Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 27, 1898, Image 4

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    ft E. MLLER'sj;
1; IGREATI ~~i:
|;The Talk of the Town.|
i 1 <'
:: A Great Rush For Bargains, j j
J When we bought our FOLK THOUSAND PAIRS { >
OF SHOES at about HALF PRICE and placed them i >
on sale we expected to be busy. But we are more than < >
{ * busy—we are rushed! Every borough and township
i in Butler county is represented in our store every day
* * —and still they come ! < >
;; We Pay The Rai road Fare;!
< > One way when your purchase amounts to $1000; both < >
< > ways when it amounts to S2O 00. We do this, and we do
\ > more: We guarantee to save you from 25 to JJ per cent.
{ > These are positive facts, and you may come from any place < ( >
( > within 25 miles of Butler, and if we are not sel.ing gooc ,
, > honest shoes cheaper than any other houfe in the county )
, > we will pay your railroad fare both ways and yon need not < j
, . buy a pair of shoes. <. ►
* 1 We Bid Very High for Your Trade. V
'I . A
( > We hear some say, "How can Miller do all this.' Let |
{ > me answer you quickly; we are too busy to say much tod a > . <
( \ A large jobber got in a close place; he needed cash, am e{ >
i > needed it badly, too, and we simply got the goods at our < >
, k own prices. Three tons of Shoes is what the freight bill i >
said. It was a great deal, and our customers are getting j
* the beneht of it. We are making some money, but no mere {
Xthan we should. Prices! Don't mention prices; they are < \.
so low we are actually ashamed to write them. Just you
' ' come in and you will find prices all right. I.
| I Were Yon Crowded Out?— On last Saturday the , K
jam was great. We are very sorry that some had to go t
away without being waited on. Come again. We have i }
* * added more salesmen and will try to share our bargains
* with all of you. >
I > Bead Our Guarantee. -Go to any shoe house in But- i ►
iler. No matter what their former reputation has been or
they have been in business; get their lowest cash
* prices/c&ioe to us, and we will go you 25 per cent. btt:er. { I
This Cash Shoe Sale can't Last Long. Act Promptly. J J
! ! 215 South Main St., Butler, Pa. < >
Our prices on Dress Goods, Millinery, Wraps, Tailor-made
Suits, Underwear, Hosiery. Blankets, Flannels,
Yarns and Domestic Goods.
Our rnle i» to eell only good# of reliable quality at the lowest possible price,.
We are practically without competition in this respect of KWin* h.Kh grade good.
A T«. of i».S» *.» ■" -
Below we give you a few prices:
_ n J | sc. Extra Heavy Unbleached Muslin,
Dress Goods. i value 7c. .
j 12c, 1- xtra 10-4 Sheeting, value 18c.
Novelty Ooods, value 50c. I 4c, good yard wide Bleached Musi 111
nc All Wool Serge, black and colors, 5C> Soft I'inish Bleacher! Muslin,
value 39c sc, full Standard ''ancv I'nnts, w<l<l
asc.All Wool Cloths, black and colors, e l»ew'nerc at 7c. ...
value 40c. 1 Including Mourning C»lico, !,adii-«
«oc Elegant Novelty Goods, value 75c. Fleeced Lined WrapperGoods-t Han l 10
50«% Elegant Black Novelty Goods, cents per yard; Flanneletts and I>mu ts
value' 75c. 4 C n P 10 IO Hn '' ,2C
50c to fa per yard, Fine Black Crepons
-don't fail to *e this line ol goods. CollarettS
New Fall Silks. $2.00, Ladies' Fur Collaretts, value tl <«>
• 3-s°. " " " " s'*>
I 000 yard* of Fancy Silka, latest style, yoo' " Light Fur Trimmed ColUr
des'ien and colorings, for 59c. "° ld every- e tts, value $7.50-
where at six». . 8 50, Ladies' Combination Coltaretts,
qoc. Ba-.in Duchess, all new shades, in- value f 12.50.
eluding black, real value SI.OO. Don't fail to see these if interested 111
coc, Black Brocade Silk—has appear- Collaretta.
nice of SI.OO Silk—stylish for dressy
T Ladies' Jacket Suits.
Millinery. *5.00, Jacket Suit, value $7.00.
8.50, Blouse Jacket Suit, value $12.50.
