Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 24, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL- xxxv
Now Is Your Time
To Buy
TT/lnter F^ootwear
• ■. &XXi3VX>%*t
We find we are o- erstoeked - too Yes, entirely too many goods
and we must reduce oar stock ami redact it quick'.y, w; ae_-1 mi lev aui we are
gdiwl to-«k><»e ont a gn at many notKli in the next few w-cVs ?nd t.iev a-c gotnj;
vtTJ Cheap It will oay >nu to come mil"S to attend this grefct Shot Sale lor here [
arc the very lojs prices they will GO AT:
BM'sOil. Oiain Sbots Ladies' Kul>lx.*r Boots fi.oo
Mrn'f He*vv Kij> Shoes s«c iioy's Rubbtr U.K,'.S ft.oo
Vbuth soi Grain Sfc<jes s«>c Men*:. P.ubl>«-r
M«o'( High Cm Hox Tex Shoe* |i 15 Men's Felt Hots anri Ovets
Watn'i Kangaroo Call Shoes 75c Ladies' Fine Dongcla Flexible .'-ole
Mams' Kangaroo Ca!f S'noes 50c Shoes ¥1 10 :
Boy'S Kip Boots fi.oo Missts' Fint Dress Shr>es 75 r !
' Children's F"int- Dress Shoes 4°° ]
dfanplete stock of Rubber and Felt
(foods of all kinds Boots and
Shoes made to order. At all times
a FALL stock of sole leather and shoe
supplies,of all kinds.
Repairing Promptly Dene
Short Talk About Advertising
Talking through the newspaper is > good way of talking to the people if it is
aot «bnse<l—if you tell the truth. A long list of prices rioes not amount 10 any
thing unless you have confidence in the hous that bick- the prices in their hones
ty and reputation they sustain.
What Would Your Paper Dollar
b« worth to von if it was not backed hy Uncle Sam You have got to take the
deslen word in buying Footwear. You are not a judge as to values in this cue.
It is wise to buy from the house you have confidence in.
We doj't depend upon prices alone to "c-«tch" custoTi'"". it's the absolute
safety of the goods, alhed to low prices, that gives us the advantage.
ij» veal, pit gf'ain and kip,7 soles and tap, fashioned on th - : swellest lasts, lace or
kfgb cut at— ♦«, ti.25 and $1 50. button, at *■> i ' $' 50, $2, #2 20
lien's box calf, ru*stt«, enatntls, cordo-! and $3. in kid, box call kangaroo and
vans, heavy soles on hull dog, cit' and crack-pio»H calt, <>il gram, veal unlin• «l.
Cornell lasts—the Swogger style*--$2 kip, heavy, soles, tij- or plain toe, heel or
and |2£o, #3 and 13.50. '•pri'ig
all-fresh made to our order No old girls in st »c'< No »>d j >'is to scil .
Good Boots und rubbers at $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2 2j and $2.50.
W.-.rm Lined Shoes for Elderly Ladies
.at 50c. 75c, fr and $1.25. Try this store—think you will like it.
.'4 .. i'%
Ruller'n I>afiluff RUM House OPPOSITE Hotel Lowry.
WC Are Sole Agents for th Jenness Miller Shoes for Butler.
I! -
!J. 5. YOUNG, t
( 1 TIN- gocxlx, Ktyle, lit and (feu era I make >
I up of his suits *
JLTELL their own STOF^Y.S|
1/ j V> \ '?/ Men won't-buy clothing for tie purpose
i_ r , Jj- .. t ft«»f Pp« Riding money. They desire to get th
"T J. V V ' 7l»>si t'«»ibl<- result", for thf m .ney expend
z\ /I n 1 Xot i:heap goods hut Jioods as cheap a^
/-.'l I. > | -(f ) ithey can In fold and m«d<- up propeily If
"Jl .V/V, "ill Jr~" *\j JxmA v " u want the Correct thiru- al the corrert
|f e*»/ Jpprice rail on tis, we nave tednced our sprint;
■.. li T* '• IV t~ suinßi r gf«.'Ndo nto nitk< room I. »r
I \ I i ! il/ \V ((✓ /onrh'-avj weigl't tfoods,
V A |l/ \\J r J9
J|?s |/fl |jij | Fits Guaranteed.
Merchant Tailor.
* T . 142 N . (YSAIN St.. Butler
Pape sros,
We Will sav«* You Money On
- Watches
ju : ( Silverware, 184-7 Rodger Bros. I
1 r) _ I
T Platewape and Sterling Silvers
. (
Our'Bepair Department * tkc i .ill \im . t W' .t.lu . Cl-x
anil !e\"dr. "U
122 S. Main St,
>. r Old jjold and silvtr taker »iic same as cash.
7> " H
No Gripe
«Th<!»n you take Hood's Tills. The big. old-fash
ioned, sugar-coat-M* p.*lis. which Uar you all to
pieces, arc not in it with flood's. Easy tottike
■ ■ ■
Of X end's _ I I
■p to etwj I | m
Sale, certain and sure. Al! ™
druggists. L r iC. C. I- Bo< <1 & Co.. Lowell. Mass.
T h<- inlJi IMU to take Jritli Hood's s«.-»anariil*
Thousand* are Trylnp It.
In ordet to prove the great ruerft of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Gtt it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BilOS., 50 Warren St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the wor l Knd
ever since a boy, aud I neicr h'»j for
cure, but Ely's Cream Ralru fcei ■ do
even that Many aoiuaintanc-s i
it with excellent results. — 1 <»car Uslr uu.
45 VV..rren Ave.. Cliicagr>, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
enr fir catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mere'".* nor uiv 111 iurioufl drug. F e.
fOoeui • .' '»"r by mail.
