoes were
$2.50,' now $r.75. Oil men's heavy shoes j Men'.s low jut ruhbdrs 25c
were ti.so and $2.00, now $1.25 and $ 1.50 | Men's high " " 35 1 -"
Men's fine embroidered slippers, were ; Men's storm rubbers s ot^
sf.oo, 75c, and 500, now 35c and 50c. 1 Men's warm Alaskas s°*"
Ask to se? the
for ladies, which are the embodiment of case, comfort and grace not to be had else
where, as e are so'« agents for Butler county. Try a pair and enjoy 'he luxury ot
comfortable, perfect fitting shoes.
JIUIUT'S Leaiting Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
January Clearance Sale.
Great Reductions in all Lines
Large Stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods to be Closed
Out Quickly at away below the Cost to the Manufacturers.
( ake INotl ce.l%
Men's double sole and tap laci shoe? (large sizes) reduced to Soc
Boy's oil grain, tap sole Uce sho^s—all sizer—reduced to 50c
Men's high cut Iwx toe lace shoes reduced to si.ls
Men's fine shoes—all styles—all sizes—reduced to !>oc
Ladies' water proof Kangarro calf shoes reduced to 75 c
Ladies' fine Dongola tnrnsile shoes regular price $2.00 reduced to f 1. 10
Children's fine Dongola pat. tip slices reduced to so e
Infants' fine shoes—reg.ilar or soft sole -all colors ?oc
Ladies' wrm-lined shoes $2.00. $1.50, $1.25 shoes at 75 c
Everything included in this GREAT SALE.
Just read the LOW PRICES.
Men's best felt b'»r»ts ami buckle overs reduced to *i-5°
Boy's •' " " " " " " 1.25
Youth's" " " " " " " 1.00
Men's first quality rubber boots reduced to 1 90
Men's hand-made box toe :i sole lioots regular price ff.oo reduced to 2.50
Boy's kip and oil grain boots reduced to r.oo
Too mauy Winter Shoes. Men's Best Box _alf, Enameles andWintsr Tans, all
Leather Lined an I Ladies' best make Hand Welt Shoes to be closed out very cheap.
All goodo on Sample Counters at 40c on the Dollar.
Attend this gre.it jile. This will b» a bmy nnnth at our store.
1899 1899 1899
All our left o«vr Holiday goods must be; sold and in order to do s> we have j
cut prices almost in half.
All silver novelties that were *(.oo now 6oc
" " " " " 50c now 30c
All silver novelties and staples that were 125 now .Soc
Solid silver thimbles that were 25 and 35c now 15c
First class 8 day clocks with alarm that were 3.25 now 2.25
First elass 8 day clocks without alarm that were 3.00 now 2. G0
A good watch, Gent size 2.50
A. gool silverme ease with American movement 5.0n
All other gojds in our stock reduced in prices so that it will pay you to buy
your watches, clocks, jewvlerv, si'verware, &c., at
133 South Main Street, - - - Butler, Fa.
Repairing of All Kinds. Old Gold and Silver Take Same as Cash.
t J. S. YOUNG,
£ Tlic goods, style, fit and general make a
i it|» ol" liis siiits J
1 TELL their own J
_a) I ■
/ Vr\ ' \ 9 Men won't buy clothing for the purpose
I I H IHv 11/ t ftof spending money. They desire to yet the
\ \ VJ \ V V -/liest nossible results for the money expend
j Vi /J | " r i fled. Not cheap floods but goods as cheap as
V —(1 J —'jjthey can '' e sold and mailt up propeily- If
iteJpri i \l Xyou want the correct thing at the correct
7r -1 I V f | flprice call on us, we have rednced our spring
# 1 1 V ~ fr ,n, l summer goods down to make room for
I I 1 1 \\ US? your lieavv weight "oods,
'A \ fl \\jCTi i
m Vm v ?
[I" | Fits Guaranteed.
Merchant Tailor.
• is. 9 142 N. Main St., Butler
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
Indicate that your liver
is out of order. Tho
best medicine to rouse
the liver and cure all
these ills, is found in
| Hooct x Pills
25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers, j
TTiousands aro Tryitie It.
Tn ordfr to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the effective c'ire •
for Catarrh and Cold in ll?ad. we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Utt it of your druggist or send 10 cents to j
ELY BliOS., 50 Warreu St., N. Y. City. ,
I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, and 1 never lei** d for ;
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm ►ecma ' > do (
even that. Many acquaiutanc. - huv I
it with excellent results. < >bi-ar Ostrmu. '
43 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Crcarn Balm is the acknowledged :
cur' "f.>r catarrh an 1 contains 110 coc.iii.e. 1
mercury nor any injurious drug- Fri e.
60 oeuU. At druggists or by mail.
Butler Business College.
New Management.
New Courses.
Many New Features.
In addition to the Practical Book- ,
keeper's Course, and the Amanuensis ]
Shorthand Course, the following courses |
liave been added.
Expert Accountant's Course, which
deals especially with Joint Stock Com
pany and Corporation Accounting, and
includes a thorough training in the ad
justment of difficult parlr.eiship and
business problems.
Reporter's Shorthand Course, which
prepares the graduate for all kinds of
shorthand and reporting work. Books
of our own publication will be used as
soon as they can be completed. The
work is now in course of preparation.