Now displaying Pall and Winter Im- 10.00, Covert Jacket Suit, value $15.0".
portationa of Bonnets, Round Hats,
Toque* and Turbans, with a large collec- j, a ,ij eß ' silk and Wool Waists from 98c
tion of Dress and Suit Hats from our own U) .
work-room, at exceptionally low prices. _
Lace Curtains. Underwear and Hoisery.
25c, Ladies' Heavy Ribl>ed Fleeced
39c per pair, real value 50c. Maco Yar n Vests and Pants, value 35c.
50c per pair, real value 75c. y* i <a di»s' Wool Ribbed Vests and
SIOO per paii, real value *1.50. j, a|)t! , rei)l va i uc 75c .
And up to $lO per pair. 21c, Men's Natural Woo! Shirts, real j
value 35c,
Fall and Winter Wraps.
75c, Men's I'ure Natural Wool Shirts
•3.00, Stylish Winter Jacket, valne $5.00 an d Drawers, value $ 1.00.
4.98, Trimmed Boucle " " 6.75 and Misses' Woolen Hosiery
6.50, FulHined " . " " 10.00 j S c to 50c per pair.
7.25, PUo sad " " ** 11 - 00 •-
8.50, Fine Kersey " " ".50 j RlanLotc
10.00, Fine Kersey, satin lined through-1 Diail KdS.
out real value sls. _
Jp.oo, Braid Trimmed Cloth Capes, 45c, Heavy Cotton, large si/c Lotion
ue 13.50. , . Blanket.
♦4.75. 30 inch Boucle Capes, value $7.50 12.25, All Wool red and g'iiy large size
a. 75, Ladies' Plußh Capes, " 5-oo {{jankcts, value $3.00.
4-75. 7- 50
Domestics. All thctltwesl i,i eßS in Braid and Jet
SC, Lancaster Ginghams. Trimmings. New effects in Neckwear,
4c Heavy Umbleached Muslin. Crush Belts, Fancy Belt Buckles, etc.
We could fill this entire paper in trying to describe the e'egant, stylish assort
ment of up-to-date nierchanrlise we l.ave to allow you and then fail to convey an
idea ot their beauty, excellence and cheapness. A visit to our store and comparison
of quality and prices will convince you. Goods riieerfully shown.
II " ' ■ J. J | J. 1 1.... ' J
" I HE Best There Is In Paint."
I H. W. Johns' ASB ESTOS- Liquid Paint
■ aino ron Minis, aoosianons. eve.
"j.G &W- Campbell Butler. Pa.
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
Ob, a warm urcl-, . ,fc. | '
come the first little traveler! " . IBMb
whom Heaven gruiJes to! *
the door of a woirin'i >
heart receives from then
happv mother. Every"j
thought and care is given l.\f \T \
to the comfort and well .-=p—-7 '\ \
being of the new comer \ \
after it has entered into the -.\> v •
portal * of life and taken its m .Mm.
place at the family • —■■ '
fireside. ——=s3r ——
Yet during the * —,
time when baby is
should to )
one's con- /
strength I /? Q
and vigor, f [ 1
No moth- I /r^
tr wants / (
to have
a pony, . . ~
weakly, sickly baby yet unless she herself
is entuelv healthy in the special, delicate
structure which makes motherhood possi
ble, the baby is certain to suffer in some
way for her weakness or neglect.
The surest wav to avoid this is for the
mother to reinforce her own strength by
the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion during the time of anticipation. It
will make her perfectly healthy. It will
lighte* and brighten the time of waiting.
It will make the ordeal of motherhood ab
solutely safe and comparatively free from
pain and will insure a strong, healthy con
stitution for the baby.
Mrs. Nannie J. Taylor, of Lovelace. Hill Co.,
Texas, savs: "I am the mother of eight chil
dren. I suffered from female weakness. I tried
pbvsiclans with no avail. When I last became
with chUd I saw the advertisement <* Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I bought two
bottles and took according to directions, when
baby was born I had a very easy time and have
not suffered one hour since, from female weak
ness. Baby is as fat and healthy as can^>e.
Prospective mothers should send to the
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y., for a copy of Dr. Pierce s
Common Sense Medical Adviser, which
will be sent free on receipt of 21 one cent
stamps to pay the cost of mailing only, or
31 stamps for cloth-bound copy.
Part I.—Diseases of Horses.
Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle.
Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs.
Part V.—Diseases of Dogs.
Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry.
Som<* book in better binding BO cts.
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 28, in use over4o years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vial,or 5 viala and large vial powder,for $5
Bold by Drunrriatu, or tent poatptkl on receipt of prire.
Ill'll'HliMV If:II. CO., C<m. William k *® rk
Ask your p A"T l\p.£s F "
Druggist -
for a jcncroua ||HjpP i
Ely's Cream Balm E AYFeVE *iM&^
cnpta.ns iio Cicitne.
inircury ri"r any otiier
It i* quick.y Absorbed. u ' J»
Gives Ite.ifcf at one. b&V? "J**' '*
It opens und cle.i ;i-.« ' _ ; , _ . »
the Nans 1 1 , £OLD 'N H EAQ
Allays Inllaii. mat ion. "WWUW ««■
TIe:&)«» and Protects the. NfeiaSranc. _ J>h to res trie
Senses of Taste and tocli. I'\»Jl HiZ€ Wc. J 'J rial
4izeloc.; at l)n>/i.'i*ts*.r » y mull.
ELY BKOTHEKB. «* V arrea Street, New York.i
<0 eachH
XTTTf add lo the inflammability I
hy .il your Dwelling or Busi
"" / ness Building by the vuc ,
of combastibie building papers?
NlrtrtLaim an absolutely Fire-l'roof
noiiuuril sheathing and cat. be had
for about 'he s-.me cost as " burnable " j
M„_L,nets n-, a barrier t'. fl.imes,
INOntHirn a . ,• w jjj no t throw off that |
stifling sm«>ke which so endangers bfein
case of fire
ASK voun or«Ltn ron ' HONBUBJI." I
*iPLEXtON ji
j:' of many indications <!
t i iout of order. J i
/ears ll
i t 1 ; acquired a <>
rc :i<ijj J.iverconi- <>
.i PILLS. <;
i i y t> take, will Jt
\ :i' colliji] \ion and <J
vc you of Hid. ■ low spirits, J>
t M k h< idw be, «[
1 «./ :.v ;; s and biliousness.
> W. J. (iILMDRE CO. <[
r PlT'i SDURG, PA. S
j At all DniggiMta, 25c. ,»
TO Pittsburg
during the
Exposition season
•am w«l<*onn* at our nton*. VV«- .hall I»«• . lad
to have you niiiU«■ It your headmiart«rH whilu
Imre. have no display at t Kxpo-.ltlon,
We are also headquat tern for dintlll«*rles
of t .he tx-nt WIIIHK v.V on t In- market, Mie|» as
H XI ||. HT. VHtXOX,
<jl i KKNiiHUKIt PIIIINt.Ht,
<„lli>ox, OV Y II IIOI.T,
I. A l(l< K. TllOfll'SO.f.
ari'l ofT« r them to you uria<lull< rat« <1 t» yt ar
ohl at |l mi JUT full <|uart. H ejuart *-"» «*•
WhUkey guaranteed \\ yi«arn ohl, per
On all < O. I', or mail order* of V».00 *>r
uv'i r, we l»ox and ship promptly; expr«
»!harst«'H (tn-pald.
411 Water Street,
Telephone, 2179.
opixmllc 11. A (». I »«•!>< »i.
(Vet for your money, the bi-tt in the
market? Our liquors and wines are
bought by us direct from the IM-HI kim.vn
distilleries and wine gr iwers <il HurojM
and America. If you buy of un once jou
will buy again. A few prices:
Whlnkcy V.\ yr». old, pun? Hyf , »*; <«> gallon
Whlnki-y I yrs- old. pun- !ly«*. '* '*>
\VhlHk«*y H yrs. old. nun- Hy**, t '*>
Whlsk'-y lOyrn. old, pur«* Uy« . I""
Whisk yl2 yrs. old. pur«- Kye, \
\Vhhk« ) !•'» VM. old. PURE Ky«\ "
WliH"*, t'aflfornla I'ry and "w«-»-t, from ?*.<•
I to *1 'iii im'l ?«'*• p«*r uallon. 1 mport from
i to s4.'At gallon rU'iid for prl« •• 11-»t.
tHH Federal St. Allegheny, I'a.
