Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 01, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL.- xxxv
Now Is Your Time
r - . ; .
, " -
. v - To Buy *
Winter Footwear
J*. We <ind we <\re o-'erstocked- too miny tji>ls Y :s, .-ntirely too many goods
* and we tnust r« da » our stock and reduc* it qitiok'y, w- i;*J miti-y and we are ,
» ' going to close out a greet many gouds in the next few weeks and they are going;
. -JVffcrery cheap It will pay yriu to couie mil«-s to attend this great Sh >e Sale for here j
trethe very low prices thry will GO AT:
J**' 'Boy'a.Oil Grain Shoe* 50c Ladies' Ruh'«-r Boots si.m
BC -VMen's Heavy Kip Shoes.. 50c Ko-'s Rubber Hoots jl.oo
"Yotath's Oil Shoes. 50c .Men's Rubl<er Boots ......$1.50 _
Ui Mep'« High Cut Hox Toe Shoes $1 15 Men's Felt Rots and Overs ti.so i
f wN* 8 " >t"oOien's Kangaroo Calf Shoes 7.SC Ladies' Fine Dongcla Flexible siole
Calf Shoes 50c Shoes ft 10
Bo.'vK'P Boots. fi.oo Misses' Fin» Dress Sh'ies 75«' ,
jr { i Childrt n's Fine Dres« Shot* -40 c (
Complete stock of Rubber and Felt
Er. - JBM4 B o' kinds Boots and
p SHoes made to order,. At all times ~ - j
a full, stock of sole leather and shoe
makeys Buppliee.-of all kinds.
p Repairing Promptly Done.
t p'v '
I p■ 1 inn 11 ■ in ■ 1 .1 ■ ■!., | in.
I 40V V- 3' /V
Short Talk About Advertising
r Tnlking through the newspapjr is r good way of talking to the people if it is-
I not you tell the truth. A long list of prices does not amount to any-
I "urfless yoti haee confidence in the hous-thut backs the prices in their hones- I
r*-" Ty and reputation they sustain.
What Would Your Paper Dollar
1,. 'be worth to vou if it was not back'-d by Uncle Sitn. V'ou have got to take '.be
I dealers wor4 in buying Footwear. You are not a as to vait.es in this case.
I vlf ja wise to buy from the house you have confi tence in.
I We/loj't depend upin prices al me to "cstch" cuitoai "s it's the f.69uli»Jt-
I ■< safety of -he goods, allied to low prices, that gives us the adv 1 r «j»e.
I _ in-veal, oil grain and kip.> sf-les and tap, fashioned on ih- -.wi-Hevt lasts, lace ■*'
V '* liigh cut at—-Ji, «t.25 und $1 50. button, at 85.-, f:, 1 jj, $1.50, $2, 2t>
I Men's box calf, russets, enamels, cordo- and in kid, box calf, kangar'f* am t
ft heavy soles on bull dojj, dtv and crack-pioof calf, oil jjtain, veal uulined.
I Cornell lacts—the Swogger styles—s2 kip, heavy soles, tij or plaiu toe, heel or
I and $2.50, #3 and #3.50. spring.
I are all. freah made to our order No old go JIS in stele. So old jo>>4 l» v- 11 ,
■ 80-Jtaudd Kubbers at $1.50, $1 75, 9i, $2 25 mi $2.5 »
p ** arm oes * or Elderly Ladies • j
p ■ at 50c, 73c, ♦! and $1.15. Tr/ this store— thin* you will like it.
■ . •-* TSiitler's House Opposite Hotel l.owry. ,!
I sic Afents for the Jsnness Miller Shoes for Butler,
I 1 1 ; : =•—— r—r J
I 4^ WISE n
I J , Hl» dA»THINft Ff tnM- '
I i i 1
I I; ™ -. - —■- j -
I f . YOUNQ, \
■ rn MEHCHAXT TAlfiOfti i I
It/ r 1
IIJT " " J-l'-VX . . ; ; j !
I S ntyl®, ,1H -♦«« i . <•!!«• fiil 1 i.ikr " 5 I
I - J
I {i'• up of ft>- -virtu • '
Ij; TElit ,their own \
I ' I
H / /\ $ *^'" n won't buy clothing for the purpose
I C \ fht V 1 'P* n^'n K woney. Tlie> desire to get the |
I V- tL" J l!* -/best isssihle results for tlie money expend-
I v \ 71 T 11" 1' Not chean goods '.ut as cheap as.
I 1 ifrh "Yl ■' j (l ) ' ftthey can lie fold and mud- up prorpeily. If I
I j I , VI /t-jd! xyou want th« correct thini; at the correct
■ g' "1 WW" W_TZ7 ypt-irr ,- ,11 on ua, we have trdaced *ur spring
B f l.lii/'V ftand hummt 1 " goods down to make room for
H "• |T*|j nl £'-tirh.-ivy weight
I . -1- Mi'>Pr
I j i Fits Guaranteed.
V Merchant Tailor,
■ 142 N Main St., Butler
I Papc sros,
I We You M«»ney On
I Watches ."ciocks^
I S Stlwirier e, t847 Rodger Bros, c
I S Plate Ware .and Sterling SilverS
■ < Goods.<
M Oiur Eapair Department takes Tu all kinds' of Watches, Clocks
4 , e^rclrv, etc .
I 122':sL Main St.
Old gold and- silver TtU P the same as cash.
%• -f
Much in Little
h especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power in
*> small space. They are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al- ■ ■ ■
ways efficient, always sat- all A
isfactory; prevent a cold g 111
or fever, cure all liver His,
sick headache, Jaundice. c<»stipation. etc. 2*.
The on)" PUb to take with llood's Ssrsaiwrili*
Thla I* Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cente. cash or stamps.
m geaerous wimple will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay lever Cure
(Ely'* Cream Halm sufficient to demon
strate the grt.".fc merits of the ftmedy.
56 Warren St , New fork City.
Bev Johnßeid, Jr.. of Great FWU,Mont.,
weommeuded Ely's Cream Balm to ma. I
I»TI emphasize his statement, "It is a PJJ 81 *
tave cure tor catarrh if usad aa directed."
Rer. Francis W. Poole. Pastor CeatralPree
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is ithe acknowledged
core for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 oenta.