Special arrangements for those wishing
to take music. School now 111 session
day and night. Any one wishing to
make arrangements to attend the institu
tion will please call 011 or address
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Peoples' Phone 271.
Bell IT4.
Braun's Pharmacy,
Cor. Bth St. and Duquesne Way.
Pittsburg, l'a,, L, O. Telephone 2542.
Wholesale and Retail.
Importer ami Jobbt-rol
Chemicals. Perfumes, Soaps,
Brushes, Etc.
The only house west of New
York carry in:/ a full line of
Meyers' Grease, l'aints and
theatrical goods.
Physicians' Prescriptions
Compounded Day or Night by
"Registered Pharmacists" only.
Wholesale and retail
dealer -in Lubricating and
Illuminating Oils, Capital
Cylinder, Dynamo, Water
White and Standard Gas
Engine Oils, G.isolein, Ben
zine, Paraffine Wax .and
Address all mail orders to
W. F. Braun.
We Can Save You Money.
Don't Shiver!
vVinter is lice and you need
Morse Blankets, Robes, Sleighs,
Sleds, Bells or something about
your Horse or Team—what is the
use of your going around and
paying twenty-five per cent, more
for them than you can buy them
here for.
Remember we are the largest
wholesale and retail dealers in
our line in the state. We pay no
rent, no interest on borrowed
capital, look after our business
ourselves and pay no high salaries,
pay spot cash for everything, we
buy all for your benefit which you
get when you deal here. Call
and see anyway.
No. 128 E. Jefferson St.,
, r - BUTLER.
I'. S.—We also sell Trunks and"
t ■
I -
r No. 416 W. Jefferson St.,
_ A linii of I'ort iffn
:ui<l Domestic Suitings
always In stock.
Fit. Style and Work
manship guaranteed
to jslvo satisfaction.
J k {- i<3
(Copyright, by J. B Lippiacott Co.]
I pored over the charts until the
dinner-gong sounic<k then the photo
graph, which lay directly tir.der one
of the tncande scent globes, caught my
eye, and 1 examined it again In the
solitude of our cabin I hud a better
opportunity to study the t-enorita
Dorotea's face, and it attracted me
strangely. If she had any of that
charm of manner possessed b\ the
Sfuoiita Palacios, I thought, my stay
upon the island of Guajan might be
anything but unpleasant; so. between
the anxiety to be accomplishing some
thing and my speculations concerning
the people at Agana, I was rather pre
occupied at the dinner-:able.
l'adre Sebastian began presently to
chaff me a little as being poor com
pany. I not iced l that he was watching
Dick and the senorita very closely, as
if trving to detect a triangular under
standing between us three , or at least
some indication of r:valrj 1 ! w .en the
captain and myself. Ihe had
kept track of my movements during
the day, but 1 w: > posit be he could
not have overheard anyth.'.g. so be
gan to ply him with quest ; ...-concern
ing social conditions in .>e inlands,
lie seemed to have aece d ;uy rea
sons for making the voyage, but inj
sharing the eaptain's quartern r.lso
the fact of our being the . > . v .ner
icanos on board, evidently lid liim tc
favor us with a closer observation
than if we had been his own country
men. Your Spanish priest is the most
companionable and interesting man in
the world when he wishes to be, and
l'adre Sebastiano was no exception to
the rule. Having overcome my repug
nance to him for obvious reasons, I
found myself rather liking the man.
lie spoke so frankly upon even church
matters that T began to consider him
harmless, and fancied my first impres
sion a mistake
Halstead was too reasonable a man
to claim more than a fair share of the
senorita's society, much as he liked
her; so, as Don Silvestre retired to the
smoking-room after dinner for tobac
co and cards, I took he'r aft, where we
could' watch the phosphorescent foam
from the screw and talk without being
overheard; for I saw she had some
thing to say.
She had been listening attentively to
my conversation with the padre, and
had been trying to recall sundry
scraps of talk which she had overheard
between him and his Jesuit compan
ion; but before mentioning them she
questioned me in regard to my pro
posed movements after leaving the
"I heard you the padre tell, Senor
Enrique," she s>aid, "that you were this
voyage merely tuking as a siesta from
your affairs, and I too many of los
Americanos have seen to believe they
do rest very long. They do work, work,
work like slaves, all of the time. And
when they get rich —oh, so very rich
still they do work, and no siesta take.
Yet the Senor Enrique does one take
which will last a month, surely, with
his very good friend el capitan; and
when he on land goes at el Guajan, it
will three months be —such long, long
months —before he will again see el
vapor in which he may return. Now,
un Americano, the senor will not
rest for all these long months; not so!
What, then, will he do in el Guajan,
where one never works? Make love
perhaps to la senorita whom he
never has seen? Rut even that work
is not. How —"
"One moment, senorita; why should
you think T have any intention of
staying in Guajan?"
"Oh, but it so simple is! Amigo mio"
(here she laid her pretty lingers on my
arm), "los Americanos generosos are;
it so kind was of you to think of la
pobrecitaV. dresses. I doubt not that
it your goodness of heart was, yet
even such un hombre could not resist
at- the least seeingla s<*norita when she
does wear them. And she w ill not them
wear before the steamer shall go
away, do you not see? El Capitan 'Dik*
did for her feel, also, but it was not he
who to think tried how he la senorita
might help at once —ai, but he to see
her was not, long enough!"
