Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 01, 1898, Image 3
iz-B N . -v • DH.CEMfiER i, 1898. _i!*L f ' • ~ NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTBeAU njrer»l*«r» Intending to male vktt|N,in tbetr ads. should notify us ol iMtrtawnUou to tie v>. not later tbaa Mon day Mornlns. Adurini»tra tors' '* Notices, estates of John Ft Peters and George F. Miller. JuryLi*fclo*JaenaryTemi , Mgufc -ftchotars Wanted, Jennie pKVe Holiday Goods Zjta»er*na*-« jV»H»r Goods lortfocourt & Cos Robes, etc. C'A.T's. Furniture. Vi Be Alpine. Dentist;'" • . - v" Hf -W, \s4ok,o(t>>ti»t. alHf IftlecWors of .«»t»t»-. cu IwSre-fMr boolw at the OITI {wrtw» OMklng public salos tk«lr o|t< hooka. tyQ*. .#».Wene*AU -4fiom (fiat t&6 foot-UUI- campaign la wUl haveoomplete peace till train . leaving All* "QT connotes .tor Bajger on StalutdSf-mghts oflljr. - lid» p.'.*. ., .tha 6o<* —Tpryi'f- turned oat for thsv sought t find task Thursday we have been icy gthi" and woolen »nflf(l§irt. foto* Weather has all the WMftana of winter. PMtarton of the has been uW rt«t»A«B-*-eharge of negligently per- eeoape. . atone work, the culverts and bftftfaiplero, of the new railroad from tfr Reneliou Are about 00m and the grading well on. jvA jadnghhnter from Butler went intOM orchard near town some days •go, and killed all bat two of a flock of qu#ll that the farmer had feed at his bM£ *M last winter. —The new.-K.. O. T.- M. band will give a Conceft in the Lodge Room 6f Tent No ; 34, Trout man Building, on Thursday evening, Dec. 8. All Mac ealtaea are invited to be present. —'Amdtso we'have title to the Philip pines for a victory and 130,000,000. What agfoat scheme it would be to trade them (lArrtag*3ia*riia harbor) to the Bnglish for the Bermudas and Jamaica. —The*Jdry Commissioners will begin filltbg the wheel for next year next Monday, and men who have not been on the jur>*4ar.baveEal»yoars and want to b* should send their name* to A. O. Eberhart. or Chas. Rettig, Jury Com missioners, at Butler. —The Spriugdafe Hose Co. holds a benefit supper in the Stein hall on Sooth Main St Dec. IS and 16. Five young ladies are out selling tickets for the sup par and the one who sells the most will rteoeive as a reward a fine gold watch now on exhibition in Cbas. Wnller's drug store window. —Quite a number of Butler people took advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday to visit Scheniey Park, and nee the posies in the Conservatory. The first exhibit of- "Chrissies" is now pret ty well faded, bat the second was yet O. K. It may be news to some people to know that the walk through that conservatory is eraotly one mile in length. m —The- retftarkaWe 'feature* of these j foot-ball game* are the crowd* that M 1 soable awl the prieej paid for admis sion. Several thousand people aa sembled in sxpa Park, Allegheny, last Thursday afternoon to see the game there; the towaaPpriced ticket waa fl ttd some follow* paid as high aa sls, for the nrfr-tlege of having their car riage* on (be grounds during the game. —A doctor in Delaware is on the road to tore faiae and honor He fcreacribed kMtgaia sore cure for indigestion, •nd MMM chronic dyspeptics there will fena a society to advance the idea. One swwhfffeai differed with the trouble 90 year*, and tried hot watpr, pllla of ill aorta and manage. claims to have haen cored by regularly Useing a pretty girt. He aays it excitea the nervee of the mouth a*d aids digestion. —'"Most »ny night ia a good one now and watch the shooting itara. The wetchfera ara'mojUly young people, and H la aaid a yoan« man cannot see then properly unless in company with • ybttng lady. When the joint watch ia arranged for, and a proper place for obeervation secured, it doesn't make any difference whether the stars shoot or not. "It"® "funny watching, any how," remarked a young lady the other evening. —All Bntler had their porches deco rated the day before Thanksgiving with donations to the Butler County Gen. fioepital and all day long men with horses and wagons were busy collect ing. No exact list of the donations has yet been prepared, bnt about 800 glasses, jaw and cans of preserves, more than 30 bushels of potatoes, large quantities of groceries and winter vegetables, etc.. were received. At present there are nine patients, including five typhoid fever cases, in the hospital. —The marriage license law in Ohio goes into effect «n Jan. 1. The new law provides that the applicant lpnst fire his or her name, age," residence, place of birth, occttpation, names of father and maiden name of mother, number of times previously married, and in case of the woman she mast, if mafriert before, give the name of her former husband. The applicants must also affirm that they are not nearer of kin than second cousins, and that neith er has a wife nor husband living. They must also tell who is expected to solemn ise the marriage. —Everybody in Bntler ought: to • copy of Harper's Mags line fom Dw» Ur—the Christmas number— m & Rev. Myles Hemen way's story of "Old Captain " It & a splendid sea-story and Hit b«autffu»ly iQiwtrated Bar. Hem on way left Ba tier about atx weeka ago and U now living in Framingbam, Maaa. AAong the other stories,Mi the ba»*ttfully bqpad book are "An Bsmer > - Sackjr Canyon,' by Brat Harte, t "The Sec- Of Salina ,Sae." by Rath MoEnery gtuart, illustrated by A. B. Frost, "Tie White Heron," by Fiona ItactoodL illustrated.by Albert E. Bter ner: "'How Santa cUus Was JSaved," by Mvt T. Van Denburgh. illustrated by W. T. Smedley; and "The Unexpeoted y. BMS ofHr. Horace Shields," by Mar gatet Delan4 illustrated by Howard Of. 9«l4'a Cough Syrup will cure a 00 ugh or cold in one day. It is safe reliahle Prioe 2A cents a New, four-room bouse for wl« Ja f&M Wlfcljv. 