The following widow's appraisements of
personal property and real .estate Set apart
For the benefit of the widows of deced.nls
have been fll,*d lo the office of the Clerk
of Orphans' Court of Butler Co.. viz:
Widow of J. Knauff, personal ji'ty, ?»"*><*•
W. K. Nixon " " W «
" "Jon. \V. 1 rwin " " »>(• SO
*'• " H. D. Zieeler " " :*U «'
" H.S.Frederick " " 3«> Ofi
" •• w. v. -teaman " " 3" 11
•' J. M. Crooks •' " 300 00
" •' Earnest Winner " " '<o" 1141
'• •* W. J*. Thompson " " •>*' llfl
" " L>. Brady. Sr. " " 23S On
"T. Mclh-vitt, real e.tate .'*>• On
All persons Interested In the above up
prasieuiMits will take notice that tliey «.I1
Ix- presented for confirmation to the Orphans
Court of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday, t -n
10th day of Dec.. A. I).. 1"9". "Hid if no •
centions lie filed they will be -onfirxned ab
Notice Is hereby given that tin- following
road ami bridges have been confirmed nisi
by the Court and will lie presented on the
Hrst Saturday of llee.. Court. IKS*. belnL'the
10th day of said month, and If no exceptions
ar? filed they will be confirmed absolutely.
R. I). No. 1. September Sessions. ISM«, In r<-.
petitltlon of Citlr.ens of Wlnfield townshi i.
for a county bridge over Koueii llun on the
Saxon "tatlon and fienny's Mill road. Court
appointed tieo. C. Pillow. J. S. Chrlstley and
Kedlck Mi-Candless as viewers. Auf. 4, lv -
Keport of viewers, filed in favor of propo-,. d
bridge. September 10, IS9S. A pproved, notici
to be given according to the rules of Court
and to lie laid before the Grand Jury at n.-\t
M. I). No. 2. Septerntwr Sessions. I<P\ In re.
petition of citizens of Clearfield township f r
a county bridge over Hunter Creek on Kit
tanlng Pike. Court appointed Frank r-hean r
Homer Martin and N. M. Slater viewers, -■ t
sth. 1«W, Report of viewers filed In Savor ■
proposed bridge. September 10. lv*. appr- >v
ed, notice to he given according to rules of
Court and to lie laid before the Grand Jury
at next term.
R. li. No. 3. September Session >. Jsils. in re,
petition of citizens of Venango township or
»juv«tion of a public road. Court appoint'
l*vi Porter. Wm. Orr and J. J. Wc,Jarvey
rkwers. August'.2. lsa*. Report of viewers
■Md In favor of vacation September 10. 1 -
4k. Approved, notice to be given aceordlii.-
tji r«l<-« of Court,
BY THE Co fin
St. ft. Sto. 4. Septembor Sessions, IK!)-. •!..
n. iM-UtWu of citizens of Hutler townsui
Xora pvhftc road to lead from the Pow
Mill" K<lad to A point on.tlie road leading '• r •
Jsegree Road to the Meridian r . el
■near Met aluiont Station. Court apuoi'c
Ceo i'. Pillow, Robt. McClUng an 1 W
I'lenilug viewers. Septemlxr 5, ISM*. K«-;>
'of viewers filed In favor of proposi i i e.
September 10, I*'>. approved, ana-Ux iv i i
of road at XI ft. notice to be gfv«n n -.-oril .
to rules of Court.
ITR IHE (,'otiKr
lt. D. No. r>, September Se.sslim.». 1 i .
re. pwtltlon of cmpem of JefTersni, I.I»H ■
for vacation.clinnKK anil supply of a p i ■
road. Court appointed I. N. Men!.,, K-SH-ft
Smith and John A. Watson viewer-,, icpi. :»i
tier !i, inns, Keport of vli-wef-s filed in favor •>
petitioners. tH-ptembi-r l». ls(«.' a:»pr >v i
aila <l.i wWltli of road al :Cl ft. N'itl.>-
given according to t'ouJt
. .i, •-. StrKfe
tJerllltiHj from 4lie record this Till ill.
.Vov«ai>i<vr. iiftw. «'
< Merk Q. ir^kjixr!
Tliu,Heal»U<»-tiereby"inve» notice that 4h
folliiwiis; a o| admiiiii
traliifC . and huv>- IM-C<l. filcl.n
tlii-»<>W«' i eiV 'VeHni-' tft.law. and will he uj;i -
»«iit„dJ.o Court.fol- ednfll-nutf lun and allflw
anis* oh r>atar(lay, thfc 10th day of 1 ><•<•«mlwr.
lslHi'arn'A. n'.jOf said dav; ..
t.'.Clnal'account jif Adant ICatuirer, guard -
laji of Julia'l/ IT-liuijrth-: niluof cldld' -if
Jobp It Ivamerer. d,*-naseil. late of t'oru-oro
tap.'as slated by Julia L Hamerer. uxooutrto
of Adam Kamerer. dect-a^eij
2. Klrtut- account of t'Hllllii
guardlunof Mitrtha 1. W4l|.-y, minor child of
Martha L Wailoy, deceaseil. late of J*arj»i-1-
3. I'hial
ijuer, (J T- A of Mary Jane
Keen. i|«M-ca»«(l. late of Kalrvlew Ixmnigh.
4. Vliml accounj ol Mary K Sullivan, ail
niinlstr\'. <'ol. John Ni Sullivan, dec'ls-
I: re Hiriler^mn .uf 11
' ,"i.cu •count ol J J smith Old .lo'm
:<|.ne. -\.-cut<,i .of Jacob Kliuv, i
la:, a? \iiam- t*;).
ft Kocil account of l'et, ! 1 amluratf, L'U •r
--dain of lieorae Schoeue, minor ctilld or Jos.
SchiM-Uf. lat,- of Donegal twp.
7. Final account of Mary A Rhodes, admin
istratrix of Hrnry L Khodes. decf-nscd.late ut
si|pu«*ryroci« twp
(. Final aocount of t'hrUtlna Fredrick
and TlieaAore J Fredrick, administrators of
Ad aid J Frederick,deceased laUiof Jefferson
V. Final account of John A. Irrln. adminis
trator (if Geo W Irvln, de -ens,si, late of For
ward twp.
10. Final account of Rev W J Orlmns. exec
utor of Naucy Richards, deceased, late of
CoiiuuqvneiislnK twp
tl. Partial accouut of Thomas L Muff and
S. il. I>aff, executors of Samuel I>uff. deceas
ed, late of Wlnfleldtwp.
12. Final acountof A. P. Tanneblll, admin
istrator of William Tanneblll, deceased, lat,
of Slippery Rock towushlp.
13. Final account of Tames Mcl.auKhlln.
administrator of Hugh McLaughlin, deceas
ed. late of Mercer township.
14. Final account of R I*. Scott, trustee of
the real estate of Thomas K. Cannon, de
ceased. late of Parker township.
15. Final account of Edgar Cowau, admin
istrator of Elrnlra A. (lowau, deceased, late
of Adams township.
> 18. Final account of Louisa Kurnmer, n I
mUilstratrlx of Adam Kumiuer, decreased,
late of Itutler borough.
17. Flual account of W. 1). Brandon, exiv
utor of Marv A. Cowan, deceased, late i,;
Middlesex township.