"Well, that's a pretty clever line of
reasoning, mia senorita. But don't
you think yiou are giving that photo
graph the credit of being a pretty
strong attraction, to make ine think
of leaving you to Capt. Dick, and bury
ing myself among those out-of-the
way islands for a whole three months,
just to get acquainted with the orig
inal ?"
"That not isso, Enriqae mio" (blush
ing warmly at this audacious familiar
ity). "X—l am alive, and —you shall to
be with me have for two of the weeks
yet. I think not you would me leave
for but a phwtograpli if I said you
should not; have I la gran conceit?"
(She looked so bewitching in the
moonlight that to save my neck I
couldn't avoid g'vLng her waist a gen
tle squeeze). "Xo! you some affair
in el Guajan have —though never could
I guess what it may be. It something
which of more worth is to you than
jour affairs in Manila, or yon neglect
them wouk' not for so lone. It some
thing is which you do undertake for
el Ricardito as well as yourself, and in
which he does you trust as few men
do trust each other, or your friendship
I could make like a broken thread
with jealousy of mo. I'll gran presun
cion. is it not, amigo mio? Hut true,
not the less. Else you embrace me
would not, and e' capitan would look
at me not with tine eyes that talk, oh,
so much —so much that the little shiv
ers he does make come to me some
times, and 1 am afraid. Well, then, if
this something stronger is than love
of woman, what'it can be but the love
of gold—such heaps of glittering, shin
ing gold! Yet gold there is not !t el
Guajan, else el gobernador would in
Madrid be with much oCit. What then
it can be?"
"Quien sabe? Perhaps the elixir of
life. But if Igo ashore there as you
imagine, and if"! find anything beyond
health and rest. I'll come and see you
wmF day—or, rr.tlier. I'll come and
t-e you and Dick. Then I'll tell you
>th all about it."
"You will come to see ine and el
Ricardito? Rut I shall in Seville be."
"Exactly; so will Dick as soon as he
can get there."
"Dios! qui temerario! Hut suppose
suppose' I do permit him not
"He'll come all the same; I think 1
know Dick." (it- e she placed tnc
palm of lir hand over m\ mouth, as
if to keep me from saying more, but
her bright eyes were ewianißg with j
ilelijrht.j i
44 *sh! !*! ra'lre may vou hear. It
was to speak of him I did wish when we j
on deck did come !!e has been of you j
speaking to el cum. Enrique, asking
the questions ail aloiit y< u whether .
' vou reallv sr euwercitnte were in j
Manila and why this
vovage you were making. In some way ;
he seems you to doubt. and lie remarks '
upon the long talks in MI camara you 1
do have with el capitan. He nothing
knows of la senorita s ve st id a, or your
destination he would have suspected
much sooner than did I and, surely,
your object. You must so very careful
be what you do say. no matter where.
Everything the padres do know, and
in Madrid much influence has el Se
bastino. You will remember, will you
not, Enrique? And you must let him
see not that of him you are suspicious,
as last night you did; do not you see
how quickly did he notice and did you
make to him like in spite of yourself?
Now take below me. and to el Capitan
'Dik' explain."
The more I thought over what she
had told me. the more I felt that my
oleaginous clerical friend was likely
to make t r ntble for us sooner or later;
and when we were alone I repeated
the conversation for Halstead's ben
efit. He and Mcl'herson, counting
upon the padre's good offices, had been
inclined to doubt his mischief-making
ability, though their experience in the
east had taught them better: but after
digesting the senorita's warning and
recalling several remarks of Sebasti
ano's, he began to look thoughtful.
"There's going to lie enough diffi
culty as matters are," he said, "with
out having a suspicious priest to con
tend with. It begins to look as if
there might be some connection be
tween Parde Julian's absence and Se
bastiano's trip out here. If what the
senorita told you is true, about his
being influential at Madrid, it seems
mighty queer that so big a gun should
waste his time in the Lad rones. You
see, there aren't enough of t he lica then
to convert, nor are there any oppor
tuuities to wield influence in the Phil
ippines from such a base of operations.
The cura, now, might easily be com
ing out to practice on the natives; but
neither the pickings nor the political
pull are big enough to interest a man
of any standing."
"It would be an odd coincidence,
wouldn't it, if old Julian and this chap
had figured the thing out anil were
actually upon the same errand is our
"Hmpf! It would seem a heap queer
t r to them if. after the time they must
have spent in studying the matter, two
casual travelers like ourselves should
happen to hit on the same iilea, yes,
and by sheer fool luck to reach the
islands better equipped for such a job
than they can possibly be. Rut, by
the great green turtle! I'm with you
on getting that cash. I didn't take
much stock in the idea at first, and
when I agreed to go in 1 was thinking
more of you than of myself; but I've
been seeing a good deal of Don Sll
vestre's daughter during the last 48
hours, and that makes a heap of dii
"Vou will reitu-mber, will you not, linrique ? "
ference. The old man owns too many
vineyards and plantations to relish
sailor men in his family; so I wouldn't
mind having money enough to cruise
through Spain like a gentleman when
I go ashore."