1", LEuAL NEWS. Triai. List Hearing of the case of Bnehler vs Zeigler wa> fixed for Dec 20. The case of McOuistion vs Winter was continued until the January term. Geo Roher vs W C Hawn, trespass, (the def accused the plf. of stealing wheat hence a suit for damages) Nov. 26, verdict for the plf for $2» K '. The case of Win Eicholtz vs Mrs. C Horpobin et al was continned until Dec 21: that of Butler Water Co. for j use G Arner until Dec. 19. NEW SUITS. A W Root vs Peter Schinick et al summons in ejectment for several lots j on which are two producing oil wells in ' Evans City. Levi Slater vs Olive Mathews, as suinpsit. appeal by deft, from judg ment rendered by Jacob Keck. J. P. Martin Zinkhann vs Central District • and.Telegraph Co., petition for appoint inent of viewers to assess damage done ] ' to plf's. farm in Jackson twp. by tele phone line being constructed ovrer if. •Tht» court appointed Solomon Dunbar. Joseph Ash, H C Boggs, John Mar burger and Andrew Wahl. viewers. Saml F Milford vs Jas Milford. sci fa sur judgment. Catharine Bergbigler vs Rosanna Bergbigler sci fa sur judgment to re vive and continue lien of same.' TA Kerr Vs John Chambers, sci 'fa mtr judgmeflt. T A Kerr vs J W McGinnis, sci fa sur judgment. • Robt Barns vs Thos F Ryan, appeal • by deft, from judgment rendered by R B Gilfthrist J. P. VOTES. The will of Peter Neely.late of Worth twp., has been probated and letters gtaMed to Sarah C Neely. Letters of administration on the estate of John H Peters, late of Clinton twp., have been granted to Adaline Peters. . >< Wm Siebert, David Cuppa and J Smith, bridge inspectors, after examin ation of the new Hilliard bridge over Muddy creek in Franklin twp , report ed favorably and recommended pay ment of the contract price, $254, to the Pittsburg Bridge Co for the bridge wbi-k an. 1 $448.50 to Thomas Henon for the. masonry. W H Walker. J B Campbell and J H Christley. vievers, reported in fayor of forming Murtinsbnrn and immediate vicinity in Parker twp. into a separate school district. John J West, of Butler, has been granted a peddlei's license. On petition of John Humphrey for a commission to decide on the mental state ot' Ruth Eliza Root of Worth twp. J D Marshall, Dr. Shoaf and James Humphrey were appointed. Rnlph Oaten, aged about 17, who plead guilty to charges of horse stealing and larceny was sentenced Friday to pay costs and $lO fine and committed to the Institution for Feeble Minded Chil dren at Polk, Pa. Sheriff Dodds took him away Monday John Bickel has been appointed guar dian of Tillie Heck, of Summit twp., minor child of Mathias Heck, dee'd. The P & W Ry Co et al have filed ' their bond in SB-H) to indemnify Alex- ( ander Shilling et a' for entering on the latters' lands in Forward twp in the re construction ot' the railroad; also tiled bond in SIOO to pay Henrietta Bishop and bond in S2OOO to pay Henry Buhl, F Gelbach et al. All the land taken is located in Forward two. Letters of adrnn. on the estate of James Gallagher late of Jackson twp. have ] been granted to A Si tier; also on the ( estate of George W Miller late of Clinton twp. to Louisa Miller. The will of Hugh R Elliott late of Buffalo twp. has been probated and ] letters granted to G F Easley and 1 Bracken Gibson. < Monday the Levi Parke' farm of 42 acres in Adams twp. was sold at Orphan's Court Sale to Rev. John A Donthett of Allegheny Co. at 924.50 an •ere. Samuel Kinsey is held for court on a charge of aggravated assault and bat tery preferred by John Htonghton. The viewers on the petition for a bridge over the Connoquennessing creek in Forward twp. have decided favora bly for the bridge. The John Richardson farm of 45 acres in Connoquennssing twp. was sold Tuesday at administrator's sale to Mrs. Geo Harley for $955. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Sylvester M Miller to McKee & Co. lot at Hilliards for $325. John H Tebay of McKee & Co. lots at Farmington for $267.96. H Marburger Sr. to Geo W Young 50 acres in Forward twp. Ellen McMurtey to A & W Ry Co 5 acres in Clearfield for $737.50. Gertrude E Burnett to Lizzie Hovis lot at Hilliards for $175. A M Patterson to Geo W Kennedy lot in Portersville for $1250. Geo Shiestl to Jas B Barnes 4 acres in Merr*ei for $309. Jas B Barnns loP B & L E R R 4 acres in Mercer for $575. U G Ekas to Carrie I O'Brien 41 acres in Buffalo for $.50. Carrie I O'brien to Maud R Ekas 41 acres in Buffalo for SI4OO. E Grieb to Jane Grieb lot in Butler for SIOO Saiul M Dnnlap to Lydia R McKee lot in Butler for SBOO J W Hays to Anna D Hays 50 acres in Adams for SI6OO. Marriage License*. Solomon Ealy Armstrong Co Jauette Viock Penn twp George VV Mardorf Bntler Birdie A High " Charles Z Ritchey Bntler Eupheme A Redick " Ezra VV olford Allegheny City- Alice J Sntton Clay twp At Mercer—J R Ketler of Grove City and C B Taylor of Butler Co, At Franklin—F L Stalker of Eau Claire and Katharine Vincent of Franklin. At Pittsburg .Tonston Elsenrath and Frederilce Stapel of Bntltr county. A train load of soldiers were wait ing at the Altoona station a few days ago when au emigrant train pulled in on an adjoining track. The soldiers viewed the pretty Dutch girls for a few minutes, and them one called for vol unteers to pay them a visit. In less than it takes to read this a dozenstnidy. boy u in blue jumped out of the car win dows and made a charge on the emi grants. They passed through the train Mid kissed all the women and girls on boar-l S >me pretended to be mad, but they wern't. Some enjoyed the joke, and one bnxorn lass threw np both hands and exclaimed: "Mine Gott vot ' a srlourious country dls was." —Girls, how would you have liked to live under the laws of the English par liament of the ISth century? As for instance the following act passed in 1670: A Woman of whatever