The following widow's appraisements of I
pi rsonai property and r« :»I estate set apart
forth' benefit » f the widows of decedents
have tiecti tiled in the office of the Clerk
of Orphans' Court of Butler Co.. viz:
Widow of J. Knauff. personal p'ty. On
• \v K. Nixon " " :«*> «>
" .lon. W. Irwin " " t .V>
•' U.K. Ziecler " " :**> on
"H. S. Frederick " " 300 0»
•' W. V. -ean.an " " :«0 00
" J. M. Crooks •' " •'»>" 00
" Earnest Winner " - *« («•
•• W. s. Thompson " " 300 00
" "O. Brady, rir. " " 23.~> 0"
•' T. Mcllcvitt. real e.tate 300 00
All persons Interested in the above ap
.irasien. Nts will take notice that they will
(i<» presented for confirmation tothe Orphans
Court of Butler county. I'a., on Saturday, the
10th day of I'ec.. A. [».. IrtK -aid If no ex
ceptions be filed they will lie .confirmed ate
Notice Is li«»rt*by piven that the following
road ana bridjetrs hav«* confirmed nisi
by t h»* Court and will 1m? presented on the
Hr-»t Saturday of !»<•'•., Court. IHUK, beinjMhc
10th day of said month, and if no exceptions
ar -filed thev will IK* confirmed alwolut^lv.
2i. D No. 1 September Sessions. HIW. In rc\
w-titition of citizens <»f Win fie Id township,
for a'■ounty biidp-over Kouifh Kun on the
Saxon station and Denny's Mill road. Court
appointed <»eo C. Pillow. J. S ' hristley and
(iediek Mr-Candles> as viewers. Aujr. 4.
of VI«-W»TS Hied in favor of proposed
bridge. -epternlM r 10. Approved, notice
to »K* xiven ;i-' ordiriK t<> the rulesof <V)iirt
and to be laid before the Grand Jury at next
f*v THE ( ot'RT.
EL D. No. 2, Sep iber Hes loos, WW* l n re.
petition of citizens of < learfleld township for
a eounty bridjre over Hunter Creek on Klt
taninK Pike. Court appointed Frank shearer
Homer Martin and V d. Slater viewers. Sept.
r»th. Istis. Report of viewers filed in favor of
proposed bridge. September 10.1H8K, approv
ed, notif*e to IM jriven according to rules of
Court and to be laid before the Grand .fury
at next term.
K. L>. No. •». September Sessions, I*DH. 111 re.
petition of eitlz.en-i of Venango township for
vacation of a oublie road. Court appointed
Levi Porter. Wm. Urr and .1. .1. MeGarvey
viewer-*. Aiitfiist 22. iKi*. Keport of viewers
ti.erl in favor of vn atlon Sept«?mi»er 10. IM
"i pproved. riot i.-e to IM* accordlnj!
to rule-, of i ourt.
B. f). No. 4. September Sessions, IMS#H. In
re petit i »n of citizens «»f Butler township
forapuhlie road to lead from the Powder
Mill Road to a point on the road leading from
the Three liegree Road tothe Meridian road
near MeCalmont Station. Court appointed
Geo c. Pillow. Robt. MrClung ana W. C.
Fleming vi"»«T». SeptemlH-r •"», Hsix. Report
of viewers filed in favor of pro nosed road
of road at H ft. notice t#» f»«- given according
to rulesof Court.
Bv THE < or RT,
li. It. No. 5. -eptember Sessions. I*#" In
re. petition of citizens of JefTerson townshlji
for vacat lon, change und supply of a public
road. Court ap|H»inted I. N. Meals, ROIMTI
-rnitli and .John A. Watson vU*wers. Septetn
ber r », Ih'x, Report of vlew«*rs filed in favor ot
IH'titioners SeptemlKT l'». inys. approved
and fix widtri of road at ft. N'»tlc#- to
given according to rules of CouJt.
Bv 1 HE COfKT.
Certified from the record this 7th day of ,
November. IftH.
clerk 0. S. (Jourt
The Register hereby gives notice that the
'ollowlng a«-.*ounts of exe -utors, adminis
trators and guardians have been filed in
Mil>. ofliei-a - ordlng to law, and will be pre
.ented to Couri for «*onfiruiatlon and allow
-tii c on Saturday, t lie loth day of l>eeember,
HiiM, at U A. of said day:
1. Final account of Adam Karnerer. guard
ian or Juli t L Kamerer, minor child of
lotin I> Kamerer. de *«*ased, late of Concord
vwp. a. st :i!ed by Julia L Kamerer, executrix
»" Adatii Kamerer. dec«;ased.
2. Final aeeonnt of Phillip Oaubenspcck,
guardian of Martha Walley, minor child of
>!artha L Walley. dcsceased. late of Parker
t ~
# Fiua* dlstru'nit ion vcoupt of W. A. For
•pier, C T* A of Mary Jane
neep, de.-*-a»cd. late ».f Falrview l»orougb.
4. Final a>*couut oJ Mary K Sullivan, ad
ministratrix of <y'ol. John M Sullivan, deceas-
I ed. late of Butler Ixirough.
| 5. Final account of J J Smith and John
! Kline, executors of Jacob Kline, deceased,
late of Adams t wp.
ft Final account of Peter LandgrafT, guar
daln of <»eorge-- hoeiie, minor cfilld of Jos.
Sciioene. late of llotiegal two.
T. Final a <ounl of Stary A Rhodes, admin
istratrix of Henry L Rhodes, deceased, I ate of
sllpneryrock twp
**. Final accuunt of Christina Fredrick
a*i<l Theadore .1 I redrlrk, administrators of
Adtrn J Frederl»*k,d«?' , eased.late of JefTerson
Final account of John A. Irvfn. adminis
trate >r of Geo W Irvlu, deceased, late of For
ward t wp.
10. Final account of R«*v W J tirlmes. exec
utor of Nancy Richards, deceased, late of
Corinofieucsslrig twp.
11. Partial at'eount of Tf torn as L Duff and
S If Duff, executors of Samuel Duff, deceas
ed. late of Wlnfleld t wp.
12 Final amount of A. p. Tatinehlll, admln-
Istrat'Orof William Tannehill, d«'ceased, late
of Slippery Kock township.
Fi Fmai aceouut «»f James McLaughlin,
administratoro Hugh McLaughlin, doceas
ed. late r,f Mercer township.
14. I'ltoil account of IC I' S,*ot.t. trustee of
the real c-.',iite of T)IODI:IH K. Cannon, de
ccasi-il. biieof I'iiri.cr township.
f>. rinal account of K'luur I 'nwun, admin
istrator of Kimir.i Cowan, deceased, late
of A'larn-i township.