"Well, I guess we're both interested
enough now. We're getting right
along, too. Mac told me he was mak
ing 11 knots today. When are you go
ing to change the course?"
"That's what I've been figuring on
all day. hut the padre complicates
matters. Draw up your chair and
let's have another go at the chart.
I'll shut the windows too; we'd bet
ter suffocate for an hour or two than
have Diaz and his mates guessing ton
much. New let's see. To-night's the
31st; here's where we were at noon.
Twelve degrees and thirty minutes
no'tli latitude; hundred and twenty
seven, thirty-two, oas'. Now, say Mac
keeps shoving her ten or eleven knots
through tin night and lets up a lit
tle in the morning to cool down his
bearings—one of 'em heated consid
erably to-day -we'll be somewhere
eas" of hundred and thirty-one by
noon, and about a degree further
south. Had to lay her ou the regular
course for Yap. you know eas' bv
sou', quarter sou'—- or Diaz a i d Morenc
would have caught on. Well, suppose
we stick to that for another day
noon of the 2d; that'll bring us with
in sixteen hours' steaming of 'tap and
a good-fortv-five from fln.iiau. won't
i: ? yen-. I'il la v off tin n, n nenci
marks. Now evcu a fool landsman
tvould think it mighty queer to tackle
a forty-five hour run with disabled
machinery, no matter how much refit
ting he might do at the e net of it, w hen
' there happens to be a safe harbor
within a hundred and sixty miles."
This was a fairer for me. The pen
i ciled course on the chart showed the
I absurdity of the proposition; but
i while I was puzzling over it the cap
tain drew another line which gave the
I problem a more favorable aspect.
"Suppose we should change about
• to-morrow," he said. "Call it a hun
dred and thirty-one, twenty, eas', by
; 'leven, fifty, no'th. On straight runs
I from there, we'd have forty-two hours
I to Yap and seventy-five or eighty to
ijuajan; mat vu n .>'> ■>-» ■
sis. But the mates are euleu ating
upon the regular i ru. • Diaz
thinks .Mac raeetl her t,i-t:ay in cr ~-r
to fret the gtilTi:es> otit of that fresh
llabbitt u-.etal—ami they figure on at
least sixty hours from the noon posi
tion, to-morrow, into I'oniil hay.
couhl cut the eighty hours to (iuajan
down to -.xty-eifrht if he shoved her-"
"And that ctira, Jt. in. i- not only a
iliap who ?e> ni- to lake things about
as he finds them, but a pretty good
sailor into the bargain. So that if any
luu eomcn of 11; *■ -V 'i' *»t likely to
be from people ar \ap ». h(Jnre exp» ct
ing mail and supplies, or who are wait
ing to leave for Manila. How long be
fore you will get back there? '
"Wei!, let's see." (We figured out
the approximate runs, penciling' theiu
on the chart, until the whole voyage
lay diagrammed before us.) "We
would anchor otT the landing wharf
at Apra about noon on Saturday;
that's the 4th of April. We < uglit to
get away from there Sunday anil crop
the padre at Saipan Monday morning.
Then, running straight for Kusaie,
with the no'thea-' trades helping us
oil our port beam, she'd make Cliab
rol Harbor some time Saturday fore
i • r. It's a short run from Kusaie
t< I'ouynipete; we'd -triUc Kittie har
bor about noon 011 Monday and leave
there next day; that's the 14th. I lie
navigation among these atolls in tlie
Carolines is too dangerous to ris!<—
the group has never been surveyed,
vou see —so we go to the no'th ard of
them: but we ought to fetch into\ap
by the following Sunday, easy enough.
That would he the 19ih, vvouldn t ; t ?
Suppose us to be due there next Fri
day night, something under 16 days
late. As a matter of actual fact, the
regular steamer used often to leave
Manila several dn.vs over time; and,
as the colonies are run 011 the 'a
ttiannna' principle, the mere being a
couple of weeks behind wouldn't make
much difference. Hut if any of the
gobernador's party should happen to
be waiting for a comfortable trip on
the steamer, with good meals and
baths, between Yap and I'ouynipete
01- Gttajan, they'd kiek a good deal on
having to wait until after the wet
monsoon had set in."
"Well, but wait a bit. How many
hours is it from Yap to *;uaiaii T'
"I.et's see. Four hundred and fifty
two miles; call it 36 hours' easj stcam-
"That isn't so very much, and Mac
has coal enough to make up a heap of
lost time over the regular nine-knot
rate. Suppose you find that ant of
these Caroline people do want to run
up to the I.adrones; what's the mat
ter with taking them from Yap? It
would make but little more than two
days" difference 011 the round voyage,
and Mac could reduce that materially.
Then they'd be under obligations to
you. as well as the padre."
"That's a pretty good suggestion,
Harry; I hadn't thought of it. You
would have nearly three weeks to
work in, and could return with me if
jou were unsuccessful. I!ut you'd
have to take your chances on there be
ing no one who wanted to reach
Guajan; ill that ease I wouldn't have
an excuse for coming baek, you know.'
"Oh, I understand that, of course.
I'm prepared to stay 011 that island for
six months, if necessary; it might take
all of that time to really accomplish
anything. When are you going to of
fer the padre his passage to Saipan?
after Mac's little arrangement?"