Teh phoui- No. SW,
Jh*V '•♦>»!» fir»a I
WBtfL I. "t tM'li
!«• Mn
t*. kIrl»»t wr.?tinnii"'*< kl'llliK
vr l..|»ir.**nt (»I ■•rK».fi'' a»<l U« 'l>
' '*• r« »n«"ly i -r wf.mr-n •-|.I»I
i • inn ft 1-li-n HI 111 |»*"»" H«»*
in mint Soil l»v ilriiiikJui'.
SKi f -iT *r HoTT CHEMICAL CO , "-*.«■
1 J Fxtf bnk) by D. H. WULLEK.
The Mileage Is Small and the
Traveling Hard.
The Entire Syatem la No I.nrgcr Than
One of Oar Weatern Honda—
DlHlenltlea of Paa
There is not much celebration of
anything in Spain this year, but if
there was. she might celebrate the
semi-centennial anniversary of the
opening of the first railroad in that
kingdom. In 1543 the Barcelona rail
road, so called, extending 13 miles from
Barcelona to Mataro, was opened to
traffic. Mataro is a small town on
the Mediterranean northeast of Bar
celona, and these 18 miles of road con
stituted at that time Spain's only con
tribution to the railroad mileage of
the world, the neighboring country.
Trance, having at the same period a
railroad mileage of 1.500 and Great
Britain 3,000. Since then there has
been a slowly- intermittent increase of
■what is sometimes grandiosely called
"the railroad system" of Spain, two
obstacles to the development of which
have been the unbusinesslike methods
of the inhabitants and enormous en
gineering difficulties. Spain has been
■wholly denuded of forests at the head
■waters of rivers, and as a consequence
there are frequent overflow?, carrying
with them railroad bridges, trestles
and embankments, to the constant
peril and annoyance of passengers.
There are now in Spain 7,550 miles
of railroad, less than one-third of the
number in Great Britain, France or
Russia, and less than one-fourth of
the number in Italy. The relative in
significance of the Spanish raiiroad
"system" appears best in comparison
•with American railroads, a single line,
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy.
having an aggregate mileage of 7,400,
owned, operated or controlled, or
nearly as much as all the railroads
of Spain combined. Spanish railroads
are proverbially slow, the rate of "ex
press" trains being 23 miles an hour
and of way passenger trains from 12
to 15. They seldom run on schedule
time, and it is the testimony of all
travelers that they never make con
nections. The amount of baggage al
lowed each first-class passenger on a
Spanish railroad is CG pounds, but the
railroads are not responsible for it*
Joss, nor are their officials responsible
for its identification.
The railroad lines of Spain were
Jmtft partly by private capital, partly
from the proceeds of governmental
subsidies. These subsidies have
amounted to over $200,000,000 (1,000,-
000,000 pesetas). Although the rail
roads of Spain are directly under the
control of the government, and al
though about one-third of their con
struction was paid by the government,
they are owned by private companies,
and about three-fifths of the stock of
the Spanish railroads is owned in
France. French investors have grad
ually absorbed the securities, which,
sold at a depreciation, pay a high rate
of interest. French and English en
gineers supervised generally the con
struction of Spanish railroads, but
the "stations," or terminal facilities
of the companies, are the products of
domestic industry, as any observant
but forbearing traveler will admit.
The railroads of the United States
carry in a year about 600,000,000 pas
sengers, and they transport about 800,-
000,000 tons of freight. There are 33
per cent, more tons of freight car
ried than there are individual passen
gers. The Spanish railroads, despite
the inferior facilities which they offer
to traveler?, depend more upon pas
senger than upon freight traffic, car
rying in a year a much larger number
of passengers than they do tons of
freight. In IH'J7 the Spanish railroad*
carried 27,000,000 passengers, but they
carried only 12,000,000 tons of freight.
The difficulties of passenger traffic
on Spanish railroads are enhanced in
some particulars which are rather
umubing than serious. Passenger* are
expected to arrive at the station at
least half an hour before the train
leaves in order that sufficient allow
ance may be made for the dilatory pro
ceedings of the railway officials. Dur
ing part of each day (and in some
cities the larger part of each day)
the railway stations are closed and the
ticket offices do not open until an hour
before the time scheduled for the de
parture of the train, closing a quarter
of an hour before it is due.