18. Final account of Charles Dlvener, guai
dlan of Mary O'Donnell, minor child of I ten
nls O'Honnell, deceased, late of Donegal
1». Final accouut of Ottle E. Flick, admin
istratrix of W J. Flick, deceased, late of
Butler county.
20. Final account of W. J. L'instead, ad
nlulstrator of Klchard I'mstead, deceased,
late of Middlesex township.
21. Final account of A. F. Weruer, guar
dian, of Joseph li. Neely. Minor child ol
Jacob Neely, deceased, lat,; of Lancaster
22. Partial account of W. W. Lind>ey,
surviving exe,;utor of William Llndsey,
deceased, late of Cnerry township
23. Final account of George K llay. exec
utor of James M. Hay, deceased, late of
Penn twp. i
24. First aud Partial account of S. U
Kamcr'-r and Adam Kamerer, executor-, of
Jpiui B Kamerer. deceased, late of Concord
township, as filed by H. O, hamerer. surviv
ing executor, and Julia A. Kamerer, Kx'r
of Adam Kamerer now deceased.
25. Final account of John Kummer. g-jar
dlan ot t'hrlstena Kummer. minor clifld oi
Adam Kumuier. deceased, late of llutl'-r
SC. Final account of Thomas A. Park.-.,
administrator of Clarluda A. Parks, deceas
ed, late of Middlesex two.
27. Final account of W. 11. Cubhliis. admin
istrator of C. W. Thompson, deceased, late
of Allegheny twp.-'
2S. Final account.'of W. A. Fleming, e.xu--
ut'ir of Catherine E, Jelllson, deceased, late
Of Petrol I a bo*>.
final and distribution account of
Atnx. Mitchell, trustee in partition of the
V*' ate »f Chrlrtlun Otto, deceased, late of
Hutler boro. , • • .
30. Final account of Lifvlna Ar«let»on tfnd
Joseph Sutto/i.-admlnNtf-ui*<rs of J. I. A-n
"VJWf?/ latefH townsftlp.
M. Final *>f M! C". Hrurlnjj, 't"j|<*cu
tor of B. F. Searing, deceased, late of Worti
two. .
'Si. Kin*l account of Jacob KaltenbautMi
executor of Mores itahy, dfeccased.-'lateof
XI. First partial accouut of Dwetr Brady,
administrator oftOweO'Kf-itdy. Hr., deceased'
UtS of Donegal two. •••.»-
34. Final, ia-cotrnl ofJolhi K. tJll»tfrl»t".
guardian-of llkunuliii S. MfcaimQn, minor clill.l
bv adoption of Jam*., W KM. J. Huchaii
jn. lecwased, UUv MarfeA, town*hlp. aa
? ."hi iiil i" McjXiwull, administrator of
fk Final O. Fllclc.
mluUtruUjr ofSnraH- WijCWnK deceased
lat« «if Huffalo townAhlp
38. Final account of J. M
of Bertha Kolilmeyer. minor child of S e
Koldmeyer. decease, 1, ut« of Alleirhen
uiwniihlp. *
37 Final account of John M Keed. Ku
dlan of I ntillue hiray, Diln.ir child of Jo
Klray. dev«aj><.(l
W.J. ADAMS. Uegiau*
1. i rn j
„l.t> I t:IB»l««.
■ , IV . jotu 1 > bj tasy stajjrf.
.1 • liju kof a favorite black
had carried me well in
liad toiue out of them
.• lii- 11: astir, but sound : u
limb. It was night when !
nt- villag' l .v»ng nearest to
1 woUe n tin- morning. I
whoi' i'egion Clled with a
-1. hiding the mountains
Now and then a peak looked
I and aaa'.n retired into thi>
In the wide, straggling
low the window at which I
• them place my breakfast ta-
I 1 , .dieal fair wa- Iwine held:
i 1« king down on tlv gather
\. trying to discover some face
k • mv childhood, and still to be
r . d through the veil which
v ,i~t have woven across the fea
t - When I had finished my breal:
• t I went do mi and wandered
i a 1 Li** | eople. (ironps of
, men were talking earnestly;
K ;g ii "ii am maidens who had
, fi-e'd. were joking and
1 TL«;. -Tt.'d at the Hasse
■ i: * 1,■ j» man, md little thinking
t, . itndtt-tood every word they
i. made tlieir remarks upon him
i, . , subdued ,ones. I approach
; , II where :t brown old woman
! w j_inire! oread and apples.
S li,iiig t< a man with long.
Near 1 iiern was a group
_ people. One of theiu must
. si tnethiu.; about me; for the
HI. v. ho lis d beeu taking atol-
I 1 J.I 1 a at in.', turned rather
j s I,'. toward tb?m, and rebuked
■ tlicui for rudeness.
( ''i lie gentleman is no Sassenach,"
It.;. ■; "He und«rstands everything
. . • saying."
..1 was spoken ia Gaelic, of course.
1 . ..i .1 and looked at her with mote
observance. She 111 ide oie a courtesy,
ai.' wild, in the lauc language:
" lour iionor will be a Campbell, I'm
tl: ing."
i M!u a Campbel"*. I answered, and
| w;t. icd.
V. 11 honor's Christian uame
; v. 1 n't l»e I»uncan, sir?"
is- Inincau.' I answered: "but
tlr -. ;. .• many Uuacan Campbells."
' one to mt. your honor; and
tl > .his. il'. Hi t you will not re
-1 11. • i- ;uer"
•il ii-i:u it: -r her. B<>fore long,
1 I.rg»-i tor anxiety to asso
! , I'resi u. vith my I'ast. shi!
■ t i 1:11 to n<. 1 in her time-worn
t' - liiose ol' a icrvant in my fath-
I ei winn 1 .ii* a child.
: how co I.ld iju recollect me?" I
S: J
j .Hl' : - • n y%i 'since I left
v " !.• - r-.i ; 1.1 it was really, I
I . that 1 hn»r moil about you
ti 1 i:hg i ih. <•', ti.v day of my
1 not tuidi : and yo.u."
. . .ii,'i r it. I mean."
. o!d A ;.»■„- ill Is she alive?"
and heal ty, though cp.lte
I a. V, !.y. sir. she must be
ii .s.,.!it of a hundred.'''
re dot, s si,- live?"
o.lu I'■ 1 s!r. Nothing
w Ik 1 li \ 11. The new laird
v. , ■ 1' turn J..-I out, lint Margaret
li mi, li' at which he grew
a ;.s li,?. MI 1, and 1m has never
vo ii .mi's- h-.'T •hi'i>lioid again."
„: iio you see so much of her,
i til':, '-h. _ .. ,-I
t >-./!•. leave her, sir. She can't
Wi "ii Jierself, p>r old lat y. And
si ,1 a uiolht- tu me. Bl."»ss her!