Hi. Final account of Louisa Kununer. ad
iiiiuiatraliix of Vdam hummer, decreased,
late of Hut ler iioroiigli
17 Final a am lof W. Il llramlon. exec
utor of Marv A. l owan, deceased, late of
Is Final account of fharlcH Divener. iruar
dt in o lar V '>'I IOIIIM-H, minor -lilid of l» it
io. 1 1' '''titiell. used, late of liouegal
Final a - oiinl of I>l tie K.FIIek, admin
I r.tt ri \ of W .1. Filck. deceased, late o
flutter county.
30. Final »• count of \V. J. t'lnslemi, ail
MluUt ratof qf ICI 'liurd I mstead,
isle ol llddlcnex towiishi|>.
71. Pinal a --ount of V F. Werner, guar
Joseph II Neeiv. Minor ciiild ol
i*ely. deceased, late of Lancaster
::J. I'ar'ial .-u-count of \V .tv Llndscy
• iirvivlfi/ ex -utor of William Liridsey
ri,- e;i >< it. tat*- 'it i iterry township.
-I Final account of lleorge K. (lay, exe
utor of James M. May. deceased, late o
Ponn i wp
First and Partial account of S. <>
Kamerer and Adam Kamerur, executors o
joint U Ksmeret deceased late of Concur
township, as tiled l»y H ij. Kattierer, surviv
ing e\e,ntor and Julia V hipnerer, Kx'r
ol Adam Kamerer now in-ceased.
&>. Final account of Jolin Ku miner, guar
illan of i lirlsteiia Hummer, minor child >
Adam hummer, deceased, late of lluii- i
I'lnal account of Thomas A. Vurks.
adminlst rator of i'iarinda A Parks, deceas
ed, late of Middlesex twp.
27. Final account of \\ . il. ("uhhlns, admin
istrator of I' W. Thompson, deceased, ho
of Allegheny twp.
SH. Final account of W A. Fleming, exe -
utor Of c'al.lierlue F. Jettison, deceased, late
of I'elrolitt ho^o
~".i first, final and distribution account o
Ale\. Mltclndi. trustee in partition of tii
entateof { hrirtlaii otto, deceased, late ~
Hutlot ho fit
30. I' lit-tl account of Laviiia Anderson and
Joncph Sutton, adminlstrnior* of J. L. \n
dfrson. de eased, tate of Venango township.
.it Irlnsl account of M. ('. Scaring, execi
tor of it F. Scaling, deceased, late of Wort
tw 11.
■Ki. Final account of J»cob Kaltcnbaugh
executor i f Men s li .t.y licensed, lateo.
tl. I ir-t partial mil of Owen llrady,
auiiiliif .i rator of t /well llrady, S|\, dcceasen.
I .te of l>olp't;i|l t «v(i.
;tl I ii|.ti v count of John K Uilghrist
guardian of ill.niche s. shannon, minor chli
bv adoption of Jutnes W and M. J. ituchiui
an. oi . ;i ,ei), late of Marlon township, a
tiled hy John McDowell, administrator o
John K. (dlglirtat. now deceased.
3a. Final account of Sidney ti. Flick, ad
mlnlst r-iti,- . f - . , i Metiti.i Is deceas-d.
late of it,,a.'il*. towtiflhip' -* *
iff}. I- inai ;j 'l'otott of ,1. M, |q U cL guardian
of liertim hohlit|i.ve| mn,oi child of s. w
Koliimeyer. elecci'tsi d. late or Alleghen
3V. Final account of tohn M Iteed. guar
diiui of I'aulim Ktray, minor child of John
Klray. deceased
W.J. ADAMS. Register.
11 rail. I
Hut now -li" returned once more Into
the usual routine ol the family. I fear
1 was uliable to repr all si>;iis of
ajritation when. n<»xt day. she enteied
the dinin? room, after we were seated,
and took her customary (dace at the
table. Her behavior was much ilie
same as before; bat her face was very
different. There was lipht in it now
and signs of mental movement. The
smooth forehead v. ould IK- occasionally
wrinkled, and she would fall into
moods which were evidently uot of in
sanity. but of absiraeted thought. She
took especial care that our eyes should
not meet. If by chance they did. in
stead of sinking hers, she kept them
steady, and openid them wider, is if
she was fixing tin in on nothing at all.
or she raised them still higher, as if
she was looking at something above
me. lief ore she allowed them to fall.
But the change in her altogether was
such that it must have attracted the
notice and roused the speculation of
Lady Hilton at least. For me. so well
did she act her part, that I was thrown
Into perplexity bj- it. Aud when day
after day passed and the longing to
speak to her grew, and remained uti
satisfied, new doubts arose. Perhaps
she was tired of me. I'erhaps her
new studies tilled her mind with the
clear, gladsome morning light of the
pure intellect, which always throws
doubt and distrust and a kind of ne
gation upon the roooniight of passion,
mysterious, and mingled ever with
faint shadows of pain. 1 walked as
in an unresting sleep. Utterly as I
loved her. I was yet alarmed and dis
tressed to find how entirely my being
had grown dependent upon her love;
how little of individual, self-existing.
Keif •upholding life, I seemed to have
left; how little I I«red for anything,
save as I could associate it witli her.
I was sitting late one night in my
room. I had all but given up hope of
her coining. I had. perhaps, deprived
her of the somnambulic power. 1 was
brooding over this possibility, when all
at once I felt as if I were looking into
the haunted room. It seemed to be
lighted by the moon, shining through
the stained windows. The feeling
came and went suddenly, as such vis
ions of places generally do: but this
had an Indescribable something about
it more clear and real than such res
urrections of the past, whether willed
or unwilled, commonly possess; and a
great longing seized me to look into
the room once more. I rose with a
sense of yielding to the irresistible,
left the room, groped my way through
the hall and up' the oak staircase— l
had never thought of taking a light
with ine — and entered tlie corridor.