age, rank, profession or degree, virgins, maids or widows that shall from and after the passing of this act. impose upon, entrap into matrimony any of his majesty's male subjects by scents, paints, cosmet ics washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Hpahisb wool, iron stays, high-heeled shoes, or bolstered hips, shall incur the peaalty of the law now in foroe against witchcraft, sorcery and such like mis deaieanors, aud that the marriage upon conviction shall stand null and void. i Mr c Pape a store is always bead j qnarter* for dolls, during the Holidays. Thev have some unusually fine ones now - vtusie seculars wanted, at 12M vV I "WvyM* 9i. v C F Goehring df ZeKenopfte was in town, Friday. A. B. Hamel of Renfrew was in town Monday He is settling his father's es tate. Elmer Kuhn lately discharged from Co. E. 15th. Reg arrived home, Friday evening. Miss Mary Jane Cooper and her brother of Jefferson twp. were in town vesterdav. Harry Fleoiming of Buffalo twp. was. in town yesterday returning his books as Assessor. W D. Young, of Clearfield twp was in town Friday He says Mike Flem ing iias hi-, corn husked. Robert Harbison and his sister. Miss Lida of Middlesex twp did some shop pijig in Bnt_li-r. Monday. Mrs Mart. Grier was taken from the hospital to the home of her. husband's foHfa-near Euclid last Saturday. Dr. MeAlpine has returned to But ler to stay; and he has opened an office in,th4 Bickel tmilding. See card. David Knsminger of Co. E. left Sat nrdav evening to join the 15th again, whtcli is now on its way to Cnba. Harry Siebert, of Pittsburg, spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Win Siebert and wife of W. Wayne St. O. W.' Eagal of Mt. Chestnut was in tqwn. yesterday. He is quite an erten sivte*dealer fa grain, flour and feed. Walter MeCormick and Alfred Black of Co. E, expected to leave today to join the 15th,••their furlbugbs having expired. ('has. K&lb of Co. E. is home on fur lough after nearly two months sickness with typhoid fever in the Pottstown, Pa. hospital. . Samuel Wimer of Worth twp. walk ed in to Butler. Monday, twenty miles. It was a cold morning, and Wimer is in his 73d year. - . . Jim McGlung and Frank Anderson traded properties, the other day, and Frank gave • Jinv $2,500 ';to boot." Frank's propeity was on W Clay St. and Jim's on Main St. Dr. Showalter was iri fown, Tuesday, looking after some oil interests, bnt he will go back to Washington during the latter part of the " week. He ha« re rented his old house at 1016 E. Capitol street. • H. W Wick, dentist, graduate of Pittsburg Dental College, has opened an office in the new Stein building on S. Main St,, wbere he will be plep.sed to see his friends and others needing dental work. George Bob Wick. James O. Camp bell. John Brandon. Earl Cleeland, Guy Brandberg and Frank Bowser, students of W. & J. College, took in the foot-ball game at Expo. Park last Thursday and then came home on a va cation. Miss Isabelle White read a very inter esting paper in the lecture room of the Episcopal church of this olace on the evening of Noy 26. on the lisrly Daysof Western Pennsylvania," which'we un dersjjapd will soon appear in one of ®ur leading magazines. Miss White liiW iacquired quite a reputation as a schol arly writer. M iss Mary Logan, danghter of Mr and Mrs. Peter Logan of the valley, 'was married a few days ago to William Green, of Butler. Miss Logan has been employed at the latter place where sh» made the acquaintance of Green, who is a well to-do and worthy young man. The bride is well known here and at West Middlesex and is a highly respect ed young lady —Sharon, Pa. Cor., of Pg., Leader. J. P. Davis of Brady twp., was in town, this week, calling upon his old friends. Several vears ago he was pretty well known over the county but ill health and ill fortune set him back. He is one of the most remarkably crip pled men in the county, und has been since childhood. When bnt four years of age his feet were twisted into knots by rheumatism, and they grew in such shape that he cannot stand upon them excepting with the aid of iron braces. These he has fixed- in his boots, and when they "ire off he walks upon his knees". —W. R. Newton has sold several pianos, since opening his store on S. Main 8t He will have a stock of sheet music, next week. PARK THEATRE. A CHEERFUL IDIOT, THIS EVENING. Blondell & Fennessv's Musical Com edy Company is booked for Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening. A Lowell, Mass., paper says; "A Cheerful Idiot" gave its second per formance at the Mnsic Hall last even ing and scored another success before a good sized audience. The Diece is full of funny situation* and specialties, which keep the audience in an uproar. The Blondells, Libbie and Edward, in the star roll are certainly a hit. Ed ward Blondell ar Jep Dimple. "The Cheerful Idiot," repeated his success of the previous evening.' The rest of the company are well selected. Le Roy Woodford, again caught on well; Arm strong and Porter wecte pleasing; Deve aux and Deveaux repeated their hit;' Michael Finn in his eccentric dancing was very clever and responded to sev eral encores. "A Cheerful Idiot" so far out-classes all' similar entertainments seen at Music Hall, even to the Rays' "Hot Old Time," which held the record for business and laughs at this house np to the engagement of the Blondells i in this hilariously funny play." GRAND OPERA HOUSE, PITTSBURG. All the newspapers of Pittsburg are singing the praises of the grand produc tion of the stupendous scenic drama. "Cyrano de Bergerac", at the Grand Opera House, and declare it the most magnificent presentation ever given in our sister city.' Nothing ever given at the Grand, or at any other theatre even aproaches it in magnitude and splen dor. The