B ••• din honor t ill o»me t;nd ««•
course I will Tell her so when
y •, home."
■ 011 honor mc by sleeping at
. m , e, sli f ;" 'i id the old man to
t w , had bee talking. "My farm
; is over the ' oW of the h 'l."
1 by tL-i»- 11 ie recognized tim
ai 1 pled bis nlTer at onee.
may we 00k for you?" lie
! as
> shall you be at home?'' I re
jo , . ' -
ulteruoon, sir. I have done
m; ss alread r."
i sliall tu with you in the
e\ : lor 1 hate nothing to ket'P
■in u».
i 1 II >O.l take u se«t In my gig?"
thank Jou. I hare my own
h • v n!i uie. ¥«u can take him la
too. 1 dare say "
"With pleasure, air."
W parted for the meantime. I
ra 1 ' I al«jut thf nelfhborhood till
it lime for an early dinner.
The fog bad clMred off; and, aa
tic- mils l>egau to tbrow long, lazy
sh . lows, their only embraces across
tin wide valleys, I mounted and set
on on Ihe ride of a few mlle« which
sii 1 til bring me to my old acquaint
an dwelling.
horse was ai excellent walker,
ai I let liim walk on, with" the reins
01 neck; while I, lost in a dream
of pust, was sLiging a song of my
ov :tl;lng, with which I oft<-n com
!• my longing by giving il voice.
autumn wirds ah; sighing
V "W land and sea;
• autumn woods are dying
' i.r hill and lea;
/ •: my heart Is sighing, dying,
' iaiden, for thee.
"'r ; ii- autumn clo ids are flying
1 clueless over me;
'! home-less birds a.rc crying
a the naked tt>?e;
1 ; 1 my heart is flying, crying,
■ i ilen, to the*.
■ y • ries may trrn to gladness,
vnd my hying llee;
> j;hs may k»;e the sadness,
-1 sigh 04 .10 me;
•\ Lay ryuduoftri. all my gladness,
la den,, lost.' in thee."
I ■ -is roused by a heavy drop of raJn
u I my face. I looked up. A cool
w «>l'. wind flawed against me.
CI- liad gathered; attd over the
jx if a hill to the left the sky was
v. 'tiack. Old Constancy threw bis
h- api it he wanteil me to take
tl» J, and lot him wtep out. I re
im f red that there used to be an
aw ,n d piece of road somew4iere not
fit 1 fivnt, where the p;ith, wUh ,t
ba mi the left sido, SIOIMKI to a deep
d» it on tho right. If the road was
as I as it used to be, -it would be
1* to
.do So I took the reins, and away
wi yld Oonstancy. We had Jus;
r'e. _.".il the ijiot, wlien a ke*n flask
of Johtnlng broke from the cloud
qv id. and my bone instantly atood
*t" ill, &4 If paralyzed, with his
ft- ils turned up toward the peak of
Vic 1. .untain. I Hit aa MIU aa he. to
hitu time to recover b(m««iX. Bat
all at once his whole frame w is con
vulsed. as if by an agony of terror
He gave a great plunge, and then 1
r,-h his muscles >welHng ami knotting
under me. as he rose his iiiiid legs
and went backward, wirh the sc*,ui
behind him. 1 Wo*-d forwaixl on hi?
nek to bring liim down, but he reartn
higher ami li'.g'her. till he ls»lt
upright, and it was time to sup off. leal
lie *!iotild fall upon me. I did so; but
my toot alighted upon uo support. He
had 1 u-ked to the edge of the shelving
ground, and I fell, and went to tlio
IK J.OIU. The last thing I was aware
of was the thunder ng fall of my hoist
beside me.
\\ hen 1 came to myself it was dark.
I felt stupid and a.lung all over; bill
I si»ou satisfied m; seif that no bones
were broken. 1 crawled to him. laid
my hand on his neck, and called him
by name. But he made no answer In
that gentle, joyful speech- for it was
5;,»., h in old Constancy—with which
lie ai ways greeted ale, if only after an
hours absence. I felt for his heart.
1 re WHS Just a flutter there. He
twed to lift his hesid. and gave a little
kick with one of his hiud legs. In do
ii g so. he sa in t a bit of rock, and Hit
,t . of the iron u ade my Besh creep.
1 . hold of his log in the darU. and
f. .. ihe shoe. It was loose. 1 felt hif
li-;:in again. The iiKrtiou had ceased
1 nettled all my maiiliood to keep from
crying like a child: for my cbargei
was my friend. How long I lay lie
side him. I do IK< know: but. at length
1 lizard (he sound of wheels com.up
along the road. I tf'ed to shout, and.
in some measure, »ucoeedf*J; for a
voice, wlik-h 1 recognized as rn«t ol
my farmer friend, answered cheerily
He was shocked to discover that hi#
ei.j>ect(4il guest was in such evil plight
It was s.ill dark, for the rain was fall
ing heavily; but. with hU directions.
I was s<K>n able to take my seat l>e
side him in the gig. lie bad l>een un
expectedly detained, and was now
litiStenlug home with the hope of I*-
Ing yet in time to welcome me.
Next morning, after the luxurious
re«t of a heather-lHil. 1 found myself
not much the worse for my adventure,
but heart-sore for the loss of my horse.
Early hi die fircnoon 1 came in
sight of the cottage of Margaiet. Il
lay unchanged, a gi-ay. stone-fas'iioneil
hut. in the hollow of the morntain-
Ixisiu. I scrambled down th • soft
green brae, and soon stood within the
do<ir of the cot hie . There I wes met
by Margaret's aa- liilaui. She 1 -il me
to the t>ed where my old nurse lay.
Her eyes were yet undlnime 1 by
years, ami little -hange had i issed
upon her countenance, since 1 niried
with her on tlm. memorable night.
The moment she saw me she i roke
out into a pass .ma e la'nenUut on.
such as a mother night utttr ov« r the
maimed strength apd disfigured
ls-auty of her child.
"What ill has he done —my l>a rt —
to lie all night the sp'.rt of the poi'-i -s
of the air and the whrked of il.e
earth? But the day wIU dawn fw
my lMincan yet. and u lovely da • ii
will lie!"
Tiien. looking at me an.ciously, il e
•'Vou're not much the worse for las
night, my bairn. Hut woe's me! I lis
grand horse, that carried liim so. that
I blessed the beast in my trsiyers!
1 knew that no one could have ; el
brct:ght lier news of my accident.
"You saw mc fall, then, uurse?" i
'That I did," she answered. "1 8,-e
you ofteuer than you think. Rut there
was a time when I could u irdly s, e
you at ail. and I thought you were
dead, my Duncan."
1 stooiied to kis* IKT. She laid the
one hand that had still the power cf
motion upon my bead, and dividing
the hair, which had begun to >e mixed
with gray, said, "Eh; the bo> ny gray
hairs! My Duncan's a man in spite
of them!"