No sooner had I entered it than the
thought sprung up in my mind— "What
if she should be there!" My heart
stood still for a moment, like a wound-
E(\ deer, and then bounded on, with a
pang in every bound. The corridor
was night itself, with a dim, bluish
gray light from the windows, sufficing
lo mark their own spaces. I stole
through it, and, without erring once,
went straight to the haunted cham
ber. The door stocd half open. I en
tered, and was bewildered by the dim,
mysterious, dreamy loveliness upon
which 1 GIMED. 'ITIF moon shone full
upon the windows, and a thousand
colored lights and shadows crossed
and intertwined upon the walls and
floor, all so soft, and mingling, and
undefined, that the brain was filled
as with a flickering dance of ghostly
rainbows. But I hail little time to
think of these; for out of the only dark
corner in the room came a white fig
ure, flitting across the chaos of lights,
liedewed, besprinkled, in-spattered, as
she passed, with their multitudinous
colors. 1 was speechless, motionless,
with something far beyond Joy. \\ ith
a low moan of delight Lady Alice sunk
Into my arms. Then, looking up with
a light laugh: "The scales are turned,
dear," she said. "You are In my pow
er, now; I brought you here. I thought
1 could, and I tried,*for I wanted s<»
much to see you ami you are coine."
She led me across the room to the
place where slie lmd IS-en seated, and
we sat side by side.
I thought you mil forgotten me
I said, "or had gn wn tired of me."
"Old you? Tbnt was unkind. You
have made my lijart HO still, that,
body and soul, I sleep at night."
"Then shall I never see you more?"
"We can meet here. This is the best
place. No one dares come near the
haunted room at night. We might
even venture In the evening. Look,
now, from where we are sitting, across
the air, between the windows and the
shadows on the floor. I>o you sec
nothing moving?"
I looked, but could see nothing She
"I almost fancy, sometimes, that
what old stories say at>out this room
may lie true. I could fancy, now, that
I see dim, transparent forms iu an
cient armor, and iu strange antique
dress, men and women, moving about,
meeting, speaking, embracing, parting,
coming and going. But I was never
afraid of sueli beings. I am sure these
would uot, could not hurt us."
If the room was not really what it
was well tlttcd to lie— a rendezvous for
the ghosts of the past then either my
Imagination, liecoinlug more active A<
SHE tipoke, began to operate upon my
brain, or her fancies were mysterious
ly communicated te me; for I was per
suaded that I saw such dim, undefined,
forms as she described, of a substance
only denser than the moonlight, flitting
and floating about between the win
dows and TILL! illuminated floor. Could
they have been colored ahndrfwy
thrown from the Btalupu upon
the fine dust with which THE slightest
motion LU such an old and neglected
room must fill its atmosphere? I did
not think of that then, however.
"1 could persuade myself that I, too,
see them," I replied. "I cannot say
that I am afraid of such beings any
more than you if only they will not
"ALI," SDIE veplied. WITLI a lengthened
meaning utterance, expressing sym
pathy with what I said; "I know
what you mean. I, too, am afraid of
hearing things. And that reminds me,
I have never yet asked you about the
galloping horse. I. too, hear some
times the sound of a loose horseshoe
II alwuy.l betokens YV\L to M. ;
hut I do not know what It means. I>o
'Do you know," 1 rejoined, "thai
there IS,A connection between youi
family and mine, somewhere far back
IN their histories?"*
"No! Is there? How glad I am.
Then I>crhap.. you and I ate ULATE-T
AND that T'l how we are so much alike,
and have power over each other and
hear the same things."
"Yes. I suppose that Is how."
"But can you account for that sound
which we both hear?"
"1 will tell YV.U vli»t n»y old fostec
mother told me." I replied. And I be
gan narrating wi>« n and where l first
heard the sound: and then gave hei
as nearly a<* I colli3. the legend which
nurse had recount* il to me. I did not
tell her its association with the events
of my birth, for 1 feared exciting hei
imagination too i « eh. She listened
io ii very quietly. e>wev« r. and wiieti
I came to a close, only said:
"Of course, we <•: nnot tell how much
of it is true, but there may be some
thing in it. I hate never heard any
thing of the sort. Uiil I. too, have an
old nurse. She is with me still. You
shall see her som# dav."
She rose to go.
"Will you mcel me here again,
soon?" I said.
-As soon as you vish." she answer
"Then to-morrow at midnight."
And we parted st the door of the
haunted chamber. I watched the
flickering with which her whiteness
just set the darkness in motion, and
nothing more, seeming to see it long
after I knew she must have turned
aside and descended the steps leading
toward her own rocui. »lien I turned
and groped my way back to mine.
We often met aft r this In the haun
ted room. Indeed my spirit haunted
it all day and all night long. And
when we met amid the shadows, we
were wrapped in the mantle of love,
and from its folds looked our fearles.-
on the ghostly world al»out us. (Jhosts
or none, they never annoyed us. Our
love was a talisman; yea. an elixir
of life, which made us equal to tht
twice liorn —the disembodied dead.
And they were as a wall of fear about
us. to keep far off rlie unfriendly foot
and the prying eye.
In the griefs that followed I often
thought with my-elf that I would
gladly die for a thousand years, might
I then awake for one night in the
haunted chamber, r ghost, among the
ghosts who crowded its stained moon
-1 teams, and see my dead Alice smiling
across tlie glimmering rays, and beck
oning me to the < -Id nook, she. too,
having come awake out of the sleep
of death, in the dream of the haunted
chamber. "Might we but sit there,"
1 said, "tlvough the night, as of old.
and lore and comfort each other, till
the moon go down, and the pale dawn,
which is tlie ulgli. -if the ghosts, be
gin to arise, then gladly would I go
to sleep for auotliT thousand years,
in the hope that when I next beeome
conscious of life, It might be in an
other such ghostly night. In the cham
ber of glll-sts."
Time passed. Wc began to feel very
secure ill that room, watched as ii was
by the sleepless pen try. Fear. One
night 1 ventured to take a light with
"How nice to linve a candle." s!i
said as I entt red. I ill
in bed, though. It will drivi som, of
them into tits If they see the light."
"I wanted to show you something I
found in the libra)*" to-day."
"What is it?"
I opened a book and showed hei a
paper inside it. itith some vi i -
written on it.