scenery in all the five acts is elaborate and brilliant and built upon.a scale that may well be termed stupen dous. It requires 68 actors and over 200 other people to complete the ensem ble. Many who have seen the cele brated drama in both Londoii and New York concede that the production at the Grand is by far the most elaborate and complete. No advance has been made in prices and consequently the Grand is crowded every afternoon and evening with enthusiastic audiences. People from surrounding towns come in by the score, and do not feel satisfied with a visit to Pittsburg unless they visit the Grand. The management still carries out the successful policy of giving continuous performances, from 1 to 11 p. m , introducing high-class vaudeville in retined, interesting and amusing specialties. For the ensuing week,commencing onMonday afternoon, a rare selection of artists have been socured among which are such celebra tions as the Windoil Quartett, Welby, Pearl and Keys, the Non-descript TriO; Danell & Melard. Le Van Brothers, Oscar Dane. Le Vette & Le Velio, and others of equal ability. Any of onr readers visiting Pittsburg should cer tainly enjoy an hour or two at the Grand. The beautiful comedy-drama, '"The Gold Mine", is in active rehearsal and will be handsomely staged at the Grand to follow 'Cyrano de Bergerac. Tlio "Pittsburg Limited." Beginning Tuesday, November 15, the Pennsylvania Railroad Comyany will place" in service the "Pittabnrg Limited," a new fast express train from Pittsburg to New York, Baltimore and Washington, leaves Pittsburg daily at 10.00 P. M., arrivesinNew Yorkß.ooA. M., and Washington 7.40 A. M. The train will carry through Pull man sleeping cars to Baltimore and Washington, and sleeping cars and Pennsylvania Railroad standard coach es to New York. It will be the fastest train in service between the above points, and will ap peal to those who deeifre to spend the evening: in .Pittsburg and reach New York, Baltimore or Washington early the nest morning. —Highest cash price paid for Buck wheat, Wheat and Rye. j GEO. WALTER * t#OKO. \ Wvll" Baker of Nor.li Hope loslta fin ger at an oil well in Armstrong. Co. lately. *>• v Herman McEldowney. a fanuer ot near Millerstown. was attacked by a vicious hog a few days ago. and seri ously injured. The Grove City Reserves beat the W. Sunbnry team T hank siriv ing day in a tootliHll "tame at Grove City during which Prof. Gill, principal of the Snn burv Aci iemy, was so b illy hurt that be could not be brought home. Joseph Smith a Slav, had two fingers badly crushed while at work on the new railroad near Carbon Centre. Tues day. 'Mid was .brought to the Hospital j whe.v l onP finger was ampntpt^d. C H LKCIINOTI :.S ! The I'nited Presbyterians of this ]>art of the State will hold a Sunday School ; • convention in the Tenth U. P. church j ! 6f Allegheny Dec. sth and *>th. The annual meeting of the Butler ■ j Christian Endeavor meeting held in the j j First Presbyterian cQuroh Thinksgiv ; ing evening was addressed by Rev i Dike of the church of God, Rev. Trapp j of the Baptist and Rev. Romig of the Millerstown Lutheran The following j otticers were unaniinouslv elected: Pres. C. N. Boyd; Vice Pres Rey. Leu | singer: Secty. Miss Jennie Kirkpatrick. ! and Tres. Alvah Ganter. Bishop Hurst of the M. E. church | spoke in the local church, Tuesday eve ] ning, in the interest of the American | University located at Washington. D.C. | The Y. P. S. C. E, of the Grace Luth eran church will give an Oyster Supper at the home of Peter Christie, 127 E. Diamond from 5 to 10 P. M on next Tuesday evening Dec. 6th to which all are cordially invited. The semi annual conference of the Pittsburg Synod of the E. L. Church met in Chicora yesterday, and will adjourn today. Anandale was selected aa the next meeting place. Y. M. C. A. The membership rallv will be produc tive of bringing in a large nnmber of new members. The gym. classes continue to increase in interest and numbers. Thursdav evening an open exhibition will be giv en in the gymnasium. Friends are cor dially invited. Buy a season ticket for the Star Course. The second nnmber in the Star Course, which is Woman's Orchestra of Boston, will appear at Park Theatre. Dec. sth. Board opens at Reed's on Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Season ticket holders may then secure single settings, a few permanent seats will then be available. Course tickets on sale at Y. M. C. A. Rooms. The Souvenir of Uutlor. Mr. Howe, manager of the Publish ing department of the Shenango Print ing, and EugnvingCo with offices in Pi itsborg and Greenville Pa . is arranging an illustrated souveuier of Butler. The company depend on the , sale o£ halt tone cuts and the copies of , the books for their compensation and , we believe will be very successful here. This is the same concern which publish ed the picture book of Greenville and t hey come into onr midst recommended by Greenville's Borough council and the best people in the city. It is to be hop- 1 ed that our citizens will appreciate this i medium of representing Butler, aa it is unquestionably a good thing for the city. * A Letter For V on. Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at Butler Pa., week ending Nov. 28. '9B M L Brown, Esq., Robert Barr, Esq., C M Boyd, 215 Maple ave, Mr Ray Bank son, Miss Annie L Graham. Mr D R Goodwin, Mr A B Johnson, Miss Em ma Rieser, Mr Wm Roome. Mrs Mag gie Wilson, Mr Geo Whiston. In calling for these letters please say advertised. JOHN W. BROWN. P. M. Markets. Onr dealers .ire paying 65 cents fot; wheat. 40 for rye. So for corn, 28 for oata and 40 for buckwheat. Flonr is retailing at from 95 cts to $1.20 a sack. Onf grocers are paying 17 to 20 cents for butter, 18 for eggs, 40 for potatoes, 50 for parsnips, beets and spinach, 25 for turnips, 50 to 60 for apples, 8 to 5 a. head for cabbage. 