She searched until she found the
scar of tho saber-ent.
"Just where 1 thought to find it!"
she said. "That was a terri >le day;
worse for me than for you, Duncan."
"You saw me theA!" I exclt inied.
"I>Wtle do folks know," silie answer
ed. "who think I'm lying here like a
live corpse in its coffin, what liberty
my soul -and thaV% Ju«t me—e J .ys.
I.lt-tie do they ktn,«v what 1 sc. and
hear. And there* no witchcralt or
evil-doing in It. my hoy; but . ast wh.i4
the Almighty made me. Janet, here,
declares she heard t»ie cry that I made,
when this same cut. that's no so well
healed yet, broke Out In your bonny
head. 1 saw no sword, only the burst
ing of the blood from the wound. Bui
■sit down, my bairn, and have some
thing to e«t after your walk. We'll
have time enough for speech."
Janet had laid out the table with
fare of the old, homely sort, and I
was a boy once more as I ate the
well-known food. Kvery now and
then I glanced toward the old face.
Soon I saw that six- was ash-ep. From
her lips broke murmured sounds,
partially connected ttoat I found it im-
IHissible to retneinl>er them; but the
impression they lef' on my mind was
something like this:
"Over the water. Yes: It Is a rough
see- green and white. But over the
water. There is a path for the path
less. The grass <M the hill is long
and cool. Never horse came then-.
If they ooee sleep in that grass, no
harm ctn hurt them more. Over the
water. Up the bIH." And then she
murmured the words of the psalui,
"He that dwelleMi In the secret place."
For an hour I !»at beside her. It was
evidently a sweet, natural sleep, tax
most wonderful sleep of all. mingled
with many a broken dream-rain I tow
I rose at last, aud telling Janet that
I would return In the evening, wmii
back to my quart**; for my absence
from the mlddaj' meal would have
b««#-n a disappoint! >eni to the house
When I returnee lo the cottage. I
found Margaret mill / Just awaked, aurt
greatly refrfslu-d. I sat down !•• c.le
her lu the twilight, aud the following
conversation began:
"Vou .said, uurse, lhat. some time
ago. you could not see me. Did yoi)
know nothing about me all that time?'
"1 took ll to mean that you werfl
111, my dear. Shortly after you lef I
us, the same thing happeued first; but
I do not think you were ill then."
"I should like to tell you all my
»tory, dear Margaret," 1 -said, conceiv
ing a sudden hope of assistance from
one wbo hovered so near the unseeu
that she often flitted across the l>or.
ders. "Bnf would it tire you?"
"Tire me,, my child!" she s'aid, witli
sudden.energy. "Did I not carry you
In iny.JJOAOUI. till 1 lovcl you moiii
tiian the darling I had lost? Do I
not think ahout you an,l your fortunes,
till, sitting there, you are no nearer to
me than when a thousand mllei
away? You do not kuow iny love t<j
you, Dun .-an. I have lived upon 11
when, I Jare say. you did not can
whether I was . r . 1. Bui
tliat was all otic > my love. Wh-t
you leave uie n- « 1 shall tuft car,
m My tibwu a a. wiU oniy
to their old ways. I. think the sigh'
of the eyes is sometimes an mtrusior
t'.ie henri ami its love."
Here was philosophy, or something
letter, from the lips of an old High
laud seeress! For me. I felt it so true
that the Joy of hearing her say s,
turned, by a sudden metamorphosis,
into 'reaK. I pretende.l to rise, anc
"Then I ha<l better go. nurse. Good
She put out her one hand, with a
smile that revealed her enjoyment ol
the j>oor humor, and said, while sht
held me fast:
"Nay. nay. my Duncan. A little ol
the scarce is sometimes dearer to ui
than much of the lierter. I shall hav«
plenty of time to think of you when 1
i-an't see you. my boy." Aud her phil
osophy melted away into tears, tha
tilled her two blue eyes.
"I was only Jokiug." I said.
"Do you need to tell me that';" she
rejoined, smiling. "1 am no* so ok
as to l>e stupid yet. But I want l(
hear your story. I am hungering t,
bear it,"
"But," I whispered, "I cannot apeak
iil>out lit l»efore any one else."
"I will send Janet away. Janet. 1
want to talk to Mr. Cn:np!>ell aloue."
"Very well. Margaret." am'wereti
Janet, aud left tin: loctm. -
"Will slie listen?" I asked.
"She dares not." i i swered Mar.tiret
with a smile; "she has a terrible idea
of my powers."
The twilight gre«w deep-r: the rclo.v
of the peat-lire liecame redder; tin oM
woman lay still as death. And 1 told
#1) the story of Lady Alice. My v lie,
sounded to myseli as 1 spo';e, |Ud ike
my own. but like its echo f roni tl)t
vault of some listening cave, or 1 ke
the voices one hears beside as ep
is slowly creeping over the suite.
Margare<t did not once iuterrnpi me.
SViieii J i>Jid tin:shed she remained -it 1)
silent, and J began to fear | 1 id ta kid
her asleep.
''Can you help pi' ?'' I said,
"I tliink I can," he answered. "Wi'l
you call Janet?"
I called her.
"Make me a eup of tea. Janet. Wil
you have some tea with me. Luncau?"
Janet lighted a little lamp, and the
tea was soon sei out. with "Hot r
scons" and butter. But Margaret art
nothing: she only drank her tea. lift
jpg her eup with her one trembling
mind. When the remains of our re
past had been removed, she s.iid:
"Now, Janet, you can leave us; an 1
on uo account come into the room till
Mr. Campl>ell calls you. Take tliu
lamp with you."
Janet obejed without a word of re
ply, and we were left onee more alone,
lighted only by the dull slow of th
Are. The night had ga.ii red cloudj
and dark without, reminding me o;
that night when she told me the s'.
of the two brothers. But this tint i
storm disturbed the silence of the
nijrht. As soon as Jam t was g,.i.
Margaret said:
"Will you take the pillow from tin
dor m.v bead. Duncan, my dear'.'"
1 did so. and sh • lay in an almosi
horizontal po*7tion. \Vi:h the li, ing
hand slie lifted the [wv r' ss arm. an '
drew It across hei el: - . outside ihe
bedclothes. Then <1: Inil the oih-r
arm over it. and. hoi,!rg tip al hi
. said:
| "Kiss me. my barn: 1 need sirengib
I for what 1 am no ng to do for youi
I sake."
I kissed her.
"There now!" sin said. "I am ready.
Hood by. Whatever happens, do n»t
apeak to me; and Irt no one conic near
me but yourself. 1' will be wearisome
, for you, but it Is for your sake, my
Duncan. And don t let the lire out.
Don't leave me."