The hapless tourist, in compliance
with Spanish railroad custom, must
Jiave his ticket before he is permitted
■to enter the waiting-room, and as
this ticket must be bought 15 min
utes, at. least, before the train starts,
and as the train may be anywhere from
an hour to three hours late, his op
portunities for reasonable complaint
ixre numerous and are not diminished
l>y knowledge of the fact that lie is
paying more for hi* ticket, according
to the distance traveled, than is the
rule on American or English railways.
One peculiarity of railroad travel in
Spain is to be found in the fact that
employes of the railroad company are
•ntltled, as a matter of right, to the j
best seats, even regardless of the tick
et* sold .passengers. In what is some
times called "cheap" railroad t ravel in
Spain many of the passenger* ride on
the roofs of the cars, but whether it
Is to enable them to see the country
to better advantage or to enjoy greater
comfort and better ventilation is not
known. In some Spanish railroad sta
tions, notwithstanding the meagemess
of their accommodations, an admis
sion is charged, similar to a theater.
It being the theory of some of the
Spanish railroad officials that the
eagerness of some per-ons to find
lolace on the wooden benches of rail
way stations is an item of available
revenue not to be dii regarded. - V. V
I)r Bull's < 'otigh Syrup cures coughs
and colds. Mothers keep this wonder
ful remedy handy for the children
23 cts.
The oldest university in the world is
El Ayhar, Egypt It is the greatest
Mohammedan university in the world,
having records dating back nearly a
thousand years.
If your blood is poor and impure yon
can't do Iwtter than take Hood's Sarsa
pari I la
A 400 pound bear in quest of its
breakfast coolly strolled into a barn
yard in Washington Co. and marched
off with a calf in its embrace.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in t to \ days.
Jti action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes ut once the
Causes and tht disease immediately d.s
--«p; ears. The first dose greatly 'lenefits;
75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. V.
It'll til > I )rug«it.ts Kutler \t>r »/>
A medical writer in India declares
that the segregation of patients is so
repugnant, to the Hindoos that, they pre
fer to die by the million rather than
submit to it.
II Knocks Tlicm All Out.
Hoxsie's O. (('. is the only remedy
known that will cure a cold in one
hour. 30 cents. Sample mailed free.
A I', ffoxie, Buffalo N. Y.
In Russia the proportionate t.umlxr
i of births is twice that of France.
; The length of the Ornnd canal, in
I ('hinu, is iWiO miles
Killed herself with Spiders
Cora Smith, who was serving a life
sentence in lowa for the mnrder
of her father, killed herself a few
days ago by eating live spiders She
had l>een trying for weeks to find a way
to take her life, and seeing one day the
spiders crawling on the Wflls of the
prison yard it occurred to her that they
won Id serve.
She gathered spiders day t>y day until
she had a large nnmlier tied np in a
liaudcrkerchief. Then she wrote a
letter to Attorney-General Remley
begging for clemency for ber mother,
Betsy Smith, who was in the same pris
on in Anamos i with her serving a life
sentence for the same murder. On
Sunday nitrht she ate the spiders and
Monday morning was fonnd dead in her
cell The handkerchief with the re
maining spiders was fonnd by her side.
Her letter to the Attorney-General re
peated her confession, made more than
three years ago that she, and not her
mother, gave her father the poison that
killed him.
Michael Smith, the father, was a
prosperous railway engineer. Because
he remonstrated with his wife and
daughter about the life they led they
made several attempts to kill him. His
wife was convicted of his murder and
sent to the penitentiary for-life
Shortly afterward the daughter con
fessed that she and not her mother
killed her father, and this sent her to
the penitentiary for life. The mother
obtained a new trial, and was again
convicted a few months ago.
Dr Bull's Cough Syrup will stop
vour cough at once. Take advice and
buy a bottle of this reliable medicine
for 25 cts.
There are about 350 female black
smiths in Great Britain.
Xo fewer than 1,173 persons are hur
ried in Westminster Abbey.
New York has three thousand oyster
HOOD'S r»!Lt-S curt i. v. r iils, 81!-
ousness, inaifc/cstion, Headache,
f. asy to take, easy to operate. 25c
For the past three weeks Europe has
been buying wheat in this country at
the rate of about 3 500,000 bnshels per
week, to say nothing of the large de
mand for flour, corn, oats and rye.
Last week the actual clearances of
wheat and Hour from the country were
5,397,000 bushels, or about half a mill
ion bnshels in excess of last year.