10 alb for dressed Chicken, and 12 and 13 for turkey. Public Sales. Saturday, Dec. 3, A. B Hamel, es'r of James Hamel, dec.d, will offer for sale on the premises in Penn twp., farm machinery, grain, etc. Women Find It Advantageous to have their money in the Pittsburg Bank tor baviugs, 210 Fourth Ave., Pitts burg, Pa., because it earns them 4 per cent, interest compounded seini-annual ly. Write for. Booklet explaining how to Ixuik by inaiL Any of our readers neeiling gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or auy gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store of W. H. O'Brien Sc. Son. on East Jefferson St. and get prices on tlie extensive line they have on exhibition. l'hey are also agents tor the celebrated VVelsbach Light, of which -nore than 1200 were old in Butler, last year. Take Advantage of Prosperity by saving some of your earnings in the Pittsburg Bauk for havings, 210 Four h Ave., Piitsburg, Pa. It -vill pay you 4 percent, luteiest compounded semi-an tauatly. You can bank by mail. Notice. The James Criswell farm in Adams near Mars, was not sold on the :*2»d of Oct., nor on the sth of Nov., anil persons wishing to know about it before next Court will please inquire of ROBERT KIDI> Mars, Pa. —Hifckest cfit-h price paid for Buck Wheat. Wheat and Rye. GEO. WALTER & SONS | l~ PURE SPRING WATER ICE II I" delivered to all parts i the I w to-vn, every day. Leave or ders a. ItlCllE.'b BAKERY 142 Main St. FOR RENT—A good, substantial stable near Coart House; four large stalls, carriage room and mow. Inquire at CITIZEN office. Hunduy Excursions to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday May 22nd and nntil further notice the Pittsburn and Western R. R. will sell excursion tick ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train leaving Butler 8:15 A. M. city time good to return on afternoon trains date of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents. TIMBER. For blank applica ions and instructions to apply for reduction of 80 per 'cent, of taxes on timber lands send 25 cents to J. A. Hkydrick & Civil Engineers, Butler, a. Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage in the livery btKiness, All on Walker & Wick for location and outfit Consider its Reliability when you place your money in a bank. | The Pittsburg Bank for Saving*, second ; oldest bank in Pittsburg, Pa., has assets of over #3.500,000, and always pays 4 per cent, interest. The new book explains how to hank by mail. —For bargains m valuable and desir able r«->ideuces inquire of .. alter & ile j Kfvatn. **' """"ElkV M« iiioMak»—.- The Elks hold their annual "lodge of sorrow" in the Park Theatre Sunday at 2:311 P. M.. to which the public is invit ed. V PROGRAMME. E. O. Davis, Musical Director. Overatnre, Orchestra Opening ceremonies. Lodge Opening jJe, Choir Prayer. Chaplain Selection Blessed Recollections (Da vi« i; Choir • Solo, Ave Nlaria; Miss Julia Crea Bass solo. Hope Shall Lead Me On; Mr. Theo. Keck •_ Cornet solo Selected; Mr. Carl H Leighner. *». Eulogy, Our Departed Brothers; Mr. Thos Baker > Solo. Selected: M sa (Target Anderson. Violin quartette, (Davis); Miss Nellie Balph. Miss MyrtwYoonkins, Mr. Will Grouian, Mr Geo* Howard. Dedicated to Butler Lodge N« 170, B. P O. E . Memorial Address. Bro Gen. Sjillis J. Hillings. i Solo and Male Chorus, The Old Pock et Bible; Carl Leighner and Apollo Club. Dnette, Foreyer with the Lord; Mr and Mrs. E. O. Davis. Tenor solo. Jesus Wept: Mr. Ed Grohnian. Male chorus. Until the Dawn; Apollo Club Solo. Jesus Lover of My Soul; Miss Anderson. Closing ceremonies. Lodge, Doxology, By audience and choir. Benediction, Star Spangled Banner, orchestra. Miss Cuba .Jr. The spectacular "Miss Cuba Jr." will be presented by local talent under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Howe, in the near future. It will lie given under the auspices of the ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal church as a benefit to the church. The piece is done in pantomine. and elsewhere when produced has packed the house to the doors. Rehersals are already under way and it is the intention to not ouly make this the largest local entertain ment ever staged here bnt the event of the season as well. —Finest work—Prices .most reason able at Dr. Ralston's dental rooms 116 M in St —FOR SALE, a new Stereopticon Lantern- latest improved, evervthing com ilete, with 52 good standard views On account jf other business the owner has no use for it and it will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. WANTED! WANTED—Residents Agts. for Butler City, to represent the Grand Union TeaCo.,sel'ing Teas,C ffees, and Baking Powder to private families. O»od opening for party not afraid to work. Small bond required. Address D. A. HERTZOG, Genr'l Agt., 159 Croton Ave., New Castle, Pa. It you want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter & Co. largest slock in County.' Bicycles for hire. FOR SALE —A graduating tuition contrnct for Butler Business College, cost £>o; either shorthand or commer cial course. Inquire at this office. Notice to Wool-Growers. Messrs. Troutmin's Sons requiiing all the room they have for 'heir own busi ness, I have changed my location to Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across the street from my old legation with Troutman's. where I will be glad to see all uiv former wool friends, assuring tlietn of fair treatment, and the market price in cash for their wool, 'froutmans wish to state th it they have gone out of '.he wool-buying business altogether WM F. RPMBKKGKH MODEL Farm for Sale I want to sell my farm of 235 acres in Oakland twp., kd join ing Royds town, six miles