1 assured her I 'vould a;lend to all
she said. She closed her eyes, and lay
still. 1 went to the tire, and sat down
i-n a high-backed arm-chair, to wait
the event. There was plenty of fuel
in the corner. I m ide up the fire, and
then, leaning back, with my eyes fixed
on It, let my thoi glits roam at will.
Where was my old nurse now? What
was she seeing or encountering?
Would she mee* our adversary?
Would she be strong enough to foil
i him? Was she dead for the rime,
although some ls>Bd rendered her re
turn from the regions of the dead in
evitable? But she might never come
back, and then I should have no tidings
of the kind which I knew she had
gone to seek, and which I longed to
I sat thus for a long time. I had
again replenished the fire—that l-s all
I know about the lapse of time— when,
suddenly, a kind of physical repug
nance and terror s*i/ed me. and I sal
upright in my chair, with every fil>er
of my flesh protest ug against some
shall I call it presence?—in its neigh
borhood. But my real sell reiieiled
the Invading cold, and took courage
for any contest that might be at hand.
Like Macbeth, I only inhabited tremb
ling; I did not tremble. 1 had with
drawn my KHZ,' from the tire, and fixed
It upon the little window, about two
feet square, at which the dark tiiglil
looked In. Why or when I had done
so I knew not.
What I next relate, 1 relate only a?
what seemed to happen. 1 do not al
together trust myself in the matter,
aud think I was subjected to a delu
sion of some sort or other. My feel
Ings of horror grew as 1 looked through
or rafher at the window, till not with
standing all my resolutions, and the
continued assurance lhat nothing could
make me turn my back on the canst
of the terror, I was yet so far poss. s-
Bed by a feeling I could neither ac
count for nor control, that 1 felt my
hair rise upon my head, as if instinct
with individual fear of its own—the
oniy instance of the sort in my experi
ence. In such a condition, the sen
suous nerves are ao easily operated
upon, either from within or from with
out, that all certainty ceases.
I saw two fierce eyes looking in a*
the window, huge, aud wide apart.
Next, I saw the outline of a horse's
head, in which the eyes were set; and
1 - I.:i ,1. the dimmer outline of a man's
i m seatedonthehorse. The apparition
faded and reappeared, just as if it re
treated, and rode again up close to the
window. Curiously enough. 1 did not
even fancy that I heard any sound.
Instinctively I felt for my sword, but
tli re was no sword there. And what
would it hive availed me? Probably
I was In more need of a soothing
draught. But the moment I put my
hand to the Imagined sword-hilt, a
liin figure swept lietween me and the
horseman, on my aide of the window
-a tj'll. stately female form. She
mood facing the window. In an attitude
thai seemed to dare the further ap
>ro jch of a foe. How long she remain
" Mirs. or be confronted her, I have
ii' ilea; for when self-consciousness
r--mrucd, I found myself still gazing
or the window from which both appa
ritions had vanished. Whether I had
slept, or from the relaxation of mental
tension, had only forgotten. I i-ould not
e'i- ' nt all fear bad vanished, aud
In i!;i■ lip the
i ilie time 1
ihe clan: ng
....... m.*. * f>vnu nave reuuiui-
Tin- rewt of the tiißlit passed with
out any disturbance; and when the
first rays of the earl> morning came
in to tin- room, they awoke me from a
comforting sleep i» tin* arm-chair. 1
r, se and approached Ihe l>ed softly.
Margaret lay still as death. But luiv
ing been accustomed to similar condi
tions in my Alice, I lielleved 1 saw
sings of returning animation, and
withdrew to my seat. Nor was 1
mistaken: for. in a few minute* more,
she murmured my natue. I hastened
to her
"Call Janet," she said.
1 opened the door aud called her.
She came in a moment, looking at
oiu-e frightened aud relieved.
•*<set some tea," said Magaret
once more.
After she had drunk the ten sh.
looked at me and said:
"(Jo home. now. Duncan, and c->ui
back about noon. Mind you go to
she closed her eyes onee more. I
wait,- '. till I saw her fast in ati alto
gether differ, nt sleep from the former,
if sbep tint could in any geii-se be
As 1 wept J looked lnnk tin tile vis
ion of tjie night as on one of those il
lusions lo which the mind, busy with
Its own HTigerestiouu. is always liable.
The night season, simply because it
excludes the external, is prolific in
such. The more of the marvelous any
one may have experienced in the
coum- of his history, the more skep
ical ought he to lieconie, for he is the
iiieiv exposed to delusion. None have
made more blunders in ,ne course of
their revelaiions than genuine seers.
Was it auy wonder that, as 1 sat at
midnight beside the woman of a hun
dred years, who h:ni voluntarily died
t >r ihe time tliat she might discover
' what niirstt of all things it concerned
me to know, the ancient tale, e>n which,
to her mind, my whole history turned,
null \vhirb slie had herself told me in
his very cottage, diould take visible
shape to my excited brain ami watch
ing eyes?
1 have one thing more to tell, which
strengthens still frrther this view of
Ihe matter. As I walked home, before'
I had gone many hundred yards from
the cottage, I suddenly came upou my
old Constancy. He was limping about,
picking the best grass he could liud
from among the roots of the heather
and cranberry bushes. He gave a
start when I came upon him, and then
a Jubilant neigh. But he could mil be
so glad as 1 was. When 1 had taken
sufficient pains to let him know this
fact. 1 walked on. and he followed me
like a tlog. wit'li bis head at my heels,
but as he limited much. I turned to
examine him: and found one cause of
his lameness to be that the loose shoe,
which wpss a bind one. was l>rokei) at
the toe, and that one-half, held only
at the toe. had turned round and was
sticking right out. striking his forefoot
every time lie moved. I soon remedied
this, and he walked much better.
But the pln no-mena of the night, and
the share my old horse might have
borne in them, were not the subjects
as may well be supposed, that occu
pied my mind most on my to the
farm. Was h possible that Margaret
might have found out something about
her? That was the one question.
After removing the anxiety of my
ho*t<»ss. and partaking of their High
land breakfast, a cremony not to ht
completed without a of pea ty
whiskey, I wai-dced to my aucieul
haunt on the lii.i. Thence I could look
down on my old iiomo, where It lay
unchanged, though not one humau
form, which had made it home to me,
movi d altout its precincts. I went uo
nearer. I uo more felt that that was
home than one feels that the form in
the collin is the departed dead. 1 sal
down in my old study chamliei among
the rocks, and tbenight tliait if I could
bin find Alice, she would be my home
—of the past as well as of the future,
for in her mind my necromantic words
would recall the departed, and we
should love tliem together.
Toward noon 1 was again at tb«
V.! aret was sitting up in lied,
wai.iug for me. She looked weary,
but i hcerful; and a clean white mutch
gave her a certain company air. Janet
left the room directly, and Margaret
motioned me to a chair by her side.