"No. I don't propose making any
advances at all to him; he's 100 slip
pery. I'm captain of this steamer, and
if anything occurs which seems to ne
cessitate a change in the navigation,
I am supposed to use my, own judg
ment. Any owner or any chartering
company would be obliged to accept
my decision in such a case, unless they
could prove that the necessity did not
exist. That is really where ! lay my
self open, if there should be a hitch in
Mac's bluff. Hut he generally knows
what he's about, and has set :he thing
up pretty well; though until the en
gine actually stops it is impossible to
say whether his scratch will look seri
ous enough <0 warrant the change of
course. The only way to handle the
padre is to keep still, listen closely to
what he says, and work the bluff for
all it's worth. Unless lam very much
mistaken, he'll make some kind of sug
gestion to me himself, especially if we
mind our own business and are not
seen much together. ou'd better
hang around the lower deck anil smok
ing-room all day to-morrow. Cultivate
Don Silvestre as if you were trying to
get solid with him his daughter's
account, and spend the rest of the
time with the -enorita. If she notices
anything suspicious about the padre,
-he'll certainly tell you."
After going over the prospective
runs on the chart again, we both
turned it; but I found it difficult to
sleep. The next day seemed likely to
be an eventful one, and 1 was worried
by the conviction that my friend was
taking big chances of losing his com
mand through the crazy speculation
into which I had drawn liim. Once
I even got out of my bunk with the
Intention of waking him to advise the
relinquishment of the whole affair, but
lie was muttering about red lips, and
B pain. and millions, in his sleep; so
I thought better of it, and turned in
Ilalsteiul spent the morning pur
posely in giving Diaz orders about
breaking out the Yap cargo, going
over the bills of lading with him as if
he confidently expected to reach Tomil
bay on Friday. As for myself, I fol
lowed his suggestions to the extent of
winning over 40 of Don Silvestre's dol
lars at Sauclio Pedro, in the smoking
room, and then losing nearly all back
to him. This put the old gentleman
in high good humor. We were getting
quite chummy, when the senorita came
along forward and asked me to tell
her how observations were taken; she
had noticed Moreno on the bridge
with his sextant, and made that an ex
cuse to get me out for a chat.
It still lacked ten minutes of noon,
*0 1 fetched a spare instrument from
Halstead's locker and held it so that
she could see the sun, like a red ball,
through the smoked glass. She couldn't
seem to keep it from wobbling out of
sight, but persistently squinted
through the lens while she scolded me
for leaving her alone the whole morn
"AI," she said, "I did my new shoes
put on before el desayuno because I
tl» promenade did expect with cl cap
ital! or el Senor Enrique. See, are
they not pretty?" She placed the little
toe of one in a mesh of flic netting,
drawing up her skirt a trifle so that I
could see the whole of the dainty tie,
and, above it, a few inches of beau
tifully rounded ankle in open-work silk
stocking, which disappeared in a cloud
of lace edging. "And then, when I
did with that stupid ciira have to walk,
what saw I but el capitan the tiresome
oceupacion talking with el primero.
El Senor Enrique was in sight no
where; but presently I am told he does
mi padre's doubloons win at the Pedro,
en la camara de fumar. Sol did think
that it was bail for my father that his
doubloons he should lose to a yot.fg
man lik»- el Si l.or Knriqt'.e. and that 1
should know if offended him I have, or
el capitan, that neglect me they
"I apt. Dick is responsible for the
safety of the ship and all our lives,
senoiita ntia. and I '.* ell, do you not
think it is well thf.t 1 si..mid be good
friends with y« "r fatl r?"
"Oh, yes. g". od frient , Er.riquito
mio; but not so notices! !e \ 'u .-hould
it make. The Spubh etiquette Ji u
do not underMai 1. Wl- n particular
attei tion th • pet tletnan 1 ; s p. id to the
young girl, as but \e-;crday and tl'.C
Ilavs beforo you havi done, he a boldly
should not go to her father. On the
laud, the liberty to see you io much
alone of the time as 0:1 .1 vap; r v.e
have done 1 never should l ave; it is
not the custom. That is why las se
noritas the gentlemen like to be so
friendly wh»n the -the opportunity
they do have; it soseklo B b. Bat when
to the scnorita's father the iitlemau
so boldly does -o, j.eople do think that
for his wife he doc.- wi>li her.
"Wei!, suppose they do. I guess 1
can stand it if you tan."
"Ah. but Knrii]tie mio. voti do net
me wish. Not now. I : <1 te sure.
I!ut if tl.» people you do n ake to think
so, \ e»n would me have To I: ; .ke or eise
the (iuelio to fi-;lit with n:i padre. They
would saj : 'Behold, el senor the gran
adl! Nat ion has for la senorita. Hut tin
honorable he is: the resp-cts he does
not pay to su padre: much alone it is
permitido that he r 1 - her see. Then
he docs find that she is not as he did
think; re aa in h will not with her;
and su padre must the senor then kill
por la houra de ia familia.' Do you not
see, Knriiji ito mio?"
"I'm beginning to. dimly. You
know I'm not as familiar v\ith your
Andalusian customs as I should be.
Hut see, the sun must beat the zenith.
Here, let me adjust the sextant for
you. Now look. Isn't the lower edge
just touching the water?"