north of Butler. There is no better land for all kinds of crops in Butler county. My wheat ard grass, this year, cannot be beat. Come and see them. Two good orchards, some young timber, and an ai undance of the best of Spring water. The builbings onsist of n good, six room, frame house; one large, new, modern b».rn, and a large old one; also all the necessarv outbuild ings, including a summer kitchen. I want to quit farming because 1 am alone, and will sell at a bargain on easy terms. A part ot the farm is ui der <id with three and four f cet veins of coal, with one bank opened; and the new railroad is surveyed within too rods of the house. For terms address or call upon, Peter Whitmire, SONORA, p. o. Notice in Partition. BUTLER COUNTV, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to William B. Dodds, High Sheriff of Butler county, Pennsylvania, Greeting: WHKREAS, on the sth -'ay of April, i > th>- year of our Lord one thonsatiu eight hundred and 98 before the Honorable Judge thereof, the Petition of Marv Temple, daughter of Mrs. E. J. Dunlap. dte'd., was fi'ed, sttting forth, that "Mrs E. J. uunlap lett survivtng her two sons, Tho«. Dunlap, New Martins ville, W. Va., and Perry Dunlap. of Cal lery, Pa., and four daughters, Margaret Uunlap, of West Sunbury, PP.; Adelia now Cr*ig, of Mars; Jeutima I'hipps, of West Sunbury, Pa.; and Ms>ry inter married with c. Temple, the petitioner and the widow and children of Winfield Dunlap, dee'd., son viz Ellen Du lap widow and Jennie Dunlap aged twenty two, Wm., Leonard, Gertrude and Sophia minors, of Wilkinsburg, Pa., of wiiom Isaac Vleals is guardian, and also the children and husband of Sarah Temple, a deceased daughter viz C. Temple, husband, Edward and Lottie of full age, Scott, Mable, Frank, Elmer, John ana Mary minors of whom Isaac V.eals is guardian; also the children of John Dunlap, adeceased son, viz Harry, Oscar, Floyd, Lee, of Redkey, Ind., up on which petition was issued a writot Par tition returned, &c, and Sept. 7th. 1898, Painter & Murrin. Att'ys., move th. Court for rule on the heirs to «ccept or refuse the premises a* the valuation, &c, upon whicn motion the court made the foll> wing order,and now. Sept 7th, 1898, the above motion piesented in open court and a rule is granted on the heirs and parties in interest as prayed for, re turnable to December Term next. BY THE COURT. The property consists of a house and lot in West Sunbury boro These are therefore to command yo , the said heirs of Mrs. E. J. Dunlap to be and appear before the -anl Judge at a Couit to be held at Butler, for the said >_ouut\ of Butler, on tue Ist tlomlay ot December, 1898, at 10 o'clock iu th*; fo'enoon of sai'l day, to show Cause why premises ot Mrs E J. Dunlap, dee'd., should not be sold and to submit to such other orders and deciees as the said court shall make touching the premises. Witness the Honorable John M. Greer, President of our said the 9th day ot December A. D. IS9B. MEALS, *■ - Clerk O. C. When in Butler stop at A Mitchell's Restaurant For MEALS and LUNCHES. j Kverything NEW aod FIRST-CLASS. ..0111 formerly occups. d b/ Ed 11 j vV est J fferson street, Bjt.er. I M mm THE MALLKLVT femains unchanged the Producers' paying *1 20 and the Standard (1.15. ZELIEN'OPLK - Lainbertou & Stro hecker will have a well on the Zeno Goehring fariu; Lock wood is drilling on same farm and W. A Goehring is drilling on the C. F. Goehring EASTERN BELT— Jas. Babbitt's well on the C. Duffy in Donegal, is a good well: Young & Dietrick are drilling on the Gillespie south of it. Black and the Vensel boys will drill on the Graff HERMAN -Green lee & Forst aredrill ing two wells on the Osche.and Phillips Fisher and A 1 Smith are drilling in that neighborhood Smith's well on the Osche is doing 10 barrels. GLADE Rt'N—Dr. Shawalter shot bis well on the Snow farm a few days ago and has an eight barreler. The shot split the casing and they had a fishing iob. WINFLELD— Smith & Finegan are 1 drilling in the Auger and Hirsch. Bar Dev Steighner one on the Graham. JEFFERSON TWP. —The Forest Oil Co. is drilling on the Paul. BUTLER TWP. Young & Co's well on the John Young is being tubed to day It is 1564 feet deep, and the own ers think it will do 5 to 10 blls. from 3d sand. WINFIELD TWP. — Patterson brought in a small well on the George Hull fann Tuesday. Braun's Pharmacy, Cor. 6th St and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg, Pa,, L, D. Telephone 2542. Wholesale and Retail. Impor.er andjobberol Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes. Soaps, Bi :she§, 1' to. The nl) h iu-e '.vest of New- York carrying a ful> line of Mejers' jrease. Paints aid theatrical goods. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night by "Registered Pharmacists" only. Wholesale and retail dealer in Lubricating and Illumniating ' ils, Capita! Cylinder, Dynamo, Water White and Standard Gas * Engine Oils. Gasolein, Ben zine, Paraffine Wax and Petrolatum. Add es- all mail > rders to W. F. Braun. Pianos. The Chickering-Chase Bros. Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Manufacturers of Grand and Upright Pianos Have placed on exhibition at No. 317 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.. a sample lot of tbei fine Upright Pianos. These Pianos, cotnii'g direct from the factory and sold to you by the manu facturer, means a large saving in the purchase of a piano. The celebrated Chase Brothers and Hackley Piatt" s are endorsed by all lead ing artists. These pianos can be bought on easy terms to suit the purchaser. Pianos anil Organs taken »s part payment in ex change. Come and see them and make a selection for Christmas. We Can Save You Money. W R NEWTON, Representative. A Short Time Only. A CAMERA FOR SI.OO. Just to introduce them A practical Camera. Small and Compact. This offer never equaled. We will prepav charges. Rt mil f i.oo—no more. THE DOLLAR COMPANY, 424 sth Ave , Pittsburg. Pa. B. & B. 5 acres of holiday brightness nost earnest merchandising in cli- ice novel and useful gilt good*, ver dt>ne at this store —larger as sortments—not only some one thing, but many things app opri ,ite for every preference. I'ht re's to be unprecedent d business done here between now atid Christmas —u's to be obtain ed with less prices that will con vincingly f.how such money-sav ing as will make yoj want to come or send here, in your own -elf interest. 