I sat down. She took my hand and
"Duncan, my boy, 1 fear I can give
you but little help; but 1 will tell you
all I know. If I were to try to put
Into words the things 1 hail to en
counter ltefore I could come near her,
you would not understand what I
meant. Nor do I understand the
things myself. They seemed quite
plain to me at the time, but very
cloudy when I come l>ack. But I did
succeed In getting one glimpse of her.
She was fast asWp. She seemed lo
have suffered much, for her face was
very thin, and as patient as it was
"But where was she:"
"I must leave you to liiul out that.
If you can. trom my description. But,
alas! it is only the places immediately
about the persons that I can see.
Where they are. or how far I have
gone to get there, I cannot tell."
She then gave me a rather minute
description of the chamber in which
the lady was lying. Though most of
the particulars were unknown to me.
tlie conviction, or hope, at least, grad
ually dawned ui*>u uie that I knew
the rooiu. Once or twice I had peeped
Into the sanctuary of Lady Alice's
chamber, when I knew she was not
there; aud some points In the descrip
tion Margaret gtive set my heart in a
tremor with the bare suggestion that!
she might now lie at Hilton Hall.
"Tell me, Margaret." I said, almost '
panting for utterance, "w is there a
mirror over the fireplace, with a broad, i
gilt frame, carved into huge represen
tations of crabs and lobsters, and all !
crawling sea creatures with shells on j
them—very ugly, ami very strange?" |
She would have interrupted me l»e
--rc. hi t I would l of be slopped.
•1 I s till yoi . mv ilea'- Duncan."
• aiswcred. "thai In lion of ih'-se
ranees, or whatever yoa p! se to call
.hem. did I ever see a mirror. It has j
struck me before as a curious thliig,
h al a mirror is then an absolute blank !
0 me I see nothing on which I could
I a name. It do-a not >ven s em a
icant space to trie. A mirror must
have nothing In common with the <>rate
1 am then In. for I feel a kind of re
pulsion from It; and. Indeed, it would
•>e rather an awful thing to look at, '
for, of course, I should so- no re flee- :
rion of myself In It."
(Here I beg once more to rein lud the j
reader that Margaret spoke in (iaellc, '
and that my translation Into ordinary !
Kuglish does not in the least represent
rhe extreme simplh Ky of the forms of
her speculations, any more titan of
tlie language which conveyed them.)
"But," she continued, "l have a
vague ree-olleetiou of seeing some '
broad, big, gilded tJilng with figures
on it. It might be something Ise, 1
though, altos th r.'
"I will go in li ,p I aUMvei ■»! rls '
ng at onee. '
"1101 ULI<O4Y. 1
• W liv should 1 slay longer?"
•*Bt'.v oti-r
"Wiiit i« the use? I cannot."
"For my s:tke. »«n<Mn."
"Ye*. dear Marzttvt: fill- your
Yes. sorely."
"Th.ink yon." <lic answerfd "1 will
not kiop you lonei-r uow. Hut if I
son.l .Innot to you. come at »ne-». And,
Duncan. wo.tr this for iut sake."
She put into my hand an ancient
cold oriv»s. much worn. To my amazf
motit 1 reooattlzed the counterpart «•?
.tin I.arty Vlioe liad always worn. I
pressed it to my heart.
"I am a Catholic; you are a Prctes
t.uit. Duncan, l>ui never mind; that's
the same sign to both of us. You
won't |«irt wttta it. It lias lieen It
our family for many long years."
•Not while 1 live," I answered; an<!
wont out. half wild with hojie, into
Uie keen inouutain air. flow dellc
iously it Wreathed upon me!
1 i&isMcd the afternoon in attempting
to form some plan of action m nihon
Hall, whither I .intended to prooeed as
soon as Margaret set me at liberty.
That liberty came sooner than 1 ex
pected; atul yet 1 did not go at once,
.lanet came to me toward sundown
I thought she looked troubled. I rose
at once and followed her, but ask til
no questions. As 1 entered tin* cottage
the sun was casting the shadow of
the edge of the hollow in which the
cottage stood, just at my feet; that
is. the sun was more tbau half got
to one who stood at the cottage door,
I entered.
Margaret sat, propped with pillows.
I saw" some change had passed upon
her. She held out her hand to me. 1
took It. She smiled feebly, cloned lier
eyes, and went with the sun down tiie
hill of night. Bnt down the hill of
night is up tue hill •# morning in other
lamia, and no donbt Margaret soon
found rhat she was more at home »her>
i hap hew,
I sat holding the dead hand, as if
iherein ta.v some eootmunlon sttll with
thf departed. Perhaps she who saw
more than others while yet alive could
see when dead that 1 held her cold
ftand In my warm grasp. Had I nol
good cause to love her? She had ex
hausted the last n muams of her llf»
in that effort to ti id for me my k»
Alice. Whether si e bad succeeded 1
had yet to discover. Perhaps slit
knew now.
I hastened the funeral a little, thai
f might follow my quest. I had hei
grave dug amldwt lier own people an<
mine; for they lay side by sMe. Tli<
whole neighborhood for twenty mile?
round followed Margaret to the grave
Such was her character and reputa
tion, that the belleif In her supernatn
ral powers had only heightened the no
tion of her veneraWeness.
« nen i mid seen me last sou placet
on h«>r grave, 1 turned and weot, witk
a desolate but hopeful heart. I had •
kind of feeling that her death hat
sealed the truth of her last vision. 1
mounted old Constancy at tie churct
yard gate and set out for HUtor
It Wan a Little Too Strong to I'lmu
This Couple.
They were two tall and leathery
looking individuals, and wlieu they
entered the rural store, the man said
to the merchant:
"Got any good red ealiker cheap?"
"Oh. yes," replied the merchant,
"plently of 1L Here's some very flue
and good for 10 cents a yard."
"Shootly! that's away yander too
high," said the woman, who had
taken hold of the edge of the cloth
and was rolling It between her lin
gers. "I bought the same goods two
years ago for 5 cents a yard."
"That's edzactly right," chluted in
her male companion.
"Yes, but that was before the Ding
ley tariff went into euect." said the
After considerable higgling the
trade was dosed, the man paving the
bill and passing the dress pattern
over to the woman.
"Now, "syuar," said the man to the
merchant, who happeued to be also
Justice of the peace, "we wants to git
married an' wanter know what you
charge fur that."
"1 always charge SI fur a plain
marriage ceremony," said the mer
chant, "but for anything fancy I get
"A dollar fur just a-ntarryln' us
"That's the rock-bottom price."
"Wal," said the man, in great dis
gust, "1 rekin' they hez dun sot a
dinged tariff on marryin' ceremonies,
He Wnntfxl l.'ltul Adtlrr
•'Weil, prisoner, rhat have you got
io say for yotmef?"
"1 don't know, your honor. Whi"
would you say?"