As sbe peepi <1 through the lan, Hal
stead. 011 the brii 'Te, tf *. k the sextant
from his v\ > and said: "Strike eight
bells, tjuarti-i uiasicr." Then he and
the mates went into the wheel-house
to figure u| the i- t : uiug.
For perhaps half ai hour longer we
stood talking in the shadow of the for
ward life-boat. Then, just as UK stew
ard • line along with the lunch-gong,
there was the muffled soui.d of a
crash from the engine-room gratings,
and the machinery stopped. In an in
stant heads appealed' at various win
dows and doors: ihc passengers, with
pale faci s and qui stioninglooks.ciowd
cd out upon Ihe decks. Kchoes of
voices shouting excited orders came
Ironi son where below, and the good
old ship, having lost her headway,
rolled uiuasih upon the long, glassy
swell. Ifalstead' stepped quickly down
the starboard ladder and aft to the
en<:ine-econi :-ai wa>. The senorita
clung tightly tom\ arm with one hand,
while with the other she fished her
beads from their warm concealment
and held them ready for instant use.
Her bosom was pressed so closely
I against my side that I could feel her
heart beating about a hundred and
forty to the minute. She looked aft
with dilated eyes toward where the
captain had disappeared, then beseech
ingly into my face, as she whispered:
"Madre de Die- Enrique! what is
it? Shall el vapor in the water sink?
Is it la mnerte? Ilicardito why goes
he below into the danger? teil me!
Por Dies, tell me!"
I w as beginning to think,myself, that
for a blu IT it was pretty realistic. Per
haps I may hare caught some of the
scnorita's nervousness. The crash be
low was what puzzled me: that hadn't
been on the programme. I comforted
the girl as well as I could by saying
I didn't think the steamer was likely
to sink right away, though there was
certainly something wrong with the
machinery, and then suggested our go
ing along to the engine-room, where
we might look down and see what the
trouble was. T vv.s considerably more
shaken up than I eared to adnit, es
pecially as the quartermasters and
stewards, in obedience to the disci
pline which Halstead always enforced
at sea, had taken their stations for the
signal: "All hands stand by to aban
don ship."
Clannce to Get Even.
"A Kentucky man recently married
the granddaughter of a woman who
once refused him."
"Gracious; what a vengeance he will
tc able to wreak."
"I don't see where the vengeance is to
come in."
"Why, he will be able to address the
woman who had once refused him
as 'grandmother.' " —Cleveland Plain
Kn»>- Enou|[h,
Harry—Say, old man, I'm in a horri
ble fix.
Fred—What s up?
Harry—l've gone and got engaged to
two girls. How the dickens am I going
to get out of it?
Fred—Oh, that's easy enough. Just
contrive to get them together so that
they can compare notes. —Chicago Kec
She was a maiden fair, and lie
An ordinary count.
Ho didn't have a bloomln' cent.
But she—a large amount.
They married—all our maidens long
To wear a royal yoke-
Now maiden hasn't got a cent
And "count" is also "broke."
—Denver Times.
"Why, George, you said you weren't
going to smoke unless there was some
one here —and we've only been mar
ried a fortnight!"
"That's just it, darling; you sie, I
haven't begun to look upon you as no
body."—Ally Sloper.
Juat it IVII > She Han.
Although a woman may possess
The daintiest feet In town.
You'll tlnd it quite Immovable
When once she puts It down.
—Chicago Daily News.
A (nut lon* Reply.
"Has yotir wife kept up her music
nince she was married?"
"Well, silie has kept 011 playing the
piano."— Chicago liecord.
Whnt Prof. Scuimuta, I) I rector of llif
Ok>rr« ntor) of thr Moutituln,
ThluLa About It.
In an interview I'rof. Semmola, di
rector of the observatory of Vesuvius,
has some suggestive remarks concern
ing the workings of the jjreat volcano.
With other observers the professor has
discarded the idea of the molten in
terior of the earth. "The belief pre
\uiled for some time," he says, '"that the
periods of greatest activity of Vesuvius
were coincident with these of the
moon's greatest attraction. I investi
gated this question very thoroughly
both by observations for two years and
an extended comparison of past records
of the moon and the volcano. It became
fully evident that no variations what
ever in activity were to be attributed
to the moon's phases. Were there a
molten interior, this, of course, could
not be so.**
"What mechanical power," the pro
fessor was asked, "seems to be respon
sible for the tremendous force of the
eruptions'?" lie answered: "Steam,
superheated, under great pressure.
Given matter at a high degree of heat,
and water which by some means
reaches it, and you have a sufficient
physical force to acce>uut for all the
work done. That water plays a very
important part in the eruptions is clear
ly evident. In some eruptions of Vesu
vius an enormous amount of water has
been thrown out. The eccentric action
of the sea, and of the wells and springs
in the surrounding country established
an obvious relation. Many unofficial
iccords of past eruptions descril>e the
sinking of the sea, fish strandeel on the
shores thus laid bare, etc. l'almieri,
however, came to the conclusion, based
on his investigation of the eruption cf
ISOI, that it was not the sea that sank,
but the coast that lifted. He found
that in the eruption the coast was
lifted for several miles, the highest ele
vation being at Torre del Greco, where
the elevation was 4Vi feet. It slowly
sank to its former level, but two years
afterward had not quite attained it.