64 different departments shar ing lioerally in the extraordinaiy gift selling Gloves. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Neckwear for women, chil dren and men. Rooks Jewelry Cards Silver Novelties Booklets Toilet Articles Stationery Toilet S ts I'iclureS Satchels Fancy Furniture Pockeibooks Lamps Toys Umbrel'as Games Furs Cushions Dressing Sacques Tapestry Pauels I'erfnmery Curtains v ut Glass Rugs China Art Pottery and hundreds of other gift goods. Over a hundred different kinds of dolls, 5c to $15.00. Special assortments of silks for waists ano dressy Dress Goods Patterns. Ii will pay you to Com* you'll save car fare times over It you can't come, write tor our big 250 page illustrated >alalogue—als,. "llon-.ay Gloves," "Christmas Hand kerchieia," "Book News," and "Fur Booklet"—any or all of these sent free. Our large mall order department will g.ve your queries, requests and orders me best of attention. B()trtrs& 81111 l Department X. ALLEGHENY, PA. ac'TIYF. SOLICITOUS WANTED EVF.RY "where for "The Story of the Philippines ' by Murnn Halstead, commissioned by the Government as Official Historian t" the War Department. The book was written In army camps ;it San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merrltt. In the .hospitals at Hono lulu. In Hong Kong.ln tliiS American trenches at Manila, In the Insurant camps with Anulnaldo."on the deck of the Olynipla with De '-v. and In the r >ar of nattle at tlie fall • > .lutilla. Bonanza tor airents. Brimful of original pictures take" t>y government plio t igrat-hers on the spot l.arge tx>ok. Low un «'s. Big profits. Freight pi»ld. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war hooks uutlii free. Address, F. T Ba ber, Sec'y., t*n (pj'jrwv <-W For Baby's Sake You ought to guard against ailments that improper foods induce. Everything depends on what baby eats. We keep 01 ly the reli able makes of Baby Food and warrant theqj Fresh I Fomelia, Eskay's Food. Malted Milk, Lactated Food, Mellin's Food, Ridge's Food, Just's Food, Condensed Milk. Bady's Mother Ought to take some Ber-f.lron and Wine, so nourishing to nur>i.ig mother* — ours contains Beef We sell it for 75 cents per pint. C. N. BOYD. Druggist. Diamond Block, Butle , Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. Notice in Divorce. ) In the Common \V. H. Bracaney. I P'eas Court of \s }• Butler Co., at A Emma E. Brackney. | D., No 10, June J T., 1898. Book 19, Pg. 215. To Enuia E Brackuev:— Two subpoenas having been returned N. E. I. You, the said Emma E. I<rack ney, above named defendant are hereby required to appear in said Couit of Com mon Plea; of Butler Co., Pa., to be held at Butler. p a., on Monday, the sth day of December, 1898, b.ing the first day of next term of Court to answer the said complaint and show ct-use, if any you have wby a Divorce Absolute from the bonds of Mat imony should not be grant ed to the said VV. H. Brackney. You are also hereby notified th*t testi mony in above case will be taken before the said Court on Tuesday, Dec. 6. 1898, at which time and place you are notified to alt, nd. WIL IAM B. DODDS, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estat of George F. VI i ler, dee'.t., late of Clinton twp., Butler Co., Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, al persons knowing themselves indebted to -aid estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for paj ment to MRS. LOUISA MILLKB, Adm'x., Saxonburg, Pa. MCJUNKIN & GALBREATH. Atty's. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letteis of administration on the estate of John H. Peters, dee'd., late of Clinton t*p., Butler Co,, Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, ami any having claims against said estate will present them duly xuthenticated for settlement to MRS AD.AI.INK PETERS, Adm'x., Riddles X Roads, Butler Co., Pa. S. F & A. L. BOWSER, Att'vs. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Crowe, dee'd, late of Forward twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, Hnd any having c'aims against said ertate will present ti em, properly authenticat ed t .r settlement to REV -. J CROWE, Warren, 0., JAS. M. DOUTHKTT, Brownsdale, Ex're. W D. BRANDON, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on ttie estate of David E. Pearce, dee'd , 'ate of Butler twp., Butlet Co., Pa., having been grant ed to tile under»ign< d, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will'please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same wiil present them duly authenticated for payment to CURTIS S. PEARCE, or MARY J. STEIFEL, Ex'rs. But.'er, I'a. COULTER & BAKER, Att yt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration or the estate of Lizzie Baker, dee'd., late of Middle sex twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immtd'ate pay ment, inn any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to SAMURI. A Adm'r.. Bakerstown, Pa. WIU.IAMS & MITCHELL, Att ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs Valeria Sullivan, dee'd., late of Buffalo twp . Bntler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to JOHW Q. A. SULLIVAN, Adm'r., Sarversville, Pa. H