"Whose writing ii hat?" I as' d
"Yours, of eoevsi. As If I did not
know your writinr."
"Will yon look at the date?"
"Seventeen hunlred and ninety
three! You are miking game of 11.
Duncan. But the paper does 100
yellow and old."
"I found It as yo s.-e ii In that book
It Itelonzeil to I.oi I Hilti n's brother.
The verses are a translation of part
of the poem beside which they He
one by Von Sails, ho died shortly be
fore that date at the liottom. I will
read them to you. mil then show yon
something else tint Is strange about
them. The poem s called "Psyche's
Sorrow. Psyche in,.ins the soul, Al
"I i'in mber. Vou told me about
her before, you ki iw."
Psyche's sighing I 11 her prison dark
She is moaning I >r the far-off stars;
Fearing, hoping, every sound sh«
Fate may now I e breaking at her
"Bound, fast bourn' are Psyche's airy
High her heart, fcer mourning soft
and low-
Knowing that in : ltr.v pain's domin
Crow t tie pa bus ' Uat crown the vic
tor's brow.
"That the empty lutnd the wreath In
Earth's cold winds but make the
spirit, brave;
Knowing that the briers l>ear the
Golden flowers the waste deserted
"In the cypress shale her myrtle grow-
Much "she loves, leejiuse she much
hath borne;
Love-led, through the darksome way
she goeth—
On to meet him in the breaking
"She can bear—"
"Here tin translation ceases, you
see; and then follows thv dale, with
the words In Oormmi underneath it
'How weary I ainT Now what is
strange, Alice, Is, that this date is
the very month and year in which I
was born."
She did not reply to this with any
thing beyond a mere assent. Her
mind was fixed oh the poem Itself.
She began to talk about il. aud I »\t<s
surprised to lind how- thoroughly she
entered into it and understood It. She
seemed to have crowded the growth
of a lifetime into the last few months.
At length I told her how unhappy I
had felt for some time, at remaining
In Lord Hilton's house, as matters
now were.
"Then you must go," she said quite
This troubled me.
"You do not mind It?"
"No. I shall be very glad."
"Will you go with me?" I asked,
"Of course I wIlL"
I did not know what to say to nils,
for I had no money, and of com so I
should hate none oi my salary. Site
divined at once the cause of my lies 1 -
"I have a diamond bracelet In my
room," she said, with a smile, "and a
few guineas beshli s."
"How shall we get away?"
"Nothing is easier My oh( ll u
Whom I uiel:t (Ojied It/ you liefoie. lives
at the lodge gate."
"I know her veiy well," I Inter
rupted. "But she's not Scotch."
"Indeed sin- Is. But she has been
with our family a most all her life.
I often go to sis- 1.-T an i 4 ometlmes
stay all ulgiU with In'r. You call get
a carriage ready In the village, and
neither of us will be missed before
I looked at her in renewed surprise
t the decision of ht-r invention. She
vi-red her face, us she seldom ilid
>w, but went on:
"We can go to London, where you
asily find something to do. Men
i; - can there. Anil when I come
"Alice, how old are you?" I inter
•Nineteen." she answered. "By the
way, she resumed, "when I think of
it—how odd— that"—pointing to the
date on the paper—'"is the very mouth
in which I. too. was born.
I was too much surprised to inter
rupt her, and she continued:
"I never think about my age without
recalling one thing about my birth
which nurse often refers to. sin was
going up the stair to my mother's ro m
when she happened to notice a bright
star, uoi far from the new moon. As
she crossed the room with me iu her
arms, just after I was born, she HV
the same star almost on the tip of the
opposite horn. My mother died a week
after. Who knows how different 1
might have l>een if she had lived!
It was long before I spoke. The
awful and mysterious thoughts roused
In my mind by the revelat us of the
day. held me silent. At length I said,
half thinking aloud:
"Then you and I. Alice, were born
the same hour, and our mothers died
Receiving no answer. I looked at her.
She was fast asleep, and breathing
gentle, full breaths. She had b en ■■it
tiug for some time with her head ly
ing on my shoulder and my arm
around her. I could not bear to wake
We had been in this position perhaps
for half an hour, when suddenly a cold
shiver ran through me. and all at
once I became aware of the far-off
gallop of a horse. It drew nearer. On
and on it came- nearer and nearer.
Then came the clank of the broken
At the same moment Alice started
from her sleep, and. springing to her
feet, stood an instant listening. Then
crying out, !• an agonized whisper.
"The horse with the clanking shoe!"
she flung her arms around me. Iler
face was as white as the spectral moon
which, flic moment I put the candle
out. looked in through a pane beside
us; and she gazed tearfully, yet wildly
defiant, toward the door. We clung
to each other. We heard the sound
come nearer and nearer, till it thun
dered right up to the very door of the
room terribly loud. It ceased. But
the doos was fltiDg open, and Lord
Hilton entered, followed by s rvants
with lights.
I have but a very confused remem
brance of what followed. I heard a
vile word from the lips of Lord-Hil
ton; I felt my lingers on his throat;
I received a blow on the head: and I
seem to remi nil er a cry of agony
from Alice as I fell. What happened
next I do not know.
When I came to myself I was lying
on a wide moor, with the night wind
blowing about me. I presume that 1
had wandered thither in a state of un
consciousness, after being turned out
of the hall, and iliat I had at last
fainted from loss of blood. I was tin
able TO move for a long time. At
length the morning broke and I found
myself not far from the ball. I crept
back, a mile or two, to the gates, and
having succeeded In rousing Alice's
old nurse, was taki R< in with many la
mentations. and IML lo bed in the
lodge 1 had a'l nt fever; and it
was ail the poor W'LMAN could do to
keep my present! a secret* from the
family at the Hall.
When I began to mend my first
question was about Alice. I learned,
though with sonic difficulty for my
kind attendant was evidently iiuwil
ling to tell ine all the truth that Alice,
too. had been very HT; and that, a week
before, they had removed her. But
she either would not. or could not tell
me where they had taken her. I be
lieved she could not. Nor do I know
for certain to this day.