I>rvinu* l>«llnil ion«.
Phiz—The face that grows on a gln
d rinker.
Triplets—l.lttle blessings that but
few people appreciate.
Water—A non-intoxicating beverage
that makes barrels tight.
Obligation—A gun that makes a
loud report when It Is discharged.
Fashion—The one thing a woman
can follow without remaining liehlnd.
iCent-Something that the landlord
can raise easier than the tenant can.
I>eath Often a happy relief from
the tr< bles a man stirs up for him
self c.i earth.
Foo ish- The woman who puts a
special delivery stamp on a letter and
glves It to her husband to mall.
Nut IHtfli In Arithmetic.
Theodore P. Seward, the big-hearted
man who is going around the coun
try organizing "Don't Worry Clubs."
tells a good story of a little l>oy who
had reached the multiplication table
in i lie course of his education. One
night he was sitting anxiously over
a paper of tigures, when his mother 1
came along and said:
"Johnnie, do you tind your /iritb- '
tnetlo very hard?"
"V< s. Indeed, mumtua. I do." was '
his i dy. "It was ho awTui hard that j '
I prayed to God to help me. but He's I
luude lUiww iiU>uUfcn» aUw*4f." 4'
No 47
There Wrre Mm It* Itetntul Which Xo Mu
Could lie Patient.
He was a plain man, neatly
dressed, and might hare been any»
' thing from a dry goods clerk to •
! merchant in a small way. and there
was no more evil expression in bit
eye than in that of a man buying a
1 pound of butter. Yet there It was
* on the docket—"aggravatou assault."
' And there was the victim with his
' head tied up. both eyes in mourning,
and the general air of one who haa
gone through a sawmill.
* "Yer Honor," said the policeman,
1 "he bed th' man by the throat, an*
> wuz chokiu' th' breath out of bim. It
tuk me main strength to pull him
1 ofT."
i "What have you lo say for your
self?" said the Justice sternly, while
he prepared to put down "six months."
: "It was this way. your Honor,"
i said the little man. who looked scared,
< but spoke up pretty confidently for all
that. "1 only knew this man slightly,
and when he met me I just nodded,
but he began to talk altout the war."
"Do you mean to say that he is a
* sympathizer with Spain?" demanded
1 the Justice, glaring at the bandaged
* man.
r "No, it wasn't that We both
1 agreed that Weyler ought to be
1 burned at the stake, and if we hadn't
' both had families we would go to
morrow. Then the talk drifted to our
families, and he began to tell uie
about the smart remark made by his
8-year-old boy, who. when he heard
of *he sailing of the fleet, said "
"I understand," said the Judge has
' tily, preparing to write the magic
word "discharged" on the record.
"Then you hit him?"
* "No," replied the prisoner, smiling
ly, "I have a boy of 6, and If your
Honor would like to hear a little
' thing he got off the other day
1 about "
"The Court is rather pressed for
' time Just now," replied the Justice,
1 hastily. "Come to the point, please."
' "Well, after we had talked about
twenty minutes on family affairs I
' tried to give him the shake, but be
hung right on to me, until we came
' to the corner of my street. Tben I
' told him that my dinner was getting
cold, aud be said good-bye, and I
thought he was gone, but be came
1 running back, and caught me by the
f coat, and asked mo a question."
' "Still more family affairs?"
"No. your Hon< r. He wanted to
know my opinion SB to what date the
twentieth century began on. Then I
' beat in bis face, aid l I think I would
have done him ur if the policeman
handn't appeared."
' "Discharged," said the Judge. "Call
the next case."
a A V.'Uh.
1 Blame once attached to men wbo
i: spoke
r So irequcntly an<l at such length.
For verbiage is too oft the cloak
Of weakness rather than of
But since the noisi of battle shook
The sphere we t -nant, through and
' through,
And sorrows rose 'Where'er we'd look,
Apologies are surely due.
Oh, gentle, filibustering sprite,
I No more your du lness you rehearse.
We once regarded you with fright.
We not confess things might be
So, patriot men of north anu south,
While chasing Spain and watching
Make haste to close the cannon's
And give the orators a chance.
OntMot of the Road.
"In course. If you won t fire me
nothln'," said the hobo, "w'y, that's
your prlv'lege, 'an I ain't got nothln'
to say. But I want to warn you per
tlc'ler not to give nothln' to the feller
that's followin' a mile or so behind."
"Why not?" demanded the house
'"Cause he's sunk too low to be
wuth even a crust o' bread. That fel
ler is clean disreputable— that's what
he is."
"What has be done?" inquired the
"Done!" exclaimed the hobo, scorn
fully. "Done! W'y, that feller has
been t'run out of the union fer ridin'
a 'O7 model."
So saying, the hobo shifted the to
mato can swung from his shoulder,
mounted his wheel and continued on
his way.—Chicago Post.
A Gratetnl Soul.
Tourist—"So you lynched bim for
stealing a bicycle, eh? What were his
last words?"
Cactus Cal—"His last words was pa
thetic, stranger. If they'd of been
anybody else around to string up we'd
of let 'iin go. They was words of
tbanks to the committee fer nsin' a
lariat on 'im instead of a rope what
come from Manila before It was took
away from Bpain."
Ad L'uhappjr R«mlud«r«
"There were some "cmarkable old
carvings in that collect lod of brlc-a
brac," remarked the art enthusiast
"I'm glad I didn't see 'em," re
marked the young man with black
rimmed eye glasses. "I uave too much
to Interest me in that line whenever
we have spring chicken at our bouse."
It liana That War.
"The man who owns the farm next
to mine Is the luckiest fellow I ever
"What are you talking about?
There's no such thing as luck."
"There Isn't, hey? Then will you
kindly tell me how It happened that be
bored for water and struck oil, whils I
bored for oil and sir ick water?"
Human Nature
"Yoh knows," said Miss Miami
Brown as she took possession of her
escort's razor, "dat you alius orter
love yoh enemies."
"Da's er fnek," replied Mr. Plnck
ley, "but somehow it's a heap easier
ter love 'em aftuh I has 'em licked."
He—"Why Is it that you always
laugh at everything I say. whether I
am serious or not?"
She—"All the girls say you're the
littlest man In town."
A Phenomenon
renil scorns to flud a curious fate.
When times are getting tighter
t's price grows heavier, while Its
Too oft, alas, grows lighter.
Tl.a Wrone J;«n«ee.
Billy the Mugger—"Here, take dls
jook back. You cheated me, see."
Bookseller —"Cheated you? The
price Is plainly marked. I'll show
rou the catalogue If you think yon
mill too much for It"
Billy tho Slugger—"l don't care to
tee no catalogue. It's a story about
i lot of Boston guys by Henry James.
When 1 hougln it I t'ougbt Jesse bad
arote It"