Since July Ist the total shipments are
only 9.000,000 bushels behind last year,
and at the present rate fast catching
uj». Even France has been a buyer,
taking all offerings from St. Louis
Tuesday at 41 cents advance, and ask
ing for more. In addition to this,
Northwestern mills are unable to gel
wheat enough to keep up their orders
as the grain Is nearly all wanted for ex
Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup never fails to
cure throat and lung trouble. Physi
cians recommend this wonderful medi
cine. 25 cts.
There has been more placer mining
in the Black Hills country this year
than for the last ten years combined.
The Volga river is navigable for 2. (MM)
miles and to within a few hundred
miles of St. Petersburg.
Edwin Clawston, the owner of an
ostrich farm in California, has suc
ceeded in hatching ostrich eggs with an
Sick stomach means sick man (or
woman). Wiiy not be well?
Kick stomach comes from poor food.
I>oor nourishment; means poor health,
poor comfort. Shaker Digestive Cord
ial means health and a well stomach.
If we could examine our stomach . we
would understand why it is that so lit
tle will put it out of order.
But, unless we are doctors, we never
see our stomach. We only feel it. We
would feel it less if we took Shaker Di
gestive Cordial. .
Shaker Digedive Cordial makes your
stomach digest all the nourishing food
you eat, relieves all symptoms of indi
gestion, acts as a tonic and soon makes
yon well and strong again.
The more yon take, the less you will
feel of your stomach
At druggists. Trial liottle c^nts.
A company- in Ohio has succeeded io
making a fine cjuality of cement from
furnace slug. . ...,
The University P r estf at Oxford IJHK
appliances for print inn in 130 different
There are more theaters in I taly in
proportion to its population than any
other country in the world. •"
cosMii>i:itr.» I'OHTI wres.
1 Jj(F
Suburbanite- Oh. yc«, we arc a deep
ly religious community.
City Friend That's good, ft rpusl
be a great consolation to you here tQ
feel that there is a better world.—N.
Y. World.
Airaln In Action.
Mont ttilist: i will soon rnovo on lies In
About n« they were wont,
nut b*U boys who come home from war
Will still be ut the front.
—Chicago Tribune.
— T ■
THIS I.MillT SHU". «»»«' !*ATI'RKf j
# «
f 'lf' f
l.it t le (iirl (to small boy, who is strut
ting around with his hands in his pock
et*)— Come over and ploy with rne,
Small Hoy Can't.
Little (.'III Go and ask your motl er
I If you can.
Small Boy—Can't ask her; she Is out
i somcwliercs, looking for me. —Sketch.
111 I Ills Male 111 ruilllltKO OUI' blisllie,, 111
their own tinil neiii-hy eoiintle*. It Is liiulnly
j otllr. work conducted ut home, salary
nlrulishl fin Hi a year uti'l enjMiim "» oetuilte,
ir'Miatble, no ntoiv, no le»n Hillary. Monthly
~ . Ueferein-.-, I'.nclo.e -elf-whlre- .<1
1 slumped mivvloue, llerliert t. ll're' t .
' I Nipt. >l. Clilcuyo,
I" No use for a duster there's no dust on 2
Rd I, se )| s too (a st» 1 •
Every dealer who has handled Battle X
Ax knows this to be a fact. There J
is no old stock of Battle Ax any- Z
where: — nothing but fresh goods, as #
2 Battle Ax sells five times more than £
J any other brand in the world. J
# All who chew it never change. 2
f Pemember the name 5
$ 1 * when you buy again, g
m IFALL and
+ 4. 4. + 4. + * + -f + 4» + H» •+• + -h + *
Our Large Winter Stock is All In.
a ■ I ■ f f\ 1 we have all the new anil pretty styles in the
In 8 Off IOC following well known makes such as the
ill LnU ICO V ? IUC O Sorosis, Baker & Bowman's, of Syracuse.
N Y. Cincinnati's best makes, made up in fi.ie Dongola, Box Calf ip welt ami
turn soles. Cusbionct eass-welt, c«.rk filled ease-welt and the Hygienic felt sole
ease-welt. We carry these goods in ?11 sizes AAto EE and prices away down.
■ ag n I we are showing all the new shapes in
In le/lan C XhnOC Cordovans, Enamels, Win'er Tans, and Box
111 IWICII O vl I UvO Calf Shoes in either leather or Linen Lined.
See the A. E. Nettlcton's water tight built shoes. Buy a pair you wi'l neeil no
rubbers and your feet will always be dry.