Mrs. Blnkesley offered me the loan
of some o' her savings to get me to
London. I received It with gratitude,
and as soon as 1 was fit to travel made
my way thither. Afraid for my rea
son, if 1 had no employment to keep
my thought", fron' brooding on my
helplessness, and SO Increasing my de
spair, and determined likewise that my
failure should not make me burueu
sonie to anyone else, I enlisted iu the
Scotch Crays, before letting any of
my friends know where I was.
Through the help of one already men
tioned in my story, I soon obtained a
commission. From the field of Wa
terloo I rode into Rr.issels with a bro
ken arm and a sabre cut In the head.
As we passed along one of the streets
through all the clang of iron-shod
hoofs on the stones around tue, I
heard the ominous clank. At the
same moment I beard a cry. IT was
the voice of my Alice. I looked up.
At a barred window I saw her face,
but it was terribly changed. I drop
ped from my horse As soon as I was
able to move from he hospital 1 went
to the place, and fi ml it was a luna
tic asylum. I wai permitted to see
the inmates, but di • ovcred no one re
sembling her. I d( not now believe
that she was ever 'acre. But I may
be wrong. Nor v II I trouble my
reader with the il>i orles on which I
sought to account 1 r the vision. They
will occur to himse f readily enough.
For years and jenis I knew not
whether she was alive or dead. I
sought her far and icar. 1 wandered
over Kuglaiid. I'rn ce and Cerniany,
hopelessly search it llsteiilrg at ta
bles d'hote, lurking ibout mad bouses;
haunting theatres and churches; often,
lp wild legious. hedging my way from
house to house; I d d not find her.
Once I visited Hilton Hall. I found
li all but i.eserted. I learned that Mrs.
V ilson was dead, and that there were
only two or three servants lu the
place. 1 maun il ( get Into the bouse
u: seen and ma i u way n> the haun
ted chamber. My feelings were not
so keen as i bad :i Itlcipsted, for the]
i been dulled by ong suffering ftnt
nralu I 'ha* the n ion shine through
(iii se windows ol sialned glass. Again
tier beam.-* were crowded with gliosis.
She was not amen a them. "My lost
love!" I erleil; and then, rebuking my
self, "No; she is not lout. Tliey say
that time and space exist not, Hi
our (bought,. If so, Ipcu thai which
lliib iei II iw. and the past can never
cease. She Is mine, and I shall find
her what mailers It where, or when,
or how? Till (ben. my soul Is but a
moon lighted chamber of ghosts; and
I sit w-11bin. the iii ariest of them all.
W hen she enter II " ill bv a home of
love And I IVII it I wall!"
I .ii and »r led over the put, till
I fill a sleep in the phantom-peopled
night. And all th- night long they
wre about me tli <• men and women
of (he long past. And I wa\ ,uw ot
(hell' Iwan t ,c>, u my' dreams over
the v. uole b'-t's Im ilted In a long old
fas!t d > wn. set 11 liing for one who
was At|i ■. and yet Aotilil be some one
else. From room lo loom I vv
till weary, and could not find her. AC
last I gave up tli> search, and. re
tnailng to the library, shut myself iu.
There. tai> i- ilowi fr> the shelf the
voir me of "Psyche's Sorrow." from
the i ut where the student had left
it. thinking it. all the time, my own
unfinished work.
When I wo' e ii the morning, the
chamber of ghost: in which 1 had
fa'leu asleep had \an : s-'ued. The sun
»! LIT IT through the windows of the
library: ai ■ on its dusty tale lay \on
Salis. op nat "Psyche's Trailer. Ihe
sheet of paper, with the translation
on it. was uot there. 1 hastened to
have the house, and effected my es
cape IH-fore the sen ants were astir.
Sometimes 1 condensed my whole
In ir.g into a single intensity of will—
th t she should v-oue to me; and sus
tained it until 1 fainted with the ef
fort. She did not come. I desisted
altogether, at last, :'or I bethought me
that, whether dead or alive, it must
cause her torture not to be able to
obey It.
Sometimes I tjut s :oned my own san
ity. But the tlioi - 1:T of the loss of
iny reason did m ; in trouble
me much. What tortured me almost
to the madness it supiiosed was the
l>ossible fact, wliii h a return to my
right mind might reveal—that there
never had been a Laily Alice. What
ii I died, aud a wok# from NIV madness,
and found a clear blue air of life, a
joyous world of sunshine, a divine
wealth of delight around anil in me;
but no Lady Alice- she having vanished
with all the other phantoms of a sick
brain? "Bather let me be mad still."
1 said, "if mad I am; and so dream on
that 1 have been blessed. Were 1 to
wake to such a heaven. I would pray
Cod to let me go and live the life I
had but dreamed, with all its sorrows,
and all its despair, and all its mad
ness; that when I died again. 1 might
know that such things bad been, and
could never be awakened from, and
left behind with the dream." But I
was not mad any more than rianilet;
though, like him. despair sometimes
led me far along the way at the end
of which madness lies.
I was now Captain Campbell, of the
Scotch <*reys, contriving to live on my
half pay. and thinking far more aln»ut
the past than the present or future.
My father was dead. My only brother
was also gone, and the property had
passed Into other hands. I had no
fixed place of abode, but went from
one spot to another, as the whim seiz
ed me—sometimes remaining months,
sometimes removing next day, but
generally choosing retired villages
about which 1 knew nothing.
I hail spent a week in a small town
on the borders of Wales, and intended
remaining a fortnight longer, when I
was suddenly seized with a violent ill
ness. In which I lay Insensible for
three weeks. When 1 recovered con
sciousness 1 found that my head had
L>een shaved, and that the cicatrice of
my old wound was occasionally very
painful. Of late I have suspected that
I had some operation performed upon
my skull during my illnes.S; but Dr.
Ruthwell never dropped a hint to
that effect. This was the friend whom,
when first I opened my seeing eyes.
1 beheld silting by aiy bedside, watch
ing the effect of his last prescrip
"You would BLUSH at me, Campbell,
were I to confess some of the liother
this Illness of yours has occasioned
me; ENOUISV., LUJUIIII. to overthrow anj
couceit I ever had in my own diagno
"Co on," I answ«*ed; "I promise
to laugh."
Tie little knew bow far I should be
from laughing.