"This explosive and eruptive action of
water is shown whenever a lava llood
passes over a spring. A miniature vol
cano forms and spouts. The water
turns to steam, and this, superheated
and confined, bears the superincum
bent weight only as long as it is unable
to lift it. When the amount and power
of the steam is equal to the demand, it
erupts with violence through the lava
llood and gives us a small volcano.
After an eruption of Vesuvius the lava
which has coolcel fills ell the canalsnnd
vents leading front below. The steam
and other gases which form below are
thus unable to escape, and may go on
augmenting in force for a long period.
When the force of expansion attains
the bursting point, it either blows out
the eld vents or forces new ones, some
times in the volcano and sometimes
elsewhere, as when the new volcano of
Monte N'uovu appeared above i'ozzuoli
iu 1."..;-. The so-called smoke from Ve
suvius is almost entirely steam. Steam
is absorbed by the lava before eruption,
under great pressure, and is given, off
for long periods, as has been the case
with the lava stream on the mountain
for many months past."
"llow deep, then, do you think the
center of activity of Vesuvius lies?" "I
can only give you my opinion, and an
opinion does not call for a demonstra
tion. 1 think it is a matter of miles,
perhaps ten. but probably less."
The mystery of the volcano remains
still, therefore, the mystery of the earth
itself; and we shall understand the one
only when we understand the other.
Hut the enormous heat and force of
Vesuvius, only utilized thus far in sup
plying' building stone and destroying
buildings, recall practically the proph
ecy of Prof. I.ertlielot, that in the
golden age that is coming we shall draw
all our heat and the mechanical forces
which result from its conversion di
rectly from the earth itself—that, in
stead of digging 2,000 feet for coal, we
shall dig a little further when the coal
gives out. and bring up the heat itself
by thermo-electric methods.—McClure's
A \**\v I IF for Sltol.
A new use has been found for steel
in the manufacture of harness. An
Kuglisli firm makes a steel trace, con
listing of a narrow ribbon of the metal,
from three-fourths of an inch to one
inch wide, rolled very thin and cased
in leather. A trace of this kind has at
tained a tensile breaking strain of
4,575 pounds, while an ordinary leiither
11 ace of the best quality, tested at the
same time, broke at a strain of 2,700
pounds. Resides being lighter and
stronger than the ordinary trace, the
stee' ribbon is about 20 per cent, cheap
tr. The steel is of the finest quality,
and can be twisted in any direction.
The same kind of steel has been intro
duced in England in the manufacture
of a practically punctureless tire. The
steel ribbon, cased in rubber, is placed
Inside of the ordinary tire. It is said
that it does not in the least impair the
resilience of the wheel, and has ac
tually the effect of increasing the speed
of the machine. —St. I.ouis Globe-Dem
Climate nn<l Completion.
Climate has a great effect on the color
of the complexion. For example, the
Caucasians are of all complexions, ac
cording to the climate, but white is the
natural color. Thus a native of north
ern Europe is fair, of central less so,'
of southern swarthy, a Moor more sc
tin Arnbolive. and a Hindu nearly black.
Such of the Ilindu women as have never
been exposed to the sun are as fair as
the inhabitants of th« south of EurtSpe.
The Japanese always bury their de«vd
with the head to the north, and forthi*
reason no Japanese will sleep with Tils
head in that position. Many private
houses and hotels have a diagram of the.
points of the compass pasted on the
bedroom ceiling for the convenience oi
quests.—Chicago Chronicle.
Here the lecturer grew very earnest.
"I am convinced," he exclaimed, "that
the woman who does her own cooking
is more likely to find a place among the
angels than the woman who doesn't!"
Now a voice obtruded itself harshly.
"If she cooks with gasoline," said
the voice.—Detroit Journal.
lind Noticed It.
"Have you ever noticed that men and
their w ires generally grow to look alike
after they have been married a few
"Oh, yes. Both of them nearly al
ways have the same sad expression."—
Chicago Daily News.
Tented Him.
liutler—Oh, Mr. Toot, while you were
out a gentleman called —
"Ah! Was he a big. strong man V"
"No, he wasn't very strong. If°
no trouble in throwing him out. N.
Y. World. _____ .
A (inmc of
"We never have the same coffee
t\\ ice."
"How's that?"
"Well—my wife buys it around wher
ever she takes a notion to the bric-«-
' bruc."—Detroit Tree l'rcss.
No. 2
\\ ii* ilie Rxperlenee of
Mnn? Wuuudtd Soldiers
in Cuba.
They talk about these things in
-b us yet —t he v are not mustered out, i
you Know. Still, members of the hos-j
pital cor[)s of the Seventy-first regj-;
meat tell some strtinge, grcwsoirie.l
stories of hospital life between El
Coney and Siboncy.
Although afraid of a possible court
martial, members cf tlie command, in
close touch with the hospital, tell of one
instance where an unconscious yellow
fever patient was being buried alive by
careless attendants, wlien the unfor
tunate man was opportunely rescued.
It was on July 14 of the present year,
iu the yellow fever hospital, und«r the
care of Dr. Hamilton Joucs. One pa
tient died in a tent in which there were
sis soldiers laid low by the saffron
sjourge. The two worst cases rested
upon litters, covered with the regula- -
tion blankets.