Gokey's hieh-oat copper lipped shoes in all sizes for Boys an.l <»irls—one P ,lr
will last tillspring. Handmade box toe Boots and Shoes, I-uU stock of Rub >er
CJoods at away liown prices. Felt Boots and Shoe" of all kinds.
Mailorders receive prompt attention.
J -
Good Sweet Cider—^-
111 1 hi' winter is it 111 Miry Imt !»'»' few li|t» e sucli, Instead tl|<'V let II lift so -.1 roiiß 1 lint It lie
eoij'es 1111 lit 11 ix I' "H it. If a paelcMte of >1 I.I'I.ITK u| I.IMK Is it.1.1.5l U. .. barrel at the
broifer ttrtn«ll will kee|> It sweat uml mellow.
Let us suitKesi Him when you imy spires ror your iipiileliuiier il" iitM oti H «iK it< fail
I lutl till i#»l 'if lietler il pi 111 it Ini Kite 11 liel ler lliivol 1 "' PJ ' '
t lieinSel t'i •->.. llui Is ' s|Mielally true wilt eliinamon. ours Is .ilwnjs nf lln sumo
Wlrenifl li iiinl wlieii'iYliee nrfeel v»ffl always lie used.
lli:i)I(-K & G ROHM AN
Prescription Druggists.
"». nmtr.w * iun mm mi ibiii.j t ~mr.rncr t\ ' r;v ■
a,<■» cj> or •,»-T-xiw '" •"»<-* •'» •*)
fl/A" Lamp J
?!(/ .-V VS J/ JW If Is Hit only period •*#. W
flv,, / 5R Js 6 y / / II thxiws all I lie light .Straight abiatl I
■ Ifjr M / from j»» l« jmiirct. m
UWlll v. •■«<-->< U / IT looks like a li.tontotlvo headlight. I
Tf f B 11**7"J v• VJ-J n,jf IT i£lve« a cUar whllr light. - , - w
■it i\jfi ' \ v y ii burns kcrutwna (C'«l Oil) fp]! A
j' * '' Itwi Inothlownorj'iroiit S I,|||? A
W bonk ! I J 2 I
rn l(. r. DMI'/. COM!>ANV, 00: .•* ;•."»! *"■ '• v ' Vi-rh. / \ • jf
?«-. *. <r. «-• r- r. «L-'<n -v r. ■ •.•.v y. f cr-•»
New House., New' Furniture.
Central Hotel.
< (pjiosite- H<»tisc.
Next Door t>> lark Theatre.
WM. WA l-KKB. •' WM'K
Walter & Wick,
ciKNr.itjij£»K l w
.< 1.1 run. u in ihinmi. r<»»T<>rri« r.
c-Z-S- =
I 1 U. 3'» ' sth Av»., PltUbuiß.f" ti
*1 I ,V PR ACTLI A ' 7 • »
-J !* ' CROWN 111,1 BF in ,* ' I
<;/; AA „■ RN I I.N{ WHY I<OR DC I'
1 ¥1 fmivnUßS»7 ' CROW NT i
1' .'! / wl" 1 oniooic " , "' k .
j i f f '.' n ',h J °Ti. H r.Nl v >,'• '
/** >. /* /) /) /) /)
// 2
•Itllrcatl- wianimi lUlucatlum.
f. j ( /"/•' .V SOX<, L I'ilib Avraut,
ynui ,s THE TIWE T0 HAVE
nUn Your Clotliir\s
If you want good and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place In town where you
can get it, and that is at
IHi Slllim Dll WOHKS
21Center avonno,
BPA-We do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture ol
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent for the .Jaincstowu Slidintr
Blind Co.—New Y<»rk.
< l ,Fall Fa|l ?
< J ►Millinery. 1 "• *• " fMiilinery.il
. L The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. if
'I f A tine line of Walking anil Saili.r Hats Feathers. Flowers. Ribbions,
i 1 >*e.. for ntir fall trade AT K< x'K BOTTOM PRICES Give its a rail A
. I before purchasing. , L
]i | s'oils for |J |
i'> I Immediate use Always Complete I A
| [122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER.