"In your case," he continued, "the
pathognomonic, if you will excuse
medical slang, was »very now aud then
broken up by the LI iiislon of altogeth
or foreign sympton T."
I listened with 1 >athlcss attention.
"Indeed, oil seve D occasions, when
after meditating < your case till I
was worn out. I ha fallen half asleep
by your bedside. came to myself
with FIN? stranges conviction that I
was watching by t ? bedside of a wo
"Thank heaven!" I exclaimed, start
ing up, "she still 11 -s!"
I need AOT doscri ■ the doctor's look
of amazement, all ost consternation,
for he thought a fi sh access of fever
was upon me. and 1 had already be
gun to rave. For his reassurance,
howover. I promis 1 to account fully
for my apparently senseless excite
ment; and that evi ling I commenced
the narrative whld forms the preced
ing part of this st< *y. Long before I
reached its close t y exultation had
vanished, and. as wrote it for him,
it ended with the E pressed conviction
that she must be de id. 10re long, how
ever, the hope o' ce more revived.
While, however, TL' • narrative was in
progress, I gave bin a summary which
amounted to this:
I laid loved a la ly—loved her still.
1 did not know \\ tore she was, nud
had reason to fear that her mind had
given way under i ic suffering of our
separation. Betwc u us there exist
ed, as well, the boiu of a distant blood
relationship; so diMant, that but for
its firoliabio share 111 the production of
another relailousini ol a very marvel
ous nature, it ui oid scarcely have
been worth alludii a to. 1 his was ,i
kind of psychoi >gical attraction,
which, when jusiiinil and streugtheu
ed by the spiritual energies of love,
rendered the iuinndlate communica
tion of certain let:tings, boin mental
and bodily, so rapid, that almost the
consciousness of lue one existed tot
the time iu the mental conseiounu 'ss
of the other, Nay. SO complete 111
tiuioa was the con;luuiiicatiou, that I
even doubted ber lesiiiuolij as to some
strange eorrespoiiuciiccs in our pail
history on this very ground, suspecting
that, my memory being open in her re
(inspection, sin s*w my story, and
took il for her o-vu. It was, therefore,
easy for me to account for Or. Kutli
wens sclentilic hevviitlerinent at the
symptoms I manifested.
As (ity lealtii revived, my hope and
longing tuci eased. But although I
lovtil Lauy Alice with more eiitlrcuess
than even during the latest period of
our intercourse, a certain calm endur
ance had supervened, which rendered
ilie relief of tierce action Mu longer
necessary ty collUllUllUce of a sine
existance. It was as If the concentra
ted orb of love had (Utilised Itself In a
genial warmth through the whole orb
of nfe, imparting fresh vitality to
many roots which had remained leaf
.i -s in in.i being. For yearn Uiu U»»'d
oi iiaiile was th;- only field that lull
..oiuv the (lower of delight; now in
iore began to live again for me.
One day. 'lie first on which 1 ven
lured lo walk into the llelds alone, I
was delighted with the uiultiUid« el
the daisies peeping (mill the gras
everv w'-cit the first attempts of tin
earili. become conscious of blindness,
to open eyes, and see what was about
and above her. Kv -rythlng Is woudt •
I'ul after the resunectlou I'totu Illness.
It is u I'cktU'rectlou of all nature. But
somehow or other. I was not satisfied
Willi the daisies. They did not seeui
to me so lovely as ili»' daisies I used to
set when 1 was a *'hlid. 1 thought to
myself, "This is the cloud thai gatti
er'i wiib life, the iliinu. ss (hat pas
son and suffering > asi over the eyes or
.in tuind." '1 hat it.oui.-ni n»y gar.e fel'
U|HJU a single, solitary. red-tipped
(litisr. My reasoning vanished, and
my melancholy with it. slain by the
led tips of the lonely beauty. This
was the kind of daisy 1 had loved as
a child, and with the sight of it. a
whole tield of tbelu rushed back into
my wind—a field of my father s where,
through the multitude, you could not
have found a white one. My father
was dead; the tiel Is had passed iuto
other hands; but perhaps the red
tipped go wans were left. 1 must go
and see. At all c ents, the hill thai
overlooked the field would still be there
and no change would have passed up
on it. It would rieelve me with the
same familiar lock as of old. still
fronting the great mountain from
wnose sides 1 had txst heard the sound
of that clanking horseshoe, which,
whatever might be said to account for
it. had certainly htd a fearful connec
tion with my joys and sorrows both.
I till thr ghostly rider still haunt the
place? jr. if he did. should I hear
again that s- >und of coming woe?
Whether or not, i defied him. I woul l
not Im* turned from my desire to se<*
the old place by ai y fear of a ghostly
marauder, whom 1 should be only too
glad to encounter, if there were me
smallest chance of coming off with
the victory.
As so.in as my friend would permit
ne. I let out for Rcotland.
In matrimonial engagements men
have to face the powder.
A late supper embraces such things
of which dreams are made.
Life is short, but it only takes two
seconds to fight a duel.
It's better to marry and be boss
than never to have bossed at all.
A business man always reads the
postscript of a woman's letter first.
There's something crooked about the
business of a corkscrew manufacturer.
A girl never acquires a reputation as
a vocalist until she begins to render
her songs.
Whenever a woman reads of a man
going wrong she always wonders what
the woman in the case was like.
A man's meaning is the same during
courtship and after marriage, but It la
expressed in different language.
The wise man always knows enough
to cast his lot wltfc a woman who has
enough money to build a substantial
house thereon.
More than one hundred collisions oc
curred on Japanese railroads in 1897.
Railway wheels made of leather have
been experimented with in France.
A South Sea Islander greets a friend
by flinging a Jar of water over his
American pulp-making machinery la
gaining considerable headway In Scan
Farinelli could sing 300 notes with
out drawing breath, while fifty exhaust
most singers.
In the Japanese temples there is a
large drum used In worship. It Is call
ed kagura-taiko, and gives a tone much
like a gong.
England holds the honor of having
first formed societies for the prevention
of cruelty to animals, and of having
first legislated for Its punishment.
A lion hunter who has made a study
of that animal's peculiarities says "all
lions are left-handed. When one
strikes a forcible blow it always uses
Its left paw."