H. GOUCHER, and JOHN C. GRAHAM, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the est lie of John M. Crooks, late of Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd., having been k ranted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and auy having claims against sa'd estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to WM. R. THOMPSON, Adtp'r., McFann P. O , Butler Co., Pa. J D. MARSHALL. Att'y. NOTICET~ The limited partnership association .lereloiore existing and kuowu as the Brum Manufacturing Company, Limited *as by a unanimous vote of its members, passed on the first day of November, IS9S, dissolved, and notice of its dis solution directed to be given according to law. All parties indebted to this company or having claims against it wi'l ulea-e present them a' the office of the company in Bruin, Pa., by order ot the managers. S. P. HOOVER. Secretary. a specialized Bread- winning Edacrntf+m. rum CtmcuLA** 400 MS». <•. DUFF Sc SOX<, 2U Fiith Arenac, PITTSBURG. PA. I cmtxrittbe tot Tb« Ciuzeu. n OVERCOAT TALK ..if | M This is the season for Overcoats, and we k ] & are prepared for it. Our stock is unsur- VA passed. Everybody wants an overcoat k] and the time to g*t it is when the stock *A is fresh and complete. i THE PRICE?F No trouble about the price here \ t have r A the goods at all prices, and qua'ities to suit all pocket books. Our customers know W 2 that, and others are invited to come and L* w investigate. You may b? thinking of your W holiday purchases. If you do not want an V overcoat cr nice suit of clothes, our Fur- J >1 nishing Goods department may interest you. T w 4 Let us help you make selections. That's k j ► j wh*t we're heie for. TM ] DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, ft % KUTLER, PA, rrIE CLOTHIERS. fJ There'll be a Snow Storm Soon! We make this statement not because we have any private "tip" from the weather man. But snow storms are due usually at this time of the year. We Are Prepared For It. No. 1. Boys' 2 piece Suits SIOO sizes 6to 15 No 2. Boys' Chinchilla Reefers $l5O sizes 3to 8 No. 3. Boys' Chinchilla Reefers $2.00 sizes 9to 15 No. 4 Men's Beaver Overcoats $5.00 sizes 34 to 42 No. 5. Men's Chinchilla Overcoats $4.00 sizes 36 to 44 No. 6 Men's All Wool Suits $5.00 sizes 34 to 42 No. 7 Men's Fine Worsted Suits. $7.00 sizes 35 to 44 No. 8. Men's Blue Ulsters $4.00 sizes 34 to 42 No. 9. Men's Frieze Ulsters $7.00 rizes 35 to 44 No. 10. Boys' Knee pants (all wool) 50c sizes 3to 15 Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS, 137 South Main St., Butler, Fa. I C E. MILLER, | |; Has Made Another Big Haul.:: ![» This Time a Car Load of Robbers. < > <\> * 1 , > The Great Rubber and Leather Shoe Sale Will go < > < 1 > Hand in Hand and Make Our Trade Victory < > I A Complete Success. < , * ' We have justly gained a reputation for selling leather *I * shoes cheaper than any other house in Butler county, and ' < > now we intend to make the same reputation on rubber < ' i ► goods We have the goods, and we will sell them to you < ► ( > cheaper than you can buy them for elsewhere. < > | | Hear Us About Rubbers. ! | < ► Men's Light and Heavy Rubber Boots $2 oo { ► . Men's High-cut Storai Rubber Boots 3 co > , ' ' Boys' Light and Heavy Rubber Boots I 50 \ > Boys' and Youths' High Storm Boots, $1 75 1 00 < > Men's Felt Boots and Overs, best 2 00 ' ' Men's Knit Stockings and Overs 2 00 4 f Boys' Felt Boots and Overs, first quality 1 50 < > Youths' Felt Boots and Overs, first quality I 00 , ' ' Ladles' Felt Boots and Overs, first quality 1 00 J * We Defy Competition. We Under-Buy--We llnder-Sell. | | Youths', Misses' and Children's Rubber Boots $1 00 j ' ' Men's Buckle Arctics, first quality I 00 < > Men's Wool-l'ned Alaskas 50 i > . . Men's Fine Storm Rubbers 50 < ' ' Men's Fine Rubbers low-cut 40 . I . Ladies' Buckle Arctics 75 4 ' | ' Ladies' Rubbers, fine or heavy *5 ;; One Lot of Men's Felt Boots, 25 Cents.; J, < > These are Boots carried over from last year. We do ( > { > net want to sell them with our new goods, hence we will i ► I > clear them out at 25 cents. You can cover a pair of them { > i with a heavy 50-cent overshoe and you will have the entire > . . outfit for 75 cents. > i > We Are Strong at All Points. { > If you want leather goods come to us; we will take I' good care of you, For the last five weeks we have sold I * more SHOES than any two stores in Butler combined, and I we intend keeping it up, too, and it will not take much ef- * fort on our part as long as we can sell you Shoes at half { ) Come to Butler--We Pay Your Railroad Fare ] | ( > One way with a purchase oi $10.00; both ways with a 4 > { > $20.00 purchase. There is only one great sale at Butler, 4 > < > and that 19 at < > '> Butlers Progressive Shoe Housej ► C. E. MILLER, ! | 215 South Main St., Butler, Pa. \ \ YOUR SUIT Vlay seem dear at the start, and prove remarkably cheap before you've worn it out. It's the long time satisfaction you get from it that decides the superiority of our make. It does pay to buy good clothe s. Our fall display is of the kind yon would expect to find only in the large cities. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S .LOTHES W\ *."TED —REVERAL T*t?*TWORTHT PERSONS in this state to manage our business In • '(•■ir own and nearby counties. It Is malnW itli • work conducted at home. Balary .tr ,i -ht |UO a year and expenses Mn lf Kin ( tide, no more, no loss salary. Monthly References. Enclose self-.'id dresser stamped envelope, Herbert E. Uesn, Front, H. ObXMIN A Pleasant Palatable Remedy FOR ALL THROAT and LUNG TROUBLE. Manufactured and Sol I by J. A. RICHEY. Butler, Pa. W. J. BLACK, LIVERY and FEED STABLES. Firstclass Rigs and Horses. Rear of Hotel Butler, South Main St. Hell TC]*RI)OU« <P