$ Invoice for Week of Oct. 10J
* "Jv'e know of no better proof of the High quality and
\ less price °f our underwear than the fact of our J
J obliged thus early in the season to order the second ship- ■,
i nient of camels hair underwear. £
d Best assortment of fine up to date Millinery at the lowest ,i
* pi ices in the citv. p
1 108 S. MAIN ST., Butler. #
Agents /wake "fidmy.
This Is the opport unity of a life-time. A*reuts ar«- making SSO to $l5O a week.
and late Consul General to < 'ut>a. writes a book on
General Let*'sown story of Cuba ami the Spanish War, will ba produced in a sub- .
stantlal book of over 500 papes, 7x9*« inches in size and aim »>t £
This is the only authentic work published on the one subject occupying the mimN
of the entire elviltzed world.
\\ rite for full particulars to j
Our authorized distributors are located in ail part* of the 1. S.
g City
$ Special . Announcement K
The college is already in session. Students can enter
at any time. The v/inter Term will begin Tuesday
Jan. 3, 1899; the Spring Term will begin Tuesday, §•?
April, 4, 1899 „
Ub Three (lencral Departments of Gdncttloml War'* ars Hn tnlned: «£
JflP tlon suited to till- needs of College I'rep.iratury ami Normal students.
Uk 2. DEPARTMENTS OF MUSIC AND ART with uneveiled fuellttles and
» 3. COMME CIAL DEPART "<'EKT, providing instruction in Cointuereliil JV
Branches, sienoicraphv. Tyiiewrttlni: and Telei:rapliv. Js?
JA Student-. an- received Into everydepart lie "I of tin- < nllc'-'e at any time jA
111 the year and are v.orl -.ulted to their needs.
GOOD ÜBSTAHTIAL BOA 1 -DIHG will l.e furnished to all students at -l.in
a week and rooms at feixn •*> to 00 c«nt« a week These rooms are complete!!
U furnished anil kept. Phils (tood linardliiß. IlieludlliK mom. i- ■- iiaranteed at SJk
from W.Vim t-i <-'7.i*» for a twelve weeks This does ii"t iiielude fuel and (Pj
I iuhi The entire expense o( tuition, tmardlnit arid completely furnished room
jrnt f.. r a term of t .velve rt. el.s 1-. from - I'.l lie to rll.ni' I • it< are guaranteed fV
by the i idli'Ke to all Students desiring a literary education
l : or catalogue nnd full Inforni.itlon adJresi I lie President,
S ISAAC C. KETLER, Grove City, Pa. &
Cabinet Pure Rye Whiskey
$3.00 per Gallon
Delivered at Your Door.
Express charges prepaid to all points rendu d b>
the Adams or U. S. kxprtss ( 0., or t<> point ol
This whiskey is a pure four year old Pennsylvania
Rye Whiskey <>l full body and stivng.h. and can
not be eqoaled anyv here l>>r llu- money. W
want you to try .t gallon of it. \\c l< cl suii - tlia.
it will please you or we wouhln t ask you to buy il
If you want a better whiskey, there is none ol In'
or purer than our BhAR > RI I'.K KNI , SI.OO
pet quart or (> quarts for $5 00. Or \ou c«in h»i\i
an assortment of Finch, Ciibson, (luckenheimcr Or
Overholt to select from.
Wholesale Liquors,
Send for catalogue; mailed free.
and your favorite home paper,
"Illli N V WIiI.KI.V TKIHI'M'- 1>;«h an AKrieuUi ttl Department of tlje
iiieli* %t merit, all import int news of the Nation and Win 1.1 < iitt»preh -mi e im.l re
lial.le market P t-ortK. able . «1. »• rials, intt n stitlg al»->r» storie... etctlUfie am}
in- iiatiieal inforiijatiou, llluitrHtwl fashion . rtjcU , hit in irons piclUu-H, anil JB in
•trucllye and etilcruininjj to everv m.ml.er of every fuuilly.
TUB CMTI/l' N K ,vc * J"" u " '''' ' <H ' news, |MilitlC'l atul 'OCl.tl, lc"Jr. you m
elou loncli with you I in ors uml fru nls, on like farm uml in the % , lll«ge. in
foims jou us to local prices for farm producia, and is a brinht, newsy nnd welcome
weekly visiu.r in many hone s.
' 'SewJ-aH-subsonptwrns to-TH E CITIZEN, Butler, Pa.