If the Prussian conscription were ap
plied in India. England would have
2,500,000 regular soldiers actually in
barracks, with 800.000 recruits coming
up every year.
Two-thirds of the beef consumed by
Englishmen comes from America.
The Empire of Japan compriser to
day about 4,000 rocky islands.
lodine is a crude alkaline matte. - ,
produced by the combustion of sea
There are more public holidays In
Honolulu than in any other city In the
In Australia spring begins Aug. 20;
summer, Nov. 20; autumn, Feb. 20, and
winter. May 20.
The young woman who possesses c
The seacoast line of the globe Is
computed to be about 136,000 m11e.4.
The oil of tobacco found in the stem
of long used pipes is one of the most
active and powerful poisons known.
The atmosphere Is so clear In Zulu
land that it is said objects can be seei
by starlight at a distance of sever
There are 70,927 people in Iceland
and they are so free from crime th..
but one policeman Is kept, and hit
place Is a sinecure.
There Is 87 per cent, of water and 1
per cent, of solids In milk. The siui'-'i
in the solids Is In greater proportion
than In any other solid.
Don't get the blghead—lt will COB.
you too much for hats.
Don't yawn when your employer is
twlllug an alleged funny story.
Don't neglect to know a little more
than you let people think you know.
Don't use n gallon oJ words In ex
pressing a tp.islHM>nful of thought.
Don't air the faults of other people
until you have renovated your own.
Don't think all the medical students
, ire snobs because they cut people dead.
Don't deapise little things. The mos
<|iiito la more bother than the ele
Don't think because B)»n were born
to rule and women to ob«-y that they
always da.
Don't employ a physician who rec
ommends a change—and then takes all
you have left.
Snake charmers ought to make ex
cellent bartenders.
The ton#ue of liberty usuaU> belongs
No. 40
to a married woman.
A thing of comfort is seldom a Joy
to the woman of fashion.
Some men are worth more than oth
ers and some are worth-leas.
Heft.i niers should devote more of
their time to reforming reforms.
Unless a man possesses self-control
n« is Utile better Ihi.n & slave.
The water soon escapes when it'a
half-tide. »
Friendship and confidence are plants
of slow growth.
it doesn't take m .ch to make a one
legged rttsn hopping mad.
Wise is the son who admits the sn
preior wisdom of Ms father.
The majority of people seem to for
get that to-morrow never comes.
Putting a porcelain egg under a hen
ts seating a good eggs-ample.
An office-seeker seldom runs for the
postoffice to mail his wife's letters.
A man makes more good resolutions
when he's broke than at any other
Little girls are fond of dolls, but af
ter they grow up they have a fondness
for dollars.
A St. Louis doctor refuses to allow
his wife to raise ducks because they
make such personal remarks.
When the sun doesn't shine a woman
has the blues and when it does she
worries for fear it will fade her carpets.
It has been proven that the young
American Is just as much at home in
shooting Spaniards as he is in shooting
the chutes.
Whenever a girl tells a young man
(hat she dreamed of him the night be
fore he might as well begin to save up
money for the furniture.
It Is always the prettiest frock that
receives the baptismal first.
The woman with pretty rings can
not be persuaded to wear gloves.
To love once is to love always—but
not necessarily the same person.
It ought to be some consolation to a
widow to know that history repeats it
The noblest study of mankind may
be man, but his favorite study is wom
Some of the most disgraceful acts are
performed by the most graceful sin
Why should a woman always act as
though she were sshamed of a good
Was there ever a husband born who
gave his wife more money than she
Fifteen women in the parlor car ask
for hassocks who never think of using
Rain on the roof may sound very
soothing uniess yoa nappen ID DW out,
in It with your best frock on.
Alexandria possesses the largest ar
tificial harbor In the world.
There are 230 glaciers in the Alps
said to be over five miles in length.
Among the Chlnsse a coffin is con
sidered a neat and appropriate pres
ent for an aged person, especially If in
bad health.
The greatest height ever reached in
a balloon was 26,160 feet. Two of the
three aeronauts who made this ascent
were suffocated.
The grape cure, which is popular in
southern Europe, was advocated en
thusiastically by medical writers as
early as the tenth century.
The Italian criminologist, Dr. Fer
rlana. found that of 2,000 Juvenile
criminals 1,112 were idlers. The pre
vailing crime was theft, being 1,182 of
th« whole.
A Ixindon specialist says the most
expensive drug Is called physostigmine,
an ounce of which would cost nearly
11,000.000. It Is prepared from the
Calabar bean, and is used in diseases
.f the eye.
The codfish industry of Newfound
land Is the largest of its kind In the
world, and has been In existence nearly
four centuries. The annual export
i amounts to an average of 1, 350,000
Matter weighing one pound on the
moon's surface If transferred to the
earth would weigh six pounds.
If the sun was to be divided into
smaller planets It would make 1,J10,-
)00, each the size of the earth.
The moon moves through space at
the rate of 3,333 feet per second. Its
mean distance from the earth Is 238,860
The number of asteroids known to
istronomers Is 423. Some of them
lave not been observed since their dis
covery and are practically lost.
A ray of light travelling at the rate
if 186,330 miles per second would re
lulre eight minutes and eighteen sec
>nds to pass from the sun to the earth.
The diameter of the sun in miles '•
tstlmated at 866,400; Jupiter, 86,600.
tat urn, 71.000; Neptune, 34,800; Urar
is. 31.900; Earth, 7,918; Venus, 7.700.
dars. 4.5130; Mercury 8,030; Moon. 2.-
A Urm lit of Nurreea.
"From all that I can hear," said
Senator Sorghum's friend reprovingly,
"I shouldn't be surprised to find that
you were actually a member of the
sugar trust!"
"My boy." replied Senator Sorghum,
with a far-away look of ecstacy, "you
always were such a delicate flatterer!"
Generally Ike Case.
tie married to get a home, you know;
He was weary af boarding-house
le married to get a home—but, oh.
You can seldom find him there.
We still depend on France for wtaMt
But none on earth competes
With Uncle Samuel In the lina
I high-grade feotUsA _