One of the assistant stewards, while
walking through this particular tent,
noticed that one of the stricken sol
diers was in the throes of death. lie
saw- that in a few moments the brave
boy, who had escaped the deadly
Mauser missiles, would breathe his last
with the yellow death. These facts
were reported to the doctor, who
promptly had Hit' matter referred to
the steward, Sergt. Meyer, with instruc
tions to get the Cuban "burial detail"
and bury the man in the trench as soon
as he breathed his last.
It was only a few-minutes later that
the assistant steward saw the Cubans
march off with a litter, bearing n silent
form, covered bv a blanket.
"Well, his folks will go in mourning
at home," muttered the hospital official
as he walked careles-sly into the tent in
which the soldier had tamely given up
his life for his country.
As he threw back the flap of canvas
he started back in amazement There
in front of him lay the dead man on his
litter bier.
"Whom the d— arc they burying?**
he yelled, and, rushing from the tent,
he ran like a deer to the trench -where
the Cubans were just throwing the first
spadefuls of Cuban soil upon the quiet
form beneath the blanket. Brushing
the swarthy military sextcrn aside, lie
jumped into the trench, pulled the
blanket from the quiet figure, and there
lay another scourge-stricken soldier,
unconscious, but still breathing.
Casting the blanket over the uncon
scious man, the assistant ended the
obsequies before they terminated in
a horror, one of the terrible errors of
the war. The plague-stricken soldier
was lifted from his premature grave
and borne back to the hospital tent,
and his dead comrade placed upon the
litter and carried to the shallow
which had so nearly encompassed a live
man in a living tomb.—St. Louis Re
The Large Style Ix Becoming Cowmen
and I* Snld to Indicate a
Breadth of Mind.
Many deductions have l?cen drawn
from the increasing size of feminine
handwriting. It is quite true thai the
modern young woman will take-up with
a few words in her slapdash caligraphy'
as much room as her maiden aunt would
have needed for a judicious epistle up
on a serious subject. But it is nqi fair
to argue that, as the size of hands has
grown, the letters formed by them must
necessarily follow suit. Because sevens
are now liabitually stocked in gloves
and five-and-a-lialf's quite difficult to>
obtain, largeness of handwriting is :
none the less of moral rather than phy
sical significance. The biggest man I
know writes a microscopic hand; the
woman whose pen describes tiie largest
curves has tiny and dainty fingers.
Other observers will find similar re
sults. It is the brain that influences,
the writing. Viewed from this stand
point, one is able to congratulate the;
present day woman upon at least one
of her characteristics —breedtk of
mind. She would seem to be emanci
pating herself from the habit, so dis
tressing in her sex, of paying undue
regard to the little things of life.
It should be added, however, that
there is a large type of writing, ag
gressive, obstinate and complicated,
with certain well-defined signs of ego
tism, which, in lieu of breadth, means
nothing more elevated than morbid and
passionate absorption in one subject;
only, that subject being frequently the
[jratification of self.
But we arc speaking of the normal
type. Of this I say, without fear of
contradiction, that it indicates a
healthy absence of small fault findings
and worryings.—Philadelphia Times.
Blaiuarck'a Muu»oleu/n.
A letter from Frederlchsruh infprms
us that the building of the mausoleum
for Prince Bismarck is being pushed
forward with considerable speed, and
that great numbers of workmen are
now busy upon it. Its huge dimensions
are already perceptible; the height of
the dome will bo not less than 26 to 27
meters, and tlio stone walls are
l'/ 2 meters thick. A chapel, with an
altar and decorations, will occupy the
center of the mausoleum. Beneath
this will be a huge crypt, with nave and
aisles. The bodies of Prince and Prin
cess Bismarck arc to be laid side by
side ot the western end of the nave of
the crypt. It is hoped that the build
ing will be so far advanced before the
end of autumn as to permit the cere
monial "translation" of the coffins of
the great statesman and his wife to
their final resting-place.—Westminster
For Sonp.
Mrs. Wise—Whet are you going to
give Marguerite for a wedding pres
Mr. Wise—Judging by the character
sf her Intended i should regard a tur
ren the thing.—Jewelers* Weekly.
I What 111mmI n if Slirniilm.
Hissing means different things, ac
cording to where you happen to beat
the time. In West Africa the natives
his-s when they .ire astonished, in the
New Hebrides \jlien they see any thing
beautiful. The Basutos applaud a pop
ular orator in their assemblies by hiss
ing him. The again, show
tin ir reverence by a hiss, which has
probably somewhat the force of the
"hush" I>\ which we command silence.
—Philadelphia Press.
Our CnrloiiM Country.
W:itts It has been well said that
every man is a king in this country.
Potts —And yet, any of us is much
taken with .1 ten. —Tndiannpolls Jour
rnl. .
In Good Standing.
Walking Delegate—ls Wickerton a
consistent union man?
Master Workman —I should say he
was. Why, he won't even permit his
clock to run over eight hours a day.
Chicago Daily News.
The Other Man.
llarold—That rascal going up to the
street there stole $2,000,000 from inei
Harold —lie married Mise Moneybags
| while 1 was engaged to her.—'N. Y.